Desa Seni, A Village Resort

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kula Desa Seni, A Village Resort

Volume 1 路January 路 February 路 March 2011


“Be the change you want to see in the world” Ghandi

Wow! And it all began. After oodles of years here in Bali, years over which we stopped counting, seeing and feeling the change, we decided it was time to “be the change” and Desa Seni, A Village Resort emerged. After four years of continuous organic evolution, Desa Seni now embarks on a new chapter with the birth of “Kula ,” our magazine. Kula* will be the window on our vision of creating an eco-green friendly resort focused on organic food, culture, yoga, art, peoples and community and fostering the belief that we humans can do anything that we set our minds to and that we are passionate about! As the founders, we traveled all over the archipelago of Indonesia, gathering antique houses and furnishings, Desa Seni began to sprout in the middle of rice field plantations. Blending with the integrity of the land, staying true to the natural landscapes, creating community, Desa Seni stands today as a full service resort. The name translates to ”art village” and the logo represents the Hindu Trilogy: Brahma, Wisnu and Shiva (the creator, the preserver and the destroyer) , a vision, a manifestation, a dream, a project that could not be possible without all the “like minded” people who live here and travel to Bali. Farming, volunteering, preserving, cooking, massaging, yogaing, laughing and smiling are only a few of the “ing” things that we do. If you enjoy any of the above or any other “ing” , we invite you to visit and be a part. *“Whether one examines the body or the entirety of the universe, each is understood to constitute a kula, a grouping or assemblage that achieves a kind of temporary structural integrity, continuity, and identity. They enjoy a certain kind of autonomy: a living body, an embodied person, appears to exist as a relatively autonomous organism, sustained in invisible and complex ways in its continued existence.” From Paul Muller Ortega- Sanskrit Scholar


“Lokah Samastah Sukhinoh Bhavantu” May all beings in the world be happy and free


Thank you to everyone who has continuously contributed and supported Desa Seni in staying true to their vision and philosophy. After 4 years of building Kula, we are honored to be a part of the community, growing strong, evolving, and developing amazing relationships. A very special thank you to Brad and Orly, our photographers; Allison, Sarah, Brad and Johnny V for the articles; Martina and Howard for editing; Manuela for her graphic amazement! Terima Kasih Banyak!




he art village of Desa Seni

is the perfect setting for all that yoga promises. When Tom invited me to leave Los Angeles, my yoga teaching home for ten years prior to moving to Bali, it was the unique potential of this node of consciousness that brought me across the globe. Recognizing in Desa Seni something that feels like the most precious of gifts, a rare gem, I was magnetized here by pure potential. Surrounded by the living teachers that are plant specimens of every variety as well as birds, geckos, butterflies, turtles, frogs, dogs, sometimes the occasional snake, there is no view from the yoga studio that does not mirror life in its myriad forms. The organic gardens that give forth the food we eat at Desa Seni, can be witnessed daily

Yoga vision

growing in patterns that reflect asana practice. Here the student body, comprised citizens from all over the world, discovers universality in the language of the body. This is the collective body we are building at Desa Seni. The central question informing our decisions as we expand Desa Seni is: what components can we create to facilitate the nurturing of awareness from the individual level to the collective? In response we offer yoga classes of the highest caliber from Anusara, Vinyasa Flow, Ashtanga, Kundalini, Acroyoga, meditation and pranayama. We incorporate workshops from anatomy to teacher trainings, provocative, mind- expanding films to open closed walls of consciousness, and

musicians to stimulate and speak the language of the heart. We are deeply dedicated to providing an atmosphere allowing for profound transformation. Looking at our microcosm of “earth school” as a grand experiment in possibilities, our greatest joy is to utilize the magic, fertile land of Bali, to evolve our own Self. We hope that all who visit here will grow into clarity, compassion, steadfastness and equanimity; that we each become a vast support system for one another, just as the human body intricately works for the health of the entire organism. At Desa Seni, it is our greatest pleasure to work in service to this vision. Enjoy.

