TO KNOW IN DELTA Buy From A Local You Know. Supporting a local business or organization means you’re supporting an individual or a family. You’re helping to pay a mortgage, electric bill, buy groceries, transportation, a child to get braces or sending a student to college.
For over four decades, Delta has been home for Mayor George V Harvie and his wife Gillian. It’s where they raised their son Tim and daughter
Taryn and became passionate about every aspect of this tight knit community, including the people, the natural beauty, local organizations, and community spor ts.
Mayor Harvie brings over 40 years of experience in local government to his role as head of the municipality, including his previous positions as City Manager for Delta and in senior positions at the City of Burnaby While his career goals were originally focussed on managing the City of Delta, Harvie felt compelled to contribute to his community in new and meaningful ways, leading to his decision to run for Mayor in both the 2018 and recent 2022 Delta local government elections.
“I love this city and serving the community as Delta’s Mayor has been the honour of a lifetime” says Harvie. “Delta is our home and I’m grateful to be re-elected to allow me to continue working towards my goal of this city being recognized as the best place to live, work, and raise a family in Canada ”
Outside of work, Mayor Harvie prioritizes spending time with his two granddaughters and family and being on the water with friends. He is committed to staying fit with daily work outs and enjoys golfing and walks with his rescue dog Bella.
Harvie appreciates the many oppor tunities to speak with residents and business owners in his role as Mayor Whether it’s kicking off a season opening game, dining locally, taking par t in city events, or door knocking during his recent re-election campaign, Mayor Harvie loves to engage with residents and learn what is most impor tant to them. With his second term as Mayor commencing, he looks forward to delivering leadership and progress for Delta
“I’m excited to continue my work with Council and the community to collaborate on new recreation, spor ts, social, and active infrastructure projects that benefit residents, suppor t local businesses, and enhance our community, while ensuring the city remains fiscally responsible. We have been able to do all of this while keeping Delta one of the safest places to live.”
In his first term as Mayor, Harvie established the Mayor’s Spor ts Summits to collaborate with local spor ts groups who helped identify priority investments in community spor ts and recreation projects Recent notewor thy achievements include the grand opening of the Ladner Covered Multi-Spor t Cour t, Nor th Delta Track and Field Facility, along with the construction of new fieldhouses, washroom upgrades, and playgrounds. The opening of the new the Douglas J. Husband Discovery Centre and Nor th Delta Centre for the Ar ts earlier this year represent significant new additions to the city’s ar ts and cultural scene and enhance oppor tunities for local ar t and performances, history, and learning.
Under Mayor Harvie’s leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic, the City of Delta prioritized keeping residents safe and working with the local business community to provide suppor t under such challenging circumstances. Initiatives like the Pop-up Parks, Kindness Meters, and approval of expanded outdoor patios have been embraced by the community, helping lift residents and businesses during these difficult times.
Mayor Harvie looks forward to continuing his work on building a more inclusive, accessible, and sustainable Delta. The launch of community initiatives like Delta’s Mobility and Accessibility Committee, the Mayor’s Task Force on Diversity, Inclusion, and Anti-Racism and rainbow street banners to celebrate Pride month, are helping the city embrace an inclusive and diverse Delta where everyone is welcome.
As Mayor, Harvie recognizes that Delta’s success is a result of the collective work and par tnerships with staff, emergency services, local businesses and business organizations, volunteers, local agencies, and other levels of government. He is excited to take on new challenges and oppor tunities for the city as he begins his second term in office.
To learn about upcoming city initiatives and events, follow the City of Delta’s social media pages (@CityofDeltaBC) and visit our website at
Mayor George V. Har vie
Phone 604 946 4451 Deliveries 604 946 5171 www delta-optimist com
P U B L I S H E R: Pierre Pelletier ppelletier@delta-optimist com
E D I TO R: Ian Jacques ijacques@delta-optimist com
S P O RT S: Mark Booth
mbooth@delta-optimist com
R E P O RT E R S: Sandor Gyarmati sgyarmati@delta-optimist com Mark Booth mbooth@delta-optimist com
P H OTO G R A P H E R: Jim Kinnear
D I G I TA L SA L E S M A N AG E R: Marianne LaRochelle
SA L E S R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S: John Gallinger jgallinger@ delta-optimist com Ruth VanBruksvoort rbruks@ delta-optimist com Lee Fruhstor fer lfruhstorfer@delta
P RO D U CT I O N: Tracy Trydal ttr
SA L E S S U P P O RT: Linda Calendino lcalendino@ delta-optimist .com
D I ST R I B U T I O N: Kristene Murray 604 946 5171 Roya Sarwary rsarwar y@delta-optimist com C L A S S I F I E D: 604 444 3056
Going down memory lane… I remember when I was a teenager in Edmonton and two blocks away from our home on 112th Avenue was our neighbourhood grocery store, Parkview Grocery, but we always called it, Earls.
Nothing fancy A typical two-story Victorian house with the main floor housing the store and the family living on the second floor The store was maybe 800 square feet max, with narrow aisles, beat up tile floors and handmade shelving stuffed to the roof with product. Every neighbourhoood was sprinkled with them I call it a grocery store but it was more the early version of a miniaturized Walmart they seemed to sell everything.
Ours was owned by a man in his early 50s named you got it Earl. Earls was the type of store where when my mom was busy cooking supper and needed a few things, I would run to Earls and let him know that my mom sent me to get a bag of sugar and some bread and he’d grab his big green, tattered three ring binder, flip the dog-eared pages to the “Ps” and under “Pelletier” he’d add the products to my family’s tab. Then a few days later, my mom or dad would walk over, and after a long chat with Earl on world affairs (dad), the monarchy (mom), they’d ask what was owing, and pay the tab.
This went on for years with many
families in the neighbourhood. Great guy and very popular Always asking how my friends and I were doing telling us we were too young to worry so much (how true that was), and to… “Save those thoughts for when you’re my ancient age.” My friends and I were probably in that store five times a week for years buying stuff There was always somebody in that store.
What I didn’t mention was that during all this time, there was a much larger store with more products, fancier displays and they even had a video game inside a big deal for the late 70s.
But most families in the neighbourhood continued to shop at Earls. Why? Because we knew Earl He was our friend. He provided a great service at a reasonable price. He and his family came to our soccer games, supplied free pop at our school dances, volunteered at neighbourhood clean-up days they were a big part of our community
And that’s the importance of this magazine. The following pages are packed with people who are a part of our community They make South Delta a better place to live. Many support the activities and events that make our community so great I hope you’ll support their businesses and organizations too let’s all buy from a local we know
Pierre Pelletier
Canadian Publications Agreement #212490 Thursday s circulation is 17 500 This paper is made of 40% recycled newsprint and printed using vegetable inks The Delta Optimist is a member of the National Newsmedia Council which is an independent organization established to deal with acceptable journalistic practices and ethical behaviour If you have concerns about editorial content please contact the editor at editor@delta optimist com or 604 946 4451 If you are not satisfied with the response and wish to file a formal complaint visit the website at mediacouncil ca or call toll free 1
for additional information Entire Contents © 2022 The Optimist All Rights Reserved Published
Publisher Delta Optimist the Delta Optimist , a division of LMP Publication Limited Partnership
Publisher’s Message
844 877 1163
5008 47A Avenue, Delta, BC V4K 1T8
Amazingly, it’s already been two years since we opened our dream office located in Boundary Bay We’re so grateful to the South Delta community for being so supportive through our big transition and we finally feel settled into our new space, thrilled to be so embraced by our neighbours. Our new office provides general dental care and laser dentistry in a serene and calming environment. We are always welcoming new patients. Come visit our upgraded location at the historical Canada/US border crossing site at 6714 Corbould Road in Boundary Bay If you’re driving to your appointment, remember it’s only 30kms/hr in the Bay! Dr Walker is a graduate of the University of Alberta and has been practicing in Tsawwassen since 1998. Her team is like family, and she couldn’t do it without them.
Iryna is a Registered Tibetan Medicine Practitioner (Dr.TTM) Ukraine, Combined acupuncture and herbology, a Practitioner of Ayurveda Medicine and an Ancestral Healer CO-Founder of the “Ukrainian Retreat Training Center”
Iryna’s love for medicine and healing began in her early youth. As a child, she discovered the gift of Healing. Since the age of 12, she has thoroughly lear ned and practiced Easter n Medicine in Asia, India, Tibet and Japan.
“The purpose of my life is to help people discover the best health, vitality and joy they have inside of them. Healing is possible only when you cure the real cause of disease. I continue to dedicate my life to professional development, spiritual healing and helping people.”
After receiving her doctorate in TTM in 2014, Iryna lived and studied for two more years at Monastery She has mastered the art of Pulse Diagnostics. She can listen to the 64 pulses and all the inter nal systems of the patient and select methods of individual treatment based on natural herbs, acupuncture, dietary healing and other traditional methods. Iryna wants to create her own brand of natural medicine that will help people stay healthy
• Original methods for healing and teaching 15 years of work experience
• Whole body health diagnostics, based on ancient Tibetan pulse measurement technique
• Individualized personal program development
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Visit Iryna with any health concer ns and you will absolutely get more than you expect!
