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Sport Reports and Teams
Alliance Française

In August this year, our senior French students (11, 12) went to the Alliance française in St Kilda for the Berthe Mouchette Competition. After a light lunch in the vicinity, the group made their way to the venue. They were, understandably, very nervous. The Year 12 students were very motivated as the task was also a very adequate preparation for their end of year 12 oral examination. The Year 11 students wished they had had more time to work on their talks. Nonetheless, they all approached the task in a very positive manner. This was made even easier by the prospect of performing in front of the young and charming staff at the Alliance Française. One by one, they came out beaming with joy and relief. It was pleasing to see how excited all the students were at the end of the session. They all commented on the value of the experience.
2004 ‘Why learn Indonesian’ Seminar.

On Friday the 30th of July the Year 9 students travelled to Dallas Brooks Auditorium for the ‘Why Learn Indonesian’ seminar. There were many other students from different schools in Melbourne attending the seminar as well. We had eight guest speakers speaking about the range of benefits we could gain from pursuing our study of the Indonesian language and culture. The speakers were from business, government, defence and the education sectors. The main message coming across was that our study of Indonesian would give us an edge in any future endeavours that we may want to pursue including future careers in law, teaching, the defence force, medicine and social work. We came away with a renewed positive attitude towards our Indonesian studies.

French Incursion
On Wednesday 25 August, the Year 9 French class hosted a French incursion with Sacré Coeur Girls College. The day started off with some ‘getting to know you’ games, including introducing yourself in French as well as finding people in the visiting school who have similar interests. We then went to play a game - a French sport called Pêtanque, which is like bowls. We learnt about the game’s history and how to play it. We then played other groups and had great fun! After that, we sat down to have a threecourse lunch with the girls. The food included French pastries, croissants, quiches and two French desserts. It was a great afternoon, and we learnt a lot about French culture, history and the foods. A special thank you to Ms Di Giacomo for organising the day and Mr Moran for teaching us how to play Pétanque.
Matthew Hearn Year 9

Little Italy — Lygon Street

In October the students from Mrs Prestia and Mrs Di Giacomo’s class set off for a trip to Lygon Street. On arrival we were split into our classes, given a booklet to fill in and walked down Lygon street. Our Class — Mrs Di Giacomo’s — walked along the west side. Along the way we were asked to fill in the booklet questionnaire on the landmarks and famous sites along the street. At about 12:30 we reached the end, and walked back down Lygon’s east side. One famous shop that we all wanted to see was the amazing ‘Brunettes’, which specializes in spectacular cakes, pastries and, of course, coffee. It was the spirit of Lygon street, in one beautiful shop. After seeing all the shops along Lygon street it was time for a much deserved break. We all met up in Il Gambero’s, a restaurant owned by Frank Di Mattina. After a fantastic lunch of all the pizza we could possibly eat, we were allowed to wander Lygon street at our own pace and choose a place to buy some dessert. Of course everyone wanted to try some of Lygon street’s famous gelato. The day was exhausting but it was worth seeing the wonderful sights and sounds of ‘little Italy’. Jordan Harris and Guy Ripepi

The Princess and the Revolution
La Famiglia
In Term 1, the Years 10, 11 and 12 French classes, History-Revolutions classes, and girls from PCW attended a play about the French revolution entitled The Princess and the Revolution. The play included aspects of the French Revolution, including the fall of the ‘Old Regime’ and the great revolutionaries such as Georges Jacques Danton and Maximilien Robespierre. It was an epic tale about the events that culminated with the great revolution of 1789. It was a real success and all the participants appreciated it! Many thanks to all those who made it possible.
Charles Noonan Year 11During Term 2, the Primary boys studied La Famiglia (The Family) as part of their Italian studies. To conclude the unit, they enjoyed a visiting theatrical group. ‘Masquerade Productions’ came to perform their latest show called La Famiglia which was very comical and enjoyed by both students and staff. Year 6 student Simon Windley wrote, ‘The story was about a young Italian boy called Mario who was given an essay to write about his family. So he wrote about how his grandparents met, his Dad’s DIY TV show Casa Mia, his sister’s Italian Idol auditions and his Mum’s backyard Olympics. During the show the actors chose people from the audience to help with all different things and their sound track was brilliant!
ACC Athletics

Back Row: F.Barker, N.Stewart, J.Convery, A.Bonaddio, M.Herkess. N.Roberts Second Row: J.Matthews, B.Weller, N.Dunne, S.Jamieson, S.Scanlan Seated: T.Leary, L.Bull,N.Burns, D.Griffin, A.Cox, S.Hyslop
Year 9 Athletics

De La Salle Athletics saw a number of changes in season 2004. Firstly, Mr Peter Harte passed on the mantle of Athletics Coordinator after four very successful years at the helm. Secondly, a number of injuries to key athletes of the past few years meant that new opportunities existed for others. Despite these changes, some things remained constant. The number of boys who dedicated themselves to training was at an all-time high. Some Friday mornings saw in excess of 150 boys taking part. It is fantastic to see so many boys keen to participate in training despite the small number of places available in the ACC team. Another constant was the determination and spirit that our athletes showed in the heat of competition. Some individual performances — although not necessarily winning ones — were simply inspirational. Sam Williams’ third in the under/16 1500 meters was a run that will stay in my memory for a long time. The school managed an overall result of third this year and I believe as a team we did our very best. We were winners on the day. Congratulations must go to our senior and junior captains who led the way superbly for their teammates. Senior captain, Sam Jamieson, was outstanding in winning the 110 Hurdles, 100m and 200m double, triple jump and 4 x 100m relay. Junior Captain Josh Harris ably assisted his senior captain by winning the under/15 long jump and running second in the hurdles and 400m events. It was a great culmination to a season and all boys who participated should be proud of their efforts. Mr Jonathan Edgar Athletics Coordinator

Year 7/8 Athletics
J.DiNatale, M.Pierce, M.Glico, J.Nicolopoulos, M.Breda, S.Howieson, T.Donaghey, S.Griffin, S.Nakos, B.Farrell Row 3: J.Palombi, M.Collins, D.Hale, S.Byrne, A.Lombardo, D.White, A.Papamiltiades, E.O’Keefe, J.Mcdonald, T.Hunt Second Row: Mr P.Harte, J.Dykes, X.Murphy, S.Roberts, T.Williams, B.Nethersole, L.O’Connell, A.O’Shea, H.Rix, J.Mannix, K.Mcinerney, Mr G.Barns. Front Row: L.Williams, R.Harris, V.Gorbik, S.Stamos, J.Siakavelis, J. Grey, P.Pelly, A.Kanellopoulos, A.DiCosmo, S.Ayre, N.Hogan Back Row: D.Lawlor, A.Bressan, S.Fairbrother, S.Brown, C.Glenister, D.Miller, J.Gotch Third Row: S.Hogan, M.Davis, C.Herd, A.Phillipos, C.Brodie, J.Phillips Second Row: S.Dillon, M.Nicola, M.Gomizel, N.Roberts, D.De Luca, T.Bloom, G.Sison, Mr J.Edgar Seated: J.Moloney, J.O’Connell, A.McInerney, T.Sargent, L.Coleman, A.De Mesa

