Xinyan Zhang - Out of the Time

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Xinyan Zhang Out of the Time

de sarthe

DE SARTHE is pleased to present Out of the Time, Berlin-based artist Xinyan Zhang’s first solo exhibition in Hong Kong. Exploring the weaknesses of human nature and existence, Xinyan Zhang’s works often feature chaotic imagery of survivors in ruins, with their eyes, hearts, or other body parts hollowed out or mutilated. Within the abstract space of her paintings, the wounded victims allude to the decay and withering of the modern spiritual world. Desire, betrayal, indifference, among other human weaknesses distort the spirituality of human existence – Xinyan Zhang’s work visualizes this with a particular focus on the social disadvantage of women and children.

德薩畫廊欣然呈獻駐柏林藝術家張新顏在香港的首次個展「不合時宜」 。 張新顏的作品探索人性的弱 點和生存狀態, 描繪廢墟中倖存者的形象, 他們的眼睛、 心臟或身體上的掏空和殘缺。 她在繪畫的

抽象空間中, 通過「受傷者」以影射現代人精神世界的破敗與雕零。 慾望、 背叛、 冷漠等人性的弱點,

在精神的虛無中扭曲著人類的生存狀態 ——張新顏的作品形象化地展現了這一點, 特別關注女性和兒 童在社會中的弱勢地位。

Xinyan Zhang’s practice is influenced by her childhood experience of growing up in Shenzhen, China in the early 90s, a time of rapid economic development and social change. As a child, Xinyan Zhang was regularly kept at home for protection due to a fear of child abduction, having to experience hunger and loneliness everyday while her parents were away. This occupied most of her upbringing, causing insecurity to take root in her young heart. Under these circumstances, painting became her warmest companion. 張新顏出生於 90 年代的深圳, 成長於經濟急速發展和社會變遷的時期, 童年的成長經歷對其作品影

響深遠。 對於兒童拐賣案件的恐懼和對孩子的保護, 幼年的張新顏經常被父母鎖在家中, 經歷過饑餓 和孤獨。 等待父母回家成為其童年的全部記憶, 一種「不安全感」在她兒時的內心生根發芽。 在這 種情況下, 繪畫成了她最溫暖的陪伴。

Xinyan Zhang Dance With Stranger 2023 Oil and acrylic on canvas 180 x 150 cm

Though informed by traumatic memories, Xinyan Zhang's spontaneous and relaxed compositions on canvas may be regarded to be playful, straightforward and full of narrative. She has been particularly sensitive to colour since she was a child, and it has become a distinctive focus in her work. Her creative approach is characterized by automatism and intuition. 張新顏的油畫創作雖然受到創傷記憶的啟發, 但其作品是充滿童趣的, 也是純粹直接且極富故事性的。 她從小就對顏色特別敏感, 這已經成為她作品中一個獨特的焦點。 同時, 她的創作方法具有自發性和 直覺性的特點。

Xinyan Zhang Out of the Time No.2 2022 Oil and acrylic on canvas 150 x 180 cm

From creative subject matter to expression techniques, her practice is holistically influenced by the philosophy of German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche. Exploring the essence of human nature, her works attempt to expose the dark side of humanity, visualizing its weaknesses through the illustrated protagonists. Xinyan Zhang often employs satirical visual language to examine themes such as marriage and distrust through the lens of Nietzsche’s philosophies.

從題材到表達手法, 她的創作都深受德國哲學家弗里德里希·尼采哲學的影響。 她的作品探索人性的

本質, 嘗試揭露人性的陰暗面, 通過繪畫中的主角形象化其弱點。 張新顏經常使用諷刺的視覺語言, 通過尼采哲學的視角來審視婚姻和不信任等主題。

Xinyan Zhang You Can Fly No.1 2022 Oil and acrylic on canvas 79 x 59 cm

Xinyan Zhang You Can Fly No.2 2022 Oil and acrylic on canvas 79 x 59 cm

Xinyan Zhang You Can Fly No,3 2022 Oil and acrylic on canvas 79 x 59 cm

Xinyan Zhang’s exhibited works in Out of the Time is emblematic of her creative practice. Born as a result of the past and present, her works strive to keep deliberate distance from fleeting trends. The exhibition title Out of the Time expresses the untimely oddness of her creations that still comment on prevalent social phenomena today. 張新顏在「不合時宜」中展出的作品是她創作實踐的象徵。 她的作品誕 生於過去和現在, 力求與轉瞬即逝的潮流保持距離。 此展覽名稱表達了 她的創作中不合時宜的古怪之處, 同時評論當今普遍存在的社會現象。

Xinyan Zhang Who Is Lucy? 2022 Oil and acrylic on canvas 200 x 160 cm

Xinyan Zhang Dance Me to the End of the World No.1 2022 Oil and acrylic on canvas 150 x 59 cm

