Tempo for Week of June 25, 2019

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search for local cars

“I have dealt with back pain for a long time. Thanks to Animity I am pain free.”

E a s t e r n W i s c o n s i n ’ s F R E E Pa pe r

June 25, 2019

Published By Delta Publications, Inc., Kiel, WI

N ow He r e!

Chiropractic PAIN RELIEF without Twisting or “Cracking” Downtown Kiel Location • 920-286-6240


Special Financing for u


4th of July Sale

p to

12 Months+

Rebates up to



on appliance Packages from brands like…



e e r F 2000 1500 1600 200 deliveRy

Rebates up to


on Jenn-air Packages

Rebates up to

Rebates up to

Rebates up to

on cafe Packages

on Kitchenaid Packages

on Speed Que en






Hundreds of items!*

ouR GRillS include:

free Set up free drop off free lP fill*

all GRillS on Sale!

lG tvS inStant RebateS

FonD Du Lac 929-0126 498 N. Rolling Meadows Dr. www.ShopSilica.com

uP to


Beaver Dam 885-2260 1745 N. Spring St.

WatertoWn 206-7000 1720 S. Church Street

HouRS: Mon.-Wed.-fRi. 9-8; tueS.-tHuR. 9-5; Sat. 9-4; Sun. 11-4 *See store for specific details. +To approved credit. See store for details.

0% aPr 84 Mo. for uP to




2019 rAm 1500 CreW CAb

total SavingS

17,064 OFF


Stk.# 11483 Stk.# 11512

2019 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 hd



Stk. #B6792


total SavingS

2019 rAm 1500 CreW CAb

Stk.# 11616

Stk.# 11593

Le ase for 36 months

29 9



pe r m on th

Stk. #B6843


2019 Chevrolet Silverado lt $

11,550 total SavingS* or leaSe for



Per Mo. for 36 Mo.

2019 Chevrolet trax



Stk.# 11790

Stk.# 11825

2018 rAm 2500

9582 of f




for 72 months

Stk. #B6720

2018 DoDge Journey AWD

7834 OFF

total SavingS*

2019 Chevrolet equinox

2019 Chevrolet traverSe

+ 1088 Conquest rebate* total $ SavingS for non gM ownerS*

+ $1554 Conquest rebate* total $ SavingS for non gM ownerS*


4500 total SavingS* $



5000 total SavingS*


Stk.# 11622

Stk.# 11586

2019 Chevrolet blazer


2019 Chevrolet blazer



total SavingS*

2019 Chevrolet Suburban



total SavingS*

tempo • Week of June 25, 2019 • Eastern Wisconsin’s FREE paper • Your Tempo classified reaches 24,000 homes. Call 920-894-2828!

2019 Chevrolet Silverado Crew Cab rSt

Stk. #B6636



2019 Chrysler PACifiCA

2019 Buick ENcorE

8000 OFF

Stk. #B6691


*Lease based on 36 month with $3499 cash or trade equity down. Tax, title & fees extra. To qualified credit. Mileage penalties do apply after 30,000 miles. See sales for details.





ToTal SavingS

Stk. #11708

*Total Savings is dealer discount plus rebate. Silverado 1500 also includes $500 All Star Package discount. Non GM owners qualify for additional rebate for owning a 2005 or newer non GM vehicle in household. + 36 month 10,000 mile per year lease with $2999 customer down payment plus tax, title and license. ^ 0% for 84 months on selected models. Stock #11701 to approved credit. $11.90 per $1000 financed. Sale ends 6/30/2019.


See more vehicles at: www.drivevhb.CoM

— — www.vandeheybrantmeierCDJR.com — —

AUTOMOTIVE GROUP AUTOMOTIVE GROUP 516 N. Madison Street, Chilton 920-849-9301 • 800-234-3664

AUTOMOTIVE GROUP 920-849-9331 • 800-766-9331 • 614 N. Madison St. • Chilton

For local news log onto iwantthenews.com • Eastern Wisconsin’s FREE paper • Week of June 25, 2019 •


GONE OUT OF BUSINESS New Furniture Auction Over $100,000 of Inventory Saturday, June 29th, 11am Sunday, June 30th, 1pm Inspection 1 hour prior After 52 years Lewin furniture has gone out of business. Lewin has turned over their entire inventory to the Auction Company for a final liquidation auction! Hundreds of Items to be Sold. Quality Name Brand New furniture to be Sacrificed at Auction Prices. Bring Your Truck or Trailer LEWIN FURNITURE 207 Wolf River Drive Fremont, WI 54940 Questions? 920446-2288 Reg. WI Auctioneer Richard Sicheneder #998-52 10% Buyers Fee Check-Cash-Credit Card

Card of Thanks

THANK YOUS IN THE TEMPO OR TRI COUNTY NEWS are considered paid advertising. Call Delta Publications at (920) 894-2828 for a price. 14d-tfn-h THINKING OF THANKING SOMEONE? Put a thank you in the Tempo or Tri County News. Call Delta Publications at (920) 894-2828 for a price. If you have questions, feel free to contact us. 14d-tfn-h

Family Entertainment

$29.99 Bowling Package includes large pizza, 1 pitcher of soda and 1 hour of bowling. Not valid with any other offers. The Strike Zone, 2106 Wisconsin Ave, New Holstein WI, 920-827-2202. 43s-tfc

Farmers Market

MARSH HAY FOR SALE. Small square bales. (920)849-7853. 30p-tfc

Classifieds Sell!

For Sale

Brand new never used Black & Decker window air conditioner. 8000 btu with remote $175 (920) 286-1314 BUDGET VEHICLES. cars920.com. search for local cars in your budget. FOR BREAKING local news, log on to iwantthenews.com 20d-tfn-h LOG ON TO CARS920.COM. Search for local cars. Mac Macsimizer tool box (red) 5 ft. x 27 in. x 44 in. $3,000. Call (920)8944819 Leave message. 26G-2p DO YOU HAVE ITEMS TO SELL? .... GET RESULTS! Affordable advertising that fits your budget! Reach OVER 300,000 homes! Place your ad in MANY weekly Wisconsin Shoppers & Buyers’ Guide papers for as low as $36.00 Call today! Publishers Development Service, Inc. (PDS, Inc.) 1-800-2360737 www.pdsadnet.com ALL NEW MATTRESS SETS QUEEN $195 KING $385 FULL $175. PILLOW TOP Can deliver 29yrs experience 920-602-0510. thebedsshed.com

Lawn & Garden

HOSTAS! Over 600 Field Grown varieties! Open Daily - MAY THRU SEPT. 2nd, 12-6pm. 14028 Louis Corners Rd, KIEL, WI 920-894-2905 & 920-298-8332 CASH OR CHECK ONLY


ASK ABOUT OUR non-prof it advertising rate. Delta Publications. (920) 894-2828. 39d-tfn-h LOOKING FOR UNIQUE ENTERTAINM ENT? Old -time, bluegrass folk band available for special eve n t s , p a r t i e s , c o m m u n i t y celebrations. 5-7 piece acoustic group booking for 2018. Contact us by calling Mike at (920) 894-2828 or email mike@ deltapublications.com 50m-tfn

THANK YOUS IN THE TEMPO OR TRI COUNTY NEWS are considered paid advertising. Call Delta Publications at (920) 894-2828 for a price. 14d-tfn-h THINKING OF THANKING SOMEONE? Put a thank you in the Tempo or Tri County News. Call Delta Publications at (920) 894-2828 for a price. If you have questions, feel free to contact us. 14d-tfn-h

Musical Instruments

GOSPEL CD FOR SALE. Get your copy of the Gospel Express CD. Bluegrass Gospel by Red Star Express. 14 tracks featuring Gospel standards. Call to order your copy by phone. (920) 894-2828. 19m-tfn


FOR THE latest local obituaries, log on to iwantthenews.com 20d-tfn-h MEET SINGLES RIGHT NOW! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 855-385-9621 (WCAN)

Pets & Pet Supplies

FLUFFY AKC COCKER SPANIEL PUPS- Minis Too! Visa/pymts 920-5633410 pennylanecockerspaniel.com Lic#268588-DS (WCAN) ACA REG GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPS love children, shots/worm No Sun Sales 715-644-0785 AKC CHOCOLATE LABS, Dews/ Shots/wormed/chipped. Will consider offers 920-838-2200 AKC GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS Bk/ tan bk/red shots, good temp parents/ site 715-250-1317

Pompskis puppies all eyes blue & healthy Running outside. Ready to go 715-758-6709


ASK ABOUT OUR non-prof it advertising rate. Delta Publications. (920) 894-2828. 39d-tfn-h BUDGET VEHICLES. cars920.com. search for local cars in your budget.


Help WaNTed

Rummage Sales

CHILTON N5345 HWY 57. JUNE 27-29. 8am-4pm. Home decor, labrador ornaments, small animal coops, lawn & garden, skis, Trek bike, screen doors. Priced to sell. 26b-1p Midweek storage unit/rummage sale. Wed., June 26, Thurs. June 27, 9am4pm. Kiel Storage Unit 230 HWY 67/57 round-a-bout. Variety of household items, furniture and nice clothes. 26n1p Moving sale at 8620 State HWY 67, Kiel, 6 miles N of Kiel. Fri., Jun. 28, 8 am-4pm and Sat., Jun. 29, 8 am-4pm. Serger & thread, canning jars, wide mouth quarts & pints, canner, Xmas Village & accessory pieces, Xmas decorations, fall decorations, standing quilt frame, quilting magazines, pyrex bowls & casserole, wicker chair & rocker, garden decorating items, plus many other items. 26L-1p


Accepting applications for full-time mechanic to do repairs on school buses and medium to light duty trucks. • Competitive pay • Insurance - Health and Dental • Paid Vacations Also accepting applications for school bus drivers in Chilton, New Holstein and Kiel area. Ideal for retirees, second jobs or stay at home parents. Apply in person at:

New Holstein Transportation, Inc.