Tara Judelle, Trimurti Yoga Studio director

esa Seni means Art Village. Yes, we’re a resort – but, in many ways those two words express our raison d’être – creativity and community. Art at Desa Seni is immediately apparent in the unique architecture, inspired attention to detail and the glorious gardens that define the property. Healing begins the moment one enters Desa Seni. The emphasis on wellbeing is reflected by the offering of yoga and dance, various workshops, physical therapies like Shiatsu, Cranio-Sacral and Acupressure. There’s a weekly



yoga program offering classes throughout the day taught by international teachers, with forms from Anusara to Ashtanga, Kundalini to Vinyasa Flow, all are represented. The result is a growing kula(literally, community of the heart) of committed practitioners from all over the world who find in Desa Seni a place where they can explore inner spaces and outer expression – as part of a dynamic and fluid collective. Live music is also a big part of the picture. The success of Desa

Seni’s healing arts program is reflected in the increasing number of retreats and workshops that are taking place, featuring conscious teachers attracting students and teachers from around the globe. The first half of 2011 is already crammed with happenings – all of them designed…well, to make you feel more than just “better!”

“Yoga is about awakening. Yoga is about creating a life that brings more love and beauty into the world. That is Anusara yoga.”


the stretch of

l i fe

Desa Seni has established itself as a hub for Anusara Yoga in Bali, with regular classes, immersions, teacher trainings, workshops and retreats.

esa Seni has entered a new and exciting phase of yoga with the arrival of Tara Judelle as Director of Yoga. Tara brings the uplifting practice of Anusara which combines the structural alignment of traditional asanas with a spiritual heart-based philosophy. As Tara explains, “The goal is synchronicity,” the result is a practice that is strengthening, inspiring and refreshingly relatable. Asanas are seen as reflecting life; stretching tall so we can reach our higher selves, crossing thresholds in our physical practice to help us overcome our psychological fears, physically lifting our hearts so that we can approach life with greater kindness and compassion. Anusara translates (in sanskrit) as ‘with the current,’ and in many ways can be seen as the modern face of yoga. The movement began in The United States just thirteen years ago and has gained a steady momentum with over 1500 teachers and thousands of practitioners spreading across the globe. With the arrival of Tara – an experienced and gifted teacher – Desa Seni has established itself as a hub for Anusara in Bali, with regular classes complemented by immersions, teacher trainings, workshops and retreats.


Joh n Friend founder anusara yoga

Anusara is more than a school of yoga, it’s a way of living, with central tenants of ‘right action’ ‘loving kindness’ and ‘kula’ – a notion of community that links self/community/world. Tom, a firm believer and fervent practitioner of Anusara describes it’s “principles of alignment and community as a perfect match with Desa Seni,” which is essentially a village with an inherent commitment to community. Tara adds that this is “The perfect platform for community based yoga – with it’s healthy food, pool, beautiful yoga pavilion and dedication to outreach programs,” which include apprenticeships, free classes at local orphanages, organic farming, English and yoga classes for the staff, movie nights and strong support of various local non-profit organizations. In the spirit of collaboration, Desa Seni continues to magnetize the best ‘like minded’ teachers from other yoga disciplines and the sacred arts. “What happens on a tiny island when you start a movement that is moving energetically from the heart?” asks Tara. Time will tell, but already her classes have become enormously popular, a unique blend of learning

and laughter, which she calls “consciousness at play.” For her Anusara is about “living life as spectacularly as you can,” and that’s something that should resonate with us all. Anusara-[a-nu-sar-a] means “to be in the flow, flowing with Grace, the soul in the flow with the Universe, following your heart.”


meet our yoga teachers

“We start to practice yoga and suddenly, one day we realize that yoga is not just a practice, it is a way of living”.

Tara Judelle

There is a bridge between formlessness and form: that is the human body. This physical body with its beating heart, sinewy muscles, glands, fluids, bones is nothing short of an anatomical receiver for spirituality. The yoga method I teach is called Anusara which allows the weaving of philosophy into a dance of asana where we playfully explore in the laboratory of the classroom the vocabulary of the human form. My goal as a teacher is to facilitate the awakening of the body /mind on an individual and collective level as well as to bring people into the essence of their being, seated in this phenomenal structure.

Daphna Dor

The practice of Kundalini Yoga is one that tunes us into, activates and brings into balance the different systems of the body, the different aspects of our being. Through a combination of asanas, breath and mantra we move through those physical manifestations of the sensations of the soul and into the essence of our selves. As a teacher of this beautiful poetry in motion, it is my intention to create a safe and honored space for people to delve deep into their journey.

