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How we work - Our process Design Factory tailors the approach to each new project to the client’s specific needs, enabling us to create unique design solutions specific to your requirements every time. However, the broad scope of our approach can be described in the following four stages:

1. Establishing the Design Direction

3. Design Development & Implementation

Great design is rarely the work of one person, more often it is a result of open collaboration

When starting each new project, we would

After presentation of the initial design concepts,

between the client company and the design

urge the importance of meeting with all parties

comments and suggested amendments would

team. Typically, we will be in very regular

involved to further discuss the brief. This helps

be analysed and incorporated, the chosen

contact with you and encourage communication

crystallise the principal aims and objectives of

concepts developed and the preferred options

directly between client representatives and

each project and establishes the core values

applied to the list of materials specified.

the designers actually doing the work. We feel

for the design stage going forward. A summary

this makes us unique and helps engender a

report of information gathered from this process forms the basis of the design phase.

closer working relationship as well as ensuring 4. Production/ Artwork

the specific objectives of each project are met precisely.

This stage includes preparation of final artwork, 2. Design Concepts

the supply of final proofs for approval, colour specifications, supervision of film separations

With the parameters of each project agreed, the

and cromalin proofs. Final artwork will be

initial design concepts would be produced. The

supplied on disc and in the required electronic

initial design proposals would show treatment of

file formats for Mac and PC. All print items can

typography, photography, illustration (if relevant),

be quality checked on press and our production

colour and, for printed literature, typical layout

team will liaise with printer on timelines and


delivery if you require us to manage that aspect of the job.

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Our experience Design Factory has over 25 years experience in all areas of brand identity and visual communication. However, we particularly specialise in branding and communications design and in design for the built environment.

Design Factory is an award winning branding and

Design Ethos

design communications company. Established

can properly or fully address the brand needs. Likewise, a wholly logical approach without

in Dublin since 1983, we are based in custom

We believe that good design is key to the

a ‘magical’ design ending will never serve

designed studios on Capel Street. Our staff

creation and survival of any successful brand. We

to inspire in the way a well branded piece of

profile comprises 80% designers including;

live in a highly competitive sensory environment,

communications material should.

the two Directors, Conor Clarke and Stephen

with visual and verbal messages bombarding

Kavanagh, who both design every day and act

our attentions every day. Design Factory’s

as Creative Directors; a dedicated print and

unparalleled experience of working with

production manager; marketing communications

businesses from all facets of industry, combined

Our branding and communications design clients

and other administrative staff.

with our skills in effective strategic design, put

include some of the country’s best known


us in the unique position of being able to provide

organisations and state bodies including; IT Sligo,

Complementing our head office we have satellite

the full range of materials you require, allowing

Waterford Institute of Technology, The Road

offices in Belfast - headed up by Creative

you to concentrate your efforts in other areas.

Safety Authority, Mater Private Healthcare, Fresh

Director Alan Diver; New York - headed up by

- the good food market, the Royal College of

renowned brand strategist Larry McNaughton,

All our work is guided by the principal of ‘Logic

Surgeons, The National Gallery, 3V the safe way

and an associate office - Design Factory

and Magic’. Without a logical and defined base

to shop online and the Royal College of Surgeons

Copenhagen, which principally deals with

which identifies the core aims and values of the

amongst many others.

packaging design.

client company, no amount of attractive design

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Our team structure We believe that the importance of having a dedicated Project Manager who will be your principal point of contact throughout the contract is paramount.

(Creative) Director

(Creative) Director

Marketing and

Stephen Kavanagh,

Conor Clarke,

Brand Strategy

is an honours

is an honours

William Hart,

graduate of NCAD,

graduate of NCAD,

is an honours

Dublin, and a

Dublin. He worked

graduate from the

founding director of

at BRS Design

University of Kent

Design Factory. He has served as a committee

Partnership in Amsterdam before founding

(UK) where he studied Politics and International

member of the GDBA (Graphic Design Business

Design Factory in 1983 with Stephen Kavanagh.

Relations. Before joining Design Factory in 2003,

Association). In 1995 and again in 1996 Stephen

He has served as a committee member of the

he worked in a number of marketing roles, both

received the prestigious Donside Papers (UK)

SDI (Society of Designers in Ireland) and ICAD

in the UK and Ireland, planning and overseeing

Award for the Best Overall Entry from Ireland

(Institute of Creative Advertising and Design). He

the implementation of marketing strategy and

for his ESB Annual Reports. He is currently

has been a regular award winner at ICAD with

developing new business opportunities. William

an external assessor to the Dublin Institute of

his work featured in international publications

has worked on all Design Factory’s branding

Technology. His work has been published in

such as ‘Who’s Who in Graphic Design’, ‘Graphis’,

projects for the past 5 years, helping identify

respected international design journals such as

‘Novum Gebrauchsgrafik’ and the ‘New York Art

strategy and planning for the design stages.

‘Graphis’ and ‘Novum Gebrauchsgrafik’.

Directors Club Annual’. He has written a book on

These projects have included; The Road Safety

the relationship between Ireland and Holland in

Authority, Mater Private Hospital and Blackpool in

graphic design for the Dutch publisher BIS. Conor

Cork amongst others.

has been closely involved at a Creative Director level with most of the Annual Report projects we have produced over the last twenty-five years.

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Our commitment to design We believe that good design is key to the creation and survival of any successful brand. We live in a highly competitive sensory environment, with visual and verbal messages bombarding our attentions every day.

Design Factory’s unparalleled experience of

Design Factory is an award winning branding and

working with businesses from all facets of

design communications company. Established

industry, combined with our skills in effective

in Dublin since 1983, we are based in custom

strategic design, put us in the unique position of

designed studios in Dublin 1. Our staff profile

being able to provide the full range of materials

comprises 80% designers including; the two

you require, allowing you to concentrate your

Directors, Conor Clarke and Stephen Kavanagh,

efforts in other areas.

who both design every day and act as Creative Directors; a dedicated print and production

All our work is guided by the principal of ‘Logic

manager; marketing communications and other

and Magic’. Without a logical and defined base

administrative staff.

which identifies the core aims and values of the client company, no amount of attractive design can properly or fully address the brand needs. Likewise, a wholly logical approach without a ‘magical’ design ending will never serve to inspire in the way a well branded piece of communications material should.

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Various identity examples


Furniture Maker s

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Case Study:

Fresh /// Full Branding

Brand mark


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In-store signage

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Case Study:

Fresh /// Full Branding

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