Permanent Collection

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Sumatra Utara - North Toraja Rice Barn Panel 176 x 157 cm

Hampatong is the name given to ancestor- and guardian figures made of hardwood. The Dayak set them up both as memorial sculptures to the deceased at burial sites, or as sentinels in front of their longhouses.

Kalimantan Barat - West Dayak Hampatong 88 x 8 cm - 80 x 20 cm

Rio Helmi 55 x 44 cm

Blawong Keris Board (1) 129 x 36 cm - (2) 63 x 38 cm (3) 40 x 30 cm - (4) 79 x 34 cm An old ethnic incised Blawong or Keris board in wayang style with traditional javanese motifs. A stylish way to showpiece your treasured keris. Made from teak hardwood. (1)




Nashar ( 1990 ) Wajah - Wajah - Face 64 x 89 cm

Kalimantan Timur - South Rumah Lamin Ukiran Lamin House Ornament for protection 112 x 100 cm

Nias Island Statue Protection 110 cm

Kalimantan Tengah - Dayak Talawang Dance - Ceremonial Shield 120 cm Tall

Li Jin

Li Jin

Ink on Paper - Visit to Bali

Ink on Paper - Visit to Bali

27 x 18 cm

27 x 18 cm

Wang Keping ( 2010 ) Woman Bending 39 x 23 x 24 cm

Nias Wooden Statue Adu Zatua - Medicine Man 65 cm Tall

Arie Smit Bali - Bedugul 80 x 80 cm

Pa’ Tedong: Merupakan lambang tulang punggung kehidupan dan kemakmuran. Pa’ Barre Allo: Lambang dari sumber kehidupan yang berasal dari sang pencipta. Pa’ Manuk Londong: Melambangkan adanya aturan atau norma hukum (adat) dan kepemimpinan. Pa’ Sussu’: Melambangkan bentuk kesatuan masyarakat dan kebijakan untuk penentuan dasar kehidupan.

Sumatra Utara - Toraja Tongkangan Ukir 70 x 70 cm

A Nias House Panel 103 x 58 cm

Djoko KS ( 1990 ) 56 x 78 cm

Djoko KS ( 1999 ) 90 x 252 cm

Djoko KS ( 1999 ) 102 x 102 cm

Djoko KS ( 1999 ) 110 x 110 cm

Kalimantan Island A Dayak Hampatong 186 x 23 cm

Malangan Sculptures Malangan Sculpture come in a huge variety of styles but are all carved from a fairly soft wood. Typically they intensely painted in designs of Red white and black. They sometimes also have a small area of blue or yellow. The eyes made of a distinctive shell. Malangan come from the northern Regions of New Ireland They are the only figures from new guinea that are sometimes made from more than one piece of wood. traditionally this form of tribal art was burnt after use. Malangan culture also produced fantastic varieties of masks.

Papua New Guinea Sculpture 310 x 17 cm

Timor Island Belu or Tetum, wooden house panel Panel Susu, Breasts Fertility and abundance 137 x 26 cm & 155 x 20 cm

Ryan Labar ( 2012 ) Poland Train Collision 46 x 55 x 47cm

Ryan Labar ( 2012 ) Tilting at Windmills, Of Course 80 x 115 x 70cm

Nias House Panel 125 x 56 cm

Brian Kakas ( 2012 ) 62 x 44 cm

Brian Kakas ( 2012 ) 51 x 47 cm

Dolorosa Sinaga 150 x 50 cm

Fajar Sidik 92 x 100 cm

I Wayan Bendi Acrilic on Canvas 140 x 160 cm

Heri Kris Untitiled, 1997 99 x 139 cm

Heri Kris Bird, Good Morning, 1998 45 x 140 cm

Heri Kris ( 1999 ) Art of Black 100 x 75 cm

Heri Kris ( 1999 ) Brain 99 x 74 cm

Nias Tribesman Window Panel 139 x 58 cm

Gamdra School of Ubud 140 x 100 cm

Gamdra School of Ubud 140 x 100 cm

Secara teknis, kulkul terbuat dari seruas bambu berukuran cukup besar, yang mana kedua belah buku ruasnya dilubangi, dan sepanjang badan bambu itu dibuat lubang memanjang. Adakalanya kulkul dibuat dengan dua alur lubang yang sejajar, satu lubang besar, dan satu lubang yang lebih kecil. Ada pula yang terbuat dari dari potongan kayu, panjangnya kira-kira satu sampai dua meter, dikorek pula sepanjang badannya untuk membuat lubang memanjang, dan bagian dalamnya dibuat menggerongong. Kedua ujungnya ditutup atau tertutup oleh karena pengorekan bagian dalam kayu tersebut dijaga agar tidak sampai menembus kedua bagian ujungnya.

