1 minute read
A patient searching for functionality and natural aesthetics
from eLABORATE Current
By José María Fonollosa, PhD
The expectations of a full denture restoration are always the same - the patients want to be able to chew with their dentures without any problems and regain an age-appropriate appearance. Neither was present in the following case, which is why the affected 63-year-old patient wanted new dentures. Her expectations were understandably high after years of frustration. Dental technician José María Fonollosa PhD (Barcelona, Spain) demonstrates that by combining the prefabricated teeth VITAPAN EXCELL Anterior and VITAPAN LINGOFORM Posterior, the situation was functionally and esthetically restored
The previous restoration
The clinical inspection revealed a total prosthetic restoration. The denture teeth of this restoration appeared lifeless at first glance and showed unsightly discoloration. The incisal edges of the maxillary teeth did not follow the line of the lips, but were in infraposition in the first quadrant and supraposition in the second. The incisal edge of tooth 22 was also longer than that of the neighboring tooth 21. This made the esthetic zone appear asymmetrical and bumpy. The front featured a progenic bite (Angle class III), as well as a frontal open bite, which made it difficult to bite off food, and the lower lip bulged forward. Occlusal contact existed only between the incisors in the maxilla, and the lateral incisor and canine in the mandible, which led to instability and point loading during chewing.