B ole tín de Investigación Área de Gestión de Operaciones
<<<<< Boletín de Investigación El boletín de Investigación será una herramienta comunicacional cuyo campo de acción será exclusivamente interno, y su objetivo es poder contribuir a la visibilización de los proyectos de investigación a cargo de nuestros académicos, desde las distintas áreas donde estos se agrupan. Es por ello que, en esta primera edición, nos enfocaremos a la presentación de estas y sus respectivas líneas de investigación, no obstante también incluiremos el resumen de los últimos trabajos a cargo de los investigadores del Departamento.
ÁREA DE GESTIÓN DE OPERACIONES PROFESOR RESPONSABLE: Raúl Stegmaier OBJETIVO/DESCRIPCIÓN: El área de gestión de operaciones se enfoca en toda actividad de investigación, enseñanza y servicios a nuestra sociedad, relacionada con la generación y concreción de propuestas de valor en todo tipo de organizaciones utilizando métodos matemáticos y cualitativos avanzados (Operation Research y Lean Management). En la búsqueda de generar y concretar propuestas de valor, nuestra área aborda problemáticas que van desde lo estratégico hasta lo operativo, en particular: • Supply Chain Management, i.e., gestión de recursos y actividades asociados al flujo, transformación y almacenamiento eficiente y eficaz de bienes y servicios. • Asset Management, i.e., gestión de activos físicos y mantenimiento. • Lean Management, i.e., gestión de calidad y mejora continua. Académicos USM: • Víctor Albornoz • Pablo Escalona • Edward Johns • Mónica López • Raúl Stegmaier • Pablo Viveros Coautores USM: • Fredy Kristjanpoller • Tomás Grubessich • Rodrigo Ortega Coautores Externos: • Fernando Ordóñez - U. de Chile. • Vladimir Marianov - U. Católica. • A. Crespo - Universidad de Sevilla, España. • Néstor M. Cid-Gracía - Universidad Autónoma de Nueva León, México. • Yasmín A. Ríos -Solís - Universidad Autónoma de Nueva León, México.
Boletín de Investigación >>>>> ACADÉMICOS DEL ÁREA VÍCTOR ALBORNOZ victor.albornoz@usm.cl +56 2 23531226 Área especialización: • Investigación de Operaciones. • Planificación de la Producción. • Métodos Cuantitativos en Agricultura. • Métodos de Descomposición. • Aplicaciones en Programación Estocástica. PABLO ESCALONA pablo.escalona@usm.cl +56 32 2654086 Área especialización: • Inventory systems with several demand classes. • Joint location-inventory problem with several demand classes. • Multi-source Weber problem with fixed cost. • Capacity expansion under uncertainty. EDWARD JOHNS edward.johns@usm.cl +56 2 32028290 Área especialización: • Total Quality Management. • Supply Chain Management. • Lean Management. MÓNICA LÓPEZ monica.lopezc@usm.cl +56 32 2654882 Área especialización: • Análisis del Mantenimiento (Análisis de Confiabilidad en Sistemas, Metodologías de Diagnóstico y Análisis, Indicadores). • Gestión de la Cadena de Suministros (Análisis y Modelamiento de Procesos). RAÚL STEGMAIER raul.stegmaier@usm.cl +56 32 2654086 Área especialización: • Gestión de Activos Físicos y Mantenimiento. • Ingeniería de Confiabilidad • Confiabilidad de Sistemas y Evaluación de Riesgo Operacional de Sistemas. PABLO VIVEROS pablo.viveros@usm.cl +56 32 2654569 Área especialización: • Modelamiento y Sistemas Productivos. • Ingeniería de Confiabilidad. • Control de Gestión de Reportabilidad. • Simulación.
