The Directory

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Contents The Directory The Directory Welcome from the Chairman

Financial 3

About Birmingham Forward Birmingham Forward Board Gala Dinner 2011 About Birmingham Future Birmingham Future Chairman’s message Birmingham Future Leadership Team The Graduate Apprentice Birmingham Young Professional of the Year

7 8 9 10

Birmingham: Introduction Businesses in Birmingham Skills and talent International and diversity Location Birmingham uncovered Looking to the future Views from the media

17 18 18 18 20 24 26 28

11 12 12 13


Financial Advice Accountants IFAs Financial Institutions Banks and Building Societies Stockbrokers & Merchant Bankers Venture Capital & Corporate Finance


Birmingham Forward Listings:




Consultants ICT Recruitment/HR

45 48 48



Advertising Agencies Marketing Services Media & Design Public Relations Translation Services

53 53 54 56 59



72 75 77





Barristers’ Chambers Intellectual Property Solicitors


85 86 87


Architects & Interior Design Property Services Surveyors

Birmingham Future Birmingham Future Members

Birmingham Forward Patrons

67 71

97 98 101

105 107

Birmingham Forward Affiliates 115 Birmingham Forward Associates 117 Useful Contacts 117 Sector Index Alphabetical Index City Centre Map

Scan this QR code to visit the Birmingham Forward website

120 122 124

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Welcome to a new and exciting year for Birmingham Forward As a result of a comprehensive review of Birmingham Forward by the Board, led by myself and interim Chief Executive Mary Daunt, we are increasingly working collaboratively with other organisations in the city, speaking with one voice in respect of key issues affecting the region, networking connectivity and striving to reach our full potential. There is no doubt that the next couple of years will be crucial to the success of Birmingham as a place to do business whether regionally, nationally or internationally. Local Enterprise Partnerships, the possibility of an elected Mayor, HS2 and many other changes will no doubt affect all of us in our businesses. We all need to work together now more than ever before to ensure our organisations and Birmingham continue to thrive throughout 2011 and beyond. We have taken a number of practical steps including: • A thorough review of our events programme, so as to ensure quality and relevant speakers, in order to keep our membership informed of what is going on in the city and the wider world • A reduction in email traffic. We have now rationalised our output to one weekly email every Thursday to Birmingham Forward members and one every Tuesday to Birmingham Future members. These e-bulletins contain news of all our events and details of any issues of which we feel our members need to be aware • Outsourcing our events management to one of our members, Big Cat Group, whose head office is located in the heart of Birmingham's Jewellery Quarter • A re-brand of both Birmingham Forward and Birmingham Future. As we enter our third decade we felt it was time to review and refresh our brand and our logos. I hope you like them We have welcomed three new patrons - Jaguar, Blusource and KPMG - in addition to retaining Barclays Wealth, Sir Robert McAlpine, Gateley, Birmingham City University, and Birmingham Metropolitan College. We are very grateful to our patrons for their continuing support and look forward to working with them even more closely. We have an exciting events calendar, lots of opportunities to expand our networks by working collaboratively with other organisations and many exciting advancements in transport and connectivity helping to drive the Midlands economy to a new level. Birmingham is not alone in facing post-recession economic challenges - but it does so with a good deal of confidence, and justifiably so. The city is pushing ahead with significant major infrastructure projects, notably the New Street Station Gateway (which will include John Lewis as the anchor store in the related retail development), the development of the remarkable Library of Birmingham, the selection of Eastside as the location for the proposed high speed rail station and, importantly, progress on the Birmingham Airport runway extension and developments such as Vision for Movement. Major infrastructure projects such as these can only be good for the business and professional services community and for positioning Birmingham as the leading UK regional city.

Thank you to all our members for their continuing support and I look forward to working with all of you and meeting you at one of our events in the near future.

Jackie Hendley Chairman (2010-2011) Birmingham Forward 3

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The Directory Birmingham has a very proud heritage. Once a city at the heart of industrial Britain, it is built on a history of manufacturing and engineering. Today, Birmingham's economy focuses on the professional, financial and business support sectors and has a thriving business and professional services community generating more than ÂŁ3.9 bn each year. And it is this burgeoning energy and potential for continued growth which Birmingham Forward is proud to be an integral part of. It is the role of the organisation, along with Birmingham Future, to promote the strength, range and depth of services that our members offer to the widest possible audience, promoting Birmingham and the West Midlands as an ideal place to do business to a regional, national and international audience. In 2011 and beyond, Birmingham Forward is keen to continue working with its members to provide a tangible benefit to them, but also with partner organisations to raise the profile of Birmingham's skills and expertise. And it is now, when we are all still feeling the effects of the recession, that the need for this profile is stronger than ever. However, I feel that with the city's constant drive to pursue projects and relationships which are designed to help businesses succeed, we will show those outside of Birmingham that we are a city which means business. This notion of innovation and hard work are not new to Birmingham, in fact those are the values that it was built on; I am encouraged that the drive for success remains at Birmingham's very core. With the many changes, developments and plans set for the coming years, let us hope that we, as business people, can see the real potential in our city and continue to drive it forward.

Lord Digby Jones Honorary President of Birmingham Forward (2006-2007)

Lord Digby Jones


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The Directory

Lord Digby Jones Honorary President of Birmingham Forward (2006-2007)

The Directory Birmingham peut se targuer de la richesse de son héritage. Ville phare de la révolution industrielle britannique, son histoire se confond avec celle des grandes technologies et des grandes industries. L'économie de Birmingham se concentre aujourd'hui sur les secteurs des services professionnels, financiers et aux entreprises, des secteurs en plein essor qui génèrent plus de 3,9 milliards de livres sterling par an. Birmingham Forward est fière de faire partie intégrante de cette énergie dynamique et de ce potentiel de croissance continue. Le rôle de notre organisation consiste, aux côtés de Birmingham Future, à promouvoir la qualité, la portée et l'ampleur des services offerts par nos membres auprès du public le plus large possible, et à promouvoir Birmingham et la région des West Midlands en tant que centre d'affaires à l'échelon régional, national et international. Outre qu'elle continuera à oeuvrer avec ses membres en vue de leur conférer des avantages tangibles en 2011 et au-delà, Birmingham Forward entend poursuivre sa collaboration avec ses diverses organisations partenaires afin de mettre en valeur le profil des compétences et du savoir-faire de Birmingham. Et c'est aujourd'hui, à l'heure où les effets de la récession se font toujours sentir, que ce profil prend toute son importance. Le dynamisme continu de la ville et sa volonté de forger sans relâche de nouveaux projets et de nouvelles relations destinés à aider ses entreprises démontrent au reste du monde que Birmingham est une ville avec laquelle il faut compter. Ces notions d'innovation et d'engagement n'ont cependant rien de nouveau pour Birmingham et s'inspirent des valeurs mêmes sur lesquelles la ville s'est bâtie. Face aux nombreux changements, développements et plans prévus pour les prochaines années, il est à espérer que nos entreprises seront capables de percevoir le potentiel réel de notre ville et de poursuivre sur leur lancée.

Lord Digby Jones Président d'honneur de Birmingham Forward (2006-2007)

Translations kindly provided by Alchemy Translations. See page 59 for listing.


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The Directory Birmingham hat ein sehr stolzes Erbe. Als ehemalige Stadt im Herzen des britischen Industriegebiets baut es auf der historischen Entwicklung von Fertigung und Ingenieurwissenschaft auf. Heute konzentriert sich Birminghams Wirtschaft auf die professionellen, finanziellen und konjunkturfördernden Sektoren und besitzt eine blühende kommerzielle und professionelle Dienstleistungsgemeinschaft, die jährlich mehr als 3,9£ Milliarden generiert. Und Birmingham Forward ist stolz, ein wesenlicher Bestandteil dieser erstarkenden Energie und dieses sich entfaltenden Potentials für kontinuierliches Wachstum zu sein. Es ist die Rolle der Organization, zusammen mit Birmingham Future Stärke, Reichweite und Palette der Dienstleistungen zu fördern, die unsere Mitglieder einem größtmöglichen Publikum anbieten, indem sie für Birmingham und die West Midlands als einem idealen Ort für Geschäftsaktivitäten bei einer regionalen, nationalen und internationalen Zielgruppe werben. Im Jahre 2011 und darüber hinaus ist Birmingham Forward intensiv darum bemüht, weiterhin mit seinen Mitgliedern daran zu arbeiten, einen greifbaren Nutzen für sie zu realisieren, doch auch in Zusammenarbeit mit Partnerorganizationen zu wirken, um das Profil von Birminghams Kompetenzen und Expertise zu verbessern. Und es ist jetzt, wenn wir alle noch die Wirkungen des Konjunkturrückgangs spüren, dass die Notwendigkeit dieses Profils stärker ist als je zuvor. Ich denke aber, dass wir angesichts des konstanten Bemühens dieser Stadt, Projekte und Beziehungen zu verfolgen, die Firmen zum Erfolg verhelfen sollen, denjenigen außerhalb von Birmingham zeigen werden, dass wir eine Stadt sind, die es ernst meint. Diese Begriffe von Innovation und harter Arbeit sind für Birmingham nichts Neues, sie sind vielmehr die Werte, auf der diese Stadt aufgebaut wurde; es ermutigt mich, dass das Streben nach Erfolg das Herzstück von Birmingham geblieben ist. Die vielen Veränderungen, Entwicklungen und Pläne, wie sie für die kommenden Jahre aufgestellt worden sind, lassen uns hoffen, dass wir als Geschäftsleute das wirkliche Potential in unserer Stadt erkennen können und es auch weiterhin vorantreiben.

Lord Digby Jones Ehrenpräsident von Birmingham Forward (2006-2007)

The Directory Birmingham se siente orgullosa de su patrimonio. La que en su día fuera el centro de la Inglaterra industrial, la ciudad de Birmingham está construida sobre una historia de industria e ingeniería. Actualmente, la economía de Birmingham se enfoca en los sectores profesional, financiero y de apoyo empresarial, y cuenta con una próspera comunidad que presta servicios empresariales y profesionales que genera más de 3.900 millones de libras esterlinas al año. Y es precisamente de esa energía creciente y de ese potencial de crecimiento continuo de lo que Birmingham Forward se enorgullece. El papel de la organización, junto con Birmingham Future, es fomentar la fuerza, el alcance y la calidad de los servicios que nuestros miembros ofrecen al mayor número posible de personas, promoviendo Birmingham y la región de West Midlands como un lugar ideal para hacer negocios a nivel regional, nacional e internacional. Tanto en 2011 como en los años posteriores, Birmingham Forward está dispuesto a seguir trabajando con sus miembros para proporcionarles un beneficio tangible, pero también con las organizaciones asociadas para elevar el perfil de capacidades y conocimientos de Birmingham. Y es ahora, cuando todos sentimos todavía los efectos de la recesión, que la necesidad de este perfil es más fuerte que nunca. Sin embargo, siento que con el impulso constante de la ciudad para desarrollar los proyectos y relaciones creados con el fin de ayudar a triunfar a las empresas, demostraremos a los que están fuera de Birmingham que somos una ciudad que habla en serio. Esta noción de innovación y trabajo duro no es nueva en Birmingham; de hecho, esos son los valores sobre los que se construyó; celebro que el impulso de triunfar siga siendo esencial para Birmingham. Con los numerosos cambios, desarrollos y planes establecidos para los próximos años, esperemos que, como empresarios, podamos ver el potencial real de nuestra ciudad y sigamos impulsándolo.

Lord Digby Jones Presidente honorario de Birmingham Forward (2006-2007)

Translations kindly provided by Alchemy Translations. See page 59 for listing.


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About Birmingham Forward Birmingham Forward is an independent, inclusive, not-for-profit, membership organisation that was established in 1990. Our role is to promote the strength, range and depth of services that our members offer to the widest possible audience. At the same time we want to promote Birmingham, and the region, as an ideal place to do business. Members come from 21 different sectors of business and professional services and represent a broad cross-section of the Birmingham business community.

We actively lobby and campaign on relevant issues where we believe we can make a difference on behalf of our members and to our region. We look to attract firms to become members who are committed to becoming actively engaged. The reason for this is simple - your firm can gain massive value from being part of Birmingham Forward, but you will only gain benefit in direct proportion to the time and effort you put in.

Patrons and guests at a Birmingham Forward Patrons dinner

Full details about the different categories of membership and our wide range of activities can be found at

Birmingham Forward provides a platform for our members, through lobbying and events, that ensures our 21 sectors are clearly represented to key decision makers locally, regionally and nationally. To do this we provide the catalyst for member firms to work collaboratively with other organisations across the city, thereby assisting those firms to create long-term and profitable partnerships. Regular contact and exchanges with MPs, MEPs, central and local government, the media, and government agencies ensure our members' opinions are communicated to the appropriate individuals. Forward members have access to a wide range of events that both educate and inform the audience whilst at the same time providing excellent networking opportunities.


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Birmingham Forward Board The Birmingham Forward Board comprises of a number of Directors nominated from across our membership. Leadership is provided by a Chairman and supported by a Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive. The Chairman and their Deputy are elected by the Board with the Deputy succeeding the Chairman at the end of their period of office, which is usually a one year term.

Vision: Birmingham, the city of choice for business and professional services

The current Chairman is Jackie Hendley Tax Partner, KPMG LLP and the current Deputy Chairman is Gary Cardin, Partner, DJ Deloitte LLP.

Mission: Promoting an environment for business excellence

For the names of the current Board Directors and details of the operating structure of Birmingham Forward, please refer to

Values: Professional, ethical, passionate, proactive, engaged and inclusive

During 2010, Birmingham Forward sadly lost two of its greatest supporters and advocates. Richard Brennan, who served as Chief Executive from 2007 until 2010, and who brought enormous energy and enthusiasm to both Birmingham Forward and Birmingham Future, sadly passed away in July 2010. Ronnie Bowker, a former Director and Chair of the organisation in 2003/04, and longstanding supporter, passed away in December 2010. Their contribution was great - and they will be sadly missed.


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Birmingham Forward Gala Dinner 2011 Olympic gold medal winner Denise Lewis OBE delivered the keynote address at the Birmingham Forward Gala dinner on Thursday 17 February 2011 to nearly 250 of Birmingham's professional elite at the Warwickshire County Cricket Club in Edgbaston. Speaking on behalf of the Jaguar Academy of Sport, Denise talked on the subject of collaboration. “I thought I'd bring a trinket,” said Denise as she displayed her Olympic gold medal from Sydney 2000. “Many people think about it as a symbol of winning and success but it's also a symbol of collaboration. It's about getting the best people to work together for a common goal, a clear vision and making sure it happens. “Instead of just turning up to your daily work - and mine was the track - you've got to be there with purpose. You've got to understand what it is that each session requires from you and not just completing it. Have goals - short, mid and longterm goals and passion, bags of passion and the confidence not to let set-backs determine anything about your character. You've got to learn from those things and move on.” Jackie Hendley, Chair of Birmingham Forward, said, “Denise discussed the importance of team work and collaboration, both of which are key to Birmingham Forward and the business community. She challenged us all to seize opportunities and strive to achieve.” Jackie Hendley, Chair and Mary Daunt, Interim Chief Executive with Denise Lewis


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About Birmingham Future Birmingham Future is the city's leading membership organisation for young professionals. Established in 1993, Birmingham Future has developed a strong membership base, with more than 500 individuals from across 21 sectors that make up the city's professional, financial and creative services.

For those members that really want to make a difference, joining one of Birmingham Future's committees is a great way to find out more about what's going on in the city and the people that make it happen. Committee members also have a key role to play in delivering events, developing campaigns, and strengthening membership through the promotion of the organisation.

Birmingham Future Chairman Darren Walker with immediate past chair Amanda Porter and Julie Meyer, Founder & CEO of Ariadne Capital

Full details about joining and the membership benefits can be found by visiting the website:

The profile of our membership is diverse; from assistants, associates and in-house professionals to managers, directors and partners. They are the rising stars of their organisations and the future influencers, decision makers and leaders of Birmingham. There are no restrictions on qualifications or age range for membership, although most members are 2 years postgraduate and tend to be under 35. We are committed to supporting a membership that is fully representative of the city and its professional services sector. Members have the opportunity to attend an exciting array of events, linked to both personal and professional development, that provide a great chance to network. There are also opportunities to receive a mentor from Birmingham Forward and become a mentor to a student from Birmingham City University.


Attendees at the launch of Business Birmingham

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Birmingham Future Chairman's message This 2011/12 Directory marks another successful year for Birmingham Future, culminating in the unveiling of the new Birmingham Forward and Birmingham Future branding. I would like to take this opportunity to thank ORB Creative that have, very kindly, completed this work for us on the rebranding as part of their involvement in Birmingham Future. Moving into 2011/12, Birmingham Future continues to champion a number of exciting initiatives, including Birmingham Young Professional of the Year, Graduate Apprentice and the Inspiring Futures mentoring scheme with Birmingham City University. Throughout my year as Chair, I have given a particular focus to entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship, which has seen us collaborate with the IoD's Young Directors Forum, the BSEEN initiative and Entrepreneurs for the Future. These partnerships represent Birmingham Future's role of aiding the success of young and growing businesses for the benefit of the city's business and professional service firms. All of this comes in addition to the ongoing support and development opportunities that we give as part of membership, which includes: • The opportunity to raise profile across the city and network with professional peers • The ability to represent your organisation • Creation and expansion of your all-important book of contacts • Career development through one of our mentoring schemes, either mentoring a student from BCU or receiving a mentor from Birmingham Forward • Exciting and informative events that lead to personal and professional development • Offers from the city's key retailers, bars, restaurants and businesses. The best part of Birmingham Future is that involvement can be tailored towards each individual member; whether just attending relevant events or becoming a mentor to a BCU student. Members are also given the chance to sign up to one of our committees that help shape and manage Birmingham Future. These include, amongst others, Business Strategy, Community Development, Marketing and Communications and Talent Retention and Development. In my year as Chair, I have seen a lot of change and I am excited to see how this growth will continue over the coming year. I am delighted to be able to pass on my role as Chairman to Gareth Morgan, Senior Surveyor at Jones Lang LaSalle, in July 2011.

Darren Walker Future Chairman (2010-2011) Birmingham Future


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Birmingham Future Leadership Team Birmingham Future's Leadership Team comprises representatives from each of the committees, plus the Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Immediate Past Chairman and Treasurer. It is the Leadership Team's role to ensure the organisation continues to deliver events, drive forward campaigns and, most importantly, represent the membership. The Chairman and Deputy Chairman of Birmingham Future change annually with the current Chair Darren Walker, Associate of Cobbetts LLP, handing over to Gareth Morgan, Senior Surveyor at Jones Lang LaSalle, in July 2011. Birmingham Future's committees include: • Birmingham Young Professional of the Year (BYPY) • Business Strategy and Constitution • City Centre • Community Development • Events • Marketing and Communications • Membership • Mentoring • Talent Retention and Development (TraD)

Attendees at the Welcome to Birmingham

event organised by the Talent Retention & Each committee is responsible for delivering core activities and Development committee promoting key campaigns. The committees are always looking for passionate, enthusiastic and committed members to help them in their work. Please go to the website for more details:

The Graduate Apprentice Launched in 2006 and now searching for its 6th success story, the Graduate Apprentice is unique to Birmingham, giving one recent graduate the opportunity to experience three diverse working environments within the professional and business services sector in Birmingham. Managed by Birmingham Future's Talent Retention and Development (TraD) Committee, in conjunction with Graduate Advantage, the programme identifies an exceptional recent graduate and offers them a uniquely structured, 12-month salaried placement. It provides the graduate with vital experience; enhancing their CV and improving their job prospects, whilst also giving them an invaluable insight into the city's professional services sector. Moreover, the Graduate Apprentice has an unrivalled opportunity to network with other young professionals and discover the vibrant lifestyle that Birmingham offers. The Graduate Apprentice 2010 is Richard Price, a 21 year old graduate originally from Walsall. Richard achieved a 2:1 Honours degree from Loughbrough University. During his year, Richard will spend four months each with accountancy firm Deloitte, Glide Utilities and investment management firm Brewin Dolphin.

Richard Price with Darren Walker, Chair of Birmingham Future and others

Further details about the scheme can be found at


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Birmingham Young Professional of the Year Birmingham Future's flagship event, Birmingham Young Professional of the Year (BYPY), is an awards ceremony for the city's most talented professionals aged 35 and under. Learning and Skills Council, Anthony McCourt of Birmingham Development Company, Suzie Branch, Director of Branch Martin Spicer Marketing Ltd and James Villarreal, Co-founder of Glide Utilities. Over the past decade BYPY has grown into the city's glitziest event with more than 700 guests gathering to see who will be crowned the city's most impressive young professional, as well as enjoying fantastic food, wine and entertainment from some high profile comperes. The BYPY committee

BYPY recognises and rewards young professionals across six different categories: Property & Construction, Entrepreneurial, Legal, Communications, Financial Services and HR, Recruitment & Training. Each year a panel of judges, made up of some of the city's most successful business people and professionals, choose the overall BYPY from the winners of these six categories. Candidates are expected to demonstrate a commitment to Birmingham and the wider community as well as exceptional career achievements.

BYPY is organised by a dedicated committee made up of Birmingham Future members who volunteer their time and expertise to help make it a standout event year after year. Generous sponsors have also made it possible to maintain the high standards expected from this glamorous awards ceremony.

There is also an award for BYPY's Inspiring Leader, which acknowledges established professionals who have made a lasting contribution to Birmingham's business community. Hilary Allen, Birmingham Young Professional of the Year 2011

This year BYPY will be in its 11th year and the winner will join the BYPY roll of honour, which includes Gary Taylor, joint Managing Director of Argent, Karl George, Managing Director of Andersons KBS, Chris Robertson, Partner at Deloitte, Victoria Garrad, Partner at Gateley, Stef Lewandowski, Web Entrepreneur, Ruth Ward, Managing Director of Rewired PR, Clare Edwards, Consultant, formerly part of the

If you would like to find out more about BYPY then please visit our website, follow us on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook


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00 About Birmingham



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00 About Birmingham



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ABOUT BIRMINGHAM • The city currently has a population of more than 1 million

Sponsor profile: Warwickshire County Cricket Club 2011 will truly be a fantastic year for Warwickshire County Cricket Club, as the £32million redevelopment - which will project Edgbaston to one of the world's leading international Test cricket venues will open for business in the summer. The £32million redevelopment will greatly enhance Edgbaston as a sporting venue, by: increasing the Ground capacity from 20,000 to 25,000; improving spectator views through a fantastic new skyline view on the new Stand; and introducing state-of-the-art player, media and exclusive Member facilities. As a corporate and non-match day venue, Edgbaston will offer conference and banqueting facilities to accommodate up to 650 for banqueting functions and 1,000 for conferences. Edgbaston Cricket Ground, as both a sporting and corporate venue, will offer all of those involved a famous and prestigous venue with world-class facilities and a professional and friendly atmosphere. Colin Povey, Chief Executive of Warwickshire County Cricket Club, said: 'The redevelopment has already made us much stronger as a Club and as a venue. We've got an increasingly strong and powerful corporate voice, an enthused and re-energised fan base, and a future where we can set our sights higher than ever before for everybody involved at Edgbaston.'

