Ethnicity in Hockey focuses on the plight of visible minorities as well as newer immigrant cultures.
The Hockey Hall of Fame Diversity in Hockey Program utilizes these four Principles of Diversity – allyship, embracing change, equity, and respect – to teach and empower youth from a sports and social perspective.
Presented by the Hockey Hall of Fame’s lead on diversity, Kevin Yearwood, sessions will spotlight the stories of ground-breakers, today’s leaders, and issues challenging inclusiveness in hockey. Each presentation is tailorable to your region, demographic and/or requested focus and is augmented through captivating photographs, videos, artifacts and first-person accounts.
Marginalized People in Top Levels of Pro Hockey looks at pioneers who opened doors and paved the way for hockey players of di erent ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation.
Women in Hockey pays tribute to the players and teams who helped popularize the female game.
Accessible Hockey delves into the variations of hockey played by those with physical disabilities, including hearing impaired hockey associations and electric wheelchair hockey.
Hockey is a powerful communication tool that elicits conversation and can evoke positive change. As part of its mandate, the Hockey Hall of Fame is entrusted to represent all facets of the game as well as educate and inspire its audience. The lessons learned through history are profound. As are today’s storylines. Combining the past with present-day headlines will provide an ideal platform for today’s youth to examine, understand and champion diversity.
O ered at two student levels
Intermediate (Grades 7-8) and Senior (Grades 9-12)
Live 50-minute sessions
Delivered on virtual platform
Zoom or Google Meets
Learn more at hhof.com/diversity
To make a booking, please contact Kevin Yearwood at 416-360-7735 x297 or kyearwood@hhof.com
■ The slap shot was invented in 1906 by Halifax Eurekas captain Eddie Martin, a black man.
■ Asian-Canadian Larry Kwong broke the NHL’s colour barrier in 1948 with the New York Rangers.
■ Canada’s 2022 Olympic women’s hockey team had more publicly out LGBTQ+ athletes on their roster than any other country had in total for all sports at those Winter Games.
Production services provided by: S.G. Bennett Marketing Services
Creative Director / Design KATHLEEN CABLE
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While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained herein and the reliability of the source, the publisher in no way guarantees nor warrants the information and is not responsible for errors, omissions or statements made by advertisers. Opinions and recommendations made by contributors or advertisers are not necessarily those of the publisher, its directors, officers or employees.
Experiential learning is all about doing something new and different, leaving a lasting impact on your students’ education. We invite you to disconnect from the modern world and embark on a captivating journey to Black Creek Pioneer Village!
Step back in time as you and your students explore a meticulously recreated 19th-century village. From the rustic buildings to the bustling streets, every detail provides an authentic glimpse into the past. Watch as costumed historians bring history to life, sharing stories, trades, and traditions from the era. Your students will be captivated by sights, sounds, and smells of a bygone era.
Recognizing the importance of highlighting marginalized voices, the Village is changing the narrative and “re-storying” the past. Students explore stories of real people people from equity-deserving communities who lived and worked in the Toronto region during the 1800s. Every student visits the traditional Ojibwe wiigiwaam built under the guidance of Indigenous elders and knowledge-keepers, located next to the homes of a settler family to remind us of all the enduring presence of Indigenous peoples on the land. A visit to the Village encourages students to view the past through many lenses and consider how all peoples created the region we live in today.
Experience new programing - Team-building at The Village! Some skills never go out of style. The Village’s new interactive team building programs promote perseverance, co-operation, and positivity. Set against the backdrop of the heritage village, students work together to decipher, collaborate, and come together as a team. Perfect for grades 6+.
At the Village, education is at the heart of everything we do. We believe that true understanding comes through active participation. That’s why our field trips offer hands-on activities and interactive demonstrations. Students can try their hand at a selection of 19th century sports and games, artifact discovery, nature walks, spinning and weaving wool, and much more.
Take your classroom on an exciting and enriching artistic journey. Through the arts, the Aga Khan Museum is dedicated to sparking wonder, curiosity, and understanding of Muslim cultures and their connection with other cultures.
We offer:
• Experiential, inquiry-based learning activities with connections to an array of subjects.
• K-12 Ontario curriculum-linked workshops and interactive tours.
• In-person and virtual experiences.
• In-school outreach programs.
Visit agakhanmuseum.org/learn or contact us at learn@agakhanmuseum.org
Mississauga’s School Performances at the Living Arts Centre and Meadowvale Theatre
The 2024/25 school performances at the Living Arts Centre and the newly renovated Meadowvale Theatre in Mississauga offer an enriching blend of education and entertainment. These venues, renowned for their state-of-the-art facilities and global talent, transform classroom learning into an immersive cultural experience.
Performances selected are meant to engage students across all grade levels. Each show will extend learning beyond the confines of the classroom, providing curriculum-connected content that resonates with educational themes.
For educators, these performances can be a valuable resource, offering a tangible connection to the curriculum and an innovative tool for inspiring students.
Book your field trip today!
Scan for details or visit mississauga.ca/schoolprograms
Call: 905-306-6000
Email: Ticket.Operations@mississauga.ca
Six exciting performances that enrich students’ academic lives while inspiring them to dream, imagine, and explore the world with open hearts and minds.
Meadowvale Theatre
Renaissance DJ
November 21, 2024
Grades 4 to 9
Curriculum Connections: Math, music
Shaun Boothe and The Unauthorized Biography Series: Hope in Challenging Times
April 9, 2025
Grades 4 to 9
Curriculum Connections: Mental health & well-being practices
The Magic School Bus: Lost in the Solar System
January 30, 2025
Grades K to 5
Curriculum Connections: Communication and language arts, music, science, social studies
The Pack Drumline
March 31, 2025
Grades 4 to 8
Curriculum Connections: Arts literacy, music, science, storytelling, and theatre
Piano Heist: Keyboard Explosion
April 15, 2025
Grades 4 to 8
Curriculum Connection: Music
Gregg LeRock
May 6, 2025
Grades 4 to 8 Core French, 2 to 6 French Immersion
Curriculum Connections: French, music
enriching photography experience.
Located in the heart of Toronto, The Image Centre (IMC) is Canada’s leading institution dedicated to the exhibition, research and collecting of photography. Through tours of the IMC’s exhibitions or collections, students can learn about the history of photography and develop their critical thinking around visual culture.
Admission is always free.
Learn more at theimagecentre.ca or contact us at 416.979.5164 or imagecentre.gallery@torontomu.ca.
Lee Miller: A Photographer at Work highlights the prolific career of American photographer Lee Miller, showcasing her evolution from a celebrated portraitist and fashion photographer to one of the first female war correspondents during WWII, correcting the historical undervaluation of women’s professional contributions to photography.
Origines by Toronto-based filmmaker Nadine Valcin delves into the identity quest of Black actress and model Johanne Harrelle, navigating race, culture, and belonging in Canada.
Ikumagialiit –
(those that need fire): Aatooq
With soulful vocals and intricate choreography, Aatooq [full of blood in Greenlandic] is a groundbreaking short film that merges music, movement, and visual art by women collective Ikumagialiit.
Designed by professional educators, the Gardiner Museum’s school programs engage with the Ontario Curriculum in fun and creative ways through clay. Our workshops are led by experienced artist-educators who specialize in ceramics. Choose between a tour, a hands-on activity, or both!
For more information, visit gardinermuseum.com/schools or contact us at education@gardinermuseum.com.
• Programs for students JK to Grade 12
• Curriculum links to Visual Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities, Canadian and World Studies, History, Geography, Language, and Science
• Starting at just $10 per student for a guided experience and $5 per student for a self-guided group visit
• Discover mythical creatures, explore cross cultural connections, uncover ancient food habits, and more
Active Kids Zone
951 Alness Street
Toronto, ON M3J 2J1
T: (416) 650-5060
E: fun@activekidszone.com www.activekidszone.com
Aga Khan Museum
77 Wynford Drive
Toronto, ON M3C 1K1
T: (416) 646-4677
E: learn@agakhanmuseum.org www.agakhanmuseum.org
Air Riderz Trampoline Park
4 & 5, 3600 Ridgeway Drive
Mississauga, ON L5L 0B4
T: (905) 820-7500
E: info@airriderz.com www.airriderz.com
All About Kids North Toronto
115, 2005 Sheppard Avenue E Toronto, ON M2J 5B4
T: (416) 496-3232
E: info@allaboutkids.ca www.allaboutkids.ca
All About Kids Leslieville
1055 Gerrard Street E Toronto, ON M4M 1Z7
T: (416) 463-KIDS (5437)
E: info@allaboutkids.ca www.allaboutkids.ca
All Fired Up Paintable Ceramics
8 & 10 Brentwood Road N Toronto, ON M8X 2B5
T: (416) 233-5512
E: info@afu-ceramics.com www.afu-ceramics.com
Allan Gardens Conservatory 19 Horticultual Avenue Toronto, ON M5A 2P2
T: (416) 392-7288 www.toronto.ca
Alphabet Kids Inc.
73 Railside Road Toronto, ON M3A 1B3
T: (416) 606-1074
E: clientcare@alphabetkids.ca www.alphabetkids.ca
Archers Arena
4, 1140 Sheppard Avenue W North York, ON M3K 2A2
T: (647) 992-7362
E: info@archersarena.com www.archersarena.com
Archery Circuit
8, 3791 Victoria Park Avenue
Toronto, ON M1W 3K6
T: (416) 662-8828
E: archerycircuit@gmail.com www.archerycircuit.com
Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO)
317 Dundas Street W Toronto, ON M5T 1G4
T: (416) 979-6608
E: groupsales@ago.ca www.ago.ca
Artbarn School
101, 250 Eglinton Avenue W Toronto, ON M4R 1A7
T: (416) 518-6108
E: artbarnschool@me.com www.artbarnschool.com
Artistic Way Ltd.
