Tri-County news • Serving Chilton, Kiel & New Holstein • Thursday, May 3, 2018
Thursday, May 3, 2018
Composting creates value from disposable materials
Sure, rabbits are cute, but they can cause havoc to a garden. Following a few simple steps can help keep the critters out of that area.
Rabbits running rampant? Tips to keep bunnies at bay
You may never see them. They sneak in silently once the sun goes down. They ravage your delicate garden and stunning landscape. If you do happen to catch a glimpse, they will run fast as lightning to safety so they can dine in your yard while you are not around. No, this is not a plot from some cinematic thriller; it is a daily occurrence for homeowners with outdoor space. Rabbits can quickly take a toll on any size yard, and can easily climb into raised beds and nibble away at your painstakingly planted container creations. Wild rabbits have a big appetite and your garden and landscape is like a tempting, bottomless salad bar. And where there is one, there are more: The gestation period for a rabbit averages just 30 days. There is factual truth behind that old saying “multiplying like rabbits.” You may enjoy bunnies in storybooks or even as domesticated pets, but wild rabbits can be a devastating problem for your yard. These four-legged foragers can eat your fabulous flowers and prized produce, literally overnight. To protect your yard from rabbits, you first need to identify their presence. Because they often come out at dawn and sunset, you may rarely see them. According to the animal repellent experts at Bobbex, these are the top signs that you have got rabbits: 1. Plant damage low to the ground, often a few inches above the soil 2. A clean, 45-degree angled cut on the end of stems and leaves 3. Woody plants debarked up to 16
inches from the ground 4. Piles of rabbit droppings (dark peasized pellets) 5. Tracks: Wild rabbits have five toes on their front feet and four toes on their much longer hind feet. Check, check, and re-check. If you do catch a glimpse of the furry intruder, you may be able to identify the most common wild rabbit species. Cottontails are common throughout North America, identified by their short tail that resembles a tuft of cotton. Snowshoes are typically found in rocky, mountainous terrain and are identified by their large feet with white fur during winter and rusty brown fur during warmer months. Finally, the speedy jackrabbit is found in the Western U.S. and is known for its incredibly long ears and powerful hind legs. Once you know you have rabbits ravaging your yard, it is time to take action. There are a few ways to safely repel them before the damage is done. Step 1: Build and bury barriers Fencing can be an effective way to keep rabbits at bay. If you are targeting rabbits, the fence only needs to be three feet tall as they are unlikely to jump over it; however, you will have to bury the fence underground since rabbits are experts at burrowing up to a foot below the surface to access a tasty food source. Step 2: Repel and remove temptation Bobbex-R Repellent is all natural, environmentally friendly and proven effecTurn to bunnies/page 11B
By Ray Mueller With appropriate practices, a variety of disposable materials can be converted into compost for use in several ways on one’s property. That was the message from Recycling Connections program director Angie Lemar to attendees in a presentation at the 2017 Midwest Energy Fair. The nonprofit firm, based in Stevens Point, has been providing educational services on recycling practices for 35 years. Food waste that would otherwise be going to landfills is a top candidate for making compost in one’s backyard, Lemar pointed out. She noted that at least 25 percent of the material entering landfills, including lots of food, violates the minimum of a six-inch diameter which is called for in a 1993 law pertaining to landfills in Wisconsin. When food is disposed of in a landfill, the anaerobic deterioration process will emit methane into the air, Lemar observed. When composted, the natural environment of an aerobic process will emit carbon dioxide instead, she explained. Mixing brown and green To create good compost, the task involves providing a proper mix of carbon and nitrogen from brown and green materials, sufficient moisture, and access to oxygen, Lemar indicated. Carbon is supplied by bagged brown leaves, straw, and paper (sawdust and wood chips are less desirable) while food waste, green leaves, plants, and grass cuttings are the top nitrogen sources, she noted. Other sources of nitrogen can be fibrous materials, hair, coffee grounds, clothes dryer lint, and livestock manure while meat, bones, fat, oils, dairy products, treated wood, pet and human waste, charcoal, and tree branches are to be avoided, Lemar indicated. A bit of sprinkled ash is acceptable but large amounts of citrus or pine tree waste would affect the pH, she added. Ideally, there should be a three to one carbon to nitrogen ratio by volume, not by weight, Lemar advised. She said a one to one ratio often happens in practice. The choice of container for composting will determine how quickly the process will take, Lemar stated. The slowest way will be with a pile, minimum size of three by three by three feet, placed on the ground at a well-drained site, she pointed out. For such a pile, start with an equal weight of brown and green materials along with having brown layers on the
