Š University of Dammam, 2014 King Fahad National Library Cataloging-in-Publication Data University of Dammam, College of Design Ejad. / College of Design University of Dammam.Dammam, 2014 285 p ; 21×21 cm ISBN: 978-603-8081-27-3 1- Calligraphy - Handbooks, manuals, etc. I-Title 745.61 dc 1436/561 L.D. npo. 1436/561 ISBN: 978-603-8081-27-3 All right reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or any other information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the College of Design.
Table of Contents
01 01
03 05 07
Introduction Faculty Second Year Courses
51 135 213
Third Year Courses Fourth Year Courses Fifth Year Courses 02
03 03
It is with great pleasure and price that the College of Design presents its forth booklet of student projects which aims to document and recognize students’ achievements. It showcases students’ projects from both Interior Design, and Graphic Design and Multimedia departments. The featured work reflects a strong commitment to providing for the needs of society whether in the creation of functional and aestheticaly pleasing physical environments or the visual communication of ideas and brands. The projects are varied in type and complexity and demonstrate the stages of progression through which students pass before they embark on their professional career.
05 Faculty
College of Design Dr. Saeed Al-Awais
Dean, College of Design
Dr. Hind Al-Gahtani Vice Dean, Academic Affairs
Chair, Interior Design Department
Dr. Sumayah Al-Solaiman Vice Dean, Quality Developement
and Academic Accreditation Chair, Graphic Design & multi-Media Department
Dr. Maha Alsaati
Saman Sohail
Abrar Alkadi
Teaching Assistant
Muzon Ashgar
Subayeal Pasha
Noorah Alkadi
Aisha Alabdulazeem
Kathryn Carlyle
Arwa AlShawan
Teaching Assistant
Rezan Gassas
Natalie Houston
Haya Alyahya
Mysan Ashgar
Sara Alsaikhan
Assistant Professor Lecturer Lecturer
Nada Al-Abbad Lecturer
Aisha Alafaliq Lecturer
Mariam Aldossary Lecturer
Sangeeta Jain Lecturer
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant
Rawan Hammad
Teaching Assistant
Hussah Al Otaishan Teaching Assistant
Weam AlArfaj
Teaching Assistant 06
07 Design Studio 3 2nd Year | 1st Term
Hiba Saif
| Aisha Al abbdulazeem |
Sara Alsaikhan |
Haya Alyahya
Rawan Hammad
Achromatic Colors | Color Mapping The project emphasizes on the significance of the colour value and light intensity level. Mapping technic shall be used to identify different areas that stand between shadow and light. Students are requested to select a pet portrait and a landscape picture that they have to observe and merge by using the collage technique to come-up with the final composition. This exercise focuses on the importance of the black and white color values and how these different values will be selected by using the mapping technique.
Final Project: Pattern interpretation in a composition Students create a gouache composition with the integration of a pattern. Students learn the process of simplification of an image, they also experiment icons creation and the formation of patterns. Icons, patterns grids, mapping and colouring techniques are all combined to create this masterpiece.
Dania Alshukri Achromatic Colors | Colors Mapping
Rahmah Aldub Achromatic Colors | Colors Mapping
Shooq Almozaial Achromatic Colors | Colors Mapping
Sumayah Alahmad Achromatic Colors | Colors Mapping
Raghda Makrami Pattern Interpretation in a Composition
Asma Yasser Alghamdi Pattern Interpretation in a Composition
Zainab Almoemen Pattern Interpretation in a Composition
The process
Create different icons and patterns
Choose architecture photography
Interpetation pattern into a mapping image
17 Cad Application 1 2nd Year | 1st Term
Aisha Al abbdulazeem Sara Alsaikhan
Nada Alabbad
Haya Alyahya
Reillustrate children book Students are required to employ their acquired skill in digital illustration in the graphic industry. They hoose a poorly illustrated children book and redesign the visuals while keeping the scenario as it is while maintaining the sequence of events in each scene.
Fatimah Almoaieli, Sara Alqahtani, Nora Alshimmari, Reem Aldahsh, Shooq almozaiel, Rana Alzahrani Reillustrate Children Book
Fatimah Almoaieli, Sara Alqahtani, Nora Alshimmari, Reem Aldahsh, Shooq almozaiel, Rana Alzahrani Reillustrate Children Book
أبو القاسم الطنبوري ٢٠١٣ -
23 Design Studio 4 2nd Year | 2nd Term
Natalie Houston Aisha Alafaleg
Hiba Saif
Rawan Hammad
| Sara Alsaikhan | Haya Alyahya
Part 01 | Line For this project you will learn to use line in a contemporary manner to create composition. All projects will be completed by hand, but should be completed to the highest standard of neatness and finish.
Part 02 | Shape For this project you will learn to use shape in a contemporary manner to create composition. Shape is an important element in contemporary design and this project will sensitize students about the value thereof. It will also test composition and layout.
Part 03 | Texture For this project you will learn to create texture, which adds depth to your layout and composition.
Part 04 | Color For this project you will use colour to create vibrant layout and composition.
Part 05 | Value For this project you will use value, which is the range of light to dark. Value, is also sometimes referred to as tone.
Part 06 | Space Students will use the illusion of space, where: linear perspective, overlapping, size, placement on the surface, color, value and detail need to be considered. All projects must be completed in class.
Part 07 | Installation The aim of this course is to teach students the core elements and principles of design, which are the components of any artwork created on a flat surface such as a page or canvas.
Raghda Almakrami Project 1: Lines
Arwa Alshammari Project 2: shapes
Maha Althukair Project 2: shapes
Fatimah Almoaili Project 2: shapes
Sumayah Alahmed Project 3: Texture
Shooq Almozaiel Project 4: Color
Asma Yasser Alghamdi Project 4: Color
Asma Yasser Alghamdi Project 5: Value
Fatimah Almoaili Project 6: Space
Sumayah Alahmed, Rahma Aldub, Rana Alzahrani Final Project: Installation
Asma Yasser Alghamdi, Maha Althukair, Nora Almomen, Zahra Almomen Final Project: Installation
37 Illustration With Colors 2nd Year | 2nd Term
Shaima Alomran | Khadigh Alkhuwaitem | Seba Quqandi
This course introduced students to the fundamentals of color and effective use of color in the creation of visual artwork and design. Students studied the correlation of color to design principles, color psychology and its significance in different cultures. It gave them a hands-on experience of colors as they create, modify and compare hues, values and strengths through direct application of paints.
