Notice is hereby given that Delta City Council will consider giving first, second, and third readings to the bylaws referenced below at its Regular Meetingat4:00p.m.onMonday,June5,2023intheNorthDeltaCentrefortheArts,Theatre,1142584Avenue,Delta,BC,andbyelectronicmeans asauthorizedbytheCouncilProcedureBylawNo.5000.
WATCH LIVE: The Regular Meeting will be broadcast live at Members of the public who do not wish to attend may listen andwatchtheproceedingsontheCity’swebsite.VideorecordingsarearchivedontheCity’swebsite.
Proposal:TorezonethesubjectpropertyfromSingleDetachedResidential2(RS2)toSingleDetachedResidential6(RS6)topermitsubdivision intotwosingledetachedresidentiallotsandconstructionofanewdwellingwithanatticandasecondarysuiteoneachlot.Thisapplicationis consistentwithDelta’sOfficialCommunityPlan.
Proposal:TorezonethesubjectpropertyfromSingleDetachedResidential2(RS2)toSingleDetachedResidential7(RS7)topermitsubdivision intotwosingledetachedresidentiallotsandconstructionofanewdwellingwithanin-groundbasementandasecondarysuiteoneachlot This applicationisconsistentwithDelta’sOfficialCommunityPlan.
Location:1181280Avenue Applicant:JaswinderBola
Proposal:TodischargeLandUseContractS.A No.LU-76-1andrezonethesubjectpropertyfromSingleDetachedResidential1(RS1)toSingle DetachedResidential7(RS7)topermitsubdivisionintotwosingledetachedresidentiallotsandconstructionofanewdwellingwithanin-ground basementandasecondarysuiteoneachlot
(a) Section11.70.6of“DeltaZoningBylawNo.7600,2017”byreducingtheminimumexteriorsidesetbackfrom6.5mto5.85mforanaccessory structureonproposedLot1;and
(b) Section 7.2 of Schedule A of “Delta Subdivision and Development Standards Bylaw No. 7162, 2015” by reducing the minimum required cornertruncationatanintersectionofacollectorroadfrom6mx6mto3mx3m.
Materialsrelatedtotheproposalssuchastheproposedbylaws,detailedmapsandotherinformationmaybeinspectedatDeltaCityHall,4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent,Delta,BC, MondaytoFriday,excludingstatutoryholidaysfrom8:30a.m.to4:45p.m.fromThursday,May25,2023toMonday,June5,2023.
Ifyouhaveageneralinquiryregardingtheproposedbylawsorifyouwouldlikeassistancetoinspectanyrelevantdocumentation,pleasecontacttheDevelopmentDepartmentbyemail atcpd@delta.caorbyphoneat604-946-3380.
Correspondence received up to 12:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 31, 2023 will be included in the Agenda package. Correspondence received after and up to 10:00 a.m. on Monday,June5,2023willbeprovidedtoCouncilinaseparatepackagepriortothestartofthemeeting.Allcorrespondencewillformpartofthepublicrecordforthisproposaland mustincludeyournameandfulladdress.
Thosewishingtoprovidecommentonproposedbylawsmaydosointhefollowingways: OR
Writeto:MayorandCouncil CityofDelta
4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent Delta,BCV4K3E2
STEFAN LABBÉ Glacier MediaA controversial port expansion project at Roberts Bank south of Vancouver is facing a judicial review after three environment groups claimed its operations will jeopardize the survival and recovery of the already endangered southern resident killer whale population.
The Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Project proposed by the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority and approved by the federal government last month is part of the Canada Pacific Gateway area, the country’s most important trade corridor and a shipping nexus where more than $275 billion in goods transit every year
Built on a new man-made island adjacent to the current Deltaport container facility, the expansion project is expected to increase the port’s capacity by 50 per cent. Without the expansion, the federal government says $3 billion in added GDP would be put at risk by capacity shortages.
Approval for the project came with 370 legally binding conditions to protect the environment and prevent harm to local species. But in a request for judicial review filed in a Vancouver federal court last week, the Georgia Straight Alliance, David Suzuki Foundation and the Western Canada Wilderness
Committee allege Ottawa’s approval of the project breaches federal laws designed to protect endangered species.
“This is a really big container shipping terminal and a very bio-diverse place in the Fraser River estuary,” said Dyna Tuytel, lead lawyer for the plaintiffs “Regardless of the government’s other goals, such as trade goals, or economic goals, they ultimately have a responsibility to follow their own laws, including the Species at Risk Act
“It’s a mandatory set of requirements.”
Tuytel says a number of species such as the barn owl, sandpipers and a number of aquatic species like Dungeness crabs could be negatively affected by the terminal expansion But the case will hinge on several feasible measures to protect killer whales that the federal government failed to require as part of the project approval.
Alex Munro, a spokesperson for the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority, said Roberts Bank Terminal 2 is “essential for Canada” and maintaining capacity over the long-term Munro said the port authority has consulted nearly 50 Indigenous groups over the project since 2011, and that it was “proud of our close collaboration”
He pointed to “landmark relationship agreements with Tsawwassen First
Nation and Musqueam Indian Band.”
“Our focus is on advancing the project under our public-interest mandate in a way that protects and enhances the environment, is reflective of Indigenous priorities, and considers the needs of local communities,” Munro said.
The request for judicial review calls on the federal court to quash approval of the Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Project. That could lead to two outcomes, said
Tuytel: a full rejection of the project, or if possible, approval that includes “all feasible measures ” to prevent jeopardy to the survival and recovery of the southern resident killer whales
The federal government and the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority, both named in the case, have 10 days to file a response Tuytel expects the case to end up in court sometime near the end of 2023.
IAN JACQUESijacques@delta-optimist
comLadner Rotarians have once again stepped up to help create a significant project for the betterment of the community.
On Tuesday, Rotarians met with the City of Delta in front of the construction on a new plaza at the entrance to Ladner Village. Construction began on March 16
The project involves infrastructure and electrical upgrades to support new landscaping, seating, and lighting, including the construction of a new beacon sign for the village
With the help of the Rotary Club of Ladner, the project will also see the installation of two new E-bike charging stations and a large timber drifter bench. These additions will encourage visitors to explore Ladner Village in an easy, sustainable manner, while also providing a social space within the Plaza.
“The Rotary Club of Ladner has been extremely supportive of our work and has played a valuable role in promoting and elevating social spaces to foster community growth,” said Mayor George Harvie “Their
contribution to this project provides an essential element to Ladner Village that allows visitors to thoroughly explore this wonderful area and all the businesses that call the Village home.
The Rotary Club of Ladner has made several significant contributions to Ladner over the years, notably with the recent installation of the Ladner Rotary Splash Park in 2018.
The Rotary Club of Ladner will contribute $25,000 to the Ladner Plaza project. As part of the agreement, signage will be placed on site recognizing the support from the Club. The project is expected to be completed by late summer 2023.
“Once again the Rotary Club of Ladner has met its commitment to provide funding for a partnership with the City of Delta,” said project chair Irene Forcier. “It is one of many projects the City has allowed Rotary to be involved with. Other projects include the Rotary Storey Walk and a major project that will be welcomed back when the weather changes, the sun arrives and the local children can once again utilize the Rotary Splash Park,
with a theme of local farming, located in Memorial Park. Also in the park are barbecues and
an upgraded Gazebo provided by Rotary. A future project is in the works and we are con-
tinuing our relationship with the City to improve our community”
Police Day in Delta
Canadian and New Zealand authorities make major meth bust
Seizure examined in Tsawwassen
IAN JACQUESijacques@delta-optimist
comCanada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has announced a major drug seizure in a joint operation with New Zealand Police and New Zealand Customs Service.
In a news release lastThursday, the CBSA announced the seizure of 140 kg of methamphetamine at the Tsawwassen Container Examination Facility
The shipment was identified based on intelligence provided by the New Zealand Police and New Zealand Customs Service.
According to the
news release, on March 30, CBSA officers conducted an examination of a container that was bound for export and believed to be destined for New Zealand With the assistance of the Metro Vancouver District Detector Dog Service, officers discovered a white, crystal-like substance in the machine, which was tested and returned positive for methamphetamine.
Multiple CBSA units, including teams in the Metro Vancouver District, Metro Vancouver District Marine Commercial Operations and Pacific Region Intelligence Section, collaborated with New Zealand
Police and New Zealand Customs Service on this successful interception.
The investigation has now been turned over to the RCMP.
No charges have been announced as of yet.
“I am proud of the dedication and hard work demonstrated by our officers in partnership with the New Zealand Police and New Zealand Customs Service,” said Nina Patel, CBSA regional director general for the Pacific Region. “This seizure is an excellent example of how the CBSA collaborates with international law enforcement agencies to disrupt criminal activity at our borders.”
Notice is hereby given that Delta City Council will consider adopting the bylaws referencedbelowatitsRegularMeetingat4:00p.m.onMonday,May29,2023inthe CouncilChamber,DeltaCityHall,4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent
Inter-municipal TNS Business Licence Agreement Bylaw No. 8270 and Inter-municipalTNSBusinessLicenceBylawNo 8271
At the May 1, 2023 Regular Council meeting, Inter-municipal TNS Business Licence Agreement Bylaw No. 8270 and Inter-municipal TNS Business Licence Bylaw No. 8271 wereintroducedandgivenfirst,second,andthirdreadings.BylawNo.8270willauthorize theCitytoenterintoanewinter-municipalregulatoryschemetoenabletheDistrictof Hope,theDistrictofKent,andtheCityofMissiontojointheInter-municipalTNSBusiness Licenceforride-hailingandBylawNo.8271willestablishtheinter-municipalregulatory schemewithinDelta.
Thosepersonswhoconsiderthemselvesaffectedbytheproposedbylawsareinvitedto submitwrittencommentstoCouncilasfollows:
Email: OR Writeto: MayorandCouncil
Written submissions received up to 12:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 24, 2023 will be includedintheAgendapackage Writtensubmissionsreceivedafterandupto10:00a.m. onMonday,May29,2023willbeprovidedtoCouncilpriortothemeeting.Allwritten submissionswillformpartofthepublicrecordandmust include your name and full address.
Formoreinformationontheproposedbylawamendments,pleasevisittheCity’swebsite atDelta.caforthestaffreport–Item#6ontheMay1,2023RegularCouncilAgendaor contactthePropertyUseandComplianceDepartmentat604-946-3340.
JoinourguestspeakersfromFireSmartBCandalsolearnabout Delta’sFuelMitigationprojects.Kidswillalsogettomeet EmbertheFireSmartmascot!
ThiseventwillfocusontheFireSmartprogramandhowtotake actionstoprotectourhomesandreducethethreatofdamaging wildfiresbyisreducinganyflammablematerialsaroundyourproperty.
