Norwood 2016 Grapevine newsletter

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THE GRAPEVINE Volume 17 / Issue 1 / April 2016


BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Rudy Trujillo-President Jim Beckham-VP/Ops Director Vacant-Secretary Norman Wakerley-Treasurer Derika Hacker-Social Director Cindy Beckham-Communication Director Candace Brooks-Director At Large NorwoodAssocDirAtLrg16@gmail. com Alan Teets, CMCA, AMS Community Association (CA) Manager

A NOTE FROM THE BOARD PRESIDENT Norwood residents, we have made it through the grip of winter. As we dust off the garden tools, fire up the grills, and turn on those sprinklers let us take a minute to look over this first issue of the “Grapevine”. You will find a schedule of this year’s events including three movies in the park. Also, included are instructions on how to secure your new key cards. We have a new system this year so your old keys will not work. It is important we act now to insure easy access when you want to use the pool or sign up the kids for lessons. For any of you interested in a new challenge we have added pickle ball stripes to our tennis courts and a number of residents started classes in the fall. It is fun, it is great exercise, and it is becoming an extremely popular outdoor activity. Our bathroom remodel project is progressing nicely and will be completed by pool opening, and under budget. Our most significant change this year you may not even notice. In keeping our commitment to improve service to our residents and minimize costs and liability, our pool is now managed by a professional pool management company. You will see the same friendly faces and the same commitment to your family’s safety and enjoyment, all while being run more efficiently. Here’s wishing you a very safe and enjoyable summer! President Norwood Recreation Assoc. No. 1 Rudy Trujillo

Colorado Association Services 5225 N. Academy Blvd., Suite 200 Colorado Springs, CO 80918 ________________________________________________________________________________________ 719-473-5000 main line 719-473-1838 fax line 800-861-5414 toll free


Nor’wood Association FB Group groups/1575636755987173 For Membership Forms, Pool Infowww.MountainShadowManage

This year we made an upgrade to the pool security system that includes online HD security cameras, a new photo ID card system, and a scanning/ tracking system for all residents. As part of this new system, you will be asked to fill out a membership form with information that will be used to create the new photo ID scan cards. Please visit the Norwood Rec Center web page: ____________________________________________________________

To connect with the Community, please join to our Facebook page, https://www.facebook. com/groups1575636755 987173

MEMBERSHIP FORM APPLICATION Enclose is a Membership Form that must be completed and submitted to receive an activated access card, along with your photo, to each home member free of charge. You may deliver the Form on the Opening Day on May 21st to the staff at the pool area. If you lose your newly issued card, there is a $25.00 fee to issue a replacement card.

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Norwood Recreation Association No.1 Newsletter


ALL EVENTS will be held at the Recreation Center on Buckaroo Drive unless otherwise noted. Times for each Event will be posted at the Pool, online @ and/or BOARD MEETING THURSDAY 14th 7:00pm BOARD MEETING THURSDAY 12th 7:00pm OPENING DAY POOL PARTY*** SATURDAY 21st 11:00am-1:00pm (***Theme: Wear your favorite Sports Team’s Gear) JUNE NEIGHBORHOOD GARAGE SALE FRI to SUN 3rd to 5th BOARD MEETING THURSDAY 9th 7:00pm KIDS CARNIVAL SATURDAY 11th 11:00am-1:00pm MOVIE IN THE PARK SATURDAY 25th 8:30pm JULY ANNUAL BBQ & MUSIC** MONDAY 4th 11:00am-2:00pm (**Theme: Red, White and Blue—All American) BOARD MEETING THURSDAY 14th 7:00pm MOVIE IN THE PARK SATURDAY 23rd 8:30pm AUGUST MOVIE IN THE PARK SATURDAY 6th 8:30pm th BOARD MEETING THURSDAY 11 7:00pm SEPTEMBER BOARD MEETING THURSDAY 8th 7:00pm POOL CLOSES**** MONDAY 5th (***Inclement weather may alter the opening and/or closing of the pool) APRIL MAY

NOTE 1: All meetings of the Board of Directors will be held on the 2 nd Thursday of each month. Please contact either the President or Vice-President if you wish to attend the next open session meeting of the board of directors – either for general interest or to present a topic of discussion to ensure the proper amount of seating room and/or time is allotted for you. Meetings are held at the Associa’s office. Board Meeting Dates: Oct 13th, Nov 10th, Dec 8th General Membership Meeting: January, Date TBD, 7pm NOTE 2: VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: To help at our events, please contact Derika Hacker, our Social Director. We need volunteers to help set up, tear down, grill, serve, and play!

