Delaware State University Convocation 2021

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Thursday, September 23, 2021 11-11:50 a.m.


September twenty third, two thousand twenty one | Eleven o’clock in the morning Delaware State University | Dover, Delaware

Dr. Tony Allen, President Presiding Welcome and Announcement of the Platform Party Dr. Saundra F. DeLauder, Provost and Chief Academic Officer Presentation of Colors (Please stand) Delaware State University Police Honor Guard Joi Simmons, Interim Chief of Police National Anthem (Please remain standing) University Choir, directed by Dr. Derrick Thompson, Director of Choirs The Occasion Dr. Tony Allen Inspiration Dr. Alexandra Silver, Chair, Faculty Senate Ms. Leah Williams ’15, ’16, President, Delaware State University Alumni Association Mr. Semaj Hazzard, President, Student Government Association Musical Selection Sing Me to Heaven by Mr. Daniel Gawthrop University Choir directed by Dr. Derrick Thompson Welcome from the Board of Trustees Dr. Devona E. Williams, Chair Introduction of Convocation Speaker Dr. Saundra F. DeLauder Convocation Address Dr. Quincy Rose Sewell ’04, ’07 Closing Remarks and Proclamation Dr. Tony Allen Alma Mater Audience and choir (Lyrics are located in the program.)

Convocation Speaker Dr. Quincy A. Rose-Sewell, ’04, ’07

Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs at Baltimore City Community College; Baltimore, MD Dr. Quincy A. Rose-Sewell, a native of Baltimore, Maryland, is a leader, national advocate, public servant, consultant, commencement speaker and an educator. Dr. Rose-Sewell is a two-time graduate of Delaware State University. She has earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education, a Master of Arts degree in Curriculum and Instruction and a Doctorate of Education degree in Innovation and Leadership with a concentration in Organizational Leadership from Wilmington University. She has completed her Women in Educational Leadership PostDoctorate studies from Harvard University’s Graduate School of Education. Quincy currently serves as an administrator within Higher Education as Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs at Baltimore City Community College. Previously she served in the role of Dean of the College of Education at Harris-Stowe State University, Department Head and Associate Professor at Grambling State University, and Director of Teacher Education and Department Chair of the Bachelor of Science Interdisciplinary Studies Program and Master of Arts in Teaching program at Tusculum College. Her career in education has spanned across the public school, charter school and now the higher education sector. Among her notable appointments to serve is her 2001 appointment by the Governor of Delaware to serve as a board member of the Children’s Trust Fund. While Quincy is proud of her accomplishments, it is the establishment of her non-profit 501(c) (3) organization, Witney’s Lights, Inc, that she is most proud of. Witney’s Lights was founded in honor of Quincy’s sister, Dr. Witney Holland Rose, who at the age of 34 became a victim of Domestic Violence Homicide at the hands of her ex-boyfriend. Quincy has spoken throughout the country on the topic of Domestic Violence and Victim Advocacy. It is because of her courage and dedication to end domestic violence that Dr. Rose was selected by the Obama/Biden campaign to place into nomination Senator Joseph R. Biden, Jr., author of the Violence Against Women Act 1994, as the Vice President of the United States of America. The day she nominated Sen. Biden at the Democratic National Convention in Denver, Colorado, history was made, as Quincy is both the first Delawarean and the first African American woman to play such a pivotal role in the election process. Quincy later had the privilege of accompanying President Obama on his historic Whistle Stop Train Tour from Philadelphia, Pa., to Washington, D.C. Quincy was honored to have been given the task of introducing President Obama to a crowd of over 45,000 people at the Baltimore rally stop. Quincy and her family later attended all Inaugural activities as a special guest of the President and Vice President and remains today active with the White House Administration task force to end domestic violence. Quincy continues to speak out against Domestic Violence. She has been invited to serve as the Keynote Speaker for the National Crime Victims Rights Week sponsored by the United States Department of Justice under the leadership of United States Attorney General Eric Holder. In addition, Quincy has been asked to attend numerous White House events and roundtable discussions with former Vice President Biden and former President Obama’s Senior Advisor, Valerie Jarrett, all for the purpose of domestic violence awareness and women empowerment. With the success of her non-profit organization, public speaking engagements and the development of key corporate partnerships, Dr. Rose-Sewell is clearly passionate about her cause.


