Zena Zine

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Words to get you through a quarter life crisis. (and a pandemic)

I know it sucks having to celebrate your birthday during quarantine. You wanted to spend it with love ones. So here are our messages to you.

Kaithlyn Cuartero HAPPY 25TH BIRTHDAY MENNN <3 Can’t believe you’re half a century already! Like, who is she? I just wanted to say I’m super thankful to have you in my life. You and Audrey are the sisters I never had. I wish I could re-live our 78 Braemar Dr. days when I’d come up to your place so we could play with our polly pockets and bratz dolls, or go swimming in the pool. I miss singing and dancing to Hilary Duff and making random song covers. Thank you for listening to my rants about whatever drama I was going through during elementary and high school, and listening to me complain about the stuff going on at home lol. Thanks for being a part of the first relationship I told my parents about because I was terrified and you were there for me (I know it was scary for you too lmao). I know whatever happens, I could always talk to you about whatever is going on in my life and I can’t thank you enough for that. And of course, I’m always here for you as well. I wish you the best for the rest of your 20s (LOL), and I know you’ll do well in whatever you decide to do. I can’t wait to make more men memories, but until then stay safe. Enjoy your special day and I hope to see you soon so we can celebrate! I love youuu <3

Maria Napigkit Hi Zena, Happy Birthday! I hope you have an awesome day despite these unprecedented times. I also hope you enjoy this scanned polaroid from Trois-Pistoles three years ago hehe :) Wow can you believe it’s been three years since we first met?! Time flew quickly and I am super grateful to have met you and become really good friends. You’re so creative and so kind. Thank you so much for helping me out in getting back again to bullet journaling. I don’t think I’ll start my bujo this month since I’ve been using a hybrid system in my planner but your creativity inspired me to pursue hand-lettering and do art again. I’m always very inspired with your bujo and hand-lettering posts on insta. You are so awesome and I can’t thank you enough for being an awesome friend. Happy Birthday again! We’ll definitely celebrate and hangout (Brampton, Toronto, London, Windsor, I’m good with anywhere) when things start to get back to normal again. <3 Lots of love, Maria

Anne Khong Zena! The first time we met was in Trois Pistole where we wore matching outfits by coincident and were (still are) both lactose intolerant. However, that did not stop our love for bbt, cheese and poutine. Truly, I am grateful for our friendship because you have taught me so much. I will not forget your kindness when I moved across the country and your timely check-ins to ensure I was still alive. You are talented, intelligent, hilarious and an adventurous foodie. I love you so much Zena- happiest birthday and cannot wait to eat more food with you!

Sylvia Chan Some memorable memories we’ve had together 1. Having THE MOST comfortable, lengthy conversation in French that I’ve probably ever had that night at the Hawaiian soirée. Thanks for being so accepting of my mistakes and helping me improve so much! I will always be envious of your French capabilities. 2. Honestly, just any moment we’ve had together at Trois-Rivières. It’s no wonder we’ve stayed friends for so long! We just clicked and got to know each other so well. I don’t think there was any off time that I DIDN’T want to hang out with you. 3. Having hot chocolate and brunch with you in Quebec City - I think I specifically want THAT hot chocolate and meal again, just to relive that trip together with you. We need to find a reason to be able to explore a city together again! 4. Setting up our journals and journalling together. Actually, anything that we do that’s just chill (baking, dancing, watching The Good Place...) I’m glad we can spend a whole day together and never get sick of each other. It’s definitely something I don’t take for granted. Have a wonderful birthday Zena!

Donna Armstrong Happy Birthday Zena! I wish that we could be celebrating your birthday together, but when this is all over, I know that we will end up going on a food tour as we wonder what to do next. Nothing will compare to the story of how we first met when I pretended not to know who you were after we talked on Facebook. You are 100% my favourite person that I have ever met and we are the definition of internet friends. We might not see each other that often, but I know that our friendship will last a lifetime. You are the most adventurous, kind, honest, and Tik-Tok famous friend that brings so much joy to my life. I hope that you make the best out of your quarantine birthday and we will see each other as soon as it is over!

Tinesha Anglin Happy Birthday Zena! I’m super bummed that we can’t celebrate your birthday in person like we normally do, but I’m still wishing you all the best and hoping that you have an amazing birthday! Thank you for always being such an amazing friend to me and forever being down to get food with me lol! It feels like just yesterday that we both decided to torture ourselves by enrolling in summer school for English, but it really turned out to be one of the best decisions we probably ever made because it’s when we really got close and became best friends and since then we’ve been inseparable. That summer will always been one of my favourite memories with you! Once again I love you and we’re definitely going to celebrate once this is over.

Arshia Sultan Happy birthday Zena! Can’t believe its been more than 5 years since we first met at Glendon, trying to get through FSL haha. I honestly love how easy it is to talk to you, and consider you to be an amazing friend! My favourite moments have (of course) been all our times bonding over delicious food downtown. Especially last time, when we went to Sukho Thai and then skating right after! Watching Tiger King together was fun too lol. Can’t wait to see you again in person after this pandemic ends. Love you!

Venessa Ondrade Happy quarter life crisis, Zena! The big 2-5, wow. I hope you have the most awesome day (despite Covid) because you deserve nothing less. Thank you for being my travel buddy, those memories are something I am going to hang onto forever. I hope one day soon we can go on more adventures together. Maybe Asia next? I bet they have even more vloggable content ;) Love, Vanessa

Airein Fortuna Happy birthday Zena! As you know, You’re one of my best friends. I wish you nothing but the best in this world. I wish you more adventures and happiness. I am always here for you no matter what! Cheers to more memories we will make.

Audrey Ison Hi even though you can’t celebrate the way you wanted i’m sure you feel how many ppl care about you happy birthday thanks for cooking me food and making sure i shower thanks for talking to me about your stuff even though i don’t listen thanks for understanding me thanks for being my sister idk how to write stuff for you but you know my heart i like you a lot let’s grow old together with many surprise parties kk

Dennis Espino Happy birthday mi amor! Estas vieja! Saved the best for last LOL. I wanted to do something extra special this year specially with the current situation. I didn’t want that to ruin your special day, so I did this my love. I want you to feel super loved and special, because you are. Everyone here loves you very much and you mean so much to us. I want to acknowledging how much you have accomplished in your life right now. It might not be where you wanted to once be but you should be proud of how much you’ve grown in the time we’ve been together. You graduated, gained a lot life experience and got into the after grad program. I know you’re going to do so well there and you’re going to accomplish so many more things, it might take some time but I know you will. I wanna say that you’re an amazing , caring, determined, beautiful person. I am so lucky to have someone like you as my girlfriend. I am so happy how much we’ve grown and become this team that can tackle anything life throws at us. I wanna continue to be with you mi amor to a very very far future (para siempre). I know we will and with out hardworking and love we can do anything. I will always be fighting for us. I know God put us together and he’ll guide us, I wish you many more wonderful years mi amor. You can count on me! I’ll be there with you happily by your side.

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