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2 One-Stop-Shop as an effective and user-friendly service delivery channel
An OSS is a single access point that offers information and multiple services to citizens in a consolidated and integrated manner through one or more service delivery channels. The focus of an OSS is to improve frontline service delivery and to ensure that everyone has an equal, timely and hassle-free access to information, documents, and basic services. Different analyses have shown that an OSS will reduce transactions costs, bureaucracy, intermediary influence, and corruption, as well as increase transparency and quality of services. Improving efficiency and effectiveness of public services is at the heart of the OSS1 .
Figure 1. Sevenkey elements of OSS The OSS model typically relies on seven key measures: o Access - there should be multiple channels for service delivery, so that the customers can have channels of choice, depending on specific needs at specific times. o Speed - service delivery processes should be simple, justified, and easy to understand for both citizens and service providers. o Engagement - service delivery should be seen as citizen-centric. o Value - the customer needs to believe that the OSS is cost effective, and that the value is driven by customer outcomes.
1 World Bank: Re-inventing Service Delivery Through One-Stop Shops