fresh eye
l Louis Vuitton
l Music stream
l Shopping
l Knitwear
l memobottle
l James Jean

l Louis Vuitton
l Music stream
l Shopping
l Knitwear
l memobottle
l James Jean
l Our brave new world A global affair.
l Light tunnel Carbon capture.
l Louis Vuitton A designer study.
l Music stream DJ Funky and hugs.
l Gotta have it! Shopping selection.
l Genevieve Sweeney British knitwear brand.
The world is a vastly different place than what it was even 5 years ago. It’s been a shared experience all over the world and impacted everyone on the planet in some way. The pandemic has shone a light on other important topics too. It was obvious to many that the slower pace we all had to adapt to during the pandemic, by having to stay at home, not traveling to far flung corners of the earth and socializing with the vast amounts of people we’d usually cross paths with, meant that that earth was given time to recover and rejuvenate itself - one positive taken from the tragic circumstances we were faced with. The air was cleaner due reduced aviation; and as a result of people not being able to travel for anything but essentials. The roads were eerily quiet, and air pollution was drastically lowered. Nature was finally given a chance to heal due to our lack of freedom, which suddenly made the world stop and think. The focus was on the most vulnerable, and then the realization of that meant the focus was shifted onto the future, our wellbeing and the world itself.
This daunting prospect highlighted by Greenpeace, means bailouts for big businesses comes with conditions. Smaller businesses and industries felt the impact mostly from the pandemic, whereas huge financially stable business reaped the support which was needed elsewhere. Secondly, a reshape of the economy was necessary. The need for more mindful decisions when it comes to the world’s economy and where it invests its money, brought to the forefront of political decisions. A smart green economy is the new mind set we need to adapt, to fully recover and
by Sophie Fitzjohn.
sustain a healthier way of life for ourselves and the planet. Green energy is a way of achieving this. A sector which would provide well paid, lasting jobs.
Since 1958 CND (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament has campaigned non-violently to achieve British nuclear disarmament; to get rid of the Trident nuclear weapons system and stop its replacement, as well as a global ban on nuclear weapons. Most recently, CND was one of the grassroots organisations that successfully campaigned for a global ban on nuclear weapons at the United Nations. The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons entered into force in January 2021. The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, of which CND is part of won the Nobel Peace Prize for this work. Their work continues until the UK gives up its nuclear weapons system and they achieve the aim of a world without nuclear weapons. This topic illustrates how crucial decisions made worldwide can impact our way of life drastically and even be detrimental. The pandemic has brought ethical subjects such as this one to the forefront of discussions.
A future build to sustain.
The past three years are just a snapshot in time, but it’s also been a time of speaking up and being heard. In the summer of 2020 the Black Lives Matter movement was printed on newspapers all over the world due to the murder of George Floyd. The subsequent Black Lives Matter protests forced individuals, organisations and the world to confront its own role in dismantling systemic racism. A stronger representation of people of colour across many sectors and aspects of life was finally made a topic to take seriously. The huge loss of life due to the pandemic shone a light on this, as suffering and unjust outcomes are something everyone can resonate with, especially during such a fragile time. This subject matter was also made prominent due to the Me Too movement. Society is now making a stand; things must change.
As a whole, the past few years have been a period of devastating blows, harsh realities and deep reflection. Which has led to the urgency of making big changes worldwide. Adversity however brings unity, and this quality was shared by many during one of the hardest times in recent global history. It was truly a time of great resilience, as we found a way to be together, even though we were physically apart. Covid-19 will forever define the 2020s, but the world is slowly recovering, and the penny is beginning to drop globally that business as usual really is no longer an option.
“Whether one believes in a religion or not, and whether one believes in rebirth or not, there isn’t anyone who doesn’t appreciate kindness and compassion.”
Dalai Lama
“We all hope for breakthrough rebirth moments.” Dane Cook
Volcanic microbe eats CO2 ‘astonishingly quickly’, say scientists. Discovery of carbon-capturing organism in hot springs could lead to an efficient way of absorbing climate-heating gas.
A microbe discovered in a volcanic hot spring gobbles up carbon dioxide “astonishingly quickly”, according to the scientists who found it.
