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E a s t e r n W i s c o n s i n ’ s F R E E Pa pe r
Brillion • Chilton • Kiel New Holstein • Plymouth St. Cloud • Valders • Whitelaw
November 29, 2016
Published By Delta Publications, Inc., Kiel, WI
Local Charities to benefit during Silica For Your Home Event!
Over the past number of years, many non-prot organizations have seen their donations decline. With this in mind, Silica For Your Home has organized its annual Pay It Forward Event to benet these organizations. “Giving back to our community has always been important to our company” said President Tom Schneider. “Offering our customers the Pay It Forward Event
Every purchase earns a donation to your favorite t non-profi † group!
allows us to offer discounts to our customers and gives them the opportunity to pick a non-prot that we can donate to after their sale is complete.” During the event, Silica will offer the customer 5% off their appliance & electronics purchase and 10% off their furniture & bedding purchase price. Silica will then donate an additional 5% of the customer’s purchase price to
a local non-prot organization of the customer’s choice. Thus, the customer saves and the non-prot receives! “We feel our local non-prot organizations play a vital role in our community. Taking care of these organizations is part of our responsibility being a locally owned business and this event allows us to do just that” added Schneider. Previous years have deemed the event very suc-
12 Month M 0% Financing Available!*
Save an additional 5-10% off
Slate Kitchen Package!
GE Electric Smoothtop Range
25 cu ft refrigerator, smoothtop s range, front control dishwasher and sensor s microwave.
- $27.45
5% discount
5% discount
GE Laundry Pair
- $19.95
$599 ea.
379 EACH
5% discount
GE 27.8 cu ft French Door Refrigerator
with Ice & Water Dispenser Second icemaker option!
- $139.95
5% discount
Final Price
Wellsley Park Extra Firm
5% discount
Final Price
Final Price
05 569 EACH
Final Price
56905 $66405
Final Price
- $29.95
- $34.95
5% discount
- $29.95
5% discount
- $29.95
5% discount
Final Price
GE 17.5 cu ft Top Freezer Refrigerator
Stainless steel wash basket, auto dry dryer.
$399 ea.
- $69.95
5% discount
128155 $132905
Final Price
GE Electric Range with Self Cleaning Oven $599 $699
Final Price
Final Price
- $67.45
5% discount
GE Electric Double Oven Convection Range $1349 $1399
- $151.30
AND 5% is given back to the co mmunity!
Dec. 2-11 Only!
Hotpoint Laundry Pair
cessful and have resulted in thousands of dollars being distributed to these groups as a donation from Silica. The Pay It Forward Event is being held at all Silica For Your Home locations in Fond du Lac, Beaver Dam and Watertown from December 2 thru December 11. For more information, please contact the Silica location nearest you.
2 Year Warranty Included on Select GE Appliances!
Final Price
England Malibu Sectional
Queen Mattress Set $999 - 10% discount $99.90
10 899 Cannon Beach $
GE Cafe! Appliances that make friends, family! Buy 3 - Get a Dishwasher FREE!**
Luxury Firm
Queen Mattress Set $1499 - 10% discount $149.90
- $239.90
10% discount
Final Price
Liberty Urban Mission 5 pc. Dining Set
$849 $
- $84.90
10% discount
Final Price
FOND DU LAC 929-0126 498 N. Rolling Meadows Dr.
10% Pay it Forward Discount PLUS Additional 5% discount on Flexsteel Power Products!
10% Pay it Forward Discount PLUS Additional 15% discount on all Elran Products!
HOURS: MO-WE-FR 9-8; TU-TH 9-5; SA 9-4; SU 11-4 Good thru Dec. 5, 2016. *To approved credit. See store for complete details! **See store for complete details on rebates and offers! † UMRP products are excluded from sale.