bottom and top in order to control odor and to avoid being an attraction to fruit flies and other pests, Lemar indicated. It is also necessary to turn the pile every five to seven days to enable access to oxygen, she pointed out. At least 125 gallons For quicker composting, as fast as six weeks in ideal conditions, there are several types of containers for which the minimum volume should 125 gallons, not as little as 80 gallons, Lemar advised. She would avoid tumblers because of drawbacks such as handling, having to add water, and minimal access to beneficial micro-organisms. In addition to the manufactured bins in many shapes, sizes, and styles that the commercial market offers, the lineup of containers includes wire cages, cinder blocks, wood bins, and layers of pallets— all of which should be placed at least two feet from a building wall in full sun or shade, Lemar noted. Be sure to put the container where it is convenient to obtain water and for access to the garden or to another place where the compost will be placed, she added. Whatever the choice of container, it is important to provide enough water to maintain sponginess in the decomposing materials, Lemar stressed. Too much moisture or failure to have the proper mix of brown and green materials will result in a rotten and stinky mess that could smell like ammonia, she warned. In addition, protection must provided against pests either with a physical barrier or by not including meats, bones, or fats, Lemar pointed out. Good drainage at the location of the container is also essential, she added. Good quality compost “will smell like good earth,” Lemar promised. A bag test for pliability or a germination test with radish or cucumber seeds are other ways to check if the process has been completed, she pointed out. Compost can be used as a soil amendment, as a soil surface mulch, as a fertilizer source under trees, as a potting mix, as a topdressing for lawns, or even as a raw material for making tea provided that the batch is stirred at least three times a day, Lemar indicated. For more information about composting or recycling, check the www.recycylingconnections.org Web site or call the main office at (715) 343-0722. To reach Lemar, who works from a home office in Viroqua, call (715) 347-5979 or send an e-mail to angie@recyclingconnections.org.
Tri-County news • Serving Chilton, Kiel & New Holstein • Thursday, May 3, 2018
tive at protecting ornamental plantings from small, four-legged garden critters such as rabbits. Usable in any weather, it will not burn plants or wash off. Use it as a bulb dip to deter underground damage or spray it at the mouth of burrows to prevent animals from re-entering. It is safe for humans, pets, birds, and aquatic life.
Step 3: Remove the creature’s comforts Many homeowners are surprised to find rabbits have made a home under stairs or in a shed. If you do not want rabbits nesting and raising families in
continued from page 10B
your yard, remove brush and other debris that could provide them easy shelter and spray a repellent in those areas to maintain rabbit-free hiding places. These three simple steps will help you safely repel rabbits so you can fully enjoy the beauty and bounty of your outdoor space. To learn more, visit www.bobbex. com where you will also find repellents for other common wild foragers such as deer. Try Bobbex Deer; compared to nine other repellents in category, it was rated 93 percent effective, second only to a fence at 100 percent.
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Tri-County news • Serving Chilton, Kiel & New Holstein • Thursday, May 3, 2018
Good, bad neighbors
Some plants get along with others, but... By Ray Mueller Just as with humans, garden plants can be good or bad neighbors or companions to other plants. There are more good than bad companions on the vegetable plant and fruit list. Beans appear most often on the good companion list. They have been found to be good neighbors to sweet corn, carrots, celery, cucurbits (the vined plants including melons, squash, pumpkins, squash, cucumbers, and gourds), eggplant, lettuce, peas, radish, spinach, strawberries, zucchini, and herbs such as sage and rosemary. Onions and garlic are the only popular garden plants that do not like beans as a neighbor. Sweet corn is a good neighbor to peas, potatoes, zucchini, squash, pumpkins, and cucurbits. Sweet corn and tomatoes do not find one another to be good garden companions.