Improvements coming to to Ladner’s Cromie Park
SANDOR GYARMATI sgyarmati@delta-optimist comThe City of Delta has issued a request for bids for the construction of a new, expanded parking lot at Ladner’s Cromie Park
The project at the 42B Avenue site includes the removal of the existing parking lot and gravel field structure and the installation of the new asphalt lot.
The project will also include new bioswale, curbs and gutters. A new storm sewer will also be installed with manholes, catch basins and lawn basins
New parking lot lighting will also be installed
Additional off-site
work includes a new concrete sidewalk complete with curb and trench paving.
It’s all part of a new a master plan that features other general park improvements at the site
The city says the existing path connection to Ladner Elementary will be retained.
Meanwhile, the city several weeks ago said it will investigate further noise strategies for pickleball courts at the park, which were installed in 2020
Council received a letter from a concerned resident, along with a petition with almost 20 names, asking for the pickleball courts at the
park to be removed.
Staff noted the B.C. Recreation and Parks Association recently released newly developed provincial guidelines to inform municipal noise mitigation strategies as a first step in the process of pickleball guideline development in B.C.
The Parks, Recreation and Culture Department told the Optimist there are some acoustic dampening products that may be viable, including some that are similar to a windscreen that is in place around the Cromie courts, but with sounddampening qualities. However, further evaluation is needed.
Rental apartments proposed for former foreign student dorm
sgyarmati@delta-optimist com
The owner of a former student dormitory in Ladner has applied to the City of Delta to turn the building into a rental complex
The proposal would see the building at 5681 Ladner Trunk Rd allowed to be used as a shared rental accommodation complex on a temporary basis for three years
The application by Parwinder Bhandal with Ladner Homes Ltd is a bylaw amendment that council will consider at their May 29th meeting
The building, which has 29 individual sleep-
ing units, is currently vacant.
Located at the corner of 57th Street, council in 2011 gave the green light for a foreign student dormitory to operate at the building.
Golden Landmark International Education Inc. converted the former seniors’ care home into a home for foreign students enrolled in the Delta School District’s International Student Program
Up to 50 students and five adults, mostly from Mainland China, resided at the property.
The building was originally built as a singlefamily dwelling and was rezoned to personal
care in 1967 to permit a seniors’ care facility.
In 1988, a development permit was issued for the property to allow a two-storey addition to the front of the building to provide an elevator, lounge extension, office and smoking room, in addition to some landscaping improvements
In 1990, a development permit was issued to allow a single-storey addition.
In total, the building currently has over 10,600-sqaure-feet in floor area
The last seniors’ care facility at the site, known as Heritage House Intermediate Care, closed in early 2009
DeltaEngineeringOperationsandParksOperations arepleasedtoinviteyoutoour
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Deliveries 604-946-5171 wwwdelta-optimist com
Pierre Pelletier ppelletier@delta-optimist com
Ian Jacques ijacques@delta-optimist com
Sandor Gyarmati sgyarmati@delta-optimist com
Mark Booth mbooth@delta-optimist com
Jim Kinnear
Marianne LaRochelle mariannel@glaciermedia ca
John Gallinger jgallinger@delta-optimist com
Ruth VanBruksvoort rbruks@delta-optimist com
Lee Fruhstorfer lfruhstorfer@delta-optimistcom
John Avdic javdic@delta-optimistcom
Linda Calendino lcalendino@delta-optimist com
Kristene Murray 604-946-5171 kmurray@glaciermedia ca
Roya Sarwary rsarwary@delta-optimist com
Timeto celebrate
Ihope we all had a restful May long weekend, because you are going to need that rest to be able to enjoy the flurry of community events that are coming up
The community fun starts this weekend as the 127th annual May Days celebration begins Friday night at Memorial Park in Ladner.
This Ladner tradition is ‘Super Hero’ sized this year with many added twists that will be sure to delight young and old.
In today’s print edition we have an eightpage special section to get you primed for the weekend All of that editorial content will also be on our website.
So head out to the park and enjoy the midway, games, mini-donuts and cotton candy, the beer garden, parade on Sunday and the crowning of the Royal Court. The weekend is sure to have something for everyone in your family to enjoy
Next weekend is Ladner Bandfest in Memorial Park and the popular Shrine Club salmon barbecue with the opening of the Ladner Village Market on June 11
The fire department is hosting its open house on June 10, the first summer concerts in the park is on June 13 at Memorial featuring the always entertaining Delta Music Makers.
Sidekick Players is presenting a new show at the Tsawwassen Arts Centre, West Coast Chicago – an awesome Chicago tribute band plays Genesis Theatre at the end of the month and in between are a host of other community concerts, and community events of which we will have more details on in the coming weeks.
The pandemic put life as we know it on hold and events such as the ones I have described were non-existent In the coming weeks and months there will be ample opportunities to come together and enjoy our community It truly will be a time to celebrate
Spring has arrived and so have the bikers
Well, I did it
After some opposition and concern from family and friends, I went ahead and bought myself a motorcycle.
I had a bike many years ago before my kids were born. It’s sitting in the garage where it has been parked since 2001 I’ve been meaning to get it back on the road, but don’t really have time to get it running right now. One day I will It’s so old it now qualifies for a collector licence plate.
In the meantime, I bought another one Actually, I bought it last August, so it’s been sitting beside my other bike, waiting for nice weather No wonder I can’t get anything into my garage.
I used to put plates on the bike around mid-March
With six months insurance, that took me to mid-October,
just when it’s starting to get too cold (at least for me) to ride But this year, it sat longer, waiting for the weather to turn. Thankfully, a couple weeks ago, in mid-May for goodness sake, we started getting some warmer weather.
Things have sure changed since I used to ride There is a lot more traffic, but people still do the same crazy stuff as before. I took a motorcycle training course even before I
bought my first street bike just to be safe I’m thankful I did
One thing they teach is to keep your head on a swivel, always looking at what’s around you and anticipating what could happen ahead. I keep it even simpler than that I just assume that everyone and everything on the road is out to kill me.
There’s nothing like the feeling of riding a motorcycle Sure, there’s lots of traffic and you have to be careful, but inside that helmet you are in a world of your own. Being in the open with nothing around you, travelling down a long and winding road, there’s a certain freedom that you don’t get driving a car. It’s just you, the road, two wheels and an engine.
Now that the weather is getting better, motorcycle season is in full swing Please keep an eye out for us. We’ll be watching for you as well.
Re: Premier Eby supports Delta port expansion (Optimist, May 11)
The Roberts Bank Terminal 2 (RBT2) expansion approved by Ottawa has now been publicly endorsed by Premier David Eby before the provincial stage of the assessment process has even started, and prior to the invitation for public input.
Eby’s unequivocal confidence in the economic benefits and environmental safety of RBT2 indicates that B C’s assessment process may well be decided by his foregone conclusions
The federal review
panel chose to ignore scientifically sound arguments from impartial sources arguing that the Port could never mitigate the environmental damage. Instead, they accepted economic and scientific reports from companies on contract to the Vancouver Port Authority Almost all information in support of the project was from these companies, who had future business incentives to make the project look benign When I expressed my concern about this conflict of interest to the assessment panel, their response was that federal
reviews are always done this way.
Virtually all of the impartial science came from concerned citizens or scientists at Environment Canada, who have more than once been silenced by political interference
The assessment panel did what they planned from the start, which was to set aside proven science and economic sense so that a few jobs are created and a few people will be wealthier Those of us living in this region - including the salmon, sandpipers and whaleswill all pay the price
Larry ColeroGratitude for the community support
I’m writing to express my thanks to the Optimist for posting such lovely photos of the Delta Division of Family Practice’s recent Healthy Aging Seniors Fair, on May 13 at Ladner United Church.
The event was an incredible success, thanks to the tremendous support and enthusiasm of our esteemed presenters, local organizations, the municipality, and volunteers
The Seniors Healthy Aging Fair provided valu-
able resources, information, and activities to help our seniors lead fulfilling, safe, and active lives. Countless volunteers dedicated their time, energy, and efforts to make the event a success
The Seniors Healthy Aging Fair would not have been possible without the generous support of local sponsors, donors, and the Delta municipal government We are grateful for their belief in the importance of promoting the health and well-being of our senior community I also want
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to express my gratitude to all the seniors who came to the fair.
It was inspiring to witness the genuine interest you displayed in learning about healthy aging, engaging in activities, and connecting with fellow seniors. The whole experience reassured me that by working together, we really can promote healthy aging and a safe community for all seniors in Delta.
Geri McGrath/ Executive Director, Delta Division of Family PracticeA standing ovation for Delta Youth Theatre
Re: Production of
Shrek The Musical Jr
I had never heard of this musical before, but my friend encouraged me to go
The show was fantastic, funny and most entertaining
I would like to thank the cast, and all those involved in the production, including fabulous
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costumes, for such a great evening.
Shrek, donkey, princess, and prince, you were amazing.
Agnes JacksonSee more letters on our website at:
Hosted by MLA Ian Paton and TOOB Beach Clean up and BBQ!
Saturday May 27th, 2023
Paton Farm, 3696 88 St.
Clean up Starts @ 10am BBQ Starts @ Noon
RSVP: Facebook Event "Beach Clean up with MLA Paton and TOOB" or email
Letters delivered to Carla Qualtrough’s office in Ladner
IAN JACQUES ijacques@delta-optimist comA group representing B.C. youth is petitioning the federal government for good, green work
Recently young British Columbians gathered outside the constituency office in Ladner of federal Minister of Employment Carla Qualtrough to deliver more than 90 cover letters from Canadians ready for a yet-to-exist offer from the federal government for good, green work
To secure that work, the youth are calling for the creation of a Youth Climate Corps, a federally-funded climate action program that would provide anyone 35 and under with living wage jobs that address community-identified needs.
“We’re ready for a government program that offers CONTINUED: see Page 11
CONTINUED from Page 10
us meaningful climate work, yet all our options remain small, short, and without the opportunity to turn into long-lasting careers, ” said organizer Manvi Bhalla “The climate crisis is here Youth understand the need for mass worker mobilization to adapt our communities and accelerate mitigation efforts: it’s time the government acted accordingly.”
Bhalla said the popularity of longterm green jobs programs has been made clear by the diversity of youth engaging with the call to action
“Since launching the call for cover letters only two weeks ago, youth across the country have demonstrated incredible support for this proposed national program and have identified hundreds of jobs and industries that are critical to ensuring liveable futures,” Bhalla said. Qualtrough, who was not in Ladner on May 8 when the letters were handed to her constituency office, provided a
follow-up statement to the Optimist
“Young people in Delta and across Canada are concerned about their futures They’re leading the charge to create a healthier planet, with cleaner air, cleaner water and good jobs – now and for generations to come, ” said Qualtrough “They are hoping to build careers doing meaningful work to improve our world In doing so, they are setting an example for the rest of us to follow.
