Boletín de Investigación N°13 - Departamento de Industrias USM

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OBJETIVO Ser un Área del Departamento de Industrias orientada en Investigación de Mercado, Dirección Estratégica, Innovación y Emprendimiento, capaz de dar respuestas acertadas a las distintas empresas y organizaciones nacionales e internacionales que requieran tomar decisiones estratégicas y operativas; mediante la aplicación de métodos, técnicas y de tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC), a través de estudios de tipo cuantitativos como cualitativos. Ofreceremos un servicio académico de primer nivel, acorde a los objetivos de nuestros stakeholders, basándonos en el compromiso total de la consecución de sus metas. Buscamos atraer y captar estudiantes con gran capacidad intelectual y habilidades pertinentes a su formación profesional, para la colaboración con nuestra área, así como atraer y captar profesores de excelencia, con alta capacidad profesional y valórica, motivados y comprometidos con el desarrollo del Departamento de Industrias. Además, incrementar la investigación con un enfoque centrado en la calidad, innovación, y con impacto en la sociedad, como lograr un ambiente laboral altamente estimulante, que facilite el desarrollo de todas las capacidades y potencialidades de los stakeholders del área (profesores, funcionarios y alumnos de pregrado y postgrado).


ACADÉMICOS Y DOCENTES DEL ÁREA DR. CRISTÓBAL FERNANDEZ ROBIN +56 32 2654272 Área de Especialización: • Marketing • Investigación de Mercados • Emprendimiento PhD© JAIME RUBÍN DE CELIS ZAMBRANO +56 2 32028293 Área de Especialización: • Dirección Estratégica

DR. OSCAR SAAVEDRA RODRÍGUEZ +56 32 2654794 Área de Especialización: • Dirección Estratégica • Formulación de Proyectos de Innovación • Inteligencia de Negocios • Emprendimiento

Mg. DIEGO YÁÑEZ MARTÍNEZ +56 32 2654272 Área de Especialización: • Comportamiento del Consumidor • Marketing • Investigación de Mercados


COLABORADORES USM Gonzalo Améstica Hernández. Constanza Céspedes Domínguez. Rodrigo Hernández Sarpi. Rodolfo Salazar Albornoz. Paulina Santander Astorga. Edgard Toledo Salazar.

COLABORADORES EXTERNOS María del Mar Alonso Almeida – U. Autónoma de Madrid, España. Vanessa Apaolaza – Euskal Herrikp Unibertsitatea, España. María Soledad Celemín Pedroche – U. Autónoma de Madrid, España. Gianni Romaní Chooce – U. Católica del Norte, Chile. Patrick Hartmann – Euskal Herrikp Unibertsitatea, España. Scott McCoy – Mason School of Business, Williamsburg, USA. Mario R. Paredes – U. del Rosario, Colombia.





“The Effects of Celebrity Characteristics on Purchase Intentions: A Focus on Consumer Concern of Environmental” – Cespedes-Dominguez, C.; Fernandez-Robin, C. & McCoy, S. Sustainability, Vol13, Num. 8, April 2021, pp. 4083. DOI: 10.3390/su13084083 “Influence of educational programs oriented toward entrepreneurship on the entrepreneurial intention of university students: the case of Chile”- Silva, N.; Fernández-Robin, C.; Yáñez, D. & Romaní, G. Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración, Vol. 34, Num. 3, May 2021, pp. 445-463. DOI: 10.1108/ARLA-06-2020-0146 “The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on subjective mental wellbeing: The interplay of perceived threat, future anxiety and resilience” – Paredes, M.; Apaolaza, V.; Fernández-Robin, C.; Hartmann, P. & Yáñez, D. Personality and Individual Differences, Vol 170, Febraury 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j. paid.2020.110455 “Online Learning and Student Satisfaction in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic” – Fernández-Robin C.; Améstica G.; Yáñez D. & Toledo E. Social Computing and Social Media: Applications in Marketing, Learning, and Health. HCII 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 12775, July 2021. Springer. Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-77685-5_16 “Consumer Attitude and Behavior During Black Friday and Cyber Monday” – Yáñez D.; Fernández-Robin C.; Améstica G. & McCoy S. Social Computing and Social Media: Applications in Marketing, Learning, and Health. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12775. Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-77685_12 “Natural Plants in Hospitality Servicescapes: The Role of Perceived Aesthetic Value” – Apaolaza V.; Hartmann P.; Fernández-Robin C. & Yáñez D. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 665-682. DOI: 10.1108/IJCHM-03-2019-0240 “Do universities train entrepreneurs?” – Fernández Robin, C., Yáñez, D. & Santander, P. (2020). Actualidades Investigativas en Educación, 20(1). DOI: 10.15517/aie.v20i1.40148 “Análisis de la percepción de las condiciones ergoambientales de una sala de aprendizaje activo” – Yáñez, D., Fernández-Robin, C., Améstica, G., Saavedra, O. & Toledo, E. (2020). Revista Iberoamericana de Educación en Ingeniería, 2(2). ISSN: 2452-5375.

