Delta Optimist October 13 2022

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T H U R S D A Y | O C T O B E R 1 3 | 2 0 2 2 The results are in...see the Readers’ Choice winners starting on page 27. CITY REALTY Bob Chancey PREC* Linda Chancey PREC* Call to Buy or List Today 604-946-8899 Prices in effect Aug 19-25, 2021 unless otherwise stated, while quantities last Product availability, pricing, colour, selection and brands may vary by location. Regular prices shown are those at which the items have been sold by Mark’s Work Wearhouse Ltd. Franchisees may sell for less. Product and offers in this flyer may not be available at all locations. See instore for location availability Typographical, illustrative or pricing errors may occur We reserve the right to correct Door Crasher Deals valid October 13 – 19, 2022 *Pr ces n effect October 13 19, 2022 un ess otherw se stated wh le quantit es last †Overs zes extra and ava lab e n select colours, sty es and ocations Also avai ab e through FastF nd Product ava lab l ty, pricing, co our, select on and brands may vary by locat on. Select Brands and styles Regular pr ces shown are those at wh ch the items have been sold by Mark’s Work Wearhouse Ltd Franchisees may sel for less Product and offers in this flyer may not be ava ab e at all locat ons See nstore for locat on avai abi ity Typographica l ustrative or pr c ng errors may occur We reserve the r ght to correct any errors To find the Mark s nearest you and for other nquiries, ca l 1 866 339 1626 or vis t marks com Registered trademarks of Mark s Work Wearhouse Ltd and al other trademarks are the property of their respective owner(s) The ifesty e mages presented in th s advert sement may not be ava lab e 3 days only October 14 – 16, 2022 Take an extra 25% off* storewide Door Crasher prices as marked + Save up to 60% on Door Crashers *Our regular, sale and clearance prices Excludes Door Crasher deals and the purchase of gift cards Select brands and styles DoorCrasherSave$100 6” style: W17462 Our reg $239 99 Sale$139.99 8” style: W17463 Our reg $249 99 Sale$149.99 Door Crasher Save D40% oor Crasher Save 40% Door Crasher Save 60% All Women’s, Men’s + Kids’ Regular Priced Levi’s® Jeans + Clothing All Women’s + Men’s Regular Priced Unlined Flannel Shirts Men’s Wolverine “I-90” Durashock Wedge Work Boots All Women’s, Men’s + Kids’ Regular-Priced WindRiver Puffer Jackets + Vests Door Crasher Save $40 Women’s + Men’s Shoes + Boots Styles shown: 18883 0162, 50516 0065 Kids styles available at limited locations and on marks com FlexAppeal 4 0 Also in Men’s RavusVent Mid Also in Chestnut Bathurst RavusVent ALow lso in Black Lauren DiameterVassell Our reg $49 99† Sale $19 99† Women’s jeans our reg $99 95 Sale $59.97 Men’s jeans our reg $79 95 Sale $47.97 Styles shown: 3CHAWRFA2 526, 2CEAWRF22 400 Styles shown: 7BWFWR22 733, 7AVGWR2 103 Kids styles available at limited locations and on marks com Women’s our reg $119 99 Sale $71.99 Men’s our reg $99 99† Sale $59.99† Our reg $119 99 Sale $79.99 Style: 5DQBDHFB21-2500 Our reg $109 99 Sale $69.99 Style: 149570 BKCL Our reg $129 99 Sale $89.99 Style: H 9544 Our reg $99 99 Sale $59.99 Style: 5CPBDHF18 C2471 Our reg $119 99 Sale $79.99 Style: 53135 1 Our reg $114 99 Sale $74.99 Style: 62607 DSCH W W W M M M
F2 The Delta Optimist October13,2022 100YEARS RE-ELECT MAYOR GEORGE HARVIE & THE ACHIEVING FOR DELTA TEAM VOTE SATURDAY (OCTOBER 15) George Harvie (RE ELECT) @Harvie4Delta Authorized by Knut Nordlie Financial Agent for Achieving for Delta 778 792 9683 Rod Binder FOR COUNCIL Alicia Guichon (RE-ELECT) Jennifer Johal Dylan Kruger (RE-ELECT) Daniel Boisvert Jessie Dosanjh Scan QR code to read candidate bios *In May, Local 1763 also endorsed Mayor George Harvie for re election "At the conclusion of our interview process, we chose to endorse incumbent Councillors Dylan Kruger and Alicia Guichon, and Council candidates Rod Binder, Daniel Boisvert, Jessie Dosanjh, and Jennifer Johal because we know they are committed to supporting public safety and our work to keep Delta safe." DELTA FIREFIGHTERS IAFF LOCAL 1763 PRESIDENT MIKE MCMILLAN "It is critical that you get out to vote this election. We must never take good leadership for granted. I strongly believe that Delta’s future depends on the re election of Mayor George Harvie along with his entire Achieving for Delta team " BRUCE MCDONALD NINE TERM DELTA CITY COUNCILLOR


Delta residents, who haven’t cast a ballot at the advance polls, will be able to vote for a new council and school board this Saturday (Oct 15)

Voters will choose a mayor, six city councillors and seven school board trustees for the next four years

This year ’ s municipal election guarantees coun cil will have a much dif ferent look with veteran council members Lois Jackson, Jeannie Kanakos and Bruce McDonald not seeking re election, while

Dan Copeland decided not running again after serving one term

Elected as mayor in 2018, former longtime city manager George Harvie is running again, this time with a full slate for both council and school board under the Achieving for Delta ban ner

His council incum bents, Alicia Guichon and Dylan Kruger, are joined by Daniel Boisvert and Jessie Dosanjh, who are trying to make the switch from the school board, as well as Rod Binder and Jennifer Johal, both vying to get elected to council

for the first time

Running against Harvie for the mayor ’ s seat are independents Peter van der Velden and Joginder Randhawa

The other candidates running for council seats are independents includ ing former Delta Hospital physician Dr. Maha Balakumar, as well as Brian Read, Duncan Callander, Moneca Kolvyn, Julien Jacques, Stephen Sun and Pamela Swanigan

Meanwhile, the race for the school board will result in at least three new faces as trustee Laura Dixon is not seek ing re election, while

Boisvert and Dosanjh are leaving as they are vying for council

Running for seats on the school board are incumbents Bruce Reid and Nick Kanakos, join ing forces under the Independents Working for You banner Incumbent Erica Beard is running once again under Harvie’s slate, joined by incumbent Val Windsor, also on the slate after having previously run as an independent Hoping to get elected to the school board for the first time are Nimmi Daula, Ammen Dhillon, Masako Gooch, Maury

Kask and Joe Muego, who are all running under the Achieving for Delta ban ner

Also hoping to get on the board for the first time are independents Andrea DeWoff and Whitney Saip Dyck.

Nuno Antunes, Alisa Horth, Carmen Halpenny and Daniel Tonn, are vying to also get elected for the first time, all running under the ParentsVoiceBC banner

General Voting Day takes place this Saturday from 8 a m to 8 p m

Electors must vote at their designated voting location.

Voter cards were mailed out to those on the Voters List

If you are not on the Voters List, you can regis ter at the time of voting

For more information on resident elector or non resident property elector eligibility to vote, check ca/elections/voters

Those wanting more information can also call contact the Delta Elections Office at 604 952 3481

See more coverage online at: https://www delta optimist com/2022 civic election informa tion

The results are in...see the Readers’ Choice winners starting on page 27.

100YEARS T H U R S D A Y | O C T O B E R 1 3 | 2 0 2 2
City council will have at least four new faces, while the school board will have a minimum of three new trustees after this Saturday’s vote.
Your car is important to you, repairing it right is important to us. T C V R A U T O B O D Y R E P A I R 17 1835 56th St., Tsawwassen 6 0 4 . 9 4 3 . 6 3 8 3 COLL S ON TOP PERFORMER 2020 GLASS TOP PERFORMER 2020 Certified Collision Repair +ALUM NUM Certified G assAuto Se vce CITY REALTY Bob Chancey PREC* Linda Chancey PREC* 00 S Call to Buy or List Today 604-946-8899

Decision on Delta port expansion nears, says VPA

Delta residents will likely know before the end of this year whether the federal government gives the go ahead for a major new port facility at Roberts Bank.

Noting just a few final details are being sorted out, Robin Silvester, President and CEO of the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority, told the Optimist that the lengthy application process is nearing the end for Terminal 2 (T2)

If approved, T2 will

provide a 50 per cent increase to the port’s con tainer capacity, providing 2.4 million TEUs (20 foot equivalent units) of addi tional capacity annually. The new three berth container facility would be constructed on a man made island adjacent to the existing port facility.

“That is our hope and expectation. We are in the short strokes in this process, and we are working through the last few issues. We expect the government to be in a position to make a deci sion in the fall or towards the end of this year We

hope and expect it will be a positive decision. We continue to believe it’s a positive project that can and should be approved,” said Silvester.

Getting the new facil ity built will be another lengthy process with con struction likely to begin in 2026 and the facility ready for operation by the early 2030s, noted Silvester

“Optimistically, that would be 2031 or, prob ably, 2032. The con cern is the strength of growth in trade we ’ ve seen on the west coast of Canada We’ve seen

historical growth above the level we were fore casting and with the forecasts we have, which are external from sev eral different sources, we foresee needing the capacity for Terminal 2 by the mid to late 2020s

We can’t imagine get ting that capacity ready now until 2031 or 2032 We could start running out of capacity on the west coast and we hope we’ll be in the position to have Terminal 2 clearly underway, moving for ward, ready to come in to relieve those capacity constraints,” he added

As far as the latest volume numbers, the port notes its mid year statistics for goods mov ing through the Port of Vancouver for cargo declined 11 per cent to 68 3 million from 76 4 million metric tonnes compared to the same period last year

Not breaking the numbers down for indi vidual facilities includ

The port says Canada’s west coast container trade remains on a long-term growth trajectory, averaging five per cent growth annually for the past decade, and west coast terminals are projected to reach capacity by the mid- to late 2020s.

ing Deltaport, the port authority points out the numbers reflect the impacts of a poor Canadian grain harvest, congestion caused by 2021 flooding in B C , as well as global and national supply chain challenges

Silvester said grain was down 50 per cent due to the poor harvest, but it’s looking like this year will be much improved.

He said the port’s vol ume was about seven per cent down at one point this year, compared to 2021, but by August that had been reduced to four per cent

“In context, in the two years of the pandemic, we saw about four years ’ worth of growth, so we ’ re still ahead of where we thought we’d be in the long term forecast,”

Silvester added

Daniel Boisvert is a lifelong Delta resident and Notary Public serving members of our community. In 2018, Daniel was elected as a School Trustee, where he served as Vice Chair of the Delta School Board Daniel’s deeply personal understanding of local issues through his work with thousands of Deltans, paired with his sharp business acumen and proven track record in managing large budgets and complex boards, uniquely positions him as a leader and advocate for Delta.

Paint the Port Art Show


of Vancouver Delta CommunityOffice

Trenant Park Square, Ladner

Ladner Trunk Road


to Saturday until October 29




A10 The Delta Optimist October13,2022 100YEARS
Wed to Fri: 9:00 a m 5:00 p m Saturday: 10:00 a m 4:00 p m
Join us for this port inspired art show by the South Delta Plein Air Painters who painted throughout South Delta this summer • More than 50 paintings • Artists in residence • Vote for "Best in Show" • Door prizes • Interactive port games • Coffee and cookies © MSC Loading Out by Rod Winning @Harvie4Delta DANIEL BOISVERT For Council ELECT Authorized by Knut Nordl e Financial Agent for Achiev ng for Delta 778 792 9683
October13,2022 The Delta Optimist A11100YEARS No party line to follow. No large campaign contributors to “pay back” IndependentlyspeakingforYOU! VOTE FORTHE ISSUES VOTE INDEPENDENT! VAN DERVELDEN FORMAYOR moneca Proven Professional and Financial record Strong Community Ties Strong Communication Skills Dedicated to a Strong Representational Council Dedicated to keep Delta a Vibrant and Great Place to Live Oppose the dangerous Tilbury expansion! LNG is a harmful fossil fuel get the facts The issues are: Citizen engagement Quality of life Densification Housing Traffic Eliminating lengthy permit wait times Continued Burns Bog Preservation Valuing the public consultation process Being accessible to residents the entire term Truly keeping property taxes low Most of all Keeping democracy and transparency alive!!       I Am Committed to working on  VOTE PETERVAN DER VELDEN FORMAYOR VOTE MONECAKOLVYN FORCOUNCIL Authorized by Peter Van Der Velden and Moneca Kolvyn 778 434 2290

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month Delta Police offering tips to residents

Last week a Delta resi dent reported to Delta Police that two fraudu lent e transfers had been made from their bank account

Police say the vic tim indicated they had received a text claiming to be the government wanting to send them a $540 refund cheque and to follow a link

“Smishing is a phish ing attempt through SMS, where fraudsters

claim to be a govern ment organization to gain access to personal information and finan cial records,” say DPD in a post on their Facebook page. “While to some a smishing attempt may seem obvious and avoid able, not all do We rec ommend that you share these red flags of these attempts with loved ones and friends to help keep them safe”

* A government orga

nization or bank will never use text messaging to confirm personal or financial information

* Attackers usually impersonate reputable brands and organizations

* Smishing messages are short, and usually include a malicious link

* Since smishing mes sages are concise, they can be harder to recog nize.



Jessie Dosanjh is a high performance athletic coach who has dedicated his life to providing youth with the skills they need to succeed in sports, education and as citizens of their community Jessie’s passion for kids inspired him to run for Delta School Trustee in 2018.

Having served a full term on School Board, Jessie is now running for Delta Council to continue to advocate for a safe, healthy and active community.

A12 The Delta Optimist October13,2022 100YEARS
ELECT Authorized by Knut Nordlie, Financial Agent for Achieving for Delta 778 792 9683


October13,2022 The Delta Optimist A13100YEARS @Harvie4Delta Erica Beard (RE ELECT) FOR SCHOOL TRUSTEE VOTE ACHIEVING FOR DELTA TEAM FOR SCHOOL TRUSTEE Authorized by Knut Nordlie, Financial Agent for Achieving for Delta 778 792 9683 VOTE OCTOBER 15
Gooch Maury Kask Joe Muego Nimmi Daula Ammen Dhillon Scan QR code to read candidate bios I am proud to be running for re election to the Delta School Board with the Achieving for Delta team alongside the most talented group of Trustee candidates Delta has ever seen. I know this team will bring diverse perspectives to the table to move past the status quo and step confidently into the future. Val Windsor, Delta School Board Chair Val Windsor (RE-ELECT) ENDORSEMENT "I have spent time with each person on the Achieving for Delta team, and I can tell you that, without a doubt, they are the most qualified and professional group of people who have ever offered to serve our community as School Trustees."
Former School Board Chair, School Trustee 2008 2022

Delta Firefighters`Boot Drive

Hiringpeople withdevelopmental disabilitiesisgood foryourbusiness

Please join us in celebrating Disability Employment Awareness Month (DEAM) this October.

We would like to extend our thanks to Unifiller and all the other inclusive employers who hire people with developmental disabilities in our community. If you’d like to learn more about the benefits of hiring a person with a developmental disability at your business, please call DCLS Solutions Employment Services at 604.946.9655. We work with employers to find great employment matches free of charge. Or, to learn more about DEAM, visit

Jessica (seen here) was hired as a receptionist by Unifiller in 2019 and was retrained to a new position at the onset of the COVID 19 pandemic 604.946.9508




Bruce Reid

• “It has been an honour to serve the Delta school community for three terms as your School Trustee on the Delta Board of Education.”

• Having taught high school for thirty three years at North Delta Secondary, I gained valuable first hand experience in the classroom which helped me to understand the school system from the ‘inside out ’

• I have continued to champion for additional funding for the District and bring the experience of tough decisions and policies adopted during the pandemic

• I have four children and with my wife, Jeannie Kanakos, we have lived and raised a family here in Delta since the 1980’s.

• Endorsed by the Delta Teachers’ Association

• I am formerly a Secondary School Counsellor in Richmond, B.C.. I have been teacher and pastor in British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario.

experience as a teacher and a counsellor has helped me understand the Delta educational system from many perspectives and will provide the experience necessary to help guide the school system.

• While Delta has seen funding improve in this province, there is still a way to go to see funding equal to that of other provinces.

am a resident of Delta and have 7 grandchildren in British Columbia, 3 of which are students in the Delta School District.

by the New West and District Labour Council and the Delta Teachers’ Association.

Authorized by financial agent: James

A14 The Delta Optimist October13,2022 100YEARS
JIM KINNEAR PHOTO Eve Edmondson drops a donation into the boot of Delta firefighter David Terpsma on Saturday morning outside the Save on Foods in Tsawwassen. Firefighters were out in the community last Friday and Saturday collecting funds in their annual Boot Drive for the Delta Firefighters`Charitable Society. All money raised will be forwarded to Muscular Dystrophy Canada As of press time Wednesday a final total was not available.
For further information see www
Independents Working For You
October13,2022 The Delta Optimist A15100YEARS VOTE FOR YOUR VOICE INDEPENDENT FOR COUNCIL Democracy works when independent voices are heard and the hard questions are asked of our elected leaders. On Oct 15th make sure the City remains accountable to you the residents of Delta and not just the Mayor. Our decision making will be in your best interest that goes beyond toeing a party line. MAHA BALAKUMAR Independentcandidate ServedtheCommunity ofDeltafor22yearsasa MedicalDoctor Caring Committed Courage Issues: • Housing • Senior well being • Mental health and substance use • True representation Learn more about Brian and Maha at: Authorised by Joan Hansen, Financial Agent BRIAN READ Independentcandidate Born & Raisedin NorthDelta Hard working Genuine Common sense

City looking for residents to join poverty action committee

The City of Delta is looking for residents from diverse backgrounds to participate in a new Delta Community Voices Table to work together on projects aimed to reduce poverty.

Indigenous, racialized and new immigrant resi dents are encouraged to apply.

There are eight posi tions at the table and participants are to meet up to six times over the next 10 months

The group will advise service providers and community partners to help identify and eliminate barriers and, according to the city, they will have an opportunity to develop and work on a project that improves the well being of Delta’s most vulnerable resi dents

The deadline to apply is Oct 26

Discussed at city council earlier this year, the new Delta Poverty Reduction Action Plan contains recommen

dations that are to be incorporated into Delta’s Social Action Plan.

The report notes that while Delta is a relatively affluent community, with a smaller propor tion of low income resi dents than that of Metro Vancouver, higher aver age annual household incomes, fewer home less people, and a lower crime rate, pockets of poverty do exist through out the city.

It impacts a dispro portionate number of seniors, youth, immi grants, Indigenous resi dents and people with disabilities.

Current estimates show that around 10,000 people in Delta live below the poverty line (about 10 per cent). That number increases to 14 per cent for visible minority groups and 30 per cent for recent immi grants Those groups are especially vulnerable during this period of high inflation and the rising cost of living

There has also in the last 10 years been a sig nificant increase in Delta

households on the BC Housing wait list

According to the Delta Housing Needs Assessment, more than 30 per cent of renter households were identi fied as being within a core housing need in Delta, compared to seven per cent for homeowners in Delta

In the last decade, there has also been an increase in resi dents who are on the BC Employment and Assistance Program.

The Poverty Action Plan document notes that hidden poverty is by nature difficult to address due to a lack of under standing of who is being affected and the barriers they face

For more informa tion about the Delta Community Voices Table, email Delta’s Poverty Reduction Coordinator at aatkinson@delta ca or visit ty culture/social plan ning/reducing poverty delta

b e i n t o u c h w i t h y o u r c o m m u n ity . a n y w h e r e . d e l t ao itp m i s t . c o m Invites you to securely dispose of confidential paper & files from your office or home DRIVE THRU SHREDDING Saturday, October 15th 10:00 AM TO 2:00 PM 5300 Ladner Trunk Road behind Eastlink/Delta Cable Volunteers will unload your car and put paper directly into bins for shredding on site for a donation of $15 per banker box in support of food security for those in need in South Delta and new trees in Delta www.rotary +save up to 20% on cemetery prearrangements* 0% interest for 60 months** Chung Yeung Festival L m ted t me discounts val d only for select cemetery property October 1 30 2022 D scounts app y to new pre need purchases only Terms and condit ons app y See an assoc ate for detai s **0% interest free financ ng for 60 months va id on y w th 10% down payment October 1 30, 2022 Terms and cond t ons apply See an associate for el gib lity deta ls A division of Serv ce Corporat on nternationa (Canada) ULC LOCK IN 2022 PRICES Honour your family’s legacy when you plan ahead. Boal Chapel & MEMORIAL GARDENS 1505 Lillooet Rd | North Vancouver, BC V7J 2J1 FirstMemorialNorthVancouver com Forest Lawn FUNERAL HOME & MEMORIAL PARK 3789 Royal Oak Ave | Burnaby, BC V5G 3M1 ForestLawnMemorial Burnaby com Ocean View FUNERAL HOME & BURIAL PARK 4000 Imperial St | Burnaby, BC V5J 1A4 OceanViewBurialPark com Victory Memorial Park FUNERAL CENTRE & CEMETERY 14831 28th Ave | Surrey, BC V4P 1P3 VictoryMemorialPark com Act now to secure savings. Call 604 328-6079.

Food support and trees in Ladner to benefit from shred-a-thon Community

Rising costs are forcing more families to rely on food banks in schools and in the community so food security in South Delta is an important cause. Developing the tree canopy in Ladner and the rest of Delta is another These are the causes which will be supported by proceeds from the

Rotary Club of Ladner’s fall shred a thon on Saturday (Oct 15) from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at 5300 Ladner Trunk Road, behind Eastlink (Delta Cable)

Any individual, com pany or organization can bring their old tax returns, credit card bills, business records, bank

statements, and personal information documents so a shredding company can safely and securely shred the paper on the spot. A donation of $15 per banker’s box of paper will go entirely to support for our community and those who have lost their communities so far away Delta and area resi

Disc golf kits fly into local libraries

Disc golf is the new est experience in Fraser Valley Regional Library’s playground lending col lection

A fast growing outdoor sport, disc golf is played like regular golf except with discs thrown into baskets

FVRL’s disc golf kits, free to borrow with a library card, are designed for one or two players and include six discs two putters, two midranges, and two fairway driv ers. Fun and accessible

to players of all ages and abilities, disc golf can be played year round at the many free courses throughout the region rain is no deterrent!

Play on your own or with friends it’s a great way to spend time in nature, and exercise at your own pace

“Inflation friendly and sustainable, disc golf is a thrilling addition to the FVRL playground The sport builds more than muscles, it fosters brain health through focus, movement, and practice,”

says Heather Scoular, director of customer experience at FVRL “It uniquely supports the STEAM related learn ing principles of math, engineering, and physics as players learn about course geometry, disc turning radius, speed, and game scoring.”

