Birmingham Forward Directory

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Thees s ent i al gui det opr of es s i onal ,f i nanc i al andbus i nes ss uppor ts er v i c esi nBi r mi ngham



15 17 18 19 20 21 22

Birmingham Introduction Doing Business in Birmingham Location Birmingham Uncovered Looking to the Future Birmingham Scores on a Global Scale

10 11 12 13 14




Consultants ICT Recruitment & HR Telecoms/Utilities

CREATIVE Advertising Agencies Marketing Services Media & Design Public Relations Translation Services




Financial Advice Accountants IFAs Financial Institutions Banks & Building Societies Stockbrokers & Merchant Bankers Venture Capital & Corporate Finance

39 41 43 43 45

65 68 68 71 73




79 81 83 84

Barristers’ Chambers Intellectual Property Solicitors





Architects & Interior Design Property Services Surveyors

BIRMINGHAM FUTURE Birmingham Future Members

SECTOR INDEX Alphabetical Index


Welcome from the Chairman Foreword About Birmingham Forward Birmingham Forward Board Birmingham Forward Membership Birmingham Future Chairman’s Message Birmingham Future Leadership Team Birmingham Young Professional of the Year The Graduate Apprentice Birmingham Future Membership

91 93 93 97 101 103 121 1 23

47 49 49 51 52 55




Gary Cardin Chairman, Birmingham Forward

Rising to the challenge of a changing city We live in changing yet exciting times. They are challenging times too as the business, professional and financial services sector continues to face both the opportunities and threats of conducting business in the difficult economic conditions in which we currently live. Added to this we are seeing potentially significant changes to the landscape and fabric of our city notably in transport, infrastructure and local governance. It would be wrong to say that those challenges to the sector have not also had an impact on Birmingham Forward. The Board has continued a review of all aspects of our organisation to ensure that we stay relevant and valuable to our members. I would suggest that the role of Birmingham Forward has never been more important as we act as the voice of the sector on a range of important issues affecting the way the city develops now and in the future. So we are working hard to ensure that we contribute to the dialogue on a number of key issues facing us. A key theme of my year as chair has been collaboration. To be totally effective we cannot work or exist in isolation. It is in our own interests and for the wider benefit of the city that we work closely with other business-focused organisations on a wide range of initiatives and opportunities and importantly to speak in one coherent and coordinated voice. It was, therefore, a significant decision to move our offices to Baskerville House in the spring of 2012 and join, in one ‘business hub’, other bodies such as Marketing, and Business Birmingham, Birmingham Chamber of Commerce, the Greater Birmingham and Solihull LEP, Birmingham City


Council, Aston Reinvestment Trust and Finance Birmingham. At this early stage this decision is already demonstrating the benefits of close collaboration. Our core executive team including our Chief Executive are now permanently based at Baskerville House. We have been active in both our support and contribution to the debate around several key initiatives that will impact our city in the future. This includes making a submission to the government’s consultation on the potential powers of an elected mayor, hosting the Secretary of State for Transport to discuss HS2 with our members and holding discussions with a wide range of local, regional and national stakeholders on issues ranging from inward investment to skills. With Birmingham Future, we continue to offer members a varied and interesting series of events with first class speakers, on stimulating topics and to run a number of our own initiatives that, we believe, help to move some of the key issues facing the sector forward ensuring greater prosperity and success. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our patrons, members and other organisations who work with us for their continued support.

WELCOME FOREWORD Andy Street Chair, Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) Managing Director of John Lewis

Birmingham today enjoys a vibrant and

successful business and financial services sector. The skill and talent that exists among the many firms that are based in the city influences business growth and prosperity across the city region, nationally, and internationally. Our reputation and profile is high - Birmingham is truly a centre of excellence. Birmingham Forward plays a major part in that. For over two decades it has helped shape the business landscape in the city. By using effective collaboration and lobbying, Forward has been able to influence many aspects of how the city develops and take advantage of opportunities to make the city even more prosperous and successful. Birmingham Forward and Birmingham Future today play an important role in promoting inward investment into the city. Through their relationships with local colleges and universities they provide mentoring and support to the talent


Birmingham has a proud history. Over the years the city’s achievements through the application of science, enterprise, innovation and the energy of its individual citizens have resulted in Birmingham enjoying a global reputation as a great place to do business. This is as true now as it has ever been. that will be our future. Throughout the year they facilitate and provide opportunities for discussion and debate on the key issues facing the city. Importantly too, Birmingham Forward recognises the need to work with others across the business and civic landscape to ensure we all achieve our objectives. I am proud of the city’s industrious and enterprising history. I am excited about the future. Birmingham’s partnership with Solihull, South Staffordshire and North Worcestershire through the Local Enterprise Partnership provides a real opportunity for the city region’s economy to further prosper and grow; with the strengths and assets of the city complemented and enhanced by those of its neighbouring areas. I am delighted that Birmingham Forward and Future continue to be part of this journey.




Andy Street Chair, Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) 伯明翰有着光辉灿烂的历史。多年来,伯明翰通过科 学应用、企业发展、创新精神和市民的不懈努力,将 自身打造成了享誉世界的一线商业城市, 延续着从古 自今的领先地位。 当今的伯明翰,商业和金融服务领域一派繁荣。扎根 于伯明翰的诸多企业尽皆拥有精尖的专业技术和非凡 的业务能力,推动着这座城市乃至英国和全世界的商 业发展。具备极高声誉和完善产业的伯明翰,无疑是 引领卓越的中心。 此中,Birmingham Forward 的作用举足轻重。二 十年来,Birmingham Forward 长期协 助城市的产 业发展。通过开展高效的合作和游说,Birmingham Forward 在多个方面对 城市的发展道路做出了不小贡 献,并紧抓各种机遇,让伯明翰锦上添花、更上层楼。

现在的 Birmingham Forward 和 Birmingham Future 在招商引资领域扮演着重 要角色。两大机构借由与 本地各所高校的广泛联系,为城市的未来人才提供了 丰富的辅导和支持资源。两者全年推动并组办形形色 色的活动,就城市面对的核心议题展开探讨。此外, Birmingham Forward 也认识到跨领域合作的需要, 遂联合商界和政府部门, 以此保障各方都能实现自己 的目标。 这座城市辉煌的制造史和创业史让我倍感自豪。未来 让我充满期待。通过地方企业协会,伯明翰与索利哈 尔、南斯塔福德郡和北伍斯特郡建立了合作关系,以 此更加充分地调动周边地区的潜力和资源,让各地方 相辅相成、取长补短,为城区经济圈的长足繁荣和发 展注入强大动力。我很高兴 Birmingham Forward 和 Birmingham Future 能够继续推动城市向前迈进。

Andy Street Chair, Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) Birmingham est fière de son héritage. Forte de ses réalisations dans le domaine des sciences, de l’entreprise et de l’innovation et portée par l’énergie de ses citoyens au fil des années, notre ville a su se forger une solide réputation en tant que centre international des affaires. Un constat qui reste plus que jamais d’actualité. Birmingham possède aujourd’hui un secteur commercial et financier dynamique et performant. La richesse de compétences et de talents de ses nombreuses entreprises influence la croissance et la prospérité à l’échelle de la ville ainsi que sur le plan régional, national et international. Notre réputation et notre profil n’ont jamais été aussi élevés et font de Birmingham un véritable centre d’excellence. Birmingham Forward n’est pas étranger à cette situation et contribue à façonner le paysage commercial de la ville depuis plus 20 ans. Jouant la carte de la collaboration et du lobbying, Birmingham Forward est parvenu à influencer de nombreux aspects du développement urbain et à tirer parti des opportunités offertes pour accroître encore la prospérité et la réussite de notre ville.


Birmingham Forward et Birmingham Future jouent aujourd’hui un rôle clé en matière de promotion des investissements étrangers dans la ville. Forts de leurs relations avec les établissements d’enseignement supérieur et les universités de la région, ils encadrent et accompagnent les talents qui incarnent notre avenir. Et servent également, tout au long de l’année, de forum de discussion et de débat autour des questions de fond auxquelles la ville est confrontée. Birmingham Forward est en outre conscient de la nécessité de travailler avec les autres acteurs du paysage commercial et civique, afin de faire en sorte que nous atteignons tous nos objectifs. Je suis fier de notre patrimoine industriel et entrepreneurial. Je suis passionné par l’avenir. Le partenariat d’entreprises locales, conclu avec Solihull, le South Staffordshire et le North Worcestershire, nous offre l’occasion réelle de développer encore l’économie et la prospérité de la région, en conjuguant les atouts de notre ville à ceux de nos voisins. Je me félicite de ce que Birmingham Forward et Birmingham Future soient encore du voyage.