1363-56th Street, Unit#7, Tsawwassen, BC V4L 2P7 778-434-3072 • @lalita_amma
sa les. That ’s an easy and even cliché thing to say in theor y, but more challenging to put into prac tice especially when you’re self employed ”
Par t of this was the decision to remain an independent office in a market increasingly populated by manufac turer owned hearing clinics that carr y a single prod uc t line “One of the best ways I’ve found to ser ve our clients,” explains Mark , “Is to carr y hear ing aid models from across all the major manufac turers. This means we always have access to the latest technology, regardless of brand; it also gives me the flexibility to be discerning about the produc ts I recommend ”
“ The suppor t we’ve received from the community has been over whelming and so encour aging,” says Shaw na, “And it ’s not just having people recommend us to friends it ’s the fac t that many of our clients have become friends themselves and take such an interest in our family.” As the business has grown, so has the family behind it; since opening in 2013, Mark and Shawna have added two sons and a daughter to the mix. “Having our business and family evolve simultaneous ly has been a neat experience,” obser ves Mark , “I t ’s an ongoing reminder that we have a lot to be grateful for ”
Mark and Shawna Nickel were just newly weds when they opened Tsaw wassen Hearing Centre in 2013 “Look ing back on it now, launching a small busi ness is a pretty major projec t to tack le when you’ve been married for less than a year,” laughs Mark ,
“ Thankfully, it worked out for us!”
Using his father ’s 25 years of ex perience in the hearing industr y as a guide, Mark had a specific vi sion for his own hearing clinic: “I star ted out, like my dad, k nowing I wanted to put people before
It’s an approach that clearly res onates with people. Tsawwassen Hearing Centre has been recog nized in the Delta Optimist’s Read ers’ Choice Awards as the ‘Best Hearing Clinic in Tsawwassen and Ladner’ for five consecutive years.
Tsaw wassen Hearing Centre is a full ser vice hearing clinic offer ing hearing evaluations, hearing aid sales, repairs and cleanings, batteries and accessories, in home ser vicing, and custom specialt y earmolds for sleeper earplugs, ear defenders, and more
5682 12 Avenue, Tsawwassen • 604 943 0033 • Our office is open Monday Friday from 9:30am 4:30pm
Mark and Shawna Nickel with their children
Iryna Fayer TTM, NHP
Cleanings & Checkups Restorative Dentistry Kid’s Dentistry Ortho & Invisalign Teeth
Laser Treatments
Dr Crista Walker 604.943.7494
Whitening –
Jack Atkinson
Let’s head back to the January 1964 pages of the Delta Optimist and a feature on a Ladner resident who certainly loved canaries that could sing.
Having won many contests, Jack Atkinson’s favourite hobby was breeding, training and exhibiting roller canaries.
He won his first trophy in 1942.
Interested in roller canaries since he was 14 years old, Atkinson had about 60 birds in his collection at the time.
The roller breed of domestic canary had been bred in the Upper Harz mountains of Germany
“Leopold King of the Belgians” was the pet name for Atkinson’s patriarch bird.
Atkinson said that 14 years earlier, he imported a few canaries from Belgium and one of them was King Leopold.
As well as trophies, cups, merchandise,
ribbons and rosettes all over their 53rd Street home, Atkinson and his wife Jean also had ribbons and a long shelf of trophies in a canary house.
In the weeks prior to the article, his birds won two singing contests in two different shows.
He also took 14 trophies and 21 ribbons from two international shows.
Atkinson explained the music made by a team of roller canaries is called “tours” and was first named in Germany centuries ago.
There are 10 tours or notes in the harmony possible for a team of birds
A trainer has to recognize each tour when a bird is singing, choose which birds will be in certain teams and harmonize the notes to make the best music
As much as $100 could be spent on a good roller canary, he said.
Soo Long
This 1968 photo in the Delta Optimist showed Soo Long, the last resident of the once populace Ladner Chinatown.
He lived in one of the last two remaining buildings of the community, which was almost completely wiped out by a fire in the 1920s.
There are no more buildings standing in
However the city has restored a commemorative concrete statue and plaque that were donated by the Chung Chuck family
Julius Pokomandy
Let’s head back to the December 1974 pages of the Delta Optimist and see the Christmas banquet feast prepared by South Delta Senior Secondary students for their parents and other students.
The scrumptious meal prepared by the 44 students in the cookery program was held at the school on Dec 11 that year
As had been found in other Delta schools, there were more males taking the course than females
They were in the capable hands of head chef instructor Julius Pokomandy (pictured), whose basic aim was to show youngsters they could do more than they thought with
different foods.
“His methods and ideas have obviously captured the imagination of students who are clamoring to take the course. At present they’re oversubscribed and the next three semesters’ enrollment sheets are already filled,” the Optimist reported.
He also has a comment about the controversy that year about school vending machines, saying the key is to provide consumers with something better and more appealing than candy bars.
The B.C. Chefs’ Association has a Julius Pokomandy Award.
Chung Chuck
Chung Chuck was still busy right into his 80s.
Let’s head back to the January 1976 pages of the Delta Optimist when a popular Ladner landmark was going to enter its final days.
That’s when Chung Chuck’s old house went up for sale.
Popular with Lower Mainland artists at the time, the old house was then seldom used and expected to be torn down when a new owner came along.
A controversial figure, Chung Chuck made a name for himself as someone who would fight hard for his rights something which often brought him in conflict with the law
Beginning in the 1930s, he was arrested and jailed multiple times for bootlegging
his potatoes rather than selling through the marketing board.
He also rented to house boaters, which caused more problems.
In an incident in 1977, he held Delta officials at bay with a shotgun for four hours after the municipality threatened to shut off the water supply to the house boaters, and to the farm, unless all the utilities were brought up to code and taxes per boat were paid.
His colourful life, and in particular this confrontation over the house boats, generated so much interest that CBC turned his story into a made-for TV movie.
Soo Long was the last resident of Delta’s Chinatown community
Canaries sang beautifully at Jack Atkinson’s Ladner home.
Providing meals for the school canteen, South Delta Senior Secondary student cooks were in the capable hands of legendary B.C. chef Julius Pokomandy
today to remind people that a once vibrant Chinatown community existed.
LOOKING BACK | People To Know | 1922-2022
through the Delta Centennial Celebration in 1979
Buying or selling a home can be one of the largest financial decisions you will make and it can seem like an intimidating experience. If you work with me I can streamline the process and save you time, money and stress.
I’ll always tell you the truth and give you the facts that are in your best interest. I never want to be that realtor who makes promises they can’t keep just to get a contract that’s not fair to you. I’m invested in my clients, my career and my community I’m not just making a sale or purchase, I’m getting to know a new neighbour!
Alison always approached our needs for our family first, and we never felt pressured into making a sale we weren’t sure of. She is a great communicator, and has a calm, friendly, and honest approach to market sales.
We strongly recommend Alison if you are in need of someone to help you find your dream home! Thanks so much Alison!
Sincerely, Jen and Curt
Sutton Group Seafair Realty 1625 - 56 Street, Delta, British Columbia V4L 2B2 604-790-5859 | eet,
For over 20 years the staff at the Runinn continue to pride themselves on expert product knowledge & shoe fitting. As important, the staff at the Runinn provide awesome customer service and the love of a strong community involvement and community connections.
Owner, Kevin Ridley, along with Steve Nobbs, Matt Johnston, Gail McEwan, Roberta Bradshaw, Courtney, Elise, Kay, Mirren, Jess & Aidan have all been technically trained to deal with footwear enquiries, foot issues, and injury prevention. We have great relationships & work well with community health care providers.
