The Constructor 2022

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CONSTRUCTOR 2022 Official publication of the Calgary Construction Association

Calgary’s next chapter

The Platform Innovation Centre readies for a new era in tech


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Published by: DEL Communications Inc. Suite 300, 6 Roslyn Road Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada R3L 0G5



8 CCA of the Future: Message from Wm (Bill) Black, CCA President 20 Making Industry Better: CCA Chair feature on Todd Poulsen 24 Your CCA Team 26 CCA Executive Committee 2022 Board of Directors 28 Association Update 34 CCA Events Calendar 44 Key Membership Benefits 48 CCA Education Fund 50 Office Rework: rethinking normal 52

60 years of building connections 94 Building the Green Line requires 96 local expertise 100 Getting ready for prompt payment 104 Performance Bonds: What do they really cover? 108 A legacy lead by Integrity and Quality: Carlson Construction celebrates 95 years The Connector Lab: Advancing Field 116 Construction Practice at SAIT The power of partnerships with 120 BILD, NAIOP, BOMA


Production services provided by: S.G. Bennett Marketing Services Creative Director / Layout & Design KATHLEEN CABLE

© Copyright 2022 DEL Communications Inc.

Buying Better, Being Better 60

ACA Advocacy Update 124

All rights reserved. The contents of this pub­lica­

A future in tech: Calgary redefines 64

Gold Seal Certification: Your tool to 128

whole or in part, without prior written consent of

its identity

nurturing top talent

Behrends Celebrates 70 years 70

CCA Gold Seal Recipient Listing 130

Calgary’s Next Chapter: Building the 74

Industry focused on building for 132

City’s Future We built this city: celebrating 80 member milestones Construction labour shortages and 86 material escalation

the future: Canadian Construction Association Chair Message BuildWorks Canada Message 134 CCA Member Listings 138 Index to advertisers 156

tion may not be reproduced by any means, in the publisher­. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in and the reliability of the source, the publisher­in no way guarantees nor warrants the information and is not responsible for errors, omissions or statements made by advertisers. Opinions and recommendations made by contributors or advertisers are not necessarily those of the publisher, its directors, officers­or employees. Publications mail agreement #40934510 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: DEL Communications Inc. Suite 300, 6 Roslyn Road Canada R3L 0G5 Email:

ON THE COVER: The Platform Innovation Centre readies Calgary for a new era in tech. Story on page 64. PHOTO COURTESY OF STANG PHOTOGRAPHY. PRINTED IN CANADA | 04/2022


Calgary Construction Association


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CCA OF THE FUTURE Wm (Bill) Black, B.Sc., CEC, LEED AP, CCA President & COO When we were putting together the publica­ tion for last year while reflecting on a tough 2020, we were hoping that life would open up over the year to come. Little did we know that the resilience that we had celebrated from 2020 in adapting to the pandemic would be required for yet another full year of COVID-related restrictions and uncer­ tainty. Now, looking back on the ways that the last two years have affected so many aspects of society on a global scale, our industry here in Calgary and across Alberta has been able to adapt and continue to operate as an essential business throughout the entire pe­ riod. This is a remarkable achievement. Here we are another year later daring to imagine that restrictions are behind us yet again – construction folks are, if noth­ ing else, eternal optimists! We are gradu­



ally taking tentative steps back into the life we used to take for granted and as we do, we are realizing just how much we missed. There are still challenges facing us in the return to “normal”, or whatever that is now. Consequently, this next chapter will not be as simple as merely flicking a switch back on after a major societal reset over such a long period, but we are ready for whatever it brings. Our





throughout was solely due to the industry’s willingness to step up and take collective ownership of the safety protocols required. In doing so, we showed real leadership and demonstrated an unprecedented level of multi-stakeholder collaboration that has taught us a lesson that we must not forget – namely:




A UNITED AND ALIGNED INDUSTRY IS MUCH STRONGER THAN A FRAGMENTED ONE This is particularly important when we consider the challenges that remain as well as whatever may come in the years ahead.

PROCUREMENT There is no doubt that public and private procurement practices have universally des­ ignated our services as a commodity to be bid out to the lowest common denomina­ tor. In that scenario, value and quality take a back seat to cheap and fast. Our industry is much better than this and we will not survive or raise the bar on the results of our work in the race to the bot­ tom world that has already prevailed for far too long. Whether it is the downloading of design or the relentless downloading of risk, our industry is going to need to take stock and align against these forces or face a bleak future. Matters came to a head in the UK with the Egan Report in the late nineties and now the Australian industry is facing the realities of the same magnitude. What makes us think we will escape a similar fate? CCA will seek to facilitate the same collaborative capabilities experienced through COVID in seeking better ways to advocate for proper recognition of our industry, how it actually operates, and why it needs to be engaged properly.


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Calgary Construction Association

Prompt Payment legislation will come into effect later this year and, while we cel­ ebrate this as progress in an area of great challenge, this will likely not mean an end to the flow of money issues that have dogged


our industry for decades. Let’s face it – the way in which payment became a “sugges­ tion” and non-payment was considered an acceptable practice should never have been allowed to evolve to the degree that it did. The reality is however all parties, whether the ones who perpetrated it or those that were willing to endure instead of challeng­ ing the practice, are to blame. Once again CCA will seek to help facilitate cross-industry effort toward reversing this practice forever by working across all stakeholder groups in the years ahead.

ESCALATION, SUPPLY CHAIN, AND LEAD TIMES It is likely that supply chain, escalation, and lead time problems will be with us for a year or more while things across the world settle down and recover. Diligent work needs to be done to protect our members from procurement practices that seem to think they can ignore this real­ ity, and the same level of collaboration and advocacy referred to above will need to be

put to work between industry and owner groups to find realistic solutions.

CLIMATE RESILIENCY In case you are resisting the desire to roll your eyes … As our city is setting out on its climate re­ siliency plans, following the declaration by Mayor Gondeck shortly after her inaugura­ tion, I invite you to look at this as possibly the best opportunity presented to our in­ dustry in years where we can showcase our real value and worth to society on a whole new level. If we were to set aside the divisive nature of this subject and look at it as an industry in the light of what is happening elsewhere, the results others have realized as they have pioneered in the area, the prospect is much more significant opportunity than a threat. Yes, climate change and the way it has been promoted along with the villainization of Alberta and our legacy energy industry is very hard to take and it is easy to see it as an attack on the Alberta way of life. The prob­

lem is that resistance to this over the last 20 years has not halted its adoption across soci­ ety globally and, in fact, the energy put into resisting the issue could have been much better applied to learning how to adapt our businesses to respond and become solution experts in this new reality. With ESG and other approaches featur­ ing more, whether with financial institu­ tions, investors, or citizens, there is now lit­ erally a scorecard of how we compare across the world. The fact that our oil and gas ESG scores are the highest in the world seems to have conveniently eluded our critics – it is time to turn this around. The large oil and gas producers have al­ ready created their own alliance towards net zero while large Calgary home builders are adopting solar and heat pump technologies into all their new homes. This is a business response to where their customers and tar­ get markets are headed, and our response should be no different. It is no different for a city that needs to compete on a global stage for companies

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Calgary Construction Association

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and for talent. Yes, we need amenities such as LRT and entertainment districts but, whether we like it or not, the people and the businesses that are evaluating different des­ tinations, most of which already have de­ clared climate emergencies and have taken steps in their journey, will be looking for us to have done likewise. We need to lead in this area and not just be a “me too”. There are cities that are 20 years ahead of us who did not have an inno­ vative energy industry at their core as we do.

Our expertise combined with their knowl­ edge - should we choose to learn from other pioneering cities - could have us caught up in five years. The City of Calgary has stated that our current built environment is 65 per cent of Calgary’s carbon footprint. That is 20 per cent higher than many other cities and means that, if this is the case, then our industry will be 65 per cent of the solution under a climate strategy moving forward. Personally, I like these odds and, as a

business development guy, I love these pros­ pects as they present a clear fast track out of the commoditization trap that we referred to earlier and ultimately the positioning of our industry as solution providers, leaders, and partners in the future of Calgary – not low bidders so desperate for work that we will take it at any cost. It is time to prove the naysayers wrong Calgary and step up to be world leaders in the transition economy that will rely on the same work ethic, innovation, and resilience that built the energy industry and the city that we all love and are fiercely proud of. CCA has engaged with the Climate Group and others within the city for the last few years to participate on behalf of our members, and we continue to seek a signifi­ cant role in this strategic future on behalf of our industry.

IMPROVED ECONOMIC PROSPECTS The tentative optimism that began in the last half of 2020 is continuing and there are definite signs that the construction econo­ my is improving despite some of the prevail­ ing challenges. I do believe however that we may not be entering another up cycle such as those we have seen in the past and, as they are always followed by another doom cycle, perhaps we should be glad of that fact. What we are approaching is likely “transi­ tion building” as we respond to a new chap­ ter in our city marked by a more diverse economy, downtown revitalization, climate resiliency, a possible inland port, and many other opportunities for our industry to par­ ticipate in a real meaningful recovery as we build the Calgary of the future. I truly believe that if we are willing to truly embrace these realities just as we did over the last two years, we will indeed make Calgary the best city in Canada to be in the construction industry!

CCA OF THE FUTURE CCA has invested over the last three years in what the Association of the future needs to look like and we have focussed our team on the services and support that our mem­ bers need most as business owners and in­ dustry professionals.


Calgary Construction Association


YOUR INDUSTRY VOICE We are the first local construction as­ sociation in Alberta, and one of only a few across Canada to have invested in a Director of Government Relations to take industry advocacy to the next level (see later). This is rewriting the way in which we engage in municipal, and ultimately, provincial mat­ ters and will be a fundamental aspect in the CCA of the future. When I stepped into this role, I found it

incredibly frustrating to witness the relative ease with which officials seemed to ignore our industry on key issues. I also began to see just how many decisions being made at all levels were happening without our voice at the table. By the time we saw the results, the bid documents were in our hands and the time for real impact had long since passed. Nobody likes being ignored or shut out of key decisions that affect them directly and, when you represent the second largest


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Calgary Construction Association

industry in the country and 10 per cent + of GDP, that quickly becomes totally unacceptable. As we sought to better understand this dynamic, it became clear that we were largely seen as a service industry and con­ sequently we ourselves were largely inter­ facing with municipal and even provincial bodies only through a procurement lens. To this end, we have maintained a very success­ ful City of Calgary Liaison Committee for many years, and it has worked well with the administration on key issues on behalf of members. What we needed was an ability to participate in policy and to do so we needed to become a trusted advisor. Throughout 2020, we interfaced with authorities around the Pandemic Planning Document and site safety as we sought busi­ ness continuity through COVID. During this period our role shifted. As we then sup­ ported prompt payment engagement over recent years, we could clearly see the need for industry expertise in guiding authori­ ties and the impact our work along with the work that ACA was having. However, despite some progress in these areas, our concerns as to the trajectory of the Green Line seemed to fall on deaf ears, both pro­ vincially and municipally. With municipal elections looming in late 2021, it was clear that with a new mayor and almost new council there was an opportuni­ ty to build new relationships from the outset and develop the ability to support the city with an industry voice as it related to policy and not just procurement. With our new Director coming from a chief of staff position at the city starting in November, exactly two weeks after that same election, we began to work on this portfolio in a manner that is changing our role toward our goal. Ultimately, we want to support our city and represent our industry, but most of all we want to be a meaningful part of shaping the next chapter in the history of Calgary.

EFFECTIVENESS As was the case with pretty much all or­ ganizations during the pandemic, our ac­ tivities and our rhythm was significantly


disrupted however this allowed us to really take a detailed look at our priorities, our cost structure, and where we could really impact the membership. One thing we did not do was stop. We had already made significant changes to the way we operated, and these allowed us to adapt and continue under the new reality without significant impact on the bottom line. As a result, we have stabilized financially while also investing in much needed up­ grades to our building, which celebrates its

40th anniversary this year, in order to add more tenants and make it a real resource for our members. There will be more to follow as we look to realize our dream of a new Member Centre later in 2022.

BUSINESS HUB Contrary to our legacy reputation as an Association of larger companies, over 80 per cent of our members are medium to small businesses, most with 10 or less people in the office. With this in mind, we introduced

the Business Hub in 2019. Now that we are past the disruption of COVID and the need to focus on that challenge, this service will be growing and expanding to include more of the key knowledge and resources that business owners need in order to better conduct construction business in 2022 and beyond. Now that we can get back at it, the Busi­ ness Hub will be expanding our partner­ ships to continue to include key areas such as HR as well as adding IT, marketing/social media, strategy, legal, and many others. We will also be piloting a stream purely for owners and senior leadership in order to facilitate the types of information and knowledge that they require. One aspect that we have been asked to consider is the establishment of peer-to-peer groups and we hope to develop that over the balance of 2022. There will be a new Legal Hub of contract knowledge introduced under the Business Hub thanks to the partnership of a num­ ber of key Calgary law firms. This will be comprised of both printed materials and education sessions designed to assist you in helping your teams better understand the key aspects of construction contracts, from estimating all the way to closeout and col­ lections.

EVENTS Of course, we are starting our in-person events calendar again and have enjoyed see­ ing everyone face to face after such a long absence. In addition to our more familiar events, we are also continuing with some of the things that we learned during COVID. The sense of community that we felt as smaller groups gathered online made us realize that we had been missing something for years – namely the fact that with 80 per cent of our members are mid- or smallsized businesses, they were not always able to attend our traditional large all-day events that took them away from their business for too long. As a result, we have taken CCA Con­ nect from virtual to the real world and have continued our late afternoon/early evening events such as “Meet the GC” and “Con­


Calgary Construction Association

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nect” with great success. We look to have

What will never change is the deep sense of privilege we hold in serving our members and such a noble industry, and this will always inspire our continued commitment to your success and a thriving Calgary for all.

these monthly events throughout the year, and they are now a key element in building the community that is the foundation of the CCA of the future. As always we want your feedback on what brings you the most value so, please feel free to reach out.

EDUCATION Education classes that went 100 per cent virtual during COVID will find their way back to the classroom and, while hybrid will likely remain in part, we are also look­ ing forward to in-class learning returning throughout 2022.

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Education is also the subject of further growth and expansion, and we are working to consider new or refreshed curriculum to include, among others: • Sales and Business Development • Business Acumen • Leadership • Personal Development • Social Media and Marketing Whether new and/or enhanced pro­ grams, all will have a particular eye to the construction industry and the skills needed for the future. Going back to what I said at the outset, yes, we dare to dream that this year we can return to our lives on all levels. We also know that if circumstances require it, we can adapt if necessary. What will never change is the deep sense of privilege we hold in serving our members and such a noble industry, and this will al­ ways inspire our continued commitment to your success and a thriving Calgary for all. We thank you all for your support, com­

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Calgary Construction Association

mitment, and work ethic as the greatest industry in Alberta and the entire CCA team wishes all our members a very welldeserved successful 2022. We especially look forward to sharing a bright future as partners with you. n

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MAKING INDUSTRY BETTER Todd Poulsen, CCA Chair, President of Elan Construction As the president of Elan Construction Lim­ ited, a company founded by his family in 1978, Todd Poulsen has been involved with the construction industry since he was a teenager. Working for the family construction business each summer until he graduated from high school, Poulsen took time out to explore and ‘wander aimlessly as people often do after they graduate.’ He found his way back into construction earning his di­ ploma in Civil Engineering Technology from SAIT.

With a desire to get out in the world and build some professional experience on his own, he worked for a pipeline contractor for several years before eventually rejoining the team at Elan Construction in 1990. In keeping with Elan’s approach to busi­ ness, Poulsen believes in being active and supportive in the community that helped build him up. “Good businesses partici­ pate in making their industry better,” says Poulsen. “Elan Construction has been de­ livering projects in Western Canada since 1978, so we contribute in a positive way to

help improve the greater construction com­ munity and create new opportunities.” On the CCA board since 2009, Poulsen is active on the CCA Executive Board and served as the chair of the Education Fund from 2010 to 2020. He also served a term as president of the Calgary General Con­ tractors Association and is on the Advisory Board for the Construction Project Man­ agement Program at SAIT. As Poulsen worked at Elan over the years in the capacity of project coordinator, esti­ mator, project manager, and then on to the

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cades to come. “I’m excited about our group and our abilities to deliver great projects for our clients,” he says. “We’ve had a fairly challenging time in Alberta with recessions topped off by a global pandemic, but I see

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good opportunities for many years to come and I feel very positive on what Calgary is going to look like in the future.” n

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Calgary Construction Association

Phone: (403) 250.9737 Fax: (403) 291.9763


President & COO BILL BLACK

Director, Industry Engagement ADRIAN NAGLE

Office Manager ANNE BLAIR


Calgary Construction Association

Director, Government Relations FRANO CAVAR

Manager, Events & Marketing/Communications LENA HOGARTH

Coordinator, Administration & Member Services GABBY MORDEN

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President & COO BILL BLACK Calgary Construction Association


Calgary Construction Association

Chair TODD POULSEN Elan Construction Limited

Senior Vice Chair JOHN MANES Spalding Hardware

Vice Chair JORDAN TEED Universal Flooring Systems

Vice Chair Surety Association of Canada LOIS INNES BFL Canada

Treasurer ROBERT NEUFELD Hamilton & Rosenthal, Chartered Accountants LLP

Immediate Past Chair CRAIG CLIFTON Clifton Associates Ltd.

Gravel: Rock: Sand:

Product: Total loads: Destination:

Downtime: Cycle time: TPH:

726.60 t 162.30 t 201.90 t

Loaded by: Hex 1 Product: Shot Rock Dump Location: Primary Crusher

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Product: TPH: Total tons:

1/4" Chip 253 2075

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Product: Last loaded time: Idle time:

1091.81 t 43 7:02:09 am

Washed stone 12:01:07 pm 1:50:11

Loads: Tons: Payload:

Cut: Loads: Cycle time:

19 3,965 t 33.7 t

610.70 Yd3 24 29.5 seconds

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Director at Large BRIAN BAILEY CANA Construction Ltd.

Director at Large SHANE BEAZLEY EllisDon Construction Services Ltd.

President / COO BILL BLACK Calgary Construction Association

Canadian Bar Association ANTHONY BURDEN Field Law

Thermal Insulation Association of Alberta SASHA CESTO Westcal Insulation Ltd.

Immediate Past Chair, Consulting Engineers of Alberta CRAIG CLIFTON Clifton Associates Ltd.

Masonry Contractors Association of Alberta MIKE DONAHUE Am-Can Masonry Inc.


Calgary Construction Association

Director at Large LISA GIBSON Ledcor Construction

Director at Large ALLIE GRANDE Group 2 Architecture Interior Design Ltd.

Calgary General Contractors Association JAMES GROSHAK Graham Construction & Engineering Inc.

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Director at Large CARLY GUILCHER Clark Builders

Director at Large RICHARD HEINE Centron Group of Companies

Director at Large TOBY HENDRIE PCL Construction Company

Vice Chair Surety Association of Canada LOIS INNES BFL Canada

Concrete Alberta NORM KUNTZ BURNCO Rock Products Ltd.

Director at Large KRIS LASEK Lafarge

Architectural Woodwork Manufacturers Association of Canada ANNA-LISA LOBELLO Nick’s Woodcraft Industries Ltd.


Calgary Construction Association

Senior Vice Chair JOHN MANES Spalding Hardware

Director at Large KYLE MORGAN Westcor Construction Ltd.

Sheet Metal Contractors Association DOUG NEGARD Black & MacDonald



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Treasurer ROBERT NEUFELD Hamilton & Rosenthal, Chartered Accountants LLP

Canadian Automatic Sprinkler Association CARL POLLARD Legacy Fire Protection

Reinforcing Steel Institute of Alberta DAVE ROSEWARN Harris Rebar


Mechanical Contractors Association TERRY O’FLAHERTY Centurion Mechanical Ltd.

Alberta Roofing Contractors Association GARY PLAYSTED Flynn Canada Ltd. (Calgary)

Calgary Glass & Architectural Metal Association GARY PORTER Alberta Glass

Chair TODD POULSEN Elan Construction Limited

Electrical Contractors Association JOE SPARKS Western Electric

Calgary Construction Association

Vice Chair, Alberta Floor Covering Association JORDAN TEED Universal Flooring Systems Ltd.

Director at Large DEREK THIESSEN Oxford Properties

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Association Update

Left: CCA First Connect Networking Series at Big Rock, August 18, 2021. Above: CCA Connect Networking Series TradeSpace, March 2, 2022.

At the Calgary Construction Association,

all areas of our services and in our attention

our mission is to help our members thrive

to detail. This focus and alignment has been

now and into the future, and to be an ad­

fundamental in allowing us to create and

vocate for the construction Industry. We

deliver a robust and consistent customer

do this through a broad variety of services

experience while also continually striving

including educational programming, schol­

to bring more value to our members in tra­

arships, targeted and curated networking

ditional and new areas.

events, and government advocacy work in

This small but mighty team is also en­

addition to our BuildWorks member portal.

gaged in continuous improvement, and

As a member-only funded organization,

we are committed to being the best in all

the companies that align with the CCA are

the pillars that make up our value offering

the lifeblood of our 78-year-old organiza­

while never settling into a routine. We need

tion and without them, the Association

to change and adapt just as our members

simply would not exist. Member engage­

are and as such are always listening to our

ment is top priority and something that gets

members and applying the best learning to

dedicated focus and resources. From new

what is next.

quarterly member onboarding breakfasts,

In Jeff Henderson’s book – Know What

“Welcome Wednesday” zoom calls, and

You Are For – he uses a powerful analogy

dedicated membership engagement spe­

that we have really adopted in our approach.

cialists that will move mountains to support

Jeff is a former marketing executive for a

CCA members.

very successful US-based fast-food chain,

Despite being one of the smallest associa­

and he discusses how they worked with

tion teams in the country, as a proportion of

franchisees to help grow their businesses

members, CCA has been able to upgrade in

and profitability and how they learned


Calgary Construction Association

about the importance of standing on the customers’ side of the counter rather the franchisee’s. View the organization through the customers’ eyes in order to see the best ways to improve. This simple but effective perspective ab­ solutely sums up the way we view our rela­ tionship with our members.

ADVOCACY Advocacy is about more than just having influence with other authorities on matters that align with your interests. It is not just about long conversations, picking fights, and writing protest letters, and it takes more than a great network and contact list. Advocacy is about delivering results and outcomes through earned influence around important issues on behalf of others that would not have happened without your in­ volvement. • It is about partnering with other groups and individuals and bringing parties to­ gether to increase the effectiveness of what you are doing. Collaboration gets more Integrated Real Estate Services: Construction Development Property Management

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done than solo work especially when you are always adding to your toolbox. • It is about knowing and understanding the audience on all sides of the matter. • It is about acknowledging when things are done right so that others do not only see you as a critic. Balance criticism with rec­ ognition to build credibility. • It is about showing respect to earn respect through the development of meaningful relationships so that the appropriate enti­ ties will engage with you. Some may be the decision maker; others may be the coach

or the subject matter expert - All are need­ ed if you want to get things done. • It is about continually learning and adapt­ ing through these relationships so you can present the most intelligent, balanced, and informed position possible. • It is about ensuring that you engage with parties from a perspective of seeking to understand their position. Then with that understanding work further with them to educate them as to your perspective. The pursuit of the common ground provides the best foundation for progress towards a

solution that is balanced and good for all – often even better than the direction it was headed before you got involved. • It is about challenging and being willing to be challenged back. • It is about standing up and defending oth­ ers when a voice and legitimate pushback are required. • It is about being willing to take some risks and call out things on behalf of your stake­ holders – these being our members. We could go on, however advocacy is ultimately about being tireless in the pur­

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Calgary Construction Association

CCA Association Update

suit of important outcomes and then, once

Over the last year, COVID may have pre­

realized, it is about giving credit to those

vented CCA from being able to host all the

who helped you get there, and consolidat­

events and activities that we are known for

ing what you learned during the process so

but, if anything, it shone a spotlight on ad­

you will be smarter next time. If at first, you

vocacy. Our municipal and provincial part­

do not succeed then you try again but, in

ners needed our help, our members needed

the end, you hand the benefits back to the

each other’s help, and CCA was in a unique

members on whose behalf you pursued it in

position to step up on both fronts.

the first place.

• Our COVID Leaders Forum group still

And then you ask them, “What can we do for you next?”

meets every two weeks to stay on top of the pandemic and its ongoing impact on

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the industry by sharing best practices and information for the benefit of all. • The Alberta Joint Industry Response Team (AJIRT) still meets regularly to share in­ formation across the member groups of ACA, CEA, CAA, and ECA. • Through the Alberta Construction As­ sociation (ACA) we have continued to maintain visibility and influence over the progress on Prompt Payment Legislation and Bill 67 etc. • Along with the Canadian Construction Association, we ensured that our indus­ try’s needs were included as they sought to advocate for us at the federal level. • Our City of Calgary liaison meetings continue to bring the industry and City together in the pursuit of working better together. • Our participation in City of Calgary initiatives includes the Benefit Driven Procurement Advisory Task Force, Busi­ ness Advisory Committee, and Disaster Mitigation Engagement Initiative around more resilient building materials.


West Calgary Ring Road | Calgary, AB


Calgary Construction Association

October 18, 2021 was a very important day for Calgary with the election of a new mayor along with a new, and very different, city council. Calgary faces incredible chal­ lenges and inspiring opportunities in the years ahead and CCA will be there to coauthor the next chapter in Calgary’s history on behalf of our industry and our members. As Calgary stands at the threshold of our next chapter with a new mayor and city council in place, the prospect of a ma­ jor downtown strategy including an Events Centre, Arts Commons, and Green Line LRT, combined with aspirations of econom­ ic diversification and a long-awaited postpandemic recovery, we at CCA could not be more inspired. While there are many challenges within this diverse list, there are even more oppor­ tunities and, with such a broad range of is­ sues to contend with, there is no doubt that we will have our hands full. We believe that our industry and our members need to have a greater voice in the


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CCA Association Update

A new monthly Education Bulletin was launched in September 2021! Information about courses, upcoming education, and educational articles are included in the Bulletin. many decisions and policies that will shape our future and we also have a significant contribution to make to the thought pro­ cess. Therefore, we grew our team so that we can build off the legacy work that we have done with the City of Calgary and our other partners in our great city and be ready to step it up a notch to engage in the next leg of the journey. Frano Cavar joined us in the role of Di­ rector of Government Relations and will be responsible for the development of a robust advocacy and government relations strategy on behalf of the CCA membership. As a former chief of staff to a Calgary city councillor, Frano has a sound awareness of local and city-wide municipal affairs and a grasp of current social and political issues. In this role, he developed skills in policy and political analysis and provided advice accordingly. A natural collaborator, he un­


derstands the importance of relationship building with industry, stakeholders within the City of Calgary, partner organizations, and the public.

EDUCATION Our education program underwent changes in late 2021. The education web­ page was updated to make it easier to navi­ gate and find courses and dates. Addition­ ally, you will see suggested content based on the course you are viewing. We’ve updated our Gold Seal page to make it easier for you to find information,

tory Gold Seal Construction Industry Eth­ ics course. There is no longer a two-part course, and it is available both in a virtual instructor-led format and in an e-learning format, which are each worth three credits. A new monthly Education Bulletin was launched in September 2021! Information about courses, upcoming education, and educational articles are included in the Bul­ letin. Despite not being able to host any in-per­ son education for the past two years, CCA has 210 virtual courses and one in-person session scheduled for the 2022 year to date with continuous calendar updates. The 2022 education calendar includes several new courses.

with direct links to the Canadian Con­


struction Association Gold Seal page, exam

• Managing Construction Series: ­ – Project Delivery Methods “Know Your Responsibilities” ­– Be Afraid of Supplementaries to CCDC Contracts ­– CCDC 5A & 5B: Construction Man­

dates, and credit calculator. For more in­ formation about Gold Seal Certification, please feel free to contact Lena Hogarth at In May, Gold Seal released an updated version of its manda­

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Calgary Construction Association

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CCA Association Update

agement “Keys to Success” ­– Proposal Pursuit “Strategies for Suc­ cess” ­– Managing CCDC Contracts to Mini­ mize Conflict • Project Accounting & Cost Control • Construction Business Management • Construction Estimating • Site Leadership • Closeout of a Construction Project • Negotiation & Conflict Management • Subcontractors Guide to Lean • Bluebeam Hyperlinks/Drawing Manage­ ment The first quarter of 2022 has seen 74 stu­ dents taking virtual classes with 585 virtual student hours being logged.