Tomatoes also do not get along with potatoes, dill, the brassica family (cole and cabbage species), rosemary, and strawberries. But tomatoes have a longer list of good companion plants, including asparagus, basil, carrots, celery, onions, parsley, sweet corn, cucurbits, nasturtium, and marigold. Carrots are a friendly plant, liking lettuce, onions, peas, radish, tomatoes, beans, and herbs. Onions are good neighbors to carrots, celery, lettuce, beets, tomatoes, and strawberries. Peas are good companions for beans, carrots, celery, corn, cucurbits, potatoes, radish, and turnips but not for onions. Lettuce is friendly to beans, carrots, onions, radish, strawberries, cucurbits, and marigolds. The brassica family gets along well with onions, spinach, celery, herbs, and nasturtiums but not with tomatoes, dill, and
strawberries. Potatoes are not good companions for tomatoes, sunflowers, turnips, zucchini, squash, cucurbits, rosemary, and apples but peas, carrots, beans, corn, brassicas, nasturtium, and marigold like potatoes as a neighbor. Spinach is a good neighbor to beans, eggplant, brassicas, celery, and strawberries. Spinach, beets, radish, lettuce, celery, chives, marigolds, nasturtium, and roses are the common garden plants and flowers that are not known to be a bad companion to any of the other plants. An unattributed statement on garden-based rules for daily living calls for three rows of peas— peace of mind, heart, and soul; four rows of squash to quell gossip, indifference, grumbling, and selfishness; and four rows of lettuce to let us be faithful, kind, patient, and really love one another.
The statement indicates a garden needs turnips to take turns to attend meetings, provide service, and help another and to grow thyme for each other, family, and friends. A garden, it concludes, also needs watering freely with patience and cultivating with love so what is sown can be reaped as fruit.
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Tri-County news • Serving Chilton, Kiel & New Holstein • Thursday, May 3, 2018
Flowers which score ‘win’ for Mother’s Day By Melinda Myers Give mom a gift that provides beauty all season long with minimal care. A basket, container or garden bed filled with these award-winning annuals is sure to generate a smile and enjoyment all summer long. If mom likes to garden, provide her with a few seeds, potting mix and a container. Include a few new varieties of traditional favorites. Marigold Super Hero Spry is a compact French marigold with two-inch dark maroon and golden yellow flowers. The striking bicolor blooms top 10- to 12-inch-tall plants. Best of all, mom will have flowers eight weeks from the time she sows the seeds until frost. Surprise mom with a container of instant beauty. The 2017 All-America Selections (AAS) winner CalliopeŽ Medium Dark red is beautiful alone or mixed with other flowers in containers, hanging baskets, or in-ground gardens. It was selected by AAS, a non-profit national plant trialing organization, for its outstanding performance for home gardens. Brocade Fire and Brocade Cherry Night are two more winning geraniums selected for their striking foliage and colorful blooms. The semi-double orange flowers and green and bronze foliage are sure to brighten any garden location or container. The green edged bronze leaves and red blooms of Brocade Cherry Night will surely impress mom and any of her visitors. Or provide some added seasonal interest with Pinto Premium White to Rose geranium. Mom will enjoy watching the flower petals change from white to pink to rose-pink. The change occurs over time, providing interesting color combi-
nations throughout the growing season. Help mom bring the birds, butterflies and bees to her garden with a few sunflowers. They are easy to start from seed right in the garden and mom will enjoy the motion and color the visiting pollinators provide. Don’t let a lack of space stop your mother from enjoying these colorful beauties. Suntastic Yellow with Black Center produces five- to six-inch flowers on 20-inch plants; perfect for containers and small space gardens. Grow the taller, four- to five-inch-tall Ring of Fire sunflower for its unique blooms. The flower’s chocolate brown center is surrounded by a ring of red and golden tipped petals. Mom can cut a few blooms to enjoy in a vase and allow the rest to set seed for wildlife to enjoy. Add more wow to mom’s garden with Onyx red ornamental pepper. The dark black foliage contrasts nicely with the shiny red fruit. Its stunning beauty adds ornamental appeal to containers and garden beds. Ornamental peppers are edible but very hot, so it’s best to look and not taste. Or include the family-friendly Chilly Chili ornamental pepper for all the beauty without the heat—perfect for families with young children that like to explore. The abundant upright fruit changes from yellow to orange to red, providing a wonderful display throughout the season. Bring the tropics to your mom’s patio or deck with cannas. Their large foliage and bright colored flowers make any home feel like an exotic escape. South Pacific Orange, South Pacific Scarlet and Tropical Rose are compact vigorous varieties suited to containers and the garden. The large leaves add drama to the garden and once their blossoms emerge they will provide lots of color.
