What We Are

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From the seven capital virtues and deadly sins to modern science and psychology, the subject of human behavior has been speculated, theorized, judged, and justified on repeat. While our actions, and the consequences of said actions, have evolved along with the eras, the core ethos that governs humanity remains seemingly familiar. The group exhibition What We Are inquires into the corners and alleys of the human psyche and illumines both the motivations and complexities behind our subconscious-driven behavior. Reflecting upon the manifestations of human nature under contemporary context, the exhibition asks: What defines humanity on the most fundamental level? What are we as a collective entity?

The selection of artists in What We Are samples from varied aspects of being human in the 21st century. Dong Jinling and Lin Zhipeng a.k.a 223 illustrates humanity via an examination of our physical receptacles. Dong’s video and photographic artworks from 2012 depict the artist expressing milk from her left breast into the air and the consequential asymmetry of


管我們的行為及其後果隨著時代的變遷而不斷演變,然而,支配人類的核心精神卻古今一轍。群展 「生而為吾」(What We Are),踏訪人類心靈的角落,揭示我們受潛意識驅動行為的複雜性與背後 之動機。展覽對當代語境下人性表現的多重面向進行反思,並進而詰問,何謂人性的本質?作為一個 集體,我們又該如何被定性?

「生而為吾」中的作品嘗試從不同側面反映 21 世紀的人類面貌。董金玲和林志鵬(又名 223)透過

探究以我們的肉身作為容器以詮釋人性。董金玲於2012年的錄像及攝影作品,刻畫了藝術家從其左 乳擠出並噴濺空中的乳汁,以及擠壓後的不對稱乳房。這組作品違背了社會規範的期望並實行自主反 抗,不僅挑戰了人為界定的性別定認,更挑戰了功能主導之生物學概念本身。223的詩性暗示圖象把 其置於淫穢和嬉鬧之間,一條岌岌可危的界線上。他的作品《蕾絲》(2009)散發著一種柔緩的逍 遙無慮,輕鬆而純真,樂觀地以享樂主義生活抵抗單調乏味。

Dong Jinling
Dong Jinling 2-1

Single channel video, edition 4/6

Dong Jinling
Dong Jinling 2-2 2011
Lin Zhipeng a.k.a. 223

Jingjing and Ma Sibo’s artworks compares two contrasting modes of being: within a collective versus in solitary existence. Lin Jingjing’s mixed media artwork from 2014 portrays a group in uniform, performing morning calisthenics as a common daily routine in China. Within the composition, embroidered light rays emit systematically from each individual to form an intersecting matrix. Not unlike a school of fish or a flock of birds, the exercisers appear as if a larger entity from a distance. On the contrary, Ma Sibo’s hazy work on canvas reveals a singular figure, silhouetted against a glaring background. Bathed in light yet inducing no clarity, Ma’s artwork alludes to the unknown potentials shrouded within space and silence, as well as the room to wander and be lost when strayed from the crowd.

林菁菁和馬思博的作品對照了兩種截然不同的存在模式:群體與孤獨。林菁菁於2014的混合媒介作 品描繪了一群服裝統一的人進行晨操,這是在中國司空見慣的日常活動。構圖中,繡制的光線從各人

身上有條不紊地發射而出,形成一個交錯的矩陣。這些晨操人士與魚群或鳥群別無二致,從遠處看來 彷如一個更大的實體。相反,馬思博朦朧的布面作品則從耀目背景下顯露出單獨的人物剪影。其作品 雖沐浴於光線之中卻前路未明,影射了空間與寂靜所蘊含的未知潛能,以及脫離人群後才得以騰出, 容讓自我迷失與觀照的心房。

My Promise for your Happiness 2-7

Lin Jingjing
Acrylic and thread on canvas
135 x 162 cm
Ma Sibo
Long Night 2022 Oil on canvas 80 x

Immersed in another quiet but detailed soundscape, Xin Yunpeng’s 2017 video artwork delivers a narrative formed around his mother’s prayers on a rainy night. Observing from a single fixed angle, the video paints a nuanced picture comprising soft patter on the window, creaking doors, sporadic strikes of thunder, and a mother’s voice praying unintelligibly but restlessly in the background. An unexpected scene near the end reveals a clue in regard to her wishes. Enveloped within an unspoken relationship between a mother and son, Xin Yunpeng’s artwork elucidates the human compulsion to seek hope, unrelentingly and in spite of reality.

辛雲鵬於2017年的錄影作品沉浸於另一種寧靜而細膩的聲景中,圍繞著母親在夜雨中的禱聲展開敘 述。觀察自一個固定的視角,影片描繪了一幅細緻入微的畫面,雨淅淅瀝瀝的拍打在窗框上、吱吱作 響的門聲、零星的雷擊,以及背景中母親延綿不絕卻不知所云的禱告聲相互交織。臨近影片的結尾, 意想不到的一幕揭示了母親的祈許。作品被母子關係間難以言說的氛圍所包裹,並闡釋了人類不顧現 實如何仍自始至終地尋求希望的衝動。

Zhong Wei One Screen of Distressed 2019
Acrylic on canvas
x 200 cm

In defending for autonomy over our own bodies, in seeking safety in the herd or introspection by oneself, in praying to higher powers, and in pursuing eternal life and alternative forms of existence –there is an intrinsic characteristic shared among these behaviors: a desire to decide the way we live. The final artwork in the exhibition is a kinetic installation created by Zhou Wendou in 2013. Within the artwork, two pairs of body-less legs extend from underneath a long desk, crossed and shaking sprightly. Removing any context, the artist places the focus on a singular action resultant of unconscious habits, justified by none other than to act on impulse – and we ask, what are we if not a collection of internalized behaviors? What are we if not an expression of what we yearn and covet? What are we if not the same set of instincts that has driven the evolution of humanity from the beginning of time?

我們捍衛身體自主,在群體中尋求安全感或返觀內照;我們向更高的存有祈求,甚或追求永恆的生命與及另一種 存在的模式,這些行為皆分享了同一個內在特徵:渴望掌管自己的生命。展覽的最後一件作品是周文斗於2013 年創作的機動裝置。作品中,兩對沒有身體的腿從一張長桌下伸出,交叉並靈活地抖動著。剔除了任何可被理解 的語境,藝術家聚焦於無意識習慣所引發的單一動作上。倘若,除了按本能地行動以外別無理由,生而為吾,究 竟為何而為?人類自古以來生存、演化所選擇的種種,衍生而成生的所謂天性,我們終究是一群內化行為且不可 分割的集合體,渴望掌管命運事實上卻是互為因果,生於共同織出的命運巨輪下。最後只得一再自我挎問,該怎 麼生而為吾?

About Dong Jinling

Dong Jinling was born in Jiangsu, China in 1986. She graduated from Yunnan University with a major in art history and began practicing in 2010. Dong Jinling enjoys using simple but powerful art language to convey her toleranc e and struggle toward social systems. In her works, Dong Jinling often uses herself as the subject, playing the monarch, general, and breeder through mediums including video, performance and painting. Her practice evokes through simple actions a poetry that goes beyond what we actually see, reaching out to our imagination through metaphors that all of us can comprehend.

Dong Jinling currently lives and works in Beijing.


董金玲1986 年出生於中國江蘇。

她畢業於雲南大學美術史專業本科,於2010 年開始從事藝術創作。

董金玲鍾情使用簡潔有力的藝術語言來表達她對社會制度的寬容與抵抗。她常在作品中以其女性身體 為主體,透過扮演掌權者、引領者並飼養者之角色,介入影像、行為和繪畫等媒介。她的創作透過簡 單的行動喚起了超越我們實際所見之詩意,藉著人皆可領悟的隱喻觸及我們之想像。



b. 1986 in Jiangsu Province, China. Works and lives in Beijing, China

2008 BA in Art History, Yunnan University, Yunnan, China

Solo Exhibitions

2018 Divine Comedy, Xining Contemporary Art Space, Qinghai, China

The Purity of a Horse, DE SARTHE, Beijing, China

2017 GRIEF, thrudesign, Beijing, China

My Foster Child-Darkness, MoShang Experiment, Beijing, China

Group Exhibitions

2024 What We Are, DE SARTHE, Hong Kong, China

2023 A Theatre of Waiting,The Cloud Collection, Nanjing, China

Shadows, Cadence Gallery, Shanghai, China

Living a Performance Artist’s Life: 2023 Performance Art Documental Exhibition, MadeIn Art Museum, Shanghai, China

2022 OWNNESS, Floating Projects, Hong Kong, China

2021 Affect: Jiang Han Star Plan 2021 – Young Artists Research Exhibition, Wuhan Art Museum, Wuhan, China

2019 Performing Society: The Violence of Gender, Tai Kwun, Hong Kong, China

2018 Screen Refreshing/Labor:AMNUA Photography Exhibition 2018, Art Museum of Nanjing

University of the Arts, Nanjing, China

2017 Performance Art as Space Intervention/Documentaries of Chinese Performance Art, MEDO ART, Vienna, Austria

The First Meixi International Culture and Art Festival, HE Art Museum, Changsha, China

Exhibition of the Fifth UP-ON International Live Art Festival, A4 Art Museum, Chengdu, China

A SEPARATION curated by Zhu Zhu, Yang Gallery, Beijing, China

2016 NIPAF (Nippon International Performance Art Festival) Asia WS – IN: ACT 2016, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

BEYOND ACTION, Kylin Center of Contemporary Art, Beijing, China

The First Art Media Nomination Exhibition, Sichuan Fine Art Institute, Chongqing, China

2015 Inward Gazes-Four Artists in Performance Macao Museum, Macao, China

Live Action 9, Foreningen Gallery A50, Gothenburg, Sweden

2014 The Seventeenth NIPAF (Nippon International Performance Art Festival) Asia Performance Art Series 2014, Tokyo-Miyazaki-Nagano, Japan

2012 The Document Exhibition of Chinese Performance Art 2012, Macao Museum, Macao

2010 TORA TORA TORA: Chinese Cutting-Edge Photography Exhibition, Three Shadows Photography Art Center, Beijing, China


2012 “Exhibition of Documentaries of Chinese Performance Arts 2012”, Museumde Arte de Macau, Merit Award