• Birmingham's economy centres around the professional, financial and business support sectors • The city's business community is fuelled by up-and-coming skills and talent from Birmingham's universities. More than 78,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students attend the city's five top universities • Birmingham is well connected and located at the centre of the UK at the heart of the country's transport network • Birmingham is the youngest city in Europe, with under-25s accounting for nearly 40% of its population • Birmingham is a city with a passion for sport and it has been estimated that the London 2012 Olympic Games could create some £200m worth of direct business for the West Midlands region • The city and surrounding area is home to world class entertainment venues there are over 47,000 seats available every day for performances in the city! • Birmingham's major cultural institutions, including the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra and the Birmingham Royal Ballet all enjoy international reputations • A culturally diverse city, Birmingham prides itself on its welcoming community • The face of Birmingham is changing with major developments such as New Street Station, the Library of Birmingham and HS2 set for the coming years

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Birmingham: Introduction Birmingham is a city which means business. Though obviously not immune from the effects of the current economic climate, Birmingham's endemic positive attitude allied to a natural optimism means it is still the UK's leading financial and professional services centre outside of London. In recent years Birmingham has undertaken a series of inward investment and development projects making it even more appealing to business owners. Not only is the city now being recognised internationally as the place to do business, with many major international organisations choosing to locate here, Birmingham has also had recent success with significant private and public sector organisations re-locating to the city from across the UK. Its position at the heart of the country's transport network also makes it a natural place from which to do business or with which to trade.

Birmingham is renowned for its people, strong networked community and welcoming culture. Add that to a myriad of inward investment projects, improvements to civic space, cultural and sporting opportunities and a great quality of life and you can see why Birmingham is the place to be - and also to do business.


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Doing business in Birmingham Businesses in Birmingham

undergraduate, postgraduate and professional qualifications as well as MBAs (Masters of Business Administration). They also provide a full range of undergraduate and post graduate qualifications from BAs to PhDs, as well as excellent teaching facilities.

International and diversity

Birmingham city centre is the major business district in the West Midlands region. With a total of 42,000 companies in the city, Birmingham boasts a large pool of highly qualified professionals, especially in Finance, IT, Law and Human Resources. Birmingham's sectoral offering covers all areas of business. With 200 law firms, a wealth of banking specialists, top accountants, 50 major property services, a buzzing creative industry and one of Europe's largest insurance markets, Birmingham is well qualified as a major business city.

Skills and talent Birmingham's workforce is highly skilled and qualified. Key to this skilled workforce is the number of graduates who decide to stay in the city after graduation from university, as well as those who decide to re-locate here. Birmingham is big on graduate retention and in total, 1,400 students and graduates have been recruited into companies across the West Midlands in the last 12 months. The graduate population of Birmingham aids the business community enormously. Birmingham's three major universities - the University of Birmingham, Birmingham City University and the University of Aston - produce a total of 19,000 graduates, 40% of whom are then recruited locally. The nine universities in the West Midlands have excellent Business Schools that offer a range of 18

Birmingham's international feel is driven by its population. Nearly 30% of Birmingham's residents are from black and minority communities and almost 12,000 international students choose Birmingham as their place of study. In addition about 875 international businesses are currently working within Birmingham. The varied mixture of cultures both in the business community and outside, has made Birmingham very much a global city and has forged strong links across the world. Birmingham's ethnicity gives the city a real sense of vibrancy. This feel of multiculturalism is extended further as the city is twinned with six sister cities; Chicago, Milan, Frankfurt, Leipzig, Johannesburg and Lyon. Birmingham has also formed a Treaty of Friendship with Guangzhou (China), formerly known as Canton and Mirpur in Azad Kashmir, Pakistan. Having recognised the importance of engaging internationally, all of these relationships strive to maintain substantial links and provide opportunities for both business and cultural development.

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Office space and facilities From the professional and business services to creative industries, Birmingham's business community is spread throughout the city, based across areas such as the Colmore Business District, Brindleyplace, Digbeth and the Jewellery Quarter. These key districts are within easy access of each other ensuring that all business services within the city are accessible. In addition to these city centre areas, many businesses are based on one of Birmingham's business parks which offer premier locations alongside cutting-edge facilities within a professional community. Birmingham's business parks are either based centrally or slightly out of the city centre, but all have access to key transport routes for the city, the region and the rest of the UK. When it comes to office space, Birmingham's offering is second to none and whatever your business you'll find plenty of suitable spaces in and around the city. In addition to privately owned or rented office space, Birmingham also has an array of serviced office facilities. Birmingham is home to some of the UK's top conferencing facilities. From major name hotels to the International Convention Centre, the city's sports grounds, universities and the National Indoor arena, Birmingham is well equipped to suit the needs of any business event. And for overnight stays, Birmingham's accommodation offering is excellent with a large variety of top names and boutique hotels as well as serviced apartments right in the city centre.


Transport Business in Birmingham thrives on its location, location, location. Birmingham is at the heart of Britain's transport network and accessible from all areas of the UK - and the rest of the world. With excellent road transport links - the M6, M1, M42 and M40 are easily accessible from the city - Birmingham is very well positioned. The city benefits from Birmingham Airport, the 5th largest airport in the UK. The airport is eight miles from Birmingham city centre and has superb road and rail links as well as excellent facilities. Birmingham Airport is now a one terminal facility, aiming to significantly improve the passenger experience as well as the Airport's capability. The majority of long distance train journeys are operated by Virgin Trains out of Birmingham New Street Station. Journeys include those to and from London, Manchester, Milton Keynes, Preston and Glasgow. Services operated by Chiltern Railways to Stratford-upon-Avon, Solihull, Worcester and London operate from Moor Street Station. Snow Hill Station (at the centre of the Colmore Business District) also offers Chiltern and London Midland services to many destinations. In terms of public transport, the city's bus routes, taxi services and cycle lanes are all easy to use and find.

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Birmingham uncovered Part of the package of working in Birmingham is the lifestyle that comes with it. The quality of life in the city is very highly rated and there really is something for everyone to do. The city is a hub of cultural activity with music, dance, galleries, cinema or theatre opportunities on offer throughout the year. Also home to the Birmingham Royal Ballet (BRB) and the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra (CBSO), the city is alive with cultural talent which is well worth checking out. Birmingham also has some of the UK's best venues on its doorstep for everything from music, theatre, sports and conferencing. When it comes to food, Birmingham has a very varied palate - the city centre alone offers 27 different cuisines! From fine dining by the city's canals to traditional cuisine in the Balti Triangle or Chinese Quarter and fresh produce on the city's famous markets, there really is something for all taste buds. Birmingham is also award winning when it comes to restaurants and the city can take pride in the fact that it has the most Michelin stars of any English city outside of London! Birmingham is quickly becoming recognised as one of the best style centres outside London. Avant-garde of all things stylish, Birmingham has more than 1,000 shops from the high fashion Mailbox to the iconic Selfridges building, the Bullring, The Great Western Arcade, Martineau



Place and the Pallasades, as well as high street stores, individual boutiques and vintage shops. And for sport, look no further as Birmingham (and also the West Midlands region) is home to many celebrated events, teams and grounds. With test and county cricket at Edgbaston, Premier League action in the form of West Bromwich Albion, Wolverhampton Wanderers, Stoke City and Aston Villa and Athletics Championships at the NIA and much more, Birmingham's residents are spoilt for choice when it comes to sport. Birmingham is also very proud to welcome the Jamaican and USA Olympic track and field teams to the city ahead of the 2012 Olympic Games. Birmingham Symphony Hall

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Looking to the future Birmingham is moving forward with significant strength and zeal.

In the last year, the city of Birmingham has welcomed the formation of organisations such as Business Birmingham to help with the ongoing support of the city and its inward investment projects. Business Birmingham, the city's inward investment programme, is the link for businesses to establish or grow their presence in the city. The organisation is the access point to Birmingham's business networks and aims to help businesses benefit from the city's strong enterprise culture. Business Birmingham provides comprehensive support and works with its clients as strategic partners to create relevant business solutions. Further information can be found at Birmingham is continuing to change physically with major development projects such as the Library of Birmingham coming to completion in the near future. Major investment projects will also soon come to the forefront and bring continued strength and investment to the city. Currently in the limelight is the Big City Plan. The Big City Plan has planned the vision for Birmingham “in which new jobs, homes, and new cultural, civic and leisure opportunities are central to the city's future economic and social vitality�1. Included within this is the 'Vision for Movement' strategy which has outlined major improvements set for the transport networks around the city, namely the development of New Street Station, the Metro extension, HS2 and the airport expansion. The board for the Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) has also been announced, with Andy Street, Managing Director of John Lewis, announced as Chairman. As well as covering Birmingham and Solihull, the LEP covers Bromsgrove, Cannock, East Staffordshire, Lichfield, Redditch, Solihull, Tamworth and Wyre Forest.

The city was also centre of attention when it hosted three party political conferences (Conservative, Liberal Democrat and Green Party) in 2010. In the autumn of 2011, the Liberal Democrats will be returning to hold their Autumn Conference in the city. 2011 and the future will see Birmingham progress even more with investment schemes, regeneration projects and increasing job opportunities. This includes recent announcements such as the opening in 2014 of a new John Lewis store as part of the Birmingham Gateway project.

The New Street Gateway Project

Birmingham city centre has four Business Improvement Districts, which consist of Broad Street BID, Retail Birmingham BID, Colmore Business District and Southside BID. These are defined areas within which the local business community work together and invest collectively in new projects and services that they have prioritised to address opportunities and problems that affect their businesses, staff and visitors. The city centre BIDs work collectively and with key organisations, such as Birmingham City Council, to drive forward strategies that will benefit Birmingham.

Sources of information: Business Birmingham and Birmingham City Council 1


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Views from the media In my mind there's never been a more exciting time to be at the heart of the West Midlands business landscape. As I write, Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) has announced ÂŁ2 billion-worth of contracts to supply the programme to build the new Range Rover model, the Evoque. The potential benefits to the West Midlands supply chain industry are immense, and after years of very painful trimming and re-engineering, these businesses are more than ready to take up the challenge.

The region has a long way to go in terms of recovery, and will suffer its fair share of public sector job cuts in the years ahead, but we should celebrate the return of manufacturing to the centre stage of the UK's economic debate. Industry has changed fundamentally, of course. This used to be a region of single-site, massivelyproportioned factories where thousands of workers produced familiar products and brands that were sold around the world. Now, thousands of workers labour in smaller, even micro-enterprises to bring new ideas to life. New materials, alternative energy technologies, medicines and digital innovation are found in amazing densities clustered around our universities and science parks - but they are a lot less visible to the naked eye than a 40-acre factory site. They may be a challenge to find, but the experiences of these new manufacturing companies add up to a compelling story about the future of business in this region, and it's the job of my site,, and the rest 28

of the local and regional media, to play our part in bringing them to the fore. Of course, it's a very mixed bag for other sectors in the city, with perhaps property bearing the brunt of the downturn of the past two or three years. Thank heavens, then for the New Street Station Gateway project, the Library of Birmingham and the High Speed 2 rail line. By a happy quirk of fate, each of these major public developments was either too far advanced when Mr Osborne brought the shutters down, or were red-ringed as a vital infrastructure project for the country's economic recovery. Whatever the case, it is to Birmingham's benefit - and to the envy of many of the other core cities - that its skyline will be positively bristling with cranes for at least the next five years, and probably beyond that. Leave aside the halo effect and the impression of activity and investment this creates, and the actual benefits of these projects are countless. New St Station's ÂŁ600m revamp is more than cosmetic, and will open up whole new swathes of the city for further development - John Lewis has finally been enticed into the city. The completion of the Library of Birmingham whose stunning impact on the civic quarter is yet to be fully appreciated - will itself clear the way for the redevelopment of Paradise Circus in the very heart of the city. So Birmingham has much to be optimistic about. Many of the necessary parts of the puzzle are ready to be snapped into place when the time is right. All that's required is that the rest of us - in the media, in business, in the professional services - play our part in ensuring the puzzle is completed. Marc Reeves is West Midlands Editor of

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01 Patrons



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Follow us on Twitter: @BHAMFORWARD / @BHAMFUTURE

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PATRONS Patrons of Birmingham Forward are limited to two companies per sector to ensure that each Patron receives a dedicated level of support and profile during their patronage. Benefits include: • Invitations to a number of social and networking events throughout the year including seven private dinners. These events provide the opportunity to meet various key figures both from Birmingham and from across the UK • The opportunity to host a dinner or event where we will ensure you get a targeted audience from within our membership • As a Patron, your brand/logo will appear on Birmingham Forward letterheads, our weekly newsletter and on our stands at all our events • Three free memberships of Birmingham Future, focused on developing and raising the profile of young professionals and emerging leaders through networking and seminars • Promotion of your organisation through one major event each year and we will provide personal invites to key contacts or a selected audience • Two complimentary tickets to the majority of Birmingham Forward events • The chance to place features in the Birmingham Forward weekly newsletter, which is distributed to approximately 1,000 business contacts and interested parties • A free full page listing in the Business Guidebook to Professional, Financial and Business Support Services in Birmingham

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BARCLAYS WEALTH Barclays Wealth has been in existence since the autumn of 2006. We have built on the heritage of the Barclays Group, which has been managing wealth on behalf of highly successful individuals and families for three hundred years. We have become renowned not only for our size, scope and expertise but also for our capacity for innovation. We launched Barclays Wealth with a mission to bring a different approach to financial services, driven by our understanding that wealth means different things to different people and by our ambition to be the automatic choice to help you acquire wealth, use and enjoy it, protect it and pass it on. Since the launch, we have consolidated our position as the largest wealth manager in the UK, with total assets under management of ÂŁ42 billion. Globally, our total client assets are ÂŁ153 billion. We attribute our success to a combination of the strength of the global Barclays network with the personal service and local understanding typical of a small, private bank. This makes us ideally placed to provide you with more choices, resources and solutions designed to meet your individual financial needs.

Andrew Porter

Sam Wynn

Ben Gulliford

Charles Barwell

Mark Embley

Anto Birkbeck

Hitesh Mistry

Emma Buckley

1 Colmore Square, Birmingham B4 6ES T: 0121 683 7239 F: 0121 683 7300 E:

Birmingham Forward Contacts: Andrew Porter, Private Banker Sam Wynn, Private Banker Ben Gulliford , Regional Centre Head Charles Barwell, Private Banker Mark Embley, Private Banker Anto Birkbeck, Private Banker Hitesh Mistry, Private Banker Birmingham Future Contact: Emma Buckley, Private Banker


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BIRMINGHAM CITY UNIVERSITY With around 25,000 students, Birmingham City University is a major UK university - and one of the most dynamic in the sector. Proudly based in Birmingham, partners will discover a vibrant and diverse learning community that is supported by world-class research, cutting edge teaching and enviable links to business and industry. Our plans for Birmingham’s Eastside

The University works with a range of businesses including fastgrowing regional enterprises, national organisations like the NHS, as well as international brands such as Jaguar Land Rover, Rolls-Royce, Morgan Motor Company, Triumph motorcycles, Microsoft, Apple, CISCO, Cartier and Richemont. Working with these organisations underpins the University's commitment to practice-based learning which places great importance on the need to develop professionally qualified graduates with industry relevant skills, giving them a real world advantage for the modern workplace. The University is now planning to build on this successful foundation with an ambitious new City Centre Campus, a multi-million pound scheme that will further serve the region's creative sector and boast state-of-the-art facilities, including TV, radio and photographic studios In addition, a Government report has recently recognised how the University is plugging the skills gap for the computer games industry an increasingly important part of the regional and national economy with an educational scheme that links directly with some of the sector's commercial innovators. This strong vocational focus helps place the University in the Top 20 for graduate employability, ranking Birmingham City University with some of the most prestigious institutions in the UK.

Birmingham City University Research, Innovation and Enterprise Services, City North Campus, Franchise Street, Birmingham B42 2SU T: 0121 331 5252 F: 0121 331 5256 E:


Innovative industry collaboration with leading brands such as Triumph motorcycles

Beverley Nielsen

Michele Mooney

Christopher Prince Joanna Birch

Birmingham Forward Contacts: Beverley Nielsen, Director Employer Engagement Michele Mooney, Director of Research, Innovation and Enterprise Services Christopher Prince, Executive Dean Birmingham City Business School Joanna Birch, Head of Enterprise Development Birmingham Future Contacts: Dr Nayan Patel, Head of Innovation (Acting) Sharon Farrow, Employment Zone Officer

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BIRMINGHAM METROPOLITAN COLLEGE Our Vision - “to be an inspirational organisation that delivers excellence�. Birmingham Metropolitan College is one of the leading providers of further and higher education in the country. As a member of the 157 Group which represents 27 highly successful and influential Further Education Colleges in England, they provide education and training for over 9,000 16-19 year olds, 30,000 adult learners and a range of employers across the United Kingdom. With three main campuses and a number of Satellite Centres, the College offers an outstanding range of provision for their learners. The Campuses are home to the Samsung Digital Service Academy, the Baxi Innovation Academy and the Samsung Digital Appliance Academy where engineers from across the country are trained in state of the art suites to extend their technical knowledge and gain practical qualifications. These academies were developed to drive forward the Government's skills agenda of flexible work-based training programmes to meet the needs of industry

Matthew Boulton Campus and Sutton Coldfield Campus

The College is recognised as outstanding providers and have received numerous National Awards in recognition of the quality of the education and training they provide. The most recent accolade was the AOC Beacon Award for Lifelong Learning, and three Highly Commended AOC Beacon Awards for Engagement with Employers, the British Council Award for International Student Support and the Edge Award for Practical Teaching and Practical Learning. Christine Braddock

The College was recently awarded with the Training Quality Standard (with excellence in Engineering) which is the kitemark for employer responsive training. This award recognises the excellence of Birmingham Metropolitan College in providing quality training and offering workforce development solutions.

Birmingham Forward Contact: Dr Christine Braddock CBE, Principal and Chief Executive

Birmingham Metropolitan College Jennens Road, Birmingham B4 7PS T: 0121 446 4545 E:


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BLUSOURCE The Blusource Group, one of the UK's fastest growing search and selection consultancies is proud to be Patrons of Birmingham Forward for 2011. Launched in the Midlands at the end of 2008, Blusource's aim was to provide a professional recruitment consultancy with a “fresh approach to people�. This aim is being accomplished and already the company has become recognised as a leading provider of strategic recruitment and advisory solutions to the legal, accounting, and banking sectors together with mainstream finance, HR and executive appointments. Whilst the past two years as we all know has been a challenging economic environment, Blusource, now with offices in Nottingham and Birmingham, are achieving their aim of working in a focused manner with a select client base representing the leading growth businesses in the professional services sector, advising on strategic recruitment and people issues. By limiting their client base Blusource is able to offer genuine loyalty and commitment to their business partners.

Andrew Springhall

Philip White

Bjorn Jones

Jon Needham

Alice White

Over the last year Blusource has concluded a number of high profile partner and team moves along with a number of mergers. In addition, Blusource offers a service to individuals considering a career move. This service is highly confidential and provides access to key decision makers in a discrete and timely manner on your behalf.

Blusource 102 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 3AG T: 0844 533 5330 E:

Birmingham Forward Contacts: Andrew Springhall, Chief Executive Philip White, Director Blusource Legal Bjorn Jones, Director Blusource Finance Jon Needham, Manager Blusource Legal Alice White, Business Development Executive Birmingham Future Contacts: Jon Needham, Manager Blusource Legal Bjorn Jones, Director Blusource Finance Alice White, Business Development Executive


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GATELEY LLP Gateley LLP is a leading national law firm with offices in Birmingham, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leicester, London, Manchester, Nottingham and Dubai. The firm has built an outstanding reputation for its practical and flexible approach, sound advice and professional commitment to its clients. With 142 partners and over 400 lawyers, Gateley LLP is a full-service legal business with expertise in banking & finance, corporate, employment, construction, litigation & dispute resolution, private client, real estate, intellectual property, insurance, shipping & transport, tax, health & safety, regulatory and pensions. The firm advises major financial institutions, leading corporate companies and mid-market firms both in the UK and across the world. The firm is also committed to building lasting relationships with smaller businesses and emerging entrepreneurs, helping them to grow and prosper. Gateley LLP is a Top 50 UK firm in terms of size and turnover and has won over 30 awards in the past three years for its excellent client care.

One Eleven, Edmund Street, Birmingham B3 2HJ T: 0121 234 0000 F: 0121 234 0001 E:

Michael Ward

Martyn Finnigan

Brendan McGeever Tom Durrant

Victoria Garrad

Rebecca Thomas

Neil Smith

Elaine Huttley

Kate Onions

Birmingham Forward Contacts: Michael Ward, Senior Partner Martyn Finnigan Brendan McGeever, Partner Tom Durrant, Partner Victoria Garrad. Partner Birmingham Future Contacts: Rebecca Thomas, Solicitor Neil Smith, Finance Director Elaine Huttley, Associate Kate Onions, Associate


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JAGUAR CARS Jaguar Cars Limited is one of the best known and best loved automotive brands in the world. One of the best known and best loved automotive brands in the world, Jaguar has a long and distinguished history, during which the company has produced many iconic vehicles. These include the XK120 in 1948, Mark VII saloon in 1950, the C-TYPE and DTYPE race cars that dominated Le Mans during the 1950s, and the legendary E-TYPE, originally launched in 1961 and arguably the most famous sports car of all time. Today the E-type is still regarded as one of the most beautiful cars in the world and Jaguar is celebrating the E-type’s 50th Anniversary.

Geoff Cousins

Mick Razza

Andy Shaw

Helen Pickering

Daljit Jagait

Ian Burnett

As with the E-type, today's Jaguars are radically different. The lightweight aluminum chassis and advanced power train of the XK showed a sign of technology to come while the XF confirmed a new, bold design direction that is still clearly Jaguar. With the new XJ, an even stronger reinterpretation of that ideal has repositioned the car as the ultimate statement in modern luxury. Jaguar has always led by its own pioneering example, producing cars that stand out and stand apart and gain recognition. The allnew XJ which was named Luxury Car of the Year by Business Car magazine has been the segment leader every month since its launch in 2010. This builds upon the tremendous success of the Jaguar XF which won the prestigious What Car Best Executive award for the fourth year in succession. Today, Jaguar is in a better position than ever before.

Jaguar Cars Limited, Banbury Road, Gaydon, Warwickshire CV35 0XJ T: 01926 641111 (main switchboard) E:


Birmingham Forward Contacts: Geoff Cousins, Managing Director Jaguar UK Mick Razza, Director - UK Sales & Operations Andy Shaw, Corporate Operations Manager Helen Pickering, Regional Manager Brand Partnerships Daljit Jagait, VIP Relationship Manager Ian Burnett, Manager Direct Sales Business Networks

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KPMG LLP KPMG in Birmingham is part of a global network of firms providing Audit, Tax, and Advisory services to local, national, and multinational organisations. Located in the heart of The Birmingham Business District the One Snowhill office is the largest KPMG office outside London and home to 45 partners and over 1200 staff. The firm's clients cover the full spectrum of business and individuals ranging from multinational household names to the latest “start ups�. The breadth and depth of KPMG's client portfolio has enabled them to develop deep industry expertise in a range of sectors that spans Aerospace & Defence, Automotive, Retail, Property & Construction, Pubs, Healthcare, Public Sector, Financial Services, Diversified Industrials and Utilities. The specialist teams in Birmingham work closely with the firm's sector teams in order to provide the best possible insights both locally and globally. Whether pensions, tax, performance improvement or internal controls, KPMG cuts through complexity to deliver value to its clients.