Weightlifting Year 10 Tennis

Standing: Mr D.Hale, J.Hubbard, K.Davies, A.Patterson, C.Richards, M.Torrisi, Mr K.Stokes
Seated: N.Bolt, S.McConnell, J.Fagan, M.Nayna, J.Quinn, S.Francazio, D.O’Kane Absent C. Merrey

The De La Salle Weightlifting Team has had another successful season in 2004. The season consisted of two major competitions, the Snowhite School League competition, which consisted of four rounds held throughout the year. The second was the Victorian School Championships. All boys improved throughout the year and contributed to the success of both teams. De La won the first of the two competitions and came second by the narrowest of margins — a single point — in the Victorian School Championships Some fine performances included Matthew Nayna with a new College record for the snatch (105kg), clean and jerk (137kg) with a total of 240 kg; Chris Merrey snatch (100kg) and clean and jerk (140kg); Matthew Peterson snatch Christopher Merrey (55kg). The Team would like to thank Anthony Dove for coaching the boys throughout the season and also the Mermet Weightlifting Center in Hawthorn for all their support and for generously providing the venue for the majority of the competitions. I would also like to thank everyone who trained during the year and those who offered their support during the Heavy Division School Boy Competition. Mr Ken Stokes

Back Row: L.Colman, L.Dimatropolous, P.Smith, D.Lawlor, Mr D.Jacobs Seated: J.Meade, D.Stevens, P.Sansalone, G.Sison, M.Lyons
Year 9 Tennis
Standing: D.Madafferi, M.Garginian, S.Bourmas, L.Fisher, Sitting: W.Eke, M.Hamblin, D.Petropolous, N.Bourmas, E.Crellin
ACC Swimming

‘Look out, we’re coming!’
ACC Swimming has undergone a resurgence of significant proportions in the past eight years. The quality of the competition is outstanding, greatly influenced by the inclusion of Whitefriar’s College, a swimming powerhouse, into the competition as well as improvement in the swimming facilities of a number of the competing schools. Rather than being daunted by the prospect of competing in such an environment, the De La Salle Swimming Team is meeting the challenge head on and is undergoing its own resurgence to re-establish itself as a force in ACC Swimming. Having been placed equal fourth over the previous seven years of the ACC Championships, De La Salle finished third overall in 2004 (491.5 points) behind St Bernard’s (498.5 points) and Whitefriar’s College 1st overall (566 points). St Bede’s finished fourth with 480 points followed by St Joseph’s Geelong (465 points), Parade (437 points) and Mazenod (427 points). An interesting statistic for the night was that the team won only a single event of the eighty-six-event program! Demian Myers demolished the opposition in the 50m Breaststroke winning in a time of 35 secs flat. Despite only the one victory, the consistency and competitiveness of the team was reflected by the 48 ‘top four’ placing, (including seven seconds and sixteen thirds). There were many notable performances by members of the team on the night. Most swimmers once again swam personal best times and the Under 17 team (Brendan Carr, Stephen Collins, Daniel Liston, and James Muling), were one point shy of taking Age Group honours. Amish Rix (U13), Simon Meade (U14) and Chris Wesley (Seniors) were also prominent in their Age Groups.

Back Row: J.Pollard, S.Vidovic, B.Carr, N.Roberts, C.Wesley, O.Keaney, S.Collins, D.Liston Row 3: Z.Dickinson, D.DeLuca, C.Herd, M.Herkess, S.Fisher, J.Muling, M.Windley, J.Menke, S.Lowe Row 2: D.Murphy, J.Scipione, M.Garginian, S.Meade, O.Hagen, T.Cleary S.McGlade, C.Klidaras Seated: J.Cooper, H.Rix, B.Ellul, M.Taylor, D.DeLuca, M.Chai, J.Phillipos
The ACC Swim Team of 2004 consisted of a fine group of young men who committed themselves to improving performance. They have benefited from excellent leadership shown by Team Captains Michael Herkess and Steven Fisher and by the outstanding coaching of Mr Stuart Nicoll. I urge them all to remain committed to continued improvement in 2005. A solid base has been laid that now needs to be built upon. Mr Andrew Cooper Swimming Coordinator

Standing: M.Curry, P.Youens, D.Malemute, D.Hughes, M.Moore, R.Breda, N.Dunn, Mr E.Walmsley Seated: D.Paynter, M.Harold, C.Nazzari, J.Fletcher, F.Henry, M.Hulston, N.Keating Standing: B.Hassaballa, M.Curry, N.Roberts, C.Johnstone, N.Dunn, D.Close, N.Higgins. Seated: B.Shipperd, C.Sullivan, M.Hulston, R.McGirr, M.Lomas, D.Hocking, W.Fenton

Cricket might be said to develop character through its capacity to diminish vanity, nullify egocentricity and encourage co-operation. At the end of the home and away games the team was clearly at the top of our division having beaten St Bernard’s in a close game (3 for 149/ 6 for 145), St Joseph’s North Melbourne (0 for 61/ all out for 57) comfortably and St Joseph’s Geelong (3 for 78/ all out 76) quite comfortably. Every player enjoyed some measure of success with bat, ball or in fielding. Against St Bernard’s, Nathan Harris scored 45, Danny Hughes 34 not out and Michael Hulston 16 not out, Danny Hughes 2 for 14. Against St Joseph’s, North Melbourne, Matthew Moore took 5 for 16, Fletcher Henry 3 for 2 and Dom Paynter scored 40 not out and Nick Keating 18 not out. Against St Joseph’s Geelong, Matthew Moore took 2 for 21, Chris Nazzari 3 for 14 and Pat Youens 2 for 15; Dom Paynter scored 23 and Danny Hughes 33 not out. Our semi-final against Salesian College was a good contest but one that left us a little disappointed. Neither batsmen nor bowlers in that game quite performed at their peak. Danny Hughes who opened the bowling in earlier games was unable to bowl. During our innings we struggled to push the scoring rate beyond 4 an over, and we reached 5 for 135 with Dom Paynter scoring 29 and Michael Cavarra 35. Salesian reached 5 for 138 with two overs left, with Jarred Fletcher taking 3 for 19. Mr Euan Walmsley Coach
2nd XI Cricket
With new coach Mr Kruger at the helm, the 2nd XI cricket squad experienced both joy and heartache in season 2004. The squad — which included many notables from Mr Walmsley’s star-studded 1st XI — helped to ensure the team was competitive enough to achieve a 4-2 win/loss for the season. Unfortunately, the team’s endeavours to make the final were dealt a blow after a massive capitulation at the hands of the eventual winners, St Bede’s. The team was generally competitive with players fighting to retain their places in the line-up each week. This resulted in many outstanding individual performances, such as a cavalier 73 from Chris ‘Skipper’ Johnstone against St Bernard’s. Consistent opening partnerships between debutants, Alex Tyrell and Nick Higgins, got the team off to some good starts. Matthew Curry was exhilarating

with both bat and gloves as he posted impressive scores and displayed top class wicket-keeping. Paceman Mitchell Lomas was damaging early in the season, as were twin spinners, Dyan ‘Dicey’ Sisouw and Ben Shipperd. Aggressive performances by Dave ‘Buddha’ Hocking and Nick ‘Booza’ Roberts also kept the opposition teams on their toes. Despite being represented by a different outfit each week, the Twos managed to play each week with integrity and spirit. Thanks to everyone who assisted with the matches and training sessions. Thanks to Mr Kruger for his time and encouragement; I’m sure he learnt a lot about this complex game. Also praise to Mr Walmsley for his organization and for his relentless pressure on both squads to improve through his invaluable coaching tips. Congratulations on a fantastic season. Nick Dunn (Co-Captain, 2nd XI Cricket) Note: The team played off for third position and won. Well done fellas! Mr Carl Kruger