Public Collection

Museumde Arte de Macau

Museum of Contemporary Art Beijing NIPAF Art Center of Japan



2008 雲南大學藝術史論專業本科,雲南,中國


2018 《一匹馬的貞潔》,德薩畫廊,北京,中國

2017 《喜劇》,西寧當代,青海,中國








2022 《OWNNESS》,據點,香港,中國

2021 《情動》,武漢美術館,武漢,中國

2019 《表演社會:性別的暴力》,大館,香港,中國

2018 《雙螢幕/勞動:2018 AMNUA攝影展》,南京藝術學院美術館(AMNUA),南京,中國

2017 《Performance Art as Space Intervention / Documentaries of Chinese Performance Art》,Medo Art 維也納,奧地利

《首屆梅溪國際文化藝術節》,禾美術館,長沙,中國 《第五屆「UP-ON」國際現場藝術節》,A4美術館,成都,中國 《一次別離》,楊畫廊,北京,中國


《NIPAF日本國際行為藝術節Asia WS IN: ACT 2016》,胡志明,越南 《超越行動》,麒麟當代藝術中心,北京,中國


2015 《「以身觀身」行為跨介四人聯展》,澳門博物館,澳門,中國 《Live Action9》,A50國際畫廊,斯德哥爾摩,瑞典 2014 《第17屆NIPAF 日本國際行為藝術節 Asia Performance Art Series 2014》,東京-宮崎-長野,日本 2013 《廣州‧現場 4 》國際行為藝術節,廣州,中國

2012 《「以身觀身」-中國行為藝術文獻展》,澳門博物館,澳門,中國 2010 《TORA TORA TORA 中國新銳影像展》,三影堂攝影藝術中心,北京,中國


2012 《「以身觀身」-中國行為藝術文獻展2012》,優異獎,澳門博物館,澳門,中國





About Lin Jingjing

Lin Jingjing was born in Shanghai, China in 1970. She graduated from the Fine Art department of Fujian University with a B.F.A. in 1992 before completing her advanced studies at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing in 1994. In 2020, she received an M.F.A. from School of Visual Arts in New York.

Lin Jingjing explores the depths of social and personal identity in the context of modern society, often examining themes such as confusion and quest, existence and absence, constraint and resistance through a lens of paradox. Of particular focus is how individuals define themselves amongst the effects of the outside world, vis-à-vis culture, politics, history and the economy. Her artwork spans performances, installation, painting, mixed media and video. She is also well known for layering thread over painting, installations and other mixed media to create dazzling worlds. The surreal effect created via this method immerses the viewers into another consciousness.

Lin Jingjing currently lives and works in Beijing, China and New York, USA.


林菁菁出生於中國上海。她在1992年畢業於福建師范大學美術系獲得本科學位,1994至1995 進修於 中央美術學院,並於2020年獲得紐約視覺藝術學院碩士學位。她的作品映射了現代社會中自我身份 和文化,困惑和探尋,存在和缺失,束縛和抗爭等主題。通覽她的作品使觀者對許多日常的概念重新 提出疑問:我們如何定義“自我”, 而他者,文化,政治,歷史,經濟對我們的影響又是如何。 她的 作品涵蓋了行為, 裝置, 繪畫,混合材料,影像等多種媒介。她擅長在繪畫,裝置,混合材料作品中, 加入手縫的絲線,從而疊加出一個超現實的炫麗世界,林菁菁的作品,旨在以悖論的方式提出問題, 觸發觀者的思考和聯想。



b. 1970 in Shanghai, China. Lives and works in New York, USA.

1992 B.F.A. Fine Art Department, Fujian University, Fuzhou, China

2020 M.F.A. School of Visual Arts, New York, USA

Solo Exhibitions

2023 Elsewhere, Leila Heller Gallery, Dubai, UAE

2022 Elsewhere, DE SARTHE, Hong Kong, China

2020 You Can Trust Me, San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art, California, USA

2019 Lov-Lov Shop, DE SARTHE, Hong Kong , China

2018 ......I......, Residency Unlimited (RU), New York, USA

2017 Take Off, DE SARTHE, Hong Kong , China

2015 Tomorrow Was Wonderful, DE SARTHE, Beijing, China

2014 Promise Again for the First Time, DE SARTHE, Hong Kong, China

2012 Possible of Impossible, Neues Kunstforum, Cologne, Germany

My Promise for Your Happiness, Alexander Ochs Gallery, Beijing, China

2011 The Method Of Paradox, Museo sin muros-Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Mall Plaza Vespucio, Santiago, Chile

Rose Rose, Museo sin muros-Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Mall Plaza Trebol, Concepcioń, Chile

Public Privacy: The Visual Memory of Lin Jingjing, Whitebox Art Centre, Beijing, China

2009 I Want to be With You Forever, Songzhuang Art Museum, Beijing, China

2008 Flying Alone, Magee Art Gallery, Madrid, Spain

1997 Dreamlike, Liu Haisu Art Museum, Shanghai, China

Group Exhibitions

2024 What We Are, DE SARTHE, Hong Kong, China

2023 System Update, DE SARTHE, West Bund Art & Design, Shanghai, China

Perceptible Escapisms, Taipei Dangdai, DE SARTHE, Taipei

Perceptible Escapisms, Art Basel Hong Kong, DE SARTHE, Hong Kong, China

2020 Please Form A Straight Line, Blue Star Contemporary, Texas, USA

2019 Light Year 55, Projection on the Manhattan Bridge, New York, USA

Look Both Ways, SVA Chelsea Gallery, New York, USA

Non-Location Specific, SVA Flatiron Gallery, New York, USA

Escape From, Escape To, SVA Chelsea Gallery, New York, USA

2018 Docile, SNAP Gallery, Shanghai, China


Half Sky, Red Gate Gallery, Beijing, China

She: International Women Artists Exhibition, Long Museum, Shanghai, China

Research Room III: The Working of Non-Figurative System, Right View Art Museum, Beijing, China

China Fourth Biennale Italy-China, Beijing, China Standing by Themselves: China Now, DE SARTHE Gallery, Hong Kong, China

2015 Stay Tuned, Lin Jingjing – Zhou Wendou, DE SARTHE, Hong Kong, China

Where Are We?, DE SARTHE, Hong Kong, China

Third Biennale Italy-China, Turin, Italy

2014 You, I Among Us, DE SARTHE, Beijing, China

Current Reality, Hidden Barriers, DE SARTHE, Hong Kong (CC)TV, Galerie Herold/Künstlerhaus Güterabfertigung, Bremen, Germany

What If Objects Could Talk, OV Gallery, Shanghai, China

Summer Gallery Selection, DE SARTHE, Hong Kong, China

2013 Entangled Particles: Four Contemporary Chinese Artists, Saint Mary’s University Art Gallery, Halifax, Canada


First Biennale Italy-China, Villa Reale Di Monza, Italy

Phoenix Symphony: Female Contemporary Arts, Tree Art Museum, Songzhuang, Beijing, China

2011 Half the Sky: Women in the New Art of China, Leonard Pearlstein Gallery, Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA

Memory & Identity, MK2 Art Space, Beijing, China

2010 Mind In Turmoil, Hand Better Busy, Long De Xuan Contemporary Art Center, Beijing, China

The Possibility of Uncertainty, Songzhuang Art Museum, Beijing, China

Cruzando el horizonte: Exposición de Arte Contemporáneo de China, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago, Chile

2009 Deutschland und China- Gemeinsam in Bewegung (Moving Ahead TogetherContemporary Art from Germany and China), Wuhan Art Museum, Wuhan, China

2008 55 Days in Valencia, Chinese art meeting, Institut Valencia d'Art Modern, Valencia, Spain

Time-Lag: The New Force of Chinese Contemporary Art, Magee Art Gallery, Madrid, Spain

2007 Journey to the West, Kunstraum Niederoesterreich, Vienna, Austria


Potential Dialogue - The party of Sino-Austria young artists, RCM ART Museum, Nanjing, China

2005 Archaeology of The Future, The Second Triennial Of Chinese Art, Nanjing Museum, China

2004 EAST OF EAST, Ljubljana Castle, Ljubljana, Slovenia

One to one: Visions—Recent Photographs from China, Chambers Fine Art, New York, USA

2003 The Different Same---Chinese and Slovenian Artist Exchange Exhibition, Shanghai

DuoLun Museum of Modern Art, Shanghai, China

The First Triennial of Chinese Arts, 2003, Guangzhou Art Museum, Guangzhou, China

2002 Cultural Forum -- New Millennium Chinese Landscape Painting, Tikanoja Art Museum, Vaasa, Finland

Public Collections

He Xiangning Art Museum, Shenzhen, China

Institut Valencia d'Art Modern (IVAM), Valencia, Spain

Liu Haisu Art Museum, Shanghai, China

Museo de la Nación, Lima, Peru

Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago, Chile

National Art Museum of China (NAMOC), Beijing, China

Private Collections

Long Museum, Shanghai, China

Museum MACAN, Jakarta, Indonesia

The Mountain Group Museum, Kaohsiung

Taida Museum of Modern Art, Tianjin, China

Tain collection, London, United Kingdom

Whitebox Art Center, Beijing, China

Future Land Center, Beijing, China

Artist Residency

2022 MASS MoCA’s Artist-in-Residence, North Adams, USA


1970 年出生於中國上海。現於美國紐約居住和工作。

1992 福建師範大學美術學院本科學位,福州,中國

2020 視覺藝術學院碩士學位,紐約,美國


2023 《別處》,Leila Heller Gallery,杜拜,阿聯酋

2022 《別處》,德薩畫廊,香港,中國

2020 《You Can Trust Me》, 聖荷西當代藝術學院, 加洲,美國

2019 《Lov-Lov Shop》,德薩畫廊,香港,中國

2018 《......I...... 》, Residency Unlimited ( RU ),紐約,美国

2017 《脫軌》,德薩畫廊,香港,中國

2015 《明天曾經無限美好》,德薩畫廊,北京,中國

2014 《完美的諾言》,德薩畫廊,香港,中國

2012 《不可能之可能》,Neues Kunstforum,科隆,德國 《完美的諾言》,亞歷山大奧克斯畫廊,北京,中國

2011 《悖論的方式》,智利國家博物館,聖地亞哥,智利

《玫瑰玫瑰》,智利國家博物館,康塞普西翁,智利 《公共隱私》,白盒子藝術中心,北京,中國

2009 《我要永遠和你在一起》,北京宋庄美術館,北京,中國

2008 《一個人的飛翔》,瑪吉畫廊,馬德裡,西班牙

1997 《似夢》,劉海粟美術館,上海,中國




《Perceptible Escapisms》,德薩畫廊,台北當代藝術博覽會,台北,台灣

《Perceptible Escapisms》,德薩畫廊,香港巴塞爾藝術展,香港,中國 2020

《Please Form A Straight Line》, Blue Star Contemporary, 德州,美國 2019 《Light Year 55》, 曼哈頓大橋視覺投影,