One Snowhill, Snow Hill Queensway, Birmingham B4 6GH T: 0121 232 3000 F: 0121 232 3500 E:

Steve Hollis

Mike Steventon

Andy Argyle

Stephen Craik

Karl Edge

David Fripp

Jackie Hendley

Simon Jonsson

Jonathan Lovell

Graham Neale

Mark Orton

Roger Widdowson

Birmingham Forward Contacts: Steve Hollis, Regional Chairman Mike Steventon, Birmingham Senior Partner Andy Argyle, Partner - Public Sector Stephen Craik, Partner - Corporate Finance Karl Edge, Partner David Fripp, Partner - Pensions Jackie Hendley, Partner -Tax Simon Jonsson, Partner - Tax Jonathan Lovell, Partner - Forensic Graham Neale, Partner - Audit Mark Orton, Partner - Restructuring Roger Widdowson, Partner - Transaction Services


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SIR ROBERT McALPINE LTD Founded in 1869, Sir Robert McAlpine is one of the UK's leading construction companies, operating predominantly in the building and civil engineering markets. Still a family owned company, we bring an enviable record of project management, engineering excellence, quality construction and delivery to a diverse range of markets.


Throughout the last 142 years, the company has been at the forefront of construction activity in the UK and has played a prominent role in the successful delivery of a large number of projects, of varying size and complexity, many of which are recognised as major landmarks. As a company we are dedicated to achieving excellence in design and construction and are committed to the highest standards of both management and technical skills. This is complemented by a co-operative business culture which promotes and sustains longterm relationships with clients and members of the supply chain, leading to repeat business and continuous improvement in customer service. Our approach to Corporate Social Responsibility ensures that all aspects of our business activities are undertaken in a manner that is safe, respectful of the environment, and socially responsible. One of our main strengths is the ability to manage multi-disciplined projects of any size and complexity. With the offer of taking full design and build responsibility, clients are provided with a singlepoint accountability and added value, as well as security of price and delivery. Based on these solid foundations, Sir Robert McAlpine is well placed to meet client requirements and expectations. The aim is to provide professional, innovative and imaginative services, working in an environment of strong relationships, effective communications and integrated teamwork.

Latham House, Paradise Street, Birmingham B1 2BJ T: 0121 230 8040 F: 0121 230 8050 E:


45 Church Street

Ian McKenzie

Chris Kempster

Jamie Sangster

Birmingham Forward Contacts: Ian McKenzie, Regional Manager Chris Kempster, Regional Commercial Manager Jamie Sangster, Regional Business Development Manager

02 Listings



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Sponsored by:

Consultants ICT Recruiment/HR

Follow us on Twitter: @BHAMFORWARD / @BHAMFUTURE


03 Consultancy Services

03 Consultancy Services



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CONSULTANCY Consultants ICT Recruiment/HR

Consultancy Factfile

Member profile: Key Personnel Established in 1982, Key Personnel is an independent recruitment consultancy based on Colmore Row in the centre of Birmingham. Our expertise lies in finding excellent candidates for office personnel and administration roles, from office juniors and secretaries through to senior positions in various professions including human resources, finance, procurement, logistics and sales. Our recruitment clients range from SMEs to large corporates and we have a particular specialism in finding excellent office personnel for both national and international professional practices. The Key Personnel success has been established by building enduring partnerships with our clients and candidates. Understanding the needs of both employer and candidate is paramount to ensuring we find what each is looking for. Finding excellent candidates for our clients is our core business but we endeavour to be more than simply a provider of good people and we work with our Clients and Candidates to deliver a recruitment service that goes above and beyond the usual offering. Through initiatives such as our Agency Worker Regulations updates, quarterly HR Forum events and annual salary survey, we aim to keep our clients up-to-date with the latest developments and best practice in recruitment. And in March 2011 we launched the Key Personnel Video CV tool, which can save a busy recruiter valuable time in the early stages of the candidate selection process. Our long-serving and highly-trained Recruitment Consultants are committed to providing a friendly, professional and quality service to our Clients and Candidates. We'd love to see if we can help you? Listing: Page 49

• Birmingham is home to more than 650 business or management consultancies • Among the many manufacturing consultants in the area, other consultancy firms are emerging particularly in the ICT and HR sectors • Over the next ten years, it is estimated that employment will increase by 2%, creating more than 4,000 new jobs in ICT and computing services • ICT consultants offer support to the 80,000 people in Birmingham who use advanced IT skills every day in their jobs • Environmental management consultancies specialise in research and planning both for urban and regional developments. With over £17.5 billion of investment planned across Birmingham, there are some exciting new projects to work on • Business strategy consultants can help with general business assessments and solutions. They also focus on planning issues such as company reorganisations and product/service strength

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CONSULTANCY: Consultants


Dave Bennett

AECOM is an award-winning multi-disciplinary consultancy with a reputation for quality, innovation and value. Davis Langdon joined the group in 2010 increasing our ability to deliver large complex programmes and offer integrated services as a 'whole solution'. AECOM is the world's leading provider of professional, technical and management support services, Carl Dainter responsible for some of the most complex projects being undertaken globally. AECOM provides professional technical and management support services to a range of markets including transportation, commercial, environmental, energy, water, residential, infrastructure, education and government.

Colmore Plaza, Colmore Circus Queensway, Birmingham, B4 6AT T: 0121 710 1100 F: 08700 480747 / Local Staff: 237

Roger Bailey

David Daly

Birmingham Forward Contacts: Dave Bennett, Director of Projects Roger Bailey, Operations Director Carl Dainter, Director David Daly, Director

UK: 3,768


Neil Fraser

Atkins is the largest multi-disciplinary consultancy in Europe. Our Midlands team of over 840 based at The Axis in central Birmingham delivers innovative solutions for the private and public sectors, from planning and design to project delivery and operation. Our services range from ad-hoc advice to multi-disciplinary teams for major projects. Adrian Taylor Architecture - Asset Management - Building Services - Business Resilience Environment - Geotechnics - Highways - Intelligent Transport Systems Land Remediation - Railways - Regeneration - Structures - Sustainability - Urban and Transport Planning - Waste Management - Water Engineering

10 Holliday Street, Birmingham B1 1TF T: 0121 483 5000 F: 0121 483 5252 E: Local Staff: 840

Jason Pavey

Graham Woodward

Birmingham Forward Contacts: Neil Fraser, Water & Environment Jason Pavey, Highways Adrian Taylor, Transport Planning Graham Woodward, Planning & Landscape

UK: 10,400

BASSCLUSKER CONSULTING LTD We help firms in the professional and business support sectors to set strategy and align the organisation with their objectives. Projects typically involve increasing the fitness of the organisation to handle growth and change. Read what clients say and subscribe to our newsletter by visiting our website.

15 Kings Road, Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham B73 5AB T: 0121 427 7217 E:

Dr Andrew Bass

Birmingham Forward Contact: Dr Andrew Bass


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BREFI GROUP LTD Brefi Group is an integrated organisation and management development consultancy that helps individuals and teams in organisations discover and achieve their potential so that they can become more effective with less stress. We support organisations, managers and directors, and help boards improve corporate governance.

One Victoria Square, Birmingham B1 1BD T: 0845 0678 222 F: 0845 017 5581 E:

Richard Winfield

Birmingham Forward Contact: Richard Winfield

CARET LTD Caret is a leadership and organisational change consultancy. We focus on optimising the performance of people in a way that fits the unique values and culture of our clients. Caret's insight, wisdom and pragmatic approach helps leaders, teams and businesses to overcome complex challenges. Steve Botham

Lancaster House, 67 Newhall Street, Birmingham B3 1NQ T: 0121 212 1077 F: 0121 212 2348 Birmingham Forward Contact: E: Steve Botham, Director

EC HARRIS EC Harris is an international Built Asset Consultancy, advising clients in the planning and execution of strategies that deliver the best results from money spent on their built assets. The firm has 40 offices in 28 countries employing over 3,000 people worldwide. Group revenue in 2009/10 was ÂŁ270m. Martin Silvester

Baskerville House, Centenary Square, Broad Street, Birmingham B1 2ND T: 0121 503 2700 F: 0121 503 2701 E:

Birmingham Forward Contact: Martin Silvester, Lead Partner - Midlands Birmingham Future Contact: Richard Sword, Consultant Local Staff: 200 UK: 2,500

ERIC F. LAING Eric Laing specialises in four main areas: 1) uncovering hidden losses; 2) providing analyses of profit between market, customer, and service or product; 3) making sure that the profit forecast on quotations given to customers is credible; 4) improving management information and controls.

33 Selly Wick Road, Selly Park, Birmingham B29 7JJ T: 0121 414 1425 F: 0121 249 2720 E:

Eric Laing

Birmingham Forward Contact: Eric Laing, Specialist Consultant Local Staff: 1 UK: 1

JMP CONSULTANTS LTD JMP is a leading independent UK consultancy practice specialising in transport planning, public transport, infrastructure and environmental engineering. Our mission is to lead the market in developing and delivering sustainable transport solutions. We provide specialist advice to a range of public and private sector organisations.

85-89 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 2BB T: 0121 230 6010 F: 0121 230 6011 E: 46

Alan Bain

Birmingham Forward Contact: Alan Bain, Director

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KENNEDY BUSINESS SOLUTIONS Kennedy Business Solutions specialises in providing tailored and sustainable solutions to complex organisational issues. We support executive groups to be more corporate and more effective decision makers, and where appropriate, redesign the organisation to be 'fit for purpose' and able to respond to future challenges.

Sherril Kennedy

35 Tredington Park, Hatton Park, Warwick CV35 7TT T: 01926 490 689 F: 01926 408 916 Birmingham Forward Contact: E: Dr Sherril Kennedy, Managing Principal


Mike Drayton

Opus Performance Ltd exists to improve the effectiveness of leaders and teams, and the long term retention of top talent. Our ideal clients are imaginative, creative and energetic leaders in SMEs, professional firms and the public sector. Opus Performance was founded by Dr Mike Drayton after a successful career as a Consultant Psychologist. Take a look at our website where you will find lots of free downloads or give us a call and find out how we can improve your condition.

PO Box 15159, Birmingham B30 9DR T: 0121 459 0636 F: 0121 459 0636 E: Local Staff: -

Birmingham Forward Contact: Mike Drayton, Director

UK: -


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FRONTIER SOFTWARE Frontier Software has been a leading provider of integrated Human Resource and Payroll solutions to organisations both in the UK and worldwide since 1983. Today, over 1,400 clients in 13 countries rely on the easy to use and versatile products that meet the ever changing needs of Payroll and Human Resource management.

Ian Mason

1 Crompton Court, Attwood Road, Burntwood Business Park, Staffs WS7 3GG T: 0845 370 3210 F: 01543 495851 Birmingham Forward Contact: Ian Mason, Sales Manager E: Local Staff: 11 UK: 73



Andrew Springhall Philip White

Blusource, is fast becoming regarded as the choice recruitment business for legal, accountancy, commercial finance and banking professionals and firms across the region. Now with offices in Nottingham and Birmingham, Blusource work with a select client base advising on strategic recruitment and people issues, enabling us to offer genuine loyalty and commitment to Bjorn Jones Jon Needham their business partners. Over the last year Blusource has concluded a number of high profile partner and team moves along with a number of Birmingham Forward Contacts: mergers. In addition, Blusource offers a highly confidential service to Andrew Springhall, Chief Executive individuals considering a career move. Philip White, Director Blusource Legal 102 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 3AG Bjorn Jones, Director Blusource Finance T: 0844 533 5330 Jon Needham, Manager Blusource Legal

E: Local Staff: -

UK: -

Birmingham Future Contacts: Alice White, Business Development Executive Bjorn Jones, Director Blusource Finance

KATIE BARD RECRUITMENT We recruit permanent and temporary staff across the Midlands for a full range of office support and specialist roles from graduate through to executive level including: PA/EA, General Secretarial - including Legal and medical, Administration, Reception, Office Management, Call Centre, Graduate, Customer Service and Paralegal.

Neville House, 14 Waterloo Street, Birmingham B2 5TX T: 0121 633 4443 F: 0121 633 4746 E: 48

Julie Fouad

Birmingham Forward Contact: Julie Fouad, Chief Operating Officer Birmingham Future Contact: Verity Stokes, Team Leader Local Staff: 15

UK: 200

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Mary Hendry

Oliver Martin

Key Personnel is committed to providing an excellent service to clients. We endeavour to be more than a provider of good people and work with our clients and candidates to deliver a recruitment service that goes above and beyond the usual offering.We specialise in all office based vacancies, from Junior up to Manager level.

102 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 3AG T: 0121 233 2335 F: 0121 233 2336 E: Local Staff: 8

Birmingham Forward Contacts: Mary Hendry, Managing Director Oliver Martin, Director

UK: 8

PERCEPTION SOLUTIONS LTD Perception Solutions provides outsourcing requirements to legal firms in the areas of Recruitment, Cost Drafting, Translation, Investigations, Legal Protection Insurance and Medical Reporting. Founded by Daniel Campbell with the assistance of several Birmingham entrepreneurs the company has excellent knowledge of the local market through its relationships with key law firms in the region. Daniel Campbell

40-42 Great Charles Street, Birmingham B3 2AT T: 0844 873 5100 F: 0844 873 5199 E:

Birmingham Future Contact: Daniel Campbell, Recruitment Director Local Staff: 22

UK: 22

PERTEMPS RECRUITMENT PARTNERSHIP Innovation, dedication and vision are the key values that drive business and business leaders to greater heights of success. These are values shared by the team at Jobs@Pertemps and their working partners.

Commercial Division, 13 Bennetts Hill, Birmingham B2 5RS T: 0121 643 5000 F: 0121 230 9116 E:

Birmingham Forward Contact: Jacqueline Bullock, Branch Manager

PITCH CONSULTANTS Pitch is a forward thinking recruitment consultancy specialising in the marketing, PR and creative industries. We work in true partnership with some of the most inspiring agencies and brands in the UK, offering advice and resource on recruiting, training, talent retention, interviewing and industry trends. Rob Markwell

Zellig 318, The Custard Factory, Gibb Street, Birmingham B9 4AA T: 0121 270 40 80 E:

Birmingham Forward Contact: Rob Markwell, Director


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PRESTIGE RECRUITMENT SERVICES An independently owned consultancy established in 1996, born in Birmingham! We have gained a reputation for providing a fresh, honest approach to recruitment without any compromise. Our recruitment success rate is high because we work harder and smarter for both our clients and candidates.

1 Victoria Square, Birmingham B1 1BD T: 0121 244 5004 F: 0121 244 5005 E:

Birmingham Forward Contact: Jeanette Wharrad, Managing Director Local Staff: 10

UK: 25

PSD GROUP PSD is an international recruitment organisation operating at the mid-to-senior management level (ÂŁ50-100,000+ salaries). Our specialist consultants operate within defined market sectors e.g. Professional Services, Business Services, Financial Services, Consumer, etc. and we recruit all major Head Office functions, covering Marketing, Finance, Audit and IT.

6th Floor, 85-89 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 2BB T: 0121 212 0099 F: 0121 236 9351 E:


Giles Morrison

Birmingham Forward Contact: Giles Morrison, Managing Consultant Local Staff: 15

UK: 45

04 Creative



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Sponsored by:

CREATIVE Public Relations Translation Services


Advertising Agencies Marketing Services Media & Design

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04 Creative



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CREATIVE Advertising Agencies Marketing Services Media & Design

Public Relations Translation Services

Creative Factfile

Member profile: Clarke Associates UK Ltd Clarke Associates is a communications consultancy that puts the client as the centre of its focus. Before we speak on clients' behalf, we first listen and understand. Over the years Clarke Associates has built a strong reputation for providing creative yet targeted PR, communications, marketing and design programmes devised and overseen by senior PR, creative, communication and marketing practitioners - who are dedicated to protecting and enhancing the reputation of our clients. Today, our team - some 12 consultants and staff - provide hands-on dedicated support to our clients - many of whom are household names. Strategic Clarke Associates enables organisations to understand how they are perceived in their marketplace, and how that perception compares to their own view of themselves and others. Our innovative brand development work, that puts staff at the centre, has been utilised by many leading organisations. We also enable organisations to measure the effectiveness of their communications, promotional, marketing and PR activities and to monitor that effectiveness on a periodic basis and advise organisations on the best methods of constructing and delivering effective communications campaigns. Tactical We devise and implement campaigns to make sure clients' messages consistently reach the right targets at the right time. We deliver programmes that enable organisations to communicate effectively with their stakeholders - including employees and agents, customers and clients, prospective and potential customers, suppliers and partners, the community at large, government (local, national and European) and specialist interest groups. We provide specialist copywriting services for internal newsletters, external publications, annual reports and for client websites. Listing: Pages 53, 54, 56

• The creative sector forms a major part of Birmingham's business community and the city has an established reputation for its skills • The sector includes companies working in PR, marketing, advertising, graphic design, digital media, the arts, translations and market research • With a huge amount of skill and talent on offer, the creative industries are seen as one of the key sectors to further contribute to the city's continued growth and expansion • The sector is geographically spread throughout the city, however there are notable concentrations in the Jewellery Quarter, Eastside and at the Custard Factory • Home to the BBC and newspaper publisher Trinity Mirror

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CREATIVE: Advertising Agencies

GOUGH BAILEY WRIGHT LTD Gough Bailey Wright is a full service marketing agency that develops tailored and effective marketing programmes for clients in all sectors. Services include digital, social media PR online, PR, media liaison, advertising, creative design, branding, internal communications, websites, Sue Bailey event management, exhibitions and all other marketing materials.

5 Worcester Road, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire B61 7DL T: 0152 757 9555 F: 0152 757 1122 Birmingham Forward Contact: Sue Bailey, Managing Director E: Local Staff: 20 UK:

CREATIVE: Marketing Services

BIG CAT GROUP LTD Big Cat Group is a full service marketing, media, design and events company. Established in 2000, Big Cat Group employs 31 staff and works alongside senior brands throughout the UK and abroad. Big Cat Group excels in expectation, offering clients a true full service agency.

Griffin House, 18-19 Ludgate Hill, St Paul's Square, Birmingham B3 1DW T: 0121 200 0910 F: 0121 236 1342 E:

Nick Morgan

Birmingham Forward Contact: Nick Morgan, CEO Local Staff: 31 P/T UK: -

CALCUTT ASSOCIATES LTD Philip Calcutt is an experienced marketing communications project manager delivering results and value for money for clients. Services include strategic marketing consultancy, creative campaigns, media relations and project management. Track record in public / private sector projects, innovation and regeneration, place marketing, business tourism, sport and major events.

99 Oxford Road, Moseley, Birmingham B13 9SG T: 0775 367 2942 E:

Philip Calcutt

Birmingham Forward Contact: Philip Calcutt, Director Local Staff: 1 UK: -

CLARKE ASSOCIATES UK LTD Clarke Associates has 25 years' experience of delivering bespoke marketing campaigns. We provide both strategic consultancy and tactical delivery. Our services include market research, competitor analysis and creative campaigns utilising the full range of media.

The Old School House, Chapel Lane, Wythall, Birmingham B47 6JX T: 0121 702 2525 E:

David Clarke

Birmingham Forward Contact: David Clarke, Managing Director Birmingham Future Contact: Louise Martin, Senior Account Executive Local Staff: 12 UK: 12


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OWB Full-service marketing communications agency - brand, design, advertising, web, e-marketing, social-media. Established 10 years in the City with outstanding financial and professional services client-base. International scope through partnership with ComVort, world's largest agency network. Andrew Wilkinson 'Recommended Agency' approved, ISO9001 quality guaranteed, creativity unsurpassed.

The Arch, 48-52 Floodgate Street, Digbeth, Birmingham B5 5SL T: 0121 766 6571 F: 0121 766 7393 Birmingham Forward Contact: Andrew Wilkinson, Managing Director E: Local Staff: 10 UK:

THE BOTTOM LINE MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS LTD The Bottom Line is one of the Midlands’ most dynamic, full service advertising agencies. Working with clients across a number of sectors; our reputation is built upon achieving tangible results through our proactive approach. Our services cover website design, e-marketing, advertising, design, direct marketing, PR and event management.

The Studio, Broome, Stourbridge DY9 0HA T: 0156 270 0500 E:

Rob Muir

Birmingham Forward Contact: Rob Muir, Managing Director Local Staff: 8 UK: 8

WEAVE MARKETING If you are new to Birmingham or looking to develop new relationships to help your business grow, I can help you to weave your way around the city. Ring me if you'd like to network more effectively and raise your profile in the process.

35 St Paul's Square, Birmingham B3 1QX T: 0121 232 4650 E:

Lorraine Francis

Birmingham Forward Contact: Lorraine Francis, Consultant

CREATIVE: Media & Design

CLARKE ASSOCIATES UK LTD Clarke Associates' in-house design team produce brands and corporate identities that are creative and based on substance. Our services include the development of fully integrated websites, newsletters, branding, publications, social media and video production. In fact, you're holding an David Clarke example of our work! Birmingham Forward Contact:

The Old School House, Chapel Lane, Wythall, Birmingham B47 6JX T: 0121 702 2525 E: 54

David Clarke, Managing Director Birmingham Future Contact: James Griffin, Design and web Local Staff: 12 UK: 12

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DADEN LTD Daden specialise in immersive learning and training systems, built environment visualisations, and creating interactive virtual personalities (chatbots). Our virtual world and chatbot-based solutions help organisations enhance and improve their business. Clients range from private sector to central/local government, education, public safety, health and care organistions.

David Burden

Faraday Wharf, Birmingham Science Park, Holt Street, Birmingham B7 4BB T: 0121 250 5678 Birmingham Forward Contact: E: David Burden, Managing Director Local Staff: 8 UK: 8

EMPEROR DESIGN Emperor is a design and communications company, specialising in corporate communications. With offices in Birmingham, Edinburgh and London, we design and deliver annual reports, websites and marketing communications material for a wide range of companies from FTSE 100 Claire Forrest to AIM listed, from private to public sector organisations.

Studio 11, Cogent Works, 50-54 St Paul's Sq, Birmingham B3 1AS T: 0121 262 3830 Birmingham Forward Contact: E: Claire Forrest, Client Partner Local Staff: 6 UK: 80

PCL DIGITAL PCL Digital provide professional short run colour printing solutions to all of your promotional literature and exhibition requirements. Our city centre printing hub ensures fast turnaround without compromising on quality. Discounted rates for Birmingham Forward & Future members.

Units 5-6 Magreal Ind. Est, Freeth Street, Birmingham, B16 0QZ T: 0845 094 8555 F: 0871 989 5215 E: Birmingham Forward Contact: Nick Westley-Smith, Director

QUADRANT VISUAL SOLUTIONS LTD Quadrant Visual Solutions are the home of Creative Audio Visual Solutions for business, Public sector, health care and education. We are a leading UK Audio Visual company, offering a wide range of services and products, for the fixed AV install, conference and live event markets.