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• RAM-C: A novel methodology for evaluating the impact and the criticality of assets over systems with complex logical configurations - F. Kristjanpoller, P. Viveros, A. Crespo, T. Grubessich, R. Stegmaier - Safety and Reliability of Complex Engineered Systems/ ESREL 2015. • A methodological proposal to meet analysis requirements with purified information through a logical work sequence and a decision tree in the field of maintenance management - T. Grubessich, R. Stegmaier, E. Johns, P. Viveros, F. Kristjanpoller - Safety and Reliability of Complex Engineered Systems / ESREL 2015. • General framework about graphical analysis for operation management - P. Viveros, A. Crespo, L. Barberá, F. Kristjanpoller, R. Stegmaier, E. JohnsSafety and Reliability of Complex Engineered Systems/ ESREL 2015. • Joint location-inventory problem with differentiated service levels using critical level policy - P. Escalona, F. Ordóñez, V. Marianov -Transportation Research Part E Logistics and Transportation Review. • Aproximación convexa para los backorders de una política de nivel crítico con demanda continua – P. Escalona, E. Iturrieta - 44 JAIIO, At Rosario, Argentina. • Reliability assessment based on energy consumption as a failure rate factor – F. Kristjanpoller, M. López-Campos, P. Viveros, A. Crespo Márquez - 6th IESM Conference, October 2015, Seville, Spain. • A hierarchical planning scheme based on precision agriculture. In Handbook of Operational Research in Agriculture and the Agri-Food Industry, Plá-Aragonés, L.M. (Ed.), 129-162, Springer. Albornoz, V.M, Cid.García, N.M, Ortega, R. & Ríos-Solís, Y.A. (2015). • An optimization model for planning operations in a meat packing plant - Albornoz, V.M., Gonzá-
lez-Araya, M., Gripe, M.C., Rodríguez, S.V., Treviño, E.J. (2015) - Operations Research and Enterprise Systems. • Mathematical and Stochastic Models for Reliability in Repairable Industrial Physical Assets. Charpter 12. Practices through Energy Engineering and Asset Management. Engineering Science Reference (an imprint of ICI Global). USA, 2015. Pablo Viveros, Fredy Kristjanpoller, Adolfo Crespo, René Tapia & Vicente González-Prida. • Hierarchical production planning in a supply chain with seasonal demand products. DYNA Management, 3(1). 1-15- Ortíz-Araya, V., Albornoz, V., Bravo, D. (2015). • A hierarchical planning scheme based on optimization models and column generation method for agriculture planning. 27th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2015). Glasgow, Escocia. 12-15 de Julio, 2015. Albornoz, V.M. • A two-stage stochastic model applied to a management zone delineation problem under uncertainty. Workshop on Optimization Under Uncertainty in Sustainable Agriculture and Agrifood Industry. Lleida, España, 27-29 de Julio de 2015. Albornoz, V., Ortega, R.A., and Sáez, J.L. • Definición de zonas de manejo agrícola bajo incertidumbre. Seminario de Investigación, Programa de Ingeniería de Sistemas (PISIS), Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica (FIME), UANL – Monterrey, 1 de Octubre de 2015, Albornoz, V.M.
Resumen Actividad Alumnos Postgrado • Tesis MII, especialidad Gestión de Operaciones.
Boletín de Investigación >>>>>
RAM-C: A NOVEL METHODOLOGY FOR EVALUATING THE IMPACT AND THE CRITICALITY OF ASSETS OVER SYSTEMS WITH COMPLEX LOGICAL CONFIGURATIONS F. Kristjanpoller & P. Viveros Department of Industrial Engineering, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile. Department of Industrial Management, School of Engineering, University of Seville, Seville, Spain. A. Crespo Department of Industrial Management, School of Engineering, University of Seville, Seville, Spain.
The RAM-C methodology, develop the analysis based on a RBD configuration, and structuring the process analysis by levels, ascending for availability analysis (from the element to system) and descending for the impact analysis (from the system to the smallest element). Therefore, to complement the Critical analysis and the related tools, the authors have designed and applied a novel algorithm, enhancing the traditional RAM analysis interpretation.
T. Grubessich & R. Stegmaier Department of Industrial Engineering, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile.
Finally, a case study based on Chilean copper mining process, will be developed to demonstrate the application and strengthens of RAM-C methodology.
Abstract: Today, the critical analysis is the main challenge to identify the opportunities for an improvement process of asset management. One of the most important points is to know what is the effect of each element over the system that contains it, mainly when the logical configuration are not in serial dependency. The impact of one element in complex configuration (total redundancy, partial redundancy, stand by or load sharing) must be defined as dynamic, because it depends of the element individual performance on reliability and maintainability, as well of the performance of all of the elements that are in the same subsystem.
