With Summer fully underway, we can welcome the greatest of all motorcycle events – the motorcycle RALLY. In fact, our season really kicks off with the Midwest’s Largest Motorcycle Rally – OHIO BIKE WEEK! This celebration of riding, music, and the riding community takes place in Sandusky, Ohio – running from Memorial weekend to the first weekend of June. Over the course of ten days over 150,000 bikers and enthusiasts will descend upon this historic town along the Lake Erie shoreline.
And while Ohio Bike Week has great concerts, bike shows, and parties all over town – it’s really the riders themselves that make the event. And that’s the real draw of RALLIES.
A “Rally” by definition is a ‘mass meeting of people showing support for a cause.’ And in the cause, in most rallies, is the motorcycle community itself – a celebration of the lifestyle, freedom of the open road, and the spirit that binds us all.
Some rallies, such as REBEL ROAD in Muskegon, MI (RebelRoad. org) focus on a particular cause, such as child abuse – or ROLLING THUNDER focuses on veterans causes.
But all rallies are an open invitation for those with a love for the open road and the two-wheeled journey.
Come on out and join us as we RIDE – ROCK to great music –sometimes RACE- and sometimes get “rowdy”… and eventually even REST and RECOVER together…
It’s a great time as riders come from all corners of the map to celebrate the spirit of riding and the brotherhood or sisterhood, the bond that connects us all as BIKERS. We come together at a fairgrounds, a campground, a strip along the shore – or even take over an entire village or city. And for the duration of rally – we’re all BROTHERS, united. And it’s a really cool feeling.
This month’s edition is packed with rides and bike nights all over for you to attend, but the real parties are the RALLIES! Check them out and music or activities that they offer; but understand that those are just window dressing. The real appeal is the PEOPLE and the opportunities for RIDERS to come together!
And as we come together, don’t forget that we are ALL BROTHERS and SISTERS on the OPEN ROAD.
It really doesn’t matter what we ride, or even if we are riding at that moment.
We ride together – UNITED. Bound by a love of our nation, the lifestyle, and the sense of freedom we have when we head out on the road. We treat each other with respect and we lend a hand when we see a Brother down. And we help those in need, within our community. We respect those that have served and sacrificed, and we recognize that as free citizens – we owe them a debt that can never be fully repaid.
And whether you call yourself a BIKER, wear a patch, or just love the ride and are usually just by yourself – we are all BROTHERS and SISTERS on the road.
Act like it. Ride WORTHY – and show the rest of our nation what we can accomplish when we set aside all the nonsense.
We look forward to seeing you out there – on the open road with occasional stops along the way.
It’s going to be a GREAT SUMMER!
The RTR Crew
For more information on Reasons To Ride
– or how you can join the network, email us at Info@ReasonsToRide.com
On the Cover:
The Biker Brewhouse and Youngstown HarleyDavidson are hosting the main location with vendors and of course the BIKER BREWHOUSE stage with the main acts of this year’s Rally at Route 46! Participating locations are throughout Mahoning & Columbiana counties - giving riders a chance to explore the area as part of the Rally. www.youngstownharleydavidson.com/rally-atroute-46
Once again, Reasons To Ride will be offering riders the chance to win an incredible vintage motorcycle –restored by the Wheels Through Time Restoration Shop – simply for checking in at featured Ride Stops next year. The first feature bike for our 2023 Ride & Win Challenge is this 1937 Harley-Davidson Knucklehead Bobber.
“this 1937 Harley-Davidson Knucklehead Bobber, finished in HD custom Silver, striped in Black, and edged in Gold. This 61c.i. Knucklehead powerhouse sports a 4-speed transmission, bobbed fenders, and Flanders accessory risers and bars, flaunting its authentic period-modified look and feel.” – Wheels Through
The Wheels Through Time Museum is home to one of the world’s premier collection of rare American motorcycles and memorabilia. Located in Maggie Valley, North Carolina; the museum houses over 300 rare machines.
In support of this wonderful organization and in appreciation for not only the work they do but the machines themselves, Reasons To Ride has committed to awarding riders with a chance to win this world class motorcycle as part of the 2023 Ride n Win Challenge. Starting in May, riders can check in at featured stops throughout the Midwest. Each check-in counts as a “chip in the barrel” and a chance to win this breathtaking bike! And amazingly, there’s no purchase necessary. Just like the magazines, the websites, and all the motorcycle event listings they contain – this promotion is offered through the support of our sponsors.
Stay tuned for more information here in the pages of Reasons To Ride, or you can always visit the RtR blogs at www.ReasonsToRide.com for updates and a full overview of the program.
For information on how you can become a 2023 Ride n’ Win Ride Stop – email us at Info@ReasonsToRide.com
We are heading into our favorite season of the year, and it just keeps getting better and better! I will say the first half of the year went quickly and we’ve already had so many wonderful moments with all of you out there in the wind and we look forward to many more!
