Xin Yunpeng - Simultaneous

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de sarthe

de Sarthe is pleased to present artist Xin Yunpeng's third solo exhibition Simultaneous with the


gallery, featuring a new body of installation and video works. The exhibition focuses on the


intertextual juxtaposition of visual space and time. Through the artworks, the artist reconstructs

重構了其私人記憶,以觸動若水之隔的共同經驗。 「同時」將於 5 月 14 日開幕,

his personal memor y and evokes collective resonance under a site-specific context.

展期至 7 月 2 日。

Simultaneous opens on 14 May and runs through 2 July.



Choice (2018) is a duo-channel video separated into two projections. Each video is displayed in a

雙屏影像裝置《猜拳》 (2018)則強調影像在空間上的調度。由於兩個視頻在畫廊空間的不同位置分開展示,

separate section of the gallery. As such, viewers are unable to see both videos at the same time.

觀眾無法在同一時刻看到兩個互為因果的畫面 —— 兩個視頻均展示了一雙玩硬幣的手:一個視頻中,雙

The two recordings each depict a pair of hands playing with a coin. In one video, the hands are


placed behind the back. They fiddle with the coin, eventually palming and hiding it in one; in the


other video, the hands are held out in front. They reveal to the audience where the coin was hidden.


By denying the viewer the ability to simultaneously see both front and back, the artist engages in a game with his audience. The mutual exclusivity of the two channels is as if two sides of a coin.

走向世界 與「同時」字面意義相反,《走向世界》

Towards the World

(2022) 記錄了不同時間段地鐵列車進 入車站的場景。這件多屏的影像裝置作 品是辛雲鵬 2018 年展覽中的影像裝置

Contrary to the literal meaning of "simultaneous", Towards the World (2022) is a ten-screen video


installation that documents a subway train entering the same station at different times. The


artwork is a further development from the body of video works shown in Xin Yunpeng's 2018


exhibition. As the train drives through the ten screens, the delay in timing between each panel

蔽的壁畫——《走向世界》(創作於 20

fragments the image of Towards the World (1980s) - the mural inside the station - and creates a

世紀 80 年代)象徵著完整的單一的線

kind of broken timeline.


Xin Yunpeng's Simultaneous (2022) comprises 12 parabolic photography lights facing each other in a circle. The lights are programmed to flash consecutively ever y second in a counterclockwise sequence. Owing to their close proximity and the highly uneven ratio of light to space, it becomes

裝置作品《同時》(2022)由 12 個閃光攝影燈組成,臨近環繞成

challenging for the naked eye to distinguish which light is

一圈。如同鐘錶 —— 它們被程式設定以每隔一秒鐘以逆時針方

emitting the flash and which ones are simply reflecting off of


the other. Through this process, Xin Yunpeng is able to create


a sense of directionless confusion using ready-made objects while generating tension in the surrounding atmosphere.

同 時

而哪幾盞僅僅只是被動的反射。藉此,辛雲鵬使用現成品,在空 間中再現了一種直觀的方向不明,且循環往復。並借由熟悉的事 物分享「同時」的身體感受。



An Islander Who Hasn't Been to Kowloon

一個港島人 從未來過九龍 In addition to dividing the exhibition space,

An Islander Who Hasn't Been to Kowloon (2022) is a 2-meter-tall sculpture in the form of giant cane. Upon close examination, one would discover that the shape of its intersection is a silhouette of Hong Kong Island. The silhouette looks as if it was


pulled upwards into the shape of skyscraper

人從未來過九龍》 (2022)是一件 2 米高的

as it lowered its head to look down at the


w o r l d b e l o w. T h r o u g h t h e u s e o f


anthropomorphism, Xin Yunpeng illumines a


certain absurdity of the real world.