“Empirical Analysis For Validation Of Prerequisites And Curricular Progress In Industrial Civil Engineering” – Fernández-Robin, C. & Salazar R. (2020). Revista Internacional Administración y Finanzas, Vol. 13, Num 1, pp. 36-72. “Instagram Stories” – Fernández-Robin C., McCoy S., Yáñez D. & Cardenas L. (2020. In: Meiselwitz G. (eds) Social Computing and Social Media. Participation, User Experience, Consumer Experience, and Applications of Social Computing. HCII 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12195. Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-49576-3_36 “Green Practices in Hospitality: A Contingency Approach” – FernándezRobin, C., Celemín-Pedroche, M. S., Santander-Astorga, P. & AlonsoAlmeida, M. D. M. (2019). Sustainability, 11(13), 3737. DOI: 10.3390/su11133737 “Políticas públicas de emprendimiento dirigidas a mujeres en Chile” – Santander, P. & Fernández, C. (2019). Revista Espacios, Vol. 40, Num 32, pp. 04-18. “Netflix, Who Is Watching Now?” – Fernández, C., McCoy, S., Yáñez, D. & Hernández, R. (2019). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11578, pp. 202-216. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-21902-4_15


PROCEEDING CONGRESOS “Actitud del Consumidor frente a la adopción de vehículos eléctricos”, Fernández-Robin, C., Yáñez, D., Rey, D. Global Conference on Business and Finance, Hawaii, USA, enero 2022. “Comportamiento del consumidor en sitios de reserva en línea”, Yáñez, D., Fernández-Robin, C., Saavedra, O. & López, F., 31st Global Conference on Business and Finance, San José, Costa Rica, Mayo 2021. “Actitud del consumidor frente al Carpooling”, Yáñez, D. & López, F., 31st Global Conference on Business and Finance, San José, Costa Rica, Mayo 2021. “Percepción del consumidor de plataformas de streaming de video bajo demanda por suscripción”, Yáñez, D., Fernández-Robin, C., Santander, P., Silva, N. & González, M. XXXV EDUCA-AL 2021, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Octubre 2021. “Efecto del COVID-19 en la intención de emprender en estudiantes de ingeniería en Chile”, Améstica, G., Yáñez, D., Fernández-Robin, C. & Toledo, E. XXXIII Congreso Chileno de Educación en Ingeniería SOCHEDI, Valdivia, Chile, Octubre 2021. “Trabajo en equipo y educación a distancia”, Yáñez, D., Fernández-Robin, C., Améstica, G. & Camino, T. XXXIII Congreso Chileno de Educación en Ingeniería SOCHEDI, Valdivia, Chile, Octubre 2021. “La influencia de programas de aprendizaje orientados al emprendimiento en la intención emprendedora de estudiantes universitarios en Chile” – Fernández C., Silva N., Yáñez, D., & Romani, G., XXXVI ENEFA2020, Santiago, Chile, Noviembre 2020. “Análisis Empírico para Validación de Prerrequisitos y Progreso Curricular en Ingeniería Civil Industrial”, Fernández C., Salazar R., 28th Global Conference on Business and Finance, Ha, USA, Enero 2020. Améstica, G, Fernández-Robin, C., Yáñez, D., “To the online education and beyond”. 22 Human Computer Integrated Intenational Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, Julio 2020. “Comportamiento del Consumidor en Cyber Monday y Black Friday”, Yáñez D., Fernández C., Naoum M., 28th Global Conference on Business and Finance, Ha, USA, Enero 2020.