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Tri-County news • Serving Chilton, Kiel & New Holstein • Thursday, May 3, 2018
156 school districts in Wisconsin ‘Growing up Green’ By Ray Mueller In various stages of participation, 156 Wisconsin school districts in 58 counties—422 school sites in all—are registered for the state’s Green and Healthy Schools (GHS) “Growing Up Green� program. The program is open to public and private schools. No school in Calumet County is a participant in this program. The closest participants are in Plymouth, Fond du Lac, Sheboygan, and Appleton. Designed to help schools reduce their operating costs by focusing on efficiencies, to improve the health and wellness of students and school staff, and to nurture environmental literacy, the program is a joint venture of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, the Department of Public Instruction, and the Wisconsin Center for Environmental Education at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. How the program is carried out varies greatly from school to school, according to the Center for Environmental Education’s senior outreach specialist Susan Schuller, who oversees GHS in the state. She was a presenter at the 2017 Midwest Energy Fair, which was observing its 28th year. Following its launching in 2003, GHS had 150 school sites sign up during its first eight years, Schuller noted. Of them, 35 completed at least one related project during that time, she reported. One notable achievement was a student-initiated suggestion to get rid of styrofoam trays for school lunches at the Appleton schools. A program renovation in 2011 identified the three points of focus and a guide was published, Schuller indicated. There are nine topic areas, including water, energy, health and wellness, transportation, recycling, community involvement, and use of school sites as a teaching tool to address a “nature deficit disorder� regarded effects on the environment, she stated. With the support of the United State Green Building Council, Schuller said the goal is to have all schools registered for GHS within the next generation. In a typical community, about 20 percent of the residents are directly linked to the school in some way, she observed. Within Wisconsin, GHS is leveraged with support
from 34 entities such as a compost supplier in Milwaukee (65 school sites registered), the sewerage district in Madison, nature centers, the Focus on Energy program, and Northwind Energy. Depending on the type of activity, volunteers have given money, shovels, buckets, books, or other supporting materials, Schuller indicated. GHS is strictly voluntary and recognition is given but no certification is awarded, she pointed out. One persistent challenge that Schuller encounters is staff turnover. To start, GHS requires a commitment from two representatives at each school site. The pro-
gram is promoted at workshops—four of which were held in the state within the past year. Those are teachers about 50 percent of the time but administrators, food service directors, and representatives of parent/teacher organizations can also make that commitment. Schuller finds that there is a widespread but incorrect belief by teachers and others that virtually no else in the community shares a belief in the purposes of GHS. To learn more about GHS, call Schuller at (715) 3464150, send an e-mail to Susan.Schuller@uwsp.edu, or check the www.GHSwisconsin.org Web site.
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Tri-County news • Serving Chilton, Kiel & New Holstein • Thursday, May 3, 2018
Easy elevated gardens add beauty, save space By Melinda Myers Elevate your gardens to waist high level for convenience and easy access. Elevated gardens are easy on your back and knees and are perfect for the patio, balcony, deck or any area where a bit of planting space is desired. Place them near your kitchen door, grill or table for easy cooking and serving access. You will be able to plant, weed and harvest with minimal bending or even from a chair. Purchase one on wheels or add casters to the legs of your elevated garden for added mobility. Then wheel it into the sun or shade as needed each day or out of the way when you entertain. Set the garden in place first. Once it is filled with soil, it will be very heavy and difficult to move. Those gardening on a balcony should confirm the space will hold the weight of the elevated garden you select when filled with soil and mature plants. Make sure you have easy access to water. Since this is basically a container, you will need to check the soil moisture daily and water thoroughly as needed. Fill the elevated garden with a well-drained planting mix that holds moisture while providing needed drainage. Incorporate a low nitrogen slow release fertilizer like Milorganite (milorganite.com) at planting. It contains 85 percent organic matter, feeding the plants and soil. Slow-release fertilizers provide plants with needed nutrients for several months, eliminating the need for weekly fertilization.