This Fall, watch for great waterproof/Gore-Tex footwear to get you through any activity from Walking the dog to Hiking Dog Mountain. We stock waterproof brands from Brooks, New Balance, ON, Salomon, Saucony, Hoka, Asics and more. Come on into the Runinn and let us fit you into the shoe that’s right for you. Thanks for shopping locally It’s good for your community
is an active member of the community in Ladner, a 4th generation “Ladnerite,” Airbnb super host, Real Estate Investor & Advisor She is known for her community connections, strong work ethic, and deep Ladner roots Taylor has a remarkable ability to uncover “smart investing” and amazing opportunities in both the local & international real estate market for her valued clientele For the last 5 years, Taylor has been awarded the Medallion Club status as well as Elite status with Macdonald Realty one of BC’s most reputable agencies
Taylor had already sold and purchased multiple properties before starting her real estate career She knew the gap in the market and what she wanted to offer as an advisor Working with Taylor will give you a boutique, full service, hands on experience from start to finish Keeping her client’s interest as number 1, Taylor treats each transaction as if it were her purchases and guides Sellers & Buyers on exactly what is needed to make their home stand out from the rest As a Seller, the goal is to showcase your property to its absolute best this will ensure fewer days on the market and more money For each transaction, Taylor works with a “what would I do if this were me” approach Whether that is decluttering the home with numerous trips to the landfill/goodwill, to full staging/res designs and/or making small tweaks where they’re needed We can’t forget about the lawn care and curb appeal, to hiring the best media companies in the business for photographs/videos/mini reels and targeted SEO ads to truly set you apart Taylor knows the importance of putting your best foot forward, especially in a social media world, as Buyer(s) decide in 30 seconds whether your property is for them or not
As an active real estate agent, homeowners & investors continue to seek out Taylor’s marketing, professionalism, and guidance to assist in selling their most important investments In today’s real estate market, it is crucial to put your absolute best foot forward out of the gate, thinking out of the box & being guided by a real estate advisor that can ensure you are set for success
If you’d like to discuss real estate over a phone call or coffee, please feel free to reach out at 604 362 0350.
• Tsawwassen Town
WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/THERUNINN THERUNINNSTORES @RUNINNSTORES As a fourth generation “Ladnerite” I know the ins and outs of our community. Let’s decide together if this market is for you and come up with a tailored marketing plan to get your home sold for top dollar. CO N TAC T M E F O R A F R E E H O M E E VA LUAT I O N! Medallion Club Member 2017 2021 w w w t a y l o r b r o w n r e a l t y c o m 6 0 4 3 6 2 0 3 5 0 i n f o @ t a y l o r b r o w n r e a l t y c o m @ Ta y l o r B r o w n R e a l E s t a t e Ta y l o r B r o w n P e r s o n a l R e a l E s t a t e C o r p o r a t i o n I ’M N OT J U S T A R E A L E S
E N T.. T
56th Street
Centre Mall 604.943.4661 Steve, Matt
I ’M A L S O YO U R N E I G H B O U R !!
Alison Steen
At Home...this is how we want you to feel when you walk into Home Hardware Building Centre. As our customer, you are a part of our family. From a major renovation to changing a light bulb, no project is too big or small for our sales team to take the time to get you the right product for your job. What good are the products if you’re not quite sure how they work? We have that covered too!
With years of experience, on the job training and numerous seminars, we have the answer to those questions and the ability to give that expert advice when needed. Combine knowledge and dedication with helpful friendly attitude and that’s exactly what you will find at Home. Bob, Kevin, Ron, Doug, Tom, Zak, Charlotte, Barret and Debbie are your link to the 1000’s of products available. From over 35,000 items in store and over 100,000 through our Home Hardware warehouse which can be easily ordered online, plus hundreds of local suppliers. We have the products you need to complete your job.
Products and advice aren’t all we do at Home. We also offer a wide range of services. Custom colour matching with our Beauti-Tone paint line is one of them. You bring us a colour sample and we will match it. If you are not sure about how a colour will look on the wall or just can’t decide, our custom samples are great alternative to buying quart upon quart of paint that you may never use. Exclusive to Home Hardware is our Kuraidori line, experience the quality. We also offer the following: delivery service, wood cutting, key cutting, custom flashing, knife sharpening, rebar cutting and bending.
Home Hardware Building Centre has been in the South Delta Community since 1981. Through support and donation we proudly sponsor numerous community activities and local charities. We would like to thank all of you, our customers over the years for your support and look forward to serving you in the future in the most knowledgeable and professional manor possible. This is our pledge to you… At Home.
Envision Financial, a division of First West Credit Union, has strong roots in the Delta community dating back to 1946 the year in which one of its founding credit unions, Delta Credit Union, opened its doors. Today, the same member-centric, community focused philosophy continues to guide Envision Financial, something that its two South Delta branch managers can attest to first-hand.
Tracy Plante Tsawwassen Branch Manager
Although new to Envision Financial, Tracy certainly isn’t new to finance having spent close to 30 years in the industry She has lived in the South Delta community for over 23 years and considers it a privilege to be able to help members in her backyard grow and thrive through customized financial advice. Tracy has served her community through several ventures including coaching soccer, running events and fundraisers for the South Delta Hockey Association, South Delta United Girls Soccer, and her local food bank. The Tsawwassen Branch team can always be seen out and about in the community volunteering and supporting local initiatives. As a trusted financial partner, Tracy and her team pride themselves on building strong, valued relationships with members to help them achieve their goals.
Lisa Margetson Ladner Branch Manager
Lisa has a storied career at Envision Financial, spanning several different roles including Member Service Advisor, Financial Advisor, marketing, finance and now Branch Manager (to name a few). Her community values align strongly with Envision Financial and building a better community is something near and dear to Lisa, having been involved with several local organizations including Delta Hospital Foundation, Reach Child and Youth Society (Board Member), Ladner Business Association, Delta Chamber, Backroads Family Farm Market and Delta Gymnastics Society Lisa recognizes that Ladner is a tight-knit community and it’s important for her and the branch to make sure everyone is taken care of including members and people in the community. This is a mission that is clearly resonating with her branch recently winning the #1 Financial Institution in Ladner through the Delta Optimist Reader’s Choice Awards.
Envision Financial brings innovative products, an extensive branch network and local decision-making to the banking experience. To learn more about Envision Financials’ commitment to helping members and communities thrive, visit
ficient, Accurate, Professional Service.
Efficient, Accurate, Professional Service.
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PUBLIC provides a wide range of notarial services. We can assist you with everything from buying or selling your home, putting a mortgage on your property or even when refinancing a mortgage on an existing property We can assist you in drawing a W ill, preparing Powers of Attor ney, the taking of Oaths and numerous other professional services. Daniel Boisvert is President of the BC Notaries Association.
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Mobile: 604-315-2533
Lisa Margetson
Tracy Plante
Natalie Mordaunt Licensed Realtor ®
Daniel Boisvert
John Sullivan Deas Edgar Dunning
He became a citizen of this country and a provincial voter
Deas spent time in the gold fields in Yale until approximately 1868, when he and family arrived back in Victoria to operate a hardware and stove business.
Deas started a fish canning operation in 1871 on the island that would be named after him.
Deas Island Regional Park is an island in Ladner named after John Sullivan Deas, a black man born in 1838 in South Carolina.
Deas and his brother Zephaniah joined the migration to California on the gold rush trail.
Arriving in San Francisco in 1860, Deas plied his trade as a tinsmith.
It’s been reported that during that period in California, the black community in preCivil War times was deeply troubled with legislative uncertainty
The mood was such that an exodus of the California black community to the Fraser River gold fields occurred between 1858 and 1865.
The early settlers were able to purchase land and skilled trades were in demand.
Described as a mulatto in historical records, Deas arrived in Victoria in 1862 and married Fanny Harris and they had several
Having acquired the necessary backers, he proceeded to erect a cannery and assorted buildings in preparation for the 1873 fishing season
Deas had an early start in what became a thriving business as one of two canneries on the lower Fraser
By 1878 there were eight canneries in operation.
Deas by then was becoming frustrated by the competition and the lack of access to the returning salmon.
Deas applied to government for an exclusive lease of “drifts” near his cannery
The request was turned down by both federal and provincial governments as “unjust to fishing interest as a whole.”
After that setback, Deas remained in the canning business for one more season before selling his interest in 1878.
He then moved his family to Portland, Oregon.
On July 22, 1880, he passed away at age 42.
Our s tore is f amily owned and oper ated since we fir s t opened in 1967
We are thrilled to be celebr ating 55 year s of s er ving our amazing communit y and t hank you for continuing to choose to shop loc al
We are exc i te d to s ee b eau t i f ul new li ne s b ei ng introduced and continue to be on top of the lates t s t y l e s a n d t r e n d s by e n s u r i ng we have t h e b e s t selec tion of samples as well as the produc t knowledge to help you make the right choice for your home
Our 30 0 0 square foot showroom is filled with a huge s e le c t io n of area r ug s, har d wo o d, la mi nate, v i ny l plank, vinyl, c ar pet and even maintenance produc t s all available at the ver y bes t prices
O ur b ig ge s t p r io r i t y t hrough all of t he year s has always been t aking c are of our cus tomer s by of fering the bes t ser vice and selec tion
We are ver y proud to be par t of this communit y and look for ward to ser ving you from finding the per fec t floor covering for your home to lifetime guar anteed ins t allation.
If you’re drea ming of a new look for you r home
Started by Vincent Dunning, the first issue of The Weekly Optimist, published on March 23, 1922, consisted of four pages. About 500 copies were printed.
Edgar, the oldest of the three Dunning boys officially began work at the Optimist in 1930 after two years in northern B.C., part of that employed by the Prince Rupert Evening Empire and its competing newspaper the Daily News
The eldest Dunning boy served the paper
in many capacities over the years, including reporter, editor, printer and pressman, as well as bill collector before taking over as publisher in 1942.