Xin Yunpeng Choice (Part 1/2)

Xin Yunpeng Choice (Part 2/2)

2018 Duo-channel video projection variable, 05'44" (Loop) Edition of 3 + 1 AP

2018 Duo-channel video projection variable, 05'44" (Loop) Edition of 3 + 1 AP



Xin Yunpeng Towards the World

Xin Yunpeng Simultaneous

2022 10-screen video installation 21.7 × 351 cm Edition of 4 + 1 AP

2022 12 Sets of Programmed photography lights, photography umbrellas, light stand, concrete 5.6m × 5.6m × 2.3m Edition of 1 + 1 AP

Xin Yunpeng Horizon

Xin Yunpeng An Islander Who Hasn't Been to Kowloon

2022 Copper and mixed media on wood board 16 × 20.8 × 2 cm Unique

2022 Resin (3D print), copper, concrete 2m × 2m × 2.3m Edition of 1 + 1 AP

Xin Yunpeng


b. 1982 in Beijing, China

生於 1982 中國北京

Xin Yunpeng was born in Beijing in 1982 and graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts

辛雲鵬 1982 年生於北京,2007 年畢業於中央美術學院,2016 年獲藝術學碩士學位。其作品涉獵多

with a BFA in 2007 and a MA in 2016. His artwork ranges from video and performance to site-


specific installations in mixed media. Through creating experiences that are both familiar and


foreign within a confined space, Xin's work inventively anticipates and questions interpersonal differences in society.

辛雲鵬的藝術創作涵蓋了心理實踐的隱喻,亦在特定環境中用逼真的手法將其融合聚變以看似虛構;無 論是與空間維面積大小的調整,或有關互動型裝置作品的創作或是對實體物件的利用,辛雲鵬的藝術實

A central element in his creativity consists of implementing psychological metaphors in art, which blend together and become a set of collaborative entanglements expressing the dilemmas of living in a communal reality. Whether it is adjusting the physical dimensions of a space, creating interactive installations, or appropriating found objects Xin Yunpeng's art activates a form of thought that requires spectators to contemplate psychological strategies in terms of our environments.


Xin Yunpeng's recent solo exhibitions include: Simultaneous , de Sarthe, Hong Kong (2022);

辛雲鵬的個展包括:《同時》,德薩畫廊,香港,中國 (2022);《友誼第一,比賽第二》,C5CNM,北

Friendship First, Competition Second , C5CNM, Beijing, China (2020); Hope , The Bunker, Beijing

京,中國 (2020); 《希望》,掩體空間,北京,中國 (2018);《辛雲鵬個展》,德薩畫廊,香港 (2018);《辛

China (2018); Xin Yunpeng Solo Exhibition , de Sarthe, Beijing (2018); Xin Yunpeng Solo Exhibition ,

雲鵬個展》,德薩畫廊,北京,中國 (2017);《人人生而平等》,拾萬空間,北京,中國 (2016);《有個好

de Sarthe, Hong Kong (2017); All men are created equal , Hunsand Space, Beijing, China (2016);

消息也有個壞清息》,中間美術館,北京,中國 (2014);《我還不知道將你帶到何方》,A4 青年藝術家

No News Is Good News , Inside-Out Art Museum, Beijing, China (2014); I Don 't Know Where to

實驗季第一回展,A4 當代藝術中心,成都,中國 (2013)。另外,辛雲鵬參與過的國際群展包括:《京

Take You Yet , A4 Contemporary Arts Center, Chengdu, China (2013); and Hello, World , Yan Club

Zhì》,願景藝術中心,北京,中國 (2022);《遊移—新媒體影像藝術展》,33 當代藝術中心,光州,中

Arts Center “Look Art Space,” Beijing, China (2013). He has also exhibited internationally in

國 (2018);《不作意義》,拾萬空間,北京,中國 (2018);《無行地》,墨方空間,北京,中國 (2017);《儀

group shows including: Jing Zhì , WishinArt, Beijing, China(2022); Oscillation–New media art