You know one of my favorite things to do is Bike Blessings. We have already blessed thousands of you in the month of May and whenever I see anyone out riding, I say a prayer for you as you go by. Today, it’s important for you to know how much the Lord really cares about you. I know, I know, you’re most likely thinking, ‘How could anyone give a hoot about someone like me?’ We’ve all felt that way at one time or another. But I can tell you, He cares about you the same way He cared about me. I was a hot mess when He turned my life around. So much like many others I know and have heard about. Like this roughneck dude way back in the day…I mean way back.
He had a rough job growing up, the youngest of seven brothers, and by his appearance, he was just a scrawny runt of a boy so, they sent him out to work with the sheep most of the time. Half the time they didn’t even acknowledge he existed. So, while he was in the field, he built a relationship with God. Well, there wasn’t anyone else to talk to… he also wrote poetry. No, he wasn’t a sissy or anything, he was communicating with God the best way he knew how, in song writing, like hymns and poems, or Psalms as they were called. His name was David by the way. While he was out in the field, he came across lots of enemies too. A lion and a bear tried to kill his sheep, so he took them out with his sling shot! They didn’t have buckshot back then! Stones and a sling. Anyway, as time went on, he grew stronger and became fearless. One day, someone came to his dad and said, ‘Hey, God sent me here because you have a son, He wants me to anoint for something special.’ The man called his sons, and the prophet looked at all of them, thinking it was the oldest one, but God said ‘no!’ and so he went down the line through all of them, but God still said, ‘Nope, not these.’ So, the prophet, knowing that God sent him to this man’s home, said to the dad, ‘Are there anymore?’ The dad paused, knowing he had David out in the field, but thought, ‘Surely it can’t be him! He’s nothing but a scrawny boy!’ But he couldn’t lie and said to one of the boys, ‘Go call your brother David in from the field.’ Of course, the brothers all chuckled to themselves, but as soon as David came in, smelling bad and still kind of looking like the runt of the litter, the prophet felt the spirit of God say, ‘That’s the one.’ So, he poured the oil on him. God was ready to promote the worst
of the bunch to King of Israel! Why? Because that’s what God does. He takes the least of all and makes them the best of all, no matter what the outside looks like! He isn’t looking at all your failures, he’s looking at your heart and David happened to be a man who had a heart for God. Acts 13:22 says it: “And when He had removed him, (Saul) He raised up for them David as king, to whom also He gave testimony and said, ‘I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My own heart, who will do all My will.”
If you get nothing else from this article today, get this…it doesn’t matter where you have been, what you have done, or where you came from, God can see you, He will hear you when you decide you are ready to talk to Him. He will not condemn you, curse you, beat you down with a giant ball bat, or make you feel unworthy to be in His presence. He isn’t like that at all. You see what David learned while he was out there keeping the sheep in the field, was that just as protective as he was to keep the lions, bears and all other enemies from bringing his sheep harm, that’s how God feels about us. He created us, we belong to Him, so why wouldn’t He want to keep us, guide us, listen to us, comfort us and bring us into the higher places that He has planned for us?
Take this to heart…you are worth everything to God. You must be… after all…He sent His only Son, Jesus to die for you.
Jesus ‘n’ ME will be seeing you in the wind…
Mary G.CMA is a servant minded interdenominational motorcycle ministry with a non-denominational message of hope and love through Jesus Christ. Enjoy the family atmosphere, make life-long friends, and join an army of people dedicated to changing the world, one heart at a time in the highways and byways.
Visit us at www.cmausa.org for more information.
If you have a message that you’d like to share with riders across Ohio and the Midwest, let us know. Reasons To Ride welcomes the opportunity to work with established motorcycle ministries. Feel free to share upcoming events with us as well, by emailing information to Events@ReasonsToRide.com
All makes, models, and years are truly welcome at the RTR Bike Shows. We have over 15 distinct classes for bikes, and we are constantly adding more as the shows evolve. We group bikes by style and origin, and try to balance things out as much as possible. Categories include designations for Imported and Domestic, Touring, Trikes, Vintage, Racing, and even Radical. Specialty classes include Custom Paint, Patriotic and Military themed bikes, and even a Ladies Class.
It's important to recognize that these are INFORMAL, RIDE-IN SHOWS! While we do use Judges at most shows, the majority of the votes come from the crowd. These are fun shows with the emphasis on camaraderie more than competition. If you’ve ever stormed out of a show after not winning the big trophy – these shows aren’t for you. We’ve always believed that the best thing about our bike show series is the people that both exhibit and attend. This isn’t just about the bikes – but about the people building and riding them as well.
Even if you’ve never participated in a Bike Show before, these shows are for you if you have a passion for your bike. Go ahead and bring her out – and PUT HER IN THE SHOW! Make sure that you check out our events listing on Facebook and follow the ones that are of interest to you. We will be posting updates and more details about the new programs as things are finalized. www.Facebook.com/ReasonsToRide
As always, the RtR crew will be out and about hitting various Bike Nights, Rides, and other events throughout the upcoming riding season. At select events, our team will now be recognizing one or two bikes as “BIKE OF THE NIGHT” as part of the 2023 Championship Bike Show Series – presented by Michigan Biker Law. The owners of these motorcycles will receive a special trophy and invitation to participate in an upcoming bike show – sponsored by the magazine. We will also be featuring some of these bikes in the magazine and / or online.