1003 Eglinton Avenue W Toronto, ON M6C 2C7
T: (416) 760-9027
E: art@artisticway.ca www.artisticway.ca
Ashbridges Bay Park
1561 Lake Shore Boulevard E Toronto, ON M4L 3W6 www.toronto.ca
Basecamp Climbing
677 Bloor Street W Toronto, ON M6G 1L3
T: (416) 855-0430
E: info@basecampclimbing.ca www.basecampclimbing.ca
Basecamp Climbing
186 Spadina Avenue
Toronto, ON M5T 3A4
T: (416) 546-3941
E: info@basecampclimbing.ca www.basecampclimbing.ca
Bata Shoe Museum
327 Bloor Street W Toronto, ON M5S 1W7
T: (416) 979-7799
E: tours@batashoemuseum.ca www.batashoemuseum.ca
Bay of Spirits Gallery
334 Dundas Street W Toronto, ON M5T 1G5
T: (416) 971-5190
E: info@bayofspirits.com www.bayofspirits.com
Beach Skatepark
1420 Lake Shore Boulevard E
Toronto, ON M4L 6T1
T: (416) 338-4386
Black Creek Pioneer Village
1000 Murray Ross Parkway
North York, ON M3J 2P3
T: (416) 667-6295
E: bcpvinfo@trca.ca www.blackcreek.ca
Bloor West Village Toronto
Ukrainian Festival
Bloor Street West and Jane Street
Toronto, ON M6S 1P3
T: (416) 876-7357
E: info@ukrainianfestival.com www.ukrainianfestival.com
BMO Field
170 Princes’ Boulevard
Toronto, ON M6K 3C3
T: (416) 815-5982
E: fanservices@mlse.com www.bmofield.com
CAA Ed Mirvish Theatre
244 Victoria Street Toronto, ON M5B 1V8
T: (800) 461-3333
E: educationandevents@mirvish.com www.mirvish.com
CAA Theatre
651 Yonge Street
Toronto, ON M4Y 1Z9
T: (800) 461-3333
E: educationandevents@mirvish.com www.mirvish.com
Cabbagetown Farmers’ Market
Riverdale Park W Toronto, ON M4X 1B8
E: info@cabbagetownmarket.ca www.cabbagetownmarket.ca
Camp Robin Hood & The Robin
Hood Leadership Centre
PO Box 10034 RPO Yonge & Finch
Toronto, ON M2N 0B6
T: (416) 736-4443
E: office@camprobinhood.ca www.camprobinhood.ca/school-programs
Canadian National Exhibition –CNE
210 Princes’ Boulevard, Exhibition Place
Toronto, ON M6K 3C3
T: (416) 263-3330
E: info@theex.com www.theex.com
Feet are the same around the world, but what people wear on them can be incredibly diverse. It is within this diversity that some of the most valuable and interesting aspects of history and humanity are revealed.
We o er:
• In-person, In-class, and virtual school tours
• Hands-on workshops
• Flexible planning
• Professional development resources and events
Curriculum-linked programs for grades JK – 12
• Footwear in Our Community
• Shoes Around the World
• Be A Shoe Designer
• Footwear and the Environment
Campbell House Museum
160 Queen Street W
Toronto, ON M5H 3H3
T: (416) 597-0227
E: info@campbellhousemuseum.ca www.campbellhousemuseum.ca
Casa Loma – Liberty Entertainment Group
1 Austin Terrace
Toronto, ON M5R 1X8
T: (416) 923-1171
E: info@casaloma.ca www.casaloma.ca
Cedar Ridge Creative Centre
225 Confederation Drive Toronto, ON M1G 1B2
T: (416) 396-4026
E: crcc@toronto.ca www.toronto.ca
Centennial Park Conservatory
151 Elmcrest Road
Etobicoke, ON M9C 3S1
T: (416) 394-8543
Centreville Amusement Park
9 Queens Quay W Toronto, ON M5J 2H3
T: (416) 203-0405
E: info@centreisland.ca www.centreisland.ca
Champions of History – Early Societies Programs & Stage Combat
201, 5 Claxton Boulevard Toronto, ON M6C 1L6
T: (844) FOCUSUP (302-8787)
E: info@championsofhistory.com www.championsofhistory.com
Children’s Art Studio Inc. –Wychwood Barns
162, 601 Christie Street
Toronto, ON M6G 4C7
T: (647) 808-8590
E: childrensartstudioinfo@gmail.com www.childrensartstudio.ca
Cineplex – Education Cinema & More
1303 Yonge Street
Toronto, ON M4T 2Y9
T: (800) 313-4461
E: groupsales@cineplex.com www.cineplex.com/groupsales
Casa Loma is one of Toronto’s premier historic attractions. Casa Loma offers students an opportunity to step back in time to a bygone era and learn about life in the early 20th century.
Our guided group tours connect students to the concepts of historical thinking through interactive experiences. Each tour is targeted to a group’s specific age range and curriculum requirements
Medieval Studies (grade 4); Pre/Post WW1 tour (grade 10); Hollywood Tour (all grades); Lost Jewels Tour (JK-2); History of Canada Through Paintings Tour (grades 1-10) and General History Tours geared to the curriculum in your grade. We also offer a very special Holiday Program for schools during the month of December.
Casa Loma - where learning comes to life. Explore Toronto's premier historic attraction, once home to Sir Henry Pellatt, Canadian financier, industrialist, and military officer. This Edwardian castle offers a captivating journey into the early 20th century, providing students with immersive educational tours that bring history to life. Designed by architect E.J. Lennox and completed in 1914, Casa Loma spans 200,000 square feet atop a Toronto hill, showcasing grandeur and history Discover the past through interactive experiences, connecting students with historical thinking concepts.
For more information on Casa Loma and our education tours please visit: www.casaloma.ca
1 Austin Terrace, Toronto, ON M5R 1X8 casaloma ca
City of Toronto – City Hall
100 Queen Street W
Toronto, ON M5H 2N2
T: (416) 392-CITY (2489) E: 311@toronto.ca www.toronto.ca
City Experiences -Cruises Toronto
425, 207 Queens Quay W, PO Box 101 Toronto, ON M5J 1A7
T: (416) 203-0178
Cloud Gardens Conservatory – will reopen in 2027
14 Temperance Street
Toronto, ON M5H 1Y4
T: (416) 392-7288
CN Tower
290 Bremner Boulevard
Toronto, ON M5V 3L9
T: (416) 868-6937
E: groupsales@cntower.ca www.cntower.ca
Coca-Cola Coliseum
45 Manitoba Drive
Toronto, ON M6K 3C3
T: (416) 815-5982
E: fanservices@mlse.com www.coca-colacoliseum.com
Colborne Lodge Museum
11 Colborne Lodge Drive
Toronto, ON M6S 0A4
T: (416) 392-6916
E: clodge@toronto.ca www.toronto.ca
Crock A Doodle Etobicoke 3422 Lake Shore Boulevard W Etobicoke, ON M8W 1N3
T: (416) 238-7608
E: etobicoke@crockadoodle.com www.crockadoodle.com/etobicoke
Cummer Skateboard Park
6000 Leslie Street
Toronto, ON M2H 1J9
T: (416) 338-0889 www.toronto.ca
Dairy Farmers of Ontario
6780 Campobello Road
Mississauga, ON L5N 2L8
T: (905) 821-8970
E: schoolmilk@milk.org www.milk.org
Design TO
PO Box 31027 College Square
Toronto, ON M6G 4A7
E: hello@designto.org www.designto.org
Donald D. Summerville Olympic Pools
1867 Lake Shore Boulevard E Toronto, ON M4L 1B8
T: (416) 392-7688
Elgin and Winter Garden Theatres
189 Yonge Street
Toronto, ON M5B 1M4
T: (416) 314-3718
E: ewg@heritagetrust.on.ca www.heritagetrust.on.ca/ewg
Centreville Amusement Park is the ultimate summer destination!
Located on the Toronto Islands which boasts 600 acres of natural parkland, Centreville offers a full day of school field trip or family fun – featuring over 30 kid-sized rides and attractions, Far Enough Farm, and a variety of casual restaurants for everyone to enjoy.
Centreville is one of Toronto’s most popular summer destinations for school-aged children and families.
Full of fun and scenic views, Centreville is the ideal place for a memorable summer outing. info@centreisland.ca centreisland.ca
Island Office: 416.203.0405
City Office: 416.234.2345
Enoch Turner School House
106 Trinity Street
Toronto, ON M5A 3C6
T: (416) 327-6997
E: info@enochturnerschoolhouse.ca www.enochturnerschoolhouse.ca
Evergreen Brick Works
300, 550 Bayview Avenue
Toronto, ON M4W 3X8
T: (416) 596-1495
E: school@evergreen.ca www.evergreen.ca
Exhibition Place Toronto
100 Princes’ Boulevard
Toronto, ON M6K 3C3
T: (416) 263-3000
E: info@explace.on.ca www.explace.on.ca
Factory Theatre
125 Bathurst Street
Toronto, ON M5V 2R2
T: (416) 504-9971
E: boxoffice@factorytheatre.ca www.factorytheatre.ca
Famous PEOPLE Players
343 Evans Avenue
Toronto, ON M8Z 1K2
T: (416) 532-1137
E: info@famouspeopleplayers.com www.famouspeopleplayers.com
Far Enough Farm
Centre Island
Toronto, ON M5J 2E9
T: (416) 203-0405
E: info@centreisland.ca www.centreisland.ca/far-enough-farm
Filmberries Studio
603, 207 Shaughnessy Boulevard
North York, ON M2J 1J9
T: (647) 895-9951
E: ekaterina@filmberries.com www.filmberries.com
Fizzical Fizzicks
25 Salem Avenue
Toronto, ON M6H 3C2
T: (416) 516-1616
E: info@fizzicalfizzicks.com www.fizzicalfizzicks.com
Focus UP – Improvisation / Stage Combat
201, 5 Claxton Boulevard
Toronto, ON M6C 1L6
T: (844) FOCUSUP (302-8787)
E: info@focusupcreativity.com www.focusupcreativity.com
Ford Performance Centre
400 Kipling Avenue
Etobicoke, ON M8V 3L1
T: (416) 251-5219
E: info@lakeshorearena.ca www.lakeshorearena.ca
Forest Valley Outdoor Education Centre
60 Blue Forest Drive
Toronto, ON M3H 4W5
T: (416) 395-5110
E: melissa.reid@tdsb.on.ca www.schoolweb.tdsb.on.ca/forestvalley/
Fort York National Historic Site
250 Fort York Boulevard
Toronto, ON M5V 3K9
T: (416) 392-6907
E: fortyork@toronto.ca www.toronto.ca
Franklin Children’s Garden
9 Queens Quay W – Toronto Island Park
Toronto, ON M5J 2E9
T: (416) 397-BOAT (2628)
E: torontoisland@toronto.ca www1.toronto.ca
Gallery Indigena
The Distillery Historic District, 46 Gristmill Lane
Toronto, ON M5A 3C4
T: (519) 271-7881
E: toronto@galleryindigena.com www.galleryindigena.com
Gardiner Museum
111 Queen’s Park
Toronto, ON M5S 2C7
T: (416) 586 – 8080
E: education@gardinermuseum.com www.gardinermuseum.on.ca
Gibraltar Point Lighthouse
Gibraltar Point on Toronto Island
Toronto, ON M5V 2X3
www.lighthousefriends.com/light. asp?ID=1090
Gibson House Museum
5172 Yonge Street
Toronto, ON M2N 5P6
T: (416) 395 – 7432
E: gibsonhouse@toronto.ca www.toronto.ca
Go Tours Canada
11 Gristmill Lane
Toronto, ON M5A 3C4
T: (416) 677-3831
E: admin@gotourscanada.com www.gotourscanada.com
Groove School of Dance
370, 372 Eglinton Avenue W Toronto, ON M5N 1A2
T: (416) 901-2914
E: angela@grooveschoolofdance.com www.grooveschoolofdance.com
Harbourfront Centre
235 Queens Quay W Toronto, ON M5J 2G8
T: (416) 973-4000
E: info@harbourfrontcentre.com www.harbourfrontcentre.com
Heritage Toronto
3rd Floor, 157 King Street E Toronto, ON M5C 1G9
T: (416) 338-1338
E: info@heritagetoronto.org www.heritagetoronto.org
High Park Zoo
Deer Pen Road
Toronto, ON M6R 2Z3
T: (416) 396-7378
E: info@highparkzoo.ca www.highparkzoo.ca
Hockey Hall of Fame
Brookfield Place, 30 Yonge Street
Toronto, ON M5E 1X8
T: (416) 360-7765
E: info@hhof.com www.hhof.com
Hot Docs
202, 111 George Street
Toronto, ON M5A 2N4
T: (416) 203-2155
E: info@hotdocs.ca www.hotdocs.ca
Hot Docs Ted Rogers Cinema
506 Bloor Street W Toronto, ON M5S 1Y3
T: (416) 637-3123
E: boxoffice@hotdocs.ca www.hotdocs.ca
ImagineNATIVE Film & Media Arts
Festival – TIFF Bell Lightbox
446, 401 Richmond Street W
Toronto, ON M5V 3A8
T: (416) 585-2333
E: info@imaginenative.org www.imaginenative.org
September 2024June 2025
Grades K—12
For 50 years, Harbourfront Centre has created an inclusive and accessible learning community that explores contemporary arts, culture and ideas while fostering joy, curiosity and creativity. School Visits at Harbourfront Centre is a hands-on, inquiry-based and experiential learning program that provides fullday (3-3.5 hours) and half-day (1.5 hours) experiences for more than 25,000 students from kindergarten to Grade 12. School Visits programs are available from September 10, 2024 to June 20, 2025.