Carlos Romero

My teachings are focused on bringing awareness to the breath, movement and correct alignment. By joining these 3 actions into one, we can experience the true Yoga, which is to be in the Here and Now. When we are connected with the moment, we are connected to nature and are accepting our being. In this same way, I share my classes with my students, surrendering to a higher vibration and enabling them to practice at their own level of ability. The essence of my inspiration is: the power of simplicity.


Kate Graham

Manuela Herreros

“Garbhe cittavikaso’ visista vidyasvapnah”

“Do your practice and all is coming” Sri K. Pattabhi Jois This simple statement from my teacher Sri K. Pattabhi Jois illustrates how by just experiencing we can look within, observing and understanding our habits, patterns, or the mindsets that hold us back from our boundless potential, practice becomes a meditation in movement. I encourage an open awareness to your experience on the mat, taking each moment, each breath and each pose as it comes, with non-attachment and no expectations echoing the flowing quality of the vinyasa style, which is ever changing and developing yet finding its source in the constant nature of the breath.

Tom Talucci

I tried yoga for the first time 17 years ago while at an alternative French school in Chile. I didn’t understand the purpose, and found myself laughing when doing some of the postures, but nevertheless something really caught me. I started to practice regularly over the years. Yoga has helped me to open, release and heal all the emotions that were stuck, but most importantly, yoga provides me with a tool to peel the layers of my heart and enable me to go through life with an open heart. Desa Seni has embraced me with open arms, enabling me to teach and the opportunity to keep learning every day - thank you all!

When a yogi’s mind is satisfied with the expansive body of illusion then he falls in the world of differentiated perceptions and his knowledge of being is just like that of ordinary living beings. Come share, come practice!


Hello fellow Yogis and Kula members, We welcome you to come and practice at any of our regularly scheduled classes. Dropins are fine, no reservations are needed. We provide all the equipment necessary. TIME







7:30 AM Pranayama 8:30 AM Kundalini Anusara L1-2 Kundalini Ashtanga Kundalini Ashtanga 9:30 AM Anusara Dynamic Anusara Dynamic Anusara Anusara 10:15 AM L2 Hatha L1 L2 Hatha L1 L2 L2 12:30 PM Practice Lab L3 Practice Lab L3 Teachers Lab 2:00 PM 4:00 PM Dynamic Vinyasa Dynamic Vinyasa Dynamic Vinyasa Hatha L1-2 Flow L 1-2 Hatha L1-2 Flow L 1-2 Hatha L1-2 Flow L 1


January 8th: Explore Chinese Medicine Workshop, Saturday 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm. Vinyasa Flow

Balinese Dance Sad Angga Yoga

Anusara Yoga: Hatha style emphasizing alignment and life-affirming, heartfelt spirituality. Kundalini Yoga: Esoteric and energetic yoga to ignite spiritual energy and elevate consciousness. Ashtanga: A rigourous asana practice based on the Patabi Jois Ashtanga series. Dynamic Hatha Yoga: Mindful and rigorous physical yoga, may include breathwork, purification practices, meditation. Vinyasa Flow Yoga: Free-form hatha yoga style, linking of postures and breath, heat-building, athletic. Pranayama & Meditation: Learn the art of breath control. Breathing exercizes, meditation, philosophy. Practice Lab: Hatha yoga class for advanced students and teachers. Teachers Lab: A time for teachers to come together, teach, learn and share. I Lab: An experimental off shoot to social activities in Bali, promoting conversation and community. Bok Jinpa Meditation 1: Using ancient Tibetan Buddhist practices working towards enlightenment. Balinese Dance for Children: Traditional dance taught in Bahasa Indonesia, free of charge for the community. Panca Maya Yoga & Sad Angga Yoga: Taught in Bahasa Indonesia, free of charge for the community. Yoga Panca Maya Healing Fair: A time to come and experience therapists from all over the archipelago, share their talents and traditional treatments. 11th Step NA Meeting: An evening meditation for memebers of NA or AA to come together. Full Moon: An evening to explore the energy of the moon, renew, and cleanse.

* Donation classes. Suggested donation of Rp.80.000 Donations in full provided to various non profit organizations Desa Seni continuously supports.