Paul Roberts

49 Phoenix Park, Avenue Close, Birmingham B7 4NU T: 0121 359 6377 F: 0121 359 2041 Birmingham Forward Contact: E: Paul Roberts, Account Manager Local Staff: 8 UK: 65


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CREATIVE: Public Relations

CAMARGUE One of the UK's leading PR and communications agencies, Camargue specialises in b2b, property, professional, energy and transport. We understand what makes business tick and the need for real bottom-line benefits. In today's competitive marketplace, we focus on results giving clients definition, differentiation and share of voice.

11 Waterloo Street, Birmingham B2 5TB T: 0121 616 5920 F: 0121 633 3801 E:

Stuart Fox

Birmingham Forward Contact: Stuart Fox, Director Birmingham Future Contact: Elsie Bryant, Account Executive Local Staff: 7 UK: 65

CHATHAM COMMUNICATIONS Jenny has more than 20 years' experience in media relations at a local and international and publication level. Her experience spans a variety of sectors including property and construction and heavy industry and her ability to identify a suitable story and adapt to publication style is well recognised.

61 Charles Road, Solihull B91 1TT T: 0121 363 0074 M: 07775 912818 E:

Jenny Chatham

Birmingham Forward Contact: Jenny Chatham Local Staff: 1 UK: 1

CLARKE ASSOCIATES UK LTD One of the Midlands' leading public relations and communication consultancies, Clarke Associates celebrates its 25th birthday in 2011. Our unique approach enables clients to communicate key messages using a range of models. Our creative skills are used by both private and public sector organisations - small and large.

The Old School House, Chapel Lane, Wythall, Birmingham B47 6JX T: 0121 702 2525 E:

Mark Whitehouse

Birmingham Forward Contact: Mark Whitehouse, Director of Public Relations Birmingham Future Contact: Louise Martin, Senior Account Executive Local Staff: 12 UK: 12

COMMUNICATION STRATEGY I am a communication consultant of over 20 years’ standing. Doing the best job possible matters so, I always take the time to get the strategy right. My experience encompasses FTSE100 companies to start-ups and my services include internal communications, crisis management and media relations.

Tree Tops, Back Lane, Meriden CV7 7LD T: 07976 669089 E:

Cathy Connan

Birmingham Forward Contact: Cathy Connan, Director

FRESHWATER UK PLC Freshwater is an innovative communications agency offering expertise in PR, marketing, social media, events, broadcast, public affairs and stakeholder communication. Based in the heart of Birmingham, we work with clients to enhance reputations, build brands, engage with stakeholders and influence decisions.

Latham House, 33-34 Paradise Street, Birmingham B1 2BJ Birmingham Forward Contact: T: 0121 633 7775 F: 0121 633 7771 Vicci Mace, Director E: Local Staff: 3 UK: 79 56

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HEADLINE COMMUNICATIONS Headline Communications is a small firm with a big reputation. Established in 1992, we specialise in providing PR consultancy services, including media relations, online PR, copywriting and strategic communications, to the property and professional and financial Dawn Roberts services sectors in Birmingham and the West Midlands. Birmingham Forward Contact:

21 Bennetts Hill, Birmingham B2 5QP T: 0121 643 4600 E:

Dawn Roberts, Director Birmingham Future Contact: Matt Taylor, Director Local Staff: 3 UK: 3

KINETIC COMMUNICATIONS LTD Kinetic builds reputations you can trust and guarantees the results clients want. We work brilliantly with clients who share our values: challenging, rigorous, moral, pioneering and fun. Check out how your reputation stands the trust test at

3 Tenby Street, Birmingham B1 3EL T: 0121 212 6250 F: 0121 212 6255 E:

Angela Podmore

Birmingham Forward Contact: Angela Podmore, Founder Birmingham Future Contact: Sarah Lamb Local Staff: 4 UK: -

SEAL Seal is an award winning consultancy delivering creative PR, marketing/design and digital campaigns across consumer, B2B and public sector clients. With offices in Birmingham and Shrewsbury, our clients range from Michelin to Marketing Birmingham, The Midcounties Co-operative to Everards and Destination Staffordshire to Bentley.

Commercial Street, Birmingham B1 1RH T: 0121 616 5800 F: 0121 616 5801 E:

Nigel Pipkin

Birmingham Forward Contact: Nigel Pipkin, Managing Director Birmingham Future Contact: Claire Tortise, Senior Account Manager Local Staff: 30 UK: 30

SMARTS Smarts delivers award winning on and off-line campaigns for a range of big name global, national and regional clients across a variety of consumer and business to business sectors. We also provide on and offline crisis management and bespoke media training through SmartCover and the Smarts Media Academy.

9 The Apex, 6 Embassy Drive, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 1TP T: 0121 456 3199 F: 0121 456 3192 E:

Rebecca Scully

Birmingham Forward Contact: Rebecca Scully, Managing Director Birmingham Future Contact: Michaella Maryon, Account Manager Local Staff: 20 UK: 80

URBAN COMMUNICATIONS LTD Urban Communications is a strategic communications consultancy based in Colmore Business District. Urban is focused on building relationships and enhancing reputations in the professional services, public and creative sectors. We deliver corporate communications, public affairs, media Kevin Johnson relations, reputation management, crisis management and event management services.

43 Temple Row, Birmingham B2 5LS T: 0121 237 6016 F: 0121 237 6100 E:

Birmingham Forward Contact: Kevin Johnson, Managing Director Tim Rudman, Director Local Staff: 5 UK: -


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WILLOUGHBY PR A Top 150 UK PR Agency, Willoughby PR's specialist teams look after a range of big name clients across retail, leisure, home interest, consumer lifestyle, food, drink, property, trade and corporate sectors. The agency also delivers innovative online campaigns through WPR Digital and offers a design service.

43 Calthorpe Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 1TS T: 0121 456 3004 F: 0121 456 9300 E:


Jane Ainsworth

Birmingham Forward Contact: Jane Ainsworth, Managing Director Birmingham Future Contact: Sally Earl, Account Director Local Staff: 29 UK: -

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CREATIVE: Translation Services


Bryan Manley-Green

A member of Birmingham Forward for over 10 years, Alchemy Translations specialises in technical, commercial and legal translations from and into the major world commercial languages. A sample of the work we do can be found on pages 5-6 where we have once again provided a translation of the Chairman's Address into French, Spanish, German and Chinese. Over the years, we have gained a solid reputation for providing a reliable, professional and confidential service. Clients benefit from our wide experience of dealing with an extensive range of texts, including contracts, technical specifications, user manuals and websites. All work is carried out by native speakers with the relevant technical experience and is professionally managed by an in-house linguist. Next time you need a translation, be sure to contact us for a free quotation.

Alchemy House, 17 Sunnybank Road, Oldbury, West Midlands B68 ODB T: 0121 422 1414 F: 0121 421 8117 E:

Birmingham Forward Contact: Bryan Manley-Green, Director


Isabella Moore

With over 25 years' experience, Comtec provides a complete language package for every sector including technical, financial, legal and marketing translation, interpreting services and transcription. Supported by rigorous quality procedures to ISO 9001 standard, Comtec provides expert services in over 200 languages. All translators and interpreters are subject to thorough assessment, work only into their native language and must have specialist knowledge of particular industry sectors. Clients include renowned domestic and foreign companies operating worldwide. Comtec is also an approved supplier to the European Commission and the European Parliament.

62 Brandon Parade, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire CV32 4JE T: 01926 335 681 F: 01926 886 424 E:

Birmingham Forward Contacts: Sophie Howe, Director Isabella Moore, Director Susan Lankfer, Head of Customer Services


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05 Education



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EDUCATION Education Factfile

Member profile: Birmingham City University Birmingham City University has around 25,000 students and 2,500 staff and is a leading practitioner of collaboration with business and industry. It seeks to be an exemplar for engagement with business, the professions and the community. The University provides a unique educational experience, with a strong commitment to employability and flexible, practice-based learning. We are driving forward the regional economy through applied innovation and its unique contribution to the creative industries. This excellent work has not gone unnoticed by Government. Three senior ministers have separately visited the University to see good practice first-hand. They have included the Rt Hon David Willetts, Minister of State for Universities and Science, Ed Vaizey MP, who has responsibilities for Communication, Culture and the Creative Industries and most recently the Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt, Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport - all have been impressed with the way the University links its learning with the real needs of business. The University has a wide range of subjects including professional services, health, technology, design, art, drama and music. Most courses are more than 50% practice based, with a heavy emphasis on innovation. Birmingham City University is keen to collaborate with Birmingham Forward members at all levels and has a long tradition of supporting management development in the city. The University educates many lawyers, accountants, bankers and other professionals, and looks forward to the continued strong links afforded by our partnerships and alumni. Listing: Page 63

• Birmingham has a vibrant student population with around 65,000 students currently studying in the city • The high calibre of students graduating in Birmingham allows local business to tap into this source of talent - the graduate retention rate is also increasing • The universities and colleges provide employment to many people living in and around Birmingham • Birmingham City University has had a £150 million investment to build a new city campus in the Eastside - due to open in 2013 • The University of Birmingham currently spends £1 million every week on developing and enhancing the campus • Birmingham Metropolitan College is one of the largest training providers to the manufacturing industry within the West Midlands. It has recently been declared a Centre of Vocational Excellence (CoVE) in two curriculum areas, Integrated Manufacturing Technology and Management and Professional Services. • The work and research undertaken at the universities promotes Birmingham as a centre of major academic discovery and debate • Having a number of universities and colleges in the area boosts Birmingham's economy through employment and development • The University of Birmingham alone contributes £779 million to the local economy • With the universities attracting so many students to the area, graduate retention plays an important role in Birmingham's economy • Colleges in Birmingham include Birmingham Metropolitan College, University College Birmingham, The College of Law, South Birmingham College and Birmingham College of Food, Tourism & Creative Studies

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ASTON UNIVERSITY Aston's high-quality research and teaching in business, engineering, languages and life/health sciences offers an outstanding contribution to economic growth; relevant to all organisations throughout the region, nationally and internationally. Aston's engagement with businesses and the community delivers relevant research with interdisciplinary teams working alongside organisations.

Aston Triangle, Birmingham, B4 7ET T: 0121 204 4242 F: 0121 204 5152 E:

Peter Shearer

Birmingham Forward Contact: Peter Shearer, Director of the Business Partnership Unit Local Staff: 1,500 UK: -


Beverley Nielsen

Michele Mooney

Birmingham City University is at the forefront of stimulating innovation within the business arena. We are focused on strengthening our rewarding collaborations with Birmingham Forward members. We can work with staff at all levels from trainee to partners and have a long and respected tradition of supporting management development within the city. Birmingham Forward clients are an essential part of the Christopher Prince Joanna Birch city's knowledge economy. We educate many of Birmingham's lawyers, accountants and bankers, and seek to continue a symbiotic relationship with our alumni. Birmingham Forward Contacts: Beverley Nielsen, Director Employer Engagement Birmingham City University, Research, Innovation Michele Mooney, Director of Research, and Enterprise Services, City North Campus, Innovation and Enterprise Services Christopher Prince, Executive Dean Franchise Street, Birmingham B42 2SU Birmingham City Business School T: 0121 331 5252 F: 0121 331 5256 Joanna Birch, Head of Enterprise Development E: Local Staff: 2,500

Birmingham Future Contacts: Dr Nayan Patel, Head of Innovation (Acting) Sharon Farrow, Employment Zone Officer

BIRMINGHAM METROPOLITAN COLLEGE The College play a key role within Birmingham and the West Midlands as major providers of further and higher education and training. They provide a wide curriculum which offers outstanding educational opportunities to in excess of 8,000 full-time 16-19 learners and over 30,000 full and part time adult and work-based learners.

Jennens Road, Birmingham B4 7PS T: 0121 446 4545 E:

Christine Braddock

Birmingham Forward Contact: Dr Christine Braddock, Principal and Chief Executive Local Staff: 1,200 UK: -

THE COLLEGE OF LAW The College of Law, Birmingham is situated in the vibrant Jewellery Quarter and is the Midlands base for the College of Law, leading provider of legal education and training in England & Wales. The centre offers a range of under and post graduate legal courses.

133 Great Hampton Street, Hockley, Birmingham B18 6AQ T: 0148 321 6000 Birmingham Forward Contact: Dawn Beddard, Marketing and F: 0121 236 6928 Business Development Manager E: Local Staff: 70 UK: 63

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We're constantly making exciting breakthroughs and investing in the future in areas such as medicine, engineering, materials, energy, heritage and social policy - and then making them available to the people who will benefit most. Our services include: • Contract research • Consultancy • Access to Intellectual Property for Licensing • Spin-out companies • Funded support • Access to graduates and post graduates We conduct cutting edge research in hydrogen energy, cancer research, clinical trials, nanotechnology and many more. Our research influences the field of public and government policy. Birmingham Forward Contacts: Edgbaston, Birmingham, West Midlands B15 2TT Tracey Lancaster, Director of Corporate Relations T: 0121 414 3344 Andy Mountain, Head of Commercial F: 0121 414 3971 Development E: John Pearson, Business Development Manager, Alta Innovations Ltd – technology transfer office (IP/Licensing) Local Staff: 6,500+


06 Financial



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Sponsored by:

FINANCIAL Financial Institutions Banks & Building Societies Stockbrokers & Merchant Bankers Venture Capital & Corporate Finance


Financial Advice Accountants IFAs

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06 Financial



Page 2

FINANCIAL Financial Advice Accountants IFAs

Member profile: Co-operative Bank Plc The Co-operative Bank has the knowledge, credentials and expertise to provide a comprehensive portfolio of corporate banking services from day to day banking through to more complex funding solutions. Our corporate customers include a wide cross-section of businesses and organisations. We are committed to providing traditional relationship banking via our UK network of corporate banking centres. This means all our corporate banking customers benefit from having a dedicated Relationship Manager who use their wealth of local business knowledge and financial expertise to provide best advice, support and funding solutions through all stages of the business life cycle. The Co-operative Bank has followed a conventional approach to balance sheet management in having our lending to customers funded by customer deposits. This means that we have been able to continue to provide lending support to our corporate customers on a consistent basis. We remain very much open for business by lending to business with impressive business strategies, as proven by our strong pipeline of deals in the Midlands, and across the UK. The Co-operative Bank has also been seen as a safe haven for customer deposits. The total value of deposits from our corporate customer base alone is now around £4bn - a record level and positive proof that we're a good place for your money. Please contact our Birmingham Corporate Banking Centre on 0121 212 1900 for further details. Listing: Page 72

Financial Institutions Banks & Building Societies Stockbrokers & Merchant Bankers Venture Capital & Corporate Finance

Financial Factfile • Two of Britain's largest banks were founded in Birmingham. Lloyds Bank (now Lloyds Banking Group) and the Midland Bank (now HSBC Bank Plc) were established in Birmingham in 1765 and 1836 respectively • All of the major banks are represented in Birmingham as well as many niche services such as wealth managers and venture capitalists • The banking, finance and insurance sectors currently employ over 100,000 people • Financial institutions and services are vital for Birmingham's economy as they account for around 20% of the region's GDP • Birmingham is the UK's leading financial and professional services centre outside of London • There are more than 230 firms of chartered accountants in Birmingham ranging in size and speciality • Across the West Midlands region there are more than 8,000 chartered accountants providing support for more than 90,000 companies • The Birmingham and West Midlands Society of Chartered Accountants was founded in 1882 under the name of Birmingham and Midland Society of Chartered Accountants • The Birmingham and West Midlands Society of Chartered Accountants covers the metropolitan county of the West Midlands, Warwickshire, Hereford, Worcester, and the Lichfield and Tamworth districts of Staffordshire

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Simon Hart

Bill Longe

Baker Tilly is a leading firm of chartered accountants and business advisors. We have 260 partners and over 1,600 members of staff based in 28 offices located across the UK. We provide a range of services including audit, accountancy, personal and corporate taxation, VAT, consultancy, corporate Paul Johnson Guy Mander finance, lead advisory and transaction support, business recovery and business process improvement services. Our client base is made up of international and quoted companies, fast growing entrepreneurial businesses, family owned businesses, occupational pension schemes, Birmingham Forward Contacts: charities and not-for-profit organisations. Simon Hart, Office Managing Partner Bill Longe, Tax Partner St. Philips Point, Temple Row, Birmingham B2 5AF Paul Johnson, Corporate Finance Partner T: 0121 214 3100 F: 0121 214 3101 Guy Mander, Restructuring and E: Recovery Partner Local Staff: 160

UK: 1,600

Birmingham Future Contact: Adam Barber

BDO LLP BDO is the UK member firm of BDO International, with 14 offices in the UK. The Birmingham office offers a wide range of services, with specialists delivering advice on business assurance, accounting, taxation, corporate finance, business restructuring, forensic accounting and investment management.We have 13 partners in Birmingham and a further 225 staff.

125 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 3SD T: 0121 352 6200 F: 0121 352 6222 E:

Mark Anslow

Birmingham Forward Contact: Mark Anslow, Lead Partner Local Staff: 238 UK: 2,828

BTG TAX John Hodgson

Kari Campbell

BTG Tax is the tax division of Begbies Traynor Group plc. We provide the full range of specialist tax services to private individuals, companies, trusts and indeed all others needing expert tax advice. Based in Edgbaston, we employ some 73 staff across the broad arenas of Personal Tax, Corporate Tax, VAT and Tax Ray Abercromby Robert King Investigations. From structuring corporate transactions to advising international sport and media superstars - there is no area of taxation that we cannot advise on. With offices throughout the UK and overseas we are never too far away. Birmingham Forward Contacts: John Hodgson, Partner 19 George Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 1NU Kari Campbell, Partner T: 0121 452 1515 Ray Abercromby, Partner F: 0121 452 1492 Robert King, Partner

E: Local Staff: 37

UK: 73

Birmingham Future Contacts: Beverly Scott, Tax Managers Elaine Culwick, Tax Managers 67

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DAINS LLP Dains are the regional firm of accountants & business advisers specialising in advising growing & owner managed businesses in the Midlands. We have an enthusiasm for advising ownermanaged business and are ambitious for continued growth for our clients...

3rd Floor, Fort Dunlop, Fort Parkway, Birmingham B24 9FD T: 0845 555 8844 F: 0845 555 8811 E:

Andy Morris

Birmingham Forward Contact: Andy Morris, Partner Birmingham Future Contact: Mark Gurney, Manager Local Staff: 50 UK: 115

DELOITTE Our Birmingham office boasts over 700 people delivering services through our four business divisions: Audit, Tax, Consulting and Corporate Finance. We have dedicated teams with specialist industry expertise in Financial Services; Manufacturing, Real Estate, Consumer Business, Health; Education and Local and Regional Government.

Four Brindleyplace, Birmingham B1 2HZ T: 0121 632 6000 F: 0121 695 5730 E:

Adam Smith

Birmingham Forward Contact: Adam Smith, Partner Birmingham Future Contact: Jason Norris, Assistant Manager Local Staff: 700 UK: 12,000


Ernst & Young is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. Worldwide, our 144,000 people are united by our shared values and an unwavering commitment to quality. We make a difference by helping our people, our clients and our wider communities achieve their potential. Our Midlands offices provide professional advice to a range of clients from newly emerging businesses to large listed or privately owned corporates.

No.1 Colmore Square, Birmingham, B4 6HQ T: 0121 535 2000 F: 0121 535 2001 Local Staff: 722


Sara Fowler

Graeme Crawford

John Houlden

Simon O’Neill

Birmingham Forward Contacts: Sara Fowler, Senior Partner Graeme Crawford, Tax Partner John Houlden, Transaction Support Partner Simon O'Neill, Audit Partner

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David White

Grant Thornton UK LLP is a leading accounting and business advisory firm with 28 offices nationally. The Birmingham office is led by over 20 partners and directors supported by over 240 staff providing personalised assurance, tax and specialist advisory services including: private client and Ian Wilson Seema Ahmedabadi corporate tax, financial advisory and restructuring services, corporate finance, VAT and forensic services. We are a member firm within Grant Thornton International Ltd, one of the world's leading international organisations of independently owned and managed accounting and consulting firms. Enterprise House, 115 Edmund Street, Birmingham B3 2HJ Birmingham Forward Contacts: Dave Munton, Office Managing Partner T: 0121 212 4000 F: 0121 212 4014 David White, Business Development Partner E: Ian Wilson, Corporate Finance Partner Local Staff: 240

UK: 4,000

Birmingham Future Contact: Seema Ahmedabadi, Corporate Tax Manager

J W HINKS Chartered accountancy firm offering audit, accountancy and taxation services, specialising in the SME sector, and healthcare and charity sectors.

19 Highfield Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 3BH T: 0121 456 0190

Paul O H Jones

Birmingham Forward Contact: Paul O H Jones, Managing Partner Birmingham Future Contact: Peter Smith


Steve Hollis

KPMG in Birmingham is part of a global network of member firms whose vision is simple - to turn knowledge into value for the benefit of our clients, people and markets. Providing audit, tax and advisory services for local plcs, privately owned Mike Steventon and private equity backed businesses as well as public sector organisations. Our aim is the same, whatever type of organisation we work with - to provide the best possible service in our own distinctive, value-based way. And, in doing so, to create, retain or release value for our clients.

One Snowhill, Snow Hill Queensway, Birmingham B4 6GH T: 0121 232 3000 F: 0121 232 3500 E:

Jackie Hendley

Andy Argyle

Birmingham Forward Contacts: Steve Hollis, Partner Jackie Hendley, Partner Mike Steventon, Partner Andy Argyle, Partner

Local Staff: 1,200 UK: 11,000


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PKF (UK) LLP We specialise in advising the management of successful private and public businesses and groups. Our principle services include assurance and advisory, taxation, corporate finance, corporate recovery and forensic.

New Guild House, 45 Great Charles Street, Queensway, Birmingham B3 2LX T: 0121 212 2222 F: 0121 212 2300 E:

Sarah Moss

Birmingham Forward Contact: Sarah Moss, Director Local Staff: 90 UK: 1,500+


Chris Romans

We understand that value means different things to different people; which is why our team of over 1,600 in the Midlands includes a 200 strong Private Business practice which focuses on helping entrepreneurs, private and family businesses to create the value they are looking for. Whether starting Nick Venning or expanding a business, raising finance, managing and incentivising talent, protecting and extracting value or looking at exit or succession, Birmingham Forward Contacts: Mark Smith, Midlands Regional Chairman we have the team, ideas and experience to deliver. Chris Romans, Partner Cornwall Court, 19 Cornwall Street, Birmingham B3 2DT Nick Venning, Marketing Director Global Industries T: 0121 265 5000 F: 0121 265 5050

E: Local Staff: 1,650 UK: 16,500

Birmingham Future Contacts: Nicholas Grove, Manager - Assurance Services Amrita Sidhu, Manager - Forensic Service

SMITH COOPER Smith Cooper is one of the Midlands' most progressive firms of Accountants and Business Advisors. We offer a range of general compliance services and have dedicated Corporate Finance, Specialist Tax, Corporate Recovery and Insolvency teams, as well as separate Financial Solutions, IT and HR Divisions.

Livery Place, 35 Livery Street, Birmingham B3 2PB T: 0121 236 6789 F: 0844 243 0690 E:


Jeremy Cope

Birmingham Forward Contact: Jeremy Cope, Partner Birmingham Future Contact: Oliver Ratcliffe, Audit & Accounts Manager Local Staff: -

UK: 170

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CHATFIELD PRIVATE CLIENT LTD Chatfield Private Client Limited is a firm of Chartered and Certified Financial Planners providing tailored financial planning solutions for businesses and individuals. We are an independent, fee only practice specialising in cashflow planning, tax planning, pensions and investments. Authorised and regulated by the FSA.