《Look Both Ways》, 紐約視覺藝術學院切爾西畫廊,紐約,美國

《Non-Location Specific》, 紐約視覺藝術學院熨斗畫廊,紐約,美國

《Escape From, Escape To》, 紐約視覺藝術學院切爾西畫廊, 紐約,美國

2018 《Docile》,SNAP 畫廊,上海,中國

2016 《她們 : 國際女性藝術家特展》,龍美術館,上海,中國


《研究室計劃(第三回):運行中的“非形象”》,正觀美術館,北京,中國� 《第四屆中國 —— 意大利當代藝術雙年展》,北京,中國



《Stay Tuned:林菁菁 — 周文斗》,德薩畫廊,香港


《第三届意大利當代藝術雙年展》,都靈,意大利 2014


《現實 —— 障礙》,德薩畫廊,香港,中國

《(CC)TV》,Galerie Herold/ Künstlerhaus,布萊梅,德國

《假如作品會說話》,OV 畫廊,上海,中國


2013 《Entangled Particles:Four Contemporary Chinese Artists》,聖瑪特大學博物館, 哈利法克斯 ,加拿大




2011 《半邊天:女性藝術家當代藝術展》,德雷塞爾大學卓克索美術館,費城,美國






2009 《同行:德中當代藝術展》,武漢美術館,武漢,中國

2008 《在瓦倫西亞 55 天中國當代藝術展》,瓦倫西亞現代藝術博物館,瓦倫西亞,西班牙 《時差:中國當代藝術新力量》,瑪吉畫廊,馬德裡,西班牙

2007 《西游記 —— 中國當代藝術展》Kunstraum Niederoesterreich,維也納,奧地利

2006 《潛在的交流 —— 中國奧地利年輕藝術家的派對》,南視覺美術館,南京,中國

2005 《未來考古學:第二屆中國藝術三年展》,南京藝術博物院,南京,中國

2004 《東方的東方》,利比阿那城堡,利比阿那,斯洛文尼亞 《一對一 —— 來自中國的攝影》,前波畫廊,紐約,美國

2003 《不一樣的一樣——



2002 《Cultural Forum — New Millennium Chinese Landscape Painting》,Tikanjoa 美術館,






秘魯國家美術館,利馬,秘魯 智利國家美術館,聖地亞哥,智利







Tain Collection,倫敦,英國




2022 MASS MoCA 駐館藝術家,北亞當斯,美國

About Lin Zhipeng (a.k.a. 223)

Lin Zhipeng (a.k.a. 223) was born in Guangdong, China in 1979, He graduated from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies with major of financial English. Lin is a leading figure of new Chinese photography emerging in the last decade, popularizing his work originally via social media and other online platforms as well as his self-published zines. Lin’s work has come to reflect and define a certain zeitgeist of the post-80’s and 90’s generation of non-mainstream Chinese youth. Faded flowers tangled with flesh tones, myriad patterns mixing with an emotional ambiguity of both love and chaos, fantasy and eroticism. His photographs act as the collective poetic diary of a generation eager to escape social pressures and to aspire to the pleasures of life in a society that is as indifferent as it is rapidly evolving.


林菁菁出生於中國上海。她在1992年畢業於福建師范大學美術系獲得本科學位,1994至1995 進修於 中央美術學院,並於2020年獲得紐約視覺藝術學院碩士學位。她的作品映射了現代社會中自我身份 和文化,困惑和探尋,存在和缺失,束縛和抗爭等主題。通覽她的作品使觀者對許多日常的概念重新 提出疑問:我們如何定義“自我”, 而他者,文化,政治,歷史,經濟對我們的影響又是如何。 她的 作品涵蓋了行為, 裝置, 繪畫,混合材料,影像等多種媒介。她擅長在繪畫,裝置,混合材料作品中, 加入手縫的絲線,從而疊加出一個超現實的炫麗世界,林菁菁的作品,旨在以悖論的方式提出問題, 觸發觀者的思考和聯想。



b. 1979 in Guangdong, China

2000 Bachelor in Financial English, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies

Solo Exhibitions

2023 Mysterious Skin, Stieglitz19 Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium

Boys Boys Boys, Migrant Bird Space, Berlin, Germany

We have no purity in the dark, Kitsuné Gallery, New York, USA

2022 Colors of Love, Represented by in)(between, RASTOLL Gallery, Paris / Sinibaldi Galerie, Arles, France

Colors of Love, Represented by in)(between, Galeria Cadaques, Cadaques, Spain

2021 Polaroids, Stieglitz19 Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium

2020 Satellite of Love, Canton-Sadine, Vancouver, Canada


A Savage Affection, Solonia Art Center, Suzhou, China

Amphibian Relationships - No.223@The Delaware Contemporary, Delaware, USA

No.223@Akio Nagasawa Gallery Aoyama, Tokyo, Japan

No.223@The Walther Collection feats Then and Now, The Walther Collection, Neu Ulm, Germany No.223@in)(between, in)(between Gallery, Paris, France

2018 No.223@Grand Amour, Grand Amour Hotel, Paris, France

223, Stieglitz 19 Gallery, Antwerpen, Belgium

2017 No.223@M97, M97 Gallery, Shanghai, China

2016 No. 223: Lin Zhipeng, DE SARTHE, Beijing, China

Hidden Track, Stieglitz19 Gallery, Anterwerp, Belgium

2014 223, Loppis Galleria, Parma, Italy

Velvet Pogo, KuiYuan Gallery, Guangzhou, China

2013 Peaches, ATTIC, Taipei, Taiwan

2008 Composition in Time, GZOP Lab, Guangzhou, China

Me Party, Songzhuang Art Museum, Beijing, China

Group Exhibitions

2024 What We Are, DE SARTHE, Hong Kong, China

2023 "Each,Other", Griffith University Art Museum, Brisbane, Australia

Love Songs, ICP, NewYork, USA

Interface, ARTiX3, Tokyo, Japan

2022 I Have Not Loved (enough or worked), Art Gallery of Western Australia, Australia

WHO AM I? I AM, Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Germany

Love Songs, MEP Paris, Paris, France

223 & Ren Hang, Stieglitz19 Gallery, Brussels, Belgium

2021 Signs of The Times, Apalazzo Gallery, Brescia, Italy

2020 Possible Past, Star Gallery, Beijing, China

Harvest / Hanging Fruit, M97 Gallery, Shanghai, China

自如的 票與療癒的暗示, M Studio, Beijing, China

Chamber of:, Lou Carter Gallery, Paris, France

China Fever, Migrant Bird Space, Berlin, Germany

The Farm, K11 Art Foundation, Shenyang, China

2019 I AM (AT WAR) IN LOVE WITH THE OBVIOUS, The Address Gallery, Brescia, Italy

Chinese Spring Part 4, Stieglitz19 Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium

Convection, Art Tai Space, Hohhot, China

2018 Unseen Photo Fair 2018, Amsterdam, Netherlands

A nous la mode!, Three Shadows Xiamen Photography Art Centre, Xiamen, China

2017 PHOTOSYNTHESIS, M97 Gallery, Shanghai, China

The World Section, Xi'an Art Museum, Xi'an, China

Poem, Zhong Gallery, Beijing, China

2016 Meet Daido Moriyama, Aoman Space, Beijing, China

Illuminate Your Beauty, UCCA, Beijing, China

BredaPhoto International Photofestival, Breda, Netherlands

2015 Teetering at the Edge of the World Reading the Chinese Contemporary, Espacio de Arte Contemporeáno (EAC), Montevideo, Uruguay

This is Not China Anymore, GuatePhoto International Photography Festival, Antigua, Guatemala

Coming Image curated by LEAP, PhotoShanghai, Shanghai, China

Changjiang International Image Biennale, Chongqing, China

2014 Collab#1 curated by Now&Them, The Gallery, Shanghai, China

No.223, Tenth Lianzhou International Photography Festival, Guangdong, China

XXX, Bank Gallery, Shanghai, China

Chinese Spring#2, Stieglitz19 Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium

2013 Unseen Photo Fair, Amsterdam, Netherlands

FUCK OFF 2, Groningen Museum, Netherlands

Exposure: Contemporary Media Art From Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China, London Gallery West, London, United Kingdom

Equal Relationships, Blindspot Gallery, Hong Kong, China

2012 I Have Also Other Favorites, Stacion Gallery, Prishtina, Kosovo

Across the Great Divide, White Gloss Gallery, Los Angeles, USA

Unspecified Urban Site, RH Gallery, New York, USA

Everyday, Shanghai Gallery of Art, Shanghai, China

Secret Love, Ostasiatiska Museet, Skeppsholmen, Stockholm, Sweden

2011 dAfT, Shanghai Gallery of Art, Shanghai, China

Chinese Spring #1, Stieglitz19 Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium

Boys' Little World / 223 & Hanchao & Eiki Mori, Zen Photo Gallery, Tokyo, Japan

Recurrent Shadows – Selected Works from the Three Shadows Photography Award

2008-11 He Xiangning Art Museum, Shenzhen, China

Myriad Visions – The Three Shadows Photography Award Exhibition 2011, Beijing, China

Art Amsterdam 2011, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Myriad Vision, Three Shadows Photography Art Center, Beijing, China

GTZ Photography Workshop 2011, Berlin, Germany


5PRCITY, United Nude Miami, Miami, United States

First International Contemporary Art Festival of China Jimei, Xiamen, China

Caochangdi Photo Spring 2010: ARLES IN BEIJING, Beijing, China

Box II: The Cruelty of Youth, White Space Collection, New York City, USA

2009 LINEART Fair at Flanders Expo Gent, Belgium

China Now –The Edge of Desire, Max Lang, New York, USA

I, I SEE - Southern Pocket Film festival, Guangzhou, China

2008 Youth Appearance, Fourth Lianzhou International Photography Festival, Guangdong, China

Metamorphosis – New Generation of Chinese Contemporary Photographers, Art Scene China, Shanghai, China