Translations kindly provided by Alchemy Translations. See page 55 for listing.

WELCOME THE DIRECTORY Andy Street Chair, Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) Birmingham hat eine stolze Geschichte. Im Laufe der Jahre haben die Errungenschaften der City durch den praktischen Einsatz von Wissenschaft, Enterprise, Innovierungen und Energie seiner individuellen Bürger dazu geführt, dass Birmingham heute weltweit den Ruf genießt, der ideale Ort zu sein, um Geschäfte zu betreiben. Das gilt heute so sehr wie je zuvor.

Birmingham Forward spielt darin eine führende Rolle. Seit über zwei Jahrzehnten hat es geholfen, die wirtschaftliche Gestalt der City zu formen. Durch die Anwendung von effektiver Zusammenarbeit und Lobbying ist es Forward gelungen, viele Aspekte der städtischen Entwicklung zu beeinflussen und die gegebenen Chancen zu nutzen, um die City noch blühender und erfolgreicher zu machen. Birmingham Forward und Birmingham Future spielen heute eine wichtige Rolle in Andy Street Chair, Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) Birmingham goza de una orgullosa historia. A través de los años los logros de la ciudad conseguidos mediante la aplicación de la ciencia, el espíritu emprendedor, la innovación y la energía de sus ciudadanos individuales han ganado para Birmingham una reputación mundial como un lugar ideal para hacer negocios. Esto es tan cierto ahora como en cualquier época del pasado. Hoy, Birmingham se jacta de un sector comercial y de servicios financieros vibrante y próspero. Las destrezas y los talentos que existen entre las muchas empresas radicadas en la ciudad influyen en el crecimiento y la prosperidad de su comarca, tanto nacional como internacionalmente. Nuestra reputación y perfil son altos – Birmingham es sin duda alguna un centro de excelencia. Birmingham Forward desempeña un papel importante en esto. Desde hace más de dos décadas ayuda a conformar el panorama comercial de la ciudad. Mediante una juiciosa aplicación de colaboración y lobbying, Forward ha podido influir en muchos aspectos de cómo la ciudad se desarrolla y aprovecharse de oportunidades para aumentar la prosperidad y prestigio de la ciudad.

Ich bin stolz auf die arbeitsreiche und unternehmensfreudige Geschichte unserer City. Ich sehe ihrer Zukunft mit großer Erwartung entgegen. Birminghams Partnerschaft mit Solihull, Süd-Staffordshire and NordWorcestershire durch die örtliche Enterprise-Partnerschaft bietet eine wirkliche Chance für die Wirtschaft der Region, weiter zu gedeihen und zu wachsen; angesichts der Werte und Vermögen dieser City, die durch die benachbarten Regionen ergänzt und verstärkt werden, bin ich begeistert, dass Birmingham Forward und Future sie auch weiterhin auf ihrem Weg begleiten werden.


Das heutige Birmingham hat einen vibrierenden und erfolgreichen Geschäfts- und Finanzservicesektor. Die Fertigkeiten und Talente unter vielen Firmen, die ihre Basis in der City haben, beeinflussen Geschäftsentwicklung und Prosperität im gesamten Bereich der City, national und international. Unser Ansehen und Profil sind hoch – Birmingham ist in der Tat eine Zentrum der Exzellenz.

der Förderung von ausländischen Investitionen in der City. Durch ihre Beziehungen zu örtlichen Colleges und Universitäten sorgen sie für Betreuung und Unterstützung der Talente, die unsere Zukunft darstellen. Während des ganzen Jahres schaffen und bieten sie Gelegenheiten für Diskussionen und Debatten zu den wichtigsten Fragen, mit denen unsere Stadt sich auseinandersetzen muss. Es ist ebenso wichtig, dass Birmingham Forward die Notwendigkeit erkennt, mit anderen im gesamten geschäftlichen als auch zivilen Bereich zusammenzuarbeiten, um zu gewährleisten, dass wir alle unsere Ziele erreichen.

Birmingham Forward y Birmingham Future desempeñan hoy un papel importante en la promoción de la inversión exterior en la ciudad. A través de sus relaciones con los colegios y las universidades locales, ofrecen orientación y apoyo para el talento que será nuestro futuro. A lo largo del año facilitan y dan oportunidades para discusión y debate sobre las cuestiones clave que se plantean a la ciudad. Birmingham Forward reconoce además la importancia de trabajar con otros a través del panorama comercial y municipal para asegurar que todos consigamos nuestros objetivos. Estoy orgulloso de la industriosa y emprendedora historia de la ciudad. El futuro me ilusiona. La asociación de Birmingham con Solihull, South Staffordshire y North Worcestershire a través de la Local Enterprise Partnership brinda una verdadera oportunidad para asegurar la continuada prosperidad y crecimiento de la economía de la comarca; con las destrezas y los recursos de la ciudad complementados y reforzados por los de la zona circundante. Me alegra mucho que Birmingham Forward and Future siga siendo una parte de este viaje.

Translations kindly provided by Alchemy Translations. See page 55 for listing.


ABOUT BIRMINGHAM FORWARD Birmingham - the city of choice for business and professional services Mission: Promoting, representing & developing our sectors & our members, at the heart of the vision for our city Values: Professional, ethical, passionate, proactive, engaged and inclusive WELCOME


Birmingham Forward’s role is to provide a platform for organisations in the BPS sector to prosper commercially and to support them in developing and engaging their talent – making a difference to the development of the city, by influencing the evolution and ensuring the communication of a compelling vision for Birmingham: with the BPS sector at its core, and a city which exhibits strong, ongoing and engaging leadership. We will act as a critical friend to city leadership, providing intellectual and practical support at the highest levels and, where necessary, providing a voice for the concerns of our members. Birmingham Forward is an independent, inclusive, notfor-profit, membership organisation that was established in 1990. Our mission is to promote the strength, range and depth of services that our members offer to the widest possible audience. At the same time we promote Birmingham, and the region, as an ideal place to do business. Members come from across the business and professional services sectors, and represent a broad cross-section of the Birmingham business community. Birmingham Forward provides a platform for our members, through campaigning and events, that ensures our sectors are clearly represented to key decision makers locally, regionally and nationally. To do this we provide the catalyst for member firms to work collaboratively with other organisations across the city, thereby assisting those firms to create long-term and profitable partnerships.



Regular contact and exchanges with MPs, MEPs, central and local government, the media, government and other agencies ensure our members’ opinions are communicated to the appropriate individuals. Forward members have access to a wide range of events that both educate and inform the audience whilst at the same time providing excellent networking opportunities. With more than 45 of these events a year, there truly is something for everyone. Birmingham Forward recognises the crucial importance of developing a diverse workforce to reflect the changing demographics of our region; we continue to foster relationships with key partners with whom we can deliver this agenda through a range of specific focused initiatives. Membership of Birmingham Forward is a major way in which an organisation can seek to become engaged in our city and its development. Full details about the different categories of membership and our wide range of activities can be found at or call 0121 270 8000


BIRMINGHAM FORWARD BOARD The Birmingham Forward Board comprises of a number of Directors nominated from across our membership. Leadership is provided by a Chairman and supported by a Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive.

The current Chairman is Gary Cardin – Partner, Drivers Jonas Deloitte and the current Deputy Chairman is Andrew Springhall, Chief Executive of Blusource.

For the names of all the current Board Directors and details of the operating structure of Birmingham Forward, please refer to, call 0121 270 8000 or e-mail


The Chairman and their Deputy are elected by the Board with the Deputy succeeding the Chairman at the end of their period of office, which is usually a one year term.