Grow a variety of your favorite herbs and vegetables like basil, parsley, compact tomatoes, and peppers. Support vining plants or try compact ones like Mascotte compact bush bean. Add color and dress up your planter with flowers like edible nasturtiums and trailing herbs like thyme and oregano which will cascade over the edge of the planter. Maximize your growing space by planting quick maturing vegetables like radishes, beets, and lettuce in between tomatoes, peppers, cabbage and other vegetables that take longer to reach their mature size. You will be harvesting the short season vegetables just as the bigger plants need the space. Further increase your garden’s productivity with succession plantings. Fill vacant spaces that are left once a row or block of vegetables are harvested. Add more planting mix if needed. Select seeds and transplants that will have time to reach maturity for harvesting before the growing season ends. Broccoli, cabbage, compact Patio Pride peas, lettuce, spinach and other greens taste best when harvested in cooler fall temperatures. Replace weather-worn flowers with cool weather beauties like pansies, nemesias, dianthus, alyssum and snapdragons. Fertilize the whole planter so new plantings and existing plants have the nutrients they need to finish out the season. (Melinda Myers has written more than 20 gardening books. Her Web site is www.MelindaMyers.com.)
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• LT42, 18 HP single Kohler, 42” deck, hydro, manual PTO. • LT42 EFI, 547cc EFI Cub Cadet Single, 42” deck, hydro, manual PTO. • LT46, 22 HP Twin Kohler, 46” deck, hydro, manual PTO. • LT46 EFI, 547cc EFI Cub Cadet single, 46 fabricated deck, hydro, electric PTO. • LT50, 24 HP Twin Kohler, 50” stamped deck, hydro, electric PTO. • ST54, 24 HP Twin Kohler, 54” fabricated deck, hydro, electic PTO. • GT50, 25 HP Twin Kohler, 50” stamped deck, GT hydro, electric PTO.
• LX42, 22 HP Twin Kohler Smart Choke, 42” deck, hydro, manual PTO, bumper, armrests. • LX46, 24 HP Twin Kohler Smart Choke, 46” deck, hydro, electric PTO, bumper, armrests. • LX46 EFI, 679cc EFI Cub Cadet Twin, 46” fabricated deck, hydro, electric PTO, bumper, armrests. • SLX50, 679cc Cub Cadet EFI Twin, 50” deck, hydro, electric PTO, brush guard, FastAttach™ Blade System, armrests
• GS, 22.5 HP Twin Kohler Command, deck sold separetely. Hydro, foot-operated (shaft drive/cast iron), electric PTO, manual lift, LED lights. $3999. •GSX, 25 HP Twin Kohler Command, deck sold separetely. Hydro, foot-operated (shaft drive/cast iron), electric PTO, electric lift, diff-lock, LED lights, electronic power steering. $4999. Available decks sold separately. 42”, 50”, 54” stamped. 48”, 54”, 60” fabricated.
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Tri-County news • Serving Chilton, Kiel & New Holstein • Thursday, May 3, 2018
Home improvements to help home sell quickly
The real estate market is heating up, and if you are planning to sell your home in the future, you want it to sell quickly and for as high of a price as possible. By taking proactive action now, you can make a few strategic home improvements that can help you achieve both your goals. To boost your home sale and reduce time on the market, consider these top home improvement ideas to catch buyers’ eyes. Garage door: When potential buyers visit your property, you want to make the best first impression before they even come inside. That’s why it’s wise to replace your garage door. It takes up a significant amount of exterior visual real estate and helps define the home’s aesthetic. What’s more, according to Remodeling Magazine’s 2018 Cost vs. Value report, a garage door replacement recoups an astonishing 98.3 percent of cost upon resale. Bathroom addition: More bathrooms typically mean you can charge more for your home. Think you’re limited based on existing construction? Think again. With Saniflo, you can add a complete bathroom where no drainage existed before thanks to above-floor plumbing features like a macerating toilet and drain pumps. The Saniaccess3 is a smart choice for full baths, and the Saniaccess2 is ideal for powder rooms. Kitchen upgrade: A complete kitchen remodel is costly, but a few smart upgrades can make the heart of the home shine. Consider replacing worn laminate
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countertops and updating hardware for a fresh look. For extra ‘wow factor,’ add an island and use Saniflo Sanivite technology to add a sink to the space for additional functionality. Learn more at go.saniflo.com. Fresh flooring: You don’t have to replace all your flooring, but focal areas like the kitchen or family room, as well as areas that tend to experience higher wear, such as the entryway, can benefit from a new floor. Forget expensive tile or hardwood replacements. Vinyl wood flooring looks incredibly similar to real wood, and modern luxury vinyl tile mimics the gorgeous look of stone or ceramic tile but is more durable and affordable. You may be able to simply add new flooring on top of old, making it a much easier DIY project. Neutral paint: Don’t ever underestimate the value of a fresh coat of paint throughout your home. Walls get dingy and colors get dated. Repaint rooms with modern, neutral tones. As much as you love plum, buyers may not, so stick with whites, creams and grays whenever possible. Visit your local paint store and you’ll see there are many neutral options to add excitement to interior spaces. Don’t forget the ceiling, too! A fresh coat of white can do wonders. These five projects will enhance your listing so you get more attention and book more showings. You may even start a bidding war with enough interest, and that can really drive up the price. Take action now and these home improvement efforts are sure to make an impact.
