The Constructor 2022

Page 34

Association Update

Left: CCA First Connect Networking Series at Big Rock, August 18, 2021. Above: CCA Connect Networking Series TradeSpace, March 2, 2022.

At the Calgary Construction Association,

all areas of our services and in our attention

our mission is to help our members thrive

to detail. This focus and alignment has been

now and into the future, and to be an ad­

fundamental in allowing us to create and

vocate for the construction Industry. We

deliver a robust and consistent customer

do this through a broad variety of services

experience while also continually striving

including educational programming, schol­

to bring more value to our members in tra­

arships, targeted and curated networking

ditional and new areas.

events, and government advocacy work in

This small but mighty team is also en­

addition to our BuildWorks member portal.

gaged in continuous improvement, and

As a member-only funded organization,

we are committed to being the best in all

the companies that align with the CCA are

the pillars that make up our value offering

the lifeblood of our 78-year-old organiza­

while never settling into a routine. We need

tion and without them, the Association

to change and adapt just as our members

simply would not exist. Member engage­

are and as such are always listening to our

ment is top priority and something that gets

members and applying the best learning to

dedicated focus and resources. From new

what is next.

quarterly member onboarding breakfasts,

In Jeff Henderson’s book – Know What

“Welcome Wednesday” zoom calls, and

You Are For – he uses a powerful analogy

dedicated membership engagement spe­

that we have really adopted in our approach.

cialists that will move mountains to support

Jeff is a former marketing executive for a

CCA members.

very successful US-based fast-food chain,

Despite being one of the smallest associa­

and he discusses how they worked with

tion teams in the country, as a proportion of

franchisees to help grow their businesses

members, CCA has been able to upgrade in

and profitability and how they learned


Calgary Construction Association

about the importance of standing on the customers’ side of the counter rather the franchisee’s. View the organization through the customers’ eyes in order to see the best ways to improve. This simple but effective perspective ab­ solutely sums up the way we view our rela­ tionship with our members.

ADVOCACY Advocacy is about more than just having influence with other authorities on matters that align with your interests. It is not just about long conversations, picking fights, and writing protest letters, and it takes more than a great network and contact list. Advocacy is about delivering results and outcomes through earned influence around important issues on behalf of others that would not have happened without your in­ volvement. • It is about partnering with other groups and individuals and bringing parties to­ gether to increase the effectiveness of what you are doing. Collaboration gets more

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