Place a hold to borrow a kit by visiting www. fvrl ca/discgolf Visit FVRL’s events page to find upcoming disc golf and Playground events


dents and business own ers or managers can show up in their vehicles, supervise volunteers who will unload the shred ding material from their vehicles and dump it into a shredding bin, which will then be loaded by a Shred Wise company operator into the shred ding truck on site

“Since our last Shred a thon in April, food costs have continued to rise and more families with children in our community are suf fering because of the

increased demand on already tight budgets,” said Ladner Rotary Club president Guillermo Bustos “We are support ing a food pantry at Delta Secondary for families who need a hand up and, as we have for a number of years, we are sup porting the Christmas hampers program at Deltassist for families who can use a little help in celebrating the festive season

“Also, one of Rotary’s seven areas of focus is the environment, so we

are contributing to the planting of new trees in North 40 Park near the Boundary Bay Airport. The entire proceeds from this event will be directed to these two community causes, one immediate and the other long term

“Thank you to our event sponsor, Ideal Door Ltd and to the hundreds of people who have shown up in the past with many tons of paper and supported these and other causes in our com munity”



As a fifth generation farmer and small business owner of Backroads Family Farm Market, Alicia is accessible to the community and connects with residents on an everyday basis Since her election in 2018, Alicia has been an advocate for the interests of the agricultural and local business communities on Delta Council. As a mother, Alicia is passionate about fostering a family friendly community for the next generation of Delta families.

Children’s Vaccinations

October13,2022 The Delta Optimist A17100YEARS
• Anyone requiring assistance during their appointment are asked to have someone accompany them. Clinic staff are unable to assist due to COVID protocols • Please arrive at check-in no sooner than 5 to 10 minutes before your appointment • Please PRINT out the Influenza Immunization Record form and fill it out for each registered member of your group. • To avoid delays at check-in, have your completed consent form and Care Card ready • Take a pen • There is a 15-minute wait time after your vaccination YOU MUST PRESENT YOUR BC CARE CARD AND A PIECE OF IDENTIFICATION.
It is recommended that children under 9 years, especially those under 2 years, who have never received the flu vaccine should have 2 doses this season. Contact your local pharmacist or family physician to receive the second dose. The Delta Division of Family Practice, in partnership with the City of Delta, Delta Police, community Pharmacists & Family Physicians, Fraser Health, and Public Health, will hold flu vaccination clinics for residents of Ladner and Tsawwassen between 12 noon and 6pm on the following dates: Thursday, October 20 Saturday, October 22 Thursday, October 27 Saturday, October 29 Harris Barn, 4140 Arthur Drive, Ladner Please wear a 3-layer disposable mask if possible Book your appointment at southdeltafluclinics ca If you do not have internet access, please call 604-943-5591 @Harvie4Delta
For Council RE-ELECT Authorized by Knut Nordl e, F nanc al Agent for Achieving for Delta 778 792 9683


Delta Secondary stu dents Amir Madani and Alex Sy are having the time of their lives study ing in Canada, glad they chose to live and attend school in Delta

Both are part of the school district’s International Student Program, which was bur geoning thanks in part to consistently positive reviews overseas, but took a massive hit due to

the COVID 19 pandemic

The program is making a strong comeback with more than 800 interna tional students signed up for 2022/23 school year including around 600 full time equivalents

Having come to Delta this February, Madani from Iran is studying theatre, a subject not available for boys in his country He says having to go through the lengthy process to come to Delta, including having to go to Turkey to get his paper

work because there is no Canadian embassy in his country, was well worth it

“It was very hard in the beginning because I came in late and every body knew each other. So, yes, it was hard at first. The teachers and the other students have been very friendly and very nice to me Things are going really well for me, ” the Grade 12 stu dent told the Optimist

Also in Grade 12 and in her second year in Delta, Sy, who is from the

Jennifer Johal is a mother, an educator, and business woman She brings a deep understanding of the Tilbury business community through her daily work helping to manage her family business, Raja Trailer. She is running for Delta Council on the commitment to be a bridge between community members, business owners, and their local government. Jennifer is passionate about diversity and inclusion issues. She believes it is imperative for our decision makers to be representative of the communities they serve.

Philippines, said the dis trict was her first choice as it has the most as far as academic opportuni ties Her personal rela tionships have made it all

the better

“It’s been incredible, I absolutely love it here I love the people the most and I think that’s what makes the experience.

I’ve made so many good friends and so many meaningful relationships with my teachers.

A18 The Delta Optimist October13,2022 100YEARS
The program took a big hit due to the pandemic but is making a strong comeback CONTINUED: see P 19
SANDOR GYARMATI PHOTO Amir Madani (left) and Alex Sy say they are enjoying their experience as international students in the Delta School District.
your community HOME SERVICES Mobile Same Day Blind Cleaning 604-948-5450 or text 604-307-2032 Route # Route Info # of Papers Interested in becoming a carrier? Call or email to be added to the waiting list. Kids and Adults Needed for These Upcoming Routes Call 604 946 5171 or email distribution@delta optimist com 1600232 Greenland Dr, Woodland Dr, Parkwood Cres 79 1600233 56th St, Copsefield Dr, Pl, Timbervally Rd, Wellsgreen Pl 73 1600305 Pacific Dr 35 1600306 Pacific Dr Stahaken Crt, Pl 47 1600320 11A Ave, 12th Ave, 50th St, Bayview Dr, Chehalis Dr, Wilminton Dr, 50B St 96 1600333 52nd St, 7B Ave, Dennison Dr, Pl 61 1600335 8A Ave, 12th Ave, 49th St, English Bluff Rd 40 1600406 12th Ave, 13A Ave, 55th St, Malibu Pl, Malvern Pl 44 1600410 53A St, Upland Dr, Pl, 69 1610109 Admiral Blvd, Lane, Brigantine Rd, Clipper Pl, Cutter Pl, Ketch Rd, Commodore Rd 109 1610220 40th St, 41B St, Church St, River Rd, Savoy St, Station St, Weare St 87 1610318 62nd St, 63rd St, Dawn Dr Pl, Holly Park Crt, Dr, Wynd 104 1610321 45 Ave, 45A Ave, 63rd St, Dawn Dr, Pl 76 1610509 48B Ave, Ladner Trunk Rd, 56th St, 57th St, Egan Pl 56 1610511 48 Ave, 55B St, 56th St, 57th St, Grove Ave 51 1610516 51st Ave, 57A St, 58A St, 58B St, Cooper Pl, Crescent Dr Grove Ave 100 1610518 49A Ave, 59A St, 59th St, Crescent Dr 82 1610524 48A Ave, 49th Ave, 62nd St, Brodie Pl, Rd 63 @Harvie4Delta JENNIFER JOHAL For Council ELECT Author zed by Knut Nordlie, F nanc al Agent for Achieving for Delta 778 792 9683

“They guided me with the new curriculum, with all of my learning goals My mentors and coordinators have sup ported me so much It’s a completely new world with new friends who made me feel completely at home here,” she said

During the pandemic, the Delta program in September 2020 fell to a low of 350 students, including about 250 full time equivalents. The all time high prior to that had been approxi mately 800 full time equivalents.

The program also proved to be an impor tant revenue generator

for the school district with the biggest gross ing year prior to the pandemic generating almost $12 million, with a net contribution to the budget totaling over $7 million In 2020/21, that revenue dropped by half, but the following school year started to see a sig nificant bounce back

The district could only promote itself via Zoom at education fairs dur ing the pandemic but has been able to once again travel to events in person, something much more useful when it comes to connecting with students and par ents

Program director Karen Symonds said

TOOB Food Drive

the key to the program ’ s comeback has been the fact the Delta School District had years earlier placed a greater empha sis on getting students from a variety of nations, rather than relying on attracting students from just a few

Back in 2017/18, the top market was China, followed by South Korea, Germany, Japan and Spain.

She noted the coun tries hardest hit during the pandemic, impact ing students’ ability to travel, were China and Vietnam

This school year sees Germany as the top source country, followed by Brazil, Italy, China

and Spain

Symonds said the district continues to promote itself in other countries with Iran seen as a growing market, as well as Thailand Vietnam is starting to open up again, present ing another opportunity to get more students from that country There is also growing inter est in other nations such as the Philippines, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.

She said other coun tries being eyed include Mexico, while significant numbers are starting to come from France.

“It’s about that bal ance and we ’ re seeing it’s less about huge num

bers from one country,” said Symonds.

She noted families are attracted to Delta as a community It’s close enough to Vancouver but not part of a big city, has a low crime rate, as well as having high COVID 19 vaccination rates

“From a program standpoint, our high graduation rates are a draw, certainly from areas where academics are seen as very impor tant. And from a pro gram standpoint, a lot of our education consul tants, who send students to Delta, are really look ing for programs that run their own homestay and custodial programs. They like the fact that we

are providing 24 hour care through our pro gram for students, rather than having a private business run the home stay,” said Symonds

Finding enough homestays has been a challenge, however

“We’re really excited to be able to do things in a way to support kids in the way that we have in the past, with being able to have our orienta tions in person, doing the field trips with the students, having our ori entations for the parents who are here living with their children It’s excit ing for us and rejuvenat ing for our staff to be able to do more normal things again,” she added

October13,2022 The Delta Optimist A19100YEARS
from left to right;
May Nichols, Dave Bliss
Sayfy at Saturday’s TOOB Food Drive at the South Delta Rec Centre. The South Delta Food Bank received approximately $4,000 in cash or equivalent donations including $1,000 from the TOOB. The food collected filled 20 large banana boxes, along with 12 boxes of individually wrapped Chewter’s chocolates, for a total of between 800 and 900 pounds. As food banks have a four to one buying power, it all adds up to close to $20,000 $20,000 in food to residents in need in our community. YES to well planned, green development YES to protecting the environment YES to vibrant, green, walkable hubs YES to affordable and inclusive mixed housing Problem solving for these times A higher vision for this place PAMELA SWANIGAN for Delta City Council Authorized by Pame a Swanigan, f nanc al agent E ectPam2022@gmai com Email: ElectPam2022@gmail com integrity courage accountability Website: ElectPam2022 com NO to developer greed NO to reckless growth and short term thinking NO to vote buying and back-room dealing NO to an undemocratic council THIS SATURDAY, VOTE FOR PAM!

This past fiscal year, Delta Hospital and Community Health Foundation (DHCH Foundation) has continued to adapt and evolve in response to the COVID 19 pandemic The impact of the pandemic can be witnessed across most industries, but has presented significant hurdles for healthcare This past year has shown us that we can continue to achieve great successes, even through adversity

Through new partnerships and the steadfast support from our incredible community, we were able to raise over $4 8 million towards state of the art equipment, capital projects, building improvements, and ongoing education for staff

Earlier this year, we were honoured to announce to our community that DHCH Foundation is now responsible for all charitable efforts for Irene Thomas Hospice. We are so proud to be the philanthropic arm of the Delta Hospital Campus of Care which includes the hospice and Mountain View Manor

Another highlight this past year, was the announcement of a new collaboration with Delta Hospital Auxiliary Society along with their remarkable donation of $512,000 We look forward to a continued relationship with the Auxiliary as we collectively support healthcare in our community

One of the biggest areas that was impacted by the pandemic has been our Signature Events; the Moonlight Gala and Century Group Delta Health Classic, which have

become highlights in Delta’s social and philanthropic calendars. We would like to give a heartfelt thank you to our community for continuing to support our events Due to ongoing COVID 19 restrictions, they have looked a little different over the past few years We are looking forward to being back in person at Tsawwassen Springs for our Moonlight Gala on November 5, 2022

The dedication and loyalty of our community helps ensure that the Delta Hospital campus is always in the best position possible to provide excellent healthcare to you, your friends, family and neighbours.

Together, we are creating a strong, vibrant, growing campus of care that has the best medical staff, with the very best technology and equipment We feel so fortunate to be a part of this generous, caring community with all of you and we look forward to all that the future will bring for our campus

Board of Directors

Andrew Clark, Chair

Pam Paton, Vice Chair

Ingrid Barnes, Past Chair

Paul Challinor, Treasurer

Rick Boates

Monica Bohm


Jit Sangha

Lisa Hoglund, Executive Director

Shari Barr, Annual Giving Manager

Mackenzie Gaytmenn, Events and Communications Assistant

Leanne MacDonald, Finance Lead

Laura Nowitsky, Foundation Assistant

Ashli Owen, Communications Specialist

Jodi Stokes, Major Giving Manager


Through the generosity and passion of our supporters, we fund and promote outstanding healthcare at the Delta Hospital Campus of Care and in our community


A2 The Delta Optimist October13,2022 100YEARS 5800 Mountain View Blvd. Delta, BC V4K 3V6 604.940.9695 info@dhchfoundation ca DHCHFOUNDATION.CA The best healthcare possible for our community today and for future generations
Lisa Hoglund, CFRE Executive Director Andrew Clark, Board Chair


Delta Sports Hall of Fame announces 2022 induction class & sports champions

After a two year pan demic pause, the Delta Sports Hall of Fame is back with the announce ment of its 2022 induction class.

It includes long time sports journalist and North Delta native Howard Tsumura in the Builder’s Category for his decades of work promot ing high school and ama

teur sports He is joined by tireless volleyball


coach Todd Clarke who has done so much to pro

mote and grow the sport during his many years teaching in the Delta School District

Gerry White is joining him in the coaches’ cat egory The Ladner resi dent currently oversees the B C Premier Baseball League’s North Delta Blue Jays and has been a valu able volunteer contribu tor to player development throughout the city.

The 2022 class also fea tures athletes Jeff Skinner (soccer) and Linda Jervis (golf); pioneer Laverne Theis (curling) and sponsor Merdian Farm Market

On Saturday, Oct 29 they will be honoured at the Delta Sports Hall of Fame Banquet of Champions at the Coast Tsawwassen.

The evening will also recognize excellence in sports over the past year with the Sports Champions Awards

In 2018, Dylan Kruger became the youngest elected City Councillor in the history of Delta. As a new father, Dylan is running on a reenergized commitment to improve livability in Delta and fight to keep young families in our community Dylan is a strong advocate for local businesses, having served as Delta Council’s liaison to the Delta Chamber of Commerce. Dylan is also a passionate defender of the environment, and advocate for climate action.

This year ’ s winners are: Youth Athlete Sophie Gower (rowing), Syra Toor (basketball), Jacob Holt (basketball) Athlete Tristan Jarry (hockey), Marika Lyscziyk (baseball), Russell Howlett (golf) Master Athlete Mark Pinckard (track and field) Team Team Bowles (curling) Volunteer Linda Graham (pickleball)

The evening’s guest speaker is Friba Rezayee, who represented Afghanistan in judo at the 2004 Summer Olympic Games She fled the country in 2010 and now speaks on sports for empowerment and gender equality through sports

Since the Delta Sports Hall of Fame’s inaugural class in 2004, over 200 athletes, builders, coach es, and pioneers have been recognized

For information on tickets for the Delta Sports Hall of Fame Banquet of Champions email Rick Lewall at rick lewall@telus net

A20 The Delta Optimist October13,2022 100YEARS
PHOTO SUBMITTED Todd Clarke, left and Howard Tsumura are among the 2022 Delta Sports Hall of Fame induction class
McDonald’s • 1835 56th Street TSAWWASSEN • 5776 Ladner Trunk Road LADNER Ifyouareinterestedin becomingacarrierplease call604-946-5171 Nicholas won a gift card courtesy of Congratulations to NICHOLAS GROVES DELIVERED EVERY THURSDAY Bacon Deluxe Bacon Deluxe McCrispy Steve K awchuk Loca owner o he Tsawwassen and Ladner McDona d s Res au an s 1835 56th S ree Tsawwassen 5776 Ladne Trunk Road Ladne A pa c pat ng McDona d s e tau an s n Canada P oduc ava ab y var es by es au ant ©2022 McDona d s @Harvie4Delta
KRUGER For Council RE-ELECT Author zed by Knut Nordlie, F nanc al Agent for Achieving for Delta 778 792 9683


Artfully Anonymous

South Delta Artists Guild presents its fourth annual Artfully Anonymous online fun draiser from Saturday, Oct 15 to Saturday, Oct 22.

Sale opens at 10 a m on Oct. 15 and closes at 11:59 p m on Oct 22

See all the details at: southdeltaartistsguild com.

Wander Inn Café

The Wander Inn Cafe welcomes everyone this Saturday, Oct 15

Come enjoy the love ly ambience and listen to great music

Performances by Sadie Karmazyn, The Plaidberries featur ing Dave and Maribel Karmazyn with guest Mike Hurworth and the Off Kilter band featur ing Mike and Denise Johnston and family.

Performances are from 7 to 10 p.m. The $10 entrance fee covers food and entertain ment

Wander Inn Café is located at 5545 Ladner Trunk Road (inside Lighthouse Church)

Fall music series

The City of Delta continues its Fall Music Series with a concert by TrailerHawk at the North Delta Arts Centre on Saturday night Oct 15 from 7:30 to 8:30 p m

TrailerHawk is: Good Robert on drums, Don Binns on Bass Fiddle and The Fender Pre, Tom Hammel on Pedal Steel, Vocals and Guitars, Rod Bruno on Lead and Rhythm gui tars, while the incom parable Carmen Bruno sings her tales of life, liquor and love on the run

Tickets are $25. Visit Delta ca/events to pur chase.

Event to report?


Production marks number 50 for director Carroll Lefebvre

The Sidekick Players are pleased to present the first production of its 26th Season, Outlaw by Norm Foster, directed by Carroll Lefebvre.

A young Canadian homesteader, Bob Hicks (Dean Sanderson) travel ling far from home finds himself accused of mur der in the state of Kansas in 1871

He encounters Will (Jeff Pannell) who is a wrangler in the area and searching for the murder er of Roland Keet’s (Brad Felton) brother

With only his wits to defend himself, Bob turns the law of the land and the men hell bent on enforcing it upside down Sheriff Dupuis Tarwater (Adrian Pryce) enters the scene and gives Bob relief as he is about to be hung But does he, or doesn’t he? This authentic western is a unique take on the days when guns were the law

Foster has introduced the “ men ” from Jenny’s House of Joy (a past Sidekick Production) in this hilarious play Their names will be recognized as well as their relation ships at the “house”!

As usual, Foster man ages to weave laughter with something to think about He also touches

on the Canadian habit of saying “ sorry ” all the time Gun laws in Canada and the US were vastly different then and defi nitely are now, as are the gun users This reflection in the script makes one to be very proud to be a Canadian.

This marks more than 50 productions Lefebvre has directed

Her first full length play was Waiting for the Parade by John Murrell. It won several awards both with the CTC and Theatre BC, including Best Director.

She names some of her favourites as being The Laramie Project, Jenny’s House of Joy, Twelve Angry Men, The Secret Mask, Les Belles Soeurs and so many more

It’s hard to just choose a few Lefebvre isn’t happy doing a project unless it challenges her and there have been many that have absolute ly fit into that category

She’s found a new love with set design over the last few years and especially the set decora tion component With Outlaw, she has designed the set, built very large props and learned a few tricks while doing so Other Deltans who have assisted with the set are Margaret Currivan, Laura

Sutherland Smith, Tanya Lefebvre and especially, Colm Currivan.

Sidekick is pleased to welcome back to the stage after a long absence, Dean Sanderson as Bob. Joining Sanderson are Sidekick favourites, Jeff Pannell (Will) and Brad Felton (Roland Keets).

Making his stage debut is newcomer Adrian Pryce (Sheriff Dupuis Tarwarter)

Outlaw opens at the Tsawwassen Arts Centre, 1172 56th Street, on Thursday, Oct 20 and runs to Nov. 5 Thursday, Friday and Saturday eve nings. Curtain is at 8 p.m.

Doug and the Slugs to play in Ladner

Doug and the Slugs, one of the most recognizable Canadian bands of the last 40 years, will perform in concert in Ladner on Saturday, Oct 22

To match Genesis Theatre’s intimate environment, the band has planned a “Semi Unplugged Slugs” version of their show including stories, hidden gems, and all their favourite songs

Formed in Vancouver in the fall of 1977, the band became one of the hottest attractions in the area.

The Slugs’ first album, ‘Cognac and Bologna’ , was released in the

fall of 1980 and included radio hits in ‘Too Bad’ and ‘Chinatown Calculation’ Their upbeat musi cal style, musicianship, and off beat stage antics have made them a staple of Canada’s radio and music scene for decades

Reserved tickets are $55 and may be purchased on line at: https://genesis Genesis Theatre, which is oper ated by Delta School District, is located at 5005 45th Avenue in Ladner. The concert is set for 7:30 p m

There are two mati nees on Sundays, Oct 23 and 30 at 2 p.m.

Early reservations are recommended as seating capacity is being kept at a maximum of 70.

Reservations can be made by calling 604 288 2415

October13,2022 The Delta Optimist A21100YEARS
Contact Ian at ijacques@delta-optimist com or 604 998 3616
CARROLL LEFEBVRE PHOTO Pictured left to right; the Sidekick Players cast of Outlaw, Brad Felton (Roland Keets), Adrian Pryce (Sherriff Tarwater), Dean Sanderson (Bob Hicks) and Jeff Pannell (Will Vanhorne).
PHOTO SUBMITTED Doug and the Slugs brings their Semi-Unplugged Slugs show to Ladner`s Genesis Theatre on Saturday, Oct 22

Sacred Heart Catholic Church

Tsawwassen United


Unexpected grace

My first parish was located in rural British Columbia. It was a small congregation, half time ministry spread over four other points

Often the treasurer would come into my office, close to the end of the month and say, “okay, what bills should we pay this month, and which can we defer to next month?”

This was a common question and a normal way for the parish to oper ate Month in and month out, ministry happened on a prayer and a shoestring, but somehow the parish managed to get everything paid and accounted for each year

One day while in the office, I received a phone call from a lawyer in Vancouver. After verify ing with me details about the parish, I was told that a former parishioner had left a bequest in her last Will and Testament After

Minister’s Minute


the phone call I didn’t think too much about it and as time passed, soon forgot about the conver sation. To my and the parish’s great surprise, several months later we received a cheque for a total of $100,000 No one on parish council had ever seen a cheque for so much money. So excited were we, that the whole parish council went to the bank



Sincerely, D Buonann

to deposit the cheque.