Birmingham Forward Board Members Adam Smith Alex Bishop Andrew Springhall Bob Pattni

Partner, Deloitte Partner, Shoosmiths Chief Executive, Blusource Executive Director, Birmingham Metropolitan College Gareth Morgan Chartered Surveyor, Jones Lang LaSalle Gary Cardin Partner, Drivers Jonas Deloitte Jackie Hendley Tax Partner, KPMG Lynn Richards-Cole Client Development Director, Aon Mark Whitehouse Deputy Managing Director, Clarke Associates

Matt Taylor

Director, Headline Communications Nick Venning Marketing Director, PriceWaterhouse Coopers Nicola Fleet-Milne Managing Director, FleetMilne Residential Peter Rees-Steer Director, Invigour Sally Beavan Relationship Manager, Santander Sue Lewis Partner, Eversheds Suzie Branch Managing Director, BranchMartinSpicer Tom Durrant Corporate Finance Partner, Gateley UK LLP

Birmingham Forward Board members



BIRMINGHAM FORWARD MEMBERSHIP If you are a successful business delivering professional or financial services in Birmingham and the West Midlands, you are part of the largest and most diverse professional services cluster outside London. Birmingham Forward membership is aimed at the senior managers/partners/directors of these companies and encourages active business-tobusiness networking through growing and developing business relationships. Membership is open to all companies and individuals that fall within the Professional, Financial & Business Services sector and are categorised as follows:Corporate Membership Open to all companies that fall within the Professional, Financial & Business Service sector. Benefits include:- A reduced rate for the majority of Birmingham Forward events - A comprehensive events programme which includes business briefings, high profile keynote speakers, seminars and focused business network lunches - Free entry into the Birmingham Forward Directory, which is distributed to all members within the network and beyond - Listing on the Birmingham Forward website with a link to your own site - Raise your profile regionally, nationally and internationally - A weekly e-bulletin keeping you up-to-date with all news and events - Give you greater awareness of, and involvement in, issues affecting the city - Access to our LinkedIn group, Twitter account, giving you virtual access to our network Patron Scheme The Patron scheme enables organisations to focus on brand awareness and/or the involvement of senior individuals in the growth and development of the city and its business community. Patrons are limited to, at most, two companies per sector to ensure each Patron receives a dedicated level of support and profile during their patronage. Patrons can come from any sector seeking to engage with our core membership. Benefits include:- Personal invitations to at least seven private dinners with Birmingham Forward Board Directors and fellow Patrons. These events provide the opportunity to meet various key figures from both Birmingham and across the UK


- Two complimentary tickets to the majority of Birmingham Forward events - Place features in the Birmingham Forward e-bulletin - A free full page listing in the Birmingham Forward Directory - The opportunity to host a dinner or event where we will ensure you reach a targeted audience from within our membership - Your logo will appear on Birmingham Forward letterheads, website and on all our banner stands at every event across the year - Three free memberships of Birmingham Future - Promotion of your organisation through one major event each year; we will also provide personal invites to key contacts or a selected audience, supply Birmingham Forward branding at the event and assistance with organisation and registration if required Affiliate Membership Birmingham Forward also provides an Affiliate membership opportunity for organisations which provide a business service to the region but which do not fall within our corporate membership criteria. Benefits include:- One complimentary ticket to the majority of Birmingham Forward events - Opportunity to host one of our events at your premises - A feature article in the Birmingham Forward e-bulletin - Free entry into the Birmingham Forward Directory - Opportunity to be part of the professional networking sector in the city Associate Membership We also cater for those individuals who are qualified working within an organisation but that does not fall within our corporate membership criteria. As an Associate Member of Birmingham Forward you will receive all of the benefits a Corporate Member recieves. To request an application form please e-mail To find out more, please either visit the website or call the Birmingham Forward office on 0121 270 8000. Follow us on Twitter @bhamforward Join our Linkedin Group

BIRMINGHAM FUTURE CHAIR’S MESSAGE Nicola Fleet-Milne Chair, Birmingham Future

But with challenge comes opportunity and I am delighted to say that Birmingham Future has continued to prosper and develop during the past year and we are well positioned to make a significant contribution to the life of our city during the next year and beyond. Birmingham Future depends completely on the commitment and vibrancy of its members. As a membership organisation they are our lifeblood. It is therefore satisfying to report that we continue to attract the brightest, most energetic and passionate young talent to Birmingham Future. This provides us with a strong platform to make a positive difference to the life and development of the city in which we work and live. We are active in the conversation about the issues and opportunities that impact not only the sectors in which our members work but the wider city too. We have supported the campaign to develop a high speed rail link between Birmingham, London and the north. We were vocal in our support for elected mayors. We are working on major initiatives that look in detail at how the city attracts and retains young talent and at the increasingly challenging skills gap suffered in our city. Birmingham stands at the edge of great and significant change. Change that will potentially make our city stronger, more prosperous, more attractive and more vibrant. At Birmingham Future we are determined to make every contribution we can to support these opportunities. Birmingham Future continues to offer its members a wide range of networking events. Our events can be stimulating opportunities to meet each other socially and have fun and these are shared equally with debates and forums in which we can discuss the key issues impacting on our sector and our city. Birmingham Future will continue to reach out to the young professional. It is vital to our continuing

prosperity and relevance that our membership remains representative, strong and diverse so we can continue to influence and shape how our city develops in the future.


The past year has seen many challenges for the young professional. The economic climate has continued to prove that we are building careers and developing skills against a background that has not been experienced for several generations.

This year we have launched a very exciting new initiative, with support from Warwick Business School, called The Future Commission. At the heart of the Commission’s remit is to look at the conditions and environment required to ensure that Birmingham remains a prosperous place for professional services and by doing so attract the brightest talent. The Commission is being chaired by the highly experienced Sir George Cox and we have recruited a diverse and talented group of commissioners to report back to us with a series of recommendations. The Birmingham Young Professional of the Year (BYPY) goes from strength to strength. This year saw even more people attending than ever before and the event remains one of the most prestigious and respected business events in the Birmingham calendar. Each year the quality and diversity of nominees proves that the talent that exists in our city is truly inspiring. 2012 also saw the recruitment of our seventh Graduate Apprentice. This Future initiative was a UK first and continues to provide a unique opportunity for a recent graduate to experience three diverse work placements around the city during their year. We are now working on plans to further extend the scheme so more graduates can gain an opportunity to realise their potential from this unique offer. My predecessor as Chair, Gareth Morgan has handed me an organisation with a committed and vibrant membership with the potential to grow even further. We have a robust plan to ensure that we continue to influence and shape the conversation around how our city develops and that we remain the voice of the young professional in the city.




Birmingham Future’s Leadership Team comprises representatives from each of the eight committees, plus the Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Immediate Past Chairman and Treasurer. It is the Leadership Team’s role to ensure the organisation continues to deliver events, drive forward campaigns and, most importantly, represent the membership. The Chair and Deputy Chair of Birmingham Future change annually with the current Chair, Nicola FleetMilne of FleetMilne Residential handing over to Suzie Branch of BranchMartinSpicer, in August 2013. The eight committees are: - Birmingham Young Professional of the Year (BYPY) - City Centre - Development - Future in the Community - Keynote/Social - Special Projects - Sport - Talent Retention and Development (TRaD)

The committees are always looking for passionate, enthusiastic and committed members to help them in their work. If you are interested in joining or reading about our committees and Leadership Team, please visit our website: Follow us on twitter @bhamfuture Become a fan on Facebook Join our LinkedIn group. To register your interest in joining a committee, please email

Each committee has around eight Birmingham Future members who are responsible for delivering core activities and promoting key campaigns.

Past Chair & Chair of Birmingham Future – Gareth Morgan and Nicola Fleet-Milne


Hilary Allen - 2011 BYPY speaks at the Future Commission Launch

BIRMINGHAM FUTURE YOUNG PROFESSIONAL OF THE YEAR Birmingham Future’s flagship event, Birmingham Young Professional of the year (BYPY), is an awards ceremony for the city’s most talented young professionals, within Birmingham’s business community. This year BYPY is in its 12th year and, having grown year on year, 2012 saw it bring together over 870 professionals for the most impressive celebration of individual talent and success on Birmingham’s business calendar. BYPY is organized by a dedicated committee made up of Birmingham Future members who volunteer their time and expertise to help make it a standout event year after year. Generous sponsors have also made it possible to maintain the high standards expected from this glamorous awards ceremony. If you would like to find out more about BYPY, please visit our website

BYPY 2012 Winner Aktar Islam

BYPY 2012 Commitee


Candidates compete across six different categories Communications, Entrepreneurial, Financial Services, HR, Recruitment & Training, Legal and Property & Construction, where they are all expected to demonstrate a commitment to Birmingham and the wider community as well as exceptional career achievements. Every year a panel of judges, made up of some of the city’s most successful business people and professionals, choose from these category winners the overall winner, awarding them the prestigious title of Birmingham Young Professional of the Year. BYPY also recognises individuals who have made a lasting contribution to the city’s business community with the Inspiring Leader award. 2012 also saw the launch of a new award: Aspiring Talent, recognising exceptional individuals aged between 16 and 23 who are currently in full-time higher or further education and looking to embark upon a professional services career within Birmingham. The aim of the award is to motivate and inspire the winner to build their professional career in Birmingham and ultimately go on to become a strong ambassador for the city.