______________________________________________________________________ POOL HOURS OF OPERATION Preview Opening May 21 Soft Opening - Memorial Day Weekend - May 28 (Saturday) to May 30 (Monday) 10:00am-8:00pm Supplemental Hours - May 31 (Tuesday) to June 3 (Friday) 3:30pm-8:00pm Official Opening Day - June 4 (Saturday) Daily Hours: 10:00am-8:00pm ADULT SWIM HOURS: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays - 7:00am to 9:00:am; Saturdays – 8:00am to 10:00am NOTE: The Pool area is for the exclusive use of Association Members only and up to five guests per family per visit.

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Norwood Recreation Association No.1 Newsletter

SWIM LESSONS SCHEDULE Sessions: Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4:

June 6 through June 16 June 20 through June 30 July 11 through July 22 July 25 through August 5

Times and Age Groups: Beginner (Ages 2-5) Beginner (Ages 5 and Up) Intermediate (Ages 4 and Up) Advanced (Ages 4 and Up)

10:30am to 10:50am 10:30am to 10:50am 10:00am to 10:20am 10:00am to 10:20am

All lessons are Mondays through Thursdays for the two week session. Lessons are divided by age group and ability. Fridays are a makeup day for inclement weather. Age Groups may be combined or cancelled if a minimum number of students do not sign up.


$37.50 per session x_______ sessions = $________________total due

Please register and pay online at the and visit the Nor’wood calendar. By clicking on the start date of the session(s) you choose, multiple children and sessions can be registered at the same time. Please print your payment receipt, the registration form, and bring to the first lesson.

_________________________________________________________________________ SUMMER SWIM TEAM Practice Begins: June 6th, last practice July 21st (Ages: 8 - 16 to All Norwood Rec Center Members) Practice Times: 10:00am to 11:30am Monday through Friday Always bring your swimsuit, goggles, sunscreen, and towel to practices and meets Swim Meets: Date Host Team Participating Team Time Not Yet Determined Order of Events Cost: Not Yet Determined $95 per swimmer _________________________________________________________________________________________

TENNIS PROGRAMS Norwood will be offering several new tennis programs this summer including lessons, clinics, and other fun activities. It will be hosting a free introductory clinic at the beginning of summer – stay Tuned! For Tennis Information and sign-ups, please go to _________________________________________________________________________________________

POOL PARTIES If you would like to schedule a pool party (applicable fees are dependent upon the party size), please download the registration form from the website All questions, please email Mr. Chad Coker, or call 719-232-0024.

NORWOOD RECREATION ASSOCIATION #1 Disclosure Statement Year Ending 12/31/16 Colorado Law now requires that your Association provide you with specific information on an annual basis. Please see the table of information below for locations where document copies may be obtained. Please retain this information with other important documents regarding your lot and/or home for future reference. Name of Association Association’s Managing Agent

Designated Agent Association Declaration & Filing Information

Nor’wood Recreation Association #1 Colorado Association Services 5225 N. Academy Blvd., #200 Colorado Springs, CO 80918 Telephone: (719) 473-5000 / fax (719) 473-1838 e-mail: Alan Teets, CMCA®, AMS®

The Declaration was recorded June 30th 1994

Association Fiscal Year Commences

January 1st

Current Fiscal Year Operating Budget *

CAS office or

Unit Type/Current Assessments/Unit *

CAS office or

Annual Financial Statement/Preceding year – 2015/Unaudited *

CAS office or

Audit/Review * List of Association Insurance Policies *

CAS office or CAS office or

Association Bylaws, Articles of Incorporation, Rules & Regulations *

CAS office or

Minutes of Executive Board and Member Meetings - 2015 * Minutes – Association Annual Meeting - 2015*

CAS office or

Association Responsible Governance Policies *

CAS office or

CAS office or

*Information may be viewed from this location. If an interested owner does not have access to the internet to obtain information, or if actual copies of the information are needed, Colorado Association Services maintains a file of posted information at their office address above. It is our policy that owners are responsible for paying the costs associated with document requests. Please provide no less than five (5) business days notice and a list of documents desired by contacting the Association at the office of the Managing Agent.

Membership Form

Nor'wood Recreation Association No. 1 Complete all white areas of this form. Shaded areas will be completed by recreation staff. Nor'wood Neighborhood Address

Circle one: Dakota Ridge Deer Run Sierra Ridge Sunset Mesa

Ownership and Standing must be verified for each address. Two cards (max) per household.

Ownership/Renter Checked:



If Renter: Owner's Last name ______________________

Picture ID (owner)

Parent (first and last name)

First Card Number

Parent (first and last name)

First Card Bar Code

Good Standing

Oldest Child

Date of Birth

Second Card Number

Second Child

Date of Birth

Second Card Bar Code

Third Child

Date of Birth

Fourth Child

Date of Birth

Fifth Child

Date of Birth

Sixth Child

Date of Birth

Home Phone

Cell Phone

Alt Phone


Alt Phone

Alt Email

Alt Email

Emergency Contact


Phone Number

Emergency Contact


Phone Number

Manager Notes

Replacement Cards will cost $25 each

(member initial) ________

Member Signature


Manager Signature


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