La s t M i n u t e
Gift Guide Tri-County News Supplement • Thursday, December 15, 2016
Nancy Mogenson rang a handbell during the recent St. Peter’s UCC Christmas concert in Kiel. Mike Mathes photo
Another look at holiday fun in local area
Santa Claus waved from his seat near the Kiel Municipal Band toward the end of the band’s recent concert at Kiel City Hall. Children line up to talk with Santa and get a candy cane while the band finishes its final numbers. Mark Sherry photo
Youngsters dressed warm for Kiel’s Sleigh Bell Run.
Youngsters Zander and Jada of New Holstein enjoy being silly while posing in the elves cut-out at New Holstein’s Country Christmas event. Faye Burg photo
Mike Mathes photo
Members of the choir from St. Mary Catholic Church in Marytown performed along with other choirs at New Holstein’s Country Christmas event. Faye Burg photo