“Here in Delta, my Constituency Youth Council has identified climate action as a top priority. We are very lucky to have engaged youth leaders with a passion for doing good. I regularly share their thoughtful advice with my colleagues in Ottawa and around the Cabinet table. I believe that we make better decisions as a government when the voices of young people are listened to.”
For more about the call for a Youth Climate Corps, visit: https://www
Notice is hereby given that Delta City Council will consider giving first, second, and third readings to the bylaws referenced belowatitsRegularMeetingat 4:00 p.m. on Monday, May 29, 2023 intheCouncilChamber,4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent, Delta,BCandbyelectronicmeansasauthorizedbyCouncilProcedureBylawNo5000
WATCH LIVE: maylistenandwatchtheproceedingsontheCity’swebsite. VideorecordingsarearchivedontheCity’swebsite.
Rezoning Application - Bylaw No. 8263 (File No. LU009237)
Location: 9115CarverCrescent Applicant: ParamjitWalia,1269654BC Ltd
Proposal: To rezone the subject property from Duplex/Single Detached Residential 3 (RD3) toSingle Detached Residential 7 (RS7) to permit subdivisionintotworesidentiallotsandconstructionofanewsingledetacheddwellingwithanin-groundbasementandsecondarysuiteoneach lot ThisapplicationisconsistentwithDelta’sOfficialCommunityPlan.
Staff Contact: JanetZazubek–604-946-3355
Rezoning Application - Bylaw No. 8221 (File No. LU009296)
Location: 5408and5412CrescentDrive Applicant: BrianHart,BrianGHart&Company
Proposal: TorezonethesubjectpropertiesfromSingleDetachedResidential5(RS5)toComprehensiveDevelopmentZoneNo 28(CDZ28) topermitsubdivisionintofourbarelandstratalotswithacommonprivateroadandvisitorparking,andconstructionofanewsingledetached dwellingoneachlot ThisapplicationisconsistentwithDelta’sOfficialCommunityPlan.
Staff Contact: AdaLiu–604-946-3395
Rezoning Application - Bylaw No. 8228 (File No. LU009390)
Location: 11384,11394and1141886AAvenue Applicant: GurinderGrewal,GSquareDesignLtd
Proposal: TorezonethesubjectpropertiesfromComprehensiveDevelopmentZoneNo 24(CD 24),SingleDetachedResidential4(RS4)and Duplex/SingleDetachedResidential3(RD3)toSingleDetachedResidential7(RS7)forproposedLots1to4andSingleDetachedResidential 5(RS5)forproposedLot5topermitsubdivisionintofivesingledetachedlotsandconstructionofasingledetacheddwellingwithanin-ground basementandsecondarysuiteoneachlot ThisapplicationisconsistentwithDelta’sOfficialCommunityPlan.
Staff Contact: AdaLiu–604-946-3395
Rezoning Application - Bylaw No. 8251 (File No. LU009403)
Location: 9359119AStreet Applicant: ManjeetVirk,PreetHomesLtd
Proposal: TorezonethesubjectpropertyfromDuplex/SingleDetachedResidential3(RD3)toSingleDetachedResidential7(RS7)topermit subdivisionintotworesidentiallotsandconstructionofanewsingledetacheddwellingwithanin-groundbasementandsecondarysuiteoneach lot AdevelopmentvariancepermitisalsorequestedtovarySection11708in“DeltaZoningBylawNo 7600,2017”byreducingtheminimum averagelotdepthforsubdivisionfrom30mto294mforproposedLot1 ThisapplicationisconsistentwithDelta’sOfficialCommunityPlan.
Staff Contact: CharisLoong–604-952-3814
Rezoning Application - Bylaw No. 8246 (File No. LU009471)
Location: 8905and8907116Street Applicant: LovkiratDhillon
Proposal: TorezonethesubjectpropertyfromDuplex/SingleDetachedResidential3(RD3)toSingleDetachedResidential7(RS7)topermit subdivision into two residential lots and construction of a new single detached dwelling with an in-ground basement and secondary suite on eachlot
A development variance permit is also requested to vary Drawing L214 of Schedule C in Delta Subdivision and Development Standards Bylaw No 7162, 2015” by waiving thebarrier curbrequired as part of the collector road standard and accepting theexisting rollovercurbto matchexistingconditionsalong116Street ThisapplicationisconsistentwithDelta’sOfficialCommunityPlan
Staff Contact: CharisLoong–604-952-3814
Rezoning Application - Bylaw No. 8278 (File No. LU009504)
Location: 5070WestminsterAvenue Applicant: MalandBalvirBains
Proposal: To rezone the subject property from Duplex/Single Detached Residential 3 (RD3) to Comprehensive Development Zone No 31 (CDZ31) in order to increase (i) the maximum permitted floor area, (ii) the maximum permitted height of an accessory structure and (iii) the amountofthelottobecoveredbyimpermeablematerial,andtodecreasethefrontyardlandscaperequirementsandtheminimumdistanceof adrivewayfromthesidelotlineinordertoretainanexistingaccessorystructureandpavedsurfaces ThisapplicationisconsistentwithDelta’s OfficialCommunityPlan.
Staff Contact: LukeReynolds–604-946-3381
Land Use Contract Discharge & Development Variance Permit - Bylaw No. 8279 (File No. LU009448)
Location: 8309112Street Applicant: GagandeepLidhar,1346305BCLtd
Proposal: TodischargeLandUseContractSA No 2897topermitconstructionofa668m2 secondarysuitewithinthein-groundbasement oftheexistingdwelling
Adevelopmentvariancepermitisalsorequestedtovarythefollowingprovisionsin“DeltaZoningBylawNo 7600,2017:”
1 Section 824 by reducing the minimum number of parking spaces to be contained within a garage for a single detached dwelling constructedonorbeforeJuly26,2010,fromonespacetozerospaceswhenthereisasecondarysuitewithinasingledetacheddwelling; and
2 Section 827 by reducing the minimum distance of a driveway and parking space from a lot line from 10 m to 01 m for a 90mlinearportionofthenorthlotline ThisapplicationisconsistentwithDelta’sOfficialCommunityPlan
Staff Contact: LukeReynolds–604-946-3381
Temporary Use Permit Application (File No. LU009524)
Location: 5681LadnerTrunkRoad Applicant: ParwinderBhandal,LadnerHomesLtd.
Proposal: ThisapplicationisforaTemporaryUsePermittoallowsharedrentalaccommodationforathree-yeartermintheexistingbuilding onthesubjectsite Theexistingbuildingcontains29individualsleepingunits,includingabedroomandbathroom,whichwouldberentedona periodictenancy.Thebuildingalsocontainsofficespaceforanon-sitecaretaker
Staff Contact: LukeReynolds–604-946-3381
Materials related to the proposals such as the proposed bylaws, detailed maps and other information may be inspected at Delta City Hall, 4500 Clarence Taylor Crescent, Delta, BC, Monday to Friday, excluding statutory holidays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. from Thursday, May 18, 2023 to Monday, May 29, 2023.
Correspondence received up to 12:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 24, 2023 will be included in the Agenda package. Correspondence received after and up to 10:00 a.m. on Monday, May 29, 2023 will be provided to Council in a separate package prior to the start of the meeting. All correspondence will form part of the public record for these proposals and must include your name and full address.
Those wishing to provide comment on proposed bylaws may do so in the following ways:
Email OR
Write to: Mayor and Council City of Delta 4500 Clarence Taylor Crescent Delta, BC V4K 3E2
Washington State Broadband Office providng $3,150,000 grant to bring fiber optic infrastructure to the U.S. pene-exclave
mbooth@delta-optimist com
A major high-speed internet upgrading project for Point Roberts has received millions in funding.
The Whatcom Public Utility District (PUD) has been awarded a $3,150,000 grant through the Washington State Broadband Office to bring fiber optic infrastructure to the U.S. pene-exclave.
The Broadband Infrastructure Grant Program, supported from the Coronavirus Capital Program Fund, is supporting the Point Roberts Fiber-to-the-Premise (FTTP) construction project
The PUD is working to construct roughly 25 miles of aerial and underground fiber infrastructure, with the goal of producing more than 1,274 connections for residents in the area.
The connections will bring high-speed internet service to certain areas of the Point Roberts community, which have previously been unserved or underserved, providing enhanced access and opportunities for economic development, education, and health and safety.
“The PUD Commission is trying to bridge the digital divide We are thrilled the Washington State Broadband Office has approved our grant
application to build a truly open access and non-discriminatory dark fiber broadband network that is future-proof for the Point Roberts community This project is another good example of collaboration between the Point Roberts community, Whatcom County Government, the Port of Bellingham, and Whatcom PUD,” said Whatcom PUD Commission President
Atul Deshmane.
In addition to the WSBO funding, this construction project has been supported at the local level, including from Whatcom County, who approved $350,000 in matching dollars. Construction is expected to be completed by the end of 2024.
Final grant award approval is contingent upon the State of Washington receiving
Whatcom County PUD is working to construct roughly 25 miles of aerial and underground fiber infrastructure, with the goal of producing more than 1,274 high-speed internet connections for residents in the area. The project is expected to be completed by the end of 2024.
approval of the State Broadband Plan by the US Department of
Treasury which is anticipated by the end of next month.
SANDOR GYARMATI sgyarmati@delta-optimist comMore zoning amendments were recently approved to make it easier to add infill housing in Delta
Addresses: 7702-7740 119A Street
FileNo: LU009521
Applicant: Harjit Sangha, RealCo Properties
•Aproposalfor2six-storeyapartmentbuildings, withamaximumheightof24mincluding: 283apartmentunits,336residentialparking spacesand48visitorparkingspacesinan undergroundparkingstructure,accessedfrom 119AStreet.Commonindoorandoutdoor amenityspacesarealsoproposed.
•AnOfficialCommunityPlanamendmentto increasethedensitypermittedfroma maximumFloorSpaceRatioof2.2to2.58.
•RezoningtoaComprehensiveDevelopment Zonetoallowapartmentbuildingswitha heightofsixstoreys.
•ScottRoadCorridorDevelopmentPermitfor formandcharacter.
The Official Community Plan (OCP) changes approved by council last month includes removing the unit-per-hectare (UPH) density maximums from multiple-family land use designations that also have floor space ratio (FSR) maximums
A planning department report explains that a FSR maximum typically limits a development’s size and massing by putting a restriction on the total amount of floor area that can be constructed
A UPH limitation, when further restricted by height or FSR maxi-
mums, would not impact the overall massing of a project but would regulate the maximum number of units that a site could accommodate, commonly resulting in larger units than what may otherwise be provided without the maximum UPH standard.