Overnight, a parish that was used to conducting ministry on a prayer and a shoestring could imag ine and dream dreams that they never thought could be possible We were able to re shingle the roof, properly repair the plumbing and several other projects. A gift by one person remembering her former parish in this way transformed a church and a community with her unexpected grace Gifts and unexpected grace come to us all the time. Some of them are expected such as the birth a child, while others are unexpected Thanksgiving is a time when we can reflect and give thanks for the unexpected gifts and grace we have received. Thanksgiving is a time to remember and give thanks to the people in our lives who have had a transfor mational effect on us

A22 The Delta Optimist October13,2022 100YEARS
ALL SAINTS ANGLICAN CHURCH A Warm and Joyful welcome to Mass Schedule Saturday at 5pm Sunday at 9am, 11am and 5pm Daily Mass in the Chapel at 9am Mon-Sat LOVE LIKE JESUS SOUTHDELTA ORG 6049438244 SUNDAYS 10AM To advertise here call Ruth at 604-998-3613 10:30 A.M. This Sunday Ephesians 5:21-33 The Mystery of Marriage Pastor Jason Truell 中文主日崇拜 10:30 am Nancy 楊傳道 4594 54A Street, Ladner, B.C. 604-946-7033 email: visit our website: Everyone welcome to worship with us Benediction Lutheran Church Join us as we celebrate God’s grace We invite you to worship in person Sundays at 9am or online anytime at 5575 6th Ave Tsawwassen, BC 604 943 3432 Pastor Thomas Keeley LADNERGOSPEL ASSEMBLY Sunday Worship Service 10:30am All Ages Welcome! “Aplacewhereloveandfriendshipmatters” www ladnerlife com info@ladnerlife com 5545 Ladner Trunk Rd ONLINE OR IN-PERSON Sundays @ 9:30 a m ST. DAVID’S ANGLICAN CHURCH 1115 51A Street Tsawwassen Rector Rev Simbarashe Basvi Sunday Service 10 am Wed Service 11 am 604-943-4737 Join us on Sundays 8:30 am and 10 am Eucharist or Wednesdays 10 am Eucharist and Bible Study For more information or call 604-946-8413. 4755 Arthur Drive, Delta All Saints Anglican Church
Church 693 53rd Street, Tsawwassen Welcome to everyone for Worship & Friendship Sunday’s @ 10:00 am Rev Daniel Kirkegaard 604.943.2911 “Be Faithful,be true, be a blessing”
3900 Arthur Drive, Ladner 604-946-4522 GOT STUFF? from /month $50EED OCAL ORAGE? L STO CALL 604-943-7735 FOR LOCAL STORAGE • RV, Boat Parking & Storage • Pt. Roberts Mini & Mobile Storage 360-945-6464 LADNER STORAGE 4141 River Road, Delta I’d like to give a “shout out” to Andrew McKay, owner and operator of Diamond Cut Lawn and Garden. Andrew generously donated equipment and fuel so that I could clean up several unkept and poorly maintained rental properties in Ladner over the months of July, August, and September. This equipment is used to help run a family owned business. I would not hesitate to call Andrew at Diamond Cut Lawn and Garden for any of your landscaping needs
you, Andrew

At Home

Home improvement projects enable home owners to transform their homes into their ideal living spaces

Various renovation projects are best left to the professionals, how ever, many homeowners are eager to get their own hands dirty with various projects, large and small. Having the right tools and gear on hand can make projects go all the more smoothly Holiday shoppers can consider these ideas as they seek to ensure DIYers have all they need to get the job done.

*Painting time savers: Painting requires some basic essentials, from paint trays to rollers to brushes Projects can be made more efficient with innovative products that help save time and reduce mess. One such

item is a paint brush cover, which snaps over wet paintbrushes between coats so they won’t dry out or require rinsing. Brushes that cut in easily and others with flexible handles for get ting in tight places also make painting projects that much easier

*Cordless drill: A mechanical drill makes easy work of assembly projects and general renovations that require screws as fasteners A cordless recharge able drill will be easy to maneuver when handling projects away from out lets Going cord free also reduces the risk of trips and falls on errant cords

*Lawn care subscrip tion service: Home improvements extend to the exterior In addition to mowers, trimmers and garden shears, DIYers

may benefit from sub scription products that improve on property care These formulations are customized to the spe cific needs of homeown ers ’ lawn or landscaping greenery and are shipped right to their door

*Rotary tool kit: This is one of the most versa tile tools homeowners can have on hand A rotary tool can engrave, grind, sharpen, polish, cut, carve, and more depending on the acces sory attachment

*Multi use ladder: A ladder is a necessity for various projects inside and outside the home One that can transform into an A frame, scaffold system, staircase ladder and other configurations helps ensure maximum safe reach for the job at hand

Metro Creative

October13,2022 The Delta Optimist A23100YEARS
Gift ideas for the family do-it-yourselfer c a r p e t • v i n y l • l a m i n a t e • w o o l • h a r d w o o ivd n y l • c a r p e t • l a m i n a t e • h a r d w o o d • w o o l carpet • vinyl • laminate • hardwood • vinyl plank • area rugs • wool carpet • vinyl • laminate • hardwood • vinyl plank • area rugs • wool Free in home consultations • Lifetime guaranteed installation • Prompt, professional service DELTA CARPETS & FLOORDESIGN 5025 48th Avenue, Ladner | 604.946.6291 | Visit our 3000 sq.ft. showroom or call today for a free in home estimate. We have a great selection of mats and area rugs to cozy your space for the cooler days ahead and the perfect care products to keep your floors fresh and clean all on sale now! Fall is just around the corner! IT’STHEPERFECTTIME 604 9481124 @KempConstructionVan Greatlivingspacestaketimetoplan, prepareandconstruct. Visit our website to signup for our newsletter for project planning tips or call us for a complimentary virtual or onsite consultation.

At Home

Many homeowners think they have to spend tons of green to get green in their landscape, but that isn’t necessarily so. Homeowners can improve their landscapes without digging them selves into financial holes These strategies can help anyone save some cash and still end up with attractive gar

dens and more *Use stones or gravel for a walkway. If com mercially installed pavers or cement walkways are not within your budget, there are some affordable alternatives Flagstone or individually purchased and spaced pavers and pea gravel can be used to create pathways Some construction sites even

offer free stones when asked Soften the look with moss or other plants on the perimeter *Remove some lawn. Lawns can require hours of upkeep that may involve the application of expensive fertilizers and weed killing products that are not always so eco friendly Reduce the size of a lawn by putting

in a mixed planting bed of perennials or ornamental grasses, or use landscape fabric and mulch

*Look for free mulch. Municipal recycling cen ters may offer residents access to free mulch made from grinding up leaves, branches and other plant debris collect ed throughout the town Simply bring a few con tainers to the recycling centre and spread the mulch for an ornamental look or to insulate land scapes over winter and protect against weeds

*Repurpose old items into planters Old wheel barrows, barrels, water ing cans, and other items can be repurposed into container gardening ves sels Figure out if items marked for the garbage bin can be incorporated into garden features instead

*Invest in plants that are easy to propagate Perennials are the gar dener’s friend when it comes to saving money These plants sprout anew each year, and many, such as sedum, catmint, ferns, hostas, and black eyed Susans, can propa gate by division Figure

out the best times of year to divide the plants and start growing them in individual contain ers before planting the sturdy new shoots in the ground. A single variety of plants grouped togeth er in mass plantings is affordable and easy

*Shop end of season sales Garden centres may begin to make room for holiday items come the fall Take advantage of reduced costs on remaining plants and landscape accessories during this time of year Plants can be covered or allowed to thrive indoors until they can be planted in the spring

*Pool your resources. Homeowners planning on a big landscaping or revitalization project may want to speak with neighbors to see if they’re interested in doing the same. Contractors guar anteed business from a few homes in the same neighborhood may be willing to negotiate lower prices for the volume of work on things like drive way repaving, deck or fence building, or instal lation of paver patios.

A24 The Delta Optimist October13,2022 100YEARS
Metro Creative
METRO CREATIVE Free mulch and scavenged stones for walkways can dress up areas of the landscape for little money.
Revitalize your landscape on a budget GWE'VE OT CYOU OVERED! 1140-56th St. Tsawwassen 604-943-0141 TANNUAL ARPSALE50%off INSTOCKONLY ExpiresOct . 31 , 2022 604-948-5450 or text 604-307-2032 • Shutters & Faux Wood Blinds • Silhouettes, Pirouettes & More! • Mirage Retractable Screen Doors Custom Blinds Local owner/operator since 1997 CALL FOR YOUR FREE IN HOME ESTIMATE CUSTOM BLINDS & SHADES

At Home


Fireplaces are use ful features in a home Fireplaces are sources of ambient heat and also add style to indoor spaces.

Fireplaces can comple ment just about any interi or style Fireplaces can be traditional and burn wood or connect to a home’s natural gas supply for on demand ambiance

What’s more, fireplaces may come in vented or ventless varieties, depend ing on homeowners’ preferences and what is allowed by commu nity building codes That means a chimney or flue may not be needed expanding the list of rooms where a fireplace can be installed

Certain trends have emerged among fireplace fans in recent years.

Here’s a look at what’s getting consumers fired up about these home decor elements.

*Minimalist style: Many fireplaces are designed

Certain trends have emerged among

in neutral colors with minimal trim that directs focus on the fire and not the appliance When the fireplace is not in use, it blends in with surround ings and will not compete for attention with other design elements.

*Convertible fire places: Homeowners can choose between open or sealed fireplaces A con vertible fireplace enables homeowners to have

the best features of these options A convertible fireplace can be converted to wood from gas, or the opposite, in as little as 30 minutes

*Nature inspired materials: Natural stone continues to be a material of choice in fireplace sur rounds Light colors work well for a fireplace, and also fit with today’s lighter color interior design pref erences Natural stone

also works perfectly with both contemporary and rustic decor.

*Vintage fireplaces: Vintage continues to be a buzzword in 2022, and the choice to go vintage also applies to fireplace styles A room decorated in vintage elements can be complemented with a vintage fireplace or one designed to look vintage

*Integrate into wall decor: Fireplaces that are built right into a wall save space One can have a television and a fireplace on the same wall These types of fireplaces work well in modern home designs Other fireplaces may be built into book shelves or other wall fea ture.

October13,2022 The Delta Optimist A25100YEARS
fireplace fans in recent years. Here’s a look at what’s getting con sumers fired up about these home decor elements.
trends help create attractive, comfortable rooms Recent Roman Shade Installation in Delta text, call or book online your FREE in-home quote today 604.948.3088 Product Spotlight: RomanShades Light filtering and room darkening options Cordless and motorized controls Hundreds of fabric and style choices HB Roofing professional roofing contractor is experienced in all types of sloped and flat roofing systems. HB Roofing offers new and re-roofing installations for commercial, industrial and residential markets. They offer service for repairs and maintenance for both tar & gravel and torch-on membrane roof systems. HB Roofing works with all type of roofing materials such as synthetic, wood, green, metal, asphalt shingles, torch-on membrane and concrete & slate tiles. FREE ESTIMATE 604.946.5346 info@hbroofing ca 7402 Progress Way De ta, BC V4G OA1 (Tilbury Industrial Park) HB roofing is a professional roofing company that is locally owned and operated. Our professional roofing contractor philosophy is to provide quality workmanship and customer satisfaction to all HB Roofing’s clientele. HB roofing, the professional roofing contractor’s services include a full sheet metal shop onsite production of metal roofing, fabrication of materials onsite, continuous gutters, and a fully equipped disposal service. HB roofing manufactures many of their roofing materials. This advantage gives HB roofing the edge among the competition in providing quick and efficient service. • Fully insured and certified • Offers 24 hr emergency service • Up to 50 years manufacturer guarantee on products and installation • On-site WCB-compliant Construction Safety officer • On-site clean up • Disposal Service Call Sean Donnelly Mobile 604-240-6843 hbroofing.caIn business for over 30 years



After a close call last season Sun Devils taking aim at fourth BC title in school history

Even though they have been perched atop the provincial AAAA volleyball rankings for the entire season, the South Delta Sun Devils remain a work in progress as they take aim at their fourth B C title in school history.

A number of key players return from last year ’ s team that came ever so close to pro vincial gold, losing a five set heartbreaker to longtime rival Riverside Rapids in the title game. They are loaded with height and can dominate at the net. It’s just a matter of consis tently being in position to take advantage of it.

That will be determined in the weeks ahead and whether they can adequately fill the void of graduated twins Jane and Kate McDonald along with libero Esther Lim who passed on her Grade 12 season after being one of just three B.C. players to earn a spot in Volleyball Canada’s National Excellence Program.

“We knew last year all of our passing came from Esther, Jane and Kate We were always pull ing girls off the back row and putting on a libero So our libe ro now probably played about 30 percent last year, so we kind

of knew at the time we were forfeiting the long term plan for the short term of (trying to win provincials),” explained head coach Dan Burgess

“So now this year, we have a ton of really talented offensive players that can struggle with passing because they haven’t played a ton at the back. Every team we play knows that we are weak on passing. We’re working on it Every practice all we do is passing. We hardly ever hit We don’t really need to. We are a great hitting and a great blocking team”

The Sun Devils should get a better idea what they are up against at next month’s provincials at this weekend’s Best of the West Tournament at Kelowna Secondary. The Okanagan city is currently a hotbed at the AAAA tier with Okanagan Mission (No 3), the host Owls (No. 4) and Mt Boucherie (No 8) in the current rankings Okanagan Mission also happens to be hosting the B C champion ships

Vancouver Island is also prominent with Claremont (No 5), Mt Doug (6), Dover Bay (No. 7) and Nanaimo (No. 10) South Delta is joined by Riverside (No. 2) and league rival Seaquam (No 9) as the only current Lower Mainland

teams among the top 10.

That doesn’t mean there isn’t plenty of competitive teams nearby with enrolment numbers, not talent, differenti ating the AAAA and AAA tiers South Delta lost to (AAA No. 1) Little Flower Academy in the final of last month’s UBC tour

ney while McMath (AAA No. 2) handed them a rare loss in South Fraser Premier League play over five sets

Versatile 6 foot senior Mackenzie Campbell, who was a provincial all star last year as an outside hitter, is now the team’s setter Middle Myah

Cressy (6 foot 1) is another returning provincial all star while outside hitter Rachel Rosser (5 foot 11) can domi nate. A large group of Grade 11s includes 6 foot 4 outside hitter Alex Turner Malinek, daughter of former UBC stand out Richard Malinek

Ivy League school next stop for Ladner lacrosse standout

It didn’t take Jared Maznik long to determine the next chapter of his prom ising lacrosse career

The Grade 11 Ladner standout has committed to attend Harvard University in the fall of 2024 Although Ivy League schools prohibit athletic scholarships, Maznik instead will receive a lucrative student aided deal to cover his expenses

The 16 year old is currently honing his

field lacrosse skills at Western Reserve Academy after being recruited by the Ohio private boarding school

It was last month when the 6 foot 1 midfielder was initially eligible to talk to NCAA schools and over 20 programs reached out to him

Maznik narrowed down the list before making his five allotted official visits and deciding on the prestigious Cambridge,

Massachusetts school

“I am extremely excited and hon ored to announce my commitment to the admissions process at Harvard University,” said Maznik on his Instagram page “I want to thank my par ents, family, and teammates for always supporting, caring and helping me get to this amazing point in my life

It’s been quite a memorable few

months to say the least after Maznik led Team B.C. to the box lacrosse gold at the Canada Summer Games in Niagara that culminated with a thrilling come from behind 7 6 win over Ontario In early September, he added another gold in B C colours at the First Nations Cup U18 National Field Lacrosse Championships in New Brunswick

A26 The Delta Optimist October13,2022 100YEARS Contact Mark at mbooth@deltaoptimist com or 604 946 4451
Mark Booth MARK BOOTH PHOTO Some good work at the net by Anna Tanaka (left) and Myah Cressy helped the South Delta Sun Devils defeat Earl Marriott 3 0 last week in South Fraser Premier League play
RealEstateConsultant BSc, MBA, Diploma Urban Land Economics, Post Grad Certificate in Real Property Valuation Royal LePage Regency Realty Ltd., 1333 56th Street, Delta, BC Contact Dean at 604.603.8538 or Personal Real Estate Corporation
October13,2022 The Delta Optimist A27100YEARS

wanted to say a big thank you to the Delta Optimist for coming out and taking the time to tour our daycare centre. The children are very excited to be part of this exciting announcement “The Best Daycare”. This truly means a lot to all of us on so many levels. We are so fortunate to have such a wonderful team of teachers that play, teach and care for our children. Our families entrust us everyday to watch over their precious little ones. We as educators are truly the lucky ones that get to be part of their

to watch them grow Sunny Town


has been caring for children over the past




A28 The Delta Optimist October13,2022 100YEARS Just
children’s everyday
7 ½ years and we
providing the
quality care call us at 604-943-7869 or at 778-999-1015 693 53 St, Delta BC, V4M 3B6



It was a record year for the Optimist’s 2022 Readers’ Choice Awards. Not only was the news paper celebrating its 100th anni versary, but we received the most votes ever in the 25 year history of Readers’ Choice.

The grand total was 15,346 votes cast across 105 categories, in both print and online combined

That enormous number not only reflects the strength of the Optimist, it also indicates just how much people of South Delta care care enough about their local businesses, service groups, and organizations to take the time to vote for their favourites.

To salute the winners, we host ed a full house of more than 150 people on Oct 6 for the annual Readers’ Choice Awards night.

And it’s because of the support of our advertisers that we can hold events such as the Readers’ Choice Awards

Again, congratulations to all the winners and thank you for making South Delta such a great place to live

October13,2022 The Delta Optimist A29100YEARS
record year for votes
Delta Optimist publisher Pierre Pelletier
1140 - 56th Street, Tsawwassen • 604-943-0141 CANADIAN OWNED You have voted us your FAVOURITE HARDWARE STORE in South Delta SERVING THE COMMUNITIES SINCE 1981 THANK YOU! We are so honoured and happy to serve you. Thank You South Delta FOR VOTING US BEST LADIES FASHIONS We are thankful for the support of our incredible customers and our fabulous sales team Thank you for choosing South Coast Casuals for more than 25 years 5028 48th Avenue, Ladner Village 604-946-8590 Stay Connected





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Open Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.


The Optimist is always looking for carriers to deliver every Thursday in Ladner and Tsawwassen Call Kristene at 604 946 5171 or email: kmurray@



Got News?


Schooltrusteecandidateshockedat DTAendorsementwithdrawal

Saying it’s an internal matter, the Delta Teachers’ Association (DTA) pulled its endorsement of school trustee candidate Andrea DeWolff less than 24 hours after giving her the endorsement

DeWolff says the DTA won’t provide her with the ‘ new ’ infor mation, and thus an opportu nity to respond, that prompted the sudden withdrawal of the endorsement of her candidacy.

An independent candidate in the upcoming civic election, she says she’s shocked by the deci sion.

“I didn’t get an email I didn’t get a phone call I only found out through a text message from a teacher who asked me what was going on and I had no idea,” she told the Optimist on Oct 6. “I only found out that due to new information, they rescinded their endorsement.”

The DTA email to teach ers stated, “Although a highly unusual event, we decided to err on the side of caution You will notice that CUPE decided not to endorse her as well”

While DeWolff is an inde pendent and not part of any electoral group, she says she’s running with candidate Whitney Saip Dyck to save on the high cost of advertising during the campaign. Dyck was one of the candidates not endorsed

“I tried to find out directly from the DTA what was happen ing and why I’m baffled and had no idea what was happen ing I hold myself and my kids to the highest standards of the community I was wracking my brain on what did I do,” added DeWolff

She thinks the DTA deci sion was made after someone came to the conclusion that she does not support SOGI123 (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity) curriculum

Noting she has no connection to groups such as ParentsVoice BC, DeWolff, who also made her position clear with the Delta Pride Society, said she’s been left horrified that teachers were given an impression that she does not support inclusiv ity in the classroom, since she works to help build inclusion in the community Having three children in the school system, she said she fully supports their learning the SOGI123 curricu lum

A response to DeWolff from the DTA did not provide any specifics behind the decision to pull the endorsement, only to note they represent over a thou sand teachers in Delta, and so need to be cautious in making endorsements.

“Typically when candidates are not endorsed, the DTA does not explain to candidates who ask the reasons why or why not,” said a statement to DeWolff from DTA president Susan Yao. “In the case with your endorsement, the executive process initially included you in the endorsed candidates The rescinding of endorsement decision by the EC is an internal process ”

In a follow up interview, Yao told the Optimist that a sub sequent message for teachers explained that it came to the DTA’s attention that there were concerns about DeWolff’s abil ity to publicly support SOGI resources in Delta’s public schools

Saying that the decision was

an internal process made by the DTA executive, Yao and first vice president Alison Roche added that it is unfortunate how things unfolded and an apology was given

They said the decision to endorse select candidates was made the day following the sec ond all candidates’ forum on Oct. 4.

The DTA says the endorse ments were based on the responses given at the debates as well as questionnaires returned to the teachers’ asso ciation

The initial list of endorsed candidates was issued to teach ers Thursday in the district but

not made available to the wider public.