Hidden Life: Apartment Diary, Lin & Keng Gallery, Beijing, China

Foto Grafia International Festival, Rome, Italy

New Photography in China, City Festival, Hong Kong, China

2007 Sampling: Chinese Young Photographers, Potential Gallery, Beijing, China

Refresh: Emerging Chinese Artists, touring exhibition, Zendai MoMA, Shanghai, China; Arario Gallery, Beijing, China

2006 Selfhood – Absent Minded, First Lianzhou International Photography, China

2005 Five New Generation Photographers, Pingyao International Photography Festival, Pingyao, China


2000 廣東外語外貿大學金融英語本科學位



《Mysterious Skin》,Stieglitz19畫廊,安特衛普,比利時

《Boys Boys Boys》,Migrant Bird Space,柏林,德國

《We have no purity in the dark》,Kitsuné Gallery,紐約,美國

2022 《Colors of Love》,Represented by in)(between,RASTOLL畫廊,巴黎/ Sinibaldi Galerie,


《Colors of Love》,Represented by in)(between,Galeria Cadaques,卡達克斯,西班牙

2021 《Polaroids》,Stieglitz19畫廊,安特衛普,比利時

2020 《愛,放衛星》,Canton-Sadine,溫哥華,加拿大 《以蠻為情》,Solonia Art Center,蘇州,中國

2019 《兩棲關係 - 編號223@ The Delaware Contemporary》,德拉瓦州,美國 《編號223@長澤明夫畫廊青山》,東京,日本

《編號223@ The Walther Collection feats Then And Now》,The Walther Collection,新烏爾姆,德國

《編號223@ in)(between, in)(between Gallery》,巴黎,法國

2018 《編號223@Grand Amour》,Grand Amour Hotel,巴黎,法國 《編號223@ Stieglitz19》,Stieglitz19畫廊,安特衛普,比利時

2017 《編號223@M97》,M97畫廊,上海,中國

2016 《編號223》,德薩畫廊,北京,中國

《Hidden Track》,Stieglitz19畫廊,安特衛普,比利時

2014 《223》,Loppis 畫廊,帕爾馬,意大利 《青紅皂白》,逵園藝術館,廣州,中國

2013 《蜜桃》,ATTIC 藝術空間,台北,台灣

2008 《時光成分》,GZOP 空間,廣州,中國




2022 《I Have Not Loved (enough or worked)》,西澳大利亞美術館,澳洲 林志鵬

《Each, Other》,格里菲斯大學藝術博物館,布里斯班,澳洲

《Love Songs》,ICP,紐約,美國



《WHO AM I? I AM.》,斯圖加特國家美術館,德國

《Love Songs》,MEP Paris,巴黎,法國

《223 & Ren Hang》,Stieglitz19畫廊,布魯塞爾,比利時

《Signs of The Times》,Apalazzo畫廊,布雷西亞,意大利 2020 《可能的往事》,星空間,北京,中國



《Chamber of:》Lou Carter 畫廊,巴黎,法國

《China Fever》,候鳥空間,柏林,德國



《I AM (AT WAR) IN LOVE WITH THE OBVIOUS》,The Address Gallery,布雷西亞,意大利

《Chinese Spring Part 4》,Stieglitz19 畫廊,安特衛普,比利時

《對流》,藝泰空間,呼和浩特,中國 2018



《Chinese Spring Part 3》,Stieglitz19畫廊,安特衛普,比利時

《Unseen Photo Fair 2018》, 阿姆斯特丹,荷蘭


2017 《世界切片》,世界館,西安美術館,西安,中國



2016 《遇見森山大道》,Aoman Space,北京,中國

《坦白——猝不及防的九場自拍實驗》,尤倫斯當代藝術中心,北京,中國布雷達國際攝影節, 布雷達,荷蘭

2015 《Teetering at the Edge of the World Reading the Chinese Contemporary》, 當代藝術空間(EAC),蒙得維的亞,烏拉圭

《This is Not China Anymore》,GuatePhoto 國際攝影節,安提瓜,危地馬拉


由LEAP策展,上海藝術影像展,上海,中國 《首屆長江國際影像雙年展》,長江當代美術館,重慶,中國 2014 《Collab#1》由Now&Them策展,格蕊莉畫廊,上海,中國 《編號223》,第十屆連州國際攝影年展,廣東,中國

《XXX》,Bank Gallery,上海,中國

《Chinese Spring#2》,Stieglitz19畫廊,安特衛普,比利時



《Fuck Off 2》,格羅寧根博物館,格羅寧根,荷蘭 《射:中國當代新銳媒體藝術展》,London Gallery West,倫敦,英國


《宓愛》,東方博物館,船島,斯德哥爾摩,瑞典 《每一天》,滬申畫廊,上海,中國

《Unspecified Urban Site》,RH Gallery,紐約,美國

《Across the Great Divide》,White Gloss Gallery,洛杉磯,美國

2011 《I Have Also Other Favorites》,Stacion Gallery,普裡什蒂納,科索沃


《Chinese Spring #1》,Stieglitz19畫廊,安特衛普,比利時


《Boys' Little World》,Zen Photo Gallery,東京,日本

《一重影事 延展於2008-2011年三影堂攝影獎》,何香凝美術館,深圳,中國

《Art Amsterdam》,阿姆斯特丹,荷蘭


《2011年GTZ Photography Workshop》,柏林,德國


《5PRCITY》,United Nude Miami,邁阿密,美國




《Box II: The Cruelty of Youth》,White Space Collection,紐約,美國

2009 《LINEART Fair》,佛蘭德斯會展,根特,比利時

《China Now–The Edge of Desire》,Max Lang Gallery,紐約,美國









《抽样展》,798 潜空间,北京,中国

《新潮展》,正大 MOMA,上海,中国

《刷新:中国青年艺术展》,阿拉里奥画廊,北京 ; 证大美术馆,上海,中国

2006 《自私影像展》,首屆連州國際攝影節,廣東,中國 2005 《平遙國際攝影節新生代5人展》,山西,中國

About Ma Sibo

Ma Sibo was born in Tianjin, China in 1979. In 2001, he received his B.F.A. at the Oil Painting Department at the Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts. He furthered obtained a National Diploma in Plastic Arts (D.N.A.P.) at the École supérieur d’art et de design in Toulon in 2004. Two years later he received an Advanced National Diploma in Plastic Expression at the École supérieur des beaux-arts in Nîmes.

Within his canvases Ma Sibo shows us fragments of intimate landscapes, like windows into the soul. Their evocative power derives from portraying scraps of daily life in dreamlike lightness. A strange mixture of reality and imagination, Ma Sibo’s luminous visions recall an evocative emotions. Viewers feel as if the paintings are closed to the outside world, but lit from within by a dazzling and vivid candle, revealing the poetry of our dreams.

Ma Sibo currently lives and works in Beijing, China.


馬思博1979年出生於中國天津。在2001年天津美術學院油畫係獲得藝術學士學位。隨後2004年赴法 國土倫國立藝術學院造型藝術獲得國家文憑並兩年之後獲得法國尼姆國立美術學院高登造型表現國家 文憑。

馬思博的繪畫,向我們展示著片段式的小景風光,有如通向我們心靈的窗戶。這種難以忘懷的力量是 源於想實現對日常生活中片段非真實化的探求,這種轉化既神秘又夢幻。馬思博的作品是一個現實與 幻想的混合體,呈現出的視象能夠喚起相熟的情感。畫作在觀眾看來貌似接近世界的邊緣,但其實是 一支明亮耀眼的蠟燭,照出夢中的詩意情景。



b. 1979 in Tianjin, China. Works and lives in Beijing, China




B.F.A. Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, Oil Painting Department, Tianjin, China

D.N.A.P. École supérieur d’art et de design (ÉSADTPM), Toulon, France

D.N.S.E.P. École supérieur des beaux-arts de Nîmes (ÉSBAN), Nîmes, France

Solo Exhibitions

2020 Stand in Silence, Gowen Contemporary, Geneva, Switzerland

2018 Ma Sibo, DE SARTHE, Hong Kong, China

2016 Habitat, DE SARTHE, Beijing, China

2015 There Will be Light, Galerie Paris-Beijing, Paris, France

2012 Apparition, Galerie Loft, Paris, France

2010 Les solititudes, Galerie Loft, Paris, France

Group Exhibitions

2024 What We Are, DE SARTHE, Hong Kong, China

2023 Beijing International Art Biennale, Beijing, China

2020 First Day, Every Day, West Bund Art Center, Shanghai, China

2017 Exhibition of Han Feng’s Private Art Collection, Han Feng Art Space, Shanghai, China

2016 Standing by Themselves: China Now, DE SARTHE, Hong Kong, China

2015 Artists at Play, DE SARTHE, Beijing, China

You, I, Among Us, DE SARTHE, Beijing, China

2014 Don`t Look Back, Galerie Paris-Beijing, Brussels, Belgium

70/ 80 – La mutation générationnelle de l'art contemporain chinois, Galerie Loft, Paris, France