Xinyan Zhang Long Travel 2022 Oil and acrylic on canvas 180 x 150 cm

Xinyan Zhang Out of the Time No.3 2022 Oil and acrylic on canvas 150 x 180 cm

Xinyan Zhang Out of the Time No.5 2022 Oil and acrylic on canvas 180 x 150 cm

Xinyan Zhang Super Twins No.1 2022 Oil and acrylic on canvas 140 x 110 cm

Xinyan Zhang Super Twins No.2 2022 Oil and acrylic on canvas 140 x 110 cm

Xinyan Zhang b. 1991 born in Shenzhen, China Xinyan Zhang puts post-expressionism of Western art history in dialogue with materials and themes such as Chinese painting and real news events. Through fragmentation and hybrid techniques, her artistic practice explores the vulnerability of human nature and the shared state of human existence under the influence of popular culture. Xinyan Zhang offers up imagery of humanity in different states; she often uses images of the wounded as a visual metaphor for the deterioration and paling of modern people’s spiritual world, focusing especially on the inferior status of women and children in society. Henri Matisse’s lines, Pablo Picasso’s deconstruction and Francis Bacon’s colours all resonate in her most recent work. Xinyan Zhang was born in 1991 in Shenzhen, China, and moved to Germany in 2018. She received her BFA from Shenzhen University (2014) and her MFA from Guangzhou University (2018), She also studied at Academy of Fine Arts Karlsruhe in Germany (2019- 2021) and Florence Academy of Fine Arts in Italy (2017). Solo exhibitions of Xinyan Zhang's work have been presented at venues such as the Women Museum Bonn, Germany (2022); Bauschaustelle Düsseldorf e.V, Düsseldorf (2022); the Radius Gallery, Xi’an (2021). Group exhibitions include the Artual Gallery, Lebanon (2022); the Beijing Weekend Gallery, Beijing (2022); Fangyuan Art Gallery, Beijing (2022); Galerie Bodenseekreis, Germany (2022); Art Factory HB 55, Berlin (2022); Galerie Schindler, Postdam,Germany (2022); the Ultramontane Gallery, Hangzhou (2022), and BBK Karlsruhe, Germany (2022). In 2022, her work was nominated for the 7th EbDietzsch Art Prize, Germany; Art Prize “Förderpreis Jung + Gegenständlich 2022” in Bodenseekreis, Germany; Bottrop Art Award, Bottrop,Germany; the V.Rothe and R.Hendricks Art award, Bonn, Germany; Baustelle Schaustelle Art Prize, Düsseldorf. Xinyan Zhang currently lives and works in Berlin, Germany.


1991年出生于中国深圳 張新顏將西方藝術史中的後表現主義與中國畫、 新聞真實事件等材料和主題進行對話。 她的藝術實踐 使用碎片和混合技術來探索流行文化影響下「人性的弱點」和「人類共同的生存狀態」 。

張新顏在創作中展現人性的不同狀態下的形象——通過「受傷者」以影射現代人精神世界的破敗與雕 零。、 女性和兒童在社會中的弱勢地位是她關註的重點。 马蒂斯的線條、 畢加索的解構和培根的色彩

都在張新顏近期系列作品中引起了共鳴。 張新顏 1991 年出生於中國深圳。 她獲得深圳大學藝術學士

(2014) 、 廣州大學藝術碩士學位(2018) , 曾就讀於德國卡爾斯魯厄美術學院(2019-2021)和意大 利佛羅倫薩美術學院(2017) 。

張新顏的個展作品曾在德國波恩女性博物館等場所展出(2022 年);Bauschaustelle Düsseldorf e.V, 杜塞爾多夫 (2022);半徑畫廊, 西安(2021) 。 群展包括 Artual Gallery, 黎巴嫩(2022);北京畫廊

周, 北京(2022);方圓美術館, 北京(2022); Galerie Bodenseekreis, 德國(2022);藝術工廠 HB 55, 柏林(2022);Ultramontane 畫廊, 杭州(2022) , BBK 卡爾斯魯厄, 德國(2022) 。 2022

年她的作品曾被德國多個藝術家獎提名, 包括德國第七屆 Eb-Dietzsch 藝術獎;藝術獎「Förderpreis

Jung + Gegenständlich 2022」 , 德國 Bodenseekreis;Bottrop 藝術獎, Bottrop, 德國; V.Rothe & R.Hendricks 藝術家獎, 德國波恩, Baustelle Schaustelle 藝術獎, 杜塞爾多夫。 張新顏現生活工 作於德國柏林。