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Tri-County news • Serving Chilton, Kiel & New Holstein • Thursday, May 3, 2018
Control practices advised for non-native invasives
By Ray Mueller Garlic mustard, dame’s rocket, common and glossy buckthorn, wild parsnip, bush honeysuckle, Japanese barberry, burning bush, cutleaf and common teasel, and Japanese knotweed have something in common. All are among dozens of non-native and invasive plant species that have established themselves in Wisconsin and that are extremely detrimental to the natural ecosystem, attendees learned at a workshop coordinated by Calumet County’s terrestrial invasive species control specialist Jeni Klein. Most of those non-native plants have the ability to spread rapidly and to take over habitat once held by native plants, Klein pointed out. They can be spread through hay and other livestock feeds, on equipment, by animals, on clothing, and by the wind or flowing water, she noted. Among the consequences are the smothering of native plants which many native species need for nurture and habitat, soil erosion, blockage of scenic views, degradation of surface water quality, reduction of the growing space for trees that grow nuts and berries for wildlife, and in the case of barberry and honeysuckle, the introduction of a link that leads to Lyme’s disease in humans, Klein explained. Species put onto lists As a result, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, through its NR 40 regulation, has placed numerous non-native invasive species onto either restricted (allowed with a permit) or prohibited lists. In addition to the species already men-
tioned, others on the restricted listed are the autumn olive, Oriental bittersweet, Japanese hedge parsley, and tree of heaven. Klein advised growers of those plants to clean equipment after working with those species and to carry out other best management practices to prevent them from spreading. Wisconsin’s prohibited list of nonnative invasive species includes the porcelain berry, black swallow wort, and the giant hogweed. Klein noted that giant hogweed was inadvertently transported to a farm in Manitowoc County from its first identified growing site in Iron County. Other infestations of giant hogweed have also been found in Sheboygan and Waupaca counties. Beyond endeavoring to eliminate or to control the growth of non-native invasive species, property owners and managers are urged to record and report the presence of those plants, according to Anne Pearce, who is the coordinator for the first detector network in Wisconsin. With the fyi.uwex.edu/wifdn Web site serving as a starting point, she outlined how the latest tools of technology are available to serve that purpose. Web-site plots locations Through the free-to-use www.eddmaps.org Web site, which is a national database, the location of non-native invasive species can be plotted and reported, Pearce pointed out. With the Invasive Species Management software program, for which a small fee is assessed, property owners or managers can track their efforts, including the use of pesticides, to control or eliminate those species, she pointed out.
For users of smartphones and tablets, the Great Lakes Early Detection Network app is a mapping tool for infestation data and photos, Pearce said. With a search for GLEDN, it is available in Google Play for Android users or under App Store for AppleiOS users. For technical or financial support for restoring habitat which has fallen victim to non-native invasive species, Klein recommended contacting the University of Wisconsin Extension Service, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service for any property not owned by the state or federal government, the Department of Natural Resources, and the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). On behalf of the NRCS, Manitowoc County district conservationist Matt Rataczak cited two major funding and technical sources that are designed to improve wildlife habitat and soil and water quality, including at sites that have been affected by non-native invasive species. They are the all-voluntary Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP) and the Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP). With a flat rate per square foot or acre payment, EQIP often covers 70 to 90 percent of a project cost, Rataczak pointed out. He described EQIP as a tool to cope with an existing resource concern—to fix what needs attention. If the property is a forest, a management plan is required, he noted. CSP, meanwhile, serves as a reward to agricultural or forest property owners who are already engaged in one or beneficial conservation activities and who can qualify for funding if they add one more enhancement—from a potential
list of 225—to that activity, Rataczak explained. Among the many choices are the establishment of herbaceous species that benefit pollinator species, he noted. In place since 2009, CSP comes with a five-year contract with minimum annual payments of $1,500, Rataczak stated. He pointed out that CSP was revamped greatly in 2017 toward a strong emphasis on the application process. Klein, who is based at the Woodland Dunes Nature Center and Preserve at Two Rivers, shared several examples of how working with other entities and programs—with the help of volunteers—has succeeded in transforming several sites in the Two Rivers area from being infested with non-native invasive plants to having multiple species of native plants that are beneficial to wildlife throughout the year. She noted that the only non-native plant species among those selections are crab apple trees.
