BOARD OF DIRECTORS Derika Hacker –President Norwoodpres@gmail.com Matt Waddell—VP Norwoodvp@gmail.com Norm Wakerley—Treasurer Norwoodtres@gmail.com Candy Brooks—Secretary Norwoodsecy@gmail.com Terry Knoke—Director NorwoodD1@gmail.com Gary Johnson—Director NorwoodD2@gmail.com
Community Association Mgr. Tabitha Barile tabithab@diversifiedprop.com Diversified Properties 4325 N. Nevada Ave. #100 Colorado Springs, CO 80907 719-314-4524
Grapevine S P R I N G
2 0 1 9
Welcome With more snow days this winter than the last two years combined, kids and adults alike in Nor’wood are itching to see the first glimmer of summer –the untarping and filling of the pool. Until that happens, the Nor’wood 2019 Board of Directors (BODs) is hard at work analyzing and negotiating contracts with our vendors, updating our database of homeowners, and planning fun summer events for you to enjoy. Please take some time to review the information provided in these pages. Specifically, our Homeowner Information Sheet. In an effort to decrease costs, we are working diligently to update our records and offer a digital option for communication. We believe that by focusing on more effective communication, we can strengthen our close-knit community located in the ‘sweet spot’ of Colorado Springs. We, the 2019 BODs eagerly await the arrival of summer, and are looking forward to seeing you at any one of our events!
NORWOOD WEBSITE: www.norwoodrec.com Mountain Shadows Mgmt. Chad Coker
To connect with the Community, please join to our Facebook page: Norwood Community https://www.facebook. com/groups 1575636755987173
ATTENTION: Email Addresses Needed As an effort to cut costs and watch our expenses, we are in desperate need of homeowners to sign up for email. This would save us several thousand dollars each year if we had the majority of our homeowners email addresses for communication purposes. Please visit our website www.norwoodrec.com to make sure we have your email address!
2019 Calendar of Events Saturday, April 20th
Easter Egg Hunt
10:30 am
Saturday/Sunday May 18th & 19th
Soft Pool Opening
10am – 6pm
Saturday, May 25th
Pool Opening Party
Food Served 11-1pm
Friday - Sunday May 31—June 2nd
Neighborhood Garage Sale
Saturday, June 8th
Kids Fest
11am – 1pm
Saturday, June 22 nd
Movie in the Park
Thursday, July 4th
July 4th BBQ
11am – 2pm
Saturday, July 13th
Movie in the Park
Saturday, July 27th
Movie in the Park
Saturday, August 10th
Movie in the Park
Saturday, August 31st
Closing Pool Party
Food Served 11– 1pm
Monday, September 2nd
Last Day of 2018 Pool Season
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: We are in need of volunteers all summer to help with movie nights, Kids Fest, the July 4th BBQ and all other summer fun we have lined up! Please let us know if you are willing to help, and if you would be willing to head up any of these events up, create new fun events, or just help with setup, tear down or play!
POOL HOURS of Operation Preview Opening: May 18 & 19 10:00am-6:00pm Memorial Day Opening Weekend: May 25th 10:00am-8:00pm Summer Hours : 10am-8pm (5/25-9/2) ADULT SWIM HOURS: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays - 7:00am to 9:00:am; Saturdays – 8:00am to 10:00am NOTE: The Pool area is for the exclusive use of Association Members only and up to five guests per family per visit. Pool Keys: Each household is issued 2 keys. Replacement keys made be purchased for $25 during pool opening weekend or during regular swim hours.
Swim Lessons, Swim Team, Pool Parties Info Calendar of Events http:/www.MountainShadowManagement.com/ Norwood/ For Swim Lessons click on the start date of the session(s) you choose, multiple children and sessions can be registered at the same time. Please pay online and print your payment receipt, the registration form, and bring to the first swim lesson. For Swim Team click on swim team and register for the season. If you would like to schedule a pool party (applicable fees are dependent upon the party size), please download the registration form from the website http:// MountainShadowManagement.com/Norwood/.
HOA VS. Recreation Association One common misconception about Nor’wood Recreational Association #1 is the fact that we are NOT an Homeowners Association (HOA). We are responsible only for the pool, tennis courts and park surrounding it. While we care greatly about our community, we do not have rights over the color of your home, how tall your fence is, or how many cars are parked outside of your home. Homerelated concerns can be addressed by the City of Colorado Springs.