Project 1
As an application of the design principles on color, students were asked to recolor a logo of a chosen brand by implementing two design principles at least to change the logo. Then, using the same theme of the logo, a full poster and a three-dimensional object had to be designed and manually rendered with the appropriate materials, tools and techniques.
Project 2
In order to introduce the use of design principles and color harmonies and to enhance the abilities of using painting techniques, students were required to build a composition based on a story-form myth and to illustrate it with a selected color scheme and intended design principles. Sense of depth, movement and directing the eyes through the composition in a certain intended sequence were requirements of accomplishing the project.
Dania Alshukri Project 1
Bayan Alsubaib Project 2
Maha Althukair Project 2
43 Materials Applications 2nd Year | 2nd Term
Nada Alabbad
Rawan Hammad
The process of building geometric, curvilinear and free forms provides an informal and practical way for students to get to understand drawn shapes, develop their innovational thinking and visualization of most complex ideas, and be more confident about design in a more abstract way.
Asma Yasser Alghamdi Pop-up book
القدس كم يشعر المرء في القدس أن السماء قريبة واألرض بالية ،كيفما تلفت اإلنسان يرى السماء جزءاً من األرض أو طبقة منها، وتبدو الشمس من خلف األقصى أو من وراء الجلجلة وكأنها أشرقت من القبة، أو غابت في جبل الزيتون 46
Asma Yasser Alghamdi Pop-up book
يا ُقدْس ،وانحسر ِّ اللثام فالحَ لي استيطان قمرٌ يدنس وجهه ُ يا ُقدسُ صبراً فانتصاركِ قادمٌ ِّ جبان صُ يا ب َلدَ الفدا ِء ُ والل ّ
51 Photography 3rd Year | 1st Term
Muzon Ashgar |
Abrar Alkadi
Light Hunt To study different qualities of light in several compositions.
Night photography Images of night photography using a tripod and shooting all outdoor without using flash.
Final Project The purpose of the extended assignment is to show the student ability to recognise and create compositions. The students must create a portfolio of her own photographs (5-7) that portray multiple compositional techniques. Each of the photographs must be also be complimented by a short description of the composition and how it helped to convey the message.
A story in three Creating a story in three pictures.
Ashwag al Khalis Light Hunt
Atheer Al Khashram Light Hunt
Ashwag al Khalis A story in three pictures
Atheer Al Khashram Night photography
Amal Al Zahrani Night photography
Nouf Al Sada Final project - Heritage
Huda Al Essi Final project - Feeling
Atheer Al Khashram Final project - Escape
67 Communication Design Studio 2 3rd Year | 2nd Term
Verdian Coetzee | Sangeeta Jain | Dr. Maha Alsaati |
Aisha Alabdulazeem
Communication in graphic design entails the optimal marrying of typographic and pictographic elements in typographic space and generally referred to as an outlay. In this course communication design 2 the focus will be on larger and more integrated projects where Information Design is concerned and operates as integrator combining different disciplines.
POSTER – Fun Park Design
This is a poster design for a new Fun Park. Student will imagine a new concept in designing a Fun Park at the King Fahd Park as a renovation program. (the name changed to «cobra park» after it became less maintained and become less popular). It’s still very vast and green. In this project, you will firstly have to design a large poster exposing the feeling and specialties the Fun Park offers. Decide on the colours which using as this might be a Fun Park offering most of its specialties in the evening, or a water park, or another Idea student might have.
CI & Stationary Design – Cobra Fun Park
This corporate communication, the reality of the fun park, the unique, individual personality of the company that differentiates it from other parks. It describes the manner in which the park, its activities, and its products or services are perceived by outsiders and it includes almost everything the company does. A proper image will ensure product development, sales support amongst others. Student must recognize the importance of creating and maintaining a strong image, through all the stationary.
Story about Place: A Storyboard Project
Every place has a story, and just like us humans, places are conceived before they are born. Places become alive with the people who use them, and eventually, they die. If you were to narrate a story about the “King Fahd Park” or the “Cobra Amusement Park”, what story would it be? This story will be shaped in the form of a storyboard. A storyboard consists of panels that follow a logical sequence to visually tell a story. Understanding the storyboarding technique is the first step towards making a moving image, whether it is a live-action video or animation.
Atheer Al Khashram Corporate Identity – Fun Park
Graphic Designer
Atheer al khashram Fax: +966-3 -8681253 E-Mail:- info@fun.com.sa Phone: +966-3-8681316
NAME : ...................................... NAME : ......................................
March 9/2014 March 9/2014 , 9 :10 am , 9 :10 am valid for one Year valid for one Year
keep this until you enter the game. Please keep this untilPlease you enter the game. to always bring your card to enjoy. Remember to alwaysRemember bring your card to enjoy. card canowner. only be used by its owner. this card can only be this used by its Altering this ticket shall be considerd forgery. Altering this ticket shall be considerd forgery.