The researchers hope to utilise microbes that have naturally evolved to absorb CO2 as an efficient way of removing the greenhouse gas from the atmosphere. Ending the burning of fossil fuels is critical in ending the climate crisis, but most scientists agree CO2 will also need to be sucked from the air to limit future damage.
The new microbe, a cyanobacterium, was discovered in September in volcanic seeps near the Italian island of Vulcano, where the water contains high levels of CO2. The researchers said the bug turned CO2 into biomass faster than any other known cyanobacteria.
In February the team also explored hot springs in the Rocky Mountains in Colorado, US, where levels of CO2 are even higher. Those results are now being analysed. The researchers said all their data on microbes
would be published and made available to other scientists as a database that pairs DNA sequences with banked samples of the bacteria.
Dr Braden Tierney, at Weill Cornell Medical College and Harvard Medical School, said: “Our lead collaborator at Harvard isolated this organism that grew astonishingly quickly, compared to other cyanobacteria.”
“The project takes advantage of 3.6bn years of microbial evolution,” he said. “The nice thing about microbes is that they are selfassembling machines. You don’t have that with a lot of the chemical approaches (to CO2 capture).”
The new microbe had another unusual property, Tierney said: it sinks in water, which could help collect the CO2 it absorbs.
But the microbe was not a silver bullet, Tierney said. “There really isn’t a one-sizefits-all solution to climate change and carbon capture. There will be circumstances where the tree is going to outperform microbes or fungi. But there will also be circumstances where you really want a fast-growing aquatic microbe that sinks,” he said. That might include large, carbon-capturing ponds, he said. The microbe might also be able to produce a useful bioplastic.
“The project takes advantage of 3.6bn years of microbial evolution.”
Louis Vuitton Malletier, commonly known as Louis Vuitton is a French luxury fashion house and company founded in 1854 by Louis Vuitton. The label’s LV monogram appears on most of its products, ranging from luxury bags and leather goods to ready-towear, shoes, perfumes, watches, jewellery, accessories, sunglasses and books.
Louis Vuitton is one of the world’s leading international fashion houses. It sells its products through standalone boutiques, lease departments in high-end departmental stores, and through its website.
One of the reasons their luxury bags are so expensive is that they are incredibly durable and strong. Louis Vuitton materials can withstand almost all conditions, including heavy water and even fire. During the manufacturing process, bags are dropped repeatedly to test their durability. The zippers are opened and closed around 5,000 times. However, despite their durable and fireproof nature, end-of-season bags are burned rather than being sold at a discount. This helps maintain the high-end and exclusive Louis Vuitton branding.
In 1854 Vuitton married Clemence-Emilie Parriaux and soon afterward left Maréchal’s employment. He opened his own workshop in Paris near the Place Vendôme, where many fashion houses and jewelry firms were located. Vuitton advertised his specialty in packing fashions and fragile objects. In 1858 he introduced the rectangular-shaped trunk with a flat lid. Traditionally, trunks were made with dome-shaped tops, which allowed rain and mud to roll off as luggage was transported on the backs of stagecoaches. Vuitton, noticing the main modes of traveling were becoming the train and ocean liner, produced the flat lid for easier stacking and shipping.
SS25 campaign reimagines luxury menswear through Pharrell’s lens of inclusivity, diversity, and the timeless allure of travel.
LMVH - a multinational corporation and conglomerate specializing in luxury goods with its HQ in Paris.
Vuitton expanded his business outside of France in 1885 when he opened a shop in London on Oxford Street. The following year, he and Georges Vuitton developed the tumbler lock, which featured a single lock system with two spring buckles and was eventually patented by the company. Georges Vuitton was so confident in the lock’s security that he is said to have challenged American magician Harry Houdini to escape from a locked Vuitton trunk. The showman, however, did not take up the challenge.
Fun fact - Louis Vuitton worked for Napoleon’s wife, Joséphine.
On 24 April 2023, LVMH became the first European company to reach a $500 billion valuation.
Recovery note:
The company suffered several setbacks during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870–71, which paralyzed travel and consequently lessened the demand for luggage. After the war, however, Vuitton reestablished his business and opened a new shop in Paris at a prestigious location close to the Opéra Garnier and the Louvre.