Jason Ashman

Cambrai Court Enterprise Centre, 1229-1335 Stratford Road, Hall Green, Birmingham B28 9AA Birmingham Forward Contact: T: 0330 555 2575 Jason Ashman, Director E: Local Staff: 3 UK:

J C RATHBONE ASSOCIATES LTD Risk management consultants, specialising in interest rate and foreign exchange rate hedging, debt advisory services and energy hedging. Authorised and regulated by FSA.

Cornwall Buildings, 45 Newhall Street, Birmingham B3 3QR John Walker T: 0121 212 9180 F: 0121 212 9190 Birmingham Forward Contact: E: John Walker, Director

FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS: Banks & Building Societies

ALLIED IRISH BANK (GB) Allied Irish Bank (GB) provides the full range of financial services to mid-corporate businesses, corporate organisations and a Private Banking service, through a countrywide branch network. Our Birmingham Corporate Office houses a specialist, experienced, local team to provide tailored solutions to meet customers' needs.

Birmingham City Office, 61 Temple Row, Birmingham B2 5LT T: 0121 483 6900 F: 0121 483 6991 E:

Sid Muir

Birmingham Forward Contact: Sid Muir, Senior Manager - Corporate Business Birmingham Future Contact: Mike Tierney, Manager Local Staff: 90 UK: 3300

BANK OF CYPRUS UK Bank of Cyprus has been operating in the UK for more than 50 years. We specialise in providing: corporate and business banking services to small and medium-sized entities (SMEs); personal banking services to owners, directors and employees of our corporate and business customers; personal banking services to high net worth individuals.

123 Parade, Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham B72 1PU T: 0121 362 8500 F: 0121 355 3913

Philip Philippou

Birmingham Forward Contact: Philip Philippou, Manager


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BANK OF ENGLAND, AGENCY FOR THE WEST MIDLANDS The Agency in Birmingham monitors economic developments in the West Midlands and Oxfordshire for the Bank of England.

Cornwall Court, 19 Cornwall Street, Birmingham B3 2DT T: 0121 200 2599 F: 0121 200 2588 E:

Graeme Chaplin

Birmingham Forward Contact: Graeme Chaplin, Regional Agent Local Staff: 4 UK: -

BARCLAYS CORPORATE Barclays Corporate provides a comprehensive array of banking services to businesses ranging from £5m turnover to the very largest corporates. The Midlands industry focused relationship team is able to develop tailored solutions for clients by utilising the full spectrum of financial solutions available from the Group.

One Snow Hill, Snow Hill Queensway, Birmingham B4 6GB T: 0121 255 3038 F: 0121 480 2925 E: raymond.o'

Ray O’Donoghue

Birmingham Forward Contact: Ray O’Donoghue, Managing Director - Midlands Birmingham Future Contact: Ian Reynolds, Associate Director Local Staff: 1,000+


Steve Pamely

Ethical bank renowned for sustaining consistent lending parameters, having a particular expertise in acquisition finance and commercial & residential, development & investment property funding packages. We have highly experienced relationship management & business development teams providing mid-market corporate clients typically with T/O of £1M - £50M with a professional and truly bespoke service delivered from the full range of financial services expected from a major clearing bank.

118/120 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 3BA T: 0121 212 1900 F: 0121 212 4754 E:

John Crittenden

Mike Gammon

Birmingham Forward Contacts: Steve Pamely, Senior Corporate Manager John Crittenden, Corporate Manager Mike Gammon, Corporate Manager

COUTTS & CO Coutts & Co is a private bank that offers a holistic service to clients, through a variety of products and services, covering sophisticated investment products together with expertise in trust and fiduciary service, and tax and banking services. Coutts commercial banking arm also provides full banking service to businesses.

The Arc, Enterprise Way, Nottingham NG2 1EN T: 0115 9718788 F: 0115 9718659 E: 72

Joanna Thornell

Birmingham Forward Contact: Joanna Thornell, Managing Partner

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EFG INDEPENDENT FINANCIAL ADVISERS EFG Independent Financial Advisers are a subsidiary of EFG Bank EFG-IFA provide advice to both personal and corporate clients, working closely with their professional advisers. The company possesses a wide range of expertise enabling solutions to be provided across the full spectrum of Financial Services.

Peter London

133 Great Charles Street, Queensway, Birmingham B3 3JN Birmingham Forward Contact: T: 0121 200 2255 F: 0121 200 0950 Peter London, Chairman E: Local Staff: 40

HANDELSBANKEN Handelsbanken is a refreshingly different bank. We service all our customers from the local branch building long term relationships and making decisions locally. This enables us to provide individual solutions based on traditional values. Managers do not have sales targets so are not product driven.

3rd floor, 67 Temple Row, Birmingham B2 5LS T: 0121 632 4996 F: 0121 632 4993 E:

Ian Haggarty

Birmingham Forward Contact: Ian Haggarty, Corporate Manager Local Staff: 16 UK: 500


Gerry Sanford

Kleinwort Benson is an independently owned private bank and leading provider of wealth management solutions to private individuals and fund administration services to corporate clients. Recently rated as the top performing wealth manager in the Financial Times Private Client Wealth Management Survey 2010 and winner of the Best Private Bank 2008. We provide every client with a specialist team whose expert and experienced advice is channelled through one dedicated relationship manager. Available where and when you need them with a detailed knowledge of your personal circumstances and decision making unit; including your family, business interests and financial advisers, all of which enables us to create your personal plan. We offer clear, jargon-free and individually tailored advice so you are able to make informed choices.

T: 0121 644 4854 F: 0121 644 4859 E:

Birmingham Forward Contact: Gerry Sanford, Private Banker


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LLOYDS BANK CORPORATE MARKETS Lloyds Bank Corporate Markets provide banking and financial advisory services to companies with a turnover in excess of ÂŁ15m. In addition, it incorporates several specialist teams including, financial markets, asset finance, corporate finance, trade finance, acquisition finance and private equity. David Richardson

2nd Floor, 125 Colmore Row, Birmingham, West Midlands B3 3SF T: 0121 625 6729 F: 0121 212 0861

Birmingham Forward Contact: David Richardson, Regional Managing Director Local Staff: 50 UK: -

SANTANDER CORPORATE BANKING At Santander Corporate Banking we're forging a new era in corporate banking, putting customer relationships at the heart of our operations. We believe in developing true partnerships, rewarding customers and have a commitment to delivering new ideas and solutions whilst enhancing our dedicated relationship-based support.

1 Cornwall Street, Birmingham B3 2DX T: 0121 214 1400 F: 0121 214 1402 E:

Keith Webb

Birmingham Forward Contact: Keith Webb, Regional Director, West Midlands Corporate Banking Centre Birmingham Future Contact: Sally Beavan, Relationship Director - Commercial

STATE BANK OF INDIA SBI is amongst the largest banks in the world with 93 overseas offices in 32 countries. Birmingham branch has extensive banking expertise in trade finance, retail and corporate banking. Providing the general public, small businesses and corporate, first-class service when it comes to deposits, remittances and loans.

118 Soho Road, Handsworth, Birmingham B21 9DP T: 0121 515 0400 F: 0121 515 0407 E:


Upinder Pokhriyal

Birmingham Forward Contact: Upinder M Pokhriyal, Manager Local Staff: 9 UK: 185

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FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS: Stockbrokers & Merchant Bankers


In Birmingham the Barclays Wealth team consists of 24 Private Bankers and Investment Managers providing bespoke wealth management solutions to clients across the Midlands. Being closer to our clients allows us to forge stronger relationships with them, the result is a personal service, tailored precisely to the individual. Barclays Wealth has been in existence since the autumn of 2006. We have built on the heritage of the Barclays Group, which has been managing wealth on behalf of highly successful individuals and families for three hundred years. We have become renowned not only for our size, scope and expertise but also for our capacity for innovation. We are ideally placed to provide you with more choices, resources and solutions designed to meet your individual financial needs.

1 Colmore Square, Birmingham B4 6ES T: 0121 683 7239 F: 0121 683 7300 E: Local Staff: 70

Ben Gulliford

Mark Embley

Andrew Porter

Emma Buckley

Birmingham Forward Contacts: Ben Gulliford, Regional Centre Head Mark Embley, Private Banker Andrew Porter, Private Banker Birmingham Future Contact: Emma Buckley, Private Banker

QUILTER Quilter provides a range of investment management services to private investors, trusts, charities and pension funds and places great emphasis on the need to provide clients with a personal and professional service which is supported by advanced technology.

39 Bennetts Hill, Birmingham, West Midlands B2 5SN T: 0121 212 2120 F: 0121 212 3130 E:

Birmingham Forward Contact: David Loudon, Executive Director Head of Onshore Branches Local Staff: 34 UK: -

RATHBONES Rathbone investment management is one of the UK's largest and longest established providers of discretionary investment services. We create bespoke portfolios for clients, offering a highly flexible approach to managing their investments whilst not offering a limited number of in-house funds or rigid model portfolios.

11th Floor, Temple Point, 1 Temple Row, Birmingham B2 5LG T: 0121 233 2626 F: 0121 236 7966 E: Birmingham Forward Contact: Daniel Faulkner, Regional Director


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UBS WEALTH MANAGEMENT Voted "Best Global" and "UK Private Bank 2009" (Euromoney) UBS Wealth Management knows the value of local knowledge-across the globe. Right here in the Midlands we have a team of advisers from diverse backgrounds; Investment Banking, Wealth Martin King planning, and asset management. These experts are also your gateway to UBS Global network.

10 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 2QD T: 0121 236 4700 F: 0121 236 4747 E:

Birmingham Forward Contact: Martin King, Director



Williams de Broë combines the best traditions of private client portfolio management with contemporary investment techniques. Whether investing in shares or collective funds for individuals, managing self invested pension arrangements or working with trustees and charities, we provide a personal service to achieve every client's individual investment needs and risk tolerance. Williams de Broë have 16 Investment Directors in Birmingham managing in excess of £1.4bn of bespoke investment mandates. We work very closely with the local professional community to provide a bespoke personal client service.

Colmore Plaza, Colmore Circus, Birmingham B4 6AT T: 0121 232 0700 F: 0121 232 0701 E: Local Staff: 46


UK: 300

Birmingham Forward Contacts: Adrian Quin, Head of Office Nicholas Jones, Investment Director Simon Long, Associate Investment Director

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FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS: Venture Capital & Corporate Finance

CATALYST CORPORATE FINANCE Award winning international corporate finance advisor working on deals up to £350 million in value. Recent clients include CitySprint, Minivator, Vision Security Group, Aim Aviation, ITG and ScriptSwitch.

9th Floor, Bank House, 8 Cherry Street, Birmingham B2 5AL T: 0121 654 5000 F: 0121 654 5050 E:

Jamie Hope

Birmingham Forward Contact: Jamie Hope, Partner Birmingham Future Contact: James Knott, Dealmaker Local Staff: 20 UK: 35

LDC LDC is the leading name in the UK mid-market with the capacity to support a business with the provision of between £2m-£100m in private equity, with a focus on MBOs, IBOs and Development Capital transactions.

Martin Draper

6th Floor, Interchange Place, Edmund Street, Birmingham B3 2TA T: 0121 237 6500 F: 0121 236 5269 Birmingham Forward Contact: E: Martin Draper, Managing Director Local Staff: 14 UK: 90+


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07 Insurance



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INSURANCE Insurance Factfile

Member profile: Perkins Slade Perkins Slade is one of the UK's leading independent insurance brokers. In recognition of our professionalism and expertise, we have been awarded the prestigious Chartered Insurance Broker Status by the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII). This is a significant achievement given there are fewer than 80 chartered brokers in the UK. Our people are our strength, enthusiastic about our business and committed to our clients. Our multi-disciplinary teams understand changing market demands and have the skills and expertise to explore new ways of managing and reducing risk exposure; developing creative solutions to complex problems. Our in-house, high quality claims management service differentiates us from other brokers. We provide detailed claims history, trend analysis and can help to re-engineer claims handling processes. We can also provide access to risk management software to help clients proactively manage risk and improve claims experience. In addition to an established customer base in the UK, we have extensive experience of managing international risks. Our partnership with Globex enables us to arrange cover on a global basis through a network of independent brokers in more than 100 countries. With global reach and local knowledge, we can provide flexible cover that adapts with you and your business. Founded in 1970, we have over 40 years’ experience of providing insurance and risk management advice to UK and international businesses, sport and recreation organisations and private individuals. Perkins Slade Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Listing: Page 82

• Birmingham has one of Europe's largest insurance markets, covering a broad range of insurance services • From life assurance and risk management, to financial services and mortgages, the city is home to a large number of insurance companies who are important both in corporate and private matters. • There are more than 350 insurance companies employing more than 10,000 people in Birmingham • With around 3,800 members, The Birmingham Institute of Insurance is the largest insurance institute outside London. Established in 1887, it is also the fifth oldest insurance institute in the country • The institute has a committee for young insurance professionals who regularly attend networking events and take part in fundraising • One of the year's highlights is the institute's annual black tie dinner which is attended by around 1,000 people from the insurance industry and associated trades

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AON LTD Aon is the world leader in risk management, insurance broking, reinsurance, employee risk and HR consulting. Our Birmingham office is a gateway to great resources across the entire corporation: always recognising the need to provide a quality local service despite having major global presence.

158 Edmund Street, Birmingham B3 2HB T: 0121 253 3100 F: 0121 253 3197 E:

Lisa Bartlett

Birmingham Forward Contact: Lisa Bartlett, Area Director Local Staff: 280 UK: 4,700

HEATH LAMBERT As a leading UK independent insurance broker and adviser, we understand Birmingham has a diverse and vibrant business community. We are determined to offer service excellence, independent advice and innovative solutions without sacrificing our clients' profitable growth. With our complementary Brierley Hill operation we can offer real value and expertise.

1 Cornwall Street, Birmingham B3 2DX T: 0121 222 0700 F: 0121 212 0960 E: www.

Birmingham Forward Contact: Mark Williams, Head of Office Local Staff: 20 UK: 1,400

JLT SPECIALITY LTD JLT Specialty Limited is the largest member of the Jardine Lloyd Thompson Group plc, a company listed on the FTSE 250 index of the London Stock Exchange. The Jardine Lloyd Thompson Group is a risk management adviser, insurance and reinsurance broker and provider of employee benefit administration services and consultancy advice.

St. Philips Point, Temple Row, Birmingham B2 5AB T: 0121 633 3377 / 0121 626 7813 (Direct dial) F: 0121 633 4214

Adrian Lamasz

Birmingham Forward Contact: Adrian Lamasz, Regional Managing Director Local Staff: 50 UK: 700


David Wheatley

Oval are one of the fastest growing providers of Insurance Broking and Financial Services in the UK. With 90 people in Birmingham we provide exceptional client facing service on a comprehensive range of General Insurance, Risk Management and Financial Products and Services. These encompass a number of specialisms, including Commercial Mike Townson Jonathan Smith Property (focused on the demands and needs of Property Owners, Managers and Developers), Credit Insurance and Private Clients (delivering High Net Worth Home and Motor Products and Services). Birmingham Forward Contacts: Steve Nelms, Divisional Director 90 Barwick Street, Birmingham, B3 2YY David Wheatley, Divisional Director T: 0121 606 0660 Mike Townson, Divisional Director F: 0121 606 0661 Jonathan Smith, Divisional Director Local Staff: 90

UK: 1,300

Birmingham Future Contact: Madeleine Edge, Corporate Development Exe.


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PERKINS SLADE LTD Founded in 1970, Perkins Slade is one of the UK's largest independent brokers, providing expert, impartial insurance and risk management advice for UK and international businesses, sport and recreation organisations and private individuals. Our Chartered Insurance Broker status highlights our commitment to the highest standards of professional practice.

3 Broadway, Broad Street, Birmingham B15 1BQ T: 0121 698 8000 F: 0121 625 9000 Email:

Lynn Richards-Cole

Birmingham Forward Contact: Lynn Richards-Cole, Associate Director - Group Business Development Local Staff: 100 UK: 100

THOMPSON & BRYAN LTD A well respected national firm of loss assessors and business interruption specialists with 140 years’ experience acting solely for the insured. Full claims management service provided through highly qualified multi-disciplined staff. Other services include valuations and complementing law firms in commercial litigation.

Peter Thompson

Thompson House, Bull Street, Harborne, Birmingham B17 0HH T: 0121 428 4000 F: 0121 428 3000 Birmingham Forward Contact: E: Peter Thompson ACII, Chief Executive Local Staff: 10 UK: 40

WILLIS LTD Willis Group Holdings plc is a leading global insurance broker. Willis develops, delivers professional insurance, reinsurance, risk management, financial, human resource consulting and actuarial services to corporations, public entities and institutions around the world. Willis has more than 400 offices in nearly 120 countries.

St Paul's Place, 40 St Paul's Square, Birmingham B3 1FQ T: 0870 607 0037 F: 0121 214 1610 E:

Birmingham Forward Contact: Daniel Wilkinson, Managing Director Corporate Birmingham Future Contact: Mark Sanders, Development Director

ZURICH INSURANCE Zurich, one of the UK's largest general insurers helps over two million customers with their insurance needs. Our UK division has a focus on both Commercial and Personal lines broker business. This enables us to provide support across market sectors from a national network of branches, including our Birmingham office.

126 Hagley Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B16 9PF T: 0121 454 1999 E:

Dave Allcock

Birmingham Forward Contact: Dave Allcock, Head of Broker Market Midlands and East Local Staff: 500

UK: 6,000 82

08 Legal Services




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Barristers’ Chambers Intellectual Property Solicitors

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LEGAL Barristers’ Chambers Intellectual Property Solicitors

Legal Factfile

Member profile: Benussi & Co Matrimonial lawyers Benussi & Co has more than 150 years of collective experience combined with discretion, common sense and knowledge of that thing called “life”. Specialising in high value, complex matrimonial and family work, Benussi & Co led by partners Dianne Benussi, Helen Jane Arnold and Neil Hobden - is known for its bespoke partner-led service and its holistic approach. It acts for clients locally, nationally and overseas - and has achieved significant recognition from its peers, its clients and the media. The Legal 500 ranks Benussi & Co as a first tier firm and its 2010 edition describes Benussi & Co's partner-led practice with 'a wealth of experience advising on cases involving business valuations, hidden resources, trusts and overseas assets'. It also notes that Benussi & Co 'is unusual in having a forensic in-house accountant to assist with hidden assets and complex business structures'. Meanwhile, the Financial Times says senior partner Diane Benussi 'enjoys' 'honest broker' status. The partners and staff at Benussi & Co all share the same objective: a dignified, practical and workable outcome for clients: a result that is best for the client and their family, delivered in a timely fashion with discretion, experience and common sense. Listing: Page 87

• More than £500 million is generated every year by Birmingham's legal sector • 3,500 solicitors and 500 barristers work in Birmingham. A total of 17,000 people are employed in over 900 legal firms across Birmingham • There are 520 students attending The College of Law in Birmingham making this the largest branch in the UK • The College of Law Alumni also offers members the chance to attend unique networking events and access to career development seminars and master classes • The Birmingham Law Society was established in 1818 with just 19 members. It is now the country's largest local law society, representing more than 3,000 people working in legal services • Birmingham is also home to the two largest sets of barristers' chambers in the country

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LEGAL: Barristers’ Chambers

NO5 CHAMBERS No5 Chambers is one of the most progressive and forward-thinking Chambers in the UK, with over 200 barristers and 27 silks. No5 provides a nationwide service from its offices in Birmingham, London and Bristol and also has a growing presence throughout Europe and further afield. Links have been developed in China, Dubai, BVI, Hong Kong, Singapore and India. Priding itself as a set of approachable barristers, No5 is committed to developing strong working relationships with clients and delivering a high standard of advocacy and service.

Paul Bleasdale QC

Rex Tedd QC

For further details visit or contact Chambers Practice Director, Tony McDaid on +44 (0) 845 210 5555.

Ian Dove QC

Tony McDaid

Fountain Court, Steelhouse Lane, Birmingham B4 6DR T: 0845 210 5555 F: 0121 606 1501 E:

Birmingham Forward Contacts: Paul Bleasdale QC, Head of Chambers Rex Tedd QC, Deputy Head of Chambers Ian Dove QC, Deputy Head of Chambers Tony McDaid, Chambers Practice Director

The set comprises of seven core practice groups, bringing together barristers with complementary expertise to offer a full range service.


Kevin Hegarty QC Chris Owen

St Philips Chambers is widely recognised by commentators as one of the leading sets of chambers in the country and regarded by many observers as being one of the most forward thinking. With over 160 members of chambers, including 16 Queens Counsel, we cover most areas of law such as ADR, Banking, Commercial, Crime, Construction, Employment, Family, Intellectual Property, Insolvency, Private Client, Property, Public and Administrative and Regulatory. Recent legal directory quotes: "Competes with the larger chambers in London" Legal 500 2011 and “A towering presence on the Midlands Circuit leaving its competitors in its shadow” Chambers UK Guide 2011.

55 Temple Row, Birmingham B2 5LS T: 0121 246 7000 F: 0121 246 7001 E: Local Staff: 46

UK: 164

Joe Wilson

Birmingham Forward Contacts: Kevin Hegarty QC, Head of Chambers Chris Owen, Chief Executive Joe Wilson, Chief Clerk Birmingham Future Contact: Melissa Dickinson, Business Development and Marketing Manager 85

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LEGAL: Intellectual Property


Forresters is a leading firm of patent and trade mark attorneys specialising in all areas of intellectual property, including patents, trade marks, designs and copyright. With offices in Birmingham, London, Merseyside and mainland Europe, we are able to service our broad range of clients, from SMEs to large multi-national firms. Our approach is simple - we make it our business to understand yours. And with this knowledge, we can show you how intellectual property can help you achieve your commercial objectives.

Chamberlain House, Paradise Place, Birmingham B3 3HP T: 0121 236 0484 F: 0121 233 1064 E: Local Staff: 35

UK: 90

Matthew Shaw

Diana Wardley

Tim Ashton

Emma Johnson

Birmingham Forward Contacts: Matthew Shaw, Partner Diana Wardley, Partner Tim Ashton, Senior Associate Emma Johnson, Associate


For Marks & Clerk, helping local businesses succeed in today's economic climate is a key priority. Originating in Birmingham, we have a strong regional focus and a total of 11 UK offices. We offer a comprehensive range of intellectual property services covering patents, trade marks, designs, copyright and domain names. Our “one-stop shop” for IP services includes IP management, licensing and general commercialisation services including due diligence. IP is a critical asset to your business. We can help you exploit its potential.

Alpha Tower, Suffolk Street Queensway, Birmingham B1 1TT T: 0121 643 5881 F: 0121 606 4766 E: Local Staff: 30

UK: 368

Julie Kay

John Ferdinand

Pamela Coles

Mike Dowler

Birmingham Forward Contact: Julie Kay, Partner and Trade Mark Attorney Birmingham Future Contacts: John Ferdinand , Trade Mark Attorney Pamela Coles, Patent Attorney Mike Dowler, Patent Attorney

WILSON GUNN We have extensive knowledge and expertise in all areas of intellectual property including patents, trade marks, trade names, domain names and the internet, design right, copyright, technology transfer and licensing, and litigation. Our patent and trade mark attorneys provide pro-active, commercially focused advice tailored to meet clients’ needs.