式逆轉》,德薩畫廊,香港 (2017);《我們的未來》,紅磚美術館, 北京,中國 (2016);《陌生之外》由鮑

exhibition , 33 Contemporary Art Centre, Guangzhou, China (2018); Stop Making Sense , Hunsand

棟策展,巴黎北京畫廊,巴黎,法國 (2016);《中國私語,希克收藏展及 M+ 希克藏品》,伯恩美術館,

Space, Beijing, China (2018); Without Leaving Any Traces , Mocube, Beijing, China (2017);

伯恩,瑞士 (2016);《第六顆子彈》,拾萬空間,北京,中國 (2015);《活的》,智先畫廊,北京,中國 (2015);

Reversal Ritual , de Sarthe Gallery, Hong Kong (2017); Exotic Stranger, Galerie Paris-Beijing,

《複調 II: 中國藝術生態調查—北京站》,南京藝術 學院美術館,南京,中國 (2014);《相信是空無一物》,

Beijing, China (2016); China Whispers: Recent Art from the Sigg & M+ Collections , Kunstmuseum

天線空間,上海,中國 (2014);《一個不屬於自己的房間》,空間站,北京,中國 (2014);《ON|OFF—中

Bern, Bern, Switzerland (2016); ON | OFF: China's Young Artists in Concept and Practice , Ullens

國年輕藝術家的觀念與實踐》,尤倫斯當代藝術中心,北京,中國 (2013);《XXX—下一個十年的當代藝

Center for Contemporary Art (UCCA), Beijing, China (2013).

術》,今日美術館,北京,中國 (2011)。

Xin Yunpeng currently lives and works in Beijing, China.


Artist CV


Xin Yunpeng b. 1982 in Beijing, China. Currently works and lives in Beijing, China

辛雲鵬 1982 出生於中國北京。 現工作和生活於中國北京


2007 2016


B.F.A. Sculpture department (Third Studio), Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA), Beijing, China Master of Art, Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA), Beijing, China

Solo Exhibitions 2022 Simultaneous , de Sarthe, Hong Kong, China 2020 Friendship First , Competition Second, C5CNM, Beijing, China Hope , The Bunker, Beijing, China 2018 Xin Yunpeng Solo Exhibition , de Sarthe Gallery, Hong Kong, China Xin Yunpeng Solo Exhibition , de Sarthe Gallery, Beijing, China 2017 All men are created equal , Hunsand Space, Beijing, China 2016 No News Is Good News , Inside-Out Art Museum, Beijing, China 2014 I Don't Know Where to Take You Yet , A4 Contemporary Arts Center, Chengdu, China 2013 Hello, World , Yan Club Arts Center “Look Art Space,” Beijing, China Take Care , Chun Cui Art, Beijing, China 2011 51 m2: 8# Xin Yunpeng , Taikang Space, Beijing, China 2010 Group Exhibitions 2022 Jing Zhì , WishinART, Beijing, China Garage Sale , Sandwich, Bucharest, Romania 2019 The Racing Will Continue, The Dancing Will Stay , Guangdong Times Museum, Guangzhou, China Jing , New Everbright Centre, Beijing, China Imprimitura , LangKong Art Museum, Beijing, China

中央美術學院雕塑系第三工作室本科學位,北京,中國 中央美術學院藝術學碩士學位,北京,中國

個展 2022 《同時》,德薩畫廊,香港,中國 2020 《友誼第一,比賽第二》,C5CNM,北京,中國 2018 《希望》,掩體空間,北京,中國 《辛雲鵬個展》,德薩畫廊,香港,中國 2017 《辛雲鵬個展》,德薩畫廊,北京,中國 2016 《人人生而平等》,拾萬空間,北京,中國 2014 《有個好消息也有個壞消息》,中間美術館,北京,中國 2013 《我還不知道將你帶到何方》,A4 當代藝術中心,成都,中國 《Hello,World》 ,仁藝術空間 “地一現場”,北京,中國 2011 《慢走》,莼萃空間,北京,中國 2010 《51 m2 :8# 辛雲鵬》,泰康空間,北京,中國 群展 2022 《京 Zhì》,願景藝術中心,北京,中國 2019 《Garage Sale》,三文治畫廊,布加勒斯特,羅馬尼亞 《比賽繼續,舞台留下》,廣東時代美術館,廣州,中國 《京》,新光大中心,北京,中國 《基底》,朗空美術館北京,中國

