Welcome to the 4th Annual Australian Digital Dentistry & Dental Technology 2023 conference.
As the publisher of Australasian Dental Practice, eLABORATE and Oral Hygiene magazines, I have witnessed the digital dentistry revolution continue to gain momentum over the past two decades and more. In 2023, using digital technology, clinicians and technicians can better diagnose and offer more predictable patient outcomes using this technology than has ever before been possible.
Digital dentistry is exciting, it’s real, it’s visual and it’s inspiring... yet despite my best efforts as a publisher of printed media to communicate the paradigm shift that digital dentistry offers the profession, we can only go so far. To really get digital dentistry, you need to see it first hand, all in one place, every solution, every possible outcome and all presented by actual users.
As much as anything, Digital Dentistry & Dental Technology 2023 is proof positive that digital dentistry has arrived and is here to stay. Over the next two days, 46 speakers will present over 90 sessions that highlight every aspect of digital dentistry, both from a treatment and a solutions perspective.
Digital Dentistry & Dental Technology 2023 is an event for dental clinicians, dental technicians and the dental industry to collaborate and learn what is possible today using technologies like intraoral and 3D facial scanning, CBCT, CAD software, milling and 3D printing.
Digital Dentistry has been driven for the past two decades in the dental laboratory and by the dental industry and more recently, the final pieces of the jigsaw have become mainstream. Now,
the sky’s the limit and at every turn, something unbelievable yesterday is suddenly possible today.
For the next two days, we present a veritable smörgåsbord of educational sessions around Digital Dentistry that will allow clinicians and technicians to create your own program based on your own needs and interests.
This event is only made possible by our many supporters who have sponsored the event, participated in the exhibition, agreed to present one of the sessions or offered advice and advocacy. To everyone who helped in any way, you know you have my thanks and gratitude evermore.
In particular, I would like to thank Dani Hannelly, Angus Pryor and Frank Currenti who are hosting Streams 1, 2 and 8. All three are well-known and stellar individuals within the dental community and all have volunteered their valuable time to help Digital Dentistry & Dental Technology 2023 run as smoothly as possible.
A special thank you also to my wife Valerie and my children, Isabella and Christian, who help whenever possible and never complain about all the time this event takes to organise!
And to everyone who registered for the 4th Australian Digital Dentistry & Dental Technology conference, whether last minute or well before we even had a program together, thank you for participating and I hope we deliver an event that meets and exceeds your expectations.
Very best regards,
Joseph Allbeury Organiser, Dentevents.comdentistry means different things to different people. To cater to every need, Digital Dentistry & Dental Technology 2023 comprises EIGHT concurrent education streams that cover everything you need to know about the digital age.
Starting on page 10, the contents of all 8 streams are presented. There are 91 sessions - 94 hours of educationto choose from in all, delivered by 46 stellar local and international speakers. Topics covered include 3D printing, intraoral scanning, 3D facial scanning, milling, CAD and CAM software, materials, smile design, dentures, implantology, CBCT, restorative, aligners, orthodontics and more.
All 8 streams are presented on Level 2 of the Novotel Sydney Brighton Beach and no single stream will accommodate all your needs - so please move around! A map is contained within this programme to make navigation easy.
Sessions run for either 45 minutes or 90 minutes.
A shows sessions that are also available at an alternative time.
Your registration fee entitles you to participate in any session in any stream at any time. The only limitation is if the session is full as admittance is on a first come first seated basis. In the case of the hands-on workshops in Streams 4 and 8, preference will be given to delegates who pre-register at the workshop desk.
Stream 4 (SIRIUS 1) and Stream 8 (DISCOVERY), comprise limited attendance hands-on workshops for between 10 and 30 people (see program commencing on page 10 for details). You can pre-register for workshops from 7.30 am on Day 1 at the workshop desk located near SIRIUS 1. Please register as early as possible to ensure you are not disappointed and you can attend multiple workshops if desired.
If you’re attending a 45-minute duration session that BEGINS at one of the breaks and you intend to move to a different room for your next session choice, we ask that you vacate the room at the conclusion of the session in order to allow the room to be quickly transitioned to the next session. If you wish to chat with the speaker or other delegates, we would kindly request that you move outside the room. THANK YOU!
Digital Dentistry & Dental Technology 2023 offers up to 12 hours of Continuing Professional Development for delegates attending the full 2-day programme. CPD Certificates will be emailed following the conclusion of the event. CPD certificates and receipts for events that you register for through Dentevents.com can always be downloaded at any time using your login at www.dentalcommunity.com.au. Sign up using the SIGN IN link on the website or email joseph@dentist.com.au for assistance.
Accommodation at the Novotel Sydney Brighton Beach has SOLD OUT on the night of June 2. There are many hotels close by located around Sydney Airport.
Ample parking is available at the Novotel Sydney Brighton Beach for $15 per day / $25 overnight.
While the venue is located 7 kms (10 mins) from the Sydney Domestic Airport, NO airport shuttle is available. Please use a Taxi, Uber or alternate ride sharing service.
The venue offers free WiFi for conference delegates. Please use the following credentials:
Wifi Name: Meetings@Novotel
Wifi Access Code: ADP2023
It would be awesome if you can post information, images and videos about Digital Dentistry & Dental Technology 2023 on your social media accounts. If you are able to, please use:
Event Hashtag: #dddt23
Organiser: @dentevents
Aspects of Digital Dentistry & Dental Technology 2023 will be filmed and may appear online to promote future events. If you do not wish to appear in images of the event, please alert our photographer/videographer at the time of filming.
We work hard to make this event fun! If you’re not having fun, please speak up! Please don’t leave with a bad experience! The next event relies on everyone having a positive experience NOW, so if there is something that is wrong or if you have a suggestion, then please let us know and we will do our best to address it immediately. We do go to great effort and endeavour to present a balanced education program that represents every facet of digital dentistry. We encourage all relevant vendors of products and solutions to participate in order to offer the best possible delgate experience.
Sponsoring Stream 3
Tel: 1300 486 252 www.ivoclar.com orders.au@ivoclar.com
Dental Axess
Sponsoring Stream 4
Tel: (02) 9125 4900
Sponsoring Stream 7
Tel: 1300 878 336 www.fabdent.com.au info@fabdent.com.au
Innovatio Dental Supplies
Sponsoring Stream 6
Tel: (02) 8575 8675 www.innovatiodentalsupplies.com.au info@innovatiodentalsupplies.com.au
Alphabond Dental
Tel: 1800 643 477 www.alphabond.com.au info@alphabond.com.au
APAC Digital Dentistry
Tel: 0422 212 464 www.apacdigitaldentistry.com admin@apacdigitaldentistry.com
Tel: (02) 9690 2737 www.asiga.com info@asiga.com
Australian Imaging
Tel: 1300 602 858 www.australianimaging.com.au info@australianimaging.com.au
CADable Dental
Tel: 0404 080 757
Centaur Software
Tel: 1300 855 966 www.centaursoftware.com.au information@centaursoftware.com
CM Medical
Tel: 1300 466 588 www.cm-medical.com.au info@cm-medical.com.au
Core Practice
Tel: 1300 863 514 www.corepractice.com.au support@corepractice.com.au
Tel: 1300 273 322 www.credabl.com.au hello@credabl.com.au
Tel: (02) 9743 4811
www.dentaurum.com.au info@dentaurum.com.au
Dentiq Dental Services
Tel: 0487 934 194 www.dentiq.com.au info@dentiq.com.au
Tel: (02) 9975 0000 www.rolanddg.com.au sales@rolanddg.com
Tel: 1800 804 597 www.envistaco.com/en info-anz@dexis.com
GC (02) 9301 8200
Henry Schein
Tel: 1300 658 822 www.henryschein.com.au customer.care@henryschein.com.au
Henry Schein One
Tel: 1300 889 668 www.henryscheinone.com.au sales@henryscheinone.com.au
Tel: (02) 9412 2005 www.identallab.com.au carol@i-can.com.au
Tel: 1800 898 749 www.innodent.com.au info@innodent.com.au
Invisalign Australia
Tel: 1800 468 472 www.aligntech.com iterosupportanz@aligntech.com
K-Lab Digital Solutions
Tel: 0411 483 575 www.k-lab.com.au info@k-lab.com.au
Komet Dental
Tel: 0428 945 858 www.henryschein.com.au sjunior@kometdental.com
Kulzer Australia
Tel: (02) 9153 0311 www.kulzer.com.au info.australia@kulzer-dental.com
Tel: (02) 8001 6109 www.medilend.com.au mail@medilend.com.au
Minimax Implant
Tel: (02) 8084 2900 www.minimaximplant.com.au info@minimaximplant.com.au
Tel: (02) 9738 5340 www.monocure3d.com.au support@monocure3d.com.au
Osseo Dental
Tel: 1300 029 383 www.osseodental.com.au support@osseogroup.com.au
Pacific Dental Specialties
Tel: 1800 725 245 www.pacificspecialties.com.au info@pacificspecialties.com.au
Tel: (03) 9650 2033 www.partmaker.com.au admin@partmaker.com.au
Podium www.podium.com.au suppost@podium.com
Ray Australia
Tel: 1300 813 050 www.rayaustralia.com.au info@rayaustralia.com.au
Tel: (03) 9261 1300 www.straumann.com.au customerservice.au@straumann.com
Vita Zahnfabrik
Emad Mardli: 0404 374 759 emad.mardli@dentalconsult.com.au www.vita-zahnfabrik.com
William Green
Tel: 1300 363 830 www.williamgreen.com.au sales@williamgreen.com.au
Wisbey Dental
Tel: (02) 9875 5588 www.wisbeydental.com sales@wisbeydental.com
XYZ Dental
Tel: (03) 8538 5100 www.xyzdental.com.au xyz@xyzdental.com.au
Digital Dentistry & Dental Technology 2023 features a carefully selected group of exhibitors with products and services that are key to transitioning into the digital world and running a successful clinic or lab in the digital age.
We have again been able to keep registration fees for Digital Dentistry & Dental Technology 2023 as low as possible thanks to the participation of our sponsors and exhibitors and Dentevents thanks them one and all for supporting this event. Without their support, this event would not be possible.
The maps above and on the next 3 pages are designed to help you both locate the seven education streams that are available for the entire event as well as the location of the trade exhibition areas and individual exhibitors.