Using only FSR as a density limit provides more flexibility in unit sizes and allows the market to play a greater role in determining the mix of sizes and ultimate number of units that will fit within a development, the report notes, adding that smaller units tend to have a lower price, leading to increased housing affordability.
The OCP changes also include removing in the East Ladner Area Plan a requirement that lot dimensions are not
to vary by more than 15 percent from other similar properties within 150 metres.
The changes also include amending the Ladner Area Plan to remove requirements for a minimum 12-metre frontage and a minimum area of 370-squaremetres for lots in areas designated infill singlefamily residential, as well as amending the Ladner Area Plan to remove the requirement for design covenants for single-detached and coach house development Planning director Marcy Sangret noted the city already has design guidelines when it comes to the design for infill housing, so the city wants to move away from covenants as part of a broader attempt to streamline the application process
JarvisElementarySchool 7670118St,NorthDelta Meeting#2–
Wednesday,June7,2023 4:30pm–7:00pm
HeathElementary 1136472Ave,NorthDelta
•Detailsontheapplication areavailableat
•Shareyourfeedbackonlineat: letstalkdeltaca/lu009521 untilJune12,2023
ContactJanetZazubek,Planner, DevelopmentDepartmentat:
jzazubek@deltaca or
Nature Notes: The amazing humming bumble bee
PAMELA SWANIGAN Delta Naturalists SocietyHave you ever dreamed of singing for your supper?
If so, you might want to take notes from our amazing native bumble bees.
Female bumble bees collect pollen from flowers by “humming” a middle-C note with their wings. The vibration shakes pollen from the flower onto the bee This type of pollination is called “sonication” or “buzz pollination,” and the females of all bumble bee species can do it, including those of the 30-plus species found in B C (Male bumble bees, like the males of all bee species, do not collect
pollen )
The ability to “sing” the pollen out makes bumble bees much better at pollinating than the nonnative honey bee, which pollinates by clambering over the face of the flower so the pollen sticks to it This not only captures less pollen than buzz pollination, but it only works well with open-faced flowers With other flower shapes, such as bells, honey bees are poor pollinators
Here’s the kicker: plants that can be pollinated best by bumble bees include blueberries, cranberries, potatoes, peppers, and pumpkins many of Delta’s most important food crops
Sadly, the status of bumble bees is far from
healthy One quarter of North American bumble bee species, including some here in Delta, face some risk of extinction.
You can help bumble bees survive by avoiding pesticides and growing plants that bumble bees like. One powerhouse plant is catmint (Nepeta species) A rough count of bumble bees on catmint plants in Ladner’s Butterflyway Garden last summer showed more than 300 bumble bees on just a dozen plants.
Other excellent bumble bee–friendly plant choices are lupine, foxglove, agastache (a k a hyssop), and goldenrod. If you are planting annuals, choose nasturtium over petunias: bumble bees love them.
The Sidekick Players Club presents
The mousetrap
By Agatha ChristieDirected by Carroll Lefebvre
KinVillage Quiz Night winners
The Tsawwassen Art Centre
June 8 - June 24, 2023
Thursday, Friday and Saturday (Evenings 8:00 PM)
June 11 & 18, 2023 Sundays 2:00 PM
The latest Quiz Night was held at KinVillage Community Centre on Saturday, May 6. Nine teams competed for the ultimate prize of quiz kings. There were 10 rounds of questions Eventually the team of Food 4 Thought (Tara Miles, Steve Rintoul, Gary Porter and Kevin Gubbe) rose to the top with a score of 62 points. The next Quiz Night will be held on Saturday, Sept. 23.
Roberts Bank Terminal 2
Invitation to Comment
The Vancouver Fraser Port Authority is proposing a new threeberth marine container terminal at Roberts Bank in Delta, B.C.
The Environmental Assessment Office is holding a public comment period from:
May 9 to June 8, 2023
May 9 to June 8, 2023
The EAO is seeking public feedback on the draft assessment materials that Government of B.C. ministers will use to decide if the project should proceed.
Learn more about the project and tell us what is important to you:
You may also submit comments by mail:
Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Project, PO box 9426, Stn Prov Govt, Victoria, B.C. V8W 9V1
Nominationssoughtfor RotaryYouthAwards
All three Delta Rotary Clubs are excited to announce that Rotary Delta Youth Awards are back.
Ladner, Tsawwassen and North Delta Rotary are presenting the awards at the Genesis Theatre at Delta Secondary on Monday, June 12 at 7 p.m. with a special ceremony to honour those young people who have contributed to their community by reaching out to others or by showing remarkable courage and strength, combatted adversity and hardship or have demonstrated global citizenship by helping those in other parts of the world.
“Rotary Delta Youth Awards honour some truly amazing young people. It is both humbling and inspiring to recognize these unsung
heroes,” said Awards Chair Leslie Abramson.
“We are reaching out to the schools, churches, sporting associations, youth groups, non-profits, and the people of Delta to nominate worthy young people of school age ”
Nominations are open until May 29 in the following four categories: Compassion and Empathy for those demonstrating individual acts of caring and kindness to others; Inner Strength for youth who made something good out of a bad situation or overcame adversity; Helping Hand for that all-round young person who helps others without seeking personal rewards or praise; or the Global Award for projects undertaken by youth that are international in nature.
If you know someone of school age who meets the above categories, contact Leslie Abramson at: for a nomination form
-Submitted by Tsawwassen Rotary Club
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and Gallery 1710 in Tsawwassen has a feast for your eyes with its 18th annual juried exhibition Oil and Water.
Artists, not only from B C , but also from across Canada, have created paintings for your pleasure. Landscapes, abstracts, portraits, and nature themes are all represented.
An opening reception is on Thursday, June 1 at 6:30 p.m.
Oil and Water will continue from June 2 to June 25 from noon to 4 p.m. every Thursday through Sunday and from noon to 8 p m Fridays
Gallery 1710 is located at 1710 - 56th St., in Tsawwassen across from the South Delta Recreation Centre.
Special show at Genesis
Genesis Theatre is presenting a special musical event on Tuesday, June 6 at 7 p m to celebrate the support of its volunteers, clients, colleagues, and local community over the past year
The program opens with performances by Delta Secondary students and alumni, including an ensemble medley from the cast of DSS Theatre Company’s Footloose
This is followed by a featured performance by Vancouver’s premier pop choir, Top Line Vocal Collective.
The concert is free and suitable for all ages, but seating is limited so reserved tickets are required at: https://genesis-theatre tickit ca
After a three-year hiatus, a live flamenco show is returning to Tsawwassen
Bev Mantovani, owner, and principal performer of Los Gitanos Spanish School of Dance is inviting all South Delta residents and friends to join her group of talented musicians, singers, and dancers for a one-night event of Zapatos Rojos on Friday, June 2 at the Equinox Theatre at South Delta Secondary.
“We are so happy to return to the stage to perform again in our community,” said Mantovani.
“Throughout the pandemic, we adapted to health regulations, managed to retain our students and practiced for this show. In fact, we have been rehearsing for more than two years now so we are all thrilled to finally perform it.”
This magical story, set at a gypsy camp in Andalusia, tells the story of a woman who is willing to go to great lengths to retain the power and strength of her youth. She makes a pact with a sorcerer to enchant these
red shoes to allow her to dance as she has never danced before. But the pact comes with a cost
“The story is dramatic and allows us to show a wide range of dances,” said Mantovani. “I am proud of my students as we can highlight their skills at all levels. We feature 30 students from ages eight to 86. Imagine this magnificent ensemble of local talent who show their love and dedication to this art form.”
Peter Mole, Spanish guitarist, and Maria Avila on cante (singing), are returning to South Delta to perform at the show.
“The amazing talent of these two performers help us elevate the experience to a performance our community will greatly appreciate,” added Mantovani “If anyone hasn’t seen a live flamenco performance before, they are in for a real treat”
Doors open at 7 p.m. and show starts at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $25 and can be purchased by calling 778-8330447 or at
Delta Players Theatre presents Ordinary Days
Delta Players Theatre’s inaugural presentation of Ordinary Days promises to be anything but ordinary
This production is a great opportunity for a day or night out to see one of those live performances you keep promising yourself you’ll go to more of.
Delta Players Theatre is an upand-coming theatre company based in South Delta, whose goal is to make theatre accessible to all.
“We strive to create a compassionate, welcoming, educational, and most importantly, fun space for local thespians to work and play,” said Delta Players founder Ann Matterson.
Matterson and Michael Kirk, the director of the produc-
tion, are alumni of Delta Youth Theatre, Delta Secondary School and Studio West. They have remained active in teaching and production team roles in Delta
including recent productions of Footloose (Delta Secondary) and Peter Pan Jr (Studio West) Matterson and Kirk have been active in community theatres across the Lower Mainland, including recent productions in White Rock, New Westminster and Chilliwack.
In April, Matterson was the choreographer and both Matterson and Kirk were cast in Newbury Arts Concepts’ production of Jesus Christ Superstar Also cast in that production, and rounding out the cast of Ordinary Days, are the very talented Aidan Sharpe and Harriet Dykstra. Sharpe is also an integral part of the production team, leading vocals as the music
director for the production.
Ordinary Days follows the story of four young New Yorkers navigating their everyday lives On their journey through hope, stress, love and loss, they discover their lives intersect in ways they never expected. A captivating four-person song cycle is sure to leave audiences appreciating the small dots in their bigger pictures and finding the beauty in ordinary things.
Ordinary Days runs May 27 and 28 at 3 and 8 p.m. Tickets are $25 and can be purchased at this link: https://www simpletix com/e/delta-players-theatrepresents-%E2%80%9Cordinaryd-tickets-131372.
Congratulations to Christine
Memorial Park comes alive for a weekend of music
Are you looking for free fun for the whole family?
Are you interested in music?
Are you hiking or biking or cruising Ladner, and looking for a break?
Are you visiting the Lower Mainland and looking for some local colour?
If your answer is yes to some or all of these questions, then you may be interested in the Ladner Bandfest taking place at Memorial Park in Ladner.
$600 Mother’s Day Contest
Thank you to the participating businesses:
• Flowers Beautiful
• Vinca’s Kitchen
• Evolution Beauty Bar
• Atlantis Day Spa
• Home Hardware
1,228 entries!
• The RunInn
• Thrifty Foods
• RiverHouse Marina, Restaurant & Pub
• Pedego Electric Bikes
Bandfest is a free weekend of oldfashioned concerts-in-the-park on June 3 and 4 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. both days
Starting back in 2005, Delta Music Makers have hosted adult community bands from all around B C and Washington State.
Bandfest organizers are delighted to announce that the Naden Band of the Royal Canadian Navy, one of Canada’s fine military bands, will close out Sunday afternoon This year audiences will enjoy 18 bands from Delta, Richmond, Vancouver, Surrey, Langley, Seattle, and more. You can expect to hear marches, Broadway, light classical, movies, jazz, and funky Latin rhythms
Join a
Climate Action Dialogue
Bring your lawn chair and enjoy the music!