2012 Circusée — Yan Club Arts Center 10th Anniversary Exhibition, Yan Club Arts Center, Beijing, China

2011 La vie est ailleurs, Tang Contemporary Art, Bangkok, Thailand

Made in China, Hélène Bailly Gallery, Paris, France

2010 The Yangjingbang Culture, Galerie Dumonteil, Shanghai, China

2009 Depths, Yan Club Arts Center, Beijing, China

2008 Journey to the End of the Night, Yan Club Arts Center, Beijing, China

2006 Fromage et Dessert, Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Nîmes, France

Histoire d’Eau, ville de Gréou, France

2005 From a Figure to Another, Carré d'Art- Mur Foster, Nîmes, France


Pay Attention, Fresh Paint!, City Hall, Garons, France

Drawings, Galerie La Palette, Toulon, France

2001 Eight Academies of Fine Arts (graduate exhibition), National Art Museum of China (NAMOC), Beijing, China

1979 年出生於中國天津。現工作與生活於中國北京。

2001 天津美術學院油畫係本科學位

2004 法國土倫國立藝術學院造型藝術國家文憑

2006 法國尼姆國立美術學院高登造型表現國家文憑


2020 《Stand in Silence》,Gowen Contemporary,日內瓦,瑞士

2018 《馬思博》,德薩畫廊,香港,中國

2016 《棲息地》,德薩畫廊,北京,中國

2015 《There Will be Light》,Paris-Beijing 畫廊,巴黎,法國

2012 《Apparition》,Loft 畫廊,巴黎,法國

2010 《Les Solitudes》, Loft 畫廊,巴黎,法國


2023 《中國北京國際美術雙年展》,北京,中國

2020 《第一天,每一天》,西岸藝術中心,上海,中國

2017 《韓楓私人藝術收藏展》,韓楓藝術空間,上海,中國

2016 《屹立:中國當代現狀》,徳薩畫廊,香港,中國

2015 《藝術家在戲劇》,德薩畫廊,北京,中國 《你,我,間》,德薩畫廊,北京,中國

2014 《Don't Look Back》,Paris-Beijing 畫廊,布魯塞爾,比利時 《70/80 新繪畫》,Loft 畫廊,巴黎,法國

2012 《圍觀 —— 仁藝術中心十周年青年藝術家群展》,仁藝術中心,北京,中國

2011 《生活在別處》,唐人藝術中心,曼谷,泰國 《Made in China》,Hélène Bailly 畫廊,巴黎,法國

2010 《洋涇浜文化》,杜夢堂畫廊,上海,中國

2009 《深度》,仁畫廊,北京,中國

2008 《暗夜旅程》,仁畫廊,北京,中國

2006 《Fromage et dessert》,尼姆美術學院美術館,尼姆,法國 《Histoire d'Eau》,格爾烏,法國

2005 《From a Figure to Another》,藝術方塊當代藝術中心,尼姆,法國 《Pay Attention,Fresh Paint!》,加龍市政廳,加龍,法國

2004 《素描》,La Palette 畫廊,土倫,法國

2001 《中國八大美術學院畢業生優秀作品展》,中國美術館,北京,中國

About Mak2

Mak2 was born in Hong Kong in 1989. She received her Bachelor of Arts from the School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong in 2023. Her practice contemplates 21st century issues through the study of philosophy, art history, culture, shifting socio-political environments, the Internet, and new technology. The aesthetic experience she crafts is bound by the dualism of humor and intense inquisitiveness. She creates, installations, paintings, drawings, video work, Youtube videos, stand-up comedy routines, and Instagram filters.

Mak2 is well known for her iconic triptych on canvas series Home Sweet Home (2019-) as well conceptual installations such as You Better Watch Out (2017), which was included in an exhibition presented by MoMa PS1 and K11 Art Foundation titled, .com/.cn.

Mak2 lives and works in Hong Kong, China.


麥影彤二在1989年生於香港,於2013年從香港城市大學創意媒體學院接獲學士學位。她的作品通過 對哲學、藝術史、文化、多變的社會政治環境、互聯网和新科技等的研究來反思二十一世紀所面臨的 問題。她所創造的美感體驗,以幽默和強烈好奇心的二元論所連接。她的創作包括裝置、繪畫、素描 、視頻作品、Youtube 視頻、脫口秀和濾鏡等。麥影彤二的標誌性作品包括《美好家園》(2019-) 三聯畫系列以及曾展於MoMa PS1 和K11 Art Foundation 聯乘呈獻展覽「.com/.cn」的概念裝置作品 《You Better Watch Out》。



b. 1989 in Hong Kong, China; works and lives in Hong Kong.

2013 BA (Hons) Creative Media, School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, China

Solo Exhibitions


Love in Sky House, DE SARTHE, Abu Dhabi Art Fair, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Love Pool, Peres Projects, Berlin, Germany

Palace of Love, Tao Art, Taipei

2021 House of Fortune, DE SARTHE, Hong Kong, China

2019 Home Sweet Home, DE SARTHE, Hong Kong, China

2018 The Anything Machine, DE SARTHE, Beijing, China

2017 COMEINSIDE: EAT ME, PingPong 129, Hong Kong, China

COMEINSIDE: BABY SHOWER, Gallery Exit, Hong Kong, China

2016 Art-It, HOCA Foundation, Hong Kong, China

2014 Almost Empty, Gallery Exit, Hong Kong, China

Fotanian Open Studios, Hong Kong, China

2012 Funny Stationery, Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre, Hong Kong, China

Group Exhibitions

2024 What We Are, DE SARTHE, Hong Kong, China

2023 System Update, DE SARTHE, West Bund Art & Design, Shanghai, China

Peres Projects, Art Basel in Basel, Basel, Switzerland

Bordercrossing: Possibilities and Interactions, Yuz Museum, Shanghai, China

Along the Way, THE SHOPHOUSE, Hong Kong, China

Perceptible Escapisms, DE SARTHE, Taipei Dangdai, Taipei

Peres Projects, Art Basel Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

Perceptible Escapisms, DE SARTHE, Art Basel Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

DE SARTHE, Art SG, Singapore

2022 Peres Projects, Art Basel Miami, U.S.A.

Peres Projects, Paris+, Paris, France

DE SARTHE, Asia Now, Paris, France

Peres Projects, Frieze London, London, U.K.

Peres Projects, The Armory Show, New York, U.S.A.

Peres Projects, Kiaf SEOUL, Seoul, South Korea

Peres Projects, Art Basel, Basel, Switzerland

Utopian Reality, DE SARTHE, Art Basel Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

DE SARTHE, Taipei Dangdai, Taipei


Urban Whispers, Woaw Gallery, Hong Kong, China

DE SARTHE, ART021 Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair, Shanghai, China

Mirage or Reality, Shanghai K11 Art Mall, Shanghai, China

The Principle of Hope, Beijing Inside-Out Art Museum, Beijing, China

Only A Joke Can Save Us, Present Projects, Hong Kong, China

DE SARTHE, Art Basel Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

What’s Next?, WOMANBOSS, Hong Kong, China

2020 A’fair, Wan Chai, Hong Kong, China

Unscheduled, Hong Kong Art Gallery Association, Hong Kong, China

How Do We Begin? – X Museum Triennial 1st Edition, X Museum, Beijing, China

Fragments: Post-Internet Art in Hong Kong and Beijing, Art Basel Online Viewing Room

2019 Hot Flows: Pearl River Delta Arts Retrospective, Ox Warehouse, Macau, China

Whatever Works, Whatever It Takes, Goethe-Institut China, Beijing, China

We Didn’t Mean to Break It (But It’s Ok, We Can Fix It), Pedro Cera, Lisbon, Portugal

Taipei Dangdai, Taipei

2018 Beckoning the Mutation, Club Pro Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USA

Invisible Cities, Crow Collection of Asian Art, Dallas, USA

DE SARTHE, Art Basel Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

.com/.cn – Co-presented by KAF and MoMA PS1, chi K11 Art Museum, Shanghai, China

2017 Invisible Cities, Crow Collection of Asian Art, Dallas, USA

Reversal Ritual, de Sarthe Gallery, Hong Kong, China

Marching in Circles, Long March, Beijing, China

COME INSIDE: BABY SHOWER, Gallery Exit, Hong Kong, China

2016 Artists’ Film International, Whitechapel Gallery, London, United Kingdom

COME INSIDE Autograph Signings, OCAT, Shenzhen, China

Bori Bunder, Sir JJ College of Art, Mumbai, India

A Man Who Doesn’t Celebrate His Birthday, Clark House Initiative Mumbai, India

Bori Bunder, VT Station Platform B, Mumbai, India

Performance with C&G @ LUNG CHING Game Zone, Cattle Depot Artist Village, Hong Kong, China

Pop-up Shop: Conversations | ruangrupa: Toko Pura-Pura, Asia Art Archive, Hong Kong, China

Fashion ID, K11, Hong Kong, China

MaD The Free Markerteers Singing Performance with C&G, Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Hong Kong, China

2015 The Second CAFAM-Future Exhibition: Observer・Creator – The Reality Representation of Chinese Young Art, CAFA Art Museum, Beijing, China

Sparkle! Regarding Lightness: On Life’s Way, Oil Street Art Space, Hong Kong, China

Under the Influence, Floor 5 1/2, Hong Kong, China

After/Image, Studio 52, Hong Kong, China

The Second CAFAM-Future Exhibition: Observer・Creator, K11 Art Mall, Hong Kong, China

Glossy! Shiny! Fertility!, StarProjects, Hong Kong, China

2014 Artistic or Autistic – The Seventh Annual Exhibition, Inside Out Art Museum, Beijing, China

Shampoo Whatever #1, The A-lift Gallery, Hong Kong, China

2013 Regarding Lightness - The Weight of Lightness: Bio-gravity, Oil Street Art Space, Hong Kong, China

BOING!, Osage Gallery, Hong Kong, China

SOFT OFF (but I love it when your mouth is a little shut), ltd los angeles, Los Angeles, USA

SCM Annual, Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre, Hong Kong, China

2012 Cool Kids, Lane Crawford, Hong Kong, China

Media Art & The Environment : The Desert Metropolis, Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre, Hong Kong, China

2011 House of Sound, Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre, Hong Kong, China

Best Before, HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity, Hong Kong, China