Artist CV Xinyan Zhang b. 1991 Currently works and lives in Berlin, Germany Member of National Association of Artists in Germany (BBK Berlin), IGBK 2019 - 2021 Master of Fine Arts Freie Kunst, Academy of Fine Arts Karlsruhe, Germany 2017 - 2018 Academy of Fine Arts of Florence, Italy 2015 - 2018 Master of Fine Arts, Guangzhou University, China 2010 - 2014 Master of Fine Arts, Shenzhen University, China Solo Exhibitions 2023 Out of the Time, DE SARTHE, Hong Kong, China Sapar Contemporary, New York, United States 2022 You are not Important, Art award, Baustelle Schaustelle, Düsseldorf, Germany 2021 Contemporary Mood, Radius Gallery Xi'an, China Group Exhibitions 2023 Art SG, DE SARTHE, Singapore Art Taipei, River Art Gallery, Taiwan Sapa Contemporary, New York, United States Reflective Emotions, Galerie 1565, Hamburg, Germany Kunst für alles, Radio channel Berliner-rundfunk 91.4, Newspaper Berliner Abendblatt, Berlin, Germany 2022 27th Art Fair + Yong Art Forum, Kunstmesse Frauenmuseum Bonn, Bonn, Germany Unprecedented Reality, Artual Gallery, Lebanon Lange Nacht der Bilder, Kunstfabrik HB 55, Berlin, Germany Nominated Works Exhibition for Bottrop Art Award 2022, Bottrop, Germany Ode of Graduation, Fangyuan Art Gallery, Beijing, China Gallery Weekend Beijing, Beijing, China 100 unter 1000, Gallery Schindler, Postdam, Germany

2021 2020 2019

2018 2016 2014 2013 2012 2011

Nominated Works Exhibition for Eb-Dietzsch-Kunstpreis, Sparkasse, Gera, Germany Der Stand der Dinge, Galerie Haspelstraße eins, Malburg, Germany Förderpreis Jung Gegenständlich 2022, Galerie Bodenseekreis, Meersburg, Germany Dialogart-janushate kunst, Galerie JPG, Marburg, Germany 霧中迷境 , Ultramontane Gallery , Hangzhou, China Jährige Mitgliederausstellung des BBK Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany Nominated Works Exhibition for V.Rothe and R.Hendricks-Preis, Frauenmuseum Bonn, Bonn, Germany Guiyi Art Gallery, Guandong, China German and French Young Artists Invitational Exhibition, IVY Art Space, Guangdong, China Contemporary Art Exhibition, International Art Foundation of Moscow, Russia RUNDGANG an der Kunstakademie Karlsruhe 2020, State Academy of Fine Arts Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany Kurzes Vergnügen, Poly Galerie, Karlsruhe, Germany Summer Exhibition, State Academy of Fine Arts Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany Foshan Artist Association Oil Painting 2019 Exhibition, Zhongshan Academy, Guangdong, China Foshan Artist Association Oil Painting 2019 Exhibition, Huanglian Artist Village Art Museum, Guangdong, China 藝術的力量 (The Power of Art), Nanyuan Art Museum, Guangdong, China Graduation show, Guanzhou University Art Museum, Guangdong, China 方興未艾 —— 七人油畫聯展 , Art 64 Space, Guangdong, China Graduation show, Guangzhou University Art Museum, Guangdong, China Annual Show, Shenzhen University Art Museum, Guangdong, China Annual Show, Shenzhen University Art Museum, Guangdong, China Annual Show, Shenzhen University Art Museum, Guangdong, China Annual Show, Shenzhen University Art Museum, Guangdong, China

Awards 2022

Baustelle Schaustelle Art Prize, Düsseldorf, Germany 7th Eb Dietzsch Art Prize, Sparkasse Gera, Germany Förderpreis Jung Gegenständlich 2022, Galerie Bodenseekreis, Germany V.Rothe and R.Hendricks-Preis 2022, Frauenmuseum Bonn, Germany Bottrop Art Award, Bottrop, Germany Award Open Call for Exhibition, Ode of Graduation, Fangyuan Art Gallery, Beijing, China Open Call, International Art Foundation of Moscow, Russia 2021 Open Call, International Art Foundation of Moscow, Russia 2015 - 2018 Scholarship, Guanzhou University, China 2014 Graduation with highest honor, Shenzhen University, China 2011 - 2014 Scholarship, Shenzhen University, China Publications Catalog for the exhibition of the nominated works for the 7th Eb Dietzsch Art Prize Mach Dein Ding, Jung + gegenstandlich Forderpreis fur gegenstandlich Kunst des Bodenseekreis 2022 Catalog for Art Prize “V.Rothe and R.Hendricks-Preis 2022”and “Forum Jung Kunst ” ISBN 978-3-946430-35-3, 200 site, Germany

Xinyan Zhang

Out of the Time 4 February – 11 March 2023 Hong Kong

de sarthe 26/F, M Place, 54 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Hong Kong Opening hours: Tuesday to Saturday 11am–7pm Tel: +852 2167 8896 Fax: +852 2167 8893 E-mail: Texts: Xinyan Zhang and Janis Or

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means in whole or part, without prior written permission from the gallery and the artist. 版權所有。未經畫廊和藝術家的事先書面許可,不得以任何形式或手段全部或部分複製本出版物的任何部分。

de sarthe 26/F, M Place, 54 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Hong Kong E-mail: Tel: 2167 8896

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