At some locations, such as Arsenal Harley-Davidson, Scooters, and Freddy’s – we will be regularly presenting a BIKE OF THE NIGHT Trophy as part of their Bike Nights! Follow them or us on Facebook for more details!
If you’d like our crew to stop by your Bike Night or other event, just email us with details and contact information. Email us at Events@ReasonsToRide.com
For the larger weekend shows, we often host THUNDER ZONE Vendor areas as part of our layout. These vendor areas offer a tremendous opportunity to reach not only thousands of riders – but far more, as many of the events embrace the entire community, drawing attendees from throughout their regions. Many of our shows are part of rallies and events with more than 10,000 in attendance, several more than 50k, and even a few 100k plus! And for all of our Tour Stops – we work with vendors to ensure a seamless, successful experience. However, at most – space is limited! So, email us ASAP to get on the list and reserve your spots! For a complete schedule and more information on vending at these events, email BikeShowInfo@gmail.com
Looking forward, we’ve made a commitment to further developing the Bike Show Series – with the addition of more shows across Michigan and the Midwest. More than DOUBLING the area covered by our show series this year – we can’t wait to see the show grow with more unique vintage and custom motorcycles.
Dick Scott’s Freedom Powersports, Livonia Michigan –Saturday, June 10th
Like all RtR Shows, all makes and models are invited – but this show has special categories to reflect the fact that it’s being hosted at a Triumph dealership. Special vintage categories –including European, Asian, and North American Motorcycles will be offered, as well as a special invitation for those having “old school” chopped Triumph’s! The Triumph Demo Truck will be on site for exhibitors and guests to check out during the show. RtR photographers will also be on site, shooting for potential magazine features and to showcase the bikes being shown.
Ray C’s Harley-Davidson, Lapeer Michigan
– Saturday, June 17th
For the 17th Edition of Ray C’s RODEO DAY, Reasons To Ride will be coming to town and adding the CHAMPIONSHIP BIKE SHOW SERIES to the day’s excitement. Joined by Michigan Biker Law, we will be showcasing the best bikes in the region including extra OFF-ROAD CLASSES! We will also have the DYNO’s running ALL DAY in order to recognize and the MOST HORSEPOWER!
Special SHOW SHIRTS for pre-registered exhibitors!
Zeppe’s Tavern, Newbury Ohio – Wednesday, June 21st
RtR OHIO returns to Zeppe’s for our 11th year of hosting Bike Night events at this cool spot known for a great patio with an outdoor stage that rocks all summer long. This will be the 8th Edition of the Zeppe’s Bike Show and everyone of them has been a success with unique bikes and great folks. There’s always a great mix of bikes –all makes a models, mix of vintage and cool customs. You just never know what you’re going to see – but you can bet that a Brother or Sister rode it in… even if you haven’t met them yet!
Town & Country Sports Center, Cement City, Michigan
– Saturday, June 24th
NEW STOP on the Series Schedule – we are joining our friends from Foundation 14 for their annual MOTORCYCLE PRESENTATION and kicking things up with a BIKE SHOW at Town & Country. T&C already has a great collection of motorcycles to view everyday at their dealership museum, but we’re certain that the Ride-In Show will add some extra thunder to the day! Did we mention that there will be LIVE MUSIC and FREE Dyno Pulls as well?
Hosted by Crazy Boar Customs, Ravenna OH – July 1st
The RtR Crew will bring the Bike Show sheninigans to this downtown blockparty in Ravenna Ohio. The Crazy Boar crew is all about going big, and this one day rally is no exception. Look for Jasmine Cain to headline the live entertainment and our friends from Bikers for Boobs will be on-site as well! Can’t go wrong with this one.
Downtown Muskegon – Saturday, July 22nd
Reasons To Ride: Michigan is proud to bring the 2023 CHAMPIONSHIP BIKE SHOW SERIES to MICHIGAN'S BIGGEST BIKER BASH - REBEL ROAD 2023! This awesome rally in Downtown Muskegon, Michigan is sponsored in part by our friends at MICHIGAN BIKER LAW and MILLER LITE and benefits the Child Abuse Council of Muskegon County.
On Michigan’s west coast, over looking Lake Michigan,
Arsenal Harley-Davidson, Waterford Michigan
- Saturday, August 26th
This show, presented by Michigan Biker Law, welcomes all makes and models and features over 40 trophies – including the chance for a BEST IN SHOW Championship Series Belt!
Geneva-on-the-Lake, Ohio – Saturday, September 9th
Our LONGEST RUNNING show, produced by the Iron Cowboy Crew – is this annual celebration of Iron and Creativity overlooking Lake Erie. Each year we add something new and each year the show GROWS! Last year we awarded the THUNDER ZONE CHAMPIONSHIP BELT – and it returns again this year! But who will take it home? The competition is ALWAYS steep as well over 100 vintage and custom show bikes on display at one of the largest ride-in bike shows anywhere.