“Análisis de la innovación al método de estudio de caso con realidad virtual, para la formación de competencias en dirección estratégica” – Saavedra O., Chávez A. & Yáñez D. XXXII Congreso Chileno de Educación en Ingeniería (SOCHEDI), Talca, Chile, Octubre 09-11, 2019. “Formulación de un modelo predictivo para la validacion de prerrequisitos y articulación en Ingenieria Civil Industrial” – Fernández C. & Salazar R. XXXII Congreso Chileno de Educación en Ingeniería (SOCHEDI), Talca, Chile, Octubre 09-11, 2019. “Benchmarking competencias transversales en la carrera de Ingeniería Civil Industrial” –Pedrals B., Salazar R, Veas J. & Fernández C. XXXII Congreso Chileno de Educación en Ingeniería (SOCHEDI), Talca, Chile, Octubre 09-11, 2019. “Análisis de la percepción de las condiciones ergoambientales de una sala de aprendizaje activo” – Yáñez D., Fernández C., Amestica G., Saavedra O. & Toledo E. XXXII Congreso Chileno de Educación en Ingeniería (SOCHEDI), Talca, Chile, Octubre 09-11, 2019. “Estudio sobre los factores que afectan el comportamiento respecto a la intención de uso de aplicaciones móviles tipo delivery” – Yáñez D., Fernández, C., Santander, P., Hernández, I. & Camino, T. Encuentro EducaAl XXXIII, La Rioja, Argentina, Octubre 03-04, 2019. “Mujeres emprendedoras migrantes en Chile. Una aproximación a las barreras, desafíos y oportunidades experimentadas” – Santander P. & Fernández C. VII Congreso Internacional de Emprendimiento (AFIDE), Córdoba, España, Septiembre 23-28, 2019. “Effects of indoor natural plants in a restaurant-setting: The role of aesthetic value” – Apablaza, V., Hartmann, P., Fernández, C. & Yáñez, D. International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA). Krems, Austria. Junio 27-29, 2019. “Articulation Policy for Education in Chile under a National Qualifications Framework: A review of best practices for development” – Fernández C. & Salazar R. Canada International Conference on Education (CICE), Mississagua, Canada, Junio 24-27, 2019. “Learning in Marketing Simulation” - Fernández, C., Yáñez, D. & Santander, P. XIX Congreso Internacional de Investigación Educativa (AIDIPE), Madrid, España, Junio 19-21, 2019.


LIBROS Y CAPÍTULOS DE LIBROS “Global Entreprenuership Monitor, Reporte Región de Valparaíso 2020-2021” – Cristóbal Fernández Robin, Paulina Santander Astorga y Diego Yáñez Martínez, 2021, Sello Editorial USM, Valparaíso, Chile. “Global Entreprenuership Monitor, Mujer y Actividad Emprendedora Región de Valparaíso 2020-2021” – Cristóbal Fernández Robin, Paulina Santander Astorga y Diego Yáñez Martínez y Tamara Camino Díaz. 2021, Sello Editorial USM, Valparaíso, Chile. “Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, Reporte Mujer y Actividad Emprendendora de la Región de Valparaíso 2019-2020” – Cristóbal Fernández Robin, Paulina Santander Astorga, Diego Yánez Martínez y Tamara Camino Díaz, 2020, Sello Editorial USM, Valparaíso, Chile. “Global Entreprenuership Monitor, Reporte Región de Valparaíso 2019-2020” – Cristóbal Fernández Robin, Paulina Santander Astorga y Diego Yáñez Martínez, 2020, Sello Editorial USM, Valparaíso, Chile. “Reflexiones, Desafíos y Buenas prácticas en Emprendimiento, una mirada desde Valparaíso”, Cristóbal Fernández Robin, Paulina Santander Astorga y Diego Yáñez Martínez, 2020, Sello Editorial USM, Valparaíso, Chile. “Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, Reporte Región de Valparaíso 2018-2019”, Cristóbal Fernández Robin, Paulina Santander & Diego Yáñez, 2019, Sello Editorial USM, Valparaíso, Chile. “Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, Reporte Mujer y Actividad Emprendendora de la Región de Valparaíso 2018-2019” – Cristóbal Fernández Robin, Paulina Santander Astorga, Diego Yánez Martínez y Tamara Camino Díaz, 2019, Sello Editorial USM, Valparaíso, Chile. “Cuadernos del Foro Valparaíso XXI: Desafíos de APEC”, Gianni Rivera, Alejandro Corvalán, Cristóbal Fernández, Felipe Cuadra, Paulina Santander, Francisco De La Fuente, Andrés Bórquez, Patricio Herrera, Fanor Larraín, Pedro Serrano, 2019, Ediciones Universitarias de Valparaíso PUCV, Valparaíso, Chile. Fernández Robin, C. Santander Astorga, P. & Yáñez Martínez, D. (2019) Valparaíso en Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, Reporte Regional de Chile 2018.