Signature note: Vuitton continued to experiment with new signature canvases, debuting a patterned canvas of red and beige stripes in 1872, followed by a striped canvas in beige and brown (1876) and then the iconic Damier design, featuring a checkerboard pattern of red and white or of beige and brown (1888).
In the 1960s, actress and model Audrey
contacted Louis Vuitton, asking the company to make her a mini Speedy. The design for “Speedy” was created in 1930 and was initially intended as a travel case. But Audrey Hepburn’s love of her new bag made it more popular than ever; today, it is available in different sizes.
Louis Vuitton’s son Georges Vuitton created the overlapping “L” and “V” logo in 1896, four years after Louis’ death.
Louis Vuitton, (born August 4, 1821, Anchay, France-died February 27, 1892, Asnières-sur-Seine), French box maker and entrepreneur who founded his namesake brand of luxury trunks and luggage in 1854. During his lifetime, Vuitton introduced a number of innovations to luggage, and his brand later grew to become one of the most valuable and recognized fashion houses in the world. It is now known for leather goods as well as clothing, jewelry, accessories, and other high-end products.
The LVMH Group owns 5,003 stores around the world.
Funky & Hugs both grew up in London E16 and met over 40yrs ago. Since meeting up just by chance in 2018, where they had a brief conversation and exchanged phone numbers, then the story begins as they briefly talked their past lives, family and passion for goodmusic.
Hugs (Opposite left - The Zen One) has played on major Radio Stations in the 90s like Centre Force as a House & Garage DJ. Now Hugs stands for Help Us Gain Spirituality, he has dedicated over 15yrs to which is on Saturdays with fellow DJ’s from 10pm playing all genres as well as real gritty House and more.
Whilst Funky (Opposite right - A Music Junky), was a true raver in the early 90s, going to pubs and clubs around the U.K. Funky had been playing in various venues in Warwickshire from 2004. Funky being a late starter, prides himself as being on the dance floor for many years, which gives him an edge to his diversity. In the music trends on www. committing 6hrs a week
to his shows The Soulful Wonders. Fridays 5pm is strictly soulful House, from the most sexy tracks to the latest bangers, also Saturday nights at 10pm you can hear him again bringing the latest in Neo and Independent Soul and Rare groove classics.
Since 2018 Funky & Hugs have been on 3 stations delivering The Keep It In-House show which has music, community-based ºholistic information with banter and interviews from small businesses, bargain information, conversations with other DJ’s and music artist, celebrities and even more banter on www. every Monday playing all the classics and genres from 70s to the present day in the 1st hour. The 2nd hour (Back-toBack) is always House (Soulful, Latino, Afro and more but without the banter). It’s a 2hr invitation to get over your mondain Mondays. Within the 2hrs They like to bring the humor into your living room, work or in your car.
The music duo both bring you the sounds that represent the brick city of London Town with the latest tracks via music artists and producers, together and individually.
Photography: Dennis Sterne
Both Funky & Hugs agree that music is the tonic for negativity that surrounds and consumes us all. Both whom are grandparents are not yet to retire in the music industry just yet.
Links: https://dejavufm. com/bchat2.html https://www. DEJAVUFM
Over 40 years East Side and going strong. Bringing music to city dwellers and beyond.
Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee is quite possibly the most famous coffee in the world. Because of the very limited supply and increasing demand, it comes as no surprise that this coffee continues to rise in scarcity and value.
This coffee is only shipped in barrels of 15 – 70kg at a time and is an iconically recognised product. Blue Mountain is a unique member of the Typica Arabica coffee species.
Refinement in jewellery and accesories.
Above right: The Balvenie 56 Year Old 1964 (1 BT70). A unique single-bottle release of The Balvenie 1964, one of the rarest and oldest Balvenies ever to be made available outside the Grant family. A hand-blown Dartington crystal decanter is housed in a black walnut case made by NEJ Stevenson, Her Majesty The
Indulge your inner discerning taste.
Genevieve Sweeney is no ordinary knitwear label. Across all aspects of the brand lies the seamless blend of tradition and innovation; from the first steps of the design process to the carefully-selected fibres and UK-based production methods.
At the heart of the brand is Genevieve’s desire to do things differently. The notion of slow fashion has never been more relevant, but it has always proved the driving force behind her business and design choices.