The maps of the trade exhibition displayed in detail on the next three pages are colour coded to the map above to indicate their overall location within the venue.
Endeavour 2 and 3
Morning Tea, Lunch and Afternoon Tea will be served during the two days of the event as follows:
MORNING TEA 10.30 AM to 11.00 AM
LUNCH 12.30 PM to 01.30 PM
AFTERNOON TEA 03.00 PM to 03.30 PM
Locations of catering are indicated on the trade display maps.
All food served is Halal. Gluten Free, Vegetarian, Vegan and Dairy and Nut Free options will be available in Endeavour 2 and 3. If your choice is unavailable or if you have any concerns, please speak to the hotel staff or Dentevents.
Coffee machines are located throughout the venue that can be used at any time. Other beverages will also be available.
Barista-made Espresso Coffee will be available all day in the Coffee Shop area at a cost of $4.00 per cup paid either with cash or a “TAP”.
Core Practice would like to shout you a Barista-made Espresso Coffee at the Conference. Visit the Core Practice booth in the Coffee Shop area between 8am to 5pm daily, receive a demo and they will shout you a coffee!
Immediately following the conclusion of Day One, a happy hour will be held on the Conference Floor.
Speaker: Dr Andrea Shepperson
New Zealand
Topics: Zirconia, Materials
Audience: Dentists
Zirconia presents a conservative, strong aesthetic option for patients, manufactured with digital CAD/CAM technology. How has the material changed and what are its physical properties?
n To distinguish between different generations of Zirconia;
n How to cement Zirconia;
n The type of preparation design required; and
n The biocompatibility of the material
Dr Andrea Shepperson will share a number of cases and discuss the selection of aesthetic zirconia compared with IPS e.max. She will provide an update on case selection and the properties of this biocompatible material.
Speaker: Cristian Petri
Topics: Materials, CAD/CAM
Audience: Dental Technicians
Award winning internationally recognised dental technician and KOL Cristian Petri will discuss and present the astonishing properties and qualities of new generation lithium disilicate glass ceramics.
Topics will include:
n Unique features of Amber Mill and the NEW Amber Direct materials;
n Tips and tricks on how to achieve outstanding results;
n No-prep and minimum prep veneers;
n Monolithic and micro layering aesthetic restorations;
n Milling parameters; and
n Full digital approach workflow.
Mr Petri presents courtesy of:
Speaker: David Smith
Topic: Digital Dentures
Audience: All
Digital technology is now recognised as an efficient method to produce functional and aesthetically pleasing restorations for our patients. Accurate recording of the remaining oral structures in the clinical setting remains paramount to the production of a successful prosthetic restoration. In this presentation, David will explore the technical benefits the digital workflow allows, giving unprecedented control over really every aspect of the technical process, to create the optimal patient outcomes.
Mr Smith appears courtesy of:
Speaker: Belinda Muggleton
Topic: Clear Aligners
Audience: All
This presentation will explore the opportunities together with the technological advancements for manufacturing of clear aligner solutions in-house and how it can positively impact orthodontic workflows and patient outcomes.
Topics discussed will include:
n Seamless clear aligner digital workflows;
n Outsource vs in-house manufacturing;
n Case and data management from treatment planning through to manufacturing;
n A review of 3D printing solutions for clear aligner production; and
n Latest in clear aligner finishing technology.
Ms Muggleton appears courtesy of:
Concludes at 09.45 am
No session in this room between 9:45 am and 10:30 am
Speaker: Dr Joseph Alphonse Australia
Topic: Digital Dentistry
Audience: Dentists
In this lecture, Dr Joe will share with you his digital dentistry story from when he introduced a scanner to when he added milling, printing and aligners, covering the choices of what to keep inhouse and what he doesn’t in the modern digital world. Dr Alphonse appears courtesy of:
09.45 am - 10.30 am
Speaker: Angus Pryor Australia
Topic: Marketing
Audience: Dentists
Changes in patient behaviour mean that unfortunately, introducing digital dentistry to your practice is not a case of ‘build it and they will come’. Fortunately, there is a solution and it’s within reach of dentists ready to embrace the opportunity.
Join Australia’s number one Google-ranked dental marketer, Angus Pryor, to discover more. Read more online
Speaker: Tommy Boutros Australia
Topic: CAD/CAM, Milling
Audience: All
With technology in the dental industry evolving so rapidly its important your business develops and adapts with it or your business could be left behind as so many in other industries that chose to ignore developing technology in their field. There are now so many CAD/ CAM options its important to make the right investment in a complete system developed by an experienced Dental CADCAM company. This presentation will discuss who Amann Girrbach are as a company, the very successful history in dental and CADCAM and what is on offer to the digital dental world.
Speaker: Terry Whitty
Topic: 3D Printing
Audience: All
After visiting IDS in Cologne earlier this year, it’s obvious the biggest thing in dentistry is 3D printing. Whether it be chairside or lab-side, 3D printing is exploding to become one of the most game changing technologies dentistry has ever seen. In this talk, we will investigate all the latest in 3D printing technologies, developments in new resins and new printers and the plethora of applications that are available today to use. Read more online
09.45 am - 10.30 am
Speaker: Yahya Karim
Topic: Intraoral Scanning
Audience: Dentists
No one has an excuse not to have an intraoral scanner in their practice. Performance and price has come to a level that it is now affordable for everyone. As with all technology, prices eventually tumble and this is no more true than with the intraoral scanner revolution. This lecture will discuss various intraoral scanners, technologies and software and also offer a hands-on demonstration with the new WIRELESS AORALSCAN
3 from Shining 3D using the latest technology WIRELESS 6.
No session in this room between 9:00 am and 09:45 am
During this interactive workshop, you’ll get to try out all the latest INTRAORAL scanners and FACIAL scanners. You will be able to try scanning on models and phantom heads to gain a better understanding of digital impression taking and facial scanning to help determine the best solution for your practice.
In conjunction with product specialists, you will get to try out: RAYFace • MetiSmile • iTero 3Shape TRIOS • DEXIS IS 3600
DEXIS IS 3700 • DEXIS IS 3800W
Medit i700W • Planmeca Emerald Shining 3D AOralScan3 Wireless Virtuo Vivo and more...
Speaker: Cristian Petri
Topics: Materials, CAD/CAM
Audience: Dentists
Award winning internationally recognized dental technician and KOL Cristian Petri will discuss and present the astonishing properties and qualities of new generation lithium disilicate glass ceramics.
Topics will include:
n CAD/CAM workflows;
n Aesthetic and predictable no-prep and minimum prep veneers;
n New material presentationAmber Mill Direct;
n Finishing and glazing of Amber Mill and Amber Mill Direct;
n Adhesive cementation; and
n Tips and tricks on how to achieve outstanding results.
Speaker: Justin Elsey
Topic: 3D Printing
Audience: All
3D printing is becoming ubiquitous in dentistry. Justin Elsey, chemical engineer and founder of ASIGA, will discuss how good current 3D printing technology is and what the practical limits are.
Speaker: Mauritz Slabbert
New Zealand
Topic: Digital Dentures
Audience: Dentists
Utilising modern digital/CAD design and principles have elevated removable prosthetics to a higher level of patient care, satisfaction and outcome. In this presentation, you will learn the steps and processes that help open up a better way forward in this sector of dentistry.
Learning Outcomes:
11.45 am - 12.30 pm
Speaker: Jeroen Klijnsma
n Changing the way you think about dentures;
n Complete guidance to treatment steps;
n Reducing your number of appointments;
n Simplifying scanning and try-in;
Speaker: Belinda Muggleton Australia
Topic: Clear Aligners
Audience: All
This presentation will explore the opportunities together with the technological advancements for manufacturing of clear aligner solutions in-house and how it can positively impact orthodontic workflows and patient outcomes.
Topics discussed will include:
n Seamless clear aligner digital workflows;
n Outsource vs in-house manufacturing;
n Case and data management from treatment planning through to manufacturing;
n A review of 3D printing solutions for clear aligner production; and
n Latest in clear aligner finishing technology.
Ms Muggleton appears courtesy of:
Topic: Digital Dentistry
Audience: All
There are many reasons why digital is not working or that we cannot solely rely on it during our manufacturing. Many problems need to be solved and today we will show you how to get past that.
n Predictable outcomes;
n Dealing with challenging aesthetic expectations; and
Mr Petri presents courtesy of: Concludes at 11.45 am
n Adding value to your patient base/records.
Mr Slabbert appears courtesy of:
No session in this room between 11:45 am and 12:30 pm
Speaker: Dr Ahmad Al-Hassiny New Zealand
Topic: Intraoral Scanning 3D Printing
Audience: All
In this independent, unsponsored session, Dr Ahmad Al-Hassiny from the Institute of Digital Dentistry will go over an entire intraoral scanner and 3D printer market overview to give you everything you need to know when making an investment choice in 2023. Learn about which products are better than others, which scanners are the best currently and the pros and cons of each mainstream IOS device. He will also cover how to choose a 3D printer based on your clinic’s needs. This talk is totally brand-agnostic, unbiased and is based on clinical experience and findings - not to be missed if you are on the market to buy some new tech for your clinic!
Speaker: Judith Zwenger Germany
Topic: Dental Materials, Zirconia
Audience: All
Zircon oxide is now indispensable as a material for highly aesthetic, durable prosthetic restorations... Although how zirconia is manufactured and tested is important to the end result. As not all zirconia is the same.
Read more online
11.45 am - 12.30 pm
Speaker: Dr Dimosthenis Mantokoudis
Topic: Digital Dentistry
Audience: All
The challenge is to implement a clinical workflow that is connected to the workflow of the laboratory. Our research after 14 years of experience has shown that there are many obstacles to achieve a seamless workflow that enables predictable outcomes. This presentation will give an insight into a model-free workflow in fixed prosthodontics both on teeth and implants covering the clinic and the laboratory side. Read more online
Topic: 3D Printing
Audience: All
In this talk we will cut to the chase and give an unbiased assessment of the different types of 3D printers available, their application in the dental profession, performance issues and how to critically choose the 3D printer you need rather than the printer you think you want.
As a bonus, an introduction to AI printing and automation will also be included by special guest speaker Hiro Takahashi.
