MAY 2018
KEY CLUB Denton High School
May Newsletter
1 INTRODUCTORY BREAKFAST The introductory breakfast was held on May 1, 2018 at 8:00 AM. Additional information on page 3.
Table of Contents 1
Front Page
Introductory Breakfast
Introductory Breakfast
Mayor's Day of Concern for the Hungry
Mother's Day at Denton Community Market
Denton County Farm Heritage Day
Upcoming Events
Contact Us
Social Media
MAY 2018
Board Messages
President's Message May was a great first month for our club with our officers getting adjusted to their new positions along with a successful Introductory breakfast, a board meeting, and even a Divisional Council Meeting. And now that school is out and exams are over, there’s more time to dedicate to what you want to do. Whether that’s getting a job, watching Netflix, or going somewhere cool, don’t forget about everything going on in Denton too. From volunteering to weekly concerts to the Community Market, there’s no shortage of ways to enjoy summer in Denton and maybe even have an impact through service. So be on the lookout for what’s going on around you—adventure is out there! ~ Caden Young (Denton High Key Club President)
Quote of the Month "The world's favorite season is the spring. All things seem possible in May." ~Edwin Way Teale
MAY 2018
Introductory Breakfast
INTRODUCTORY BREAKFAST The Introductory Breakfast was held on Thursday May 1 at 8 in the morning. Members donated milk, orange juice, and baked goods as well as promoted the Introductory Breakfast by handing out cards around Denton High School. Fifty people attended.
MEMBER SPOTLIGHT Emily Young helped during the Introductory Breakfast by making waffles to hand out.
MAY 2018
Introductory Breakfast
OBJECTIVES Key Club aims to cooperate with school principals and teachers to provide high school students with invaluable experience in living and working together and to prepare them for useful citizenship.
MISSION Key Club is an international, student-led organization that provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership.
Caden Young, our Key Club President enlightened students and potential members on what Key Club stands for and told them the reasons for joining. He also shared ideas and goals for the coming year.
PLEDGE I pledge on my honor to uphold the objects of Key Club International, to build my home, school, and community, to serve my nation (and god), and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.
MAY 2018
Mayor's Day of Concern for the Hungry
On May 1, Mayor Chris Watts announced the Mayor's Day of Concern for the Hungry food drive at the city council meeting. The food drive was held from May 7-11. The Denton Community Market collected non-perishable and monetary donation on May 5 and May 12. Mayor Watts announced the results of the Mayor's Day of Concern for the Hungry Food Drive at the Denton Community Market on May 19.
SOME STATS More than 159, 275 people in Denton County struggle with food insecurity. In the Denton School District alone there are 11, 362 students who on free lunches and 1,786 who are on reduced-priced lunches. This means 44% of the student population is on either free or reduced lunches.
44% 56%
Other Reduced/ Free Lunches
MAY 2018
Mothers' Day at Denton Community Market On May 12, the Denton Community Market held a special event for Mothers' Day. Vendors sold flowers and handmade jewelry that could be bought as gifts. Mothers could be pampered by a masseuse. Local produce was sold, perfect for a scrumptious homemade Mother's Day dinner. Many activities were available for children as well.There was a booth for children to draw and color pictures for their mothers. Two clowns came and entertained children by making balloon animals and flowers for their mothers. There was also a family scavenger hunt that was based on Denton-themed Loteria.
Additional Information The Denton Community Market is held every Saturday at the Historical Park of Denton County (317 W. Mulberry St. Denton TX 76201) (corner of Carroll Blvd. and Mulberry St.) The market is from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. The volunteer form can be accessed at: http://www.dentoncommunitymarket.com/volunteer/ or you can contact the volunteer coordinators at volunteer@dentonmarket.org
MAY 2018
Denton County Farm Heritage Day
On May 19, the Denton Community Market held the 2nd Annual Denton County Farm Heritage Day. The Denton County Farm Heritage Day is a free educational event. Tractors were showcased. There was a tractor pull. for the kids. Additionally, there were crafts, multi-era displays, booths from Agrilife and Master Gardens, and many more fun familyfriendly things to do. The Denton County Farm Bureau brought their Mobile Learning Farm at the event as well. For instance, there was a booth that taught people how beef, corn, and wheat production.
