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VCAL/ Careers
De La Salle Libraries 2004
2004 has demanded considerable patience, flexibility and tolerance for change from both Library users and staff. The move of the Year 10s from Tiverton to Kinnoull has seen enormous changes to the book and journal collections on each campus, with many boxes of books and journals being moved from Tiverton to Kinnoull to support both the Year 10 curriculum, and their fiction reading requirements. This major change has been the catalyst for objectively examining the collection to ensure that each of our collections really do meet the needs of the students, and consequently there has been a substantial increase in new acquisitions too. Staff and students at Kinnoull have quickly become used to their newly expanded Library, which has had an increase in the number of PCs available for students, currently numbering 18. The refurbished fiction collection continues to grow with good quality fiction titles, both current bestsellers and classics. Our efforts to update and improve this collection have been borne out by a three-fold increase in loans (compared to 2003) from the Fiction collection at Kinnoull in 2004. The reading area has proved popular with English classes, as well as individuals. The College reading club RIC RAC (Reading Is Cool, Readers Are Clever) was established in 2002 by our Literature Librarian, Mrs Rudin, and, due to popular demand, has been extended to include Year 9 students, as well as the usual Year 7s and 8s. It continues to be run weekly each Friday. Book Week : Doorways 2004. This year, the week kicked off with a well-attended Book Week Breakfast for RIC RAC members. Students were again treated to several visiting authors : Anna Ciddor, author of the Viking Magic series and a number of non-fiction titles, Michael Panckridge, author of Toby Jones and the Magic Cricket Almanack, and a number of other sporting fiction titles, and, in conjunction with the English Faculty, Philip Gwynne, author of Deadly Unna and Nukkin’ Ya . All Year 7, 8 and 9 students were invited to book to attend morning tea in the Tiverton Library following the visits, and this was taken up by an unprecedented number. The Third Annual Book Week Literary Quiz was held in the gym, and was enthusiastically supported by over 190 boys and staff. Competitions for the boys included a Daily Bulletin quiz which drew much interest. All entries went into a draw for the major Book Week prize of a boxed set of the Stormbreaker series by Anthony Horowitz. The lucky winner was Peter Gourgoulis in Year 8, and this was drawn at the Friday assembly of that week by Br Tim. The week finished for staff with drinks and book raffle afternoon in the Tiverton Library which was well-attended by over 50 staff. Sincere thanks yet again to Mrs Rudin for another great Book Week. The Libraries’ electronic resources continue to provide students and staff with access to a vast range of resource, at school or from home. The Library is strongly committed to the provision of good quality resources which allow both staff and students to visit the Library without having to step inside the door! New additions to elibrary for 2004 include a Bibliography Maker, to assist students when completing assignments in creating a bibliography. With the Year 10s located at Kinnoull, the Libraries