Working with hand-selected mills and factories around the UK, Genevieve Sweeney helps to drive British manufacturing forward by embracing innovation,
Knitwear needn’t be simple or basic. A confident and contemporary approach to colour, pattern and texture ensures a premium look and feel that elevates each piece beyond everyday wear - and lasts a lifetime.
Keeping time- honoured craftmanship relevant and capturing the beautiful, refined touch of the artisan.
A belief that we should be making considered choices when investing in fashion is also reflected in the GS aesthetic, which is luxurious, timeless and ungoverned by trends.
GS is also passionate about ensuring environmental responsibility across everything she does. From production to packaging, each process is guided by a need to limit waste.
Unusual yarn blends - a GS signature - evoke a unique and contemporary mood, while limited batches demonstrate lasting quality and exceptional attention to detail, plus a personal touch that defines every piece.
The notion of slow fashion has never been more relevant, but it has always proved the driving force behind her business and design choices.
Virgil Abloh - American fashion designer and entrepreneur. He was the artistic director of Louis Vuitton’s menswear collection beginning in 2018, and was given increased creative responsibilities across the LVMH brand in early 2021.
The designer passed away days before the event, following a private battle with cancer. But at his and his family’s request, the show went on as scheduled, only with an increased focus on celebrating the creative director’s legacy.
The event, titled “Virgil was here,” drew out many of Abloh’s friends, collaborators, colleagues and muses, including Kanye West and Kim Kardashian West (with their eldest child, North), Pharrell Williams, A$AP Rocky, Jerry Lorenzo, Michèle Lamy, 21 Savage and Edward Enninful, among many others; Kid Cudi, who walked the designer’s first Louis
Vuitton menswear show, also appeared on his final runway. At the Stadium, guests were greeted by a three-story statue of the late designer. While there were moments of somber emotion among the guests, the mood was far from funereal. There was laughter. There were long hugs. And there was no shortage of bold looks, with many in attendance paying tribute in their best Abloh-designed pieces.
The Spring 2022 show officially began, with an audio message from the designer himself talking about the creative process and the idea of returning to this place of childlike wonder and curiosity that he’d been exploring through his work. Models made their way down the tree-lined runway, showcasing 10 never-beforeseen looks that expand on the ideas Abloh first
“When creativity melds together with global issues, I believe you can bring the world together.”
Fashion update:
More recently the beloved designer is forming a joint venture with Richemont, the Swiss luxury conglomerate that owns Chloé, Yoox Net-a-Porter group, Cartier, and Van Cleef & Arpels, among other brands.
introduced back in June. The designer’s team at Louis Vuitton came out for the final bow, before a red hot air balloon featuring the iconic monogram floated over the audience, followed by fireworks and drones arranged to read, “Virgil was here.”
Born in 1980 to Ghanaian parents, Abloh grew up in the suburbs of Chicago. He obtained his bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2002 and went on to study architecture at the Illinois Institute of Technology. He first rose to prominence as Kanye West ‘s creative director and the duo interned together at Fendi in 2009.
Abloh launched his first fashion line, Pyrex Vision, in 2012 and collaborated with Matthew Williams and Heron Preston as part of a collective called Been Trill before partnering with the company that would become New Guards Group to launch upscale streetwear sensation Off-White in 2013. In 2017, he unveiled a landmark collaboration with Nike, deconstructing ten of its signature sneakers. And in 2018, he succeeded Kim Jones as the artistic director of menswear at Louis Vuitton.
His first show for Louis Vuitton aimed to reboot the brand for a new generation, featuring a diverse cast of models who walked down a rainbow runway wearing a collection inspired by the 1939 musical film “The Wizard of Oz,” a reference to the American Dream and Abloh’s own boundary-breaking journey along a personal “Yellow Brick Road” of sorts, from Illinois to the Emerald City of Paris.
After his abrupt departure from Lanvin, Elbaz had been sorely missed . But news broke that the beloved designer is forming a joint venture with Richemont, the Swiss luxury conglomerate that owns Chloé, Yoox Net-a-Porter group, Cartier, and Van Cleef & Arpels, among other brands. Known as AZ Fashion it will be “an innovative and dynamic startup, meant to turn dreams into reality,” according to a release.
don’t have to choose between high fashion or streetwear. My brand reminds me that it doesn’t have to fit in a box. It can just be in a grey area.”