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Calgary Construction Association

This year is shaping up to be a year full of in-person events! March 2 marked our first in-person event of 2022, the long-awaited sold out CCA Connect Networking Series hosted at TradeSpace. We welcomed over 100 smiling faces for an evening of min­ gling. CCA Connect is a casual evening event co-hosted by the Calgary Construc­ tion Association and our members for our members. We are excited to be hosting the CCA Connect Networking Series through­ out the year at different member venues, such as FalkBuilt. The virtual version of Meet the GC was launched in 2020. CCA was excited to fi­ nally be able to turn this virtual event into an in-person Meet the GC. The first one was hosted at Haworth on March 16, which also sold out in record time! Meet the GC is a dedicated event to support meaningful connections between our general contrac­ tor members and our trade contractors, manufacturer & suppliers, and industry service providers. This series is focused on networking and connections of value for all parties that attend. This series will also be ongoing throughout the year. We look forward to seeing you at up­ coming 2022 events! If there are any events that you think CCA should con­ sider hosting, we would love to hear from you. Please reach out to Lena Hogarth at n

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Virtual Lean Coffee


Meet the GC


Meet the GC


Lean Coffee


AGM & Banquet


CCA Stampede BBQ


Lean Coffee


Meet the GC





CCA Connect Industry Networking Series

Calgary Construction Association

Lean Coffee



Lean Coffee


CCA Connect Industry Networking Series


Spring Golf Classic


Lean Coffee


EdFund Golf Tournament


Virtual Lean Coffee


CCA Connect Industry Networking Series


Lean Coffee


CCA Christmas Social

*Schedule of events is subject to change

GET MONEY TO HIRE A STUDENT CAREERS connects employers with dedicated, motivated high school students who are interested in learning about your business. funding available For a limited time, CAREERS will provide a financial incentive of up to $3,600 per student for employers to help cover the cost of providing a student internship. To learn more visit

SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE! Are you interested in hosting a CCA Connect Industry Networking event at your location? Are you interested in sponsorship opportunities with CCA? Please contact Adrian Nagle- 403.291.3350


Calgary Construction Association

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KEY MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS Engaging our Community to Build Better! We are dedicated to serving the Calgary construction community through our education programs, networking events, advocacy and access to business opportunities. We provide members with opportunities for professional development, access to knowledge and expertise through our education program, webinars and Business Hub partners. We strive to help our members build important relationships, strong teams and successful businesses as they design, build and maintain the communities that make up the great city of Calgary. We are about connections and celebrating leadership in our industry while being a strong advocacy voice on behalf of all those that we serve.

$&&(66 72 23325781,7,(6 BuildWorks: BuildWorks Canada is the construction industry’s premiere business development and procurement platform. Serving the industry across Canada, BuildWorks Canada combines national visibility with local experience WR FRQQHFW RZQHUV DQG JHQHUDO FRQWUDFWRUV WR TXDOLƼHG SURYLGHUV %XLOG:RUNV &DQDGD LV GHVLJQHG VSHFLƼFDOO\ IRU WKH FRQVWUXFWLRQ LQGXVWU\ SURYLGLQJ QHZ opportunity information, plans, specs, bidders lists, and bid results on over SXEOLF DQG SULYDWH SURMHFWV DQQXDOO\

('8&$7,21 .12:/('*( Education: Our education and professional development offerings will help you differentiate from your competitors and leverage the talent within your company. We offer a wide variety of in-house DQG RQOLQH courses to help you and your employees enhance knowledge, sharpen skills, and stay on top of best business SUDFWLFHV ZLWKLQ WKH LQGXVWU\ $GGLWLRQDOO\ ZH RIIHU WKH *ROG 6HDO &HUWLƼFDWLRQ SURJUDP WKH QDWLRQDO FRQVWUXFWLRQ VWDQGDUG RI FHUWLƼFDWLRQ

(9(176 1(7:25.,1* Events: Our comprehensive events calendar provides our members with numerous opportunities to network, connect, and learn. From expert-lead forums to educational seminars, we are committed to producing events for our members that bring value through leading-edge information and networking.





Investing in the construction industry • BSc. Construction Project Management in the School of Construction (year two) •A pprenticeship Award (year three) The CCA Education Fund is funded largely from the annual golf tournament held at the Carnmoney Golf & Country Club each August. Last year the golf tour­ nament hit a new record, raising a total of $82,729, all through the generosity of CCA members in an effort to further advance scholarship opportunities for the Fund. By providing scholarships to those seek­ ing careers in Calgary’s institutional, com­ mercial, and industrial construction indus­ try, the CCA is investing in the advance­ ment of the construction industry, support­ ing those entering the trades, and helping to promote construction as a career of choice. The Education Fund Committee would also like to thank Todd Poulsen and Rich­ ard Heine for their effort and dedication to the Fund.

Established in 2001, the CCA Education

The Fund awards six annual scholar­

Fund continues to encourage and support

ships to students enrolled in SAIT’s BSc.

the future of the construction industry by

Construction Project Management, and it

Education Fund, please visit

awarding approximately $80,000 in scholar­

awards 10 annual scholarships to students

ships and bursaries each year.

enrolled in the SAIT School of Construc­


Since its creation, the Fund has raised over $1 million to support the industry through scholarships and bursaries that

tion. The CCA Education Fund also awards six annual scholarships to CCA members.

For more information about the CCA

Andrea Rudiger, City of Calgary Charis Burton, Strike Group Wendy Downey, Arpis Industries

help youth pursue careers in construction

In an industry where diversity has always

at SAIT, University of Calgary, and the Al­

been a challenge, the CCA has long believed

berta Apprenticeship and Industry Training

in the importance of encouraging women



who are interested in pursuing careers in

Charis Burton, Strike Group

Each year, the CCA Education Fund

construction. The CCA Education Fund

Anne Carraud, Executive Millwork

awards 25 Alberta Apprenticeship Fam­

supports the Women in Construction com­

Eric Choi, Botting and Associates

ily of Scholarships in the names of the 25

mittee with two scholarships each year, and

Jaret Kent, Strike Group

CCA Champions of Education. The Fund

to help establish a lasting legacy, the CCA

Bryan Larsen, Executive Millwork

supports eight Youth Employment Program

Education Fund is creating three Women in

Shayne MacMullen, Strike Group

scholarships, and supports the Dual Credit

Trades and Technology Awards to students

Wezi Mutambo

Carpentry Program, in partnership with

at SAIT totaling $30,000 per year for three

Gavin Oiamo, Strike Energy

SAIT, the Calgary Board of Board, the Cal­

years, distributed as follows:

Alan Rivera, Executive Millwork

gary Catholic School District, by providing

• Architectural Technologies Program in

Dylan Whittenbury, Strike Group

PPE for 32 grade 11 and 12 students.


Calgary Construction Association

the School of Construction (year one)

Franco Yassoyama, Modern Niagra n

Great work. No compromises.

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Victoria Calgary


OFFICE REWORK: RETHINKING NORMAL If the pandemic has taught us anything, it has taught us that we can adapt. From makeshift home offices to late-night Zoom calls, employees everywhere have demon­ strated resilience and flexibility.


Calgary Construction Association

Now that many companies are beginning to transition their employees back to the office, they are faced with the dilemma of deciding what that office should look like. How do you incorporate versatility, privacy,


By Melanie Franner productivity, and employee safety into this new post-pandemic era?

TURNING POINT According to Statistics Canada, almost 25 per cent of employees were working ex­ clusively from home in January 2022. This compares to 7.5 per cent in 2016. A Cushman & Wakefield paper entitled Workplace Ecosystems of the Future shows that in 2020, 67 per cent of Canadian em­ ployees expected increased remote work in the future. This compares to 72 per cent of Americans. “The impact of the pandemic has created new ways of thinking,” says Richelle Black, National Strategic Accounts, Senior Work­ place Consultant, Haworth. “The work world has changed and we’re now rethink­ ing how we engage and interact with each other and how we use our workspace.” Black cites three overriding factors that are shaping this current shift: • The way in which people gain access to other people and information. • Work behaviours that focus not so much


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“ It is important for companies to work with their employees to ensure their home workspace supports the employee and their wellbeing, but also the needs of the business.”

on a specific task but how best to get it done. • Supporting employees’ need for a safe space. According to Black, many companies are engaging in employee surveys to determine how best to address employee needs and to help manage their expectations going for­ ward. “The ultimate goal is to get people back to the office in order to strengthen human connections and culture,” she says, adding that most companies recognize the need to put together a hybrid solution. “Our re­ search shows that about 70 per cent of com­ panies surveyed have said that they will give people the ability to work remotely for at least one to two days a week.”

tools/support will this individual need to do the job? Working remotely, however, isn’t neces­ • What sort of remote environment does the sarily a carte blanche proposition for every employee have to perform the job (eg. a employee. Some companies are designing dedicated workspace, Wi-Fi, ergonomic their remote policies with a special caveat. work tools, etc.). “Home offices are being activated like A hybrid model that allows employees to never before,” explains Cathy Orr, Presi­ work remotely and in the office still factors dent & CEO, RGO. “It is important for into the design of the workplace itself. companies to work with their employees to “Leaders are realizing that now is the time ensure their home workspace supports the to reinvent the workplace,” says Orr, who employee and their wellbeing, but also the speaks of ‘neighbourhoods’ and ‘destination needs of the business.” spaces’ designed for collaboration, as well According to Orr, these considerations as the use of flexible architectural elements vary from business to business, but some A highly diversified Prime Mechanical Contractor . of work in one that support multiple modes questions to bear in mind are: space. “Companies have to determine how • Can the job be done remotely and/or how much space they need for different tasks. much of this job can be done remotely? They know that they need a highly flexible • What is the employee’s skillset, and what


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Calgary Construction Association



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space that can accommodate technology. Employers need to look at the type of work being done in those spaces and how to de­ liver the tools that best support that work.” Orr believes that people will always grav­ itate toward a central workplace. “Technol­ ogy has added another layer of flexibility, but I think people still want to get back to the workplace,” she says. “We’re built to in­ teract. How do you mentor people? How do you teach people to learn by example? We still need and crave that human interaction.”

DOABLE DESIGNS According to a recent CBRE 2020 report, Perspective on The Future of Furniture, the post-pandemic office will feature changes in the geometry of the open office to cre­ ate fewer linear aisles and reduce foot traffic within clusters of workstations. The report describes the workstations of old as ‘teth­ ered to the past’ and having primarily been designed with minimal separation, privacy, and flexibility for high-density office envi­ ronments.

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Instead, the report states that future of­ fices will express “a preference for furniture that supports more than just one purpose – addressing different work styles and meet­ ing demand for more resiliency, longevity and usability.” There is no question that the workspace has changed – in design, flexibility, and versatility. “I think that organizations will use the office as a central hub to connect people,” says Black, suggesting that em­ ployers may change the interior layout to


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Calgary Construction Association

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provide larger collaboration spaces so that employees feel safe while interacting with other people. “Employers may also offer ‘touchdown’ spaces for independent work and even privacy spaces for virtual calls that tend to be loud.”

NEW METRICS Workplaces must now serve multiple roles within their organizations, each pro­ viding diverse options for spaces that meet each of their unique work requirements.

Focused on human behaviours, the new space composition should support in-office and remote workers and provide access to the right tools. “Technology has been lev­ eraged to the point where employers now know that they don’t need people sitting in designated workstations to do their work,” says Orr. Now, having been given choice and con­ trol over how and where they work, employ­ ees will not be so quick to give up flexibility. “As people return, they want to return to a

better work experience,” says Orr. “Employ­ ers will need to be more accommodating to their employees, designing spaces that give people more control and flexibility in the workplace. I think the workplace has been changed forever. Now it will be up to em­ ployers to make the workplace more com­ pelling and inspiring for their people – a place to be reenergized.” Some companies are looking to the hos­ pitality industry to find ways to entice em­ ployees back into the office. “Employers are setting up cool cafes or other attractions as a way to make the office more exciting,” says Black, who agrees that employees will need to be given more flexibility. “Compa­ nies need to determine how to get the right space to support people who have different perspectives,” she says. “They need to re­ think technology to let people connect re­ motely. It’s also about the workspace itself, allowing people the freedom of choice to select the best type of workspace for them.”

MINDFUL DESIGNS As employers begin transitioning their people back into the office, they need to keep in mind that employee expectations have changed. Employers should consider investments in space and updated designs that better reflect the current needs of its workforce. For some, it will mean tweaking the old. For others, it may mean a complete overhaul. “I think a lot of companies in Calgary are really rethinking what their spaces will look like – what their people need and how best to support those needs,” says Black. According to Orr, employers need to earn the commute and make the workplace a destination worthy of the travel time. “We have an opportunity to help com­ panies return to the office, to building and designing spaces that support not only the

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needs of the business, but also the wellbe­ ing of the people,” she says. “Well-designed spaces support technology and collabora­

tion and allow us to bring our people to­ gether and move businesses forward. More than ever, space matters!” n


Calgary Construction Association

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BUYING BETTER, BEING BETTER The value of social procurement and how to achieve it By Jim Timlick Sarah Aspinall, BGSD Consulting.

Social procurement is becoming an increas­ ingly important part of doing business as more and more companies, community or­ ganizations, and governments try to figure out how to buy better and be better at the same time. At its core, social procurement is about le­ veraging existing purchasing to not only get the products and services a business, gov­ ernment department, or organization needs, but to also drive positive change in the com­ munities it serves. One Calgary-based expert says that while virtually everyone agrees it’s a noble endeav­ our, many businesses and governments are often left wondering where to start when it comes to creating and implementing a social procurement policy. “The ‘how’ is the hard part, especially in governments because of all the applicable laws, regulations, and trade agreements,” says Sarah Aspinall, founder and principal of BGSD Consulting. There are a variety of things you have to navigate, including cre­

ating a shift within organizations towards a more social value culture.” Social procurement is a concept Aspi­ nall has more than a passing familiarity with. She worked for the City of Calgary for seven years and helped the city develop its own social or benefit-driven procurement program. She formed her own consulting company last year to help other companies and organizations develop their own social procurement policies and programs. BGSD provides social and sustainable procure­ ment advisory services to both government and private businesses and is in the early stages of developing tools to support imple­ mentation. Aspinall says the first thing she tells cli­ ents who are looking to set social procure­ ment policy is to come up with an overarch­ ing plan. That includes determining what their overall strategic goals and objectives are, the actions and changes that will be re­ quired to achieve them, and how they will monitor and measure results. She also em­

phasizes the need for resources and resilien­ cy to develop such a plan and see it through to implementation. “It’s really about understanding that this isn’t something that’s done quickly. You need to plan, you need to resource it, and you need to know that you’re going to be on this journey to implement it for quite some time because it’s a change in behaviour and cul­ ture that’s been in place for years,” she says, adding larger organizations usually need to take a multi-year approach. Such a plan should include a thorough examination of a company or organiza­ tion’s supply chain and who it’s comprised of, especially if supply chain diversity is a key objective. Many of Aspinall’s clients are surprised to learn how diverse their supply chains already are. The next step, she says, is to figure out how much business is being done with those groups and then determine “what can I do differently to reduce any further barriers within the current supply chain.”

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Another critical piece of the puzzle, Aspi­ nall explains, is engaging with both internal and external stakeholders. That’s especially true in cases where a company or organiza­ tion’s goal is to achieve a specific social out­ come, such as increasing economic oppor­ tunities for select groups. “It’s like they say, you don’t know what you don’t know,” she says. “Until you actu­ ally engage in a conversation, you’re not go­ ing to understand the barriers or challenges people face or the opportunities that are available to you.” Regardless of what an organization’s so­ cial procurement objectives might be, Aspi­ nall points out that it’s critical to determine how to effectively measure whether or not they have been achieved. “All of these kinds of programs take time, they take resources, they take investment so you want to know if you made a difference. You want to know if somebody is better off at the end of it,” she says. Aspinall suggests that companies and governments take some small steps initially when it comes to determining what works or doesn’t work with their social procure­ ment policies. For example, Calgary’s mu­ nicipal government ran a series of pilot proj­ ects to determine which strategies created social benefits. “Pilot projects help you to find out about

the suppliers who you are doing business

to embed or operationalize social procure­ ment within organizations. Aspinall teaches with and also help to make people aware several modules throughout the course, with of what’s going on and acknowledging the the most significant being the Operational­ changes to processes without it just being izing Social Procurement section which fol­ ‘Let’s put a policy in place, implement it, and lows a six-step process (see diagram). then everybody reacts (negatively) to it’,” she To date, more than 180 people from pri­ says. vate companies as well as various levels One of Aspinall’s biggest clients is Buy So­ of municipal, provincial and federal gov­ cial Canada, a national social enterprise that ernment have taken part in the four-week promotes social procurement at all levels of course. The virtual sessions offer instruction the marketplace through advocacy, educa­ on everything from developing a social value tion, and consulting. Last summer, she coculture within an organization to developing developed a Social Procurement Profession­ social procurement policy that will generate al certification course with the agency that real community value. Participants must teaches participants how to create a social also complete a handful of homework as­ value culture within an organization, how to signments and take part in a series of work­ develop social procurement policy, and how shop sessions in order to become certified. Aspinall has also worked closely with the Calgary Construction Association (CCA) on several occasions. The CCA was one of several industry partners she worked with to CALGARY design and develop social procurements on 4049 - 11S.E. Street, SE 4049 - 11 Street behalf of the City of Calgary. Calgary,Calgary, AB T2G AB 3H1 More recently, her consulting company T2G 3H1 developed a social procurement training Phone: (403) 225-2000 Tel: 403-225-2000 Fax: (403) 271-2788course for the CCA that was designed spe­ Fax: 403-271-2788 cifically for the local contractor community. It teaches participants about what social procurement is and how they can prepare Old World Craftsmanship & Quality for social procurement requirements in gov­ Modern Techniques & Standards since 1971 ernment or general contractor bids.  Architectural Work Aspinall doesn’t see the social procure­ Custom Landscape Work ment movement losing momentum any time  Exterior Building Faces Entry Features soon. In fact, she believes it’s going to pick up  Interior Walls speed as more businesses see value in it and Water Features  Decorative Features consumers become more selective about the Retaining Walls enterprises they want to support. n  Masonry Fire Place


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By Melanie Franner

Platform Pitch Stage.


Calgary Construction Association

Platform Innovation Centre Cafe.

Much like the physical building in which it resides, Platform Calgary embodies the spirit of possibility. This spring, Platform Calgary will open the doors to its new home, the Platform Innovation Centre – a leadingedge innovation hub poised to provide a single point of access to the community and resources needed to help tech startups suc­ cessfully start and grow their business. “We’re in soft mode launch right now,” explains Terry Rock, CEO at Platform Calgary. “In 2021, we served over 900 tech companies and founders through the robust programs we currently offer online.” That number is expected to grow expo­ nentially in the weeks and months ahead as the Platform Innovation Centre opens to the public. “In partnership with more than 70 organizations, our goal is to triple the tech sector in Calgary over the next 10 years,” says Rock. This achievement would produce 3,000 core tech startups by 2031 and, in turn, cre­ ate tens of thousands of jobs. It would also add $10 billion to the city’s GDP.


ROOTED IN COLLABORATION Calgary Municipal Land Corporation (CMLC) led in the delivery of the 250,000 square foot Platform Innovation Centre & Parkade, which transformed a logistically challenging site in the East Village into a mixed-use building design that allows for the future conversion of its space. The business development plan put forth by Platform Calgary was not for the faint hearted. Adapting the building to perform as a flexible innovation hub serving a grow­ ing community with a variety of use cases required a complex construction design,

which was then complicated by the COV­ ID-19 pandemic. The forward-thinking Platform Innova­ tion Centre relied upon several partner­ ships, not the least of which are the build­ ing project partners themselves: Calgary Parking Authority; CMLC; EllisDon; M3 Development Management; RNDSQR; and 5468796 Architecture Inc. As it stands, the iconic building offers 50,000 square feet of innovation space over two storeys housing the Platform Innova­ tion Centre, in addition to five stories of parking. According to the project’s design architects Kasian and 548796 Architecture,

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Calgary Construction Association

the parkade incorporates unique consider­ ations (such as increasing the floor heights by one and a half times and the addition of a central atrium that invites natural light through the full height of the building) that allow for the future conversion of the parkade into commercial and/or residential space. This future-focused building is the first of its kind in North America. The building also features a basketball court and other ground-level amenities to encourage the neighbourhood to use the space as more than just a parking garage. The project design had to consider sev­ eral site challenges, such as the CP Rail cor­ ridor to the south, an LRT transit tunnel and water main (both of which bisected the site), and a utility right-of-way corridor. “It was a challenging project to build, and the pandemic added a degree of complexity to everything” says Rock. “With the expertise these partners brought to the table, we were able to make a significant landmark addi­ tion to the East Village neighbourhood and to Calgary.”

CALGARY’S HOME FOR INNOVATORS Platform Calgary fuels some of the city’s brightest minds through programs that sup­ port founders, enterprises, and investors. Business founders receive stage and sectorspecific education, advice, and globally

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connected mentorship to help them ideate, launch, and scale their startup. Poised to offer a “one-stop-shop” for tech startups at all stages and sizes, the Platform Innovation Centre will be the new home of Platform Calgary offering innovators, espe­ cially those in the early stages of a great idea or business, the space to catalyze, collide, and connect. And its breadth of partners only continues to grow. “We now have more than 70 tech and in­ novation partners under one roof that all


share the same goal of supporting entre­ preneurs in the tech sector,” says Rock, who believes that the number could soon reach 100. “All of them believe that this is what Calgary needs right now.” Services provided by Platform Calgary in the Innovation Centre will be varied and ro­ bust. The facility will offer: • Access to classes, seminars, workshops, and programs for entrepreneurs and in­ dustry professionals. • Access to businesses, top talent, and exper­ tise from across Canada and beyond for industry meetups, pitch nights, keynotes, and collisions between entrepreneurs, in­ vestors, and founders. • Pitch stage and event-based community space for 450+ people (80 people for pitch stage only) equipped with display screens, built-in sound system, lights, and stream­ ing cameras to provide a fully immersed digital-first experience and the ability to pivot to in-person events. • 50,000 square feet of gathering, meeting, and working spaces, as well as classroom space for startups, innovators, and entre­ preneurs. • Spaces and resources for prototyping and testing new technologies. “People building innovation-driven start­ ups need a whole suite of tools,” says Rock. “Our approach is to provide them with what they need within 15 minutes of walking through the door.”

INHERENT FLEXIBILITY Flexible in its offerings and resources, Platform Calgary is also proving to be adaptable in its physical environment. The pandemic has redefined workspaces in ways that have yet to be revealed. But there is little doubt that the Platform Innovation Centre has been deliberately designed to meet these changing demands. “I think there is a lot of uncertainty about how people want to gather,” says Rock. “The attitudes and approaches to workspaces have changed. I feel like we’re building a high-performing community. There’s going to be a learning curve, but we have the tech­ nology and flexibility to adapt as we need.” Looking back on the last few years, Rock sees a marked increase in the volume of ac­ tivity being generated by Calgary’s tech sec­ tor. The sector is not only alive and well, it’s thriving. And now, with the extensive support and expertise provided by Platform Calgary, the city’s tech sector can only get stronger. As with the very building itself, the Platform Innovation Centre is a departure from the norm and will be a catalyst for the future. “When entrepreneurs and tech inno­ vators walk through the door of the Plat­ form Innovation Centre,” says Rock, “they will have access to everything they need to achieve success and strengthen the econo­ my for all Calgarians.” n













Calgary Construction Association

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CELEBRATING 70 YEARS! Over one hundred years ago, Charles Darwin noted something exceptional about human beings in scientific literature: our sense of direction. Believe it or not, our sense of direction sets us apart from other mammals and comes from our ability to sift through fine-grain environmental details to create an imaginary frame of reference in the spaces we inhabit. A lot of this has to do with our incredible sensory tools like sight, smell, hearing and so forth. However, it is the human capacity to imagine and remember that helps us find our way. An interesting component of the human sense of direction is our need to create wayfinding solutions to redirect ourselves and other humans back to points of interest, whether it be places to find food, water, shelter, or some other necessities. Human beings have always created systems of symbols and markers to remind ourselves where things are, and this art has evolved into the practice of wayfinding over time. The reality is that wayfinding is one of the most basic tools that sets human beings apart. We have always shaped our environment in imaginative ways to jog memories and signify to others where they are going. We have just gotten better, and better, at it with time. No longer is wayfinding only about our sense of direction, but now it has grown to include the creation of experiences within that movement. Through proper signage and architectural design, we can develop human emotions in certain spaces and these emotions are more likely to lead to the creation of memories. Behrends was founded in 1952 and is proudly owned and operated out of Edmonton, Alberta. Behrends began by specializing in designing and manufacturing cast bronze, aluminum, brass plaques, and signage. We’ve directed our skills and abilities toward a diverse variety of products. Over the past 70 years Behrends has grown to be a proven leader in the Sign Industry in Western Canada creating hundreds of donor and recognition walls and monuments, interpretive displays, custom

signage, art pieces, wayfinding systems, and entry features and other diverse items spanning a wide gamut of forms and functions. Behrends consists of two locations – the Head Office & Manufacturing Plant in Edmonton, and a Sales Office in Calgary, Alberta. We’re a medium sized company, but large enough to meet the high quantity and high consistency demands of our larger clients, and small enough to build personal relationships with all those we serve. Our design department consists of 3 full-time designers with over 40 years of combined design experience. The expertise of these long-standing employees, alongside our dedication to keeping abreast of industry-relevant technological advances, are the reasons we can take on complicated and demanding projects confidently and turn out great results.

Through our 70-year history Behrends has been involved in many different projects in Alberta. Behrends has always approached projects with a consistent design philosophy, accurately applying brand strategies and experiential graphic design/visual information systems to effectively connect people to a place while paying close attention to how the form, materials and methods affect value, and no less importantly, the budget. Behrends approaches every project solution by first understanding three basic variables: 1. The appropriate interpretation of the project’s brand vision and strategy 2. The correct translation and understanding of the intended use of the site over time 3. Supporting a positive user experience through the architecture of visual information

PROJECT PROFILE Exterior and Interior Signage for THE DISTRICT

Developer: JLL Contractor: CANA Group of Companies Sub-Contractor: Behrends Participating in this notable development in Downtown Calgary was an absolute honor for Behrends. Working with CANA construction on all the sign elements at The District for their client (JLL) was a great experience for our team. The District at Beltline is a new kind of redevelopment that redefines work, eat and play experiences. The transformation is now complete, and they are welcoming new tenants, nearby residents, and visitors alike to be part of the unexpected. At The District, you will notice there are three office towers centered by the Food Hall and the Market Shed. As you approach either tower entrance you will be greeted by a Pylon Sign. These are stationed in front of Building A, B, and C and their main purpose is to help visitors guide their way to their intended destination – whether you are looking for a bite to eat or are needing to visit one of the many companies within The District

Towers. The Pylons feature a large letter which is Faux Neon (LED) and lit push-thru white acrylic letters on the side. As you enter The District you will notice the signage inside to help navigate you around the building – connecting person and place. There are various vinyl graphics, and door signage. If you are there to visit the amazing food hall you will notice all the vendor blade signs and laneway signs directing you to your favourite restaurant or cuisine. We felt it was important to share with you our work at The District as it is a true representation of our 70 years in business. Remembering that we started off as a foundry-based sign company (in which we still produce many casting across North America) to now completing large signage projects such as The District and many more across Canada that entail many different signage elements that are not only for interaction but are designed to enhance the user experience. When you visit The District, you may notice lit tenant exterior signage (Google, Alberta Central, Celero, and KAMA) that Behrends was also a part of producing.