11.45 am - 12.30 pm
Speaker: Michael Teiniker Australia
Topic: CAD Software
Audience: All
Australian developed and IDS 2023 global cult sensation, Blenderfordental® is not a stand alone dental design software as such; it is an application add-on for Blender so it can be easily used for dentistry. These add-ons are delivered as modules for specific dental related tasks, such as designing crowns or bridges. Each module comes with the required easy to follow tutorials which will guide you through the full functions of the module.
Read more online
11.00 am - 11.40 am
During this interactive workshop, you’ll get to try out all the latest INTRAORAL scanners and FACIAL scanners. You will be able to try scanning on models and phantom heads to gain a better understanding of digital impression taking and facial scanning to help determine the best solution for your practice.
In conjunction with product specialists, you will get to try out:
RAYFace • MetiSmile • iTero 3Shape TRIOS • DEXIS IS 3600 DEXIS IS 3700 • DEXIS IS 3800W Medit i700W • Planmeca Emerald Shining 3D AOralScan3 Wireless Virtuo Vivo and more...
11.50 am - 12.30 pm
During this interactive workshop, you’ll get to try out all the latest INTRAORAL scanners and FACIAL scanners. You will be able to try scanning on models and phantom heads to gain a better understanding of digital impression taking and facial scanning to help determine the best solution for your practice.
In conjunction with product specialists, you will get to try out:
RAYFace • MetiSmile • iTero
3Shape TRIOS • DEXIS IS 3600 DEXIS IS 3700 • DEXIS IS 3800W
Medit i700W • Planmeca Emerald
Shining 3D AOralScan3 Wireless Virtuo Vivo and more...
Dr Ahmad
Al-Hassiny New Zealand
Topic: Facial Scanning
Audience: All
Facial scanners are making a big impact in dentistry. The question is WHY? Why should you even consider one? What is the point of these devices and how can you use them to improve case acceptance, reduce remakes of your restorations and make an excellent ROI on your investment? Read more online
Dr Al-Hassiny appears courtesy of:
02.15 pm - 03.00 pm
Speaker: Andrew Ip Australia
Topic: 3D Printing, Milling
Audience: All
With the rapid adoption of 3D printing globally, many have questioned whether milling is still a worthy investment in the long-term. We will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both additive and subtractive technologies in dental practice and bust some of the myths and hearsay along the way. Read more online
Dr Ip appears courtesy of:
Speaker: Mario Aparicio Australia
Topic: 3D Printing, Orthodontics
Audience: All
SPRINTRAY universe
With an Industry leading printer portfolio to incredible materials, this presentation will touch on everything Sprintray has to offer... from a complete run down on all the equipment, new and existing resins plus the cloud design service Sprintray offers.
We will also touch on what is actually involved with printing. It’s vitally important to understand the post processing and the nitty gritty parts of finishing printed appliances.
We also introduce the new Sprintray Ceramic and OnX materials and how they are all the rage in the U.S. YOAT Bender II
A complete introduction to this revolutionary wire bending machine, allowing you to bend a fixed lingual wire in less than 3 minutes. How the Bender II technology has been improved from the original unit will be discussed and a complete workflow demonstration shown.
We will discuss how the Bender II is being applied across labs and Orthodontic clinics in A/NZ.
Topic: Materials, CAD/CAM
Audience: Dental Technicians
Design of CAD/CAM restorations
- Doug StuartToday digital dentistry is expanding rapidly and further advancements in CAD/CAM equipment, both Scanning and Milling, along with software advances increase the need for further developments in materials. It is essential to understand advances in digital technologies, as well as the evolution of digital materials.
The utilisation of digital technology will only enhance the close cooperation and working relationship of the Dentist/Technician team. The evolution from hand design to digital design and the application of diagnostic smile design previews, along with provisional restorations and the possibility to practically manufacture a copy, serves as a base to create the definite all-ceramic restoration.
The material science of CAD/CAM restorations
- Jim RuddyThe overall success and aesthetic results of a CAD/CAM restoration depends on the mechanical and optical characteristics of available CAD/CAM materials. The Milling and Grinding of these restorations, along with the science and methods of material production, directly correlate to the speed and accuracy of the restorative solution. Read more online
Mr Stuart and Mr Ruddy appear courtesy of:
Speaker: Cristian
Practical hands-on workshop
This session is based on the original hands-on course prepared by Cristian following on from the short theoretical base presented earlier in Streams 1 and 2. There will be limited places, however it will be repeated throughout the conference. Participants will learn:
n How to control opacity and value through temperature control of final firing process;
n Managing ultra-thin veneers down to as little as 0.1mm thickness;
n Stain and glaze techniques;
n Polishing and finishing protocols; and
n Hands-on exercises using Amber Mill and Amber Mill Direct new generation lithium disilicate.
Mr Petri appears courtesy of:
Concludes at 05.00 pm
Speaker: Dr Marc Nalder
Topic: 3D Printing, Aligners
Audience: All
Orthodontics has always been an act and react style of treatment in which the clinician continually dials in the individual treatment plan to ensure the patient is being treated in the most efficient and effective way possible.
Traditional clear aligner systems seem to have stepped away from this approach by providing an entire start to finish set of aligners, despite each patient having different responses to the treatment based on their own unique biology, levels of compliance and individual biomechanical side effects.
Delivering clear aligners through a batch based system, in which the patient is only provided a limited set of aligners before needing a fresh intraoral scan, is proving to be a complete game changer in Dr Marc’s clinic with an incredible leap forward in control of treatment outcomes.
Dr Marc will discuss the current literature surrounding clear aligner treatments, the concept and benefits of batch-based clear aligners and provide a detailed clinical and lab walkthrough as to how this system is implemented.
Dr Marc’s insight is both academic through extensive training in orthodontics and also practically-based through working in his own busy practice in Perth which produces its own brand of clear aligners using intraoral scanning and 3D printing.
Dr Nalder appears courtesy of:
Speaker: Rainer Wöran
Topic: Milling
Audience: All
Why is true automation in a CAD/ CAM system so important in today’s dental lab? In this presentation Rainer Woeran MDT, from Toothworx in Adelaide, will discuss the changes and the challenges with the integration of the Ceramill Matik and the impacts on his lab with an automated milling machine. This Matik has the most operating hours in Australia today! Does it hold up to its promise? Has it increased productivity? And what went wrong!
Speaker: Jason Petley
Topic: Digital Dentures
Audience: Dental Technicians, Dental Prosthetists
Engineering occlusion with VITA VIONIC and Amman Girrbach’s Ceramill Full Denture System - using a unified workflow to streamline edentulous patient outcomes in the clinic and in the laboratory.
Speaker: Justin Elsey
Topic: 3D Printing
Audience: All
Popular culture tells us that we can 3D print anything, so how do you print a zirconia crown, a titanium implant, or an invisible orthodontic aligner from the comfort of your clinic chair? In this presentation, Justin Elsey, chemical engineer and founder of ASIGA, will discuss the properties of 3D printing materials, their requirements, capabilities, limitations and new technologies which impact future applications in digital dentistry.
Speaker: Terry Whitty
Topic: Facial Scanning
Audience: All
Facial scanning used to be expensive and the integration into other programs less than optimal. Now with MetiSmile from Shining 3D, it’s both affordable and easy to integrate into CAD programs so you can really get an idea of how the face will relate to the treatment you are planning. Things like digital smile design can now go to a whole new level with affordable facial scanning. This talk will also demonstrate the new device.
Speaker: Sam Dias
In this workshop, technician and prosthetist Sam Dias will present a hands-on demonstration focussing on how to characterise and finish crowns milled chairside for predictable results.
The session will include a hands-on demo of Stain and glaze technique and Polishing Technique.
Read more online
Speaker: Sam Dias
In this workshop, technician and prosthetist Sam Dias will present a hands-on demonstration focussing on how to characterise and finish crowns milled chairside for predictable results.
The session will include a hands-on demo of Stain and glaze technique and Polishing Technique.
Read more online
Speaker: Dr Murray Orr Australia
Topic: Digital Dentistry, CAD/CAM, Materials
Audience: Dentists
This lecture will cover clinical techniques and approaches for single unit and multi-unit cases covering digital design approaches, hands-on techniques and workflows that will create excellent clinical outcomes in an efficient and productive manner.
Speaker: Charlie Anderson Australia
Topic: 3D Printing
Audience: All
This session is designed to guide beginners through the history, basic principles and applications of 3D printing for dentistry. Charlie will explore how this technology can be used to create a whole range of dental models and replace the traditional methods highlighting its advantages plus the challenges and limitations, providing a balanced view. Read more online
04.15 pm - 05.00 pm
Panellists: Dr Andrew Ip
Topic: 3D Printing
Audience: All
This 45-minute forum will present a lively discussion on the future of 3D printing and what to expect, with a particular focus on all the new innovations released at IDS 2023. Questions from the audience will be discussed by the panel of experts.
Speaker: Dr Robert Ashman
New Zealand
Topic: Intraoral scanning, CAD Software
Audience: Dentists
Experience the best of TRIOS Dentistry in this 90-minute session. Learn about the evolution of TRIOS and find out what’s new with TRIOS 5. Following this presentation of real cases, you will have a comprehensive overview of how to set your scan parameters followed by the progression of scanning single zirconia units, multiple units and then full arch crown and bridge cases - All completely impression free, in record time and with precision results.
Dr Ashman will demonstrate TRIOS Smile Design workflow, followed with printed models and a temporisation guide for stress-free larger cases. He will also update you on monolithic zirconia and how to achieve great aesthetics combined with high strength using Ivoclar’s e.max Zircad Prime.
1. The delegate will be exposed to the latest scanning modules available for Trios.
2. The delegate will learn what hardware is required to introduce scanning to their clinic.
3. The delegate will gain insight into scan to lab workflow through presentation of a real cases.
4. The delegate will learn how to incorporate Smile Design easily into their daily workflow. Dr Ashman appears courtesy of:
This session is a continuation of a 3-hour hands-on workshop that commenced at 12.30 pm
Speaker: Dr Jack Milgate Australia
Topic: Intraoral scanning
Audience: Dentists
In this session, Dr Milgate will outline the updated workflows available with the iTero scanner and includes a practical discussion of the key benefits of its use. A number of completed cases will be presented showing the range of treatment options and materials available through the digital workflow.