2212 Plymouth Street, New Holstein Or call 898-4207

Classifieds Sell!!!!

Due to the July 4th Holiday

Early Tempo Deadlines

Display D a vertising Wed., July 3, noon

Section 00 11 13



…for the July 9 issue.

Fri., July 5, noon

Project: Proposed Thermal and Lighting Upgrades for – Chilton Public Library Located at 221 Park Street, Chilton, WI 53014 Owner: City of Chilton – Chilton Public Library Bids To: Owner Bids Due: Accepting sealed bid proposals for the following divisions of work: One lump sum bid for General Construction Work and One lump sum bid for Electrical Construction Work. Sealed bids must be delivered by Thursday July 25, 2019, at 2:00 PM CDT, to the Chilton Public Library – 221 Park Street, Chilton, WI 53014. Attn: Glenny Whitcomb, Director Chilton Public Library. Bids may not be transmitted via fax machine. All submitted bids must be clearly labeled with the Project Name, the Bidder’s Name and Address, and the Base Bid Number and Name being bid, on the outside of the envelope. Bid Opening: Bids will be publicly opened at the Chilton Public Library, 221 Park Street, Chilton, WI 53014 at 2:15 PM CDT on Thursday July 25, 2019. Delivery: Request for bids. Architect: Allan R. Birschbach, WI Architect 4501-5, BIRSCHBACH & Associates, Ltd., P.O. Box #1216, Appleton, WI 54912-1216, 920-730-9200, arb@birschbach.com. Plans Available: Plans and specs will be available on Tuesday June 11, 2019 from Blue Print Service Co., 2350 W. Pershing St., Suite 1A, Appleton, WI 54914, Phone: 800-640-4539, Email: bps@blueprintservice.com. One set of bid documents can be obtained from the printer upon a receipt of a refundable deposit of $75.00 per set of plans and specs payable to BIRSCHBACH & Associates, Ltd. A separate non-refundable check in the amount of $50.00 to cover shipping costs will be required if a bidder wants plans and specs mailed directly to them. The mailing check should be addressed payable to the printer. Bid Documents may also be viewed at Builders Exchange of Wisconsin Fox Valley Plan Room, W2518 Cty Rd. JJ, Appleton, WI 54913 (920) 687-8782. Prevailing Wages: Not Required. Bid Bond: A 10% Bid Bond or certified check is required with the bid payable to the City of Chilton. Payment Bond: 100% Required Performance Bond: 100% Required Qualification Statement: Bidders shall submit a Contractor Proof of Responsibility form provided in the specifications prior to their bid. Failure to submit this information to the Chilton Public Library – Director, 221 Park Street, Chilton, WI 53014, Attn: Glenny Whitcomb, at least (5) days business days before bid date may result in rejection of the bid as non-responsive. Schedule: Project is anticipated to start no later than September 3, 2019 and be substantially complete no later than November 15, 2019, with final completion by November 30, 2019. The Owner desires to have the project completed within a sixty day window. Pre-Bid Meeting: There will be Pre-Bid Meetings on Wednesday, June 26, 2019 at 9:00 AM for one hour and Thursday, July 11, 2019 at 9:00 AM for one hour at the Chilton Public Library, 221 Park Street, Chilton, WI Notes: The low responsible bidders (General and Electrical) will be recommended for contract award. Owner reserves the right to reject any bid, to waive informalities in bid or to accept bid which will be in the best interest of the Owner. Bids shall remain open to acceptance for a period of 90 days after bid due date. Project Scope: In general, the project consists of the replacement of existing surface mounted fluorescent lighting fixtures with energy efficient LED lay-in fixtures in new suspended acoustical tile ceiling. The existing foam beams are to be removed and discarded. A new layer of 5/8” gypsum board is to be installed over the existing deteriorating ceiling. After the completion of the light fixture installation, the attic insulation shall be over blown and leveled out to provide a uniform R-46 blanket of insulation. In addition, the attic access door and vertical shaft around the access shall be sheeted with 5/8” plywood and the access door insulated with eight inches of Thermax Insulation. There is an alternate bid to add an attic walkway and permanent lighting. WNAxLP

proof aDs

Tues., July 2, 5 pm

Save Green on Yellow. PRO-Z 760S ZERO-TURN MOWER

Pro-Z 760S

• 31hp Kawasaki FX Twin • Zero turn with electronic power steering • 60” heavy-duty fabricated mower deck • Dial-type suspension seat • 24x12x12 rear tires

Sale Price: $11,899 Less DSA rebate: -$500 (through Oct. 31, 2019)


Final Cost



Z-FORCE SX54 ZERO-TURN MOWER • 24hp Kawasaki Twin 60” also • Steering wheel-controlled zero turn available. • 54” fabricated mower deck Sale Price • 22x9.5x12 rear tires $



Z-Force SX54

ST54 LAWN TRACTOR • 24hp Kohler twin • Hydrostatic drive • 54” fabricated mower deck Sale Price • 22x9.5x12 rear tires


XT1 ST54




tempo • Week of June 25, 2019 • Eastern Wisconsin’s FREE paper • Your Tempo classified reaches 24,000 homes. Call 920-894-2828!

Help Wanted

Help wanted. Caregiver 2-3 days per week for elderly gentleman. (920) 849-9487 TWO MEN AND A TRUCK has employment opportunities at our Plymouth location for both Movers and Drivers. We are looking for selfmotivated individuals willing to work in a fast-paced environment. Starting pay is $12/hr up to $16/hr with monthly bonus potential and customer tips! We are seeking candidates with a strong commitment to customer service and dedication to providing our customers with an outstanding moving experience. If you have what it takes to move with the best, please come in to our Plymouth office on Thursday July 11th from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. for an Open Interview Cook-Out. We are located at: W5134 County Road O Plymouth, WI 53073 or please call us at: 920-893-1900. 26t-3c BECOME A PUBLISHED AUTHOR! We edit, print and distribute your work nternationally. We do the work. You reap the Rewards! Call for a FREE Author’s Submission Kit: 855-7257825 (WCAN) INVENTORS - FREE INFORMATION PACKAGE Have your product idea developed affordably by the Research & Development pros & presented to manufacturers. Call 1-888-925-4494 for a FREE Idea Starter Guide. Submit your idea for a free consultation. (WCAN) UNABLE TO WORK due to injury or illness? Call Bill Gordon & Assoc., Social Security Disability Attorneys! FREE Evaluation. Local Attorneys Nationwide 1-877-625-1696. Mail: 2420 N St NW, Washington, DC. Office: Broward Col FL, member TX/NM Bar. (WCAN)

IF YOU ARE READING THIS, SO ARE YOUR POTENTIAL EMPLOYEES! Save Money! Affordable advertising in M A N Y p a p e r s! W I S C O N S I N COMMUNITY PAPERS (WCP) and the WISCONSIN CLASSIFIED AD NETWORK (WCAN) Call toll-free 1-800-727-8745 or visit our website: www.wisad.com (WCAN) CDL DRIVEAWAY Deliver new trucks nationwide. 5 yr. min. CDL exp. & good record. Part or nearly fulltime work avail. Appleton. More info: www.TransCentralCorp.com NO WAITING LIST to Train for your CDL. You can make $40,000 a year! Call SCDTI 715-942-2700 ext 101 OTR TRUCK DRIVERS FT/PT Competitive wages & full benefits. Mileage, Drop pay, Paid weekly Home weekends, NO east/west coast, 28 central states. Van & Hopper Division. Agriculture experience a plus. Fox Valley company since 1958 Call Frank 920-788-6242 or 920-858-0238. Van Groll Trucking, Kaukauna TIME TO SHIFT GEARS? $1600 Signon Bonus! EXPERIENCED DRIVERS *Flatbed *Step Deck *Van *LTL Reefer. Pay is 26% Gross Flatbed/Step Deck & up to .53/mile Van/Reefer. Full benefits w/FREE Health & Life Insurance, 6 paid Holidays + Industry leading Driver Bonus Program! Must have Class A CDL. Call Ruth or Mike at TTI Inc 1-800-222-5732 Apply online ttitrucking.com

SELL YOUR CAR for free. cars920. com Stardust Limousine has limos available for your upcoming wedding. Stay safe & get a limo for your Bachelorette or Bachelor party. Call 773-2270 or go t o o u r w e b s i t e a t w w w. stardustlimousine.com. THANK YOUS IN THE TEMPO OR TRI COUNTY NEWS are considered paid advertising. Call Delta Publications at (920) 894-2828 for a price. 14d-tfn-h

do you like to write? Freelance writers wanted

The Tri-County News is seeking freelancers for news coverage in the greater Chilton, New Holstein, and Kiel areas. The perfect candidate(s) would combine a pleasant personality with excellent written communication skills, including the ability to write in a journalistic style with a focus on both accuracy and creativity. Training will be provided as necessary to the right candidate(s). A particular interest and aptitude in local government coverage would be helpful, although the ability to do feature writing and to take photographs would be pluses as well. This is a part-time position and likely would include some evening hours and possible weekend work. Send resume and a few writing samples (if available) to:

Caregivers Oak Creek Assisted living


Opening for a Van Driver to safely and courteously transport the elderly and/or disabled persons doorto-door to medical, nutrition, shopping, and human services resources. Performs routine inspections and minor maintenance on van, and maintains accurate records. Flexible part-time hours. Visit www.calumetcounty.org, to apply with required online application. Applications accepted until position filled.