These are just a few that we’ve already locked down, but we have A LOT more in the works! Make sure that you’re following us on Facebook ( www.Facebook.com/ReasonsToRide) for updates as they are announced.
*Tentative dates. Date and details to be finalized and will be announced in future editions of RTR, on our Facebook pages, or at ReasonsToRide.com
Register ONLINE at ReasonToRide.com for these Bike SHOWS and more!
For more information, email us at BikeShowInfo@gmail.com and follow us online at www.Facebook.com/ ReasonsToRide
www.Facebook.com/RTRMichigan, or www.Facebook.com/RTROhio
Bike show photos by Dave Kimery, David Eggert, Brendan Farren, Dan Hare, and Tyler Roberts
– RTR Team Members and Contributors
A run down of recommended motorcycle rallies and multi-day events.
May 26 – June 4, 2023 Sandusky, Ohio
The Midwest’s Largest Motorcycle Event! Far too much for us to list here, and we’ve dedicated entire issues to the rally! If you’re not familiar with it and there’s still time to get there this year – head on over! This is our Rally and Reasons To Ride is proud to host multiple events, including the Tattoo Party, Sound Competition, and Bike Show. As Midwest Riders – this is OUR RALLY!
June 9 – 11, 2023 Muskegon, Michigan MuskegonMotorcycleClub.com
Motorcycle Hill climbs, dirt drags, and FREE CAMPING for the weekend hosted by the Muskegon Motorcycle Club –which has been around for more than 100 years! This is an authentic, old school biker weekend centered around ridin’ and racin! And if you haven’t seen motorcycle hill climb races – add it to your bucket list right now!
June 8 – 11, 2023 Youngstown, Ohio
A rally hosted by Youngstown H-D, it features cool vendors, a bike show and audio competition, and live music throughout the weekend.
Saturday, July 1, 2023 Ravenna, OH
A block party hosted by Crazy Boars Customs in celebration of their new expanded location and anniversary. They are a great shop run by genuine bikers with one of the largest inventory of seats and new / used “vintage” Harley parts ANYWHERE. RtR is hosting a BIKE SHOW and Jasmine Cain is on the main stage – what more could you ask for? Free Admission? Vendors, Food Trucks, and Biker Fun? Done, done, and done. See ya there!
July 14 – 16, 2023 Fostoria, MI
Six of Southeast Michigan’s most active motorcycle promoters have teamed up to present a unique, old school motorcycle rally with camping, bar stool races, rodeo games, vendors, and national headliners including SPONGE, TANTRIC, and Rally Favorite – JASMINE CAIN!
A run down of recommended motorcycle rallies and multi-day events.
July 19 – 23, 2023 Muskegon, MI
Michigan’s BIGGEST BIKER BASH is held every year in Muskegon overlooking Lake Michigan. This is an AWESOME community driven motorcycle rally that benefits the regional child abuse council – supporting kids in need! You couldn’t ask for a better cause – or a more dedicated group of folks to support! Reasons To Ride is proud to be a supporting partner and a part of this rally – not only helping to promote it, but also hosting the Rebel Road Bike Show this year! Be sure to check out their Facebook page (www.Facebook.com/ RebelRoad) for more information and updates on parties leading up to the Rally as well.
August 18 – 23, 2023 Fowlerville, MI
The legendary Easyriders Rodeo’s are the essential biker bash – and while they aren’t for everyone, they are certainly the definition of old school biker bash for most. National headliners, barstool races, rodeo games, and biker shenanigans fill out a weekend that demands you camp there to fully experience things. It’s just you and 5,000 of your “soon-to-be” closest biker buddies!
August 31 – Sept. 4, 2023 Cole Farms, Bloomville OH
The legendary Easyriders Rodeo in Chillicothe was forced to find a new home in the midst of the COVID pandemic and ensuing craziness. So last year it landed in Bloomville, Ohio and the Easyriders folks did an AMAZING job of recreating what just might have been the most shamelessly copied event in the motorcycle world. Folks that weren’t there and the old school guys that hate change may bemoan me saying this – but in many ways, we like the new location even better than “Chilli”.
So, Labor Day weekend – you once again have a chance to come and party with “10,000 Brothers and Sisters” that you may have never met before, with Creed Fisher, Moonshine Bandits, and Tantric on stage… rodeo games running on the field, and the traditional craziness in the camping area.
September 7-10, 2023 Flint MI
Since 2007, this annual event has been held the weekend after Labor Day on the brick streets of downtown Flint MI. Over the years, B-o-B has evolved into a unique rally centered around a police motorcycle skills competition that draws competitors from across the country and beyond. It’s really a celebration of both bikes and riding – that welcomes enthusiasts of all ages.
October 19 – 22, 2023 Daytona FL
Florida is one of our favorite riding destinations – because there are simply so many places to go and things to see! But here’s one of our favorite tips – skip the Spring Rally and head to Biketoberfest! Usually better weather, less crazies, but still more than plenty to do!