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Calgary Construction Association

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Visit us at: The CONSTRUCTOR 2022



Mayor Jyoti Gondek emphasizes importance of a strong relationship with city’s building partners By Jim Timlick One of the promises Jyoti Gondek made

non-residential product we need in our city,

“As communities start to grow, the con­

during Calgary’s civic elections last fall was

the things that come up out of the ground

struction sector will be aware of the projects

to help craft an inclusive economic recovery

are delivered by the construction sector so

that are coming up, and there will be more

strategy to move the city forward if she was

they are an incredibly important partner for

predictability about what they can hope to

elected mayor.


build on,” she says.

Six months after becoming the first fe­

Gondek noted that city council has made

Another priority of Gondek and her ad­

male mayor in the city’s history, that prom­

several recent commitments to help build

ministration is to grow Calgary by making

ise remains one of Gondek’s top priorities.

a brighter future for Calgary. That includes

it a more welcoming and inclusive city. In

In order to achieve that, the local construc­

increasing the dollar value of its incentive

order to achieve that, she said the city will

tion sector will need to play a major role in

program for downtown revitalization and

need to ensure that it can offer a variety of

building the city’s future, she said recently

making a pledge to establish a long-awaited

different types of housing and amenities

in an exclusive interview with The Con­

Indigenous gathering place at a yet-to-be-

such as parks and arts and cultural venues


determined location in the city.

that appeal to a broad spectrum of people.

“One of the biggest things that we are

Another recent policy that the city in­

She says that the construction sector will

responsible for as a local government is

stituted which Gondek believes will have a

play a huge role in making sure that hap­

ensuring that we have proper physical in­

huge impact on both Calgary and its con­


frastructure in place for our residents,” says

struction sector is the fact that the city has

“That’s how you send a really clear signal


linked its growth policies to specific proj­

that you are open and accepting to anyone

“It will be the construction sector that

ects through a new bylaw, which she said

who wishes to set up a business or start a

helps us to deliver on that promise. Wheth­

will make it easier for groups like the Cal­

family here. You have to be welcoming

er it’s roadways, whether its interchanges,

gary Construction Association (CCA) and

and inclusive and to do that we have to be

whether it’s public buildings or housing, or

its members to plan for the future.

a mixed-use city,” says Gondek. “None of


Calgary Construction Association

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“ We’re now recognized as one of the top five locations in North America to locate a cleantech company,” she says. “We’re really starting to see the results of investing in energy transformation.”

that can be done without the experts in the

home to an Energy Transition Centre that

trades that help us bring those things to life.

is scheduled to receive more than $3 mil­

That involves partnerships with the private

lion from Prairies Economic Development

sector to deliver on those products.” Gondek agrees that Calgary needs to continue to evolve from its oil and gas past in order to become a forward-thinking, 21st-century metropolis. It’s something she believes has already begun. One indica­ tion of that, she says, is the city’s burgeon­ ing cleantech sector. It recently became

Canada that will allow the University of Calgary and partner Avatar Innovations to transform downtown office space into an innovations hub. “We’re now recognized as one of the top five locations in North America to locate a cleantech company,” she says. “We’re really starting to see the results of investing in en­ ergy transformation.” One construction project that remains the talk of the town in Calgary is a replace­ ment for the aging Saddledome, which has been home to the Calgary Flames for the past 38 years. The city and the Flames had agreed to a deal to split the cost of build­ ing a new multi-purpose event centre, but the team backed out of the agreement last December after the cost of the project had


risen to $634 million from $550 million in 2019. Like many Calgarians, Gondek was dis­ appointed that the project was cancelled, but thinks there may be a silver lining to

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that story. By having more time to plan, the city and the Calgary Municipal Land Cor­ poration (CLMC) will be able to do a much more thorough examination of their pro­ posed entertainment district plan and how a new arena could fit within that plan. “We have a district master plan that con­

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templates what an entertainment district looks like, and the parties involved have the experience and ability to do placemaking so that we can understand what the com­ ponent parts of such a district will be,” she says. “We spent a lot of time focusing on one single part of it, that one building, which was the event centre. Under the current environment with the pandemic and costs rising due to the supply chain and logistics issues, the project’s finances became unten­




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able. But it’s not gone, it’s just being reimag­ ined. I’m very optimistic it will still happen. If we get the right third party in place, then we will have lots of opportunities to take it forward.”


Calgary Construction Association

Gondek was hardly a stranger to Calgary

tre for Real Estate Studies, one of the big­

City Hall prior to being elected mayor. She

gest lessons I wanted to make sure students

was first elected to city council as the coun­

learned as they were training in their degree

cillor for Ward 3 in 2017. Still, she admits the first half year in her new role has been something of a whirl­ wind. Dealing with the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been a huge challenge. So too has been dealing with the uncertainty caused by a tenuous relation­ ship with a provincial government that is examining potential changes to its Munici­

program is that all partners must have a lev­ el of trust of each other. The one that’s de­ livering the policy needs to appreciate that the one that’s financing a project and the one that’s delivering physical infrastructure all have different responsibilities and expec­ tations of each other,” she says. “The three parties all need to work hand-in-hand with

“It’s one of collaboration, it’s one of being willing to make evidence-based decisions, and it’s one where we use procedures and policies to make us as streamlined and effective as possible.”

pal Government Act. “We’re in a place of unpredictability, yet we have to make sure we’re providing cer­ tainty to our private sector partners such as the construction sector. That means doing what we can in terms of investing in proj­ ects and keeping them moving forward like the Green Line and the many conversion

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projects we’re doing,” she says. Despite some of the challenges she’s faced as mayor, Gondek said it hasn’t changed her style of leadership. “It’s one of collaboration, it’s one of being

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willing to make evidence-based decisions, and it’s one where we use procedures and policies to make us as streamlined and ef­ fective as possible,” she says. “But it’s also about a willingness to change things when they don’t work for our stakeholders and our residents. It’s about keeping an open mind and always being optimistic about what the future holds for us.” Creating better cities has been a driv­ ing force for Gondek for much of her adult life. She ran her own consulting practice

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for 12 years that catered to clients in the energy and building sectors to help them evolve their business models. In 2014, she was asked to lead the newly formed West­ man Centre for Real Estate Studies at the University of Calgary’s Haskayne School of Business. Gondek says those two experiences

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each other to really do city building right.” Gondek symbolizes the changing face of Calgary. Born in the U.K. to Punjabi parents from India, she emigrated with her family at the age of four to Canada where she settled in Manitoba. After graduating from uni­ versity, she met her husband Todd and the couple moved to Wainwright, Alberta for a short time before settling in Calgary where they have been ever since. Gondek said she is optimistic about Cal­ gary’s future and its construction sector. Recent data compiled by the city appear to back up her positive outlook. The total value of construction in the city in 2021 was valued at $5.7 billion, an increase of 68 per cent compared to the $3.4 billion reported in 2020. In addition, 21,055 building permit applications were recorded last year, which was up from the 18,181 received in 2020. Those numbers would appear to indicate that Calgary’s construction industry is on the rebound from the initial impacts of the pandemic, which hardly comes a surprise to Gondek. “I would say Calgary is a city that believes in itself. We have demonstrated that by in­ vesting a quarter of a billion dollars in our downtown revitalization strategy. We are a city that has implemented certainty and predictability for the construction sector for how we grow and that’s the kind of place people should be interested in locating their business as well as their home. Calgary is the place to be.” n

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Calgary Construction Association


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The Calgary Saddledome.

CCA members celebrating milestones By Melanie Franner Pushing the boundaries of architectural de­ sign through the use of cutting-edge tech­ nology is par for the course for the City of Calgary. The existence of the city’s landmark buildings attests to this very fact. But who are the companies that have contributed to this unique urban landscape? Who are the companies that helped drive innovation, helped establish its forward-thinking repu­ tation, and helped develop the very founda­ tions on which to build? The answer lies in the very heart of Cal­ gary itself, and it includes a growing list of multi-generational companies that have demonstrated both perseverance and adapt­


Calgary Construction Association

ability in the face of change. Their success lies with their people, their leadership, and their expertise.

A DOOR OF OPPORTUNITY – SPALDING HARDWARE SYSTEMS INC. CELEBRATES 70 YEARS AND COUNTING What began as an adjunct to a thriving lumber business has grown into a highly successful, fully integrated commercial door, hardware, and access control supply and installation business, with fabrication facilities in Calgary and Edmonton. David Spalding can be considered the “genesis” of Spalding Hardware Systems Inc. He was hired back in 1952 to focus solely on

supplying general hardware to the carpen­ ters and contractors who would frequent the Calgary lumber store. The company would change ownership in 1978 when two employees stepped up to purchase the operation. By this time, the market had already become more spe­ cialized, with a growing need for hardware specific to doors and frames used in com­ mercial construction. “At that time, the company decided to open a new division for door and frame hardware only,” says John Manes, Chair­ man, Spalding Hardware. Manes and Ed Toy purchased the compa­

Interior of the National Music Centre.

ny a few years later in 1994. They were both long-time employees and, as such, were able to transition ownership smoothly. Still, the two were quick to put their own mark on the business.

EXPANDING THE TOOL BOX “By the time we took things over, the gen­ eral hardware market had started to drop off, so we evolved that area of the business into an after-market division for service and maintenance,” says Manes. The growing demand for a one-stop shop also influenced the direction of the compa­ ny’s evolution, resulting in the development of a new division for access controls. “The fastest growing part of our business currently is access control,” says Manes, adding that this division is also the one with the most growth potential. Today, Spalding operates three distinct divisions: aftermarket service and mainte­ nance; door and frame hardware; and ac­ cess control systems. Its end-to-end services extend from builder specifications to com­ mercial door installation and maintenance. The fact that the company can now install and service everything it sells has also prov­ en to be a huge advantage in the market. As the company evolved, so too did its customer base. With the addition of spe­ cialized hardware and aftermarket services, the company has broadened its audience to include architects and designers, along with general contractors and building owners. Among its client list are schools, hospitals, and municipalities. “We’ve tripled the size of the business since we took over,” says Manes. “We have a

South Health Campus.

fully trained team of door, frame, hardware, and access control experts who are very knowledgeable.” Manes goes out of his way to credit the employees. “We’d be dead in the water with­ out them,” he says. “We respect one another. That’s our true north.”

THE NEXT STEP In 2019, the ownership of Spalding changed hands once again. The new lead­ ers of tomorrow are again from within. “All four of the new owners have been with the company for a minimum of 10 years,” says Manes, adding that he and Toy will contin­ ue to work alongside them for some time to come to ensure a smooth transition for staff and customers.

“I think the ownership transitions are key to our success,” says Manes. “We’ve lasted 70 years because we have grown and adapted to the market. Our employees know that they have opportunities open to them. This is what has made us viable over the years.” Giving back to charities and associations is at the very core of Spalding. Manes himself has served on various industry associations and he is quick to credit employees who have contrib­ uted to charitable causes. “I’ve gotten back a lot more than I contributed over the years by volunteering my time with associations,” he says. “It’s something that we strongly encour­ age here.” Integrity and respect are two other core components of Spalding, as is the drive to al­ ways add value and aspire towards excellence.

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Eighth Avenue Place twin towers.

Scaffolding structures created for event stages, art installations, and an ice wall.

ICONIC INSPIRATION Spalding has undertaken several note­ worthy projects over the years. The land­ mark Saddledome is certainly one that stands out for its notoriety and fame. Spald­ ing began work on the $99.7 million proj­ ect in 1981. The company was back onsite for the box seat renovations in 1994 and again in the flood recovery reconstruction in 2013. Another iconic landmark building in the city of Calgary is the National Music Centre. Spalding was the museum’s door supplier and installer, managing the door, frame, hardware, and security component scope of the project. The company over­ came several unique challenges while work­ ing on the project, such as special hardware applications for support and function for the unusually thick doorways and sourcing period-matching door hardware. The $1.3 billion South Health Campus project was another milestone project for Spalding. The company provided designassist service for the more than 3,000 archi­ tectural openings within the hospital. The company also managed the procurement and on-site coordination of all the required doors, frames, hardware, and security com­ ponents, and it continues to provide ongo­ ing maintenance. The city’s downtown Eighth Avenue Place Twin Tower project also called upon Spald­ ing’s expertise. The company was hired to


Calgary Construction Association

develop the door, hardware, and door se­ curity specifications for the development. Spalding also consulted on and supplied the hardware and door security components on over 100 floors of triple A tenant space and continues to provide ongoing maintenance.

REACHING NEW HEIGHTS – ARMOUR EQUIPMENT SALES & RENTALS LTD. TURNS 60 YEARS YOUNG Unbeknownst to many, Armour Equip­ ment Sales & Rentals Ltd. has quietly and steadfastly provided services across the city during the 60+ years since its inception. The company was founded in 1961 by Leo Messier, who saw an opportunity to enter the scaffolding and shoring market. Larry Messier joined the company in 1965 and

his stepson, Charles Maygard, subsequently joined the fold and officially became presi­ dent in 2013. “We have worked on almost every major building in Calgary at some capacity over our 60 years and have built well over 30,000 scaffolds during this time,” says Maygard. “Our services have helped build and shape this great city in ways most people don’t see.” Armour Equipment operated solely as a supplier of rental scaffolding and shoring until the 1980’s, when it added assembly and dismantle to its offerings. The move was followed by a shift into the commercial sec­ tor in the 1990’s. Its customer base includes general contractors, subtrades, developers, property management companies, institu­ tions, and even the film industry. The com­


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Maygard describes scaffolding as an overlooked service but an essential one.

Scaffolding in the interior of the New Central Library.

pany has worked on the Calgary Stampede site for more than 30 years running. Today, rentals and sales of equipment ac­ count for 30 per cent of sales, with design, assembly and dismantle representing the re­ maining 70 per cent. Maygard credits the company’s ongo­ ing success, in large part, to its culture and core values. “The company has survived and thrived because of strong management, great customer relationships, and an emphasis on culture,” he says, adding that the importance of treating people well and creating a culture of family has been passed through multiple generations. “The founding building blocks of our company have become part of our DNA. It’s become embedded in who we are, it is fluid and instinctual.” This respect for its people is reflected in the long tenure of its employees. As a result, Armour Equipment has become specialized in the more technically skilled applications. “Our people are extremely knowledge­

able and experienced, so we have the skill­ set to deal with the more challenging and complex projects,” says Maygard. “Scaffold­ ing is a very intricate and specialized trade. Our team is highly skilled in designing and building temporary and highly complex structures. Scaffolding is very much an art that requires talent, knowledge, and experi­ ence.”

HIDDEN ASSETS Maygard describes scaffolding as an overlooked service but an essential one. “When people think of all the most beauti­ ful architecture and buildings of the world, they don’t always realize that scaffolding was essential to the construction,” he says. “Think of Michelangelo laying on his back, supported by scaffolding while painting the Sistine Chapel.” Armour Equipment has had its share of iconic projects over the years. Calgary’s New Central Library is one example. The company was involved from day one, help­


403-569-6986 84

Calgary Construction Association

ing to provide access and site safety as the construction site was prepped, providing scaffolding over the CTrain light rail tracks, and providing support throughout the com­ plex curved interior. Other marquee projects for the company include Calgary’s annual Beakerhead Fes­ tival, the Calgary Stampede, and the 1988 Olympics. “We work with a variety of customers,” says Maygard, adding that the list includes general construction, subtrades, film and media, events and entertainment, indus­ trial, renovation, restoration, environmen­ tal, disaster recovery, and aviation. “We’ve worked for major film and movie produc­ tions in and around Calgary, in almost ev­ ery building in the city and on almost every major construction site in the city.”

THE VALUE OF LEADERSHIP Maygard prides himself on being some­ one who can carry on the values of the com­ pany that began in 1961. Albeit, there have been a lot of changes along the way. But the core that made Armour Equipment a suc­ cess back then remains just as strong today. “My job is to ensure that the company continues to evolve with the integrity and legacy that has made it last 60 years, with­ out allowing room for complacency,” he says. “To me, the 60th anniversary is a time for renewal. It’s a time for investing in our people, in new technology, and in new op­ portunities.” Part of what will continue to drive May­ gard is the excitement he feels about the future. “I have always said that in order for a multi-generational company to not just survive, the owner has to be experienced, engaged, educated and ultimately, excited about the future,” he concludes. “The future gives me great excitement. Every day, we get to give our people the opportunity to create something from nothing. We get to create art, to create a vision.” n

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The hard reality of economic predictions

The current material supply chain dilemma

tilities in Asia, that some economic models

is that, as with tender bid estimates, inva­

is not just a recent development, but a pro­

that have emerged over the last 30 years

sion battle plans, climate change disaster

gression of largely unanticipated inflection

will be subject to enormous pressures to

impacts, and global pandemics, there is ei­

points, with well-considered human nature

change even more and, in some cases, may

ther a margin of foggy uncertainty or a total

commercial opportunity reactions to capi­

completely disappear. The highly profitable

inability to anticipate the next significant

talize on these events. Stepping back in time

just-in-time, sophisticated blockchain, lean-

black swan event. Hence an assessment of

and observing the manufacturing upheaval

thinking, low-cost margin, global mate­

past and current events might yield some

brought on by the fall of the Berlin Wall in

rial supply chain inter-dependencies in the

1989, NAFTA in 1994, and the admission of

never ending “race to the bottom” that have

China to the World Trade Organization are

emerged since the fall of the Berlin Wall will

without question the three big trigger his­

undoubtedly be tested beyond incompre­

torical global events that provide for a big

hensible disruption factors in the coming

take-away reflection moment.




It is rational and logical to assume, given

Constrained by previous monetary re­

ing this article has led me to investigate and

the ongoing chronic labour shortages per­

strictions or impractical investment capital

reflect on how we arrived at this critical

sisting in all construction sectors emerging

flow movements, prior to 2001 the global

juncture on the local, national, and global

from the global pandemic, combined with

operating environment now allows for

stage, and what the possible material/labour

an emergence of a new European theatre of

multi-national manufacturers, Fortune 500

working realities might be moving forward.

combat along with rising tensions and hos­

companies, and the Wall Street banking


Calgary Construction Association

elite fraternity to operate and enjoy largely

of marginal opportunities and largely down­

idential carpenters and builders that make

untethered access to an ever-expanding

side commercial risks with a series of inter­

their weekly trek to the lumber depots.

economic market spectrum. This resulted

national trade and investment agreements.

It should also be mentioned that a host of

in squeezing and pushing higher profit

Another unforeseen reality for Canada, be­

unrealized direct and indirect construction

margins out of low-cost labour producing

ing traditionally known on the world com­

employment opportunities failed to ma­

nations with lax environmental and labour

merce stage as a reliable sensible energy and

terialize for proceeding with those multi-

standards in an ever-expanding global hege­

commodity producer, has witnessed a mas­

mony over vast populations. Adam Smith’s

sive multi-billion dollar dis-investment of

economic theory “The Wealth of Nations”

big seed capital out of the country between

up on the environmental chopping block.

has been elevated and taken to the extreme.

2012 and 2022. The net exit of capital out­

What was not considered in this brilliant

flow is largely due to enhanced ESG, EDI,

economic model of global cost efficiencies

environmental governance, and a host of


was having any redundancy capacity or a

other regulatory protocols with lots of pro­

simple Plan B if things don’t go according to

active green intervention from eco-minded

plan along the way.

organizations like

million and multi-billion CAPEX projects, such as sawmills and pipelines, that wound

Finely tuned global procurement supply chains like mega-construction projects are extremely vulnerable to minor unanticipat­ ed incidents. The introduction chapter in

The Canadian construction industry was

The well-intended heightened sense of

the book by Mr. Edward W. Merrow, ‘Why

neither insulated nor left out on the global

environmental accountability that has had

Megaprojects Fail So Often: Seven Key Mis­

world stage of new enlightened business

profound and damaging trickledown effects

takes’ is worth reading and is more current

commercial thinking. Wittingly or unwit­

locally on basic building materials, such as

than on the day it was published.

tingly, the industry exposed itself to a host

framing material, is ever apparent to the res­

Connecting Clients and Solutions

What should be considered which could

Ph: 403-235-2655 The CONSTRUCTOR 2022


help the current procurement situation is

Levine, Associate Partner, Consulting.

on most projects. The higher skilled labour

for those committed owners to become

There is a corresponding benefit to the con­

staffing investment generally rises in pro­

more proactive in the construction mate­

tractor in that it shifts more risk onto the

portion to the quality and sophistication of

rial procurement process by pre-ordering

ownership group if they adopt proactive

the asset being constructed. All construc­

most of the critical components to offset

model options.

tion publications are now citing labour

the various risks associated with material

Expect this shift and trend to accelerate

staffing issues in all provincial jurisdictions

manufacturing supply chain disruptions. I

and, more importantly, a key question that

in all sectors, with no anticipated improve­

would submit, the smart ones will, if they

will be debated and discussed in more depth

ment anytime soon. As stated previously in

start to consider and adopt the Costco tem­

going forward between owners, contractors

the article, “Any inability to source, man­

plate model. A forward-thinking ownership

and suppliers is ‘what is our plan to better

age, train, or anticipate disruptions to the

group might well determine that they are better positioned to manage the material supply chain risk by being more proactive in the process. This could result in more risk to the con­ tractor having to better manage that 50-70 per cent labour content of the remaining contract transaction. I would expect this pre-ordering concept of key components and materials by owners to gain more trac­

manage the material supply chain risk’? Rel­ ative stability and availability in construc­ tion material component pricing due to the imploding new world economic order may well shift the traditional labour material imbalance into more chaos, forcing owners to reconsider their traditional contract risk

workforce, puts subcontractors, contrac­ tors, owners, and other stakeholders in the project at great risk”. The Canadian construction labour work­ force comprises some 1,550,000 members according to BuildForce Canada, with 87.4 per cent being male and 12.6 per cent fe­

shift models.

male as of July 2021. Employment within


pre-pandemic levels recorded in July 2019

the building industry is not yet back to the

tion upon examining the recent EY article

Going back to an October 2021 article,

but the trends are improving, and the num­

provided by Fahad Anwar, EY Canada Part­

the labour component of construction gen­

ber of hours worked also continues to ex­

ner, Supply Chain & Operations & Barry

erally comprises 50-70 per cent of the cost


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Calgary Construction Association

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LABOUR STAFFING OPTIONS & LABOUR PRODUCTIVITY RISK MITIGATION Restated for record, on the home front, several employers have made great strides, acquiring more of the skilled and semiskilled talent available. In most cases, a more proactive outreach by employers in many organizations is essential, now more than ever. Canada’s construction industry is the third-largest employer for the Indigenous community, accounting for nearly 10 per cent of their available workforce and mak­ ing up 4.7 per cent of total construction em­ ployment. First Nations communities can

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and do provide excellent training program inducements for their community members who see a future in construction. While Western Canada has been more effective in attracting a higher allocation of women to the construction industry, there is a lot of potential to grow that participa­ tion above the current 15 per cent. The off­ site employment figure for female participa­ tion in the workforce is very encouraging at nearly 40 per cent, however the onsite em­ ployment figure hovers around 5 per cent. Given the post-secondary education re­

Glenbow Museum Revitalization

ality stats, which suggest that women are more likely to acquire a college or university degree, women have advanced proportion­

ally, and very successfully, in project admin­ istration and leadership roles. Nonetheless, a gap remains in-field which, with leader­ ship, encouragement, and promotional



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Calgary Construction Association

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awareness, could be an attractive route for

tion program. Many workers approaching

those in the building industry, will rise or

redressing some of the labour shortage.

retirement would make excellent auxiliary

fall in the next 10 years, based on how well

The Careers in Construction website show­

human resource additions with superior,

organizations manage their data. Therefore,

cases a high-awareness message directed to

experienced, staffing value-add contribu­

training needs assessment analysis can be a

females to consider the possibilities in the

tions to their organizations, working in a

useful approach for employers and employ­

building industry.

semi-retirement capacity performing skills

ees to close the digital communication skills

assessment, coaching, and training tasks.

void and boost the labour productivity gap.

The influx of highly talented immigrants is a golden opportunity for the right orga­

Accelerated digital transformation of

If organizations fail to undertake a needs

nization. The Construction Sector Counsel

processes and procedures are no longer

analysis, including which data is important

publishes an implementation guide on cre­

an option for any business. The success or

to be managed, and identifying gaps and

ating and operating an immigrant construc­

failure of many organizations, including

how to boost productivity, the risk register mitigation implications and resulting la­ bour loss will remain forever elusive.

Building our Future. Together.

Risk register tracking for project staffing is essential for both craft and salaried staff. Given the traditional history of the con­ struction industry and building organiza­ tions’ failure to train their workforce over fear that they might leave, it might well cost substantially more if those unskilled work­ ers stay or move on to a competitor where training is offered. Many employees, on the other hand, fail to invest in themselves after they hit the workforce, losing site of the fact their educational investment made them an eligible candidate to apply for the position upon graduation. Implementing proper execution plans with good three-week look-ahead sched­


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Calgary Construction Association

ules is vital to mitigate against labour pro­ ductivity impacts. While multi-page sched­ ules, with hundreds of task activity lines of the overall project duration lasting several months, might offer the benefit of meeting specified contractual commercial obliga­ tions, they do little to focus the attention of stakeholders on the project’s current state. Three fundamental questions need to be addressed in the short term: ‘are the work fronts available?’; ‘are the materials avail­ able?’; and ‘are the people available to do the work?’. Many enhancements to productivity can be realized by a change in big picture strategic thinking. Integrated Project Deliv­ ery Models (IPD) and Lean Construction Management principles are gaining global recognition and traction. The IPD model of­

fers a healthy team ‘emotional buy-in’ to the project vision at the outset. The interdepen­ dent team collaborative mindset, combined with work breakdown structure packages, is a significant leap forward in breaking down the task-driven silo approach. Lean construction thinking has the ob­ jective of identifying and eliminating sourc­ es of waste, including a strong focus by the leadership and culture of the organization on continuous improvement. The benefits of Lean Project Delivery Systems (LPDS), as published by Remon Fayek Aziz & Sherif Mohamed Hafez in the Alexandria Engi­ neering Journal in April 2013, highlights the critical thinking that sets in motion the interdependent functions and rules of deci­ sion making. The benefits of documenting lessons learned in waste reduction and en­ hanced productivity in the last planner sys­ tem cannot be emphasized enough.

When building technology stops being a puzzle and starts being a roadmap. Smart infrastructure solutions to help you come back with confidence.

A look at the robotic technology appli­ cation currently employed by Obayashi on the Mie Prefecture dam project in Japan might also yield some important lessons to be learned for large civil contractors. While current realized productivity gains of only 10 per cent have been recorded, the compa­ ny is hoping to push this windfall increase up to 30 per cent. The capital investment in robotic plant, and the associated training, will be a crucial step that larger contract­ ing firm entities will have to take in order to survive and adapt. Jerry Crawford is a claim consulting professional and a registered CIQS, MRICS, PM, GSC designation holder. He currently sits on the ADRIA Board and has taken adjudication training with ADRIC/RICS. Jerry has over 40 years of construction industry experience, both nationally and internationally. He is the founder and principal director of KGC Consulting Services Ltd. and works with clients in multiple provinces to provide construction dispute litigation support, commercial management, and legal project management services across Canada. n The CONSTRUCTOR 2022



The 21-storey Ella Tower.

