1 minute read
Fit for 50+
No-cost gym and fitness membership for eligible seniors through participating insurance plans
These no-cost fitness membership programs, designed for active older adults, are delivered through a nationwide network of participating insurance plans.
Benefits include: u NAT Membership and water exercise classes u Unlimited access to group-ex membership classes at all rec centers u Unlimited access to fitness rooms and REC Pass activities including the indoor walking track at Denton Civic Center www.silversneakers.com www.silverandfit.com www.myrenewactive.com
Verify eligibility online or call your provider.
ALH Storytelling Time is a program that partners with the MLK preschool. Reading time will help to create wonderful memories with 3-5-year-old children. Have fun while introducing early literacy skills which are important building blocks toward the day when the preschoolers will read by themselves.
May 29 | Noon | ALH