January 13th -16th: Reset Your Mind/Body Anusara Yoga Retreat with Tara Judelle January 13th & 27th: I lab movie night. Free! Check web site for title. 7:30 pm

NA Meeting

Level 1 (Beginners) / Level 2 (Intermediate) / Level 3 (Advanced) If you are interested in a private yoga session please call, 0361-8446392

5:45 PM Anusara L2-3 Anusara L2-3 Panca Maya Yoga 6:30 PM Vinyasa Flow L 1 *Donation Class 7:30 PM

Bok Jinpa Meditation returns with Jason every Saturday at 2:00 pm. Donation basis, all welcome!

January 19th: Come celebrate the full moon, renew, re-energize! Free! 7:30 pm January 22nd & 23rd: Yoga Panca Maya Healing Fair, 9:00 am. - 4:00 pm Donation Basis January 28th: Come celebrate the launch of our magazine “KULA” 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm. January 29th: “Freedom Yoga Workshop”, Saturday 12:00 pm. - 3:00 pm.

Events: february

February 10th & 24th: I lab movie nights, a free event, check website for movie title! 8:00 pm. February 11th -18th: The 5:45 pm Vinyasa class is a guest teacher, Clara Roberts from Vancouver Canada, all welcome!

February 12th: Acro Yoga Workshop, Come Fly! No partner or experience necessary. Fun! 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm February 18th: Full Moon Ritual, come re-energize, cleanse and renew! Free! 7:30 pm February 19th: Trance Dance, come explore, release and re-energize your chakras. 8:00 pm February 25th -27th: Come Join Daphna and Ellen for a Kundalini/Ecstatic Dance Explosion! Contact us for details: info@

Events: March

March 10th & 24th: I lab movie nights, a free event, check website for movie title! 7:00 pm. March 12th: Kundalini Workshop. Come enlighten you chakras! 12:00 - 3:00 pm. March 13th until 19th: Tending the Sacred Fire: Living Yoga Sadhana with Twee Merrigan. Contact us for details! March 15th: Drum circle: Come Jam with Twee Merrigan and the gang! 7:30 pm. March 17th: Trance Dance with Twee Merrigan, come dance like no one is watching! 7:30 pm. March 19th: A pre Bali Spirit Festival benefit for “Ayo Kita Bicara HIV/AIDS.” 12 hours of music & yoga, amazing line up! Full Moon Ritual! Re-energize, cleanse and renew. Come help raise funds 8:00 am till 8:00 pm. March 23rd until 27th: A do not miss event! Bali Spirit Festival in Ubud.

Up coming events 2011:

Please contact us at for further details or check out our web site Bhakti Yoga Retreat with Rusty Wells: April 4th until 14th Anusara Yoga Immersion I with Tara Judelle: April 19th until 24th NIA Retreat with Tracy Fenner: May 1st until 7th Anuasara Immersion 2 with Tara Judelle: June 14th until 19th Prana Flow Immersion Part 1 with Twee Merrigan: July 30th until August 14th Anusara Imersion 3 with Tara Judelle: September 20th until 25th Eoin Finn Yoga Retreat with Eoin Finn: November 6th until 12th Prana Flow Immersion Part 2 with Twee Merrigan: November 12th until 27th Anusara Yoga Retreat with Tara Judelle: December 2nd until 10th * This schedule is subject to change, please pick up one of our monthly schedules or check it out on line for the most up to date and accurate classes and times, Please make sure to check out our events page for up to minute updates, additions and or changes.


erapu Spa at Desa Seni is located in an antique building from Java known as a Gladak, designed to soothe the senses and provide a welcome sanctuary. While the entire resort is a spa in itself, which is felt from the moment one steps in, this dedicated sanctuary offers a varied range of healing therapies and spa treatments. With therapies that include diagnostic healing with our resident intuitive, hypnotherapy, past life regression, ayurvedic consultation, marma healing, reiki and much more, Desa Seni aims to create an environment where each of the guests has the space and feels safe to begin their journey and flourish. It may be a simple pampering that is all the lift you need and Merapu’s spa therapists offer a range of beauty treatments designed around holistic philosophies – one of which is “if we look good, we feel good.”


cho ku rei place the power of the universe here

The resident healers however work on a deeper level with both indigenous and time honoured eastern therapies. Desa Seni’s signature massage combines the Balinese long stroke massage with acupressure to penetrate deep into tired muscles, to rejuvenate and alleviate tension within the muscles, ligaments and tendons. The Thai Yoga Healing massage is a deeply relaxing massage that combines various Thai massage philosophies to restore the natural flow of energy in the body.