“Of course, when we don’t endorse candidates, they always call us and ask ‘why didn’t you?’ We don’t get into those conversations with them and we don’t have to tell them why

Unfortunately, in Andrea’s case, we got some information, we talked it over with the executive committee It’s too bad we put out the statement, but we really don’t have to explain ourselves We’re not going to get into it with her about why or what it was It would just get us in a back and forth,” added Roche

The election takes place this Saturday, Oct 15

October13,2022 The Delta Optimist A3100YEARS
toconnectwiththe Optimist,bothonlineand
TheDeltaOptimist to
@DeltaOptimist @ianjacques21 @Optimist
Ian, Sandor or
at editor@ delta-optimist com or 604 998 3616
PHOTO SUBMITTED Independent school board candidate Andrea DeWolff
Buy More Save More Sale Book your free quote: Call or Text 604 948 3088 or visit Enlightened Style Roller Shades Pictured *This sale is nonretroactive. Brand restrictions apply. The sale ends October 31st 2022. 1-4 Shades = 30% off 5-9 Shades = 35% off 10+ Shades = 40% off Blinds, Shades, Shutters, Drapery and more!
A30 The Delta Optimist October13,2022 100YEARS 604.952.4000 4926 Delta Street, Ladner Hours: Monday Friday 8:00am-5:00pm LADNER’S AUTOGLASS SPECIALIST Insurance claims processed efficiently at our convenient Ladner location • Windshield replacements • Rock chip repairs • Sideview mirrors • Home • Windows • Patio doors • Auto glass • Custom glass • Shower Glass • Glass Railings Thanks for voting us the Best Glass Shop in South Delta I# Wehavebeenserving our Communityforover20years South Delta Financial Group 604-940-9405 I Suite103, 5405 LadnerTrunk Road, Delta. SOUTH DELTA FINANCIAL GROUP RAYMONDJ.Al\1ES. Raymond James Ltd Member Canadian Investor Protection Fund 2022 Awards Awards 2022Thank you, Delta Optimist Readers for voting us in Wealth Management Seventh Year in a Row
October13,2022 The Delta Optimist A31100YEARS We at New Vision would like to give a tremendous thank you to the community for voting for us as number one in the categories of “Home Renovations and Repairs” and “Home Builder”. Thank you South Delta for voting us your favourite solution for home building in 2022 BUILDING THE HOMES YOU WANT, WITH THE CONFIDENCE YOU NEED.
A32 The Delta Optimist October13,2022 100YEARS B RBER ING BETTER VILLA #404, 1777 56 Street, (Northgate Building) Tsawwassen 604-943-2811 Mario and Cole CORPORATE, TRUST AND PERSONAL ACCOUNTING AND TAX SERVICES Thank You For Voting For Us # 1 Accounting Firm Thanks to all the loyal customers and Readers choice supporters for their votes! We are proud to be Delta’s best Fish and Chips Restaurant! Visit us at Unit 902 4949 Canoe Pass way, Tsawwassen, BC Open 7 days a week to serve you! (604) 382-4452 OSSIE’SDELI&MEATS 1557 56th Street,Tsawwassen • 604 943-7511 Voted The #1 Deli & Sandwich Shop In Tsawwassen! FEATURINGHOMEMADESALADS,SOUPS ANDOUROWNFAMOUSROASTBEEF
October13,2022 The Delta Optimist A33100YEARS Readers’ Choice Awards Night It has been our pleasure and privilege to serve in our community during these past 11 years! South Delta | (604) 946-7444 |
A34 The Delta Optimist October13,2022 100YEARS SKIN REJUVENATION Preciselyandsafelytargetpigmentedlesions,andvascular lesionssuchasspidervesselsandrednessfromrosacea withourElosPluslasermachine. WeofferaFreeObservSkinAnalysis($89Value)withall ourMedicalServices Book now and receive $25 off your First Laser Service. #301 1777 56th Street Tsawwassen, BC 604.948.0458 Thankyou forvotingus#1BestSpa& #1BestEsthetics! has grown SGDI, but having roots based here in our hometown where clients are our neighbours and friends is what helped give us our wings! Thank you for voting for us and supporting our work in the community! follow us @sarahgallopdesign 2022 HAVAN Awards for Housing Excellence - Designer of the Year
October13,2022 The Delta Optimist A35100YEARS TOPJUNKREMOVAL COMPANYINDELTA Book your pick up today: (604) 505-5865 Readers’ChoiceAwards #125-1315 56th Street • Tsawwassen Town Centre Mall 604.943.4661 • WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/THERUNINN THERUNINNSTORES @RUNINNSTORES Steve, Matt and Kevin are all SMILES VOTED # 1 FOR BEST Athletic Footwear • Athletic Wear • Footwear Thank You! AquaFinesse, the revolutionary new water conditioning system from Europe, softens your spa water and smoothes your skin without the harsh effects of chemicals There’s less need for biocides like chlorine or bromine, which means less chemicals in your water. It just takes one easy dose per week. And now, it’s free! TRY IT ON US. We’re so confident you’ll love this amazing new approach to water care, that we’re giving you a FREE starter kit worth $ No strings attached. Try it out for yourself, on us Hurry, this offer ends p Nov. 30, 2022! 604 952 7227EST 1971 First time customers only. Limit one per household. Please bring in this ad. $100.00 ORDER ONLINE FREE DELIVERY 604-952-7227 1509 56th Street Hours: Monday-Friday 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturdays 10 a.m.-4 p.m. for voting us the Best Pool & Spa Service Company TOCELEBRATEWE’REHAVING BOGO(Buyonegetone) 25%offonallPool&HotTubchemicals IN SOUTH DELTA FOR THE LAST 25YEARS!
A36 The Delta Optimist October13,2022 100YEARS @buenosdiascanada @buenosdiascafetsawwasse TNKYOU HA H NK OU n 2022 Awards Awards 2022 Buenos Dias catering strives to feed the body,nourish the soul and enlighten the mind We cater to all functions small or big.Weddings,Engagements, Birthday Parties,Celebration of Life,offsite BBQ’s,Picnics,Baby & Bridal Showers and much more Our beautiful Banquet Hall is available for up to 300 people. Book our meeting room for 40 people or book Buenos Dias Café for your private parties We have a daily menu serving breakfast and lunch from 8am to 2:30 pm,Mon to Fri Look out for our weekly specials and Curry Friday’s on our website. Tocelebratebring inthisadand RECEIVE$3OFF withpurchaseofour $15weeklyspecial. OFFEREXPIRESNOV30TH CANNOTBECOMBINED WITHANYOTHEROFFERS ORDISCOUNTS ONEPERPERSON 5430 10th Ave,Delta LOCATEDINSIDEKINVILLAGECOMMUNITYCENTER ChefAdrianwouldliketothank allofSouthDeltaforvoting BuenosDiasCafé/Catering asBestCateringCompany inSouthDelta. Weappreciateyoursupportandbusiness. Involvedinthe communitywithpride. ThankyouforvotingScotiaTsawwassen branchastheBestFinancialInstitution,we’re honoredtoservethiscommunity! ®RegisteredtrademarkofTheBankofNovaScotia Open Mon - Fri 10-6 and Sat 10:00 - 5:00 Specialty Gifts & Chocolates at The Chocolate Bear Shoppe Thank you to the readership for choosing The Chocolate Bear as best Candy and Chocolate. 1263 56th Street, Tsawwassen • 604.943.7535 101-5085 48th Avenue Ladner BC 604.940.8005 Thank you for voting us best coffee shop in Ladner!
October13,2022 The Delta Optimist A37100YEARS Readers’ Choice Awards Night 17 1835 56th St , Tsawwassen 6 0 4 . 9 4 3 . 6 3 8 3 Thank You! For choosing us for your autobody repairs! TCVR Collision Repair TCVR Autoglass Repair and Replacement 60 YEARS SERVING DELTA 6508 LADNER TRUNK RD. • OPEN 9AM-5:30PM • 604-946-5986 Thanks for choosing us… #1 Garden Centre in South Delta
A38 The Delta Optimist October13,2022 100YEARS CARPENTER ANTS • SUGAR ANTS • PAVEMENT ANTS SPIDERS • SILVERFISH • WASPS • HORNETSSQUIRRELS • RA TS • MOL ES • MI CE BEETLES • MOTHS • FL EA S • BED BUGS Thank you to our residential and commercial customers for supporting us in South Delta for the last 9 years and voting us #1 for pest control. GO GREEN PEST CONTROL INSECT AND RODENT EXTERMINATORS • 604.948.9838 • 604.946.9698 • 778.886.4111 These guys do not Thank you Family owned and operated ...for Choosing us as your favourite Gift Store! 5040 48th Avenue, Ladner • 604.948.9090 Thank You Thank you for voting for us as your favourite gift store 6 years in a row! We are so grateful for your love and support. 604 940 0714 surecopyladner com info@surecopyladner com surecopyladner WE LOVE SERVING OUR COMMUNITY THANK YOU FOr VOTING US #1
October13,2022 The Delta Optimist A39100YEARS 1077 56 Street, Delta, BC I Reservations 604-943-5900 I Business Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 4:00 10:00 BEST DINNER, AMBIANCE AND EUROPEAN RESTAURANT Thank you from all of us at Illuminaté ank ou OR OSING S THE FISH KET! Thank you to all our loyal and new customers for supporting us. We appreciate your business. We look forward to continuing to serve you! Come see all our amazing condiments and gourmet foods for the foody in your life. Once again we could not have done this without our amazing staff. Serving The Best Quality For Over 40 Years! Trennant Park Square 5229 Ladner Trunk Road 604-946-2097 Your Loyalty is so APPRECIATED! Are thrilled that you have chosen us your favourite restaurant in South Delta for: KIDS • FAMILIES • BREAKFAST In the 2022 Readers’ Choice Awards! 1199 56th Street,Tsawwassen • 604-943-5715 WE NOW DELIVER! 604.943.1752 All of us at We’d Love to See You Join our Team! Currently looking to fill the following positions: Hosts, Servers, Line Cooks, and Prep Cooks Please drop your resume off in person and ask to speak to a Manager

A local business man ager says the Highway 17 approaches to the roundabout on River Road need some work, after a recent collision within the traffic circle.

One of her employees was broadsided in his vehicle, while in the

circle in mid-September

The employee and his wife were injured and cannot return to work for the time being

“Every day, those of us that work on the last stretch of River Road before Highway 17 inter sects it in two, have our lives and livelihoods at risk going into and out of that roundabout, on to

what is now referred to as Frontage Road,” says Kelly Holbrook. “The new roundabout design is problematic, to say the least.”

The business she manages, Blue Water Systems, is located close to the roundabout, on River Road

“People that deliver to our business and the

other businesses on that section of road, take the risk too Driving is inher ently dangerous but this is more than an accident waiting to happen. It already has It doesn’t have to be this danger ous, ” she said Holbrook says that vehicles come speeding off Highway 17 and rarely slow down for the traffic


She said that speeding is the result of poor signage and an exit lane that is too short, not giving motorists’ time to react and to reduce speed. As well, another road also feeds into the roundabout, next to the Highway 17 exit, adding to congestion.

Instead, Holbrook says that the green directional signs that are posted above Highway 17, should indicate that a roundabout is ahead at the exit. The current sign just shows a right-hand turn, he said.

Large lettering on the road surface also could tell motorists to “Slow down, Roundabout Ahead.” In addition, rumble strips installed just before the roundabout, could also warn


In addition to bet ter signs, he also wants Delta Police to issue some tickets for those going too fast.

By way of the City of Delta, the Optimist has sent correspondence to the Provincial Ministry of Transportation, as well, inquiries have been made with Delta South MLA Ian Paton and Delta Police.

Paton told the Optimist that he was happy to be notified of the situation and that his office would be following up with Holbrook as well as the transportation ministry.

The Delta Police Traffic Unit says they will also be following up with Holbrook to try and come up with some solutions

A4 The Delta Optimist October13,2022 100YEARS
Bettersigns,designneededforRiverRoadroundabout Manager from nearby business says there has to be a better way OCTOBER 25, 2022 STEVE ELLIOT AS ELVIS PLEASE ARRIVE AT 12:30 PM TO FIND A SEAT FIRST COME FIRST SERVE LIMITED FREE SEATING AVAILABLE PRIZES, ENTERTAINMENT AND MORE @tsawwassentowncentremall PLEASE RECYCLE THIS NEWSPAPER. All you can eat Ukrainian Dinner October 21st Visit or call 604.782.7298 www @mrmomsworldcateringandevents Dinner and Christmas Show With Bonnie Kilroe Dec 6th


Shops & Services

Accounting Services: Alterations:


Appliance Repair: Art Gallery: Athletic Footwear: Auto Repair: Autobody Shop: Barber Shop*: Ladner or Tsawwassen: Beauty Spa:


Shpak and Co


Garden Centre:

Gift Shop:

Harris Nursery

Muddy River Landing

Glass Shop:

Gallery 1710

The RunInn

Randy’s Tirecraft

Tsawwassen Collision

Billies Ladner

Matador Tsawwassen

Atlantis Day Spa

Apex Glass

Grocery Store:

Hair Stylist:

Hair Salon:

Thrifty Foods

Kirsten Bennett

Atomic Hair Salon

Hardware Store:

Home Hardware Building Centre

Health Food/Vitamin:

Hearing Aids:

Home Builder:

Home Decor:

Parsley Sage & Thyme Connect Hearing New Vision Projects HomeSense

Remax Progroup Realty

Black Bond Books

Telus Open Connection

Sunny Town Daycare

Tsawwassen Chiropractic

Deas Island Dance


Wagner’s European Fabricare Tsawwassen

Ichiban Ladner

Wood Electric

Best Real Estate Office: Books: Cellular Retailer: Childcare Centre: Chiropractic: Dance Studio: DollarStore: Dry Cleaner*: Ladner or Tsawwassen: Electrical: Esthetics: Eyewear: Family Dental: Financial Institution*: Ladner or Tsawwassen:

Atlantis Day Spa

Tsawwassen Optometry

My Tsawwassen Dentist

Envision Financial Ladner

Scotia Bank Tsawwassen

FitnessWear: Flooring: Florist: Ladner or Tsawwassen: Footwear:

The RunInn

Delta Carpets & Floor Design

The Flower Shop in the Village Ladner

Flowers Beautiful Tsawwassen

The RunInn


Heritage House Interiors

Home Renovations & Repairs:

Insurance Agency: Interior Designer: Junk Removal Company:


New Vision Projects

Westland Insurance Sarah Gallop Design Inc 505 Junk

Ladies’Clothing: Landscape Company:

Vinca’s Kitchen South Coast Casuals Kennedy Landscaping

Laser Treatment:

Law Firm / Notary: Meat Shop:

Beach Grove Laser Eastwood & Associates Newmans Fine Foods

Men’s Clothing:


Mortgage Broker:

Moving Company:

Paint Store:

Lisa Manwaring Southwest Mortgage

TNT Dyn O Mite Moving

Benjamin Moore

Painting Company:

Paint Rite by Rich

Personal Fitness / Wellness*: Ladner or Tsawwassen:

Pest Control:

Pet Foods:

PJ Wren Ladner

Anytime Fitness Tsawwassen

Go Green Pest Control

Pets N Us

A40 The Delta Optimist October13,2022 100YEARS

Pet Grooming: Star Grooming

Pharmacy: London Drugs

Physiotherapy Clinic: Sungod Physio

Pilates / Yoga: Open Space Yoga



European Restaurant: Illuminate Restorante

Fish & Chips: Harry’s Fish & Chips

Family Restaurant: White Spot

Fish Market: Superior Fish Market

Plumbing/Heating: Acorn Heating/Cooling/Plumbing

Printing/Copy Centre: Sure Copy

Retirement Residence: Augustine House

Roofing Company: HB Roofing

Second Hand Store: Delta Hospital Auxiliary Thrift Store

Seniors Services: Delta Lifeline Delta Hospital Auxiliary Society

Shopping Centre*: Tsawwassen Mills Tsawwassen Ladner or Tsawwassen: Trenant Park Ladner

Sign Company: Speedpro Signs


Pool Service: Swim Blue Pools & Hot Tubs

Tire Sales/Service: Randy’s Tirecraft

Travel Agent/Agency: Expedia Cruises

Veterinarian: 48 Ave Animal Hospital

Wealth Management: Raymond James S. Delta Financial Group

Food & Fun

Asian Restaurant: Thai Isaan

Bakery: Delta Bakery

Breakfast Restaurant: White Spot

Candy/Chocolates: The Chocolate Bear Shoppe

Catering Service: Buenos Dias Cafe/Catering

Coffee Shop*: Stir Coffee House Ladner Ladner or Tsawwassen: l’aromos Coffee Tsawwassen

Deli/Sandwich Shop*: Ossies Delia & Meats Tsawwassen Ladner or Tsawwassen: Cafe de Gourmet Ladner

Desserts: Dairy Queen in Ladner

Dinner Restaurant: Illuminate Restorante

Golf Course: Tsawwassen Springs

Happy Hour: Pat Quinns

Lunch Restaurant: Marios

Meal Under $10: McDonalds

Meeting Place: l’aromos Coffee

Neighbourhood Pub/ Lounge: Ladner Landing


Community Service: Rotary Club of Tsawwassen

Patio Service: Pat Quinns

Pizza:* Madhouse Pizza Tsawwassen Ladner or Tsawwassen: Niagara Pizza Ladner


Liquor Store: Metro Liquor

Produce or

Farm Market*: Kin’s Farm Market Ladner

Ladner or Tsawwassen: Backroads Family Farm Maket TSA

Restaurant Ambiance: Iluminate Restorante

Restaurant for Kids: White Spot

Restaurant with

a View: Pat Quinns

Smoothie/Juice Bar: Booster Juice

Sushi Restaurant: Sapporo Kitchen

Vegetarian Choices: The Chopped Leaf

Weekend Brunch: Pat Quinns

October13,2022 The Delta Optimist A41100YEARS
A42 The Delta Optimist October13,2022 100YEARS Than Look for our Daily and Weekly Specials Try one of our lunch specials and get a free donut (Glazed or Jelly) always freshly made ready to go. for voting us #1 It is a Great Honour Every Time Since We Won Our 1st Award Over 20 Years Ago Over 4½ million donuts made going stronger than ever! Large Variety of Donuts Priced Right As Always 2022 Awards Awards 3820 ARTHUR DRIVE, LADNER • WWW.AUGUSTINEHOUSE.CA Thank You For Voting Auugustine House Favourite Retirement Residence! Book Your Tour Today Call 604 940 6005 VOTED THE #1 BARBER IN TSAWWASSEN Offering classic barbering services for seniors, men & children since 1972 Thank You to our many loyal customers! Please book online @ www.matadorbarbersca or call 604 943-7311 Monday to Saturday | 8:30am - 5:30pm Chad and Jodie are thrilled to be voted your favourite barbers in the 2022 Readers Choice Awards.
October13,2022 The Delta Optimist A43100YEARS Readers’ Choice Awards Night Bank. Borrow. Insure. Invest. THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING US AS THE “BEST FINANCIAL INSTITUTION IN LADNER” IN THE READERS’ CHOICE AWARDS We pride ourselves on simplifying lives, helping members and communities thrive. That’s why we offer free day-to-day banking, including free unlimited Interac e-Transfer® . Keeping it Simple®
A44 The Delta Optimist October13,2022 100YEARS FREE any hot McCafe Medium Beverage (with this coupon). Expires Monday, October 31, 2022 From all of us at Thank For Voting us BEST MEAL UNDER $10 TSAWWASSEN 1835-56th Street 604-948-3630 LADNER 5776-48th AVE. 604-940-3770 Locally owned and operated by Steve Krawchuk DHAS Volunteers Supporting Healthcare in Delta since 1969Volunteers DELTA HOSPITAL AUXILIARY SOCIETY Registered Charity Number: 13952-5596 RR001 deltalifeline@gmail.comDELTA LIFELINE 604 946 1121 Ext 783268 Thank you South Delta for BEST Seniors Service! OURHELPALERTBUTTONSKEEP YOUSAFE&LIVINGINDEPENDENTLY Delta Lifeline Website QR Code BC A H Unit 320 4949 Canoe Pass Way, Tsawwassen (Between Marks And Petsmart) • 604.946.5867 Ballet I Jazz Lyrical I Hip Hop Tap I Contemporary Musical Theatre Breakdance I Modern Move and Groove Storybook Ballet Adult Classes Tiny Steps for Twos • Preschool to Pre Professional • General and Competitive Programs • Professional Teaching Faculty • Award Winning Choreographers • Ballet Intensive Program • Disneyland Performance Group • Royal Academy of Dance Examinations • Vocational Training and Mentorship • Performance Opportunities • 8000 square foot facility at Tsawwassen Commons • 2023 Year End Production “Beauty and the Beast” DeasIslandDance Thankyou from our Studio Family! REGISTRATION ONGOING Join our dance families for our 25th Anniversary Year! THANKS FOR VOTING US #1 14YEARS INAROW LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED 2022 Awards Awards 4924 Chisholm Street, Ladner 604 946 2455
October13,2022 The Delta Optimist A45100YEARS WE APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT & BUSINESS STAR GROOMING 1340 - 56th Street, Delta • 604-948-6666 to all our CUSTOMERS for VOTING US #1 Thank You 2022 Awards Awards 2022 5042 48TH AVENUE, LADNER VILLAGE 604.946.7784 • VINCASKITCHEN.CA 2022 Awa Ads warrds 2022 One coupon per person. Can not be applied to previous or online purchases 25% OFF THE PURCHASE OF ONE ITEM. To all our customers for their business and Voting us #1 in Kitchenware PRESENT THIS COUPON AND RECEIVE Chosen South Delta’s Favourite Grocery Store in the Readers’ Choice Awards! Source local Eat happy Tsawwassen Town Centre Mall | 1207 56th Street | | 1.800.667.8280 | Connect with us Our customers are amazing and we are honoured to serve them. Thank you so much Tsawwassen and Ladner. 21 years in a row! $5 OFF PURCHASES $50 OR MORE Offer expires Oct 31st One coupon per customer max. Cannot be combined with any other offers or discounts 1828-4949 Canoe Pass Way Tsawwassen WWW METROLIQUOR.COM 3 YEARS IN A ROW!IN SOUTH DELTA #1 BEST PRIVATE LIQUOR STORE THANK YOU FOR VOTING US THE
A46 The Delta Optimist October13,2022 100YEARS For reservations call 604-946-1522 4879 Delta Street, Ladner for Voting Us Number 1 Place for Pizza in Ladner Thank You 128 4857 Elliott St., Ladner B.C. I 604-946-7066 Monday Friday 8:00am 5:30pm I Saturday 9:00am 5:00pm I Sunday Closed Thank you for Voting us #1 Catering Service & Deli/Sandwich Shop In Ladner delights & catering ltd. Thank You to our wonderful customers for your continued support, and making us your first choice! Open 10am to 6pm 7 days a week #105 5188 Springs Boulevard, Tsawwassen 604-948-0677 VOTED #1 BEST 2022 MEAT SHOP CONTACT US FOR A FREE QUOTE I can’t say enough good things about this team of movers We used them for packing up a large apartment and then moving it all to another location There was SO much stuff and they undertook all of it with good humour, patience and professionalism All of them were a joy and a pleasure to work with from start to finish. I would use them again in a heartbeat Do yourself a favour and hire them to take as much of the stress and worry out of the challenging process of relocating as possible Jane Mortifee
October13,2022 The Delta Optimist A47100YEARS Readers’ Choice Awards Night carpet • laminate • vinyl • vinyl plank wool • vinyl plank • area rugs • hardwoodvin yl plank • ar ea ru gs • carpe t • laminate • wool • vinyl carpet • laminate • har dwood • wool • vinyl • Free in home consultations • Lifetime guaranteed installation • Prompt, professional service DELTA CARPETS & FLOORDESIGN 5025 48th Avenue, Ladner | 604.946 6291 | Visit our 3000 sq.ft. showroom or call today for a free in home estimate. We love our community and it is our mission to provide you with the highest quality customer service along with the best floorcovering selection, competitive prices and lifetime guaranteed installation. to our valued customers and friends for selecting us as your #1 floor covering store. It has been our privilege to serve you for the past 55 years. Thank you My clients know that I am always here to assist. If you’re looking for a mortgage, a second opinion or just need to ask a couple of questions, give me a call. I would LOVE to hear from you! Thank you for selecting me as the Lisa Manwaring, Mortgage Expert #2 1359 56th Street, Delta BC, V4L 2P3 604-805-1833 Assisting Mortgage Clients from my office right here in Delta B.C. READER’S CHOICE TOP MORTGAGE BROKER in South Delta
A48 The Delta Optimist October13,2022 100YEARS THANKYOU forvotingusasyour FAVOURITE VETERINARIAN inSouthDelta. 502048thAve,Ladner | 604-946-7779 | Monday Friday8am 8pm|Saturday&Sunday9am 5pm ■ SurgicalServices ■ MedicalServices ■ Dentistry ■ Radiology ■ Nutritional&Behavioral Counselling ■ PreventativeHealthCare ■ ReferralServices ■ ClientServices SERVICES: 1200 56 St (604) 943 0409 l’aromas coffee Join Us for Live Music Every Friday & Saturday at 6 pm HAPPY HOUR DEALS FROM 3 - 5 PM TILL 6 PM FRIDAY BC A H DHAS Volunteers Supporting Healthcare in Delta since 1969olunteers DELTA HOSPITAL AUXILIARY SOCIETY Registered Charity Number: 13952-5596 RR001 All proceeds support patient care & comfort, leading edge medical equipment programs at Delta Hospital and Mountain View Manor 5800 Mountain View Blvd., Delta, B.C. Tel: 604-946-1121 local 783212 • Thank you to our community for choosing us as your #1 Thrift Shop
October13,2022 The Delta Optimist A49100YEARS Readers’ Choice Awards Night TSAWWASSENDENTIST.CA YTSAWWASSENDENTIST THANK-YOU FOR ALLOWING Y TSAWWASSEN DENTIST THE CORNERSTONE OF FAMILY DENTISTRY N SOUTH DELTA FOR OVER 30 YEARS. ve what we do and we hope when you walk through door, you will feel it too We’re not only passionate ut dental care, we’re passionate about relationships. are about our team, our patients, and our community, e believe that our commitment to these relationships is what drives us to be better every day WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOUR SMILE AT YOUR NEXT VISIT! 56TH STREET, TSAWWASSEN | 604-943-0817 DR. BRIAN STANDERWICK DR. BROCK SAUCY

HUB Cycling publishes survey results

HUB Cycling surveyed candidates for public office in 17 municipalities across Metro Vancouver, to find out where they stand on active transpor tation and cycling issues and how they would vote if elected to office

The surveys consisted of multiple choice ques tions, such as asking can didates if they would vote for infrastructure projects that separated people biking from people walk ing and driving, while some questions were municipality specific, asking about specific gaps in the cycling net work and candidates’ commitment to filling them

These were followed by long answer questions, where candidates could delve deeper and elabo

rate on what they will do to make cycling safer in their cities Some of the questions we asked these candidates include:

* Will you vote in favour of infrastructure projects that separate bicycles from cars and pedestrians in areas of high cycling potential?

