BOARD OF DIRECTORS Derika Hacker –President Norwoodpres@gmail.com Matt Waddell—VP Norwoodvp@gmail.com Norm Wakerley—Treasurer Norwoodtres@gmail.com Candy Brooks—Secretary Norwoodsecy@gmail.com
Terry Knoke—Director NorwoodD1@gmail.com Community Association Mgr. Kimber Solberg ksolberg@associacolorado.com Colorado Association Services 5225 N. Academy Blvd., Suite 200 Colorado Springs, CO 80918 719-473-5000 main line 719-473-1838 fax line 800-861-5414 toll free
www.associacolorado.com Mountain Shadows Mgmt.
Grapevine S P R I N G
2 0 1 8
Welcome With many warm days this spring, kids and adults alike in Nor’wood are itching to see the first glimmer of summer –the untarping and filling of the pool. Until that happens, the Nor’wood 2018 Board of Directors (BODs) is hard at work reviewing and updating bylaws, drafting and approving new state required policies, analyzing and negotiating contracts with our vendors, updating our database of homeowners, and planning fun summer events for you to enjoy. We are still in need of 2 more committed board members for 2018. We would love to have you join our team. Please take some time to review the information provided in these pages. Specifically, our Homeowner Information Sheet. In an effort to decrease costs, we are working diligently to update our records and offer a digital option for communication. We believe that by focusing on more effective communication, we can strengthen our close-knit community located in the ‘sweet spot’ of Colorado Springs. We, the 2018 BODs eagerly await the arrival of summer, and are looking forward to seeing you at any one of our events!
Chad Coker mountainshadowmanament@ yahoo.com
To connect with the Community, please join to our Facebook page:
Norwood Community https://www.facebook. com/groups 1575636755987173
ATTENTION: Email Addresses Needed As an effort to cut costs and watch our expenses, we are in desperate need of homeowners to “opt in” by email. This would save us several thousand dollars each year if we had the majority of our homeowners opted-in electronically. Please see the form in the pages of this newsletter to opt-in. We would greatly appreciate it.
2018 Calendar of Events Thursday, May 10th
BOD’s Monthly Board Mtg
7pm at Associa Offices
Saturday, May 19th 20th
Soft Pool Opening
10am – 6pm
Saturday, May 26th
Pool Opening Party
Food Served 11-1pm
Friday, Saturday, Sunday June 1-3rd Saturday, June 9th
Neighborhood Garage Sale
Kids Fest
11am – 1pm
Saturday, June 23td
Movie in the Park
Wednesday, July 4th
July 4th BBQ
11am – 2pm
Saturday, July 14th
Movie in the Park
Saturday, July 28th
Movie in the Park
Thursday, August 9th
BOD’s Monthly Board Mtg
7pm at Associa Offices
Saturday, August 11th
Movie in the Park
Saturday, August 18th
Movie in the Park
Saturday, September 1st
Closing Pool Party
Food Served 11– 1pm
Monday, September 3rd
Last Day of 2018 Pool Season
Thursday, September 13th
BOD’s Monthly Board Mtg
7pm at Associa Offices
NOTE 1: All meetings of the Board of Directors will be held on the 2nd Thursday of the month. *PLEASE NOTE BOARD OF DIRECTOR SUMMER SCHEDULE*
Please contact either the President or Vice-President if you wish to attend the next open session meeting of the board of directors – either for general interest or to present a topic of discussion to ensure the proper amount of seating room and/or time is allotted for you. Meetings are held at the Associa’s office. NOTE 2: VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: We are in need of 2 more committed board members for this calendar year. We are also in need volunteers for each event to help set up, tear down, grill, serve food, and play!
POOL HOURS of Operation2018 Calendar of Events Preview Opening: May 19 & 20 10:00am-6:00pm Memorial Day Opening Weekend: May 26th 10:00am-8:00pm Summer Hours : 10am-8pm (5/26-9/3) ADULT SWIM HOURS: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays - 7:00am to 9:00:am; Saturdays – 8:00am to 10:00am NOTE: The Pool area is for the exclusive use of Association Members only and up to five guests per family per visit. Pool Keys: Each household is issued 2 keys. Replacement keys made be purchased for $25 during pool opening weekend or during regular swim hours.
Swim Lessons, Swim Team, Pool Parties Info Calendar of Events http:/www.MountainShadowManagement.com/ Norwood/ For Swim Lessons click on the start date of the session(s) you choose, multiple children and sessions can be registered at the same time. Please pay online and print your payment receipt, the registration form, and bring to the first swim lesson. For Swim Team click on swim team and register for the season. If you would like to schedule a pool party (applicable fees are dependent upon the party size), please download the registration form from the website http:// MountainShadowManagement.com/Norwood/.
HOA VS. Recreation Association One common misconception about Nor’wood Recreational Association #1 is the fact that we are NOT an Homeowners Association (HOA). We are responsible only for the pool, tennis courts and park surrounding it. While we care greatly about our community, we do not have rights over the color of your home, how tall your fence is, or how many cars are parked outside of your home. Homerelated concerns can be addressed by the City of Colorado Springs.
Nor’wood Recreation Association Homeowner Information Thank you for taking the opportunity to fill out this homeowner information form. When completed please return to:
Colorado Association Service 5225 N. Academy Blvd. Suite 200 Colorado Springs, CO 80918
Fax: (719) 473-1838 Email: Service@AssociaColorado.com
Owner Name: _________________________________________________________________________________ 2nd Owner Name: _____________________________________________________________________________ Property Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ Owner Alternate Mailing Address: _________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ City State Zip Code
Owner Telephone Number: _______________________________
Owner Email Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ Opt In for electronic communication ______ YES In need of pool key: ______ YES
Each household is issued 2 pool keys. Replacement keys may be purchased for $25. Keys will be made during the Pool Opening weekend as well as during regular swim hours.
Is this a rental property? ______ YES
If Yes, please provide contact information of your tenant(s): Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Tenant Telephone Number: ______________________________
Do Tenants have Nor’wood Recreation Assoc #1 amenity privileges? ______YES
______________________________________________________ Owner Signature
______________________________________ Date
______________________________________________________ Owner Signature
______________________________________ Date