Zao Wou-Ki: Ink and watercolor

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Bernar Venet, Hong Kong

“It gives me tremendous pleasure to touch the wrinkles on xuan paper. How different it is from the canvas, which is always smooth and firm. The irregular marks as well as water on xuan paper create unexpected and endlessly interesting rendering effects. Once in contact with the paper, the ink soaks into the material, and through the varying pressure and speed controlled by the elbow, creates infinite variations of black, white and grey, a thousand shades of grey…I watch a space born under the paint brush, taking shape and soaring free as my imagination roams, spreading widely is a sense of lightness – lightness in brushstroke, lightness in colors, and lightness in the passing of time.” Zao Wou-Ki

Zao Wou-Ki, photo by Serge Lansac, 1981


Zao Wou-Ki (b. 1920, Beijing, China – d. 2013, Nyon, Switzerland) is one of the most internationally well-known Chinese artists. In 1935 he began attending the National School of Arts, Hangzhou, where he became a drawing instructor in 1941. In both his schooling and teaching, Zao moved freely between Chinese painting techniques and Western-inspired abstract compositions and found a profound affinity between the two traditions. In 1948 Zao moved to Paris and quickly rose to prominence as an abstract gestural painter, befriending other artists such as Alberto Giacometti and Joan Miro. Abstraction was not well received in France during the immediate post–World War II period, as its apparent lack of content or subject were deemed inept to express the brutal realities of the war and its aftermath. But Zao and other artists such as Pierre Soulages and Hans Hartung were determined to show that abstract painting could speak to this very condition through the intuitive language of color and line. To this end, Zao began to paint more boldly than ever, combining expressive lines with deeply saturated color. In the mid-1950s he incorporated Chinese influences more directly, sometimes using actual calligraphy instead of loose and winding brushstrokes. During this period, Zao frequently traveled to New York, where he met Barnett Newman, Franz Kline, and other Abstract Expressionists. Later in the 1970s, Zao’s paintings become less focused on line and gesture, striving instead toward an ambient and dreamlike atmosphere in which foreground and background are entirely blurred. Taken in its entirety, Zao’s oeuvre reflects a continual struggle—the artist’s gesture versus the painter’s canvas. The paintings of Zao’s are part of the permanent collections of leading international museums including the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago; The Museum of Modern Art, New York; The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York; The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; Musée National d’Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris; The Tate Gallery London; Musée Royaux des Beaux-Arts, Brussels; National Institute of Fine Arts, Beijing; Hong Kong Museum of Art, Kaohsiung Fine Arts Museum, Taiwan; The Museum of Tel Aviv; Galleria d’Arte Moderna, Milan; Fukuoka Art Museum; National Museum of Art, Osaka amongst others.



Untitled 1950 Ink and watercolor on paper 32.39 x 24.77 cm Provenance: Main Street Gallery, Chicago. (Probably exhibited in their 1952 Zao Wou-Ki exhibition) Private collection, Chicago, IL, 1952 Private collection, Arizona (by descent from the above) de Sarthe Gallery Private collection, Asia Exhibition: Zao Wou-Ki: Ink and Watercolor, 12 March – 18 April 2015, de Sarthe Gallery, Hong Kong


Two Fish 1952 Pen and ink with watercolor on paper Signed lower right 27 x 38 cm Provenance: Private collection, USA de Sarthe Gallery Private collection, Asia


Nature Morte 1953 Watercolor and ink on paper Inscribed ‘Nature Morte Zao Wou Ki’ lower left Signed and dated ‘53’ in Chinese lower right 33.5 x 51.5 cm Provenance: W & G Sloane Department Store, New York, NY Lee A. Kolker, Scarsdale, NY Gail Murray Hyman (Gail Murray Putziger), Scarsdale, NY de Sarthe Gallery Private collection, Asia Exhibition: Zao Wou-Ki: Ink and Watercolor, 12 March – 18 April 2015, de Sarthe Gallery, Hong Kong


Untitled 1954 Ink and watercolor on paper Signed in Chinese; signed and dated ‘Zao 54’ lower right 20 x 28 cm Provenance: Private collection, USA Christie’s, Hong Kong