Follow us on twitter @BYPY Become a fan on Facebook Join our LinkedIn group. Or email




Launched in 2006 and having just confirmed its 7th success story, the Graduate Apprentice is unique to Birmingham, with this year’s graduate being given the opportunity to experience three diverse working environments within the professional and business services sector in Birmingham. Managed by Birmingham Future’s Talent Retention and Development (TRaD) Committee, in conjunction with Graduate Advantage, the programme identifies one exceptional recent graduate and offers them a uniquely structured, twelve month salaried placement. It provides the graduate with vital experience, enhancing their CV and improving their job opportunities whilst giving them an invaluable insight into the business and professional services sector. Moreover, the Graduate Apprentice has an unrivalled opportunity to network with the city’s other young professionals and discover the vibrant lifestyle Birmingham offers.

The search for 2013 Graduate Apprentice will begin in the Autumn of 2012, with the opportunity of not just one Graduate Apprentice but three for 2013. Should you or your company be interested in becoming involved with the scheme please register your interest by e-mailing . Further details about the scheme can be found at .

The 2012 Graduate Apprentice Lauren Hornbuckle, a 23 year old graduate originally from Nottingham. Having just graduated from Aston University with a Management and Strategy degree, Lauren will be spending her year, four months each, with Blusource, Brewin Dolphin and Glide Utilities.

Deputy Chair of TraD Jason Norris, 2011 Graduate Apprentice Joshua Bennetto, 2012 Graduate Apprentice Lauren Hornbuckle, Chair of TRaD Verity Stokes


BIRMINGHAM FUTURE MEMBERSHIP Birmingham Future is a dynamic, forward-thinking membership organisation that provides a platform for the city’s young professionals to become Birmingham’s next business leaders.

As a member of Birmingham Future you will be given all the tools you need to further your career, build your network of contacts, shape the city that you love whilst having fun. Becoming a member will enable you to: - Network with some of the city’s high profile business leaders and senior decision makers – opening doors that would otherwise be closed and ultimately generate new business opportunities - Keep up to date and have your say on key issues relevant to the city

by receiving an invaluable mentor from Birmingham Forward with ‘Momentum’ - Help shape the organisation by joining one of our committees and showcasing your personal skills - Take part in the phenomenon that is BYPY to raise your profile - Connect with likeminded individuals, put yourself on invite lists for social and business events and cement lasting friendships


Our diverse membership spans from trainees to directors, across a range of sectors from the professional to the creative. We help people to build their personal and professional profile through not only an extensive calendar of high profile speaker and networking events, but also mentoring and awards programmes.

To request a membership application form please e-mail To find out more, please either visit the website or call the Birmingham Future office on 0121 270 8000 Follow us on twitter @bhamfuture Become a fan on Facebook Join our Linkedin group.

- Become involved in a mentoring scheme - either as a mentor to a BCU student with ‘Inspiring Futures’ or





ABOUT BIRMINGHAM INTRODUCTION Birmingham is a city that means business. Its ambition and unlimited energy has led to the city becoming one of the UK’s leading regional financial and professional services centres – and Birmingham attracted more inward investment in 2011 than any other regional city in the UK. Birmingham is renowned for its people, strong networked community and welcoming culture. Add that to a myriad of inward investment projects, improvements to civic space, cultural and sporting opportunities and a great quality of life and you can see why Birmingham is the place to be – and also to do business.


In recent years Birmingham has undertaken a series of inward investment and development projects, making it even more appealing to business owners. By 2026, over £18 billion will have been invested into the city. Not only is Birmingham now recognised internationally as the place to do business, with many major global organisations choosing to locate here, the city is also attracting significant private and public sector organisations from across the UK. This includes the Solicitors Regulation Authority, Gensler, Deutsche Bank and Codemasters. Its position at the heart of the country’s transport network also makes it a natural place from which to do business or with which to trade.

Birmingham City Council House, Victoria Square

The £15.2 million mac and sampad building project

A view from above Brindleyplace




Birmingham is a leading European business destination. Home to 45,000 companies, it boasts a large pool of highly qualified professionals, especially in finance, IT, law and human resources. Birmingham’s sectoral offering covers all areas of business. With 200 law firms, a wealth of banking specialists, top accountants, 50 major property services, a buzzing creative industry and one of Europe’s largest insurance markets, Birmingham is well qualified as a major business city. Skills and talent Birmingham’s workforce is highly skilled and qualified. Within a one hour drive is access to over 97,000 highly skilled graduates each year, from 15 universities and three university colleges – with a high concentration in key business, technical and science subjects (62% of all graduates). The area excels in its language capabilities and is the best English core city in terms of languages spoken, while also topping the league table for number of key language subjects studied. Nearly 60% of all graduates in the city region achieve either a 2:1 or 1st class degree – increasing to 65% of graduates from Aston University and the University of Birmingham.

International and diverse Birmingham’s international feel is driven by its population. Nearly 30% of Birmingham’s residents are from black and minority ethnic communities and there are over 700 international businesses based there. The varied mixture of cultures, both within the business community and among its residents, has made Birmingham very much a global city, enabling it to forge strong links across the world. Birmingham’s ethnicity gives the city a real sense of vibrancy. This feel of multiculturalism is extended globally as it is twinned with six sister cities; Chicago, Milan, Frankfurt, Leipzig, Johannesburg and Lyon. Birmingham has also formed a Treaty of Friendship with Guangzhou (China), formerly known as Canton, and Mirpur in Azad Kashmir, Pakistan. Having recognised the importance of engaging internationally, all of these relationships strive to maintain substantial links and provide opportunities for both business and cultural development.

All of the region’s universities and university colleges offer business-related degrees. Nearly 200 Business Studies courses are available in the wider region, with 14,600 students currently studying business in Birmingham and 55,200 within an hour’s drive of the city.

Graduation day at the University of Birmingham


Colmore Row, at the heart of the city’s business district

ABOUT BIRMINGHAM LOCATION From the business and professional services to creative industries, Birmingham’s business community is spread throughout the city, based across areas such as Colmore Business District, Brindleyplace, Digbeth and the Jewellery Quarter. These key districts are within easy reach of each other, ensuring that all business services in the city are readily accessible.

The city is also home to some of the UK’s top conferencing facilities – supported by 28,600 bed spaces from international hotel brands, the International Convention Centre, the city’s sports grounds, universities and the National Indoor Arena – making Birmingham well equipped to suit the needs of any business event. For overnight stays, Birmingham’s accommodation offering is excellent with a large variety of top names and boutique hotels as well as serviced apartments right in the city centre. When it comes to office space, Birmingham has a vast array of privately owned, rented or serviced office space to choose from. Over 900,000 square feet is available for immediate occupation, and prime Grade A rents in Birmingham are almost 50% less than London. So whatever your business, whatever its size and whatever your plans for growth, you’ll find the perfect place to flourish in Birmingham.

Transport Business in Birmingham thrives on its location, location, location. The city is at the heart of Britain’s transport network, with access to over 90% of the UK market within a four hour drive-time and excellent road links – the M5, M6, M40 and M42 – easily accessible from the city. It also has access to Birmingham Airport, the second busiest airport in England outside of London, which is just nine minutes by train from Birmingham city centre. The airport’s approved ‘Master Plan’ includes the UK’s only permitted runway extension, which will see a tripling of passenger numbers to 27 million by 2030.


In addition, many companies are based at one of Birmingham’s business parks, which offer premier locations alongside cutting-edge facilities within a professional community. Birmingham’s business parks are either based centrally or slightly out of the city centre, but all have access to key transport routes for the city, the region and the rest of the UK.

The majority of long distance train journeys are operated by Virgin Trains out of Birmingham New Street Station. Journeys include those to and from London, Manchester, Milton Keynes, Preston and Glasgow. Services operated by Chiltern Railways to Stratfordupon-Avon, Solihull, Worcester and London run from Moor Street Station. Snow Hill Station (at the centre of Colmore Business District) also offers Chiltern and London Midland services to many destinations. In terms of public transport, the city’s bus routes, taxi services and cycle lanes are all easy to use and find.

Birmingham New Street Station, currently undergoing a £600million redevelopment

Brindleyplace - a great place to work, play, eat & stay in Birmingham




One of the benefits of working in Birmingham is the lifestyle that comes with it. In fact, Mercer’s Quality of Living global survey rates it as the UK’s most attractive regional city. Birmingham is a hub of cultural activity with music, dance, galleries, cinema or theatre opportunities on offer throughout the year. Also home to the Birmingham Royal Ballet and the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, the city is alive with cultural talent that is well worth checking out. Birmingham also has some of the UK’s best venues on its doorstep for everything from music to sports to conferencing.