Phone: +966-3-8681316 +966-3-8681499 Fax: +966-3-8681253 E-Mail:- info@fun.com.sa
70 Atheer Al Khashram & Huda Al Essi
Lujain Al Mubarak Corporate Identity – Fun Park
72 Lujain Al Mubarak - Nouf Al Sada
Fatimah Al Ebrahim Donkey Marries Deer Story Board
Landscape of story place (Establishing shot)
Raii Alhalal (zoo owner) brings new donkey to the zoo and tells the warden to let the donkey marries the deer to see the producing result (Medium shot) Scene to scene Dolly -in
The warden tells the donkey to marry the deer (Medium shot) Moment to moment
The deer starts shouting at the donkey when he asks to marry her (Medium shot) Scene to scene
Scene to scene Dolly-in & pan
Scene to scene Arc
The donkey tries more times to marry but the deer still refuses (Medium shot) Scene to scene
The donkey starts crying (Close up shot)
Moment to moment Dolly-in
The deer is upset and starts crying while the donkey observes her (Medium shot)
The deer disgusts of seeing the donkey (Medium shot)
The donkey is sad and depresses (Close up shot)
Action to action Arc & zoom
The donkey is very sad and depresses (Medium shot)
Action to action Tracking & dolly
Raii Alhalal tells the warden to sacrifice the deer and cook her if she is not marring the donkey in the coming week (Medium shot) Moment to moment
Scene to scene Pan
The donkey offers to marry the deer and the deer refuses his offer (Medium shot) Action to action
The warden takes the donkey to deer`s place (Medium shot)
Raii Alhalal comes and sees that donkey and deer are not married yet (Medium shot) Scene to scene Dolly-out
The deer starts turning and does not know what to do to prevent the sacrificing while the donkey starts pities her (Medium shot)
Action to action Pan
The donkey asks the deer to pretend that they are married (Over the shoulder shot)
Action to action
When Raii Alhalal comes, he sees the deer and the donkey are together and he becomes happy (Medium shot) Scene to scene
Scene to scene Aac
The deer starts thinking about the donkey (Close up shot) Scene to scene Dolly-in
The donkey becomes in love (Medium shot) Moment to moment
Raii Alhalal comes and sees their children (Medium shot) Scene to scene
The deer looks at donkey and feels regret (Over the shoulder shot)
Moment to moment Tracking
The donkey is very surprised and the deer is shy (Medium shot) Moment to moment
When Raii Alhalal goes , the deer mo ves awayfrom the donkey (Medium shot)
Raii Alhalal is very surprised (Close up shot)
Moment to moment Zoom
The donkey is very depressed (Medium shot)
Action to action
Raii Alhalal comes several times to see if the deer becomes pregnant (Medium shot) Scene to scene Aac
The deer starts thinking to approve the donkey request to marry her (Over the shoulder shot) Moment to moment
Action to action
The donkey and the deer are married (Medium shot) Scene to scene Dolly-out
Raii Alhalal becomes very angry (Close up shot) Action to action
The deer tells the donkey that she agrees to marry him (Medium shot)
They have two children; deer and donkey (Medium shot)
Scene to scene
Raii Alhalal throws his ghutra and leaves the zoo (Close up shot) Scene to scene Tilt
Huda Al Essi & Atheer Al Khashram Wooly and Fun Park Story Board
Sara Alhashemi, Naeemah Alzahrani, Muneera Alabdulqader Ice Boy Story Board
Scan the code to watch the video
Hot weather, dry land.
dead plant, cracked ground. Every one are in their own houses hiding from the hot weather outside.
Two shadows are coming from far away. It is a grandfather with his little youngest grandson.
‘‘grandfather it is too hot I’m melting, I can’t walk and I feel tired’’ said the grandson.
The grandfather kept silent for a moment, he remembered an event that happened in the past. “let us find a place to sit on” said the grandfather.
The grandfather and his son sit under the Palm tree. ‘‘son, let me tell you the a story’’ many years ago the weather was very cool and it wasn’t hot as it is now. But one great event changed every thing.” the grandfather said.
“there was a snow world in the Cobra fun park. Avery people from all over the world came each year to this park.
The beautiful white snow was covering every things. The children were playing and having fun, but one boy wasn’t.
He was sitting along, and didn’t have any friend. He couldn’t know how to make a friends.
He sit lonely all the day and watching the other peoples playing.
The sun went down, and the darkness covered all the place. All the kids are gone except this kid.
The boy started playing alone .. He was walking carefully when suddenly ...
He fall on the snow and become stuck ...
in an enlarging trundling snowball
The snowball stopped at the bottom of the downhill, and the boy could not find any way to get out of the boy.
He felt scared and started shouting, hoping someone could hear his voice
after a while , a group of children came around.
They heard the voice and walked closer to the snowball
The older boy said : He must help himself! we came to play not to help!
Then they ran away and left him.
He were disparate and helpless, stayed alone for a long time, suffering from hunger days and nights ...
Until he tried to eat the snow! It was not delicious, but at least it made him feel less starving
Slowly his body started to metamorphoses into a snow body.
After his complete evolution...
He get out of the ball ...
Holding very strong power...
and desire for revenge ...
when the children came back to the snow world , they saw the snow man with the desire of revenge coming out from his eyes.
he jail the children inside the snow world and left the place.
he went to the city and there were a satanic thoughts in his mind .
he was approaching more and more ..
he was destroying and burning the buildings and the streets
after the destruction process, he absorbed the cool air from the city to increase his ice power and store some to be sent to the snow world ..
because of the absorbed cool air , the temperature of the city was increased ..
and keep increasing ..
until reaching its highest levels.
everything in the city was changed ,
the children smiles was killed and their ice creams were melted ..
“ because of the snow man , the kingdom weather became hot� the grandfather said.
79 Packging 3rd Year | 2nd Term
Natalie Houston | Hiba Saif | Abrar Alkadi
Student Starpack Award 2014 Students are asked to fulfill one of the design briefs of the companies participating.
3D Installation/Poster Create a 3D installation where packaging and paper sculpture techniques are used in combination. The installation will be used as artwork for an A1 poster that promotes “The Dieline’s Top 100 Packaging 2014”. The installation must have as its foundation 3D element of the words “The Dieline”.
Lojain AlMubarak Arabic Calligraphy Start Up Kit
Munirah Al Abdulqader Packaging
Shaden Al Garazi Cookies Package
Nouf Al Sada Picnic Package
Asia Al Juraifani Picnic Package
Ashwag Al Khalis Festival Package
Ashwag Al Khalis Festival Package
Asia Al Jrefany, Amal Al Zahrani, Naema Al Zahrani, Sara Al Hashmi, Shaden Al Garazi Packaging Poster
Create a 3D installation where packaging and paper sculptre techniques are used in combination. The Aim is to promote The “Dieline’s top 100 Packaging 2014”. The poster is targeting designers.