Untitled 1956 Watercolor on paper Signed and dated ‘56’ lower right 40.5 x 33 cm Provenance: Six Century Print Room, Toronto Private collection, Toronto, acquired from the above in the mid 1960s Private collection


Untitled 1969 Ink on paper mounted on cardboard Signed and dated lower right 24 x 31 cm Provenance: Private collection, France Paris, Me Ader-Tajan, 1993 Private collection, France


Untitled 1971 Ink on paper Signed and dated lower right 34 x 33.5 cm Provenance: Galerie de France, 1973 Private collection, France


Untitled 1975 India ink and ink wash on Japan paper Signed in Chinese, signed in Pinyin and dated lower right 33.5 x 45.5 cm Provenance: Private collection, gift from the aritst, 1980 Christie’s, Paris


Untitled 1984 Ink on paper Signed in Chinese and dated 84 lower right 103 x 103 cm

Provenance: Private collection, France Private collection, Asia



Untitled 1984 India Ink on paper 103.5 x 103.5 cm Provenance: Private collection, France Galerie Jan Krugier, Geneva Private collection, Asia



Untitled 1984 Ink on paper Signed lower right 103 x 103 cm Provenance: Galerie Jan Krugier, Geneva Private collection, Asia



Imaginary Landscape 1984 Ink on paper Signed in Pinyin and Chinese and dated 84 lower right 102 x 104 cm Provenance: Christie’s Hong Kong, 2005 Private collection, Asia Sotheby’s, Hong Kong


Untitled 1986 Ink on paper Signed in Chinese and dated 86 lower right 68.5 x 135 cm Provenance: Private collection, London China Guardian, Beijing, 2006 Christie’s, London, 2006 Private collection, Asia


Untitled 1988 Watercolor on paper 38 x 28 cm Provenance: Galerie Krugier, Geneva Galerie Ditesheim, Neuch창tel Private collection, Paris Perrin, Royere, Lajeunesse - Versailles Private collection, Asia


Untitled 1994 Ink on paper Signed in Chinese and dated 94 lower right 60 x 60 cm Provenance: Alice King, Hong Kong Private Collection, Asia


Untitled 1995 Ink on paper Signed in Pinyin and Chinese and dated 95 and dedicated to Claude and Pierre 65 x 63 cm Provenance: Pierre and Claude Cabanne, Meudon, France Sotheby’s, Hong Kong


Untitled 1997 Indian ink on Japan paper laid down on paper Signed in Chinese and dated 97 120 x 57 cm Provenance: Cornette de Saint-Cyr - Sotheby’s – Binoche – Francis Briest, Paris, L’Art pour la vie, 1998 Galerie Thessa Herold, Paris Galerie Jeanne Bucher, Paris Private collection, Paris Sothebys, Paris Private collection, Asia


Untitled 1999 Ink on paper Signed and dated 99 lower right 59 x 59 cm Provenance: Galerie Marwan Hoss, 2000 Private collection, Asia



Untitled 1999 Ink on paper Signed in Chinese and dated 99 lower right 59 x 59 cm Provenance: Galerie Marwan Hoss, 2000 Private collection, Asia



Untitled 2000 Ink on paper Signed in Chinese and dated 00 lower right 45 x 61 cm Provenance: Private collection, Asia