Dr Milgate appears courtesy of
Speaker: Sam Dias
Topic: Digital Dentures
Audience: Dental Technicians, Dental Prosthetists
A complete comparison of methods, materials and devices used conventionally to fabricate full and partial dentures and how the digital space we currently embrace isn’t too far from what we already know and use.
04.15 pm - 05.00 pm
Speaker: Joseph Davies
Topic: Implant Prosthetics
Audience: All
Discover the TRI-matrix implant connection designed for Zirconia. See how the future of full arch solutions is here today, with only 1 screw required per implant fixture. Get free access to the full anatomical “Healing Collar Library” and an introduction to the “Scan-Bridge”, the easiest and most cost-effective way to accurately scan an edentulous arch (With any IOS!).
Speaker: Craig Davidson
Topic: Milling, CAM Software
Audience: Dental Technicians
DGSHAPE creates some of the best, most-reliable desktop milling solutions available for dentistry. This lecture will cover the entire range and introduce the latest DWX 53 DC. From the dry mills for zirconia, wax and polymers to the new wet mill for glass ceramics and titanium, DGSHAPE has it covered. In addition, as no milling system can run without CAM software, the latest advances in Millbox CAM software will be presented.
04.15 pm - 05.00 pm
Speaker: Greg Baker Australia
Topic: 3D Printing
Audience: All
Modern 3D printers are easy to use, however a thorough understanding of their correct operation is imperative to avoid expensive pitfalls that can, in some cases, render a machine useless. This talk will discuss correct everyday routines for the use and maintenance of 3D printers to achieve great results every time and to prolong the lifespan of the machine.
03.30 pm - 04.10 pm
Speaker: Emad Mardli Australia
One of the most challenging things we do is to communicate and match shade. In this hands-on demonstration, Emad will discuss what influences and impacts our different interpretations of shade and colour and will demonstrate how the Vita Easyshade V plus the latest Vita Easyshade Lite launched at IDS 2023 in Germany in March resolves this challenge and enables a better communication of shade and therefore resulting in a better shade match for the patient.
04.20 pm - 05.00 pm
Speaker: Andrew Harris Australia
This hands-on demonstration on using GC OPTIGLAZE will focus on creating characterization in both the pink and white of a prosthesis. It will include tips and tricks to achieve aesthetic results and a case-by-case discussion in the use of colours to match natural dentition.
Speaker: Dr Lawrence Lau Australia
Topic: Digital Dentistry, CAD/CAM, Materials
Audience: Dentists
Having an unsurpassed track record in dentistry, e.max is the material of choice most CAD/CAM dentists prescribe, for almost all indications. From single unit crowns, aesthetic veneers, implant restorations and bridges.
This presentation expands on the indications for e.max in conservative management of edentulous spaces, using e.max bridge blocks and CAD/CAM technology. We will cover indications, CAD/CAM software management, bonding and longevity.
Speaker: Simon Ashworth Australia
Topic: 3D Printing
Audience: Technicians, Prosthetists
Simon is presenting this lively lecture, teaching his workflows that really work with 3D printing as a solution, combining digital materials and technology with traditional full denture materials. The lecture will cover how to under complicate digital workflows; how to manage the demands for digital transformation on your workplaces and what learning energy is required. The session will also discuss where to find the right education and learning assistance. This lecture also provides an inside view of what to expect from digital dental advancements coming your way.
09.45 am - 10.30 am
Speaker: Sergio Polisi Italy
Topic: Zirconia, Materials
Audience: Technicians
Is it possible to achieve aesthetic results with monolithic zirconia? In this session, Sergio will explain how to choose zirconia for monolithic crowns; the potential of multilayer zirconia for the realisation of full arches and following the right stages to achieve a great result with the right protocols.
Mr Polisi presents courtesy of:
Speaker: Dr Robert Ashman New Zealand
Topic: Intraoral Scanning, Implant Prosthetics
Audience: Dentists
Join Dr Ashman for an exclusive Ivoclar presentation. He will guide you through the workflow for restoring all implants. From single fixtures all the way through to full arch All-on-4 implant supported bridgework. Both traditional impression techniques and digital scanning will be covered. All techniques discussed will be applicable to all implant systems available in Australia and New Zealand. Dr Ashman’s presentation will highlight real cases and upon completion of his presentation, you will have the confidence to restore all implants and know what armamentarium is needed.
1. Participants will gain a comprehensive knowledge of how implants typically present and which abutments and materials to select.
2. Participants will understand what components are required for restoring implants.
3. Participants will gain an understanding of both traditional impression technique and scanning for implants.
4. The attendee will understand common pitfalls restoring implants and how to overcome them.
Dr Ashman appears courtesy of:
09.00 am - 12.30 pm
Speaker: Cristian Petri Romania
Practical hands-on workshop
This session is based on the original hands-on course prepared by Cristian following on from the short theoretical base presented earlier in Streams 1 and 2. There will be limited places, however it will be repeated throughout the conference. Participants will learn:
n How to control opacity and value through temperature control of final firing process;
n Managing ultra-thin veneers down to as little as 0.1mm thickness;
n Stain and glaze techniques;
n Polishing and finishing protocols; and
n Hands-on exercises using Amber Mill and Amber Mill Direct new generation lithium disilicate.
Mr Petri appears courtesy of:
Concludes at 12.30 pm
Speaker: Dr Tom Shao Australia
Topic: Digital Smile Design, 3D Facial Scanning, 3D Printing
Audience: Dentists
A successful patient-centred treatment outcome begins with accurate planning and precise communications. Dr Tom will take you through a case presentation, explaining in detail every step of the way, utilising the latest 3D chairside technologies. From acquisition of 3D patient records, to printing of wax up models, temporary try-in mock ups and long term highly aesthetic restorations that will WOW the most discerning patient.
Dr Shao presents courtesy of:
Speaker: Tommy Boutros Australia
Topic: CAD/CAM, Milling Audience: All
With technology in the dental industry evolving so rapidly its important your business develops and adapts with it or your business could be left behind as so many in other industries that chose to ignore developing technology in their field. There are now so many CAD/ CAM options its important to make the right investment in a complete system developed by an experienced Dental CADCAM company. This presentation will discuss who Amann Girrbach are as a company, the very successful history in dental and CADCAM and what is on offer to the digital dental world.
Speaker: Terry Whitty Australia
Topic: 3D Printing, Aligners
Audience: All
This presentation will discuss materials and methods of software manipulation and machine settings so you can optimise parts to get successful printing every time. As a bonus, the new methods for direct aligner printing will be covered. This is a not to be missed presentation. Read more online
09.45 am - 10.30 am
Speaker: Dr Andrew Ip Australia
Topic: 3D Printing
Audience: All
Are 3D printed restorations strong enough for long-term use? Are printed restorations aesthetic enough for anterior use? Is that mill sitting in your practice going to end up as an expensive door stop? In this topical lecture, Dr Andrew Ip will go through the current status of printable crown and bridge resins and discuss whether they have a place in an already saturated dental restorative materials market (hopefully without breaking too many hearts)!
09.00 am - 09.40 am
Speaker: Emad Mardli Australia
One of the most challenging things we do is to communicate and match shade. In this hands-on demonstration, Emad will discuss what influences and impacts our different interpretations of shade and colour and will demonstrate how the Vita Easyshade V plus the latest Vita Easyshade Lite launched at IDS 2023 in Germany in March resolves this challenge and enables a better communication of shade and therefore resulting in a better shade match for the patient.
09.50 am - 10.30 am
Simon Ashworth & Ben Jones
If you’re still sitting on the fence about digital dental technology, jump off and come to this workshop. The best way to learn new skills is often by doing them. This hands-on introduction to 3Shape Dental System will give the participants an insight as to just how easy the software guides you through the design process and how it can impact on your workflows. Engage in interactive experiences and build confidence that you can adapt your analogue skills into digital.
Speaker: Dr Michael Lewis Australia
Topic: Digital Dentistry, CAD/CAM, Materials
Audience: Dentists
The holy grail of dentistry is an undetectable crown margin.
For decades, gold crowns were regarded unanimously as the “gold standard” of dental restorations.
They boasted the best fit, the most conservative and the most resilient of the crown materials. Milled glass ceramics were relegated to the other end of the quality spectrum. Considered by many to be the fragile, poorer fitting and unaesthetic cousin to cast dental ceramics.
Advances in dental materials, intraoral scanners and milling machines has turned the tables on old ideologies. Just like any powerful tool, they must be used in the correct manner in order to maximise their output. This lecture will showcase Dr Lewis’ treatment protocols for perfect crown preparations, intraoral scans and milling of onlays and crowns to achieve restorative excellence that will be the envy of your peers!
Speaker: David Smith Australia
Topic: Digital Dentures
Audience: All
Digital technology is now recognised as an efficient method to produce functional and aesthetically pleasing restorations for our patients. Accurate recording of the remaining oral structures in the clinical setting remains paramount to the production of a successful prosthetic restoration.
In this presentation, David will explore the technical benefits the digital workflow allows, giving unprecedented control over really every aspect of the technical process, to create the optimal patient outcomes.
Speaker: Dr Ahmad
New Zealand
Topic: IOS, Materials, Digital Dentistry, CAD/CAM
Audience: Dentists
Dr Ahmad Al-Hassiny will show you everything you need to know about tackling C&B cases with the latest intraoral scanners and ceramics. This lecture is focussed on clinical tips. Read more online
Dr Al-Hassiny presents courtesy of:
Speaker: Jim Ruddy
Topic: Materials
Audience: Dental Technicians
The overall success and aesthetic results of a CAD/CAM restoration depends on the mechanical and optical characteristics of available CAD/CAM materials. The Milling and Grinding of these restorations, along with the science and methods of material production, directly correlate to the speed and accuracy of the restorative solution.
Read more online
Mr Ruddy presents courtesy of:
This session is a continuation of a 3-hour hands-on workshop that commenced at 9 am
Speaker: Dr Cecilia So Australia
Topic: Implant Planning, Implant Prosthetics, Guided Surgery
Audience: Dentists
One dentist’s journey in the world of digital implant surgery and digital restorative workflow.
