15 minute read
Rest In Peace
The VCAL Has Landed!

The Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning was launched at De La Salle in 2004. This new senior secondary certificate for students in Years 11 an 12 is the ‘hands-on’ option for Victorian school students who, on completion of their school studies, can pursue apprenticeships, traineeships, further studies at TAFE or work. The implementation of VCAL is creating new, engaging possibilities for De La Salle students, including school-based apprenticeships and structured workplace learning. VCAL has three levels: Foundation, Intermediate and Senior. Within these levels, students complete units that fit the strands of Literacy and Numeracy Skills, Work Related Skills, Industry Specific Skills and Personal Development Skills. De La Salle offers Intermediate VCAL in Year 11 and from 2005 will also offer Senior VCAL in Year 12. All VCAL students undertake a Vocational Education and Training (VET) course. This training provides the student with a nationally accredited certificate in a specific industry. A wide variety of VET courses are available for VCAL students and the accessibility to these for De La Salle students is expanding. VET programmes allow students to experience learning about and working in an industry while they are at school which may help articuVCAL student Mitchell Lomas at late a pathway towards a career in that industry.Holmesglen TAFE, where he is completing Certificate 2 in The flexibility of a VCAL programme ensures that
Fabrication and Welding each student’s individual needs are catered for. Consequently, students are able to maintain motivation and enthusiasm for their course of study. The expansion of VET offerings and the incorporation of school-based new apprenticeships is nurturing partnerships between De La Salle and important stakeholders in the wider community. The success of these partnerships and the growing attention that VCAL is attracting suggests that the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning is one important step for De La Salle and one giant leap forward for education. Mr Paul Fairlie VCAL Coordinator
VET students David Smith and Arthur Ponte at Holmesglen where they are studying Certificate 2 in Hospitality and Operations

Careers Expo
The Careers Expo held at the College was an outstanding success, attended by hundreds of students from Years 9-12 and their parents. All major Universities were represented, along with several TAFE Colleges, Independent Tertiary Colleges, and a large number of industry representatives. Most importantly, many Old Collegians, either studying or working, gave up their time to attend and provide the current students with information on their particular field of expertise. They showed a great sense of camaraderie and willingness to be involved. This is testimony, I believe, to their time at De La Salle College and I am very much in their debt for the contribution they made to the enormous success of the evening. In general, the night exemplifies the good will of the College, fostered in particular by Br Tim, because the whole community works together for the benefit of students, both now and in the future. Sue Taylor Careers Counsellor
College Alumni