He sold part interest in the paper to Ernie Bexley in 1964 and later divested all his holdings, but rejoined the Optimist family as a columnist in the early 1990s. He continued to write his popular weekly Rambling column until his passing in 2010 at the age of 100.
A photo of the product produced by John Sullivan Deas, who was a free black tinsmith born in South Carolina and moved to Canada for a better life.
LOOKING BACK | People To Know | 1922-2022
Edgar Dunning working on the linotype (typesetting machine) sometime during the 1930s.
visit us. We’re here to help you pu t toget her a look you’ll love. DELTA C ARPETS & FL OOR DESIGN 5025 48th Avenue, Ladner | 604.946.6291 | deltac arpets.bc.c a Open: Mon-Fri 9 am 5 pm S a turday 10 am 4 pm. Delta Carpets & Floor Design “Famil y O wned & Opera ted Since 1967”
Founded in 1983, Tsawwassen Optometry Clinic is a proud member of the growing Delta community Dr Giulia DeVuono and Dr Sara Kirby joined the clinic based on their shared passion to serve where they live, and provide their friends and community members with the highest quality of care. Backed by the latest technology as well as knowledgeable and caring staff, together they believe in providing health and education of the eye, along with self expression through eyewear
Regular eye health checks are important, and can detect serious eye disease, and signs of other disease in the body Children should be seen by age 3, and yearly after that. Their eye exams are covered by the BC Medical Service Plan. Adults should be seen every 1 to 2 years.
We are open for routine and emergency eyecare by appointment, with new procedures to ensure a safe environment for all, while proving the same level of service our patients know and love. We look forward to seeing you!
Tsawwassen Optometr y Clinic
Dr. Giulia DeVuono and Dr. Sara Kirby #214-1077 56th Street, Tsawwassen Tel: 604-943-6114 www.tsawwassenoptometr
MATTHEW JACKSON General Manager, The Waterford
JANE BRYCE General Manager, The Wexford
Call Andie today: 6 0 4 . 3 6 4 .7 1 5 6 You’re Invited For Lunch! G et a taste of life at The Water ford and The Wex ford Com e for a tour, and we’ll treat you and your group to a complim entar y lunch or dinner BriaCommunities ca
Matthew and Jane lead the teams
at The Waterford and The Wexford
with more than 25 years of combined experience in the senior living industry Together, they create safe and vibrant communities where South Delta seniors live active, and purposeful lives
seafair realty 5000 Bridge Street Ladner 604.943.3110
ver y proud to work for
real estate
Ever y single client ’s specific needs and desires get my attention. Call me for all your real estate needs. I am here to help. Specializing in water front proper ties around the Lower Mainland. Platinum award winning ser vices Looking for ward to assisting in real estate. Bringing buyers and sellers together. 778.773.9563 Kat JOHNSON K at Johnson
Sara and Giulia
Sutton Group Seafair Realty, a fine Real Estate Brokerage in the Vancouver Market My professional experience comes from years in Sales, marketing and negotiation where I have honed these sk ills and apply them ever y day for my clients. I specialized in water front and floathomes early in my career as a niche market but have a ver y broad k nowledge and understanding of residential real estate I take great pride in
both buyers and sellers in the challenging and changing
Gordon Huff Gene Kiniski
Chief of Fire Hall No. 4, and Delta Fire Chief Clifford Cory (centre)
with Owen Jones of the BC Fire Marshall’s Office.
Let’s head back to the February 1968 pages of the Delta Optimist when Delta fire fighters, both paid and volunteer, were called to action when the Delta Community Hall in Ladner was completely destroyed by fire.
Flames reportedly leaped 60 feet above the building as Ladner and East Delta fireman hopelessly battled the blaze.
Volunteer members of the Fire Hall No.4 in East Ladner were part of the effort.
The above photo shows Gordon Huff, District Chief of Fire Hall No. 4 and Delta Fire Chief Clifford Cory (centre) conferring with Owen Jones of the BC Fire Marshall’s Office afterwards.
Delta’s fire department had previously
been entirely comprised of volunteers
Huff joined the volunteer fire department in 1953 and they were initially housed in a converted chicken house in East Delta, known as Hall No. 4. Firefighters were later located in the fire hall on Highway 10, later used as a training facility
In 1988, after 35 years of service, Huff retired from his volunteer position. He was recognized by three levels of government for his outstanding service.
Eventually operated entirely by paid fire fighters, Fire Hall No.4 closed a few years ago.
It was replaced by a new $9.6 million fire hall and emergency operations centre near the Boundary Bay Airport.
Manager for over 20 years and now on her 3rd year as Owner of Hawaiian Beach Tanning Salon Located in the of Ladner Village.
For the love of her clientele, and the love to operate Hawaiian Beach, she simply could not pass the opportunity to own the place.
Merly and her staff are focused on providing a safe and relaxing tanning experience.
Whether you;
• Need a little me time to relax
• Need to beat that W inter Blues
• Need some sunshine
• Need a base tan prior to your sunny vacations or simply
• Need a little Glow,
Hawaiian Beach is your answer, get your sunshine and Vitamin D dose. We have sunshine all year round.
We offer a variety of tanning equipment and services. Such as;
• Laydown Beds,
• Stand-ups/Verticals Booths
• Sunless Spray Tans
• InfraRed Sauna
• Whole Body Vibration Machine.
Hawaiian Beach has a variety of packages to choose from to fit your needs and budget. From minutes packages, to monthly, yearly packages, and even drop-in sessions.
We also carry varieties of sun tanning lotions, broad spectrum SPF sunscreen, high quality of after sun and moisturizers.
Merly is also working on bringing back their swimwear/beachwear products as well as those beautiful summer dresses.
Thank you to our valued clients and the community for their continued support and voting Hawaiian Beach Tanning Salon to be Delta Optimist Reader’s Choice award winner for over 20 years.
Merly and her staff at Hawaiian Beach, take pride in providing excellent customer service to their clientele and the community all the time.
Let’s take a step back in time to the March 1969 pages of the Optimist where a story ran on popular professional wrestler Gene Kiniski set to have a bout at Delta Secondary School.
The former world heavyweight wrestling champion was to take on Dean Higuchi of Hawaii.
Some of the other bouts planned by the DSS student council sponsored event included Dutch Savage versus Steve Bolus.
Kiniski, who in his earlier days played
football for the Edmonton Eskimos, had a long and storied career on the pro wrestling circuit.
He was also an actor, appearing in several movies including the 1978 film Paradise Alley with Silvester Stallone.
His final match was in 1992 but he remained connected to the business for years afterward.
Kiniski, whose family opened the Kiniski’s Reef in Point Roberts, died in 2010 at the age of 81.
aul started his plumbing career at the age of 18
After doing his apprenticeship and working for a service company for a few years, he decided to go it alone. In 3 decades he has never regretted that decision. His career has been a lifelong passion and lear ning.
He is the cor nerstone of the company and still puts in the long days but, now has a great support team with him. Paul is the go-to for big estimates and complex solutions and overseas all Daily Operations.
Paul is very involved with sports and the community He spent many years volunteering, coaching and managing local soccer and baseball teams and he is an avid fisher man. Paul’s greatest joy is his wife and 4 sons. He is very excited that his sons are coming of age in the business and joining the team. The Legacy is just beginning.
Our client base now consists of major City Contracts and Property Manager Portfolios as well as Residential Home-Owners. The heart of our business is still treating every customer with the respect and importance they deserve. We strive to give exceptional service at a very fair price! It’s been working for over a Quarter Century and just keeps growing.
PJB’s list of Services now includes Plumbing, Heating, Drainage, Hydro-Jetting and Excavating, Scanning and Coring and soon to be opening our Air Conditioning Division.
Gordon Huff, District
LOOKING BACK | People To Know | 1922-2022
The 272-pound Gene Kiniski wrestled at DSS in 1969.
4814 Haviland Street, Ladner, BC 604-946-1611
Beauty Angel Red Light Therapy and
#108-7402 Progress Way, Delta 604-940-2268
Paul Bach Founder PJB Mechanical Plumbing and Heating
Iain and Stevie were both bor n and raised in Tsawwassen. They are now raising their young family right here in the sunny city. They are second generation business owners and are committed to helping their clients’ cars run better and safer. Sierra Automotive has been serving Tsawwassen for over 35 years. Sierra is a full service shop and works on automobiles of all makes as well as all different types including diesel, hybrid, and electric.
Customers are our number one priority. We are committed to maintaining our reputation as one of Tsawwassen’s most reputable car repair shops. We aim to develop lasting relationships with our clients by offering highquality affordable services and proper advice on how to keep your vehicle’s performance at its optimium.
56th Street)
Con t em p or ary , environmentally friendly and Refreshingly Local™, Coast Tsawwassen Inn offers an experience that is anything but ordinary and our service is what makes it a Hotel to be recognized.