Process 96
Asia Al Jrefany, Amal Al Zahrani, Naema Al Zahrani, Sara Al Hashmi, Shaden Al Garazi Packaging Poster
Huda Al Essi, Dina Al Ghamdi Ashwag Al Khalis, Atheer Al Khashram Packaging Poster
101 Typography 1 3rd Year | 1st Term
Hiba Saif
| Verdian Coetzee | Rawan Hammad
Project 1 How to reflect a restaurant concept by using typogaraphic elements. Typestyles, type anatomy, typestyles, type kerning, spacing, Size, Position, Direction. Grid layout, kerning, leading (line spacing) columns, punctuation, river...
Project 2 Students choose a topic of your own and create an advertising poster for it. The clients are mobile and they walk past this poster where the students have to attract their attention with both textual and graphic elements. Although the poster can consist of completely graphical or text, they may do a combination of both, or only text but not only graphics.
Final Project Students create your own Ambigram with no less than 5 letters. An Ambigram is a typographical manipulation. A creation of type together with a combination of creative thinking and illusion that is a design that presents a word that reveals another word when seen in a different perspective. This is a written word in combination with another that can be flipped on a horizontal or vertical to be read as exactly the same when flipped. The most common ones will be a rotational ambigram.
Shaden Al Garzai Typographic menu
Dina Al Ghamdi Typographic menu
Lujain Al Mubarak Typographic menu
Nouf Al Sada Ambigram
Shaden Al Garzai Ambigram
Ashwag Al Khalis Ambigram
Dina Al Ghamdi Image lettering
Atheer Al Khashram Image lettering
119 Typography 2 3rd Year | 2nd Term
Verdian Coetzee | Hiba Saif
| Aisha Alafaleg
CI Type Only It is not always a fact that a logo has to include some type of symbol or icon to be effective. A logo can be very effective in representing a company when using type only to create a logo in a proper manner. These types of logos often cause particular typefaces and letter styling to become synonyms with a brand. There are appealing ways to create emphasis and differentiation with one typeface only and other ways to combine more than one typeface to create continuity. A corporate identity (CI) is the “persona� of a corporation which is designed to accord with and facilitate the attainment of business outcomes and is usually visibly manifested by way of branding and the use of trademarks.
Ingographics Students will be expected to be creative with typography in different ways at times. Through a complex system of signs, sounds and symbols, ideas and messages are communicated to our ever-expanding global society. Students will ornate display type. If the copy is a short or easily recognizable word or phrase, the typeface can be ornate and still communicate its meaning.
Atheer Al Khashram Corporate Identity Type only | Tous
Nouf Al Sada Corporate Identity Type only | Sailing
Asia Al Jaraifani Corporate Identity Type only | Dolce Bakery
Asma Al Helali Infographics
Coronal Suture Parietal Bone
Forntal Bone Sphenoid Bone
Squamous Suture
Ethmoid Bone
Temporal Bone
Lacrimal Bone
Lambdoid Suture
Lacrimal Fossa
Occipital Bone
Nasal Bone
Zygomatic Process of Temporal Bone Extemal Acoustic Meatus
Mandibular Condyle
Mastoid Process
Alveolar Margins
Styloid Process
Zygomatic Bone
Mandibular Notch Mandibular Ramus Mandibular Angle
Coronoid Process Mandible
Skull - Lateral Aspect
Ashwag Al Khalis Infographics
Venom duct Fangs
Skull Brain
Upper jaw
Ribs Venom gland Trachea
Tongue Lower jaw
Lung Heart
Testes male sex organs
Ashwag Al Khalis, Amal Al Zahrani Board Game Design
Lujain Al Mubarak, Nouf Al Sada , Arwa Al Onizi Board Game Design
Asia Al Jaraifani , Shaden Al Garzai Munirah Al Abdulqader Board Game Design
Dina Al Ghamdi Atheer Al Khashram Huda Al Essi Board Game Design
135 Print Advertising Studio 1 4th Year | 1st Term
Saman Sohail |
Abrar Alkadi
In this course students will explore the delivery of purposeful messages through the application of marketing research and advanced visual structures.
Using the knowledge and information from the given lecture, produce a limited edition Zine. Student will choose a topic of her choice and carry out thorough research on her subject. Student will use any medium like (collage, photocopy, paint, draw, illustration, handwrite etc) but the only thing need to remember is that it should be cheaply produced, well designed and give a point across to the reader.
Working in groups, design a working wayfinding system for the College of Design including icons, maps and the overall system. Student can use any medium like photography, illustration, craft, paint etc.
Culture Shock
Students will explore a chosen culture (anything other than the Arab culture) and design to bring this culture into the class. Students may choose 2-5 elements of chosen culture and focus on them or represent it as a whole through work.
Self Initiated Project
The aim of this project is to refine research skills. Emphasis is placed on exploring critical research methods to help students to develop their approach to both practical and theoretical aspects of work. In the investigation of visual language Students will have the opportunity to re-evaluate fundamental design principles and to consider their relationship to content and meaning. The intention is to provide students with an opportunity to re-assess thier own approaches to practice in a process that might be described as de-learning and re-learning.
Fatimah Al Janaby Hair style zine
Roqaia Bahammam Egypt’s street talk zine
Roqaia Bahmmam, Alya Alqarni, Hussa Albasha Wayfinding
Alya Al Qarni Afghan culture shock
Roqaia Ba Hammam Red indians culture shock
Yomun Baroudi Self Initiated | Game board design
149 Advertising Design 4th Year | 1st Term
Saman Sohail
This course is designed to give the students the insight into discipline of marketing and how it applies to the creative process within advertising.