Therapy uses a centuries old technique to rebalance the chakras and promote profound healing. These and a list of other therapies aim to reach into the soul and help Desa Seni’s guests to heal on a much deeper level, part of the on-going commitment to the well being of their guests.

Reflexology is loved the world over and is a popular choice at Desa Seni to stimulate blood flow and promote healing. Healing techniques include some truly amazing and unique therapies including our diagnostic massage with the intuitive Balinese Healer, Pak Samiratha. To unblock the body, Theta Healing is highly recommended while Crystal

“Movement of spiraling consciousness”


jnanamannam knowledge is food


s with all things at Desa

Seni, the food is prepared with heart and soul. It is created by loving people for people and the extensive menu caters to raw food diets, vegans, vegetarians and non vegetarians. It is all created with a sense of giving. Full of flavour, the basis of this menu is fresh and organic, combining Mediterranean and Asian favourites. With produce grown in the gardens at Desa Seni and procured from reliable organic growers, the menu flows from the start of the day through to dinner. Meals are served in the antique joglo house which sits at the centre of Desa Seni, however guests can choose any spot within the resort to enjoy a fresh juice, a wonderful scented tea, or a full meal. A private dining area at the top of the resort is a great venue for celebration dinners or for get togethers with friends. Overlooking the gardens, and cooled by breezes off the rice fields, the dedicated space suits groups and revellers.

“ Whether it is breaking the fast after a yoga class or joining friends for lunch or dinner, Desa Seni’s warm welcome extends to memorable meals designed to be enjoyed. For more information come and see us or check out our website. Bookings are welcome but not essential. Open breakfast, lunch and dinner.�

Delicious, sustainable, healthy living

Raw Garden Salad

Green Drink (Serves 2)

(Serves 4)

2 cups of shredded cabbage 2 cups of cauliflower florets 2 cups of broccoli florets 2 cups of shredded carrots 2 cups of shredded beet root 2 cups of shredded coconut 1 cup of raisins 1 cup of walnuts 4 cups of greens, best to get a mix of spinach, kangkung, celery, basil, arugula Place greens on a big platter, arrange all the above ingredients in piles on top of the greens in a circular pattern.

Lemon Honey Vinaigrette 1 cup of Extra Virgin Olive oil 1/3 cup of lemon juice 4 tablespoon honey (add more if you like sweeter) 2 teaspoon minced shallots 1 teaspoon minced garlic 1 tablespoon Fresh minced basil Salt and pepper to taste Combine oil and lemon juice whisking constantly, once blended, add the rest of the ingredients, serve on top of salad.

3 cups of spinach 3 cups of kangkung (water spinach) 1 banana 2 slices of pineapple 1/4 cup celery leafs Ice, approx. 6 ice cubes 1 cup coconut juice unsweetened (best if straight from a coconut) Put all in a blender at high and blend for about 45 seconds, drink and enjoy!

Mango custard (serves 6)

1/4 cup Rice Flour 1 liter Coconut Milk 1/4 cup coconut water 1/4Ÿ teaspoon salt 3/4 cup white sugar 1/2 teaspoon Vanilla Extract Combine the rice flour with 1/2 cup of coconut milk. Set Aside. Put the remaining 3 1/2 cups of coconut milk into a saucepan and bring to a simmer. Stir constantly for 2 minutes. Mix in the rice flour and simmer for about two more minutes until it thickens. Add ž3/4 cup sugar, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla, stir constantly for two more minutes. Set aside to cool. Once cool, take a short dessert glass and layer with fresh mango. Top with choice of nuts.