PROYECTOS Fernández C, Améstica G; (2021-2022) “Reactiva Mujer LATAM”. Proyecto CORFO Código 21VIR-188029. Fernández C, Améstica G; (2021-2022) “Innova desafío generando redes”. Proyecto FOSIS Código 05-681101-00267-21. Fernández C, Améstica G; (2021-2022) “Academia Empresa”. Proyecto CORFO Código 21VIR-180563. Fernández C., Yáñez D., Améstica G., & Toledo, E. (2021-2022) “Adaptación de aprendizaje en línea y la satisfacción del estudiante. Causalidad de la percepción de calidad, facilidad de uso y la utilidad percibida”. Proyecto de Investigación Educativa en Ingeniería y Ciencias “Olivier Espinosa Aldunate” 2021. UTFSM. Yáñez D., Fernández C., Améstica G., & Toledo, E. (2021-2022) “Análisis de los factores que influyen en la percepción de los estudiantes respecto del trabajo en equipo en un contexto de educación a distancia”. Proyecto de Investigación Educativa en Ingeniería y Ciencias “Olivier Espinosa Aldunate” 2021. UTFSM. Fernández C., De la Fuente F, (2021) “Programa de Liderazgo para Jefaturas & Programa de Liderazgo para Líderes en Desarrollo”. Proyecto GNL Quintero. Fernández C, Améstica G; (2020-2021) “Reactiva Mujer”. Proyecto CORFO Código 20VIR-142519. Fernández C., (2020-2021) “Operaciones y Mantenimiento DMH”. Proyecto CODELCO. Fernández C., (2020-2021) “Mejoramiento de las Técnica de Instrucción en Oficios de la Industria de la Construcción, Subsector Edificación”. Proyecto Cámara Chilena de la Construcción. Fernández C., De la Fuente F, (2020) “Programa de Formación en Gestión y Administración de Contratos”. Proyecto Esval y Aguas del Valle. Fernández C., De la Fuente F, (2020) “Programa Inspectores Técnicos de Obras”. Proyecto GNL Quintero. Fernández C, Améstica G; (2019-2021) “PAEIR, Ven a Emprender”. Proyecto CORFO Código 121605. Fernández C, Améstica G; (2019-2021) “Impulsa Mujer Creativa”. Proyecto CORFO Código 21VIR-157256. Yáñez D., Fernández C., Améstica G., & Saavedra O. (2019-2020) “Condiciones ergoambientales en Sala de Aprendizaje Activo y su impacto en el rendimiento del aprendizaje”. Proyecto de Investigación Educativa en Ingeniería y Ciencias “Olivier Espinosa Aldunate” UTFSM.




Cristóbal Fernández Robin1, Constanza Céspedes Domínguez1 & Scott McCoy2. 1 Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Departamento de Industrias, Valparaíso, Chile. 2 Manson School of Business, The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, USA.

Noah Silva Mora1, Cristóbal Fernández Robin1, Diego Yáñez Martínez1 & Gianni Romaní Chooce2. 1 Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Departamento de Industrias, Valparaíso, Chile. 2 Universidad Católica del Norte, Antofagasta, Chile.



