FACILITY FOCUS The Official Publication of the Alberta Educational Facilities Administrators’ Association
Fall 2018
Publications mail agreement #40934510
Light makes world of difference in school environment
AEFAA conference highlights
Radon in schools:
What it is and how to manage it
Math. Science. History. Lead. In some schools, kids are exposed to more than their lesson plans.
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Production services provided by S.G. Bennett Marketing Services www.sgbennett.com Art Director Kathy Cable Layout / Design Dana Jensen
4 Message from the AEFAA president, Rob Harrington 6
Let there be light
10 St. Albert Catholic High School receives modernization 12 Emerging issues in building operations 14 It’s always good to have a strong core 16 AEFAA conference highlights 18 Managing radon in Alberta Schools 23 New chapter for New Horizons School 25 The evolution of the flooring adhesive
INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Alberta Roofing Contractors Association ..........................................................................................9
Advertising Art Dave Bamburak
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Belfor Property Restoration ......................................................................................................................17
Cover photo credit to FWBA Architects.
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Printed in Canada 09/2018
Alberta Educational Facilities Administrators’ Association
Message from the AEFAA president
Rob Harrington
hope you were
managing the golf tournament
all able to get
this year. It was held at River
out and enjoy
Bend Golf Club and Recreation
the summer, as
Area in Red Deer with more prize
Gushulak in Penticton, B.C. for the
well as complete
holes and on-course fun than
EFMA trade show and conference.
we’ve had in a few years. It was
Our partnership with EFMA is
in-house and IMR projects we all
a great turnout and everyone in
a valuable one; their goals and
have the joy of managing.
attendance had a great time.
objectives are obviously similar to
Our spring conference was held
As well, they hired the
ours and we will continue to work
at the Sheraton in Red Deer
entertainment for our banquet
together to provide educational
and was, once again, a success.
night and those who attended
conferences for both provinces.
Why change something if it
were treated to a thrilling night
Our main focus has been on
isn’t broken, right? We had 90
of magic and illusion. Well done,
professional development and
exhibitor booths and 99 members.
gentlemen, and thank you again
increasing our membership, and
A great job was done by Tammy
for your efforts to support
that’s exactly where it needs to be.
Parry and the executive that
I believe our partnership with SAIT
helped her out on that very busy
I’ve been on the executive for the
was a move in the right direction,
past three years now and it’s been
and we will continue to work with
On behalf of the entire executive
an excellent experience. I have
them to provide our members
team, I’d like to thank Dave
already attended a CASS session
with valuable and worthwhile
Milchelko and Clyde Krier for
and joined Russ McKay and Kevin
sessions and courses. They consist
the numerous
of information that you can take back to your boards and say, “This is what we are learning, these are the things that other divisions are doing with success and this is why we need to continue supporting
AEFAA”. I look forward to the challenge ahead of me this year as president and welcome any ideas or
15108 - 118 Ave. NW Edmonton, AB T5V 1B8 TF: 1-800-661-7241
suggestions that you may have. We will be having our fall workshop in Jasper again this year, and it is looking to be a busy three days on Oct. 17, 18 and 19. It’s an event you do not want to miss out on, so sign up soon. n
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Let there be light By Cindy Chan
astbrook Elementary School is seeing
that began in the summer of 2016 and wrapped up
brighter days.
June of 2018.
Based in Brooks, Alta., the school,
The modernization consisted of a total replacement
housing roughly 600 kindergarten to
of all mechanical and electrical systems and the
Grade 6 students, was originally built
roof, as well as interior renovations and redesign.
in 1975. According to Alan Kloepper,
“There was a severe lack of daylight in the school,”
manager of facilities and maintenance for Grassland
Kloepper says. “FWBA Architects really opened up
Public Schools, it has received multiple additions since
the space.”
then in 1977, 1980 and 1996. With so many additions
Dan Westwood, principal for FWBA Architects,
but not enough renovations, Eastbrook Elementary School finally received a well-deserved modernization
adds that the modernization also included the creation of spaces that didn’t exist in the school before, such as the new gathering space and two maker spaces that can be adjoined. According to Westwood, some interior windowless spaces had been converted into the maker spaces. They are connected by movable glass walls that turn them into one large room. Westwood says five classrooms surround the maker spaces, so students can easily move into the spaces for project-based learning that can’t easily be achieved in a traditional classroom setting. One maker space is the size of half a classroom while the other is the size of threequarters of a classroom. “We were able to make this area much more
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Photo credit to FWBA Architects.
attractive by bringing in some natural light through two large skylights above,” Westwood explains.
offices for the secretary and principal. “This space allows for some passive supervision of that
Project-based learning is becoming more prevalent
space,” Westwood says. “If students are working in
in the 21st century, so Westwood accommodated for
that gathering space, staff can still be around to keep
this change in learning by incorporating sinks, storage
an eye on them.”
space and other pieces of equipment within the maker spaces.