MAY 2018
Divisional Council Meeting
On May 31 was the Divisional Council Meeting. The meeting was held online on an app named Zoom. The meeting started at 6:02 PM and was adjourned at 6:43 PM by Lieutenant Governor Sarah Spivey.
Who Attended From Denton High School: Caden Young (President), Mitchell Warnock (Vice President) Kasandra Schroeder (Editor) From Durant High School: Chloe Cagle Paige Farley Carter Soltis Alicia Farley Alex Cubley Chris Pierce From Gainesville High School: Samantha Torres From Guyer High School: Sarah Spivey (Lieutenant Governor) Bella Plaza Emmie Erwin Becca Mueller From Ryan High School: Emily Boyd Guests: Kenyon Black - District Administrator Addi Duerksen - District Governor Connor Rubrecht - Region 9 Kiwanis Advisor
Highlights from the Meeting • We are now part of Region 9. • Kiwanis Advisor Connor Rubrecht expatiated on etiquette. No one should feel uncomfortable at meetings or events. • District Administrator Kenyon Black talked about reporting and newsletters. • A few of his points include:
- Key Club serves as leadership training and maintains professionalism
- Reporting and newsletters prepare you for business hierarchies and professional life in general • Addi Duerkson, the District Governor, talked about the Governor's Project. She said, “Even though there isn’t an official Governor's Project, summer is a great time for volunteering.” We can visit nursing homes, think about projects , and in the future contribute to the Governor’s Project.
MAY 2018
Upcoming Events
Shifts vary between 7:15 AM to 1 PM
Denton Community Market
Historical Park of Denton County (317 W. Mulberry St. Denton TX 76201) (corner of Carroll Blvd. and Mulberry St.)
June 7, 14, 21, 28
3 to 5 PM
SCRAP Drop in Volunteering
420 S Bell Ave, Denton, TX 76201
June 9
8 to 11 AM
Mobile Food Pantry
First Baptist Denton (1100 Malone St.)
June 13
9:30 to 11 AM
Hanging out with Residents at Brookdale Community
Brookdale Community
June 16
Shifts vary between 7:15 AM between 1PM
Harvest Day and Father's Day at the Denton Community Market
Historical Park of Denton County (317 W. Mulberry St. Denton TX 76201)
Shifts vary between 7:15 AM between 1PM
Square Roots Community Art Show and Ale Works
June 2, 9, 30
June 23
(corner of Carroll Blvd. and Mulberry St.)) Historical Park of Denton County (317 W. Mulberry St. Denton TX 76201) (corner of Carroll Blvd. and Mulberry St.))
Partners in Crime Service.
MAY 2018
Contact us Club President
Club Secretary
Caden Young 521770@g.dentonisd.org
Kiefer Sterzing 670902@g.dentonisd.org
"I'm excited to be your club president for the upcoming year!"
Club Vice President
Club Treasurer
Mitchell Warnock 521848@g.dentonisd.org
Club Editor
Kasandra Schroeder
Nicholas Hines 601395@g.dentonisd.org
District Governor
Addi Duerkson governor@tokeyclub.com
Faculty Advisor
District Treasurer
Matthew Johnson mjohnson3@dentonisd.org
Kiwanis Advisor
Joe Holland joetrek1700@tokeyclub.com
Division Lieutenant Governor Sarah Spivey ltg8@tokeyclub.com
Addie Flores treasurer@tokeyclub.com
District Secretary
Bunsri Patel secretary@tokeyclub.com
District Editor
TBD editor@tokeyclub.com
MAY 2018
Social Media
Classroom 9257asg
@dentonkey to 81010
What is Key Club?
How did it start?
Key Club International is the world’s largest student-led service organization in the world. Denton High School is the local chapter of this club of 270,000 members from 38 countries.
The local chapter of Key Club at Denton High School has a lot of history. Key Club International was founded in 1925 based out of California. It has been adopted to stand for Kiwanis Educating Youth.
How does it work?
What’s Kiwanis?
Our board, made up of the club officers and committee chairs, seeks out or creates service projects to address needs in the community. Our large member base helps us fulfill these needs.
Kiwanis is the sponsoring parent organization of Key Club. It’s like Key Club for grown-ups. Our club is sponsored by Denton Breakfast Kiwanis Club, made up of community leaders in Denton.
Thanks for reading!