Charles House, 148/9 Great Charles Street, Birmingham B3 3HT T: 0121 236 1038 F: 0121 233 2875 E: 86

Birmingham Forward Contact: Simon Church, Patent Attorney Birmingham Future Contact: Anders Jensen, Technical Assistant Local Staff: 10 UK: 100

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LEGAL: Solicitors


Diane Benussi

Benussi & Co is one of the UK's most respected specialist matrimonial lawyers described in Legal 500 (2010) as having “a wealth of experience�. With 20 highly proficient partners and staff, the firm acts for clients throughout the UK and internationally. Specialising in high value, complex matrimonial and family work Benussi & Co is known for its discreet bespoke partnerled service and holistic approach. The firm strives to make a difference for all its clients and is headed by three partners - Diane Benussi, Helen Jane Arnold and Neil Hobden.

Newater House, 11 Newhall Street, Birmingham B3 3NY T: 0121 248 4001 F: 0121 248 3990 E: Local Staff: 20

UK: 20

Helen Jane Arnold

Neil Hobden

Birmingham Forward Contacts: Diane Benussi, Partner Helen Jane Arnold, Partner Neil Hobden, Partner Birmingham Future Contact: Denise McKenna, Solicitor

BEVAN BRITTAN LLP Bevan Brittan is a national full service law firm with a major office in Birmingham (as well as Bristol and London) providing full legal services to those parts of the public, private and third sectors which procure, provide, regulate and oversee core public services.

Interchange Place, Edmund Street, Birmingham B3 2TA T: 0870 194 5000 F: 0870 194 5001 E:

Penny Rinta-Suksi

Birmingham Forward Contact: Penny Rinta-Suksi, Partner Birmingham Future Contact: Melissa Doody, Solicitor Local Staff: 49 UK: 317

BLAKEMORES SOLICITORS Founded in 1961, Blakemores is the Midlands' leading independent legal commodities business. Based in Birmingham and Leamington Spa the team currently stands at 20 partners, 180 fee earners and approximately 90 support staff, offering national clients leading edge legal advice in personal injury, clinical negligence, commercial and residential property and commercial dispute resolution amongst others.

40-42 Great Charles Street, Birmingham B3 2AT T: 0844 873 500 F: 0844 873 5396 E:

Guy Barnett

Birmingham Forward Contact: Guy Barnett, Managing Partner Local Staff: 290 UK: 290

BROWNE JACOBSON LLP Browne Jacobson LLP is one of the largest law firms in the Midlands. With offices in Birmingham, Nottingham and London we have a long established and nationwide reputation for public sector, insurance litigation and business services.

Victoria Square House, Victoria Square, Birmingham B2 4BU T: 0121 237 3900 F: 0121 236 1291 E:

Joanne Bligh

Birmingham Forward Contact: Joanne Bligh, Partner Birmingham Future Contact: Tina Robinson, Solicitor Local Staff: 100 UK: 511


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BULLER JEFFRIES Established over 130 years, Buller Jeffries are market leaders in insurance litigation, dealing with major specialist cases throughout England and Wales, with a rapidly growing business advice and private client department. Our values of quality, efficiency, integrity and openness are put into practice.

36 Bennetts Hill, Birmingham B2 5SN T: 0121 212 2620 F: 0121 212 2210 E:

Caroline Coates

Birmingham Forward Contact: Caroline Coates, Partner Local Staff: 60 UK: -

CLARKE WILLMOTT LLP Clarke Willmott is a national law firm committed to delivering high quality legal services. We are a full service firm specialising in commercial property, corporate, litigation, employment, finance, insolvency, investment management, and private client services. Our lawyers Jonathan Morton understand our clients so recognise challenges and opportunities they may face.

138 Edmund Street, Birmingham B3 2ES T: 0845 209 3051 F: 0845 209 2502 E:

Birmingham Forward Contact: Jonathan Morton, Partner Local Staff: 50 UK: 470

COBBETTS LLP Cobbetts LLP is firmly established as one of the UK's leading full service law firms with offices in Birmingham, Leeds, London and Manchester. Committed to client relationships, Cobbetts successfully blends assurance, honesty and integrity with innovation, originality and commercial awareness. Cobbetts has truly distinguished itself from its rivals.

One Colmore Square, Birmingham B4 6AJ T: 0845 404 2404 F: 0845 404 2434 E:

Graham Muth

Birmingham Forward Contact: Graham Muth, Head of Office Birmingham Future Contact: Adrian Cutler, Partner Local Staff: 124 UK: 629

DLA PIPER DLA Piper is one of the world's largest legal service providers. Our award-winning Birmingham office ranks first tier across many practice groups including: Corporate, Litigation, Regulatory, Insolvency, Employment, Planning, IT and Finance. With 68 offices in 29 countries, we support the Midlands Russell Orme wherever the Midlands does business.

Victoria Square House, Victoria Square, Birmingham, B2 4DL T: 0870 011 1111 F: 0121 262 5794 E:

Birmingham Forward Contact: Russell Orme, Office Managing Partner Birmingham Future Contact: Donna Codrington, Assistant Solicitor Local Staff: 260 UK: 2,800

ELSE SOLICITORS LLP Else Solicitors LLP has a team of leading lawyers specialising in banking and finance, commercial dispute resolution, construction, commercial, corporate, debt recovery, family law, intellectual property, litigation and commercial property. The firm prides itself on its commercial and cost effective approach to all legal issues.

39 Ludgate Hill, Birmingham B3 1EH T: 0121 212 6560 F: 0121 212 6561 E:


Andrew Hickman

Birmingham Forward Contact: Andrew Hickman, Partner Local Staff: 50 UK: 50

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EVERSHEDS LLP Eversheds is a modern, progressive law firm. We're driven by new ideas, excited by new approaches and refreshingly down-to-earth. Eversheds works with clients and colleagues to challenge industry norms. Clients trust us because we're transparent and adapt rapidly to a changing international business landscape.

115 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 3AL T: 0845 497 9797 F: 0845 497 1900 E:

David Beswick

Birmingham Forward Contact: David Beswick, Birmingham Senior Office Partner Birmingham Future Contact: David Byrne, Associate Local Staff: 460 UK: 2,700


Based in the heart of the Black Country, George Green LLP is recognised as a real alternative to city firms for the business community, whilst retaining its commitment to the provision of legal advice to its private clientele. Its strong reputation continues to attract work from well beyond its Black Country base. The firm has specialist teams in the following areas: corporate and commercial, commercial property, dispute resolution, employment and private client and also has offices in Birmingham.

195 High Street, Cradley Heath, West Midlands B64 5HW T: 01384 410 410 F: 01384 634 237 E: Local Staff: 70

Richard Cliff

Paul Bennett

Beverley Weston

Guy Green

Birmingham Forward Contacts: Richard Cliff, Senior Partner Paul Bennett, Head of Corporate Beverley Weston, Marketing Manager Guy Green, Corporate Partner

UK: 70

HARVEY INGRAM LLP A leading full service, regional practice with offices in Birmingham, Leicester, Milton Keynes and Bedford. We are committed to understanding the needs of our clients and delivering quality advice in a commercial context. Our expertise covers the requirements of businesses, their owners and their funders. Mathew Harvey

Edmund House, 12-22 Newhall Street, Birmingham B3 3EW T: 0121 214 1200 F: 0121 214 1299 E:

Birmingham Forward Contact: Mathew Harvey, Partner Birmingham Future Contact: Ateeq Ahmed, Associate Local Staff: 70 UK: 400

GATELEY LLP Gateley LLP is a full service national law firm that promotes the commercial and strategic interests of companies, individuals and organisations across the UK and beyond. We are committed to the communities in which we live and work and retain a passion for local service delivery.

One Eleven, Edmund Street, Birmingham B3 2HJ T: 0121 234 0000 F: 0121 234 0001 E:

Michael Ward

Birmingham Forward Contact: Michael Ward, Senior Partner Birmingham Future Contact: Elaine Huttley, Associate Local Staff: 233 UK: 800


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HIGGS & SONS Higgs & Sons provides a full range of legal services for Owner Managed Businesses, private individuals and corporate organisations including; corporate & commercial, employment, residential and commercial property, dispute resolution, insolvency, private motoring & crime, personal injury & clinical negligence, family and private client.

3 Waterfront Business Park, Brierley Hill, W. Midlands DY5 1LX T: 0845 111 5050 F: 01384 327290 E:

Ian Shovlin

Birmingham Forward Contact: Ian Shovlin, Senior Partner Birmingham Future Contact: Joanne Walker, Associate Local Staff: 170 UK: -

IRWIN MITCHELL With particular focus on the SME and OMB market, Irwin Mitchell provides quality legal services to regional, national and international companies across a variety of industry sectors.

Fergal Dowling

Imperial House, 31 Temple Street, Birmingham B2 5DB Birmingham Forward Contact: T: 0870 1500100 Fergal Dowling, Partner and Head of F: 0121 643 4665 Business & Private Client Services Local Staff: 250

UK: 2,200


Eamon Mooney

Kennedys is a specialist national and international legal firm with expertise in litigation and dispute resolution. The firm has over 900 staff globally, across nine UK and seven international locations. Kennedys' lawyers provide a range of specialist legal services to many industries including insurance/reinsurance, healthcare and construction. The firm was awarded both “Law Firm of the Year” and “Insurance Team of the Year” in 2010.

35 Newhall Street, Birmingham B3 3PU T: 0121 214 8000 F: 0121 214 8001 E: Local Staff: 32

UK: 751

Radd Seiger

James Shrimpton

Birmingham Forward Contacts: Eamon Mooney, Partner Radd Seiger, Partner James Shrimpton, Partner Birmingham Future Contact: Miranda Cooke, Solicitor

MARTINEAU Martineau are one of the UK's leading independent law firms, providing a full range of commercial legal services from our offices in Birmingham and London. We have international capabilities through Multilaw and State Law Resources and are UK members of the Association of European Energy Consultants (AEEC).

No 1 Colmore Square, Birmingham B4 6AA T: 0870 763 2000 F: 0870 763 2001 E: 90

Birmingham Forward Contact: Jonathan Preston, Marketing & Development Director Local Staff: 250 UK: -

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MILLS & REEVE LLP Mills & Reeve is a top 50 national law firm operating from six offices across the UK. Our business model is based on providing the highest quality advice and outstanding client service across a range of disciplines including corporate, real estate, litigation, insurance and private Guy Hinchley client services. Birmingham Forward Contact:

78-84 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 2AB T: 0121 454 4000 F: 0121 200 3028

Guy Hinchley, Managing Partner Birmingham Future Contact: Amanda Porter, Senior Solicitor Local Staff: 215 UK: 790

ROBIN SIMON LLP Expertise spanning coverage, defence, and regulatory work. Our clients include global composite insurers, Lloyd's syndicates, Paul Chaplin Judy Gibson underwriting agencies, adjusters and major insurance brokers. We advise professional institutes. We act for professional firms, financial institutions and corporate entities on the instruction of their insurers. We deal with a broad range of professional and mercantile liabilities, both domestic and international. The UK chambers and Legal 500 have described us as Jennifer Drever Steve Oates highly experienced and a safe pair of hands, well organised and efficient. Birmingham Forward Contacts: Paul Chaplin, F.Inst.L.Ex Partner 37A Waterloo Street, Birmingham B2 5TJ Judy Gibson, Senior Solicitor and T: 0333 010 5979 Special Counsel F: 0333 010 0005 Steve Oates, Senior Solicitor E: Birmingham Future Contacts: Jennifer Drever, Solicitor Nicole Beaty, Solicitor Local Staff: 7 UK: 66


Paul Newhall

Shakespeare Putsman is one of the Midlands’ largest law firms and is a leading provider of legal services to clients based in the region and throughout the UK. Following mergers with Warwickshire firm Needham & James and Nottingham based Berryman, in Summer 2011 the three firms will be brought together under the name ‘Shakespeares’. Together, we build long term partnerships with our clients by developing a real understanding of their organisation. This means we can offer commercial and practical solutions to a range of legal issues which support them in achieving their goals. Our expertise covers corporate and commercial law, employment, commercial property and construction, litigation, insurance and private client work.

Somerset House, Temple Street, Birmingham B2 5DJ T: 0121 237 3000 F: 0121 237 3011 E: Local Staff: 250

Andrew Hartshorn

Adam Percival

Birmingham Forward Contacts: Paul Newhall, Commercial Director Andrew Hartshorn, Partner Birmingham Future Contact: Adam Percival, Associate

UK: 430 91

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SHOOSMITHS Shoosmiths is a progressive, forward-thinking law firm. We listen to what clients want from their lawyers and offer a commercial, accessible and personable approach, combined with the absolute assurance of robust and timely advice. Our clients range from fast-growth public and private companies to the UK subsidiaries of overseas-owned corporates. Shoosmiths provides an intelligent alternative to city law firms that is also a real alternative in terms of value and service.

7th Floor, 125 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 3SH T: 0370 086 4000 F: 0370 086 4001 E:

Alex Bishop

Birmingham Forward Contact: Alex Bishop, National Head of Commercial Litigation Local Staff: 153

UK: 1,137

SPENCER SHAW Spencer Shaw is a specialist solicitors’ practice with expertise in Employment Law and Litigation. It provides high-quality advice and representation quickly and efficiently and at a very competitive price. The firm combines the time-tested values of the solicitors' profession with a modern business approach. Clear. Precise. Direct.

2nd Floor, 3 Brindley Place, Birmingham, B1 2JB T: 0121 698 8507 F: 0121 698 8600 E:

Ian Jones

Birmingham Forward Contact: Ian Jones, Principal Local Staff: 3

UK: -


Squire Sanders Hammonds is part of the international legal practice Squire, Sanders & Dempsey, founded through the combination of Hammonds and Squire, Sanders & Dempsey L.L.P on 1 January 2011. Squire, Sanders & Dempsey has lawyers in 36 offices and 16 countries, and operates worldwide through a number of separate legal entities. Squire Sanders Hammonds' Birmingham office is one of the leading practices in the Midlands, with 31 partners and 175 staff.

Rutland House, 148 Edmund Street, Birmingham B3 2JR T: 0121 222 3000 F: 0121 222 3001 E: Local Staff: 175

Birmingham Forward Contacts: Nick Green, Partner and Head of the Birmingham office Christian Lowis, Partner Stephen George, Partner Simon Garbett, Partner

UK: 860

WEIGHTMANS LLP Weightmans LLP is a national firm of solicitors with more than 800 people in our dedicated teams headed by 101 partners, many of whom are recognised as leaders in their fields. We cover all aspects of legal work from our five offices based in Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester, London and Leicester.

First Floor, St Philips Point, 47 Cannon Street, Birmingham B2 5EF T: 0121 632 6100 Birmingham Forward Contact: F: 0121 632 5410 David Tuck, Regional Managing Partner E: Local Staff: 100 UK: 92

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WRAGGE & CO A UK-headquartered, international law firm, Wragge & Co provides a full service to clients worldwide, including 29 FTSE 100 and 36 FTSE 250 companies, hundreds of public sector organisations and thousands of large private companies.

55 Colmore Row, Birmingham, West Midlands B3 2AS T: 0870 903 1000 F: 0870 904 1099 E:

Ian Metcalfe

Birmingham Forward Contact: Ian Metcalfe, Managing Partner Birmingham Future Contact: Philip Redston, Solicitor Local Staff: 869

UK: 1,088


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09 Property Services



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Architects & Interior Design Property Services Surveyors

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09 Property Services



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PROPERTY Architects & Interior Design Property Services Surveyors

Property Factfile • It is estimated that more than £17.5 billion is to be invested in Birmingham over the next ten years with more than £11.8 billion of that investment planned for the city centre • Property services cover a whole range of businesses including building surveying and control, commercial property, facilities management, quantity surveying, residential property and valuation • The development of Eastside is one of Birmingham's biggest current developments with 180 hectares being transformed. It will take ten years to complete and cost more than £6 billion • Birmingham Gateway will modernise New Street Station by 2013. The development will improve Birmingham's transport system at a cost of £620 million • The current £900 million Paradise Circus development sees the relocation of the Central Library to a shared site with Birmingham Repertory Theatre. It will create opportunities for commercial office development • The average grade A workstation cost is over 40% cheaper in Birmingham compared with London

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PROPERTY: Architects & Interior Design

AEDAS ARCHITECTS Aedas offers a diverse and wide ranging service providing innovative, high quality solutions including architecture, landscaping, masterplanning and interior/urban design. A global practice, the Midlands office at Colmore Plaza creates an ideal showcase venue to hold forums and industry events for the region's professionals.

Marcus Wilkins

Colmore Plaza, 20 Colmore Circus Queensway, Birmingham B4 6AT T: 0121 456 1591 Birmingham Forward Contact: Marcus Wilkins, Studio Director E: Local Staff: 21 UK: 426

BDP BDP is the largest UK architect-led design practice. An integrated design ethos lies behind our consistent achievement of efficient, enjoyable and highly sustainable buildings for our clients. We are a group of insightful, principled and creative professionals with a 'humanist' perspective and listening inclusive style.

85-89 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 2BB T: 0121 212 3553 F: 0121 236 2705 E:

Birmingham Forward Contact: Dan Smyth, Director of Architecture Local Staff: 18 UK: 912

BRUTON KNOWLES Bruton Knowles is a property consultancy that provides a full range of property related services, including agency, development and urban regeneration, building consultancy, investment, property management, compulsory purchase orders and compensation, valuation, strategic Ian Pitt property advice, rating, lease renewals and rent review services.

42 Bull Street, Birmingham B4 6AF T: 0121 200 1100 F: 0121 233 2163 E:

Birmingham Forward Contact: Ian Pitt MRICS, Partner & Head of Client Services Local Staff: 60

UK: 200


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PROPERTY: Property Services


Alliance Planning is a national town planning consultancy with a commitment to excellence and a reputation of providing detailed planning strategies to achieve Clients’ objectives and timescales. Our areas of expertise are: Town Planning Appraisals, Advice and Audits / Applications and Appeals / Local Development Frameworks / National and Regional Policy Advice / Affordable Housing Negotiations / Research / Management of Project Teams / Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) 3rd Floor, 54 Hagley Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B16 8PE T: 0121 456 7444 F: 0121 456 7445 E: Local Staff: 9

UK: 29

Gerald Sweeney

Paul Ellingham

Keith Fenwick

Julie Turvey

Mark Walton

Birmingham Forward Contacts: Gerald Sweeney, Commercial Director Paul Ellingham, Director Keith Fenwick, Director Mark Walton, Associate Director Julie Turvey, Team Secretary Birmingham Future Contacts: Richard Cooke, Senior Planner Kamaldeep Saini, Assistant Planner Emma Evans, Assistant Planner Ben Taylor, Assistant Planner


Gary Taylor

Argent is the developer of Brindleyplace the nationally and internationally acclaimed mixed use office development. Argent is responsible for the day-to-day management of Brindleyplace and are located onsite in the new Grade A office building Eleven Brindleyplace to ensure a safe, clean and vibrant environment for all visitors and occupiers on the estate. Argent also owns properties at Paradise Circus and has entered into an exclusivity agreement with Birmingham City Council to explore options for a major re-development of the area.

Eleven Brindleyplace, Brunswick Square, Brindleyplace, Birmingham B1 2LP T: 0121 643 7799 F: 0121 643 4683 E: Local Staff: 8


UK: 70

Birmingham Forward Contacts: Gary Taylor, Joint Managing Director Ian Clark, Project Director - Asset Management Birmingham Future Contacts: Ross Fittall, Project Manager Rebecca Whitt, Marketing Executive

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BNP PARIBAS REAL ESTATE BNP Paribas Real Estate is a leading international property advisor offering local expertise. Our success is built on our ability to provide innovative property advice and services that span the entire real estate lifecycle. Our Birmingham office provides a full range of expertise with 100 experienced staff supporting our clients whatever their real estate needs.

9 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 2BJ T: 0121 237 1200 F: 0121 237 1222

Birmingham Forward Contact: Paul Rixon, Senior Director Local Staff: 100 UK: 762

CALTHORPE ESTATES Calthorpe Estates is a property investment and development business, whose prime focus is the prestigious 610 hectare Calthorpe Estate in Edgbaston, Birmingham. With a multi-million pound programme of regeneration projects already underway, Calthorpe Estates offers unrivalled investment opportunities and is committed to the continual evolution of The Estate.

76 Hagley Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B16 8LU T: 0121 248 7676 F: 0121 248 7373 E:

Birmingham Forward Contact: Jayne Herritty, Sales & Marketing Director Local Staff: 20 UK: -

DRIVERS JONAS DELOITTE Drivers Jonas Deloitte has revolutionised how real estate services are provided in today's marketplace. We provide comprehensive property consultancy, transaction and advisory services, working seamlessly with specialist teams in areas of advisory, tax, corporate finance and consulting, Gary Cardin delivering fully integrated expert solutions on a national and global basis.

Four Brindleyplace, Birmingham B1 2HZ T: 0121 695 5500 F: 0121 695 5678 E:

Birmingham Forward Contact: Gary Cardin, Associate Partner Birmingham Future Contact: Simon Zargar Local Staff: 40 UK: 600

GVA LTD We are a leading UK property advisor with a major presence in the Midlands, providing a comprehensive range of property solutions to clients in all sectors. Over the last twelve months our teams have prepared and implemented property strategies that have enabled real savings for both public and private sectors.

3 Brindleyplace, Birmingham B1 2JB T: 0844 902 0304 F: 0121 609 8314 E:

Ian Stringer

Birmingham Forward Contact: Ian Stringer, Regional Senior Director Birmingham Future Contact: Laura Davidson, Development Surveyor Local Staff: 360 UK: 1,400

HORTONS’ ESTATE LTD Hortons' is a long established family owned Commercial Property Company, leasing and developing property in Birmingham and the Midlands. Specialising in offices and shops in Birmingham’s central business district, freehold offices and warehousing for sale out of town.

31A Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 2BU T: 0121 236 6481 F: 0121 236 6548 E:

Birmingham Forward Contact: Tony Green, Chief Executive Local Staff: 30 UK: -


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KNIGHT FRANK LLP Knight Frank's Commercial and Residential teams have substantial experience in providing strong professional advice across the Region in all business sectors. Key to our success has been our work linking the expertise of our service lines to provide the best solutions for our clients. Ashley Hudson

1 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 2BJ T: 0121 200 2220 F: 0121 200 2381 E:

Birmingham Forward Contact: Ashley Hudson, Partner Birmingham Future Contact: Henry Harrison, Surveyor Local Staff: 40 UK: -

MCD DEVELOPMENTS LTD MCD Developments Ltd specialise in creating developments that bring something unique to the city landscape. From the sympathetic restoration of listed buildings to major new build schemes, MCD are at the forefront of sustainable urban regeneration.

The Chamberlain Building, 36 Frederick Street, Birmingham B1 3HN T: 0121 265 2030 F: 0121 265 4339 E:

Mike O’Sullivan

Birmingham Forward Contact: Mike O'Sullivan, Managing Director Birmingham Future Contact: Damien Byrne, Development Manager Local Staff: 20 UK: 20

SACO SACO@Livingbase offers the convenience of a hotel but with more space, facilities and freedom for business travellers. Located in the heart of Birmingham's Convention Quarter, SACO@Livingbase offers modern studio, 1 and 2 bedroom apartments with fully equipped kitchens, Sky TV and kingsize beds.