Year 10 Cricket
Top Row: S.Hogan, J.Cleary, M.Quamil, C.Richards Middle Row: S.Fairbrother, C.Herd, T.Arbon, S.Brown, D.Howell Front Row: J.Francis, M.Keating, N.Davies, D.Quamil, N.Gill, G.Barnes Absent: A.Hulston, N. Roberts, A.Hale, J.Gotch, J.Woodlock
Year 9 Cricket

Standing: Z.Dickinson, A.Pane, T.Bloom, J.Mulholland, Mr P.Crellin Seated: N.Woodgate, A.Kneebone, T.Parker, A.Schultz, J.Mannix Standing: S.McNamara, C.Mierzwa, B.Reynolds, D.McKenna, Mr N.Stewart Seated: S.Mason, L.Mannix, N.Dunn, T.McKenna, S.Mason.

ACC Junior Golf 2004
Congratulations to the Junior Golf team for 2004, which was ably led by Tom Bloom. After many weeks of golf down at Malvern Golf course, the Junior Golf masters and the Kingsword Golf Tournament, eight players were selected to represent De La Salle at the ACC Golf Championships at Werribee Golf course. Four reserves, who were unlucky to make the team, also came to Werribee as caddies. The day was fine with a wind that picked up later on in the afternoon, perfect conditions for the contest. Our golf team finished 6th out of 12 schools and all enjoyed the day. With more practice, and perhaps the benefit of joining a club in order to play competition regularly, our year 8 and 9 golfers should do better next year. St Bede’s College was again victorious.
Adam Schultz (Yr 8) — 91 Nick Woodgate (Yr 8) — 98 Anthony Pane (Yr 10) — 98 Aaron Kneebone (Yr 9) — 100 Tom Bloom (Yr 10) — 100 Mitchell Reymont (Yr 9) — 107 Sam Williams (Yr 10) — 111 John Mulholland (Yr 9) — 127 Caddies: Ben Netherside,Joel Pollard, Zack Dickenson and Jo Mannix
Mr Peter Crellin Coach
De La Golf Masters
An enthusiastic group of students from Years 8 to 10 played in the inaugural Junior Golf Masters at East Malvern Golf course in August. Chris Mierzwa, the College Golf Captain, marshalled the young boys at the 1st tee as strong winds and driving rain lashed the course. The players were not deterred as they displayed their skills over the front nine holes. A ‘nearest the pin’ competition was held on the 9th hole and Aaron Kneebone of Year 9 hit a superb iron to within 52cm of the hole to win the prize. The leading scores after nine holes were — Year 10 Tom Bloom (46), Year 9 Aaron Kneebone (49), Year 8 Zac Dickinson (49) and Ben Nethersole (49). The 10th hole is a short par 4 and the longest drive of 190m was recorded by Zac Dickinson. The weather improved over the back nine holes and several players made their charge for the lead. When the final scores were totalled, the results were as follows: De La Junior Masters Champion for 2004 – Tom Bloom Year 10 Champion – Tom Bloom (88) Year 9 Champion – John Mulholland (91) Year 8 Champion – Adam Schultz (94) Other good scores were recorded by Nick Woodgate, Joe Mannix, Josh Porozny, Ben Nethersole, Aaron Kneebone, Tyson Parker, Mitchell Reyment, Beau Coyle, Sam Williams, Joel Pollard Julian Hirst and Joe O’Connell. Congratulations are extended to all of the players and we encourage other students to enter this event in 2005.
Mr Norm Stewart and Mr Peter Crellin Golf Coordinators

De La Senior Masters 2004
The 5th annual De La Golf Masters was held at Southern Golf Club on a delightful autumn day. A select field of 15 competitors teed up with celebrities including Matt McInnes (VCE 94), Marty Mahy and old collegian Frank Dunn. Conditions were perfect for golf, as the early scores reflected, with Lucas Mannix and David McKenna both carding 40 on the front nine. A cracking drive by Simon Mason on the 1st won him longest drive honours and a stiff 7 iron by Tim McKenna on the Par 3, 6th earned him closest to the pin, with Frank Dunn narrowly missing out. On the back nine it appeared that the leader, Lucas Mannix was set to win for a second consecutive year after birdies on 10 and 11 stretched his lead. A late charge by Nick Dunn sent him into the lead on the 16th as the competition heated up. Lucas used all of his experience from the previous year to hang on, while Nick Dunn struggled to hold his nerve. Although the field was depleted, all credit to Lucas who won his second masters title. Other notable performances included Tim McKenna’s 84 and junior golfer Anthony Pane, who carded an 87 to win on handicap with a net 62. Congratulations to all who completed; the day was enjoyed by all. I’d like to extend a warm thankyou to Norm Stewart for his organisation and his passion for the game. Thanks to Southern Golf Club for allowing us to use their pristine facilities

Nick Dunn
Standing: Mr Jones, S.Wall, C.Hyland, C.Merrey, A.McInerney, Mr J.Edgar Seated: C.Brodie, D.DeLuca, M.Gomizel, A.Stabelos, L.Pryor
Year 10 Volleyball B Team

The years certainly do flow into each other and with basketball there is no difference. The seasons flow into one another on a regular basis. Last year in our College Magazine we left off with having 39 teams entered for the Summer Competition on Friday nights down at the Oakleigh Recreation Centre. At season’s end we had 21 teams make it to the semi final stage. They were: • Under 12: Cyclones, Storm and Magic • Under 14 Div 1: Kings and Pacers • Under 14 Div 2 Pistons, Bitter Vics, Wizards and Lil MJ’z • Under 14 Div 3 Raiders. Dragons and Globetrotters • Under 16 Div 1: Warriors and Playaz • Under 16 Div 2: And 1.5 and W.W. Mafia • Under 16 Div 3: Hot Shots, The Braves and Crushers • Under 18: Razorbacks and Lakers In the Grand Finals the results were: • Premiers: Under 12: Storm Under 14 Div 2: Wizards • Runners-Up were: Cyclones, Dragons, Kings, Pistons, Playaz, And 1.5, Hot Shots and Razorbacks. The Winter Season just completed at the time of writing began with 35 teams entered. Once again the boys appeared to have had an enjoyable time playing their basketball with and against their friends. At the end of the season we had the following teams successful in making the Semi finals: • Under 14 Div 1: Pistons, Taipans and Default • Under 14 Div 2: Bullets, Raptors and Titans • Under 14 Div 3: Timberwolves, Bogans, Cyclones and Sonics • Under 16 Div 1: Blackjacks and Mighty Ducks • Under 16 Div 2: 2 Tokes and High Octane • Under 16 Div 3: Ice Breakers, Crusty Bagels, B-Unit and Doorknobs • Under 18 Lakers and Tornadoes 8 teams made it through to the Grand Finals with the following results: • Under 14 Div 1: Taipans (Premiers) and Pistons (Runners-up) • Under 14 Div 2: Bullets (Premiers) • Under 14 Div 3: Cyclones (Premiers) and Timberwolves (Runners-up) • Under l 6 Div l: Blackjacks (Runnersup) • Under 16 Div 2: Ice Breakers (Premiers) and B-Unit (Runners up) Many thanks to all players, parents and in particular to the coaches of the various teams who made it so enjoyable for the players; to the Committee who helped in the organization, particularly when the new season is being prepared; and to Mr Peter Davies our reliable Treasurer who has made sure we remained solvent.