Admission is free, but donations to help defray costs will not be ignored.
Parking is free and located just to the south, with further parking available five minutes walking distance away at the high school.
Some food service will be available through TOOB, washrooms are available close by
For further info and full schedule see:
-Submitted by Curt Jantzen
Local governments have taken action on climate for many years, but we need to do more. The Climate Action Dialogues offer a bold conversation on the urgency and economic case for climate action in this region. With expert panelists and an engaged audience, these dialogues will provide stimulating perspectives on climate action and the economic imperative to build for a net zero future.
Surrey Centre | May 29, 2023, noon to 1:00pm
Surrey City Hall – Community Rooms
Downtown Vancouver | May 30, 2023, noon to 1:00pm Simon Fraser University Segal Building – Event Rooms
Use the QR code to register, or go to and search “sustainability dialogues”.
While we invite you to attend in person, the May 30 session will also be livestreamed and available on our website.
To find more about Climate 2050, visit search ‘Climate 2050’
Email us at or call 604-432-6200
• 4 Seasons Nails - 604-940-9554
• Busy Bee - 604-946-4511
• CM Chicken - 604-952-6652
• Dairy Queen - 604-946-8683
• Doon Express Indian Cuisine - 604-946-2828
• Dr. Ian G. H. Lomness - 604-946-1924
• Dr. Susan Lu Optometric Corp. - 604-946-6921
• Dunbar Lumber - 604-946-7322
• Grizzly Flatbread – Coming Soon
• H & R Block - 604-946-6464
• Imagine Cannabis - 236-466-0655
• Ladner Centre Medical Clinic - 604-940-0321
• Ladner Centre Smoke Shop Ltd. - 604-946-5153
• Liquor Store #25 - 604-946-2020
• Richlea Bakery (1982) Ltd - 604-940-3397
• Sam Fadez - 236-688-9966
• Save On Foods - 604-946-5251
• Sonora Mx Taqueria - 604-227-1005
• The UPS Store - 604-940-2080
• TD Canada Trust - 604-940-4600
• Westland Insurance Agencies - 604-946-033
comIt’s the biggest three-day party of the year in Ladner that has been going on for well over a century
The 127th edition of Ladner May Days kicks off on Friday afternoon and ramps up throughout the weekend at Memorial Park It’s a free community event for the entire family thanks efforts of tireless volunteers, including many that have grown up with the fair Among them is this year ’ s chair Missy Thornton
As a young working mother, she still has found the time to give back to her hometown by juggling all her responsibili-
ties with everyday life It’s the same for many on the May Days committee that began meeting months earlier to brainstorm ideas and line-up potential sponsors, food and market vendors leading up to the big
“Since I was little, May Days has been a part of my life My parents brought me when I was a kid and they grew up in Ladner as well and also came when they were kids. It’s just an
ongoing tradition for our family,” said Thornton, whose aunt was Ladner May Days Queen back in 1971
“I used to (organize) the Royal Court and now my sister is doing that My mom comes out and does stuff behind the scenes and so does my dad. It’s really a family affair for us and everyone else that comes together”
The committee certainly had its challenges through the pandemic, with two years of limited virtual events
When the health restrictions for large events were finally lifted in early spring of 2022, they scrambled to put the fair together in a tight time frame and the crowds returned in a
big way
“It was wonderful The community made it such a great event We were thrilled,” added Thornton. “Between sponsorship and working with everyone involved, it really came together.”
That momentum leads into this year ’ s fair with an actionpacked three days.
May Days officially gets underway on Friday at 3 p.m. when the Shooting Star Amusement’s midway opens The rides and games will run until 10 p.m.
Activities really get going on Saturday and Sunday.
The May Days’ website www. ladnermaydays com/events has all the details.
JIM KINNEAR PHOTOWhat would Ladner May Days be without a wide variety of food options?
This year ’ s fair is no exception with food trucks and stands located throughout Memorial Park. Here is the lineup with a number popular longtime returnees: -Hunky Bill’s -Next
will be in operation, next to the ball diamond, from noon to 6 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday
Sundaywillbea“SuperDay” at127thLadnerMayDays
mbooth@delta-optimist com
Families can expect to see some famous on-screen characters roaming through Memorial Park on Sunday.
Super Heroes is the theme of the 127th edition of Ladner May Days and organizers are using the occasion to add some additional special guests to the free entertainment line-up.
“Mostly, the Super Heroes theme comes with (Sunday’s) parade as it gives everyone some creativity to go with But we are also using the opportunity to do a meet-and-greet on Sunday at the park with Spiderman, Tinkerbell and Moana,” said May Days chair Missy Thornton.
As for the parade, it will once again feature all kinds of entries, including community and school groups, dance teams, entertainers, local businesses and more.
“I wouldn’t say we have a capacity it’s really how big are the floats and groups to be able to fit everyone on the roads each year, ” added Thornton “But it’s definitely looking like another full parade this year which is great to see. ”
The procession starts at noon on Delta Street near Trenant Street, heading south on Delta Street before turning left on 48th Avenue
It will make a right on Elliott Street and then another right on 47th Avenue as it makes its way to the fairgrounds at Memorial Park.
Minister’s Minute
St David’s Anglican Church
I would like to encourage about resorting to prayer as an alternative to fear
Take it to the Lord in prayer, borrowing that line from the great hymn What a friend we have in Jesus! The hymn reminds us that Jesus is our friend and that we have the privilege to carry everything to him in prayer ‘What peace we often forfeit, what needless pain we bear, all because we do not carry everything to him in prayer! ‘
When we do not pray, when we forget what prayer can do for us when we get switched off the prayer mode, the
fear mode automatically switches on. Fear grips and paralyzes us. We see no way out. Consequently, depression creeps in and everything stops.
One day the disciples encountered a notorious and violent storm on the Lake of Galilee, with shattering and terrifying suddenness nearly sinking the boat
The disciples started yelling and shouting They were all over the place trying to forget everything and run. Interestingly Jesus rebuked the storm, “Be silent! Be muzzled!” And the wind sank to rest. There was a great calm
Someone correctly said fear as an
acronym means false evidence appearing real. Somebody else said it means when fear comes, you either, “Forget everything and run, ” or you “face everything and rise” I think most times we “forget everything and run. ” We forget what a friend we have in Jesus. Consequently, we forfeit our peace, and bear needless pain, but if we remember what a friend we have in Jesus, we face everything and rise. We carry whatever burdens and tribulations and we take everything to him in prayer
When we do not carry everything to God in prayer, false evidence appears real.
Residential Indoor Wood Burning Seasonal Prohibition May 15 to September 15
If you operate a residential indoor wood burning appliance in Metro Vancouver, Residential Indoor Wood Burning Emission Regulation Bylaw No. 1303 applies to you.
What you need to know:
• Users of residential indoor wood burning appliances (fireplaces, wood stoves, etc ) must use best burning practices
• Residential indoor wood burning appliances cannot be used between May 15 and September 15, every year, unless:
¡ The wood burning appliance is operated within an off-grid residence located outside the Urban Containment Boundary
¡ The wood burning appliance is the only source of heat in a residence
¡ There is an emergency (such as a gas or electrical outage lasting more than 3 hours)
Bylaw 1303 aims to reduce the impact on public health and the environment due to smoke from residential indoor wood burning
As of September 2022, if you burn, you must declare your use of best burning practices and, in urban areas, register eligible wood burning appliances
For more information, scan the QR code, go to metrovancouver org and search ‘Residential Wood Burning’, call 604-451-6677 or email riwb@metrovancouver org
Metro Vancouver offers rebates to reduce emissions from wood burning appliances
For more information, go to and search ‘Community Wood Smoke Reduction’
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
3900 Arthur Drive, Ladner 604-946-4522
All Saints Anglican Church
Join us on Sundays
8:30 am and 10 am
Eucharist or Wednesdays
10 am Eucharist and Bible Study
For more information or call 604-946-8413.
4755 Arthur Drive, Delta
Sundays at 10:30 a m
Rev Jason Truell 中文主日崇拜 10:30 am
Nancy 楊牧師
4594 – 54A Street, Ladner, B.C. 604-946-7033
office@ladnercrc com
www ladnercrc ca
Welcome to everyone for Worship & Friendship
Sunday’s @ 10:00 am
Rev Daniel Kirkegaard 604.943.2911
“Be Faithful,betrue, be a blessing”
As someone who lives with asthma, Sandra Ketler relies on inhalers to reduce inflammation in her airways and deliver medication to her lungs. Until recently, Ketler was unaware that every dose from her inhaler contains greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change.
“My initial concern was about the plastic waste from inhalers. As a volunteer patient advisor, I was shocked to find out
about the full impact of inhaler use on the environment,” she said.
A Fraser Health-led study in the BC Medical Journal found that between 2016 and 2021, inhalers produced 8,478 tonnes of carbon dioxide in the Fraser Health region alone Put into perspective, the carbon footprint from inhalers is equivalent to about 22 per cent of all emissions from Fraser Health facilities, which includes 174
buildings with 13 acute care hospitals
The carbon culprits are liquefied gases called hydrofluoroalkanes (HFAs), which are present in one type of inhalers – pressurized metered-dose inhalers. HFAs deliver medication to the lungs and, in the process, release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Low-carbon HFA-free alternatives that use dry powder and soft mist formulations
are effective for most patients and more environmentally friendly with no negative impact on the health or comfort of patients.
“People with respiratory illnesses need inhaler medication,” said Dr Kevin Liang, a family physician and researcher with Fraser Health’s Population and Public Health team. “The problem is, propellants used in metered-dose inhalers for asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease have a large climate footprint. For example, one blue inhaler of Salbutamol can have the equivalent climate footprint of a
139-km car trip.”
Liang and the research team found that switching to HFA-free alternatives, which are clinically appropriate for most patients, can reduce the inhaler carbon footprint by up to 78 per cent per year and potentially improve respiratory care
“Greenhouse gas emissions from the delivery of health care services are a significant contributor to climate change and have negative impacts on the health of our communities,” added Darryl Quantz, Planetary Health Lead, Fraser Health. “As an organization, we are committed to advancing a low-carbon health
system and, as such, are sharing our research to encourage discussion around alternatives to metered-dose inhalers containing HFAs.”
A recent survey of Fraser Health residents found that 85 per cent agree or strongly agree that it is important for the health system to reduce its carbon footprint and waste For Ketler, switching to a powdered formulation was easy
“My asthma is being treated effectively and I feel better knowing that I’m taking a significant step in reducing my carbon footprint,” she says -Submitted by Fraser Health
Public Health wants to hear from residents about priorities for health care
Public health is encouraging people who live in British Columbia to participate in the third SPEAK survey and share their priorities for health and well-being in their communities.