3 Brunswick Square, Brindleyplace, Birmingham B1 2HR T: 0121 643 8585 F: 0121 600 7661 E:

Jane Cornock

Birmingham Forward Contact: Jane Cornock, Business Development Manager Local Staff: 4 UK: -

SIR ROBERT McALPINE LTD Sir Robert McAlpine Limited is a leading UK construction company, founded in 1869, operating in the building, civil engineering and related maintenance markets.The Company is dedicated to achieving excellence in design and construction. The business covers a variety of market sectors including; Ian McKenzie retail, healthcare, leisure, transportation, commercial, education, civil engineering and industrial.

Latham House, Paradise Street, Birmingham B1 2BJ T: 0121 230 8040 F: 0121 230 8050 E:

Birmingham Forward Contact: Ian McKenzie, Regional Manager Local Staff: UK: -

TURLEY ASSOCIATES Turley Associates is a leading independent town planning and urban design consultancy operating throughout Britain. We work creatively, in partnership and are successful for our clients and as a business. We are passionate about creating places of enduring quality that will be enjoyed for generations.

9 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 2BJ T: 0121 233 0902 F: 0121 233 0968 E: 100

Mike Best

Birmingham Forward Contact: Mike Best, Office Director Birmingham Future Contact: Andrea Walton, Associate Director Local Staff: 16 UK: 163

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PROPERTY: Surveyors

CB RICHARD ELLIS The UK, European and world leading real estate provider. In Birmingham we offer services including sales, letting, acquisitions, valuations, rent reviews, rating, development & investment advice, property management, planning & regeneration and building consultancy advice across Martin Guest the office, industrial, residential and retail & leisure markets.

Cornwall Court, 19 Cornwall Street, Birmingham B3 2DT T: 0121 609 7666 F: 0121 609 0121 E:

Birmingham Forward Contact: Martin Guest, Managing Director Local Staff: 100 UK: 1,500

COLLIERS CRE A leading firm of chartered surveyors operating from offices throughout the UK. Our approach to our customers and their projects is based on small teams, simple lines of communication and a personal touch. Our specialist teams are highly experienced in their own fields.

12th Floor, Eleven Brindleyplace, 2 Brunswick Square, Brindleyplace, Birmingham B1 2LP T: 0121 265 7500 Birmingham Forward Contact: F: 0121 212 3010 John Webber, Director

CS2 LTD CS2 is a specialist independent Building and Quantity Surveying Consultancy operating nationally. We pride ourselves on working with, not for, clients; adding value and providing strategic, integrated, solutions. We provide a full range of property services including: Project Management, Dilapidations, Acquisition Surveys and Cost Consultancy.

Cornwall Buildings, 45 Newhall Street, Birmingham B3 3QR T: 0121 222 4123 Birmingham Forward Contact: Andrew Jenkins, Director E: Local Staff: 4 UK:

CURRY & PARTNERS Curry & Partners Chartered Surveyors, built on the philosophy of providing quality, highly individual and personalised services tailored to all clients’ needs. We have developed services designed to give peace of mind and achieve the very best results.

45 Summer Row, Birmingham B3 1JJ T: 0121 233 0500 F: 0121 233 0014 E:

Nigel Curry

Birmingham Forward Contact: Nigel Curry, Partner Local Staff: 80 UK: -

DTZ DTZ is a successful real estate services firm delivering market-leading property, investment and business solutions to clients worldwide through a network of global offices. The Birmingham office employs 250 staff and offers a full range of property products and services to occupiers, investors, developers and public sector organisations.

No.1 Colmore Square, Birmingham B4 6AJ T: 0121 200 2050 F: 0121 200 3022 E:

Jon Leedham

Birmingham Forward Contact: Jon Leedham, Director Birmingham Future Contact: Matthew Long, Associate Director Local Staff: 250 UK: 1,500


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EDMOND SHIPWAY Multi-disciplinary practice providing Project Management, Cost Consultancy, Building Surveying, Mechanical and Electrical Consultancy and Project Safety services. The continuing expansion of our business is based on providing a quality service, achieving real improvements in programme Gary Carey duration and cost, acting as lead consultant or part of an integrated design team.

5 George Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 1NP T: 0121 454 3515 F: 0121 454 3241 E:

Birmingham Forward Contact: Gary Carey, Managing Director Birmingham Future Contact: Natalie Stevens, National Marketing Manager Local Staff: 25 UK: 130


Jan Thompson

Jonathan Fear

Jones Lang LaSalle has operated in Birmingham since 1994 and is a leading international property consultancy with over 100 offices in 60 countries worldwide. We advise occupiers, investors and developers on offices, retail, leisure, residential and industrial property across the wider Midlands. We are a leader in property and corporate facility management services with a portfolio of approximately 1.2 billion square feet worldwide.

No. 1 Colmore Square, Birmingham B4 6AJ T: 0121 643 6440 F: 0121 634 6510 E: Local Staff: 60

UK: 1,100

Birmingham Forward Contacts: Jan Thompson, Head of Office Jonathan Fear, Director, Office Agency Birmingham Future Contacts: Gareth Morgan, Surveyor Sarah Abel, Senior Surveyor

KING STURGE LLP King Sturge is one of the largest international property consultancies in Europe with 23 UK offices. The Birmingham office provides a complete property service including Financial Services, Plant & Machinery and Insolvency Services to owners, occupiers and investors of industrial, offices, retail, Ian Cornock leisure and residential property.

45 Church Street, Birmingham B3 2RT T: 0121 233 2898 F: 0121 236 2563 E:

Birmingham Forward Contact: Ian Cornock, Partner in Charge, Birmingham Birmingham Future Contact: Hannah Ward, Senior Surveyor Local Staff: 66 UK: 1,161

LAMBERT SMITH HAMPTON Lambert Smith Hampton has the widest geographical spread of any UK-based commercial property consultancy, providing business-driven solutions for clients. The Birmingham office provides a full range of property services including Agency (Industrial Office, Investment and Retail), Building Consultancy, Asset Management (residential and commercial), Rating, Valuation, Lease Advisory and Planning.

Interchange Place, Edmund Street, Birmingham B3 2TA T: 0121 236 2066 F: 0121 233 1623 E: 102

Ian Kibble

Birmingham Forward Contact: Ian Kibble, Regional Director Birmingham Future Contact: Gareth Lester-Jones, Director Local Staff: 72 UK: 840

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PENNYCUICK COLLINS A general practice firm of chartered surveyors specialising in both commercial and residential property in Birmingham and the surrounding area providing high quality professional services to a broad client base and our staff with an environment and training to develop their true potential.

9 The Square, 111 Broad Street, Birmingham B15 1AS T: 0121 665 4150 F: 0121 665 4197 E:

Charles Gillett

Birmingham Forward Contact: Charles Gillett, Partner Birmingham Future Contact: Sam Boot, Surveyor Local Staff: 40 UK: -

PHILIP KING & CO The provision of bespoke advice for the development of land and buildings to land owners and developers. This includes marketing, appraisals, the planning process and tactics on sale or acquisition.

Oatsley House, Upper End, Eckington, Pershore, Worcestershire WR10 3DQ T: 01386 750103 F: 01386 751153 E:

Philip King

Birmingham Forward Contact: Philip King, Sole Principal Local Staff: 1

UK: 1

ROBINSON LOW FRANCIS RLF is a national multi-disciplinary Construction and Property Consultancy providing specialist quantity surveying, project management, health & safety, building surveying and property development advice. Our highly motivated team work closely with Clients in all sectors of construction and property to deliver quality innovative solutions.

7th Floor, 54 Hagley Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B16 8PE T: 0121 456 1474 F: 0121 455 8023 E:

Kevin Campbell

Birmingham Forward Contact: Kevin Campbell, Partner Local Staff: 35 UK: 150

WAKEMANS LTD Wakemans offers a range of professional consultancy services to the construction and property industry including: Project Management, Quantity Surveying, Building Surveying, CDMC, and BREEAM / Sustainability services. Wakemans work on projects of all sizes in all market sectors. Offices in Birmingham, Bristol, Caemarfon and Cardiff.

11/12 Highfield Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 3EB T: 0121 454 4581 F: 0121 454 5206 Birmingham Forward Contact: John R. Woodhall, Managing Director E: Local Staff: 45 UK: 60


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10 Birmingham Future



Sponsored by:



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10 Birmingham Future



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BIRMINGHAM FUTURE Birmingham Future Factfile

Sponsor profile: The Cube The Cube is an iconic building for a world class city that has transformed the Birmingham skyline. This prestigious mixed use building is situated in the city centre and was designed by internationally renowned architect Ken Shuttleworth.

• Birmingham Future was established in 1993 • The organisation is the region's leading young professional networking organisation • The Birmingham Future team acts as the representative voice of Birmingham's young professional community • There are more than 500 members from 21 sectors

State of the art offices, stunning apartments, fine restaurants, waterside café bars and a rooftop panoramic restaurant all come together to form a unique community that pays homage to the city's jewellery making heritage. The residential apartments are separated into an owner occupier and an investor wing ensuring that those who live in this landmark building enjoy a sense of belonging within their own neighbourhood. Conveniently located, fashionable and highly specified these inspirational apartments are providing real homes for people who love city life.

Darren Walker and Amanda Porter speak at the annual Birmingham Future dinner

The safest most advanced car parking in the city is also available at The Cube. The fully automated system is the first of its kind in the UK, storing cars without risk of damage or theft, providing the ultimate in security with user specific micro-chip technology. Hotel Indigo is another first for Birmingham; Intercontinental Hotel Group's latest boutique brand provides 52 chic bedrooms and sets new standards for the region's hotels. A world's class spa and health and fitness club offers the very best in relaxation, beautification and fitness. The Marco Pierre White Steakhouse and Grill has an amazing rooftop terrace and stunning 360 degree views of the city from the 25th floor. Ultra modern dining, fine wines and exciting cocktails will make it the place to be in 2011.

Launch of Business Birmingham

Charlotte Crossley of the City Centre committee speaks at the launch of Business Birmingham

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Marketing Services

Arup John Bourke, Senior Engineer

2nd City Resourcing Ltd Kathryn Gallan, Managing Director

CU4coaching Matthew Broomhead, Owner

Bell Cornwall Associates Ltd Gemma Kuczora, Recruitment Consultant

Hettle Andrews Employee Benefits Ltd Sophie Trimble, Director, Chartered Financial Planner

Blusource Bjorn Jones, Director Jon Needham, Manager Alice White, Business Development Executive

In Smart Company Tim Wilson, Innovation Coach JMP Consultants Ltd Deborah Corrie, Senior Transport Planner Darryl Smith, Senior Transport Planner Kennedys Miranda Williams, Solicitor Striding Out Jasdeep Sehra, Marketing Assistant Synaptic Potential Ltd Amy Brann, Trainer Turner & Townsend James McKail, Consultant Gareth Poole, Associate Director Ian Shaw, Senior Project Manager

CONSULTANCY: ICT Innovit Michelle York, Director

eNL Legal Recruitment Rebecca Mawdsley, Operations Director First Flight Robbie Beak, Client Relationship Director

Big Cat Group Ltd Chris Brown, Account Executive Nick Morgan, Director BHMG Maxwell Dobbs, Senior Web Developer Danielle Osadciw-Brown, Creative Director Branch Martin Spicer Suzie Branch, Owner Customer Plus Ltd Jo Hardy, Marketing Consultant Hayley Walton, Marketing Consultant CW Corporate Communications Melissa Leong, Financial Business Change Manager

Graduate Advantage Serena Johal, Placement Assistant Angela Robinson, Business CREATIVE: Relationship Manager Joy Stefanicki, Business Relationship Media & Design Manager Amillan Laura Reid, Marketing Manager Katie Bard Recruitment Barques Design Verity Stokes, Divisional Leader Hannah Birkbeck, Design & Marketing PA Perception Solutions Ltd Daniel Campbell, Head of Clarke Associates UK Ltd Recruitment and Languages James Griffin, Design and web Pitch Consultants Ltd Class Creative Marketing Ltd Ollie Purdom, Director Chris Pyatt, Web Designer Santillo Consulting Meshed Media Claudia Santillo Chris Unitt, Managing Director Robert Walters Samantha Price, Consultant ORB Creative Ltd Robert Bloxham, Managing Director VG Charles & Co. Greg Reid, Consultant Pick & Mix Media Sonya Bell, Account Executive


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Rave Communications Chris Date, PR Director The Adhere Creative Eko Ariesta, Web Developer



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Willoughby PR Sally Earl, Account Director

CREATIVE: Translation Services

CREATIVE: Public relations

ALS (UK) Ltd Hayder Al-Ani, Managing Director

Camargue Elsie Bryant, Account Executive Citypress Katie Dale, Head of Midlands Holly Jones, Account Manager


Birmingham City University Clarke Associates UK Ltd Marcus Andrews, Employment Zone Louise Martin, Senior Account Executive Coordinator Sharon Farrow, Employer Zone Officer Clive Reeves Public Relations Nayan Patel, Acting Head of David Kuczora, PR Account Innovation Manager Core Charlotte Crossley, Director

Haslimann Taylor Ltd Simon Partington, Digital Executive

Birmingham Metropolitan College Kay Burton-Williams, Head of Data Management Tommy Cheung, Student Services Officer Helen Graham, Lecturer in Applied Science Sonia Mehmi, Psychology Lecturer Nisha Moqasia, Human Resource Matthew Nicholson, Strategic Space & Contract Planner Shobhna Patel, PR & Communications Marie Shuker, Events Manager Amenda Sun, HR Manager Revathi Timms, Business Development Manager

Headline Communications Matt Taylor, Director

The College of Law Dawn Beddard, Marketing Manager

Encore Communications Elizabeth Green, Director Fresh Public Relations Amanda-Jane Price, Managing Director Grayling Midlands Kate Macnamara, Director

Rewired PR University of Birmingham Tom Braithwaite, Account Executive Claire Hawkins, Communications Katie White, Account Executive Assistant Seal Claire Tortise, Senior Account Manager


FINANCIAL ADVICE: Accountants BDO LLP Praveen Gupta, Tax Director Michael Hulse, Pensions Consultant Dan Morris, Assistant Consultant Steve Ward, Partner Begbies Traynor Louise Everill, Assistant Manager Rachel Farrington, Senior Manager BTG Tax Richard Smethurst, Corporate Tax Manager Chantrey Vellacott DFK Nicola Baron, Audit and Assurance Dains LLP Mark Gurney, Manager Deloitte Paul Byerley, Manager Stephen Curran, Senior Associate Jen Cuthbert, Manager Isabel Drabble, Marketing Manager Richard Hadley, Assistant Director Richard Hopkins-Burton, Executive, Transaction Services Ron Hully, Manager Sarah Mullineaux, Manager Jason Norris, Associate Yamani Patel, Manager Nigel Varley, Director Emily Williams, Associate Grant Thornton LLP Ben Griffin, Tax Executive Jodie Fletcher, Executive - Valuations Sonia Howes, Tax Assistant Manager Alex Hughes, Executive Leanne Jacob, Audit Executive Stephen Lynch, Assistant Tax Manager Maria O'Donnell, Corporate Finance Assistant Manager Sally Watson, Assistant Tax Manager Alan Wells, Tax Manager Tom Whybrow, Manager

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Haines Watts Kevin Hodgetts, Senior Audit Manager

Clear Independent Mortgage & Financial Solutions Ltd Carrie Morris, Client Executive

J W Hinks Peter Smith, Audit Manager

Towry Law Stephen Farnfield, Wealth Adviser John O'Sullivan, Wealth Manager

KPMG LLP Kirsty Allen, Associate - Corporate James Bridgwater, Assistant Manager Anna Smith, Audit Senior Manager Simone Withers, Associate Moore Stephens James Griffin, Corporate Finance Executive Nicholas Lovett, Tax Senior Bharat Makvana, Case Administrator Christopher Murphy, Cashier Vandana Sirpal, Adminstrator RSM Tenon Kate Green, Business Services Manager Justyna Kiljan, Senior Administrator Sally Lucas, Business Services Manager Prithpal Saimbi, Financial Planner/Adviser Smith Cooper Oliver Ratcliffe, Audit Manager Toner Graham Ian Strachan, Head of Professional Services


Clay Rogers & Partners Ltd Michael Shepherd, Financial Consultant Antony Pearse, Chartered Financial Planner

Lloyds TSB Corporate Markets Bina Ganatra, Relationship Manager Neil Murphy, Manager Royal Bank of Scotland

FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS: Kim Paterson, Senior Relationship Banks & Building Societies Allied Irish Bank (GB) Joe Mellings, Corporate Business Mike Tierney, Corporate Business Barclays Corporate Sara Fergusson, Head of Sales & Servicing Ian Reynolds, Business Development Manager Coutts & Co James Baird, Private Banker Paul Emery, Private Banker Deutsche Bank Private Wealth Management Jamie Astbury, Relationship Manager Michael Hughes, Relationship Manager Pritee Jilka, Trainee Relationship Manager Adam Parker, Relationship Manager Sam Sneyd, Relationship Manager James Walker, Associate Fund Manager Blair Winton, Trainee Relationship Manager

IFAs Breslins Adam Rowlands, Client Manager

HSBC (Birmingham) Paul Barraclough, International Commercial Associate Scott Keith, International Commercial Associate

Deutsche Bank UK Ltd Christine Evans, Associate/Team Manager Charlotte King, Associate Robert Wells, Associate/Team Manager Terry Woolgar, Section Head

Director David Willock, Associate Santander Corporate Banking Sally Beavan, Relationship Director Wesleyan Assurance Society Narinder Singh, Marketing Manager Yorkshire Bank Al-Munther Sultan, Associate Acquisition Finance

FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS: Stockbrokers & Merchant Bankers Barclays Wealth Emma Buckley, Private Banker Michael Burgess, Private Banker Benjamin Jones, Graduate Analyst Hitesh Mistry, Private Banker James Pearson, Graduate Analyst Sheilen Savjani, Graduate Analyst Laura Thorpe, Graduate Analyst Greig Townsend, Portfolio Manager Brewin Dolphin Ltd Ian Burrows, Investment Manager Paul Fielding, Investment Manager Jason Hewitt, Trainee Investment Manager Peter Meckiff, Trainee Investment Manager


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Page 110

Quilter LEGAL: Simon Doherty, Investment Adviser Matthew Field, Investment Manager Intellectual property Tom Haydon, Investment Manager Daniel Ingram, Investment Manager Barker Brettell LLP Lisa King, Trade Mark Attorney UBS Wealth Management Edward Price, Investment Manager Forresters Emma Johnson, Trainee Patent and Trade Mark Attorney Williams de BroĂŤ Nicholas Jones, Investment Director Simon Long, Associate Investment Marks & Clerk LLP Director John Ferdinand, Trade Mark Assistant


Wilson Gunn Anders Jensen, Technical Assistant

Venture Capital &Corporate Finance Catalyst Corporate Finance Emmet Keating, Senior M&A Analyst Mark Kingston, Senior Analyst


LEGAL: Solicitors Anthony Collins Solicitors Julia Jones, Associate

Benussi & Co Helen Benussi, Solicitor BHSF Denise McKenna, Solicitor Geoff Guerin, Business Improvement Manager Berrymans Lace Mawer LLP Gina Chohan, Solicitor Jardine Lloyd Thompson Lucy Wood, Solicitor Corporate Risks Jonathan Miller, Development Executive Bevan Brittan LLP Melissa Doody, Solicitor Oval Insurance Broking Ltd Madeleine Edge, Corporate Development Executive


Buller Jeffries Lindsey Matthews, Associate Clarke Willmott LLP Dionne Griffiths, Associate Cobbetts LLP Mark Canning, Solicitor Nick Dawson, Associate Adam Forster, Solicitor Richard Holmes, Solicitor Nina Martyres, Solicitor Jaime Parkes, Solicitor Emma Rowe, Solicitor Darren Walker, Associate DLA Piper LLP Donna Codrington, Solicitor Rachael Histed, Associate Amy Koller, Solicitor Rachel Lyne, Solicitor Imogen Noons, Associate Employment Victoria Quinn, Graduate Recruitment Officer Eversheds LLP Adele Pogmore, Solicitor Sarah Reynolds, Solicitor

Blakemores Solicitors James Modley, Trainee Solicitor Rachael Palmer, Operational Manager

Gateley LLP Rebecca Anderson, Solicitor Sarah Barnett, Solicitor Jodie Dennis, Solicitor Amy Griffiths, Solicitor Katherine Gullon, Solicitor Elaine Huttley, Solicitor Amira Khan, Solicitor Victoria Metcalfe, Solicitor Kate Onions, Solicitor Jacob Robinson, Solicitor Meredith Scarf, Solicitor Safeea Shafiq, Solicitor Neil Smith, Financial Controller Rebecca Thomas, Solicitor John Virgo, Solicitor Neil Warner, Solicitor

Browne Jacobson LLP Tina Robinson, Solicitor

Harrison Clark LLP Rebecca Leask, Solicitor

Chloe Edwards, Assistant Solicitor Kelly Sampson, Solicitor

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Harvey Ingram LLP Ateeq Ahmed, Solicitor Barry Jervis, Partner Andrew Oranjuik, Solicitor Higgs & Sons Joanne Walker, Associate Irwin Mitchell Catherine Knight, Paralegal Cairo Nickolls, Trainee Solicitor Martineau Sian Howells, Solicitor Mills & Reeve LLP Kelly Barnett, Solicitor Natasha Bingle, Solicitor Ruth Creed, Solicitor Rachel Donath, Training & Development Manager Alexa Jones, Solicitor Laura Kealey, Solicitor Sarah Kenyon, Solicitor Simon Parkes, Solicitor James Richards, Trainee Solicitor Louise Whitehouse, Solicitor


Page 111

Christian Lowis, Partner Simon Major, Associate Sydney Mitchell LLP Elaine Buffery, Solicitor The Wilkes Partnership Victoria Stowell, Associate Solicitor Weightmans LLP Peter Brewer, Associate Solicitor Melanie Mitulla, Solicitor and Rechtsanw채ltin Wragge & Co Tim Crockford, Solicitor Helen Emmerson, Associate Philip Redston, Solicitor Wright Hassall Claire-Elaine Arthurs, Property Litigation

Shakespeare Putsman Adam Percival, Solicitor Shoosmiths Mathew Cole, Trainee Solicitor Kelly Grant, Solicitor Robert Laugharne, Solicitor Lauren Stent, Solicitor Squire Sanders & Hammonds Amanda Beaton, Associate Commercial & Dispute Resolution Clare Grice, Senior Solicitor Ryan Hawley, Solicitor Clare Hunt, Lawyer - Built Environment Group (Property) Jason Kelly, Lawyer

Jon Flowith & Partners Elizabeth Flowith, Surveyor Kier Build Matthew Bott, Design Manager LMM Tony Haran, Business Development Manager Savills Commercial Ltd Aimee Gosling, Surveyor Sadie Janes, Surveyor Wilmott Dixon Construction Ltd Sophie Lawrie