Emma McDonald, General Manager has been with the Coast Tsawwassen Inn 20 years and has led the team as General Manager for the last 6 years. Emma is responsible for setting the tone and expectations for each and every employee she leads. Emma is a long time resident of Tsawwassen and is in every aspect Refreshingly Local™ She sets high expectations for both service and performance and in doing so, she fosters a culture of professionalism where guests feel valued and staff take pride in their work.
Maria Durham, Catering Manager has been with the Coast Tsawwassen Inn for 4 years in our Catering Department and has over 30 years of experience in the hotel industry Maria is responsible for running the day-to-day catering operations and services. Her love for people and food is what makes her rise & shine and she is adamant about making sure that our service leaves a lasting impression on all of our valued guests.
Michelle Harman, Sales Manager has been with us since September 2021 and has over 32 years of experience in the hotel industry. Michelle is responsible for prospecting new business, while maintaining and nurturing old customers and accounts. She demonstrates Core Values of trust, loyalty, hard work, direct communication and teamwork in all of her daily duties. Michelle’s passion for people allows her to greet clients and make them feel at home. We look forward to meeting you at the Coast Tsawwassen Inn!
Voted Hotel of the Year 2022 Coast Tsawwassen Inn 1665 56 Street, Delta, BC V4L 2B2 604-943-8221
Lisa has been in the mortgage industry for almost 30 years. Her 16 years were spent working for a large Canadian chartered bank. During that time, she helped develop credit products, managed branches and ran sales teams. While she always found the management experience valuable, it was working one on one with clients that she truly enjoyed. After the birth of her son in 2003, she left her beloved banking career and took on the challenge of working as an independent Mortgage Expert, and she never looked back! For the past 17 years she has assisted her clients in the perfect mortgage. Any one of her clients will tell you that she brings an energy and enthusiasm to the process of buying, r or renewing your home. She loves what she does and has fun doing it.
Lis a Ma nw a r n i n
She is proud to say that she has generations of families that she has put into the biggest purchase of their lives, and while that might make her feel a bit old, those types of incredible relationships are what makes her so proud of what she does.
Robertson Optical & Optometry
Need your eyes tested? Is it time to replace older glasses? We’d like to help you. At Robertson Optical &Optometry you will afriendly team of eyecareprofessionals
eed your eyes tested? Is it time to replace older glasses? We’d like to help you. At Robertson Optical & Optometry you will find a friendly team of eyecare professionals who will help you carefor your eyes! We welcome new patients and arealways pleased to continue to assist our retur ning patients.
HNave you noticed that your vision is not as clear as it once was? Concerned that your child may have a vision challenge? Noticing that fine print is harder to see? Have an eye emergency that needs speedy service?
We’re here to help with eye health exams for the whole family At Robertson Optical & Optometry you will find a friendly team of eyecare professionals whose focus is all about eyes. We welcome new patients and are always pleased to continue to assist our returning patients.
• Our optometrist Dr Vicki Chen provides thorough eye health exams, will refer you to a specialist if needed and will follow every step of your eye care jour ney
• Krista, our friendly, helpful receptionist will book your eye exam and help you with all of the details required.
• Jeannette is our licensed optician who fits contact lenses and will help with selecting lens choices that meet your needs and offer you advantages for better vision.
her wealth of experience in customer care.
Our optometrists, Dr Vicki Chen and Dr Gerald Choi provide thorough eye health exams, including a retinal camera image and will refer you to a specialist when needed, and provide follow up. From children at three months of age to seniors, let us demonstrate our expertise and experience. Krista, our cheerful receptionist will book your eye exam and assist in frame selection and direct billing your insurance for your eyecare purchases.
• Ellen is great at selecting glasses that are flattering and well fitted and can share with you her wealth of experience in customer care. We offer a competitively priced selection for those on a budget and direct billing to most insurance plans.
Jeannette is our licensed optician who fits contact lenses and helps with selecting frame and lens choices that meet your needs and offer advantages for better vision.
Hereiswhat others had to say about Robertson Optical &Optometry:
Hereiswhat others had to say about Robertson Optical &Optometry:
We offer a competitively priced selection for those on a budget and direct billing to most insurance plans. We are located in Ladner and have plenty of parking.
“I went to Robertson for my eye exam. Following my eye exam Iwas referred to an Ophthalmologist for an issue that had not been previously diagnosed. Thank you so much. Ipurchased my glasses about 5years ago and they have been the best glasses. The staffatRobertson Optical aresofriendly that I have referred my family for futureexams and glasses. Thanks again for your great service.”
“I was having trouble focusing with one of my eyes and was able to book a same day appointment. The person Ibooked the appointment with was very helpful &friendly.The optometrist was thorough & noticed something in my eye that required prescription eye drops. Overall this was a very good experience & I will definitely be book for my next eye exam.”
Here is what others have had to say about Robertson Optical & Optometry:
“I was having trouble focusing with one of my eyes and was able to book an appointment on the same day The person I booked the appointment with was very helpful and friendly The optometrist was thorough and noticed something in my eyes that required prescription eye drops. Overall, this was a very good experience and I will definitely be booking my next eye exam here.”
“Very professional &friendly services. Dr.Chen was very thorough with my eyes exam. Best optometrist I’ve ever met.”
If we can help you, give us a call at 604-946-7911.
g , A M P #2 1359 56th Street, Delta BC, V4L 2P3 604-805-1833 I Call: 604-943-6850 | Email: #41-1835 56th Street, Tsawwassen BC V4L 2M1 (Behind McDonald’s off
Stevie, Iain, Marin and Hendrik
Maria, Emma and Michelle
who will help you to see very well and look great!
Our optometrist Dr.Vicki Chen provides thorough eye health exams, will refer you to aspecialist if needed and will follow every step of your eye carejour ney
Krista,our friendly,helpful receptionist will book your eye exam and help you with all of the details required.
Jeannette is our licensed optician who contact lenses and will help with selecting lens choices that meet your needs and offer you advantages for better vision.
is great at selecting glasses that are and
and can
• Ellen
sharewith you
Delta, BC Robertson Optical &Optometr y
Robertson Optical
#102-5405 Ladner Trunk Road,
We offer acompetitively priced selection for those on abudget and direct billing to most insurance plans. “Very professional &friendly services. Dr.Chen was very thorough with my eye exam. Best optometrist I’ve ever met.”
Jack and Gertrude Lanning Ed and Doreen Magee
Let’s head back to early last century to meet one of the proprietors of Delta’s early general stores.
Born in 1865, Walter John Lanning emigrated from England to Victoria in 1894.
He married Gertrude Millicent Weare and they moved to Ladner in 1898.
Known as “Jack” Lanning, he worked in Thomas McNeely’s general store in Ladner
In 1907, he was part of the new firm Lanning, Fawcett & Wilson Ltd. that took
over and operated the store under the new company name on Chisholm Street.
Lanning, who had six children, died in 1913, but Gertrude continued as a partner for the store, also known as The Big Store.
In 1945, the firm was sold to Mc & Mc, which operated a business there until 1960.
The original building still stands in Ladner Village today and is considered one of Delta’s most important heritage structures.
Expedia Cruises® is part of the Expedia Inc. family. Our South Delta location opened in 2011 at Ladner Harbour Center to bring Ladner the #1 Travel Agency for complete spectacular vacation experiences! From cruises to flights, hotels to tours, and rental cars to Safaris, Expedia Cruises will bring you advice you can trust, and prices you cannot beat.
Expedia Cruises has grown to over 300+ centers in North America. The South Delta center is owned by Carole Petersen & Gina Holvick. Carole & Gina are Icons in the travel industry with more then 30 years’ experience at Expedia Cruises and together have successfully led their team to be one of the Top 10 perfor ming centers on the continent! Despite world events that gravely affected the world of travel, Carole and Gina remained steadfast in their vision and forged ahead to brighter days.
Let’s take a step back to 1963 and visit another Ladner businesses from yesteryear Coming to Ladner in 1947, Ed Magee and his wife Doreen opened their first store on Elliot Street, called Ladner Auction Mart.
He soon also opened furniture stores throughout the Lower Mainland
His next venture in 1953 was to buy the former Ladner post office building on Delta Street and open it as Magee’s New and Used Furniture and Appliances.
In 1963, he closed his stores but took over the former Mc & Mc Store, a heritage building on Chisholm Street that’s still
standing today
He said the new store was large enough to display quality new furniture and appliances attractively as well as fine second-hand antique furniture.
“Interested in all projects for furthering the business in Ladner, Mr Magee thinks if all merchants co-operated there could be a great stimulation of business in Ladner,” an article that year stated.
Magee also said he thought Delta council was doing its best to improve the Ladner area.