The Survey on Population Experiences, Action and Knowledge (SPEAK) asks people living in B.C. about their physical and mental health and social and economic well-being.
By participating, British Columbians have an opportunity to share what is important to them to help improve the health of their community.
This year ’ s survey also asks participants about their experiences with extreme weather-related events The goal is to learn what supports are needed in B.C. communities to promote health and reduce inequities.
Over the next two months, public health in all regions will be promoting the survey with the goal of hearing from people in communities throughout the province. Health authorities are working to increase participation among older populations and harder-to-reach populations such as those who are experiencing homelessness
For the third year,
the SPEAK survey is funded by the BCCDC Foundation for Public Health
Participate at bccdc. ca/SpeakSurvey
Approximately 400,000 people participated in the first COVID-19 SPEAK survey in May 2020, and approximately 200,000 participated in the second survey in April 2021
The survey is
available in 11 languages: English, French, Simplified and Traditional Chinese, Punjabi, Farsi, Arabic, Spanish, Korean, Vietnamese, and American Sign Language.
The survey will be open for two months.
“The SPEAK survey is an essential tool in helping us better understand the health and well-being of our
communities and provides an opportunity for British Columbians to have their voices heard,” said Minister of Health Adrian Dix “By participating in the SPEAK survey, individuals can help improve the health of their communities and ensure that the Government’s policies and programs will provide better access to health care. ”
VisittoSouthParkElementarylaunched SunDevils’ historicalgirlssoccerrun
mbooth@delta-optimist comThe year was 1998 and rumour had it there was a pretty good soccer player who was a new teacher at nearby South Park Elementary
“It was Kate Qually and Ali Johnstone who came over to the school, along with Travis McFarlane They were all in Grade 12 that year and they had no coach,” recalled Stephen Burns. “I had never coached girls before, only boys and men ’ s teams I remember Kate saying to me ‘Burnsie, we are going to make provincials but (at the time) it meant nothing to me ”
Sure enough, the former UBC and Vancouver 86er standout did guide the South Delta Sun Devils to the provincials that year, launching a remarkable run at the Tsawwassen school. Burns’ teaching career eventually shifted to SDSS where he has been coaching boys and girls soccer and basketball teams since his arrival.
The girls soccer team has qualified for a record 20th straight provincial tournament after repeating as South Fraser zone champions with a 3-0 win over Richmond’s McMath last week Co-coach Brent Sweeney has been alongside Burns for 19 years of the B C tourney streak, that includes titles in 2008 and 2022. The pair have welcomed another SDSS teacher, Ricky Gill, onboard this season.
Much of the Sun Devils’ provincial tourney qualifying streak was done in the old Fraser Valley zone where they were up against top schools from Coquitlam, Abbotsford, Langley and Surrey It set the stage for how high the competitive bar had to be each season
“We knew we had to step up when we played the Coquitlam schools, the ones from Abbotsford and Surrey too It was the hardest zone to get out of The one thing we wanted to do was to compete with them. We weren’t always the best team but we were usually right there when it came to competing with them It’s
always been that way, ” continued Burns
The year the streak started will always have a special meaning to the 54-year-old.
“It was May 7, 2002 and that was the day my dad passed away. It was also the day of our first playoff game that started the whole streak and we beat Riverside 4-0 It was a great group of kids and parents
(that rallied around me) and it just went from that
“I think we have had a few really good leaders every year. That’s the key were you have a couple of good leaders and everyone else will kind of buy into it while we are pushing them.”
The Sun Devils will defend their provincial championship starting May 31 in Kelowna
Delta Lacrosse re-brands field program to familiar name
MARK BOOTH mbooth@delta-optimist comIt will be all-Islanders all the time moving forward for youth box and field lacrosse teams in the city.
The Delta Lacrosse Association (DLA) executive announced last week its Delta Footmen field program will be re-branded as the Islanders starting this fall. The request was recently approved by the Pacific Coast Field Lacrosse League to change the Delta name and colours in time for the 2023/24 season.
The decision to move forward with one brand was not taken lightly and the Footmen name and the hard work done by the program ’ s founders will continue to be recognized.
“After conducting an executive survey, combined with consultation with an independent marketing agency, the recommendation was to strongly consider aligning the two brands. This will allow the Delta Lacrosse
Association the opportunity to grow our field lacrosse membership, increase continuity among the Delta Lacrosse
Association and foster greater brand recognition in our community,” said the DLA executive in a prepared statement.
“With our Footmen brand comes a great deal of history, affection and allegiance. We would like to take this time to thank Bob Williams, a local resident, tremendous volunteer, ambassador to the game and the creator of the Delta Footmen The Footmen brand has a storied history in Delta and we will do our utmost to ensure it is celebrated and never forgotten”
The annual Bob Williams award, that was created to honour DLA’s Volunteerof-the-Year, will be reinstated with its next recipient awarded this season. The Footmen insignia will be included on all new jerseys as recognition to its proud history.
The DLA will also be refreshing its trophy case in the upper level of the Ladner Leisure Centre to better represent the history of Delta lacrosse
The association took plenty of momentum into the current box season with a 40 percent jump in registration numbers.
Whether as an all-star pro hockey player or as a busy grandfather, Darryl Sittler believes that to get the most out of life, you need to look after yourself. Get
Tsawwassen’s Kayden Meyer enjoyed all-star seasons on the ice & basketball court
mbooth@delta-optimist com
Tsawwassen two-sport standout Kayden Meyer is now a prospect with the Western Hockey League’s Kamloops Blazers.
The recently turned 15-year-old was selected in the sixth round (124th overall) by the Blazers in the WHL Prospects Draft on May 11 The 6-foot3 blueliner is coming off an all-star season with the B C Elite Hockey League’s U15AAA Greater Vancouver Canadians, helping the regional squad capture the playoff championship earlier this spring.
Meyer was the top scoring d-man in regular season play with 24 points in 25 games, including eight goals.
He also chipped in with six points in seven playoff games as the Canadians defeated the Okanagan Rockets in the championship game back on March 12
He also showcased his talent at the B C Hockey’s Program of Excellence U16 B.C. Cup last month in Salmon Arm.
Blazers’ B C Scout Scott Blakeney
said he is impressed with Meyer’s development over the course of the season.
“He’s a two-way puck moving d-man that moves well and has good mobil-
ity,” said Blakeney. “He has shown great improvement in his game since the start of the year, and we feel there is tremendous upside with Kaden. We’re exited to be able to add a player of his calibre to the Blazers.”
Meyer also thrived on the basketball court this spring during a historic run by the South Delta Sun Devils Grade 9 team.
He joined teammate Damian Dumas on the South Fraser first all-star team as the Sun Devils finished second and became the first-ever boys’ team at SDSS to advance to a provincial tournament
Meanwhile, the Vancouver Giants looked close to home for its top pick in the draft, selecting Richmond blueliner Ryan Lin from the Delta Hockey Academy, sixth overall
In 27 games he had 17 goals and 24 assists for 41 points along with 14 penalty minutes
The only Re/Max Team in South Delta to achieve the prestigious PINNACLE CLUB award!
So many wonderful features in this 2,600 square foot, 3 year young home. open concept with 9’ ceilings in the living room, gourmet kitchen with tons of sleek & stylish cabinets and dining area which overlooks private backyard with covered patio! Great office space on main floor, 4 bedrooms and 3 baths on the 2nd floor. The 3rd floor flex area - media room/kids area/rec room!
4980 58B Street, Ladner $1,849,000
OPEN SUNDAY 2:00 - 4:00
Brand New 3 level family home with 1 bedroom LEGAL SUITE! Open concept features gourmet kitchen with island and quartz countertops, family room with gas fireplace & dining room overlooking back yard.
Total of 4 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, office, 2 car garage with driveway & fenced backyard for your pets & family! Excellent central Ladner location close to schools, shopping & restaurants.
4581 53rd Street, Ladner $1,799,000
• 3 BED 2 BATH
• 3 BED 2 BATH
• 7 BED 3 BATH
• 5 BED 5 BATH
$1,099,000 PRICE REDUCED
#402N-1100 56TH ST, TSAW
Fabulous 3 bedroom penthouse at Tsawwassen's Royal Oaks This rare find has never been on the market and truly is one of the best units in this development Excellent floor plan with huge living, dining area, beautiful bright great room, big master suite and 2 private sunny decks Don't miss this special penthouse Call for your exclusive showing
Call ROBIN 604-868-2844
Beautiful home in central Tsawwassen, walking distance to schools, sport facilities and parks. Home features 5 bdrms, 4 full bathrms, excellent floor plan with large great room & separate living and dining room This home has a private sunny yard with beautiful jacuzzi and patio area We are priced to sell so don't miss this opportunity to buy a great home in a great area
Call ROBIN 604-868-2844
Custom Designed Home with simply the Best Views in Tsawwassen. This Totally Private 2 Bedroom & Den home has an Outstanding Open Floor Plan to take full advantage of all the spectacular Ocean Sunset Views. There will NEVER be another home like this in Tsawwassen. Call for Floor Plans and more Info.
Call ROBIN 604-868-2844
Custom build your new home with
353 55 STREET
Fabulous 180 degree ocean, Mount Baker and farmland views. This gorgeous home was custom designed by Keith Baker & built by one of Tsawwassen's best builders The high end finishing, quality workmanship, views and location make this 6,000 sq ft custom built home one of Tsawwassen's finest homes This special home has an excellent floor plan that works for many lifestyles and also has a 1 bdrm suite The home features a spectacular rooftop deck with putting green, jacuzzi, fireplace and outstanding views Make your dreams come true with this one of a kind masterpiece Call for your exclusive viewing
Call ROBIN 604-868-2844
Call ROBIN 604-868-2844
3 bathroom home has been extensively
recent updates includes an outstanding pool, patio and deck areas Home also features gourmet kitchen which opens to a large great room and deck area that takes advantage of the fabulous views. Just move in and enjoy your resort at home.
Featuring 6 bdrms, 6 bathrms, excellent 2 bdrm suite and spectacular rooftop deck This rare find is located on a quiet street with many fines homes in Upper Tsawwassen Home is just totally updated with ouststanding views on a 10,750 sq ft western exposed lot This kind of home does not come to market often, don't miss this one Call for more information
Call ROBIN for info. 604-868-2844
3Bedroomwelllovedfamilyhomein CentralTsawwassenwithsuitepotential Southfacingprivatebackgarden.Beautifullykept,walkingdistancetoelementary andhighschools,shopping,andparks.
sub-divisionfor2flatrectangularbuildinglots,andall buildingplanshavebewensubmittedtothecity The currentfamilyhomehasbeenrenovatedandoffersover 3,600sqft.oflivingspaceforafamilythatchoosesto keepthelotasiswithswimmingpool&park-likesetting.