As this year ends, and we say farewell to our Principal, Br Tim, we must acknowledge the huge contribution he has made to the College Alumni throughout his time at the College. During his eight years at De La, Br Tim established decade reunions, ‘Year 12 Revisited’ for the new graduates, annual functions for the Pre 1960 alumni and their wives, the many interstate reunions, the annual celebration for ‘Mothers of Former Students’ and he continued to observe the annual Old Collegians’ Mass. His influence will long be remembered by the thousands of former students he welcomed so warmly at every reunion and function held in those years. His contribution to strengthening the Old Collegians’ Association has been immense. The Alumni calendar commenced with the Annual Old Collegians’ Mass at the College, celebrated by Fr Leo Conlan, CM. Morning tea followed, allowing those present to mingle and old friends to meet again. This year we held separate reunions for the men from 1954, 1964, 1974, 1984 and 1994 and we introduced a Five Years’ Reunion for the young men who
graduated in 1999. The September issue of Lasallian Roll Call has captured the spirit of these reunions in the many photos featured in the Alumni section. The Year 12 Revisited attracted over 70% of the students from 2003’s Year 12 along with many of their former teachers. Many of our interstate Alumni were invited to reunions this year. In June, New South Wales’ Old Colls and their wives enjoyed the Sydney Reunion at ‘Anderledy Lodge’, in the grounds of Mary MacKillop Place, North Sydney. Then in October, the inaugural Perth Reunion was held for all West Australian Alumni and their wives. The venue was a lovely restaurant on the south side of the Swan River overlooking the city lights and their lovely reflections. As one Old Collegian said ‘It doesn’t matter what year you finished at De La — whenever you get a few of us Inaugural Perth Reunion Old Colls together we instantly get on well. There is that common bond of values we share. It appears that hasn’t changed through the generations. I hope these reunions will continue in Perth.’ We then joined the Malvern Old Collegians, Br Stanislaus Carmody and Br Cormac (Frank) Brophy at the Canberra Mass and Dinner. This annual event is for former students from all the De La Salle Colleges in Australia who reside in Canberra. Each year, the database for the Mothers of Former Students increases. Mothers contact the Alumni Office to place their names on the special database when one of their sons leaves the College. This year we held a Dinner at the Kooyong Tennis Club and our special guests were Fr Les Troy and Br Julian Watson. Over the last few years, much has been written about our longest surviving ‘first day pupil’ John Lloyd. Sadly, on August 18th 2004, at 100 years Br Tim with 2002 College and 3 months, John Captain Michael Stinear passed away peacefully. and John Lloyd On his birthday, we presented John with a ‘Certificate of Honour’ and presented his family with a bound collection of documents recounting his amazing life and particularly his experiences during those first few years of the establishment of the College. A guard of honour formed by our senior students seemed a fitting honour for such an esteemed elder statesman of the College. (John’s recollections of his early days and the establishment of the College have been recorded and make fascinating reading. They are a reference source for all students and staff at the College and are available for Old Collegians to read.) Mrs Genie Scott Alumni Officer