The Calgary Cancer Centre.

The Nutrien Tower.

CP Distributors (CPD) was incorporated

vide the most up to date information and

and provide the right products to meet the

in 1962 in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan as a

product. Recently we have added a team of

needs of all your opening and building re­

small construction specialty distributor,

architectural consultants as well as integrat­

quirements. Our consultants:

supplying specialty building products to the

ed security specialists to become a one-stop

• Develop hardware schedules

construction industry. Over the years we ex­

construction and building supply shop. We

• Use BIM Integration

panded our expertise to include customers

work directly with architects and builders

• Graphically track changes

in the commercial, institutional (schools,

to ensure everything we touch is up to code

• Recommend and supply product to meet

hospitals, and correctional facilities), hos­

and functions to the best capabilities of all

pitality, multi-family and industrial sectors.

components involved. We also offer a preas­

CPD has expanded geographically and in

sembly service to help our clients cut down

addition to our Saskatoon location which

on costs and save time.

includes corporate headquarters, we now have locations in Regina, Edmonton, Cal­ gary, Surrey, and Halifax. Each of our loca­ tions has their own warehouse, fabrication shop, fleet of service vehicles, customer ser­ vice and project coordination teams. CP Distributors is well known in Can­ ada through our selection of high-quality product lines which include manufactured products, architectural hardware, security hardware, electronic hardware, detention hardware, fire doors, wood doors, toilet par­

CPD | INTEGRATED SYSTEMS (DIVISION 28) Due to ongoing and increasing client de­ mand we now provide design & build ser­ vices. We supply, install, and service build­ ing entry systems, CCTV cameras, video recording, access control, intrusion protec­ tion, and all varieties of integrated security

code, design, and function • Design access control and security systems

PREASSEMBLY AND PREFINISHING CP Distributors offers a preassembly and prefinished option. We install the hardware onto doors in a controlled environment by certified installers. This means doors can be delivered to a job site ready to go. We can help our clients save money, improve their schedule, and eliminate jobsite errors. These new practices contribute little to no packag­ ing waste to jobsites and contribute to a lean


construction process.


plishments include the Ella Tower, the Cal­

Some of CP Distributors recent accom­ gary Cancer Centre, and the Nutrien Tower.

titions, washroom accessories, electric op­

We recognize the need for expert advice

erators, security access systems, mailboxes,

It was 60 years ago when a company was

when it comes to functionality of a building.

spectator seating, and much more!

started based on the love of the construc­

To serve our clients better, we have added

tion industry and the need to supply high-

The world is continuously changing.

a team of architectural opening consultants

end, top-quality service. We strive to opti­

Codes are constantly updating. We are in

to our roster. Our consultants have experi­

mize our customers’ success by providing

an industry that must pivot, and this is not

ence with the unique needs of various types

them with the best value in quality products

always an easy task or is it a realistic expec­

of facilities including education, healthcare,

and service. We are your building connec­

tation. At CPD we are always educating our­

multifamily, commercial, and detention

tion and proud to have been for the past 60

selves and our clients and working to pro­

projects. They help to simplify specifications

years. n


Calgary Construction Association

­ 4550 25 St SE #120, Calgary




By Darshpreet Bhatti, CEO Green Line

Proposed concepts for elevated and non-elevated stations.

The Green Line LRT is the largest infra­ structure project in our city’s history. It will play an important role in shaping the fu­ ture of Calgary as both a transit system and platform for long-term city building. Phase 1 of the Green Line runs from Shepard (126 Avenue S.E.) to Eau Claire connect­ ing communities from southeast Calgary to downtown and the broader transit net­ work. At 18 kilometers, Phase 1 will be twice as long as any other stretch of LRT built in Calgary at one time and will include 13 sta­ tions, multiple LRT bridges, tunneled and elevated sections, and three Park-and-Ride lots. It will also include a 352,000-squarefoot maintenance and storage facility at Shepard for the new fleet of low-floor Light

brace it. Experience has shown that deliv­

brought forward two packages to relocate

ering megaprojects in Canada brings great

utilities in the Beltline and Downtown and

opportunities for local contractors and the

are considering a work package to address

labour force, who serve as the backbone of

Green Line interfaces with CP Rail along

these projects.

the Phase 1 alignment. Again, these are all

Our early works program, which began

projects that depend on our local construc­

Rail Vehicles (LRVs), a test rack, repairs

in 2018, demonstrates our commitment

bays, and room for future expansion.

to local industry by providing opportuni­

When the province announced their

Phase 1 construction will likely be led

ties and putting Calgarians to work. With

approval and funding and Prime Minister

by a large consortium which may include

more than $300 million dollars in utility,

Trudeau reaffirmed the federal govern­

international partners with previous expe­

sidewalk, road and pathway upgrades, this

ment’s commitment in July 2021, it was a

rience in projects of comparable size and

program is a significant investment in in­

pivotal point for the project. Since then,

complexity. However, most of the actual

frastructure renewal along the Green Line

we have announced the procurement of a

work will be performed by local trades. It


new fleet of 28 low-floor LRVs, recruited

tion industry.

is an important distinction as Phase 1 will

As an example, through the current early

an experienced leadership team and began

not preclude the local industry; it will em­

works being undertaken, we have recently

construction on the multi-year Beltline and


Calgary Construction Association

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On March 31, 2022, we released the Phase 1 Request for Qualifications (RFQ). In line with City of Calgary Council direc­ tion, Green Line will be procured as a De­ sign-Build-Finance project with a Devel­

Commercial, institutional, and multi-family construction

opment Phase. This procurement strategy

Construction management Design build

velopment partner in early 2023 following

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allows the Green Line Board to select a de­

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the Request for Proposal stage, from the RFQ short-listed candidates. The develop­ ment partner will work collaboratively with the Green Line team on design progression providing flexibility to innovate, optimize, and manage cost, risk, and schedule. The inclusion of the Development Phase is also expected to allow for additional long lead procurement items and work packages to be issued earlier which will further re­ duce project risks and continue support for the local construction industry. We are looking at opportunities to en­ sure that local companies are able to offer their services on Green Line and are com­ mitted to facilitating industry involvement as we move through procurement. Green Line remains a project for Calgarians, built by Calgarians. The City and Green Line Board are committed and confident that we will be successful in delivering this transforma­ tional project. Like other world class cit­ ies, Calgary has and will continue to build challenging infrastructure projects by em­ bracing the local industry that has already served us so well. n

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Calgary Construction Association



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The new prompt payment legislation is al­

voice for work and services performed and

1. Review whether you are included in the

most here, and it will change how and when

materials provided every 31 days. The own­

New Act. If you provide goods and ser­

you get paid. The Prompt Payment and Con­

er must pay the contractor’s proper invoice

vices, you are still covered by the legisla­

struction Lien Act (“New Act”) amends the

within 28 days of receipt. The contractor

tion. However, if you are a professional

existing Builders’ Lien Act and introduces a

must in turn pay the subcontractor’s proper

architect or engineer, then your services

prompt payment regime that is intended to

invoice within seven days. This seven-day

are now also included under the New

speed up payment down the construction

payment period then applies to each de­

Act. While the present Builders’ Lien Act

chain. The New Act is expected to be effec­

creasing level of the construction chain.

applies to these consultants only if their

tive as of August 2022. The Regulations to

If any party pays less than the proper in­

work is part and parcel with the actual

the New Act are still pending as of writing

voice, the New Act mandates a process that

construction of the improvement, the

and will add further details to the prompt

must be followed. The party disputing pay­

New Act does not have that limitation.

payment legislation.

ment must explain why the full amount of

However, if you are working on a federal

In order to get paid under the New Act, a

the proper invoice is not being paid, issue a

or provincial public work, or a work un­

party must submit a “proper invoice”, which

formal notice of non-payment, and under­

dertaking under private-public partner­

must include specific information. If all

take to submit the issue to adjudication.

ship, the New Act still does not apply.

parties in the construction chain submit a

The prompt payment regime may be a

2. Check when you entered the prime con­

proper invoice, and if there are no disagree­

significant change from your current billing

tract or subcontract. If it is entered be­

ments, payment should flow quickly down

and payment practices. Here is how you can

fore the date the government proclaims

the chain. Parties must issue a proper in­

get ready:

the New Act, then the present Builders’


Trade Contractors Council The trade contractor’s voice on construction industry issues.

Committed to continual improvement of the construction industry. Delivering solution-based value to members.

ATCC represents a direct membership of over 3000 trade contractors, both union and open shop, who employ more than 50,000 skilled trades in Alberta. 100

Calgary Construction Association

Lien Act will apply, and prompt payment

contracts usually paid based upon phases

disputes paying. If the recipient does not

will not apply, subject to any grace period

of completion (i.e., for residential home

issue that notice of non-payment, it be­

given in the Regulations (which we an­

construction and renovation) or upon

comes obligated by the New Act to pay.

ticipate will be two years). If you enter the

completion. The New Act does not al­

The notice of non-payment must include

contract or subcontract after the New Act

low parties to contract out of this bill­

the reasons for non-payment of the dis­

comes into force, then only the New Act

ing cycle. However, the New Act would

puted amounts. Those listed reasons should

applies, and you will have to comply with

allow the parties to agree to additional

be fulsome. Though not stated by the New

the prompt payment regime.

payments, such as milestone, phased, or

Act, we expect that if the non-payment issue

annual payments, but only so long as the

lands before an adjudicator to resolve, the

understand the invoicing requirements.

parties preserve the 31-day billing cycle.

adjudicator will take less seriously reasons

Though a contract cannot remove or re­

6. Review your accounting systems. They

for non-payment that were not brought up

vise the basic requirements of a proper

need to be able to review proper invoices

at the time, and only arose during the adju­

invoice stipulated by the New Act, it

within 14 days and process payments

dication. The New Act also requires a party

can add conditions as long as they do

within 28 days. Further, some account­

issuing a notice of non-payment to under­

not contradict the New Act. This can,

ing systems can only pay an invoice in

take to submit the issue to adjudication.

for example, include sending the proper

whole or not at all. However, the New

These requirements will all require synergy

invoice electronically, with particular

Act requires a party receiving a proper

between the accounting team processing

backup information, or accompanied by

invoice to pay any undisputed portion.

invoices and the project management team

a statutory declaration.

The recipient cannot simply refuse to pay

assessing the invoices, describing reasons

4. If your work must be tested and com­

the entire invoice until it is resubmitted

for non-payment, and issuing the notices of

missioned, then be aware that successful

with disputed items excluded. Changing


testing and commissioning is a valid pre­

to this new paradigm may require review

Though there may be growing pains as

condition to receiving payment. Conse­

with your accounting IT departments to

the industry adapts, careful consideration of

quently, you will want to ensure prompt

ensure that your systems can pay partial

these steps may ease the transition from old

testing and commissioning to ensure

invoices if needed.

to new prompt payment regimes.

3. Check your contract so that you fully

7. Review the notice of non-payment re­

Tom Brookes, M.A., J.D., is an associate

5. Be prepared to invoice at least every 31

quirements with your team. The New

in the construction practice group at Gowl-

days regardless of your usual billing cy­

Act requires the recipient of an invoice

ing WLG (Canada) LLP. Tom has exclusively

cle. The New Act requires billing at this

to issue a notice of non-payment for any

practiced construction litigation since he

frequency and does not distinguish for

amount of a proper invoice that a party

joined the Alberta Bar in 2016. n

there are no delays in payment.

Through Leadership & Partnerships Working on behalf of members for a better industry Your industry voice for the Prompt Payment and Construction Lien Act Legislation Skilled Trades and Apprenticeship Education Act legislation Alberta Safety Codes Council, Alberta Construction Safety Association, UA Pipe Trade Schools and more

Leading representation on Alberta Trade Contractor’s Council (ATCC) Alberta Prompt Payment Council Seeking accreditation as an Alberta Nominating Authority

For details visit 1-800-251-0620 ●



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One line of cases, culminating in a Sas­

It is common practice in the construction

1. R emedy the default;

industry to use contract documents and

2. Complete the contract in accordance

performance bonds to allocate risk ap­ propriately between owners and contrac­ tors. Owners often require that contrac­ tors provide a performance bond from a recognized surety as a condition to being awarded the construction contract. A per­ formance bond provides the owner with a mechanism to mitigate the costs and risk of the contractor defaulting under the con­ struction contract. If a contractor defaults on its obligations under the construction contract, and there is a performance bond, that bond entitles the owner to call on the surety to complete the contract. Subject to the express terms of the per­

katchewan Court of Appeal Decision (Lac La Ronge) adopted a narrow approach,

with its terms and conditions; 3. Obtain bids from other contractors for

holding that sureties are responsible only

the completion of the contract, in accor­

for completing physical construction work,

dance with its terms and conditions;

and are not liable for payment of collateral

4. Make a cash payment to the owner and

money obligations (liquidated damage, de­

obtain a release.

lay damages/costs, or loss of income). The

Generally, option 3 is the one commonly

Ontario Court of Appeal has preferred a

pursued by the surety and owner. Once

broader approach, suggesting that a surety

the surety and owners have obtained and

may be liable for additional costs barred in

reviewed the required bids, a decision is

Lac La Ronge. This approach also appears

made as to the contractor that will com­

to have been adopted recently by the Al­

plete the contract in accordance with its

berta courts.

terms and conditions, and the surety’s ob­

Ultimately, the debate regarding a sure­

ligation is to make sufficient funds to pay

ty’s obligations under a performance bond

the costs of completion (subject to the face

continues, and with the recent decisions in

value of the bond). But what are the surety’s

Alberta, may set the stage for the Supreme

formance bond, a surety generally has four

obligations given the phrase “complete the

Court of Canada to determine the extent of

options under the bond to respond to the

contract in accordance with its terms and

a surety’s obligation under a performance

owner’s demand. The surety can:


bond. The cases are clear that courts will

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11/27/2019 11:47:52 AM

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iting a surety’s obligations, it is possible


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mance bonds. In addition, in the event of a default and claim under a bond, both own­ ers and contractors must ensure that they comply with their obligations under the construction contract and the performance bond. It is also imperative that owners comply with the notice provisions of their contract and under the bond and deliver notices within the required period. Defec­ tive notices, or late notices to the contrac­ tor or the surety could result in an owner losing the ability to recover costs and any collateral monetary obligations from the

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CCA Subcontracts 101 Construction Drawings 101 Construction Specifications 101 Earned Value Management Field Productivity 101 Field Scheduling 101 Getting Paid and Managing the Cash Flow Managing Change in Construction Managing Shop Drawings MS Excel for Construction MS Project – Basic MS Project - Intermediate Read the Full Contract – A Deep Dive into CCDC 2 Introduction to MS Teams MS Outlook 365 MS Word 365 – Part 1 MS Word 365 - Part 2 Bluebeam Revu – Drawing Management MS SharePoint & OneDrive Bluebeam Revu - Basic

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Bluebeam Revu - Estimating Trade Contract a Double-Edged Sword Construction 101 & Beyond Project Accounting & Cost Control Mastering Change Order Management Construction Industry Ethics Effective Meetings & Meeting Minutes Project Management Non-Standard Contract Clauses “Be Afraid” Construction Management “Keys to Success” Project Delivery Methods “Know your Responsibilities” Change Order Management Closeout of a Construction Project Building Leadership Program Construction Business Management Managing Contracts to Minimize Conflict “Do Your Job” Proposal Pursuit “Strategies for Success” Site Leadership Construction Law

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A LEGACY LEAD BY INTEGRITY AND QUALITY Carlson Construction celebrates 95 years Carlson Construction has an incredible 95year legacy in achieving exceptional results through remarkable construction experi­ ences. The company was founded in 1927 by father and son, Arthur and Victor Carlson, shortly after their arrival in Canada. They each had experience in construction, archi­


Calgary Construction Association

tecture, and engineering, and they decided to combine their skills to form one company that could offer more to its clients than what was commonplace in the Edmonton con­ struction industry at that time. Both had experience they used to launch a company that still thrives today offering construction

By Nerissa McNaughton management, pre-construction services, general contracting and design-build across a variety of industry sectors. Victor’s son, Donald (Don) Carlson as­ sumed the company lead after his father passed in 1964. Don still stops in to visit and is proud to see the legacy continue with cur­ rent owners Stan Colville, CEO, and Bruce Foster, President. Together, Colville and Foster bring over 55 years of Carlson experi­ ence. Both are happy to describe why every

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Ask us about


Calgary Construction Association

experience with Carlson continues to be a truly memorable one. “Carlson is headquartered in Edmonton with a branch office in Calgary. This allows us to readily serve all of Alberta. Despite being located in Alberta, Carlson has also completed projects throughout other areas across Canada to satisfy repeat client’s con­ struction requirements,” says Foster. “We provide an exceptional service,” says Colville, “and we provide that service while being very transparent and professional at all times.” Foster agrees, adding, “We consider our­ selves a boutique construction company that provides a concierge service. We provide personal value-added services in the way we think, operate, and build relationships.” Both the president and the CEO also focus on being involved in the day-to-day operations with the team and clients, choos­ ing a collaborative approach that empowers clear communication and increased efficien­ cies. “The relationships that we have with our clients, consultants, and subtrades are very important to us,” says Colville. “We are only successful if our clients are happy, so we make it our goal to exceed expectations. We are able to do so thanks to an incredible team who support each other and place just as much importance on client satisfaction as we do.” Carlson Construction’s projects include work in the commercial, light industrial, heavy industrial, institutional, tenant im­ provement, and multi-family sectors. The construction industry has experienced chal­ lenges due to the recent recession and the COVID pandemic. However, Carlson is pro­ active about adjusting to the changing mar­ ket conditions, and as the company contin­ ues to grow, it faces each challenge head on. “Manpower, labour, supply chain issues, and COVID have thrown a wrench into everything, including worsening the ever present shortage of trades and workers,” says Colville. However, the partners remain optimistic and focus on the aspects of the business that they appreciate and value. “Every day is a new day. It is very reward­ ing. We feel a sense of accomplishment and

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are proud to see even the most complicated projects through,” says Colville. “We pro­ vide fantastic service for the communities in which we operate and with 95 years of service in the business, we are proud to play a role in building up the Western Canadi­ an landscape. People are always surprised to learn the company is 95 years old. We also find people are surprised to learn how many significant projects we have delivered around the province.” Some of Carlson’s impressive projects in­

clude the Citadel Theatre, AMA Kingsway Office Building, Leduc Golf Clubhouse, the majority of the retail buildings in South Ed­ monton Common, and the 50th Street Busi­ ness Park Warehouse/ Office Buildings. “We are excited about our current proj­ ect, the $40M redevelopment of the Royal Glenora Club,” says Foster. This interesting and challenging project allows us to show­ case the full range of our skills as we open, retrofit and reimagine the full potential of this facility.”

Another exciting project currently un­ derway is the addition of the indoor tennis facility at the Derrick Golf and Winter Club. Carlson is proud to have been selected, through a competitive process, to be part of this phase of the Derrick Club’s redevelop­ ment. Part of thriving, for Carlson Construc­ tion, is giving back to the community. “We listen to our employees and learn about what they would like to support,” says Colville. The company has recently raised significant funds for the Edmonton Food Bank and Santas Anonymous. With a 95-year history, the list of people, partners, and clients Colville and Foster wish to thank is a very extensive one. “We thank them all!” they say. “The staff, trades, consultants, clients, industry partners – we wouldn’t be here today without them. We are only as good as the people we hire that work for us.” With nearly a century of helping to build Alberta, what comes next for Carlson Con­ struction? The culture at Carlson is one of entrepre­ neurship and accountability. As always, the team will be encouraged and supported to work with independence and to contrib­ ute to key decision making. The team is always empowered to make decisions that are essential to growth while maintaining a healthy lifestyle outside of work. Communi­ cation and engagement amongst the team is key as management feels it needs to be con­


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fident enough to provide constructive feed­ back, just as the team needs to be open to receiving it, and utilizing it in effective ways. “What will never change is our uncom­ promised quality of construction, service, and excellence,” says Foster. “Anytime there is a building or renovation by Carlson Con­ struction, the quality is always unsurpassed. We are committed to providing our clients with ‘A Remarkable Construction Experi­

6135 - 10th Street S.E., Calgary, AB

(403) 207–0303

ence.’” Both agree, “We are looking towards 100 years. We continue to do things the ‘Carlson Way’ and don’t plan on slowing down! Our longevity speaks to who we are.” n


Calgary Construction Association

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Mixed-reality technology introduces virtual 3D model animations or holograms to a physical space.

There’s a construction project under way

ing physicality (think virtual, augmented,

by visually (virtually) penetrating walls,

at SAIT that aims to go way beyond trans­

and mixed reality) can and will change the

floors, and other physical impediments.

forming a physical space on campus. While

way we see things. Seeing things differently

Formerly abstract ins and outs of the sub-

enhancing both teaching and learning ex­

can inspire doing things differently: safer,

trades — plumbing, HVAC, and electrical

periences by introducing emerging tech­

faster, more accurately, and with greater

— become clear. The complexities of how

nologies and digital skills development,


everything works and interconnects be­

the Connector Lab is also set to service the

SAIT Instructor Fred Bretzke has al­

lofty goal of advancing field construction

ready started seeing and doing things

Apprenticeships have long been a staple

practices themselves — here in Calgary

differently. With support from his Dean,

in the construction industry. Hands-on is

and beyond.

Reva Bond Ramsden, and the School of

hands-down the best way to accelerate in­

As part of the existing Founding Builders

Advanced Digital Technology (SADT),

dividual uptake when learning the trades.

House Lab, this new learning space pro­

Bretzke got his hands on Microsoft’s Ho­

Visual, experiential learning provides

vides hands-on opportunity for students,

lolens2, a mixed-reality device with which

context, and that helps make things make

faculty, and industry to connect and ex­

he can introduce a virtual 3D model ani­

sense. With new digital technology, hands-

periment with a full range of advanced

mation or hologram to a physical space (a

on makes light work of the heavy lifting.

digital technologies. Flexing algorithms

room or “holodeck”). The technology en­

“I can make the 3D models sit in the

(think artificial intelligence) and tweak­

hances the students’ normal line of sight

palm of my hand, or I can augment it to


Calgary Construction Association

come evident at a glance.

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He had tradespeople design

a full one-to-one or one-to-ten scale,” says

my computer with each two-hour lesson

and build a wooden dollhouse-

Bretzke. The Hololens2 turns the user’s fin­

taking about two weeks for me to build.”

gers into digital avatars that can effortlessly

While that’s not a sustainable approach, he

size structure that students

manipulate the animation. “I can walk my

has since found the solution in leveraging

in the sub-trades could use

students through the buildings. They see

additional advanced digital technology al­

what I see on their computers and can ask

ready available elsewhere on campus. New 360-degree digitizing cameras used

to practise plumbing and

questions. It’s the perfect teaching tool.”

in Building Information Modelling (BIM)

electrical rough-ins.

Bretzke designed mixed-reality 3D models complete with power, water, and

can build digital models in under an hour.

drainage systems for his entire fourth-

“You plant one of these cameras in the

year curriculum. “I did it manually on

middle of a room and it digitizes the whole space for you in no time.” Bretzke put a different spin on ‘mixedreality’ for another tool in his arsenal. He had tradespeople design and build a wooden dollhouse-size structure that stu­ dents in the sub-trades could use to prac­


tise plumbing and electrical rough-ins. He then started 3D-printing a stockpile of var­ ious pipe fittings made to scale. High tech can have low-tech applications. “Students can put it together like Lego.” The Connector Lab is expanding on Bretzke’s work in the pipe trades. It will have an inter-disciplinary reach that in­ cludes all of SAIT’s pre-employment and technology students from architecture, en­ gineering, and construction, having a big positive impact for facility management in the owner-operator industry. “We are opening up the space for indus­ try to bring forward their problems so we can explore solutions together,” says Rams­ den. It will be a welcoming hub to touch and try out digital technology for multiple applications. In addition to registered pro­ gramming and industry-driven events, the space will host exploration and experi­ ence sessions, and brain exchanges where industry people can come to share their ideas, their challenges, and their insights. “By embedding digital technology in how we teach, we’re also embedding it in how we build,” says Ramsden. “We’ll be


graduating students who have that mind­ set and experience when they enter the workforce. And we have evidence that, because they know exactly what they’re


Calgary Construction Association

building, they build faster and more accu­ rately, which translates into a safer work­ place and cost savings for companies.” Industry faces two fundamental road­ blocks when navigating the digital trans­ formation. Digital equipment tends to be very expensive, and finding a crew that knows how to optimize its use can be a challenge. By embedding the technol­ ogy in the curriculum and apprenticeship training, SAIT is making sure its graduates have and can carry those skills and capa­ bilities into the workforce. By equipping the Connector Lab and opening it up to the community, it’s enabling access to ad­ vanced tech. “Wherever you are in your journey, SAIT can help build your confidence, ca­ pacity, and capabilities,” says Ramsden. Reach out with questions, or see for your­ self by booking some time in the lab at n


Building better has always been our way forward. To be better. To do better. By embracing our differences and valuing each other’s strengths we’ve created an environment where ideas flow and innovation follows. This makes us forward thinkers. Paradigm shifters. For our customers, this means better solutions. Unexpected solutions. Solutions that make their business better. And the communities we build in thrive.




During the pandemic, many businesses and

host and coordinate over 20 different BILD

associations collaborated to support one

committees including the climate and envi­

another to maintain their connection with,

ronment, financial professionals, economic

and provide value to, their members. As we

advisory committee. We see response to

emerge into a post-pandemic era, the im­

the various climate initiatives as critical to

portance of maintaining these partnerships

continuing to be excellent stewards of the

means we move forward and build stronger

environment, maintain affordability, and


execute achievable plans. Being at the table

BILD Brian Hahn, Chief Executive Officer Thus far, 2022 has been a productive year for BILD Calgary Region and its members. Our Government Relations team has been actively engaged in various initiatives in­ cluding ongoing dialogue with the City of Calgary regarding off-site levy rates and available serviced lots as part of the new community business case process. Amongst other key factors, lot supply will be impor­ tant in maintaining Calgary’s current com­ petitive position in terms of affordability. Our team has also been collaborating with

for these discussions is an important part of what BILDCR stands for in being the voice of the building and development industry in Calgary. BILDCR will continue to work collaboratively with the City of Calgary and other regional municipalities to ensure our members can provide Calgarians with choice and affordable options. Since the onset of the COVID-19 public health emergency, our members have show­ cased their innovation and adaptability to stick handle through unprecedented times. A key take away from 2020 was maintain­ ing communication and open dialogue with members and stakeholders. Our members,

the Canadian Home Builders’ Association

at least in the first part of 2022, are antici­

(CHBA) to promote net-zero climate initia­

pating continued growth. As we continue to

tives. We are also excited to host the 2021

navigate COVID there is a lot of uncertain­

BILDCR Awards in person this year at the

ty, however, our members continue to be in­

TELUS Convention Centre after a two-year

dustry leaders in adapting and innovating.