BIOGRAPHY 1920 Zhao Wou-Ki was born in Beijing February 1st 1920. When he arrives in France he changes his name to Zao WouKi, Wou-Ki being his given name. 1935 At the age of fifteen, Zao Wou-Ki starts his art training at the Fine Arts School of Hangzhou, where he remains for six years, learning drawing from casts, drawing from a model, oil painting, traditional Chinese painting by copying major Chinese works, Western perspective and theory of calligraphy. 1941 After his graduation, he is appointed as an assistant teacher at his school and presents his first exhibition in Chang-King, where the School moved to in 1938 because of the Japanese invasion. 1948 With his father’s approval, he decides to go to Paris with his wife Lalan to continue his art training. Over the next seventeen years he is the neighbour of Alberto Giacometti. He frequents the Académie de la Grande Chaumière and meets his new family, Nicolas de Staël, Hans Hartung, Pierre Soulages, Maria Helena Vieira da Silva and later Sam Francis, Norman Bluhm and Jean-Paul Riopelle. 1949 He has his first solo exhibition in Paris at the Galerie Creuze, which is well received. 1950 Henri Michaux spontaneously writes eight poems to accompany his first lithographs, published in the volume Lecture de huit lithographies de Zao Wou Ki par Henri Michaux, exhibited at the galerie La Hune. Thanks to his new friend, he begins to work with the French art dealer Pierre Loeb. This was also the beginning of an uninterrupted friendship with Henri Michaux, until the latter died in 1984. 1951 He discovers the paintings of Paul Klee in Switzerland, which inspires him to abstraction. He exhibits for the first time at the Galerie Pierre in Paris. He travels in Italy and Spain. 1952-1956 Several personal exhibitions are held in Paris where he meets IM Pei and his wife Eileen (Galerie Pierre, Galerie La Hune), Bern, Chicago, London (Hanover Gallery), Rome, New York (Cadby-Birch Gallery, Kleemann Gallery). An important change in his paintings is emerging, which become abstracts. 1957 He has his first exhibition of paintings at the Galerie de France in Paris, which places him under contract, by agreement with Pierre Loeb. The first monograph on him is written by Claude Roy. 1958-1959 He travels to New York where he meets Samuel Kootz, who becomes his first regular art dealer in the United States. He then travels with Pierre and Colette Soulages and stayed alone in Hong Kong in 1958 for six months. There he meets Chan May-Kan, his second wife. Zao Wou-Ki holds his first exhibition at the Kootz Gallery in New York in 1959. 1961-1969 In Paris, the Galerie La Hune presents in 1962 La Tentation de l’Occident, written by André Malraux, at that time the French Minister of Culture, with ten lithographs by Zao Wou-Ki. Thanks to his support, Zao Wou-Ki is granted French nationality two years later.


Several solo exhibitions are held all over the world: New York (Kootz Gallery), Los Angeles (Frank Perls Gallery), San Francisco (Sans Francisco Museum of Art), Tokyo (Tokyo Gallery), Madrid (Ateneo), Paris (Galerie de France), London (Redfern Gallery), Essen (Folkwang Museum), Vienna (Albertina), Oslo (Galerie Holst Halvorsen), Montréal (Musée d’Art Contemporain). 1970-1972 Because of the illness of his wife May, he is unable to devote himself sufficiently to oil paintings. Following Henri Michaux’s advice, he goes back to working with India ink. May dies in March 1972 and Zao Wou-Ki immediately goes back to China to see his family that he has left in 1948. 1975 The Galerie de France presents in Paris his recent works with a catalogue containing a foreword by René Char. This is an intensely productive period. He mainly paints large formats. 1977 He illustrates A la gloire de l’image et Art poétique by Roger Caillois. Zao Wou-Ki marries Françoise Marquet. Jean Leymarie, director of the Villa Médicis, invites them to Rome. The Fuji Television Gallery presents in Tokyo an exhibition, mostly with large formats. 1979 Zao Wou-Ki makes a donation of engravings to the French National Library which presents a selection of eighty prints in the room of honour. 1980 After a visit at the studio, Pierre Matisse proposes him for the autumn an exhibition of paintings and India ink works in New York. The catalogue has a foreword by IM Pei. 1981-1982 The exhibition at the Galeries nationales du Grand Palais in Paris is the first one in a French museum. This exhibition is repeated in 1981-1982 in five cities of Japan, in Hong Kong and in Singapore. 1983 The National Museum of History of Taipei, Taiwan, presents his works. On the invitation of the Chinese Minister of Culture, he exhibits at the National Art Museum of China in Beijing and at his old school in Hangzhou, which has become the Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts (now the China Academy of Art). 1984 Zao Wou-Ki is made an Officier de la Légion d’Honneur, at the proposal of the French Minister of Culture Jack Lang. His first exhibition at the Jan Krugier Gallery in Geneva, Switzerland, presents India inks. 1985 At the request of his old school, he goes to Hangzhou with his wife to give for a month classes in painting and drawing, while Françoise teaches history of modern painting and museology. 1986 He exhibits at the Pierre Matisse Gallery in New York. The catalogue has a foreword by François Jacob. 1988 Fayard publishes his autobiography Autoportrait, written in collaboration with Françoise Marquet. Artcurial organizes in Paris a retrospective of his works for the fortieth year of his arrival in Paris.


