Together | Delaware State University Spring 2021 Reopening Plan

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The Delaware State University Spring 2021 Reopening Plan

Together The Delaware State University Spring 2021 Reopening Plan Delaware State University is pleased to announce it is reopening for the Spring 2021 semester. The Fall 2020 semester has provided the University with insight into how to operate and best manage the COVID-19 pandemic. During the Fall 2020 semester, the University was able to successfully reopen and safely maintain operations by implementing effective testing and contact training programs, enforcing a COVID-19 policy which aligns with federal and state government and public health guidelines, and actively engaging our students, faculty and staff. The University is now prepared to resume operations in Spring 2021 with enhanced safety measures and a continued commitment to support our students in their pursuit of accessing our high-quality educational services and in meeting their educational goals.

Summary of contents

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Community Health and Safety: Our Priority COVID-19 Testing Program for the Campus Community Teaching & Research: A Flexible, Hybrid Approach Campus Life University Employees Disability Services Athletics Facilities Management Early College High School

Community Health and Safety: Our Priority GENERAL SAFETY MEASURES • The University has implemented a COVID-19 Operations Policy which establishes a safety protocol for students, faculty and staff. • Face coverings are required on campus – including, but not limited to, common areas, residence halls, classrooms, laboratories, work spaces, and outdoors where social distancing is not possible. • Campus Facilities staff have installed barriers and social distancing markers throughout campus as well as signs posted in highly visible locations (e.g., building entrances, restrooms, dining areas) that promote everyday protective measures and describe how to stop the spread of germs (e.g., by properly washing hands and properly wearing a cloth face covering). • Campus Facilities staff have implemented an enhanced sanitizing and cleaning schedule for buildings throughout campus and ensured that adequate hand sanitizer is available in all common spaces (e.g., lobbies, lounges, academic and administrative buildings). • The University continues to monitor national, state and local COVID-19 trends and guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Delaware Division of Public Health. WORKING TOGETHER FOR THE GREATER GOOD • Students, faculty and staff will be required to sign a DSU Health and Safety Agreement which outlines their obligations to comply with social distancing and other public health practices. • Students, faculty and staff will be required to participate in COVID-19 safety training which will include instruction regarding their role in protecting the health and safety of others, and how to do so. MANDATORY DAILY SCREENING • Students, faculty and staff will complete a symptom monitoring questionnaire daily before coming to campus or leaving their residence hall. • All students, faculty and staff must be symptom-free in order to be on campus or participate in campus activities. CONTACT TRACING • To determine the risk of potential exposure to others on campus and in the community, the University will conduct contact tracing with any student, faculty or staff person who has tested positive for COVID-19. PUBLIC ACCESS AND EVENTS • The University remains committed to ensuring the health and safety of the campus community and is primarily focused on a successful transition to operations which include our students, staff and faculty; therefore, the University will significantly limit public access and events on campus in the Spring. Each event request must be approved by the University. We will continue to monitor data and guidance from the Division of Public Health as well as the Governor’s State of Emergency Declarations and modify this policy when appropriate.



The Delaware State University Spring 2021 Reopening Plan

Click to review the full COVID-19 Campus Operation Policy

COVID-19 Testing Program for the Campus Community • Without wide access to the COVID-19 vaccine, testing remains a critical tool in stemming the spread of COVID-19. • Frequent testing and population screenings will be conducted to identify infected students, staff and faculty. The screening protocol will include testing prior to reporting to campus. • Students, staff and faculty who report to campus will be required to test regularly. • Real-time testing and screening data will enable the University to quickly respond to and control potential outbreaks by implementing interventions including treatment, contact tracing, quarantine, isolation, and cleaning. DELAWARE STATE UNIVERSITY MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTIC LAB • In partnership with New Castle County, the University has established its own testing lab which has received provisionary approval for Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) certification to perform COVID-19 diagnostic testing. • The University’s lab will expand our testing capacity, expedite receipt of test results, and support our efforts to safely increase the number of students returning to campus.