The gathering space is two storeys tall with an angled roof that brings in ample natural light. Five breakout
“Students are learning more than just theory, so that’s
rooms have also been added to the school for
why the maker spaces are so useful,” he says.
students to work on assignments or study quietly.
Looking out on the main entrance, the gathering space
“I think our biggest concern has been to bring in a lot
is a new feature for Eastbrook Elementary School. This
of natural light into this school. It didn’t get enough
space is the size of three classrooms and is located in
natural light,” Westwood says. “We were able to
the centre of the school. The space provides a place
introduce light through east-facing clerestory windows
for the students and teachers to come together in
and skylights. We actually did a series of studies that
an informal way on a daily basis. It acts as a crush
indicated student are able to learn 17 per cent better
space for events in gym, a place for team teaching
if they were in a room with ample natural light versus
and project work, a learning commons off the formal
in a room with no natural light. We think we should
library and a lunch area for the children. Adjacent
maximize students’ potential by giving them spaces
to the gathering space is a reception area that with
with as much natural light as possible.” n Photo credit to FWBA Architects.
Photo credit to FWBA Architects.
Buckwold Western Calgary:
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St. Albert Catholic High School receives modernization By Cindy Chan
t’s out with the
Government of Alberta approved
things a little easier.
old and in with
and provided funding for the
the new for St.
modernization. Construction
Phase 2 was divided into
Albert Catholic
began in November of 2015. With
High School.
completion achieved in June of
The school, located in St. Albert, Alta. was built in 1966, but underwent several additions over
2018, students will return to a newly renovated school this fall. “We carried out construction in phases while students were still in
subphases, consisting mostly of mechanical and electrical upgrades. “In this wing, we changed some classrooms into major gathering areas,” Normand says. To do so, walls were taken down to open up the spaces. “This is where we
the years. Additions were placed
classes, which explains the lengthy
in 1968, 1980, 2006 and 2008 to
duration,” Normand says, adding
accommodate for the growing
that Whitson Contracting Ltd.
number of students. However,
was the construction manager
the piecemeal expansions didn’t
and Group2 Architecture Interior
were asbestos years, except for
meet today’s standards and
Design was the architect.
2006 and 2008.”
expectations, according to Joe
The modernization consisted
Normand, project manager for
As a result, the project slowed
of complete mechanical and
down a bit for the HAZMAT
electrical upgrades. Normand says
remediation, but the project kept
An assessment of the school
new systems had to be placed
moving forward. This part of the
was done, which revealed that a
everywhere while still making sure
construction project took place
modernization was in order. The
the old systems were running
during the summer when students
because classes were still in
were out of the building.
Alberta Infrastructure.
started running into some issues. Because of the previous piecemeal additions, HAZMAT remediation was required because those years
“As we went through Phase 2, we
“We started Phase 1, which was
discovered there was a structural
upgrading all the mechanical and
issue with the roof, so we had to
electrical systems in one end of
reroof the area,” Normand recalls,
the school, which was a classroom
adding they also upgraded the
wing,” Normand explains. “During
lower level utility corridor space
this phase, we also upgraded
and added and expanded the
flooring and ceilings throughout
sprinkler system throughout the
the facility.”
Phase 1 took place during the
Phase 3 took place over the
school year. Students were
summer of 2017, the timing of
shuffled around to accommodate
which was necessary because this
the upgrades. However, Normand
portion involved upgrading the
says the school was using 55 per
woodshop classroom. Students
cent of its building, which made
taking this class wouldn’t be able to
carry out their assignments while construction took place. “We upgraded a lot of spaces during that summer that had to be done before the school year,” Normand says. Normand recalls a large retaining wall joining the lower level utility corridor up to the exterior level at one end of the school. It had already started to tip before the modernization took place, but during construction it was further impacted. As a result, the retaining wall had to be demolished and rebuilt. However, work had to wait
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until spring. “We worked on it from March to June 2018,” Normand says.