Nowadays, the importance of bibliographic databases (DBs) has increased enormously, as they are the main providers of publication metadata and bibliometric indicators universally used both for research assessment practices and for performing daily tasks. Because the reliability of these tasks firstly depends on the data source, all users of the DBs should be able to choose the most suitable one. Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus are the two main bibliographic DBs. The comprehensive evaluation of the DBs’ coverage is practically impossible without extensive bibliometric analyses or literature reviews, but most DBs users do not have bibliometric competence and/or are not willing to invest additional time for such evaluations. Apart from that, the convenience of the DB’s interface, performance, provided impact indicators and additional tools may also influence the users’ choice. The main goal of this work is to provide all of the potential users with an allinclusive description of the two main bibliographic DBs by gathering the findings that are presented in the most recent literature and information provided by the owners of the DBs at one place. This overview should aid all stakeholders employing publication and citation data in selecting the most suitable DB.

Purpose: this study measures the influence of educational programs oriented toward entrepreneurship (POE) on the prediction of the entrepreneurial intention (EI) of university students, based on the theory of planned behaviour (TPB). Design/methodology/focus: the sample contains a total of 4,697 answers from university students, obtained through the 2018 Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students’ Survey (GUESSS) project. A model of structural equations was used. Findings: the results show that educational POE have an impact on EI, mediated by the perceived university environment (UE) and entrepreneurial skills (ES). In addition, it was confirmed that the variable that best explains EI is the attitude toward entrepreneurship (ATE), followed by perceived behavioral control (PBC); these two variables are able to mediate the effect of subjective norm (SN) on EI. Research limitations/implications: the study is limited to students in higher education. Additionally, the data used come from only one country. Practical implications: Educational POE that are focused on providing and improving ES and knowledge must be promoted, given that they indirectly strengthen the EI of students in higher education. Originality/value: the effect of educational POE, mediated by ES and the UE, on EI is measured.

Sustainability, Vol13, Num. 8, April 2021, pp 4083. DOI: 10.3390/su13084083

Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración, Vol. 34, Num. 3, May 2021, pp. 445-463. DOI: 10.1108/ARLA-06-2020-0146


“THE IMPACT OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON SUBJECTIVE MENTAL WELL-BEING: THE INTERPLAY OF PERCEIVED THREAT, FUTURE ANXIETY AND RESILIENCE” Mario R. Paredes1, Vanessa Apaolaza2, Cristóbal Fernández Robin3, Patrick Hartmann2 & Diego Yáñez Martínez3. 2 Universidad del Rosario, School of Management and Business, Bogotá, Colombia. 2 University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Bilbao, Spain. 3 Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Departamento de Industrias, Valparaíso, Chile.

Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic has potentially a serious impact on many people’s mental well-being. This study analyses the influence of the perceived threat of COVID-19 on subjective mental well-being with an online survey (n = 711). Findings confirmed the hypothesized model that provides a process explanation for this effect through the mediating influence of the activation of future anxiety. In addition, results confirmed that this influence via future anxiety is moderated by resilience, a personality trait that enables individuals to cope better with stressful or traumatic events. Individuals with higher levels of resilience compared to those with lower levels registered a lower impact of perceived Covid threat on future anxiety and, in turn, on subjective well-being. This study contributes theoretically to a better understanding of the factors that determine the impact of traumatic events such as a pandemic on people’s mental health. The implications of this study indicate interventions that may be carried out to minimize the pandemic’s negative psychological consequences. Personality and Individual Differences, Vol 170, Febraury 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2020.110455


“ONLINE LEARNING AND STUDENT SATISFACTION IN THE CONTEXT OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC” Cristóbal Fernández Robin, Gonzalo Améstica Hernández, Diego Yáñez Martínez & Edgard Toledo Salazar. Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Departamento de Industrias, Valparaíso, Chile. Chile.

“CONSUMER ATTITUDE AND BEHAVIOR DURING BLACK FRIDAY AND CYBER MONDAY” Diego Yáñez Martínez1, Cristóbal Fernández Robin1, Gonzalo Améstica Hernández1 & Scott McCoy2. 1 Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Departamento de Industrias, Valparaíso, Chile. 2 Manson School of Business, The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, USA.