Learn more about our programs offered for Grades K-12 in English and French by visiting harbourfrontcentre.com/schoolvisits.
Choose from 3 types of programming:
You can book now by visiting harbourfrontcentre.com/schoolvisits and filling out a registration form or simply contact the School Visits Registrar with your questions and registration requests: registrar@harbourfrontcentre.com
Choose from 9 different curriculum themes:
Our Core Programs in Visual Arts, Performing Arts and Urban Studies run all year. These hands-on, inquiry-based, full and half-day programs are developed with the Ontario Curriculum in mind and are taught by our talented Educators.
Visit us in the spring for one of our Seasonal Programs , Waterfront Explorations. Take advantage of our unique location, as these programs are taught in our outdoor event tents and provide you and your students with the chance to participate in an unforgettable end of year field trip!
Our Special Programs (formerly Creative Edge) showcase unique educational opportunities which respond to Harbourfront Centre’s exhibitions and performances. Our Educators develop these programs so you and your students can engage with contemporary art through a fullday experience on Harbourfront Centre’s 10-acre campus. Offerings change regularly – visit our website for details.
Choose from more than 30 experiences, such as:
• Clay – Masks (Grades K-12)
• Clay – Building Beasts (Grades 1–12)
• Dance –Contemporary (Grades 4–12)
• Dance – Latin (Grades 4–12)
• Dance – Primary Hip Hop (Grades K-3)
• Dance – Urban (Grades 4–12)
• Drama – Improv (Grades 4–8)
• Indigenous Studies – Exploring Treaties (Grades 4–8)
• Mixed Media – Explorations in Watercolour (Grades 4–8)
• Mixed Media –Storytelling (Grades 1–3)
• Music –Body Percussion (Grades 4–8)
• Canadian and World Studies
• Dance
• Drama
• First Nations, Metis and Inuit Studies
• Geography/History
• Music
• Social Studies
• Science
• Visual Arts
• Printmaking –Reduction Lino (Grades 4–12)
• Printmaking –Young Collograph (Grades 1–3)
• Printmaking – Kinder Collograph (Kindergarten only) –NEW
• Seasonal –My First Field Trip (Kindergarten only)
• Seasonal – Design Your Own Gift Wrap (Grades 4–8) – NEW
• SHSM programs (Grades 9–12)
• Special Programs –National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (Grades 4–12)
• Textile Arts –Changing the Social Fabric (Grades 7–12) –NEW
• Urban Studies –Harbourfront Centre Discovery Walk (Grades K-3)
• Urban Studies –Kensington Market and Chinatown
Joe Rockhead’s Indoor Rock Climbing
29 Fraser Avenue
Toronto, ON M6K 1Y7
T: (416) 538-7670
E: climb@joerockheads.com www.joerockheads.com
Just Bounce Trampoline Club Inc.
3731 Chesswood Drive
North York, ON M3J 2P6
T: (416) 635-0206
E: info@justbounce.ca www.justbounce.ca
Kennedy Bowl
2300 Lawrence Avenue E Scarborough, ON M1P 2R2
T: (416) 759-6181
E: bowl@kennedybowl.com www.kennedybowl.com
Koffler Centre of the Arts
104/105, 180 Shaw Street
Toronto, ON M6J 2W5
T: (647) 925-0643
E: visit@kofflerarts.org www.kofflerarts.org
Legislative Assembly of Ontario
111 Wellesley Street W Toronto, ON M7A 1A2
T: (416) 325-0061
E: tourbookings@ola.org www.ola.org
Legoland Discovery Centre
1 Bass Pro Mills Drive Vaughan, ON L4K 5W4
T: (866) 579-9024
E: info@legolanddiscoverycentre.ca www.legolanddiscoverycentre.ca
Liberty Entertainment Group (Casa Loma)
1 Austin Terrace
Toronto, ON M5R 1X8
T: (416) 923-1171
E: info@casaloma.ca www.casaloma.ca
Liberty Grand Entertainment Complex
25 British Columbia Road (Exhibition Place)
Toronto, ON M6K 3C3
T: (416) LIBERTY (542-3789)
E: info@libertygrand.com www.libertygrand.com
Looking Glass Adventures
2944 Danforth Avenue
Toronto, ON M4C 1M5
T: (647) 498-5596
E: info@lookingglassadventures.com www.lookingglassadventures.com
Mackenzie House Museum
82 Bond Street
Toronto, ON M5B 1X2
T: (416) 392-6915
E: machouse@toronto.ca www.toronto.ca
Mad Science of Toronto 14, 1170 Sheppard Avenue W Toronto, ON M3K 2A3
T: (416) 630-5282
E: contactus@madsciencetoronto.ca www.toronto.madscience.org
Maple Leaf Square – Sports & Entertainment District
15 York Street
Toronto, ON M5J 0A3
T: (416) 815-1111
E: fanservices@mlse.com www.mlse.com
Massey Hall
178 Victoria Street
Toronto, ON M5B 1T7
T: (416) 872-4255
E: contactus@mh-rth.com www.masseyhall.com
McMichael Canadian Art Collection
10365 Islington Avenue
Kleinburg, ON L0J 1C0
T: (905) 893-1121
E: info@mcmichael.com www.mcmichael.com
Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament
10 Dufferin Street
Toronto, ON M6K 3C3
T: (416) 260-1170
E: toronto@medievaltimes.com www.medievaltimes.com
Meridian Arts Centre
5040 Yonge Street
Toronto, ON M2N 6R8
T: (416) 368-6161
E: info@tolive.com www.tolive.com
Meridian Hall
1 Front Street E
Toronto, ON M5E 1B2
T: (416) 368-6161
E: info@tolive.com www.tolive.com
Miles Nadal Jewish Community Centre
750 Spadina Avenue
Toronto, ON M5S 2J2
T: (416) 924-6211
E: info@mnjcc.org www.mnjcc.org
Mirvish Productions
400, 322 King Street
Toronto, ON M5V 1J2
T: (800) 461-3333
E: audienceservices@mirvish.com www.mirvish.com
Montgomery’s Inn
4709 Dundas Street W
Toronto, ON M9A 1A8
T: (416) 394-8113
E: montinn@toronto.ca www.toronto.ca
MZTV Museum of Television
64 Jefferson Avenue
Toronto, ON M6K 1Y4
T: (416) 599-7339
E: mztv@mztv.com www.mztv.com
Neighbour Note
407 Annette Street
Toronto, ON M6P 1R7
T: (647) 492-3696
E: info@neighbournote.ca www.neighbournote.ca
Ontario Heritage Trust
10 Adelaide Street E
Toronto, ON M5C 1J3
T: (416) 325-5000
E: programs@heritagetrust.on.ca www.heritagetrust.on.ca
Outward Bound Canada
Suite 402, 550 Bayview Avenue
Toronto, ON M4W 3X8
T: (888) OUTWARD (688-9273)
E: info@outwardbound.ca www.outwardbound.ca
OVO Athletic Centre
20 British Columbia Road
Toronto, ON M6K 3C3
T: (416) 815-5400
E: fanservices@mlse.com www.mlse.com
180 Shaw St., Toronto | kofflerarts.org
May 30 – October 20, 2024
Koffler Arts is proud to present Botannica Tirannica by award-winning Brazilian artist Giselle Beiguelman. The exhibition explores how common botanical names both mirror and perpetuate societal prejudices against racial, cultural, gender, and social groups.
Beiguelman was inspired to create this exhibition after receiving a gift of a Tradescantia zebrina seedling, commonly called “Wandering Jew”, a name referencing the 13th-century myth that recurred in Nazi propaganda. This led Beiguelman to investigate the complex, interwoven histories of botany, taxonomy and colonialism that often result in discrimination against specific groups of people.
Beiguelman has worked closely with two Indigenous experts to situate the exhibition in a Canadian context: Dr. Jonathan Ferrier, a Mississauga, Anishinaabe (Ojibwe) scientist and a Biology professor at Dalhousie University, and Isaac Crosby, also known as Brother
Nature, a Black/Ojibwa knowledge keeper, gardener and agriculture expert. Dr. Jonathan Ferrier has collaborated with Beiguelman on a display of living plants each with prejudicial names. Isaac Crosby created The Garden of Resilience outside the exhibition in front of the Youngplace building on Shaw Street. It includes various plant species – considered to be invasive “weeds”.
Alongside the display of plants, visitors to the gallery will engage with two series of images created using Artificial Intelligence of reimagined hybrid plants that are positioned as resistant and resilient life forms. The exhibition also features a soundscape by São Paulo-based composer Gabriel Francisco Lemos.
To book a school tour please email admin@kofflerarts.org
Botanica Tirannica runs until October 20th. Visit kofflerarts.org to see what’s on next!
Artmaking, gallery tours and outdoor learning that deepen critical thinking, advance visual literacy, and promote dialogue for grades K-12.
Programs Include: Art-in-Action Workshops
· Art Detectives
· Colour Concepts
· Learning from the Land Outdoor Tours
· Outdoor Explorers
· The McMichael Hike
Signature Studios designed in collaboration with leading Canadian artists
· Envisioning Environmental Futures
· Haida Manga Studio
· Storytellers & Image-Makers
· Place Topography Mixed Media Studio And so much more!
Brilliant here, brilliant there. Art2Go brings the McMichael anywhere!
Discover the art of Canada while saving on busing costs. Book an Art2Go program and McMichael instructors will bring their expertise right to your classroom.
The McMichael’s educational programs are designed to develop attitudes, values, and skills that nurture growth and promote inclusive and active community engagement through student-centred dialogue about art. mcmichael.com/bookings
Kleinburg, Ontario
SEP 3 – OCT 6, 2024
CAA Ed Mirvish Theatre
BEGINS NOV 2, 2024
Princess of Wales Theatre
BEGINS SEP 22, 2024
Royal Alexandra Theatre
OCT 8 – NOV 10, 2024
CAA Ed Mirvish Theatre
SEP 27 – OCT 20, 2024 CAA Theatre
NOV 19, 2024 – JAN 12, 2025
CAA Ed Mirvish Theatre
JAN 25 – FEB 16, 2025 CAA Theatre
APR 16 – MAY 4, 2025
CAA Ed Mirvish Theatre
JAN 28 – MAR 16, 2025
CAA Ed Mirvish Theatre
Many shows in our season o er study guides that help you and your students get the most out of your theatre experience.