In this presentation, Dr So will share with you why she was an early adopter of digital implant planning and guided surgery protocols, how 3Shape and 3D imaging has changed her practice, share with you her clinical cases, and share tips and tricks for clinicians looking to adopt a digital workflow.
Time will be allocated for Q and A discussion.
Dr So presents courtesy of:
Speaker: Judith Zwenger
Topic: Dental Materials, Zirconia
Audience: All
Zircon oxide is now indispensable as a material for highly aesthetic, durable prosthetic restorations... Although how zirconia is manufactured and tested is important to the end result. As not all zirconia is the same.
Read more online
11.45 am - 12.30 pm
Speaker: Joseph Davies
Topic: Implant Prosthetics
Audience: All
Discover the TRI-matrix implant connection designed for Zirconia. See how the future of full arch solutions is here today, with only 1 screw required per implant fixture. Get free access to the full anatomical “Healing Collar Library” and an introduction to the “Scan-Bridge”, the easiest and most cost-effective way to accurately scan an edentulous arch (With any IOS!).
Speaker: Dr Jeroen Klijnsma Australia
Topic: Training
Audience: All
In this talk, Jeroen will discuss why it’s important, especially when purchasing unfamiliar tech, to get correct initial training for you and your staff and why it’s important to get ongoing support. Then he will reveal a new and unique way this can be done and delivered to you in the modern digital world. Read more online
11.45 am - 12.30 pm
Speaker: Terry Whitty
Topic: Digital Dentures 3D Printing
Audience: All
This talk will cover the scanning, preparation, design and printing of a full immediate denture. Various different softwares will be discussed and an introduction to printable denture base materials and new tooth resins will be covered. Selection of the correct printer fit for purpose is paramount for success so the correct features will be investigated as well. Tips and tricks to make your 3D printed dentures more aesthetic will also be covered.
11.00 am - 11.40 am
Speaker: Andrew Harris Australia
This hands-on demonstration on using GC OPTIGLAZE will focus on creating characterization in both the pink and white of a prosthesis. It will include tips and tricks to achieve aesthetic results and a case-by-case discussion in the use of colours to match natural dentition.
11.50 am - 12.30 pm
Speaker: Andrew Harris Australia
This hands-on demonstration will show the process for creating lifelike TEMP Print temporary crowns and bridges. A demonstration of how the stains can change the chroma and how to add characteristics to individual milled crowns will be included as well as how to get the most out of your GC OPTIGLAZE colour stains.
Speaker: Dr Andrea Shepperson
New Zealand
Topic: Tooth wear, Intraoral scanning, Digital Dentistry
Audience: Dentists
Tooth wear is the third most common oral health issue after caries and periodontal disease. Our digital tools are helping to identify it early and distinguish between patterns of wear.
Learn how to:
n Think like a diagnostician. Recognise tooth wear based on digital recognition;
n Utilise the full capability of IOS for new patients; and
n Use digital functional and design tools to aid in planning.
Speaker: Jeroen Klijnsma Australia
Topic: 3D Printing
Audience: Dental Technicians
In the last few years, only 3D printing materials were creating excitement... until now! At IDS 2023, Asiga introduced their new UltraGLOSS material tray. The results after printing with these trays are mind blowing and have many benefits. Learn what this new development will do to your business and how you can optimise your internal workflows and aesthetic outcomes. Many problems from the past will be instantly solved and you will have more successful prints by following certain protocols.
Speaker: Mauritz Slabbert
New Zealand
Topic: Implant Prosthetics
Audience: Dental Technicians
Dental Prosthetists
Implants and CAD/CAM milling processes present us with a multitude of restorative options even in situations where there were previously limited or no options. But how do we plan and progress such diverse cases and ensure sound outcomes even in difficult circumstances?
Read more online
Speaker: Dr Murray Orr Australia
Topic: Digital Dentistry, CAD/CAM, Materials
Audience: Dentists
Case discussion and demonstration of various tissue and prosthetic management techniques. This lecture is particularly useful for practitioners seeking to create an optimal pink and white balance in their patient’s mouths.
Dr Orr presents courtesy of:
Speaker: Cristian Petri Romania
Practical hands-on workshop
This session is based on the original hands-on course prepared by Cristian following on from the short theoretical base presented earlier in Streams 1 and 2. There will be limited places, however it will be repeated throughout the conference. Participants will learn:
n How to control opacity and value through temperature control of final firing process;
n Managing ultra-thin veneers down to as little as 0.1mm thickness;
n Stain and glaze techniques;
n Polishing and finishing protocols; and
n Hands-on exercises using Amber Mill and Amber Mill Direct new generation lithium disilicate.
Mr Petri appears courtesy of:
Concludes at 05.00 pm
01.30 pm - 02.10 pm
Speaker: Dr Jack Milgate Australia
Topic: Intraoral scanning, Digital Dentistry
Audience: Dentists
In 2023, interdisciplinary digital records is fast becoming the standard in dental practice. This session will discuss the “new normal” in comprehensive patient examination, indemnification, education and treatment planning. Dr Milgate will discuss how this can be achieved and what it means for the future. Dr Milgate appears courtesy of
Speaker: Rainer Wöran
Topic: Milling
Audience: All
Why is true automation in a CAD/ CAM system so important in today’s dental lab? In this presentation Rainer Woeran MDT, from Toothworx in Adelaide, will discuss the changes and the challenges with the integration of the Ceramill Matik and the impacts on his lab with an automated milling machine. This Matik has the most operating hours in Australia today! Does it hold up to its promise? Has it increased productivity? And what went wrong!
Speaker: Jason Petley
Topic: Digital Dentures
Audience: Dental Technicians, Dental Prosthetists
Engineering occlusion with VITA VIONIC and Amman Girrbach’s Ceramill Full Denture System - using a unified workflow to streamline edentulous patient outcomes in the clinic and in the laboratory.
Speaker: Dr Chris Hart
Topic: Implant Bars and Bridges, Implant Prosthetics
Audience: All
Reliable engineering of simple or complex dental parts from implant screwdrivers to complex implantretained bars is always a Godsend. Fresh from exhibiting at IDS 2023, Dr Chris Hart This lecture will discuss the journey has had from a hobbyist with a scanner and software to the owner of an ISO-certified manufacturing facility.
Speaker: Terry Whitty
Topic: Surgical Guides, Implant Planning
Audience: All
This discussion and software demonstration will cover the basics of implant planning software mentioning 3Shape Implant Studio; exoplan from exocad; and Blue Sky Plan software and others. Surgical guide design and drill types will be discussed. It is an ideal primer for those considering using guided surgery for implants.
During this interactive workshop, you’ll get to try out all the latest INTRAORAL scanners and FACIAL scanners. You will be able to try scanning on models and phantom heads to gain a better understanding of digital impression taking and facial scanning to help determine the best solution for your practice.
In conjunction with product specialists, you will get to try out:
RAYFace • MetiSmile • iTero 3Shape TRIOS • DEXIS IS 3600 DEXIS IS 3700 • DEXIS IS 3800W Medit i700W • Planmeca Emerald
Shining 3D AOralScan3 Wireless Virtuo Vivo and more...
02.20 pm - 03.00 pm
During this interactive workshop, you’ll get to try out all the latest INTRAORAL scanners and FACIAL scanners. You will be able to try scanning on models and phantom heads to gain a better understanding of digital impression taking and facial scanning to help determine the best solution for your practice.
In conjunction with product specialists, you will get to try out:
RAYFace • MetiSmile • iTero
3Shape TRIOS • DEXIS IS 3600
DEXIS IS 3700 • DEXIS IS 3800W
Medit i700W • Planmeca Emerald
Shining 3D AOralScan3 Wireless Virtuo Vivo and more...
Speaker: Angus Pryor
Topic: Marketing
Audience: Dentists
Changes in patient behaviour mean that unfortunately, introducing digital dentistry to your practice is not a case of ‘build it and they will come’. Fortunately, there is a solution and it’s within reach of dentists ready to embrace the opportunity.
Join Australia’s number one Google-ranked dental marketer, Angus Pryor, to discover more. Read more online
04.15 pm -
Speaker: Jim Ruddy
Topic: Materials
Audience: Dental Technicians
The overall success and aesthetic results of a CAD/CAM restoration depends on the mechanical and optical characteristics of available CAD/CAM materials. The Milling and Grinding of these restorations, along with the science and methods of material production, directly correlate to the speed and accuracy of the restorative solution.
Read more online
12 months
Panellists: Dr A Shepperson
Terry Whitty
Dr A Al-Hassiny
Dr Tom Shao
Topic: Digital Dentistry
Audience: All
This 45-minute forum will discuss how the next 12 months is shaping up in the realm of digital dentistry and what to expect, with particular reference to new innovations shown at IDS 2023. Questions from the audience will be discussed by the panel of experts.
pm - 05.00 pm
Speaker: A/Prof Max Guazzato
Topic: Guided Surgery
Audience: Dentists
The current bulky surgical guides, plus sleeves and long burs are being replaced with dynamic 3D navigation surgery. We now watch a computer screen to guide the placement without the presence of a physical guide. Dynamic 3D navigation provides more accuracy, more access to areas of the mouth where surgical guides cannot be used, optimisation of the available alveolar bone, potentially better aesthetics and design, less invasive procedures and more comfort for patient and operator. Read more online
Speaker: Dr Lawrence Lau
Topic: Digital Dentistry, CAD/CAM, Materials
Audience: Dentists
e.max restorations are a great solution for a single unit implant. In this lecture and live demo, learn how to optimise this workflow for an aesthetic, long lasting and biologically sound outcome for your patients. We will cover everything from indications, scanning solutions, software management, and finishing and assembly of an e.max implant restoration.
Dr Lau appears courtesy of:
Speaker: Dr David Moffet Australia
Topic: Practice Management, Marketing
Audience: Dentists
The FOUR Things Your Business Must Be Doing All Of In 2023 and Beyond to MAXIMISE Your Practice Growth...
Just like a four-legged table, there are four essential things that every dental practice needs to be doing at the same time in order to 10x their Practice Growth…
1. Mastering SMS Practice to Patient messaging - Nearly every business out there at present is SMSing their clients poorly… in fact in most cases the SMSs are so poorly written that they are in fact REPELLING clients away rather than attracting them towards the business.