reen is going mainstream, which is a good thing. Actually, it’s probably a crucial thing. But what does it actually mean? In a way it’s about becoming conscious of context, of connections, where energy comes from and how it’s expended, where waste goes, what materials you use. When it comes to building something truly green, you have to effectively create an ecosystem within an ecosystem. At Desa Seni, we began by dispensing with one of the more standard aspects of any property here in Bali – the perimeter wall. Where we don’t have neighbors, the resort gives directly onto rice paddies. The buildings them-

kampung hijau selves are antique wooden structures from Java, which were dismantled and reassembled on site. What’s not recycled is sustainably sourced. The land structure was left intact, including natural waterways and the whole property is scaled to fit the undulating environment - low energy lighting creates a soft glow at night without causing light pollution. Grey water goes to feed the gardens and what’s left over is filtered using lilies, whose root systems have great absorptive properties. The pool is salt water, so don’t be afraid to open your eyes underwater. All organic waste is composted and goes straight back into the gardens, which besides being filled with multi-hued wildflowers, butterflies and

songbirds (no, really!) also supplies the kitchen with 80% of the organic produce it needs to create Desa Seni’s signature healthful dishes. No pesticides are used whatsoever and other ingredients are sourced exclusively from local suppliers. You don’t have to miss out on those little conveniences you love though, like straws for example… Desa Seni’s are made from bamboo. You’ll be hard pressed to find anything plastic on site. All laundry is washed without using harsh detergents and enzymes. And of course humans are a part of any ecosystem, so community by extension is integral to Desa Seni’s green philosophy. That means working with the local village to help keep the surrounding environment clean as well as ensuring that Desa Seni’s own carbon footprint is as light as possible.

“Working with the local village to help keep the surrounding environment clean as well as ensuring that Desa Seni’s own carbon footprint is as light as possible.”

Tips for greener laundry at home Fabric Softener:

Add 1/4 cup of baking soda—which also works as a brightener—to the wash. When using liquid detergent, add the baking soda during the wash cycle; when using powder, add the baking soda during the rinse cycle

Whiten & Brighten:

Pour 1 cup of lemon juice in a bucket half full of water and soak clothes overnight. Or add 1/4 to 1 cup of washing soda (a more powerful form of baking soda) to each laundry load during the wash cycle.


If you want to add fragrance, do so during the drying cycle. Put a few drops of essential oil on a cotton cloth, and toss it into the dryer with wet clothes.

Treat Grease Stains:

For best results, treat stains while they’re fresh. Cover the oily spot with a mixture of Borax and warm water and let it sit—20 minutes for a light, fresh stain, and two hours for a heavy, set stain—then rinse with cold water.



f you had to tease out the philosophical strands that make Desa Seni what it is, you’d find community deep in the weave. It’s visible in the growth of arts and healing activities, which bring together like-minded people from all over the world and in the friendships that tend to be forged here. But other things are less im-

mediately apparent and they’re very much about service. “In a nutshell, it’s about giving back to the community,” says Desa Seni co-creator Tom Talucci. That happens across a whole variety of arenas. For example, Desa Seni works closely with Bali Street Kids, a local non-profit organization that supports children from desperately poor rural communities who are lured by the opulence of the southern tourist hubs. Besides regular fundraising activities, Director of Yoga, Tara Judelle, teaches weekly classes to the

kids and Desa Seni staff help out with accounting. “We also work with the Jodie O’Shea Orphanage which houses young people from all over Indonesia” says Tom. “We offer them paid apprenticeships where they get to work in various departments, gaining the kind of skills they need to find employment in the hospitality industry.” At the same time, they’re learning about sustainability, since Desa Seni’s eco credentials are amongst the best on the island. Most recently, Desa Seni lent its support to the Coral Goddess – a project

giving away as charity


“We offer apprenticeships to the Jodie O’shea orphans enabling them to work in various departments, gaining the skills they need to find employment in the hospitality, tourism industry” that combines art with coral reef regeneration. Artist Celia Gregory designs underwater sculptures using Biorock frames – metal structures that are charged with small electrical currents to encourage reef building polyps to grow. Reefs damaged by dynamite fishing and other destructive practices are literally being reanimated. Since yoga in its many different forms is such a central activity at Desa Seni,

it’s shared with the local community through Yoga Panca Maya, which is offered free to anyone from anywhere on the island. Even the staff take yoga classes! Class times are listed on the monthly schedule, which appears on the website. Every few months, Desa Seni hosts a wellness day, which taps into Bali’s rich tradition of healing – a kind of holistic health fair where you’ll encounter everything from deep tissue

bodywork to jamu ,Indonesian herbal remedies to magical mantras. “And then of course there’s our local village, Tegal Gundul, which we really feel a part of,” beams Tom. “We help with things like buying musical instruments and fundraising for the ogohogoh (giant papier-mâché monsters that are brought out to celebrate the Balinese New Year).