The Delaware State University Spring 2021 Reopening Plan



TEACHING & RESEARCH: A FLEXIBLE, HYBRID APPROACH The University’s priority is to provide our students with the highest-quality educational experience with minimal delays and disruptions. We are committed to providing a learning environment with a robust curriculum that is complemented by academic supports to ensure students’ academic success. ACADEMIC CALENDAR • The Academic Calendar will begin on January 19 and conclude on May 7. • There will be no Spring Break and we encourage you to review the full Academic Calendar. CURRICULA FOR SPRING 2021 • Traditional courses will be offered in a hybrid format. With this course format, students complete coursework primarily in a digital learning environment, but they may also, at times, meet face-to-face with students and professors. Social distancing and masks will be in force during all face-to-face activities ¡ The University will offer an expanded selection of in-person learning opportunities in the Spring. Classroom spaces have been assessed to determine occupancy limitations established by the State of Emergency Orders. The University has also modified classroom space to provide for social distancing, barriers (as necessary) and technology to facilitate a safe learning environment. Nearly 25% of curricula (346 major courses and most mathematics courses) will be delivered in an in- person; hybrid format Approximately 60% of the curricula (910 courses) will continue to be offered in a virtual, synchronous format, similar to Fall 2020. This includes most General Education courses. ONLINE PROGRAMS (DSU ONLINE COURSES) • These courses will be offered in their usual format. Students will complete work on their own schedule within the established expectations of the course. Students and faculty do not meet face-to-face in the course, nor do they have scheduled class periods. HYBRID TEACHING INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS FOR SPRING 2020 SEMESTER • If international students cannot return to campus, they will be offered hybrid courses to take from their respective home countries. The teaching platforms can be a combination of the following applications: Blackboard, Zoom, WeChat, and WebEx. Instructors will do real-time teaching with recorded lectures for the students to review after classes, digital discussion for questions and answers, digital office hours and digital advising. ADVISING AND STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES • The University will continue to provide our students with academic advising and student support services. These services will be offered in-person in safe, socially distant settings as well as in a virtual format. • Tutorial Services will continue to be offered virtually via Please consult the OSS regarding details. Similar for Fall 2020, the library will be open during designated hours for student access. Most services can also be assessed virtually. • The University will continue with most meetings in a virtual format and strongly encourages that these activities occur by phone or using digital programs such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and WebEx. Social distancing and masks will be in force during all face-to-face activities.



The Delaware State University Spring 2021 Reopening Plan

CAMPUS LIFE UNIVERSITY HEALTH AND SAFETY AGREEMENT • All students reporting to campus for classes and/or residing on campus will be required to sign the DSU Health and Safety Agreement. The agreement emphasizes the importance of each student’s role in protecting the health and safety of every member of our campus and local community. • Students residing on campus are strongly encouraged to limit their travel to the local area. Any student who travels outside of the State of Delaware will be required to report their travel and possibly quarantine upon return to campus. THE MOVE-IN PROCESS • The residence hall move-in process will be staggered for each residence hall beginning in early August to avoid a high-traffic move-in experience. Each student will be assigned a time slot to which he/she must adhere. • Students may be accompanied by only one person (“visitor”) in addition to themselves to complete the move-in process. Each student and visitor is required to complete a health screening form prior to entering campus. Students must use the Campus Shield App and visitors must use the online screening form. • Students and visitors must wear face coverings, practice social distancing, and avoid congregating in common areas. • The University will not provide bins to assist students with movein activities; students must utilize personal supplies to transport belongings to their rooms.

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The Delaware State University Spring 2021 Reopening Plan



LIVING IN THE RESIDENCE HALLS The on-campus residential experience will look and feel differently than in the past as we continue to navigate a “new normal.” Our Housing and Residence Education staff remain dedicated to providing programs, services, and opportunities to build community between students, staff, and faculty, whether this engagement occurs virtually or in-person. In order to manage the “new normal,” the following health and safety measures will be implemented: • COVID-19 educational information will be shared and posted throughout all residential facilities. • Quarantined/isolated individuals will be restricted from well-student residence halls. • Housing will create an addendum to the Housing Agreement that will include conduct violations to address any student’s failure to follow the University’s COVID-19 related protocols and practices. • Students will be required to wear face coverings in the common areas, if spaces are not restricted, but not in the privacy of their rooms or suites. • Students must bring face masks/cloth face coverings to campus, as well as cleaning and disinfecting supplies to maintain cleanliness in personal living. • Each member of the Hornet residential community will be responsible for maintaining a clean and healthy living environment. • Frequent cleaning and sanitization of common and high-traffic areas will be implemented by our partners in Facilities. • Students moving into residence halls will be required to undergo COVID-19 testing immediately upon returning to campus and may be expected to isolate after arriving on campus. • Residents will be required to adhere to public health practices including hand hygiene, physical distancing, proper cough/sneeze etiquette, symptom assessment, and possible temperature checks. • Access to residence halls will be restricted. Nonresidents, including outside guests, nonresidential staff, etc., will not be permitted to enter residence halls. • University Housing will continue to leverage technology (YouTube Live, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.) to communicate with our on-campus living community.