NAIOP Ryan Sirski, President As we emerge from the pandemic, NAIOP Calgary returns to the basics as we aim to create opportunities for our mem­ bers to reconnect through networking and educational events. Strong relationships are one of the foundations of our industry and our association can play an important role in bringing people in the industry back to­ gether. NAIOP has always been active as an ad­ vocacy group and 2022 will be no exception. There are a number of priorities for us this year, but key areas of focus will be non-resi­ dential property taxes, the industrial growth strategy, and the downtown plan. Many of our members are city builders and we will continue to advocate for ways to ensure our industry and Calgary continue to be a com­ petitive place to build, live, and invest. The past 24 months has been difficult for the commercial real estate industry and there are still many challenges ahead. At NAIOP Calgary, we really challenged our­ selves to find new ways to provide value to our members and by focusing on that, we achieved a lot during these challenging

hiatus while we navigated the tough chal­

At the outset of the pandemic, there was

lenges presented by COVID-19. These are

tremendous collaboration between industry

times. I was especially proud that during the

important initiatives for our membership

associations on things such as safety pro­

pandemic, along with NAIOP Edmonton,

as we always look to advocate for Calgarians

tocols to ensure all of our members collec­

we were able to expand our annual Battle

and those in the region to ensure choice and

tively could remain open for business. As we

of the Prairies case competition to more

affordability are available.

emerge from the COVID-19 public health

schools and students, further engaging the

BILD Calgary Region’s focus is always

emergency, continued collaboration will

next generation of leaders in our industry.

headlined by our objectives to maintain af­

continue to focus on streamlining policy

Through the hard work of our Director,

fordability and choice for Calgary and Cal­

and regulation and sharing creative solu­

Strategic Initiatives, Guy Huntingford and

gary region consumers. We will continue to

tions to the challenges of the supply chain.

our Government Affairs Committee, we


Calgary Construction Association

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were also able to continue with our impor­

in repopulating commercial spaces hardest

competitive tax rate and avoids the types of

tant advocacy work and in many ways were

hit by the pandemic. As the office sector has

tax shifts that we’ve seen over the past few

able to strengthen it over the pandemic. Our

been especially hard hit in this respect, this

years that have led to significant tax increas­

industry and members provided a tremen­

means sharing know-how and best practic­

es to a number of small- and medium-sized

dous amount of support the past 2 years and

es to provide property management teams


I am pleased that we were able to adapt our

with the tools to safely bring back workers.

association to continue serving the needs of

Finally, and this is a very recent develop­

We are also heavily focused on continuing

ment, but we are a part of efforts among the

to contribute to the unprecedented efforts

city and the entire downtown and Beltline

to reanimate downtown with vibrancy and

community to address the public safety and

to attract new sectors and tenant types to

public disorder problems impacting resi­

fill vacant space and further diversify our

dents, workers, and the vulnerable popu­


lations in the area. The focus is on making

our membership. The collaboration between construction and industry associations is something I am especially proud of. Working together, we have a stronger voice to help find construc­ tive and positive solutions to the major is­ sues facing our members. I am also excited about the opportunity to collaborate with our fellow industry associations on some in-person networking events this year. There are a lot of great ideas to be shared amongst our members and I look forward to helping further strengthen these relation­ ships.

BOMA Lloyd Suchet, Executive Director

In addition to further supporting the

immediate improvements to enable all Cal­

Greater Downtown Plan, our industry is

garians to feel safe, but also recognizing that

a key stakeholder in the Green Line LRT

the root causes require long term, compas­

project that connects even more Calgarians

sionate solutions.

to downtown and the rest of the growing

The key to associations like ours, espe­

transit network. We know that amenities

cially in times like these, is remaining hy­

such as transit play a key role in attracting

per-focused on the question of relevancy.

workers and businesses to our city. But ob­

Our communities aren’t so large that we

viously we are closely monitoring the con­

can’t take regular pulse checks on the mem­

struction impacts on buildings to ensure

bership, either through formal methods

minimal disruption.

The last two years have been tough on

There is also a conversation around non-

many industries, and the impacts have

residential property taxes happening at City

been acute to our members particularly as

Hall between industry and government,

it compounded the challenges already faced

and we at BOMA continue to advocate for

by a scaled back energy sector. So, our most

the establishment of a more sustainable sys­

immediate need is to support the industry

tem that provides businesses with a more

like surveys, or less formal methods like a phone call or a cup of coffee. So, I am also sure to ask very specific questions about what issues are most pressing, and how we as an association can support that. I think the same concept applies to companies and their customers - listening to what they are saying, and then ensuring your structure is nimble enough to be able shift direction as necessary. I am also a big proponent of stra­

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tegic planning as a way to formalize some of these processes at set intervals, but that is another topic! Whether we are speaking to regulators, government, or the industry, our messages are always louder when there is more of us voicing them. Governments have at any given time multiple competing interests and messages being provided to them, and so the more we as associations can partner on issues of shared concern and present a unit­ ed message, the more success we will have. On a broader level, we all have a shared in­ terest in the success of our city and so the partnerships we share with groups like the CCA are paramount. n


Calgary Construction Association

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ALBERTA CONSTRUCTION ASSOCIATION ADVOCACY UPDATE By Ken Gibson, Executive Director, Alberta Construction Association Engineers of Alberta continue to work to­


wards submitting a proposal to government

Prompt pay comes into effect for con­ tracts signed after August 29, 2022. Together with local construction associations, ACA is coordinating education for members, which started with answers to frequently asked

to act as a Nominating Authority to accredit prompt pay adjudicators and manage the adjudication process. ACA is concerned that the proposed administrative responsibilities contemplated in the regulations run counter

questions disseminated in early March.

to the goal of affordable costs borne by par­

Consult your construction association for

ties to an adjudication.

THREE BIG IDEAS FOR PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE TO ENABLE ECONOMIC RECOVERY AND GROWTH ACA believes publicly funded infrastruc­ ture can be an enabler of economic recovery. Independent research in Canada and abroad has confirmed the importance of public in­ frastructure to boost economic productivity and support trade enabled prosperity.

ACA continues to lobby government to

The Red Tape Reduction Construction

The industry consortium of ACA, Alberta

commit to comparable prompt pay and dis­

Industry Panel have consistently affirmed

Trade Contractors Coalition, Alberta Urban

pute resolution processes for projects under

that industry’s concerns remain an urgent

Municipalities Association, and Consulting

the Public Works Act.

priority to resolve.

upcoming webinars.

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Calgary Construction Association



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In order for publicly funded infrastruc­

• Specifying a predictable long term capi­

ture to fully contribute, there are three ‘big

tal plan with certainty and consistency of

ideas’ that address current constraints and unleash the full potential of this key enabler. The three mutually reinforcing ideas to ad­ dress common issues are: 1. Certainty

funding. • Utilizing asset management planning to inform the capital plan. • Funding the capital plan – a look back at the 2003 capital account.

industry input on appropriate selection of form of project delivery. • Moving to a suite of common contracts for the various forms of project delivery for vertical infrastructure across public owners. This common suite of contracts must address inappropriate risk allocation

2. Partnership

• Utilizing a public utility model.

and onerous/infeasible contract terms by

3. Value

• Ongoing meaningful dialogue with indus­

working toward modified CCDC contracts

try to share multi-year capital programs;

to ensure contracts are balanced across

Possible approaches to achieve certainty, partnership, and value include:

understand industry capacity and receive

contracting parties. • Independent procurement/project man­ agement agencies. • Adoption of collaborative forms of project delivery as the standard.

Building Your Visions

Curtain Wall High Performance Glazing Structural Glazing Skylights

• Enhancing the opportunity for local knowledge and services in delivering on Alberta’s infrastructure needs. • Moving away from low bid to best value procurement.

MULTIYEAR MAJOR RETROFIT PROGRAM ESSENTIAL The sixth Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change working group report re­ leased August 2021 makes for sober reading. In the words of the Panel: “It is unequivocal that human influence has warmed the atmosphere, ocean and land. Widespread and rapid changes in the atmosphere, ocean, cryosphere and bio­ sphere have occurred.... Human-induced climate change is already affecting many weather and climate extremes in every re­ gion across the globe.” Alberta is Canada’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases. Alberta residential and commercial buildings are among the high­ est GHG emitters per square metre of build­ ing area across Canada. In the last 10 years, extreme flooding, hail, and wildfires have destroyed numerous Alberta buildings with insured losses of $7 billion. While there has been a promising start within Alberta and much success to build

Ferguson Corporation Phone: (403) 287-4499 Fax: (403) 243-2198


Calgary Construction Association

on, one national estimate is that current

retrofit rates are below 1 per cent for lowrise residential buildings and 1.4 per cent of commercial building floor area, with retro­

fits achieving shallow rather than deep en­ ergy savings. Building retrofits generate employment and GDP, with benefits spread across the entire province. Annual public and private costs totaling $5-$9 billion per year over the next 30 – 15 years can achieve a zero-carbon building stock for Alberta. ACA will be working with others to ad­ vocate that all three levels of government


enact a coherent and mutually reinforcing policy framework and share of funding of a major building retrofit multiyear program with annual progress reporting to the target of a zero carbon Alberta building stock by 2050. Retrofits should encompass resilience



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to natural disasters given the changes in cli­ mate. Sustained multiyear public and private investment is necessary to allow the develop­ ment of a construction workforce skilled in delivering high-performance building retro­ fits along with the supply chain to provide the necessary materials and technologies. SOFIAC is offering a promising program of leveraging private and public funding to act as a super energy services company that al­ lows aggregation of small projects. SOFIAC is interested in expanding operations into Alberta, and ACA is advocating that govern­ ment incentivize SOFIAC as an additional funding source for Alberta projects.

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right numbers of skilled trades profession­ als with the right skills at the right time. ACA plans to engage with industry to iden­

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tify needed policies and gaps in programs to promote development of local sources of workers, improve interprovincial mobility, and optimize the use of foreign talent. ACA is advocating for a stronger role for industry under the new Skilled Trades and Appren­

Specialty HVAC distributors since 1988

ticeship Education Act. ACA applauds the provincial government for financial support of a number of ACA pilot projects to devel­


op skills and recruit and retain workers. n The CONSTRUCTOR 2022


GOLD SEAL CERTIFICATION – YOUR TOOL TO NURTURE YOUR TOP TALENT By Chanel Roberts, Manager, Education and Gold Seal Certification Program, Canadian Construction Association

Lunch ’n’ Learns are helpful tools to get employees excited about Gold Seal. CCA organizes public information webinars and can also deliver one tailored to your company or group. Getting your project recognized as a Gold Seal project is also a great way to get all eligible jobsite staff certified, subtrades included, and gain visibility for your commitment to professional development.

GET THE BEST PEOPLE FOR THE JOB Including information on Gold Seal Certification in your website’s careers section and in job postings can benefit your company in many ways. Having a clearly defined and articulated way of growing talent and investing in professional development is a big perk for applicants and can help differentiate your company from the competition. By asking for the certification in job postings or by listing it as an asset, you can showcase your appreciation of professionalism and your sup­ port of professional development. The Canadian Construction Association’s (CCA) Gold Seal Certifica­ tion program can help your company attract, grow, and retain top talent. Through competency assessments, professional development and continued mentorship, this professional certification program is focused on helping the industry achieve excellence through educa­ tion, training, and skills development.

USE COMPETENCY ASSESSMENTS TO NURTURE TALENT Many great foreman, estimators, project managers, safety practi­ tioners, or superintendents start in a different role and move up the chain over the years. It is important to have a formal framework to identify talent, discuss future opportunities, and chart a learning and mentoring path for progression. Gold Seal’s competency assessments, which form the heart of its program, can help guide the growth of the skills of your workforce. The assessments define the knowledge, skills, and abilities that con­ struction professionals working in Gold Seal designations should possess regardless of company field, size, or geography. “One of the great things about competency assessments is that they can be used for much more than Gold Seal exam preparation,” says Alistair Robertson of Learning Forty-Two, an adult learning and development specialist who led the most recent update of Gold Seal designations and exams. “HR departments, managers, and employ­ ees can use them to help identify areas for ongoing skill development through relevant training or other learning opportunities. The com­ petencies themselves can even be used to help hire new and evaluate existing employees.”


Calgary Construction Association

PREVENT THE BRAIN DRAIN According to the job site Indeed, “no room to grow” is the top rea­ son why people leave their jobs. Knowing that your employer invests in their staff is a strong motivator. Establishing a mentoring program where Gold Seal Certified staff members help those who are just starting on their process is a great idea. Some companies have appointed an admin, HR, or training contact to assist with applications.

CELEBRATING SUCCESS When your staff members receive their GSC, that’s cause for cel­ ebration! Some ways that employers can mark this occasion include framed certificate presentations and newsletter, website, or social media announcements. Some companies also proudly display their employees’ GSC certificates on a designated wall. Learning does not stop at GSC. We have a growing number of Gold Seal Certified professionals with two or three GSCs in different designations as they have moved from one certifiable designation to another. There is also our highest level of certification, the renewable Pro­ fessional, Gold Seal Certified (P.GSC) credential, whereby enrolled GSCs must demonstrate having worked in their designation for a minimum of 2,000 hours and earned 30 credits worth of updated ac­ tivities every two years. To learn more about Gold Seal Certification, visit our website at or contact our staff at n

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Mona Amiri Estimator PCL Construction Management Inc.

Eric Hoops Superintendent Canem Systems

Craig Moss Project Manager Warwick Structures Group

Clayton Sykes Foreman Grand West Electric

Audra Cassar Dupas Construction Safety Practitioner Trotter and Morton Facility Services

Graeme Kerr Project Manager PCL Construction Management Inc.

Jason Nedinis Construction Safety Practitioner Great Northern Plumbing

Brendan James Tersmette Project Manager Lignum Interiors

Andrew Desrosiers Superintendent Elan Construction Ltd.

Jonathan King Construction Safety Practitioner Traugott Building Contractors Inc.

Joseph Niosi Project Manager Canem Systems Ltd.

Sarah Trottier Project Manager Evolution Glass

Colin R. Grant Superintendent Western Electrical

Dustin Liland Superintendent PCL Construction Management Inc.

Rudy Perizzolo Estimator Johnson Controls LP

Andrew Ulmer Project Manager Ferguson Corporation

Wendell Hauck Estimator Ledcor

Francesco Mangone Project Manager Lear Construction Management

Joesph Schmick Project Manager MJS Mechanical Ltd.

Robert Vaz Project Manager Servco Canada

Michael Hemlow Project Manager Graham

Darrell Martell Superintendent PCL Construction Management Inc.

Harry Simpson Construction Safety Practitioner Aecon

Jordan Wolfe Foreman PCL Construction Management Inc.

Robert Hislop Estimator Modus Structures

David McCole Project Manager EllisDon Construction Services Inc.

Jeff Simpson Superintendent Westcor

David MacDonald Project Manager Hestia Construction Inc.

Dallas Packham Foreman Balzers Canada Inc.

January 2022 Jordan Abbey Construction Safety Practitioner Viking Fire Protection Inc. Shuhan Li Estimator Maple Reinders Constructors Ltd.


Calgary Construction Association

Sean Terrill Superintendent PCL Construction Management Inc.

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INDUSTRY FOCUSED ON BUILDING FOR THE FUTURE By Mary Van Buren, President, Canadian Construction Association

CCA initiatives include securing long-term investment in infrastructure, positioning the industry as a first choice for careers, and fair procurement There is no debate. The infrastructure we

As the industry’s national advocate, the

CCA will continue to advance these mes­

design, build, and maintain must anticipate

Canadian Construction Association (CCA)

sages through our Invest in Canada cam­

a rapidly changing world, where future cli­

has been working to support members

paign to keep the importance of infrastruc­

mate, technologies, and social needs will be

in your continued success and to remove

ture at the top of mind of Canadians.

very different from today.

roadblocks. This includes advocating for a


Infrastructure enables trade, powers

consistent and long-term infrastructure in­

businesses, connects workers to their jobs,

vestment plan that benefits all Canadians;

creates opportunities for communities and

contracting that supports fair competition,

protects the nation from an increasingly

innovation and shared risk; and developing

unpredictable natural environment. It also

a pipeline of skilled and talented workers to

supports workers, providing millions of

build for the future.

Setting national goals around building sustainability into our infrastructure is key to our future economy. We are working collaboratively to create a new vision for infrastructure planning and investment in

jobs each year in building, design, and

These issues are CCA priorities for 2022,

maintenance, accounting for over 1.4 mil­

and were already raised with key elected

aligned with provincial, municipal, and

lion jobs in Canada.

parliamentarians during our annual Hill

Indigenous needs. A long-term strategic

Our industry can be the path to green

Day on November 30 and in our response

vision and framework will provide stabil­

and the road to economic recovery, but we

to the federal government’s National Infra­

ity to projects, encourage investment, and

need supportive policies and a national plan

structure Assessment, which was backed by

support the development of the necessary

backed by a long-term investment strategy.

60 of our integrated partner associations.

skilled workforce.

KEEPING WORKPLACE SAFETY TOP OF MIND. Want more information? Email: Please visit:


Calgary Construction Association

Canada where funds flow quickly and are

Jamal Issa, Operations Manager 674 Cougar Ridge Dr. SW

Office: 587-483-7800

Calgary, AB T3H 4W9

Cell: 403-807-7732

With economic revival being a priority

countering the labour shortage. More atten­

providing helpful tools, sharing best prac­

for all Canadians, CCA also recognizes the

tion needs to be placed on attracting youth,

tices across the country, and being your

importance of scaling up Canada’s trade-

women, Indigenous peoples, immigrants,

voice with the federal government.

enabling infrastructure. With reports that

and foreign workers to construction.

Stay in the loop by subscribing to CCA’s

Canada has fallen from 10th to 32nd in

Stay in touch!

newsletter at, by follow­

terms of global trade infrastructure, CCA

Canada will be counting on the construc­

ing @ConstructionCAN on Twitter, or by

has been working in partnership with the

tion industry to build back better. You can

looking up Canadian Construction Asso­

Western Canada Roadbuilders and Heavy

count on CCA to be a collaborative partner

ciation on LinkedIn. n

Construction Association to improve in­

to the Calgary Construction Association,

vestment in the Western Canada trade cor­ ridor. Canada’s growth economy needs reli­ able infrastructure to connect supply chains and efficiently move goods and services across borders.

SUPPORTING VALUE AND INNOVATION THROUGH FAIR AND TRANSPARENT PROCUREMENT With productivity and sustainability is­ sues on the rise, including net zero carbon targets and shortages in material and labour affecting profit margins, now is the time to modernize procurement practices. To build the infrastructure needed across the country and recruit the workforce of the future, federal procurement strategies need to adapt to encourage innovation, include contractors earlier in the process, account for long-term value and sustainability, pro­ mote the use of alternative delivery models, and support shared risk.

BUILDING THE WORKFORCE OF THE FUTURE Construction will be one of the most important sectors driving Canada’s future economy and we need to build a pipeline of talent to fill many diverse, creative, and in­ novative job opportunities. Skilled trades­ people cannot be created overnight. Now is the time to focus on building workforce capacity and boosting skilled training pro­ grams. Our Talent Fits Here campaign is one way we are reaching the next generation of workers and promoting contruction as a first-choice career. We also continue to ad­ vocate for recruitment initiatives, training programs, and specific measures aimed at The CONSTRUCTOR 2022


After an unscheduled switch made in re­ cord time back in 2020 thanks to an un­ precedented “all-hands-on-deck” effort, BuildWorks was able to continue to provide our members with access to opportunities by way of support in the pursuit of business. Despite the many interruptions and distractions of COVID, BuildWorks has continued to move forward. We now have a stronger working relationship across Al­ berta with all eight partners and, while there are still some features being finalized, there is probably more alignment and atten­ tion on this valuable service now than there has been for some time. Particularly around what the future needs to be. This renewed focus is all about maximiz­

ing the scope of this service for industry in its current and future form and we also have the benefit of some fresh eyes that will po­ tentially bring new perspectives and input for future enhancements. All this is happening while, at the same time municipal, provincial, and federal pro­ curement groups are engaging in and ex­ ploring their own initiatives and upgrades to their platforms. This ever-shifting back­ drop presents yet another context that we must constantly monitor and track in order to understand and manage these changes as they often present new challenges and op­ portunities in our mission to remain inte­ grated with these platforms. Our very heritage as Construction Asso­

ciations is steeped in the Builders Exchange and the Plans Room service. As a former user of the Plans Room in Calgary, when it was still actually a “room”, its importance is well understood and consequently its future is a priority for us all. On behalf of the Local Construction As­ sociations of Alberta, Wm (Bill) Black B.Sc., CEC, LEED AP President & COO Calgary Construction Association


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1522523 Alberta Ltd o/a Stein Excavating 111 Tanner Estates Rocky View County, AB T1X 2H4 Tel: (403) 702-0035

A.Y.K Construction Ltd. 7278 - 11 Avenue SW Calgary, AB T3H 4B4 Tel: (403) 383-4190

Acutech Electric Ltd. 7 Skyline Crescent NE Calgary, AB T2K 5X2 Tel: (403) 241-5804

1871084 Alberta Ltd. (Norkraft) 89024 - 70 High Street SE Calgary, AB T2Z 3V0 Tel: (403) 973-0330

A-1 Concrete Cutting & Coring (1985) Ltd. 4045 96 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 4T7 Tel: (403) 273-7500

Adler Firestopping Ltd. #1, 3800 - 19th Street NE Calgary, AB T2E 6V2 Tel: (403) 590 0758

1998372 Alberta Ltd. o/a Elite Site Services Box 625 Black Diamond, AB T0L 0H0 Tel: (403)803-0610

Abacus Steel Inc. 9415 - 48 Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 2R1 Tel: (403) 252-2044

ADS Canada 250A Boul. Industriel St-Germain-de-Grantham, QC J0C 1K0 Tel: (514) 617-0550

2J Electric Ltd. 112115 274 Avenue East Foothills, AB T1S 5C8 Tel: (403) 690-2406

ABBL Hardware #2, 1815 - 27 Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2E 7E1 Tel: (403) 291-0641

Advanced Electrical Services Ltd. Suite 143, 4999 43 Street SE Calgary, AB T2B 3N4 Tel: (403) 697-3747

4Refuel 3131 57th Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 0B2 Tel: (403) 508-0120

Able Demolition Services Ltd. 3828 - 14 Street SE Calgary, AB T2G 3K4 Tel: (403) 263-8406

AG Creations Inc. Suite 412, 1711 - 4 Street SW Calgary, AB T2S 1V8 Tel: (403) 457-4855

7 Construction Inc. 2145, 6027 79th Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 5P1 Tel: (403) 351-4451

Access SMT #1 4120 23 Street NE Calgary, AB T2E 6W9 Tel: (403) 651-8135

AGF Rebar Inc. 235062 Wrangler Road Rockyview, AB T1X 0K3 Tel: (403) 720-5565

A & A Paving Ltd. 1515 - 9 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2G 0T6 Tel: (403) 262-1999

Acre Prime Inc. 234234 Wrangler Road Rocky View, AB T1X 0P5 Tel: (403) 235-2222

Ainsworth Inc. 100, 2588 - 27th Street NE Calgary, AB T1Y 7G1 Tel: (403) 265-6750

A. Leduc Developments (1983) Ltd. Box 518 Okotoks, AB T1S 1A7 Tel: (403) 938-7088

Activo Inc. Bay #8, 2135 32th Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2E 6Z3 Tel: (403) 217-4115

Akela Construction Ltd. 33, 9151 - 44 Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 2P7 Tel: (403) 720-8405 Alberta Bolt Makers (2002) Ltd. 2113 50th Street SE Calgary, AB T2B 1M8 Tel: (403) 272-7082 Alberta Dampproofing & Waterproofing Ltd. 4552 - 14 Street NE Calgary, AB T2E 6T7 Tel: (403) 250-9737 Alberta Glass Company Inc. 2820 37 Avenue NE Calgary, AB T1Y 5T3 Tel: (403)219-7473

General Contracting Contracting and and General Project Management Project Management Interior Renovations Interior Renovations, Renovations Interior Exterior Renovations Exterior Renovations Custom Projects, New Buildings, New Interiors Exterior Renovations Custom Projects Custom Projects New Buildings New Buildings New Interiors New Interiors

33, 9151 44th St.SE Calgary, AB T2C 2P7 (403) 720-8405


Calgary Construction Association

Alberta Health Services 10101 Southport Road SW Calgary, AB T2W 3N2 {Tel:} Alberta Marble & Tile Co. Ltd. 2020 Pegasus Road NE Calgary, AB T2E 8K7 Tel: (403) 287-0944 Alberta Painting Contractors Association P.O. Box 4520, Station C Calgary, AB T2T 5N3 Tel: (403) 244-4487


Alberta Paving Ltd. 4620 Manilla Road SE Calgary, AB T2G 4B7 Tel: (403) 287-7772

Aon Reed Stenhouse Inc. 600 3rd AvenueSW Suite#1800 Calgary, AB T2P 0G5 Tel: (403) 267-7749

Autodesk Inc PO Box 8250 San Rafael, CA 94912-8250 Tel: (604) 332-4098

Alex Excavating Ltd. Unit 1 4119 52nd Street NE Calgary, AB T3N1B5 Tel: (403) 909-4600

Aplin Martin 2611 37th Avenue NE Calgary, AB T1Y 5Y7 Tel: (403)250-8199

Aviva Insurance Company of Canada 1900, 10130 – 103 Street Edmonton, AB T5J 3N9 Tel: (780)428-1822

Alfredo Marble & Tile (1966) Ltd. 6927-48 Street S.E Calgary, AB T2C 5A4 Tel: (587) 481-7354

Aqua Air Systems Ltd. 2 –12180 44th Street SE Calgary, AB T2Z4A2 Tel: (403) 279-7958

Axiom Builders Inc. Suite 200 927 10th Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2R 1A8 Tel: (587) 390-2108

All Weather Windows Commercial 18550 118A Avenue Edmonton, AB T5C 2K7 Tel: (780) 451-0670

Aquateck West Ltd. #125, 2727 Centre Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2A 2L4 Tel: (403) 272-0052

Azimuth Builders Ltd. 160 Quarry Park Boulevard #300 Calgary, AB T2C 3G3 Tel: (403) 801-4612

Allied Contractors Inc. Unit 103 - 1135 64 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2H 2J7 Tel: (403) 243-3311

Archicon Construction Management & Consulting Inc. #7-9550 114th Ave, SE Calgary, AB T3S 0A5 Tel: (403) 594-2510

Aztec Group Ltd. 300, 160 Quarry Park Boulevard SE Calgary, AB T2C3G3 Tel: (403) 807-7788

Allied Projects Ltd. 7017 Farrell Road SE Calgary, AB T2H 0T3 Tel: (403) 543-4530 Allmar Distributors Ltd. 4910 - 76 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 2X2 Tel: (403) 236-2604 Alpha Construction (Calgary) Inc. Box 879, 1031 Western Drive Crossfield, AB T0M 0S0 Tel: (403) 769-1280 Alpine Drywall (Calgary) Ltd. 315 - 39 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2G 1X5 Tel: (403) 243-3455 Alpine Glass Inc. 2288 - 18 Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2E 8R1 Tel: (403) 291-2205 Alsa Road Construction Ltd. 308 - 53 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2H 0N3 Tel: (403) 385-8902 Alumicor Limited 303 Douglasbank Drive SE Calgary, AB T2Z 2C8 Tel: (403) 615-7220 AMELCO Electric (Calgary) Ltd. 2230 - 22 Street NE Calgary, AB T2E 8B7 Tel: (403) 250-1270 Anderson Plumbing Company Ltd. 4510 - 6A Street NE Calgary, AB T2E 4B3 Tel: (403) 277-3344