Roqaia Ba Hammam Al Rabea’e Express tea campaign
Yomun Baroudi Crayola chalks campaign
155 Typography 3 4th Year | 1st Term
Hiba Saif |
Natalie Houston
Modular Arabic Alphabet
Students are asked to create an Arabic alphabet by using only basic geometrical shapes (Modules). Following the chosen concept, students shall start designing their mood board by collecting different styles of pictures and illustrations. Once the modules are extracted from the mood board, students shall start creating letters by using a combination of extracted modules. Students can overlap, flip, rotate, scale but not change selected modules’ shapes. Students shall start designing freestanding (isolated) letters and then the rest of the alphabet follows with the initial, central and terminal letters.
Fashion Design Logotype
An international fashion design company is preparing for a big opening in a new mall in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In a board meeting they decided to send their business development manager to visit their existing branches and supervise the opening of the new branch. During that business trip, he noticed that their existing logotype in Arabic font is not matching with their concept and style. This issue was immediately reported to the board and the company decided to hire a young graphic designer to generate an Arabic logotype matching with their identity.
Newspaper Design
Design or redesign 3 pages (front cover and a double page spread) of a tabloid newspaper of your choice. The design must be contemporary, where fonts, color, space, form and graphic marks are a reflection thereof. Carefully consider the use of type, image, color and space. For this project you will use the fonts you developed for the modular arabic typeface project only in your mastheads you develop. For headings, body copy and subheads use a normal Latin fonts. Please choose contemporary fonts. Remember to use fonts that have many weights (light, bold, extended, etc.) in the font family.
Letterforms in Words Final Position 157
.. .. .. .. ..
Middle Position
.. .. .. .. ..
Intial Position
Letterforms in Words Final Position
.. .. .. .. ..
Middle Position
.. .. .. .. ..
Intial Position 158
Yomn Baroudi Modular Arabic Alphabet | “Arabiski�
Arabiski is an Arabic typeface influenced by the old classic car models. It’s a combination between Arabic style and the classic. Each letter structure is build by special moduls for this typeface. It is characterrized by the curved corner with some edgy sides and by the absence of straight baseline. Furthermore, Arabiski consists of same thickness for vertical strokes and horizontal strokes which gives a strong feeling. The typeface looks more dynamic, sophisticated and harmonious. Arabiski is a classic, clear and legible typeface. It can be used for headings, sub-headings, newspapers, magazines, books, advertising and promotional materials.
Endings 160
Yomn Baroudi Modular Arabic Alphabet | “Arabiski”
Alanood Al Shahrani Modular Arabic Alphabet
Mashael Al Wohayb Fashion Design Logotype | Hermès Arabic logo
Hermès, a well know brand that always attracts me, it’s a french manufacturer of quality goods established in 1837, today specializing in leather, lifestyle accessories, perfumery, luxury goods, and ready-to-wear. Its logo on of the most important things that represents Hermès and reects it’s identity, so for not losing it’s strong identity I decided to design the arabic version of the logo to be used in meddle east. I was taking care of each small detail on the original logo and trying to reect it on my new logo of Hermès because I wanted to make them the same style and look. First I created the main Arabic type by tracing shapes from the Latin logotype and this step was hard because the logo is high caps and we don’t have high caps in Arabic but everything went well.
Yomn Albaroudi Fashion Design Logotype | Chopard Arabic logo
Step Three In this step I analyzied Chopard logo to understand how the design is working. Analyze the grid and the anatomy of the letters. accender
x-height base line decender
The grid for the Latin logo
x-height base line decender
The grid for the Arabic logo
Final Arabic logo for Chopard
Yomn Albaroudi Newspaper Design
Hussah Albasha Newspaper Design
ZABALLA (IRUÑA DE OCA) WAS A MEDIEVAL SETTLEMENT ABANDONED IN THE 15TH CENTURY. The building of a manor monastery at the heart of it undermined the organisation of the village in the 10th century with the creation of a highly significant rent-seeking system; it was later turned into a veritable factory, a specialised estate in the hands of local lords who, under the auspices of the economic boom in towns like Vitoria-Gasteiz, tried to obtain the maximum profits possible. In the end, the “flight” of its settlers towards the towns caused it to be abandoned. Today, it is archaeologists from the UPV/EHU-University of the Basque Country who are endeavouring to reconstruct and salvage our rural heritage by studying deserted settlements like Zaballa. Zaballa is one of the more than 300 deserted settlements known in Alava-Araba; they are rural spaces abandoned in historical times but now being studied by the UPV/EHU’s Cultural Heritage and Landscapes Research Group. Its director, Juan Antonio Quirós-Castillo, highlights the importance of Zaballa and Alavese sites in general, as they are part of one of the most importance archaeological records of the mediaeval era throughout northern Iberia, and on a par with few sites in Europe. “The important thing is not just their number, but that in the decade that we have been working on this project, extensive work has been done on nearly half a dozen of them, and work at other levels has been done on nearly a hundred.”