* Should the budget for bike infrastructure be kept the same, increased or decreased?

* What will you do to help achieve BC Road Safety Strategy’s Vision Zero? (the ultimate goal of zero traffic fatalities and zero serious inju ries )

Across the region, 238 candidates responded to the survey, averaging a response rate of 51% across municipalities

“The backbone of a

functioning democracy is an informed public We know that there is a large and growing concern and interest from people across Metro Vancouver to make our cities more bikeable, sustainable, and connected We hope that these candidate surveys and our Cycling Platform will help the public find out who will work to make cycling bet ter in your city,” says Erin O’Melinn, HUB Cycling’s Executive Director

In Delta, one out of the three mayoralty can didates answered the survey while 10 out of 15 council candidates answered the survey.

See all the results online at vote Submitted by Hub Cycling

October13,2022 The Delta Optimist A5100YEARS
Municipal election Hundreds of candidates participated across Metro Vancouver including Delta LADNER LADNERVILLAGE VILLAGE DENTAL DENTAL 4827 Delta St, Delta, BC V4K 42T7 827 Delta St, Delta, BC V4K 2T7 (604) 946 (6513 604) 946 6513 www www ladnervillagedental lcom adnervillagedental com Scan to Book Online NOWACCEPTINGNEW PATIENTS BIRD FOOD • FEEDERS • GARDEN ACCENTS • UNIQUE GIFTS 2421 King George Blvd, Surrey BC V4P 1H8 (604) 536 4011 • wwwwbu com/surrey All20lbbagsonsale! SuetandCylindersonSale! Shop online at FREE Shipping on orders $99 00 or more! Valid in store at Surrey Wild Birds Unlimited or by shopping online Offer not valid on previous purchases through October 31, 2022 TCHEN CABINETS DONE IN 1 TO 2 KITCHENDAYS! DAYS! CABINET REFINISHING Before After Love your cabinets, but not how they’re worn? Gleam Guard offers a simple, cost-effective solution. We also refresh cabinets which costs less than refinishing. ALL GLEAM GUARD STAFF ARE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES SET OUT BY THE BC PROVINCIAL HEALTH OFFICER, SUCH AS ABIDING BY SOCIAL DISTANCING PROTOCALS AND CONSISTENT AND EFFECTIVE HYGIENE PRACTICES WE ARE COMMITTED TO TAKING THE NECESSARY PRECAUTIONS TO KEEP YOU AND YOUR FAMILY SAFE. Text cabinet pictures to 1-604-218-7470 or call. 70% Less Than Replacing or Refacing! Wespecializein ProtectingYour Investment! UPTO TRACEY BOOTH FOUNDER GOT GREASE? GOT PEELING? GLOOKS REAT! CELEBRATING30YEARS REFINISHINGCABINETS! FREE DEMOS FREE ESTIMATES NO TOXIC CHEMICALS NO DUST!
A50 The Delta Optimist October13,2022 100YEARS & WEEKEND BRUNCH” We want to express our sincere appreciation for voting us BEST LASER CLINIC 12 years in a row. Beach Grove Laser Clinic 604-943-9339 #226-1077 56th St (Tsawwassen Prof Bldg.) • We hope you can join us for ourAnnual Open House. on November10th , gift bags, doorprizes and promo specials •LaserHairRemoval •VeinRemoval •AgeSpots/Pigmentation •Photofacial/IPL •MedicalFacials •REMicroneedling •EmscupltNeo/VenusFreeze •Emsella(Urinary Incontinence) •BotoxandDermalFillers •PRP/HairRestoration •Microblading Everycompany’sgreatestassetsareit’scustomers,andwecouldn’thavedoneitwithoutyou
October13,2022 The Delta Optimist A51100YEARS SOUTH DELTA’S MOST WANTED RANDY 87431 TYLER 25568 REID 68644 PETER 39444 ANDREW 65045 JOSH 28281 RANDY’S 1614 56TH STREET, TSAWWASSEN 604 943 7431 VOTED #1 FOR TIRE SALES & SEVICE AND AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR 604 948 9949 acornheat com 24/7 Emergency Service HONEST ADVICE EXPERT SERVICE UPFRONT PRICING THANK YOU FOR YOUR VOTES IN THE READER’S CHOICE AWARDS! We’re proud and honoured to have won in the Plumbing and Heating category this year We couldn’t have done it without you! We strive to bring the best ofwhat Delta has to offer with our own home grown and locally sourced produce as well as other local goods foryour convenience! We are so honoured to beyour top choice and look forward to continuing to serveyou! Sincerely, ..----.. �lii � U-Pick PumpkinPatch Now Open! .·-. I >·-•\.\ . \ � 2757 52ND STREET, LADNER BC � Openw;=, Spm I � (I '1M{{Q;�
A52 The Delta Optimist October13,2022 100YEARS 1.888.850.9979 • Whether as an all-star pro hockey player or as a busy grandfather, Darryl Sittler believes that to get the most out of life, you need to look after yourself. Get your hearing checked by a licensed hearing care professional at your local Connect Hearing clinic. Don’t miss out on the sounds that you love. Check your hearing. *Save up to $2,000 on a pair of Select technology level Sonova hearing aids 15% off Advanced level; and 10% off Standard evel with a valid CAA membership This offer is a tiered rebate determined by which level of Sonova Hearing Technology purchased Offer expires March 31 2023 Some conditions apply See clinic for details †Based on nationa physician referrals over the tenure of the corporations Canadian business operations compared to the disclosed re erra count o leading competitors Save up to $2,000 on a pair of Select level hearing aids with your BCAA membership!* Darryl Sittler Canadian Hockey Legend #214 1077 56th St, Tsawwassen info@tsawwassenoptometryca wwwtsawwassenoptometryca 6049436114 yewear We love to help you see well and look great! Dr Sara Kirby and Dr Giulia DeVuono THANK YOU For your years of support39 Voted #1 For Eyewear
October13,2022 The Delta Optimist A53100YEARS For voting us as your favourite business in cellular service and sales in South Delta! Our goals: VisitingOpenConnectionisawarmandfriendlyexperience. Ourmissionistoprovidetopnotch customer service while providing our client base with THE BEST custom offers and solutions available for specific needs. It's never one size fits all. We strive to provide an exceptional in store experience where our clients receive support for years down the line! • Mobile Phones with TELUS & Koodo • Optik TV, Internet & Security for Residential • Optik TV, Internet & Security for Business • Online Security & TV streaming packages • Tablets, Smart Watches, Personal safety devices & more Have you seen the new iPhone 14 series and Samsung Foldables? Check them out at our locations below! Services offered at
A54 The Delta Optimist October13,2022 100YEARS *Based on total REBGV MLS sales for 2021 all teams under 15 Agents #1 RANKED REAL ESTATE TEAM IN ALL OF BRITISH COLUMBIA!* THE FIRM REAL ESTATE SERVICES LTD 101 4755 51ST Street Delta BC V4K 2W2 w w w . f r a s e r e l l i o t t . c o m 604.728.2845 12 3350 WESTHAM ISLAND ROAD, LADNER $400,000 • 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom • 1,065 sq ft float home • Open concept living area with vaulted ceilings • Balcony off living & dining to enjoy sunsets • Rural living yet minutes to all amenities LIVE ON THE WATER #1 4 4788 54A STREET, LADNER OFFERED FROM $1,100,000 TO $1,150,000 • 4 boutique townhomes • A choice of 3 bedroom & den or 4 bedroom • From 1,656 1,740 sq ft all with 4 bathrooms • Parking for 2 vehicles • High end finishings w/ GE appliances PRESENTING WRENLEY ROW BY CHORUS DEVELOPMENTS 1146 50 STREET, TSAWWASSEN $1,248,800 • 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms • 1,390 sq ft home on 7,384 sq ft lot • Large corner lot in prime location • Renovate or build your dream home • Steps to Cliff Drive Elementary and mins to shops CENTRALLY LOCATED RANCHER THE MARKET IS CHANGING QUICKLY! 207 1175 55 STREET, TSAWWASSEN $779,900 • 1,299 sq ft condo • 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms • Walking distance to shops and near all amenities • 2 parking stalls and storage locker • Bedrooms on opposite “wings” of the unit LARGE CONDO IN THE HEART OF TSAWWASSEN NEW LISTING 4971 58 STREET, LADNER $1,249,900 • 1,970 sq ft home on 7,500 sq ft lot • 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms • Beautifully renovated throughout • Family friendly neighbourhood, close to all amenities. • Outdoor space with patio, covered deck, and large yard UPDATED FAMILY HOME ON LARGE LOT NEW LISTING 4361 44B AVENUE, LADNER $1,299,900 • 2,256 sq ft home on 6,577 sq ft lot • 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms • Many tasteful updates throughout the home • Space for in laws or nanny on lower level • Quiet cul de sac location and close to all amenities UPDATED FAMILY HOME IN PORT GUICHON 5584 8A AVENUE, TSAWWASSEN $1,498,800 • 4 bedrooms & den, 1 bathroom • 2,642 sq ft home on 6,415 sq ft lot • Lovingly maintained with tasteful updates throughout • Master on main or above, large rooftop deck • Working art studio plus outbuilding for your creative ideas ONE OF THE LAST FEW CENTURY HOMES NOW AVAILABLE 102 1400 VIEW4561CRESCENT 53 3610STREET 72 STREET JUST SOLD! JUST SOLD! JUST SOLD! 1-4965 47 AVENUE 202-4815 48 AVENUE 5089 CENTRAL AVENUE JUST SOLD! JUST SOLD! JUST SOLD! JUST SOLD! 5245 LABURNUM PARK PLACE 1006-2763 CHANDLERY PLACE, VANCOUVER $699,900 • 759 sq ft condo with balcony • 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms • Completely renovated by an Interior Designer • Beautiful 180 degree views of the River and Mt Baker • Easy access to amenities and major routes STUNNING RIVER DISTRICT 2 BEDROOM NEW LISTING
October13,2022 The Delta Optimist A55100YEARS THE FIRM REAL ESTATE SERVICES LTD 101 4755 51ST Street De ta BC V4K 2W2 * Based on Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver Statistics for the Fraser Elliott Group 2016 2022 THOUSANDS OF SUCCESSFUL TRANSACTIONS!* 604.728.2845 w w w . f r a s e r e l l i o t t . c o m 406-4689 52A STREET 3507 40 STREET 6050 44 5274AVENUE 57 303-5599STREET 14B 4AVENUE 524 46A STREET 104 497 SPRINGS BOULEVARD 5085 CENTRAL AVENUE, LADNER $2,249,900 • 5 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms • 3,251 sq ft home on 4,586 sq ft lot • Kitchen features Fisher & Paykel professional appliances • 3rd floor is open concept rec room/flex area w/ full bathroom • A/C, double garage, built in vacuum and more! BEAUTIFUL NEW HOME 5094B BENTLEY DRIVE, LADNER $2,149,900 • 5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms • 3,088 sq ft home on 4,586 sq ft lot • Main floor bedroom & full bathroom • Huge master with walk in closet & ensuite • A/C, built in vacuum, radiant heating and more! NEW HOME ON GREAT STREET 353 55 STREET, TSAWWASSEN $3,988,800 • 7 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms • 6,061 sqft of living space on a 10,720 sqft lot • Custom german doors & windows, Miele appliances, wok kitchen • 800 sqft rooftop deck • Legal 1 bedroom suite • Home gym, sauna, movie theatre & much more! BREATHTAKING 180 DEGREE OCEAN & MOUNTAIN VIEWS FROM THIS CUSTOM BUILT HOME 5483 15B AVENUE, TSAWWASSEN $3,394,488 • 6 bedrooms, 5 bathroom • 5,019 sqft of living on a 7,869 sqft lot • Chef’s kitchen w/ white cabinetry & S/S appliances • Basement boasts 2 bedroom in law suite • A/C, security system & large covered patio w/ outdoor kitchen STUNNING NEWER BUILD FAMILY HOME 1215 PACIFIC DRIVE, TSAWWASSEN $3,199,900 • 7,918 sqft of living on a 26,125 sqft lot • 2 master bedroom suites both w/ walk in closets • Timeless elegance & grandeur with an open floor plan • Over 200 degree views of the mountains & ocean • Park like backyard w/ inground pool A HILLTOP HOME IN ONE OF THE MOST UPSCALE NEIGHBOURHOODS CALL THE LOCAL EXPERTS TODAY! 872 TSAWWASSEN BEACH ROAD, TSAWWASSEN $2,100,000 • 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms • 2,091 sq ft home on 7,170 sq ft Oceanfront lot • Incredible outdoor living spaces,perfect for entertaining or relaxing • Expansive driveway and double carport for many vehicles • Sunsets, boating, kayaking, and paddle boarding all from your own backyard BEACHFRONT LIVING AWAITS! NEW LISTING NEW LISTING 5680 GOLDENROD CRESCENT, TSAWWASSEN $2,199,900 • 3,825 sq ft home on 7,729 sq ft lot • 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms • Beautiful Tudor style home • Beautiful backyard with salt water pool • Space for the whole family • Close to shops and amenities FOREST BY THE BAY BEAUTY NEW LISTING NEW PRICE 5443 PATON DRIVE, LADNER $1,550,000 • 11,844 sq ft lot • Highly desirable street • South West facing backyard • Cleared and ready to build PATON DRIVE BUILDING LOT NEW LISTING NEW LISTING JUST JSOLD! UST JSOLD! UST SOLD! JUST SOLD! JUST SOLD! JUST SOLD! JUST SOLD!
A56 The Delta Optimist October13,2022 100YEARS BobCooke 604-943-SOLD(7653) • ServingLadner,Tsawwassenandtheworldforover30years. RE/MAXCityRealty 509048th Ave,Delta,B.C $2,488,000 1008 JACKSON WAY LIVE ON THE BEACH GROVE GOLFCOURSE That’sright Arareopportunitytoowna2165sq.ft 4bdrmhomewithalegalsidesuite Allona12,200sq.ft lotwiththegolfcourseoffthebackyardandacrossthestreet ADiamondintherough. BobCooke•604-943-7653 5445 CANDLEWYCK WYND,TWSN This 4 bedroom, totally updated is now one of the best buys inTsawwassen. New kitchen, baths, roof, boiler, siding, flooring & more Quiet private location close to SouthpointeAcademy You better hurry BobCooke•604-943-7653 $1,598,000 1428 56th Street Sales & Property Management GO FOR THE E Put Bev’s 15+ years of experience to work for you. Bev and her team will work to get top dollar for you!! 4688 Hawk Lane Luxury 3 bed, 3 bath townhome CALL BEV FOR YOUR FREE HOME EVALUATION New Price! $859,000 968 52a Street $1,630 000 For Sale Stories and photos from In print and online all the time your community
A58 The Delta Optimist October13,2022 100YEARS • SUCCESSFULLY SELLING SOUTH DELTA REAL ESTATE • 604.312.7621 TOP1% OF 2021 GREATER VANCOUVER REALTORS® Sutton Group Seafair Realty: 1625 56th Street Tsawwassen, BC Lulu Godin Licensed Realtor NEWPRICE: 528SeashellDrive$1,349,000 BoundaryBay executivefamily homewith4bedroomsjuststeps toCentennialBeach NEWPRICE: 93050BStreet $1,590,000 Over10,000sqftprivatelot withRancher Closetoschools andtowncentre. NEWLISTING: 1223PacificDrive$2,490,000 ExecutivehomeintheVillage withoceanandmountain views NEWLISTING: 598TsawwassenBeachRd$5,498,000 Panoramicoceanfronthome on13ofAcreofferingan amazinglifestyle 878PacificDrive $2,499,000 NEWLISTING: 1115ShamanCr $1,598,000 Nicelyrenovatedhomeinthe Village.Offering5bedrooms and3fullbaths. 19966AStreet $1,999,000 809-10780No.5Rd,Rmd$668,000 NEWPRICE: 213WoodlandDrive$1,599,000 Lovelycustombuiltrancherwith poolintheterrace.Thekitchen andfamilyroomaretheheartof thehomes. NEWLISTING: 560SeashellDrive$1,999,000 Oceanviewhomebackingon toCentennialParkway the mostdesirablebeachparkinthe LowerMainland NEWPRICE: 535410AAvenue $1,398,000 Wheelchairaccessiblemain floorlivingwithopenfloorplan, bedroomandfullbathonmain NEWPRICE: 4695KensingtonPlace$1,449,000 5bdrmfamilyhomerenovated withgorgeousnewbathsand sunnywestfacingbackgardenina quietcul-de-sac. NEWPRICE: 5129WilsonDrive$2,999,000 Newcustombuilthomewithout theGST,executive,luxuryenter tainmenthomeinprimelocation Noforeignbuyerstaxorvacancytax! 8-4638OrcaWay 1,495,000 Originalshowhome.Ocean viewbackingontonature reserve. NEWPRICE: 487313Avenue $2,458,000 4,762squarefoothomehasa 21,000sflotandsitsonthebluff aboveTsawwassenSpringsGolf course. 54785BAvenue $1,399,000 113650thStreet $1,499,000 5157KilkennyDrive $1,749,000 NEWLISTING: 5000CliffDrive$3,188,000 This28000sqftlotisintheprocessofapplication forsub divisionfor2flatrectangularbuildinglots andallbuildingplanshavebeensubmittedtothe city Thecurrentfamilyhomehasbeenrenovatedand offersover3,600sqft oflivingspaceforafamily thatchoosestokeepthelotasiswithswimmingpool &park likesetting NEWPRICE: 402 475853Street$599,000 WESTFACINGPENTHOUSEIN SUNNINGDALEIII.Rentalsandpetswelcome! Beautifullyappointedtopfloor2bedroom/2full bathapartmentwith9ft.ceilingswithcrown mouldingandlaminatefloorsthroughout. NEWPRICE: 4533WRiverRoad$1,475,00 Thisisauniqueonceinalifetime opportunityforanownerand/or investor
October13,2022 The Delta Optimist A59100YEARS LINDA CHANCEY Persona Rea Estate Corp BOB CHANCEY Personal Rea Estate Corp THE CHANCEYS REAL ESTATE GROUP 604-946-8899 C TY REALTY Only Re/Max Team or individual in South Delta to achieve the prestigious PINNACLE CLUB award 4581 53rd Street, Ladner $1,799,000 5645 51 Avenue, Ladner $1,468,000 STUNNING BRAND NEW HOME IN CENTRAL LADNER DESIRABLE HAWTHORNE RANCHER Brand new, bright & Spacious 2600 square foot, 3 level family home includes a 1 bedroom LEGAL SUITE Under construction but act fast in order to have time to select some of your own finishings and make this your dream home! Open concept features a gourmet kitchen with island and quartz countertops, family room with gas fireplace & dining room overlooking back yard Total of 4 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, and an office! Excellent central Ladner location close to schools, shopping & restaurants Don’t wait on this fantastic pre build opportunity! Quality craftsmanship & elegance by Ladner Homes Beautifully updated rancher on a lovely landscaped 6,500 square foot lot This home features a stunning new kitchen with quartz counters, gas stove, wine fridge and loads of pot lights. Living room boasts a beautiful new fireplace, dining room, bright and spacious family room overlooking tranquil, fully fenced backyard Master bedroom suite with French doors opening to your garden oasis, a large walk in closet and 3 piece ensuite Total of 3 bedrooms and 2.5 baths. Loads of professional upgrades including kitchen, flooring, lighting. Roof and windows also less than 10 years. Covered patio to enjoy year round! Low maintenance perennial garden Desirable, quiet location One minute walk to park, tennis courts and Hawthorne Elementary school Close to shops and recreation A must to see Photo s are taken from a similar property and may not be exactly the same as what will be in this home. 989 Gale Dr, Tsawwassen 4713 54th St, Ladner 4605 Savoy St, Ladner 5250 Laburnum, Ladner 5196 Whitworth Cres, Ladner SOLDIN AUGUST SOLDIN AUGUST SOLDIN AUGUST SOLDIN AUGUST SOLDIN AUGUST Sold as buyers agent Sold as buyers agent 205, 4698 52A St, Ladner 402, 1369 56 St, Tsawwassen SOLDIN SEPTEMBER SOLDIN SEPTEMBER Sold as buyers agent


A decision on the Terminal 2 (T2) appli cation should be put on hold until the fed eral government has the chance to carefully weigh a competing proposal for container terminal expansion at Roberts Bank in Delta

That is what Global Container Terminals (GCT), the operator of the three berth Deltaport container terminal, is saying regarding its pro posed Deltaport Fourth Berth (DP4) project,

which is winding its way through a lengthy appli cation process

The Port of Vancouver is hoping a decision will be coming before the end of this year on its T2 application, which would see a new three berth terminal constructed on a man made island adja cent to the existing port facility.