We would love the chance to talk to you.

Call Stephanie or Laura at 920-894-3222 1237 Teckla Place, Kiel

HelP Wanted

BNG Phoebe Products is a pet treat manufacturer. Proudly producing quality pet treats in Kiel since 1991.

Phoebe Products is currently hiring for several full-time positions in our Freeze Dry, Baking and Packaging areas. First shift positions, 6am to 2:30pm. Get home in time to enjoy your afternoon. Contact Pat at 920-894-3200 ext. 303 or stop in to apply 8am–4:30pm.

Carpenters Wanted • Experience Preferred • Team Player • Energetic • Positive attitude • Good Work Ethic • Ambitious • Valid Driver’s license • Reliable Apply in our office 7:30-4 p.m.

Mathes Construction & Gutter Company

Must be accurate and detail oriented. Approximately 15 hours a week. Please email resume to sherryrhineauto@hotmail.com W5695 Garton Road, Plymouth Rhine Auto, Inc 920.876.2779 ext. 221

Enjoy a 10% discount, on-site nurse, flexible scheduling plus full benefit package for full-time employees.

Apply at 109 S. Main Street • Brillion

Flex Staff is accepting applications for

Full-Time Openings

Warehouse Clerks ForklIFt operators MaChIne operators All ShiftS • Willing to train! For more information, please contact Flex-Staff or apply on-line at www.flexstaff.com 109 SouthSide Shopping Center

Chilton, WI 53014-1427 849-9800 www.flexstaff.com Flex-Staff is an Equal Opportunity Employer, which includes providing equal opportunity for protected veterans and individuals with disabilities.

Plant labor needed

Eden-Valders Stone has immediate full-time position openings available for saw operators on 2nd shift at our Valders location. Heavy lifting, good general mathematic skills and basic computer skills are required. A high school education or GED is required. We offer a competitive compensation plan including a full benefits package. Valders Stone & Marble is a drug free work place. Preemployment drug screen is required. Please apply in person at our Valders location:

Valders Stone & Marble 318 West Washington St. Valders, WI 54245 Or e-mail your resume to people@valdersstone.com EOE

206 Court Street, Chilton, WI 53014 • (920) 849-1611

RHINE AUTO, INC. is seeking a part-time office employee to perform data entry inventory functions.

Must be 18 years of age to apply for these positions due to machine operation.

901 Service Rd. • Kiel

Department of aDministration Equal Opportunity Employer

Deli Clerks, Cashiers/ Service Counter Clerks, Evening Manager, Pricing Clerk, Stockers/Baggers

Phoebe Products, 109 Persnickety Place, Kiel WI 53042

Attn. Editor Mark Sherry marks@deltapublications.com • 894-2828 P.O. Box 237 • Kiel, WI 53042

Van Driver

AT&T Internet Get More For Your HighSpeed Internet Thing. Starting at $40/ month w/ 12-mo agmt. Includes 1 TB of data per month. Ask us how to bundle and SAVE! Geo & svc restrictions apply. Call us today 1-855-678-7990 (WCAN) EARTHLINK High Speed Internet. As Low as $14.95/ month (for the first 3 months.) Reliable High Speed Fiber Optic Technology. Stream Videos, Music & more! Call Earthlink today 1-855-404-9615 (WCAN)

We are hiring AWESOME people!!!

1st, 2nd & 3rd Shift

Delta Publications, Inc.


WCAN (Wisconsin Community Ad Net work) and/or the member publications review ads to the best of their ability. Unfortunately, many unscrupulous people are ready to take your money! PLEASE BE CAREFUL ANSWERING ANY AD THAT SOUNDS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE! For more information, or to file a complaint regarding an ad, please contact The Department of Trade, Agriculture & Consumer Protection 1-800-422-7128 (WCAN)

Help Wanted


LOG ON TO CARS920.COM. Search for local cars. LOOKING FOR UNIQUE ENTERTAINM ENT? O ld -time, bluegrass folk band available for special eve n t s , p a r t i e s , c o m m u n i t y celebrations. 5-7 piece acoustic group booking for 2018. Contact us by calling Mike at (920) 894-2828 or email mike@ deltapublications.com 50m-tfc

THINKING OF THANKING SOMEONE? Put a thank you in the Tempo or Tri County News. Call Delta Publications at (920) 894-2828 for a price. If you have questions, feel free to contact us. 14d-tfn-h TREE SERVICE & STUMP GRINDING. Free estimates. (920)946-0204 $10K + in debt? Be Debt FREE in 24-48 months. Pay a fraction of your debt. Call National Debt Relief 844-528-5739 (WCAN)

Carpenter Wanted

Seeking a reliable, self-motivated, team player with experience in framing and/or finish work. We offer competitive wages, $14-$25 per hour based on experience & knowledge, holiday & vacation pay, health insurance & retirement plan. Please send resume and references to office@krausconstruction.biz or in person at:

KRAUS c o n struc ti o n inc.

510 Belitz Dr. Kiel, WI 53042 920-894-7008

Full-Time Automotive Detail Technicians

Vande Hey Brantmeier Automotive Group is currently looking to expand on its growing Detail Department.

Job Duties

• Wash the exterior and interior of a vehicle • Wax and buff vehicles using cloths and buffing machines • Vacuum to remove dirt and debris, clean upholstery and surfaces, use air compressors and cloths to dry surfaces and apply preservation chemicals to surfaces for protection against spots and stains • Cleaning and removing any grease on engines or engine compartments

Job Requirments

• Strong attention to detail • Valid drivers license • The ability to stand for extended periods of time, bending, lifting, etc.


• 401k • Profit Sharing • Health Insurance • Dental Insurance

• Vision Insurance • Discounts on Vehicles • Paid Vacation


Please complete an application at Vande Hey Brantmeier Chevrolet Buick or contact Justin Brantmeier at 920-849-9331 or jbrantmeier@drivevhb.com.

AUTOMOTIVE GROUP Vande Hey Brantmeier Automotive Group is an EOE.

For local news log onto iwantthenews.com • Eastern Wisconsin’s FREE paper • Week of June 25, 2019 •


FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS INTERNET BUNDLES. Serious Speed! Serious Value! Broadband Max - $19.99/mo or Broadband Ultra $67.97/mo. Both Include FREE Wi Fi Router. Call for Details! 1-855-6675332 (WCAN) BATHROOM RENOVATIONS. EASY ONE DAY updates! We specialize in safe bathing. Grab bars, no slip flooring & seated showers. Call for a free inhome consultation: 888-503-1566 (WCAN)

HughesNet Satellite Internet: 25 mbps starting at $49.99/mo! Get More Data, FREE Off-Peak Data. FAST download speeds. Wifi built in! FREE Standard Installation for lease customers! Limited Time Call 1-844-829-5070 (WCAN) VIASAT SATELLITE INTERNET Up to 12 Mbps Plans Starting at $30/mo. Our Fastest Speeds (up to 50 Mbps) & Unlimited Data Plans Start at $100/ month. Call Viasat today! 1-866-8806125 (WCAN)

DONATE YOUR CAR FOR BREAST CANCER! Help United Breast Foundation education, prevention & support programs. FAST FREE PICKUP -24 HR RESPONSE - TAX DEDUCTION 1- 855 - 665 -3370 (WCAN) **STOP STRUGGLING ON THE STAIRS** Give your life a lift with an ACORN STAIRLIFT! Call now for $250 OFF your Stairlift purchase and FREE DVD & brochure! 1-844-402-4096 (WCAN)

Interested in becoming a

Tempo Carrier? Call Sharon for more information.

(920) 894-2828

Resident Assistant - PM Shift Full or Part-Time Century Ridge by Mosaic is a Senior Living Community committed to values which honor our residents and appreciate our team members. If you would enjoy working in a dynamic atmosphere with opportunity for personal and professional growth, we invite you to apply today! QUALIFICATIONS: Desire to provide exceptional care and services to older adults, Excellent attendance and commitment to be part of a stellar team, Certified Nursing Assistant and/or CBRF certificates preferred but will train right person BENEFITS: Paid vacation, Health Insurance Plan, Vision, Dental, and Life Insurance, Continuing education and industry-specific training



Earn up to $80,000 a year! Our team at Dick Brantmeier Ford, Lincoln, KIA is looking for individuals who are hungry to make money! We have a couple positions open that will allow you to make upwards to $80,000. You just have to want it. We have one of the best pay plans around with a guarantee. We offer 3 brand new product lines for you to sell as well as a nice used vehicle selection that you can utilize as well. We would like our candidates to be outgoing, friendly, ambitious, and eager to learn, sell, and flat out provide exceptional customer service. If you don’t have experience but would like to know more about the business to see if it may be the right fit for you please reach out. We’d love to hear from you. If you are in the retail world and have customer service skills but would like to make more money we’d also like to hear from you. And even if you have experience and would like a change please let us know. We’re looking to help put your deals together! • Develop an in-depth understanding of our current car inventory and use that knowledge to deliver high quality customer service and become a consultant to each customer on finding the vehicle that aligns perfectly with their needs. • Professional Appearance • Ability to work with a computer • Professional Phone skills • Ability to write professional emails • Communicate effectively with customers We are willing to train the right candidate! Benefits: 401k, vacation pay, health/dental insurance offered. Office provided. Compensation guarantee with bonuses. Great pay with frequent bonuses. Job Type: Full-time. Salary: $24,000 to $80,000 /year.

