de sarthe

de Sarthe is pleased to present Hong Kong artist Eugene Lun (b. 1998)'s first solo exhibition with the gallery, The Forbidden Happiness, concluding de Sarthe's sixth annual artist residency (deSAR). Featuring Augmented Reality (AR)-infused etching prints and paintings in an immersive setting, the artworks are developed during the two-month residency based on the artist 's renewed curiosity and exploration of human psychology on adhering to society’s values and rules. The exhibition illustrates various scenarios where the comedic sausage character [Cheong1] [Cheong4] has differing responses in everyday life circumstances while exploring boundaries and social conventions in modern society. The artist aims to provoke audiences to retrace their instinctive acts and reasoning behind their habitual actions when they encounter the aforesaid scenarios. The Forbidden Happiness opens on 10 September and runs until 30 September 2022.
Eugene Lun's [Cheong1] [Cheong4]] is a representation of everyone, even though it is a nonhuman or animal character. Similar to sausages, people are the products of today 's mechanical society, their lives are modulated in ways where values and knowledge are inculcated in, emotions and feelings all bottled up, near imploding - much like how meat is squeezed into the sausage casing. Everything spoon-fed and consistently instilled into people 's thoughts and consciousness, their creative and critical natures are otherwise suffocated, resulting in a mundane way of life amongst the population. [Cheong1] [Cheong4] is an actual rule-breaker living boldly its light-hearted carefree life without considering anysocial components, for constant solemnity does not address all the problems in an ever-changing life. Inspired by the masses, The Forbidden Happiness is the artist 's attempt to challenge the audience's perception of danger and question their notion and reflexes that binds them to further actions. Through [Cheong1] [Cheong4]'s actions and behaviour, the artist fostered the idea of being your genuine self and embracing to behave unusually is what leads to this purportedly forbidden happiness.
德薩畫廊 欣然呈獻駐香港藝術家 倫裕智 個展「 我把快樂建築在你的怯懦之上 」, 為德薩第六個年度藝術家駐留項目(deSAR)畫上完滿句號。藝術家好奇人 類對違反社會既定價值和規矩的行為現象,兩個月的駐留項目期間以此為靈 感創作全新系列作品,透過喜劇角色「腸腸」([Cheong1] [Cheong4])在日 常生活場景做出與常人截然不同的反應,探索現代社會中約定俗成的界限, 旨在激發觀眾回溯與反思形成本能和慣常行為背後的原因。「我把快樂建築在 你的怯懦之上」將於9月10日開幕,展出至9月30日。 「腸腸」並非人類亦非動物,卻彷彿是每個人自身的投射。人類猶如香腸,是 當今機械社會的產物,填鴨式般不斷灌輸普世價值和知識,窒礙人們發揮創意、 發展批判思考,情感備受壓抑至崩潰邊緣,就像機器把肉漿擠進腸衣。「腸腸」 突破常規,不受任何社會因素束縛,過著大膽破格、輕鬆無憂的生活,只因 他明白一昧嚴謹的處世態度不足以應付瞬息萬變的生活。藝術家透過這次展 覽試圖挑戰觀眾對危險、違規的認知,質疑是何觀念、想法掣肘其反應和行為, 從而帶出接受非正常、擁抱真我,亦能帶來無比快樂。
In this new series, Eugene Lun portrayed [Cheong1] [Cheong4] taking certain situations up a notch and does something out of the blue, even bizarre and absurd to the spectators. Visitors may find themselves submerged in a children's-like playful environment. Why Can't I Have A Full Cup of Burger Sauce? (2022) depicts the main character sunbathing and chillaxing on the staircase outside the Hong Kong Cultural Centre. Together with The Quickest Way Back Home (2022), both works demonstrated and visualised Eugene Lun's wacky thoughts, while examining abnormality and oddity through [Cheong1] [Cheong4]'s excessive reactions to inertial situations. The interactive installation, Fun Inside (2022), offers a physical opportunity for the audience to look into a glimpse of [Cheong1] [Cheong4]'s life as a “rebel” or a weirdo in today's hyperbaric and ossified society.
觀眾置身遊樂場般的畫廊空間,不同的作品呈現「腸腸」異常荒誕的行為: 《我在文化中心外發現了漢堡汁當汽水的滋味》(2022)中,他們於香港文化 中心外的樓梯上曬太陽;《從不了解為何你回家這麼需時》(2022)中,他們 亦選擇直接從露台爬入家中。種種與別不同的行為均啟發自藝術家古靈精怪、 天馬行空的想法。透過互動裝置《芬焉嘥》一試成為「腸腸」的滋味——放 肆反叛,打破規限。

[Cheong1] [Cheong4], the sausage character, was inspired by the rumour of Eugene Lun's favourite sausage brand's bankruptcy back in 2018. Utilising his creativity to cherish his fond memories with the sausage and celebrate the resurrection of the sausages, Valley Chef Chicken Franks On Vacation (2018) marks the very first creation and appearance of [Cheong1] [Cheong4]. Apart from tangible artworks, the protagonist also shines in the virtual world through animations, so the audience can have a better grasp on the idea of “acting outside the box” and enjoy the outlawed happiness gained from going against social conformity and herd mentality, ultimately enabling themselves to express their emotions to the fullest extent.
倫裕智得悉最愛的香腸品牌面臨破產倒閉危機後, 有所啟發而創作出是次展覽中的喜劇角色,《嘻 我不會告訴你我為何錯過了那趟往美國的旅行》 (2018)正是其首次創作「腸腸」之作,留住藝術 家對香腸品牌起死回生的慶幸,及其對香腸的喜愛 與留戀。除了繪畫、蝕刻及絲網印刷作品外,倫裕 智在部分作品融入擴增實境(AR)元素,通過動 畫在虛擬世界中大放異彩,讓觀眾掌握「跳出框框」 這耳熟能詳的說法,體會從順從和羊群心態中解脫 所獲得的「禁忌快樂」,從而更充分地表達自己的 情感。


Eugene Lun
b. 1998 in Hong Kong, China
Eugene Lun was born in 1998 in Hong Kong, where he continues to live and work. He graduated from Hong Kong Baptist University with a B.A. in Visual Arts in 2021.
Eugene Lun’s most recent exhibitions include BOOKED:2021, Tai Kwun, Hong Kong, China (2021); HKFOREWORD 21, 10 Chancery Lane Gallery, Hong Kong, China (2021); Awagami International Miniature Print Exhibition, Awagami Factory, Japan (2021); and AVA Print Club, Hong Kong Baptist University Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong, China (2021).
Artist CV
Eugene Lun
b. 1998 in Hong Kong, China. Currently works and lives in Hong Kong, China
2021 BA (Hons) in Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University
Solo Exhibitions
2022 I Planned Today as Your Bad Day? Hong Kong Open Printshop Gallery, Hong Kong, China
Group Exhibitions
2022 Affordable Art Fair, LOVE, Hong Kong, China
2021 AVA for All, AVA gallery, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China Awagami International Miniature Print Exhibition, Awagami Factory, Japan
HKFOREWORD 21, 10 Chancery Lane Gallery, Hong Kong, China
Academy of Visual Arts BA Graduation Exhibition 2021, Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China
AVA Print Club, Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China
BOOKED: 2021, Tai Kwun, Hong Kong, China
2022 HKOP Award in Printmaking 2021-2022, Hong Kong Open Printshop
Artist Residencies
2022 de Sarthe Artist Residency (deSAR) x Eugene Lun, de Sarthe, Hong Kong, China
2021 HKOP Award in Printmaking 2021-2022, Hong Kong Open Printshop, Hong Kong, China