Safety and Reliability of Complex Engineered Systems ESREL 2015 Edited by Luca Podofillini, Bruno Sudret, Bozidar Stojadinovic, Enrico Zio, and Wolfgang Kröger CRC Press 2015 Pages 1619–1625 Print ISBN: 978-1-138-02879-1 eBook ISBN: 978-1-315-64841-5 DOI: 10.1201/b19094-211
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A METHODOLOGICAL PROPOSAL TO MEET ANALYSIS REQUIREMENTS WITH PURIFIED INFORMATION THROUGH A LOGICAL WORK SEQUENCE AND A DECISION TREE IN THE FIELD OF MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT T. Grubessich, R. Stegmaier & E. Johns Department of Industrial Engineering, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile. P. Viveros & F. Kristjanpoller Department of Industrial Engineering, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile. A. Crespo Department of Industrial Management, School of Engineering, University of Seville, Seville, Spain. Abstract: The processes related to the management and decision making in organizations increasingly require thorough and deep analysis, so that the information requirements are increasing. To assist in obtaining this information, organizations have information systems in which large amounts of data are stored and can make queries to meet these requirements; however it is very common for this task to be largely difficult. To support this task and meet the requirements analysis, a methodological proposal is presented, through which purified information is obtained through a logical sequence of work and a decision tree based on the condition of the sources of information underlying the requirement in the field of maintenance management in the assets of an industrial process.
It will show how through this proposal, the information gap between the requirements and the data in the information system is quantified, defining the steps to archive the objectives of the analysis. This process includes a decision tree, through which the most suitable process is identified to satisfy the requirements. The proposal also is applied in a case study to exemplify its use and assess the contribution and achievement of the objective pursued.
Safety and Reliability of Complex Engineered Systems ESREL 2015 Edited by Luca Podofillini, Bruno Sudret, Bozidar Stojadinovic, Enrico Zio, and Wolfgang Kröger CRC Press 2015 Pages 2055–2062 Print ISBN: 978-1-138-02879-1 eBook ISBN: 978-1-315-64841-5 DOI: 10.1201/b19094-268
Boletín de Investigación >>>>>
GENERAL FRAMEWORK ABOUT GRAPHICAL ANALYSIS FOR OPERATION MANAGEMENT P. Viveros Department of Industrial Engineering, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile. A. Crespo & L. Barberá Department of Industrial Management, School of Engineering, University of Seville, Seville, Spain. F. Kristjanpoller, R. Stegmaier & E. Johns Department of Industrial Engineering, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile. Abstract: This paper introduces a general framework about a graphical method that facilitates decisionmaking concerning the operation in an industrial plant. The proposed tool “Graphical Analysis for Operation Management Method” (GAOM) allows us to visualize and analyze parameters related to production, integrating aspects of asset maintenance and/or systems. GAOM integrates production and maintenance based on the TPM model, that is to say, integrated management believes that prioritizes the use of quantitative management techniques that allow the strategy to bring the day to day operation, thus facilitating optimal decision-making. On the one hand, allows control existing production deviations in relation to the objectives set by the organization, and on the other, considers related aspects such as availability, repair time, and cumulative production. The GAOM method is inspired by the GAMM (Graphical Analysis for Maintenance Management) method, published by the authors (LB, AC and PV) in 2012 (Barbera et al. 2013).
Safety and Reliability of Complex Engineered Systems ESREL 2015 Edited by Luca Podofillini, Bruno Sudret, Bozidar Stojadinovic, Enrico Zio, and Wolfgang Kröger CRC Press 2015 Pages 1065–1071 Print ISBN: 978-1-138-02879-1 eBook ISBN: 978-1-315-64841-5 DOI: 10.1201/b19094-140
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P. Escalona Department of Industrial Engineering, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Avenida España 1680, Valparaíso, Chile.
(SIO 2015, 13° Simposio Argentino de Investigación Operativa)
F. Ordóñez Department of Industrial Engineering, Universidad de Chile, República 701, Santiago, Chile. V. Marianov Department of Electrical Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Avda. Vicuña Mackenna 4860, Santiago, Chile. Abstract: This paper analyzes the design of a distribution network for fast-moving items able to pro- vide differentiated service levels in terms of product availability for two demand classes (high and low priority) using a critical level policy. The model is formulated as a MINLP with chance constraints for which we propose a heuristic to solve it. Although the heuristic does not guarantee an optimal solution, our computational experiments have shown that it provides good-quality solutions that are on average 0.8% and at worst 2.7% from the opti- mal solution. Transportation Research Part E Logistics and Transportation Review 11/2015; 83:141-157. DOI: 10.1016/j.tre.2015.09.009
Pablo Escalona y Edgard Iturrieta Departamento de Industrias, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Avenida España 1680, Valparaíso, Chile. Resumen: En este artículo se estudia la política de nivel crítico con full- backorder cuando el sistema de inventario enfrenta demanda aleatoria de dos clases de clientes (alta y baja prioridad). Los costos de backorders son diferenciados para cada clase de cliente y su demanda se distribuye normal. Utilizando el enfoque state-dependent demand obtenemos una aproximación para el inventario a la mano basada en una aproximación convexa de los backorders de cada clase. Para determinar los parámetros de la política de nivel crítico se formula un problema de optimización de costos con función objetivo convexa. El máximo error relativo inducido por la aproximación es de un 5.85 % para los experimentos realizados.