A major site
Zaballa is also the first deserted settlement in Spain that has its own publication and is a major site. The most recent discoveries made there have been published in a special issue of the journal Quaternary International; among the discoveries, the authors stress that the terraced fields built in the 10th century -- still perfectly visible in the landscape -- were de-
voted to the intensive cultivation of vines. “Archaeo-botanical studies of seed remains found in the excavations and pollen studies have provided material evidence of the existence of vine cultivation in a relatively early period like the 10th century,” explained Quirós. This evidence is also supported by the metal tools discovered and which had been destined for this very use, and the study of the agrarian spaces,
Zaballa is one of the more than 300 deserted settlements known in Alava-Araba
Farming site at Zaballa (Iruña de oca). Rectangles indicate the position of samples analysed by means of micromorphology (M1– position of samples analysed by means of micromoposition of sampleson of sson of samp analysed by means of mrphology (M1–M4). CREDIT: UPV/EHU
“which owing to the nature of the crop spaces built and the agrarian practices developed, they are not compatible with cereal crops but they are with vines,” he added. This publication covers the geo-archaeological work conducted at Zaballa and Zornotegi (Salvatierra), another abandoned settlement in Alava, which became deserted in the 15th century and where the terraced fields were devoted to the cultivation of cereals. These discoveries have been made possible by the use of archaeological excavation protocols, and geo-archaeological sampling and analysis, which are new in Spain and which have allowed the cultivated fields to be dated and the agrarian cycle to be studied. “It is not so much about excavating a site, but about excavating landscapes,” explained Quirós. it is about abandoning the traditional concept of the site, understood as a monumen-
Chemistry Of Cooking A biochemist and cook explains that cooking is all about chemistry and knowing some facts that cooking is all about chem- istry and knowing some facts can help chefs understand why recipes go wrong. Because. ...>> Read more P 3
tal or monumentalised place, in order to get to know the context in which these places are located.” In comparison with Zaballa, “Zornoztegi has a completely different history,” he pointed out. “Even though it was founded at more or less the same time, it is a much more egalitarian social community in which such significant social differences are not observed, and nor is the action of manorial powers which, in some way, undermined the balance of the community.” In Quirós’ view, these microhistories constitute small windows into the past that allow one to analyse relatively complex historical processes directly, bottom upwards, “in other words, to see how the peasant community itself gradually adapts to the political and economic changes that take place in the medieval era and later.” the analytical study of these
places of production allows one to abandon those more traditional points of view of history which “conceptualize the high medieval periods as a time of technical simplification, as a meagre period in economic terms, since they point to considerable social and economic complexity. Specifically, it has been possible in these studies to see that there are various important moments in the Basque Country, 5th to 6th centuries and 10th to 11th centuries, which were decisive in the construction of o landscapes.” Consideration of archaeological heritage The study of abandoned settlements allow one to understand not only the village forming phenomena and the reasons why they were later abandoned, but more than anything.
Solitons in a Crystal: New Light Source excitability. By measuring the memory than humans with a low motor excitability, conclusions scientists have found a new light source that could serve in geo-navigation, telecommunications....> > Read more P 5
Motor Excitability Predicts Working MemoryHumans with a high motor excitability have a better working memory than humans with a low excitability. By measuring the motor excitability, conclusions can be drawn as to the general cortical >> Read more P4
171 Design Studio: Tv & Web Advertising 4th Year | 2nd Term
Saman Sohail
Subaiel Khan | Mariam Aldossary
This course utilizes and builds up on previous design courses and prepares for next term as seniors. Students will be putting their knowlede of research methods into practice through a series of design studio projects.
Project 1: Value
Create a new and expressive design for Saudi money, one that visually communicates and comments upon the values of society today, or one that communicates the social and economic values that it should be upheald or promoted in Saudi society.
Project 2: YCN Student Awards
ycn.org/awards The annual YCN Student Awards exist to inspire, support and showcase emerging creative talent, and to connect it with the creative industries. The Awards centre around a collection of live creative briefs, written each year by partnering organisations, and spanning broad creative disciplines.
Project 3: Science
Scientific concepts are probably one of the more complicated ones to explain but they always revolve around common behaviour and real life.
Project 4: Display
Working in a group, then put together a museum/display/exhibiton of the students’ pocket archive collections.
Roqia Ba Hammam Project 1: Value | Currency re-design
Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al saud the King of Saudi Arabia.
Abdullah Abdullah bin Abdulaziz bin Abdulaziz Al saud Al saud the King theof King Saudi of Saudi Arabia. Arabia.
Ghazi Al-gosaibi a Ghazi SaudiAl-gosaibi Arabian liberal politician, diplomat, technocrat, poet, and novelist. Ghazi Al-gosaibi a Saudi Arabian a Saudi liberal Arabianpolitician, liberal politician, diplomat, diplomat, technocrat, technocrat, poet, andpoet, novelist. and novelist.
500500 SR SR
500 SR
Saudi Currency
The project is to create a new and expressive design for saudi money I ask more people what is the money for you? more people answer is about buying and selling so I think about making something with barcode . Saudi currency used from all of nationality because the hajj. so I want to create famous people who make achievements in saudi arabia, to make all of people know them .
100 SR 100 SR
100 SR
Khadija Al Saeed Project 1: Value | Currency re-design
Alya Alqarni Project 2: YCN Students Awards | Cath Kidston
cath kidston brief design a new print for there up-coming collection. The concept: The concept of this collection revolve around Cath theKidston interests and passions of brief a new print for there new-ageDesign British women like Hayley w up-coming collection. enjoy aThebitconcept of old-school glam in the The concept of this collection every day lives. revolves around the interests and passions of new-age British women like Hayley who enjoy a The pattern: bit of old-school glam in their every day lives. The pattern consists of vintage style The pattern telephones, cameras and typewriters The pattern consists of vintage style telephones, cameras illustrated in watercolour and typewriters illustrated in with ink, ink, giving it a giving itwatercolour afeminine soft,withlook. feminine look. The soft, The pattern a beautiful contrast to patternprovides a beautiful contras ourprovides every day essential gadgets like smartphones, laptops and to our every cameras. day essential gadgets li smartphones, laptops and cameras.
Mashael Al Wohayeb Project 2: YCN Students Awards | Fedrigoni
Roqaia Ba Hammam, Yomun Baroudi Project 2: YCN Students Awards | Bear cereal
Hussah Al Basha, Bashair Al Barrak, Sommayah Al Aqeel Project 2: YCN Students Awards | Nescafe Azera
Nada Fallatah Project 3: Sound | Science brief
Suad Al Duailej Project 3: Oil & milk don’t mix | Science brief
Mashael Al Wohayed, Nada Fallatah, Sommayah Al Aqeel, Fatimah Al Janaby, Roqia Ba Hamam Project 4: Display exhibition 187
To those who passed between fleeting words Carry your names, and be gone 188
Mashael Al Wohayed, Nada Fallatah, Sommayah Al Aqeel, Fatimah Al Janaby, Roqia Ba Hamam Project 4: Display exhibition
أيها المارون بين الكلمات العابرة احملوا أسمائكم وانصرفوا واسحبوا ساعاتكم من وقتنا ،وانصرفوا وخذوا ما شئتم من زرقة البحر ورمل الذاكرة و خذوا ما شئتم من صور كي تعرفوا أنكم لن تعرفوا كيف يبني حجر من أرضنا سقف السماء محمود درويش* Poster
Invitation card
Suad Al Duailij, Alya Al Qarni, Khadija Al Saeed, Hussah Al Basha, Bashayer Al Barrak, Yomun Baroudi Project 4: Display exhibition
Exhibition paintings
Exhibition materials
197 Illustration 4th Year | 2nd Term
Saman Sohail
Rawan Hammad
Haya Alyahya
Illustration is thinking made visual. The use of illsutration ranges from children’s books, graphic novels, animation, book, toys, computer games, packaging, fashion, advertising, broadcast media and the internet.