November 2 – 5, 2023
Galveston TX
Words can’t adequately describe Texas’ LARGEST motorcycle event. It’s Mardi Gras on motorcycles x 10. It’s almost the same distance as Daytona Beach and Sturgis – but an amazingly small percentage of Midwestern riders are familiar with it. If you’ve never attended it – it’s our EDITOR’S CHOICE and most strongly recommended National Rally if you’re up for traveling across the country!
Back in late March, good friend and fellow MSTA member Kirk Wintersteen, of Cumming, GA, went missing on his motorcycle. He had been at Two Wheels of Suches, GA, about 50 miles from home, hanging out with friends, having brought a key lime pie to share. He left his friends in mid afternoon to go home on his Suzuki 650 V Strom but decided to explore some forest roads and trails on the way. He disappeared without a trace.
Kirk's girlfriend suspected something was wrong pretty quickly and alerted the police and his friends, who began looking for him. Kirk almost always rides alone but carries a beacon so his girlfriend can track him. Unfortunately, this time he had mistakenly turned it off when he thought he was turning it on.
Kirk was found alive eight days later. Here's what happened. He was on Forest Service road 33A in Cooper's Creek Wildlife Management area north of Suches when he came to what looked like the end of the trail, and slipped on some mud trying to turn around. The bike fell on him, pinning one leg and broke his ankle. He had no food or water with him, there was no cell phone service and no one around, but he was able to roll and crawl to a nearby creek to get water.
Temps in this area can get quite cold at night in March, but fortunately the lows were mostly in the forties. He endured rainstorms as well as cold. The problem was that FS33A is not a frequently traveled road and it was very early in the season so there are not many people in the area.
On Sunday morning, eight days later, dual sport riders Jeff Alexander and Mike McCown came across Kirk's bike. 2 When they stopped their motorcycles to help, they heard him yelling. One of them stayed with Kirk while the other rode to a location that had cell service and called 911. “We do a lot of riding out there, and we just happened to go that way that day,” McCown said.
Bentz Bagwell, one of Kirk's friends who was there at Suches the day Kirk disappeared, brought a key lime pie to him at the hospital to celebrate his rescue. Kirk is at home now, giving his ankle time to mend. He is going to be OK and will continue riding.
Here are a couple of links to items related to this story.
WSB-TV in Atlanta did a very nice news story: https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/hall-county/bikerwho-broke-leg-crash-survived-creek-water-8-days/ YZGUQVIOAJHTBFJ4NURY7ALE7E/
This interactive map link includes the route from Suches and the point where Kirk was found: https://flybyweek.com/VisualizerMaps/KirkWfound.html
Connect with local Ohio Motorcycle Sport Touring Association riders at these monthly breakfasts:
Southwest Ohio Breakfast, 9AM, June 17
Village Family Restaurant
144 S. Main St. Waynesville, OH 45068
Central Ohio Breakfast Meet - Sunday July 2 Arrive at 8 am to eat, 9AM to ride if weather permits Portside Cafe 6515 S High St Lockbourne, OH 43137
Here in Central Appalachia our riding season is well underway as we move through our May schedule and into June for some of our biggest events of the year here at the Whitley County Motorcycle Group. Mother Nature is showing her full colors as our landscape has sprung to life after a long winter of hibernation. Flowers are blooming, birds are chirping, streams are flowing, and our scenery is second to none and we are making thunder as the bikes begin to arrive and ride here in the oldest mountains on earth. If you have not been here to visit our ride then you are missing out on one of nature’s greatest transformations as well as the best riding anywhere in the United States! Period! Here at the WCMG and Backroads of Appalachia our team works year round to prepare for our season bringing you the absolute best GPS-Enabled Routes, Uniquely Appalachian Points of Interest, and of course Charity Events and Rides with over 30 and counting in 2023!
Our mission is clear and unwavering as we continue to spread the word about what we have to offer riders here in the place we call home helping our region recover from years of economic hardship. Groups are already beginning to arrive this season as the all volunteer WCMG Road Crew Members guide them on our trail route system with a custom itinerary tailored specifically to what they want to see, where they want to stay, what they want to ride, and even where they would like to eat. We are all about giving everyone who comes here the absolute best riding experience possible regardless of if you use our Free Backroads of Appalachia Mobile Application or reach out to us for a more tailored experience.
Remember our application was designed to be rider and driver friendly even if you are not a technology wiz. Many pain-staking long hours have been spent here on our team developing our mobile application to be exactly that. By riders for riders, by drivers for drivers, and even for tourists who want to come here to get a true Appalachian Cultural Experience without the traffic, overdevelopment or high cost of travel, and we do it all for our region and you the rider absolutely free! And yes it does work perfectly with touchscreen compatible gloves!
We are always working hard to improve on what we have and our riding and driving community are a big part of that work. We are truly community based and the input we receive from you when you come here and ride helps us continue to make our routes and offerings better. In June we have some great events and rides planned to include 2 custom bike shows for charity hosted on the main streets of the small towns we are here to help. Every time you come here and ride you are helping an entire region as well as the charity we hold each event for! What could be better than that on your next trip or riding vacation?? So what are you waiting for? Join us on Facebook or find our events on the Backroads of Appalachia Mobile Application Calendar or our website by going to www.backroadsofappalchia.org and come and ride with us this year on the Backroads of Appalachia! You will be glad you did!