Conference: 44 JAIIO, At Rosario, Argentina
Boletín de Investigación >>>>>
Fredy Kristjanpoller, Mónica A. López-Campos, Pablo Viveros, Adolfo Crespo Márquez Department of Industrial Engineering, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile E-mail: fredy.kristjanpoller@usm.cl Industrial Management Department, School of Engineering, Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain E-mail: adolfo@etsi.us.es
Víctor M. Albornoz, Rodrigo A. Ortega Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María Departamento de Industrias. Av. Santa María 6400. Santiago. Chile. victor.albornoz@usm.cl, rodrigo.ortega@usm.cl
Abstract: The present study defines a methodology to analyze the relationship between the failure rate of any component and the factors that can influence it, in order to link time independent operating variables to the reliability study. Characterizing the failure rate using these variables is especially useful for changing time operational contexts. To do this, a study of traditional and modern methods of analysis, together with the assumptions that must be fulfill for its implementation and the methodology for testing the assumptions is performed. Specifically, the methodology proposed in this paper is used to develop a complete study of the influence of the energy consumption of a component, at the rate of engine failure. As can be inferred, there is a relationship between energy consumption and the rate of failure; the practical experience reveals that companies frequently use the energy expenditure variable, but documented studies that corroborate their decision are not found in the literatura.
(presented at the 6th IESM Conference, October 2015, Seville, Spain) © I4e2 2015
Néstor M. Cid-García, Yasmín A. Ríos-Solís Postgrado en Ingeniería de Sistemas. Universidad Autónoma de Nueva León San Nicolás de los Garza. Nueva León, México. nxtr.cd@gmail.com, agueda.riossl@uanl.edu.mx Abstract: Production planning is a complex process that covers numerous factors which have to be synchronized and aligned to the objectives of the company at all decision levels. In this paper different optimization models are proposed used hierarchical production structure that initially allows us determining a master production schedule by family types and subsequently, disaggregate decisions by families and final products. These models are designed to achieve optimal production volumes to meet seasonal demand requirements and relate the different entities of a supply chain: suppliers, manufacturers and customers. The methodology is applied to a case study of industrial production, using its resolution algebraic modeling software AMPL and Gurobi as solver. The paper shows pertinence of the proposed methodology for obtaining a master production schedule. © Springer: Handbook of Operations Research in Agriculture and the Agri-Food Industry Volume 224 of the series International Series in Operations Research & Management Science pp 129-162/ DOI: 10.1007/9781-4939-2483-7_6
AN OPTIMIZATION MODEL FOR PLANNING OPERATIONS IN A MEAT PACKING PLANT Víctor M. Albornoz Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María Departamento de Industrias. Av. Santa María 6400. Santiago. Chile. victor.albornoz@usm.cl Néstor M. Cid-García Postgrado en Ingeniería de Sistemas. Universidad Autónoma de Nueva León San Nicolás de los Garza. Nueva León, México. nxtr.cd@gmail.com Rodrigo A. Ortega Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María Departamento de Industrias. Av. Santa María 6400. Santiago. Chile. rodrigo.ortega@usm.cl Yasmín A. Ríos-Solís Postgrado en Ingeniería de Sistemas. Universidad Autónoma de Nueva León San Nicolás de los Garza. Nueva León, México. agueda.riossl@uanl.edu.mx
Abstract: This paper presents an optimization model for supporting planning operations in a meat packing plant. The production system considers processing raw material (carcasses) by applying cutting patterns in order to meet a given demand of different products. Major decisions in the planning problem include the number of times each cutting pattern is applied on the available carcasses, the total yield per product and its corresponding levels of inventory at each time period; as a result a Mixed Integer Linear Programming Model (MILP) is proposed. The main contribution is to give an optimal decision that maximizes the economic profit and thereby reducing the shortages for products with the highest profits and the inventory for those with low level demand, taking into account the perishability of the products, labour capacities, and the fact that it may exists different types of carcasses with different yields. Operations Research and Enterprise Systems. de Werra, D., Parlier G.H., Vitoriano, B. (Eds.). Communications in Computer and Information Science 577, 136-146. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-27680-9_9