Calls answered
Sheboygan County Master Gardener Volunteers will be at the University of Wisconsin-Extension Office, located on the UW-Sheboygan Campus, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 1 to 4 p.m. to answer horticultural calls or consult in person with homeowners who have yard and garden care questions. Master Gardener Volunteers staff the horticultural hotline from May through September. To reach the Horticultural Hotline, please contact the UW-Extension Sheboygan County Office at 459-5900.
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Kraus Construction, Inc......................920-894-7008
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FINANCIAL BMO Harris Bank .................................920-898-4284 www.bmoharris.com Collins State Bank ...............................920-894-4272 www.collinsstatebank.com Great Midwest Bank ........................... 920-849-9381 www.greatmidwestbank.com
Premier Financial Credit Union .........920-898-4232 www.yourpfcu.com
State Bank of Chilton.......................... 920-849-9371 www.statebankofchilton.com
Wisconsin Bank & Trust ......................920-849-8888 www.wisconsinbankandtrust.com
Chilton Furniture ................................920-849-9023
Leitner Construction, LLC .................. 920-849-7794 Mathes Construction & Gutter System Company, Inc.
TK Hardwood Floor Co. LLC ...............920-400-0380
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Midwest Design Homes ..................... 920-759-9000 www.midwestdesignhomes.com Schneider & Schneider Construction, LLC ............................... 920-898-1300
Pinnow Sheet Metal Inc. .................... 920-231-8632 www.bigwhitebus.com
Automated Products Inc. ....................715-387-3426 Drexel Building Supply ...................... 920-894-2424
Advanced Custom Geothermal, LLC ........ 920-894-3999
Kasper Building Supply...................... 920-853-3814
Fuhrmann Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Inc. ...................................... 920-756-3277
Manitowoc Heating & Refrigeration Services, Inc.
Interior Woodworking, LLC ...............920-230-6040
920-686-7378 • www.ManitowocHeating.com
Valley Cabinet, Inc ...............................920-336-3174 www.valleycabinetinc.com
HOME IMPROVEMENT Tundraland Home Improvements .... 920-734-4786 www.tundraland.com
Darboy Stone & Brick, Inc. ................. 920-734-2882 www.darboystone.com
Roffers Concrete Construction.......... 920-864-7624
Alpine Insulation Co, Inc ....................800-458-8188
INSURANCE Scott Umland Insurance Services ..... 920-898-5755
ELECTRONICS Suess Electronics ................................920-733-6464 www.suesselectronics.com
OVERHEAD DOORS Professional Door Systems................... 920-452-2972 www.lakeshoredoor.com
PLUMBING Meggers Enterprise Plumbing and Heating LLC...............920-894-1110 Meyer Plumbing LLC...........................920-894-8444 www.meyerplumbing.com
Todd’s Plumbing LLC .......................... 920-418-1004 www.toddsplumbingllc.com
PRINTING Zander Press Inc. ................................. 920-756-2222
REAL ESTATE Premier Properties Realty, LLC .........920-980-4477 www.TheAmelTeam.com
Thiel Real Estate.................................. 920-849-2222 www.thielrealestate.com
RECYCLING/DISPOSAL Mid-Shores Recycling, Division of Mid-Shores Disposal .......920-898-5498 www.midshoresdisposal.com
ROOFING Altitude Roofing & Exteriors ..............920-948-1146 www.altituderoofing.net
Wrightway Home Improvements...... 920-923-0721 www.wrightwaybuilt.com
WINDOWS Pella Windows & Doors of Wisconsin ... 920-431-8900 www.pella.com
Renewal by Andersen..........................920-759-1234 www.rba-newi.com
Dean’s Electric LLC...............................920-565-7517 www.deans-electric.com
Jannette Trucking and Excavating, Inc. . 920-853-3454
LANDSCAPING Master Plan Landscapes LLC ............. 920-849-3376 www.masterplanlandscaping.com