Let’s Ride Appalachia!
So you want to embrace your 2A rights and prepare yourself for what might be a hostile world at times – and you’ve decided to purchase a gun. For many that might be the next step – and for some it’s the only step. But there are two absolutely critical next steps that need to be taken – maybe even considered and finalized before even picking up a firearm. And that is #1 PROPERLY STORE THE GUN and #2 LEARN HOW TO PROPERLY USE IT ie., Training!! Both might seem obvious, but it’s absolutely not – and failure to learn how to both store and USE your firearm can be a CATASTROPHIC if not DEADLY MISTAKE.
A firearm is a tool and, with any tool, it’s important to be properly trained how to safely and proficiently use it. With most tools, if you use them improperly, you can hurt yourself. For example, if you swing a hammer in an unsafe manner, you may bang or even break a finger. But it’s unlikely you’ll hurt anyone else nearby—unless your hammer swing is that out of control! If you’re unsafe with a gun, on the other hand, not only could you injure or kill yourself, you could do the same to others around you.
It can’t be stressed enough: Owning a firearm should not to be taken lightly.
So, if you’ve taken the step to acquire a firearm of your own, you owe it to yourself—and those around you—to train to be safe, conscientious, and competent with that firearm. And it all starts with training to be safe not only with your firearm but with every firearm you handle.
If you only ever take one type of firearm training, please, please, please make it safety training. Safety training may not make you a badass expert with your firearm, but if you learn it, practice it, and implement it every time you touch a firearm, it will prevent you from being a dumbass novice. And a threat to those around you. Think back to when you took driver’s ed. Yeah, you learned how to execute three-point turns, merge onto freeways, parallel park, and other driving skills. But do you recall how much time you spent learning safety tips and watching videos on how deadly unsafe driving can be? That’s because a car, like a gun, can be a deadly weapon, so knowing what it can do and how to handle it is a big part of being a safe driver. And which would you rather be surrounded by on the road: expert drivers who can flawlessly execute three-point turns, or drivers who are safe and sane every time they get behind the wheel? Safe and highly skilled is ideal, but if you can only choose one, go with safe every time.
If you were lucky enough to grow up around guns and knowledgeable gun people, then you may not need a formal safety class. But, if you’re new to firearms, then taking a reputable gun safety course is a must. And the sooner you’re enrolled, the better. Because one of the first things they’ll teach you is the awesome power of the firearm you’ve purchased—and how much respect it should garner every single time you touch it.
There are lots of organizations that offer gun safety courses, and you can easily find one near you with a simple Google search. But, if you’re unclear which gun safety course to take, you really can’t go wrong taking one through the NRA, which has been around since 1871.
If you purchased a gun to hunt with, basic safety procedures still apply. But there’s a whole set of other safety practices specific to hunting, which hunters should be trained in. Especially given that hunting is primarily done with long guns, which can do a lot of damage and have extended ranges.
Hunting safety courses aren’t designed to teach you how to be a good hunter, as in a hunter who’s adept at harvesting game. Although, being safe should also make you a better hunter. These courses are designed to teach you how to be a safe hunter in order to keep you, fellow hunters, and any innocent bystanders out of harm’s way. They address things you may have never even thought of before deciding to become a hunter, such as how to safely cross over a fence with a firearm. Or how to safely hunt in a duck blind occupied by you and other hunters.
If hunting was your reason for getting a firearm, then consider hunting down one of these safety courses before hitting the fields or forests. Even if it’s only an online course, you’ll be glad you did. And so will other hunters! The NRA offers the most comprehensive online hunter education course available—and it’s FREE to anyone interested.
Self-defense with a firearm is not intuitive—no matter how many movies you’ve seen where renegade cops clear dark, abandoned buildings or investigate noises in their cool bachelor pads that are way too expensive for police officer salaries. Plus, half the time these “experts” hold their guns wrong. Some don’t even rack their shotgun until after they’ve been pointing at an intruder long enough to have a plot-twist-revealing discussion. And then, only to let the intruder know that they really mean business.
If you purchased a firearm for self- or home-defense, you should strongly consider taking some tactical training because many defense situations are going to involve pointing that firearm at another human being. And a whole lot of things can go wrong real quick if you don’t know what you’re doing—things that can’t be undone once done.
As a responsible gun owner, it’s up to you to seek proper defensive training. Just make sure it’s through a knowledgeable, reputable organization that doesn’t have a “shoot first” philosophy. The bestcase scenario in a self-defense situation is where the things are de-escalated without any firearms being discharged.
Shooting is a skill, and it can take more than just practice and repetition to get good at it. Especially if you’re practicing and repeating bad habits.
If you’re interested in being more than just “good enough” with your gun, taking a marksmanship class could take your shooting to the next level. At the very least it’ll make you aware of any bad habits you have and focus your attention on fixing them. It could also raise your safety game because confidently placing your rounds where you intend to send them makes anyone or anything downrange from you that much safer.