Enhance your experience of the production by participating in a workshop led by experienced Artist Educators.
Our guided tours let your students explore the rich history, unique character, and hidden stories of these landmark theatres that have been instrumental in shaping Toronto’s Entertainment District.
Nothing excites our students more than the chance to speak with members of the cast & crew following a performance.
*Backstage not included.
Choral performance groups have an opportunity to showcase their talent in one of our spectacular theatre lobby or lounge spaces before the show.
I would be very happy to book again with Mirvish Production in the future, and I would highly recommend not only your shows, but also your workshops and tours to other teachers and school groups who are looking for a full and enriching arts experience. We are so lucky to live in this city and have access to such a high level of world-class theatrical culture.
Agatha, TDSB Teacher
Pawsitively Pets Kids Camp
2nd Floor, 94 Laird Drive
Toronto, ON M4G 3V2
T: (416) 901-4776
E: info@pawsitivelypetskidscamp.com www.pawsitivelypetskidscamp.com
Pirate Life Theatre
585 Queen’s Quay W Toronto, ON M5V 3G3
T: (416) 476-3836
E: adventure@piratelife.ca www.piratelife.ca
Princess of Wales Theatre
300 King Street W Toronto, ON M5V 1J2
T: (800) 461-3333
E: educationandevents@mirvish.com www.mirvish.com
REEL Canada
504, 720 Bathurst Street
Toronto, ON M5S 2R4
T: (888) 508-0881
E: contactus@reelcanada.ca www.reelcanada.ca
Ripley’s Aquarium of Canada
288 Bremner Boulevard
Toronto, ON M5V 3L9
T: (647) 351-FISH (3474)
E: education@ripleysaquariumofcanada.com www.ripleyaquariums.com/canada
Riverdale Farm
201 Winchester Street
Toronto, ON M4X 1B8
T: (416) 392-6794
E: farm@toronto.ca www.riverdalefarmtoronto.ca
Rogers Centre
1 Blue Jays Way
Toronto, ON M5V 1J1
T: (416) 341-1000
E: fanfeedback@bluejays.com www.rogerscentre.com
Roseneath Theatre
3rd Floor, 651 Dufferin Street
Toronto, ON M6K 2B2
T: (416) 686-5199
E: education@roseneath.ca
Roy Thomson Hall
60 Simcoe Street
Toronto, ON M5J 2H5
T: (416) 872-4255
E: contactus@mh-rth.com www.roythomsonhall.com
The Enoch Turner Schoolhouse — originally known as the Ward School — was the first free school in Toronto, and is an important part of the story of public education in Ontario. Today, the schoolhouse welcomes students and learners of all ages to explore Victorian education in a growing city.
Program topics include:
Mrs. Henderson’s Classroom (60 min) | Ages 6-11
Our most popular program! Students step back in time to 1858 to experience an average school day for a Victorian child.
Victorian Childhood (40 min) | Ages 6-11
Learn about what children in industrial Toronto did for fun, including the games and toys they played with.
Dancing and Decorum (40 min) | Ages 6-11
Discover the importance of dance as a social activity in Victorian society, as well as the importance of proper etiquette.
General Tour (30 min) | Older youth or adults
Learn about the history of the building and its role in advancing public, accessible education and the history of the nearby community. heritagetrust.on.ca/etsh
Royal Alexandra Theatre
260 King Street W
Toronto, ON M5V 1H9
T: (800) 461-3333
E: educationandevents@mirvish.com www.mirvish.com
Royal Ontario Museum
100 Queen’s Park
Toronto, ON M5S 2C6
T: (416) 586-8000
E: info@rom.on.ca www.rom.on.ca
Scarborough Museum
1007 Brimley Road
Toronto, ON M1P 3E8
T: (416) 338-8807
E: shm@toronto.ca www.toronto.ca
Scotiabank Arena
500, 50 Bay Street
Toronto, ON M5J 2L2
T: (416) 815-5500
E: fanservices@mlse.com www.scotiabankarena.com
Shaw Festival
10 Queen’s Parade, Box 774
Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
T: (905) 468-2172
E: boxoffice@shawfest.com www.shawfest.com
Sky Zone Trampoline Park
1A, 45 Esander Drive
Toronto, ON M4G 4C5
T: (647) 363-5552
E: toronto_jump@skyzone.com www.skyzone.com/ca-toronto
Spadina Museum: Historic House & Gardens
285 Spadina Road
Toronto, ON M5R 2V5
T: (416) 392-6910
E: spadina@toronto.ca www.toronto.ca
St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts
27 Front Street E
Toronto, ON M5E 1B4
T: (416) 368-6161
E: info@tolive.com www.tolive.com
St. Lawrence Hall
157 King Street E
Toronto, ON M5C 1G9
T: (416) 392-7120
E: stlawrencemarket@toronto.ca www.stlawrencemarket.com
St. Lawrence Market
92, 95 Front Street E
Toronto, ON M5E 1C3
T: (416) 392-7219
E: stlawrencemarket@toronto.ca www.stlawrencemarket.com
1, 192 Spadina Avenue
Toronto, ON M5T 2C2
T: (647) 490-4659
E: info@steamlabs.ca www.steamlabs.ca
Stratford Festival
55 Queen Street
Stratford, ON N5A 4M9
T: (519) 273-1600
E: groups@stratfordfestival.ca www.stratfordfestival.ca
TD Gallery of Inuit Art
79 Wellington Street W (TD Centre)
Toronto, ON M5J 2Z9
T: (416) 599-5321
E: askus@gallerieswest.ca www.gallerieswest.ca/locations/td-galleryof-inuit-art/
Textile Museum of Canada
55 Centre Avenue
Toronto, ON M5G 2H5
T: (416) 599-5321
E: info@textilemuseum.ca www.textilemuseum.ca
The Distillery Historic District
200, 9 Trinity Street
Toronto, ON M5A 3C4
T: (416) 364-1177
E: inquiries@thedistillerydistrict.com www.thedistillerydistrict.com
The Haunted Walk of Toronto
11 Gristmill Lane
Toronto, ON M5A 3C4
T: (416) 238-1473
E: info@hauntedwalk.com www.hauntedwalk.com
The Image Centre
33 Gould Street
Toronto, ON M5B 1W1
T: (416) 979-5164
E: imagecentre.gallery@torontomu.ca www.theimagecentre.ca
The International Festival of Authors (IFOA)
Harbourfront Centre, 235 Queens Quay W Toronto, ON M5J 2G8
T: (416) 973-4000
E: info@festivalofauthors.ca www.festivalofauthors.ca
The Market Gallery
2nd Floor, St. Lawrence Market
95 Front Street E Toronto, ON M5E 1C2
T: (416) 392-7604
E: marketgallery@toronto.ca www.toronto.ca
The PATH Downtown Pedestrian Walkway Toronto, ON www.toronto.ca
The Pottery
498 Runnymede Road
Toronto, ON M6S 2Z5
T: (416) 690-9475
E: paul@thepottery.ca www.thepottery.ca
The Power Plant Contemporary Art Gallery
231 Queens Quay W Toronto, ON M5J 2G8
T: (416) 973-4949
E: info@thepowerplant.org www.thepowerplant.org
The Queen’s York Rangers Museum
660 Fleet Street W Toronto, ON M5V 1A9
T: (416) 203-4622
E: info@qyrang.ca www.qyrang.ca
The Rock Oasis
204, 388 Carlaw Avenue
Toronto, ON M4M 2T4
T: (416) 703-3434
E: info@rockoasis.com www.rockoasis.com
The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair
39 Manitoba Drive, Exhibition Place
Toronto, ON M6K 3C3
T: (416) 263-3400
E: info@royalfair.org www.royalfair.org
The Second City Training Centre
1 York Street
Toronto, ON M5J 0B6
T: (416) 343-0011
E: customerservice@secondcity.com www.secondcity.com
TIFF Bell Lightbox, Reitman Square, 350 King Street West
Toronto, ON M5V 3X5
T: (416) 599-2033
E: customerrelations@tiff.net www.tiff.net
Todmorden Mills Heritage Site
67 Pottery Road
Toronto, ON M4K 2B9
T: (416) 396-2819
E: todmorden@toronto.ca www.toronto.ca
Tommy Thompson Park
1 Leslie Street
Toronto, ON M4M 3M2
T: (647) 505-9960
E: ttp@trca.on.ca www.tommythompsonpark.ca/education
Toronto & Region Conservation Authority
101 Exchange Avenue
Vaughan, ON L4K 5R6
T: (416) 661-6600
E: info@trca.ca www.trca.ca
Toronto Blue Jays – Rogers Centre
3200, 1 Blue Jays Way
Toronto, ON M5V 1J1
T: (416) 341-1000
E: fanfeedback@bluejays.com www.mlb.com/bluejays
Toronto Botanical Garden
777 Lawrence Avenue E Toronto, ON M3C 1P2
T: (416) 397-1341
E: info@torontobotanicalgarden.ca www.torontobotanicalgarden.ca
Toronto Circus Centre Inc.
c/o Leaside United Church, 822 Millwood Road
Toronto, ON M4G 1W4
T: (416) 433-7731
E: info@torontocircuscentre.com www.torontocircuscentre.com
Toronto Dance Theatre
80 Winchester Street
Toronto, ON M4X 1B2
T: (416) 967-1365
E: info@tdt.org www.tdt.org
Toronto Holocaust Museum
4588 Bathurst Street
North York, ON M2R 1W6
T: (416) 631-5689
E: schoolbookings@thethm.org www.torontoholocaustmuseum.org
Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF)
TIFF Bell Lightbox, Reitman Square, 350
King Street West
Toronto, ON M5V 3X5
T: (416) 599-2033
E: customerrelations@tiff.net www.tiff.net
Toronto Island Park
Jack Layton Ferry Terminal
Toronto, ON
T: (416) 396-7378
E: torontoisland@toronto.ca www.torontoisland.com
Toronto Island Walking Tours
Ward’s Island Ferry Dock
Toronto, ON
T: (416) 203-1038
E: torontoislandwalkingtours@gmail.com www.torontoislandwalkingtours.com
Toronto Summer Music in the Garden
235 Queens Quay W
Toronto, ON M5J 2G8
T: (416) 973-4000
E: camps@harbourfrontcentre.com www.harbourfrontcentre.com
Toronto Railway Museum 17, 255 Bremner Boulevard
Toronto, ON M5V 3M9
T: (416) 214-9229
E: manager@trha.ca www.torontorailwaymuseum.com
Toronto Rock Lacrosse Club
2nd Floor, 1132 Invicta Drive
Oakville, ON L6H 6G1
T: (416) 596-3075
E: info@torontorock.com www.torontorock.com
Toronto Symphony Orchestra
500, 145 Wellington Street W Toronto, ON M5J 1H8
T: (416) 598-3375
E: contactus@tso.ca www.tso.ca
Toronto Zoo
2000 Meadowvale Road Toronto, ON M1B 5K7
T: (416) 392 – 5944
E: schools@torontozoo.ca www.torontozoo.ca
Toronto’s First Post Office 260 Adelaide Street E Toronto, ON M5A 1N1
T: (416) 865-1833
E: info@tos1stpo.com www.townofyork.com
Walk T.O. Tours
Toronto, ON
T: (416) 477-7970
E: contact@walkto.tours www.walkto.tours
Woodbine Beach Park – Beaches’ Pavilion
1675 Lake Shore Boulevard E Toronto, ON M4L 3W6 www.toronto.ca
York Museum
2694 Eglinton Avenue W Toronto, ON M6M 1V1
T: (416) 394-2759
York University – Keele Campus
4700 Keele Street
Toronto, ON M3J 1P3
T: (416) 736-2100
E: study@yorku.ca
York University – Glendon Campus
2275 Bayview Avenue Toronto, ON M4N 3M6
T: (416) 736-2100
E: liaison@glendon.yorku.ca www.yorku.ca
Young People’s Theatre
165 Front Street E Toronto, ON M5A 3Z4
T: (416) 862-2222
E: yptboxoffice@youngpeoplestheatre.org www.youngpeoplestheatre.org
Zion Schoolhouse
1091 Finch Avenue E Toronto, ON M2J 2X3
T: (416) 395-7435
E: zionschool@toronto.ca www.toronto.ca
Ajax Community Centre & Arena
75 Centennial Road
Ajax, ON L1S 4S4
T: (905) 427-8811
E: contactus@ajax.ca www.ajax.ca
Aspire Climbing & Fitness Inc.