MATHEMATICAL AND STOCHASTIC MODELS FOR RELIABILITY IN REPAIRABLE INDUSTRIAL PHYSICAL ASSETS P. Viveros & F. Kristjanpoller Department of Industrial Engineering, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile. A. Crespo, Vicente González-Prida Department of Industrial Management, School of Engineering, University of Seville, Seville, Spain. Abstract: Modelling, calculating and designing the reliability of equipment and industrial systems is a basic and essential task nowadays for the reliability and maintenance engineers, independently of the nature and genetics of the industrial assets. This work is developed in most of industries, where the common and essential goal is the correct management, operation and performance of assets, ideally within an economic optimization scenario in the life cycle of these ones (LCCA). Generally, assets present a varied behaviour in its life cycle, which is related directly to the use given and consequently related to the technical assistance traditionally known as maintenance or maintenance policies. It can be of a diverse nature: perfect, minimum, imperfect, overperfect and destructive as appropriate. This feature requires the application of advanced techniques in order to model the behaviour of assets life, adapting ideally to each reality of use and wear out. In the present paper, the stochastic models PRP, NHPP and GRP are explained with their conceptual, mathematic and stochastic development. For each model, the conceptualization, parameterising and stochastic simulation are analysed. Learning and
understanding the steps of each model is a medium to difficult task, moreover when most of the researches that literature refers, omit the resolution process and only present final results indicating the use of the model or some computed tool with integrated algorithm. This situation was shown in different researches, which motivated the investigation team to develop a specific pattern with each process. This is essential to recognize the value of this research and its contribution for future researchers that wish to learn and apply these models. Additionally, complementing the analysis and resolution pattern, these models are concluded with a numeric application that allows to show step by step the mathematic and stochastic development as appropriate. The cases applied correspond to 3 pulp pumps (water, copper concentrate and inert material) used in the mining industry of Chile. This paper illustrates in an analytic and explicative procedure the definition, calculation methodology and criteria that must be considered to parameterize industrial assets without (or partially with) post maintenance degradation. (IGI GLobal. Hershey, PA: Engineering Science Reference) DOI:10.4018/978-1-4666-8222-1.ch012
Víctor M. Albornoz Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María Departamento de Industrias. Av. Santa María 6400. Santiago. Chile. victor.albornoz@usm.cl
Víctor M. Albornoz Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María Departamento de Industrias. Av. Santa María 6400. Santiago. Chile. victor.albornoz@usm.cl
Abstract: Production planning is a complex process that covers numerous factors which have to be synchronized and aligned to the objectives of the company at all decision levels. In this paper different optimization models are proposed used hierarchical production structure that initially allows us determining a master production schedule by family types and subsequently, disaggregate decisions by families and final products. These models are designed to achieve optimal production volumes to meet seasonal demand requirements and relate the different entities of a supply chain: suppliers, manufacturers and customers. The methodology is applied to a case study of industrial production, using its resolution algebraic modeling software AMPL and Gurobi as solver. The paper shows pertinence of the proposed methodology for obtaining a master production schedule.
Abstract: In this work we propose a hierarchical planning scheme that based on integer linear programs and a given decomposition method provides a powerful tool that contributes to obtain an efficient solution for the managing zone delineation and crop planning problems in agriculture. In agriculture, the spatial variability of soil properties is one of the most important aspects that determine productivity and crop quality. Delineating the field into site-specific management zones allows to provide a relative homogeneous partition of each field with respect to a given soil parameter. First, we present a new strategy for solving an integer linear programming model that minimizes the number of zones, for a given value in the limit of the homogeneity within the management zones, by using the column generation method. Then, we introduce an integer programming model to decide which crops to plant on each of the management zones. This task must be made by taking into account the water resources, the properties of the soil, historical prices, estimations of the weather, etc. The results achieved with this methodology, conclusions, and possible extensions of this research will be presented.
DYNA Management, 3(1). 1-15. DOI: http://dx.doi. org/10.6036/MN7646
27th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2015). Glasgow, Escocia. 12-15 de Julio, 2015.