You can rely on the dedicated team of knowledgeable, passionate, and experienced Travel Consultants in our ‘Sunny‘ South Delta location. Whether your travel plans will take you on a wonderful cruise, an African Safari, experiencing the sights and smells of the Spice Market in Istanbul or just need a plane ticket to Toronto chances are one of our consultants has been there and we are only too happy to share our knowledge with you. At Expedia Cruises South Delta, we are Navigators of Spectacular
The building on Delta Street at the end of Chisholm Street is on the city’s heritage register
LOOKING BACK | People To Know | 1922-2022
Ed Magee said he and his wife Doreen knew they wanted to live in Ladner the moment they came into the area.
Expedia Cruises 152-4857 Elliott St (Ladner Harbour Center) 604-946-7444
Vacation Experiences! Come discover why so many satisfied customers choose us to book their travel year after year. We are your Air, Sea and Land Experts!
Hello everyone my name Dr. Heli McPhie. I am a naturopathic physician and the owner of The Village Clinic in Tsawwassen. I was contemplating what to write in this space. How do I express how naturopathic medicine can help you, your family, your community, our healthcare system?
I have been serving our community now for ten years alongside our collaborative team at The Village Clinic. I have been in practice for over twenty years. Our clinic team has helped many patients through difficult health crises, through chronic illnesses, through pain, through tough emotional situations, through recovery from surgery or traumas, our list is long and we are grateful to be the healthcare team you choose for yourself and your family I will never tire from seeing someone find relief and recovery from something that has affected them, for a long or short while. Seeing someone feel better because their IBS has resolved, or their eczema has cleared, or their allergies have decreased or their anxiety no longer grips them, or their mood is better, or they no longer need a nap mid afternoon, or they no longer catch every cold and flu… whatever our patients journey it is wonderful to see people feel better And we do. Often. Our goal is to help our patients be happy, be healthy Be their best self
Naturopathic medicine still seems foreign to some. What exactly do we do ? How are we trained? Are we licensed? In a nutshell, as an ND I am a licensed, primary health care provider who uses a combination natural methods, lifestyle management, prevention, labwork to diagnose and treat patients. I personally am grateful and enjoy collaborating not only with our in-house team but also with our patient’s other healthcare providers eg MD’s, physiotherapists, RMT, DC, counsellors, nutritionists, specialists etc. Simply working together is forward thinking medicine. It works. And patients and doctors benefit. Our healthcare system I would argue benefits from healthier people who often require less visits.
I have always believed and continue to believe that any one paradigm of medicine does not have all the answers. I don’t think naturopathic medicine does, but I also don’t think western medicine does. But working together the patients benefit from a collaborative approach.
As a doctor, I look for solutions. Covid highlighted many things for me but two things stand out.
1. Without our health our world stands still.
2. Our healthcare system needs to be updated, supported beyond the strained system we currently have. Covid showed me how as an ND I can be part of the solution. We order lab work, we listen to the whole health history, we diagnose, we treat. It is comprehensive primary care. And in a time when it is difficult to access a strained healthcare system I know our patients appreciate the healthcare they receive at our clinic. I hope we take the lessons from Covid and start putting our egos aside in medicine and start working together for better solutions for our patients. 80% of Canadians use forms of complementary medicine. I think it’s time we stop being fearful and biased of one another and start working together for a better healthcare system overall. Let’s find solutions.
If you are in need of a primary health care provider please come see us. We will happily collaborate with the other healthcare providers and doctors on your team. And we will take very good care of you and yours.
Dr Heli McPhie, BSc, ND
Since its inception, New Vision Projects’ mission has been simple: Build the best homes, with the best people, for the best people.
Thank you again South Delta for voting for us this year as your favourite Home Builder and Renovator!
Building or renovating your home is a really exciting time but we know it can feel overwhelming. For well over a decade, New Vision Projects has been a name that South Delta has come to rely on to make this process easy. We care about you, your home and our planet. It is our goal that the homes we build in the community are beautiful as well as pinnacles of ultimate comfort and efficiency.
A healthy home is a happy home and we want to keep you and your family in a home that you love for generations to come.
604-690-1694 Instagram @newvisionprojects | facebook @newvisionprojects Twitter @newvisionprojects | TikTok @newvisionprojects
Carla Qualtrough is the Member of Parliament for Delta, British Columbia. She has been a Cabinet Minister since she was first elected in 2015, and currently serves as the Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion.
Prior to entering politics, Carla practiced human rights law at the provincial and federal level and was a Vice-Chair with the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Tribunal. She also has a background in sport, having competed for Team Canada in the sport of swimming, winning world championship and Paralympic medals, and she has been inducted into the Canadian Paralympic Hall of Fame.
Carla has been legally blind since birth and is a passionate advocate for the rights of persons with disabilities. She led the creation of the Accessible Canada Act and is internationally recognized for her work in disability inclusion. She has received several awards for her advocacy, including from the Disabled Women’s Network of Canada, the Canadian National Institute for the Blind, the BC Aboriginal Network on Disability Society, the Abilities Centre and the International Paralympic Committee.
Carla lives in Ladner with her husband Eron, her 2 youngest children and her mother.
Carla’s office is ready to help Delta community members, businesses and organizations to access federal government programs and services. For more information, call 778-593-4007.
5064-48th Avenue, Delta, BC, V4K 1V8 778-593-4007
f Covid Taught me anything
The Village | 1363 56th Street Unit #7 | 778-434-3072
Dr Heli McPhie, B.Sc.,
Honourable Carla Qualtrough
Brandon Smith New Visions Project
George Massey Jack and Myrtle McCallum
The last toll on the Deas Island thruway was collected on March 31, 1964. It was paid by former Socred MLA George Massey, who received a bronze medallion in return from toll collector Bill Aldous.
Also smiling for the camera was
Highways Minister Phil Gaglardi.
The driving force behind the lobby to get the tunnel built, Massey would pass away within days of this photo. The tunnel would eventually be named after him
The crossing hasn’t been tolled since.
an Paton was elec ted as ML A for Delt a South in 2017 and again in 2020 He cur rently ser ves as the O f ficial Opposition Critic for Agriculture and Food
Remember when you could go to a movie in South Delta?
Let’s head back to June 1975 to see Jack McCallum, pictured with his wife Myrtle, the proprietor of the new Sun God movie theatre in Tsawwassen, celebrating their grand opening.
Movie theatres have been long gone for Tsawwassen and Ladner in the age of big multiplexes.
When the new Tsawwassen Mills mall opened a few years ago, movie screens weren’t considered as viable for that development
A lifelong Delt a resident, w ho s till lives on t he f amily f ar m he grew up on, Paton has more than 3 0 yea r s of ex p e r i en c e r u n ni n g a n d o w ni n g a d air y f a r m a n d f a r m a u c t io n b u s i n e s s H e gr aduated from Delt a Secondar y School in 1974 a n d o b t ai n e d a b a c h e l o r ’ s d e g r e e f r om t h e Univer sit y of British Columbia in 1979 L o c a l l y, y o u m a y r e c o gn i z e P a t on a s t h e auc tioneer or emcee at countles s charit y event s He is a direc tor on the BC Youth and Agriculture F o u n d a t i on, t h e p a s t p r e s i d en t o f t h e E a s t Delt a Communit y Hall Societ y, a pas t memb er of t he Hall 4 Volu ntee r Fire D e par t me nt, an d has volunteere d wit h many loc al organiz ations, including the Delt a Hospit al Foundation, RE ACH Child and Youth Development Societ y, and the Delt a Far mland and Wildlife Tr us t. Since 2017, ML A Paton has been a s trong voice for Delt a by fighting for
Tunnel. He also champions value added oppor tunities for the nex t gener ation
of the Br uns wick Point lands from fur ther development.
ML A Paton’s cons tituenc y of fice c an as sis t in under s t anding gover nment policies and ser vices, navigating
gover nment bureaucr ac y, and ensuring due proces s is being followed. Drop in or make an appointment.
Jack McCallum with his wife Myrtle in 1975.
LOOKING BACK | People To Know | 1922-2022
George Massey whose vision of a tunnel between Richmond and Delta became a reality in 1959, pays the last ever toll at the crossing.
Constituency Office
the immediate replacement of the George Mas sey
of far mer s and continues to c all for the protec tion
Ian Paton MLA, Delta South
Leora Shipley has been managing Reach Child and Youth Development Society’ s (REACH) Infant Development Program (IDP) since January 2017. She has worked with the IDP program for 25 years and has gathered extensive experience about how babies and toddlers develop. The early years are a critical time for children’s brain development and it is a very important period for intervention if there are developmental concer ns. The IDP team offers a family centred, strength based approach to home visiting and working with families that focuses on development while encouraging parent-child engagement. Do you have concer ns or questions regarding your baby or toddler’s development? You can self-refer through or you can call Leora at 604-946-6622 ext 303 or email IDP is a free resource for Delta families at Reach Child and Youth Development Society
Local Realtors Amber & Jennifer are driven by their passion for building connections with clients and helping families put down roots in the beautiful South Delta community they’re proud to call home. They’re a top-selling team with a combined 28 years of experience in BC real estate.