2018 2017 2016





Stop Making Sense , Hunsand Space, Beijing, China Oscillation – New Media Art Exhibition , 33 Contemporary Art Centre, Guangzhou, China Without Leaving Any Traces , Mocube, Beijing, China Reversal Ritual , de Sarthe Gallery, Hong Kong, China This Future of Ours , Red Brick Art Museum, Beijing, China Exotic Stranger curated by Bao Dong, Galerie Paris-Beijing, Beijing, China Chinese Whispers: Recent Art from the Sigg & M+ Collections , Kunstmuseum Bern, Bern, Switzerland DRUG – Group Exhibition of the Chinese and Foreign Artists , Hunsand Space, Beijing, China Romancing Relevance: A Remix of Sameness , Art Museum of Nanjing University of the Arts, AMNUA No.0 Hall, Nanjing, China Live At , Intelligentsia, Beijing, China Polyphony II – Ecological Survey of Chinese Art – Beijing , Art Museum of Nanjing University of the Arts, Nanjing, China Nihilistic Belief , Antenna Space, Shanghai, China A Room Not of One's Own , Space Station, Beijing, China Too Smart to be Good? The 7th A+A , PIFO New Art Studios, Beijing, China You Are Damn Wrong , Rice University, Houston, USA @me, My Own Visibility , Shijiazhuang Art Museum, Shijiazhuang, China Groundwork Community , Taikang Space, Beijing, China ON | OFF: China's Young Artists in Concept and Practice , Ullens Center for Contemporary Art (UCCA), Beijing, China Sensation , V Art Center, Shanghai, China Listen , 798 Art District, Beijing, China The Girl , Xi Wang Art Museum, Beijing, China

2018 2017 2016






《不作意義》,拾萬空間,北京,中國 《游移—新媒體影像藝術展》,33 當代藝術中心,廣州,中國 《無行地》,墨方空間,北京,中國 《儀式逆轉》,德薩畫廊,香港,中國 《我們的未來》,紅磚美術館,北京,中國 《陌生之外》,巴黎北京畫廊,巴黎,法國 《中國私語─烏利・希克與 M+ 希克收藏展》,伯爾尼美術館,伯爾尼,瑞士 《第六顆子彈—中外藝術家聯展》,拾萬空間,北京,中國 《浪漫的相關性:同一性的混搭》,南京藝術學院美術館,零空間,中國 《活的》,智先畫廊,北京,中國 《復調 II ─中國藝術生態調查 - 北京站》,南京藝術學院美術館,南京 《相信是空無一物》,天線空間,上海,中國 《一間不屬於自己的房間》,空間站,北京,中國 《聰明壞了─ A+A 第七回展》,偏鋒新藝術空間,北京 《錯的是你》,萊斯大學,休斯頓,美國 《@me 能見度》,石家庄美術館,石家庄,中國 《基礎部》,泰康空間,北京,中國 《ON|OFF ─中國年輕藝術家的觀念與實踐》 ,尤倫斯當代藝術中心,北京,中國 《藝用情感展》,視界藝術中心,上海,中國 《傳說》,798 藝術區,北京,中國 《有個姑娘》,睎望藝術館,北京,中國 《XXX ─下一個十年的當代藝術》,今日美術館,北京,中國 《圖像歷史存在—泰康收藏展》,中國美術館,北京,中國 《51 m2: 16 位年輕藝術家》,泰康空間,北京,中國