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Normand says other main components of the modernization include upgrading the science quad, wood shops, food and fashion labs and classrooms with modern technology, as well as the library and cafeteria. “In addition to getting rid of the hazardous materials and replacing the mechanical and electrical systems, all of the finishes were upgraded,” Normand says. “It was a modernization reflecting today’s standards and aesthetics. It was our goal to turn over a wellfunctioning school that would inspire staff and students into the future.” n Alberta Educational Facilities Administrators’ Association
Emerging issues in building operations Building automation/ energy management/sustainability
uildings today employ a multitude
Tapping into associations that focus on professional
of technologies to automate
development can be a way boards of education can instill
their systems and maximize the
a culture of professional development and learning for
performance of their buildings.
those assigned the role of operating their buildings at
However, with such a substantial
maximum capacity.
investment in buildings, has there
been a corresponding investment in the people to manage these buildings?
BOMI Canada is one such organization, focusing on training building operators, facility managers and property managers. Within BOMI’s Systems Maintenance Technician
As boards of education bring on new schools with
designation program, there are certificate programs
automated technologies, the demands placed on their
focusing on general management of buildings as well as
staff to maximize the performance of these buildings
other programs specific to energy/sustainability initiatives.
require individuals who have received training beyond what operational staff have historically received. In addition, those accountable for these buildings must now instill a culture of ongoing education in order for their buildings to achieve the operational goals set out by the systems they employ. Studies today show that the technical knowledge of staff will be short-lived: as individuals master one skill set, new knowledge requirements quickly replace it. In fact, the reality is that just when we start to understand
Some of the key trends identified by the Green Building Council for 2018 included: • Going retro(fit) — updating existing buildings and improving their energy efficiency will help Canada meet its long-term goal of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. • Recognizing the value of data — analyzing the data available on building operations will help identify areas for improvement and optimization.
one piece of software, a new one is available. As
In recognizing these trends and adopting a culture of
buildings evolve and use more and more technology,
ongoing training, building operators will play an influential
building operators will be faced with this reality as well.
role in achieving the benchmarks required for their
With an aging workforce, building operators are transitioning from skills dealing with aging technology to those that employ new technology. However, there is still the need to have a foundational knowledge of the old systems in order to maintain buildings with older systems in place.
buildings. For example, courses such as BOMI’s Energy Management and Controls assists building operators in advancing their knowledge in several key areas. They are able to better: • Apply an energy management plan to their building’s systems;
•E valuate new systems with a concentration on retrofitting; and •U nderstand traditional and alternative energy systems. These types of courses will enable building operators to successfully respond to key operational trends that are emerging in building management as a result of the need for retrofitting older buildings. Additionally, they will be able to employ data management skills to maximize the performance of older systems as well as newer ones. As school boards and commercial buildings work to help Canada meet its international obligation to reduce its carbon footprint, there will be a greater need for trained individuals to manage the day-to-day operation
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of the buildings. Change is already well underway and more is sure to follow. And, without a strong culture of education within building operations, our buildings will not be able to meet the demands that they will face in reducing
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their impact on the environment. n
Alberta Educational Facilities Administrators’ Association
It’s always good to have a strong core By Cheryl Dick
n the fitness world today, building a strong core is considered one of the fundamentals of a healthy body. FWBA Architects has been successful in taking that concept into the ‘wellness’ of the schools we
design and build for the students of Alberta. For the École St. John Paul II School in Medicine Hat, Alta., principal architect Dan Westwood created a central core that provides maximum flexibility. There are three large blocks: the gymnasium with a fixed ancillary classroom, a central gathering space with two ancillary spaces including capacity for a lab and administration and staff areas with breakout meeting rooms. In the heart of this core is a uniquely shaped library surrounded by the gathering space.