Roqaia Bahammam 2x2
Youmn Baroudi 2x2
Roqaia Bahammam Zodiac
203 Publication Design: Copy Writing 4th Year | 2nd Term
Verdien Coetzee | Natalie Houston | Haya Alyahya
Publication design is a guide to all forms of printed publication. It is a guide to page layout , typography, and also to format and style. It features diverse aspects of graphic design and covers a wide audience.
Roqaia Bahammam Project 1: Magazine Article
Malak Aljaizani Project 1: Magazine Article
Sumayyah Alaqeel Project 1: Magazine Article
Mashaeal Alwohaieb Project 2: Brochure Design
A memorable pop up resort brochure, showing the beautiful villas Greece, the whiteness of it, the great sight there. You can put it in your desk and enjoy its looking.
Malak Aljaizani Project 2: Brochure Design
Mashaeal Alwohaieb Project 2: Brochure Design
ATLANTES It Is another world
The palm, dubai
Aquaventure Waterpark
Atlantis Dive Centre
Enjoy the thrill of jumping into the water park in the Middle East and Europe, over flowing with 42 funfilled acres for all ages.
Al Boom Diving is an accredited 5 star PADI dive centre with the biggest team of instructors in the country.
Experience adrenaline pumping waterslides that catapult you through shark filled lagoons, scream through the planet’s largest slide or race down the world’s first dual slide within a slide.
Certified divers can join us and enjoy a range of dives including shipwrecks off the coast of Dubai, trips to Fujairah on the UAE’s east coast to experience the fantastic coral reefs of the Indian Ocean and our dive trips to the magnificent Musandam.
Fly high on the longest zip line circuit in the Middle East. Or just relax on our private beach surrounded by lush tropical landscapes.
Non-divers don’t have to miss out on all the fun. This experience guides you through the basics of diving alongside one of our highly trained instructors.
Spectacular rides and thrilling slides make Aquaventure Waterpark the most exciting day out in Dubai marine and waterpark.
You’ll have a theory session, pool training and then a choice of open water dives.
Address Dubai, UAE. Holiday Resoret, many divisions.
ATLANTES Time to have fun
Telephone 00971 4 426 3000 00971 4 039n 0999
Alya Alqarni Project 2: Annual Report
Sumayyah Alaqeel Project 2: Brochure Design
213 Print Advertising 2 5th Year | 1st Term
Kate Carlyle
Muzon Ashgar
| Natalie Houston
| Abrar Alkadi
New Blood Student Awards 2014 New Blood Awards 2014 – Fulfill brief for one of the 16 British and International companies participating in the New Blood Awards 2014. Students compiled research for the Brief by examining the existing brand and culture of the company chosen. Students were required to formulate a comprehensive report about the brand and it marketing practice, including the target market for the specific brief. Students then used this research to develop advertisements or packaging as required by the brief. Include in the final submission was documentation of the design process and outcome.
Map - Back
Map - Front
Amwaj AlZahrani Natural Trust Campaign
To reintroduce The National Trust Company as the Powerful connector between people and places. This campaign aims to reconnect people with nature by creating adventure journey around the country. Follow the map, Go out and have an adventure. Leave the noise of cities and enjoy nature calmness and fresh air.
Share, your adventure with your friends, put your cards every where let the world join you.
Athbah AlAmmari NCONTROL App Design
To engaig Npower Company with it’s costumers. This app is a game designed mainly for families where they build there own houses and compete with one another for saving as much energy as they can.
Daniah AlHussain Purdey’s Bottle Redesign
Purdey’s produce energy drinks with natural ingredients. The creative challenge was to redesign two of thier drink’s packages: Purdey’s Rejuvenate and Purdey’s Natural Energy.
The drawing of the natural energy drink represents the journey of the drink inside the gullet. Since this drink is 100% natural, it will keep the body healthy and protected from any kind of viruses. This doodle shows how the drink protects the body by creating strong white blood cells that will fight against viruses and keep the body healthy and safe.
Fatima AlAaly Purdey’s Bottle Redesign
The bottel design and the icons design are both inspired from the apostrophe\drop in the logo.
Nouf AlSaikhan Purdey’s Bottle Redesign
A visual that represents taste, purity, freshness, health and natural energy. This is reflected by using the juice’s components colors and splashing water.
Roqaia AlMugalleq Purdey’s Bottle Redesign
A simple can-shaped design with bright colors to make the product attractive for everyday buy.
Lina AlAbbad Tell, Don’t Sell
Share your own personal story. But don’t tell us what you think we want to hear. Explain who you are, your values, your identity, your purpose... your truth. In this creative challege it was important for me to determine who I am and research my own work and story throughout the past few years. I found that in the past five years I spent at college, each year was a starting point for a new passion. They were all connected to art and design because I believe that this is what defines me as a person. “A born artist. A designer to be”.
2009 - Passion: Architecture
Lina AlAbbad Tell, Don’t Sell
2010 - Passion: Drawing and painting
2011 - Passion: Photography
2012 - Passion: Digital art
2013 - Passion: Crafts
Bushra AlSughayer Tell, Don’t Sell
Life is always an unfinished story. And for me, life is a series of periods where we experience various types of emotions. So, I chose to tell my story with an album of three cards (every one of them tells about one period) where I labeled my childhood with a free whale, my high school period with a running horse and my currant period with an entangled dear horns.