art bites



“Art is the product or process of deliberately arranging symbolic elements in a way that influences and affects one or more of the senses, emotions, and intellect. It encompasses a diverse range of human activities, creations, and modes of expression, including music, literature, film, photography, sculpture, and paintings.”

umah Bendi houses the boutique at Desa Seni and is filled with hand picked treasures reflecting the vision of art, heritage, well being and nature for which the resort has become famous. Trinkets are scattered amidst antique statues, ornate jewelry boxes, shadow puppets and ethnic oddities. Yoga and health books sit neatly arranged atop a hand carved antique cabinet. A glass cabinet is filled with Desa Seni signature organic beauty products, created with herbs and plants picked straight from their flourishing gardens. Wellbeing, (not to mention beauty) can be further enhanced with ‘Jewels for the soul,’ unique gem based jewelry hand crafted for Desa Seni by Anna Michielan. The range includes druse rings, chunky amethyst pendants, chakra stone bracelets and necklaces and a selection of gleaming crystals. Railings are draped with stylish locally designed yoga wear, crafted in natural fibers. Look out for the TOYoga clothing line, designed by Alma which incorporates tops and bottoms embedded with semi precious stones representing the seven chakras. If you are looking for a gift and or a bit of self indulgence, Rumah Bendi, the boutique, is a must for that special, hand picked treasure.

Oleh Oleh

We are very happy to have met Harry and have commissioned him to do this theatrical, mystical collection of Desa Seni Lithographs. Having only been in Bali for two months, he has immersed himself into the Balinese culture and into the Desa Seni culture and has created this wonderful series of six lithographs. These are a limited edition of 50, each hand painted and signed by the artist. Harry Daily Holiday is a prominent artist from the United States, who has been living in Australia from the age of 21 immersing himself into the surf sub culture. Surf art is a narrow spectrum, and Sketch Holiday is a part of it, but also a part of the art world in general….. Harry Daily’s artistic passions extend way out into an umbrella of genres including futuristic fantasy. He has done work for Switch-foot Publication, surf posters, and music covers. He has had shows in Australia, America and has just finished touring the UK and had a one man show at the Driftwood Gallery in Newquay, Cornwall.

Lovers, watercolor 28x41 2010




“Imagination is more important than knowledge” albert einstein


s Bali is an international melting pot of peoples, cultures, religions, and ethnicities. In this way, it provides an excellent laboratory for Self-examination. Desa Seni’s “I-Lab” endeavours to provide a context for this conscious society to explore. Coined ‘I-Lab’, these experimental workshops take place bi-weekly as part of the resort’s philosophy on wellness. The aim is to provide community with a platform for integrated participation in thought-provoking discussion, as well as fun and entertainment. Satsangs, intelligent films, practice labs, drum circles, ecstatic dance, full moon ceremonies, pranayama, and meditation are just some of the examples that I-Lab will be facilitating. Participants are invited to share their talents as well as their thoughts, to assist in opening our collective minds and move our community towards unity and greater truth.

The fourth annual Bali Spirit festival is almost upon us and this year Desa Seni joins forces as a gold sponsor. Bali Spirit Festival is a holistic extravaganza, drawing top yogis, teachers and musicians from around the world in a five-day celebration of yoga, dance and movement. Tara Judelle, Director of Yoga at Desa Seni, will be teaching two Anusara Yoga workshops in the main pavilion. This partnership reflects Desa Seni’s ongoing commitment to community, a concept that is also inherent to the festival. The charitable arm of Bali Spirit supports a range of outreach programs within the local community, and to this end Desa Seni will be hosting a pre-festival fund raising event. So keep the 19th of March 2011, free and sign up for the 12 hour Yogathon which will feature yoga, teachings, music and organic food all within the beautiful grounds of the resort. Desa Seni is an official festival ticketing site, so pick up your tickets now and take advantage of the early bird special.

Desa Seni,

A Village Resort

“Be the change you want to see in the world� Ghandi

Yoga.... art.... Desa Seni A Village Resort Jalan Subak Sari # 13 Canggu-Bali - 0361 8446392

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