2. Call recordings - You can’t fix what you can’t see is broken. If you’re not listening to what’s being said on your practice phone calls, and what your callers are asking, and what your team are saying, you may as well just be burning money in your fireplace…at least it will keep you warm for a short time.
3. SEO and Adwords - There’s a lot of smoke and mirrors out there when it comes to SEO and Adwords. The fact is that you can’t take clicks to the grocery store to buy food… what you need is CASH, and CASH comes from SALES.
4. AI and Chat GPT
Despite the rapid advancements in AI, there are some things the human brain and heart still will be needed to do, in order to maximise learning, and education, and results. I’ll tell you exactly what those things are, that the fourth leg of the table needs for stability.
Speaker: Dr Dimosthenis Mantokoudis
Topic: Digital Dentistry
Audience: All
The challenge is to implement a clinical workflow that is connected to the workflow of the laboratory. Our research after 14 years of experience has shown that there are many obstacles to achieve a seamless workflow that enables predictable outcomes. This presentation will give an insight into a model-free workflow in fixed prosthodontics both on teeth and implants covering the clinic and the laboratory side. Read more online
Speaker: Sam Dias
Topic: Digital Dentures
Audience: Dental Technicians, Dental Prosthetists
A complete comparison of methods, materials and devices used conventionally to fabricate full and partial dentures and how the digital space we currently embrace isn’t too far from what we already know and use.
Speaker: Yahya Karim
Topic: Data Protection, Computer Hardware
Audience: All
Data is the most valuable commodity - so protect it as if your life depended on it! This talk will cover computer basics, simple in-house servers, RAID arrays and other ways to manage and back up your data. Even if your computer knowledge is limited, this easy to follow talk will guide you through to a better understanding of what is available and what you can do today to simplify and secure your data workflow.
04.15 pm - 05.00 pm
scanner hands-on
Speaker: Yahya Karim
Topic: Intraoral Scanning, Facial Scanning
Audience: All
This is a hands-on session with the new AORALSCAN 3 Wireless intraoral scanner and the new MetiSmile Facial scanner. Come along and try them out for yourself!
03.30 pm - 04.10 pm
During this interactive workshop, you’ll get to try out all the latest INTRAORAL scanners and FACIAL scanners. You will be able to try scanning on models and phantom heads to gain a better understanding of digital impression taking and facial scanning to help determine the best solution for your practice.
In conjunction with product specialists, you will get to try out:
RAYFace • MetiSmile • iTero
3Shape TRIOS • DEXIS IS 3600 DEXIS IS 3700 • DEXIS IS 3800W Medit i700W • Planmeca Emerald
Shining 3D AOralScan3 Wireless Virtuo Vivo and more...
04.20 pm - 05.00 pm
During this interactive workshop, you’ll get to try out all the latest INTRAORAL scanners and FACIAL scanners. You will be able to try scanning on models and phantom heads to gain a better understanding of digital impression taking and facial scanning to help determine the best solution for your practice.
In conjunction with product specialists, you will get to try out:
RAYFace • MetiSmile • iTero
3Shape TRIOS • DEXIS IS 3600 DEXIS IS 3700 • DEXIS IS 3800W
Medit i700W • Planmeca Emerald
Shining 3D AOralScan3 Wireless Virtuo Vivo and more...
Dr Ahmad Al-Hassiny is a driven and passionate dentist who has a strong focus on the digital workflow. Graduating from the University of Otago with First Class Honours and being awarded many Clinical and Research prizes, he has continued his pursuit of excellence in dentistry. Having been trained at Otago solely using analogue and traditional techniques, Dr Ahmad is fortunate to adopt CADCAM and digital dentistry very early on in his dental career which has allowed him to focus on developing his skills in this field. Dr Ahmad understands the benefits of digital dentistry and how this can positively change daily dental practice. Following in his father’s footsteps and working alongside him, Dr Ahmad has been exposed and involved in many aspects of complex dentistry including CADCAM full mouth rehabilitation and smile design. He helps provide dentists with the confidence and perspective of adopting these techniques and the benefits it can have early on in their career. Dr Ahmad empowers dentists to bring their practice and procedures into the digital age which enables them to reap the many benefits of CADCAM and digital dentistry.
Dr Joe Alphonse is a general dentist practising in Sydney, Australia. He graduated with a Bachelor of Dentistry from the University of Sydney and has completed comprehensive further education in Orthodontics and Clear Aligners. Dr Joe is also a past clinical tutor for the University of Sydney at both Westmead Dental Hospital and Sydney Dental Hospital. At his practice, while still performing general dentistry, Dr Joe primarily focuses on Cosmetic Dentistry and Orthodontic Treatment using both Fixed Orthodontics and Clear Aligners.
Charlie Anderson is a director of Australian 3D printing resin manufacturer Monocure 3D. In a previous life, Charlie worked in the TV industry in Australia and abroad for over 20 years. He started working at Monocure in 2014, when his father, Alan, asked him to join his industrial chemical business developing and manufacturing surface coatings for the print, packaging and label industries. While a far cry from the TV director’s chair, he was ready for a new challenge! In 2016, under Charlie’s instruction, the development team created the first Australian made 3D Printer
Resin and Monocure 3D was born. Over the next few years, Charlie was the driving force in transforming the company to focus solely on 3D printing consumables and accessories. His involvement and interest in the 3D printing industry are vital as he supports the growing list of customers and resellers locally and overseas. Charlie recognises that the 3D printing industry is still in its infancy. Through dedicated technical support, he knows the importance of education. “If we can teach the people how to use this technology today, the advantages to nearly all industries in the future is phenomenal”.
Mario Aparicio is the Managing Director at APAC Digital Dentistry & Laboratory. He studied Dental Technology in Brisbane and worked at Ancona Dental as the Lab Manager. He later worked as a regional manager for Ultradent Products. Mario has experience in Functional Orthotic Sleep Appliances and Orthodontics as well as all facets of digital laboratory work. APAC Digital Dentistry is also a retailer of dental products focused on 3D Printing equipment and materials.
Everyday Dr Rob Ashman renews youth and beauty at his leading Aesthetic Dental Practice in Christchurch New Zealand. He is an international speaker, author and educator in Cosmetic Dentistry, Chairman of the New Zealand Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and an affiliate member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. He is a Digital Dentist of more than 17 years and a Key Opinion Leader for Ivoclar Vivadent and 3 Shape.
Simon Ashworth is an accomplished clinical dental technician with nearly 40 years’ experience. He has studied extensively in the fields of both fixed and removable prosthetics and is a passionate educator and KOL of emerging technologies. As a clinical and technical instructor for more than 15 years he has presented over 100 workshops and has lectured in 15 countries around the world. Simon is based in northern NSW and is currently using his experience to develop application based solutions for the integration of digital dentistry into main stream protocols. With a touch of humour he shares his insights into the learning curve of digital transformation – the highs and
the lows. Simon’s ability and thirst for excellence has kept him at the forefront of his field and he continues to be a highly sought after and respected lecturing clinician.
Greg Baker is a qualified dental technician and the owner of K-Lab Digital Solutions, a company which he founded in order to provide the highest possible level of technical support and service to his customers working in the digital dentistry landscape. Greg has serviced clientele throughout Australia and New Zealand in a number of technical support roles covering all aspects of digital dentistry including milling; intraoral and desktop scanning; design software and has a specific focus on 3D Printing. His ability to repair, service, problem solve and integrate systems enables Greg to offer exceptional client outcomes in a rapidly changing environment. With a passion for maximising efficiency and quality within the dental lab, coupled with real world experience of digital workflows between surgery and laboratory, Greg understands the importance of accurate, replicable and flexible digital solutions.
Founder and director of Innovatio Dental Supplies, Tommy Boutros started the company in 2013 with Amann Girrbach as his first partner as the exclusive distributor of Amann Girrbach in Australia. After running a dental laboratory, Tommy started a dental supply company with a focus on labs to fill a hole he identified in the industry to focus on support, service and competitive pricing. Tommy and has been operating Innovatio Dental for over 6 years with over 50 installed systems around the country. As an owner/operator, he had to learn every aspect of the Amann Girrbach CADCAM range from sales, installation, training, service, support and repairs, offering his clients a wealth of knowledge when helping them navigate the CAD/CAM world and making an informed decision. As a big believer in only focusing on premium, quality brands, Tommy has also brought on other market leading brands to offer labs a complete solution including products from Vita, Ekom, MPF and Harvest Dental.
Craig Davidson is the DGSHAPE Business Development Manager – Oceania - for Roland DG Australia. Craig has over 20 years of experience in the Dental Industry. Craig’s broad knowledge of Dental Consumables, Materials through to High End Dental Equipment and Surgery fit out assists our clients to integrate Digital Cad Cam Solutions into their daily workflows. Craig has spent over a decade as a Technical Specialist in the area of Cad Cam Dentistry assisting both Clinicians and Technicians navigate the Digital Solutions, Workflows and Materials available in modern day Digital Dentistry.
Born in New Zealand, Joseph moved to Australia in the mid 2000’s. His early career centred around sports, natural health and sales management. Joseph started in the dental implantology field in 2013 and in 2016 joined TRI Dental Implants Australia as the General Manager, helping to lead it to being one of the fastest growing dental implant companies in the country. He has also been lucky to work closely with the TRI Implants team based in Zurich Switzerland to launch new and highly innovative dental implant products to the market.
Sam Dias has been working within the Dental Laboratory field since the early 1990’s. In 2005 he completed his Dental Technology Diploma and in 2008 he opened and ran a fully functional Dental Laboratory. He then continued to further complete his Advanced Diploma Of Dental Prosthetics in 2010, followed by opening up his first Dental Practice in Sydney. After continuing to practice both within the Dental Surgery and the Dental Laboratory, he opened a second dental practice in 2013, two years later he opened a third dental practice followed by opening the fourth in 2017. During this time Sam has continued to further his knowledge within all areas of Dentistry, by travelling the world completing courses and searching for innovative ideas. He has continued to build his businesses around the latest dental technology’s, whilst gaining the knowledge and skill of upcoming dental products and procedures. Sam now provides courses and lectures of the products and techniques he uses and or has developed himself. Sam is well known and respected within his local communities for being
a passionate, genuine and caring practitioner towards his patients whilst also passionate business person all-round.