4, 1400 Victoria Street E Whitby, ON L1N 0M2
T: (905) 430-9813
E: whitby@aspireclimbing.com www.aspireclimbing.com
Audley Recreation Centre
1955 Audley Road N Ajax, ON L1Z 0L2
T: (905) 427-2468
E: contactus@ajax.ca www.ajax.ca
Boyd Archaeological Field School 4290 Westney Road N
Pickering, ON L0C 1A0
T: (416) 667-6295
E: vservices@trca.ca www.trca.ca/cnc
Brooks Farm 122 Ashworth Road
Mount Albert, ON L0G 1M0
T: (905) 473-3246
E: info@brooksfarm.com www.brooksfarm.com
Camp Kawartha 1010 Birchview Road
Douro Dummer, ON K0L 2H0
T: (705) 652-3860
E: info@campkawartha.ca www.campkawartha.ca
Camp Robin Hood & The Robin Hood Leadership Centre
PO Box 10034 RPO Yonge & Finch
Toronto, ON M2N 0B6
T: (416) 736-4443
E: office@camprobinhood.ca www.camprobinhood.ca/school-programs
Champions of History – Early Societies Programs & Stage Combat
201, 5 Claxton Boulevard Toronto, ON M6C 1L6
T: (844) FOCUSUP (302-8787)
E: info@championsofhistory.com www.championsofhistory.com
Cineplex – Education Cinema & More
Various locations
T: (800) 313-4461
E: groupsales@cineplex.com www.cineplex.com/groupsales
Inspiring Environmental Stewards
We are an award-winning, YEAR-ROUND learning centre offering...
Over 60 curriculum-linked education programs (K-12) covering Arts, Science, History, Social Studies, Adventure & Leadership
OCT-certified teachers on staff
1-night, 2-night, and 3-night stays
Heated cabins, accessible washrooms, and spacious, sustainable facilities
Delicious, healthy meals and snacks cooked by our talented Kitchen Staff
Camp Kawartha has been providing unforgettable outdoor learning experiences since 1921!
Inspiring Environmental Stewards
Claremont Nature Centre – TRCA
4290 Westney Road N Pickering, ON L0C 1A0
T: (416) 667-6295
E: vservices@trca.ca www.trca.ca/cnc
Dairy Farmers of Ontario
6780 Campobello Road Mississauga, ON L5N 2L8
T: (905) 821-8970
E: schoolmilk@milk.org www.milk.org
Earthbound Kids
155 Uxbridge-Pickering Townline
Pickering, ON L4A 7X4
T: (905) 642-6087
E: info@earthboundkids.ca www.earthboundkids.ca
Enrichment Studies Unit / Queen’s University
Victoria Hall, 75 Bader Lane
Kingston, ON K7L 3N8
T: (613) 533-2223
E: event.services@queensu.ca www.queensu.ca/eventservices/planning/ ESU
Flying Squirrel Trampoline Park
1400 Victoria Street E Whitby, ON L1N 0M2
T: (289) 732-5327
E: whitby@flyingsquirrelsports.com https://flyingsquirrelsports.ca/whitbyontario
Focus UP – Improvisation / Stage Combat
201, 5 Claxton Boulevard
Toronto, ON M6C 1L6
T: (844) FOCUSUP (302-8787)
E: info@focusupcreativity.com www.focusupcreativity.com
Forsythe Family Farms
1025 Cragg Road
Greenbank (Uxbridge), ON L9P 1R3
T: (905) 887-1087
E: forsythefamilyfarms@gmail.com www.forsythefamilyfarms.com
Ganaraska Forest Centre
10585 Cold Springs Camp Road
Campbellcroft, ON L0A 1B0
T: (905) 885-8173
E: info@grca.on.ca www.grca.on.ca
Hatrick House
120 Roberson Drive
Ajax, ON L1T 3Z6
T: (905) 427-8811
E: contactus@ajax.ca www.ajax.ca
iFly Toronto / Whitby
75 Consumers Drive, Building l Whitby, ON L1N 9S2
T: (800) 604-3489
E: info.whitby@iflyworld.com www.iflyworld.ca
Located less than 70 km from downtown Toronto, Lakeridge Resort nestled in the beautiful Oak Ridges Moraine offers year-round fun for everyone.
Skiing and snowboarding is for everyone of all ages! Featuring 23 runs spread over 70 acres, we offer a wide range of trails for skiers and snowboarders, from novice to expert, including mogul runs, banked slalom run, two dedicated snowboard terrain parks, snowcross and a separate snow tubing park which provides fun for everyone young or old. We are your first choice for beginners to experts whether you ski, snowboard, snow tube, climb or mountain bike. School team building programs are offered in spring and fall.
790 Chalk Lake Road (off Lakeridge Road / Durham 23) Uxbridge, Ontario, L9P 1R4
free from Toronto: 905-686-3607 Snow Hotline: 905-649-2058
Email: josborne@lakeridgeresort.ca
Lakeridge Experiential Education Facility video clip: ski-lakeridge.com/education/team-building/l-e-e-f-activities-offered
Lakeridge Resort
790 Chalk Lake Road
Uxbridge, ON L9P 1R4
T: (905) 649-2058
E: bookings@lakeridgeresort.ca www.ski-lakeridge.com
McLean Community Centre
95 Magill Drive
Ajax, ON L1T 4M5
T: (905) 428-7711
E: contactus@ajax.ca www.ajax.ca
National Air Force Museum of Canada
220 RCAF Road, 8 Wing/CFB Trenton Astra, ON K0K 3W0
T: (613) 965-3874
E: education@airforcemuseum.ca www.airforcemuseum.ca
Oshawa Museum
1450 Simcoe Street S Oshawa, ON L1H 8S8
T: (905) 436-7624
E: programming@oshawamuseum.org www.oshawamuseum.org
Oshawa Sports Hall of Fame –
Tribute Communities Centre
99 Athol Street E Oshawa, ON L1H 1J8
T: (905) 438-8881
E: info@oshawasportshalloffame.com www.oshawasportshalloffame.com
Oshawa Zoo And Fun Farm 3377 Grandview Street N Oshawa, ON L1H 0J5
T: (905) 655-5236
E: info@oshawazoo.ca www.oshawazoo.ca
Pat Bayly Square skating Rink
55 Bayly Street W Ajax, ON L1S 7K7
T: (905) 427-8811
E: contactus@ajax.ca www.ajax.ca
Playdium Whitby
75 Consumers Drive
Whitby, ON L1N 9S2
T: (289) 807-2848
E: info@playdium.com www.playdium.com
Putting Edge – Whitby Entertainment Centrum
75 Consumers Drive
Whitby, ON L1N 9S2
T: (905) 430-3206
E: whitby@puttingedge.com www.puttingedge.com
Reptilia Zoo
1400 Victoria Street E
Whitby, ON L1N 0M2
T: (905) 493-9537
E: bookings.whitby@reptilia.org www.reptilia.org
Roseneath Theatre
3rd Floor, 651 Dufferin Street
Toronto, ON M6K 2B2
T: (416) 686-5199
E: education@roseneath.ca www.roseneath.ca
St. Francis Centre for Community, Arts & Culture
78 Church Street S Ajax, ON L1S 6B3
T: (905) 619-2529
E: contactus@ajax.ca www.ajax.ca
Shaw Festival
10 Queen’s Parade, Box 774
Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
T: (905) 468-2172
E: boxoffice@shawfest.com www.shawfest.com
Station Gallery
1450 Henry Street
Whitby, ON L1N 0A8
T: (905) 668-4185
E: art@stationgallery.ca www.stationgallery.ca
The Georgian Peaks Club
PO Box 400
Thornbury, ON N0H 2P0
T: (519) 599-6771
E: marg@georgianpeaks.com www.georgianpeaks.com
Treetop Eco-Adventure Park
53 Snow Ridge Court
Oshawa, ON L1H 7K4
T: (905) 655-1113
E: info@treetopeco-adventurepark.com www.treetopeco-adventurepark.com
Treetop Trekking Ganaraska 10585 Cold Springs Camp Road
Campbellcroft, ON L0A 1B0
T: (905) 797-2000
E: groups@treetoptrekking.com www.treetoptrekking.com/park/ ganaraska/
Tribute Communities Centre
99 Athol Street E
Oshawa, ON L1H 1J8
T: (905) 438-8881
E: william.balfour@ovgroup.com www.tributecommunitiescentre.com
Uxbridge Historical Centre
7239 Concession Road 6, PO Box 1301
Uxbridge, ON L9P 1N5
T: (905) 852-5854
E: museum@uxbridge.ca www.uxbridgehistoricalcentre.com
Willowtree Farm
975 Regional Road 21
Port Perry, ON L9L 1B5
T: (905) 985-4973
E: info@willowtreefarm.ca www.willowtreefarm.ca
WindReach Farm
312 Townline Road
Ashburn, ON L0B 1A0
T: (905) 655-5827
E: information@windreachfarm.org www.windreachfarm.org
Aerosports Trampoline Parks
2679 Bristol Circle
Oakville, ON L6H 6Z8
T: (905) 829-2989 www.aerosportspark.ca
African Lion Safari
1386 Cooper Road
Cambridge, ON N1R 5S2
T: (519) 623-2620
E: admin@lionsafari.com www.lionsafari.com
AgScape – Ontario Agri-Food Education Inc.