Board of Trustees Dr. Devona E.G. Williams, Chair Mr. John Ridgeway ’75, Vice Chair Dr. John J. Allen, Jr., Vice Chair The Honorable Michael N. Castle The Honorable Norman D. Griffiths, Esq. Dr. Debbie Harrington Ms. Lois M. Hobbs The Honorable Jack Markell Ms. Esthelda Parker Selby ’69

The Honorable Harold Stafford Ms. Jocelyn Stewart Mr. Leroy A. Tice, Esq. ’02 Ms. Margie Lopez Waite ’90 Ms. Bernadette Dorsey Whatley Dr. Wilma Mishoe, President Emeritus

Ex-Officio The Honorable John Carney, Governor of the State of Delaware Dr. Tony Allen, President, Delaware State University Trustee Emeriti Dr. A. Richard Barros, Esq. Dr. Claibourne D. Smith Administrative Council Dr. Tony Allen, President Dr. Saundra DeLauder, Provost and Chief Academic Officer Mr. Cleon Cauley, Sr. Esq, Chief Operating Officer Dr. Irene Chapman-Hawkins’14, ‘19, Chief Administrative Officer and Vice President for Human Resources Ms. LaKresha Moultrie, Esq., Vice President of Legal Affairs, General Counsel and Chief Risk Enterprise Officer Mr. Antonio M. Boyle, Vice President for Strategic Enrollment Management Mr. Anas Ben Addi, Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer Dr. Stacy Downing, Chief Administrator, DSU Downtown and Vice President for Strategic Initiatives Dr. Vita Pickrum ’16, Vice President for Institutional Advancement Ms. Jackie R. Griffith, Vice President of Government and Community Relations and Special Assistant to President Mr. Darrell McMillon, Chief Information Officer and Vice President of Information Technology Ms. Tamara Stoner, Director Enterprise Risk Management and Title IX/University Secretary Ms. Alecia Gadson, Athletic Director Mr. Bernard Pratt, Executive Director of Auxiliary and Campus Construction/Interim Director of Facilities Management Dr. Steven Newton, Presidential Fellow for Media Relations and Executive Communications Academic Leaders and Deans Dr. Clytrice Watson, Associate Provost Dr. Michael Casson, Dean, College of Business Dr. Francine Edwards, Dean, College of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences Dr. Gwendolyn Scott-Jones, Interim Dean, Wesley College of Health and Behavioral Sciences Dr. Cherese Winstead-Casson, Interim Dean, College of Agriculture, Science and Technology Dr. Patrice Gilliam-Johnson, Dean, School of Graduate, Adult and Extended Studies Ms. Jarso Saygbe, Associate Vice President, Student Success Dr. Melissa Harrington, Associate Vice President, Research and Sponsored Programs Dr Lynda-Murray-Jackson, Associate Vice President, Institutional Effectiveness Dr. Alexandra Silver, Chair, Faculty Senate Ms. Rhonda Thompson, Associate Registrar


Alma Mater Hail Alma Mater! Thy Children greet Thee. Greet Thee with Loyalty, love, strength and truth; Here in thine ancient halls o’er Thy plains so verdant Thou art our guide in the pathways of youth. From the broad world without, come Thy sons and daughters, Bearing our laurels to lay at Thy shrine. E’er shall we heed Thy call; ne’er shall we fail Thee, Love Alma Mater, God bless Thee and Thine. --Pauline Williams LeCompte, 1926 --Music by Alexis Lvov, 1833 Convocation Convocation (Latin ‘calling together,’ translating the Greek ecclesia) is a group of people formally assembled for a special purpose. The purpose of the ceremony is to honor the opening of the academic year and the unrelenting efforts to fulfill the mission of the University. The Mission Delaware State University is a public, comprehensive, 1890 land-grant institution that offers access and opportunity to diverse populations from Delaware, the nation, and the world. Building on its heritage as a historically black college, the University purposefully integrates the highest standards of excellence in teaching, research, and service in its baccalaureate, master’s and doctoral programs. Its commitment to advance science, technology, liberal arts, and the professions produces capable and productive leaders who contribute to the sustainability and economic development of the global community. The Vision As one of America’s most highly respected Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Delaware State University will be renowned for a standard of academic excellence that prepares our graduates to become the first choice of employers in a global market and invigorates the economy and the culture of Delaware and the Mid-Atlantic Region. DSU Core Values Outreach, Community, Scholarship, Diversity and Integrity PRIDE Personal Responsibility in Delivering Excellence The Mace The mace, borne by the grand marshal, is a traditional symbol of authority which dates back to the Middle Ages. The use of ceremonial maces by educational institutions began in the 17th century when Cambridge and Oxford universities in England adopted the mace as an emblem to be carried on ceremonial occasions. In keeping with tradition of many colleges and universities in the United States that began using ceremonial maces in the 20th century, Delaware State University adopted the mace in 1963 as an emblem of authority to be used at especially significant University affairs. The Delaware State University mace was designed and constructed in 1963 by the late John McCollough, assistant professor of art education at the institution. At today’s Convocation ceremony, the entry of the grand marshal bearing the ceremonial mace heralds the arrival of the academic year.


Delaware State University | 1200 N. DuPont Highway | Dover, Delaware 19901 |

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