Jung Jin - Possible World

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The cynical adage ‘fairytales are for children’ alludes to the general naivety associated with animated fables, owing to their overt overtones of optimism, simplified moral compasses, and of course – guarantee of a happily-ever-after at the conclusion of every story. However, though these fictional works are not driven by the learned rational logic that dictates the majority of daily life, Seoul-based artist Jung Jin argues that underneath the candy coating of starry-eyed characters and catchy musical numbers are down-to-earth and universal afflictions emblematic of human existence. In her solo exhibition Possible World, the artist uses abstract references to well-known children’s animations, including Walt Disney’s “The Little Mermaid” and “Snow White,” the along with a collection of annotated imagery to identify and highlight the feelings of anxiety and confusion that often underlie the overstatements of optimism in classic fairytales. Constructing alternative interpretations by

「童話故事是為孩童而設」這句玩世不恭的格言,指向寓言動畫中所流露的樂觀主義色彩及過份簡化 的道德規範,仍至保證了每個故事皆有美好結局之天真爛漫。儘管這些虛構作品並不受到支撐人們日 常生活的理性邏輯所驅使,首爾藝術家廷珍認為,包裹在這些爛漫角色與美妙旋律的糖衣背後,卻是 實實在在地臨到人類頭上有關存在意義的普世困境。在她的個展「可能的世界」(Possible World) 中,藝術家參照華特.迪士尼的《小美人魚》和《白雪公主》等著名兒童動畫片概念,創作出一系列 帶有圖像標註的作品,揭示了經典童話故事中常見且言過於實的樂觀主義背後潛在的焦慮和困惑。廷 珍透過將把具象描繪與幾何圖案並置,以出乎意料的形式揭露了童話中的經驗現實主義,嘗試構建並 詮釋對世界的另一種可能性——即看似荒謬的理想主義情懷世界亦是可能的。

Jin Please 2

Acrylic on paper
x 182 cm

Please 3

Jung Jin
Acrylic on paper

Jung Jin Please 4

Acrylic on paper
x 182 cm

Using selected scenes from Walt Disney’s iconic movies, the artist overlays painted collages of abstract, geometric, and disorienting patterns that are suggestive of shock, uncertainty, and displacement. From scenes of Ariel standing for the very first time to Snow White searching her way through the forest, Jung Jin magnifies the moments of trial and tribulation within each story and accentuates the undercurrents of vulnerability that are finely woven into the structures of fantasy. The artist also utilizes a technique through which she creates layered cut-outs within her compositions, uncovering hidden messages within the image. Dissecting encounters of fear and trauma – and consequentially, of confrontation and transformation –the artist elucidates the nuanced dynamics that form the realms of fiction and illumines the points of reality and resonance that enable the perpetuation of illusion.

廷珍採用華特·迪士尼的經典電影場景,以拼貼畫般的畫面構圖,結合抽象、幾何甚至迷幻的圖形, 為畫面塗上了一層驚詫、懸疑和異鄉之感。從小美人魚第一次站立到白雪公主在森林中尋覓道路的場 景,廷珍強調那被巧妙編織至童話結構中,暗藏著有關人性脆弱的面向。藝術家同時在作品中運用了 拼貼畫般的分層效果,揭示著蘊藏在畫面中的多重訊息。藝術家透過剖析恐懼和創傷的遭遇,及因而 產生的反抗與轉化,闡明那使童話世界得以成立的微妙張力,強調當中與現實共鳴的處境,使童話般 的想像得以廷續。

Jung Jin
Night with the Lasting Nightmare 1
Acrylic on canvas
x 130 cm
Jung Jin Night Beyond the Window 1
Acrylic on canvas
100 x 80 cm
Jung Jin Night Beyond the Window 2
Acrylic on canvas
100 x 80 cm
Jung Jin
The Windy Holiday 2023
Acrylic on canvas
130 x 89 cm

Eyes See You

Jung Jin
Acrylic on canvas 130 x 89 cm

While many are quick to undermine the idealism portrayed in this genre of fiction, claiming to be in the name of maturity and adulthood, Jung Jin asks us to consider the myth of Sisyphus. Does the absurdity of the situation lie with the unchangeability of fate or the reluctance in accepting its inevitability? As involuntary participants of the human condition, why do we choose to persevere through relentless hardships, fully aware of the suffering that lies ahead? What grounds us in the void that is the unknowability of the future? As the artist and good fiction would suggest, just as the satisfaction of a happy ending is built from the pain along the way, perhaps the burden of living that we unwillingly carry is in the hope of our own happily-ever-after.