8560 Tremaine Road, PO Box 460
Milton, ON L9T 4Z1
T: (905) 878-1510
E: info@agscape.ca www.agscape.ca
Andrews Farm Market & Winery
9365 10 Side Road
Milton, ON L9T 2X9
T: (905) 878-5807
E: info@andrewsscenicacres.com www.andrewsscenicacres.com
Art Gallery of Burlington
1333 Lakeshore Road
Burlington, ON L7S 1A9
T: (905) 632-7796
E: info@agb.life www.agb.life
Art Gallery of Hamilton 123 King Street W Hamilton, ON L8P 4S8
T: (905) 527-6610
E: education@artgalleryofhamilton.com www.artgalleryofhamilton.com
Artistic Way Ltd.
1003 Eglinton Avenue W Toronto, ON M6C 2C7
T: (416) 760-9027
E: art@artisticway.ca www.artisticway.ca
Aspire Climbing and Fitness Inc.
2, 104 Bronte Street N Milton, ON L9T 2N5
T: (905) 864-1442
E: info@aspireclimbing.ca www.aspireclimbing.com
Big Village – a global fairtrade market
12 Garnet Drive
Georgetown, ON L7G 1K6
T: (416) 523-1787
E: liz@bigvillage.ca www.bigvillage.ca
Bronte Creek Provincial Park 1219 Burloak Drive
Oakville, ON L6M 4J7
T: (905) 827-6911
E: bcppfriends@gmail.com www.brontecreek.org
Champions of History – Early Societies Programs & Stage Combat
201, 5 Claxton Boulevard
Toronto, ON M6C 1L6
T: (844) FOCUSUP (302-8787)
E: info@championsofhistory.com www.championsofhistory.com
Cineplex – Education Cinema & More
Various locations
T: (800) 313-4461
E: groupsales@cineplex.com www.cineplex.com/groupsales
Dairy Farmers of Ontario
6780 Campobello Road
Mississauga, ON L5N 2L8
T: (905) 821-8970
E: schoolmilk@milk.org www.milk.org
Fallsview Indoor Waterpark
5685 Falls Avenue
Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6W7
T: (905) 374-4444
E: wpreception@niagarafallshotels.com www.fallsviewwaterpark.com
Focus UP – Improvisation / Stage Combat
201, 5 Claxton Boulevard
Toronto, ON M6C 1L6
T: (844) FOCUSUP (302-8787)
E: info@focusupcreativity.com www.focusupcreativity.com
iFly Oakville
2007 Winston Park Drive
Oakville, ON L6H 6P5
T: (800) 604-3489
E: info.oakville@iflyworld.com www.iflyworld.ca
Marineland of Canada
7657 Portage Road
Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6X8
T: (905) 356-9565
E: marketing@marineland.ca www.marineland.ca
Mountsberg Conservation Area
2259 Milburough Line
Campbellville, ON L0P 1B0
T: (905) 854-2276
E: visitorservices@hrca.on.ca www.conservationhalton.ca
Niagara City Cruises – boat tour
5920 Niagara Parkway
Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6X8
T: (877) 642-7275
E: info@niagaracruises.com www.cityexperiences.com/niagara-ca
Niagara Parks Botanical Gardens / Butterfly Conservatory
2565 Niagara Parkway
Niagara Falls, ON L0S 1J0
T: (877) 642-7275
E: info@niagaraparks.com www.niagaraparks.com
Niagara Parks Power Station
7005 Niagara Parkway
Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6T2
T: (877) 642-7275
E: info@niagaraparks.com www.niagaraparks.com
Oakville Galleries at Centennial Square
120 Navy Street
Oakville, ON L6J 2Z4
T: (905) 844-4402
E: info@oakvillegalleries.com www.oakvillegalleries.com
Oakville Galleries in Gairloch Gardens
1306 Lakeshore Road E
Oakville, ON L6J 1L6
T: (905) 844-4402
E: info@oakvillegalleries.com www.oakvillegalleries.com
ONE AXE Pursuits
24 Henderson Street
Elora, ON N0B 1S0
T: (519) 846-8888
E: hello@oneaxepursuits.com www.oneaxepursuits.com
Roseneath Theatre
3rd Floor, 651 Dufferin Street
Toronto, ON M6K 2B2
T: (416) 686-5199
E: education@roseneath.ca www.roseneath.ca
Shaw Festival
10 Queen’s Parade, Box 774
Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
T: (905) 468-2172
E: boxoffice@shawfest.com www.shawfest.com
Stratford Festival
55 Queen Street
Stratford, ON N5A 4M9
T: (519) 273-1600
E: groups@stratfordfestival.ca www.stratfordfestival.ca
Toronto Rock Lacrosse Club
2nd Floor, 1132 Invicta Drive
Oakville, ON L6H 6G1
T: (416) 596-3075
E: info@torontorock.com www.torontorock.com
Town of Oakville
1225 Trafalgar Road
Oakville, ON L6H 0H3
T: (905) 845-6601
E: service@oakville.ca
Whirlpool Aero Car – Niagara Parks
3850 Niagara Parkway
Niagara Falls, ON L2E 3E8
T: (877) 642-7275
E: info@niagaraparks.com www.niagaraparks.com
Wildplay Whirlpool Adventure Course – Niagara Parks
3500 Niagara Parkway
Niagara Falls, ON L2E 3E8
T: (877) 642-7275
E: info@niagaraparks.com www.niagaraparks.com
Wildplay Zipline to the Falls –Niagara Parks
5920 Niagara Parkway
Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6X8
T: (800) 263-7073
E: guestservices-niagarafalls@wildplay.com www.wildplay.com
Aerosports Trampoline Parks –Brampton
100 Westcreek Boulevard
Brampton, ON L6T 5W7
T: (905) 796-2376
Air Riderz Trampoline Park
3600 Ridgeway Drive
Mississauga, ON L5L 0B4
T: (905) 820-7500
E: info@airriderz.com www.airriderz.com
Albion Hills Field Centre – Toronto & Region Conservation Authority
16559 Humber Station Road
Caledon East, ON L7E 3A5
T: (905) 667-6295
E: vservices@trca.ca www.trca.ca/ahfc
Artistic Way Ltd.
1003 Eglinton Avenue W Toronto, ON M6C 2C7
T: (416) 760-9027
E: art@artisticway.ca www.artisticway.ca
Aurora Historical Society & Hillary House – National Historic Site
15372 Yonge Street
Aurora, ON L4G 1N8
T: (905) 727-8991
E: community@aurorahs.com www.aurorahs.com
Balls of Fun Inc.
15 & 16, 3615 Laird Road
Mississauga, ON L5L 5Z8
T: (905) 828-4386
E: info@ballsoffun.ca www.ballsoffun.ca
Beaux Arts Brampton
70, 74 Main Street N
Brampton, ON L6V 1N7
T: (905) 454-5677
E: info@beauxartsbrampton.org www.beauxartsbrampton.org
Benares Historic House – Museums of Mississauga
1507 Clarkson Road N Mississauga, ON L5J 2W8
T: (905) 615-4860
E: museums@mississauga.ca www.museumsofmississauga.com
Bradley Museum – Museums of Mississauga
1629 Orr Road
Mississauga, ON L5J 4T2
T: (905) 615-4860
E: museums@mississauga.ca www.museumsofmississauga.com
Carassauga Festival Inc.
3rd Floor, Unit 7, 5600 Rose Cherry Place
Mississauga, ON L4Z 4B6
T: (905) 615-3010
E: info@carassauga.com
Cassie Campbell Community Centre
1050 Sandalwood Parkway W
Brampton, ON L7A 0K9
T: (905) 840-4041
Champions of History – Early Societies Programs & Stage Combat
201, 5 Claxton Boulevard
Toronto, ON M6C 1L6
T: (844) FOCUSUP (302-8787)
E: info@championsofhistory.com www.championsofhistory.com
Charles F. Watson Family Gardens
398 Main Street S
Brampton, ON L6W 1C8 www.brampton.ca
Chinguacousy Park Sandra Hames Centre
9050 Bramalea Road
Brampton, ON L6S 6G7
T: (905) 458-6555
E: raquetinfo@brampton.ca www.brampton.ca
Chris Gibson Recreation Centre
125 McLaughlin Road
Brampton, ON L6X 1Y9
T: (905) 874-2820
Cineplex – Education Cinema & More
Various locations
T: (800) 313-4461
E: groupsales@cineplex.com www.cineplex.com/groupsales
City of Mississauga
300 City Centre Drive
Mississauga, ON L5B 3C1
T: (905) 615-4311
Claireville Conservation Area
8180 Highway 50, north of Steeles Avenue
Brampton, ON L6T 0A6
T: (905) 667-6295
E: vservices@trca.ca www.trca.ca/learning/education-centres/ claireville-education-programs/
Crock A Doodle – MississaugaMeadowvale
5602 Tenth Line W
Mississauga, ON L5M 7L9
T: (905) 824-8428
E: meadowvale@crockadoodle.com www.crockadoodle.com/mississaugameadowvale
Dairy Farmers of Ontario
6780 Campobello Road
Mississauga, ON L5N 2L8
T: (905) 821-8970
E: schoolmilk@milk.org www.milk.org
Downey’s Farm
13682 Heart Lake Road
Caledon, ON L7C 2J5
T: (905) 838-2990
E: info@downeysfarm.com www.downeysfarm.com
Eldorado Park Outdoor Pool
8520 Creditview Road
Brampton, ON L6Y 0G4
T: (905) 874-2860
Folklore Music & Arts
3022 Prentiss Road
Mississauga, ON L5L 3X1
T: (416) 806-6870
E: jimarnold@folkloremusic.com www.folkloremusic.com
Focus UP – Improvisation / Stage Combat
201, 5 Claxton Boulevard
Toronto, ON M6C 1L6
T: (844) FOCUSUP (302-8787)
E: info@focusupcreativity.com www.focusupcreativity.com
Gage Park
45 Main Street S
Brampton, ON L6Y 1M9
T: (905) 874-2820
Glow Zone 360
4800 Dixie Road
Mississauga, ON L4W 2R1
T: (905) 629-4966
E: mississauga@glowzone360.com www.glowzone360.com
Glow Zone 360
7, 9446 McLaughlin Road N
Brampton, ON L6X 4H9
T: (905) 497-4569
E: brampton@glowzone360.com www.glowzone360.com
Heritage Mississauga – The Robinson-Adamson House “The Grange”
1921 Dundas Street W
Mississauga, ON L5K 1R2
T: (905) 828-8411
E: info@heritagemississauga.org www.heritagemississauga.com
Historic Bovaird House
563 Bovaird Drive E
Brampton, ON L6V 3W4
T: (905) 874-2804
E: bovairdhouse@yahoo.ca www.bovairdhouse.ca
Kidnetix Brampton
13, 10 Bramhurst Avenue
Brampton, ON L6T 5H1
T: (647) 352-9848
E: play@kidnetix.ca www.kidnetixkidz.org
Lester B. Pearson (LBP) Theatre at the Rose Brampton
1 Theatre Lane
Brampton, ON L6V 0A3
T: (905) 874- 2800
E: rose.education@brampton.ca www.rosetheatre.ca
Living Arts Centre
4141 Living Arts Drive
Mississauga, ON L5B 4B8
T: (905) 615-3200 x6009
E: school.bookings@mississauga.ca www.livingartscentre.ca
Marineland of Canada
7657 Portage Road
Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6X8
T: (905) 356-9565
E: marketing@marineland.ca www.marineland.ca
Meadowvale Theatre
6315 Montevideo Road
Mississauga, ON L5N 4G7
T: (905) 615-4720
E: meadowvale.boxoffice@mississauga.ca www.meadowvaletheatre.ca
Paul Palleschi Recreation Centre
30 Loafer’s Lake Lane
Brampton, ON L6Z 1X9
T: (905) 846-2370
Peel Art Gallery, Museum & Archives (PAMA)
9 Wellington Street E
Brampton, ON L6W 1Y1
T: (905) 791-4055
E: infopama@peelregion.ca www.pama.peelregion.ca
Playdium Brampton Orion Gate
20 Biscayne Crescent
Brampton, ON L6W 4S1
T: (905) 769-9070
E: info@playdium.com www.playdium.com
Professor’s Lake Recreation Centre
1660 North Park Drive
Brampton, ON L6S 5S8
T: (905) 791-7751
Roseneath Theatre
3rd Floor, 651 Dufferin Street
Toronto, ON M6K 2B2
T: (416) 686-5199
E: education@roseneath.ca
Save Max Sports Centre
1495 Sandalwood Parkway E
Brampton, ON L6R 0K2
T: (905) 458-4036
Shaw Festival
10 Queen’s Parade, Box 774
Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
T: (905) 468-2172
E: boxoffice@shawfest.com www.shawfest.com
Sky Zone Trampoline Park
3636 Hawkestone Road
Mississauga, ON L5C 2V2
T: (289) 804-6041
E: Mississauga_Jump@circustrix.com www.skyzone.com
South Simcoe Steam Railway PO Box 186
Tottenham, ON L0G 1W0
T: (905) 936-5815
E: info@southsimcoerailway.ca www.southsimcoerailway.ca
Susan Fennell Sportsplex
500 Ray Lawson Boulevard
Brampton, ON L6Y 5B3
T: (905) 874-2856
The Rose Brampton
1 Theatre Lane
Brampton, ON L6V 0A3
T: (905) 874- 2800
E: roseeducation@brampton.ca www.rosetheatre.ca
Enjoy a full school year of fun and learning with Arts Adventures! All shows have curriculum connections, and many come with Study Guides full of resources and activities to use before and a er the show. Explore ideas and conversations in a way that engages young peoples’ senses!