Br Gerry

Top Row: J.Egan, L.Deacon, A.Bonaddio, C.Wesley, A.Sison. Row 1: J.Karpavicius, A.Barca, P.Maliadis, F.Callilari, Seated: N.Hajicosta, S.Crowe, T.Leary, D.Peters, J.Ferguson.

Year 9 Volleyball

Following a disastrous season in 2003, the 2004 season promised a little more but delivered even less. For the first time in recent years De La Salle were winless for the season. Even CBC beat us. Twice! There were no on-court highlights for the season except perhaps for Tom Leary’s testimonial match in the ‘B’s’ playoff for eighth. There were, however, some off-court highlights, generally concentrated around bus trips to northern and western suburbs. These trips were best remembered for Adrian Bonaddio’s singing leadership and some dubious observational games that involve strange point scoring activities. Enough said on that one. We played in Sunshine on a cloudy day. It was damp outside but we played indoors anyway. I guess you’d say something made us lose that day. After forty minutes of singing on the bus, the match against St Paul’s turned ugly when it was revealed that the normally crisp, clean smelling shorts and tops had not been washed since being worn against Parade the week before the bye. The boys played worse than they smelt and it was only under the threat of playing ‘dirty’ again the following week that the ‘B’ team outponged their opponents to win in three stinky sets. At a little hall in Kensington against St. Joseph’s, the ‘A’s’ played the best volleyball of their lives only to get absolutely belted. St Joey’s had more set plays than Potharst and Cook in Atlanta and really gave our boys a towelling. The ‘Two’s’ were woeful but at least they smelt better. Against St Bede’s the ‘A’s’ won a set. The excitement this caused was clearly too much as they succumbed in the next three and, worse still,l got to see the St Bede’s coach eat a massive high protein chicken and salad meal while he kept score. The sight of this was so distracting for the ‘Twos’ that they played as if they hadn’t eaten for months. If only they’d been hungry for a win. The season drew to an abrupt end with two weeks of playoffs at Oakleigh in late March. In both matches, on both days, we got pumped. The ‘A’s’ made CBC look good in successive weeks, while the ‘Twos’ found Whitefriar’s’ and St Bernard’s too good. In an emotion-charged final set Tom Leary played his lungs out as the ‘Two’s’ went down in what was Tom’s last match for the College. In a stellar career, which has spanned six matches, Tom has witnessed the lows of ACC competition. Despite this year being awarded the MVP (Most Vocal Player) I’d be surprised if he ever plays volleyball again. After getting nowhere with my suggestions from last year, I’m recommending that in season 2005 De La Salle do one of the following: (1) combine the Volleyball team with the choir, at least the singing would be better, (2) promote the De La Salle team to be like the Harlem Globetrotters where each match would be about pure entertainment and the result would be orchestrated in De La’s favour, or (3) replace the coach.
Mr Paul Fairlie Coach
The First XVIII started the year trying to emulate the deeds of the AFL’s Brisbane Lions and win three-in-a-row! The season started positively with good numbers at training during the holidays and a solid performance against Scotch College and Brighton Grammar in a practice match. With a bye in Round 1, we were matched up against St Bernard’s at home in Round 2. Some lapses in discipline and concentration proved costly resulting in a 13 point loss. Pat Hassett was magnificent all day and Adrian Bonnadio worked tirelessly in the ruck. Our second game was at home versus Mazenod and a convincing win was attributable to a magnificent performance from Mick Cini and five goals from Matt Moore. The next week it was out to Parade in what was a surprisingly easy win, with James Convery a solid contributer, Josh Oakley continuing with his good form and Matt Moore again amongst the goals. A loss to St Bede’s away was going to make life difficult in both the ACC and Herald Shield competitions. Dave Lowe was magnificent in his first game of the year, but injuries to our entire on-ball brigade before half time weakened our attack, and St Bede’s played the ground and conditions far better. De La suffered another disappointing narrow loss. We headed down the highway to Geelong with — realistically — only pride to play for, and put in a superb team performance. We won comfortably, led well by Adrians Bonnadio and Gileno. Our last game of the year was against the undefeated Whitefriars’ in windy conditions at home. While we played well at times, undisciplined acts saw us outscored in the second quarter. Though we kicked with a 4 goal breeze and improved our play in the second half, we never really threatened the eventual premiers. So, after celebrating premierships in the last two years, it was disappointing not to go further this year. Being unable to field our best team each week made life difficult. With lapses in concentration and discipline at crit-

Back Row: N.Stewart, S.Nethersole, J.Convery, M.Moore, M.Herkess. Row 2: N.Burns, N.Robert, J.Oakley, T.Davidson, D.Close, A.Nasr. Row 1: R.Semmel, W.Fenton, D.Hocking, D.Griffin, A.Cox, A.Gileno, S.Crowe. Seated: J.Fletcher, L.Bull, D.Lowe, A.Bonaddio, M.Harold, T.Leary
ical times De La were their own worst enemy. However the boys who represented the College did their best at all times and should be proud of their efforts. Mr Phil Murton Coach

Back Row: A.Nasr, T.Davidson, T.Kovarik, S.Fisher, N.Dunn, R.Hendry. Row 1: W.Fenton, D.Griffin, S.Scanlan, C.Gleeson, N.Higgins, R.McGirr, Mr P Fairlie Seated: T.Leary, D.Hassaballa, A.Quinn, R.Breda, J.Pedralvez, M.Hulston.
2nd XVIII 2004 Blame It On The Drought
Lacklustre. Ordinary. Below par. Uninspiring. Boring. Of a standard less than acceptable. Not just a description of the umpiring in the first round game against Parade but also a synopsis of a disappointing season for a team that has participated in the last two grand finals. Despite the best efforts of coaches, officials, bus drivers and support staff, the impact of the drought appeared to debilitate the senior footy stocks at De La in season ‘04. We certainly didn’t reign on Parade and apart from Game 2 against Whitefriars at T. H. King where De La played the best seconds footy in years, the rest of the season was as dry as a dead dingo’s donger. With plenty at stake each week, the twos were not able to consistently play a brand of football that was ever going to threaten the likes of Salesian and St. Bernard’s. Even CBC proved too fast, physical and skilled as De La Salle’s season imploded. The normal promotion to the ones syndrome affected the weekly line-up and did make it difficult to retain a settled side but when the major highlight of the season is an internal trial, then clearly 2004 seconds footy was drought affected. Reports, send-offs and difficulty with a changing room key were other features of a season that like the drought affected reaches of western NSW delivered little. There is a ray of hope in that the Year 10’s made it to the grand, but without a deluge of new talent and some footy saturation during the pre-season, next year is already looking less than fertile. Congratulations to Matt Fogarty, the MVP and to Ben Flanigan and Seamus Scanlan who also collected awards. As they say in the classics and as farmers all around this wide brown land agree, there is always next year.