Contact Travis Korff

Apply in person or send resume to humanresources@mosaicmgt.com

Call: 920-458-6111 Email: korffsales@gmail.com Or apply in person 3624 Kohler Memorial Dr., Sheboygan

533 Calumet Street Chilton, WI 53014 Phone: (920) 849-2640

Delta Classifieds 3 ¢ 5 2 newspapers • 24,000 homes • And, THE WORLD!

Name ________________________

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• Tempo • Tri-County News




























Place your classified one of 5 EASY WAYS! Order deadline 3 p.m. Friday.

1) Bring this form WITH PAYMENT to our office 2) Mail in this handy order blank with check to: Delta Publications, P. O. Box 237, Kiel, WI 53042 3) Use your Discover, Visa, Master or American Express Card and call us at: 920-894-2828 4) Use your Discover, Visa, Master or American Express Card and FAX us at: 920-894-2161 5) E-mail your ad to: sharon@deltapublications.com




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iwantthenews.com All ads are prepaid before running.


tempo • Week of June 25, 2019 • Eastern Wisconsin’s FREE paper • Your Tempo classified reaches 24,000 homes. Call 920-894-2828!

r e m m u S SALE

Everything an outdoor wood furnace should be.


Models as low as

$6,990* For a limited time


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to the first 25 homeowners to call on this ad.

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#WZF34X16DW - MAP $669 • Freeze Food Fast Option 26 cu. ft. French•Door with Filtered Maker Adjustable Full-WidthIce Wire $ MSRP 1999 - #RF260BEAESR Shelves • Twin Cooling Plus™ • CoolSelect Pantry™ • Frost-Free Defrost • Auto Pull-Out Freezer Drawer


PRICES VALID: 6/20/19 – 7/10/19

SAVE! $1400




SAVE! $ 440



Extra Charge for Gas

26.8 cu.ft. French Door Refrigerator MSRP $2999 - #FGHB2868TF


4.5 cu.ft. Top Load Washer with Self Clean MSRP $699 - #WA45N3050AW • VRT™ Technology • Soft Close Lid • Diamond Drum Interior



Dv5000 7.5 cu.ft. Electric Dryer MSRP $799 - #DV42H5000EW • Sensor Dry • Smart Care • Perfect pair


5.0 cu.ft. cu.ft.Connectivity • Soft Close Door • Dual Convection7.4 •Microwave Wi-Fi $ Front Load Washer Load Dryer SAVE $450 Front 479Electric #FGMV176NTF MSRP

$ $

On approved credit

SAVE! $ 900

Top Control Dishwasher with StormWash™ 24’’ Built-In Dishwasher MSRP $849 - #w with Evendry™ System • StormWash™• AutoRelease™ Door • Quiet Operation $ SAVE $270 MSRP 999 #FGID2479SF


21.7 cu.ft. Counter-Depth French Door Refrigerator MSRP $3299 - #FGHD2368TF 1.7 cu.ft. Over-The-Range Microwave MSRP $479 - #FGMV176NTF 30’’ Electric Range MSRP $1099 - #FGEF3036TF 24’’ Built-In Dishwasher with Evendry™ System MSRP $999 - #FGID2479SF



SAVE! $ 2807








SAVE! SAVE! 1149 MSRP 3599 600 - #FG4H2272UF SAVE! 7.0 cu.ft. 5.9 cu.ft. Freestanding Electric Range Top Load Electric Dryer$ with Flex Duo™ #WED5000DW - MAP 749 1940 $ 1.7 cu.ft. Over-The-Range MSRP 1599 - #NE59M6850SG 2647 • AccuDry™ Sensor Drying System • Hamper Door • Adjustable End-Of-Cycle Signal


MSRP $5876




SAVE! $500

PRICES VALID: 6/20/19 – 7/10/19






#WZC3115DW - MAP $569 • Rounded Easy Clean Corners • Key Lock ± • Defrost Drain with Hose Adapter

SUITE 1499 25 cu.ft. French Door MSRP 5546$SUITE with External Water & Ice Dispenser




#WTW5000DW - MAP 749 $ • Presoak Option $ $ EACH 2599 - #RF263BEAESG 21.8 cu.ft. Counter-Depth • Deep Water Wash Cycle4-Piece KitchenMSRP Suite7126 MSRP • CoolSelect Pantry™•Fingerprint ResistantDoor Finish • Clean Washer Cycle with Affresh® 4-Door French SAVE $1100 Washer Cleaner Refrigerator $ $ $



MSRP $4376





• Refrigerated Exterior Drawer • Adjustable Gallon Door Bins • Fingerprint Resistant

Top Load WasherKITCHEN STEEL $


6.5 cu.ft. Electric Dryer $ 6.5 cu.ft. 499 Dryer #NED4655EW MAPElectric




MAP $499 • Deep#NTW4516FW Water Wash Option • Deep • Porcelain TubWater Wash Option • Porcelain • Delicates Cycle Tub • Delicates Cycle


499 $ 499


19 7 6 M e r c u r y S n o -Tw i s t e r Snowmobiles. Must have liquid cooled engine with radiator. Also all parts. Also buying Sno-Twister jackets and helmets. 920-235-4717, 10a-7pm. 23s-8c ANTIQUES WANTED. Antique furniture, toys, lamps, light fixtures, postcards, advertising, pottery, glassware, weather vanes, paintings, garden urns, coin-op machines, old sporting, military items & more. Estates or single pieces. Cash paid. Mark, (920) 989-1249, Sherwood. 13m-tfn BUDGET VEHICLES. cars920.com. search for local cars in your budget.

#MEDC465HW MAP $699 $ #MEDC465HW MAP 699 • Large 7.0 cu.ft. Capacity • Large 7.0 cu.ft. Capacity

#MVWC465HW MAP $699 $ #MVWC465HW MAP 699 • PowerWash® Agitator • PowerWash® Agitator

3.5 cu.ft. Top-Load 3.5 cu.ft. Top-Load Washer WasherMAP $499 #NTW4516FW


4.8 cu.ft. Electric Range 4.8 cu.ft. Electric Range #AER6303MFS MAP $649

499 499

$ $

CHECK OUR up-to-the-minute sports results. Log on to iwantthenews.com & click on the link! 20d-tfn-h

Place your ad with the Great Northern Connection and reach over 375 000 homes in Northeast WI and Upper Michigan Easy, fast with great results. Go to www.greatnorthernconn.com and place your ad. We accept VISA and MasterCard. Local company helping local people with their advertising needs. 920-829-5145. Craft Vendors Wanted for Lena, WI Taste of Fall outdoor market. Saturday October 5, 2019. Please inquire at the Village of Lena, 117 E. Main Street, Lena, WI 54139 or email: Charlene. meier@villageoflena.net. 10’x10’ spot is $20. Rain or shine. 920.829.5226. AKC Labrador pups. Yellow and Black females available $550. Ready July 13. $550. Dew claws removed and first shots. 906 864 2901. www.facebook. com/littleriverlabradors. Foot and Body massage in Menominee Michigan. If you are recovering from hip or knee replacement, lower back pain, or plantar fasciitis come and experience the relief of massage therapy. Sophia’s healing touch will take your stress away. Open Monday to Saturday 10 am to 8pm. Sundays by appointment. Walk in’s are welcome at 2003 10th str. Menominee. Credit cards accepted. For appointment text Sophia at 206-399-2230. Williams Painting and Staining. Houses, log cabins, decks, barns, metal sheds and roofs. Free estimates. Experienced. Flat prices. 715.551.7959. AKC Lab puppies. Black, Chocolate, yellow/white. They will be up to date on shots and deworming. Parents on site. Full registration. Ready by July 20th. Black $600; others $650. 920.834.9237. ACA REGISTERED GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPS, love children, shots, wormed, No Sunday sales. 715644-0785

12 X X


$ 2299$2299 #MFI2570FEZ MAP MAP #MFI2570FEZ • Fingerprint Resistant Stainless Steel Steel • Fingerprint Resistant Stainless

Sporting Goods

Great Northern Connection



SAVE! $ $SAVE! 1700 200

21.7 cu.ft. Counter-Depth

$ French Door Refrigerator

649 MSRP 3299 - #FGHD2368TF $

Top Control Dishwasher with StormWash™ MSRP $849 - #DW80K7050US • Quiet operation at 44 dBA • AutoRelease Dry • Touch Control

SAVE! $1500

SAVE! $1800

26.8 cu.ft. French Door Refrigerator MSRP $3099 - #FGHB2868TD

21.7 cu.ft. Counter-Depth French Door Refrigerator MSRP $3399 - #FGHD2368TD PRICES VALID: 6/20/19 – 7/10/19

N2340 County G • Chilton • 920-849-4209

Dv3000 7.2 cu.ft. Electric Dryer with Moisture Sensor MSRP $699 - #DV40J3000EW • Reversible Door • 8 Preset Drying Cycles • Lint Filter Indicator

We service What SAVE! We sell! $ 100 And just$1.8219 about everything else. SAVE! cu. ft. Over-The-Range

600 999 CheCk out our web site at



Microwave with Sensor Cooking MSRP $319 - #ME18H704SFS • Ceramic Enamel Interior • Sensor Cooking Options • Simple Clean Filter SAVE $100


5.8 cu.ft. Slide-In Electric Range MSRP $1599 - #NE58K9430SS • Dual Convection • Flexible Cooktop

PRICES VALID: 6/20/19 – 7/10/19

store hours: Mo-We & Fr 8 am-6 pm • Thur 8-8 • Sa 9-3 See dealer for details. Prices valid 6/20/19-7/10/19.