Arguson Projects Inc. 700 2nd Street SW, Suite 2550 Calgary, AB T2P 2W3 Tel: (403) 407-2737 Armour Equipment 5316 - 4 Street SE Calgary, AB T2H 1K5 Tel: (403) 252-6067 Arpi’s Industries Ltd. 6815 - 40 Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 2W7 Tel: (403) 768-1653 Arrowhead Canada Inc. #304 Calgary, AB T2S0J2 Tel: (587) 998-4720 ASCCI (All Systems Communications Contracting Inc.) Bay 3-6025 12th Street SE Calgary, AB T2H 2K1 Tel: (403) 253-7222 Astra Construction Management 200, 638 11 Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2R 0E2 Tel: (403) 770-6463 Atlas Oilfield Services Ltd. Box 1197 Wabamun, AB T0E 2K0 Tel: (587)999-5539 Aura Environmental Restorations Ltd. 8800 Venture Avenue SE #2112 Calgary, AB T3S 0A2 Tel: (403) 726-2029

Baja Construction Canada Inc. 929 Wilson Way Canmore, AB T1W2y9 Tel: (403) 609-7666 Baldwin Construction Services Ltd. 263230 Butte Hills Way Rocky View, AB T4A 0P6 Tel: (403) 899-5321 Balzer’s Canada Inc. 235051 Wrangler Drive SE Rocky View, AB T1X 0K3 Tel: (403) 243-4481 Bantrel Co. Suite 510, 1201 Glenmore Trail SW Calgary, AB T2V 4Y8 Tel: (403) 290-5065 Barkman Concrete Ltd. 152 Brandt Street Steinbach, MB R5G 0R2 Tel: (403) 803-0849 Bartle & Gibson Co. Ltd. 4300 - 21 Street NE Calgary, AB T2E 9A6 Tel: (403) 291-1099 BearStone Ex. Inc. #53 Industry Way SE Calgary, AB T3S 0A2 Tel: (403) 701-8323 / (403) 829-8990 BFL Canada Insurance Services Inc. Suite 200, 1167 Kensington Crescent NW Calgary, AB T2N 1X7 Tel: (403) 451-4132 BigSteelBox Corporation 5208 - 84th Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 5N3 Tel: (403) 998-8511

The CONSTRUCTOR 2020 2022



Bird Construction Group Suite 350, 1200 - 59 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2H 2M4 Tel: (403) 319-0470

Broda Group LP PO Box 71010 Silver Springs Calgary, AB T3B 5K2 Tel: (403) 604-0781

Calgary Fasteners & Tools 2211 - 32 Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2E 6Z3 Tel: (403) 291-9177

Black & McDonald Limited 1071 - 26 Street NE Calgary, AB T2A 6K8 Tel: (403) 235-0331

Brokerlink #100 - 1201 Glenmore Trail Calgary, AB T2V4Y8 Tel: (403) 209-6300

Calgary Lock & Safe 1991 Ltd. 1655 32 Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2E7Z5 Tel: (403) 250-5698

Black River Contracting Inc. 265190 Rge Road 275 Rockyview County, AB T4A 3J5 Tel: (403) 899-7070

Brookfield Residential (Alberta) LP 4906 Richard Road SW Calgary, AB T3E 6L1 Tel: (403) 826-5736

Calgary Public Library 800 3 Street SE Calgary, AB T2G 0E7 Tel: (403) 260-2600

Blackie Site Works Ltd. Box 6027 High River, AB T1V 1P7 Tel: (403) 652- 4222

Brooks Asphalt & Aggregate Ltd. Box 1360 Brooks, AB T1R 1C3 Tel: (403) 362-5597

Calibre Coatings Ltd. 6224 - 29 Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 1W3 Tel: (403) 287-7728

Blue Grass Nursery Ltd. 260130B Writing Creek Crescent Rocky View, AB T4A 0M9 Tel: (403) 226-0468

BSI Build Unit 1006, 93 Gateway Drive Airdrie, AB T4A0M4 Tel: (403) 607-4554

Calibre Developments Inc. 6224 - 29 Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 1W3 Tel: (403) 287-7366

Blue Ridge Excavating Ltd. 235103 Ryan Road Rockyview AB, AB T1X 0K3 Tel: (403) 254-5883

BTC Group Suite 205 110 Country Hills Landing NW Calgary, AB T3K 5P3 Tel: (403) 476-8985

Cambium Woodwork (2005) Ltd. 1200 - 26 Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2G 5S2 Tel: (403) 249-2025

Blue-Con Excavating Ltd. 285010 Wrangler Way Rockyview, AB T1X 0K3 Tel: (403) 273-1144

BURNCO Rock Products Ltd. P.O. Box 1480, Stn. T Calgary, AB T2H 2P9 Tel: (403) 255-2600

CANA Construction Ltd. 5720 - 4 Street SE Calgary, AB T2H 1K7 Tel: (403) 255-5521

BMP Mechanical Ltd. #110, 6420 - 6A Street SE Calgary, AB T2H 2B7 Tel: (403) 816-4409

Burton General Contracting Ltd. 226220 22 Street West Foothills, AB T1S 3N2 Tel: (403) 243-8833

CANA Energy Services Inc. 100, 5720 - 4 Street SE Calgary, AB T2H 1K7 Tel: (403) 253-0002

Borden Ladner Gervais LLP Centennial Place East Tower Calgary, AB T2P 0R3 Tel: (403) 232-9500

Business Development Bank of Canada The Edison Suite 1310 Calgary, AB T2P 0X8 Tel: (403) 472-8279

Canadian Dewatering LP 8816 40 Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 2P2 Tel: (403) 291-3313

Bordt Stone & Tile Ltd. 3624 Manchester Road SE Calgary, AB T2G 3Z5 Tel: (403) 287-1548

C&J Interiors Inc. 216 Acacia Crescent Southeast Airdrie, AB T4B 1G3 Tel: (403) 899-3517

Canadian Erosion and Containment 3810 7th Street SE Calgary, AB T2G 2Y8 Tel: (587) 324-0289

Botting & Associates #215, 340 Midpark Way SE Calgary, AB T2X 1P1 Tel: (403) 256-6544

C.R. Contractor Ltd. 6613 44 Street SE, Suite 5 Calgary, AB T2C 2C9 Tel: (403) 225-0229

Bow Mark Paving Ltd. P.O. Box 730 Okotoks, AB T1S 1A8 Tel: (403) 938-7920

Cal Tech Glass Services Ltd. 4450 - 104 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 1R7 Tel: (403) 250-5726

Canadian Western Bank - Equipment Financing Group 6127 Barlow Trail SE Calgary, AB T2C 4W8 Tel: (403) 269-9882

Boxx Modular, A Division of Black Diamond LP 2401115 Frontier Crescent SE Calgary, AB T1X 0R1 Tel: (403) 567-1949

Calgary Board of Education 1221 - 8 Street SW Calgary, AB T2R 0L4 Tel: (403) 817-4000

Bravura Construction Group 136 Strathcona Road SW Calgary, AB T3H 1P3 Tel: (587) 774-8563


Calgary Construction Association

Calgary Catholic School Board 1000, 5th Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2P 4T9 Tel: (403) 500-2000

Canbar Steel Fabricators Ltd. 9216 - 44 Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 2N4 Tel: (403) 279-5161 Candesto Enterprises Corp. Box #84073 Market Mall P.O. Calgary, AB T3A 5C4 Tel: (403) 286-7922 Canem Systems Ltd. 1000, 7005 Fairmount Drive SE Calgary, AB T2H 0J1 Tel: (403) 259-2221


Canterbury Roofing Ltd. 3810 16 Street SE Calgary, AB T2G 3R7 Tel: (403) 234-8582

Centaur Products Inc. 1145H - 44 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2G 4X4 Tel: (403) 243-5111

Clark Builders 222, 4000 – 4th Street SE Calgary, AB T2G 2W3 Tel: (403) 253-0565

Canwest Concrete Cutting & Coring Inc. 5025 - 13 Street SE Calgary, AB T2G 5N1 Tel: (403) 225-4445

Centrix Control Solutions Limited Partnership Unit 1A, 8515 48 Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 2P8 Tel: (403) 252-7651

Clean Air Services Inc. Bay C, 7017 Farrell Road SE Calgary, AB T2H 0T2 Tel: (403) 254-2714

Caon Services Inc. 1143 42nd Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2G 1Z3 Tel: (403) 279-6641 Capital H2O Systems Inc. 5040B 12A Street SE Calgary, AB T2G 5K9 Tel: (403) 251-2438 Carlson Construction Ltd. Suite 106, 12143 40th Street Calgary, AB T2Z4E6 Tel: (403) 612-5009 Carmichael Engineering Ltd. 6504 30th Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 1N4 Tel: (403) 255-3322 Carscallen LLP 900, 332 - 6 Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2P 0B2 Tel: (403) 262-3775 CCD Western Limited #110, 8050 56th Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 4S9 Tel: (403) 255-9567 CCS Contracting Ltd. 2611-58 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 0B4 Tel: (403) 215-4040 CDM Mechanical Ltd. 1805 - 9 Avenue SE High River, AB T1V 2A6 Tel: (403) 652-1777 Cedar Crest Lands (Alta) Ltd. Bay # 145, 2727 Centre Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2A 2L4 Tel: (403) 295-0400 Cedar Shop Building Materials 100 - 285 Manitou Rd SE Calgary, AB T2G 4C2 Tel: (403) 243-5720 Cematrix (Canada) Inc. 9727 40th Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 2P4 Tel: (403) 219-0484 Cemrock Concrete & Construction Ltd. #121, 2432 - 48 Street SE Calgary, AB T2B 1M4 Tel: (403) 263-7168

Centron Group of Companies #104, 8826 Blackfoot Trail SE Calgary, AB T2J 3J1 Tel: (403) 252-1120

Clifton Engineering Group Inc. 2222 - 30 Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2E 7K9 Tel: (403) 263-2556

Centurion Mechanical Ltd. Bldg. B6, 301 - 2509 Dieppe Avenue SW Calgary, AB T3E 7J9 Tel: (403) 452-6761

Coboy Waterproofing + Construction Services Inc. PO 421 Crossfield, AB T0M 0S0 Tel: (403) 498-6089

Certified Demolition Inc. 17391-108 Avenue NW Edmonton, AB T5S1G2 Tel: (780)938-9378

Collective Waste Solutions 210, 405 - 10th Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2G0W3 Tel: (403) 460-1401

Challenger Geomatics Ltd. #460, 6940 Fisher Rd SE Calgary, AB T2H 0W3 Tel: (403) 259-7478

Commercial Paving Ltd. 901 - 84 Street NE Calgary, AB T2A 7X4 Tel: (403) 235-1813

Champion Concrete Cutting (Calgary) Inc. 7664 10 Street NE Rocky View Country, AB T2E 8W1 Tel: (403) 277-2233

Complete Geomatic Services Inc. 204-4216 10 Street NE Calgary, AB T2E 6K3 Tel: (403) 230-3273

Chandos Construction Suite 200, Bldg. 1000, 15-Sunpark Plaza SE Calgary, AB T2X 0M5 Tel: (403) 640-0101

Con Site Construction Limited 117 High Plains Place Rocky View County, AB T4A 0W7 Tel: (403) 265-0700

Check & Balance Mechanical Ltd. 292 Hawkwood Boulevard Calgary, AK T3G 2Y5 Tel: (403) 771-7203

Concrete Reflections Inc. 415 McTavish Road NE Calgary, AB T2E 7G7 Tel: (403) 769-9076

Chinook Elevators Ltd. CALGARY, AB T3M 2X2 Tel: (587) 436-3815

Concrete Solutions Inc. Bay #15, 3716 - 56th Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 2B5 Tel: (403) 203-8733

Chisholm Industries Ltd. 4427B - 72 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 2G5 Tel: (403) 279-7868

Contemporary Office Interiors Ltd. 2206 Portland Street SE Calgary, AB T2G 4M6 Tel: (403) 874-8736

City of Calgary 6th Floor, Municipal Building - 800 Macleod Trail SE Calgary, AB T2P2M5 Tel: (403) 268-3578

Continental Geomatics Inc. 3908 Varsity Drive NW Calgary, AB T3A 0Z4 Tel: (403) 389-2828

City of Chestermere 105 Marina Road Chestermere, AB T1X 1V7 Tel: (403) 207-7075

Contour Earthmoving Ltd. 285019 Wrangler Way Rocky View, AB T1X 0K3 Tel: (403) 275-0154 Converge Condo Management Suite 2000 – 125 9 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2G 0P6 Tel: (403) 899-0132




Convergint Technologies Ltd. #2, 6020 - 11 Street SE Calgary, AB T2H 2L7 Tel: (403) 291-3241

Custom Electric Ltd. 1725 - 27 Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2E 7E1 Tel: (403) 291-3303

Defined Metalcraft Inc. Bay #2 - 235126 Ryan Road Rocky View No.44, AB T1X 0K3 Tel: (587) 229-7488

Cook’s Construction & Consulting Unit 5 240007 Frontier Crescent Rocky View, AB T1X 0R4 Tel: (587)370-8796

Custom Metal Contracting Ltd. #49, 5342 - 72 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 4X5 Tel: (403) 291-9767

Delco Automation Inc. 3714 Kinnear Place Saskatoon, SK S7P 0A6 Tel: (306) 244-6449

Core Geomatics Group Inc. Suite 300, 4503 Brisebois Drive NW Calgary, AB T2L 2G3 Tel: (403) 648-2772

Custom Power Generation Bay 7, 415 - 60 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2H 2J5 Tel: (587) 747-0900

Delnor Construction Ltd. 833 34 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2G 4Y9 Tel: (403) 294-1650

CorMac Projects Inc. 132 3670 63 Avenue NE Calgary, AB T3J 0S4 Tel: (403) 457-4080

D & D Exterior Contracting Ltd. 217 Evergreen Plaza SW Calgary, AB T2Y 5B2 Tel: (403) 201-7799

Delphi Electric Inc. 236 Initiative Avenue SE Calgary, AB T3S 0B7 Tel: (403) 247-1717

Cornad Contracting Inc. 3508 - 66 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 1P3 Tel: (403) 285-5987

D & T Plumbing #10, 11410 - 27 Street SE Calgary, AB T2Z 3R6 Tel: (403) 203-2807

Deltec Power & Control Systems #115, 12159 - 44 Street SE Calgary, AB T2Z 4H3 Tel: (403) 720-0717

CP Distributors Ltd. 4550 25 Street SE #120 Calgary, AB T2B 3P1 Tel: (403) 253-2006

D&M Developments Inc. Bay 133, 2750 - 3 Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2A 2L5 Tel: (403) 567-0275

Desa Glass 285079 Bluegrass Drive Rockyview, AB T1X 0P5 Tel: (403) 230-5011

CREATE Construction Group 1925 10th Avenue SW Calgary, AB T3C 0K3 Tel: (403) 244-9030

D. Floyd Construction Ltd. 9250 - 48 Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 2R2 Tel: (403) 201-8317

Devcon Inc. 315 A 19th Street SE Calgary, AB T2E 6J7 Tel: (403) 813-0383

Creative Door Services Ltd. #8 3740 27 Street NE Calgary, AB T1Y 5E2 Tel: (403) 291-2375

D. Owen Construction Ltd. Box 54 Langdon, AB T0J 1X0 Tel: (403) 936-0083

Devitt & Forand Contractors Inc. 5646 Burbank Crescent SE Calgary, AB T2H 1Z6 Tel: (403) 255-8565

Crestview Electric Ltd. 10805 - 50 Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 2H1 Tel: (403) 279-6661

D.C.M. Mechanical Ltd. 6335 - 10 Street SE CALGARY, AB T2H 2Z9 Tel: (403) 255-9161

Devonian Development Corporation 100-729 10th Street Canmore, AB T1W2A3 Tel: (403) 678-7122

Crystal Services Inc. 281169 Township Road 255A Indus, AB T1X 0H7 Tel: (403) 936-2366

D.F.H Enterprises Inc. #311 11420 27th Street SE Calgary, AB T2Z 3R6 Tel: (403) 714-2669

DIRTT Environmental Solutions Ltd. 7303 - 30 Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 1N6 Tel: (403) 723-5034

Cullum Drywall Systems Ltd. 2145, 6027 - 79 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 5P1 Tel: (403)723-0695

Davenport Millwright Services Ltd. 115 Fallswater Crescent NE Calgary, AB T3J 1B5 Tel: (403) 510-9392

Diversified Staffing Services Ltd. #100, 805 - 5 Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2P 0N6 Tel: (403) 237-5577

Cummins Canada ULC 4887 35 Street SE Calgary, AB T2B 3H6 Tel: (403) 569-1122

Davidson Enman Lumber Ltd. 452 - 42 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2G 1Y5 Tel: (403) 243-2566

Dobbyn Electrical Services Ltd. 9243 - 44 Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 2P7 Tel: (403) 236-8877

Cupboard Brothers Cabinet Factory 1333 Park Street Regina, SK S4N 2E8 Tel: (306) 721-5545

Dawson Wallace Construction Ltd. #2, 2315 30 Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2E 7C7 Tel: (403) 735-5988

Doka Canada Ltd. 5404 – 36th Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 1P1 Tel: (403)294-0330

DCS Agency Ltd. #7, 6130 4th Street SE Calgary, AB T2H 2B6 Tel: (403) 253-6808

Donalco Western Inc. Unit G, 908 53 Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2E 6N9 Tel: (403) 277-1418


Calgary Construction Association


Double X Concrete 318072 229 Street W s18 B44 Millarvile, AB T0L 1k0 Tel: (403) 837-0271

Ecosse Welding Ltd. 6120 40 Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 1Z3 Tel: (403) 237-9922

Epic Roofing & Exteriors Commercial 2435 22 Street NE Calgary, AB T2E 8K8 Tel: (403) 366-3770

Dragon Excavating Ltd. #8, 10 Wrangler Place Rocky View, AB T1X0L7 Tel: (587) 470-1001

EFC Developments Ltd. Suite 200, 660 Palmer Road NE Calgary, AB T2E 7R3 Tel: (403) 291-8075

Eramosa Engineering Unit 208, 18 Royal Vista Link NW Calgary, AB T3R 0K4 Tel: (403) 208-7447

Dunwald and Fleming Enterprises Ltd. 4518 6th Street NE Calgary, AB T2E 3Z7 Tel: (403) 277-1331

Elan Construction Limited 4540 104 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 1R7 Tel: (403) 291-1165

ERK Construction Inc. 55 Autumn Close SE Calgary, AB T3M 0K1 Tel: (403) 966-4051

Dura Stainless & Sheet Metal Manufacturing Ltd. 4227 Ogden Road Calgary, AB T2G4R2 Tel: (403) 243-7568

Electrical Wholesalers Calgary Ltd. 1323 - 36 Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2E 6T6 Tel: (403) 250-7060

Erosion Control Central 1315 Hastings Crescent Calgary, AB T2G 4C8 Tel: (403) 769-1299

Elevated HR 103, 2725 12 Street NE Calgary, AB T2E 7J2 Tel: (587) 316-6340

ESC Automation #100, 2588- 27 Street NE Calgary, AB T1Y 7G1 Tel: (403) 270-0333

Eligeo Business Solutions 1212 9 Avenue SE #200 Calgary, AB T2G 0T1 Tel: (403) 710-3446

Everest Construction Management Ltd. 5704 35th Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 2G3 Tel: (403) 685-6609

Elite Formwork Inc. 9935 Enterprise Way SE Calgary, AB T3S 0A1 Tel: (403) 236-7751

Evergreen Services Inc. 25 Bearspaw Meadows Way NW Calgary, AB T3L 2M3 Tel: (403) 875-5517

EllisDon Construction Services Inc. Suite 310, 140 Quarry Park Boulevard SE Calgary, AB T2C 4J1 Tel: (403) 259-6627

Evolution Glass Inc. Unit 130 – 10900 14th Street NE Calgary, AB T3K 2L6 Tel: (403) 250-2353

ElPro Elevators & Lifts 201, 2835 23 St NE Calgary, AB T2E 7A4 Tel: (587) 470-0302

Executive Millwork Inc. #5, 1212 - 38 Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2E 6N2 Tel: (403) 291-0400

Emco HVAC 5480 - 76 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 4S3 Tel: (403) 258-2225

Expocrete Concrete Products Ltd. (Oldcastle Company) #38-53016 Hwy 60 Acheson, AB T7X 5A7 Tel: (403) 279-0404

Dywidag-Systems International #205 2816 21 Street NE Calgary, AB T2E 6Z2 Tel: (403) 291-4414 E.D.M. Interiors Ltd. Bay #5, 3515 - 27 Street NE Calgary, AB T1Y 5E4 Tel: (403) 735-6099 Eagle Builders LP Box 1690 Blackfalds, AB T0M 0J0 Tel: (403) 885-5525 Eagle Masonry Ltd. 79 Kincora View NW Calgary, AB T3R 1M4 Tel: (403) 274-8644 Easton Industrial Air Bay#3, 4905 102 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 2X7 Tel: (403) 508-4949 Eaton Industries (Canada) Company #133, 2611 Hopewell Place NE Calgary, AB T1Y 7J7 Tel: (403) 717-4901 Ecco Supply #11 - 11150 38th Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 2Z6 Tel: (403) 259-4344 ECO Canada - Environmental Careers Organization of Canada 105 12 Avenue SE #400 Calgary, AB T2G 1A1 Tel: (403) 233-0748 Economy Paving Ltd. 7419 - 40th Street NE Calgary, AB T3J 4H2 Tel: (403) 278-7727

Energy Network Services Inc. Unit 3 - 925 30 Street NE Calgary, AB T2A 5L7 Tel: (587) 572-3224 Ener-Spray Commercial Contracting Ltd. #7, 285145 Wrangler Way SE Rockyview, AB T1X 0K3 Tel: (403) 256-8024 Engineered Air 1401 Hastings Crescent SE Calgary, AB T2G4C8 Tel: (403) 444-4095 Enterprise Car & Truck Rentals 5821 6th Street SE Calgary, AB T2H 1M4 Tel: (403) 640-8841

Ex-Tech Contracting Ltd. P.O. Box 42161,RPO Southland Calgary, AB T2J 7A6 Tel: (403) 804-4245 F & D Scene Changes Ltd. Box 2B, 803 - 24 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2G 1P5 Tel: (403) 233-7633 Fairfield Watson Unit 22, 4550 – 112th Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 2K2 Tel: (403) 262-7278 Falco Electrical Systems Ltd. 3606 Manchester Road SE Calgary, AB T2G 3Z5 Tel: (403) 287-7632




FalkBuilt #2 4100 106 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 5B6 Tel: (403) 771-1060

Ferropol Industries Ltd. Bay #3 6613 44th Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 2C9 Tel: (403) 605-3913

First General Services 12450 40 Street SE Calgary, AB T2Z 5A1 Tel: (403) 229-1479

Father & Sons Demolition Ltd. 896 East Lakeview Road Chestermere, AB T1X 0L9 Tel: (403) 619 6234

Field LLP #400, 444 7 Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2P 0X8 Tel: (403) 260-8500

Flat Roofing Ltd. 258048 - 16 Street E Foothills, AB T1S 3M1 Tel: (403) 995-2199

Ferguson Corporation 3625 Blackburn Road SE Calgary, AB T2G 4A3 Tel: (403) 287-4495

Fillmore Construction Management Inc. 9114 - 34A Avenue Edmonton, AB T6E 5P4 Tel: (780) 430-0005

Flooring Superstores Bay 6, 1825 - 32 Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2E 7C8 Tel: (403) 290-0006 Flynn Canada Ltd. 285221 Kleysen Way SE Rockyview, AB T1X 0K1 Tel: (403) 720-8155 Foothills Decorating 6027 - 4th Street SE Calgary, AB T2H 2A5 Tel: (403) 242-1364 Formula Alberta Ltd. #4 Boulder Boulevard Box 2148 Stony Plain, AB T7Z 1V7 Tel: (780) 968-1102

Your Solution to Custom Fabrication

Foster Park Brokers Inc. 6715 8 St NE #210 Calgary, AB T2E 7H7 Tel: (403) 543-0451 Fountainhead Mechanical Inc. Bay 1, 1540 Hastings Crescent SE Calgary, AB t2g-4e1 Tel: (403)702-6900

MATERIALS Galvanized/Mild Steel 26ga to 1/4” Painted and Anodized Aluminum 0.032” to 1/4” Pre-painted Steels Stainless Steel/Brass/Copper/Zinc


Freeze Maxwell Roofing (Calgary) Ltd. 4635 - 1 Street SE Calgary, AB T2G 2L2 Tel: (403) 253-0101

Shearing/Punching/Notching/Routering/Bending Stud & Spot Welding Assembly/Prototypes Backpan Fabrication

FWD Construction Ltd. Bay 15-6325 11 Street SE Calgary, AB T2H 2L6 Tel: (587)327-0317

• • • • • •

Established in 1980 COR Certified ISO 9001:2015 Certified CNC Press Brakes - 8’, 12’ & 14’ CNC Router Table/Punch Center One piece to 10,000+ pieces

291210 Wagon Wheel Road Rocky View, Alberta T4A 0E2 144

Gallagher 300, 334 11th Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2G 0Y2 Tel: (403) 299-2827 Gangster Enterprises Ltd. Suite 230, 600 Crowfoot Crescent NW Calgary, AB T3G 0B4 Tel: (403)820-0128

Toll Free: 800-672-6088 Phone: 403-590-8000

Gateway Mechanical Services 4001 16A Street SE Calgary, AB T2G 3T5 Tel: (403) 265-0010 Gator Concrete & Structure Restoration Unit 7 1936 25th Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2E 6Z4 Tel: (403) 714-4319

Calgary Construction Association

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GBV Contracting Bay 104 4528 6A Street NE Calgary, AB T2E 4B3 Tel: (403) 277-4767

Graham Construction & Engineering LP 110, 115 Quarry Park Road SE Calgary, AB T2C 5G9 Tel: (403) 570-5331

Halbro Construction Ltd. PO Box 75175 Westhills Calgary, AB T3H3M1 Tel: (403) 708-8136

GEBA Interiors Ltd. #10, 2820 Centre Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2A7P5 Tel: (403)471-1919

Granite Gallery Ltd. 1089-57 Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2E 1W4 Tel: (403) 250-3636

General Site Services Inc. 3397 - 84 Street NE Calgary, AB T1Y 7H3 Tel: (403) 274-7666

Gran-Lee Electric Ltd. Box 847, Station T Calgary, AB T2H 2H3 Tel: (403) 207-4941

Hamilton & Rosenthal, Chartered Professional Accountants LLP Suite 210, 2424 - 4 Street SW Calgary, AB T2S 2T4 Tel: (403) 514-2205

GeoStabilization International 890 West Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6C 1J8 Tel: (403)852-4940

Grant Metal Products Ltd. 291210 Wagon Wheel Road Rocky View, AB T4A 0E2 Tel: (403) 590-8000

Gerald Stehouwer CPA 45 Haysboro Crescent SW Calgary, AB T2V 3G1 Tel: (403) 836-2750

Great Northern Engineering Consultants Inc. 2055 Premier Way Suite 257 Sherwood Park, AB T8H 0G2 Tel: (780) 490-7141

Gescan Ltd. 5005 - 12A Street SE Calgary, AB T2G 5L5 Tel: (403) 253-7171

Hard Rock Developments Inc. 422 Manitou Road SE Calgary, AB T2G4c4 Tel: (403) 240-2508 Harris Steel Services Ltd. 332 Carmek Place SE Calgary, AB T1X 1W9 Tel: (403) 272-8801 Haworth 112, 222 - 5th Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2P 0L1 Tel: (403) 203-6140

Great Northern Plumbing Ltd. 6939 Farrell Road SE Calgary, AB T2H 0T3 Tel: (403) 777-0813

HBI - Heritage Business Interiors Inc. 2050-2600 Portland Street SE Calgary, AB T2G 4M6 Tel: (403) 252-2888

Green Earth Environmental Solutions 374200 71st Street W. Comp. 36, Site 207, RR#2 Saskatoon, SK S7K 3J5 Tel: (306) 931-8014

HCM Contractors Inc. 7162 110th Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 5H8 Tel: (403) 248-4884