GCT contends DP4 can accommodate future capacity demand while having fewer environ mental impacts

The BC Environmental Assessment Office and Impact Assessment

Agency of Canada this May issued joint guide lines on the scope of the assessment for the DP4 application

The application is going through an updat ed, lengthier assessment process compared to the process for port author ity’s T2 application, which was submitted several years ago when an earlier assessment process was still in effect. Engaging with Indigenous nations and organizations, GCT is now in a three year phase, which will be fol lowed by another phase

that could last around two years. The process could be complete around 2027.

GCT spokesperson Marko Dekovic told the Optimist the govern ment should ensure it can properly compare the two projects to see what is least impactful and most beneficial

“A key fact is that Roberts Bank Terminal 2, as proposed, will take at least seven and a half or more years to con struct If you project out when each of the proj ects would be able to be operational, our project is basically earlier or exactly the same time as Roberts Bank Terminal 2, late 2032 or early 2033,” he said.

“Our construction timeline is only about four years because we ’ re building on a much smaller footprint So, the time that we are cur

rently perhaps behind in the environmental assessment process, we quickly make up by the fact our project takes a lot less to construct.”

Noting they’ve con sistently heard from various groups, as well as the City of Delta, that T2 should be paused in order for the govern ment to evaluate both proposals, Dekovic reit erated DP4 would be a privately funded, incre mental project.

Delta Mayor George Harvie wrote to the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada ear lier this year requesting it postpone its decision on T2 until it can be determined which of the proposed projects will have fewer adverse envi ronmental and commu nity impacts

If approved, T2 would not be operated by GCT, but a separate opera

tor chosen by the port authority.

Noting the port authority has yet to identify a private sector terminal operator part ner, GCT also recently said container terminal capacity and the T2 proj ect are not even urgent issues for the west coast or Canada

The Port of Vancouver notes that if T2 is approved, a two phased procurement approach would be followed.

The port says it would select a contractor through a design build or design build finance procurement to build the new landmass and marine structures, then an operator will be selected to build, equip and operate the new terminal through a ter minal concession pro curement.

See related story on page 10.

Rod Binder is a senior business development executive who has spent his career managing marketing and brand building programs for Fortune 500 companies all over North America. Rod has experience

on a number of boards and

including the Parks, Recreation and Culture Commission, Deltassist, and the Delta Police Foundation. Rod’s intimate exposure to Delta’s recreational, development and social fabric makes him well equipped to tackle


A6 The Delta Optimist October13,2022 100YEARS
challenges facing our municipality. @Harvie4Delta ROD BINDER For Council ELECT Authorized by Knut Nordl e Financial Agent for Achiev ng for Delta 778 792 9683
A60 The Delta Optimist October13,2022 100YEARS ROBIN REIMER 604-868-2844 ROBINREIMER.COM ROBINREIMER@TELUS.NET #1 SOUTH DELTA 36 YRS MLS MEDALLION CLUB Seafair Realty 1625 56th Street, Tsawwassen group *BASED ON # OF YEARS QUALIFYING FOR MEDALLION CLUB IN GREATER VANCOUVER REAL ESTATE BOARD 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 & 2021 JUST LISTED $2,499,000 5823 16TH AVENUE, TSAWWASSEN You will not find a gorgeous home like this, built in Beach Grove or Tsawwassen This rare find has just been finished and waiting for you to move in. This outstanding home features 3,100 sq.ft., 1 bedroom suite, gourmet kitchen with wok kitchen, 6 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, large separate building, excellent open floor plan and a large private sunny yard Don't miss this quality built home with high end finishing throughout Come and visit us this weekend for our grand opening Call ROBIN 604 868 2844 PRICE REDUCED GREAT GOLF COURSE VIEW WITH SPACIOUS OUTDOOR LIVING Fabulous 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom condo, centrally located in one of Tsawwassen's finest buildings (La Mirage) This beautiful concrete condo is like new condition with new appliances This condo features great golf course view with fabulous sunny & private outdoor living Condos like this rarely come to market Don't miss this opportunity Call ROBIN 604 868 2844 $859,0003 NEW HOMES COMING IN BEACH GROVE CALL FOR PLANS & DETAILS 604-868-2844 OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY & SUNDAY 2-4PM JUST LISTED #309-4770 52A STREET, LADNER Fabulous 2 bdrm condo in one of Ladner's best building (Westham Lane) Excellent location & walking distance to everything. This unit features great open floor plan, updated flooring, kitchen and bathrooms. This is a well managed building with clubhouse and allows pets!!! Don't miss this one they rarely come on the market. Call ROBIN 604 868 2844 $699,000






Featuring 6 bdrms, 6 bathrms, excellent 2 bdrm suite and spectacular rooftop deck. This rare find is located on a quiet street with many fines homes in Upper Tsawwassen. Home is just totally updated with ouststanding views on a 10,750 sq ft western exposed lot This kind of home does not come to market often, don't miss this one Call for more information

for info.

868 2844


Tsawwssen's Street of Dreams. Spacious executive 4 bedroom & den home situated on huge 10,118 sq ft southwest facing gorgeous private lot on very popular street Large family room, nice kitchen with newer Stainless steel appliances Spacious living room w/separate dining room plus 1 bedroom and den/office downstairs Three bedrooms up, large master bedroom with walk in closet & full ensuite w/ Jacuzzi tub Radiant hot water heat Home built w/4x6 construction, thermal windows, newer drainage, great workshop/shed



October13,2022 The Delta Optimist A61100YEARS Seafair Realty - 1625 56th Street, Tsawwassen group *BASED ON # OF YEARS QUALIFYING FOR MEDALLION CLUB IN GREATER VANCOUVER REAL ESTATE BOARD 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 & 2021 #105-1153 54A STREET TSAWWASSEN $648,000 989 GALE DRIVE TSAWWASSEN $2,100,000 #205-4689 52A STREET LADNER 1142 FAIRWAY VIEWS WYND TSAWWASSEN $940,000 JUST SOLD SOLD SOLD UNDER$2,288,000 CONSTRUCTION 259 54A STREET, TSAW ABSOLUTELY THE BEST BUY Fabulous new home in one of Tsawwassen's finest locations Excellent open floor plan with 5 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, huge games room and totally separate 1 bedroom inlaw suite Home is approx. 3500 sq.ft. on a fabulous western exposed yard on a quiet street Close to parks and schools Nothing like this in Tsawwassen Call now for more info. Robin 604-868-2844 $1,249,000
Custom Designed Home with simply the Best Views in Tsawwassen. This Totally Private 2 Bedroom & Den home has an Outstanding Open Floor Plan to take full advantage of all the spectacular Ocean Sunset Views. There will NEVER be another home like this in Tsawwassen Call for Floor Plans and more Info. Call ROBIN 604 868 2844 PRICED REDUCED
Call ROBIN 604 868 2844
great ground floor 2 bdrm & den condo is centrally located, only steps from town center and all amenities Excellent floor plan that opens onto a totally private sunny yard This beautiful condo is like new condition featuring 1227 sq ft , 2 decks, 2 full bathrooms, private access, private sunny yard and great building This one of a kind condo has never been on the market Don't miss your rare opportunity Call ROBIN 604 868 2844 PRICE REDUCED $739,000 JUST SOLD $899,000
Fabulous 1/2 duplex with great view This beautiful home has excellent floor plan with private western exposed yard Home features 3 bedrooms, den, 3 1/2 bathrooms, 2 full ensuites, master on the main and great floor plan that could accommodate inlaws This unique home works for a lot of lifestyles and won't last so move fast!!! Call ROBIN 604-868-2844 $1,399,000PRICE REDUCED $1,899,000
A62 The Delta Optimist October13,2022 100YEARS Sutton Group - Seafair Realty - 1625 56th Street, Tsawwassen, BC THOR MATSON Licensed Realtor 778-994-8314 TAMMY MATSON Personal Real Estate Corporation www tammymatson com 778-938-5599 THINKING OF A MOVE??? CALL US!!! SERVICE THAT WILL MOVE YOU!!! 5311 10A Avenue, Tsawwassen • $1,588,000 Beautifully UPDATED 4 bed 3 bath home on private, SUNNY & beautifully landscaped 8439 sq ft lot! Gourmet’s kitchen with entertainers’ island overlooks dining area with french doors to sunny deck & private patio with mature gardens great outdoor living & entertaining space! Spacious living room up has warm H/W flooring & beautiful stone f/p. Sizeable family room down has cozy gas f/p & space for entertaining, media room & gym. Bedroom down is ideal home office. Meticulously maintained home that’s ‘move in ready’ and in great central location walk to schools, parks, town center & transit. PRIVATE SUNNY LOT!!! 5082 1 Avenue, 6Tsawwassen 6 4656 Orca Way, 179Tsaw 53 Street, Tsaw Listed byLuxmore Realty SOLD!!! SOLD!!! SOLD!!! 6242 Brodie Place, Ladner SOLD!!! 103-1153 54A Street, Tsaw SOLD!!! 301-1172 55 Street, Tsaw SOLD!!! WANTED!!! 3 BED TOWNHOME AT SEASIDE - WE HAVE BUYERS!!! 5150 Stevens Drive, Tsawwassen • $1,588,000 Beautifully UPDATED 4 bed 3 bath 2828 sq ft home on private, SUNNY & beautifully landscaped 7653 sq ft SOUTH lot! Renovated chef’s kitchen opens to dining area & living room with warm H/W flooring & beautiful stone f/p Expansive wrap around deck off kitchen & sizeable patio below are great outdoor living & entertaining spaces! Lower floor offers spacious family room with cozy gas f/p, flex room & bedroom loads of space for home office, gym & media room Workshop down is added bonus! Back yard with mature gardens is private & sunny! This ‘move in ready’ home is situated on QUIET street steps to SDSS, parks & transit. PRIVATE SOUTH LOT!!! Connecting agents to the community Reach more home buyers and sellers in your market 604 961 9534 |
October13,2022 The Delta Optimist A63100YEARS paulkhara@gmail com Paul Khara ckhara94@gmail com Calvin Khara PAUL KHARA REAL ESTATE GROUP 604.816.4568 Sutton Group Seafair Realty • PENTHOUSE IN SUNNINGDALE • 2 BEDROOM 2 BATHROOM • UPDATED UNIT WITH NEW KITCHEN, BATHROOMS AND LIGHTING • 1 PARKING AND 1 SECURE STORAGE LOCKER • LOCATED IN THE HEART OF LADNER WALKING DISTANCE TO ALL MAJOR AMENITIES 4675 HAWK LANE • 3 BEDROOMS PLUS DEN • OPEN FLOOR PLAN WITH 12 FT CEILINGS IN LIVING RM. • ENTERTAINERS KITCHEN WITH QUARTZ COUNTERS • NEW CARPETS AND INTERIOR PAINT • PRICED BELOW ASSESSMENT! • 4/5 BEDROOM + DEN & FAMILY ROOM-MAIN HOUSE • SEPRATE 1 BEDROOM COACH HOME WITH LAUNDRY • QUAILTY BUILDER WITH 2-5-10 NEW HOME WARRANTY • CONVENIENT CENTRAL LADNER VILLAGE LOCATION • PRICED TO SELL AT $1,988,800 • CALL PAUL FOR INFO. PACKAGE 4903A 53 STREET - NEW COACH HOMES • 7500 SQ.FT RECTANGULAR LOT • LEGAL 1 BEDROOM RENTAL SUITE • PRIME CENTRAL WEST LADNER LOCATION • 4 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHROOMS • 2 CAR GARAGE 4982 57A STREET 101 4488 CAMBIE STREET OPEN SUNDAY 2-4PM 310 4738 53 STREET JUSTSOLD 3610 72 STREETJUSTSOLD 5066 MASSEY DRIVEJUSTSOLD JUSTSOLD JUSTSOLD • 3281 SQ. FT FAMILY FRIENDLY HOME • OVER 7700 SQ. FT PRIVATE LOT • 216 SQ. FT DETACHED HOME OFFICE • 1 BEDROOM LEGAL RENTAL SUITE • ALL BEDROOMS WITH ENSUITE BATH • SOUGHT AFTER CENTRAL WEST LADNER LOCATION • CALL PAUL FOR YOUR PRIVATE SHOWING 6 BEDROOM CUSTOM HOME NEWLISTING SUTTON GROUP SEAFAIR REALTY 1625-56th St., Delta, BC V4M 2B2 www tomyingling com (604) 809 2855 This is Home Proudly Calling Tsawwassen & Ladner home for over 40 years! (604 yinglin Th H #80 4638 Orca Way Welcome to #80 4638 Orca way in Seaside This 3 year old 1,221 sq townhome is walking distance to Tsawwassen beach and the Tsawwassen Springs Golf Course. It features 2 bedrooms plus a den, 3 washrooms and a private garage Seasides ameni�es include a private pool, games room, gym and entertainment space exclusive to residents only No pet or rental restric�ons. Book your private showing today as this won’t last long! $635,000 #104 1153 54A Street This 1,181 sq home ground floor condo features 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and a large south facing pa�o perfect for basking in the sun. Turnkey and tastefully decorated with an open concept, 9 ceilings, updated floors, and paint only two years old. Only half a block away from rapid transit and 2 blocks away from restaurants and stores. This centrally located condo is perfect for those looking to downsize or a young family and is ready for you to call it home. Call today as th s won’t last long! One parking spot and a storage locker Pets and rentals are allowed with restric�ons! $775,000 153 Woodland Drive Welcome to this one-of-a-kind Horst Krause custom home in the execu�ve commun ty “the Terrace” 153 Woodlandfeatures an expansive must-see view of Boundary Bay Mt Baker White Rock, and the North Shore mountains. You are just a 5-minute bike ride to the up-and-coming South lands community and a 10-minute bike ride to Centennial beach. This stunning ocean and mountain view home boasts over 5500 sq featuring 4/5 bedrooms, an entertainment space, a +3-car garage, a gym, an in-home workshop, and an opportunity for an in-law suite. Sit in your hot tub or deck and enjoy watching the eagles soar while drinking your morning coffee$2,150,000 #117 5535 Admiral Way Amazing WATERFRONT Home at PILOTHOUSE Polygons’ bou�que collec�on of waterfront homes in the master-planned community of Hampton Cove. THIS RARE 2B/2B Show Suite FACES the lush courtyard, RIVER, & outdoor sea�ng area complete with fireplace gazebo and access to 16km Millennium Trail. Modern layout, soaring 10’ ceilings, gourmet kitchen, gas stove, full height cabinets, fabulous oversized island, all designed for entertaining. Walk out to your amazing 355sq pa�o with nat gas hookup. Why not launch your boat from the marina that’s just a stone’s throw from your door Join the friendly group for Friday night happy hour You’ll be a member of the 12,000sq Hampton Club w an outdoor pool, hot tub, fitness, gym/pickleball etc., 7min-Richmond 15mn-Vanc. 2 lockers, 15k EV parking AND A/C. Shop the famous Ladner Farmers Market and Tsawwassen Springs Mall *1 EV plus 1 rental pkg$965,000 JUSTSOLD sutton group seafair realty #100-5000 Bridge Street Delta, BC V4K 2K4 MEDALLION CLUB MEMBER 2018, 2019 & 2020 Vicky Hamilton Personal Rea Estate Corporat on cell 778 839 8947 ce 604 946 1255 vicky@homeswithvicky com www homeswithvicky com NEW LISTING $1,479,000 4501 Dawn Place | LOCATION!! Nicely updated 5 bdrm 2800 sq ft executive home on desirable Dawn Place Perfectly suited for growing family with great layout & tons of natural light Updates include: kitchen & powder room (2016), roof (2010) furnace & exterior paint (2017) Additional updates include interior/exterior stonework driveway garage doors, wood mantles, hardwood flooring and bathrooms Main floor features traditional floor plan with updated kitchen, quartz counters & large island plus eating area which opens to a spacious but cozy family room Living/Dining room, powder, laundry & 5th bdrm complete the main floor Upstairs features large primary bdrm/walk in closet & 5 pcs ensuite PLUS 3 more spacious bedrooms & main bath West exposed private backyard is perfect for entertaining & relaxing
A64 The Delta Optimist October13,2022 100YEARS ALLEN SCHWABE 604-644-5664 1625 56th Street, Tsawwassen 604-943 3110 1752 Beach Grove Road, Delta 5466 8A Avenue, 10519Delta Dennis Cres, Richmond 1666 Beach Grove Road, Delta 103-1153 54A Street, Delta $619,000 “Heron Place” Huge 1351 sq.ft. 2 bedroom and Den (could be third bedroom), 2 Bathroom and private 300 square foot garden patio. Central location in the heart of Tsawwassen, very short walk to shopping, transit, recreation, medical etc. No neighbours on either side, very private. Extra bonus side by side parking stalls and well sized storage locker. 4442 Arthur Drive, Delta $1,690,000 This wonderful Sonnenberg-built home has been impeccably maintained and will surely impress. This property is located on prestigious Arthur Drive. This 4 bedroom rancher w/loft residence features 2,738 sqft of living space and sits on a beautiful 8200 sqft waterfront lot with a peaceful slough running behind it. Many extras incl. a kitchen w/quartz counters & glass backsplash, high-end SS appliances, newer roof w/50 year warranty, double wide garage, formal living & dining areas, large master suite w/walk-in closet & ensuite. Interior includes a loft w/extra bedroom & flex space, radiant heating & much more! Centrally located within walking distance to Ladner Village, Memorial Park & both Elementary & High Schools. HELEN PETTIPIECE 604.341.7997 Seafair Realty 4610 52A STREET, LADNER Looking to downsize without compromise. Look no further ONE LEVEL living at it's best. DETACHED 3 BEDROOM RANCHER in highly sought after Laburnum Park Place Located on a no-thru street, within walking distance to shops, amenities, and the waterfront, of Ladner Village. Spacious layout offering extra large Principal Bedroom with custom en-suite shower, 2 Guest Bedrooms, lovely bright formal Living and Dining Room, big Kitchen, with Pantry, Oak cabinets, Granite counters and Stainless Steel appliances Cozy Family Room with gas fire and direct access to covered patio and private yard. Newer Furnace with Heat Pump, Central Air Conditioning, and built in Vacuum Perfect opportunity for 55+ to enjoy living in Ladner's premier retirement community Pets are welcome too Offered at $1,175,000 LABURNUM PARK PLACE DETACHED RANCHER NEW PRICE K A K E N D A L L A Y R E S R E A L E S T A T E 604.250.6981 INFO@KENDALLAYRES.COM KENDALLAYRES COM Sutton Group Seafair Realty 100-5000 Bridge Street, Delta, BC 7376 142 STREET Surrey $1,375,000 Welcome home! This meticulously maintained 5 bedroom home has room for the whole family with 2439sqft of living space on a 8342sqft property. Located on a quiet cul-de-sac and backing onto a private and stunning greenbelt, this home has loads to offer including beautiful gardens, updated windows, furnace, garage door, roof (1 year old), fresh paint, a newer deck, spacious rooms and plenty of storage. Central location close to shops, markets, schools, transportation and recreation. 110-4768 53 STREET Tsawwassen $679,000 CUSTOM RENOVATIONS AND A PRIVATE GARDEN PATIO! This beautiful and bright 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom corner unit radiates style design and quality workmanship throughout. No expenses were spared in the recent renovation; solid wood and full height cabinetry quartz countertops, pot lights and custom lighting, new electrical fixtures, luxury vinyl plank flooring with cork underlay new paint and both bathrooms are completely renovated Centrally located in Ladner’s Sunningdale steps to groceries, restaurants, coffee shops, recreation schools, transportation and more Pets and rentals allowed 1 parking, 1 storage locker and gas and domestic hot water included in maintenance fee. NEWLISTING 4913 47A AVENUE Ladner $929,000 Welcome to Maskeen built Aura! Previously the show suite this end unit, energy efficient, 3 bedroom and den/flex space townhome has plenty to offer. A bright and open concept with 9’ ceilings, a large kitchen island, gas range, quality finishes throughout, designer details, closet organizers, geothermal heating and cooling, on demand hot water, outdoor gas hookup on balcony and a double car garage. Centrally located in the heart of Ladner close to restaurants, shops, school, recreation, transit, parks and more Vacant and easy to show. Quick possession available Call today! FORSALE FORSALE