Devoted to helping clients reach their home buying and selling goals, Amber & Jennifer offer support and peace of mind during times of change. Their wealth of market knowledge and expertise means you can trust this dynamic duo with all your real estate needs.
The accomplished pair grew up in South Delta, which has inspired their commitment to showcasing the beauty of the area, local stories, and events, while boosting other community businesses and organizations via Neighbourhood News, their monthly newsletter and blog feature on their website:
Sutton Group Seafair Realty 604-946-6622 Ex. 303
100-5000 Bridge St. Ladner ~ # 2-1359 56 St. Tsawwassen 604-250-5048 604-315-5560
elt a Hospit al and Communit y Health Foundation (DHCH Foundation) is a not for profit organiz ation whose mis sion is to f und and promote out s t anding healthc are at the Delt a Hospit al C ampus of C are and in the communit y of Delt a Since 1988, DHCH Foundation has r aised close to $63 million to ensure the bes t healthc are pos sible for their communit y today and for f uture gener ations
Led by longtime Delt a resident, Lis a Hoglund, E xecutive Direc tor and Pam Paton, Board Chair, our pas sionate and dedic ated Board of Direc tor s and St af f r aise f unds through major gif t s, gr ant s and propos als, beques t s, online donations, direc t mail, 50/50 r af fle, communit y f undr aiser s and special event s such as golf and gala Through generous donor suppor t, they are able to contr ibute signific antly to the purchase of cr itic ally needed medic al equipment, c apit al improvement s and educ ation needs for the Delt a Hospit al C ampus of C are including Mount ain V iew Manor and Irene Thomas Hospice.
Recent suppor t from donor s has allowed DHCH Foundation to provide f unding for the Peter C and Eliz abeth Toigo Diagnos tic Ser vices Building and t wo br and new pieces of equipment the echo ultr asound, and the TIMS imaging sys tem now oper ating within the new building This pas t year, the Foundation was able to commit $1, 384,763 for pr ior it y needs such as the Fixed X Ray for medic al imaging, a Str yker V ideo Tower for surgic al ser vices, a blood bank refr iger ator for labor ator y ser vices, a cr ash c ar t and nasolar y ngoscope for the ER
Through the incredible par tner ship with their donor s, this dy namic team will continue to build a f uture of exceptional healthc are in Delt a for f amilies, fr iends and loved ones There are many ways you c an suppor t Delt a Hospit al and Communit y Health Foundation To lear n about these oppor tunities, visit their website at dhchfoundation c a or c all 604 940 9695
Alviene, the owner of Vinca’s Kitchen for almost 14 years, has consistently moved forward in bringing you many well-known brand name products with quality and a varied budget in mind.
Vinca’s Kitchen is conveniently located in the heart of Ladner Village and it has become a shopping destination for the everyday chef and anyone looking for that perfect gift for any occasion. Alviene and her staff take great pride in making customer service a top priority and so, one year ago, Vinca’s Kitchen launched its online shopping platfor m to allow you to shop local even if you cannot leave your home and continues to offer free delivery to all Delta residents.
Vinca’s Kitchen appreciates the continued support from our community
Please visit or follow us on Instagram for infor mation about what is NEW!
5042 48th Avenue, Ladner 604-946-7784
Leora Shipley
Amber Baird & Jennifer Dupuis Realtors
Alviene Wilkins 604 940 9695
Andrew Jackson Vice-Chair
Ingrid Barnes Past Chair
Paul Challinor Treasurer
Rick Boates
Monica Bohm
Sarah Gallop
Lawrence Green
Pam Paton Chair
Larry Hagan
Phil Posehn
Don Livingston Knut Nordlie
Karen Powar
Karla Rockwell
Jit Sangha
St a f f Sha r i Ba rr, A n nu a l Gi v ing Ma na g e r Ma c ke n zie Gay t m e n n, Eve n t s a n d Co m mun ic a t io n s A s s i s t a nt L ea n ne Ma c Dona ld, Fina nce L ea d L a u ra N ow i t s k y, Fou nd at ion A s s i s t a nt A s h li O we n, C o m m u nic at ion s Spec ia li s t Jod i Stoke s, Ma jor Gi v ing Ma na g e r Boa rd
Ds C h arit ab l e N o 12 98 4 4114 R R 0 0 01
Lisa Hoglund Executive Director
of Direc tor
“We sell homes for the best terms & more than average price.* Also, representing Buyers to achieve their goals by fulfilling their wish list is a top priority Referrals from previous clients represent 90% of my business, proving I have earned the trust, respect and confidence of my clients. My family and I live and work here. I believe in this community and I KNOW the market.”
*Based on GVREB Statistics 2015-2020 Serving South Delta, Richmond & White Rock Since 1993.
Achievements: RE/MAX Lifetime Achievement, RE/MAX Hall of Fame, Re/Max Circle of Legends Award
Top 100 Teams RE/MAX Western Canada (2022)
Top 1% Realtors Greater Vancouver Real Estate Board
RE/MAX Diamond
A portion of each commission is donated the BC Children’s Hospital
Ioriginate from the majestic shores of the Saint Lawrence River; resided for a few years north of the Arctic Circle; and, presently established on the coast of our spectacular South Delta with no regrets.
Since 1988, proudly providing our community and beyond a Complete Removable Denture Service, including Dentures over Implants. My quaint office is still located in the heart of Historic Ladner Village, and, I welcome you to continue to use it as a haven for your removable dental prosthetic needs and referrals.
Come by and check out our “candy store for the creative”!
Since opening in 2007, we have been constantly growing and improving. We’re always adding fun new products and artsy gifts to our extensive stock of quality art essentials at competitive prices. Whether you’re a professional or hobby artist or if you just want to try something creative, there’s something for everyone!
HOT LISTINGS PROGRAM-for Buyers and Sellers, GUARANTEED SERVICES, RELOCATION SPECIALIZATION (worldwide)- Aileen is your Realtor for life! MAKE THE RIGHT MOVE...with AILEEN email:
My salutations to all the other People to Know who grace these pages. Thank you also for your contribution to our unique community, and, please accept my heartfelt wishes for continued success.
4960 Bridge Street, Delta, BC, V4K 2K1 604.946.9411 |
From Southpointe Graduate, Class of 2015, to Southpointe Teacher, Donald Carson Jr has retur ned to his hometown of Tsawwassen to inspire the next generation of Southpointe students
Growing up in Tsawwassen, Donald and his family have always been involved in the local and school community They are a Founding Family of Southpointe Academy, supporting the school since its inception in 2000
After graduating from Southpointe, Donald attended the University of British Columbia, where he received his Bachelor of Arts in Human Geography When Donald began considering career paths, he positively reflected on his experiences and time as a Southpointe student The memories of community involvement, particularly the Kindergarten & Grade 12 Buddy program, became a source of inspiration that encouraged him to consider a career in the field of education
Southpointe war mly welcomed Donald as a Teaching Assistant in 2020 and again last year as he completed his teaching practicum to receive a Bachelor of Education from the University of British Columbia He was also presented with UBC’s Most Outstanding Practicum Award
Donald has officially begun his teaching career at Southpointe as a Junior School Lear ning Resource and Physical & Health Education (PHE) Teacher He strives to instill a love of lear ning in his students as he models and nurtures Southpointe’s core values of kindness, integrity, respect, responsibility and perseverance
Outside of teaching and coaching at Southpointe, Donald can be found on the rugby pitch playing for the Rugby Canada National Team As a three time University World Cup Champion and Finalist for the Bobby Gaul Award (Top Graduating UBC Male Athlete), Donald shares his passion for sport with his young students, who love hearing about his experiences
Since Southpointe Academy began in 2000, there have been hundreds of graduates, such as Donald, who have developed into outstanding citizens as a result of their education at the school As a secular, independent school serving Kindergarten to Grade 12, Southpointe provides students with the world leading Inter national Baccalaureate (IB) Continuum Programme, recognized globally by top universities Southpointe offers an IB education to all of its students, from entry in Kindergarten to Grade 12 graduation, placing it in select company as one of the few schools in Canada offering the entire IB Continuum Programme
At Southpointe Academy, students experience unparalleled lear ning opportunities that extend beyond the classroom and the support of an inclusive, welcoming school community Southpointe graduates develop a lifelong passion for lear ning and are equipped with the skills for success in university, career and citizenship
Southpointe Academy
Learn more at
Donald Carson Jr , Southpointe Teacher
1900 56 Street, Tsawwassen, BC
Tsawwassen Town Centre Mall
Jennifer & Shannan
Carol R. LeVasseur DD Denturist/Denturologiste
35 years
RE/MAX Sales Associate Aileen Noguer combines her people skills with marketing and has done so successfully for some 29 years.