2004 Year 10 ACC Football Report
Our season started with a practice match against Whitefriars. Around 30 boys took the field at different times. Both assistant coach/runner/team pyschologist/mascot Richard Bourbon and I were impressed with the skills on display. We received a reality check the week after when we were on the wrong end of a 9 goal shellacking to St Bernard’s. The boys were looking forward to the trip to the snake pit, having beaten the Bernies at the Pit for a Grand final win last year. The 9 goal defeat was a far cry from Grand Final glory. We did not play well against a team of equal skill and a more discipline approach to playing a team game. Gomizel, Brodie, Reid, Arbon and Kovarik played well. Matt Peterson did a good job of the difficult tasks he was set for the day. The following week we were away again, this time at Parade. In trying, wet conditions our performance was significantly better. Sammy Fairbrother was outstanding, kicking 5 goals in the rain. Jake Gotch, Callum Richards, ‘Tex’ Walker, Sammy Dillon and the Nathan ‘Big Boof’ Roberts were all excellent contributors. Kova was very good in the forward line. Unfortunately, big Kova injured his shoulder on the following Sunday and was out for the rest of the season. At half time it was pointed out that I kept referring to Anthony Hale as Dave. A shocking mistake as Anthony is young, handsome, fit and skilful. Against Mazenod at home in round five we really started to get our game together. In a dominant performance we had a number of top performers. Haley ruled one wing, De Luca the other. Jack Morwood and Simon Brown set up play across half back. Aidan McInerney made an impressive debut. Fairbrother kicked five as did Liam ‘Glue Stick’ Carolan (four in the last) and Mitch ‘Mullet’ Smith kicked four. Dillo and Cal Richards had very good games.

Back Row: S.Fairbrother, L.Carolan, S.Brown, J.Marasco, N.Roberts, J.Morwood, C.Herd, A.Kovarik Middle Row: M.Davis, C.Brodie, S.Dillon, L.Colman, J.Benco, T.Bloom, C.Reid, M.Gomizel Front Row: K.Walker, J.Phillips, J.Gotch, Mr D.Madigan, A.McInerny, C.Richards, D.De Luca, B.Dwyer
Against St Bede’s we put together another fine display and had an outstanding ten goal win. Gomizel, Roberts, Tex, De Luca continued their good form. Johnny Benco was very solid in the backline and Fairbrother kicked another bag. The last of the home and away games was against Whitefriars at home. The ‘Friars’ were keen to beat us and get the Grand Final berth. In a fantastic four quarter, team effort we towelled them up. The ‘Big Boof’ was excellent, De Luca and Haley were breaking up play, the mid-field controlled clearances and ran superbly. Joel Phillips showed his skill. Ben O’Neill copped a knock but played his best game for the season. Sammy Williams got dragged 3 times. He hadn’t done anything wrong. Bourbs was just practicing. When the umpire felt Bourbs had practiced enough he asked to leave the ground and not return. We were confident of a good showing against the Bernies. Our ability to play as a team had improved, in fact we had been excellent in the previous weeks. The trip to the Pit proved to be another tough one. Windy, cold and always unwelcoming. As is always the case in Grand Finals, we needed a few things to go our way. Not many did. It is difficult to say that we were good, we got done by 10 goals. We were certainly not bad. The Bernies boys were just bigger, stronger and faster. Despite losing the Grand Final I was incredibly proud of the way the boys fought on and worked for each other. In the last quarter, kicking against the wind, completely outscored for three quarters, young men of lesser character might have chucked it in. Our boys didn’t. They made their opponents earn every

possession, battled at each contest and conceded nothing. Coaches, parents and school mates could ask for little more. Throughout the season the boys had a fantastic attitude to training. We had terrific numbers all season. Bloomy, Herdy, Alex Roberts, James Marasco, Luke Pelly, Joel Pollard, Mark Quamil, Lorry Colman, Mason Nicola and especially boundary umpire Dylan Howell amongst many others. They were always there to work hard and support their mates enthusiastically at training and on match days. It is always rewarding to work with a group of young men that work for and respect each other. They approached their football with enthusiasm and discipline. Many of the boys that represented the College in the Year 10 team will make an impact in the first 18 next year. I hope all of them continue to be involved in some aspect of De La Salle football. Special thanks for the time and effort Richard Bourbon has given to De La Salle football this year and over many years. It is an involvement he will miss particularly in his time overseas. Award Winners
Best and Fairest Sam Fairbrother RU B and F Mark Gomizel
Coaches Award Callum Richards Mr Dave Madigan Coach