Lola Kruger, mother of Carl Kruger (staff member) Ronald Cooper, father of Andrew Cooper (staff member) Ted West, father of Dan West (staff member) Mrs Filomena Todisco, grandmother of Christopher (Yr 6) and Benjamin (‘02) Alma Barrett, grandmother of Tim McKenna (12H) Elizabeth McCormack, grandmother of Andrew Donegan (10J) and Paul Donegan (Old Col ‘98) Luciano Zanelli, father-in-law of Maria Zanelli (Staff Member) Dawlat Beshara, grandmother of Demian (10S) and Saady Myers (9R) Ron Comley, grandfather of Max Vandeligt (9D) Catherine Howe, grandmother of Jonathan Benco (10S), Alex Roberts (10S) and Julian Roberts (Old Collegian ‘02) Guiseppe Pane, grandfather of Joseph Pane (Old Collegian ‘02) Alison Nolan, cousin of Gerard (10V) and Andrew (11B) Moya Wilson, grandmother of Brendan (8J) and Matt (staff member) Henry Shallies, father of Rita (staff member) Lawrence Fitzgerald (Old Col ‘37) and grandfather of Xavier (7H) and Matthew Herbstreit (7M) Karli Koutrouvelis, grandmother of Dimitri (10H) and great-grandmother of Peter Marinis (7S) Dante Giacomantonio, brother-in-law of Maria (staff member) and uncle of Anthony (Old Col ‘84), Damian (‘93 ) and Marco (‘91) Joe Maidment, grandfather of Daniel Conway (10B), Matthew (‘00) and Simon (‘02). Also Mary Conway, grandmother of the same boys Dr Robert Galbally, grandfather of Oliver Holmes (8V) Gwen Hornibrook, grandmother of Paul Ryan (10V) and Old Collegians Daniel Ryan (‘00) & James Ryan (‘01) Gwyneth Abbott, grandmother of Will Meehan (9H) Vlasta and Miloslav Malek , grandparents of Michael Malek (8H) Nicola Iaconis, grandfather of Peter Nucara (11G) Joseph Marziale, grandfather of Steven Loft (11V) and father of Catherine Loft (former staff member) Thomas Tyrer, grandfather of Joshua (8H) and Sam Tyrer (11V) and Dominic (7M) and Andrew Baker (9R) Elvie Steel, grandmother of David (Yr 4) and James Steel (7D) Angelina Bonaddio, grandmother of Adrian (12H) and Adam Bonaddio (8B) Nancy Carr, grandmother of Brendan Carr (11V) Ray Connolly, grandfather of Alex (11F) and Nick Bolt (7D) Darren Foley, brother-in-law of Monica Costa (staff member) Brian Flanigan, grandfather of Ben (12F) Ray Walker, grandfather of Thomas (12F) and Adam Kovarik (10R) Jack Heatley, grandfather of Sam (7R) Carmel Close, grandmother of Daniel (12M), Joshua (9B) and Brendan (7J) Joy Dudine, mother of Stuart (12H) John Cester, brother of Liliana Russo (staff member) and uncle of Carl Russo (12M) and Alexander Russo (‘02) Theresa O’Loughlin, grandmother of Stephen Collins (11S) and David Collins (9S) Adelia Mattea, grandmother of Daniele Giovannoni (12R) Michael O’Meara, father of Kate O’Meara (staff member) Stella Boghdadi, grandmother of Anthony (7D) Patricia Moore, grandmother of Tristan Moore (7M) and Old Collegians Raymond, Paul, Joe, Antony and Patrick Allan Nash, uncle of Karen Tillotson (Staff Member) Lloyd Bott, grandfather of Dylan (10J) and Jesse Howell (8J) John Lloyd, Old Collegian (‘20) Victoria Thomas, grandmother of Marcus (11S) and Julian Meyer (11G) Edna Neal, grandmother of Alex (7V), Marc (7S) and Eric Kydd (10) Ana Guzman-Lopez, grandmother of Jeremy Phillips (11F) Andrew Phillips (Old Collegian ‘99) Dorothy Costello, grandmother of Liam Costello (10S) Alfio Torrisi, father of John Torrisi (Old Collegian ‘76) and grandfather of Michael (10M) and Paul (8J) Alan Ole, grandfather of James McLennan (9S) Phyllis Shelton, grandmother of Michael Shelton (11M) Anthony Vandeligt, grandfather of Max (9D) and Nicholas (Old Col ‘(99) Gary Oxenbury, uncle of Sean Palmington (11G)
Rest In Peace
