The Constructor 2022

Page 96


By Darshpreet Bhatti, CEO Green Line

Proposed concepts for elevated and non-elevated stations.

The Green Line LRT is the largest infra­ structure project in our city’s history. It will play an important role in shaping the fu­ ture of Calgary as both a transit system and platform for long-term city building. Phase 1 of the Green Line runs from Shepard (126 Avenue S.E.) to Eau Claire connect­ ing communities from southeast Calgary to downtown and the broader transit net­ work. At 18 kilometers, Phase 1 will be twice as long as any other stretch of LRT built in Calgary at one time and will include 13 sta­ tions, multiple LRT bridges, tunneled and elevated sections, and three Park-and-Ride lots. It will also include a 352,000-squarefoot maintenance and storage facility at Shepard for the new fleet of low-floor Light

brace it. Experience has shown that deliv­

brought forward two packages to relocate

ering megaprojects in Canada brings great

utilities in the Beltline and Downtown and

opportunities for local contractors and the

are considering a work package to address

labour force, who serve as the backbone of

Green Line interfaces with CP Rail along

these projects.

the Phase 1 alignment. Again, these are all

Our early works program, which began

projects that depend on our local construc­

Rail Vehicles (LRVs), a test rack, repairs

in 2018, demonstrates our commitment

bays, and room for future expansion.

to local industry by providing opportuni­

When the province announced their

Phase 1 construction will likely be led

ties and putting Calgarians to work. With

approval and funding and Prime Minister

by a large consortium which may include

more than $300 million dollars in utility,

Trudeau reaffirmed the federal govern­

international partners with previous expe­

sidewalk, road and pathway upgrades, this

ment’s commitment in July 2021, it was a

rience in projects of comparable size and

program is a significant investment in in­

pivotal point for the project. Since then,

complexity. However, most of the actual

frastructure renewal along the Green Line

we have announced the procurement of a

work will be performed by local trades. It


new fleet of 28 low-floor LRVs, recruited

tion industry.

is an important distinction as Phase 1 will

As an example, through the current early

an experienced leadership team and began

not preclude the local industry; it will em­

works being undertaken, we have recently

construction on the multi-year Beltline and


Calgary Construction Association

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