Greenlife Landscaping (1995) Ltd. #6, 4429 - 6 Street NE Calgary, AB T2E 3Z6 Tel: (403) 230-0222

Henry’s Electric Service P.O. Box 181 Banff, AB T1L 1A3 Tel: (403) 688-8702

Greg Martineau Projects Inc. Unit B, 2008 - 48th Street SE Calgary, AB T2B 2E5 Tel: (403) 250-8201

Herc Rentals 4747 25th Street SE Calgary, AB T2B 3R9 Tel: (403) 287-9494

Griffin Glass (1981) Ltd. 1307 Hastings Crescent SE Calgary, AB T2G 4C8 Tel: (403) 287-0835

Hestia Construction Inc. 19655 Walden Boulevard SE Calgary, AB T2X ON7 Tel: (403) 671-4611

Group 2 Architecture Interior Design Ltd. 237 8th Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2G 5C3 Tel: (403)340-2200

Higher Ground Consulting #1700, 521 3 Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2P 3T3 Tel: (403) 999-4266

Groupe Piche Construction 240059 Frontier Crescent, Unit #3 Rocky View, AB T1X 0W3 Tel: (403) 374-1237

Hilton Brothers Contracting Ltd. Unit 270, 1001 1 Street SE Calgary, AB T2G 5G3 Tel: (403) 999-6047

Goodfellow & Schuettlaw #200, 602 - 11 Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2R 1J8 Tel: (403) 705-1261

Guardian Chemicals Inc. 155, 55202 SH825 Sturgeon County, AB T8L 5C1 Tel: (780) 998-3771

Hipperson Construction 200 2161 Scarth Street Regina, SK S4P 2H8 Tel: (306) 359-0303

Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP 421 7th Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2E 0E5 Tel: (403) 292-9805

Guillevin International Co. 4220A Blackfoot Trail SE Calgary, AB T2G 4E6 Tel: (403) 287-160

HMC Lawyers 903 8 Avenue SW #1000 Calgary, AB T2P 0P7 Tel: (403) 269-7220

Gibbs Gage Architects #350, 140 - 10 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2G 0R1 Tel: (403) 233-2000 Gibraltar Projects Inc. 11095 48th Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 1G8 Tel: (403) 461-7712 Giusti Group Limited Partnership 4 Industry Way SE Calgary, AB T3S 0A2 Tel: (403) 203-0492 Glass Unlimited Inc. 6413 - 35 Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 1N2 Tel: (403) 236-2911 Glenmore Fabricators Ltd. 10005 Enterprise Way SE CALGARY, AB T3S 0A1 Tel: (403)203-4976 Golden Triangle Construction Management Inc. #107-3445 114 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2Z-0K7 Tel: (403) 256-3668




Holloway Paving Ltd. Calgary, AB Tel: (403) 975-3030 Holt Construction AB Ltd. 223 33 Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2E 2H7 Tel: (403) 869-8761 Homes by Avi Urban (2006) Inc. 245 Forge Road SE Calgary, AB T2H 0S9 Tel: (403) 536-7000 Hoover Mechanical Plumbing & Heating Ltd. 1 - 3640 61 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 2J3 Tel: (403)-217-5655

Inland Pipe, a division of Lehigh Hanson Materials Limited 7336 - 112 Avenue NW Calgary, AB T3R 1R8 Tel: (403) 279-5531 Innova Developments Ltd. 102- 1088 6th Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2P 5N3 Tel: (403) 390-2228 Innovative Fall Protection 218 Initiative Avenue SE Calgary, AB T3S0B7 Tel: (403) 257-1833 Insign Architectural Signage 124 Somme Manor SW Calgary, AB T2T 6J4 Tel: (403) 201-9085

Horseshoe Hill Construction Inc. 18859 Horseshoe Hill Road Caledon Village, ON L7K 2B9 Tel: (905) 875-7400

Intact Insurance 1200, 321 - 6th Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2P 3H3 Tel: (403) 231-1300

HUB International Insurance Brokers 120 - 6712 Fisher Street SE Calgary, AB T2H 2A7 Tel: (403) 777-9240

Integral Energy Services Ltd. Unit 101, 2890 Kingsview Boulevard Airdrie, AB T4A 0E1 Tel: (403) 912-1261

Hurst Construction Management Inc. 3637 Manchester Road SE Calgary, AB T2G 3Z7 Tel: (403) 243-0331

Integrity Shotcrete Inc. 3205 88 Street SE Calgary, AB T3S Tel: (403) 383-4482

Ib Jensen Masonry Ltd. 3632 Manchester Road SE Calgary, AB T2G 3Z5 Tel: (403) 243-6303

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 3626 29th Street NE Calgary, AB T1Y 5W4 Tel: (403) 717-0322

Icon Building Envelope Group Unit 123 7725 56st SE Calgary, AB T2C 5R5 Tel: (587) 885-2775 Icon Insulation Western Canada Inc. PO Box 8 Lambeth Station London, ON N6P 1P9 Tel: (416) 366-5414 IECS Environmental Inc. Suite #300 160 Quarry Park Boulevard SE Calgary, AB T2C 3G3 Tel: (800) 821-7462 Igloo Erectors Ltd. 3468 - 46 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2B 3J2 Tel: (403) 253-1121 Incom Electric Corp. 5740 Burbank Crescent SE Calgary, AB T2H 1Z6 Tel: (403) 455-6515 Infinite Landscape & Design Ltd. 218103 76 Street E Foothills, AB T1S 3V8 Tel: (403) 818-3686


Calgary Construction Association

IPEX Management Inc. 8460 - 60 Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 3C7 Tel: (403) 236-8333 Ironclad Earthworks Ltd. Unit 110 - 501 Cleveland Crescent SE Calgary, AB T2G 4R8 Tel: (403) 457-1005 Ironhorse Railroad Contractors Ltd. 1412 Railway Street PO Box 1589 Crossfield, AB T0M 0S0 Tel: (403) 946-0169 ISCO Canada (ISCO-AH McElroy) 9310 Yellowhead Trail Edmonton, AB T5G 0W4 Tel: (780) 910-4453 ISL Engineering and Land Services Ltd. 4015 - 7th Street SE Calgary, AB T2G 2Y9 Tel: (403) 254-0544

ITC Management Inc. Alberta Regional Office Calgary, AB T2R 1L5 Tel: (403) 718-0510 ITW Construction Products 120 Travail Road Markham, ON L3S 3J1 Tel: (403) 389-2488 J&C Master Contracting Inc. 102 Thornbird Way SE Calgary, AB T4A 2E3 Tel: (403) 471-8084 Jemm Properties #210 1212 - 1 Street Calgary, AB T2G2H8 Tel: (403) 804-8964 JESCO Electrical Contractors Ltd. 2248 Bayside Circle SW Airdrie, AB T4B 0V6 Tel: (403) 463-8616 JNL Mechanical Ltd. #108 11979 40th Street SE Calgary, AB T2Z 4M3 Tel: (403) 275-9787 Johnson Controls Ltd. 104, 6046 - 12 Street SE Calgary, AB T2H 2X2 Tel: (403) 640-1700 Jolly Construction Ltd. 290017 - 64 St East Foothills, AB T1S 3T8 Tel: (403)560-2974 JRS Engineering Ltd. 115 - 1925 18th Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2E 7T8 Tel: (403)452-3377 JSK Group Canada Suite#340 600 Crowfoot Cresent Calgary, AB T3G 0B4 Tel: (403) 516-0926 Kang Construction Ltd. Calgary, AB Tel: (403) 250-8868 Kayben Landscaping Inc. Box 60, Site 2, RR 2 Okotoks, AB T1S 1A2 Tel: (403) 938-2857 KBM Commercial Floor Covering Inc. 1260 - 26 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2G 5S2 Tel: (403) 298-5714 Keller Foundations Ltd. 10239 178 Street NW Edmonton, AB T5S 1M3 Tel: (780) 960-6700


Keno Krane Services Inc. Box 78030 Heritage Station SE Calgary, AB T2H 2Y1 Tel: (403)212-1018

Leading Edge Developments Inc. Bay #3, 6115 4th Street SE Calgary, AB T2H 2H9 Tel: (587) 353-3355

Lynx Brand Fence Products Alta. Ltd. 4330 - 76 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 2J2 Tel: (403) 273-4821

Kenroc Building Materials 1205 38 Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2E6M2 Tel: (780) 977-1209

Lear Construction Management Ltd. 4200 - 10 Street NE Calgary, AB T2E 6K3 Tel: (403) 250-3818

M & B Technical Testing Services Ltd. 11551 - 42 Street SE Calgary, AB T2Z 4K4 Tel: (403) 243-9733

KGC Consulting Services Ltd. Suite 200 4723 – 1 Street SW Calgary, AB T2G 4Y8 Tel: (403)454-3890

Ledcor Construction Ltd. 1930 Maynard Rd SE, Bay 28 Calgary, AB T2E 6J8 Tel: (403) 863-3491

M & L Painting (1999) Ltd. #105 - 16 Fawcett Road Coquitlam, AB V3K 6X9 Tel: (403) 912-2639

KI International Ltd. Bay 308, 151 East Lake Boulevard NE Airdrie, AB T4A 2G1 Tel: (403) 912-6008

Legacy Fire Protection Inc. 5507 1 Street SE Calgary, AB T2H1H9 Tel: (866)236-0202

M Builds 101, 2770 - 3rd Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2A 2L5 Tel: (403) 204-8100

Kidco Construction Ltd. 4949 - 76 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 3C6 Tel: (403) 724-2267

Liberty Mutual Canada Suite 1400, 10665 Jasper Avenue Edmonton, AB T5J 3S9 Tel: (587) 525-5541

Manulift EMI Ltd. 111 Center Street SW Langdon, AB T0J 1X2 Tel: (403) 936-8668

Kinsey Enterprises Inc. O/A Cdn. Power Pac Unit 846, 235 - 3545-32 Avenue NE Calgary, AB T1Y 6M6 Tel: (780) 452-0467

Limitless Automatics & Doors Inc. Bay #9, 3401 – 19 Street NE Calgary, AB T2E 6S8 Tel: (403) 650-5232

Maple Reinders Constructors Ltd. #205, 32 Royal Vista Drive NW Calgary, AB T3R 0H9 Tel: (403) 216-1455

KLS Earthworks Inc. 240039 Frontier Crescent Rocky View Cresent, AB T1X 0W6 Tel: (403) 240-3030

Lloyd Sadd Insurance Brokers Ltd. 350 521 3rd Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2P 3T3 Tel: (403) 389-5948

Marmot Concrete Services Ltd. 636 Beaver Dam Road NE Calgary, AB T2K 4W6 Tel: (403) 730-8711

Knibb Developments Ltd. Box 184 Standard, AB T0J 3G0 Tel: (403) 644-2222

LMS Reinforcing Steel Ltd. 7452 - 132nd Street Surrey, BC V3W 4M7 Tel: (403) 723-9930

Marsh #1100, 222 - 3 Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2P 0B4 Tel: (403) 478-3751

Knight Signs 7462 Progress Way Delta, BC V4G 1E1 Tel: (604) 940-2211

Lobello Manufacturing Ltd. 3650 - 12 Street NE Calgary, AB T2E 6N1 Tel: (403) 250-2800

Martens Contracting Box 1404 Carstairs, AB T0M 0N0 Tel: (403)814-0225

KnK Solutions Ltd. 30-235105 Wrangler Drive SE Calgary, AB T1X0K3 Tel: (403) 477-1865

Longboard Construction Inc. #110, 2956 Kingsview Boulevard SE Airdrie, AB T4A 0C9 Tel: (403) 912-4080

Krawford Construction Company Inc. Bay 2, 11166 - 42 Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 0J9 Tel: (403) 203-2651

Longbow Sales Inc. #7 1435 - 40 Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2E 8N6 Tel: (403) 291-3166

Master Mechanical Plumbing & Heating (1986) Ltd. 6320 11 Street SE #10 Calgary, AB T2H 2L7 Tel: (403) 243-5880

Lafarge Canada Inc. 2213 - 50th Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2B 0R5 Tel: (403) 351-9022

Lorraine Hydro-Seeding Inc. 4080 23 Street NE #105 Calgary, AB T2E 6W9 Tel: (403) 717-2334

Lawrence Masonry Box 1745 Carstairs, AB t0m 0n0 Tel: (403) 874-3882

LT Earth Services Ltd. PO Box 706 Bragg Creek, AB T0L 0K0 Tel: (403) 478-6277

LBCO Contracting Ltd. 623 35 Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2E 2L2 Tel: (403) 277-9555

Lynnwood Roofing (1991) Inc. 4073 Ogden Road SE Calgary, AB T2G 4P6 Tel: (403) 217-4114

MatchBox Consulting Group Inc. 1185 W Georgia Street, Suite 500 Vancouver, BC V6E 4E6 Tel: (604)565-1500 Matkovic Contracting Ltd. 4004 - 4 Avenue SW Calgary, AB T3C 0B6 Tel: (403) 984-3324 McLennan Ross LLP 1900 Eau Claire Tower Calgary, AB T2P 0G5 Tel: (403) 303-0159 McMillan 421 7th Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2P 4K9 Tel: (403)531-4700




Mechanical Contractors Association of Alberta 204, 2725 - 12th Street NE Calgary, AB T2E 7J2 Tel: (403)250-7237 Menard Canada 2725 12 Street NE #206 Calgary, AB T2E 7J2 Tel: (403) 444-9195 Mequipco Ltd. #101, 5126 - 126 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2Z 0H2 Tel: (403) 259-8333 Mercury Steel Ltd. 4020 6A Street NE Calgary, AB T2E 4B1 Tel: (403) 230-4771 Meriam Contracting Ltd. PO Box 1185 Cochrane, AB T4C 1K8 Tel: (403) 815-7795 Merlin Instrumentation PO Box 141 Stn. Main Cochrane, AB T4C1A4 Tel: (780) 983-3076


Calgary Construction Association

Merlin Noise Control Unit 16, 4216 64 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 2B3 Tel: (403) 453-9494

Mid-West Design & Construction Ltd. 4800 104 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 2H3 Tel: (403) 279-3355

Mermac Construction Ltd. 4799 - 68 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 5C1 Tel: (403) 720-8001

Mike’s Electric Box 1737 Banff, AB T1L 1B6 Tel: (403) 762-2871

Metal-Fab Industries Ltd. 240028 Frontier Crescent Rocky View, AB T1X 0W6 Tel: (403) 236-5211

Millennium Geomatics Ltd. #300, 1400 - 1 Street SW Calgary, AB T2R 0V8 Tel: (587) 393-6608

Metro Aluminum Products Ltd. 19045 - 24 Avenue Surrey, BC V3Z 3S9 Tel: (403) 735-5014

Miller Thomson LLP 2700 Commerce Place Edmonton, AB T5J 4G8 Tel: (403) 298-2400

Metro Wallcoverings Bay 40, 2151 32nd Street NE Calgary, AB T1Y 7G3 Tel: (403) 245-9191

Mini Dig Corp. 2222 Alyth Place SE Calgary, AB T2G 3K9 Tel: (403) 274-0090

Michele’s Landscaping Inc. 240086 Frontier Crescent Rocky View County, AB T1X 0W5 Tel: (403) 248-8668

Mint Projects Ltd. PO Box 94004 Elbow River RPO Calgary, AB T2S 0S4 Tel: (403) 829-4495


Minuteman Press Calgary NW #14, 10 Country Hills Landing NW Calgary, AB T3K 5P4 Tel: (403)764-4260

Modus Structures Inc. 34 McCool Crescent Crossfield, AB T0M 0S0 Tel: (403) 274 2422

National Process Equipment Inc. 5049 74th Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 3H2 Tel: ( (403) 724-4300

MJS Mechanical Ltd. 2401 144 Avenue NE Calgary, AB T3P 0T3 Tel: (403) 250-1355

Momentum 100-525 28 Street SE Calgary, AB T2A 6W9 Tel: (403)607-1387

Nautical Lands Group 2962 Carp Road Carp, ON K0A1L0 Tel: (613)831-9039

MNP 1500, 640 5th Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2P 3G4 Tel: (403) 263-3385

Moneris 3300 Bloor Street W, 16th Floor Toronto, ONT M8X 2x2 Tel: (855) 502-6227

Nella Cutlery & Food Equipment Inc. 1255 Fewster Drive Mississauga, ON L4W1A2 Tel: (905) 823-1110

Modco Structures Ltd. P.O. Box 8510 Canmore, AB T1W 2V2 Tel: (403) 678-5954

Morgan Construction and Environmental Ltd. #200, 809 Manning Road NE Calgary, AB T2E 7M9 Tel: (403) 250-7551

New-Firmus Inc. 120, 5720 - 4th Street SE Calgary, AB T2H 1K7 Tel: (587) 392-6999

Modern Niagara Alberta Inc. 3652 44th Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2B 3J9 Tel: (403) 230-3225 Modu-Loc Fence Rentals 4334 68 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 2T9 Tel: (800) 522-8371

MYSHAK Crane and Rigging 28527 Acheson Road Acheson, AB T7X 6A8 Tel: (403) 910-3898 Nabco Canada Unit 21, 2419 52 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 4X7 Tel: (403) 294-9331

Nick’s Woodcraft Industries Ltd. 112 Skyline Crescent NE Calgary, AB T2K 5X7 Tel: (403) 275-6432 Nilex Inc. 9222 - 40 Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 2P3 Tel: (403) 543-5454


Local Calgary Electrical Contractor. PURE Electrical Solutions Inc. is a leading provider of electrical and data communication solutions and services within southern Alberta. With a tradition of excellence in project and service delivery, PURE Electrical Solutions Inc. operates across a range of markets including commercial developments, public infrastructure, agricultural, transport, defence, and data centres. With over 40-years experience we have developed an outstanding culture supported by a strong set of values. We are committed to providing a service that will ensure the long term success of our clients. “We maintain the highest possible quality standards and provide clients with safe, reliable, optimum cost products and services delivered on time”

Unit 4, 5915 36 Street S.E., Calgary, AB T2C 2J1



Pure Electrical is skilled in designing, supplying and installing a wide range of building services. These services include electrical infrastructure, building controls, energy management systems, security and communications networking, and instrumentation cabling systems.


PURE Electrical Solutions Inc. has been entrusted by it’s clients with the maintenance and enhancement of their critical assets and infrastructure. Our expertise is regularly sought across a diverse range of building, transport, telecommunications, industrial, and utility asset portfolios.




Norfab Mfg. (1993) Inc. 16425 - 130 Avenue NW Edmonton, AB T5V 1K5 Tel: (780) 447-5454

Oskar Construction Ltd. P.O. Box 774 Banff, AB T1L 1A8 Tel: (403) 762-3131

PDS Fire Protection Inc. 915 A - 48 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2G 2A7 Tel: (403) 243-4546

NORR 411 - 1st Street SE Calgary, AB T2G 4Y5 Tel: (403) 817-9397

Otis Excavating Ltd. 9740 Venture Avenue SE Calgary, AB T3S 0A1 Tel: (403) 455-5942

Peddie Roofing & Waterproofing Ltd. 3352 - 46 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2B 3J2 Tel: (403) 273-7000

North Star Contracting Inc. 64 Technology Way SE Calgary, AB T3S 0E9 Tel: (403) 228-3421

Over & Above Reno and Contracting Ltd. Bay 122, 8490 - 44 Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 2P6 Tel: (403) 726-1299

Pemadale Construction 20- 12192 Simons Valley Road Calgary, AB T3P 0B9 Tel: (403) 862-9842

Northbridge Insurance Suite 525 220 N 12th Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2R 0E9 Tel: (403) 202-4048

Oxford Properties Group 520 3rd Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2P 0R3 Tel: (403) 206-6457

Penner Doors & Hardware 1101 6027 79 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 5P1 Tel: (306) 986-4500

Northcal Insulation Services Ltd. #202 2725 12th Street NE Calgary, AB T2E 7J2 Tel: (403) 277-4511

Pace Solutions Corp. Unit 25, 920 28 Street NE Calgary, AB T2A 6K1 Tel: (403) 212-8200

Peri Formwork Systems Inc. 37 Industry Way SE Calgary, AB T3S 0A2 Tel: (403) 203-8112

Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP Suite 3700, 400 3rd Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2P 4H2 Tel: (403) 267-8343

Parker Johnston Industries (Alberta) Ltd. 4104 9 St SE Calgary Calgary, AB T2G 3C4 Tel: (403) 250-7525

Permacast Concrete Contracting Ltd. 114 Panatella Circle NW Calgary, AB T3K 5Z7 Tel: (403) 275-9626

Norwood Waterworks 285177 Wrangler Avenue Rocky View, AB T1X 0P3 Tel: (403) 203-2553

Parkland Geotechnical Consulting Ltd. #A14, 6120 2 Street SE Calgary, AB T2H 2L8 Tel: (587) 284-7817

Petrin Mechanical (Alberta) Ltd. 6445 - 10 Street SE Calgary, AB T2H 2Z9 Tel: (403) 279-6881

Nose Creek Electrical Services Inc. 102 5510 -53rd Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 4P2 Tel: (403) 516-1984

Parlee McLaws LLP 3300 TD Canada Trust Tower, 421 - 7th Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2P 4K3 Tel: (403) 294-7000

Phoenix Fence Corp. 6204 - 2 Street SE Calgary, AB T2H 1J4 Tel: (403) 259-5155

Nu-Trend Industries Inc. 120 Glacier Drive SW Calgary, AB T3E 5A1 Tel: (403) 247-4342

Patmar Developments Limited Suite 42, 5610 46 Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 4P9 Tel: (403) 252-4459

Office Concepts Inc. 100, 3103 14 Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2A7N6 Tel: (403) 355-2730

PCL Construction Management Inc. 2882 - 11 Street NE Calgary, AB T2E 7S7 Tel: (403) 250-4800

RichaRdson bRos. (olds) ltd. c ons t ruc t ion • a sph a lt & gr av el sa l e s r.r. 3, site 11, BoX 19 olDs aB t4h 1p4 phone:

403-556-6366 403-263-7103 (calgary)

FaX: 403-556-2044


Calgary Construction Association

Phoenix Metals Ltd. 4357 - 14 Street NE Calgary, AB T2E 7A9 Tel: (403) 272-5547 Pilot Group Inc. 3240 Cedarille Drive SW Calgary, AB T2W 2H1 Tel: (403) 560-2107 Plasti-Fab Ltd. #300, 2891 Sunridge Way NE Calgary, AB T1Y 7K7 Tel: (403) 569-4321 PME Inc. 105, 10960 42 Street NE Calgary, AB T3N 2B8 Tel: (587) 291-9697 PnG Builders 261 West Creek Boulevard Chestermere, AB T1X 0A6 Tel: (403) 561-3591 Polar Bear Mechanical Ltd. 72 Bowdale Crescent NW Calgary, AB T3B 5R8 Tel: (403) 242-2464


Porter Tile & Marble (1991) Ltd. 5752 Burleigh Crescent SE Calgary, AB T2H 1Z8 Tel: (403) 258-2258

Rainbow Contractors Ltd. 3030 9 Street SE Calgary, AB T2G 3B9 Tel: (403) 243-8442

Rogers Insurance Ltd. 800, 1331 MacLeod Trail SE Calgary, AB T2G 0K3 Tel: (403)296-2400

Prairiegeo Engineering Ltd. Unit 28, 2333-18th Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2E 8T6 Tel: (403) 230-9777

Raylec Power Alberta LP 240045 Frontier Place SE Rockyview County, AB T1X 0N2 Tel: (403) 991-3026

Rolling Mix Concrete LLP 7209 Railway Street SE Calgary, AB T2H 2V6 Tel: (403) 253-6426

Prattco Excavating 3714 67 Avenue NE Calgary, AB T3J 4H3 Tel: (403) 241-1423

Rayner Construction Services Inc. 421 6A Street NE Calgary, AB T2E 4A6 Tel: (403) 828-8226

Roofmart Alberta Inc. 7127 Fairmount Drive SE Calgary, AB T2H0X6 Tel: (403) 253-7553

Prestwick Resources Inc. P.O. Box 89147 Calgary, AB T2Z 3W3 Tel: (403) 452-2045

Read Jones Christoffersen Ltd. 1816 Crowchild Trail NW, Suite 500 Calgary, AB T2M 3Y7 Tel: (403) 283-5073

Rose LLP Suite 2100, 440 – 2nd Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2P 5E9 Tel: (403) 776-0508

Priestly Demolition - Dakota Suite 150, 340 Midpark Way SE Calgary, AB T2X 1P1 Tel: (403) 294-0330

Reggin Industries Inc. 10605 - 42 Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 5B9 Tel: (403) 255-8141

Royal Stewart Ltd. Box 2, Grp. 329, RR #3 Selkirk, MB R1A 2A8 Tel: (204) 757-4534

Prime Movers Rigging & Industrial Services Inc. 2840 58 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 0B3 Tel: (780) 257-0798

Reggin Technical Services Ltd. 4550 - 35 Street SE Calgary, AB T2B 3S4 Tel: (403) 287-2540

Ruby Rock Asphalt Works Ltd. 724 East Lake Road Airdrie, AB T4A 2J5 Tel: (403) 945-4585

Renegade H.M. Services Inc. 1145D, 44th Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2G 4X4 Tel: (587) 351-7460

Rural Road Construction Ltd. Suite 307, 259 Midpark Way, Midpark Centre Calgary, AB T2X 1M2 Tel: (403) 265-3389

Reno Pros Corp 109, 1324 44 Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2E 6L6 Tel: (403) 769-9330

Russpet Construction Ltd. 4734 14 Street NE Calgary, AB T2E 6L7 Tel: (403) 291-4404

Results Canada Inc. Suite 210, 1040 - 7 Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2P 3G9 Tel: (403) 984-6124

Ryan Murphy Construction Bay 2, 2501 Alyth Road SE Calgary, AB T2G 1P7 Tel: (587) 3543454

Revay Suite 418, 715 - 5th Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2P 2X6 Tel: (403) 777-4901

S.E. Johnson Management Ltd. 4330 - 122 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2Z 0A6 Tel: (403) 291-9600

RGO Products Ltd. #100, 229 - 33 Street NE Calgary, AB T2A 4Y6 Tel: (403) 569-4400

Sahuri + Partners Architecture Inc. Suite 201, 123 Forge Road SE Calgary, AB T2H 0S9 Tel: (403) 228-9307

Richardson Bros. (Olds) Ltd. RR #3, Site #11, Box #19 Olds, AB T4H 1P4 Tel: (403) 556-6366

SAIT 1301 16 Avenue NW Calgary, AB T2M 0L4 Tel: (403) 284-8618

Rocky Cross Construction North/DKI Unit 145 -1610 104 Avenue NE Calgary, AB T3J 0T5 Tel: (403) 252-2550

Saxon Constructors Inc. 4006, 4th Street SE Calgary, AB T2G 2W3 Tel: (403) 371-5622

Rodeo Cutting & Coring Ltd. 2915 10 Avenue NE Calgary, AB 2915 10 Ave NE Tel: (403) 717-0756

SBL Contractors Ltd. Unit B, 5110 77th Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 2Z2 Tel: (403) 828-1868

Priority Communication Systems Ltd. #22, 6420 - 79th Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 5M4 Tel: (403)-234-0334 Procore 1 University Avenue Toronto, ON M5J 2P1 Tel: (647) 299-1990 Professional Excavators Ltd. 10919 - 84 Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 5A6 Tel: (403) 236-5686 ProTELEC Systems Ltd. 200-1450 Mountain Avenue Winnipeg, MB R2X 3C4 Tel: (204) 949-1417 Pure Electrical Solutions Inc. Bay 4 5915 36th Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 2J1 Tel: (403) 726-5358 QSI Interiors Ltd. (Calgary) #9 - 2016 25th Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2E 6Z4 Tel: (403) 276-5506 R.S. Foundation Systems Ltd. 3661 - 48 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2B 3N8 Tel: (403) 569-6986 Radius Security 22131, Fraserwood Way Richmond, BC V6W 1J5 Tel: (778) 222-4167