Birmingham is quickly becoming recognised as one of the best style centres outside London. Avant-garde in all things stylish, Birmingham has more than 1,000 shops in centres ranging from the high fashion Mailbox to the iconic Selfridges building, the Bullring, the Great Western Arcade, Martineau Place and the Pallasades – as well as high street stores, individual boutiques and vintage shops.

For a flavour of the city, Birmingham has a very varied palate – its city centre alone offers 27 different cuisines. From fine dining by the city’s canals to traditional cuisine in the Balti Triangle or Chinese Quarter and fresh produce at the city’s famous markets, there really is something for all taste-buds. Birmingham is also award-winning when it comes to restaurants, and the city can take pride in having the most Michelin stars of any English city outside of London.

As for sport, look no further as Birmingham (and the West Midlands region) is home to many celebrated events, teams and grounds. With test and county cricket at Edgbaston, Premier League football, athletics championships at the NIA and much more, Birmingham’s residents are spoilt for choice when it comes to sport. Birmingham is also very proud to welcome the Jamaican and USA Olympic track and field teams to the city ahead of the 2012 Olympic Games.

Broad Street on a Saturday night (Marketing Birmingham)

The £15.2 million mac and sampad building project

Edgbaston Stadium - home to Warwickshire Country Cricket Club and host to test matches and one day internationals


ABOUT BIRMINGHAM LOOKING TO THE FUTURE The city has welcomed the formation of organisations such as Business Birmingham to help with the ongoing support of the city and its inward investment projects.

Other major infrastructure projects will also soon come to the forefront as part of the Big City Plan – the most ambitious, far-reaching development project in the UK, which defines how more than 1.5 million square metres of land will be developed and used for generations to come. Included within this is the ‘Vision for Movement’ strategy, which has outlined major improvements set for the transport networks around the city, namely the development of the £600 million Gateway redevelopment of New Street Station, a £127 million Metro extension, High Speed 2 and a £200 million investment at Birmingham Airport. In March 2011, the Greater Birmingham and Solihull LEP chose Birmingham city centre as the location for its Enterprise Zone as a key vehicle for delivering economic growth. The Enterprise Zone comprises 26 sites in seven clusters identified in the Big City Plan as offering significant growth opportunities: Westside, Snow Hill District, Eastside, Southern Gateway, Digbeth Creative Quarter, Birmingham Science Park Aston and the Jewellery Quarter.

It is anticipated that when all of the development is in place, the Enterprise Zone can deliver a £2.8 billion uplift to the economy each year and create 40,000 jobs. Birmingham has seven Business Improvement Districts (BIDs), which consist of Broad Street, Retail Birmingham, Colmore Business District, the Jewellery Quarter, Southside, Erdington and Kings Heath. They collectively bring in an additional £13 million of investment during their five year terms to spend on priorities determined by local businesses. Three more BIDs are to be established in Sutton Coldfield, Acocks Green and Northfield.


Business Birmingham believes that more investment in infrastructure is currently taking place in Birmingham than any other UK regional city, ensuring that it is at the top of investors’ location lists as a city to watch. This includes projects such as the £188 million Library of Birmingham, which is due to open in 2013.

The city’s credentials as a leading host are also recognised with an impressive track record of 8 political party conferences in five years. In the autumn of 2012, the city will once again host the Conservative Party conference. Further information can be found at: Sources of information: Business Birmingham




Wouter Schuitemaker, Investment Director at the city’s inward investment programme Business Birmingham, explains why the city is rising up the international rankings as a global business destination. There is no getting away from the challenges presented by the recent economic downturn – not only for businesses, but for cities with new opportunities for investment. Birmingham has much to offer, but is having to compete even harder against other locations for the attention of investors, so it is a real boost that the city is making its mark by rising up some prestigious international business rankings. Two influential surveys, based on data and analysis by industry experts and read by business location specialists, have highlighted how Birmingham is now viewed as a world-class investment destination. International locations magazine Site Selection has listed Birmingham as the fourth most attractive city in Western Europe in its annual Best to Invest rankings – making it the only English city in the top ten, and beating the likes of Paris, Brussels and Berlin. Meanwhile fDi magazine’s European Cities and Regions of the Future survey has placed Birmingham in the top ten for foreign direct investment strategy and business friendliness for large cities. These rankings are testament to Birmingham’s business community working together to raise its international profile, and a new focus by the city on attracting investment. This focus saw Business Birmingham launch in September 2010. We have ambitious targets to create jobs across the wider city region by assisting inward investors and those looking to expand in the area. Supported by the European Regional Development Fund, we provide the link for investors to establish or grow their presence here by working as a strategic partner – providing relevant information, advice and


an access point to local business networks such as Birmingham Forward. By working closely with private and public sector organisations across the city, we are able to supply investors with a package of support that includes market intelligence, familiarisation tours and advice on a variety of topics ranging from funding to recruitment and legislation. More than 80 commercial organisations from across the city have already partnered with Business Birmingham, helping us to introduce potential investors to partners that could provide services to fit their needs. In practice, working together in this way generates new investment and employment opportunities in the city. We have made a strong start in our first year – generating more than 2,000 jobs and introducing a number of investors to the city region, such as architect Gensler, Chinese manufacturer NVC Lighting and construction group Skanska. Business Birmingham also supported local businesses that are expanding and recruiting here, such as games developer Codemasters, which is bringing 25 new jobs into the city. Informed by research into the city region’s strengths, Business Birmingham is now focusing on four key sectors – professional and financial services, digital media and ICT, life sciences and advanced engineering. This diverse combination represents a large part of the city’s strongest industries, which have the most potential to grow and create skilled jobs, and gives Birmingham the best chance of developing its local economy.

ABOUT BIRMINGHAM BIRMINGHAM SCORES ON A GLOBAL SCALE Its star might be rising but, to keep this momentum going, organisations across Birmingham must continue to work together to ensure that the city tops companies’ European relocation lists – and provides businesses with enough support to convince them that it is a safe bet for investment.


The Birmingham Business Hub, for example, involves a number of local business support organisations – including Birmingham Forward and ourselves – that provides co-ordinated assistance to new investors, as well as companies already based in the city, and complements the work we are doing with the private sector.

As we continue to promote Birmingham both in the UK and overseas, I expect increasing numbers of investors to recognise what the city has to offer. Its central, accessible location, large workforce, political stability and established infrastructure are just a few reasons why it is ranked so highly by the likes of Site Selection and fDi – but ultimately it is a warm welcome from the local business community that will make investors want to work here.

Business Birmingham Business Birmingham is the city’s official inward investment programme, part of Marketing Birmingham’s destination marketing strategy. Supported by the European Regional Development Fund, Business Birmingham aims to position Birmingham, the Black Country and Solihull as leading inward investment locations in the UK and major engines of UK growth.

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PATRONS Barclays |

Barclays Wealth and Investment Management brings a fresh approach to financial services, driven by our understanding that wealth means different things to different people. We are one of the largest wealth managers in the UK, with total assets under management of ÂŁ51 billion. Globally, our total client assets are ÂŁ172 billion. We attribute our success to a combination of the strength of the global Barclays network with the personal service and local understanding typical of a small, private bank. This makes us ideally placed to provide you with more choices, resources and solutions designed to meet your individual financial needs.

1 Colmore Square, Birmingham B4 6ES

t: 0121 683 7239 f: 0121 683 7300


The Barclays Wealth and Investment Management team in Birmingham consists of 25 Private Bankers providing bespoke solutions to clients across the Midlands. Being closer to our clients allows us to forge stronger relationships with them; the result is a personal service, precisely tailored to the individual. We have built on the heritage of the Barclays Group, which has been managing wealth on behalf of highly successful individuals and families for three hundred years. We are known not only for our global presence, scope and expertise but also for our capacity for innovation.

Birmingham Forward & Future Contacts Birmingham Forward Contacts

Birmingham Future Contact

Ben Gulliford Regional Centre Head

Mark Embley Private Banker

Sam Wynn Private Banker

Anto Birkbeck Private Banker

Andrew Porter Private Banker

Hitesh Mistry Private Banker

Michael Burgess Private Banker

Charles Barwell Private Banker


PATRONS Birmingham City University |

With around 25,000 students, Birmingham City University is a major UK university – and one of the most dynamic in the sector.