This category is a bit all-encompassing because there’s a wide array of specialized tactical training available out there. Not just for specific situations—clearing buildings, concealed carry, low-light, etc.—but also specific to firearm type. You can find pistol courses, tactical rifle courses, long-distance-shooting courses, tactical shotgun courses, and more.
The best advice in this arena is to go with an organization that’s reputable, knowledgeable, and proven. Unfortunately, there are some outfits that are more sizzle than steak and may teach you techniques that are more harmful than helpful or could even get you killed. So, do some research and ask around before blindly signing up for tactical training.
You’ve probably heard the expression, “garbage in, garbage out.” Well, if the training you’re getting is garbage, unless you realize it and seek out better instruction, garbage is what you’ll put out when it’s time to act.
We’ve harped on it already, but it can’t be overstated how important it is to seek proper training from proven, reputable sources. Fads come and go, but the best firearms training is tried and true. The best way to make sure what you’re learning is good information is to go with proven organizations, like the NRA. Read reviews and do online research to identify top prospects. Or, if you have a local gun shop, stop in and ask the staff if they can recommend anyone for the type of training you’re looking for. If you have friends who’ve taken training of their own, ask them for recommendations.
Make sure that your firearm instructor is licensed and certified. Gun laws vary by state, and so do certification requirements. Certain organizations, like the NRA, have stringent, formalized requirements to become an instructor certified by them. It bears repeating: The more reputable the organization, the more likely you’ll receive topnotch instruction.
There’s lots of good gun training videos on YouTube, but there’s lots of bad training videos as well. So, be careful and selective in viewing YouTube videos. Remember, anyone with a cell phone, a gun, a YouTube account, and an opinion can make and post a so-called training video. But that doesn’t mean their video isn’t full of bad or even downright dangerous advice.
It’s not enough to simply be taught certain firearm skills and then check those boxes complete. You also have to practice what you’re taught. Regularly, if you hope to make it second nature.
Safety skills should be practiced every time you handle a firearm, but you should also regularly practice performance skills such as clearing malfunctions, drawing a pistol from a holster, speed-loading a magazine—whatever it is you’ve been trained to do.
Studying something and then doing it a few times during a course isn’t enough. Schedule regular range sessions to stay sharp. And
practice maneuvering skills at home with an unloaded firearm or dummy rounds. If you haven’t invested in training dummy rounds for your firearm already, do so. They provide a better weight representation of a loaded weapon for training, they’re great for practicing loading and unloading magazines, and they allow you to practice trigger control of your gun without dry-firing it.
Having a firearm is a lifetime commitment, and so is training with that firearm. There’s always more to learn. If you’re happy with your level of training, you should continually refresh what you already know and test yourself to make sure you’re up to speed and not cutting any corners. Not to mention that, as you get older, your speed and dexterity may no longer be quite what they once were. Refreshing your training on a regular basis helps to chip away any rust that may’ve formed in your techniques.
Thanks to DanielDefense.com for material presented. The NSSF (National Shooting Sports Foundation) is also a great resource for firearm safety and training videos and written content – for both seasoned veterans and new gun owners alike. Check out their full line-up of safety literature - www.nssf.org/safety
6/02/23 09:00 AM
22nd Gasser Reunion
Kuhnle Motorsports Park 8233 Sidley Road Thompson tony@kuhnlemotorsports.com
6/03/23 08:00 AM
Cardinal Wishes Bike Run
Otter Lake Village Campground 5902 Genesee Avenue Otter Lake MI 48464
6/04/23 10:00 AM
23rd Annual "Ride for a Reason" Motown Harley-Davidson
6/09/23 10:00 AM
Youngstown Harley-Davidson 5700 Patriot Blvd. Youngstown 330-505-2000 info@hdbiketown.com
6/09/23 04:00 PM
All Harley Drag Racing
Kuhnle Motorsports Park kuhnlemotorsports.com
6/09/23 03:00 PM
All Harley Drag Racing
Kuhnle Motorsports Park
8233 Sidley Road, Thompson, OH 44086
6/10/23 09:00 AM
Summer Showdown 2023 Car, Truck and Bike Show
Serra Saginaw Automotive 4200 Bay Rd, Saginaw MICHIGAN
6/10/23 10:00 AM
VictoryFest '23
Victory Biker Church International
12190 Miller Rd Lennon (810) 271-0002
6/10/23 09:00 AM
Vintage Motorcycle Weekend
Gilmore Car Museum 6865 W Hickory Rd. Hickory Corners (269) 671-5089
6/14/23 12:00 PM
2023 SE Ohio Spyder Rally
Host Hotel: Best Western 4929 East Pike, Zanesville (440) 259-4793
6/16/23 10:00 AM
Michihistrigan Rendezvous U.P. Motorcycle Rally
Michistrigan Bar & Grill 17838 US Highway 2 Gould City (906) 477-6983
6/17/23 10:00 AM
Unique Treasures Annual Car & Bike Show
Trumbull County Fairgrounds
4181 Hoagland Blackstub Rd. Cortland
6/17/23 04:00 PM
Hot Rods & Handlebars
Farrow Harley-Davidson North Location
7754 E State Route 37 Sunbury
6/17/23 11:00 AM
Tilleys Rat Rod & Rat Bike Show
Angry Bull Saloon
1406 Linden Avenue Zanesville (740) 453-5550
6/17/23 11:00 AM
Family Freedom Fest with For The Love Of Christmas Car, Bike & Truck Show
Wellington Fairgrounds 23000 Fairgrounds Road Wellington 440-647-2781
6/17/23 01:00 PM
Chrome Divas of Cincinnati, OH Annual Charity Bike Wash!
