Draft: Delta High School Action Plan
2009-2010 SCHOOL YEAR
Aligned Assessments Our Vision for Aligned Assessments: Assessment is often thought of in terms of fixed numbers representing student achievement. However, numbers alone do little to support school improvement. A system of aligned assessments incorporates student performance data as but one benchmark for data-driven instructional decisions. At Delta High School, our intent is to develop an efficient and effective system of aligned assessments that will inform teaching and learning, ultimately leading to increased achievement for all Delta students.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Elements to Build and Sustain Aligned Assessments Baseline diagnostic data TBD Planning Year Short Cycle Assessments TBD Planning Year State mandated graduation tests TBD Implementation Year One Classroom Assessments TBD Implementation Year One College and career readiness tests TBD Implementation Year One Performance-based alternative assessments TBD Implementation Year One Regular Dashboard Reports TBD Implementation Year One Teacher, School, District Self-Assessments TBD Implementation Year One TBD = To Be Developed
January 2009
Draft: Delta High School Action Plan
2009-2010 SCHOOL YEAR
Aligned Assessments Element
Timeline Begin
Baseline diagnostic data
Data Collection Stream
Baseline diagnostic data
Assessment Triangle
Short cycle assessments
Measure of Academic Progress (MAP assessments)
To determine data collection points and identified evidence, timeline will be created. Timeline will indicate student and school formative and summative data that will inform decision-making at Delta HS Assessment triangle will be developed to provide visual representation of assessment system at Delta HS MAP testing will be coordinated with school districts, providing testing windows Fall 09, Winter 09, and Spring 10. Teachers will utilize MAP results to make instructional decisions for individual students. Academic growth will be monitored for each student through Advisories.
January 2009
Persons Responsible
Septemb er 2009
Delta faculty
Spring 2009
Spring 2009
Phase 2 Planning Team
Septemb er 2009
Delta faculty
Draft: Delta High School Action Plan
2009-2010 SCHOOL YEAR
Delta HS Data Collection Stream
Summative Demographic Data Process Data Attendance Student-led conferences
Achievement Data Gateways WASL Student grades Portfolios/Projects
Perception Data Student Dispositions/ Habits of Mind
Demographic Data Retention rate Attendance
Process Data Curriculum audit NSDC standards annual faculty annual review
Achievement Data Gateways Graduation rate WASL Year 13 Plan Student grades
Perception Data Student Dispositions/ Habits of Mind Community Partnership Analysis
Formative Demographic Data Attendance
Process Data Student-led conferences
Achievement Data MAP Personalized Student Growth Plans Student grades Incoming 9th grade scores Demographic Data Attendance Family participation
Perception Data Student Dispositions/ Habits of Mind Student Evaluation Form
Achievement Data Student grades
January 2009
Process Data Strategic planning evaluation PLC analysis for effectiveness NSDC standards annual faculty annual review Flexible schedule audit Student orientation analysis Perception Data Family Surveys Student Dispositions/ Habits of Mind Community Partnership Analysis
Draft: Delta High School Action Plan
2009-2010 SCHOOL YEAR
Delta Graduate
Process: How does Delta HS do business?
What additional Data Points are needed?
Achievement: Is teaching impacting learning?
Post High School
Baseline Data Collection Points
January 2009
What does this look like?
What will our evidence be?