Abstract The end of the new normal that has resulted from the pandemic is uncertain. Meanwhile the effects of the introduction of new ways of doing things in the field of academic pedagogy are being studied from different perspectives. Within the series of trials and errors in the introduction of new technological teaching systems, greater amount of research is required, especially in populations of adult students who have suffered a deeper impact due to the pandemic, since their lives have changed by carrying out parenting, study and work processes from their homes. Initially, a review of various models that study learning acceptance and student satisfaction was carried out. From them, a series of variables and dimensions were selected developing 5 hypotheses that were arranged to be measured by an information collection instrument that was applied through an online survey to a non-probabilistic sample of 148 adult students. Then, a structural equation model was used to explore online learning acceptance and satisfaction. The model utilizes 3 dimensions: perceived online support services, perceived ease of use, and perceived utility. The main results made evident the key role of the perceived utility of online learning acceptance and student satisfaction. A second finding was the low importance of perceived ease-of-use in accepting online learning and student satisfaction. The authors concluded that several changes can be observed in the perception of students and in how they accomplish satisfaction and learning acceptance, if these are compared to previous studies. Social Computing and Social Media: Applications in Marketing, Learning, and Health. HCII 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 12775, July 2021. Springer. Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-77685-5_16


Abstract This study aims to analyze consumer behavior during Cyber Monday and Black Friday in Chile through an information technology acceptance model. An extended technology acceptance model was created to which the Technology Continuance Use Theory was incorporated. The variables used to explain continuance intention (CI) were attitude towards shopping (A), subjective norms (NS), perceived risk (PR), perceived usefulness (PU), shopping enjoyment (SE) and convenience (C). To obtain the data necessary for the structural equation model proposed, a survey was created on the SurveyMonkey platform. The survey was disseminated through social networks during May and June 2019. The results indicated that convenience (C) positively influences shopping enjoyment (SE) (.543). Then, shopping enjoyment is the variable that influences the most attitude (.496), which is directly related, with a standardized regression coefficient of .874, to the purchase continuance intention on Cyber Monday and Black Friday. Consequently, saving time and money by doing online shopping generates a pleasure or enjoyment perception in consumers, which has a positive effect on the perception of making purchases during these events and therefore on the intention to continue buying. Other results, conclusions, and theoretical and practical recommendations are further discussed along the paper. Social Computing and Social Media: Applications in Marketing, Learning, and Health. HCII 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 12775, July 2021. Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-77685_12

“NATURAL PLANTS IN HOSPITALITY SERVICESCAPES: THE ROLE OF PERCEIVED AESTHETIC VALUE” Vanessa Apaolaza1, Patrick Hartmann1, Cristóbal Fernández Robin2 & Diego Yáñez Martínez2. 1 University of the Basque Country UPV/ EHU, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Bilbao, Spain. 2 Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Departamento de Industrias, Valparaíso, Chile.

Abstract Purpose: this paper aims to examine the effects of natural plants on satisfaction and loyalty in the hospitality servicescape and provides a theoretical framework explaining the underlying processes. Design/methodology/approach: An experimental study (plants vs no-plants) was conducted in a restaurant with a sample of 119 individuals. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and bootstrapping moderated mediation analysis (Hayes, 2013). Findings: The results of the study confirmed significant effects of indoor natural plants on consumers’ satisfaction and loyalty, mediated by the experiential value components of aesthetic value, service excellence and escapism. The absence of an interaction of these influences with consumers’ connectedness to nature indicates that the beneficial effects of indoor plants universally affect all individuals, independent of their personal degree of feeling connected with nature. Practical implications: Indoor natural plants as ambient elements in restaurants can improve satisfaction and loyalty by enhancing the dimensions of aesthetics and escapism of the service experience, as well as the perception of service quality. Originality/value: This is the first experimental study analyzing the effects of indoor plants on customer satisfaction and loyalty conducted in a real-life restaurant setting using actual plants. The findings contribute theoretically by providing an integrated conceptual model of the satisfaction and loyalty effects of atmospheric stimuli (i.e. plants) in the hospitality servicescape, which offers a process explanation based on the mediating influence of aesthetic value and the sequential mediations of aesthetic value → service excellence and aesthetic value → escapism.

“DO UNIVERSITIES TRAIN ENTREPRENEURS?” Cristóbal Fernández Robin, Diego Yáñez Martínez & Paulina Santander Astorga. Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Departamento de Industrias, Valparaíso, Chile.

