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COVID-19 Protocol - Keeping you Safe



At the Deerfield Park District, the safety of our participants and visitors is our top priority. We have always been committed to providing safe and clean programs and facilities to the community. In accordance with state and local governmental orders, we are taking extra precautions to stay safe and healthy. This includes extensive cleaning protocols and social distancing practices in our facilities.

Masks and Face Coverings

‣ By entering our facilities without a face covering, you are verifying truthfully that you have been fully vaccinated.

Social Distancing & Group Sizes

‣ Some of our programs have been adjusted by reducing program sizes, altering activities and staggering start times.

Hand Washing & Sanitizing

‣ Staff and visitors are recommended to wash hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the restroom, before eating, and after blowing their nose, coughing, or sneezing. ‣ Hands free sanitizer stations are available throughout our facilities.

Cleaning & Common Areas

‣ In addition to regular maintenance, the park district has enhanced cleaning and disinfecting procedures for frequently touched objects and surfaces throughout the day. ‣ Cleaning and disinfecting before and after each class is conducted in compliance with

CDC protocols. ‣ Water fountains are currently on, but we still encourage labeled water bottle use.

How You Can Help Keep Yourself & Others Safe

‣ If you are experiencing cold or flu symptoms, have a fever or have been exposed to someone with COVID-19, please stay home and protect other participants, visitors, and staff. ‣ Avoid contact with others that are sick or experiencing COVID-19 like symptoms. ‣ Use proper cough and sneeze etiquette. ‣ Avoid touching your face with unwashed hands.

CDC and state government procedures change frequently. We will adapt to those changes as necessary.

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