While the inside of the school employs this innovative design, Westwood worked with a shell that would fit on the site selected by the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education. He set up the inner system in a way that makes it possible for rooms to vary in their configuration through providing capacity of adjoining
“The gathering space and the flow of the traffic
rooms to be separated or opened, depending on the
through the heart of the school was very intentional
teaching needs at the time.
as our client, the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of
“There is also a large amount of natural light coming
Education, was keen to have the design foster the development of community within the school,” says Westwood. “They connected that to the Alberta Education Inspiring Education strategic goal of encouraging ethical citizenship and they believe creating spaces where trust and relationships are built contributes to that objective.”
into the core, making for a dynamic and stimulating environment,” adds Westwood. “When you peek into the central space, it’s like a ‘village’ of rooms with varying heights and colours but all under one large roof that lets in the outside light in over the top of the village.” Given the substantial amount of sunshine that Medicine Hat gets every year, the building also integrates passive solar heating in a way that exaggerates the benefits. The south face of the main space has a large amount of glazing to take advantage of solar gain in the winter months. In the summer, excessive solar gains are controlled using interior blinds that are vented through convection. “Although the volume of the main space may be higher than a conventional school of this size, it has been designed to take advantage of passive
Photo and floor plan provided by FWBA Architects.
mechanical mean. With a large amount of natural light,
the electrical consumption will be lower than a typical school of this size as well,” says Westwood. As a result of these applications, the school is designated as LEED Gold awhile maintaining the budget of a LEED Silver school. So, just like an athlete relies on a strong core, the students, teachers and staff of École St. John Paul II School will benefit from the community strength built around the heart of their new facility. The school opened for its first student intake in August 2018 and the community grand opening is scheduled for Oct 22. n
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Alberta Educational Facilities Administrators’ Association
AEFAA conference highlights By Alan Kloepper
EFAA was proud to host their 44th
imagination to participate in that theme. Ninety booths
annual spring conference and trade
were sold this year, making the event a huge success.
show from May 14 to 17, 2018 at the
This year’s grand prize was an all-expense-paid fishing
Sheraton Red Deer in Red Deer, Alta.
trip to the Northwest Territories, and the winner was
The event kicked off with the annual
Guy Robin from the French School Division in Calgary.
golf tournament at the River Bend
Right after the draws, the group ventured into the
Golf and Country Club. There were 21 teams of four
karaoke room. Let’s just say it’s always interesting when
golfers in attendance that enjoyed good times and
this bunch gets to provide their own entertainment.
good food. For the first time, an alternate professional
Wednesday is the day typically used for professional
development session was hosted by SAIT at the
development sessions. The day with a session by
Sheraton Red Deer. A full class of 25 delegates were in
Alberta Education on the recommended practices
attendance and certificates were awarded.
on using IMR funds versus PO&M funding. It was
Afterwards, the traditional president’s reception
an interactive session, and the one-and-a-half-hour
was held where all delegates took the time to renew
time slot was not enough time to cover this topic
acquaintances. The conference itself was kicked off by
thoroughly. AEFAA has made the arrangements for this
our keynote speaker Leah Goldstein and her inspiring
presentation to be continued at the fall workshop in
life story of how you should always challenge yourself
and never give up. New member orientation was
The second session was presented by Tom Lemming of
provided while the rest of the registered delegates
the Alberta Boiler Safety Association. This was a lively
took in the LAPP session presented by Donna Kowalchuk.
presentation discussing the minimum requirements for boiler supervision. Tom did a great job on simplifying
After a great lunch provided by the wonderful staff
this matter for the attendees. Following lunch, Scott
at the Sheraton Red Deer, the 97 registered delegates
Mace from the Lawnmower Hospital did a presentation
attended the trade show. This year’s theme was “The
on proper grounds maintenance and proper
Great Outdoors” and all the exhibitors used their
maintenance and operation of grounds equipment.
Julianna Cantwell of JUNA Consulting presented
McKay has sailed off into the sunset and is now past
the final session of the day on succession planning.
president. Russ served AEFAA well as president for
Eventually, all educational facility administrators
the past two years and he will be missed dearly.
will be leaving their posts, and Julianna provided tremendous guidance on how to ensure that they are replaced with someone who can do their jobs effectively and efficiently. The day wrapped up with
This year’s conference and trade show was a tremendous success and it would not be possible without the generous support of our exhibitors.
a banquet and entertainment. The food was delicious
This year’s gold sponsors were Damage Inc.;
and the entertainer was a gifted mind reader.