October13,2022 The Delta Optimist A65100YEARS Seafair Realty 1625 56th Street, Tsawwassen “A trusted Name for 30 Years” 604-868-2827
haron Reimer Views overlooking ocean, mountains & Boundary Bay! Located in Upper Tsawwassen in exclusive Morningside Bareland Strata Development Excellent floor plan with 2885 sq ft , living on the main, 2 bedrooms & 2 baths up and a huge family room & 1 bedroom & bath down with walkout to a private balcony Main floor has large, private patio overlooking views! This is the perfect entertainment home, low maintenance A home & lifestyle that is a very rare find! Call Sharon for viewing or further info at 604-868-2827 OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY 2-4PM 213 MORNINGSIDE DRIVE, TSAWWASSEN $1,299,000 Fantastic location in Beach Grove on a 7,804 sq ft corner lot Property features a 2,944 sq ft house with a great floor plan! Main floor includes a large open great room, living room + media/games room + bathroom Upper floor has 4 bedrms, 2 full baths + laundry room The existing house inside needs to be renovated This property would appeal to a buyer interested in doing a major renovation or a buyer wishing to build a custom or speculation home Great Beach Grove location, 1 block walk to the dyke Call Sharon for viewing or further info at 604 868 2827 LOCATION, LOCATION! 5940 KIRKWOOD ROAD, TSAWWASSEN $1,399,000 NEW PRICE NEW PRICE LANCE HUGHES 604.943.8080 ■ www.lancehughes com LIFETIME MEMBER Re/Max City Realty 16,264 sq.ft private estate lot overlooking Georgia Strait. Walk-through the front door into the grand foyer, and over 5200 sq.ft. of living space Features real hardwood throughout with 5 bedrooms upstairs including gym. The extra large master has 5 pce ensuite & private western exposed terrace Downstairs has gourmet kitchen, family room, billiards room, wine room & office. Double oversized garage & lots of parking Great family home on prestigious English Bluff Road. 645 English Bluff Quality custom built home on a 9300 square foot, beautifully landscaped lot in Pebble Hill. Top quality finishing including: engineered hardwood floors throughout, radiant in floor heating, air conditioning & high end Fisher & Paykel appliances package. 4 extra large bedrooms upstairs & 1 on the main for guests. 2-5-10 home warranty 5269 1st Avenue$2,499,900 $3,599,800 Gorgeous family home in the Upper Terrace on a 8000 sq ft corner lot. Main floor living w/ 4 bedrooms Mup. ove in ready with a recent kitchen renovation byLentel Construction, as well as a fully renovated main bath w/ seamless shower & stand alone tub. Master bedroom has a recently renovated 3 piece ensuite & walk in closet. This home has a European ambience with inviting living room with wood floors, bay window & wood burning fireplace The dream room is the Glass Solarium overlooking the garden w/ vaulted usedceilings year round for dining & entertaining. Lovely South West garden has constant sun & provides harvests with 3 apple trees, grape vines, raspberries, blueberries & lavender Double car garage completes this well loved family home. Newer flooring, windows & furnace 24 Sherwood Place$1,529,000 SOLD RE/MAX City Realty • 5090 48 Avenue, Delta, BC Personal Real Estate Corporation 778.688.5972 TOP 10% OF GREATER VANCOUVER REALTORS® based on realtors sales for 2015-2020 888 51A Street, Tsawwassen $1,649,000 Location is everything! Welcome to this fully renovated family home on a prime Tsawwassen Street. 6 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. AC and hot water on demand Detached 900 sqft workshop/garage with double doors OPEN SAT/SUN 2-4PM 2 263 Parkside St, Tsawwassen MLS# R2712273 • $1,299,000 Southland’s 2 bedroom + den beach cottage with a fully enclosed yard and courtyard access to the community outdoor kitchen with pizza oven and dining area. Interior design is Beach Casual with textural wood laminate flooring on the main + nylon carpet above. Vaulted ceiling with character beam detail. NEWLISTING www tay orbrownrea ty com 604 362 0350 nfo@tay orbrownrealty com @Tay orBrownRealEstate Tay or Brown Personal Rea Estate Corporation Welcome Home! This renovated 5 bed, 2 bath home is a family friendly dream. Offering over 2930 sq ft of updated, open concept & recently renovated space entertaining will be a dream this summer Upgrades include a fully redone + open white kitchen w/ quartz countertops, soft close wood cabinetry, granite composite sink + S/S Bosch applianc. Enjoy the sliding glas doors & all the natural light that they bring. Upstairs has 3 oversized bedrooms w/ 1 bathroom + an abundance of storage space. Downstairs contains a large & bright kitchen/family room, 2.5 bedrooms + 1 bath perfect for your teenagers, parents, or summer guests Sit back & relax in your new deck or large fenced in backyard. Nothing else left to do here but pack your belongings+ move on in. Showings by appt only, book today! For Sale $1,558,000 | 5265 11A Avenue, Delta Just Sold As Buyers Agent $1,599,900 | 5196 N Whitworth Crescent, Delta
A66 The Delta Optimist October13,2022 100YEARS Todd Jackson, B A Personal Real Estate Corpora�on Richard Lowe, RIBC Personal Real Estate Corpora�on Amy Lambert, B A Personal Real Estate Corpora�on Mike Van Straaten, BMgt Realtor Presden sCub 2020 Top1% REBGV 4673 46 Avenue, Ladner $1,288,000 2,120 sq. | 4 bedrooms l 2 bathrooms l 6,598 sq. lot Perfect family home with large deck, private back yard and suite poten�al! Amazing Loca�on with close proximity to town, schools and parks 5563 Frigate Road, Ladner 4395 Savoy Street, Ladner $1,125,000 1,593 sq. | 3 bedrooms l 1.5 bathrooms l 6,000 sq. lot Full of character this Private 3 bedroom Rancher on a 6,000 Sq corner lot is a Charmer. Vaulted ceilings and bay windows bring in an abundance of natural light. Great layout and detached garage w/ lane way. #1-17557 100 Avenue, Surrey $1,150,000 1,945 sq. l 4 bedrooms l 3.5 bathrooms Welcome to Fraser Hill in Fraser Heights Newly built luxurious townhome in unbeatable loca�on End unit with air condi�oning, hot water on demand, double car garage, and 4th bedroom on lower level with full bathroom. 6367 Crescent Ct, Ladner $1,699,000 2,709 sq. l 4 bedrooms + games l 3 bathrooms l 7,987 sq. lot Quiet cul-de-sac loca�on with unobstructed farmland and mountain views, this family home features a master on main, open kitchen, many updates including new flooring and paint. 3480 River Road, Ladner $3,688,000 2,189 sq. | 3 bedrooms l 2 bathrooms | 5 acres lot Sprawling rancher with extensive quality updates set on 5 acres. Includes 3 outbuildings, plenty of parking and storage #104-7680 Minoru Blvd, Richmond $749,000 1,544 sq. | 2 bedrooms | 2 bathrooms l Bentley Wynd 10 ceilings, unique space with covered balcony, large kitchen & ea�ng area 19+ adult oriented complex with outdoor pool, gym & club house 5264 Walnut Place, Ladner $1,399,000 2,054 sq. | 3 bedrooms l 3 bathrooms l 10,882 sq. Centrally located Rancher in culdesac on large lot featuring vaulted cedar ceilings in main living area and south facing yard. Lots of opportunity here! 29 English Bluff, 1Tsaw 408 55 Street, Tsaw SOLD 5379 Rega a Way, Ladner 237 Morningside Drive, Tsaw $1,399,000 2,220 sq. | 3 bedrooms l 3 bathrooms | 4,294 sq. lot WELCOME HOME. Substan�ally renovated duplex style home located in Morningside. Stunning views of the mountains, farmlands & ocean. Double car garage plus over 600 sq of extra full-height storage. 4395 Savoy Street, Ladner SOLD SSOLD OLD SOLD SOLD 5128 Whitworth Crescent, Ladner $1,551,000 2,296sq. |3bedrooms|3bathrooms|7,699sq. lot|In-lawsuite Opportunity to live in one of Ladner’s best neighborhoods with South Facing yard overlooking farmland. Well maintained family home with many updates including new roof in law suite with separate entrance and laundry, workshop with 220 power and large carport with room for the RV or boat! NEW LISTING 4550 Kelly Drive, Ladner $1,249,000 2,155 sq. | 4 bedrooms | 2 bathrooms | 6600 sq. lot Charming 2 level cape cod with updates in prime west Ladner family area. Southern exposed private yard backing onto school with farmland views 183 Woodland Drive, Tsaw $1,699,000 2,617 sq. |2 bedrooms+den|3 bathrooms|8,159 sq. lot A superbly cra ed home in the dis�nguished ‘TERRACE’ neighbourhood. Views, private backyard, plenty of storage, newer roof & me�culously maintained. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 2 4PM 1745 Enderby Avenue, Tsaw $2,499,000 2,635 sq. | 4 bedrooms | 3 ½ bathrooms | 6,039 sq. lot Enjoy family life to the fullest! Custom built ‘Modern Cra sman’ with an a en�on to detail, finishings & luxury appliances. More than a home; a lifestyle!

Connaught Drive

Wonderful Tudor style family home located on Connaught Drive in Pebble Hill. This 2659 sq ft. 4 bedroom & Den plus large games room with separate entrance/stairs has been meticulously maintained by current owners. Gorgeous south facing and private back yard with pool and patio is the perfect set up for entertaining family & guests. Surrounded by mature gardens and trees, this home exudes traditional style and comfort. Large master bedroom with private patio & ensuite, generous size bedrooms and games room make this home the ideal family home providing space for everyone.


5024 Erin Way

Updated Rancher on sunny private 11,399 sq ft lot in upper Tsawwassen. Over 2900 sq ft including a 635 sq ft guest house. 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms in the main house while the detached guest house offers visitors privacy & luxurious comfort with potentially two bedrooms & full bathroom. Large south facing windows

the entertainer’s dream backyard with covered patio & sparkling in-ground pool

hot tub. Open floor plan with renovation including flooring, stunning tile & gourmet kitchen

with stainless steel appliances & quartz countertops. The lovely master retreat has an ensuite & a walk in closet.

central location.

5712 16A Avenue

Fabulous building lot ready to go in Beach Grove! Build up to 2695 sq ft plus bonus attic space on this 49’x110’ (5390 sq ft) lot with West facing back yard in desireable Beach Grove. 2 blocks from Beach Grove Elementary School & SouthPointe Private School, Beach Grove Golf Course, South Delta Rec Center, shopping and restaurants are all minutes away We have very functional & luxurious 4 bedroom & den + 4 bathroom building Plans available. Get building your dream home sooner than you think!

October13,2022 The Delta Optimist A67100YEARS Eugene Knoedler 604.219.3177 Jack Knoedler 604.353.6410 SERVICE AND RESULTS YOU DESERVE Eugene Knoedler PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPORATION 2021 * Meda l on C ub represents the top 10% o Greater Vancouver Rea tors based on MLS sales DELTAREALESTATE NET Independently Owned and Operated RE/MAX City Realty | 5090 48 Avenue, Delta, BC V4K 1V8 | Office 604 943 8080 | Eugene@eugenek ca | deltarealestate net
NEW LISTING $1,550,000 jennifer@jennifermciver com | www jenniferandleanne com | leanne@leannelionello com Jennifer McIver 778-788-5078 Leanne Lionello 604-209-5294 Featured Listing: Ste 402-4977 Springs Blvd $865,000 SUNNY SOUTH FACING PENTHOUSE AT TSAWWASSEN SPRINGS RESORT STYLE LIVING AT IT’S BEST! 2 BED | 2 BATH | 1,017 SQ FT | 2 PARKING | 149 SQ FT PATIO RE/MAX CITY REALTY | 5090 48 AVENUE, DELTA, BC V4K 1V8 | OFFICE: 604.943.8080 | EACH OFFICE INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED Ste 404-5055 Springs Blvd $998,000 Ste 305 4977 Springs Blvd $1,348,000 SOLD SOLD 1265 49th Street $1,998,000 JUSOLD ST SOLD 638 Sandollar Place $1,498,000 Ste 105 1153 54A Street $648,000 JUST SOLD
A68 The Delta Optimist October13,2022 100YEARS NEW PRICE $2,398,000 1008 JACKSON WAY Fantastic 4 bedroom home + legal side suite on Beach Grove Golf Course This 2 storey home with a 5 year old legal side suite is situated on a 12,282sf lot on one of the best streets in Tsawwassen The 4 bedroom home features new windows, formal living & dining room which opens to the covered 570sf deck Golf course views from both the front & back of the home MLS# R2722450 (604) 868-0028 City Realty NEW LISTING $2,999,000 948 TSAWWASSEN BEACH ROAD Spectacular waterfront home with panoramic ocean views This 5 bedroom, 4,000sf home has been extensively renovated, features include Euroline windows & doors, 5 full bathrooms, Control 4 automation & a separate 1 bedroom in law suite on the lower level Spacious decks with frameless glass railings perfect for enjoying the stunning sunsets from your hot tub Once in a lifetime opportunity to paddle board, kayak & anchor your boat right in front of your home MLS# R2727791 Re/Max Real Estate Services 110 3540West41stAve,VancouverV6N3E6 John Nielsen PERFORMANCE Real Estate Service 34 Successful Years The next move is yours... Experience • Knowledge • Professionalism 604.250.8216 CALL JOHN TODAY JUST LISTED! RIVERFRONT PENTHOUSE #311 6263 RIVER ROAD $889,000 The Riverhouse! Spectacular penthouse personifies riverfront living at it's best overlooking the river, marina and breath taking mountain views! This stunning unit offers rancher style living with 10' & 20' ceilings and a spacious loft ideal for an office, crafts and more Amazing features include a fabulous floor plan with a beautiful master w/ water view and a fireplace that also sides onto the living room which enjoys 20' ceilings and nice water views as well The property also includes 2 underground parking spots and an ideal location perfect to moor a boat MLS R2723966 360º TOUR PORT GATEWAY MLS R2681681 360° TOUR INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY! 2975 53RD STREET $5,950,000 Almost square 17 34 acre parcel with 823 ft of road frontage features an English style country home, 5 stall barn hay field and generous pasture area which has been an established equestrian facility for decades The property offers an ideal central location just 5 minutes to Tsawwassen or Ladner, Tsawwassen Mills Mall, BC Ferries DeltaPort Way TFN Industrial Park, transportation and more This parcel is close to BC Railway in an area of transitional properties with amazing future potential Call anytime for more information NEW PRICE! MLS R2604526 360° TOUR SECLUDED EQUESTRIAN FACILITY! 4774 104TH STREET $6,250,000 First time this amazing sec uded 20 25 acre parcel has been offered for sa e since 1955 wh ch is located just off Hornby Dr ve on the quiet section of 104th c ose to Boundary Bay and private member grass a rstr p A 3 bu ld ngs on this property were bu lt n 1972 wh ch includes a sprawling 3,162 sq ft 4 bedroom rancher w/30 + car concrete driveway was substantial y renovated and en arged n 1987 and roof redone 10 years ago The second residence s a 1238 sq ft Woods bungalow presently rented and the spectacular 8 400 sq ft 20 sta barn which was used from day 1 to breed race horses up until 7 years ago s tru y a first class facility complete w th stee roof and cladding Attent on to detail here s second to none nc ud ng chain l nk fencing that surrounds the entire property JUST LISTED! 6435 HAMMERMILL AVENUE $1,688,000 DESIRED Southlands beach community is surrounded by lush farmland and a short walk to premier Centennial Beach one of the best beaches in the lower mainland! This better than new estate cottage with no GST offers almost $30 000 in quality upgrades including beautiful Maple hardwood flooring, poly aspartic garage floor coating, fencing and additional landscaping The farmhouse inspired home features open concept living with European influenced oversize windows throughout and 4 generous sized bedrooms wi/vaulted ceilings in the master & grand 5 piece ensuite The chef's delight open kitchen with huge island features a Bertazzoni duel gas range and Fisher & Paykel fridge with bottom freezer is all open onto spacious living room and amazing game changing sunny West outdoor private patio! BETTER THAN NEW! NO GST! OPEN SUNDAY 2-4PM MLS R2728996 360º TOUR
October13,2022 The Delta Optimist A69100YEARS Sharon Rohwer 604-760 7163 Residential Seniors Specialist Tim Rohwer 604-762-2041 Commercial Residential Specialist T h e D elt a G r o u p . c a Tim & Sharon “We Can Relate” Regency Realty Ltd. 1333 56th St , Delta, BC V4L 2A6 REAL ESTATE QUESTIONS? JUST GIVE US A CALL! OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS IF YOU KNOW THE SECRET! Take advantage of the current real estate market Gus says: Giving is not about making a donation, it’s about MAKING A DIFFERENCE! NEWPRICE • Stunning 2 bedroom 2 bath condo quality built by Sonnenberg Bros. • Bright open floor plan features 9” ceilings, hardwood floors, built 2013 • Gourmet kitchen with granite island eating bar, SS appliances, large master bedroom has spa style ensuite, bright covered deck • Walking distance to all the local amenities (walk score of 76). #302 4689 52A Street $849,000 LADNER BEST LOCATION IN LADNER! THE CANU! JUSTLISTED • Fully renovated 2 Bedroom 1 bath condo in Popular Masters Green • Features laminate flooring, quartz countertops, and SS appliances • Ground floor corner home with private patio in concrete building • Walking distance to Seafair Shopping Center, schools & public transit #105 9320 Parksville Drive $449,000 RICHMOND PERFECT FOR FIRST TIME BUYER! JUSTLISTED • Updated 2 Bedroom 2 Bath (Ensuite) 1245 sf Townhouse • All new interior including kitchen, flooring, appliances, lighting etc etc • Open floor plan, 9’ ceilings, lots of windows. sunny private balcony off kitchen • Bonus resort style amenities plus Discovery trail for biking/walking activities #91, 30989 Westridge Place $629,000ABBOTSFORD BRIGHTON AT WESTERLEIGH!!! JUSTLISTED • Immaculate 3 bedroom 2 bath home..bedroom on main with 2 up • Custom updates-Merit Kitchen with Breakfast bar, custom appliances, French doors etc. • Quiet street centrally located to all amenities..shops, schools, parks & transit 4460 54A Street $1,379,000LADNER WOW! GARDEN PARADISE! CHECK THE BANANA TREES! The Geffke Top 10% in SALES of ALL GREATER VANCOUVER for 37 YEARS#1 at ROYAL LEPAGE REGENCY Rlty for 10 YEARS 51 YEARS OF COMBINED EXPERIENCE SELLING SOUTH DELTA! • Johanna 604-719-7345 Medallion Club 29 Years Stefan B B A 604-767-4038 Medallion Club 11 Years Bonnie Ma Assistant Speaks Mandarin & Cantonese TEAM CALL US FOR A FREE MARKET EVALUATION! REGENCY REALTY 1333 56th St, Tsawwassen (next to Starbucks) (We speak German, Finnish, Cantonese & Mandarin) TO ACHIEVE A SATISFACTORY SALE OR A PURCHASE WORK WITH LOCAL, EXPERIENCED, RELIABLE GEFFKE TEAM! #102 - 1706 56TH STREET, TSAWWASSEN BRIGHT & SPACIOUS, 2 BDRMS, 2 BATHS, 942 SQ FT., SOUTH FACING, 2 PARKING SPACES, 2 CATS OR 2 DOGS NO SIZE RESTRICTIONS! DON’T WAIT, CALL NOW!! MLS# R2728056 CONDO IN POPULAR HERON COVE! NEW LISTING! $629,900 $775,000 4321B 4321 WOLF WAY, TSAW SOLDbyGEFFKE TEAM #9-14959 58TH AVE, SURREY $738,000 SOLDbyGEFFKE TEAM $489,000 #217-1792 STARLING DR, TSAW SOLDbyGEFFKE TEAM $950,000 #32-1700 56TH ST, TSAW SOLDbyGEFFKE TEAM

Metro wants stronger permitting for East Ladner compost facility

Metro Vancouver is proceeding with its application for a judicial review of an Environmental Appeal Board (EAB) decision regarding a controver sial East Ladner organic waste recycling facility’s air quality permit

The review is sched uled to be heard this December.

Information about Metro Vancouver’s plan was released to Delta council by Delta staff regarding the GFL Environmental facility on 72nd Street, responding to a letter of complaint from a local resident regarding the smells

The update notes Metro Vancouver is pro ceeding with its applica tion for a judicial review and the outcome of that process will help clarify the regional district’s

ability to regulate odor ous emissions from the composting facility going forward.

Metro Vancouver issued an air quality permit for the new facil ity in 2018, paving the way for a transition to a fully enclosed compost ing building, which was completed in September 2020

The EAB made sev eral revisions to Metro’s permit, reportedly sig nificantly impacting the regional district’s ability to monitor and regulate the compost facility when it comes to the emission of odorous air contaminants.

“Delta continues to work with Metro Vancouver and the BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy to ensure that they exercise their authority in respect of the GFL facility and confirm compliance with appli

cable regulations,” said Delta staff in their report. “Staff also continue to conduct periodic odour observations in the area and to follow up directly with GFL as they address any operational issues that are contributing to odours in the commu nity”

The update also notes council has consistently advocated for Metro and the province to use their available regulatory tools to ensure the facility is operating in accordance with the appropriate per mits and regulations

“While a significant improvement in odours from the facility has been observed since the upgrades were completed and commis sioned, staff agree that at times there continues to be detectable odours beyond the facility boundary and within East Ladner,” the update report adds

October13,2022 The Delta Optimist A7100YEARS
Drs. Jan & Warren Roberts Get the results you want from experienced dentists who LISTEN, SERVE & CARE. Accepting New Patients 5550 12th Avenue, Tsawwassen • 604 943 3343

Fond memories

HADDEN, Blaine David December 14, 1940 August 20, 2022

Blaine left us the evening of August 20th, surrounded by famiy and frends at the Delta Hospita The consummate dad joker and sarcastic one iner lives on through his wfe Sharen and children here on the Westcoast as wel as famiy in his native Wnnpeg Although he never got hs oft dreamt of salboat here be sure he is saiing into new adventures wth his beloved dogs at hs side

The family wil be honourng hs memory prvately In ieu of flowers, pease consder donating to a child or youth cub as a tribute to Blane’s time with the Sea Scouts

Onine condolences can be made at detafunera ca

Deta Funeral Home 604 946 6040


STRUTHERS, Barbara May (nee Grieves) May 2, 1950 September 27, 2022

It is with much sadness that we announce Barbara’s peaceful passng on September 27, 2022 after enduring the ife steaing effects of strokes she suffered in 2017 Barbara vaianty fought for so ong with so much courage and grace She is now free, like the butterfles she oved Barbara s survived by John, her husband of 52 years; sons Geoff (Yasuko Fujiwara) and Jamie (Aana Kuznetsov); daughter Eissa (Byron Wiliams); sster Laurene Lovick (Pete); sister in law Debbie Strang (Al); brother n law Martin Struthers; her five grand children 2 nieces and three nephews Barbara was passionate about her chldren, her grand children cooking and her church She reished beng caled Nana by her famiy and The Chef by her frends She was a wonderful conversationaist and hostess, who made everyone feel wecome

A celebraton of Barbara’s ife wil be held October 22, 2022 at St John, Shaughnessy Angican Church, 1490 Nanton Avenue, Vancouver at 11:00am A Recepton wll folow in the Trendel Lounge Dress s casual

Pease consder making a donation to Kinvilage Assocation, in Tsawwassen or to the Heart and Stroke Foundation