This digital platform age has brought about a means where creative talent can extend broadly in a way that was unrealised compared to ten years ago.
My interview with Dr. Freddie Osbourne opened my eyes to a new era of film and broadcast that’s growing into our experience. An era where our audience is enthralled by the art of filmmaking that’s thriving from a new generation of filmmakers. You might say, his title ‘Dr.’ suggests a high level of analysis engaged in film. Speaking with Freddie proved I wasn’t left wanting. His probing insight into the industry of film is such that he, among three founders, arrived upon the idea of ‘Peoples Cinema’. While having an Indian meal with the founding party, a unified vision emerged. It came to light that a bridge between industry and academia could be a fresh beginning for new talent. Cultivation - if you will, for graduate filmmakers to promote themselves via a website where the public vote for their favourite short film among a selection. The winning submissions are then propelled further by being aired on Sky TV.
A great idea - at a time ripe for new talent viewed via digital media. Freddie is keen to illustrate that while cultivation requires a foundation, the ‘watering’ in this case is very much initiated and orchestrated by the filmmakers themselves. They have a good
opportunity to profile themselves to a growing audience. An audience that Freddie says he aims to open up.
Peoples Cinema is about inclusivity, connections, and raising profiles.
I can’t help but notice that this project chimes very well with an age that is much more aware of the importance and fruitfulness of inclusivity and connectivity. An emerging language being spoken by a society that belongs to today.
Fifteen years in the industry, winning awards and a teaching stint at Kingston University all make for good credentials to give birth and pass the baton to the next chapter into the British Filmmaker journey.
Freddie eluded to his love of basketball, highlighting his favourite documentary namely ‘Hoop Dreams’. Hoop Dreams is a 1994 American documentary film directed by Steve James, and produced by Frederick Marx, James, and Peter Gilbert, with Kartemquin Films. It follows the story of two AfricanAmerican high school students, William Gates and Arthur Agee, in Chicago and their dream of becoming professional basketball players.
The image of a basketball player shooting for the basket revealed to me what Peoples Cinema is in essence, a leg up, toward that basket/goal.
‘It’s good!’ exclaims the commentator.
The Peoples Cinema is now live and ready to take all votes.
James Jean is a Taiwanese-American visual artist working primarily in painting and drawing. He lives and works in Los Angeles, where he moved from New York in 2003.
Graduated from the School of Visual Arts of New York, became in 2001 illustrator of the covers of DC Comics y Marvel Comics, with which he obtained seven awards Eisner. Based in Los Angeles, Jean works primarily with painting and drawing, after exploring various forms of artistic expression, such as playing the piano and the trumpet.
From 2008 to the present, James Jean retired from the illustration to dedicate himself fully to painting. His works combine abstract figuration with loose gestural marks; thereby creating layered compositions that evoke personal or collective experiences.
A friend gave me a Wolverine comic book when I was thirteen, and I became addicted.
As a teenager, I looked at work from guys like Jim Lee, Todd McFarlane, Geoff Darrow, Frank Miller.
I moved to the States when I was three. In my early twenties, I was fascinated with the work of Giuseppe Castiglione. He was an Italian missionary who became a court painter in China during the Qing dynasty.
After my first year at art school when I started to work obsessively in my sketchbooks. I rejected the academic and experimental things we were being forced to draw, and returned to the imaginative doodles of my childhood.
He’s created cover art for My Chemical Romance, Talib Kweli, and Linkin Park, and has worked with Prada designing installation spaces and textiles.
He strikes a happy balance between the looseness of his forms and the tight, neatness of their execution.
James Jean is one of those artists who fascinate, a creator of a universe so rich and unique that we first scarcely dare to put our head round the door, whilst being drawn inextricably inside and toward abandon.
The romantic and lyrical realm of this artist is a celebration of childhood dreams and fairytales.
The contrast between the cleanliness of his line and the muddiness he introduces, mimics the process of paint being exposed to the elements. This contrast is also mirrored in the often historical subject matter of the pieces and their contemporary execution.
Relics and folktales feel at once old and new as their ancient forms are depicted in bright color, melting and unraveling like the boundaries between past and present.