當人們打著成年人自以為成熟且充滿歷練的幌子,貶低童話故事中所描述的理想主義,廷珍讓人們思考西 西弗斯的神話。到底生命中那些荒謬的情況是由於命運的不可控,還是對於命運的必然性作出的反抗使然

?我們皆身不由己地成為了人類,為何選擇以覺察痛苦的方式在永無窮盡的困境中堅持下去?是什麼讓我 們植根於那不可知的虛無?正如藝術家和美好童話所暗示因著忍受了痛苦而獲得的快樂那般,也許,我們 不情願地承擔著生活的重擔,同樣是為了追求自己的幸福結局。

From the Ends of the Earth to the Universe 1

Jung Jin
Acrylic on canvas
90 x 90 cm

From the Ends of the Earth to the Universe 2

Jung Jin
Acrylic on canvas
90 x 90 cm

From the Ends of the Earth to the Universe 3

Jung Jin
Acrylic on canvas
90 x 90 cm

Once Upon A Time in Somewhere 2023

Jung Jin
Acrylic on canvas
90 x 90 cm
Jung Jin Real Magic 2023
Acrylic on canvas
90 x 90 cm
Jung Jin
Bluefairy Play 1 - Transformation
Acrylic on canvas
90 x 90 cm
Jung Jin
Bluefairy Play 2 - Transformation
Acrylic on canvas
90 x 90 cm
Jung Jin
The Dizzy Day 1 2022
Acrylic on paper 90 x 90 cm
Jung Jin
The Dizzy Day 2 2022
Acrylic on paper
90 x 90 cm
Jung Jin
Jung Jin
The Dizzy Day 4 2022
Acrylic on paper 90 x 90 cm

Korean Version - Blind for Love 1 - Drawing


Jung Jin
Acrylic on paper
44 x 44 cm

Korean Version - Blind for Love 3 - Drawing


Jung Jin
Acrylic on paper
44 x 44 cm
Jung Jin
The Dizzy Leg - Drawing 2022
Acrylic on paper
x 55 cm
Jung Jin
The Dizzy Day - Drawing 2022
Acrylic on paper
54.5 x 54.5 cm
Jung Jin
Switch on Leg
Acrylic on paper
55 x 55 cm

From the Ends of the Earth to the Universe - Drawing 2022

Jung Jin
Acrylic on paper 55 x 55 cm

Running with the Wind 1 - Drawing 2022

Jung Jin
Acrylic on paper
45 x 45 cm

Running with the Wind 2 - Drawing 2022

Jung Jin
Acrylic on paper
45 x 45 cm

Jung Jin (b. 1984 in Seoul, Korea) tows the line between fantasy and reality through her pieces of simple cartoon characters and dense, pictorial landscapes. The cartoonish lines often featured in her paintings add to the psychology of confusion and anxiety - emotions that are prevalent in her work. Her multi-layered imagery seems to hint at the possibility of moral interpretation, yet from which is impossible to construct a narrative, as the portrayed scenes only allow for fragmentary guesses.

Jung Jin received her B.F.A. and M.F.A. in painting from Seoul National University. Her solo exhibitions include What happened?, 2021 Kumho Young Artist, Kumho Museum of art, Seoul (2021); Guard of the clouds and dromos, Artspace Loo, Seoul (2018); Red in the city, Gallery DOS, Seoul (2015); Private exhibition of Relay to ujung art center, Ujung gallery, Seoul (2014); Deja-View, PYO Gallery South, Seoul (2015) and Following the Feeling, Gallery CHA, Seoul (2011). Her most recent selected group exhibitions include Explorations Beyond Boundaries, G Gallery, Seoul (2022); Decided to Run Again, Suwon Museum of Art, Gyeonggi-do (2021); Young&Young Artist Project- Keep The Memory, Youngeun Museum of art, Gyeonggi-do (2021); Voyager, Oneandj Plus1, Seoul (2021) and 2020 CRE8TIVE REPORT, OCI Museum of art, Seoul (2020). Jung Jin has also been a resident at prestigious residencies such as the Can Foundation Residency, the Suwon Art Studio Pureunjidae Changjak Saemteo Residency, the OCI Museum of Art Residency, and Unjung Art Studio Residency. Jung was selected as the 18th Kumho Young Artist in 2020 and was the winning artist of Art Gyeonggi in 2020.

