Once again, the past year has been filled with
members coming together and raising funds
so many changes and challenges. I am so
for the flood relief. It definitely hit home that we
proud of the way the BCEA family continued
shine brighter together!
to come together and support each other. It is that sense of community that gives me so much hope moving into 2022.
2022 is going to be a year of positive change for the BCEA with new and old initiatives moving forward. For those that attended our
In early 2021, the Board put together a six-
year end event, you heard BCEA Chair, Chris
month strategy to focus on what the BCEA
Brams, announce our U40 rebrand, AMP
could continue to focus on as the world stayed
(advancing modern professionals) as well as a
in lock down. The top priorities are member
new award, the Betty Lou Education Bursary.
communication, member engagement, talent
More details will be released in the coming
attraction and retention, and define the “Why”
months. You will see the return of the golf
statement for the BCEA. I am happy to say
and tradeshow later this spring. Plus, both the
that our committees have executed on the plan
AMP and Women’s Network are hard at work
which you will continue to see as the BCEA
planning both virtual and in-person events for
The Board and the committees managed to
In the first quarter of the year, the Board will be
organize both in-person and virtual events.
sending out a member needs assessment that
Together, we pulled off our first virtual
will help us develop our next two-year plan.
conference which combined the LINK and
This will not only help us determine the BCEA’s
THRIVE Summit. We launched our Anti-Racism
value proposition, but it will help us help you!
Action Program that ran throughout the year.
We want to do our part in keeping this industry
This included virtual sessions on key topics
healthy and thriving far into the future.
as well as assessing members needs and acceptance through surveys and interviews. We will continue to work on providing resources and sessions on key DEI initiatives throughout the year by bringing back our inperson THRIVE Summit in the fall. Of course,
It will take a lot of hard work and planning. I am fortunate to serve with a great group of board members, staff, advisors, and volunteers that will make these plans come to fruition. We can’t do it without all of you!
it was so great to see so many members out
As we toast in the new year, I can’t wait to see
for our holiday and awards luncheon back in
what 2022 has in store. n
December. It brings me so much joy to see our
8 BCEA 2022