Onlne condolences can be made at detafunera ca

linger everyday, Remembrance keeps themnear. Place Your Ad Today! 604-362-0586
Deta Funeral Home 604 946 6040 or um & Celebrat on Cen re Ltd
Cremation Packages Available. URN’s starting at Arrangements made in the comfort or your home, our office, by email or fax for your convenience No pressure sales or commission Bakerview only provides what you ask for We are here to help every step of the way Call: 604 574 8822 Email: Bakerview@telus net Head Office 34863 Cemetery Avenue, Mission, BC Community Crematorium & Celebration Centre Ltd $99 found EAR RING found Sep 19th, Tsawwassen Springs Ma l, between Teus/Tm Hortons Cal to D • 604 347 9866 loSt Baseball Glove Baseba g ove, baseballs and score books in red "Maha o" tote bag eft at Be l Park n Ladner on Wednesday, October 5th. 604 725 9904 Seasonal Farm Labourers Req’d n Deta (Yet Chong Farms Inc ) $15 65/hr 5 6 days/wk 40+hrs/wk Production bonus may be ava able Hortcultura work such as; plantng, irrgatng, pruning, sprayng weedng, sorting and harvestng blueberres Exp an asset Empoyment starts approxmately March 1, 2023 Please fax application to 604 946 3143 or email nancychong@dccnet com GARAGE SALES garage SaleS MULTI 5 FAMILY GARAGE SALE Saturday Ony October 15 • 9am 1pm CUL DE SAC 5033 Mariner Place LADNER Somethng for Everyone! MARKETPLACE Wanted COLLECTOR will purchase FIREARMS & AMMUNITION Military & Civilian Modern & Antque Frearms Ca : 604 290 1911 Ema : jimmygunns@gmail com WANTED SASQUATCH SKULL Also purchasing S L VER & GOLD cons, bars, jewery scrap nuggets ster ng, 999+ BULLION, mape leafs bulk siver pre 1969 coins Con co ector BUY NG ENTIRE CO N COLLEC TIONS, old $ & Roya Cana dan Mint cons TODD 250 864 3521 PETS DOG WALKER and SITTER 7 days/wk Dog Walkng Certficate and Pet Frst Ad course can work wth aggressive s Ref s ava Ins d bonded Joe, 778 325 3659 Joeysdogwakng com apartmentS/ condoS for rent Choose your Apartment Rental from one of our well maintained and managed buildings in South Delta: Rental Office 604 948 9111 Inquire about some of our Pet Friendly buildings Please visit our website for availability: barbicanpm ca Sorry, no BBQs permitted Reference required A Div s on of Century Group RENTAL HouSeS for rent Beach Grove, Tsaw 3 BR 2 bath 1800sf Ocean View Cottage Gas stove & fireplace Sep db garage NS/NP Nov1 604 943 3134 office/retail PRIME Lease Space AVAILABLE NOW TSAWWASSEN Office Space 1,197 sq ft Commercial 600 1538 sq ft LADNER Office or Retail 727 sq ft For more information: 604 409 4626 Leasing@centurygroup ca www BarbicanPM ca Storage U STORE IT U LOCK IT 3 Sef Storage Buildings n Tsawwassen to serve you Varous sizes avaiable Contact us at: 604 424 9977 Storage@BarbicanPM ca For more details visit: BarbicanPM ca/Storage MARKETPLACE Call or email to place your ad, Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm 604 362 0586 • 604 653 7851 dtjames@glaciermedia ca • nmather@glaciermedia ca Book your ad on ne anytime at Your Community All advertising published in this newspaper is accepted on the premise that the merchandise and services offered are accurately described and willingly sold to buyers at the advertised prices Advertisers are aware of these conditions. Advertising that does not conform to these standards or that is deceptive or misleading, is never knowingly accepted. If any reader encounters non-compliance with these standards we ask that you inform the Publisher of this newspaper and The Advertising Standards Council of B.C. OMISSION AND ERROR: The publishers do not guarantee the insertion of a particular advertisement on a specified date, or at all, although every effort will be made to meet the wishes of the advertisers. Further, the publishers do not accept liability for any loss of damage caused by an error or inaccuracy in the printing of an advertisement beyond he amount paid for the space actually occupied by the portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred. Any corrections of changes will be made in the next available issue. The Delta Optimist will be responsible for only one incorrect insertion with liability limited to that portion of the advertisement affected by the error Request for adjustments or corrections on charges must be made within 30 days of the ad’s expiration. For best results please check your ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Refunds made only after 7 business days notice! ADVERTISING POLICIES Find a NEW CAREER 604-362-0586 to advertise Discover a world of possibilities in the classifieds! One call does it all! To advertise: 604-362-0586 Sell it in the Classifieds 604-362-0586
October13,2022 The Delta Optimist A71100YEARS HOME SERVICES cleAning Residential Clean ng Serv ce Week Bi Weekly Monthly Move In • Move Out Sophia • 604 805 3376 www pumacleaning com SUNSHINE CLEANING “you’ve tred the rest now try the best ” Move Ins Move Outs, Weekly • B Weeky • Monthy Starting @ $120 cleanings • Window Cleaning • Work guarantee Exc refs 604 716 8631 drAinAge DRAIN Tiles, Sewer, Water, Video Inspection, Jack Hammering, Hand Excavating, Concrete Cutting, Rootering, WET BSMT MADE DRY 604 782 4322 dryWAll DRYWALL Reiabe Work *Res & Comm *35 Yrs Exp Mike 604 789 5268 Fencing Cedar Fencing & Gates Installation & Repairs Pavers • Retaining Walls 604 271 5319 778 863 5319 West Coast Cedar Installations s nce 1991 New • Repaired • Rebu t Fences & Decks 604 788 6458 (no text) cedarnstal@hotmail com LADNER; QUALITY CEDAR FENCING, Insta aton, removal 604 940 1441 604 518 7510 qua itycedar@ cloud com Flooring Hardwood Floor Refinishing Experts • Repars • Staning • Instalation • Free Estmates 604 376 7224 centuryhardwood com gutterS Call Simon for prompt & professional service 30 yrs exp. Gutter Cleaning, Power Washing, Window Cleaning, Roof Cleaning 604-230-0627 gutterS BOUNDARY BAY WINDOW WASHING • Exterior house cleaning • Pressure washing • Gutters Steve Watts 604 943 4134 778 228 5639 HAndyPerSon HANDYMAN • RENOVATIONS •Kitchen •Bath • Pumbng •Countertop •Floors •Pant & more Cal M C for quote: 604 725 3127 S nce 1989 Celebrating 30Years! www mrbuild com RENOS • REPAIRS 9129 Shaughnessy St , Van 604-732-8453 lAndScAPing Start Finish Demo Design PAVERS Driveway Sdewalk Concrete Removal Repace LANDSCAPING, Turf, Hedges, Retanng Wa Patio Dranage 604 782 4322 lAWn & gArden Complete Lawn Care FALL CLEAN UP •Weedng •Fert ze •Trm • Prunng •Moss Contro • Ree Type Lawn Mowng sbgardening@hotmail ca 604 710 1348 • Lawn Cuts & Maintenance • Full Landscape Projects Signature Design Services, Cal for a Yard Makeover! One call does it All! WCB 6049430043 wwwlandplusca 604 771 5340 greensavega den Lawn Cutting Trimming & Pruning Yard Cleanup & Pressure Washing We handle Japanese Beetle Residential & Strata GREEN SAVE GARDENING & LANDSCAPING LTD. moving ABE MOVING & Del very & Rubbish Removal $45/hr per Person 24/7 • 604 999 6020 Affordable Moving From $45/hr 1 3 5 7 10 Ton Trucks Lcensed & Insured Local Long Dstance Free Est Senior Dsc 604 537 4140 www affordablemo versbc com PAinting/ WAllPAPer D & M PAINTING Exterior/Interior Specialist Many Years Experence Fully nsured Top Qua ty • Quck Work Free estimate 604 724 3832 INT/EXT SPECIALIST 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE FREE ESTIMATE 604 723 8434 INTERIOR & EXTERIOR Residential & Commercial 778-984-0666 A. RIGHTWAY PAINTING Ltd 25 years experience Free Estimates 35%OFF SPECIAL FALL PAINTING DISCOUNT Fully Insured 20 yrs. exp • Free Est. INTERIOR & EXTERIOR SPECIALS 10% OFF Call 6047291234 FAIRWAY PAINTING Painting Specials g g 778-895-3503 2 rooms for $400, 2 coats any colour (Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls premium quality paint NO PAYMENT unti Job is completed We do al sorts of wood floor ng and al types of mould ngs. Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a Sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. SUDOKU PUZZLE ANSWERS ON SEPARATE PAGE ACROSS DOWN 1 Towards the mouth or oral region 5 Away to season 8 North central Indian city 12 Emaciation 14 Actress deArmas 15 Away to score in basketball 16 Odd 18 Scripting languages on IBM machines 19 Aright of local jurisdiction 20 Hard, colorless compound 21 Diving seabird 22 Wild goat of the mountains 23 Not shortened 26 Someone who learns from a teacher 30 Is inclined 31 Still asleep 32 Antidepressants (abbr) 33 Town in Surrey, England 34 Indian music patterns 39 Birth control means 42 People tend to be on one 44 Away to keep meat moist 46 Home of the Crimson Tide 47 Pasta type 49 Late 1990s rapper 50 One circuit of a track 51 Surrounded by water 56 Late “Growing Pains” actor Thicke 57 Married couples say it 58 Drool 59 Sicilian city 60 Airline worker perk (abbr) 61 Grayish black mixture 62 Systems, doctrines, theories 63 Midway between east and southeast 64 Athletes who get paid 1 Genus of owls 2 Hindu queen 3 Cain and 4 Hindu female deity 5 Islamic calendar month 6 Changes posture 7 More stubborn 8 Give work to 9 Round maps of the Earth 10 Gathered fallen leaves 11 Popular credit card 13 Separation of church and state 17 Founder of Sikhism 24 They 25 Where you find the milk 26 Institute legal proceedings against 27 The neural structure consisting of the brain and spinal cord 28 Expresses surprise 29 Have a debt to 35 Businessman 36 State on India’s western coast 37 Practice of managing financial risks (abbr) 38 Patty Hearst’s captors 40 Put into service 41 10 year periods 42 Crony 43 Surgical clamp 44 Leave unable to move due to lack of wind 45 Where rockers work 47 Valleys 48 Ancient lyric poem 49 Wise men 52 It lights a room 53 Assert 54 Fifth Roman Emperor 55 Ancient Greek city in Thrace AlArm ServiceS serving De ta since 1995 ALARM & CAMERA INSTALLATION & SERVICE Craig • 604 723 1424 craig@alliedsecurity ca www alliedsecurity ca HAndyPerSon Fencing Hot Spot For Sale call 604-362-0586 Refer to the Home Services section for all your Refer to the Home Services section
A72 The Delta Optimist October13,2022 100YEARS classifieds delta optimist com CALL THE EXPERTSHOME SERVICES PLEASE RECYCLE THIS NEWSPAPER Place Your Ad Today! 604-362-0586 604 786 7145 CallShawn B I G G E R B E T T E R G U T T E R S  Continuous 5”Gutters  Fasc a  Custom Flashings  Soffit  Leaf Screen  Powerwashing  Clean ng and Repairs GUTTER BROTHERS GUTTERS gutter brothers ca Fencing and decking > > Specializing in FenceS and deckS JaSOn WellS 604 948 5296 HOMeSTead SeRViceS Get a Fresh Look Refer to the Home Services section for all your home improvement, decorating, and design needs. #135-7391 Vantage Way, Delta All Garage Doors & Garage Door Motors Sales • Service • Installations 604-940-8918 roofing Re Roofing & Repairs Specialists 20 Year Labour Warranty Ava ab e 604 591 3500 SPECIALIZING IN CEDAR, FIBERGLASS LAMINATES AND TORCH ON L abi y nsurance WCB BBB Free Es ma es 604-946-4333 Bros. Roofing Ltd. Over 40 Years in Business rubbish reMoval “You Call It, We Haul It!” ROD’S HAUL IT AWAY Rubb sh Removal and Recyc ing 778-668-4285 Located n Ladner • So you pay ess • • FULL SERVICE JUNK REMOVAL & Clean-Up at Affordable Rates • Pianos & Hot Tubs No Problem • Booked Appointments • Same-Day Service • Residential & Commercial 20 YARD BIN RENTALS from $249 for a week + dump fees BRADS JUNK 604.220.JUNK (5865) 20 YARD BIN RENTALS from $249/week + dump fees BRADS tree services Tree Removal Stump Grinding Branch Chipping Free Est WCB Loca resdent 34 yrs exp • 604 943 0043 AUTOMOTIVE Detailing Automotive Detailing Automot ve detailing ava ab e at the Coast Tsawwassen Inn, 1665 56 st Located n the un derground park ng ot Or at your home or office 778 725 4001 scraP car reMoval VEHICLE REMOVAL CASH FOR ALL! Servng Delta & area snce 1986 Call 604 649 1627 www deltascrap ca TODAY'S PUZZLE ANSWERS Looking to do some Refer to the Service Directory for all of your home improvement, decorating and gardening needs. Home Improvement? renos & hoMe iMProveMent RDM ENTERPRISES • • • For All Your Household Additions & Renovations • • • Interior & Exteror Finishing Fences & Decks Ktchens & Bathrooms Pumbing Refs Ava Free Est Local Resdent & Servng Deta for over 20 yrs • • • Call Rob 604 830 9401 Since 1989 604 732 8453 mrbuild@mrbuild com Need anything done or repaired?  RENOS  REPAIRS  PAINTING  TILING  DOORS  WINDOWS  DECKS  FENCES  ROOFING  GUTTERS □Renos □BathRooms □RePaIRs □PaIntInG □tILInG □DooRs □KItchens □WInDoWs □DecKs □Fences □RooFInG □GUtteRs roofing A 1 Contracting & Roofing New & Re Roofing • Al Types All Maintenance & Repa rs GUTTER CLEANING Gutter Guard Installations • RENOVATION WORK • WCB 25% Discount • Emergency Repairs • Jag • 778 892 1530 a1kahlonconstruction ca NEW ROOFS & REPAIRS Gutter Cleaning • $145 Free Est • GLRoofing ca 604 240 5362 renos & hoMe iMProveMent PluMbing • Hot Water Tanks • Plumbing • Heating • Furnaces • Boilers • Drainage • Res. & Comm. • 24/7 Service 604-437-7272 Power washing Call Simon for prompt & professional service 30 yrs exp. Gutter Cleaning, Power Washing, Window Cleaning, Roof Cleaning 604-230-0627 ProPerty Maintenance Property Maintenance $150.00 Gutter C ean ng, Garden ing, Driveway Sea ng & Pressure Washing. 604 209 3445
October13,2022 The Delta Optimist A73100YEARS Please take the time to read this week’s issue of the Optimist, and consider the value of what’s in it. If you like what you read and see, then please consider a voluntary subscription for $50 for the year*. *plus taxes It’s as simple as signing up at or calling 604-946-4451 Cheques may be mailed to: Delta Optimist 5008 47A Avenue, Delta, BC, V4K 1T8


A74 The Delta Optimist October13,2022 100YEARS Renderings are artistic renditions only Layouts, materials specifications features, project design and pricing are for illustration only and subject to change without notice This is not an offering for sale Any such offering can only be made with a disclosure statement Errors and Omissions Excepted (E.&O.E.) | 604.636.2220 DISCOVERY CENTRE OPEN DAILY 11AM 4PM | 6388 MARKET AVE, TSAWWASSEN 1 BED FLATS FROM $660K | 2-3 BED STACKED TOWNHOMES FROM $950K A LIMITED RELEASE OF 17 DESIGN FORWARD FLATS & TOWNHOMES IN VIBRANT MARKET DISTRICT A BEACH COMMUNITY ROOTED IN FARMING AND FOOD 3RD AVE MARKETAVE B O U N D A R Y B A Y R D ALL YOUR NICE-TO-HAVES INCLUDED.
Garden flats and stacked townhomes feature private walk up front doors opening to a pedestrian friendly street or courtyard. Intelligent kitchens inspire gourmet meals, and parties spill onto spacious, covered patios and balconies. Sunlight and sea breezes flow through large windows on opposite sides Just a short walk to beautiful Centennial Beach, farmers’ market, and a new Four Winds restaurant and craft brewery. Set amongst over 400 acres of farm fields and natural parkland. Quintessentially Southlands.OVER 50% SOLD

PUBLISHER: Pierre Pelletier ppelletier@delta-optimist

EDITOR: Ian Jacques ijacques@delta optimist com

SPORTS: Mark Booth mbooth@delta-optimist com


Sandor Gyarmati sgyarmati@ delta-optimist com

Mark Booth mbooth@delta-optimist com


DIGITAL SALES MANAGER Marianne LaRochelle mariannel@glaciermedia

SALES REPRESENTATIVES: John Gallinger jgallinger@ delta-optimist com

Ruth VanBruksvoort rbruks@ delta-optimist com

Lee Fruhstorfer lfruhstorfer@delta optimist com

SALES SUPPORT: Linda Calendino lcalendino@ delta-optimist com

DISTRIBUTION: Kristene Murray 604 946 5171 kmurray@glaciermedia ca

Roya Sarwary rsarwary@delta optimist com

CLASSIFIED 604 444 3056

Getout andvote

Seven hundred and seventeen. It’s a random number a number that likely no one out there but me will care about I care about this number because I was voter 717 at an advance polling station at municipal hall in Ladner on Thursday, Oct 6 the third and final day of advanced voting here in Delta

I wear the number 717 with pride knowing that I performed my civic duty and voted in this municipal election.

Voting in any election has always been a big deal for me. It is something that I do not take for granted It is something I feel privileged and hon oured to do

I know the sacrifices that many before me made to give me the oppor tunity to choose. To make my voice heard

And I was not the only one who rec ognizes the importance of the voting process.

According to the City of Delta, 4,026 registered electors in Delta made their choice in the advanced polls

That number is an encouraging sign of engagement from Deltans

In the 2018 municipal election there were 73,110 registered electors with 31,434 (43 per cent of total registered electors) casting a ballot, with 5,163 voting in an advanced poll

Delta had one of the largest turnouts in the province My hope is that this time around we meet or exceed that total

Notwithstanding the importance of provincial and federal elections, municipal elections are, in my view, the most important of the three

We elect people to represent us at the local government level to make decisions that affect our daily lives right here in our own community How much in tax do we pay? Do we have adequate water, garbage removal and sewer services? Will we get that new sports field or playground for our kids?

All things that matter All things that you have a say in simply by visiting your polling station on Saturday and marking in your ballot

Do your part this Saturday Get out and

Brandrith Family 1934

Continuous sunshine and warm temperatures are making me anxious

I’ m trying to relax and enjoy our record break ing sunny and warm autumn, but it’s hard I’m tired of watering my garden and the pollution is getting worse by the week.

It is mind bending that we are in level five drought condi tions with another two weeks of this weather pattern to go.

I’ve never missed rain like I do this year. Where is it? I believe it’s stuck out in the Pacific Ocean avoiding the great northwest

In June after a long wet spring I was desperate for some sunshine and warmth, little did I know what was coming.

For now, there are no fall weather patterns in sight, just sunny skies and record break ing temperatures. I’ll say it again, can you believe this weather?

I shouldn’t complain, look what Hurricane Fiona and Hurricane Ian did to the east coast.

Sunshine is not a climate emergency, but it feels abnor mal We’ve experienced the



warmest September on record and no rain in sight this time of year is unheard of

Our poor forests are tinder dry, and our parched cedars are at risk of burning.

Rivers are running low and we ’ ve lost thousands of spawn ing salmon Salmon are used to dealing with drought, and they will adapt, but their numbers will drop again next year.

Gardening icon Brian Minter reminds us to water our gardens and our lawns Losing trees and shrubs is bad for the environ ment Your lawn only needs an inch a week to keep it alive.

He also advises watching

out for boulevard trees and hedges that need a drink They have been stressed since July and are not used to being in drought conditions this long.

Luckily our Metro Vancouver watersheds are still healthy Unlike the Sunshine Coast which has a long history of water shortages

Municipal leaders have not had the political will to improve water storage on the Sunshine Coast, and so it’s come to closing ice rinks to preserve water

This all makes for a good reminder to vote this weekend Vote for the candidates who are willing to make proactive decisions regarding climate change for the inevitable weather emergencies to come.

It’s going to be a sunny day on Saturday, so there’s no excuse not to get out and vote

Meanwhile I’m trying to enjoy the non stop sunshine because I know the rain is coming

At least I think it is?

Ingrid Abbott is a freelance writer who can’t wait to smell the rain soaked air

A8 The Delta Optimist October13,2022 100YEARS Canadian Publications Agreement #212490 Thursday’s circulation is 17 500 This paper is made of 40% recyc ed newsprint and printed using vegetable inks
The Delta Heritage Society is pleased to
celebrate 100 years of the Delta
Come visit us at the Douglas J Husband Discovery Centre And remember, we are always on the lookout for new artifacts and archival records that help us tell the story of Delta
This 1934 photograph depicts members of the Brandrith family at the old Brandrith home at Hope Farm on Raitt Road that at the time was likely owned by John Brandrith The occasion was the 70th birthday of Rachel (Granny) Brandrith Delta Archives 2022 020 029
The Delta Optimist is a member of the National Newsmed a Counc l, which is an independent organization established to deal with acceptable journa istic practices and ethica behaviour If you have concerns about editorial content please contact the editor at ed tor@de ta optimist com or 604 946 4451 If you are not satisfied w th the response and wish to f le a forma comp aint visit the webs te at mediacounc l ca or call toll free 1 844 877 1163 for additional nformat on OPINION Editor’sNote IAN JACQUES Entire Contents © 2022 The Optimist A l Rights Reserved Community
Published every Thursday by the Delta Optimist a division of LMP Publication Limited Partnership 5008 47A Avenue, Delta, BC V4K 1T8 Phone 604 946 4451 Deliveries 604 946 5171 wwwdelta-optimist com




I read with interest the article, Teacher’s Association says parents can opt out of FSA tests (Optimist, Oct 6)

The Delta Teacher’s Association (DTA) says that preparing students for the FSA does not teach them useful things for real life.

It got me thinking about what both my (now adult) daughters said about a planning course while at Delta Secondary They did not learn any thing that prepared them

for real life after high school

Here is a thought: while they did learn about budgeting, why not teach them things that they will actually need to know such as: how to fill out a T1 general tax return, buying versus leasing a car, what to look for when renting an apartment, negotiating a car purchase, building wealth with TFSAs, RRSPs and cash flowing proper ties, how to start a small business, etc.

Although this plan

ning course does teach them how to apply for post secondary school, not everyone does that immediately after high school I would love to see students learn these valuable life skills prior to graduating high school, especially skills that they will actually use I encourage teachers to add these topics to their curriculum or at the very least, have guest speakers come in and present the topic if they are not famil iar with it themselves.

A baffling disconnect


I was struck by the baf fling disconnect between two articles in your Sep 29 issue.

On page 4 the article, titled, City seeks senior government cash to prepare for rising seas, describes the City of Delta’s plans to raise Delta’s dikes, with assis tance from upper level governments, in prepara tion to face the climate crisis.

Ten pages further on the article titled, FortisBC’s LNG proj ect draws fire from opponents, states that

the municipal govern ment of Delta has not expressed opposition to the Tilbury expansion (Vancouver, Richmond, New Westminster, and Port Moody have). The expansion of the Tilbury FortisBC plant brings Delta into the global industry expansion of LNG use

Natural gas combus tion produces less CO2 than burning coal or diesel. This apparent benefit is negated by the release of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, in the extraction (frack ing), transportation, and

processing of natural gas Climate scientists say that rising production of natural gas is emerging as one of the biggest driv ers of climate change

The City of Delta has entrapped itself, believ ing that raising dikes will offset economic benefit from processing fossil fuels This lack of imagi nation has been called the “Great Derangement” by Amitav Ghosh Voters in the upcoming munici pal election should ask their candidates their opinions on FortisBC’s LNG project.

Cruise ship proposal is a bad idea


So, Robin Silvester wants to bring the massive cruise ships that won’t fit under Lions Gate Bridge to the port/ ferry terminal here in South Delta (Optimist, online article, Sept 30) Do people realize what this would do to our already over indus trialized community?

These are the mega

ships carrying many thousands of people, these ships are huge polluters and pour all those tourists onto god knows how many buses to be driven to all the hot spots in Vancouver, that’ll be great for our traffic. They won’t be hanging out in Ladner or Tsawwassen, they eat on the ship so restau rants won’t benefit.

We live on the Fraser River and Pacific Ocean with beautiful irreplace able natural lands, migratory bird paths, and precious sea life, not to mention all the agricul tural land, all of which Mr Silvester seems intent on destroying.

I hope all levels of gov’t are paying atten tion

Your neighbour is my neighbour


Based on United Nation’s prediction the world population will reach eight billion on

Nov. 15, 2022. How should we cel ebrate this event?

Maybe we should have another civic holiday

declared and have a party with our neighbours

Your neighbour is my neighbour, too!

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