Pinsent Masons LLP Anna Cartledge, Solicitor Zanna Patchett, Senior Associate

GVA Ltd Donna Annis, Planning & Development Surveyor Laura Davidson, Development Surveyor James Gibson, Graduate Surveyor

Architects & Interior Design Associated Architects LLP James Hall, Architect Davis Langdon Hilary Allen, Regeneration Incentives Group Samuel Clark, Capital Allowances Surveyor Fleetmilne Ltd Gemma Darbyshire, Trainee Manager Irma Iantosca, Administrator Lucy Johnson, Personal Assistant Lovana Richards, Lettings Negotiator Mark Scandrett, Lettings Negotiator

Property Services Alliance Planning Richard Cooke, Senior Planner Emma Evans, Assistant Planner KamaldeepSaini, Assistant Planner Benjamin Taylor, Assistant Planner Argent Estates Ltd Ross Fittall, Project Manager Rebecca Whitt, Marketing Executive Drivers Jonas Deloitte Fiona Brereton, Graduate Planner Simon Zargar, Graduate Planner Glide Utilities Ltd Matthew Dyer, Inhouse Counsel

Knight Frank LLP Glenn Howells Architects Henry Harrison, Inhouse Counsel Davinder Bansal, Associate Rachel Hearn, Architectural Assistant


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MCD Developments Ltd Damien Byrne, Development Manager Rider Levett Bucknall Michael Thompson, Quantity Surveyor Sharkey Group Kevin Sharkey, Finance Director



Page 112

OTHER: Aston Villa Football Club Sarah Cuer, Business Development Manager

City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra Eve Smith, Individual Giving Manager

Colmore Business District Birmingham Children's Hospital Kirsten Henly, Projects Co-ordinator Fidelis Hynam, Business Tahreen Kutub, CBD Administrator Development Manager

Birmingham City Council Jonathan Adey, Senior Climate Change Officer Syeda Akhtar, HR Project Officer Harry Barton, Change Specialist / Project Officer Ben Burgerman, Solicitor Christine Cheng, Evaluation Officer Turley Associates Emma Hadley, Senior Audit Andrea Walton, Associate Director Ashley Innis, Cabinet Support Officer Kal Kumari, Principal Legal Assistant Lee Lloyd, Project Officer Paul Lowney, Business Implementation Officer Steven Pitt, Graduate Project Officer PROPERTY: Andrew Potter, Programme Manager Surveyors David Powell, Fundraising and Development Officer Faithful+Gould Rebecca Short, Overview and Ellie Horwitch-Smith, Senior Carbon Scrutiny Manager Management Consultant Katie Trout, Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive Andrew Wayro, Landscape Officer Jones Lang Lasalle Dale Webb, Development Officer Sarah Abel, Senior Surveyor Kelvin Craddock, Senior Surveyor Gareth Morgan, Chartered Surveyor Birmingham Hippodrome Michael Needham, Gradutate Caroline Davis, Strategic Projects Manager Surveyor Hannah Hallam, Development Manager Chilina Madon, Marketing Manager Malcolm Hollis Luke Molyneux, Chartered Building Birmingham Museum and Surveyor Art Gallery Hollie Smith-Charles, Fundraising and Development Manager Sir Robert McAlpine Ltd Jamie Sangster, Regional Business Development Manager Simon Trevor, Regional Business Development Manager

Centro Carl Beet, Principal Transport Planner Alex Burrows, Head of Strategy Adam Harrison, Regeneration and Planning Assistant Steven Keeley, Principal Strategy Officer Wesley Sedman, Principal Regeneration and Planning Officer


Sandeep Shingadia, Policy Advisor

Fullrange Films Rachel Carter, Exec Producer & Account Director Holden's Brewery Ltd Lucie Holden, Director Hyatt Regency Birmingham Martina Fajksova, Sales Manager Investors in Excellence Hayley Stilling, Business Development Executive Marketing Birmingham Katie Bentley, Marketing Executive Performances Birmingham Ltd Catherine McGlone, Commercial Manager Simon Wales, General Manager Town Hall -birmingham-limited/ Radisson BLU Hotel Rachel Wood, Sales Manager Smooth Radio Rebecca Lamb, Marketing & Events Executive The NEC Group Tara Tomes, Consumer Media Relations Manager Victoria Plc David Cressman, Group Financial Accountant



Birmingham Forward Affiliates Birmingham Forward Associates Useful Contacts

Page 1

Sector Index Alphabetical Index

Follow us on Twitter: @BHAMFORWARD / @BHAMFUTURE


11 Affiliates-Associates

11 Affiliates-Associates



Page 2

Birmingham Forward Affiliates Birmingham Forward Associates Useful Contacts Sector Index Alphabetical Index

Associate Membership:

University of Birmingham

The Associate Scheme has been introduced to widen the networking opportunities of professional individuals who are working in organisations that do not fall within the 21 business and professional services sectors. Benefits: • Opportunity to be part of the professional networking sector in the city. • Invitations to a diverse and varied annual networking events programme. • Free entry into the Business Guidebook to Professional, Financial and Business Services in Birmingham.

Affiliate Scheme: The Affiliate Scheme provides marketing and networking opportunities for organisations which provide a business service to the region but do not fall within the 21 business and professional services sectors. Benefits: • Opportunity to be part of the professional networking sector in the city. • One complimentary ticket to the majority of Birmingham Forward events. • Free listing into the Business Guidebook to Professional, Financial and Business Services in Birmingham. • Opportunity to host one of our events at your premises. • Place a feature article in the Birmingham Forward ebulletin - distributed to approximately 1000 business contacts and interested parties.

Centenary Square

Jewellery Quarter

Applications for the above two membership categories are subject to review and approval by the membership committee.

Useful contacts: For organisations or individuals who currently do business in, or are looking to re-locate or do business in Birmingham, the useful contacts section provides a list of companies with a wealth of information over and above Birmingham Forward's professional members. Offices Colmore Row

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Page 115


BIRMINGHAM AIRPORT Birmingham Airport is the Midlands' gateway to the world, offering direct services to over 140 global destinations. Situated at the heart of England and at the centre of the road and rail transport network, it serves a catchment of 8 million people within a one hour drive.

Birmingham Airport, Birmingham, West Midlands B26 3QJ T: 0844 576 6000 F: 0121 782 8802

Birmingham Forward Contact: John Morris, Head of Corporate and Community Affairs Local Staff: 700

CROWNE PLAZA BIRMINGHAM CITY CENTRE A deluxe 312 bedroom city centre hotel, 2 Club Bedrooms Floors with Private Club Lounge and panoramic city views. 11 Conference and Event rooms all benefiting from natural daylight and state of the art technology, including Wifi. Stylish B1 cocktail Bar, lounge and fusion restaurant. Michael Mason

Central Square, Holliday Street, Birmingham B1 1HH Birmingham Forward Contact: T: 0121 224 5000 Michael Mason, General Manager F: 0121 224 5119 Birmingham Future Contact: E: Rebecca Keane, Director of Sales

HOTEL DU VIN & BISTRO Hotel du Vin Birmingham, was sympathetically converted to provide 66 bedrooms around a courtyard, along with a Bistro, spa, gym and Pub du Vin. Elegant and breathtaking, the hotel also offers bespoke meeting and events spaces.

25 Church Street, Birmingham B3 2NR T: 0121 200 0600 F: 0121 200 0600 E:

Birmingham Forward Contact: Faye Kelly, General Manager Local Staff: 120

HYATT REGENCY BIRMINGHAM A luxurious hotel situated in the heart of the city and linked to the ICC and Symphony Hall. Each of the hotel's 319 guest bedrooms provide comfortable and extensive accommodation with stunning views across the city. The hotel offers 8 meeting rooms all located on the Mezzanine floor offering comfort, style and essential Tim Flodin meeting planner facilities. Stylish cocktail & champagne bar: Bar Pravda, elegant dining in Aria restaurant and total pamper experience in Amala Spa complete the key facilities available at Hyatt Regency Birmingham.

2 Bridge Street, Birmingham B1 2JZ T: 0121 643 1234 F: 0121 616 2323

Birmingham Forward Contact: Tim Flodin, General Manager Local Staff: 200

UK: 650

MALMAISON HOTEL In the stylish Mailbox complex, relaxed yet attentive in attitude and visually dramatic, the Malmaison combines innovative interiors with friendly service and affordable prices. Destinations in their own right are the hotel's double height bar and Brasserie. For ultimate escapism Le Petite Spa allows for serious pampering and relaxation.

The Mailbox, 1 Wharfside Street, Birmingham B1 1RD T: 0121 246 5000 F: 0121 246 5002 E:

Birmingham Forward Contact: Stephen Woodhouse, Regional General Manager Local Staff: 210

UK: 15,000 plus


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Page 116

REDCLIFFE CATERING LTD Redcliffe Catering's reputation for providing the Birmingham corporate and social communities with high quality catering and event services is unsurpassed. With a constant stream of new concepts and operating standards being introduced, the company's 500+ staff are committed to Clive Stone achieving the highest standard of customer satisfaction.

Centennial Centre, 100 Icknield Port Road, Birmingham B16 0AA T: 0121 456 4545 F: 0121 454 9118 E: Local Staff: 267

UK: 357

THE NEC GROUP The NEC Group sets the stage for some of the UK's best-loved concerts, conferences, exhibitions and special events. The NEC, The ICC, LG Arena and The NIA bring millions of people together every year to learn, do business and be entertained. The Group has a ÂŁ2 billion Paul Thandi annual impact on the regional economy and supports almost 29,000 jobs.

The National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham B40 1NT T: 0121 780 4141 F: 0121 767 3700 E:


Birmingham Forward Contact: Paul Thandi, Chief Executive Local Staff: 900

UK: -

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Page 117


MIRZA AHMAD Birmingham City Council's Department of Governance is the largest of its type in the UK, and possibly Europe, with over 800 staff. It serves to protect and to serve the City Council and aims to be “Best in Class” with many of national/regional awards to its name. The Department includes Legal, Democratic, Regulatory, Registrars, Elections and Information Management Services.

Mirza Ahmad

Birmingham City Council Legal & Democratic Services, Ingleby House, 11-14 Cannon Street, Birmingham B2 5EN T: 0121 303 9991 F: 0121 303 1312 Birmingham Forward Contact: E: Mirza Ahmad, Corporate Director of Governance




T: 0844 576 6000

T: 0121 454 1197



T: 0121 454 6171



T: 0121 632 2200

BIRMINGHAM FUTURE T: 0121 632 2220


BIRMINGHAM INTERNATIONAL RAILWAY STATION National Rail Enquiries T: 08457 48 49 50



T: 0121 616 2894

Managed by Chiltern Railways T: 08456 005 165



T: 0121 303 1111

National Rail Enquiries T: 08457 48 49 50 117

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Page 118


BIRMINGHAM REPERTORY THEATRE Box office T: 0121 236 4455








National Rail Enquiries T: 08457 48 49 50

T: 0121 202 5115



T: 0121 454 6171



BUSINESS VOICE WM T: 0121 245 0140

CBI T: 0121 450 8970

Box office T: 0844 847 2302

THE CRESCENT THEATRE Box office T: 0121 643 5858

THE MAC Box office T: 0121 446 3232

THE NIA Box office T: 0844 3388000




T: 0121 200 2787

T: 0121 200 2000



T: 0207 776 8970


T: 0845 074 3515

T: 0121 625 3269



T: 0121 202 3250

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Page 120

Sector Index: Birmingham Forward Members Consultancy Consultants AECOM Atkins BassClusker Consulting Ltd Brefi Group Ltd Caret E C Harris Eric F. Laing JMP Consultants Ltd Kennedy Business Solutions Opus Performance Ltd

Education 45 45 45 46 46 46 46 46 47 47

ICT Frontier Software Plc


Recruitment/HR Blusource Katie Bard Recruitment Key Personnel (UK) Ltd Perception Solutions Ltd Pertemps Recruitment Partnership Pitch Consultants Prestige Recruitment Services PSD Group

48 48 49 49 49 49 50 50

Aston University Birmingham City University Birmingham Metropolitan College The College of Law University of Birmingham

Financial Financial Advice: Accountants Baker Tilly BDO LLP BTG Tax Dains LLP Deloitte Ernst & Young LLP Grant Thornton UK LLP J W Hinks KPMG LLP PKF (UK) LLP PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Smith Cooper

Gough Bailey Wright Ltd


53 53 53 54 54 54

Media & Design Clarke Associates UK Ltd Daden Ltd Emperor Design PCL Digital Quadrant Visual Solutions Ltd

54 55 55 55 55

Public Relations Camargue Chatham Communications Clarke Associates UK Ltd Communication Strategy Freshwater UK Plc Headline Communications Kinetic Communications Seal Smarts Urban Communications Ltd Willoughby PR

56 56 56 56 56 57 57 57 57 57 58

Translation Services Alchemy Translations Comtec Translations Ltd


71 71

Financial Institutions: Banks & Building Societies

Marketing Services Big Cat Group Ltd Calcutt Associates Ltd Clarke Associates UK Ltd OWB The Bottom Line Marketing and Communications Ltd Weave Marketing

67 67 67 68 68 68 69 69 69 70 70 70

Financial Advice: IFAs Chatfield Private Client Ltd J C Rathbone Associates Ltd

Creative Advertising Agencies

63 63 63 63 64

59 59

Allied Irish Bank (GB) Bank of Cyprus UK Bank of England, Agency for the West Midlands Barclays Corporate Co-operative Bank Plc Coutts & Co EFG Independent Financial Advisers Handelsbanken Kleinwort Benson Lloyds Bank Corporate Markets Santander Corporate Banking State Bank of India

71 71 72 72 72 72 73 73 73 74 74 74

Financial Institutions: Stockbrokers & Merchant Bankers Barclays Wealth Quilter Rathbones UBS Wealth Management Williams de BroĂŤ

75 75 75 76 76

Financial Institutions: Venture Capital & Corporate Finance Catalyst Corporate Finance LDC

77 77

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Insurance Aon Ltd Heath Lambert JLT Speciality Ltd Oval Insurance Broking Ltd Perkins Slade Ltd Thompson & Bryan Ltd Willis Ltd Zurich Insurance

81 81 81 81 82 82 82 82

Legal Barristers’ Chambers No5 Chambers St Philips Chambers

85 85

Intellectual Property Forresters Marks & Clerk LLP Wilson Gunn

86 86 86

Solicitors Benussi & Co Bevan Brittan LLP Blakemores Solicitors Browne Jacobson LLP Buller Jeffries Clarke Willmott LLP Cobbetts LLP DLA Piper Else Solicitors LLP Eversheds LLP George Green LLP Harvey Ingram LLP Gateley LLP Higgs & Sons Irwin Mitchell Kennedys Martineau Mills & Reeve LLP Robin Simon LLP Shakespeare Putsman Shoosmiths Spencer Shaw Squires Sanders Hammonds Weightmans LLP Wragge & Co

87 87 87 87 88 88 88 88 88 89 89 89 89 90 90 90 90 91 91 91 92 92 92 92 93

Page 121

Property Architects & Interior Design Aedas Architects BDP Bruton Knowles

Property Services Alliance Planning Argent Estates Ltd BNP Paribas Real Estate Calthorpe Estates Drivers Jonas Deliotte GVA Ltd Hortons' Estate Ltd Knight Frank LLP MCD Developments Ltd Saco Sir Robert McAlpine Ltd Turley Associates

Surveyors CB Richard Ellis Colliers CRE CS2 Ltd Curry & Partners DTZ Edmond Shipway Jones Lang Lasalle King Sturge LLP Lambert Smith Hampton Pennycuick Collins Phillip King & Co Robinson Low Francis Wakemans Ltd

97 97 97

98 98 99 99 99 99 99 100 100 100 100 100

101 101 101 101 101 102 102 102 102 103 103 103 103


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Page 122

Alphabetical Index Birmingham Forward members, Birmingham Future members, Birmingham Forward Patrons, Useful Contacts, Affiliates and Associates 2nd City Resourcing Ltd


Birmingham Snow Hill Railway Station 118

Customer Plus Ltd




Blakemores Solicitors

87, 110

CW Corporate Communications


Aedas Architects



36, 44, 48,

Daden Ltd


Alchemy Translations



Dains LLP

68, 108

Alliance Planning

98, 111

BNP Paribas Real Estate


Davis Langdon


Allied Irish Bank (GB)

71, 109

Branch Martin Spicer



68, 108

ALS (UK) Ltd


Brefi Group Ltd


Deutsche Bank Private Wealth







Anthony Collins Solicitors


Brewin Dolphin Ltd


Deutsche Bank UK Ltd


Aon Ltd


British Amercian Business Council in

DLA Piper

88, 110

Argent Estates Ltd

98, 111

the West Midlands


Drivers Jonas Deloitte

99, 111



Bromsgrove School




Associated Architects LLP


Browne Jacobson LLP

87, 110

E C Harris


Aston University


Bruton Knowles


Edmond Shipway


Aston Villa Football Club



67, 108

EEF, The Manufacturers’ Organisation 118



Buller Jeffries

88, 110

EFG Independent Financial

Baker Tilly


Business Birmingham




Bank of Cyprus UK


Business in the Community


Else Solicitors LLP


Business Voice WM


Emperor Design


Bank of England, Agency for the West Midlands


Calcutt Associates Ltd


Encore Communications


Barclays Corporate

72, 109

Calthorpe Estates


eNL Legal Recruitment


Barclays Wealth



56, 108

Eric F. Laing


Barker Brettell LLP


Caret Ltd


Ernst & Young LLP


Barques Design


Catalyst Corporate Finance

77, 110

Eversheds LLP

89, 110

BassClusker Consulting Ltd







67, 108

CB Richard Ellis


First Flight





112, 118

Fleetmilne Ltd


Begbies Traynor


Chantrey Vellacott DFK



86, 110

Bell Cornwall Associates Ltd


Chatfield Private Client Ltd


Fresh Public Relations


Benussi & Co


Chatham Communications


Freshwater UK PLC


Berrymans Lace Mawer LLP




Frontier Software plc


Bevan Brittan LLP

87, 110

City of Birmingham Symphony

Fullrange Films






Gateley LLP






George Green LLP


Big Cat Group Ltd

53, 107

City UK


Glenn Howells Architects


Birmingham Airport

112, 117

Clarke Associates UK Ltd


Glide Utilities Ltd


56,107,108 Gough Bailey Wright Ltd

Birmingham Chamber of Commerce


and Industry


Clarke Willmott LLP

88, 110

Graduate Advantage


Birmingham Children's Hospital


Class Creative Marketing Ltd


Grant Thornton UK LLP

69, 108

Birmingham City Centre BIDs


Clay Rogers & Partners Ltd


Grayling Midlands



99, 111

Birmingham City Centre Partnership 117

Clear Independent Mortgage &

Birmingham City Council

112, 117

Financial Solutions Ltd


Haines Watts


Birmingham City University

34, 62, 63,

Clive Reeves Public Relations





Cobbetts LLP

88, 110

Harrison Clark LLP


Birmingham Consular Association


Colliers CRE


Harvey Ingram LLP

89, 111

Birmingham Hippodrome


Colmore Business District

112, 117

Haslimann Taylor Ltd


Common Purpose


Headline Communications

57, 108

Birmingham International Railway Station


Communication Strategy


Head & Griffiths


Birmingham Law Society


Comtec Translations Ltd


Heath Lambert


Birmingham Moor Street Station


Co-operative Bank plc

66, 72

Hettle Andrews Employee Benefits Ltd 107

Birmingham Metropolitan College




Higgs & Sons

90, 111

Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery 112

Coutts & Co

72, 109

Holden's Brewery Ltd


Birmingham New Street Station


Crown Plaza Birmingham City Centre 115

Hortons' Estate Ltd


Birmingham Repertory Theatre


CS2 Ltd


Hotel du Vin & Bistro


Birmingham Science City




HSBC (Birmingham)


Birmingham Science Park Aston

94, 118

Curry & Partners


Hyatt Regency Birmingham

112, 115


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Page 123

In Smart Company


Philip King & Co


Turley Associates

100, 112



Pick & Mix Media


Turner & Townsend


Institute of Asian Businesses


Pinsent Masons LLP


UBS Wealth Management

76, 110

Institute of Directors


Pitch Consultants Ltd

49, 107

UKTI, West Midlands International

Investors in Excellence




Trade Team


Irwin Mitchell

90, 111

Prestige Recruitment Services


University of Birmingham

64, 108

J C Rathbone Associates Ltd


PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP


Urban Communications Ltd


J W Hinks

69, 109

PSD Group


VG Charles & Co.


Jaguar Cars

1, 38

Quadrant Visual Solutions Ltd


Victoria Plc



75, 110

Wakemans Ltd


Jardine Lloyd Thompson Corporate Risks


Radisson BLU Hotel


Warwickshire County Cricket Club


JLT Speciality Ltd




Weave Marketing


JMP Consultants Ltd

46, 107

Rave Communications


Weightmans LLP

92, 111

Jon Flowith & Partners


Redcliffe Catering Ltd


Wesleyan Assurance Society


Jones Lang Lasalle

102, 112

Rewired PR


West Midlands Regional Observatory 118

Katie Bard Recruitment

48, 107

Rider Levett Bucknall


Williams de Broe

76, 110

Kennedy Business Solutions


Robert Walters


Willis Ltd



90, 107

Robin Simon LLP


Willoughby PR

58, 108

Key Personnel (UK) Ltd


Robinson Low Francis


Wilmott Dixon Construction Ltd


Kier Build


Royal Bank of Scotland


Wilson Gunn

86, 110

Kinetic Communications


RSM Tenon


Wragge & Co

93, 111

King Sturge LLP




Wright Hassall


Kleinwort Benson


Santander Corporate Banking

74, 109

Yorkshire Bank


Knight Frank LLP

100, 111

Santillo Consulting


Zurich Insurance




Savills Commercial Ltd


Lambert Smith Hampton



57, 108



Shakespeare Putsman

91, 111

Lloyds Bank Corporate Markets


Sharkey Group


Lloyds TSB Corporate Markets



92, 111



Sir Robert McAlpine Ltd

40, 100, 112

Malcolm Hollis




Malmaison Birmingham


Smith Cooper

70, 109

Marketing Birmingham

112, 118,

Smooth Radio



Spencer Shaw


Marks & Clerk LLP

86, 110

Squires Sanders Hammonds

92, 111


90, 111

St Philips Chambers Ltd


MCD Developments Ltd

100, 112

State Bank of India


Meshed Media


Striding Out


Metro Bar & Grill


Sydney Mitchell LLP


Mills & Reeve LLP

91, 111

Synaptic Potential Ltd


The Adhere Creative


Mirza Ahmad Birmingham City Council


The Bottom Line Marketing and

Moore Stephens


Communications Ltd


New Alexandra Theatre


The College of Law

63, 108

No5 Chambers


The Cresent Theatre




The Cube

19, 22, 23

Opus Performance Ltd


The Hideaways Club City Collection


ORB Creative Ltd




Oval Insurance Broking Ltd

81, 110

The NEC Group

112, 116





PCL Digital


The Regional Growth Fund


Pennycuick Collins


The Wilkes Partnership


Perception Solutions Ltd

49, 107

Thompson & Bryan Ltd


Performances Birmingham Ltd


THSH: Town Hall & Symphony Hall


Perkins Slade Ltd

80, 82

Toner Graham


Pertemps Recruitment Partnership


Towry Law



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