For local news log onto iwantthenews.com • Eastern Wisconsin’s FREE paper • Week of June 25, 2019 •

All Outdoor Life Goods

Fruit Trees, Shade Trees, Shrubs, Perennials, Bedding Plants & off Annuals Regular Price



Selection is good, so shop early!

Back Saver Poly Sprayer

Extended pump to save bending over.




Reg. $74.99




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Light Duty Garden Hose



Reg. $7.99 789169


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Oscillating Pedestal Fan

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Wet/Dry Vac 4 hp



Reg. $13.99 700128

SPECIAL BUY! 16” Black

Muriatic Acid

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8 gal. - Includes tool kit

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Sunnyside 1 Gallon Plastic Jug

$ 99


$ 99

Reg. $5.99 700610

Classic Grass Seed


Paint Thinner

Tiki Torches

Scotts 3 lb. bag

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Mineral Spirits Plastic Gallon Jug



Your Choice: Square Point Shovel, Round Point Shovel, Reg. $15.99 Garden Rake or 761633, 761624, 761606, 761615 Garden Hoe


Bamboo 6 pk.

$ 99

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Garden Tools

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Regular Price

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Reg. $26.99 717984




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Do It Best 2 gal.



$ 97

Reg. $22.99 502870

Reg. $14.99 702751

Sale prices good Tuesday, June 25 thru Monday, June 30, 2019 or while supplies last.

Brat Fry

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Saturday, June 29



for additional sales and information.

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tempo • Week of June 25, 2019 • Eastern Wisconsin’s FREE paper • Your Tempo classified reaches 24,000 homes. Call 920-894-2828!

Great Northern Connection

We have for sale a beautiful 5-year-old purebred male Siberian Husky. He is CKC registered, black and white, caramel colored eyes, with a beautiful disposition! He absolutely loves people and attention, and has a lot of energy! He is not neutered and has sired some gorgeous puppies. Needs an owner who has the necessary time for him. Is not house broken. Asking $600.00. 715.623.6325. Cash paid for old motorcycles. Running or not, will pick up. Call us at 715-3567346 (ask for Ken), we’re open 9am=5pm, Mon-Fri. CLIFFORD SKE ANS ESTATE AUCTION: Saturday, June 29th at 11 a.m., (Preview 6/28/19, 10am-4pm) at 32585w Hwy. M-123, Paradise, MI (Approx. 1/2 mile W of Blinking Light on M123) Signs Posted! - Firearms, Furniture, Collectibles, & More! Check out our website www.upauction.com for pics. email: upauction@aol.com. THE AUCTION BLOCK. Phone 906341-7355. (gnc) FOR SALE BY OWNERS: The Advisor, A Shopping Guide Based In Manistique MI. Serving all of Schoolcraft County and parts of Alger, Delta, Luce and Mackinaw Counties. Established in 1948. Excellent customer base. Extraordinary Readership. USPS Delivered. 8,400 weekly circulation. Reply to ads@manistiqueadvisor.com or Call 906-341-2424 (Days) or 906341-8162 (evenings) and we will supply additional information. (gnc*) Cash paid for old motorcycles. Running or not, will pick up. Call us at 715-3567346 (ask for Ken), we’re open 9am=5pm, Mon-Fri. WANTED: Now purchasing 1990 & newer Single or Double Wide Mobile Homes. Contact Dennis or Phil at PHIL & LEE’S HOMES, 906-786-3000 or 800-332-6884. Vacation Cabin Rentals Little Bay De Noc 6 fully equipped 2-bedroom cabins Prime fishing Stemac’s Bayview Cabins phone: 906-420-2878 lakemichigancabins@gmail.com stemacsbayviewcabins.com Wilson Enterprises Buying WHITE BIRCH STICKS & POLES (1/2ã & up) Please call for specs, pricing and delivery times before cutting M - F 9-4 PM EST 906-497-5040 Wilson, MI 49896 UP Steam & Gas Engine Association Show & Flea Market, Escanaba MI Fairgrounds, Largest Flea Market in the UP! Aug. 30th, Aug. 31st, Sept. 1st, Sep. 2nd, 2019. Tools, antiques, collectables, tractor parts & much more. VENDORS WANTED. Indoor and outdoor Spaces Available. Contact upfleamarket@gmail.com Call Susie 906-280-5058 or Anne 906-398-7256 H I L LTO P R V o f E s c a n a b a MOTORHOME and RV RENTAL Make this year’s camping or road trip memorable by reserving your RV early for the summer season. Reserve yours early as prime weekends may fill up. Clean, late model units. HILLTOP RV SUPERSTORE Escanaba 800-6767848 HilltopRV.com 20 Firearms-Traps Auction Sat. June 29 11:00am 14 Co. Rd. GMA Ishpeming, MI 49849 Hand guns 1894 Winchesters, shotguns, rifles, traps. w w w. dansamsonauction.com 906-7860341 2018 Flagstaff Classic. Hard-sided high-wall pop-up camper (T12BH). Never used. All warranties, electric roof system, sleeps 4, media center. New $15,197.66. Asking $11,500.00 715682-4703. JS Enterprise Trailer Sales: Continental Cargo and Dump & Go Dealer, Enclosed. Available by order, Some dumps in stock. Credit cards accepted. N8151 Bushman Rd., 12 miles west of Crivitz off W. Ph. 715-854-2286 www. jstrailers.com








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Classifieds Sell!

*To approved credit. See store for details. **Mattresses not included in buy more save more event.


For local news log onto iwantthenews.com • Eastern Wisconsin’s FREE paper • Week of June 25, 2019 •

Great Northern Connection

JS Enterprise Trailer Sales: Single Axle Trailers, Non-tilt, Gated, 3,500 lb., 5x8’, $1,175; 6x10’ Gated $1,500; 6x12’ Gated $1600. More available. Credit cards accepted. Prices subject to change without notice. N8151 Bushman Rd., 12 miles west of Crivitz off W. Ph. 715-854-2286 www.jstrailers.com JS Enterprise Trailer Sales: Tandem Axle Brakes, 7,000 lb. cap., 14’ $2,500; 16’ , $2,600; Carhaulers 16+2, $2,725. Others sizes available. Credit cards accepted. Prices subject to change without notice. N8151 Bushman Rd., 12 miles west of Crivitz off W. Ph. 715854-2286 www.jstrailers.com Restaurant Equipment For Sale: Hobart Dishwasher Model AM14 St. St. complete; Hobart under counter dishwasher; 2 Door Refrigerator, St. St.; 2 Door Freezer, St. St.; 2 Door St. St Freezer; Meat Slicer, automatic; Master Built Freezer; 48” Salad prep unit; Makeup Air hood complete unit, St. St.; 3 ea. Bunn coffee units; Refrigerated Perlek beer system; Bar & restaurant sinks. Call 715-330-5528. Jack Russells for sale! Up to date shots, Wormed, Vet chcked Ready to go!! Quality males $200! Also retiring several adults. (906)466-0021 or (906)399-5216 Log Max Timber Harvester Asking $48,000 Brand new engine-Zero hours. Works Well! 906-241-3715 2014 Chevy Equinox 58,000 mi. Remote start, loaded, very good cond!! $13,300. Call or Text!! 906-2357260

Picnic PARK

in the Kiel city Wednesday, July 3 4 - 7:30pm

SeRv ing:

beef, pork or chicken patty, homemade german potato salad, beans, beverage & strawberry shortcake

Kiel Municipal Band Patriotic Concert • 7pm St. Peter’s Ucc Fellowship Hall will be used in case of inclement weather.

Sponsored by

St. Peter’S UCC


What’s up at Lakeview’s Oasis Bar and Grill:

MoongLow BowLing

Steve Arnold

Fridays & Saturdays • 8pm to 11pm

Uncased and Unplugged

Serving food dAiLY

Saturday, July 6

Starting at 11 am

at 6pm

Come in and try one of our homemade SoupS

Open tO the public!

• Fresh Fish Fry Fridays • Steaks, Tenderloins & T-Bones • Fresh Burgers Made Your Way • Breakfast All Day • Stone Baked Pizzas

Lakeview’s Oasis Grill & Bar • OPen WeD-SAT • 920-439-1495 n4475 Ledge Rd, Chilton • LakeviewRVParkandCabins.com

2 weeks of America the Beautiful! Veterans get $2 off their Steaks.

Pla-Mor Lanes

Closed June 29 thru July 8


300 E. Main St., Chilton • (920) 849-2131

Tempo Classifieds Get Results!

Open Mon.-Sat. 11am to Close Serving food 11-cloSe Check out our website: www.pla-morlanes.com




Digital Advertising Solutions





1150 $1150



Every Friday • All Day Will do carryouts • 898-9030

Broiled Cod $12 Friday Blue Gill




Serving Lunch at 11


Tuesday - Taco Tuesday Wednesday - 2 Topping Pizza $6 Thursday - Cook’s Choice 2122 Wisconsin Ave., New Holstein 898-9030

Classifieds Sell!!!!

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Search Engine Marketing


Starting at





Hilbert Community

Targeted Display Advertising & Video

Geo Fencing

At Hilbert Civic Park

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Starting at

Starting at

4th of July Picnic Hosted By: Hilbert Lions Club & Fire Department

Hilbert Fireman’s Parade 11am Food & Refreshments 10am-11pm Burgers, Brats, Grilled Cheese, Kettle Corn, Onion Blossoms, French Fries and Homemade Pies. Cold Beer, Slushies, Smoothies, Soda & Water

Bounce Houses







Wristbands - One Low cost for a full day of Fun!