2010 Micro Narratives: Invented Time & Space, Blue Room, Hong Kong, China

Public Collections

X Museum, Beijing, China

JPMorgan Chase Collection, USA

UBS Art Collection, Hong Kong

M+ Permanent Collection, Hong Kong, China

Yuz Collection, Shanghai, China

Selected Private Collections

Daisuke Miyatsu Collection, Japan

Divide by Zero Art Collection, Hong Kong, China

Tain Collection, London, United Kingdom

Adrian Cheng, Hong Kong, China

William Lim, Hong Kong, China


2013 Creative Media Award – School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, China

Artist Residencies

2022 West Kowloon Cultural District, Hong Kong, China

2016 Bori Bunder @ [En]counters 2016 - Hong Kong X Mumbai Art Exchange Project, Mumbai, India

2014 Inside-Out Art Museum, Beijing, China


2013 香港城市大學創意媒體學院本科學位,香港,中國


2023 《Love in Sky House》,德薩畫廊,阿布達比藝術博覽會, 阿布達比, 阿拉伯聯合大公國

《戀愛泳池》,Peres Projects,柏林,德國

《華麗愛火四射》,TAO ART,台北

2021 《闔家富貴》,德薩畫廊,香港,中國

2019 《美好家園》,德薩畫廊,香港,中國

2018 《任意機器》,德薩畫廊,北京,中國

2017 《吃掉我》,Ping Pong129,香港,中國

《BABY SHOWER》,安全口畫廊,香港,中國

2016 《Art-It》,香港當代藝術基金會,香港,中國

2014 《Almost Empty》,安全口畫廊,香港,中國


2012 《詼諧文具展》,邵逸夫創意媒體中心,香港,中國


2023 Peres Projects,巴塞爾藝術展邁阿密海灘展會,邁阿密,美國


Peres Projects,巴塞爾藝術展,巴塞爾,瑞士


《沿途的風景》,THE SHOPHOUSE,香港,中國

Kiaf Seoul,Peres Projects,首爾,韓國

《Perceptible Escapisms》,德薩畫廊,台北當代藝術博覽會,台北

《Perceptible Escapisms》,德薩畫廊,巴塞爾藝術展香港展會,香港,中国 2022 Peres Projects,巴塞爾藝術展邁阿密海灘展會,邁阿密,美國

藝+巴黎,Peres Projects,巴黎,法國

Asia NOW,德薩畫廊,巴黎,法國

Frieze London,Peres Projects,倫敦,英國

軍械庫展覽會,Peres Projects,紐約,美國

Kiaf Seoul,Peres Projects,首爾,韓國

巴塞爾藝術展巴塞爾展會,Peres Projects,巴塞爾,瑞士 麥影彤二


《Utopian Reality》,德薩畫廊,巴塞爾藝術展香港展會,香港,中國

《Utopian Reality》,德薩畫廊,台北當代藝術博覽會,台北

《Urban Whispers》,Woaw Gallery,香港,中國

《ART021上海廿一當代藝術博覽會》,德薩畫廊,上海,中國 《真實幻境》,上海K11購物藝術中心,上海,中國


《笑話可以拯救人類》,Present Projects,香港,中國


《What's Next ?》,WOMANBOSS,香港,中國

2020 《阿輝》,灣仔,香港,中國

《終端 – 第一屆X美術館三年展》,X美術館,北京,中國




《熱煙流 – 2019珠三角藝術單位觀察展澳門展》,牛房倉庫,澳門 《還要什麼自行車》,歌德學院(中國),北京,中國

《We Didn’t Mean to Break It (But It’s Ok, We Can Fix It)》, Pedro Cera, 里斯本,葡萄牙


《Beckoning the Mutation》,Club Pro Los Angeles,洛杉磯,美國

《Invisible Cities》,Crow Collection of Asian Art,達拉斯,美國


《.com/.cn》,K11藝術基金會與MoMA PS1聯合主辦,chi K11美術館,上海,中國

2017 《儀式逆轉》,德薩畫廊,香港,中國



2016 《Artists’ Film International》,白教堂畫廊,倫敦,英國

《COME INSIDE 簽名會》,OCAT,深圳,中國


《一個永遠不會慶祝生日的男人》,Clark House Initiative, 孟買,印度

《流動倉庫》,Platform 8,孟買,印度


《Toko Pura-Pura》,亞洲藝術文獻庫,香港,中國

《時尚. I.D》,K11藝術空間,香港,中國

《MaD創不同,維港耀歌聲X C&G》,香港文化中心,香港,中國

2015 《第二屆CAFAM未來展——創客創客·中國青年藝術的現實表徵》,中央美術學院美術館, 北京,中國





M+ 永久收藏,香港,中國




Divide By Zero收藏,香港,中國





2013 創意媒體獎-香港城市大學創意媒體學院


2022 西九文化區,香港,中國

2016 流動倉庫@ [En]Counters 2016 — 香港X 孟買 藝術交流計劃,孟買,印度

2014 中間美術館,北京,中國




M+ 永久收藏,香港,中國




Divide By Zero收藏,香港,中國





2013 創意媒體獎-香港城市大學創意媒體學院


2022 西九文化區,香港,中國

2016 流動倉庫@ [En]Counters 2016 — 香港X 孟買 藝術交流計劃,孟買,印度

2014 中間美術館,北京,中國

About Xin Yunpeng

Xin Yunpeng was born in Beijing in 1982 and graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts with a BFA in 2007 and a MA in 2016. His artwork ranges from video and performance to site-specific installations in mixed media. Through creating experiences that are both familiar and foreign within a confined space, Xin's work inventively anticipates and questions interpersonal differences in society.

A central element in his creativity consists of implementing psychological metaphors in art, which blend together and become a set of collaborative entanglements expressing the dilemmas of living in a communal reality. Whether it is adjusting the physical dimensions of a space, creating interactive installations, or appropriating found objects Xin Yunpeng's art activates a form of thought that requires spectators to contemplate psychological strategies in terms of our environments.

Xin Yunpeng currently lives and works in Beijing, China.


辛雲鵬在1982生於北京,畢業於中央美術學院,2016年獲藝術學碩士學位,現工作生活於北京。其 作品涉獵多種藝術形式,包括裝置錄像表演及綜合媒體以及特定場域作品。通過創造某種 「熟悉即 陌生」的體驗,在有限的空間內辛雲鵬的作品針對社會不同的差異提出具有啟發性的疑問。

他的藝術創作敏銳並具有政治隱喻,強製或含蓄的手法將其觀念融入到針對當下即歷史的實踐中去, 無論是關乎空間維度大小的裝置或是有關時間與戲謔的影像作品創作或是對現成物件的體用.辛雲鵬 的藝術立踐觸發了觀者依據特定語境所爆發的心理「反擊」。


Xin Yunpeng

b. 1982 in Beijing, China. Works and lives in Beijing, China

2007 B.F.A. Sculpture department (Third Studio), Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA), Beijing, China

2016 Master of Art, Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA), Beijing, China

Solo Exhibitions

2022 On-Going, DE SARTHE, Hong Kong China

Simultaneous, DE SARTHE, Hong Kong, China

2020 Friendship First, Competition Second, C5CNM, Beijing, China

2018 Hope, The Bunker, Beijing, China

Xin Yunpeng Solo Exhibition, DE SARTHE, Hong Kong, China

2017 Xin Yunpeng Solo Exhibition, DE SARTHE, Beijing, China

2016 All men are created equal, Hunsand Space, Beijing, China

2014 No News Is Good News, Inside-Out Art Museum, Beijing, China

2013 I Don’t Know Where to Take You Yet, A4 Contemporary Arts Center, Chengdu, China

Hello, World, Yan Club Arts Center “Look Art Space,” Beijing, China

2011 Take Care, Chun Cui Art, Beijing, China

2010 51 m2: 8# Xin Yunpeng, Taikang Space, Beijing, China

Group Exhibitions

2024 What We Are, DE SARTHE, Hong Kong, China

2023 Feedback-Sound in Chinese Contemporary Art (1989-2023), Sound Art Museum, Beijing, China

2022 Beijing Biennale – Brave and Bright, Beijing Friendship Store, Beijing, China

Song of the Return, Xintiandi Plaza, Shanghai, China

The Pieces I Am, UCCA Edge Shanghai, China

Art: Through the Window, One Atelier, Beijing, China

Foresight Encounter, Blanc Art Group, Beijing China

Wish in Beijing, WishinART, Beijing, China

2019 Imprimitura, LangKong Art Museum, Beijing, China

Lost Found, UCCA Lab, Beijing, China

2018 Stop Making Sense, Hunsand Space, Beijing, China

Oscillation – New Media Art Exhibition, 33 Contemporary Art Centre, Guangzhou, China

2017 Without Leaving Any Traces, Mocube, Beijing, China

Reversal Ritual, DE SARTHE, Hong Kong, China


This Future of Ours, Red Brick Art Museum, Beijing, China

Exotic Stranger curated by Bao Dong, Galerie Paris-Beijing, Beijing, China

Chinese Whispers: Recent Art from the Sigg & M+ Collections, Kunstmuseum Bern, Bern, Switzerland


DRUG – Group Exhibition of the Chinese and Foreign Artists, Hunsand Space, Beijing, China

Romancing Relevance: A Remix of Sameness, Art Museum of Nanjing University of the Arts,

AMNUA No.0 Hall, Nanjing, China

Live At, Intelligentsia, Beijing, China

2014 Polyphony II – Ecological Survey of Chinese Art – Beijing, Art Museum of Nanjing University of the Arts, Nanjing, China

Nihilistic Belief, Antenna Space, Shanghai, China

A Room Not of One’s Own, Space Station, Beijing, China

Too Smart to be Good? The 7th A+A, PIFO New Art Studios, Beijing, China

You Are Damn Wrong, Rice University, Houston, USA

2013 @me, My Own Visibility, Shijiazhuang Art Museum, Shijiazhuang, China

Groundwork Community, Taikang Space, Beijing, China

ON | OFF: China’s Young Artists in Concept and Practice, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art (UCCA), Beijing, China

2012 Sensation, V Art Center, Shanghai, China

Listen, 798 Art District, Beijing, China

The Girl, Xi Wang Art Museum, Beijing, China

2011 XXX – Next 10 Year of Contemporary Art, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China

Image, History, Existence – Taikang Life Fifteenth Anniversary Art Collection Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China

51m²: 16 Emerging Chinese Artists, Taikang Space, Beijing, China

It’s All True, Morono Kiang Gallery, Los Angeles, USA

I Am Here Beside Kai Tak Waiting for You!, 1a Space, Hong Kong

2010 The Market – I’m, Beijing Center for the Arts, Beijing, China

Move, Morono Kiang Gallery, Los Angeles, USA

Our Maps, Google Map; IONLY; Li-Space, Beijing, China

2009 Poetic Graces, Sand factory at the west side of Nai Xi Cun Kou, Lai Guang Ying North Road, Beijing, China

Blank Making Life, Inside-Out, Beijing, China

Hey Market, Song Zhuang Art Museum, Beijing, China

The Market Summer 2009 – In the Making, Beijing Center for the Arts, Beijing, China

Domino Plan in the Space, Chen Ling Hui Contemporary Space, Beijing, China

Rave Forum, Li-Space, Beijing, China

Carry on Items – Contemporary Art Exhibition, Oriental Vista Gallery, Shanghai, China