Back Row: M.Lowe, J.Gates, T.Curry, B.Griffin, W.Hassall, M.Windley, N.Davey, K.Rudd, B.Hill. Row 2: R.Phillips, N.Lees, M.McCart, J.Slatter, T.Crowe, G.Bartling, O.Hagen, L.Hennessy, L.Fisher, S.Bird. Row 1: Mr P.Harte, Mr P.Riordan, J.Parianos, J.Musster, M.Coutts, N.Murphy, T.Chalmers, M.Wall, D.Dordevic, T.Leary, Mr G.Barns Seated: H.Browning, M.Ducentino, S.Collis, N.Sestak, T.Parker, J.Harris, J.Mulholland, T.Maya, A.Kneebone, J.Close.
As a sports coach at De La Salle over the last 10 years, I have coached some wonderful teams and got to know some fine young men. This year was no exception. The Year 9 football squad were a tremendous group of blokes who played the game with a spirit and tenacity that made me proud to be associated with them. There were many outstanding moments throughout season 2004. The heroics in the match against a powerful Whitefriars side; the sheer determination and never-say-die spirit against the competition leviathan Parade College. They were mighty moments. Individually there were great acts of courage and idiosyncrasy; Matt Raymond’s ‘Phil Manassa’ dashes from fullback, Heath ‘The Flea’ Browning’s kamikazee attacks on the ball and Matthew Coutts’ ability to provide the coaching staff with his own analysis of his personal match stats in the team bus on the way home. Finally, it would be remiss of me not to extend thanks to the appropriate people. Mr Peter Harte did a magnificent job in his dual roles of being the Chairman of Selectors and team manager. Thankyou Peter. Mr Peter Riordan for being there (that was extent of his contribution: he would just be there) as a spiritual guide and chaplain to the team. Also thankyou to Josh Harris, the captain of the team. To conclude, this spiel I would like to issue a heartfelt thanks to our number one ticket holder, Rodger Raymord, who was a marvellous support to all of us.
Mr Gerard Barns Coach
Standing: J.Noonan, M.Crimson, J.Biviano, A.North, S.Myers, Mr S.Hewitson Seated: D.Rana, C.Bourmas, N.Theodore, S.Fitzgerald, M.Ho
This year proved to be one of the more successful seasons for De La Salle soccer. Pre-season training centered around fitness preparation, but in a shrewd move by the new coach, the whole team went back to the basics of ball control and passing, rather than ‘Premier League’ plays. Our first game, a 1-1 draw with Parade set the trend for the season, and gave us a fair indication of our strengths and weaknesses. In each of our games we worked hard for the ball, never gave up and frustrated our opponents. Two memorable games were against the highly fancied CBC and St Joseph’s, North Melbourne. We drew 3-3 in a thrilling game with CBC, and held St Joseph’s (who finished top of our group) to a 2-all draw away. The most satisfying game however was the 4-1 footballing lesson we gave our friendly rivals St Bede’s. Our only group loss was to a well primed Salesian side hungry for a win, but we had done enough to ensure a berth in the finals. Unfortunately, a 3-1 loss away in Geelong ended our finals campaign. Although we might not have set any precedents in terms of silverware or accolades, our fighting spirit and perseverance on the field earned the respect of oppositions and created much excitement around the school. On that note, thankyou to all those who came to support us. On behalf of the team, thank you to Mr Simon Hewitson, who made his debut as a soccer coach and brought a new discipline to the squad. Best of luck to him and his charges next season!
Daniel Rana
Year Ten ACC Soccer
It was with some apprehension that I took on the coaching role at Year 10 this year. Having an Australian Rules background are not the qualifications one really wants when fronting the boys experienced in the World game. I was very encouraged by the boys commitment and ability to support me in the role. The more experienced players, Jamil Molinaro, Peter Apostolopoulos, Jason Tiso and Rocky Lomacchio were great assets to the team ensuring that the balance and positioning of the squad were matched to our opponents. The season began with a huge win over Whitefriars in a pre season trial and provided great encouragement to the group for the up coming season. We were soon to learn that the premiership games would be very different to the pre season. While each game provided a different challenge a number of consistencies were present throughout the season. Jason Tiso’s clean control and calmness under pressure allowed him to win many contested balls and beat numerous opponents when attacking. Jamil Molinaro’s ‘silky skills’ won many balls and he continually initiated important attacks for De La Salle. Rocky Lomacchio was the key attacker for the season. His accomplished skill level allowed him to drive deep into our attacking zone and on more than one occasion he scored a number of brilliant goals. Anthony Vanzella-Riggio was ‘rock solid’ in defense. His tough, hard approach to the ball ensure many of his opponents allowing him plenty of room across the half back region. He on more than one occasion saved the day for De La Salle. Alex Bressan is another worth mentioning for his contribution in goals. His agility and courage stopped many promising attacks by our opposition. He displayed tremendous skill against the penalty shot and frustrated a number of our opponent schools from the ‘spot’. De La Salle finished in overall third position and provided a thoroughly enjoyable and entertaining season. My thanks goes out to all the boys who participated this year and I commend them for their involvement, spirit and conduct. Mr Shaun Buckley Coach

Back Row: J.Molinaro, G.Sison, L.Dimitropolous, A.Newlands, C.Soumplis Middle Row: Mr S.Buckley, A.Vanzella-Riggio, A.Stabelos, S.Drnda, A.Marino Front Row: (C) D.Koutrouvelis, J.O’Connell, A.Bressan, P.Paczkowski, P.Ryan Standing: S.Bourmas, R.Mayell, D.Petropolous, D.Colmanet, M.Garginian, Second Row: Mr J.DiCiccio, N.Bourmas, G.Twomey, G.Marino, P.Stamos, Mr M.Naughton Sitting: P.Formosa, S.Frangoulis, S.Premier, J.Trantino, T.Casha

Year 9 Soccer
ACC Soccer at De La Salle begins at Year 9. This is the first year in which students are asked to represent the college in a regular weekly sport and for many who have never played before, this means learning the game from very humble beginnings. Along with these newcomers to soccer came some experienced players and together we prepared for our Term 2 games. Our task was to get everybody to raise their skill level and then use them in a team based tactic. Not easy to do at any level. Many sessions of training were conducted starting in term 1 and the tactics and skills of the game were slowly built up. There is still much to learn but the boys worked hard to represent the college against some highly skilled opposition who had been playing together for longer. They persevered and although they may not have had many successes, they gained respect from their opponents and forced them to work hard to win. All players improved their soccer abilities and knowledge and this should benefit them as they move into Year 10 and take on the challenge again — only this time they have a year under their belts. The highlight of the season was a 7–3 win against Parade 2 along with some close calls against Parade 1 (1–2), Mazenod (2–3) and St Bede’s (1–2). Some special mentions need to go to: ‘Twinkle Toes’ Trantino — slick, quick and skilled with the ball. Took some great free kicks and one went in! ‘Formidable’ Formosa of the Backline – the team man wall who fearlessly threw himself at every attack and repelled many. Petropoulos and Peroukaneas — go together like peaches and cream and helped the backline stay strong. ‘Cool as a’ Colmanet — with his hair just right as he drove the ball up the wings. ‘Seeing Double’ Bourmas — One kicked goal after goal and the other helped the ball get there. Defenders were often confused about who to man up on. Strong as a Stamos — Low centre of gravity but plenty of drive — kicked the goal of the season. Congratulations to our award winners: Most Consistent — Julian Trantino (capt) Most Improved — Simon McInerney Best and Fairest — David Colmanet and Paul Formosa Thanks to all the students who were willing to represent the school in soccer — their time and effort was greatly appreciated. Special thanks must go to Mr Naughton who generously game of his time every week to be our team manager and drive the bus. He is a man of many skills and can give a rousing speech at half time.
Back Row: T.Kovarik, J.Kitchen, J.Convery, A.Bonaddio, L.Deacon, D.Gadsden Row 1: S.Vidovic, R.Newman, L.Bertucci, T.Dillane, R.Hendry, S.Hunt, M.Crimson, Mr T.Ford Seated: J.Mason, A.Sison, R.Breda, D.Peters (captain), J.Pedralvez, S.Mason, A.Barca ACC Senior Basketball The senior basketball team assembled in Term 2 with training and practice games against Oakhill College Sydney and Salesian college. An enthusiastic and talented squad trained each week for a spot in either team A or B. The A team were led each week by David Peters who has been a terrific player for the College over the years. The As had a shock loss in round 1 against Salesian - a team they had easily accounted for in a practice game two weeks prior. The team regrouped against eventual premiers Whitefriars by a narrow margin in front of a vocal DLS home crowd. In the cut-throat draw of ACC Basketball the As still clung to a their hope of making the Grand Final position, needing to rely on other teams’ misfortunes. Convincing wins over St. Pauls and Parade eventuated setting up a play-off semi-final against St. Bernards. DLS defeated their traditional rivals to set up a 5th-6th play off game against Parade. Unfortunately Parade defeated us, which was disappointing considering our victories over them two weeks before. The team had some outstanding contributors throughtout the season, particularly from Luke Deacon, Adrian Bonaddio and David Peters. In many ways the team did not recover from its round 1 loss, which cost the team dearly. Competition for spots in the B team was fierce. Each week presented new faces keen to represent the College and make the most of their opportunities. The team had a successful preliminary round, finishing on top by percentage. The impressive characteristics of the side was their ability to work together as a team, despite changing personnel. In the play-off game to reach the Grand Final, DLS took on Mazenod. In an extremely tight game Mazenod won a cliff hanger by one point. The following week the team defeated CBC to finish 3rd overall. Anthony Barca was the Most Useful Player for the season and, with Adam Sison, played every game in the B’s. Justin Koob continued his rapid improvement and was a valuble contributor on the boards. Special thanks to Mr Peter Harte for his assistance and to Mr Gerard Leonard who sacked us to go play for the Melbourne Tigers NBL team this season. Good luck Gerard, a great achievement. I look forward to 2005 and urge boys to step up and compete in the strong ACC Basketball cmompetition. Tim Ford Coach