Mariam AlGhamdi Body Shop Posters Body Shop asked to Create a new visual language for their brand communications that reflects their pioneering spirit within the beauty industry and as a forward-thinking British brand. In the design elements I used botanical illustrations to reflect the deep root of the Body Shop brand and also as a tool to educate customers of products special ingredients of fruits and flowers.
Body Butter
Colour Crush Lipsticks
Shuroog AlSaif Body Shop Posters
Transfer Body Shop’s visual language beyond it’s currant stage by using emotions and sensations, which are given by the product!
WHITE MUSK ® Eau De Parfum
White Musk: Dreamy and romantic. Very light as a feather, aspiring beyond reality
Mango: Fresh look. Malting in nature, living a very interesting Jungle Adventure
Drops of Youth: Vitality look. Spirit of youth, emitting positive energy
239 Senior Thesis 5th Year | 2nd Term
Kate Carlyle | Muzon Ashgar
Nada Alabbad
Abrar Alkadi
The Senior Thesis Project is an individual research based project demonstrating the student’s ability to conceive, plan and execute a body of work appropriate to a professional exhibition. The senior thesis exhibition will represent a cohesive, aesthetically unified, technically accomplished group of works fulfilling the senior thesis project. In senior thesis meetings, critiques and Jury’s, the student will plan, explain and defend the conceptual framework and process of the senior thesis work, as well as the project outcome.
Bayan Al-Arfaj Traditional Saudi Games Package
Bw: is a word that children used to say in the begenning of there games where the child who says it first gets the right to play first. Bw is a project aims to bring back the traditional Saudi games in an attractive and enjoyable way to the new generation. A package of ten chosen traditional games with it’s tools and instructions that give the whole family have a great time together.
49 46
Arwa Daghistani Hejaz Traditions Calendar
Tabateek: is a Hejazi Word that mean the little daily things that we love, do or keep. Tabateek calendar is a representation of Al-Hejaz cultural traditions which will contribute in raising the cultural traditions awareness between regions in Saudi Arabia.
19 16
Shoroug Al-Saif Qura’an Stories Pop-up Book
This project aims to teach children important Islamic values through the stories told by the Holy Qura’an and by Prophet Muhammed PBUH. The story is presented to the child as an interesting interactive pop-up book to create a strong connection between him\her and the values told in the story.
Shoroug Al-Saif Qura’an Stories Pop-up Book
Fatima Sarhan Visual Creativety Workshop for Children
An Artist Toolkit is a workshop designed to deliver basic visual creativity concepts and skills for children in elementary school. The workshop’s curriculum focuses on six approaches of visual arts: drawing, coloring, printing, textile, building and modeling with clay.
252 95
Lina Al-Abbad 100% Manually Printed Book
Graphic Design students often restrict themselves to digital printing and overlook the potential of manual printing techniques due to their fear of the result or lack of knowledge. Resulting in a very restricting range of output. This project show the graphic Design students the potential of those techniques then teach them the methods used to 100% manually printed book. The main manual printing techniques used are: Relief printing \ stenciling \ photo-transfer \ screen printing.
Mariam Al-Ghamdi Self Development Extracurricular Program
Oxygen is an extracurricular program for intermediate school girls that aims to improve their productivity, enhance their passion for knowledge and raise their sense of responsibility and values. The program covers four main subjects: • Initiative and responsibility. • Setting goals and writing personal statement. • Collaboration. • Change, and feeding mind and soul.
261 Sequential Art 5th Year | 2nd Term
Dr. Maha Alsaati |
Aisha Alafaleg
Sara Alsaikhan
This course will cover various techniques of storytelling through the sequencing of images. There are two components to this course: story and sequencing.
Arwa Daghistani, Bashayer Bamehrez, Bayan AlArfaj, Shuroog AlSaif Light
A story about a blind boy who regained his sight and was faced by ridicule and mockery.
Scan the code to watch the video
Mariam AlGhamdi, Amwaj AlZahrani
أيش القصة؟
Graphic design documentary trailer: Does an average consumer know the story behind all the products he consumes?
Scan the code to watch the video
Maryam AlRajih The Only One
Basma is forced into wearing a mask to blend in society, until the day when he secret is unveiled.
Scan the code to watch the video
Bushra AlSughayer, Nada Fallatah, Reem AlOtaibi Not a Puppet
Scan the code to watch the video
Daniah AlHussain, Nouf AlSaikhan Pinya
The filipino tale of a curse that turns naughty children into a creature with a thousand eyes. The story is an excerpt from the novel «Saaq Al-Bambo»
Scan the code to watch the video
273 Handcrafts 5th Year | 2nd Term
Sara Alghamdi
| Dr. Lina Aldarweesh |
Mariam Aldossary
This course is an investigation into the fundamental aspect of handicraft using sustainable materials. It will introduce students to crafts, stressing design principles and expressive qualities utilizing a variety of materials, adopting the concept of art embraces earth: toward a green sustainable art, in which all the projects are applied with multiple reusing concepts and materials. The course will cover various handicraft techniques from collage, paper Mache, mosaic and paper recycling. The students are free to choose the concept, technique and materials for their projects. This course will enable students to experiment handicrafts with a variety of recycled materials and introduce them to different uses of mediums to create works of art.
Daniah AlHussain Paper Cut Art Work
160 cm
Mariam AlGhamdi Recycled Paper Art Work
Lina AlAbbad Paper Cutting Mural
A mistical mural about the coast life in the Eastern Province. The mural is basically a box with layers of cut-paper that complete each other from the scene. The first layer from the back is a scene of old houses. The layer in the middle is consisted of large boats seen from far distance. The first layer is a picture of people catching pearls at the coast.
Lina AlAbbad Paper Cutting Mural
120 cm
This Booklet was designed by: Aisha Al-Abdulazeem, Aisha Al-Afaliq, Bushra Al-Sughayer, Lina Al-Abbad, Mariam Al-Ghamdi Publication committee College of Design