Schindler Elevator Corp. 527 Manitou Road SE Calgary, AB T2G 4C2 Tel: (403)243-0715

Signature Developments 11097 Hidden Valley Drive NW Calgary, AB T3E 5Z3 Tel: (587) 969-8222

Sovereign General Insurance Company 140, 6700 Macleod Trail SE Calgary, AB T2H0L3 Tel: (403)298-4200

Scorpio Masonry AB Inc. 7615 40 Street NE Calgary, AB T3J 4H2 Tel: (403) 906-1682

Simply Stone Landscapes Ltd. 151 Tuscany Glen Park NW Calgary, AB T3L 3E6 Tel: (403) 281-7605

Spalding Hardware 1616 - 10 Avenue SW Calgary, AB T3C 0J5 Tel: (403) 244-5531

Scott Builders Inc. 1224 - 34 Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2E 6L9 Tel: (403) 274-9393

Simson Maxwell 467 Exploration Avenue SE Calgary, AB T3S 0B4 Tel: (403) 512-4609

Specon Construction Inc. 24 - 235105 Wrangler Drive Rocky View, AB T1X 0K3 Tel: (403) 630-4836

Sealtech Restorations Ltd. 6224D - 2 Street SE Calgary, AB T2H 1J4 Tel: (403) 253-5002

SkyFire Energy Inc. 4038A - 7 Street SE Calgary, AB T2G 2Y8 Tel: (403) 251-0668

SprayForce Concrete Services Ltd. 11-4380 76 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 2J2 Tel: (403) 570-0438

Seletech Electrical Enterprises Ltd. 4444 Builders Road SE Calgary, AB T2G 4C6 Tel: (403) 234-0086

Skyline Concrete Services Ltd. 11565 44 Street SE Calgary, AB T2Z 4A1 Tel: (403) 692-3202

Spring Air Acoustics Ltd. #107, 2944 Kingsview Boulevard SE Airdrie, AB T4A 0C9 Tel: (403) 295-6110

Sentinel Roofing 6747 34 Avenue NE Calgary, AB T1Y4M1 Tel: (403) 507-0660

Slimdor Contracting Ltd. 42 Griffin Industrial Point Cochrane, AB T4C 0A3 Tel: (403) 932-4666

Stampede Electric Inc. 16, 4041 - 74th Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 2H9 Tel: (587) 327-2777

Serv-All Mechanical Services Ltd. Unit 210, 5126 126th Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2Z 0H2 Tel: (825) 509-3045

SMP Engineering 403 - 1240 Kensington Road NW Calgary, AB T2N 3P7 Tel: (403) 270-8833

Stantec Consulting Ltd. #200, 325 - 25 Street SE Calgary, AB T2A 7H8 Tel: (403) 618 9672

Service Plus Inns & Suites Calgary 3503 114th Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2Z 3X2 Tel: (403)256-5352

SNA Construction Ltd. Unit# 101, 2307 14 Street SW Calgary, AB T2T 3T5 {Tel:}

Star Building Materials (Alberta) Limited 2345 Alyth Road SE Calgary, AB T2G 5T8 Tel: (403) 720-0010

ServiceMaster Calgary - Commercial Cleaning 1450 28th Street N.E #Unit 4 Calgary, AB T2A 7W6 Tel: (587) 316-5026 ServiceMaster Restore of Calgary 920 26 Street NE Calgary, AB T2A2M4 Tel: (587)355-2515 Shaw Steel Services 260053 TWP RD 241A Wheatland County, AB T1P 0Y9 Tel: (403) 969-3654 Shawne Excavating Trucking Ltd. P.O. Box 5572 High River, AB T1V 1M6 Tel: (403) 603-3012 Shea Foams Ltd. 2323 - 24 Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2E 8L9 Tel: (403) 240-4710 Siemens Canada Limited 24, 1930 Maynard Road SE Calgary, AB T2E 6J8 Tel: (403) 671-3569


Calgary Construction Association

Solaris Electric Inc. Bay 7, 1925 39 Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2E 6W7 Tel: (403) 717-9301 Soletanche Bachy Canada 416 Monument Place SE Calgary, AB T2A 1X3 Tel: (403) 272-5531 Soprema Canada Inc. #5, 1815 - 27 Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2E 7E1 Tel: (403) 248-8837 Sound-Rite Inc. #1, 2916 5th Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2A 6K4 Tel: (403) 296-0505 Southern Alberta Construction Services Inc. 100 3605 29 Street NE Calgary, AB T1Y 5W4 Tel: (403) 457-4616 Southpaw Metal Ltd. Bay #1 1935 27th Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2E 7E4 Tel: (403) 293-3991

Starcraft Construction Ltd. Bay F, 1235 - 40 Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2E 6M9 Tel: (403) 250-7610 Startec Refrigeration Services Ltd. 9423 Shepard Road SE Calgary, AB T2C 4R6 Tel: (403) 295-5855 Stawowski McGill LLP 1550 8 St SW #502 Calgary, T2R1K1 Tel: (403) 229-0411 Sterling Alberta Unit 200 1112 40 Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2E 5T8 Tel: (587) 896-6820 Stonhard Division, RPM Canada 95 Sunray Street Whitby, ON L1N 9C9 Tel: (800) 263 3285 Stormtec AB Filtration Inc. 4431 6th Street SE Calgary, AB T2G 4E8 Tel: (403) 717-9644


Straight Flush Portable Toilet Rental PO Box 10026 Airdrie, AB T4A 0H4 Tel: (403) 948-2391

SynCon Management Ltd. 232 Initiative Avenue SE Calgary, AB T3S 0B7 Tel: (403) 258-3773

TK Elevator #5, 2419 - 52 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 4X7 Tel: (403) 259-4183

Strike Group 1300, 505 3rd Street SW Calgary, AB T2P 3E6 Tel: (403) 775-1031

Taylor Construction Unit 2-314 Exploration Avenue SE Calgary, AB T3S 0B5 Tel: (403) 244-5225

Toole Peet Insurance 1135 - 17 Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2T 0B6 Tel: (403) 209-5463

Stuart Olson Construction Ltd. Suite 600, 4820 Richard Road SW Calgary, AB T3E 6L1 Tel: (403) 520-6565

Tech-Cost Consultants Ltd. 2725 - 12 Street NE, Unit 208 Calgary, AB T2E 7J2 Tel: (403) 291-5566

Top Roof and Exteriors Inc. 7130 Barlow Trail SE Calgary, AB T2C 2E1 Tel: (403) 867-7663

Sunbelt Rentals 1111 North Railway Street Okotoks, AB T1S 1A8 Tel: (800) 667-9328

Terlin Construction Ltd 1240 Teron Road Ottawa, ON K2K 2B5 Tel: (403) 333-3895

Super Save Group 6025 90 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2c4Z6 Tel: (403) 590-4011

Tetra Tech Canada Suite 110, 140 Quarry Park Boulevard SE Calgary, AB T2C 3G3 Tel: (403) 723-5974

Top Spray (Hydroseeding, Erosion Control, Mulch) 305 Griffin Road West Cochrane, AB T4C 2C4 Tel: (403) 932-1464

Superform Products Ltd. Box 2696, 1065 Willow Street Pincher Creek, AB T0K 1W0 Tel: (877) 627-3555

Tevmar Masonry 231 Arbour Wood Close NW Calgary, AB T3G 4C3 Tel: (403) 239-3964

Superior Propane Suite 420 - 48 Quarry Park Boulevard Calgary, AB T2C 5P2 Tel: (403) 730-6930

The Fence Store Ltd. Bay122, 2800 107th Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2Z 3R7 Tel: (403) 240-4269

Superior Sprinkler Co. Ltd. Bay 4, 1826 25th Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2E 7K1 Tel: (403) 464-3486

The Home Depot 1 Concorde Gate #400 North York, ON M3C 4H9 Tel: (416)577-7608

Town of Strathmore 1 Parklane Drive Strathmore, AB T1P 1K2 Tel: (403) 934-3133

Supermetal Structures Inc. 1955 5th E Street Levis, QC G6W 5M6 Tel: (780) 980-4830

The Mammoth Inc. 1524 17 Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2T 0C8 Tel: (403)671-6663

Trane Canada Inc. #157, 10905 - 48 Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 1G8 Tel: (403) 301-0090

SureBond Safe Floors Suite 10, 6420 79 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 5M4 Tel: (403) 269-6888

The Tunneling Company Inc. 4646 32 Street SE Calgary, AB T2B 3J7 Tel: (403) 289-4522

Traugott Building Contractors Inc. Unit 101B, 3740 11A Street NE Calgary, AB T2E 6M6 Tel: (403) 276-6444

Sure-Seal Contracting Ltd. 931A - 48 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2G 2A7 Tel: (403) 265-8677

Thermal Systems KWC Ltd. 261185 Wagon Wheel Way Rocky View, AB T4A 0E2 Tel: (403) 250-5507

Travelers Insurance Company of Canada 650 West Georgia VANCOUVER, BC V6B 4N7 Tel: (780) 670-6234

Surespan Construction Ltd. #301, 38 Fell Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7P 3S2 Tel: (604) 998-1133

Thermo Design Insulation Ltd. #26, 4550 - 112 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 2K2 Tel: (403) 720-8203

Tribuild Contracting (Calgary) Ltd. #3 Skyline Crescent NE Calgary, AB T2K 5X2 Tel: (403) 295-6100

SVEMY Construction Ltd. #161 7070 E Farrell Road SE Calgary, AB T2H 0T2 Tel: (587) 434-0445

Tiki International Inc. Bay 2D, 624 Beaver Dam Road NE Calgary, AB T2K 4W6 Tel: (403) 241-1093

Trimen Electric Ltd. #11, 4351 - 104 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 5C6 Tel: (403) 723-0003

Switched-On Electrical Services Ltd. 17 Rockyspring Hill NW Calgary, AB T3G 5Z9 Tel: (403) 284-1703

Titan Sport Systems Ltd. Bay 5, 4420- 75 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 2H8 Tel: (403) 689-4858

Trimount Construction Ltd. B8, 6020 2nd Street SE Calgary, AB T2H 2L8 Tel: (403) 487-5705

Total Trenchless Ltd. 9424 60 Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 4V8 Tel: (403) 764-2673 Tower Engineering Group 2139-4th Avenue NW Calgary, AB T2N 0N6 Tel: (403) 235-2655 Town of Banff Banff, AB T2E 7J2 Tel: (403) 762-1225




Trisura Guarantee Insurance Company Suite 3730, 421 7th Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2P 4K9 Tel: (403) 663-3346

ULS Maintenance and Landscaping 240085 Frontier Crescent Rocky View, AB T1X 0W2 Tel: (403) 235-5353

Velocity Shading Inc. Suite 323, 612-500 Country Hills Calgary, AB T3K 5K3 Tel: (587) 318-0959

Triumph Inc. 3520 48th Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2B 3L6 Tel: (403) 452-4114

Ultralite Overhead Doors Ltd. 7307 - 40 Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 2K4 Tel: (403) 280-2000

Vertical Access Ltd. 244033 RRD 31 Calgary, AB T3Z 3L8 Tel: (403) 242-6776

Tronnes Geomatics Inc. 6135 10th Street SE Calgary, AB T2H 2Z9 Tel: (403) 207-0303

Unicon Concrete Specialties Ltd. 1311 - 25 Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2E 7L6 Tel: (403)291-9252

Victaulic Company of Canada 17329 111 Avenue NW Edmonton, AB T5S 0J5 Tel: (780) 452-0680

Trotter & Morton Group of Companies 5799 3rd Street SE Calgary, AB T2H 1K1 Tel: (403) 255-7535

Unified Systems Group Inc. #4A, 1235 - 64 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2H 2J7 Tel: (403) 686-8088

Viking Fire Protection Inc. 4220 - 76 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 2J2 Tel: (403) 236-7151

Troy Life & Fire Safety Ltd. 5045 - 13 Street SE Calgary, AB T2G 5N1 Tel: (403) 547-1647

Unitech Electrical Contracting Inc. Bay 11, 700 - 58 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2H 2E2 Tel: (403) 255-2277

Vipond Systems Group Inc. Unit 1-415 60th Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2H 2J5 Tel: (403) 253-6500

Tru-Craft Roofing (2005) Ltd. 4828 - 30 Street SE Calgary, AB T2B 2Z1 Tel: (403) 264-7225

United Rentals 7120 Blackfoot Trail SE Calgary, AB T2H 2M1 Tel: (403) 230-3900

Volker Stevin Contracting P. O. Box 5850, Stn. A Calgary, AB T2H 1Y3 Tel: (403) 571-5800

True Exteriors Ltd. Unit 20-21 Highfield Circle SE Calgary, AB T2G 5N6 Tel: (403) 262-7733

United Roofing Inc. 3195 9 Street SE Calgary, AB T2G 3C1 Tel: (403) 870-2753

TSE Steel Ltd. 4436 - 90 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 2S7 Tel: (403) 279-6060

United Supreme Group Inc. 2620, 22ST NE Calgary, AB T2E 7L9 Tel: (403) 569-1101

W. Downer Holdings Ltd. o/a Downer Contracting Unit 117, 104 Kananaskis Way Canmore, AB T1W 2X2 Tel: (403) 609-8272

Tsuu Tina Contracting General Partners Inc. 9911 Chiila Boulevard Tsuut’ina, AB T2W 6H6 Tel: (403) 281-0754

Universal Flooring Systems Ltd. 1100-2600 Portland Street SE Calgary, AB T2G 4M6 Tel: (403) 250-3900

Tundra Process Solutions Ltd. 3200 - 118th Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2Z 3X1 Tel: (403)255-5222

Universal Geomatics Solutions Corp. 1212 1 Street SE #200 Calgary, AB T2G 2H8 Tel: (403)262-1306

Ture-Art Painting Ltd. 1360 Shawnee Road SW Calgary, AB T2Y 2T1 Tel: (403) 975-8893

University of Calgary 2500 University Drive NW Calgary, AB T2N 1N4 Tel: (403) 210-3822

Turner & Townsend 736 6 Avenue SW, Suite 850 Calgary, AB T2P 3T7 Tel: (587) 332-0204

Vadel Inc. 3829 - 15A Street SE Unit#1 Calgary, AB T2G 3N7 Tel: (403) 813-1805

Turn-Key Fall Protection Inc. 2705 5th Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2A2L6 Tel: (403) 253-2777

Van Mason Coatings Ltd. Bay 100, 512 Moraine Road NE Calgary, AB T2A 2P2 Tel: (403) 272-1178

UG Excavating Ltd. #141, 204-1440 52 Street NE Calgary, AB T2A 4T8 Tel: (587) 483-7800

Vector Geomatics Unit 117 12111 40St SE Calgary, AB T2Z 4E6 Tel: (403) 523-9949


Calgary Construction Association

Walker Lawson Interior Design Inc. 203, 735 12 Avenue SW Clagary, AB T2R 1J7 Tel: (403) 232-6022 Wallworks Acoustic Architectural Products Inc. 424 - 51st Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2H 0M7 Tel: (403) 255-3550 Waste Management of Canada Corporation 4668 - 25 Street SE Calgary, AB T2B 3M2 Tel: (403) 585-6518 Water Tech Plumbing & Heating (Mechanical Contractor) 2036 - 35 Street SE Calgary, AB T2B 0W9 Tel: (403) 454-2671 Watson Refrigeration Ltd. 1423 - 9 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2G 0T4 Tel: (403) 266-6274 Watt Consulting Group 310, 3016 - 5 Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2A 6K4 Tel: (403) 273-9001


Waymark Group of Companies 1504 41 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2G 1X8 Tel: (403) 239-3565

Westglas Insulation Ltd. #17, 7003 - 30 Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 1N6 Tel: (403) 236-5839

Year Round Landscaping Inc. 8916 44 Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 2P6 Tel: (403) 236-1948

Weatherguard Metals Ltd. 7225 108 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 5G2 Tel: (403) 203-9304

Westport Mfg. Co Ltd. 1122 SW Marine Drive Vancouver, BC V6P 5Z3 Tel: (604) 261-9326

Weatherskin 4209 Brandon Street SE Calgary, AB T2G4W6 Tel: (403) 764-6849

Whissell Contracting Ltd. #200, 2500 - 107 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2Z 3R7 Tel: (403) 236-2200

Your Custom Home Inc. O/A Your General Contractor PO Box 1140 27 McRea Steet Okotoks, AB T1S 1B2 Tel: (403) 938-4344

Wescom Glass & Aluminum Ltd. 3809 9th Street SE Calgary, AB T2G 3C7 Tel: (403) 255-9144

White Cap Supply Canada Inc. 2703 - 61 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 4X3 Tel: (403) 287-5889

West Air Management 1238 - 45 Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2E 2P1 Tel: (403) 250-7518

Whitelaw Twining LLP 675-333 7th Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2P 2Z1 Tel: (403) 775-2200

West Pointe Building Services Inc. 2140 Pegasus Way NE Calgary, AB T2E 8M5 Tel: (587) 774-9579

Widesky Homes #75 1011 57 Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2E 8X9 Tel: (403) 669-9977

West Source Athletic Surfacing PO Box 15022 Calgary, AB T3H 0N8 Tel: (403) 243-6364

Wii Projects Inc. 215, 1235 26 avenue SE Calgary, AB T2G 1R7 Tel: (403) 703-8946

Westcal Insulation Ltd. 4165, 7005 Fairmount Drive SE Calgary, AB T2H 0J1 Tel: (403) 242-1357

Wilco Contractors Southwest Inc. 4700 - 110 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 2T8 Tel: (403) 225-2930

Westcor Construction Ltd. 2420 - 39 Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2E 6X1 Tel: (403) 663-8677

Willis Towers Watson Suite 2900, 308 4th, Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2P 0H Tel: (403) 261-4568

Western Air & Power Ltd. 1919 Highfield Crescent SE Calgary, AB T2G 5M1 Tel: (403) 243-2822

Wilson M. Beck Insurance Services (Alberta) Inc. Suite 200, 1311 - 9th Avenue SW Calgary, AB T3C 0H9 Tel: (403) 228-5888

Western Electrical Management Ltd. 3770 - 12 Street NE Calgary, AB T2E 8H9 Tel: (403) 291-2333 Western Matrix Systems Inc. Bay 13, 7139 - 40 Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 2H7 Tel: (403) 264-8664 Western Pump Ltd. 11346 - 42 Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 5C4 Tel: (403) 287-0256 Western Weather Protector Ltd. 7650 - 40 Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 2V4 Tel: (403) 273-9511

YYC Property Solutions 1, 1739 - 36 Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2T 2G4 Tel: (587) 316-1123 Zak-Renovations Services Inc. 236 Whitlock Place NE Calgary, AB T1Y 4S6 Tel: (587) 585-6499 Zeidler Architecture #300 640 8th Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2P 1G7 Tel: (403) 233-2525 Zoom Painting 2432 91 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 5H2 Tel: (587) 353-6099

Woodcraft Kitchen Cabinets 3651 23 Street NE Calgary, AB T2E 6T2 Tel: (403) 717-9996 WRD Borger Construction Ltd. 261046 High Plains Boulevard Rocky View County, AB T4A 3L3 Tel: (403) 279-7235 Wright Construction Western Inc. 205, 5920 - 1A Street SW Calgary, AB T2H 0G3 Tel: (403) 770-1310 Xylem Canada LP 6704 - 30 Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 1N9 Tel: (403) 279-8371



INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Abacus Steel Inc...............................................................................................98

Chandos Construction..............................................................................119

Accommodation Painting Ltd

Chariot Express.................................................................................................98

Acutech Electric Ltd.......................................................................................90

Clark Builders...................................................................................................117

AGF Rebar............................................................................................................97

Clifton Associates............................................................................................99

Akela Construction Ltd.............................................................................138

Cooper Equipment Rentals.......................................................................47

Alberta Bolt Makers........................................................................................60

CP Distributors..................................................................................................95

Alberta Dampproofing & Waterproofing Ltd.................................22

Create Construction Group Ltd.................................................................8

Alberta Painting Contractors Association........................................75

Custom Electric Ltd...........................................................................................7

Allmar Inc..............................................................................................................18

DFH Enterprises Inc.....................................................................................105

Anderson Plumbing Company Ltd......................................................78

Daam Galvanizing........................................................................................121

Armour Equipment........................................................................................83

Dal-Tek Interiors Ltd.......................................................................................22

Axiom Builders Inc..........................................................................................51

Davenport Millwright Services Ltd.......................................................10

Azimuth Builders Ltd.....................................................................................61

Dawson Wallace Construction Ltd.......................................................39

Baldwin Construction Services...............................................................21

DCS Agency Ltd............................................................................................107

Bartle & Gibson.................................................................................................99

Delnor Construction Ltd..........................................................................125

Behrends Group............................................................................... 70, 71, 72

Dentons Canada LLP.....................................................................................20

Beyond Foam Insulation.............................................................................89

Devitt & Forand Contractors Inc........................................................... `12

BFL Canada Insurance Services Inc......................................................11

Dura Stainless & Sheet Metal Mfg. Ltd.............................................109

Bird Stuart Olson............................................................................................IBC


Blue Grass Nursery Sod & Garden Centre......................................118

Elan Construction Ltd................................................................................121

BMP Mechanical and Electrical Ltd...................................................115

Elite Formwork Inc..........................................................................................42

Bordt Stone & Tile.........................................................................................129

EllisDon Construction Services Inc.......................................................38

Botting & Associates Alberta Ltd...........................................................90

ElPro Elevators & Lifts.................................................................................109

Bow Mark Paving.............................................................................................88

Envirogeotech Consulting Inc.................................................................60

Brock White Canada.......................................................................................85

Epic Roofing & Exteriors Commercial.................................................23

BrokerLink Insurance........................................................................................5

Executive Millwork..........................................................................................41

Building Trades of Alberta.......................................................................117

Fairfield Watson Inc.....................................................................................129

Burnco Rock Products..................................................................................92

Ferguson Corporation...............................................................................126

Calgary Aggregate Recycling Inc.......................................................115

Field Law............................................................................................................125

Cana Group of Companies........................................................................31

Fluor Canada Ltd..............................................................................................63

Canadian Dewatering...................................................................................58

Flynn Canada..................................................................................................124

Canadian Wood Council.............................................................................53

Formations Inc................................................................................................123

Canbar Steel.....................................................................................................121

Foster Park Brokers.......................................................................................110

Canem Systems.............................................................................................109

FTI Consulting....................................................................................................36


G&M Stone Masonry (1993) Ltd.............................................................62

Cedar Shop Building Materials.............................................................107


Centaur Products Inc..................................................................................123

Geba Interiors Ltd............................................................................................65


Calgary Construction Association


Limitless Automatics & Doors..................................................................79

Grant Metal Products Ltd.........................................................................144

Lloyd Sadd Insurance Brokers Ltd.........................................................69

Hamilton & Rosenthal LLP..........................................................................19

LMS Reinforcing Steel Group......................................................................3

Harris Rebar.........................................................................................................25


HCM Contractors Inc..................................................................................125

M&B Technical Testing Services Ltd...................................................105

Herc Rentals........................................................................................................56

Maintain Mechanical Inc.............................................................................78

Homes by Avi.....................................................................................................22

Maple Reinders Constructors Ltd..........................................................67

Hoover Mechanical Plumbing & Heating Ltd................................54

McLennan Ross LLP.......................................................................................97

HUB International Insurance Brokers...............................................122

Mechanical Contractors Association of Alberta............. 100, 101

IB Jensen Masonry Ltd...............................................................................127

Midwest Engineering Ltd...........................................................................55

IECS Environmental Inc.............................................................................131

Miller Thomson LLP.....................................................................................104

InCom Electric...................................................................................................78

Mitsubishi Electric Sales Canada Inc....................................................47

Independent Contractors & Businesses Association..............131


Inland Screw Piling.........................................................................................78

Modern Cladding Finishes Ltd................................................................40

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers..........................73

New-Firmus Inc.................................................................................................76

IPEX Management Inc..................................................................................77

Nick’s Woodcraft Industries Ltd...........................................................105

ITC Construction Group............................................................................111


ITW Construction Products Canada.....................................................75

Northbridge Insurance................................................................................56

JNL Mechanical Ltd........................................................................................90

Nu-Trend Industries Inc.............................................................................127

Krawford Construction.................................................................................73

Opus Corporation...........................................................................................35

Legacy Fire Protection...............................................................................134

Pacific Blasting & Demolition Ltd...........................................................66

DEL Communications Inc. and you – the key to success! We offer outstanding personal service and quality in the areas of: CREATIVE DESIGN ADVERTISING SALES TRADE PUBLICATIONS QUALIFIED SALES & EDITORIAL TEAM

Suite 300, 6 Roslyn Road Winnipeg, Manitoba R3L 0G5



INDEX TO ADVERTISERS PCL Construction Management Inc....................................................37

Titan Sport Systems.......................................................................................14

Peddie Roofing & Waterproofing Ltd..................................................79

Tower Engineering Group..........................................................................87

Phoenix Metals Ltd......................................................................................129

Traugott Building Contractors Inc.........................................................16

PM Signs................................................................................................................68

Trimen Electric Ltd..........................................................................................98

Priestly Demolition Inc.................................................................................57


Proform Management...............................................................................148

Tronnes Geomatics Inc.............................................................................112

Pure Electrical Solutions Inc...................................................................149

Trotter & Morton Limited............................................................................81

R.S. Foundation Systems.............................................................................84

TSE Steel Ltd.......................................................................................................91

Raylec Power (Alberta) LP.......................................................................103

Turner & Townsend......................................................................................113

Revay &And Associates Limited.............................................................12

UG Excavating Ltd........................................................................................132

RGO Products Ltd............................................................................................15

Ultra-Lite Doors.................................................................................................43

Richardson Bros. (Olds) Ltd.....................................................................150

United Supreme Group Inc.................................................................. OBC

RJC Engineers.....................................................................................................42

Universal Ventilation Ltd.............................................................................19

Sealtech Restoration Ltd.............................................................................91

Wallworks Acoustic Architectural Products....................................97

Serv-All Mechanical Services Ltd...........................................................59

Watt Consulting Group................................................................................91

Shaw Steel Services.....................................................................................103

WD Industrial Group...................................................................................113

Siemens Canada Limited............................................................................93

Western Electrical Management Ltd................................................111

Stantec Consulting Ltd.............................................................................133

Western Pump...................................................................................................98

Staples Professional.....................................................................................132

Wi-Com Solutions...........................................................................................13

Strathcona Mechanical Limited.............................................................79

Wii Projects Inc..................................................................................................19

Super Save Group.........................................................................................105

Wilson M. Beck Insurance Services (Alberta) Inc.............................9

Supermetal Structures Inc....................................................................... IFC

World of Concrete...........................................................................................17

Target Products.................................................................................................93

Wright Construction Western Inc..........................................................22

The Glenmore Inn & Convention Centre.......................................157

Your Custom Home Inc..................................................................................4

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Calgary Construction Association

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Articles inside

CCA Gold Seal Recipient Listing

pages 130-131

Industry focused on building for the future: Canadian Construction

pages 132-133

Gold Seal Certification: Your tool to

pages 128-129

The power of partnerships with

pages 120-123

The Connector Lab: Advancing Field Construction Practice at SAIT

pages 116-119

Building the Green Line requires local expertise

pages 96-99

60 years of building connections

pages 94-95

A future in tech: Calgary redefines

pages 64-69

Buying Better, Being Better

pages 60-63

Key Membership Benefits

pages 48-49

We built this city: celebrating member milestones

pages 80-85

CCA of the Future: Message from Wm (Bill) Black, CCA President

pages 8-19

Association Update

pages 34-43

CCA Education Fund

pages 50-51
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