廷珍(1984年生於韓國首爾)通過簡單且常見的卡通人物和密集的圖像風景,在幻想與現實之間劃下界限。她的 繪畫中常見的卡通線條增添了困惑和焦慮的心理情感,並於她的作品中佔據著極其重要的位置。她創造那層層交 疊的圖像似乎暗示了對於道德詮釋之可能性,然而,這些被描繪的場景只允許了碎片性式的猜測,並未建構出完 整的敘事。

廷珍在首爾大學獲得了繪畫美術學士和美術碩士學位。她的個展包括「What happened?」,2021年金湖青年藝 術家,金湖藝術博物館,首爾,韓國(2021);「Guard of the clouds and dromos」,Artspace Loo,首爾,韓 國(2018);「Red in the city」,Gallery DOS,首爾,韓國(2015);「Private exhibition of Relay to ujung art center」,Ujung gallery,首爾,韓國(2014);「Deja-View」,PYO Gallery South,首爾,韓國(2014) 及);「Following the Feeling」,Gallery CHA,首爾,韓國(2011)。她最近的群展包括「Explorations Beyond Boundaries」,G Gallery,首爾,韓國(2022);「Decided to Run Again」,Suwon Museum of Art, 京畿道,韓國(2021);「Young&Young Artist Project- Keep The Memory」,Youngeun Museum of Art,京 畿道,韓國(2021);「Voyager」,Oneandj Plus1,首爾,韓國(2021)以及「2020 CRE8TIVE REPORT」, OCI Museum of art,首爾,韓國(2020)。廷珍曾在多個知名藝術駐村計劃中擔任駐村藝術家,包括Can Foundation 駐村計劃、Suwon Art Studio Pureunjidae Changjak Saemteo 駐村計劃、OCI Museum of Art 駐村計 劃,及Unjung Art Studio 駐村計劃。廷珍在2020年被選為第18屆金湖青年藝術家,並是2020年Art Gyeonggi的獲 獎藝術家。

Jung Jin

b. 1984 in Seoul, Korea

Currently works and lives in Seoul, Korea

2013 MFA in Painting, College of Fine Arts, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea

2009 BFA in Painting, College of Fine Arts, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea

Solo Exhibitions

2023 Possible World, DE SARTHE, Hong Kong, China

2021 What happened?, 2021 Kumho Young Artist, Kumho Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea

2018 Guard of the clouds and dromos, Artspace Loo, Seoul, Korea

2015 Red in the city, Gallery DOS, Seoul, Korea

2014 Private exhibition of Relay to ujung art center, Ujung Gallery, Seoul, Korea

2012 Deja-View, PYO Gallery South, Seoul, Korea

2011 Following the Feeling, Gallery CHA, Seoul, Korea

Group Exhibitions

2022 Explorations Beyond Boundaries, G Gallery, Seoul, Korea

2021 Voyager, Oneandj Plus1, Seoul, Korea

Decided to Run Again, Suwon Museum of Art, Gyeonggi-do, Korea

The Earth Knows no Slumber, Artspace Gwanggyo, Gyeonggi-do, Korea

Young&Young Artist Project- Keep The Memory, Youngeun Museum of Art, Gyeonggi-do, Korea

2020 2020 CRE8TIVE REPORT, OCI Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea

2019 Treasure Hunt, Gallery Grimson, Seoul, Korea

2016 The Opening Exhibition of Salon de Seoriful, Salon de Seoriful, Seoul, Korea

Their own eyes, Gallery Grimson, Seoul, Korea

2014 Rhythm + Hues, Ujung Gallery, Seoul, Korea

Crescendo, Gallery Grimson, Seoul, Korea

2013 The Recycling Plant, Shinhan Gallery Yeoksam, Seoul, Korea

2012 Y&Y Artist Project, Youngeun Museum of Art, Gyeonggi-do, Korea

2010 The New Face at 2010 Nextdoorgallery, Nextdoorgallery, Seoul, Korea


Youngeun Museum of Art Korea

Ujung Art Center

Incheon Art Bank Awards

2020 Kumho Young Artist

Art Gyeonggi, The 31st Anniversary of PYO Gallery Young Artist Award

2013 Shinhan Young artist Festa, Shinhan Gallery Yeoksam Decided to Run Again, Suwon

Artist Residencies

2023 Can Foundation Residency, Seoul, Korea

2020 Suwon Art Studio Pureunjidae Changjak Saemteo, Suwon, Korea

2019 OCI Residency, OCI Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea

2014 Ujung Art Studio, The 3rd Term Resident Artist, Seoul, Korea




2013 首爾大學繪畫美術碩士,首爾,韓國

2009 首爾大學繪畫美術學士,首爾,韓國


2023 「可能世界」,德薩畫廊,香港,中國

2021 「What happened?」,2021年金湖青年藝術家,金湖藝術博物館,首爾,韓國

2018 「Guard of the clouds and dromos」,Artspace Loo,首爾,韓國

2015 「Red in the city」,Gallery DOS,首爾,韓國

2014 「Private exhibition of Relay to ujung art center」,Ujung Gallery,首爾,韓國

2012 「Deja-View」,PYO Gallery South,首爾,韓國

2011 「Following the Feeling」,Gallery CHA,首爾,韓國


2022 「Explorations Beyond Boundaries」,G Gallery,首爾,韓國

2021 「Voyager」,Oneandj Plus1,首爾,韓國

「Decided to Run Again」,Suwon Museum of Art,京畿道,韓國

「The Earth Knows no Slumber」,Artspace Gwanggyo,京畿道,韓國

「Young&Young Artist Project- Keep The Memory」,Youngeun Museum of Art,京畿道,韓國

2020 「2020 CRE8TIVE REPORT」,OCI Museum of Art,首爾,韓國

2019 「Treasure Hunt」,Gallery Grimson,首爾,韓國

2016 「The Opening Exhibition of Salon de Seoriful」,Salon de Seoriful,首爾,韓國

「Their own eyes」,Gallery Grimson,首爾,韓國

2014 「Rhythm + Hues」,Ujung Gallery,首爾,韓國

「Crescendo」,Gallery Grimson,首爾,韓國

2013 「The Recycling Plant」,Shinhan Gallery Yeoksam,首爾,韓國

2012 「Y&Y Artist Project」,Youngeun Museum of Art,京畿道,韓國

2010 「The New Face at 2010 Nextdoorgallery」,Nextdoorgallery,首爾,韓國


Youngeun Museum of Art Korea,首爾,韓國

Ujung Art Center,首爾,韓國

Incheon Art Bank,首爾,韓國


2020 金湖青年藝術家,首爾,韓國

Art Gyeonggi,第三十一屆PYO Gallery Young Artist Award,首爾,韓國

2013 Shinhan Young artist Festa,Shinhan Gallery Yeoksam Decided to Run Again,水原,韓國


2023 Can Foundation 駐村計劃,首爾,韓國

2020 Suwon Art Studio Pureunjidae Changjak Saemteo 駐村計劃,水原,韓國

2019 OCI Museum of Art 駐村計劃,首爾,韓國

2014 Unjung Art Studio 駐村計劃,首爾,韓國

17 November – 23 December 2023

Hong Kong

de sarthe

26/F, M Place, 54 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Hong Kong www.desarthe.com

Opening hours: Tuesday to Saturday 11am–7pm

Tel: +852 2167 8896

Fax: +852 2167 8893

E-mail: hongkong@desarthe.com

Texts: Jung Jin and Allison Cheung

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means in whole or part, without prior written permission from the gallery and the artist.


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