HOW TO REPLACE DATA IN THE ORDERING SHEET? THIS TEMPLATE IS INTENDED TO HELP CHEFS AND SUPPLIERS TO MAKE IMPORTANT DETAILS FOR YOUR ORDER MORE TRANSPERENT. supplieres can help with submitting their packaging information .for example 1 case zuchini is 3kg in europe ,if you order just 2 kg the supplier will have to break down the case in order to supply your desired amount. therefore knowing how your supplier packaging can save you time and money.. Chefs need to fill in their preferred amounts for food items.that way suppliers can adjust their packaging to your prefrence and we can all agree on stnadardised size for certain items.Please send back the sheets to so we can design our new standardised template.
please help with your feedback for the greater good of our industry. the chefwalk team
Place your vessel logo in here.that way the supplier has got an idea how your boat looks like on the delievery day
fill in your contact details and delievery informations
fill in the item,amount,packaging and additional comments
copyright EPIC FOOD LTD 2012