Justin Elsey is the founder and managing director of Asiga, which designs and manufactures 3D printers and resins in Sydney, Australia and exports globally. He is interested in 3D printing technology development and materials science.
A/Prof. Max Guazzato grew up in Milan, Italy where he completed a Dental Technician diploma and graduated from the University of Milan with a Bachelor Degree in Dentistry with Honours. To further his knowledge, A/Prof. Guazzato completed a PhD at Sydney University in the field of Zirconia and dental ceramics. He then went on to complete a three-year clinical doctorate in Prosthodontics and is registered as a specialist Prosthodontist. A/Prof. Guazzato also has a dental fellowship by examination and is a prosthodontics special field member of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons and a fellow of the Pierre Fauchard Academy. He has been lecturing and supervising undergraduate and postgraduate research projects at the University of Sydney since 2001 and is a well sought after lecturer internationally in the topics of dental ceramic, cosmetic dentistry and dental implants. His current fields of research are: surface treatment of dental ceramics; tissue-implant interface clinical outcomes of all-ceramic materials. A/Prof Guazzato has published two books and 32 peer-reviewed articles in dental and medical scientific journals. In addition to his commitment with the University of Sydney, A/Prof Guazzato’s clinical expertise covers all facets of oral rehabilitation from bone grafting and implant placement, to fixed/removable Prosthodontics and laboratory procedures.
Andrew Harris is a Brisbane-based Dental Prosthetist with over 40 year’s experience in the dental industry and has owned his own full-service laboratory and clinical practice for over 30 years. Teaching extensively in Australia and internationally, Andrew keeps up-to-date with technology by attending many overseas courses, conferences and symposiums.
Andrew has a keen interest in all aspects of
dentistry with a particular interest in cosmetic dentistry. With a passion for dental charity work, Andrew has been to numerous locations worldwide on many volunteer programs.
Chris Hart is a registered Prosthodontist with a special interest in the area of dental implant components. He operates a private dental practice and an engineering business providing custom dental and maxillofacial implant components and workflows to clinics and labs locally and internationally. An experienced prosthodontist specialising in pioneering practical and cost-effective solutions, Dr Chris Hart is well known as an innovator and leader in the profession. After completing a Bachelor of Dental Science from the University of Melbourne in 1994, he worked as a general dentist all across Australia to gain experience in a variety of patient care environments. He returned to the University of Melbourne in 2001 to do a three-year specialist training program and received a Master of Dental Science. From 2004 to 2006 Dr. Hart was selected on the International Team for Implantology Scholars and worked in the Department of Surgery at the University of Berne. In recent years, Dr. Hart has worked both in private practice and in hospital settings as part of multidisciplinary teams treating oncology patients. The desire to find adequate prostheses to serve the functional needs of oncology patients, among others, encouraged him to design and develop dental and maxillofacial prosthetics which he continues to use in his practice. Dr. Hart is passionate about being able to make a real difference in patients’ appearance, comfort, and confidence.
Dr Andrew Ip is a Sydney-based private general dentist. He completed his Membership in General Dental Practice with the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons in 2017, a Graduate Diploma of Orthodontics in 2019 and a Masters of Science in Implantology and Dental Surgery in 2022. He is currently undergoing a Graduate Diploma of Digital Dentistry. He has a special interest in 3D printing which started off as a hobby but has now formed a major part of his clinical work. When he’s not designing surgical guides, planning in-house clear aligner treatment or designing a chairside 3D-printed crown, you can find him printing figurines and helmets for his cats.
Ben Jones is a practising dental prosthetist with a successful practice in Sunbury, Victoria. He graduated in 2014 as technician and 2017 as a prosthetist from RMIT. Ben also works as a digital applications specialist for Kulzer Australia; his passion is to work with the next generation of professional assisting them with their digital career.
Yahya Karim was born in Oslo Norway and then moved to London England. He immigrated to Australia in his late teens and studied to become a dental technician. His keen interest in computers has led him to marry the two seamlessly together and has a vast knowledge of software based design, Milling and 3D printing and is currently technical lab supervisor at Fabdent Dental laboratory Sydney.
Jeroen Klijnsma is an experienced lecturer and trainer who has educated Dentists and Technicians all over the world including lecturing at DIO conferences. As a certified Technician he understands conventional analogue techniques and how to convert them into digital workflows. Having owned and managed several laboratories in Europe, Jeroen came to the same conclusion, “that digital workflows help create more efficient and predictable outcomes”. In 2019, he moved to Australia and noticed a shortage of qualified trainers in the digital dentistry space. Jeroen has now founded his own business a dental laboratory and consulting company called Dentiq, focusing on training dentists and technicians on workflows, scanning, CAD/CAM and 3D printing.
Lawrence Lau graduated from the University of Sydney in 1997 with Honours and was the recipient of Prosthetic prize. He has been in private practice since 1999 and operates 3 practices in the Sydney Metro area. He has been a CEREC user since 2004. He is a KOL/ Mentor/trainer in both CEREC and CBCT, a WCLI Associate and Invisalign Gold provider. He runs the only independent CEREC training courses in Australia and is the founder of the CEREC-files Facebook group.
Dr Michael Lewis registered as a general dentist in 2003 graduating with honours and completed his Doctorate of Clinical Dentistry in Prosthodontics at the University of Sydney in 2010. In 2010 he passed the MRACDS for the Royal Australasian College of Dentists by examination. He is the proud recipient of the John H Wilson prize for Proficiency in Prosthodontics and the Campbell Harry Graham prize in Prosthetic Dentistry. He has special interests in interdisciplinary care, microscope dentistry and digital dentistry. In 2013 Michael relocated to Queensland, where he works in full time private practice. He is a proud father of two girls and enjoys cooking and acting.
Dimos graduated at University of Berne, Switzerland in dentistry and continued with his PHD in periodontology. After completing the postgraduate program in prosthodontics, he was appointed at University of Berne and later at University of Queensland as senior lecturer. Dimosthenis founded in 2009 the Australian Institute of Dental Education and Research and acts as CEO. Today Dimosthenis changed his career from clinical practice to research in 3D workflows in dentistry and dental technology but also in the industrial area where he initiated a new industrial 3D test and production facility in the field of construction in Brisbane.
Emad Mardli is currently representing VITA Zahnfabrik in Australia and New Zealand and has done for the past 9 years. Apart from being a qualified Dental Technician, Emad worked as the National Manager for NobelProcera and Guided Surgery at Nobel Biocare for just over 8 years. Along with his experience representing VITA and Nobel Biocare, Emad worked as a technician in many dental laboratories throughout Sydney in the early 2000’s, servicing local dental practitioners. Emad has travelled to the US, throughout Asia and parts of Europe to participate and attended many dental conferences and scientific symposiums, throughout his career. He has gained extensive knowledge in CAD/CAM and dental materials and with regularly working at the IDS in Germany, can provide insight on a vast variety of dental products.
Jack is an accomplished dentist originally from country Victoria (Echuca-Moama) and is excited to formalise his dream of opening his own clinic in a place he loves. As one of the leading general Invisalign® providers in Australia, Jack lectures as a Clinical speaker for Invisalign® to practitioners both in Australia and internationally on how to achieve the perfect smile! He is an expert in intra-oral scanning techniques and procedures and has provided case studies and advise regarding this modern treatment modality to companies and dentists from around the world. Jack is passionate about modern, minimally invasive dentistry and believes no two treatments or patients are the same, offering all options and using common sense and ideal communication to achieve the ideal results. Jack is also involved in a digital mouthguard company (3DGuard) - providing cutting-edge technology to many AFL and NRL teams as well as international UFC competitors.
Dr David Moffet is a dentist graduate from Sydney University and the author of the #1 Amazon Bestseller “How to Build the Dental Practice of Your Dreams (without killing yourself) in Less than Sixty Days!”. He is the inventor of The Ultimate Patient ExperienceTM, a simple to implement patient retention system he used to build and subsequently sell (for several million dollars) his very successful Dental Practice [of 28 years] located in Parramatta in working class western Sydney. David is retired from wet-fingered dentistry and now spends his time speaking, lecturing and writing, as well as coaching private Dental clients (in USA, Canada, Great Britain, Europe, and Australia and New Zealand) on how to improve their Dental Practices by focusing on customer service and patient retention. David has spoken to audiences in New York, London, Copenhagen, Las Vegas, Chicago, Miami and Philadelphia, Charleston, and Portland, as well as in Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Melbourne, Adelaide and Canberra. His personal as well as Business pages can be found and followed on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Pinterest.
Belinda Muggleton is the CEO of Dental Axess, a leading facilitator of digital dentistry solutions in Australia, New Zealand, Europe and North America. Ms Muggleton initially trained as a dental technician in Sydney, Australia in the early 1990s before embarking on a corporate career at Ivoclar Vivadent as a product manager. Her defining roles at Nobel Biocare followed, initially as National Sales Manager and then as Head of Marketing Australasia. The concept of Dental Axess was born on a subsequent sabbatical and conceived as a much-needed vehicle to supply, educate and support dentists and dental laboratories transitioning into the burgeoning realm of digital dentistry. Dental Axess operates offices in Sydney, Zurich, Toronto and West Palm Beach and services and supports the world’s leading brands in digital dentistry hardware, software and solutions.
Marc is a general dentist who runs a busy private practice in Perth and focuses his treatment on orthodontics only. He graduated from the University of Western Australia and has a Postgraduate Diploma in Digital Orthodontics, a Postgraduate Diploma in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics and a Graduate Diploma in Digital Orthodontic Treatments. Marc is passionate about integrating digital technologies into his orthodontics which ensures he can provide up-to-date treatments for hundreds of patients each year. Using these technologies, he has been able to start his own clear aligner system which is fabricated entirely through the in-house lab at his practice.
Curious about all things innovative, Dr Murray Orr owns a practice in a boutique dental clinic in Burleigh Heads on the Gold Coast where he practices alongside 6 other clinicians. Advanced Laser and CEREC technologies are a major part of his regular practice alongside a focus on clinical excellence and patient satisfaction. Murray has a passion for education and has lectured and presented in Australia and around the world on his special interest in digital dentistry.