Fireworks at Dusk

Sponsored by: Village Hearthstone

Branded (Modern Country) 1-4:30pm 2/5th Party Band 1-4:30pm (Members of Jerry Schneider Band)

UW Wisconsin Band 5pm “Echos of Camp Randall” FBI & the Untouchable Horns 6-9:30pm NO Carry-ins! Please Support your organizations

Call your classified ads into Delta Publications at 894-2828. Deadline is Friday at 3 p.m.

Social Media Management



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tempo • Week of June 25, 2019 • Eastern Wisconsin’s FREE paper • Your Tempo classified reaches 24,000 homes. Call 920-894-2828!


JULY 18-21 • Vintage Cars


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per week… subscribe to the Tri-County News.

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Youth ages 16 & under enter free with paying adult

Camp on site • Zip line • Disc golf • Go-karting


elebrate Historic Weekend in Sheboygan Falls July 6




*12 month subscription for only $40 - Local area only. To subscribe, please call 920-894-2828 OR iwantthenews.com and go to Help Desk


25th Ducktona ★ 31 Annual ★ ★ ★ n u ★ F ★ ★ Family FestivalsFamily DUCKTONA 500 ★ l a ★ v i t in Sheboygan Falls ★ s e F ★ ★ ★ River Park - Sheboygan Falls

eboygan Falls’ 100th

NOTICE Deadlines listed below for the Tempo & Tri-County News are as follows:


Lake 98.1 Media Partner Sponsor

Classic Car Show & Antique Boat Show 12:00-4:00pm

Sponsored by


Sponsored by Pentecostals of Sheboygan County and Bounce Bringers LLC

Wednesday 5 p.m.

■ Tempo display ads Thursday 5 p.m.




Sponsored by

DJ “Dr. Rock”

Sponsored by




in Car Show Area


Sponsored by Wisconsin Bank & Trust

■ Classified ads



Blattner’s FREE

■ Tempo proofs

★ Sunday, July 7 at River Park

KIDS SAFETY AREA Featuring the

Sheboygan Falls Fire Dept. Junior Firefighter Challenge

Kiddie Big Wheel Race


Registration 11am Bikes Provided


Friday 3 p.m.

■ Tri-County News display ads Friday 5 p.m.



For more information contact the Sheboygan Falls Chamber-Main Street (920)467-6206 • sheboyganfalls.org

Tempo Classifieds Get Results!

For local news log onto iwantthenews.com • Eastern Wisconsin’s FREE paper • Week of June 25, 2019 •


SALE: Rollin Docks & Lifts in stock now SAVE BIG! Sport Shop Bonduel 715758-2244


2003 HARLEY DAVIDSON 100TH Anniversary lowrider. Removable windshield, trailer hitch, many extras. $6800. (920) 894-2741. 26p-2p 2003 HONDA VT750c SHADOW ACE, Sharp black clean bike! 2800 miles, Brand NEW front & rear tires, battery & mirrors! Includes Saddlebags, backrest & windshield. $3000 920-9793200 (WCAN)


2002 Chrysler Town & Country Van $3,000 OBO. Call for details 920-2425329. 26K-2C 2009 Hyundai Santa Fe LTD, loaded, 3.3 V-6 1 owner $8,995 www. feldnerchev.com (920) 999-3011. 2010 GMC Acadia , 8 pass. SLE trim, local trade, 114K, $10,400. www. feldnerchev.com (920) 999-3011. 2011 CHEV Suburban LT 4X4 leather, local trade $12,900. www.feldnerchev. com (920) 999-3011. 2013 Chevrolet Silverado, crew cab, 4x4, LT trim, 39,000 miles, $27,995. www.feldnerchev.com (920) 999-3011. 2013 Chevy Equinox LT FWD, 1 owner, remote start, camera, $12,400 www. feldnerchev.com (920) 999-3011. 2014 Honda Pilot 4x4 1 owner, 3rd row sitting $14,995. www.feldnerchev.com. (920) 999-3011. 2016 CHEV EQUINOX, AWD LT, one owner, heated seats. $17,900. www. feldnerchev.com (920) 999-3011. 2016 Chev Malibu LTZ Ltd. sunroof, leather, 32K, $16,80 0. w w w. feldnerchev.com (920) 999-3011. 06f-tfc 2016 Mazda 6 sedan, local trade, 49K $12,800. www.feldnerchev.com. (920) 999-3011. 2017 Chev Traverse AWD, 7 pass, heated seats, factory hitch, $27,400. www.feldnerchev.com (920) 999-3011. FOR SALE—2005 Chevy Malibu MAXX, 4-dr./hatchback. Keyless remote entry/remote start. Power windows. FWD. Fold-down back seats. Cobalt blue. Great running vehicle. 120,000 mi. $3,000 or best offer. (920) 286-1312.16m-tfn LOG ON TO CARS920.COM. Search for local cars. FREE AUTO INSURANCE QUOTES See how much you can save! High risk SR22 driver policies available! Call 844-841-5198 (WCAN) GOT AN OLDER CAR, boat or RV? Do the humane thing. Donate it to the HUMANE SOCIETY. Call 855-9954923. (WCAN) PLEASE DONATE YOUR CAR, BOAT, or MOTORCYCLE to Rawhide Ranch. Help change the life of a trouble youth, making an impact in your local Wisconsin community! 888-653-2729 (WCAN)

DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK, OR BOAT, to HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3-Day Vacation. Tax Deductible. Free Towing. All paperwork taken care of! 844-374-3067 (WCAN)

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455 Acre Dairy & Grain Set-up!

This Real Estate is Something Else! Includes (5) Homes (up to 2,000 sq. ft.), attached garages, in-ground Swimming Pool, (3) Mobile Homes, Keller clearspan steel frame Barns for up to 500 cows, Calf Barn, Westfalia/Surge double-8 parallel parlor, 2500gal Bulk Tank, (3) Harvestores, Feed Bins, Stationary Patz TMR mixer, 6-cell Concrete Bunker Silos, 2.5 million gallon concrete-lined Manure Pits, 60x200ft Keller steel Machine Shed, Heated Farm Shop, Drive-over Scale, 300ft of Heifer Barns w/ drive-by feeding, 400ft Big-bay Keller Hay Barn, Continuous flow Grain Dryer, 10,000 bu. Wet Bin & 78,000 bu. of Grain Storage Bins w/ 2 grain legs.

Tractors, Combine, Chopper & Equipment

1-owner 2012 John Deere S660 Combine w/ 2000 separator hours, 3100 engine hours, GreenStar, 38” Duals & fully loaded. 2012 JD 625F Flex bean head, 2012 JD 608C 8R30” corn head, (2) head transports, 2004 Claas 900 Jaguar Speedstar Chopper w/ Mercedes diesel, PU380 hay head, 3900 cutterbar hours & 5,000 engine hours, 2004 John Deere 9220 articulated 4WD tractor w/ 4 hyd sets, 46” Firestone radials & Factory Duals, wheel weights & 6900 hours, John Deere 524K High-lift Wheel Loader w/ Cab, 25” radials & 15k hours, Fritsch Defacer, Late model Wishek Model 842-NT 32ft Heavy Offset disk w/ buster bar, 1986 Case IH 3394 MFD tractor w/ 24 speed Power Shift & 20.8R38 radials, Case 445 Series 3 diesel skid steer w/ 2 speed trans, hyd-attach & 3150 hours, Case 445 diesel skid steer w/ blown engine, Numerous skid steer attachments, 2012 Case IH WD 1903 selfpropelled 16ft Discbine w/ rubber rolls, Oxbo triple-merger, Like new 2011 Krone Swadro 800/26 twin-helicopter rake, 2012 Pottinger HIT910A 8-turtle Hay Tedder, MillerPro 1150 rake, Walinga Super 6614 Deluxe Agri-Vac corn blower, Like new Speed King seed tender on tandem trailer w/ long auger, 2005 Sterling Quad Axle truck w/ Mercedes diesel, Eaton Fuller trans & 24ft Forage Box, 98 Western Star straight truck w/ M11 Cummins, 7 speed trans & 24ft steel flatbed w/ Nurse Tank, 1990’s Ford 1 ton Service Truck w/ hyd crane, Kiefer-Built 10 ton 25ft gooseneck Flatbed trailer, 90ft AllAmerican Manlift (needs work), Late model Patz 1200 Series 500 vertical TMR Mixer, Like new Katolight 100KW PTO Alternator, Batco drive-over belt type Auger, Batco 1335 belt type Auger, John Deere 2520 HST compact tractor w/ Feed Pusher, Bale King Vortex 4000 Hay Shredder, 16ft steel bumper pull cattle trailer, 8x16ft Walk-in Cooler, Assorted Poly nurse tanks from 900 to 10,000 gallons, 3pt Snowblower, (2) Van Trailers for Storage, Commercial Speed Queen washer & dryer, Fuel barrels up to 2,500 gallon, Truck body SS bulk tank, Steel Racks & Inventory, Clark LP forklift, John Deere ACWCW5170S Welderator

450 Head of Dairy Cattle!

Entire Herd of Homeraised Dairy Cattle including Holsteins, Linebacks & Jersey-cross cattle. Selling are 300 Milk Cows including about 100 1st Calf, a bunch of Fresh Cows and a fancy group of Springers, Some steam-up Springing Heifers, 78 Bred Heifers, 34 heifers from 6-12 months old (including an Angus group), 26 heifers from 3-6 months old and 10 calves & started heifers. This herd has High Components with avg. 4.0 butterfat, 3.25% protein and a yearly 250 SCC count. The herd is currently producing a 77# bulk tank avg. They are housed on mattresses and have an ongoing hoof trimming program and herd health. Plan now to Attend! Terms: Cash or Check w/ Letter of Credit. 5.5% Tax. RWAC #480 Cols. Henry & Len Yoap, RWA 338 & 339 11149 Ledge Lane, Coleman, WI www.yoapandyoap.com

YOAP & YOAP Auction & Real Estate

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tempo • Week of June 25, 2019 • Eastern Wisconsin’s FREE paper • Your Tempo classified reaches 24,000 homes. Call 920-894-2828!