1990 The Jan Krugier Gallery in Geneva, Switzerland, exhibits his recent paintings and India ink works and the Musée des Beaux-Arts of Tours, France, shows a retrospective of paintings and India inks. 1992 Several exhibitions are held in Paris, paintings at the Artcurial Gallery and Indian inks at the Marwan Hoss Gallery. The AFA A presents a retrospective at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon, Portugal. Two exhibitions in the Grand-Duchy of Luxemburg are organized: India inks at the National Museum and Paintings at the Vianden Castle. 1993 He is made a Commandeur de la Légion d’Honneur by French President François Mitterrand. He is also awarded an honorary doctorate by The Chinese University of Hong Kong. A retrospective is held at the Taipei Fine Arts Museum and Alice King presents an exhibition of recent works in her Hong Kong gallery. 1994 The Centro Cultural de Arte Contemporáneo in Mexico proposes the retrospective “Zao Wou-Ki. 40 years of painting (1954-1994)”. He goes to Tokyo to receive the Praemium Imperiale Award of Painting from the Emperor of Japan, His Majesty Akihito. 1995 La Ibercaja de Ahorros persents an exhibition at the Centro de Exposiciones y Congressos in Saragossa in Spain, and the Ishibashi Foundation organises an exhibition at Ishibashi Museum in Kurume in Japan. 1996 The retrospective organised by the AFA A at the Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts in Taiwan, is later shown at the Hong Kong Museum of Arts. 1998 The exhibition in Angers, France, is in three parts: paintings, India inks, prints and artists’ books. The ceramic mural panel conceived by Zao Wou-Ki in 1996 for the Oriente underground station in Lisbon, in Portugal, is inaugurated for the Universal Exhibition. 1998-1999 The major retrospective in China “Zao Wou-Ki, 60 years of painting, 1935-1995” is organized by the AFA A, L’Oréal and the Shanghai Museum, in Shanghai, at the National Art Museum of China in Beijing and finally at the Guangdong Museum of Arts in Guangdong. In Taiwan, the Lin & Keng Gallery presents “Zao Wou-Ki: Works from 1948-1999”. 2000 The Fuji Television Gallery presents in Tokyo a personal exhibition. The Galerie Marwan Hoss dedicates to him an exhibition in Paris, “Recent India inks”. For FIAC 2000 in Paris, the Galerie Thessa Herold presents a selection of recent paintings. His paintings are the contemporary part of the major exhibition “Chine, la gloire des empereurs” at the Petit Palais, Musée des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Paris, France. 2001 The main retrospective presented at the IVAM - Centro Julio Gonzalez in Valencia, Spain, is then later shown in the Ixelles Museum in Brussels, Belgium.