Lomacchio Mitchell Lomas Andrew Lombardo Daniel Lombardo Johnnie Lombardo Perry Lo-Ngok David Lowe Matthew Lowe Simon Lowe Owen Luby William Luby Alexander Lyell Mitchell Lyons Matthew Lyons Joseph Maccora Christopher Macdonald Jarrod MacDonald Benjamin Mackie Timothy Mackie Daniel Madafferi Roger Madafferi Timothy Maddocks David Madigan Martin Magg Joe Maher Michael Mahle Martin Mahy Michael Malek Panagiotis Maliadis Kushan Managey Costa Manaveris Kristian Mandaran Matthew Manning Joseph Mannix Lucas Mannix Bernice Manuell Steven Maraschiello James Marasco Jamal Marbani Marcel Marbani Christopher Marchese Peter Marinis Alessandro Marino Giancarlo Marino Matthew Marshall John Marshall Paul Marshall Alexander Martin Daniel Martin Lawrence Martin William Martin Geoff Martin Chris Martin Luke Martin Yuriy Martirosian James Mason Simon Mason Adrian Matarazzo Jonathon Matthews Thomas Mattmann Paul Maxted Timothy Maya Ryan Mayell Toby Mayell Corey Maynard Trent McBride Luke McCandless Charles McCart Matthew McCart Patrick McCluskey Stephen McConnell Ryan McCormick Scott McCulloch Timothy McCurdy Bradley McDonald Benjamin McDonald Peter McDonald Andrew McDonough Ryan McDonough Hugh McGauran Robert McGirr Steven McGlade Patrick McGrath-Campbell Eamon McGuire Aidan McInerney Kieran McInerney Simon McInerney Angus McInnes Michael McKay David McKenna Nicholas McKenna Timothy McKenna Tim McKenna Hayden McKertish Aaron McLay Steven McLean Thomas McLean Eve McLellan Mary McLellan Ross McLeod Jackson McMahon Lachlan McMahon Patrick McNally Patrick McNamara Scott McNamara Erin McNamara Bryan McNaughtan Margaret McPhee Luke McShane James Meade Simon Meade Benjamin Meager Vincent Meager Dominic Meehan Daniel Meehan William Meehan Jarrod Menke Christopher Mercuri Daniel Mercuri Christopher Merrey Joshua Merriel Julian Meyer Markus Meyer Adam Michaelides Nikolas Michalik Christopher Mierzwa Lachlan Miles Thomas Miles David Millar Paul Millar Adam Miller Scott Miller Daniel Mills Nicholas Mills Thomas Mills Samuel Minogue Matthew Mitchell Dion Molamure Jamil Molinaro Shadee Molinaro Jack Molloy James Moloney Richard Monaghan Stephen Monteleone James Moor-Bird John Moore Matthew Moore Mitchell Moore Tristan Moore Thierry Moran Adrienne Moran Andrew Moroney Alastair Moroney Robert Morris Sean Morrison Marcus Mortale Jack Morwood Sam Morwood Travis Moseley Lewis Mottram Thomas Mottram Nathan Mufale David Mulhall John Mulholland Pauline Mulholland James Muling Marvin Mullany Stephen Muller Cameron Munday Jackson Munday Guilliano Muratore Andrew Murphy David Murphy Edward Murphy James Murphy Kerry Murphy Rory Murphy Xavier Murphy Harrison Murray Jack Murray Michael Murray Peter Murray Phillip Murton James Musster Demian Myers Saady Myers Samuel Myers Yana Myhill-Byron Adrian Mylius Matthew Nagy Steven Nakos Andrew Nasr Thomas Naughtin Tom Naughton Michael Naughton Richard Naylor Christopher Nayna Matthew Nayna Rowan Nayna Christopher Nazzari Mark Nazzari Fraser Nelson Ben Nethersole Samuel Nethersole Daniel Newell John Newell Julian Newington Anthony Newlands Marshal Newman Randolph Newman Andrew Nguyen Andrew Nguyen Daniel Nguyen Kevin Nguyen Minh Nguyen Nghia Nguyen Peter Nicholls Andrew Nicholson Mason Nicola James Nicoll John Nicolopoulos David Nicolson Daniel Nikakis Jonathan Nikakis Alexander Nikoloudis Luke Noakes Dean Noble James Noble Jack Noble Andrew Nolan Gerard Nolan Michael Nolan Matthew Nolan Thomas Nolan Marcus Nonnis Charles Noonan Jack Noonan Andrew North Mark Nowak Stefan Nowak Ryan Noye Peter Nucara Benjamin Nugent Joshua Oakley Darcy O'Brien Daragh O'Brien Kyle O'Brien Mark O'Brien William O'Brien Joseph