#110-6086 Russ Baker Way Richmond,
BC V7B 1B4 604-946-1595 Aileen Noguer
Real Estate Corporation R.N. (Ret)
Living life on your own terms is an important aspect of independence and supporting our elders to live safely and successfully is equally important today as ever. The concept of ‘doing unto others...’, isn’t just a phrase, at HoneyDo it’s a passionate mission, inspired by founder and owner, Rhonda Doram.
Recognizing the priorities of consistent and heartFULL care options for seniors maintaining their lifestyle at home, Rhonda launched HoneyDo Lifestyle Assistant Inc. in 2008, to model the same meaningful inhome services she organized for her own cherished Grandmother. “My Gran is in mind with every client visit and guides decisions for how to artfully care for others,” Rhonda shared. HoneyDo’s award-winning services ensure seniors can securely continue living productive, independent lives, while staying connected to family and their local community Rhonda and her dedicated team continue to meet the needs of seniors and their families across Delta and South Fraser regions to allow them a dignified choice to ‘Live and Age Well in Place’, wherever they call home.
Seeing the same certified care team simplifies daily routines and provides continuity, while building a special rapport. Tailored services ranging from companionship, escorted appointments and errands to more complex needs of memory support and personal care, are all designed to boost freedom, comfort, and peace of mind for clients and their busy families juggling so much.
HoneyDo Lifestyle Assistant Inc. supports seniors to invest in their quality of life as they step into retirement and beyond.
What can HoneyDo for You?
Paul Gibbons, your pe rson al phar macististherewith you through it all.
HereatThe Medicine Shoppe Phar macy,your healthcareisateam effort. Your personal phar macist is atrusted partner in managing your everyday health and helps you get the most out of life.
We take the time to get to know you. We address your needs on apersonal level. Having adedicated personal phar macist makes it easier for regular visits—every time you come in, we’ll know who you areand what you need.
We provide personalized, one-on-one care. We truly careabout your well-being and getting you on the right track. As apart of your healthcarefamily,wefocus on lear ning everything about your needs to make your everyday health management easier
We help you lead ahealthier lifestyle. Your personal phar macist keeps aclose eye on your progress and regularly reviews your treatment plan to make sureyou’regetting the best care. We work together to build acustomized healthcareregimen that helps you manage your condition. Visit your Medicine Shoppe personal phar macist today!
Meet the Augustine House Management
Team! Everyone on staff at Augustine House work together to ensure residents can enjoy a kind, calm and safe community If you’re thinking about making a move to a retirement residence, it’s important to take a tour, talk to the staff and consider all the options.
Augustine House
Augustine House opened in 2003 as a non-profit retirement residence for seniors, providing Independent, Assisted-Living and Long-Ter m Care. Having achieved the Seal of Approval designation by the BC Seniors Living Association since 2010, they offer premium services, support and housing so residents can maintain an independent lifestyle.
There are many great opportunities for residents to socialize and stay active. Whether it’s a fitness class, a walk around the gardens, or a game of trivia, you’ll find many activities to choose from. “We really appreciate the staff and all the extra effort they are putting in during this time” says Cecile French, a resident since 2017.
For more infor mation, or to schedule a tour, call 604-940-6005.
3820 Arthur Drive, Ladner, BC 604-940-6005 email:
Financial health is important, and the road to financial security and confidence is a continuous process, with twists and tur ns along the way.
As a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® practitioner and Portfolio Manager with over 30 years of experience in the investment industry, I look beyond traditional investing and take a holistic approach to financial wellness, specifically preparing for and maintaining my clients’ lifestyle throughout retirement. Working with our in-house team of tax, estate, insurance and trust specialists,* I also examine how different life events can impact my clients’ tax situation, investments and financial goals. Through regular communication and comprehensive reviews, my clients are clear and confident about their financial future and understand the investment strategies required to achieve their goals.
B18 PEOPLE TO KNOW THE DELTA OPTIMIST NOVEMBER 2022 WindsorWoods Tsawwassen #4 1363 56thStreet P: (778) 434-3300
Paul Gibbons, B.Sc. Pharm, Pharmacist /Owner
life insurance products,
Agnes Douglas CFP ® , CIM, FCSI Portfolio Manager, Investment Advisor *Available
through Odlum Brown Financial Services Limited (OBFSL), a wholly owned subsidiary of Odlum Brown
retirement, estate and financial planning exclusively to Odlum Brown clients.
Rhonda Doram
Senior Services
7years ago, I was able to follow my dream and opened Sunny Town Learn and Play Childcare. I love my work, and being able to do something that I love day in day out is truly amazing. My involvement with children has been most of my life. As a Mum of 4 boys, I know too well how important it is to create a clean, safe and loving environment where children can play and learn.
At Sunny Town Learn and Play Childcare we help support our parents while they work or study and at the same time provide an environment that nurtures children while offering so many great learning experiences through the power of play. We are a play based childcare facility providing children the opportunity to learn about the world and themselves. Playing improves a child’s cognitive, physical, social and emotional well-being. Through enrichment courses like music, sports, mandarin and dance they will learn skills like problem solving, boundaries, co-operation, self-regulation, communication and overall life skills they will be able one day take to their studies, work and relationship. We prepare play and plan play opportunities through monthly themes, sensory activities, group games, table activities, providing loose materials, open ended art activities, exploration, circle time and music, open ended play and lots of outdoor play.
Overall Play is something that every child is intrinsically motivated to do and we take these opportunities to teach and play along. Nurturing children’s natural need of independence and autonomy is the best way to teach them life skills. Our goal is to build the “whole child” and ensure that they can grow into happy “people” and feel good about themselves.
Working with children reminds me of how amazing and exciting the world can be. I love seeing a child’s perspective, just how the littlest things can brighten up your day Children can teach us so much and how we find new creative ways to do things! 693 53 Street Delta, BC. V4M 3B6 Tel: 604-943-7869 or 778-999-1015
Ibecame a realtor because I love meeting people and everyone has a story, and each one fascinates me. It’s the people I meet, that I would otherwise not have known, and the life stories they share with me that allows me to be part of their journey to find their dream home. I love the excitement and the search to find our clients the right property
I was born in Vancouver Canada and I grew up speaking Mandarin in my home. I am thankful to my parents for teaching me Mandarin as this has opened many more doors for me working in the Real Estate world.
Being a Realtor is certainly the spice of life and during a transaction many hats are worn strong sales negotiator, smart marketer, knowledge of the industry/regulations and keeping up to date with the market. Joining me in my other hat I wear in the work world, is my partner in life/work, my husband Bruce Cote.
Bruce has been a realtor for 18 years and had worked with his Dad, also a Realtor for over 30 years before he recently retired. We are members of the Medallion Club 15 years combined, are local residents in Tsawwassen for 45 years (Bruce) and myself 30 years.
We pride ourselves that together we have built a reputable name in this community and have sold over 500 homes throughout the lower mainland. We believe this is a business of building strong and trusting relationship with our clients and providing a first class service through their property journey during stages of their lifes.
The Cote Group City Realty 5090 48 Ave Delta, BC. V4K 1V8 Tel: 604-788-9108 or 778-999-1015
Sunny Town Lear n and Play Childcare Centre Tsawwassen
Real Estate
The Cote Group, RE/MAX City
My name is Harjaap. Our professionally trained team at Telus-Koodo
Connection in Tsawwassen is available to help with services related to your Mobile, W ifi, Optik TV, Smart Home Security and much more. W ith 4.8/5 Google ratings, we are dedicated to deliver complete customer satisfaction in town and make sure our clients feel proud to be part of the Telus family Store Leader: Team Tsawwassen 1214 56th Street, Tsawwassen Store Leader: Team Ladner #102 4841 Delta Street, Ladner Hey, I’m Garry My team and I are dedicated to helping our clients with all of their Mobility, TV, Inter net, and Home Security needs. We are known for providing great customer service, and offer the best solutions for YOUR individual needs. Become part of our family and let us take care of you! Garry Bansal Harjaap Dhillon SHOP LOCAL! LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED IN LADNER AND TSAWWASSEN When you bundle, you really do SAVE! Open Connection TELUS/ KOODO offers • Cellular for Personal/Business/Corporate • Home Automation & Security • Telus Optik TV & Inter net • Office TV, Inter net & phone system Grab the iPhone 14, 14 Pro & 14 Pro Max this Holiday season! V isit one of our locations to receive the best in customer service! “Harry was professional, infor mative, respectful and humorous. He is a credit to Telus!” “So helpful and fast! Our agent was super helpful in explaining the plan differences and getting us signed up. Great store” “I just had the best customer service! Very efficient, very helpful, very kind! Hands down the best phone purchase I’ve ever experienced. Thank You” DO YOU HAVE TELUS TV OR INTERNET BUT NO MOBILITY? Get $480 off your monthly plan with TELUS MOBILITY DO YOU HAVE TELUS MOBILITY BUT NO TELUS TV OR INTERNET? Get $390 off your monthly plan with TELUS HOME SERVICES Conditions Apply Conditions Apply