Jason is a Dental Prosthetist in Far North Queensland. He graduated with a Bachelor of Dental Prosthetics in 2019. Jason has a background in Information Technology and art, having studied IT at Bond University back in the late 90s. Accordingly, he has a strong grounding in digital technology and brings a passion for providing the very best care and outcomes possible for patients. Jason’s particular interests in dental prosthetics are maximum comfort, functional efficiency, aesthetics, restoration of vertical dimension and restoration of lost function.
Cristian Petri has had an accomplished and dynamic career spanning over twenty years. After finishing his studies in 1999 he worked as a dental technician in Romania, USA and Germany until he opened his own lab in 2002. He was inducted into the international Oral Design group by founder Willi Geller in 2018 and is the owner of the first Oral Design Centre in Romania. He has been a lecturer and collaborator on countless projects and has been the recipient of numerous awards and commendations for oral design as well as prosthodontics. He has been on the forefront of emergent technologies and products in the dental field and brings a refreshingly passionate energy to the industry.
Sergio Polisi is an Italian dental technician with extensive experience in advanced CAD/CAM and aesthetic rehabilitations. He is a technical specialist with more then 12 years of experience in full arch implants, highly aesthetic and complex cases. Sergio is the author of several articles in leading dental magazines with a strong passion for dental photography. He is currently based in Perth, Western Australia.
Multi-award-winning Practice Growth Specialist, Angus Pryor, is an author, marketer, and international speaker. He is the number one Google-ranked dental marketer in Australia. At his agency, Dental Marketing Solutions, Angus surrounds himself with a hand-picked team of experts covering a range of digital and traditional marketing services. In 2023, Angus and his team won the Australian Dental Industry Association Marketing Award, and the Australian Achiever Award. In 2022, his team was recognised as the ABA100 Winner for Marketing
Excellence in The Australian Business Awards. Angus is an Amazon number one bestselling author from his book ‘The Dental Practice Profit System – 5 Steps To Higher Patients And Higher Profits’. He has written extensively in a range of industry publications including DentistryIQ, Australasian Dental Practice, and ADA’s News Bulletin. He has been quoted on ABC, NBC and Fox TV.
Jim Ruddy has over 25 years’ experience in the field of dental ceramics; both lecturing and teaching across Australia, New Zealand and Europe. Jim was a trainer for three years in Germany and as part of his ongoing professional development he is certified every six months through the Ivoclar Vivadent ‘Train The Trainer’ (TTT) programme in Schaan, Liechtenstein. Jim works very closely with ceramists and consults with some of Australia’s leading practitioners regarding materials and techniques.
Dr Tom Shao is a leading cosmetic and reconstructive dentist based on the Gold Coast, Australia. Dr Tom is also an expert in the field of 3D printing in dentistry. He is famous for the highly successful Immersive 3D printing courses, now running for the 3rd year. Dr Tom first studied Science & Engineering in Newcastle, then relocated to the Gold Coast where he studied dentistry at Griffith University. He is now the owner and principal dentist at Vogue Dental Studios Gold Coast, in a brand new purpose-built facility established in 2023.
Dr Andrea Shepperson is an internationally recognised clinician, thought leader and educator. One of Australasia’s best known general dentists, she graduated from the University of Otago in 1984. A practicing clinician in Auckland, she understands the day-to-day challenges of general practice. Andrea is New Zealand’s only Digital Smile Design KOL and Master, running New Zealand’s first DSD Clinic. She is an Honorary Life Member of the NZ Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and a Mentor and Alumni of the internationally renowned Kois Center in Seattle, USA. She is a Global Ambassador for Slow Dentistry and a KOL for Ivoclar Ltd. She is a sought-after speaker who has always enjoyed being at the forefront of dentistry and runs a practice focused on digital dentistry. In 2020 she opened her own dental training facility on Waiheke Island, New Zealand.
Mauritz Slabbert is the owner of ProCast Dental Laboratory in Silverdale, Auckland. He qualified as a Dental Technician at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology during the nineties and in his final year he won the award for Best Student of the Year. He started his career in Cape Town and after migrating to New Zealand in the late nineties, he completed the New Zealand Dental Technology Registration Examination at the University of Dunedin. Mauritz is interested in new dental developments and he continues his professional development with advanced training courses and learning opportunities such as a visit to the International Dental Show in Cologne. Mauritz has been practising as a Dental Technician for the past 25 years. He first worked for a number of years under two respected Auckland mentors, before establishing his own Auckland laboratory during 2005. As the owner of ProCast Dental Laboratory, Mauritz is known for his excellent service and his investment in leading edge technologies such as the PrograMill PM7 System.
Graduating as a Dental Technician in 1986, then as a Dental Prosthetist in 1993, David’s fascination for Dental Prosthetics has fuelled his desire to keep advancing his skills, travelling nationally and internationally to obtain knowledge from some of the great minds in the Dental Profession. Highlights for David include being endorsement by Ivoclar Vivadent in Schaan, Liechtenstein as a BPS Clinical/ Technical Instructor and Dr Jiro Abe, Japan as a SEMCD Clinical and Technical Instructor to name a few. David now divides his time between treating patients and teaching Dental Professionals the advanced techniques of BPS and SEMCD in his Byron Hinterland practice located in Mullumbimby, Northern New South Wales. David has presented in Australia, New Zealand and Japan.
Dr Cecilia So is a dentist with practice limited to surgical dentistry and oral implant. After completing an undergraduate Bachelor of Dental Surgery (Hons) degree at the University of Sydney in 2003, Cecilia went onto a hospital based surgical training post in the UK as a Senior House Officer for two years, achieving her Membership of the Faculty of Dental Surgeons with the Royal College of Surgeons, London, by examination in 2008. Her interest in oral implants lead her to complete the Graduate Diploma in Clinical Dentistry (Oral Implants) USyd and she is now a Clinical Associate at University of Sydney both mentoring and lecturing for the program. She is also involved as an executive committee of the Australian Osseointegration Society. Cecilia has been a senior dental officer at Westmead Centre for Oral Health, providing surgical dental services in the Special Needs Unit from 2009 to present. Cecilia has focused her professional interests on oral surgery and implant dentistry and enjoys being involved in teaching, with a particular interest in mentoring recent graduates and working as a visiting surgical dentist both in metropolitan Sydney and rural NSW.
Naomi’s career in the dental industry began as a dental assistant and through the years she has progressed in varying roles and gained valuable experience in sales, training and team management. During this time, she worked with a variety of products and software including 3Shape TRIOS. Naomi is specialised in 3Shape portfolio of orthodontic solutions. Naomi joined 3Shape in 2018 as Territory Manager and Training and Application Specialist for orthodontics.
Doug Stuart has over 30 years’ experience in the dental industry, first working as a Crown and Bridge Dental Technician in the UK and Australia. Doug joined Ivoclar in 2002 and has enjoyed working on the Laboratory side of the business, starting out in sales and then transitioning to become a CAD/CAM and digital dentistry specialist.
Hiro Takahashi is the Japan and Australia Sales Manager of Heygears, IMC Inc., an innovative company devoted to providing digital manufacturing solutions across various industries and focused on 3D printing, automation in dental 3D printing, software development, materials and big-data handling. Hiro has been working in the dental profession for 6 years and was the head of the Overseas Business Division of a large laboratory in Japan as well as the project leader of the lab’s 3D printing production. He now resides in Japan and is excited to be involved in the next generation of digital dentistry.
Joseph Tavella is an Australian Dental Technician working in the industry for 10 years. Specialising in CAD/CAM, he has had extensive digital training in Australia, Japan, Denmark and the US, working with both Procera and 3Shape software. For the last 4 years, he has worked in dental implant sales and support, growing his Clinical and Restorative knowledge until joining 3Shape in 2017 as 3Shape Academy Trainer. Joseph has trained both Dentists and Dental Technicians across Australia, New Zealand and South East Asia.
Michael Teiniker, founder of Blenderfordental software, has a wealth of knowledge in the dental industry. He graduated in South Africa in 1989 at the Witwatersrand Technical Institute with a National Higher Diploma in Dental Technology. After having had successful dental businesses in South Africa and in New Zealand, he has finally settled on the Gold Coast, Australia. Michael has always had a special interest in graphic design using Blender software. For a number of years he was listed as a designer with numerous 3D printing companies. In 2019, he started Blenderfordental full time, where he has seen a niche in the market to create dental software.
Terence Whitty is a well-known dental technology key opinion leader and lectures nationally and internationally on a variety of dental technology and material science subjects. He is the founder and owner of Fabdent, a busy dental laboratory in Sydney specialising in high tech manufacturing. Using the latest advances in intra- and extra-oral scanning, CAD/CAM, milling, grinding and 3D printing, most specialties are covered including ortho, fixed and removable prosthetics, computerised implant planning and guidance, TMD, sleep appliances and paediatrics.
Rainer Wöran MDT started his dental technology apprenticeship in 1997 at Vienna’s renown Wipla Laboratories. After finishing this with outstanding recognition, he moved on to experience the diversity of Austria’s dental lab world. With the knowledge gained, he finished his Master of Dental Technology in Baden near Vienna aged 26. From there, Rainer managed a boutique practice lab in Vienna’s city centre. In 2016 he founded Toothworx in Adelaide. Rainer previously presented for Amann Girrbach and is an eLAB instructor. You will find him on many dental conferences and shows as education is his top priority.
Starting with Amann Girrbach as a sales representative in 1995, Judith Zwenger knows the Amann Girrbach Company and product offering like the back of her hand. She is currently the Regional Director of Amann Girrbach Asia Pte Ltd for Asia-Pacific, India and Australasia Regions. In her capacity as Regional Director she has overall responsibility for Amann Girrbach’s entire business in those regions. In 2011, Amann Girrbach Asia Pte Ltd was established in Singapore. She now heads the Asia Branch office with 7 team members, consisting of product specialists for field as well as the helpdesk support. The Singapore-based Amann Girrbach Asia office separately hosts a regional training centre where dentists and technicians can attend hands-on courses and trainings on the Ceramill Digital CAD/CAM system. Judith graduated as a dental technician and studied dental technology in Koblenz, Germany for 3.5 years before working as dental technician and lab manager from 1984 to 1994, focusing on C&B and specialised in ceramics and comprehensive telescope and implant restorations. She has also been a lecturer at university dental schools and distinguished speaker at dental conferences across the Asia Pacific and Middle East.
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