Proudly based in Birmingham, partners will discover a vibrant and diverse learning community that is supported by world-class research, cutting-edge teaching and enviable links to business and industry. The University works with a range of businesses including fast-growing regional enterprises, national organisations like the NHS, as well as international brands such as Jaguar Land Rover, Rolls-Royce, Morgan Motor Company, Triumph Motorcycles, Microsoft, Apple, Cisco, Cartier and Richemont. Working with these organisations underpins our commitment to practice-based learning which places great importance on the need to develop professionally qualified graduates with industry relevant skills, giving them a real world advantage for the modern workplace.

Birmingham City University Research, Innovation and Enterprise City North Campus, Franchise Street Birmingham B42 2SU

The University is now planning to build on these successful foundations with major investment in our facilities, including an ambitious expansion of our city centre campus, a multi-million pound scheme that will further serve the region’s creative sector by providing cutting-edge facilities for our design and media students. We are also a key player in educating talented people for the computer games industry – an increasingly important part of the regional and national economy – through research, vocational learning, professional training and business engagement. This strong vocational focus helps place the University in the Top 30 for placing students in graduate-level jobs (Sunday Times University Guide), ranking Birmingham City University with some of the most prestigious institutions in the UK.

t: 0121 331 5252 f: 0121 331 5256

Birmingham Forward & Future Contacts Birmingham Forward Contacts Christine Abbott University Secretary Mary Carswell Pro-Vice-Chancellor Academic Beverley Nielsen Director, Employer Engagement


Birmingham Future Contacts Michael Ellender Communications Officer

Dr Nayan Patel Head of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Sharon Farrow Employment Zone Officer Marcus Andrews Graduate Employment Officer

PATRONS Birmingham Metropolitan College | | @bmetc

Birmingham Metropolitan College is one of the leading providers of further and higher education in the country. As a member of the 157 Group which represents 27 highly successful and influential further education colleges in England, they provide education and training for over 9,000 16-19 year olds, 30,000 adult learners and a range of employers across the United Kingdom.

Matthew Boulton Campus, Jennens Road, Birmingham B4 7PS

The college is recognised as an outstanding provider and have received numerous national awards in recognition of the quality of the education and training they provide. Recent accolades include the TES FE Award for Outstanding Innovation in Teaching, Training and Learning and the college was named Vocational/ Professional Training Provider of the Year at the 2011 Education Investor Awards.


With three main campuses and a number of Satellite Centres, the college offers an outstanding range of provision for their learners. The campuses are home to the Samsung Digital Service Academy, the Baxi Innovation Academy and the Samsung Digital Appliance Academy where engineers from across the country are trained in state of the art suites to extend their technical knowledge and gain practical

qualifications. These academies were developed to drive forward the Government’s skills agenda of flexible work-based training programmes to meet the needs of industry.

t: 0121 446 4545 f: 0121 503 8590

Birmingham Forward & Future Contacts Birmingham Forward Contacts Dr Christine Braddock CBE - Principal and Chief Executive

Clive Hill – Executive Director

Bob Pattni – Executive Director

Julie Nugent – Executive Director

Roger Minett – Executive Director


PATRONS Blusource | | @BlusourceUK |


Blusource are proud to be Patrons of Birmingham Forward for a second year running in 2012. Launched in the Midlands at the end of 2008, Blusource’s aim was to provide a professional recruitment consultancy with a “fresh approach to people”. Since making its first mark on the regional jobs market Blusource’s market presence has grown exponentially with new offices in Nottingham and Birmingham and after Blusource’s recent merger with a midlands

accountancy and tax recruitment firm, they are now in the strongest position yet to be the leading provider of strategic recruitment and advisory solutions to the legal, accounting and banking sectors together with mainstream finance, HR and executive appointments whilst always maintaining their unique, fresh approach. The Birmingham office continues to go from strength to strength with three new members joining in the last twelve months and more in the pipeline.

LinkedIn: Blusource Accountancy Jobs Blusource I&C Finance Jobs Blusource I&C HR Jobs Blusource Legal Jobs

102 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 3AG t: 0121 5130929

Number of Local Staff: 8 Number of UK Staff: 15

Birmingham Forward & Future Contacts Birmingham Forward Contacts Andrew Springhall – Chief Executive

Bjorn Jones – Director of Blusource Industry & Commerce

Guy Furnivall – Manager of Blusource Accountancy

Marie Weston – Managing Partner of Blusource

Alice White – Marketing and Business Development Executive

Jon Needham Manager of Blusource Legal

Guy Furnivall – Manager of Blusource Accountancy Philip White – Director of Blusource Legal Jon Needham - Manager of Blusource Legal


Birmingham Future Contacts

Alice White – Marketing and Business Development Executive

PATRONS Edgbaston Stadium | Conferences & Events: | Tickets: | Hospitality: | Shop: Following a recent £32 million redevelopment of the Pavilion End, Edgbaston Stadium has been transformed into one of the leading venues in world cricket and the UK’s finest conference and event destinations.

The redevelopment has created new world class facilities for all to enjoy at Edgbaston – the

Edgbaston Stadium, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B5 7QU

The venue offers a 650 capacity banqueting suite, a 1,050 sq metre exhibition hall as well as 100-250 capacity hospitality suites and smaller hospitality boxes for up to 22 people, which make Edgbaston the perfect venue for a wide range of events.


Edgbaston Stadium is now the second biggest cricket venue in the UK with a 25,000 capacity, and is staging 31 days of Major Match cricket over the next five years, including the ICC Champions Trophy in 2013, an Ashes Test Match in 2015 and the Friends Life t20 finals day in four consecutive years.

players through new spacious changing rooms, spectators through some of the best viewing platforms in modern stadia, corporate clients through new hospitality boxes and suites, journalists through a new Media Centre, as well as several new conference and event spaces. All sections are available to view first hand through a tour of the new Edgbaston Stadium.

t: 0844 635 1902 f: 0844 871 1902

Birmingham Forward & Future Contacts Birmingham Forward Contacts Colin Povey Chief Executive

Craig Flindall Finance Director

David Pearson New Business Executive

Gareth Roberts Commercial Director

Guy Wolfenden Head of Commercial for Cricket

Tom Rawlings Communications Manager

Jamie Nevin General Manager of Conferences, Hospitality & Events

Penny Carter Sales & Marketing Manager for Conferences & Events

Maria Clune Conference Team Manager



PATRONS | | | Gateley is a top 50 national UK law firm with 150 partners and more than 400 fee earners. It operates from offices in Birmingham, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds, Leicester, London, Manchester, Nottingham and Dubai. It has specialist teams covering all aspects of legal services, including corporate, banking, real estate and development, technology and renewables, social housing, construction, employment, pensions, dispute resolution, shipping and transport, as well as private client services.

Gateley was named ‘Best Legal Adviser’ in the 2011 Legal Week Client Satisfaction report, which surveyed more than 1,000 in-house senior lawyers.

One Eleven, Edmund Street, Birmingham B3 2HJ

t: 0121 234 0000 f: 0121 234 0001

The firm has won over 35 awards in the past three years, including Best Regional Law Firm at the Legal Business Awards, and was voted 2011 Corporate Law Firm of the Year at the Midlands Insider Dealmakers Awards. Gateley won both Law Firm of the Year and Company of the Year at the 2010 Birmingham Post Business Awards.

Number of Local Staff: 243 Number of UK Staff: 720

Birmingham Forward & Future Contacts


Birmingham Forward Contacts

Birmingham Future Contacts

Michael Ward Senior Partner

Kate Onions Associate

Tom Durrant Partner

Elaine Huttley Senior Associate

Victoria Garrad Partner

Jacob Robinson Senior Associate

Brendan McGeever Partner

Neil Warner Associate

Martyn Finnigan

Rebecca Thomas Solicitor

PATRONS Performances Birmingham Limited | | @THSHBirmingham | We offer opportunities for people of all ages to enjoy and participate in music, reaching over 20,000 people every year through a programme of outreach work, workshops, family events and school activities.

We present a programme of over 600 classical, popular, and contemporary concerts and events, reaching over 500,000 people every year. We offer a range of exciting corporate sponsorship opportunities. There are also opportunities to hire Town Hall for corporate banquets, conferences, exhibitions and award ceremonies. Whilst Symphony Hall is perfect for conferences, AGMs, exclusive drinks receptions and banquets on the stage.

To celebrate Symphony Hall’s 21st anniversary, we have launched an ambitious new education project. Through Generation Ladywood we aim to increase the educational achievements of children attending Ladywood schools and improve their life opportunities. We wish to connect over 5,000 7-11 year olds to musical experiences, with children having the chance to learn to play a musical instrument, learn to sing, to play music alongside professional musicians in their schools, and to attend at least two concerts each year.