Tremco Roofing; Premier Fire & Flood Restoration;
The final day of the conference was dedicated to zone meetings and the annual general meeting. Some highlights of the day were the election of two
ServiceMaster of Edmonton; and Carehawk. The silver sponsor was Caliber Sport Systems. Our bronze sponsors were Titan Sport Systems; Spalding
new directors, Mike Cahoon and Kevin Henderson –
Hardware Systems; the Lawnmower Hospital;
congratulations to both. Our new incoming president
Shanahan’s Limited Partnership; Associated
is Rob Harrington from Black Gold Regional Schools.
Engineering; Cozifoam Roof Armor Systems; and
We are all very excited to have him at the helm. Russ
Alberta Safety & Environmental. n
www.belfor.com Alberta Educational Facilities Administrators’ Association
Managing radon in Alberta schools
ackground By now, you’ve probably
developed new guidelines for testing radon in schools and other public buildings.
heard about
As of November 2017, only three
the concerns
per cent of Alberta schools have
of radon gas in
tested for radon. Most other
Alberta schools. However, since
provinces and territories have
awareness of the health risks of
(or are in the process of) testing
as potential conflicts of interest,
radon gas risks is a relatively new
significantly higher percentages of
prescriptive versus performance
development, you may be finding
their schools.
specifications and data ownership.
Creating the plan
Here are the basics:
Radon management planning
• Radon kills people by causing
Radon gas is a manageable
Step 1: Build your team.
lung cancer. As of 2015, Health
risk – but the key word here is
Your team should have, at
Canada estimated 3,200
manageable. Because awareness
the least, representation from
Canadian deaths per year as a
of the problem is so new, there’s a
facility management, safety/
result of radon gas exposure.
tendency for those who are trying
risk management, teachers, staff
to be proactive to focus on just
and consultants if you choose
getting testing done at a low cost.
to use them. You may also want
it difficult to get a handle on what you’re supposed to do about it.
• It’s a naturally occurring radioactive gas that’s both colourless and odourless. • It seeps into school buildings from belowground, where it can build up to dangerous concentrations. • Children are at higher risk than adults (mostly due to having longer for the cancers to manifest). • The only way to know if there’s elevated radon in a school is to test for it. Health Canada has recently 18
However, especially if there are multiple facilities or large buildings, a complete
to include representatives from parent groups. Be sure to get executive level buy in.
management program is critical –
Plan on having the team meet
as opposed to simply conducting
often at the beginning of the
a bunch of tests.
process, but less often (although
Elements of a management include factors such as: project management; risk management;
at least annually) as the program matures over time.
data integrity and preservation;
Step 2: Create a written communications plan
quality assurance; and resource
The communications plan
prioritization. Also of concern is
is probably the single most
using third parties: issues such
overlooked component when
communication and reporting;
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780-443-4338 Alberta Educational Facilities Administrators’ Association
managing radon, and lack thereof
communications go out to all
means you can take a measured
is most likely to create problems.
stakeholders in advance of an
approach to getting testing done;
Designate an official spokesperson
actions taken.
you don’t have to do all in the first
(and alternate). Ensure contact
Take an “open information”
information is included on any
approach. You have nothing to
According to the Health Canada
communications and train your
hide, so make sure any and all
guidelines, tests need to run for
staff to respond to any public
information is available to anyone
at least 90 days, “ideally” during
or media queries by referring
who wants it. In fact, promote it as
cooler months. On the other hand,
them to that spokesperson.
loudly as you can. If practical, put
having the testing done during
Remember that to the media
all information online.
summer months may be more practical to provide access and
saying “no comment” is a “you need to ask with [designated
Step 3: Develop and implement a testing strategy
spokesperson] about that, let me
There are no current regulations in
newsworthy comment, whereas
get you their contact information” is not. Double-check that
Alberta requiring you to test your
avoid damage to the detectors. There’s no one right choice, but these are important constraints to consider.
schools for radon (unless they
Factors to consider in prioritizing
contain daycare facilities). That
testing might include areas with the most likelihood of elevated radon levels; where younger children are present; any areas with previously elevated test results; and, of course, financial considerations such as geographic convenience. Decide if you want to do your own testing or hire an external testing firm. Either approach can work, but be sure the people
actual doing the testing are
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accredited through the Canadian
Distributing Refrigeration, Air-Conditioning, and Heating Parts and Equipment to the HVAC and Refrigeration Trade.