The Delaware State University Spring 2021 Reopening Plan

CAMPUS LIFE ISOLATION & QUARANTINE • Students living in on-campus housing who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or determined to be a close contact with someone who tested positive will be moved to a housing unit reserved for those who must be isolated or quarantined. • Warren Franklin East & West is the housing unit identified to house these students until medically cleared to return to their housing assignment. • Student Health Services will provide access to telehealth services for ongoing care and support during the period of quarantine/isolation. Mental health services will also be accessible via tele-mental health. • A list of professional staff members from Student Affairs who are able to drop off food to their rooms will be created. • Refrigerators and microwaves will be purchased for those designated rooms as well. • The Division of Academic Affairs will support quarantined or isolated students to ensure minimal disruption to their academic progress.

RESIDENCE HALL OCCUPANCY The Department of Housing and Residential Education has developed a plan to safely accommodate as many students as possible. A thorough review of each residence hall’s capacity and room type has been completed, and each hall will be housed as follows: Total Beds

COVID-19 Capacity

Percentage of Occupancy


Village Apartments




Well student living

Courtyard Apartments




Well student living

Tubman Laws Hall




Well student living

Living & Learning Commons




Well student living

Wynder Towers




Well student living

Evers Hall




Well student living

Jenkins Hall



51 %

Well student living

Warren Franklin East & West




Quarantine housing


DINING SERVICES • On-campus dining will include dine-in and take-out options. All dine-in activities will be conducted in accordance with the current State Declaration of Emergency maximum occupancy standards and mandates related to food and drink establishments.

The Delaware State University Spring 2021 Reopening Plan



UNIVERSITY EMPLOYEES The Office of Human Resources will continue to emphasize the seriousness of maintaining safe work environments as Delaware State University reopens the campus for the Spring 2021 semester. Emphasis on restrictions, changes and compliance in response to COVID-19 will be paramount for adherence by all staff, faculty and students: • • • •

COVID-19 Screening Forms must be completed on the date of entry to campus or before reporting to campus pursuant to the current Delaware State University COVID-19 Policy. COVID-19 testing will be mandatory for all staff and faculty. The frequency of the testing will be pursuant to the current COVID-19 Operations Policy. Before returning to campus for the Spring semester, all faculty, staff and students must submit a negative test result to Staff and faculty receiving positive COVID-19 results must isolate and submit clearance documents as detailed in the COVID-19 Operations Policy.

EMPLOYEE GUIDELINES FOR CAMPUS REOPENING It is expected that all staff, faculty and students continue to adhere to the following principals while on campus: • All meetings should be scheduled and held virtually (if possible); • Use of elevators should be limited to target occupancies posted in the elevator to facilitate physical distancing. • Office environments (opened or shared) may need to be reconfigured to maintain required physical distancing. • Use of University equipment such as phones, keyboards, computers should not be shared with others. • Printers, copiers and workstations that are normally shared must be cleaned regularly. • Employees are encouraged to partake of their lunch breaks either in their offices, designated break rooms or the University cafeteria practicing physical and social distancing. EMERGENCY PAID SICK LEAVE UNDER THE FAMILIES FIRST CORONAVIRUS RESPONSE ACT • The University will continue to adhere to this Response Act which allows employees to take paid sick leave if they are subject to quarantine or isolation order issued by the government, advised by a health care professional to self-quarantine due to concerns related to COVID-19, or to obtain medical diagnosis or care if the employee is experiencing symptoms of the virus. • For more information, review the US Department of Labor Employee Rights Form.