2bedroom+den,brandnewflooring,3rdflooronthequietsideofthe building.
PrestigiousSkanaDrive,custom built3bedroomrancherona9,200 sqftlot!
4bedroomcompletelyrenovated withhighendfinishings.Stepsto thebeach!
Gorgeous4bdrmhomewithaview Like brandNewwithnoGSTandlegalcarriage house,DoublecarGarage,lotsofparking.
This stunning 3 bed plus den, 4 bath, 3400sq home boasts breathtaking 180 degree views! Impeccably designed by Sarah Gallop Design, the open-concept living space is an entertainers dream complete with a Havan Award winning kitchen, spa-like ensuite and luxurious finishings throughout. This home blends luxury, func�onality & stunning views into one!
Absolutely stunning brand new family home with serene farmland views located on rarerly available and highly sought-a er Whitworth Cres! This home boasts 3,700sq of living space with 4 beds, 6 baths,
concept and a
4442 Arthur Drive, Delta •
This wonderful Sonnenberg-built home has been impeccably maintained and will surely impress. This property is located on prestigious Arthur Drive. This 4 bedroom rancher w/loft residence features 2,738 sqft of living space and sits on a beautiful 8200 sqft waterfront lot with a peaceful slough running behind it. Many extras incl. a kitchen w/quartz counters & glass backsplash, high-end SS appliances, newer roof w/50 year warranty, double wide garage, formal living & dining areas, large master suite w/walk-in closet & ensuite. Interior includes a loft w/extra bedroom & flex space, radiant heating & much more! Centrally located within walking distance to Ladner Village, Memorial Park & both Elementary & High Schools.
17537 63 Avenue - Cloverdale
539 55 Street - Tsawwassen
5 | 2 | 2,034 sq ft | 8,600 sq ft Lot | $1,389,000
Beautifully renovated family home w/an open floor plan, feat. a Merit kitchen w/sleek grey shaker cabinets, white quartz countertops, & black stainless steel appliances incl. an island gas range/hood fan, & wall oven/microwave. Other updates incl. flat ceiling w/LED pot lighting, California shutters, & vinyl floors. Unwind in the spacious primary suite The renovated main bath feat. slate floors, nuheat, a quartz countertop vanity, & a 6-foot soaker tub. Versatile living spaces downstairs, perfect for your family’s needs or reinstate the 2-bedroom legal suite for additional monthly rental income. Quiet nothrough street, w/space for your boat/trailer. Close to parks, schools & amenities.
6 | 4.5 | 3,355 sq ft | 7,524 sq ft Lot | $1,969,000
Experience modern luxury in this stunning family home. Beautifully renovated w/premium fixtures & contemporary finishes. Chef’s kitchen + side prep kitchen feat. custom quartz countertops, gorgeous millwork, high-end appliances, inc. a panel fridge, double wall oven, & 2 pot fillers (coffee & stove). New flooring & paint throughout, plus new furnace & A/C. Large, private backyard oasis boasting an outdoor cedar kitchen, gas BBQ, custom pergola, & heated 12x24 pool w/custom deck. This home offers the perfect blend of style, comfort, & functionality.
2,460 sq. | 4 bedrooms + den
3 bathrooms l 7,700 sq. lot
Well maintained family home featuring cedar ceilings & original hardwood floors up & a great layout down ideal for extended family Deligh�ul gardens with fruit trees , extra tall garden shed, carport w/storage, and room for the RV!
2,595 sq. | 4 bedrooms | 2 bathrooms
3,863 sq. lot
Historically known as Roycro , this is an impressive 2 storey home restored to its Edwardian era with detailed cra smanship & millwork dis nguished by its octagonal turret & high ceilings on both floors. Prominent corner loca on in the heart of Ladner A stunning piece of artwork & history
1,155 sq. | 2 bedrooms | 2 bathrooms Ladner Village Gate
Convenience at your doorstep! Located on the fringe of Historic Ladner Village is this amazing 4 year old corner unit in a bou que building w/ open concept and surrounded by windows.
4888 2 Avenue, Tsaw $1,348,000
891 sq. | 2 bedrooms | 1 bathroom
7,546 sq. lot
SOUTH FACING LOT! Build up to 3,263 sq home + basement (verify with the City of Delta). Quiet loca on near Fred Gingell Park and Tsawwassen Beach.
780 Gilchrist
2,634 sq. | 5 bedrooms | 3 bathrooms 7,868 sq. lot
SOMETHING SPECIAL! Professionally renovated & located in a sought-a er area. The NEW custom kitchen is designed for people who like to cook and entertain. Cul-desac loca on, over-sized double car garage, big bedrooms & much, much more!
1745 Enderby Avenue, Tsaw
2,635 sq. | 4 bedrooms | 3 ½ bathrooms
6,039 sq. lot
Buy a way of life in Beach Grove. Superbly built ‘custom home’ with an a en on to detail, finishings & luxury appliances, 10’ ceilings, large family friendly kitchen, huge primary bedroom with spa-like ensuite, A/C plus detached dbl car garage.
sq. lot
Open concept living & kitchen w/ expansive windows overlooking private gardens. BONUS: Extended driveway & 2 car garage w/a c storage (200 sq ). Close to Holly Elementary School, parks, transit and hwys.
Rarely available - Royal Oaks corner unit Townhome with private south facing yard. Features include 17’ vaulted living room ceiling, in floor radiant heat on
#309S-1100 56TH STREET TSAWWASSEN • $788,000
full bathroom unit features the ultimate in condo living with southwest exposures including large private deck to take advantage of the sunshine! Beautifully maintained throughout including newer appliances tile & new interior paint. You will be wowed from the start. Large storage locker included. Wonderful central location close to countless amenities and services One of the best condo options in town! Book your private appointment today!
4974 Stevens Lane
This large 4 bedroom/4 bathroom rancher is located in Upper/Central Tsawwassen on a quiet cul-de-sac. Situated on a South facing/park-like 14316 sq ft lot, this custom built rancher for original owners is on the market for the first time. This sprawling rancher, just over 3000 sq ft, boasts a fantastic layout with legal in-law suite (ideal for extended families), huge south facing back yard, 2 street frontages with a detached 600 sq ft garage in the back plus parking in the front. 2 Blocks to English Bluff Elementary School and South Delta Senior Secondary. Home is ready for a new family to bring their own design ideas and make it their own.
5046 1A Avenue
Location! Fantastic family home located on a prestigious cul-de-sac in upper Tsawwassen. Extensively renovated and ready to move in. Great family floor plan, 2,946 sq. Ft. main floor living with kitchen, family room and dining room facing to a south sunny backyard. 4 bedrooms and huge games room on upper floor, 3 baths, double garage and plenty of storage Fully renovated including, kitchen, bathrooms, flooring, appliances, lighting, interior/exterior paint, and landscaping. Newer roof, boiler and hot water tank. This home shows beautifully!
65 Deerfield Place
Charming 3 bedroom/2 bathroom rancher in “Deerfield”. Located on a quiet cul-de-sac backing onto greenspace. At 2167 sq ft this rancher has a fabulous layout with an oversized primary bedroom with walk in closet and sliding doors opening onto private patio. Large living and dining room opening up to sun drenched west facing patio overlooking mature landscaped garden Radiant in floor heat, skylights, hardwood flooring. This home has been lovingly looked after by the original owners, bring your own design ideas to make it yours.
1206 Pacific Drive
Located in Stahaken on Pacific Drive, one of the nicest subdivisions in Tsawwassen, this 4 bdrm/3 bathroom home was custom built by Carl Jensen for the existing owner Grand entrance with vaulted foyer, large formal dining and living room with large kitchen/family room opening up to the back patio. Manicured gardens and yard provide a park-like setting. 3 bedrooms up including a spacious primary bedroom with a large 5 piece ensuite and spacious walkin closet. Separate games room above the garage provides added flex space. Fantastic layout for family and entertaining. Radiant heat and several updates including newer roof, IBC Boiler, interior & exterior paint, blinds, appliances and more.
follow me on
53 STREET, TSAWWASSEN l $2,479,888
Newly built custom home This executive family home features a legal one-bedroom suite and is located steps away from Diefenbaker Park on a quiet street in Pebble Hill With 5 bedrooms and 4 5 bathrooms, this masterpiece was created by a reputable builder and Tsawwassen design team The home is tastefully designed with superb craftsmanship, soaring ceilings, two dining areas, a flex area, butler’s pantry, office, upstairs laundry, and a vaulted great room that overlooks a private backyard Additional features include radiant heating, AC, security cameras, Fisher & Paykel appliances, built-in vacuum, and more!
Well maintained 3 bedrooms Rancher in Central Tsawwassen. Located on a huge 19,750 SQFT fenced lot with 78 FOOT frontage. Detached 10’x12’ studio with skylight, tile fl ooring, power Garden shed. Updates include: new roof (2 yrs), Hot water tank (1 yr) Beautiful private deck and patio with gazebo, fi sh pond, perfect for summer enjoyment. Schools, transportation, recreation
OPEN SUNDAY 2-4PM T O P 1 0 G R E A T E R V A N C O U V E R R E A L T O R S * RE/MAX City Realty 5090 48th Avenue, Delta, BC
407-1428 56 St, Tsawwassen MLS# R2758817 • $875,000 Beautifully appointed two level penthouse with 17’ ceilings in main 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom 2 side by side parking and storage locker
% 231 Morningside Dr, Tsaw MLS# R2758177 • $1,649,000 Fully renovated 2859 sf, 3 bedroom, 4 bathrooms on a private 4365 sf lot. Views of mountains + oceans.