O'Connell James O'Connell Luke O'Connell Lachlan O'Connell Luke O'Connor Matthew O'Connor Adrian O'Connor Sam O'Donnell James O'Donnell Matthew O'Donnell Benjamin O'Dwyer James O'Gorman Jack O'Halloran Quentin O'Halloran Darcy O'Kane Patrick O'Kane Emmanuel O'Keefe Adam Okurowski Robert Oldershaw Ian Oliver Arnold Omanyo Martin O'Meara Kate O'Meara Benjamin O'Neill Peter O'Reilly Danka Orlowski Liam O'Rourke Michael Osekowski Joshua O'Shannassy Jack O'Shannessy Xavier O'Shannessy Anthony O'Shea Matthew O'Shea Br Gabriel O'Shea Sheldon Oski Edward O'Toole Martin Paczkowski Patrick Paczkowski Robert Paczkowski Sean Palmington John Palombi Kristian Palumbo Anthony Pane Adrian Papamiltiades Joel Parianos Nathan Parianos Tyson Parker Thomas Parsons Nicholas Parton Michael Patane Nicholas Patane Fraser Paterson Corey Patterson Andrew Pattison Xavier Pattison Ryan Paturzo-Polson Tomas Paturzo-Polson Nigel Paul Benjamin Payne Dominic Paynter Matthew Pecora Jan-Nicholas Pedralvez Anton Pejic Richard Pelikan Luke Pelly Patrick Pelly Andrew Penny Andre Pentifallo Simon Pentifallo Avni Pepe Liam Perea Michael Pereira Nigel Pereira Konstantinos Peroukaneas Luigi Perri Timothy Perri Alexandre Perron Br Tim Peter David Peters Jack Peterson Matthew Peterson Dean Petras Danny Petropoulos Peter Petros Michael Petruccelli Patricia Phelan Alexander Phillipos Joseph Phillipos Joel Phillips Jeremy Phillips Ryan Phillips Dylan Picone Michael Pierce Daniel Pintado Simon Pintado Jacques Plompen Achilles Ploutos Jordan Pollard Joel Pollard Arthur Ponte Joshua Porozny Jordan Porozny Liam Poulton Harrison Pout Rino Precilla Stephen Premier Josephine Prestia Daniel Price Stephen Price Zachary Priest Christopher Pritchard Paul Pritchard-Cseh Xavier Pritchard-Cseh Kale Pryor Leigh Pryor David Quamil Mark Quamil Blair Quaran Aron Quigley Ashley Quinn Joshua Quinn Daniel Rabel William Radita Steven Raffa Daniel Ralph Joseph Ramsden Daniel Rana Andrew Rappos Simon Rawlins Blake Raymond Matthew Raymond Michael Raymond Tyler Raymond Joseph Regan Daniel Reid Hugh Rennie Hayden Renshaw Shane Renshaw Jonathon Resciniti Mitchell Reyment Byron Reynolds Simon Rice Callum Richards Adam Rickard Simas Rickevicius Kamal Riman William Riman Peter Riordan Guy Ripepi Haimish Rix Cameron Rizio Alexander Roberts Kane Roberts Nathan Roberts Nicholas Roberts Patrick Roberts Spencer Roberts Thomas Roberts Mitchell Robertson Susan Robertson Louise Robertson Michael Robinson Aaron Robinson-Bodin Corey Robinson-Bodin Andrew Robson Benjamin Robson Matthew Rodgers Paul Rodgers Daniel Rodway Jordan Rogers David Rothery Joshua Rowland Daniel Rowse Kelvin Rudd Betty Rudin Belinda Russell Adam Russo Carl Russo James Russo Lillian Russo Daniel Ryan Michael Ryan Michael Ryan Paul Ryan Philip Ryan Michael Ryan Jacinta Ryan Julian Rydar Barry Ryder Tomas Sabbatucci Rhyard Sahely James Salanitri Robert Saliba Andrew Sanders Michael Sanders Paul Sansalone George Santaltzis Thomas Sargeant Michael Sauer Jack Saunders Paul Saunders Thomas Savage Lucas Scammell Courtney Scanlan Clancy Scanlan Patrick Scanlan Ryan Scanlan Seamus Scanlon Andrew Schilg Christian Schrampf Marcus Schrampf Adam Schultz Joshua Scipione Andrew Scott Genie Scott James Scoutas Nicholas Seel Peter Selwood Jake Semmel Luke Semmel Ryan Semmel Dominic Serpanchy Nicholas Sestak Rita Shallies James Shannon Patrick Shannon William Shannon Liam Sharp Christopher Shaw Michael Shelton Benjamin Shipperd James Siakavelis Paul Siarabalos Anthony Silcock Alejandro Silva