KnottyPine SportsmansClub
6847 Cheviot Road Cincinnati divafirecracker@gmail.com
6/17/23 09:00 AM
Unique Treasures Car & Bike Show
Unique Treasures
4181 Hoagland Blackstub Rd, Cortland, OH 44410
6/17/23 10:00 AM
Unique Treasures Annual Car and Bike Show
Trumbull County Fairgrounds
4181 Hoagland Blackstub Rd, Cortland
6/24/2023 10:00
3rd Annual Stars, Stripes & Bikes
Town and Country Sports Center
18655 US Hwy 12 Cement City
6/24/23 10:00 AM
3rd Annual STARS,. STRIPES, and BIKES Event
Town & Country Sports Center
18655 US Highway 12, Cement City, MI 49233
Maria - F14734-260-2826 info@foundation14.org
6/24/23 09:00 AM
Hogs Helping Heroes 5th Annual Poker Run
Sandy Springs Brewing Company 232 North Market Street Minerva 330-522-4024
6/24/23 10:00 AM
Patsy's Run "Riding to Fight Cancer"
Paradise Bay
414 Geneva Pt. Roaming Shores Ken440-813-3729
6/30/23 09:00 AM
Unc's Semi Stampede
Kuhnle Motorsports Park 8233 Sidley Road Thompson kuhnlemotorsports.com
7/01/23 12:00 PM
Country Fest Cleveland 2023
The Great Geauga County Fair 14373 N Chershire St. Burton 440-834-1846
7/03/23 09:00 AM
Independence Eve Explosion
Kuhnle Motorsports Park
8233 Sidley Road, Thompson Oh 44086 kuhnlemotorsports.com
7/08/23 12:00 PM
Bike Show & Bike Audio Competition
El Jalapeño
5125 Youngstown Warren Rd, Niles 330-974-2341
7/08/23 12:00 PM
Ohio Valley Thunder Rally
Renaissance Park Event Center 10542 OH-73 Waynesville
7/08/23 10:00 AM
Shawn Alan Ketchum Jr Memorial Poker Run
John & Helen's 28897 US-30 Kensington Amy Sherwood330-303-7699
7/08/23 10:00 AM
Fairview Hospital Toy Run
Rock N Roll City Harley-Davidson 4985 W 150th St. Cleveland 216-252-3111
7/08/23 01:00 PM
Rock 'n' Race Dragway 42 9161 Rainbow Hwy West Salem (419) 853-4242
7/14/23 09:00 AM
Armada Fairgrounds 74280 Fair Street Armada 586-784-5488
7/14/23 10:00 AM
Wauseon National 2023
Motorcycle Show and Swap Meet
Fulton County Fairgrounds 8514 OH-108, Wauseon (812) 239-6324
7/15/23 10:30 AM
6th Annual Ride for Colton American Legion 1824 1824 Park Way East Liverpool 330-385-0138
7/16/23 10:30 AM
Bikes & Battle Buddies: Ride for the CauseChildren w/ Hair Loss A&M Leather 18957 Middlebelt Road, Romulus, MI 48174
7/19/23 12:00 PM
Hackley Park Downtown Muskegon 350 W Webster Ave, Muskegon MICHIGAN RebelRoad.org
Here is one of the original recipes that made this site so popular! I love chicken wings!! I prefer them baked (less fat) and super flavorful. Here is how I bake them to keep them crispy. (People have stolen it and posted it as their own but TRUST ME this one is pure BCK!)
2 lbs chicken wings, cut into 2 pieces with tips removed
Preheat oven to 450 degrees
Bring a large pot of half water half chicken broth to boiling. Boil the wings 8-10 minutes and remove to drain on a wire rack. (helps reduce some of the fat allowing for quicker crisping in the oven)
Season the wings with your favorite DRY seasoning, salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, etc.
Bake wings on a sheet pan coated with cooking spray, for 30 minutes, then turn wings over and cook the other side for another 10 minutes or you can toss them on the grill till they are crispy.
Remove to a large bowl and toss in your favorite sauce.
Serve while hot
Have a recipe that you’d like to share? Write it all down and send with a picture – to ReasonsToRide@gmail.com Put RECIPE in the subject line. If we use it, we’ll send you copies of the magazines and a RTR T-Shirt – so include your address and t-shirt size as well! Thanks!
Recipes Courtesy : "The Biker Chick's Kitchen 2" on Facebook