* based on 5 year Medallion Award REBGV (778) 688-5972
Brian Elsey 604-551-9396
311-4690 Hawk Lane, Tsaw MLS# R2734583 • $629,000 875 sf, 2 bedroom + 2 bathroom + den, 1 parking, 1 storage. West exposure. JUSTSOLD! Harry Ratchford 604-315-2633 Call Harry for a FREE MARKET EVALUATION of your home! AMEX BROADWAY WEST REALTY - SUITE 201-10055 W BROADWAY - 604.738.8878
and shopping all within walking distance. $1,385,000 1084 53A STREET LANCE HUGHES 604.943.8080 ■ 604.833.3844 LIFETIME MEMBER Re/Max City Realty Personal Real Estate Corporation 16,264 sq.ft private estate lot overlooking Georgia Strait Walk-through the front door into the grand foyer, and over 5200 sq.ft of living space. Features real hardwood throughout with 5 bedrooms upstairs including gym. The extra large master has 5 pce ensuite & private western exposed terrace. Downstairs has gourmet kitchen, family room, billiards room, wine room & office. Double oversized garage & lots of parking. Great family home on prestigious English Bluff Road 645 English Bluff $3,498,000 NEW PRICE Queensborough - One of the largest heritage style homes in Thompson Landing. This home offers 1 bedroom on the main & 2 large masters above. Features includes: hardwood floors, vaulted ceilings, gas fireplace & southern exposed back yard and only minutes to playground, River Parks & buses. Priced below assessed value. 1404 Salter Street $1,219,900 NEW LISTING 68 Seymour Court 545 Milsom Wynd 4888 2nd Avenue JUST SOLD JUST SOLD JUST SOLD
4702 holly park wynd
3 Bed + Loft | 3 Bath | 2218 ft2
Updated East Ladner single family home is summer ready & ideally located in a quiet cul-de-sac Steps to Holly Park Elementary, a state of the art all weather artificial turf field, bike park, transit & easy access to Hwy 17 & Hwy 99 This lovingly cared for, turnkey home is ready for a family & incl’s some of the finer things like numerous tech upgrades, an amazing floor plan & a beautiful kitchen. Open Houses this Sat/Sun from 2-4PM. $1,549,900
4 Bed | 3 Bath | 2198 ft2
Perfectly located in one of South Delta’s most family friendly neighbourhoods, the seaside community of Beach Grove has something for everyone! This west exposed, well designed 2 level single family home sits on a corner lot & is across the street from the Elementary School, dyke access as well as miles of nature trails to enjoy. Beautifully manicured yard, outdoor entertainment space & updates throughout only adds to the charm of this special property.
Your Community
BERMAN, Sidney
It is with sadness that we announce the peaceful passng of Sidney Berman on Apri 29, 2023
FondHe was born to Reverend Harry and Sadie Berman n Stockton-on-Tees Engand August 18, 1934, and spent his youth in Llanel, Waes He went on to get his Civi Engineerng Degree from the University of Lverpool and emgrated to Canada as a newy married man
Sidney and his first wife Reva, lived in Ontaro where his three chldren Gary, Sharon and Tm were born Sid practiced his Engneering disciplne with the Canadian Federal Government for most of his career unti retrement
Sid and famiy utimately settled in British Columbia He was very actve in the formation of Richmond’s Beth Tkvah Congregation as well as the Rchmond Tennis Cub
Sidney met and married his second wfe Lenore in Richmond and enjoyed 40 years of marrage Sd was an avid tennis player and enjoyed playing bridge and chess with friends, racquetbal, canoeng and watchng hockey He also spent esure time vacatoning n Palm Sprngs, Arzona and Sudden Valey aong with his special trips to the Caribbean, UK and Inda
Sid had a great sense of humour, enoyed singing and playing the acoustc guitar He was comfortabe camping in a tent traier and snging around a camp fire as wel as being in an office environment with sut and tie
Sidney will be sadly missed
Sidney is survved by hs wife Lenore Berman, ex-wife Reva Berman, chidren; Gary Berman, Sharon Valero and Tim Berman aong with their spouses, chldren and grandchldren
Call or email to place your ad, Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm 604-362-0586 • 604-653-7851 •
Book your ad onl ne anytime at
McCARDELL, Shelley Ann (Irvine)
It is with great sorrow, the McCardel family announces the passing of our knd, brave, carng, and unimaginaby generous wfe, mother, sister, and friend, Sheley Ann McCardel (Irvne), after a long and courageous battle with cancer Sheley passed away peacefuly on May 12th surrounded by her famly Sheley was born on Apri 10th, 1960 and was predeceased by her parents, George and Edth Irvine She s survived by her husband, Jim, and daughters, Dani (Keith) and Madison (Mke) She is also survived by her sster Leigh (Rc), nieces Andrea (Braden), Courtenay (Mke) and nephew Byron (Lorena)
Sheley grew up on the west side of Vancouver and attended Prnce of Wales Hgh Schoo After graduation, she worked several dfferent jobs before finshing Nursng schoo in 1987 where she went on to work at St Paul’s Hospital Sheley worked n varous departments during her tme at St Pau’s and spent the majority of her career n the abour and deivery ward In 1988, Sheley met the ove of her life, Jmmy, and n October of 1989, they were wed, whch began a lfe filed wth love and laughter Jim knew he was “punchng above hs weght” the day he met Sheley In September 1994, Madison was born folowed by her sister, Dani, in April 1997
Fond memores of Sheley include trips down to Mexico with George and Ede, shoppng trps to Homesense, and late night phone cals with frends over a glass of wne Any of those who were fortunate enough to share a gass of “Josh” wth her, knew of her quck wt and wry sense of humour With that n mind, fee free to sp on a glass of Josh in her memory
Shelbel was loved by many and wl forever be missed
To Dr Steven Cha of the BC Cancer, Vancouver Center and Dr Jennfer Rogerson of Harvest Drve Family practice, and the many heath care teams through the years, thank you for supporting Sheley through her ilness The famly asks n leu of flowers, to send donatons to the BC Cancer Socety https://bccancerfoundation com
April 8, 1940 May 11, 2023
It is with great sadness that we announce the sudden passage of our mother, grandmother, and wife, Gina Notenbomer.
She left us suddenly on May 11 at the age of 83. She is survived by her loving husband of 63 years, Harry Notenbomer; her sons Adrian and Gary; daughter in law Diane; along with her grandchildren, Anneka and Alexander Notenbomer.
Prior to arriving in Ladner, she and our dad led a very exciting life owning hotels, first in Prince George, followed by one in Kamloops and finally back in Assen Holland before moving back to Canada in 1980.
In later years, she loved working with our Dad at our local marine store Masseys Marine every Sunday, and their regular clientele would certainly remember her bright and cheerful outlook.
She loved tennis and played competitively into her seventies and spent a great deal of time with her grandchildren, and when babysitting services were no longer required, she put all her efforts into daily walks with our dogs, first Nugget and then Boomer right until the time she passed.
We are very fortunate to have had such a wonderful, loving and supportive wife, mother and grandmother and will miss her dearly.
Her wishes were for us to not have a service, we will dedicate a memorial bench for her in the near future at North 40 Dog Park.
May the Sunshine of Comfort
Dispel the Clouds of despair
memories linger everyday, Remembrance keeps themnear.
BURNSIDE, Gordon Billingham (Scotty) October 23, 1945 - May 3, 2023
Wth great sadness we announce the passing of Gordon Bilingham Burnside (Scotty) on May 3, 2023
Scotty was born in Pasey, Scotand on October 23, 1945 He was the only chid of Gordon and Jesse Burnside
Scotty and his parents immigrated to Canada n 1957 and settled in the east end of Vancouver where he attended Careton Eementary and Kllarney High School
As a young man Scotty was a very accomplshed soccer payer He went on to volunteer in the Ladner sportng communty and n many other areas where he could be of servce
Scotty worked at CP Air and ater became a sheet metal ourneyman For 25 years Scotty was a highy respected and wel-oved care provder for many
Scotty enoyed meeting peope and greeted everyone with a big smle He oved good crossword puzzles, had a keen interest n politcs, word events and oved a good debate If you needed a coffee buddy Scotty was your man Scotty had a great love of musc and was a very good dancer Scotty enoyed sharing time wth famly and frends He always wanted everyone to fee warmy wecomed
Swimmng, fishing, famiy camping trps and tme spent on Pender Isand were tmes he aways treasured Scotty had a deep love of famiy, and he was a father who was always there to support his chidren n whatever they chose to do
Scotty was pre-deceased by his parents and hs father-in-aw and mother-inaw, Jack and Ethe Stewart The passng of hs baby daughter at the age of one was a devastating oss for him We know he’s holding her now
Scotty wil be ovingy remembered by his wife Diane, daughter Sandra, sons Gordon, Greg (Jennifer) and grandson Rylan He wll also be ovingly remembered by Tffany, Arlo, Parker, Devon, Shamus, D J , Ben and Autumn, his brothers, and sisters-in-aw Donna and Cec, Jack and Mariyn, Kathy and Ron, along with many nieces, nephews, and friends
Scotty overcame many challenges n ife, but his diagnosis of Alzheimer’s was one he knew he could not beat He accepted his fate wth dgnity, courage, and humour
We give love and gratitude to the West Shore Layum famly for their kindness, support and wonderfu care provided to Scotty Thank you for encouraging Scotty to keep dancng
In lieu of flowers, a donaton in memory of Scotty to the Unon Gospe or Covenant House would be greatly apprecated
A Ceebration of Life wl be hed on June 4th from 1:00 - 4:00pm at Tsawwassen Springs Golf Course, 5133 Springs Bvd, Tsawwassen Please join us for memories and refreshments
Condolences may be offered at www detafuneral ca Deta Funera Home (604)946 6040
McLELLAN, Leslie Murdock
August 31, 1926 - February 3, 2023
Lesle passed away peacefuly at the Delta View Care Centre here n Deta at 97 years of age after suffering from dementia for the past couple of years
A Celebration of Life wl be held on June 17th from 2:00pm to 4:00pm at 4765 Cedar Tree Lane, Ladner Light refreshments wil be served Please jon us to share memories and photos of Les
Delta Players Theatre Presents Ordinary Day Ord nary Days, a musica by Adam Gwon, play ng May 27 & 28th @ 3pm + 8pm at the North De ta Centre for the Arts
Produced by Ann Matterson, directed by M chael Kirk, w th musical direction from Aidan Sharpe. players theatre presents "ordinary d tickets 131372
South Delta Secondary July 8th at 6:00pm ROSE & CROWN Tsawwassen
Email Shelley to Confirm: 40thgradreunon@gma com
GaraGe SaleS
SAT, MAY 27th 9AM 2PM
Saturday, May 27 8:30 AM 1:30 PM 5335 6 Avenue, Tsawwassen Household items, furn ture, camp ng equipment, kids books, and lots of miscellaneous goodies.
7 days/wk
Dog Walkng Certficate and Pet Frst Ad course, can work wth aggressive s
Ref’s ava Ins’d, bonded Joe, 778-325-3659 Joeysdogwakng com
Garage Sale May 27
8:30AM 11:30AM
Mult fami y garage sale lots of cloth ng, tools, small furniture tems, and more. Rain or shine. 919 57th Street, Tsawwassen
Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps them near.
Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a Sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes.
Glacier Media Group makes every effort to ensure you are respond ng to a reputable and legitimate job opportun ty If you suspect that an ad to which you have responded is misleading, here are some hints to remember Legitimate employers do not ask for money as part of the application process; do not send money; do not give any cred t card nformat on; or call a 900 number in order to respond to an employment ad. Job opportunity ads are salary based and do not require an investment.
If you have responded to an ad which you believe to be misleading please call the: Better Business Bureau at 604-682-2711
Monday to Friday, 9am - 3pm or email: and they will investigate.