*exceptions apply
Toprock Climbing
8, 284 Orenda Road
Brampton, ON L6T 5S3
T: (905) 452-5444
E: info@toprockclimbing.com www.toprockclimbing.ca
Toronto Ontario Temple
10060 Bramalea Road
Brampton, ON L6R 1A1
T: (905) 799-1122 www.churchofjesuschrist.org
Treetop Trekking Brampton –
Heart Lake Conservation Area
10818 Heart Lake Road
Brampton, ON L6Z 0B3
T: (855) 552-0090
E: brampton@treetoptrekking.com www.treetoptrekking.com
Ufly Simulator
6, 1535 Meyerside Drive
Mississauga, ON L5T 1M9
T: (416) 777-2261 / (905) 565-0197
E: ufly@uflysimulator.ca www.uflysimulator.ca
Wet’n’Wild Toronto
7855 Finch Avenue W
Brampton, ON L6T 0B2
T: (416) 369-0123
E: info@wetnwildtoronto.com www.wetnwildtoronto.com
Fly a unique 777 simulator with 180* field of vision available to the general public in Canada.
Exclusive experience to our guests where you fly with a real pilot in a private event.
With our other simulators such as 737 and Cessnas we can host up to 25 children at the same time.
Land in exotic places around the world and find out the thrill of flying the most modern technology.
Our instructors will guide the students to enjoy while they learn about the aerospace industry and much more.
SHSM Program (Specialist High Skill Major grades 11 and 12.
Air Riderz Trampoline Park
1, 250 Don Hillock Drive
Aurora, ON L4G 0G9
T: (905) 695-8577
E: info@airriderz.com www.airriderz.com
Air Riderz Trampoline Park
3, 570 Applewood Crescent Vaughan, ON L4K 4B4
T: (905) 695-7011
E: info@airriderz.com www.airriderz.com
All About Kids Markham
1 & 2, 17 Cornell Meadows Avenue
Markham, ON L6B 1B6
T: (905) 201-1706
E: info@allaboutkids.ca www.allaboutkids.ca
Archery Circuit
8, 3791 Victoria Park Avenue
Toronto, ON M1W 3K6
T: (416) 662-8828
E: archerycircuit@gmail.com www.archerycircuit.com
Artistic Way Ltd.
1003 Eglinton Avenue W Toronto, ON M6C 2C7
T: (416) 760-9027
E: art@artisticway.ca www.artisticway.ca
Aurora Historical Society & Hillary House – National Historic Site 15372 Yonge Street
Aurora, ON L4G 1N8
T: (905) 727-8991
E: community@aurorahs.com www.aurorahs.com
Black Creek Pioneer Village
1000 Murray Ross Parkway
North York, ON M3J 2P3
T: (416) 667-6295
E: bcpvinfo@trca.ca www.blackcreek.ca
Blue Mountain Resort
190 Gord Canning Drive
Blue Mountain, ON L9Y 1C2
T: (833) 583-BLUE (2583)
E: mail@bluemountain.ca www.bluemountain.ca
Brooks Farm
122 Ashworth Road
Mount Albert, ON L0G 1M0
T: (905) 473-3246
E: info@brooksfarm.com www.brooksfarm.com
Camp Robin Hood & The Robin Hood Leadership Centre
10243 Reesor Road
Markham, ON L6B 1A8
T: (416) 736-4443
E: office@camprobinhood.ca www.camprobinhood.ca/school-programs
Cineplex – Education Cinema & More
Various locations
T: (800) 313-4461
E: groupsales@cineplex.com www.cineplex.com/groupsales
Crock A Doodle – Richmond Hill 15, 1285 Elgin Mills Road
Richmond Hill, ON L4S 0B5
T: (905) 770-8995
E: richmondhill@crockadoodle.com www.crockadoodle.com/richmondhill
Dairy Farmers of Ontario
6780 Campobello Road
Mississauga, ON L5N 2L8
T: (905) 821-8970
E: schoolmilk@milk.org www.milk.org
Focus UP – Improvisation / Stage Combat
201, 5 Claxton Boulevard
Toronto, ON M6C 1L6
T: (844) FOCUSUP (302-8787)
E: info@focusupcreativity.com www.focusupcreativity.com
Funland Indoor Playground 1a, 5051 Highway 7 E
Markham, ON L3R 1N3
T: (905) 868-0888
E: info@funlandplayground.ca www.funlandplayground.ca
FUNtastic Forest 12, 14 Connie Crescent
Concord, ON L4K 2W8
T: (905) 738-6386
E: info@funtasticforest.ca www.funtasticforest.ca
Hardwood Ski and Bike
402 Old Barrie Road W
Oro-Medonte, ON L0L 2E0
T: (705) 487-3775
E: info@hardwoodskiandbike.ca www.hardwoodskiandbike.ca
Hillary House National Historic Site and the Koffler Museum of Medicine
15372 Yonge Street
Aurora, ON L4G 1N8
T: (905) 727-8991
E: community@aurorahs.com www.aurorahs.com
Horseshoe Resort
1101 Horseshoe Valley Road W Barrie, ON L4M 4Y8
T: (705) 835-2790
E: info@horseshoeresort.com www.horseshoeresort.com
Joe Rockhead’s Indoor Rock
29 Fraser Avenue
Toronto, ON M6K 1Y7
T: (416) 538-7670
E: climb@joerockheads.com www.joerockheads.com
Knights in the Classroom – O.E.I. Onsite Education Inc.
2 Amberglen Court
Holland Landing, ON L9N 1J6
T: (905) 967-0141
Kortright Centre for Conservation 9550 Pine Valley Drive
Woodbridge, ON L4H 2Z6
T: (905) 832-2289
E: vservices@trca.ca www.kortright.org
Lake St. George Field Centre
950 Bethesda Side Road
Richmond Hill, ON L4E 3G2
T: (416) 667-6295
E: vservices@trca.ca www.trca.ca/lsg
Latcham Art Centre
2 Park Drive
Stouffville, ON L4A 4K1
T: (905) 640-8954
E: info@latchamartcentre.ca www.latchamcentre.ca
Legoland Discovery Centre
1 Bass Pro Mills Drive
Vaughan, ON L4K 5W4
T: (866) 579-9024
E: info@legolanddiscoverycentre.ca www.legolanddiscoverycentre.ca
Lionel’s Farm
11714 McCowan Road
Stouffville, ON L4A 4C4
T: (905) 640-PONY (7669)
E: lionels@lionelsfarm.com www.lionelsfarm.com
Markham Fair
10801 McCowan Road
Markham, ON L3P 3J3
T: (905) 642-3247
E: office@markhamfair.ca www.markhamfair.ca
McMichael Canadian Art Collection 10365 Islington Avenue
Kleinburg, ON L0J 1C0
T: (905) 893-1121
E: learning@mcmichael.com www.mcmichael.com
Of Rock & Chalk
482 Ontario Street
Newmarket, ON L3Y 2K7
T: (905) 895-ROCK (7625)
E: info@roackandchalk.com www.rockandchalk.com
Putting Edge – Vaughan Entertainment Centrum
7621 Weston Road
Woodbridge, ON L4L 9J9
T: (905) 761-3343
E: vaughan@puttingedge.com www.puttingedge.com
Putting Edge – Scarborough Entertainment Centrum
410 Progress Avenue
Scarborough, ON M1P 5J1
T: (647) 943-7450
E: scarborough@puttingedge.com www.puttingedge.com
Reptilia Zoo
2501 Rutherford Road
Vaughan, ON L4K 2N6
T: (905) 761-6223
E: bookings.vaughan@reptilia.org www.reptilia.org
Roseneath Theatre
3rd Floor, 651 Dufferin Street
Toronto, ON M6K 2B2
T: (416) 686-5199
E: education@roseneath.ca www.roseneath.ca
Sharon Temple National Historic Site and Museum
18974 Leslie Street
Sharon, ON L0G 1V0
T: (905) 478-2389
E: info@sharontemple.ca www.sharontemple.ca
Shaw Festival
10 Queen’s Parade, Box 774
Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
T: (905) 468-2172
E: boxoffice@shawfest.com www.shawfest.com
South Simcoe Steam Railway PO Box 186
Tottenham, ON L0G 1W0
T: (905) 936-5815
E: info@southsimcoerailway.ca www.southsimcoerailway.ca
Steel Peak Climbing & Ninja
Warrior Gym
D, 231 Trade Valley Drive
Vaughan, ON L4H 3N6
T: (905) 851-5770
E: info@steelpeakclimbing.com www.steelpeakclimbing.com
Toronto & Region Conservation Authority
101 Exchange Avenue
Vaughan, ON L4K 5R6
T: (416) 661-6600
E: info@trca.ca www.trca.ca
Toronto Botanical Garden
777 Lawrence Avenue E
Toronto, ON M3C 1P2
T: (416) 397-1341
E: info@torontobotanicalgarden.ca www.torontobotanicalgarden.ca
Town of Georgina
26557 Civic Centre Road
Keswick, ON L4P 3G1
T: (905) 476-4301
E: info@georgina.ca www.georgina.ca
Treetop Trekking Stouffville –Bruce’s Mill Conservation Area
3291 Stouffville Road
Whitchurch-Stouffville, ON L4A 3W9
T: (844) 369-0009
E: karen@treetoptrekking.com www.treetoptrekking.com
Uplands Golf and Ski Club
46 Uplands Avenue
Thornhill, ON L4J 1K2
T: (905) 763-7373
E: info.uplands@golfnorth.ca www.golfnorth.ca
Vaughan Sportsplex II
8301 Keele Street
Vaughan, ON L4K 1Z6
T: (416) 661-9115
E: info@gtasportsplex.com www.gtasportsplex.com
Whitchurch-Stouffville Museum and Community Centre 14732 Woodbine Avenue
Whitchurch-Stouffville, ON L4A 2K9
T: (905) 727-8954
E: wsmuseum@townofws.ca www.townofws.ca
Winged Canvas Art Hub
12, 91 Anderson Avenue
Markham, ON L6E 1A5
T: (905) 205-1231
E: education@wingedcanvas.com www.wingedcanvas.com
York Museum
2694 Eglinton Avenue W Toronto, ON M6M 1V1
T: (416) 394-2522
Uplå inspires students to connect with nature and encourages play through exploration.
