BOARD OF DIRECTORS Derika Hacker –President Norwoodpres@gmail.com Jim Beckham—VP Norwoodvp@gmail.com Norm Wakerly—Treasurer Norwoodtres@gmail.com Candy Brooks—Secretary Norwoodsecy@gmail.com Terry Knoke—Director NorwoodD1@gmail.com Katie Kennedy—Director NorwoodD2@gmail.com Amy Ellison—Director NorwoodD3@gmail.com
Community Association Mgr. Alan Teets CMCA, AMS ateets@associacolorado.com Colorado Association Services 5225 N. Academy Blvd., Suite 200 Colorado Springs, CO 80918 719-473-5000 main line 719-473-1838 fax line 800-861-5414 toll free
To connect with the Community, please join to our Facebook page: Norwood Community https://www.facebook. com/groups 1575636755987173
Grapevine S U M M E R
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July Updates Thank you all who volunteered to make our Kids Carnival and July 4th BBQ a success! We love our summer events, and they would not be possible without the help of our beloved volunteers! This week alone, we served over 600 people Bird Dog BBQ to celebrate July 4th! The perfect weather, delicious food, and fun pool games made for an incredible day. These traditions help make our little community one of the best in Colorado Springs. Several of you have mentioned the lack of green at the park. We appreciate your eye on the neighborhood, and want to let you know that we have been working very closely with Green Thumb on the lawn care. We have had several valve leaks in the sprinkler system, and as of this morning all is running well, and will be run more frequently to help our beautiful park recover from the hot dry conditions. We have several fun events still on the calendar for July and August and we hope that you can make some of them and get to know those in your community!
KEY CARDS The printer for the key card system has been broken the last few weeks, and is now repaired!! If you are in need of getting your pool card printed, or a replacement, please head down to the pool during pool hours to get yours! Please Note: * If you lose your newly issued card, there is a $25.00 fee to issue a replacement card.
2017 Calendar of Events MONTH
Board Meeting Movie in the Park Movie in the Park National Night Out Board Meeting Movie in the Park Pool Closes
15th 29 AUGUST
1st 10th 12th
8:40 8:40pm 7:00pm 7pm 8:40pm
NOTE 1: All meetings of the Board of Directors will be held on the 2 nd Thursday of each month. Please contact either the President or Associa if you wish to attend the next open session meeting of the board of directors – either for general interest or to present a topic of discussion to ensure the proper amount of seating room and/or time is allotted for you. Meetings are held at the Associa’s office. Board Meeting Dates: Oct 12th, Nov 9th, Dec 14th General Membership Meeting: January 9th, 7pm Martinez Elem. NOTE 2: VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: We need volunteers to help set up, tear down, grill, serve, and play!
Swim Lessons SWIM Session: July 17-27th Lessons are Mondays through Thursdays for the two week session. Fridays are a makeup day for inclement weather. Age Groups may be combined or cancelled if a minimum number of students do not sign up.
$40 per session/per child.
x_______ sessions = $________________total due Please register and pay online at the: http://www.mountainshadowmanagement.com/calendar/?mc_id=423