2002 Two exhibitions are hold in France, in Paris at the Galerie Mennour and in Chenonceau castle. Zao Wou-Ki is elected at the French Académie des beaux-arts in December, in place of Jean Carzou. 2003 One retrospective is held at the Taidehalli of Helsinki (Finland), one exhibition at the Marlborough Gallery in New York and a major retrospective at the Galerie nationale du Jeu de Paume in Paris. Zao Wou-Ki is received at the French Académie des beaux-arts, November 26th. 2004 Several major retrospective are made in France: paintings and India inks at the musée des Beaux Arts of Dunkerque, prints and books at the musée du Dessin et de l’Estampe originale at Gravelines, paintings and India inks at the Musée Fabre in Montpellier. The Ishibashi Foundation also organises a retrospective at the Bridgestone Museum of Art in Tokyo, Japan. 2005 Two exhibitions are held in France: the first one at the Palais Bénédictine of Fécamp and a main retrospective in Biarritz, “Paintings and India inks, 1948-2005”. 2006 Zao Wou-Ki participates to several collective exhibitions: “Homage to Chillida” at the Bilbao Guggenheim Museum, Spain, “Edgar Varèse” at the Tinguely Museum in Basel, Switzerland and “L’Envolée lyrique. Paris 1945-1956” at the Musée du Luxembourg in Paris, France. “Black & White Dream”, a selection of India inks on paper by Zao Wou-Ki, wished by I.M. Pei is presented for the opening of the New Suzhou Museum of the Suzhou City in China. Zao Wou-Ki is made a Grand Officier de l’Ordre de la Légion d’Honneur and decorated by French President Jacques Chirac on November 3rd at the Palais de l’Elysée. 2007 He participates in the exhibition devoted to the French poet René Char at the French National Library in Paris. His personal exhibition at the castle of Nemours, France, shows oil paintings, India inks and watercolours on paper, prints and illustrated books and for the first time paintings on ceramics. 2008 Zao Wou-Ki finalizes two series of original vases at the French Manufacture nationale de Sèvres. The French National Library in Paris organises a retrospective of his graphic work. He then completes his first donation. This exhibition is later sent to the Suzhou Museum in China. The musée de l’Hospice Saint-Roch at Issoudun (France) presents Zao Wou-Ki’s works on paper from 1954 to 2007, showing the influence of this work on the space conception of the oil paintings. The exhibition at the Marlborough Gallery in New York shows new works: huge recent prints, paintings on china ceramics made at the Bernardaud studio in Limoges and recent Indian inks. Recent paintings are shown at the Musée national des beaux-arts de Québec (Canada), in links with his triptych Hommage à mon ami Jean-Paul Riopelle (2003). This is the opportunity to talk about the deep friendship between the two painters. 2009 The Marlborough Gallery in Monte-Carlo, Monaco, proposes an exhibition of recent works on paper and ceramics. The Folon Foundation in La Hulpe in Belgium presents Zao Wou-Ki’s works on paper in connection with Europalia.


2012 Zao Wou-Ki participated in several group exhibitions, including tapestries and artists cartons of XX th century Mobilier National Collections at the Museum of the Hospice Saint-Roch Issoudun, non-figurative painting of the second school of Paris, 1946- 1962. 101 masterpieces of Gandur Foundation for Art at the Musée Rath in Geneva and Chinese Artists in Paris, 1920-1958. Lin Fengmian Zao Wou-Ki at the Cernuschi Museum in Paris that puts the arrival and the beginning of Zao Wou-Ki in Paris in the logic of trade between France and China in the XX th century. Gallery Sarthe Fine Art organizes staff show Zao Wou-Ki. Paintings: 150’s - 1960’s in Hong Kong. Zao Wou-Ki moved to Dully in Switzerland with his wife Françoise. It is in Switzerland, where he visited in the early 1950s with his friend Johnny Friedlaender he confronts painting by Paul Klee, decisive vision in his painting career. It is in this country are some of the greatest collectors. His presence is largely due to the work of Jan Krugier with which Zao Wou-Ki worked for nearly 20 years. 2013 The collective exhibition Art of Antoher Kind. International Abstraction and the Guggenheim, 1949-1960 at the Guggenheim Museum in New York shows the links between the stage of European and American post-war, highlighting the fundamental role of the director James Johnson Sweeney including Zao Wou-Ki was near. Sylvain Amic present at Fine Arts Museum of Rouen exhibition “ Zao Wou-Ki, spring brush “, centered on the triptych tribute to Claude Monet (1991) surrounded by fifteen unpublished watercolors 2000s (October 2012 - May 2013). In the fall, Philippe Koutouzis present at the FEAST Projects gallery in Hong Kong a selection of five recent unpublished watercolors. Hadrien de Montferrand Gallery in Beijing for its part has some recent works on paper as part of a group exhibition during the winter.