Java Timur - East Kul Kul 200 x 100 cm

Bonny Setiawan ( 1999 ) Parade Attribute 100 x 100 cm

Mentawai Panel Door 162 x 64 cm

Nasirun ( 1996 ) Untitled, 36 x 36 cm

Nana Tedja ( 2017 ) Hello Dude 70 x 80 cm

Nana Tedja ( 1999 ) Three Friends 95 x 75 cm

Hari hujan tak kunjung reda... Rintik-rintik airnya menggodaku untuk menyentuh butirannnya, bau tanah basah menusuk tulang-tulangku... Hingga menutup ruang jengahku.. Ketika sudah tak ada lagi harapan... ketika hati ini sudah terbuang dan tidak dikehendaki.... bahkan malaikat penolongpun enggan melihatku... tubuh dan jiwa ini rasanya gamang.. perih .. dan renta... tapi.... akankah aku dibiarkan mati oleh jaman?? Akankah aku dibiarkan tergeletak tanpa angan-angan??? Bukan.... aku bukan seperti itu..... kamu boleh pergi... kamu boleh tak peduli.. bahkan kamu boleh menganggapku mati.... tapi aku akan terus berlari... lari meraih anganku... bersama matahari...

Nana Tedja ( 2017 ) Optimistic 100 x 70 cm

Lauren Mabry Made in Bali 2017

Lauren Mabry Made in Bali, 2017

Arifien Neif ( 1988 ) Berfikir 33 x 28 cm

Kerosene Java Wood Antik Oil Lamp 64 x 58 cm

Jeihan Sukmantoro ( 1977 ) Dessy 120 x 120 cm

Xue Feng ( 2013 ) 51 x 60 cm

H. Harjiman ( 1977 ) Kampoeng 120 x 120 cm

Kawung Beton Resembles the cross section of the Aren-palm fruit, with the crosses in the center of each oval suggesting the seed of the fruit. It also looks like a four-petaled blossom, a simplified lotus. This motif reflect the Javanese belief in a structured universe; the cross in the the center is thought to represent a universal source of energy.

Origin: Kudus C. 1970 Kain Panjang Size 250 cm x 105 cm Primissima Cotton

Kembang Jahe or Ginger Flower.

Used as batik pattern for its beauty and rarely flowering periode. Reminding people to be grateful for what they already have.

Origin: Banyumas C. 1960 Kain Panjang Size 250 cm x 105 cm Primissima Cotton

This women’s tube skirt called Tai Bife is made by weavers from baun, Amarasi near Kupang in West Timor . There are three major villages within the region of Amarasi are Oekabiti, Buraen and Baun. Textiles from these areas are similiar in design, sharing many of the sam motifs. The man’s hip cloth generally has a white centerfield which is characteristic of people who are ethnically Atoni. The Atoni are the predominant ethnic group of western Timor. A Tai Bife is worn for special occasions and for ceremonies. The central ikat motif is called Kret No Nirma which means five leaves which have a serrated edge and Pan Bua Ana which means a small tool box.

Tai Bife Timor

Baun, 2012 Warp Ikat Tied - Dyed - Woven by Alfince Neno Commercial Cotton Natural Dyes 123 cm x 138 cm


Ceremonial Sarong Songket Gold Embroidery Thread Natural Dyes


Ikat Fabric Indonesia Handloom Dyes

Borneo Longhouse Ironwood Staircase (1) 220 x 20 cm - (2) 133 x 13 cm (3) 157 x 12 cm - (4) 220 x 17 cm (1)




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