Abstract Higher education has a deep impact on the diversity and success of entrepreneurs. It is clear that educated entrepreneurs have an advantage over other entrepreneurs given their specialized knowledge. However, the effect of higher education on entrepreneurial intention has been less studied. Does higher education or the subject imparted affect the intention to start a business? This article proposes a model that adds two exogenous variables to the Theory of Planned Behavior. The first variable is formal education in entrepreneurship represented by Subject and Entrepreneurship, and the second one is the entrepreneur environment, represented by University and Entrepreneurship. The model analyzes both variables and their impact on Attitude and Perceived Control. Data for this quantitative study is collected from an online semi-structured questionnaire by 583 university students during October and November 2014. The reliability of the scales was assessed using Cronbach Alpha, while the model was tested using structural equations. Our results confirm that university’s entrepreneurial environment, as well as the subjects studied, do have an effect on entrepreneurial intention through attitude. Additionally, the influence of both variables through the Perceived Control was not significant. Consequently, higher education must go beyond theory and focus on fostering an environment that encourages and raises awareness of entrepreneurship. Actualidades Investigativas en Educación, Vol. 20, Num. 1. DOI: 10.15517/aie.v20i1.40148

International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 665-682. DOI: 10.1108/IJCHM-03-2019-0240




Diego Yáñez Martínez, Cristóbal Fernández Robin, Gonzalo Améstica Hernández, Oscar Saavedra Rodríguez & Edgard Toledo Salazar. Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Departamento de Industrias, Valparaíso, Chile.

Cristóbal Fernández Robin, Rodolfo Salazar Albornoz. Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Departamento de Industrias, Valparaíso, Chile.



Son numerosas las técnicas de educación basadas en el Aprendizaje Activo que se pueden implementar en un aula, sin embargo, en diversas ocasiones muchas de estas técnicas no se efectúan debido a problemas relacionados con la dificultad de su ejecución, ya que no se tiene infraestructura o los espacios son deficientes. El Departamento de Industrias de la Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, cuenta con una Sala de Aprendizaje Activo, la cual posee una serie de herramientas y mobiliario dispuesto para desarrollar diversas actividades acordes a la metodología activa de enseñanza. De modo que, el presente trabajo, tiene por objetivo conocer la percepción que tienen los alumnos respecto a las condiciones ergoambientales de la Sala de Aprendizaje Activo. Lo anterior, servirá como parámetro comparativo respecto de una futura medición de las condiciones reales mediante sensores instalados en la sala de aprendizaje activo, además de servir como insumo para futuras intervenciones buscando mejorar las condiciones ergoambientales de la sala y con ello la satisfacción de los estudiantes usuarios de esta, además de vincular dicha percepción con el rendimiento del aprendizaje de los estudiantes en estudios futuros.

In this article we investigate the correlation between performance in subjects and prerequisites for students of Industrial Civil Engineering of the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María. We complete our analysis through the formulation of a regression model. We begin at a general level, and then expand to non-hierarchical cluster analysis. The objective is to validate prerequisites as determinants of the performance of the subjects that request it. In addition, we examine antecedents of the relations between subjects for the curricular update processes. The results show that correlation occurs mostly in subjects whose prerequisite is strongly linked to the same disciplinary area, and to the level of conditioning that mastery of the prerequisite implies in the performance of the evaluation activities of the next subject.

Revista Iberoamericana de Educación en Ingeniería, 2(2). ISSN: 2452-5375.


Revista Internacional Administración y Finanzas, Vol. 13, Num 1, pp. 36-72.

“INSTAGRAM STORIES” Cristóbal Fernández Robin1, Scott McCoy2, Diego Yáñez Martínez1 & Luis Cárdenas1. 1 Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Departamento de Industrias, Valparaíso, Chile. 2 Manson School of Business, The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, USA.