National Radon Proficiency Testing Program (C-NRPP) as measurement professionals. In general, look for experience working with large-scale testing
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in schools or other large buildings – proven project management experience with this sort of
Calgary 403-243-5941
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project is a much more difficult
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skill than the mechanics of the
actual radon testing.
You can roughly estimate budget costs by estimating how many
Manufacturing & Distribution of HVAC Filtration Products Across Western Canada 20
occupied rooms you have below grade (or at grade if there are
no below grade rooms). At least
work will be done by a separate,
Canada guidelines recommend
one sample per occupied room
unrelated contractor.
mitigating within two years if
Make sure any reports are not
results are found over 200 Bq/m3,
only complete by the letter of
and within one year if results are
the guidelines, but also follow
found over 600 Bq/m3.
best practices. Reports should
If you do find elevated levels,
be easily understandable and
don’t get stampeded into making
If you do decide to hire an external
include floorplans with sample
immediate, expensive decisions.
testing firm, be wary of potential
locations, photographs and
conflicts of interest. The US EPA
Radon mitigation is a relatively
specific recommendations.
(United States Environmental
new field, and there’s a lot of
Ideally, they should be available
Protection Agency) warns, “Be
innovation going on within it. Be
online in an interactive format.
open to alternative proposals and
Finally, ensure any results and
technologies to reduce radon
data are 1) at least co-owned by
levels to acceptable levels.
the school district, and 2) will be
Relatedly, be cautious regarding
kept available for several years.
issuing prescriptive (telling the
is required by the guidelines, and current prices for surveys tend to run from about $100 to $200 per sample location, depending on the size of the survey.
aware that a potential conflict of interest exists if the same person or firm performs the testing and installs the mitigation system.” Many firms offering radon testing are counting on finding radon to
contractor exactly what to do)
mitigation work. If you do choose
Step 4: Develop a mitigation strategy
to hire a mitigation contractor to
Depending on what’s found in
to be achieved) RFPs. The latter
do the testing, you may wish to
the surveys, you may need to
will allow much more flexibility
advise them that any mitigation
mitigate the radon gas. Health
for innovative approaches, and
acquire more profitable follow-on
versus performance-based (telling the contractor what has
Alberta Educational Facilities Administrators’ Association
may save a significant amount of
re-testing just as a precautionary
Having a properly implemented
program for radon gas is going
Remember too that radon
Make sure you have all the
mitigation contractors are highly
information easily available even
incentivized to sell you mitigation
when all the testing and mitigation
systems - this is an area where having a knowledgeable radon consultant can be very useful.
Step 5: Monitor and review Once all your facilities have been tested and, if necessary, mitigated, you’re done, right? Not so fast – radon levels can be significantly affected if you modify your HVAC systems or conduct major renovations.
has been completed. Last year, there were school districts in Ontario and Manitoba who had pretty bad publicity issues because they could not find or
to make life safer and simpler for everyone.
Resources Canadian National Radon Proficiency Program (C-NRPP) https://www.c-nrpp.ca CARST – Canadian Association of Radon Scientists and
produce the testing documents
Technologists -
from work done previously (i.e.
did not have a proper radon
Health Canada Guidelines for
management program in place).
Radon in Schools - https://
Final thoughts
No one likes the idea that there
You need to have a plan to
may be a dangerous radioactive
monitor and re-test if either of
gas in their schools, but always
these conditions occurs. You may
remember this is very much a
also want to conduct periodic
manageable problem.
facilities-detention-centres.html. n
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New chapter for New Horizons School By Cindy Chan
lberta’s oldest charter school is
setting”. It is operated by the New Horizons Charter
getting a new beginning.
School Society, a non-profit charitable society made
Established in 1995, New Horizons School, located in Sherwood Park, Alta., houses more than 250 students from kindergarten to Grade
up of parents, teachers and community members, and it is governed by an elected board of directors. Students do not pay a tuition fee as the school is funded by the Government of Alberta.
9. According to the school’s website (newhorizons.
According to Shaun Boylan, Alberta Infrastructure
ca), New Horizons School serves students primarily
project manager, construction began in November
from Sherwood Park, the rural Strathcona County and
of 2016 and wrapped up in December of 2017.
several students throughout the Greater Edmonton
Construction was completed in four phases to
area. The school focuses on “meeting the needs
accommodate the students’ schedules during the
of academically gifted children in a congregated
school year.