Symphony Hall, Broad Street, Birmingham B1 2EA

t: 0121 644 5075 Conferences & Events: 0121 644 6053


Performances Birmingham Limited (PBL) manages Symphony Hall, considered to be one of the acoustically finest concert halls in the world, and Town Hall, the oldest working concert hall in Europe.

Birmingham Forward & Future Contacts Birmingham Forward Contacts

Birmingham Future Contacts

Andrew Jowett Chief Executive

Anita Bhalla Trustee

Catherine McGlone Commercial Manager

Roger Burman Chairman

Mary Martin Trustee

Charlotte Torlo Commercial Manager

Andy Street Deputy Chairman

Karen Daw Head of Development

Photo Credits - Images of Town Hall and Symphony Hall (Mike Gutteridge), Image of Andrew Jowett (Craig Holmes)


PATRONS PricewaterhouseCoopers


PwC has over 1,600 professionals in our assurance, tax and consulting teams based in Birmingham and the Midlands. We believe our local presence gives our clients a better experience. Our specialists have a wide range of experience working with all types of business from private client and entrepreneurial companies’ right through to large corporates, global multinationals and the Public Sector. We provide a broad range of services in Birmingham and the Midlands: - Audit & Assurance Services - Tax - Business Recovery Services - Consulting - Corporate Finance/Transaction Services - Forensic Services - Human Resource Services Whether starting or expanding a business, raising finance, managing and incentivising talent, protecting and extracting value or looking at exit or succession, we have the team, ideas and experience to deliver. Our approach to market is based upon having a deep understanding of the business issues

Cornwall Court, 19 Cornwall Street, Birmingham B3 2DT

facing our clients and the industry sectors in which they operate. Our scale in the Midlands means that we have partners and staff with expertise across a wide range of sectors: - Aerospace & Defence - Automotive - Capital Projects & Infrastructure - Chemicals - Consumer Goods - Engineering & Construction - Entertainment & Media - Forest Paper & Packaging - Government/Public Sector - Healthcare - Hospitality & Leisure - Industrial Manufacturers - Pharmaceuticals & Life Sciences - Power & Utilities - Retail - Technology - Transportation & Logistics We are able to bring the insights and experience from advising clients all over the world to add value to business in Birmingham and the Midlands.

t: 0121 265 5000 f: 0121 265 5050

Birmingham Forward & Future Contacts Birmingham Forward Contacts


Mark Smith Midlands Regional Chairman

Matthew HammondBusiness Recovery

John Tracey Forensic Services

Keith Harrington Audit & Assurance Services

Michael Kitts Consulting

Jeremy May Human Resource Services

Stuart R Wallace Tax

Matt Waddell Corporate Finance/ Transaction Services


ROAR is a subsidiary of Glide, which was founded in 2006 by James Villarreal and Sandeep Krishan and now has over 22,000 customers throughout the UK and will turn over more than £10 million in the next 12 months. ROAR wants to get business talking. Whether it’s phones, mobiles, broadband conferencing or tailoring telecommunications to be slicker, more flexible and cheaper, ROAR has the right solution.

Alpha Tower Suffolk Street Queensway Birmingham B1 1TT

t: 0333 666 5000 f: 0333 666 5001


ROAR is a telecommunications provider to businesses, providing hosted telephony and business connectivity, specialising in solutions for academic institutions, local authorities and SMEs. ROAR works alongside all of the UK’s major telecommunications companies to deliver a complete and tailored telecommunications solution. These include BT, Be There, Exponential-e, Gamma Telecom, Talk Talk, Union Street Technologies and Vodafone.

Birmingham Forward & Future Contacts Birmingham Forward Contacts Anthony McCourt

Joshua Bennetto

Pauline Grogan

James Villarreal

Sandeep Krishan

Jon Dunne






AECOM is an award-winning multi-disciplinary consultancy with a reputation for quality, innovation and value. Davis Langdon joined the group in 2010 increasing our ability to deliver large complex programmes and offer integrated services as a ‘whole solution’. AECOM is the world’s leading provider of professional, technical and management support services, responsible for some of the most complex projects being undertaken globally. AECOM provides professional technical and management support services to a range of markets, including transportation, real estate, industrial, environmental, energy, water, infrastructure, education and government.

Birmingham Forward Contacts David Daly Head of UK North & Ireland Programme Cost Consultancy Lee Jones Operations Director Programme Cost Consultancy

Dave Bennett Operations Director Transportation

t: 0121 262 1900 | f: 08700 480747


Alan Crawford Regional Director

Colmore Plaza, Colmore Circus Queensway, Birmingham B4 6AT


Local Staff: 211 | UK Staff: 3,522 | Europe Staff: 4,837 |

As one of the world’s leading engineering and design consultancies, Atkins has the breadth and depth of expertise to respond to the most technically challenging and time critical projects. Our Birmingham regional office offers a broad range of multidisciplinary services from planning and design to project delivery and operation.

Birmingham Forward Contact Jason Pavey Highways

10 Holliday Street, Birmingham B1 1TF t: 0121 483 5000 | f: 0121 483 5252

Bassclusker Consulting Ltd |

We help firms in the professional and business support sectors to set strategy and align the organisation with their objectives. Projects typically involve increasing the fitness of the organisation to handle growth and change. Read what clients say and subscribe to our newsletter by visiting our website.

Birmingham Forward Contact Dr Andrew Bass

15 Kings Road, Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham B73 5AB t: 0121 427 7217

EC Harris |

EC Harris is a leading global Built Asset Consultancy. As an ARCADIS company, we have access to circa 19,000 professionals across 300 offices in 70 countries. We help our clients make the most from the money they spend on built assets.

Birmingham Forward Contact Martin Silvester Location Leader

Baskerville House, Centenary Square, Broad Street, Birmingham B1 2ND t: 0121 503 2700 | f: 0121 503 2701



Eric Laing specialises in four main areas; 1) uncovering hidden losses; 2) providing analyses of profit between market, customer and service or product; 3) making sure that the profit forecast on quotations given to customers is credible; 4) improving management information and controls.

Local Staff: 1 | UK Staff: 1 Birmingham Forward Contact Eric Laing Specialist Consultant

33 Selly Wick Road, Selly Park, Birmingham B29 7IJ t: 0121 414 1425 | f: 0121 249 2720


JMP Consultants Ltd | Birmingham Forward Contact

JMP is a leading independent UK consultancy practice, specialising in transport planning, public transport, infrastructure and environmental engineering. Our mission is to lead the market in developing and delivering sustainable transport solutions. We provide specialist advice to a range of public and private sector organisations.

Alan Bain - Director

85-89 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 2BB t: 0121 230 6010 | f: 0121 230 6011

Invigour | Birmingham Forward Contact

Invigour are business, property and project advisors. We provide creative solutions with integrity, independence and experience, delivering complex projects tailored to suit our customers business objectives. We specialise in management, development and project consultancy.

Peter Rees-Steer Director

23 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 2BP t: 0121 200 1891

Kennedy Business Solutions

Kennedy Business Solutions specialises in providing tailored and sustainable solutions to complex organisational issues. We support executive groups to be more corporate and more effective decision makers, and where appropriate, redesign the organisation to be ‘fit for purpose’ and able to respond to future challenges.

Birmingham Forward Contact Dr Sherril Kennedy Managing Principal

35 Tredington Park, Hatton Park, Warwick CV35 7TT t: 01926 490689 | f: 01926 408916

The Wisdom Factory CIC |

Training, research and project management using the tools of psychology, philosophy, engineering and statistics; huge experience across the public, private and third sectors. A Social Enterprise granting AT LEAST 5% of turnover to local good causes giving you added social value in your supply chain.


Suite 414, Jewellery Business Centre, 95 Spencer Street Birmingham B18 6DA t: 0121 523 1071

Birmingham Forward Contact Mike Mounfield Director

CONSULTANCY: ICT Frontier Software |

Frontier Software has been a leading provider of integrated Human Resource and Payroll solutions to organisations both in the UK and worldwide since 1983. Today, over 1,400 clients in 13 countries rely on the easy to use and versatile products that meet the ever changing needs of Payroll Human Resource management.

Local Staff: 11 | UK Staff: 73 Birmingham Forward Contact Ian Mason Sales Manager

1 Crompton Court, Attwood Road, Burntwood Business Park WS7 3GG t: 0845 370 3210 | f: 01543 495851


Blusource are the Midlands’ professional services recruitment firm with a “fresh approach to people”. They provide strategic recruitment service for Midlands’ Legal, Accountancy Practice and Banking firms as well as specialising in finance, HR and executive appointments within SMEs to FTSE 100 business.