Spectacle – To Each His Own, MOCA Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan

Domestic Anchor, Vanessa Art Link, Beijing, China

2008 We Shall Overcome, Li-Space, Beijing, China

First Exhibition, Li-Space, Beijing, China

Hunting Birds, Tang Contemporary Art, Beijing, China

The Borders of Utopia, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China

My Seven Days, Osage Gallery, Manila, Philippines

2007 Trust the Future, TS1 Art Museum, Beijing, China

¥%⋯⋯@¥!#饿¥日, Tang Contemporary Art, Beijing, China


2017 Yanqi Lake, Artist Film, Beijing, China

Public Collections

M+, Hong Kong, China

Taikang Space, Beijing, China


2007 中央美術學院雕塑系第三工作室本科學位,北京,中國

2016 中央美術學院藝術學碩士學位,北京,中國


2022 《同時》,德薩畫廊,香港,中國

2020 《友誼第一,比賽第二》,C5CNM,北京,中國

2018 《希望》,掩體空間,北京,中國


2017 《辛雲鵬個展》,德薩畫廊,北京,中國

2016 《人人生而平等》,拾萬空間,北京,中國

2014 《有個好消息也有個壞消息》,中間美術館,北京,中國

2013 《我還不知道將你帶到何方》,A4 當代藝術中心,成都,中國


2011 《慢走》,莼萃空間,北京,中國

2010 《51 m2 :8# 辛雲鵬》,泰康空間,北京,中國


2023 《音顧》中國當代藝術中的聲音創作三十年回顧展,聲音博物館,北京,中國

2022 《2022 首屆北京雙年展-英姿單元》,北京友誼商店,北京,中國 《回環之歌》,新天地壹號,上海,中國

《集光片羽》UCCA Edge,上海,中國


《遇見‧預見》中國當代藝術藏家推薦展, 博樂德藝術中心,北京,中國


2019 《基底》,朗空美術館,北京,中國

《非遗别院》,UCCA Lab,北京,中國

2018 《不作意義》,拾萬空間,北京,中國


2017 《無行地》,墨方空間,北京,中國





《中國私語─烏利・希克與M+希克收藏展》, 伯爾尼美術館,伯爾尼,瑞士2015





《復調II─中國藝術生態調查 - 北京站》,南京藝術學院美術館,南京 《相信是空無一物》,天線空間,上海,中國


《聰明壞了─A+A第七回展》,偏鋒新藝術空間,北京 《錯的是你》,萊斯大學,休斯頓,美國

2013 《@me 能見度》,石家庄美術館,石家庄,中國



2012 《藝用情感展》,視界藝術中心,上海,中國




《XXX─下一個十年的當代藝術》,今日美術館,北京,中國 《圖像歷史存在—泰康收藏展》,中國美術館,北京,中國

《51 m2: 16位年輕藝術家》,泰康空間,北京,中國

《這一切都是真的》,Morono Kiang畫廊,洛杉磯,美國


2010 《青年藝術市集─我是》,天安時間當代藝術中心,北京,中國

《Move》,Morono Kiang畫廊,洛杉磯,美國

《Our Maps》,谷歌地圖;東方視覺“嘿!社會”;荔空間,北京,中國

2009 《風流藝術展》,奶西村口西側沙廠,來廣營北路,北京,中國 《空白展2009制造生活》,中間藝術館,北京,中國


《2009 BCA夏季藝術市集─全手工》,天安時間當代藝術中心,北京,中國



《隨身攜帶—中國當代藝術展》,Oriental Vista畫廊,上海,中國

《各搞各的—歧觀當代》,台北當代藝術館,台北,台灣 《內在支柱》,華藝莎藝術中心,北京,中國







2007 《相信未來》,宋莊TS1美術館,北京,中國



2017 《雁棲湖》,藝術家電影,北京,中國

公共收藏 M+,香港,中國 泰康空間,北京,中國

About Zhong Wei

Zhong Wei was born in Beijing, China in 1987. His works on canvas are windows into contemporary culture’s most dominating technological accomplishment: The Internet. Having compiled a massive database of memes and imagery found online, Zhong uses these ubiquitous images as raw material for his work and constructs fleeting snapshots of this rapidly evolving matrix. Fundamental to Zhong Wei’s practice is a concept he refers to as “coupling,” an idea that the endless flow of information on the Internet generates random pairings, each catalysing innumerable more possibilities. For many, the unpredictable nature of the online universe acts as an escape hatch from the monotony of real life. As the rabbit hole deepens with each click, the Internet becomes an entire alternate world parallel to physical reality – a boundless dimension in which one is free to be whom they want, unshackled by the chains of real life.


鍾慰在1987 年生於中國北京,他的作品是當代文化最主要的技術成就:互聯網的窗口。

鍾慰從網路 上找到的大量迷因、圖片及影片中獲取圖像,解構數字文化的紋理,再將碎片重新激活為想像之中的 風景、人物及實體,並將該藝術實踐稱之為 「耦合」(coupling)。

他的作品探索社群媒體改變人們對 於世界的體驗的各類方式,例如瀏覽 Instagram 及微信如何形成意想之外的圖像組合等。 對許多人 來說,網絡世界不可預測的本質充當了逃離單調的現實生活的出口。

隨著兔子洞隨著每一次點擊而 加深,互聯網變成了一個平行於物理現實的整個替代世界——在這個無限維度中,人們可以自由地做 自己想做的,不受現實生活鎖鏈的束縛。


Zhong Wei

b. 1987 born in Beijing, China; Currently works and lives in Beijing.

2007 North China University of Technology Academy of Art and Design (Withdrawn)

Solo Exhibitions

2023 Weight Drifting, DE SARTHE, Hong Kong, China

Invalid Order Signature, Jack Bell Gallery, London, UK

2021 Stress Response, Jack Bell Gallery, London, UK

· phone died, DE SARTHE, Hong Kong, China

2020 Void Loop, Plate Space, Beijing, China


Group Exhibitions

, DE SARTHE, Hong Kong, China

2024 What We Are, DE SARTHE, Hong Kong, China

2023 System Update, DE SARTHE, West Bund Art & Design, Shanghai, China

Jack Bell Gallery, The Armory Show, New York, USA

Perceptible Escapisms, DE SARTHE, Taipei Dangdai, Taipei

Perceptible Escapisms, DE SARTHE, Art Basel Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

DE SARTHE, ART SG, Singapore

2022 DE SARTHE, Digital Art Fair, Hong Kong, China

DE SARTHE, Asia Now, Paris, France

DE SARTHE, Art Basel Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

2021 DE SARTHE, ART021, Shanghai, China

DE SARTHE, Hong Kong Spotlight by Art Basel, Hong Kong, China

2020 When Mythology Jumps Into Economy: A Big Spash of Ecology, Plate Space x postpost, Beijing, China

Illusive Particles, MadeIn Gallery, Shanghai, China

Contemporary Show Off, DE SARTHE, Hong Kong, China

Public Collections

JPMorgan Chase Collection, USA

UBS Art Collection, Asia

Divide By Zero Collection, Hong Kong, China

Museum MACAN Jakarta, Indonesia

Dries van Noten, Shanghai, China

Private Collection

Uli Sigg Collection, Switzerland


2021 Autumn/Winter series, A.A. Spectrum Artist Series, ZHONG WEI x J.LINDEBERG


1987 出生於中國北京,現工作與生活於北京。

2007 北方工業大學,藝術設計系(退學)


2023 《權重漂移》,德薩畫廊,香港,中國

《Invalid Order Signature》,Jack Bell Gallery,倫敦,英國

2021 《應激反應》,Jack Bell Gallery,倫敦,英國

《省電模式[■□□□]· phone died 》,德薩畫廊,香港,中國

2020 《循在變量》,盤子空間,北京,中國

2019 《易变 ░ 耦态°∶Nёメㄒ 乚ěVéし》,德薩畫廊,香港,中國


2023 《系統更新》,德薩畫廊,《西岸藝術與設計博覽會》,上海,中國

Jack Bell Gallery,紐約軍械庫藝術博覽會,紐約,美國

《Perceptible Escapisms》,德薩畫廊,台北當代藝術博覽會,台北

《Perceptible Escapisms》,德薩畫廊,巴塞爾藝術展香港展會,香港,中國

德薩畫廊,ART SG,新加坡


德薩畫廊,Digital Art Fair,香港,中國

德薩畫廊,Asia Now,巴黎,法國




德薩畫廊,藝薈香港 — 由巴塞爾藝術展呈獻,香港,中國

2020 《八仙下海》,盤子空間 x postpost,北京, 中國


《炫耀當代》,德薩畫廊,香港, 中國




Divide By Zero 收藏,香港,中國


Dries van Noten,中國




2021 秋冬系列,A.A. Spectrum 光譜


Zhou Wendou was born in Beijing. He attended to the Central Academy of Arts and Design (currently Academy of Arts and Design of Tsinghua University) and graduated in 1996. He then went to the Academy of Fine Arts of Complutense University of Madrid in Spain in 1998 to study painting, from which he graduated in 2003 with a D.E.A.

Zhou Wendou has adopted a humor akin to Duchamp's, with a dedicated focus to social meaning and cultural characteristics. He believes this imbues his artwork with its own special “taste.” When we are confronted with his objects, one instinctively thinks of materiality, but finds unexpected surprises. Zhou Wendou does not simply appropriate, but rather sees the characteristics of culture and function in objects and asks: “does product only have utilitarian value?” Zhou strives to extract “uselessness” and abandon the function of a multitude of objects. He does this to construct new forms and establish new meanings between product, space and context.

Zhou Wendou currently lives and works in Beijing, China.