Beautiful B E G I N N I N G S

The complete guide for the bride, groom and their guests. f l ow e r s Just For You Flowers & Gifts LLC ................. 849-9521 Lilybee Flowers, Inc. ................. 898-5660 North Gate Floral Shop....................... 781-5025

e n t e rta i n m e n t Request Entertainment ............... 979-0521

i n v i tat ions Zander Press, Inc........ 756-2222

pho to gr a ph e r s Firefly Photography ................... 286-2655 Treasured Moments Photo ..................................901-9270

reception halls Cabaret Supper Club ....................999-3251

Photo Courtesy of

Treasured Moments

rehearsal dinners


Big Al Capones of Pipe ................................ 795-4140

Schmidts Clothing ..... 849-4716

Cobblestone Creek...... 756-3214 Millhome Supper Club .................... 894-7414

Flowers & Gifts LLC 46 E. Chestnut Street • Chilton • 849-9521

Invitations 756-2222

wedding chapels St. Martin, Heritage Park Chapel and Gazebo.... 849-9592

Cobblestone Creek Brillion • 756-3214

St. Martin Heritage Park Chapel and Gazebo

849-9592 • www.StMartinHeritagePark.org

If you are interested in listing your business or service in this planner, call us at 894-2828.

Tempo Classifieds Get Results!

nteed the T QUALITY available to Apartments e your home!

For local news log onto iwantthenews.com • Eastern Wisconsin’s FREE paper • Week of June 25, 2019 •

1 bedroom upper apartment. Washer & dryer. stove, refrigerator, microwave. Garage w/opener. air conditioner. No smoking/pets. $475 plus security deposit. (920) 889-4052. (920) 8933611. 26b-2c 2 bedroom, upper, no pets. (920) 8985079 or (920) 912-8074. 13h-4c Kiel, upper 1 bedroom apartment. Remodeled. All appliances included. Garage & opener. No pets $425 per month. 920-464-1076 Mill View apartments, 22 E. Fremont Street, Kiel. Apartments are for elderly or disabled. We have off street parking, secure entry, laundry on site, and we are pet friendly. Age and income limits are applied for eligibility. Contact Laurie 920-894-4438 or stop in for an application. “This institution is an equal opportunity provider.” 50m-eoe NEW HOLSTEIN. 2129 RANDOLPH AVE. New studio and 1 bedroom apartments. A/C, heat, appliances, parking and more included. $425-$495/ month. Lease. (920)898-5313. 23a-tfc One bdrm-$520, 2 bdrm- $590-$600. FREE heat, water and garage. No pets. Open House Sun. 1 pm.- 4 pm. 528 W a t e r S t r. C h i l t o n . w w w. grecoproperties.com. Call (920) 4641170. 18g-tfc SENIOR CITIZEN HOUSING. INDEPENDENT LIVING large 1 bdrm apartment. Quiet pretty surroundings close to shopping. Rent based on income, pet friendly. Come join us. Diane Manor in Chilton. (920)849-7069

Mobile Homes

USED MOBILES WANTED! Any size 1990 or newer, Single or Double wide. Fair prices! Fast closings! Call today 715-758-7500 North Country Homes 110 Brooke Ct. Bonduel WI 54107

Real Estate

CONDO FOR SALE BY OWNER: 2 bedroom Ranch, 1-1/2 bath, large lot, appliances 1508 Mason St, New Holstein, $89,900, Call 920-753-1065 or 920-948-2088. 26f-1p 4 Beautiful 10ac Hillside Blding sites on NE side of Marshfield 1 mi from Menards Starting $55K 715-572-1234 (WCAN) Marshfield, WI 1 mi north of Menards 5 bdrm or duplex on 13 ac incl 11.5 ac wooded w trails, campsites Newer well roof & furnace New septic. Wooded picnic area in yard $134,900 715-5721234 (WCAN) Crandon WI 68 ac High ground Good hunting 3 sided Hay Barn Pwr on site Located on town road. $140,000 Land Contract Avail 715-493-6121


Office space Fremont Street Kiel. 2 and 3 room suites available. (920)894-2283. 22U-tfc


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Kiel 894-7713 • Plymouth 892-7711 • PleasantViewRealty.com 327 Fremont St., Kiel • N6050 Pleasant View Rd., Plymouth

maTT 207-5450

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gail 946-2693

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linda 286-1949

Connie 918-0698

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Sarah karen kriSTine amanda 207-4041 980-5542 838-4660 627-4225

Todd Smith is available to answer any of your real estate related questions or to help schedule any showings. Contact Todd at 894-7713 or Todd@PleasantViewRealty.com

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816 Vogt Lane Chilton • 3 Bedrooms $194,900 • Hosted by Linda

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N4931 Silver Spring Lane Greenbush • 4 Bedrooms $563,000

Wayne 286-0463

Sue 254-7766

Pleasant View Realty N6050 Pleasant View Rd Plymouth, WI 53073 (920) 892-7711

When you list your home with Pleasant View Realty you are

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anyone? When you list your home with Pleasant View Realty you are guaranteed the HIGHEST QUALITY images available to showcase your home!

58-63 acres of good tillable land. Town of Greenbush. $8000 per acre. Subject to sale of sellers home & outbuildings.

Tempo wanted Classifieds Pleasant View Realty home GetN6050 Pleasant View Rd Plymouth, WI 53073 Results! (920) 892-7711 $438,900 w/5 acres

$8000/acre additional W8627 Cty. Rd. C, Glenbeulah

Gorgeous, mint condition property! Restored country home. 5+ bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, dining area, formal dining room, 2 kitchens, family room,sunroomwithgreatviews.3car heated garage, 5 stall outbuilding. Large barn and many outbuildings all in immaculate condition. Home could come with 5-63 acres. to 28th jbrealty.net open house for Cass Street for Go April 11am –for details. 12:30pm?

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3 bedroom, 1 bath, 1570 sq. ft., Cape Cod home with full basement and 2 car attached garage. $67,500

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NeW HolSTeiN County HH

116+/- acres of land. Please call for more information.

701 W. Greve Court

2440 Riverhills Road Two Rivers • 4 Bedrooms $264,900

Pleasant View Realty N6050 Pleasant View Rd Plymouth, WI 53073 (920) 892-7711

When you list your

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Pleasant View Realty N6050 Pleasant View Rd Plymouth, WI 53073 (920) 892-7711

When you list your home with Pleasant View Realty you are guaranteed the HIGHEST QUALITY images available to showcase your home!

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318 donna Street

Nice condo! 2 bedroom, 2 bath property with master bath, main floor laundry, full basement and 2 car attached garage.$134,900

A Must See ONE of A KIND! 2 Story Contemporary home consisting of 4 BR, 3.5 BA, 3955 sq ft above grade, open concept, complete with formal dining, office, main floor bedroom suite, inviting 4 seasons room with woodstove & in floor radiant heat, gas f/p, central vac. Updated hard surface kitchen countertops, newer roof, updated flooring and decor. 1400 sq ft of finished basement with large family room and all new flooring + full bath. 3.5 car attached garage includes storage room above and 2 car detached garage all on 3.94 acres of landscaped lawn and wildlife area.


613 e. Calumet Street

Papa Don’s Pizzeria & Buffet – Restaurant complete with business and equipment. Built in 2009 with over 3400 sq. ft of commercial space, sufficient parking with .82 acre lot. Please call Willie Schad at 920-418-3600 for more information.

Kiel Road

NeW HolSTeiN

Willie Schad 418-3600

Rita Heinrich 418-0128

Nick Sabani 527-0215

Julie Grebe 428-7050


1089 Autumn drive

.39 acre residential building lot. Build your home today. $29,500

HWy. 57, HilbeRT

Approx. 3 acres on Hwy. 57. Zoned commercial. $59,900

NeW HolSTeiN

JuST ReduCed!

1.68 lot with mound system. $35,000 Please call Willie Schad at 920-418-3600 for more info.

lot #49: Bessy La. $25,733 lot #51: Bessy La. $25,733 lot #74: S. Diane St. $25,733

1.09 acre country lot with old barn. $20,000

Hwy. G (Marytown)

CHilToN 10 W. Main St.

32 +/- acres of land. Call for more information.

Ken Thiel 374-0501

Thede Road

ReduCed AGAiN To $234,900

NeW HolSTeiN

Please call Willie Schad at 920-418-3600 for more info.

NeW HolSTeiN

Jerry Thiel 849-2222

2storycommercial building. Main floor commercial rental with corner exposure to Hwy 57 & Main Street. Upper level is used for storage. Includes parking lot next door. $89,900


Please call Willie Schad at 920-418-3600 for more info.

