Summer Reading Assignment Project Rubric

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Summer Reading Assignment Project Rubric

Selects appropriate characters, events, or ideas Uses a format appropriate to the type of project

Demonstrates clear understanding of the book Connects project to the book’s major concepts/events and general theme or purpose

Communicates correctly and effectively

Displays visuals effectively

1 Demonstrates little understanding of significant characters, events, or ideas in book Demonstrates weak skill in constructing a project that is clear and respectful of book’s themes, ideas, purpose, etc. Demonstrates little understanding and appreciation of the book’s imagery, symbolism, importance, and purpose Shows little or no connection of the project to the book’s major concepts/events and general theme or purpose Speaks, writes, or presents the book in a disorganized way that doesn’t explain ideas to other students; Uses spelling, grammar, & vocabulary with errors Below average visual appeal. Little or no artistic quality.

2 Demonstrates age­ appropriate understanding of significant characters, events, or ideas in book Demonstrates some skill in constructing a project that is clear and respectful of book’s themes, ideas, purpose, etc.

3 Demonstrates above­ average understanding of significant characters, events, or ideas in book Demonstrates skill in constructing a project that is clear, probing, and respectful of the book’s themes, ideas, purpose, etc. Demonstrates some Demonstrates above­ understanding and average understanding appreciation of the book’s and appreciation of the imagery, symbolism, book’s imagery, importance, and purpose symbolism, importance, and purpose Shows a connection of the Creatively or clearly project to the book’s major shows an obvious concepts/events and connection of the project general theme or purpose to the book’s major concepts/events and general theme or purpose Speaks, writes, or presents Speaks, writes, or the book in a way that presents the book in a explains ideas to other very organized and students; Uses spelling, engaging way that grammar, & vocabulary explains ideas to other with some errors students; Uses mostly correct spelling, grammar, & vocabulary Average visual appeal, Above­average visual some artistic quality. appeal, some artistic Interesting visual quality. Creative, and presentation interesting visual

4 Demonstrates complete and fluid understanding of significant characters, events, or ideas in book Demonstrates strong skill in constructing a project that is concise, clear, probing, and respectful of the book’s themes, ideas, purpose, etc. Demonstrates great understanding and appreciation of the book’s imagery, symbolism, importance, and purpose Creatively and clearly shows an obvious connection of the project to the book’s major concepts/ events and general theme or purpose Speaks, writes, or presents the book in a very organized, fun, and engaging way that explains ideas clearly to other students; Uses near­perfect spelling, grammar, & vocabulary Superior visual appeal, artistic quality. Creative, original, and interesting visual presentation


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