Abstract Instagram is one of the most influential social networks nowadays. This application experienced its largest growth after the implementation of the “Stories” tool, which consists of posts that vanish in 24 h. This study analyzes the factors that influence the intention to use this tool employing the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as a basis and complementing it with the variables of perceived enjoyment, social presence, benign envy and malicious envy. A questionnaire was developed on SurveyMonkey, which was responded by 401 people sampled by convenience. The analysis of the results was conducted through a structural equation model (SEM) using SPSS AMOS. Ten hypotheses were proposed, and out of them, eight were accepted and two rejected. Finally, the attitude towards using is the most influential variable over the intention to use Instagram Stories, with a standardized coefficient of .539. This coefficient is mostly explained by perceived enjoyment (.849), which in turn, is explained by social presence (.743). Regarding the envy variables, only benign envy exhibits a relationship with perceived enjoyment, albeit a weak one. In: Meiselwitz G. (eds) Social Computing and Social Media. Participation, User Experience, Consumer Experience, and Applications of Social Computing. HCII 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12195. Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-49576-3_36

“GREEN PRACTICES IN HOSPITALITY: A CONTINGENCY APPROACH” Cristóbal Fernández Robin1, María Soledad Celemín Pedroche2, Paulina Santander Astorga1 & María de Mar Alonso Almeida2. 1 Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Departamento de Industrias, Valparaíso, Chile. 2 Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Departamento de Organización de Empresas, Madrid, España.

Abstract This study focuses on discovering sustainable practices and possible innovative practices according to factors of Contingency Theory. In order to achieve this, a qualitative approach has been conducted. The study analyses 24 independent hotels. Semi-structured interviews were used in this study and conducted in person with the top managers at each hotel. The results show that, in accordance with Contingency Theory, the organizational behaviour is determined by the environment in which the hotel operates, the size of the establishment, where large- and medium-sized hotels are more committed to sustainable development, the environmental technology adopted and implemented by the hotel, and the main type of clientele, with hotels aimed at business travellers who show greater attention to the environment than those aimed at leisure travellers, mainly associated with socio-cultural values. The factors that were not completely decisive in the results analysed were the age of the hotel and the sex of the hotel owner. Considering the achieved results, this study may also contribute to identifying the most sustainable hotels and can help hotel businesses understand and reap the benefits of following a sustainable path. Sustainability, Vol. 11, Num. 13, 3737. DOI: 10.3390/su11133737


“POLÍTICAS PÚBLICAS DE EMPRENDIMIENTO DIRIGIDAS A MUJERES EN CHILE” Cristóbal Fernández Robin & Paulina Santander Astorga. Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Departamento de Industrias, Valparaíso, Chile.

Abstract Este estudio exploratorio analiza los discursos de las instituciones que promueven e incentivan el emprendimiento femenino en Chile. Se analizaron documentos oficiales de tres instituciones relevantes: Ministerio de la Mujer y Equidad de Género, Ministerio de Trabajo y Previsión Social y Banco Estado. Los hallazgos revelan discursos centrados en componentes individuales del éxito y fracaso de los emprendimientos, ignorando los factores contextuales, estructurales y políticos que condicionan el desarrollo de los negocios y las vidas de las mujeres. Revista Espacios, Vol. 40, Num 32, pp. 04-18.

“NETFLIX, WHO IS WATCHING NOW?” Cristóbal Fernández Robin1, Scott McCoy2, Diego Yáñez Martínez1 & Rodrigo Hernández-Sarpi1. 1 Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Departamento de Industrias, Valparaíso, Chile. 2 Manson School of Business, The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, USA.

Abstract The continuous development of new ICTs has promoted their penetration in all aspects of daily life. One of the ICTs with the highest growth in recent years is streaming. Since companies that use streaming to deliver their services are thriving, several telecommunication companies are adopting this distribution technology. However, few studies have focused on this industry. This study models the behavior of Netflix consumers using an extension of the UTAUT2 model that includes the latent variable trust (TR). The model was analyzed through SEM. The results show that the latent variables trust (TR), performance expectancy (PE) and hedonic motivation (HM) are significant for behavioral intention (BI). Additionally, the latent variables hedonic motivation (HM) and social influence (SI) determine trust (TR) in a significant way. Finally, a new model is proposed in which social influence (SI) not only affects trust, but also hedonic motivation (HM) and performance expectancy (PE), and trust (TR) also determines performance expectancy. We suggest that this model needs to be further tested on a new sample. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11578, pp. 202216. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-21902-4_15



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