Year 10 Basketball
It was a privilege working with these young men who were always keen to play – with a good spirit and as a team. Continuity was made more difficult because of the Yr 10 camps, but the camps gave more young men an opportunity to represent the College. The competition was very stiff for the A’s, but they gave it their all every week, gradually building a strong combination. Their most memorable win being a stirring come-from-behind effort against CBC St Kilda. The ACC Competition is cut-throat with little margin for error. The A team won both their finals finishing ninth overall. Nathan Stewart – MVP; Pat Suhodobnik – best team man; David Millar – coach’s award. While the B team also suffered due to the camps, the boys who came in took their chance and played hard. The team went through winning all of their

Back Row: C.Lee, S.Marachello, M.Windley, H.Swano, M.McKay, W.Hassall, M.O’Shea. Middle Row: Br Gerry, M.Wall, D.Dordevik, N.Lees, M.McCart, J.Twirdy, M.Liels, Mr G.Barns. Front Row: D.West, T.Maya, M.Kannellopoulos, S.Pintado, J.Musster, M.Murray, R.Altalura Back Row: D.Millar, L.Costello, N.Roberts, N.Parton, P.Smith Middle Row: Mr P.Jurd, M.Allan, M.Gemanel, N.Stewart, A.Phillipos, M.Torrisi, Mr M.Bourke Seated: A.De Mesa, M.Davis, M.Petruccelli, C.Brodie, A.Millar, B.Dwyer

home and away games, except for a large loss to St Bernard’s. For the finals, we played the first place team in the other pool, Mazenod. The team played well and hung on for a hard-fought five point win. The grand final, against St Bernard’s, was also a very close affair, until the last few minutes where the margin blew out, so the team lost by 14 points in the end. While it was difficult to accept, we had still turned it around by 28 points from earlier in the season! Giving individual awards in a team sport is difficult and can obscure the fact that everyone needs to be doing their job.

Michael Torrisi – MVP; Demian Myers – Best Defensive player; Liam Costello – Most Determined. Thank you all for a great season! Patrick Jurd Coach
Year 9 Basketball
The 2004 season started on a very high note with some very easy wins and both ‘A’ and ‘B’ teams were riding on a crest. As the season progressed we met stronger opposition and the A’s had some close losses. The B’s continued to be strong and won the close games. Strange as it may seem both teams were still in with a chance to make the top finals positions with two games to go. The A’s on this occasion fell by the wayside but the B’s continued on their winning way and only missed the top two positions on percentages. In the end the A’s finished 6th and the B’s 3rd. This great group of young Lasallians at no stage gave up trying or supporting one another in their games. Their willingness to listen to advice and then to try to put it into practice on court was very encouraging. Their ability and skill levels were very good and will be stronger next year. One of the highlights of the season was the game played between the Staff and Year 9 ACC team. The drawn game, and not a contrived result, was enjoyed by the school population as the younger and shorter student team showed their talents of speed, skill and young legs. The spirit generated in this game was the spirit shown throughout the season. There were 3 awards given out at the end of the season. It is always difficult to single out individuals and the task was not made any easier this year.
Best and Fairest awards
A’s — Hayden Czwarno B’s — Paul Beliga. Coaches’ Award — Matthew Wall Mr Barnes and Br Gerry would like to thank the young men in this group for their attitude, sense of humour and their playing ability over the 2004 season.

up (including a future Olympian for Australia) controlled us in the first half, but found us more challenging in the second. They walked off the field the victors 7–3. The next match was against St. Bernard’s, who also defeated us 3-2. Mazenod was next, and even though we had rallied from the previous week’s tough match, there was confusion, as our game time was Standing: D.Lombardo, M.Robinson, B.Carr, C.Wesley, L.Clifford, Mr E.Walmsley incorrect but our Seated: D.Nicholson, I.Brady, N.Kovess, J.Gould, M.Belden, L.Poulton field booking nonThe much-anticipated hockey season kicked off energetically with some preliminary training and selection sessions. With a balance of Year 12s and 11s, our team shaped up nicely, with Chris Wesley named captain to lead our line-up into what would be a challenging season. Our Term 3 began well, demolishing Salesian and Whitefriar’s in the two first games. After a bye, we returned to the competition with a great 3- 0 win against St Paul’s, a repeat of last year’s clash. Our next game was against Parade, and their all-star lineexistent. Making the best of the situation, Mr Walmsley and Mr Breen organized an emergency, even if it was only to be for 20 minutes due to the field’s bookings. However, after those 20 minutes were up, the scores were tied and, as there were no other teams around to claim the field, we added a further 20 minutes to the clock. This ended up badly for De La, as a few bouncing goals from Mazenod set us back to and we lost our final. With 3 wins and 3 losses, our pennant campaign drew to a close. As always Chris Wesley delivered the goods as a star full back for the season, and Alex Tyrrell tore up and down the ground with impunity. Ben Anstey, our ever-vigil goalie, stood up well against the odds, and Liam Poulton kept us all wondering where he gets his energy! Our backline of James Gould and Dan Lombardo, wingers Liam Clifford, Nathan Anstey, David Nicholson and Mitchell Belden, midfielders Michael Robinson, Ian Brady and Nick Kovess, and our forwards Brendan Carr, James Laird and Tom Roberts, also demonstrated the support and teamwork that characterized our team in 2004. Special Thanks to Mr. Walmsley, whose passion and enjoyment for the game was so infectious, and Mr Breen, whose half-time pep-talks not only tugged the heartstrings but returned our optimism (and often, our common sense). And we thank Br Quentin for being our number 1 (and only) fan to come along to our games.