A TWO-STAGE STOCHASTIC MODEL APPLIED TO DEFINICIÓN DE ZONAS DE MANEJO AGRÍCOLA A MANAGEMENT ZONE DELINEATION PROBLEM BAJO INCERTIDUMBRE UNDER UNCERTAINTY Víctor M. Albornoz Víctor M. Albornoz, Rodrigo A. Ortega, José Luis Sáez Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María Departamento de Industrias. Av. Santa María 6400. Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María Departamento de Industrias. Av. Santa María 6400. Santiago. Chile. victor.albornoz@usm.cl Santiago. Chile. victor.albornoz@usm.cl, rodrigo.ortega@usm.cl Resumen: Los modelos de optimización constituyen Abstract: In this article we consider the problem of una de las metodologías más empleadas en el generating a partition of an agricultural field into apoyo a la toma de decisiones en Investigación de rectangular and homogeneous management zones Operaciones. Las aplicaciones de esta disciplina y de according to a given soil property which is time la metodología señalada es cada vez más recurrente en dependent. Considering a finite number of possible áreas relacionadas con Agricultura y Recursos Naturales. scenarios, we propose a two-stage integer stochastic En esta presentación se mostrará antecedentes de linear programming model that solves the problem una clase particular de modelos que incorporan of generating a partition, with a solution that gives antecedentes del problema bajo incertidumbre y su satisfactory results to any possible value of the chosen aplicación específica en la resolución de un problema soil property. We describe the proposed model, the de planificación agrícola. El problema consiste en la adopted methodology and the preliminary results partición de un terreno en zonas rectangulares lo más homogéneas posibles, basados en antecedentes del achieved with this methodology. suelo con información obtenida con herramientas Workshop on Optimization Under Uncertainty on propias de la agricultura de precisión. Todo lo anterior Sustainable Agriculture and Agrifood Industry. Lleida, permitirá una adecuada planificación agrícola en aspectos tácticos y operativos asociados a dicha España, 27-29 de Julio de 2015. planificación en un esquema jerárquico. Se mostrará antecedentes metodológicos, detalles del problema, el modelo propuesto, los resultados alcanzados hasta la fecha y desarrollos futuros del trabajo de investigación en curso. Seminario de Investigación, Programa en Ingeniería de Sistemas (PISIS), Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica (FIME), UANL - Monterrey, 1 de Octubre de 2015.
Carlos Francisco Reyes López
Raúl Stegmaier
Ismael Andrés Kauak Verdugo
Raúl Stegmaier
Sebastián Soto Contreras
Raúl Stegmaier
Simón Mathias Gómez Muñoz
Matías Cristóbal Gripe Salinas
Linco José Ñanco Mercado
Integración de decisiones de control de inventario con localización de instalaciones para varias clases de demanda. Sistema de inventarios con política de racionamiento de nivel crítico, demanda continua y nivel de servicio Fill-Rate.
Localización del Inventario de Mantenimiento Correctivo.
Víctor Albornoz
Optimización de ruta en tiempo real para el problema de la recolección de residuos sólidos domiciliarios: Caso de estudio Viña del Mar.
Víctor Albornoz
Diseño de modelos de programación enteramixta para la planificación de la producción en una empacadora de cárnicos bajo un contexto de cadena de suministro.
Víctor Albornoz
Delineación de zonas de manejo rectangular en agricultura usando el método de generación de columnas.
Javier Andres Cuzmar Leiva
Pablo Andrés Villegas Mills
Jose Luis Sáez Tamayo
Juan Francisco Calquín Mella
Jose Ignacio Weston Fernández
Bárbara de los Ángeles Saavedra Pizarro
Víctor Albornoz
Víctor Albornoz
Víctor Albornoz
Reinaldo Vallejos
Raúl Stegmaier
Raúl Stegmaier
Programación de la producción con incertidumbre a corto plazo en la industria de bebidas no alcohólicas. Modelado y resolución del problema de programación y reposición de estaciones de abastecimiento de combustible con ventanas de tiempo, con aspectos relevantes de la vida real y nueva propuesta para su resolución.
Delineación de terreno en zonas de manejo rectangulares en agricultura bajo condiciones de incertidumbre. Análisis de riesgo en redes de actividades estocásticas a partir de la obtención de la función de distribución de probabilidad del tiempo de ejecución del proyecto.
Expansión de capacidad de un proceso, multi-items y mezcla de tecnologías bajo condiciones de incertidumbre.
Racionamiento de inventario y política de asignación para requerimientos de nivel de servicio multi-cliente.