The Delaware State University Spring 2021 Reopening Plan

Click to review the full COVID-19 Campus Operation Policy

ONBOARDING NEW EMPLOYEES The Office of Human Resources will continue to onboard grant-funded positions and critical hires. The onboarding processes will include the following: • Pre-employment documents will be sent and returned via FedEx or electronically. • Notarized copies of identification documents are required. • New hires will submit digital photos for their Employee ID cards. These badges are prepared in advance of their arrival for pickup at the Office of Public Safety. • COVID-19 test results must be obtained within 5-7 days of hire and health screening forms must be submitted to Student-Employee Health 3-5 days prior to individuals reporting to work. Positive cases must isolate and submit negative results as required by the COVID-19 Operations Policy. • Department administrators will be responsible for attaining campus entry for their new employees. • New Employee Orientation will be held virtually. Training schedule is in process and new employee will be notified of date to attend. • There are certain variables to consider in the processing of International hires; please contact the Office of Human Resources for additional information.

DISABILITY SERVICES As Delaware State University continues to take every precaution in order to create an on-campus environment that is as safe as possible for all students, faculty and staff, we realize that some of our community members with disabilities and medical conditions may be at greater risk of contracting COVID-19 and/or may be adversely affected by some of the in-person safety requirements. To learn more about the types of conditions that may place a person at higher risk, please review the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) COVID-19 Statement: People with Certain Medical Conditions December 1, 2020 update. Rest assured that the University already has a clear process in place for any person who would like to request reasonable accommodations related to COVID-19 to ensure that they continue to experience equal and equitable access. • Any student interested in requesting medical or disability-related accommodations due to COVID-19 can do so by contacting the Student Accessibility Services Office (SAS) run by Dr. Ann Knettler. She can be reached at aknettler@ • Any faculty member, staff person, or administrator interested in requesting medical or disability-related accommodations due to COVID-19 (or for any other reason) can do so by contacting the Office of Human Resources. The main contact for accommodation requests is Ms. Vernice Oney, Benefits Coordinator. Ms. Oney can be reached at

The Delaware State University Spring 2021 Reopening Plan




The Department of Athletics will continue operations during the Spring semester in our Phase 2C transitional reopening plan for Delaware State University Athletics. State, University, NCAA and MEAC guidelines will supersede any guidelines established within the Department’s plan. Phase 2C has been developed from October 15 - May 15, 2021, and Phase 2D will begin January 4 and continue until May 15, 2021 or completion of all competition. Dates




Phase 2C (Priority #1 - Sports in season)












(Priority #2 - Preseason practice for reaming spring sports)


































Men's Basketball Women's Basketball

October 15, 2020 — March 15, 2021

Volleyball Phase 2D


International Students

Lacrosse Baseball

January 4, 2021 — May 15, 2021

Table 1: Participant summary All personnel working with student-athletes are required to wear face masks while interacting, as well as adhere to social distancing and sanitation measures. • Following CDC guidelines, staff members over the age of 60 or with existing health conditions will be asked to take extra precautions at all times. • All athletic training and strength & conditioning will be conducted based on pre-scheduled hours of operation to limit the number of personnel in these areas. • All team meetings will be conducted virtually, unless held at an outside venue where social distancing can be observed. • Actual practice interaction will be limited to no more than 3 hours. During training, personnel must wear a face mask or appropriate face covering following CDC best practice guidelines at all times and follow other sanitation measures. • Under the guidelines of the State of Delaware, fans will not be permitted to attend events during Phase 2.

FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Cleaning and disinfection is a critical part of reopening as it reduces the risk of exposure to COVID-19. Facilities Management has developed a cleaning schedule which complies with the guidance from the CDC. The department will maintain the cleanliness of the campus, paying particular attention to high-traffic areas, frequently touched surfaces, and common areas. The virus that causes COVID-19 can be killed by using the proper products; therefore, Facilities uses disinfectant products approved by the Environmental Protection Agency. The cleaning and disinfecting schedule will be modified as necessary to ensure the needs of the campus community are met.

EARLY COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL Early College High School (“ECHS�) continues to monitor federal, state and local mandates, state and local COVID-19 trends, and guidance from the Delaware Department of Education in making determinations regarding its operations. ECHS has developed a plan that does not anticipate its students attending any high-school courses on campus during January and February 2021, meaning all learning will occur remotely. Based on the most up-to-date data available in late January and February, the ECHS Administration will determine whether students will have hybrid options between March and May 2021.

The Delaware State University Spring 2021 Reopening Plan



Together The Delaware State University Spring 2021 Reopening Plan

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