Lachlan Simpson Michael Sinclair Catherine Sinclair Jason Sing Lena Siriani Adam Sison Gerardo Sison Dyan Sisouw Darren Sisouw Mark Sita Robert Sita Simon Skoblar Jesse Slatter Timothy Slavin Shane Slavin Simon Smarrelli Adam Smith Christopher Smith Declan Smith David Smith David Smith Dominic Smith Francis Smith Lindon Smith Mitchell Smith Matthew Smith Michael Smith Nicholas Smith Patrick Smith Patrick Smith Thomas Smith Ian Smith Bryan Smith Alexander Smyth Christopher Soumplis Timothy Soumplis Nicholas Soupionas Jack Spangaro Adam Speirs Daniel Speirs Andrew Spencer Richard Spillane Marcus Spyrou Christopher Squire Anthony Stabelos Jonathan Stamatelos Parris Stamos Samuel Stamos Jay Stanford Alan Stedman Vaughan Stedman David Steel James Steel Steven Stefan Dominic Stephens James Stevens Jake Stewart Nathan Stewart Nicholas Stewart Timothy Stewart Norm Stewart Nicholas Stirling Ken Stokes Joshua Storai Alexander Stott Benjamin Stott Daniel Stow Thomas Stubbings Christopher Stubenrauch Nathan Stubenrauch Patrick Suhodobnik Christopher Sullivan Jack Sullivan William Sullivan Ami Surkitt Timothy Suttie Luke Sutton Sean Sutton Shane Suzuki James Szecsenyi Nigel Tadros Haysam Takla Benjamin Tarpey Jack Taylor Max Taylor Ricky Taylor Samuel Taylor Sue Taylor Adrian Terech Luke Terella James Terrenzani Benjamin Tesoriero Paul Tesoriero Nicholas Thanos Nathanael Theodore James Theodoridis Mary Thomas Glenn Thompson Christine Thompson Peter Tiberi Karen Tillotson Clement Tiong Jason Tiso Tristan Tiso Andrew Tjahjadi Barry Tjahjadi Carlo Tjahjadi Elvin Tjioe Christopher Todisco James Tolson Steven Tomadin James Toniolo Marcus Topp Michael Torrisi Paul Torrisi Andrew Tran Kha Tran Vu Dat Tran Julian Trantino Nicholas Trevorah Sandra Troise Tomasz Trojak John Tsaousidis George Tsaousis Maxwell Tucker Matthew Tucker Jarrod Tuma Patrick Tumale Edward Turner Shaun Twentyman Jason Twirdy Gerard Twomey Joshua Tyrer Samuel Tyrer Alexander Tyrrell Elaine Tyrrell Ian Valles Cameron Van De Laarschot John Van De Ven James Van Der Wolde Shane Van Every Marceline Van Rennes Max Vandeligt Anthony VanzellaRiggio Suthee Vatanopast Mark Vella Patrick Vella Sandra Venneri Nathan Vetrone Steven Vidovic Darcy Vitacca Joshua Vitacca Bill Vlahos Andrej Vodstrcil Van Hung Vong Brett Wadley Thomas Wakefield Kevin Walker Matthew Wall Stephen Wall Euan Walmsley Br Hillary Walsh Julius Waras Carstensen Bradley Ward Matthew Warr Christopher Waters Mitchell Waters Carey Watkins Samuel Watkins James Watson Scott Watson Br Adrian Watson Cameron Watts Adrian Webster Marta Webster Bradley Weller Nicholas Weller Christopher Wesley David West Dan West James Weston Jeffrian Weston Jackson Wheeler Mitchell Wheeler Ross Wheeler Dean White Ricki White Zac White Nicholas Whittaker Peter Whittenbury Joshua Wilkinson Matthew Wilkinson Sam Wilkinson David Willatgamuwa Shervin Willatgamuwa Jacob Williams Lachlan Williams Luke Williams Samuel Williams Thomas Williams Tristan Williams Kelly Williams Thomas Willis Brendan Wilson Jake Wilson Jordan Wilson Mark Wilson Matthew Wilson Christopher Windley David Windley Matthew Windley Simon Windley Gerard Winter Kieran Winter Martin Witula Madej Charlie Wolstenholme Christopher Wong Victor Wong Bradley Wood Nicholas Woodgate James Woodlock Trish Woodman Calvin Wu Andrew Yarde Donna Yorgey Edward York Patrick Youens Eugene Young Andre Yu Justin Yuan Daniel Zacutti Alexander Zaia Callum Zakharov Griffin Zakharov Zohaib Zaman Maria Zanelli Steven Zoumis Christian Zuanetti