XXX – Next 10 Year of Contemporary Art , Today Art Museum, Beijing, China Image, History, Existence – Taikang Life Fifteenth Anniversary Art Collection Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China 51 m2: 16 Emerging Chinese Artists , Taikang Space, Beijing, China It's All True , Morono Kiang Gallery, Los Angeles, USA I Am Here Beside Kai Tak Waiting for You! , 1a Space, Hong Kong The Market – I'm , Beijing Center for the Arts, Beijing, China Move , Morono Kiang Gallery, Los Angeles, USA Our Maps , Google Map; IONLY; Li-Space, Beijing, China Poetic Graces , Sand factory at the west side of Nai Xi Cun Kou, Lai Guang Ying North Road, Beijing, China Blank Making Life , Inside-Out, Beijing, China Hey Market , Song Zhuang Art Museum, Beijing, China The Market Summer 2009 – In the Making, Beijing Center for the Arts, Beijing, China Domino Plan in the Space , Chen Ling Hui Contemporary Space, Beijing, China Rave Forum , Li-Space, Beijing, China Carry on Items – Contemporary Art Exhibition , Oriental Vista Gallery, Shanghai, China Spectacle – To Each His Own , MOCA Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan Domestic Anchor , Vanessa Art Link, Beijing, China We Shall Overcome , Li-Space, Beijing, China First Exhibition , Li-Space, Beijing, China Hunting Birds , Tang Contemporary Art, Beijing, China The Borders of Utopia , Today Art Museum, Beijing, China My Seven Days , Osage Gallery, Manila, Philippines Trust the Future , TS1 Art Museum, Beijing, China ¥%⋯⋯@¥ !#饿 ¥ 日 , Tang Contemporary Art, Beijing, China

《這一切都是真的》,Morono Kiang 畫廊,洛杉磯,美國 《我喺啟德機場隔離等你話我知!》,1a 空間,香港,中國 2010 《青年藝術市集─我是》,天安時間當代藝術中心,北京,中國 《Move》,Morono Kiang 畫廊,洛杉磯,美國 《Our Maps》,谷歌地圖;東方視覺 “嘿!社會”;荔空間,北京,中國 2009 《風流藝術展》,奶西村口西側沙廠,來廣營北路,北京,中國 《空白展 2009 制造生活》,中間藝術館,北京,中國 《嘿市—發現當代藝術新價值》,宋庄美術館,北京,中國 《2009 BCA 夏季藝術市集─全手工》,天安時間當代藝術中心,北京,中國 《空間的多米諾計劃》,陳綾蕙當代空間,北京,中國 《談話就是運動》,荔空間,北京,中國 《隨身攜帶—中國當代藝術展》,Oriental Vista 畫廊,上海,中國 《各搞各的—歧觀當代》,台北當代藝術館,台北,台灣 《內在支柱》,華藝莎藝術中心,北京,中國 2008 《過來!—中國當代藝術展》,荔空間,北京,中國 《第 1 展》,荔空間,北京,中國 《打鳥》,當代唐人藝術中心,北京,中國 《烏托邦的邊界》,今日美術館,北京,中國 《我的七天》,奧沙畫廊,馬尼拉,菲律賓 2007 《相信未來》,宋莊 TS1 美術館,北京,中國 《¥%⋯⋯@¥ !#餓 ¥ 日—當代藝術展》,當代唐人藝術中心,北京,中國 特別項目 2017 《雁棲湖》,藝術家電影,北京,中國

14 May – 2 July, 2022 Hong Kong

de sarthe 20/F, Global Trade Square, No.21 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Hong Kong Opening hours: Tuesday to Saturday 11am–7pm Tel: +852 2167 8896 Fax: +852 2167 8893 E-mail: Texts: Xin Yunpeng and Allison Cheung Design and photographs: Hamish Chan

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means in whole or part, without prior written permission from the gallery and the artist. 版權所有。未經畫廊和藝術家的事先書面許可,不得以任何形式或手段全部或部分複製本出版物的任何部分。

de sarthe 20/F, Global Trade Square, 21 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong E-mail: Tel: 2167 8896

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