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College Alumni
St Vincent De Paul Society
are continuing to build the number of quality resources in all curriculum areas to ensure that the information needs of all students are adequately met. New print resources purchased in 2004 were mainly for the collection at Kinnoull to ensure that this collection is relevant to the revised curriculums of Year 10, 11 and 12, with the purchase of over 350 fiction titles and around 800 non-fiction. Subject areas for particular focus included visual communication, art and photography, design and technology, Renaissance Italy, and Australian and Aboriginal history. The Tiverton collection also gained around 500 fiction titles and 900 non-fiction titles, with particular focus on endangered species, saints, Indonesian folktales, origami, puppets, the ancient world, animation, art and Asian countries. Audio-visual resources have been focussed on Kinnoull in 2004, with the eight new classrooms all being equipped with televisions and DVD/VHS players. The small individual tables in the Kinnoull Library were also replaced this year with large 6-seater tables. Thank you to Mrs Ruth Hunter, who has been assisting in the Library during 2nd semester, and writing the Libraries’ history. The Libraries’ also hosted a Library-Technicians-in-training, Pinar Horasan. Thanks to Pinar for her enthusiasm, and helping complete some long-term projects.
Susan Jost College Librarian items per capita for the Malvern Emergency Food Program. The St Vinnies boys were involved in the promoting and collection of food items. This year’s trophy was presented to De La Salle Kinnoull Campus. This is a credit to the care and generosity of all the De La Salle Community so thank you to all who contributed. Term 4 saw the organisation begin for the Year 10 Trivia Night to be held with Star of the Sea. This was to be our main fundraiser for the Semester. Our quiz master provided an interactive and entertaining show throughout the night allowing the Year 10 boys and girls to mix well. A group of Year 12 student members generously gave their time so close to their final exams to assist on the night. Their help was invaluable in distributing food and drinks and collecting money for the various raffles held. The winning table was awarded the prize of an afternoon of go-carting at Aus-Go-Carts, a prize that was feverishly contested. Thanks to all the students involved throughout the year for their support of the St Vincent De Paul Society work.

An enthusiastic group of Year 12 students formed the nucleus for the St Vincent de Paul this year with a couple of Year 11s attending the regular meetings. Luke Bertucci was elected president with Tony Constantine the deputy. Secretary was Alex Gow and Treasurer Peter Hambin. A wide range of fund raising ideas were canvassed and the programme for the year started with a very popular BBQ for Kinnoull students held in Term 1. Such was the success of the day that double the number of sausages could have been sold. There was Patrick Hassett, Adam Kovarik, Adrian Bonnadio, Joshua Oakley, Alex Gow, a change of office bearers with Ben Nethersole, David Peters, Luke Batucci, Robert Breda, Craig almeida Luke Bertucci resigning towards the end of term citing his commitments to Rock Eisteddfod and was replaced by Tony Constantine. Several members attended the student conference at Marian Conference Sunshine which celebrated the 150th anniversary of St Vincent de Paul in Victoria. All agreed that is was a landmark conference due to the excellence of the presentations and the interaction with the 300 other student members. Much planning went into the Year 10 Social which was initiated as a fund raising venture for St Vincent de Paul by Josh Oakley. Unfortunately, the social did not go ahead because of decisions outside the control of the St Vincent de Paul. The work of the St Vinnies students continued in Semester 2. Many generous parents contributed donations to St Vincent’s at the De La Idol competition, held in September. In October, two senior student representatives from the St. Vincent De Paul group attended the awarding of the Proudlock Perpetual Trophy. Named after the Sergeant Gary Proudlock, the Trophy is awarded to the school that collects the greatest number of food