PUBLIC COLLECTIONS GERMANY Essen, Museum Folkwang Stuttgart, Kunstmuseum, Collection Etta und Otto Stangl UNITED KINGDOM Liverpool, The Tate Gallery Londres, The Tate Gallery Londres, Victoria and Albert Museum AUSTRIA Vienne, Albertina, Graphische Sammlung BELGIUM Bruxelles, Bibliothèque royale Albert 1er de Belgique Bruxelles, Musée d’Art moderne Bruxelles, Musées royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique Kruishoutem, Fondation Veranneman BRAZIL Rio de Janeiro, Museu de Arte Moderna CANADA Montréal, Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal (Québec) Montréal, Musée des beaux-arts (Québec) Québec, Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec (Québec) Sherbrooke, Musée des beaux-arts de Sherbrooke (Québec) Toronto, Art Gallery of Ontario (Ontario) Toronto, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (Ontario) Victoria, Art Gallery of Greater Victoria (British Colombia) CHINA Hangzhou, Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts (maintenant China Academy of Art) Hong Kong, Hong Kong Museum of Art Pékin, The Fragant Hills Hotel (prêt de la Ville de Pékin) Pékin, National Institute of Fine Arts. (KWAI: China Central Academy of Fine Arts) Suzhou, Suzhou Museum SPAIN Barcelone, Fundaciò Joan Miró Bilbao, Museo de Bellas Artes Vitoria-Gasteiz, Collection Homage to Chillida – Grupo Urvasco 56

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Atlanta, Atlanta Art Center (Georgia) Atlanta, Clark Atlanta University Galleries (Georgia) Atlanta, High Museum of Art (Georgia) Boston, Museum of Fine Arts (Massachusetts) Cambridge, Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University Art Museums (Massachusetts) Cambridge, MIT List Visual Arts Center (Massachusetts) Charlottesville, University of Virginia Art Museum (Virginia) Chicago, The Art Institute of Chicago (Illinois) Cincinnati, Cincinnati Art Museum (Ohio) Cleveland, Cuyahoga Savings Association (Ohio) Detroit, Detroit Institute of Art (Michigan) Hartford, Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art (Connecticut) Hamilton, Picker Art Gallery, Colgate University (New York) Houston, Museum of Fine Arts (Texas) Ithaca, Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University (New York) Ithaca, White Art Museum, Cornell University. (New York) Kalamazoo, Upjohn Company Collection (Michigan) (ancienne collection) Los Angeles, Berkeley University, Medical Research Center (California) Minneapolis, The Walker Art Center (Minnesota) New Haven, Yale University Art Gallery (Connecticut) New Orleans, New Orleans Museum of Art, New Orleans (Louisiane) (ancienne collection) New York, Finch Art College Museum (New York) New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York) New York, Museum of Modern Art (New York) New York, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (New York) Oberlin, Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College (Ohio) Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City Museum of Art (Oklahoma) Pittsburgh, Carnegie Museum of Art, Carnegie Institute (Pennsylvania) Purchase, Neuberger Museum of Art Purchase College, State University of New York (New York) Richmond, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (Virginia) San Francisco, Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, “The Avery Brundage Collection� (California) San Francisco, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (California) St. Thomas, Virgin Island Museum (Virgin Islands) Stanford, Stanford University (California) Waltham, Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University (Massachusetts) Washington, Hirshhorn Museum & Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institute (Washington DC.) Washington, National Gallery of Art (Washington DC.) Waterville, Colby College Museum of Art (Maine)