Uplå is an exciting new activity at Treetop Trekking’s adventure park in Stouffville.
BOOK your adventure at upla.ca
Attridge Transportation
4150 Harvester Road
Burlington, ON L7L 0C1
T: (905) 333-4047
E: customerservice@attridge.com www.attridge.com
Attridge Transportation
1775 North Sheridan Way
Mississauga, ON L5K 1S5
T: (905) 855-7771
E: customerservice@attridge.com www.attridge.com
Attridge Transportation
27 Mill Street S Waterdown, ON L0R 2H0
T: (905) 690-2632
E: customerservice@attridge.com www.attridge.com
Attridge Transportation
10 Akron Road
Etobicoke, ON M8W 1T2
T: (416) 255-5199
E: customerservice@attridge.com www.attridge.com
Attridge Transportation
193300 Amaranth – East Luther Townline
Grand Valley, ON L9W 0N5
T: (519) 928-9788
E: customerservice@attridge.com www.attridge.com
Chapman Cultural Tours Ltd.
131 Saramia Crescent, Suite B Concord, ON L4K 4P7
T: (905) 737-8687
E: info@chapmantours.ca www.chapmantours.ca
Dignity Transportation Inc.
900 Magnetic Drive
Toronto, ON M3J 2C4
T: (416) 398-2222
E: info@dignitytransportation.com www.dignitytransportation.com
Ellison Travel & Tours Ltd.
311 Main Street S, PO Box 1990
Exeter, ON N0M 1S7
T: (519) 235-2000
E: social@ettravel.com www.ellisontravel.com
Ellison Travel & Tours Ltd.
4, 1930 Hyde Park Road
London, ON N6H 5L9
T: (519) 672-7020
E: social@ettravel.com www.ellisontravel.com
First Student Canada –Durham Region
Trip Specialist with 30 locations across Ontario
T: (866) 652-4352
E: EasternCanadaCharterQuotes@ firstgroup.com www.firststudentinc.com
First Student Canada –Halton Region
Trip Specialist with 30 locations across Ontario
T: (866) 652-4352
E: EasternCanadaCharterQuotes@ firstgroup.com
First Student Canada – Peel Region
Trip Specialist with 30 locations across Ontario
T: (866) 652-4352
E: EasternCanadaCharterQuotes@ firstgroup.com www.firstcharterbus.ca
First Student Canada – Toronto
Trip Specialist with 30 locations across Ontario
T: (866) 652-4352
E: EasternCanadaCharterQuotes@ firstgroup.com www.firstcharterbus.ca
First Student Canada –York Region
Trip Specialist with 30 locations across Ontario
T: (866) 652-4352
E: EasternCanadaCharterQuotes@ firstgroup.com www.firstcharterbus.ca
Greyhound Canada Transportation Corp.
610 Bay Street, 2nd Floor Toronto, ON M5G 1M5
T: (800) 661-TRIP (8747)
E: canada.info@greyhound.ca www.greyhound.ca
McCluskey Transportation Services Ltd.
200, 163 Carlingview Drive
Etobicoke, ON M9W 5E7
T: (416) 246-1422
Parkinson Coach Lines –Durham Region
10 Kennedy Road N Brampton, ON L6V 1X4
T: (905) 451-4776
E: info@parkinsoncoach.com www.parkinsoncoach.com
Parkinson Coach Lines –Halton Region
10 Kennedy Road N Brampton, ON L6V 1X4
T: (905) 451-4776
E: info@parkinsoncoach.com www.parkinsoncoach.com
Parkinson Coach Lines –Peel Region
10 Kennedy Road N Brampton, ON L6V 1X4
T: (905) 451-4776
E: info@parkinsoncoach.com www.parkinsoncoach.com
Parkinson Coach Lines –York Region
10 Kennedy Road N Brampton, ON L6V 1X4
T: (905) 451-4776
E: info@parkinsoncoach.com www.parkinsoncoach.com
Parkinson Coach Lines & Tours
10 Kennedy Road N Brampton, ON L6V 1X4
T: (905) 451-4776
E: info@parkinsoncoach.com www.parkinsoncoach.com
Stock Transportation Ltd.
60 Columbia Way, Suite 800 Markham, ON L3R 0C9
T: (905) 940-9977
E: info@stocktransportation.com www.stocktransportation.com
Stock Transportation Ltd.
Toronto East (east of Yonge Street)
T: (416) 754-4949
E: info@stocktransportation.com www.stocktransportation.com
Stock Transportation Ltd.
Toronto West (west of Yonge Street)
T: (416) 244-5341
E: info@stocktransportation.com
The Magic Bus Company
274 Unwin Avenue
Toronto, ON M5A 1A3
T: (416) 516-7433
Toronto Bus Company Ltd.
110 Skyway Avenue
Toronto, ON M9W 4Y9
T: (416) 945-3436
E: info@torontobusco.com
Toronto Student Transportation Group
270 Cherokee Boulevard
North York, ON M2H 3B9
T: (416) 394-4BUS (287)
E: transportation@torontoschoolbus.org
Toronto Transit Commission
1900 Yonge Street
Toronto, ON M4S 1Z2
T: (416) 393-7880
E: charters@ttc.ca
Wheelchair Accessible Transit Inc.
303, 2727 Steeles Avenue W
Toronto, ON M3J 3G9
T: (416) 884-9898
E: info@wheelchairtransit.com www.wheelchairtransit.com
Teachers –
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Parents –
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This fall we begin with the world premiere of “Taking Care of Maman” by Djennie Laguerre in a joint production with Black Theatre Workshop in Tiohtià:ke (Montreal). In “Taking Care of Maman”, Eli’s maman is having her sadness again and she knows their neighbour Madame Jean can help her. This funny and heartfelt piece explores how two completely different generations develop a supportive and lasting relationship during the hardest time of the pandemic. The study guide for grades 4-8 comes with a variety of activities supporting Mental Health, Journalling, Language and Culture, Media Literacy and even a little Dance. We’re excited to offer a feature length live production reaching audiences in our company’s communities and beyond.
All season long, discover Digital Dialogues, where you and your students can engage with a prerecorded performance from our repertoire of playwrights, actors, and directors. These sessions offer
flexible viewing options: enjoy the show together as a class, let students watch independently on their devices, or assign it as homework. Following the viewing, we will arrange a talk-back session with one of the creators via your preferred video conferencing software. This live Q&A provides a unique opportunity to delve deeper into the creative process, fostering a richer understanding and appreciation of the arts.
In Spring 2025, “No Big Deal” and “The Money Tree”, are being remounted for a wider tour of Ontario. “No Big Deal” by Micheal Kras for grades 7-12 follows longtime friends Ariel and Grayson who are working at a horrible theme park for the summer before college. Tensions rise over their increasingly different ideas of growing into manhood - and a complicated incident involving fellow employee Lucy - might be enough to threaten their friendship. Tackling timely themes of contemporary masculinity, bro culture, and consent, “No Big
Deal” is a complex, funny, and humane new play for high school audiences that’s sure to provoke urgent discussion.
“The Money Tree” by Robert Watson is our long time favourite show for grade K-6 all about financial literacy. When Shasta’s father loses his job, she is devastated to learn that her upcoming birthday party must be significantly downsized. Shasta and her imaginative friend, Simon, meet a mysterious Traveler who gives them a magic seed that will make a tree grow leaves of money. The two ultimately learn that being a loyal friend is worth more than a big party or having the latest toys.
To book a show for your school, visit www.roseneath.ca Join us on our journey in creating more kindness and compassion by experiencing these incredible stories live. Theatre has an amazing power to help everyone better understand and empathize with others and we want to share this with your students!
If you’re a teacher looking for a class field trip that will excite your students and align with your educational goals, or an end-of-year celebration to reward a year well done, Blue Mountain is the perfect destination. We consider ourselves an outdoor extension of your classroom and can provide step-by-step assistance to ensure smooth planning and an enjoyable experience for all.
Blue Mountain offers a world-class facility, unmatched by any other in Ontario. We have collaborated with educational consultants to create lesson plans that integrate our unique environment with the school curriculum from K to Grade 12.
Children thrive on new experiences and the chance to challenge themselves. Regardless of the season, adventure is always part of the program, with a wide variety of mountain experiences designed to inspire and challenge students while providing a safe and inclusive learning environment.
Day and overnight trip options are available, and our programming centers around our Adventure and Explore parks, which consist of over 13 attractions and more than 30 km of hiking and biking trails across the Niagara Escarpment – a World Biosphere Reserve.
In winter, we adhere to OSRA recommendations and offer students the opportunity to learn to ski and snowboard or improve their skills at Ontario’s largest ski resort. Blue Mountain provides dedicated school group event managers, ambassadors, and certified ski and snowboard instructors. Rentals are pre-set for a smooth arrival, and we also offer activities for students who may not wish to ski or snowboard.
Leadership-based programming combined with resort attractions and traditional camp activities is also available. Here, students can connect with nature, build friendships, celebrate personal growth, and contribute to Blue Mountain’s commitment to sustainability.
Why Blue Mountain?
• Year-round activities linked to curriculum, skills, and initiatives
• Pre-written teaching notes and lesson plans available for all activities
• Compliant with OSBIE and OSRA
• Outdoor Education, OPHEA endorsed
• Inclusivity and accessibility
If you’re ready to participate in an unparalleled group experience, class is in session.
Blue Mountain Resort
Blue Mountain Resort is a world-class outdoor education facility, unsurpassed by any other in Ontario.
We bring the Curriculum to life through our year-round offerings for students of all abilities in Kindergarten through grade 12.
• Customized day & overnight trips including leadership programs
• Aligned with the Ontario Curriculum
• Inclusive, Safe, Affordable
Contact us to discuss how we can help you plan your next school trip.