Dan Lombardo

Back Row: C.Herd (captain), M.Lane, D.Harkins, S.Fairbrother, J.Marasco, Middle Row: R.Nayna, K.Campbell-Tenant, R.Saliba, M.Nicola, L.Coleman, Mt T.Brodrick Front Row: J.Maher, T.Sargeant, J.Nicoll, T.Bloom, J.Phillips
Standing: A.Barker, J.Noble, T.Curry, B.Griffin, J.Slater, Mr D.Clark Sitting: S.Watson, E.Murphy, R.Phillips, D.Zuccuti, G.Marino, S.Bird, J.Harris

Year 10 Hockey
There is something about the flash of Hockey sticks in the weak afternoon sun that brings to mind flesh and blood tournaments of ancient times when marauders would while away the time between pillage and plunder by hitting the heads of their enemies about a field out on a windswept tundra. With this in mind the bushkasi players of Afganistan could be likened to De La’s style in 2004. We were enthusiastic and vigorous, displaying excellent skills. Ultimately, without a number of players each week who had other campaigns to fight, we struggled against quality opposition. There were great moments of team-work which set up wonderful opportunities in front of the goal mouth. However the scoring attempts left much to be desired. In the final analysis De La lost four and won one. We were not disgraced and can consider the team a solid unit ripe for success in future seasons. Players who performed well each week were Bloom, Fairbrother, Donegan, Lane and Sergant. Of course all contributed to the team’s successes at various times. This is what makes team sport so special — working together for a common goal. I am confident all team members have benefited from their match experience this year and look forward to continued improvement next year. Mr Tim Brodrick Coach

ACC Cross Country — Champions 2004!
After winning the past four ACC titles our ACC squad was challenged to strive for number five when training began at the beginning of Term 3. Our great success in recent years has been due to a combination of factors: talent, enthusiasm, commitment and tremendous spirit and determination. Each Thursday morning, just before 8 am, despite often-inclement weather, over 100 boys would congregate at school to leave for their various training runs. They attended a number of trial carnivals during the term, which helped to build team camaraderie between the students, as well as continuing to develop their skills and fitness. By Wednesday September 15th (the last week of Term 3) 60 squad members were selected in our ACC team to represent the College. In the very wet, windy and cold conditions at Bundoora Park, our team performed extremely well in all age groups. The results were as follows: First place in Under 14, 15, 16 and 17 events; winners of the Junior and Intermediate Cups and overall winners of the Carnival by a substantial 172-point margin. I would like to acknowledge the terrific support and encouragement given to the teams by the teachers who generously gave of their time to help make the Cross Country season another huge success. Thanks to Mr Naughton, Mr Fegan, Ms Harding, Mr Rice, Mr Slavin, Mr Fleming, Mr Grafen, Mr Edgar, Mr Ford, Mr Jackson, Mr Danckert and Ms Byers. Our champion ACC Team can be very proud of their fifth consecutive victory and let’s hope ‘we are right in the mix for number six’ in 2005.

Mr Peter Harte ACC Cross Country Coordinator

Back Row: D.Millar, S.Brown, N.Roberts, A.Bressan, M.Allan 3rd Row: S.Dillon, S.Hogan, A.Phillipos, D.Lawlor, C.Brodie, T.Bloom, A.McInerney 2nd Row: Mr P.Harte, L.Colman, D.De Luca, M.Gomizel, A.Hale, J.Brown, P.Suhodobnik, Mr M.Naughton Seated: J.O’Connell, K.Walker, G.Sison, J.Gotch, T.Sargeant, C.Pritchard, J.Moloney

Senior Cross Country
Back Row: Mr.S.Slavin, B.Weller, J.Matthews, M. Herkess, L.Deacon, S.Fisher, T.Davidson, Mr.S.Rice. Row 1: Ms D.Byers, N.Roberts, A.Nasr, J.Fitzgerald, D.Griffin, F.Barker (captain), S.Loft, S.Scanlan, N. Dunn, Mr.P.Harte. Seated: L.Poulton, J.Crowe, W.Fenton, A.Cox, T.Leary, L.Bull, S.McNamara, P.Mc Cluskey, W.Arnost, S. Hyslop. Back Row: S.Roberts, L.O’Connell, S.Byrne, A.O’Shea, M.Kydd Row 3: D.Dobney, B.Ellul, H.Rix, B.Raymond (?), T.Miles, K.Mc Inery, Mr M.Naughton Row 2: E.Turner, M.Nolan, J.Phillipos, J.Cooper, X.Murphy, S.Ayre Seated: M.Herbstreit, J.Rodgers, T.Raymond, S.Stoma, R.Gallagher, R.Harris

Back Row: M.Collins, O.Holmes, C.Watts, J.Nicolopoulos, S.Renshaw, Z.Dickinson, X.O’Shannessy, J.Geaney, C.Windley, S.Nakos, K. Burke, S.Hillier Row 3: M.Glico, M.Pierce, R.Mccormick, D.Murphy, J.Scipione, R.Casey, S.McGlade, D.Hale, M.Nazarri, S.Haberli, J.Macdonald, N.Gray, S.Griffin Row 2: A.Pejic, C.Munday, B.Nethersole, A.Dioguardi, C.Mercuri, J.Gray, B.Fricke, D.Mercuri, M.Wheeler, M.Paczkowski, T.Moseley, M. Hay, X.Gotch, J.Mannix Seated: J.Haley, N.Seel, M.Henricus, B.Carracher, T.Smith, R.Paturzo-Polson, L.Williams, P.Ioannidis, A.Spencer, T.Gheller, N.Hogan, J. Noble, P.Nicholls, S.Irving
Year 9 Cross Country

Back Row: A.Errington, B.Hill, T.Curry, M.McKay, B. Griffin, J.Menke, N.Davey, J.Slatter. Third Row: Miss K.Harding, Miss D.Byers, R.Mayell, M. Rodgers, M.O’Shea, A.Rickard, J.Barnden, L.Hennessy (Junior Captain), J.O’Connell, S.Meade, L.Fisher, Mr P. Harte. Second Row: J.Newell, T.Slavin, N.Murphy, T.Gallagher, D.Colmanet, N.Guerreri, N.Lees, T.Leary, J.Twirdy, L. Oliver, A.De Girolamo, Mr M.Naughton. First Row: W.Eke, M.Vella, M.Taylor, D.Dordevic, T. Parker, J.Parianos, S.McInerney, M.Kanellopoulos, J. Musster, A.Kneebone, Z.Attard. 142

Standing: Mr M.Mahy, S.Badrock, P.Dunne, A.Nasr. Seated: S.McNamara, D.McKenna, T.Nolan, T.McKenna. Back Row: Miss K.Busk, L.Dimatropolous, C.Watkins, S.Brown, A.Kovarik, S.Dillon, Miss S.Buick Seated: A.Hulston, P.Sansalone, J.Junkeer, A.Roberts, N.Hooker, S.Hogan, J.Cleary

Our De La Salle tennis boys fought bravely against St Bernards’ College, a team who had overpowered the other ACC tennis heavyweight, St Bede’s, only a fortnight before. The singles finished at four sets each after strong wins by captain, Scott McNamara (8/1), Peter Hamblin (9/7), Steven Badrock (8/4) and Tim Suttie who came back from 5/1 down to win a great battle 9/7.

We needed at least two doubles sets for victory, but the only doubles partners to win were Scott and Tim McKenna (9/7). David McKenna and Steven Badrock battled hard against the opposing number-2 pair, but went down 9/7 in a high standard match. Tony Constantine and Peter Hamblin had an early lead only to lose against a St Bedes’ pair who lifted strongly. Finally Pat Dunne and Tom Roberts battled valiantly only to lose a fantastic tie-break set which finished 14/12, set points alternating to either side. Congratulations to the team for a fine effort against very strong opposition.