FINLAND Helsinki, Ateneum Museum (Ateneumin Taidemuseo) Tempere, Sara Hildén Art Museum (Sara Hildenin Taidemuseo) FRANCE Arles, Fondation Vincent Van Gogh Châteauroux, Musée Bertrand Colmar, Musée d’Unterlinden Dunkerque, Lieu d’Art et Action Contemporaine Évreux, musée de l’Ancien Évêché Gravelines, Musée du Dessin et de l’Estampe Originale Issoudun, Musée de l’Hospice Saint-Roch Le Havre, musée Malraux Lyon, École normale supérieure Lyon, Fonds Régional d’Acquisition pour les Bibliothèques Rhône-Alpes (dépôt aux Bibliothèques municipales de Grenoble et Portes-lès-Valence) Metz, Musée d’Art et d’Histoire Montauban, Musée Ingres Montpellier, Musée Fabre Montpellier, Médiathèque Centrale Emile Zola Nevers, Bibliothèque municipale Orléans, musée des Beaux-Arts Paris, Air France, Direction générale Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, Bibliothèque de l’Institut de France Paris, Centre Pompidou, Musée national d’art moderne / Centre de création industrielle Paris, Fonds national d’art contemporain Paris, Institut national d’histoire de l’art Paris, Manufacture nationale des Gobelins Paris, Manufacture nationale de la Savonnerie Paris, Manufacture nationale de Sèvres Paris, Mobilier national Paris, Musée d’Art moderne de la Ville de Paris Paris, Musée du Louvre (donation ; déposé au Musée Fabre de Montpellier) Paris, Musée de la Poste Paris, Schlumberger Ltd. Paris-La Défense, Société Générale Paris-La Défense, TOTAL France Rennes, Musée des Beaux-Arts Saint-Dié-des-Vosges, musée Pierre-Noël Sceaux, Musée de l’Ile-de-France, Château de Sceaux 58

Tournus, Musée Greuze Tours, Musée des Beaux-Arts Tours, Conseil général d’Indre-et-Loire, quatorze vitraux pour la Demeure de Ronsard à La Riche Valence, Musée des Beaux-Arts et d’Histoire naturelle INDONESIA Jakarta, Jakarta Museum ISRAEL Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv Museum ITALY Gênes, Galleria d’arte moderna Milan, Civica galleria d’arte moderna JAPAN Fukuoka, Fukuoka Art Museum Fukushima, Iwaki City Art Museum Hakone-Machi, The Hakone Open-Air Museum Kyoto, Kyoto National Museum of Modern Art Nagaoka, Nagaoka Contemporary Art Museum Osaka, National Museum of Art Tokyo, Bridgestone Museum of Art, Ishibashi Foundation Tokyo,The Fuji Television Network, Inc. Tokyo, H. Imasato Collection Tokyo, Nippon Broadcasting System, Inc. Tokyo, Nobutaka Shikanai Collection LUXEMBOURG Luxembourg-Ville, Collections Grand-ducales de l’État du Luxembourg Luxembourg-Ville, Musée national d’histoire et d’art MACEDONIA Skopje, Musée d’Art contemporain MEXICO Mexico, Centro Cultural de Arte contemporáneo Mexico, Museo de Arte moderno Mexico, Museo Tamayo Arte contemporáneo


PORTUGAL Castelo Branco, Fundaçào Manuel Cargaleiro Lisbonne, Centro de Arte Moderna, Fundaçào Calouste Gulbenkian Lisbonne, Collection Metropolitano de Lisboa Lisbonne, Millennium bcp, Porto, Museu Nacional de Arte Moderna SWITZERLAND Genève, Musée d’Art et d’Histoire, “Fondation Gerald Cramer” Lausanne, Musée olympique. Locarno, Collection Nesto Jacometti, Pinacoteca comunale casa Rusca Lugano-Castagnola, Fondation Collection Thyssen-Bornemisza TAIWAN Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts Taichung, National Taichung Library Taichung, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts Taipei, National Museum of History Taipei, Taipei Fine Arts Museum Taipei, Museum of Contemporary Art


Published on the occasion of de Sarthe Gallery exhibition:

香港中環雪廠街16 號西洋會所大廈 8樓 8/F Club Lusitano, 16 Ice House Street, Central Hong Kong T. 852 21678896 | F. 852 21678893 | E.

北京市朝陽區草場地藝術區328-d 328-d, Caochangdi, Chaoyang District, 100015 Beijing, China T. +86 010-84182441 | E. Catalog: © 2015 de Sarthe Gallery © Zao Wou-Ki Design: Franky Yuen, de Sarthe Gallery Biography: Fondation Zao Wou-Ki


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