Alberta Educational Facilities Administrators’ Association
The $8-million modernization included removal of the unoccupied west wing of portable classrooms and replacement with six new modular classrooms, as well as a connecting link; a series of upgrades to bring the facility up to current health and safety standards such as roof upgrades, barrier-free upgrades, life safety and regulatory code upgrades, interior upgrades and electrical and mechanical upgrades; new heating, ventilation and fire sprinkler systems; new light fixtures; water service in all classrooms; a new entrance feature; and upgrades to the school’s administration area. One notable feature of the modernization was the learning commons, formerly known as the library. Located in the middle of the school, the learning commons area received clerestory windows, allowing for a lot more natural light. “Before the modernization, the learning commons was a bit dark – it was primarily lit by fluorescent lighting,” Boylan says. “As a result, we’ve opened it up all the way “Every phase included a small abatement, demolition
through the structure. We also installed ‘cloud ceilings’,
and construction, and then we let the students and
which is basically built-up drywall ceiling that is hung
teachers move back into their spaces and start
from the structure. Now it has a lot of architectural
working on the next phase,” Boylan explains.
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The evolution of the flooring adhesive By Bianca Johnny
ot all adhesives
Standard formats of adhesive
have been touting the benefits of a
are created
include troweled adhesive, spray
spray adhesive, but the newest and
equal. There are
adhesive and rolled adhesive.
greatest is the roll adhesive.
The industry standard is to use a
and specialty
Tarkett has a new RollSmart Adhesive
troweled adhesive recommend
that is engineered to streamline the
by manufacturer in conjunction
installation process. The RollSmart
with the product specified.
adhesive has a lot of benefits that
Recently, a lot of manufacturers
can change not only how floors are
ones, but there are
also more options to the standard troweled adhesives for vinyl flooring products. Whether it’s an LVT, a PVC sheet or a safety or specialty
For over 50 years
floor, you have a multitude of adhesives available to you. It is always best to utilize the manufacturers’ recommended adhesive to maintain warranties, but even then, how do you decide the benefits of using one adhesive versus another?
we have been Canada’s oldest and most-trusted sports contractor. When your equipment is built by Royal Stewart Ltd.,
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A lot of the time, the flooring contractor will decide what to use based on what they are familiar with, but with tight takeover times, higher RH values in concrete, heavy traffic rolling loads and LEED Certifications, adhesives also need to evolve to the market’s demand.
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Alberta Educational Facilities Administrators’ Association
installed, but also their ability to be recycled. Since LEED Version 4 is in full effect, not only are adhesives expected to meet more aggressive
eventually end its life in a landfill.
which helps reduce cost by approximately 30 per cent per
Another amazing benefit of
square foot.
RollSmart is, with thinner PVC sheet products, you reduce
The RollSmart’s unique chemistry
telegraphing of either trowel marks
supports a quick installation due
and/or spray marks. If the floor is
to its short open time and high
polished to have a shiny finish, you
RH of 95 per cent. This means you
RollSmart allows for full product
can see any imperfections in the
can lay your floor in as little as 10
upcycling, allowing the materials to
substrate. RollSmart takes away
minutes and immediately accept
be used in flooring of equal quality.
any uneven coverage by utilizing
heavy rolling loads, or weld the
Most recycling programs create
a 3/8-inch nap paint roller. This
floor if necessary as it will not
lower quality products that will
even coverage is more controlled
emulsify the adhesive.
VOC requirements, but recycling and, more importantly, upcycling are also expected by the end occupants in the space. Tarkett
Performance Floors and Walls for Schools and Sports
In conclusion, with an adhesive that is Cradle to Cradle Bronze, FloorScore certified and LEED accredited, with immediate
turnover times you truly can’t go
Tarkett iQ Sheet Vinyl
wrong. Not only will it save you
Tarkett xf2 Linoleum
money in product on the job, it will
Altro Safety and Smooth Floors
also save the installer’s time, which
Mondo Sport Rubber
is a huge cost-saver. Contact your
Wall Protection Systems Erv Parent Co. Ltd.
11624-149th St, Edmonton, AB 2360 Portland St SE, Calgary, AB
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Tel: 780-453-3466 Tel: 403-253-3145
Tarkett representative and ask about RollSmart today. n
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