His love for curvilinear forms and layers shows, as he often employs shapes that flow like liquids, melting into one another, creating surreal scenes suspended in time and space.
Decoration James Jean has become one of the most celebrated in contemporary art.
His clean, fluid lines and thought-provoking symbolism have captured the minds of millions.
The world is changing so rapidly it’s almost impossible to follow a plan or previous model of how your career should transpire. But at least now, I can be more selective.
fresheye’s intrigue with a flat bottle.
Eco note: memobottle™ is a creative initiative based out of Melbourne, Australia.
memobottle’s aim is to change public perceptions of single-use water bottle consumption, and encourage a more reusable lifestyle by providing stylish and convenient solutions.
A5 memobottle
750ml / 25oz
The A5 memobottle is built for effortless all day hydration, thanks to its extra large capacity and space-saving form. Its paper-inspired design allows for a Tetris style fit in your bag, flat against your books, laptop and more.
Zero waste
No more purchasing single-use bottles, only to dispose of them moments after. The memobottle compact design makes it convenient to carry water even when you are tight on space or travelling light.
The memobottle is designed to fit where round bottles cannot. It slides effortlessly into handbags, backpacks, pockets and more.
Space saving
The memobottle’s paper-inspired design allows it to sit flat against laptops, books and everything else you carry, making the most of the room in your bag.
Dress from the bottle up
Personalise your bottle with your pick from the wide range of accessories.
For a fully dressed bottle, grab a Silicone Sleeve to protect and insulate, a Metallic Lid to add some flair, and a Desk Stand to proudly display your creation.
Please note accessories are not compatible with the Stainless Steel memobottle range.
iPhone Z Concept Boasts Tri-Fold Design with a 10.4″ Display and 90 Diamonds
The class of Grand Complications
watches is the absolute elite of the watch world, where there’s the rule: the more complicated, the better! Caviar decided to borrow this principle and transfer it to the dimension of the world of the modern smartphones and literally “complicated” iPhone XS with a watch mechanism!
Now you have at your disposal not only a modern smartphone that has nothing impossible in the technological area, but also a precise skeleton watch that glamorously complement the grandiose panel of decorative gears covered with gold on the back side of the body.
The canonical combination of black and gold is a classical story about success, business, style and elegance. The design of this smartphone will perfectly fit into your noble and moderate style. Now you’ll be able to answer to the question: What time is it?” by throwing your eye on any sice of your smartphone!
The innovations and classic of the great watch art made a step towards each other and this meeting is impressive!
Phone Body:
The body is decorated with the engraved blackened titanium and engraved decorative gears (gold covering according to the technology Double Electroplated) and the inserts of composite onyx.
Customized Caviar plate. Gold covering.
Body and buttons:
Customized Caviar plate. Gold covering.
Based on ETA Unitas 6498-1 modified mechanics with a manual winding, 17 stones, makes 18 000 vibrations per hour, the power reserve is 30 hours. The mechanism is esthetically improved by Caviar masters: the platinum is decorated with manual engine-turning with the pattern “baroque curls”; the mechanism elements are covered with the double gold covering Double Electroplating (999-gold content, 7 microns). The skeletonized format allows viewing the work of the entire mechanism.
The history of making Vacherin dates back to around 200 years, but only since 1981, it has been controlled officially. Swiss people call this soft, washed-rind cheese as Vacherin du Mont d’Or, in France it is called Vacherin du Haut Doubs (or just Vacherin in local shops).
Vacherin is made from pasteurised cow’s milk, which offers a full-flavoured and slightly acidic taste. The cheese becomes almost liquid after maturation. It has a greyish-yellow blanched rind which has to be removed before eating it. This rare and luxury cheese is eaten like a Fondue. Vacherin is produced only from 15th August to 31st March. The cheese tastes delicious with wines such as Beaujolais Nouveau, Côtes du Jura and Champagne. It comes in various shapes enclosed with a strip of spruce bark.
A firmer Swiss cheese, is called Vacherin Fribourgeois. It is produced under Swiss AOC in the Fribourg canton, where Gruyère also originates.
In Paris, they bake Vacherin Mont d’Or, but, in the Jura, where the cheese comes from, they just spoon it straight from the box and enjoy the rich, voluptuous texture and full fruity flavour.