M Dentistry - Fall 2023

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The School’s New Leader

Jacques Nör brings a wide-ranging diversity of experience to role of Dean Dr. Jacques Nör’s time at the University of Michigan School of Dentistry has been a steady progression since he first arrived as a graduate student in 1992. He came to U-M after seven years as a general practice dentist in his native Brazil. He expected that he would return to his thriving practice there, but instead his career path stayed on track at the School of Dentistry. The abridged summary of this three decades at the school: • Master’s degree in pediatric dentistry. • PhD in Oral Health Sciences. • Clinical instructor. • Assistant, associate and full professor teaching in both predoctoral and graduate courses. 2

FEATURES M Dentistry | Fall 2023

• U-M faculty appointments in biomedical engineering and otolaryngology. • A published and award-winning research scientist in cancer biology and dental tissue regeneration, with 20-plus years of continuous funding from the National Institutes of Health. • Chair of the Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics Department. • Numerous other examples of leadership and mentorship at many levels, from the dental school and university to national and international professional associations. With that background as a foundation, Nör added a new appointment in August – as the school’s 15th dean since it was founded in 1875. After a comprehensive national search that produced five finalists, Nör was

recommended for the position in June by U-M Provost Laurie McCauley, the dental school’s previous dean, with approval of the university’s Board of Regents. His renewable 5-year term began Aug. 1. Nör discussed his gratitude for the appointment when he delivered the school’s annual State of the School presentation in late October. “When I arrived here 31 years ago as a graduate student in pediatric dentistry, I would never have imagined that I would have this honor to serve as the dean of our school,” Nör told faculty and staff gathered in Kellogg Auditorium. “I appreciate your support and your trust. I’ll do my very best to deserve your trust and to deserve this honor of serving as dean.” Provost McCauley cited Nör’s breadth of academic excellence in announcing his selection. “Dr. Nör is an accomplished

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