Chilton dairyland estates


50 Park Street 4 bedroom, 1 bath, 2 story home on 1.5 acre lot in the City of LD Chilton. FrontO back porch, S porch,garage 2 car detached and storage shed also. Just reduced to $88,500

When you list your PTED TED E D P C E L C D C A C A FER R home with Pleasant E SO CEPTRE F C F A O F O OFFE View Realty you are www.thielrealestate.com • www.thielandthielauctions.com guaranteed the HIGHEST QUALITY Delta images available to Digital Stragegies showcase your home! CHilToN

42 brooklyn Street

In need of T LC! 3 bedroom, 1 bath, 1.5 story home with wood fireplace. 13x12 family room. 30x20 detached garage. $65,000

CHilToN 322 Cass St.

Ranch home with 3 BR and full BA on main level with additional full BA, 11x36 family room & 11x15 office on lower level. 1600+ sq. ft. of living space with 2 car attached garage. $135,000


NeW HolSTeiN W693 Cty. Rd. HH

3 +/- acre country property. 3 bedroom, 1 bath, 1.5 story home with main floor laundry, office/play room and full basement. 10x30 shed with 10x20 addition on it. $137,000


N2049 irish Road

Central location between Chilton & New Holstein, this 2 story, updated 3 BR, 1 BA, 1700+ sq. ft. farmette with office, full basement & 2 car, detached garage plus 4 car shed is now available for showings. Barn with steel siding & roof & 40x60 pole shed included with this property. Lot will be surveyed by seller to be 2.5-3 acres around buildings. Concrete Driveway & patio area.

12 W. Main Street – Chilton

3000+ sq. ft. mixed use property. Commercial office space on main level with 2 apartments on upper level. Fully rented. $129,900



231 N Madison St. 1.5 story, 1200+ sq. ft. home with Dpantry, full 4 bedrooms, 1 L bath, Odetached, Sand basement 2 car garage. $65,500



tempo • Week of June 25, 2019 • Eastern Wisconsin’s FREE paper • Your Tempo classified reaches 24,000 homes. Call 920-894-2828!


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Lots for saLe


714 1st Street, Kiel

Cape Cod w/lg eat in kitchen, living room, office area, mud room & BA on main floor & 3 BR upstairs. Basement has laundry area, full BA & rec room. Newer built 2.5 car det garage & blacktop driveway w/extra parking. Fenced in yard w/firepit & storage shed. Move in condition! $129,900 NEw

PR i C


N9341 Kornetzke Ct., Elkhart Lake

2018 wisconsin Ave., New Holstein

Owner occupied or investment property. The entire home has been redone inside and out. Lower unit is L-shaped, kitchen has laminate floor, new counter-top, tile backsplash & refinished cupboards. Upper unit has an open concept LR & KT w/snack bar dividing the two. The home is on a large lot w/city maintained alley. $74,500

520 Paine St., Kiel

Spacious 4 BR brick Cape Cod. Hardwood floors throughout, built-ins, formal dining, 2 BR on main floor and 2 upper. Original mid century fixtures, charming stone natural fireplace, arched doorways and lots of closet space. $134,900 NEw

E PR i C

25 Paine Street, Kiel

Wonderfully maintained 4 bedroom Colonial. Remodeled kitchen, newer roof, windows and boiler. Spacious bedrooms all upstairs. Main level family room could be 5th bedroom. Large 1st floor laundry room / mudroom, and expansive living room. Large basement is perfect for finishing for rec room! $199,900



Charming 2 story w/3 bdrms & 2 full baths. One bdrm & bath on main level. Fully renovated kitchen w/ concrete snack bar, newer windows, new furnace & C/A! Lg deck leads to huge fenced in back yard. 2 car det garage. HW floors throughout. Enclosed porch & basement rec room. $127,900

sold 234 Hillcrest Dr., Kiel

Great investment property on 4.63 acres in an ideal Plymouth location. Zoned for multi family development or its former use as a health care facility. The 1 story facility consists of 12,000 sq ft, a newer roof, 17 rooms, 6 BAs, commercial kitchen, 2015 RANW MLS office space, lounge area *&perample street parking. $399,900


Spacious 4 BR, 2 BA farmhouse w/ wrap around porch on 1.67 secluded acres. Lg eat-in kitchen, LR, laundry room & bath on the main level. New furnace & septic. 40 x 78 and 24 x 40 barns/outbuildings. $199,900

104 South Side Shopping Center, Chilton

1903 washington St., New Holstein

Li NEw

1111 Reed St., Plymouth

covering Brown, Calumet, Fond du lac, Manitowoc, Outagamie, Winnebago & Sheboygan counties


Julie Walber


N6351 Fairy Springs ~ 4BR, 3.5BA, 75’ on Lk Winnebago. Boat house..$459,900 N6494 Lakeshore Dr ~ 4BR, 3BA, 3500SF, 4.26AC, views of lake………$375,000 W1860 Quarry Rd ~ 4BR, 2BA, 10.1AC, extra bldgs., secluded………….$349,900 647 Long Beach ~4BR, 2.5BA, Gorgeous redone, 50’on Lk Winnebago.$319,900 40 acres-Harrison Rd ~ beautiful acres w/woods & open land to build..$299,900 N6855 Harrison Rd ~ 2BR, 1BA, 50’ frontage, totally redone, 2.5 car…..$259,900 N6429 Fairy Springs ~ 2BR, 1BA, ranch, 60’ on Lk Winnebago, 2 car….$243,900 N5857 Rockland Beach ~ 2BR, 1BA, cottage, 60’ on Lk Winnebago……$164,900 430 S Madison ~ 4-5BR, stately character hm, 3 levels, charm………….$149,900 60 Lehner St ~ 4-5BR, 2BA, 2000SF, 2.5 car, BIG corner lot………...…...$133,900 Main St Condos-HILBERT ~ 2BR, 1 or 2BA, 1 car, zero entry....$99,900-$115,900 230 Oak St ~ 2BR, 1.5BA, FP, all brick ranch w/2 car garage…………….$109,900 2256 State Ave ~ 5BR, 2BA, DEEP LOT, 3 car garage, charm……………..$99,900 N2672 Hwy 57 ~ 1.07AC, 2.5 car, mound, well, just build a new home…..$89,900 N4455 Hwy Y ~ 2.52 acres w/septic & well, private setting………………...$89,900 12 Lehner St ~ 2BR, 2BA, could be 1 or 2 family, needs TLC………..……$75,500 1.42AC lot-Twilight Bch ~ views of Lake Winnebago, wooded…………....$60,000 .7AC lot-Harrison Rd ~ wooded lot surrounded by park……………………$59,900 ———————— Check out www.CommercialByKeith.com —————— 101 N Military ~ Gobblers Knob well established restaurant………...…..$375,000 W5204 Faro Springs ~ Bobbers bar, 2100SF, 1.5AC, high traffic area…$350,000

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843 Crystal Road, Kiel

3 commercial rental spaces in shopping plaza on corner of high traffic Hwy 57 & 151. Fully renovated within the last 5 years. Neat, clean space ready for an investor. 2 or 3 space rented. $369,000

Lot 11 Parkview Dr., New Holstein A super large private lot at the end of Parkview Drive. This 3 acre lot has most of the municipal utilities installed ready for hook-up to your new home. $84,500 1504 Stonewall Dr., New Holstein Beautiful home site in the quiet Roth Development area located on the outskirts of town. Mature trees, flowers and stone wall along the back! Zoning to be residential when ready to build. New Price 31,500 Parkview Estates, New Holstein Various lots in upscale subdivision near park, pool, hiking trail and school. Winding street, w/woods as a backdrop. Covenants to protect your home investment. All utilities to the lot line. $38,400 Lot 3 Palm Tree Rd, St. Cloud 11.776 secluded acres just outside the village of St. Cloud. Woods, ATV trails, hunting land, Sheboygan River frontage! Couple different building options w/pond possibilities! $129,900






w5528 CTH EH, Elkhart Lake



420 Limestone St., Kiel

400 Niagara St., Kiel NEw




504 Bluebird Lane, green Bay


48 E. Chicago Street, Kiel



N9849 CTH g, Calumet

N9436 Snake Rd., Elkhart Lake

812 7th Street, Kiel


N1943 Elmwood Beach, Chilton

sold 709 4th Street, Kiel

Luxury Lake Living Elegance & comfort merge in the custom design of this exceptional quality, 4 BR, 3.5 BA contemporary French country home. Two luxury BR suites w/private lake view balconies, plus 2 spacious add’l lake facing BRs. Flex room for a 5th BR, workout, game or media rm. Two tier kitchen island & wet bar peninsula w/granite counter. Soaring ceilings, walls of windows soak in lake 13935 Cedar Terrace, Cedar Lake views. Outdoors offers decks, patios & ample room for 2 piers on the 150’ of Cedar Lake frontage. 3.5 car attached garage, bonus detached garage, boat house & beach house! Premium location offers a private, secluded ‘Up North’ quiet retreat feeling. Located an hour from Milwaukee and Green Bay, 15 min. to Elkhart Lake, 20 min. from Kohler and 14 min. to Whistling Straits! $749,900

Recently renovated lake home w/ 77’of flat frontage on Pigeon Lake! 3 BRs, 2.5 BAs, 2 car att garage plus 2.5 car detached heated garage/workshop! Master suite on main level and 1st 9431 S Shore Dr., Pigeon Lake floor laundry. New kitchen, BAs, flooring, fixtures, and more! Finished walk-out lower level w/2 BRs, full size windows, wet bar, family rm w/stone fireplace. Boathouse to store lake toys! $569,000

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