周文斗出生於北京,1998 年前往西班牙研習繪畫。在西班牙的十年學習和創作生涯中,他的創作從 繪畫,到裝置性攝影,再到純粹裝置,經歷了一個自然而然的蛻變過程。 2008 年回國之后,他帶有 西方色彩的創作給了中國當代藝術一個不一樣的視角。他賦予幽默戲謔的創作風格,不嬌嗔不做作的 態度,區別於很多冠以「當代」的藝術創作。

周文斗端受到杜尚的幽默影響,使用了他一�幽默戲謔的創作風格, �侃而又警惕的�度。去注視社 會和文化的意義。他相信這是他的藝術品別具一格。當觀眾面對著他的作品,會發現這種物質性的概 念帶來意想不到的驚喜。可是周文斗不是一位產品的簡單“使用”者,他先是肯定產品的文化和功能 方面的屬性,接著他就提問:“產品僅僅是具有使用功能嗎?” 對於周文斗來說,產品是有用的, 而周文斗瞄準的是去處它們的功能並拋棄產品的實用性,把它們構架新的狀態以及對產品,空間與語 境之間建立新的意義形式。


Zhou Wendou

b. 1970 born in Beijing, China. Works and lives in Beijing, China


B.F.A. Central Academy of Arts and Design (Currently Tsinghua University, Academy of Arts and Design), Beijing, China

2001 Courses of Doctorate. Academy of Fine Arts, University of Complutense, Madrid, Spain


D.E.A. PhD Candidate in Modelling, Conceptual and Material Art, Complutense University of Madrid, Academy of Fine Arts, Madrid, Spain

Solo Exhibitions

2022 Room 1005, DE SARTHE, Hong Kong, China

2017 Bu Qian, DE SARTHE, Beijing, China

2016 ADHD, DE SARTHE, Hong Kong, China

2015 Borderless, DE SARTHE, Beijing, China

2013 The Study, Other Gallery, Shanghai, China

2010 The Use of the Useless, Other Gallery, Beijing, China

2009 Estampa Gallery, Madrid, Spain

2007 Estampa Gallery, Madrid, Spain

Selected Group Exhibitions

2024 What We Are, DE SARTHE, Hong Kong, China

2023 The Shape of Dailiness, SEEWELL International Art Centre, Fujian,China

2022 LUMEN, White Rabbit Gallery, Sydney, Australia

2019 Pal(ate)/ette/, Shanghai Gallery of Art, Shanghai, China

2018 OCAT Nanjing Public Art Project 2018, OCAT Nanjing Qixia Exhibition Site, Nanjing, China

Flowing Books – OCAT Nanjing Qixia Public Art Project 2018, OCAT, Nanjing, China

2017 The Second Space – the Contemporary New Media Art Exhibition, H-Space, Xi’an, China

2016 Project 2: Hybridizing Earth, Discussing Multitudes – Seventh Busan Biennale, Busan, South Korea

Standing by Themselves: China Now, DE SARTHE, Hong Kong, China

Abstract China 2016, Ming Yuan Art Museum, Shanghai, China

EAST BRIDGE 2015 - Plastic Garden: Chinese & Korean Contemporary Art, Total Art Museum, Seoul, South Korea

TONGXI – The 3rd China International Art Forum & Exhibition on Installation Art, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China

The Tales of New Year, Hui Art Space, Beijing, China

2015 EAST BRIDGE 2015 - Plastic Garden: Chinese & Korean Contemporary Art, 798 Art Factory, Beijing, China

It's Not Right But It's Okay, UCCA Store, Beijing, China

Stay Tuned, DE SARTHE, Hong Kong, China

Future of Today, Future Gallery of Beijing Today Art Museum, Beijing, China

Artists at Play, DE SARTHE, Beijing, China

Where Are We?, DE SARTHE, Hong Kong, China

The Lightness of Being, DE SARTHE, Hong Kong, China

2014 Traces: Xintiandi Contemporary Public Art Exhibition, Shanghai, China

You, I, Among Us, DE SARTHE, Beijing, China

Current Reality, Hidden Barriers, DE SARTHE, Hong Kong, China

Summer Gallery Selection, DE SARTHE, Hong Kong, China

2013 How Now, How Art Museum, Wenzhou, China

Transformations, Other Gallery, Shanghai, China

2012 Architecture China - The 100 Contemporary Projects, Reiss Engelhorn Museen (REM), Mannheim, Germany

White Box Art & Design 100, White Box Museum, Beijing, China

迎新春, Other Gallery, Shanghai, China

2011 How To Philosophize With A Hammer, White Box, New York, USA

Chinese Pose – Second China Sculpture Exhibition, Wenzhou International Convention & Exhibition Center, Wenzhou, China

2010 Suspensions of Disbelief, Other Gallery, Shanghai, China

The Big Bang - White Rabbit Chinese Contemporary Art Collection, What Rabbit Gallery, Sydney, Australia

2009 Beijing Time - La hora de China, Matadero de Madrid, Madrid, Spain

XIII Premio Unicaja de Fotografía, Almeria Spain

洗牌, CCD300 Art Zone (Cao Chang Di Art Zone),Beijing, China

2007 Sixty-eighth Valdepeñas Plastic Art International Exhibition, Valdepeñas, Spain

Exhibition of Doctoral Students of the Academy of Fine Arts, University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain

2006 XXXIII Premio Bancaja de Pintura, Escultura y Arte Digital, Valencia Institute of Modern Art (IVAM), Valencia, Spain

IX Mostra Internacional UNION FENOSA, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo UNION FENOSA, A Coruña, Spain

2003 Angeles Penche Gallery, Madrid, Spain

2000 Gallerie dell’Academia, Venice, Italy

18th International Exhibiton of Paintings, Frejna de la Sierra, Spain

1999 Francisco Duayer Gallery, Madrid, Spain

Galeria de Arte Victoria Hidalgo, Madrid, Spain

Obispo Vellosillo Museum of Contemporary Art, Segovia, Spain

Public Collections

Fundación Estampa, Madrid, Spain

Fundación Antonio Pérez, Cuenca, Spain

Museums San Clemente, Cuenca, Spain

Art and Heritage Collection, Academy of Fine Arts, University of Complutense, Madrid, Spain

Private Collections

How Art Museum, Shanghai, China

White Rabbit Collection, Sydney, Australia


1996 中央工藝美術學院藝術學士學位(現清華美術學院),北京,中國

2003 西班牙馬德裏康普頓斯大學美術學院,高等深入研究文憑(DEA) 造型藝術、觀念與材料專業博士生,馬德裏,西班牙


2022 《1005室》德薩畫廊,香港,中國

2017 《不遷》,德薩畫廊,北京,中國

2016 《ADHD》,德薩畫廊,香港,中國

2015 《消失的邊界》,德薩畫廊,北京,中國

2013 《書房》,其他畫廊,上海,中國

2010 《無用之用》,其他畫廊,北京,中國

2009 《周文鬥個展》,Estampa畫廊,馬德里,西班牙

2007 《周文鬥個展》,Estampa畫廊,馬德里,西班牙


2023 《日常的形状》,威獅國際藝術中心,福建,中國

2022 《LUMEN》,白兔美術館,悉尼,澳洲

2019 《Pal(ate)/ette/》,外灘三號滬申畫廊(SGA), 上海,中國

2018 《流動的書——OCAT南京公共藝術計劃》,南京,中國

2017 《二次空間──當代新媒體藝術展》,H-Space,西安,中國

2016 《Project 2:混血的地球, 諸眾知性的公論場──第七屆釜山雙年展》,釜山,韓國 《屹立:中國當代現狀》,德薩畫廊,香港,中國 《抽象中國2016》,上海明圆美美術館,上海,中國

《EAST BRIDGE 2015 - 塑料公園:中韓當代美術的今天》,Total美術館,首爾,韓國 《第三屆中國國際裝置藝術學術論壇暨中國國際裝置藝術展》,今日美術館,北京,中國 《新年物語》,官舍・會空間,北京,中國


《EAST BRIDGE 2015 - 塑料公園:中韓當代美術的今天》,798藝術工廠,北京,中國 《肯定不對,但就這樣吧》,尤倫斯藝術品商店,北京,中國 《Stay Tuned》,德薩畫廊,香港,中國

《想象的未來》,今日美術館未來館開館展,北京,中國 《藝術家在戲劇》,德薩畫廊,北京,中國



2014 《跡──新天地當代公共藝術展》,上海,中國




2013 《HOW NOW》,昊美術館,溫州,中國


2012 《建築中國100 展》,賴斯-恩格爾霍恩博物館,曼漢姆,德國

《白盒子藝術與設計100》,白盒子藝術館, 《迎新春》,其他畫廊,上海,中國

2011 《How to Philosophize With a Hammer》,白盒子美術館,紐約,美國 《中國姿態──第二屆中國雕塑大展》,溫州國際會展中心,溫州,中國 2010 《懷疑的懸置藝術展》,其他畫廊,上海,中國

《大爆炸——白兔中國當代藝術收藏》,白兔美術館,悉尼,澳大利亞 2009 《北京時間──中國當代藝術展》,Matadero 當代藝術創作中心,馬德里,西班牙

《第十三屆Unicaja 攝影展》,Unicaja 基金會,阿爾梅裡亞,西班牙

《洗牌》,CCD300 藝術區,北京,中國


2008 《漢字藝術雙年展》,KU 藝術中心,北京,中國

2007 《第六十八屆Valdepenas國際造型藝術展》,Valdepenas美術館,Ciudad Real,西班牙 《美院博士生作品展》,馬德裡大學美術學院展廳,馬德里,西班牙

2006 《第三十三屆Bancaja 繪畫、雕塑、攝影及數字作品展》,瓦倫西亞當代藝術中心,瓦倫西亞, 西班牙 《第九屆UNION FENOSA 國際藝術展》, UNION FENOSA 當代藝術中心,拉克魯尼亞,西班牙 《美院博士生作品展》,馬德里美術學院展廳,西班牙

2003 Angeles Penche畫廊,马德里,西班牙

2000 Gallerie dell’Academia,威尼斯,意大利 《第十八届國際繪畫作品展》,夫雷赫納爾德拉謝拉,西班牙

1999 Francisco Duayer 畫廊,馬德里,西班牙 維多利亞・伊達爾戈畫廊,馬德里,西班牙 Obispo Vellosillo 當代藝術館,塞戈維亞,西班牙 帕洛瑪畫廊18,布爾戈斯,西班牙



Antonio Perez 美術館與藝術基金會,昆卡, 西班牙


San Clemente 美術館,昆卡,西班牙





6 January – 16 March 2024

Hong Kong

de sarthe

26/F, M Place, 54 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Hong Kong


Opening hours: Tuesday to Saturday 11am–7pm

Tel: +852 2167 8896

Fax: +852 2167 8893

E-mail: hongkong@desarthe.com

Texts: Allison Cheung

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means in whole or part, without prior written permission from the gallery and the artist.


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