Birmingham Forward Contact Andrew Springhall Chief Executive



102 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 3AG t: 0844 533 5330

Katie Bard |

We recruit permanent and temporary staff across the Midlands for a full range of office support and specialist roles from graduate through to executive level including: PA/EA, Secretarial, Administration, Reception, Customer Service, Graduate, Legal Secretarial and Paralegal.

Local Staff: 15 | UK Staff: 200 Birmingham Forward Contact Verity Stokes Team Leader

Neville House, 14 Waterloo Street, Birmingham B2 5TX t: 0121 633 4443 | f: 0121 633 4746

Key Personnel |

Key Personnel is an independent recruitment consultancy. Our expertise lies in finding excellent candidates for office support and administration roles, from office juniors and secretaries through to senior positions in various professions including legal, HR, finance, procurement, logistics, sales and new for 2012, Key have established an IT division to fulfil increasing demand from our clients. Our clients range from SMEs to large corporates for both national and international professional practices. We predominantly serve the West Midlands but also, for some clients, work at a national level.

Local Staff: 10 | UK Staff: 10

Mary Hendry Managing Director Oliver Martin Operations Director

102 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 3AG t: 0121 233 2335 | f: 0121 233 2336


CONSULTANCY: RECRUITMENT & HR Perception Solutions Ltd |

Perception Solutions provides outsourcing requirements to legal firms in the areas of Recruitment, Cost Drafting, Translation, Investigations, Legal Protection and Medical Reporting. Founded by Daniel Campbell with the assistance of several Birmingham entrepreneurs the company has excellent knowledge of the local market through its relationships with key law firms throughout the region.

Local Staff: 22 | UK Staff: 22 Birmingham Future Contact Daniel Campbell Recruitment Director

40-42 Great Charles Street, Birmingham B3 2AT t: 0844 873 5100 | f: 0844 873 5199


Pertemps Recruitment Partnership |

Innovation, dedication and vision are the key values that drive business and business leaders to greater heights of success. These are values shared by the team at Jobs@Pertemps and their working partners.

Birmingham Forward Contact Jacqueline Bullock Branch Manager

Commercial Division, 13 Bennetts Hill, Birmingham B2 5RS t: 0121 643 5000 | f: 0121 230 9116

Pitch Consultants | Pitch is a forward thinking recruitment consultancy Birmingham Forward Contact specialising in the marketing PR and creative industries. Rob Markwell We work in true partnership with some of the most Director inspiring agencies and brands in the UK, offering advice and resource on recruiting, training, talent retention, interviewing and industry trends. Zellig 318, The Custard Factory, Gibb Street, Birmingham B9 4AA t: 0121 270 4080

Prestige Recruitment Services | Local Staff: 10 | UK Staff: 25 An independently owned consultancy established in 1996, born in Birmingham! We have gained a reputation for providing a fresh, honest approach to recruitment Birmingham Future Contact without any compromise. Our recruitment success rate Jeanette Wharrad is high because we work harder and smarter for both Managing Director our clients and candidates. 1 Victoria Square, Birmingham B1 1BD t: 0121 244 5004 | f: 0121 244 5005

PSD Group |

PSD is an international recruitment organisation operating at the mid-to-senior management level (ÂŁ50ÂŁ100,000+ salaries). Our specialist consultants operate within defined market sectors e.g Professional Services, Business Services, Financial Services, Consumer etc and we recruit all major Head Office functions, covering Marketing, Finance, Audit and IT. 6th Floor, 85-89 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 2BB t: 0121 212 0099 | f: 0121 236 9351


Local Staff: 15 | UK Staff: 45 Birmingham Future Contact Giles Morrison Managing Consultant

CONSULTANCY: TELECOMS & UTILITIES ROAR ROAR is a telecommunications provider to businesses, providing hosted telephony and business connectivity solutions, specialising in academic institutions, local authorities and SMEs. ROAR works alongside all major UK telecommunications companies - including BT, Gamma Telecom and Vodafone - to deliver a complete and tailored telecommunications solution. | Birmingham Forward Contact Anthony McCourt

James Villarreal

Alpha Tower, Suffolk Street Queensway Birmingham B1 1TT t: 0333 666 5000 | 0333 666 5001


News from the Future Ltd is dedicated to building business, cultural and economic links between UK and the new economies of India and China in particular to mutual benefit.

Local Staff: 1 | UK Staff: 1

15 Reservoir Road, Kidderminster DY11 7AP t: +44 (0) 7980 672427

Birmingham Forward Contact Michael Loftus Director


News From The Future






Gough Bailey Wright is a full service marketing agency that develops tailored and effective marketing programmes for clients in all sectors. Services include digital, social media, PR, online PR, media liason, advertising, creative design, branding, internal communications, websites, event management, exhibitions and all other marketing materials.

Local Staff: 27 Birmingham Forward Contact Sue Bailey Managing Director

5 Worcester Road, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire B61 7DL t: 01527 579555 | f: 01527 571122

Big Cat Group Ltd |

We are one of the leading award winning Midlandsbased full service marketing agencies offering the full marcoms mix, design and a dedicated events management service. We have offices in Paris, Barcelona and more recently London. Our head office being firmly situated in Birmingham city centre.

Local Staff: 14 | UK Staff: 18

Griffin House, 18-19 Ludgate Hill, Birmingham B3 1DW t: 0121 200 0910

Branch Martin Spicer

Birmingham Forward Contact



Nick Morgan Group CEO Birmingham Future Contact Mike Colledge - Event Manager | @bmsmarketing1

Creative marketers, we take pride in our work and have a reputation for delivering strong creative campaigns that exceed client expectations. Our approach is simple: to deliver exciting ideas, fresh creativity and excellent Birmingham Forward Contacts results that bring you the highest return on your Suzie Branch investment. Managing Director We’ve provided strategic and innovative marketing Richard Spicer Creative Director support across a wide range of industries including: creative sector, professional services, education, tourism and leisure, property and construction and third sector. David Martin Client Serices Director Our services include: branding, consultancy, digital, event management, graphic design and print, smartphone application development, PR. Birmingham Future Contacts Suzie Branch Branch Martin Spicer, Colmore Plaza, Queensway, Managing Director Colmore Business District, Birmingham B4 6AT t: 0121 262 4110



Philip Calcutt is an experienced marketing communications project manager delivering results and value for money for clients. Services include strategic marketing consultancy, creative campaigns, media relations and project management. Track record in public/private sector projects, innovation and regeneration, place marketing, business tourism, sport and major events.

Local Staff: 1 Birmingham Forward Contact Philip Calcutt Director

99 Oxford Road, Moseley, Birmingham B13 9SG t: 07753 672942


Clarke Associates Ltd |

Established for over 25 years but still as dynamic as ever, Clarke Associates provides strategic and tactical marketing services to clients in sectors as diverse as professional services, food and drink and education – amongst many others. Our services include market research, competitor analysis and creative campaigns, supplemented by PR and design from our specialist teams. The Old School House, Chapel Lane, Wythall, Birmingham B47 6JX t: 0121 702 2525

OWB Full-service marketing communications agency - brand design, advertising, web, e-marketing, social-media. Established 10 years in the city with an outstanding financial and professional services client-base. International scope through partnership with ComVort, the world’s largest agency network. ‘Recommended Agency’ approved, ISO9001 quality guaranteed, creativity unsurpassed.

Local Staff: 12 | UK Staff: 12 Birmingham Forward Contact David Clarke Managing Director Birmingham Future Contact Javan Bramhall Account Director | Birmingham Forward Contact Andy Wilkinson Managing Director Birmingham Future Contact Andy Wilkinson Managing Director

3rd Floor, The Bond, 180-182 Fazeley Street, Birmingham B5 5SE t: 0121 766 6571

The Bottom Line Marketing & Communications Ltd The Bottom Line is one of the Midlands’ most dynamic, full service advertising agencies. Working with clients across a number of sectors; our reputation is built upon achieving tangible results through our proactive approach. Our services cover website design, e-marketing, advertising, design, direct marketing, PR and event management. The Studio, Broome, Stourbridge DY9 0HA t: 01562 700500


Local Staff: 8 | UK Staff: 8 Birmingham Forward Contact Rob Muir Managing Director


If you are new to Birmingham or looking to develop new relationships to help your business grow, I can help you weave your way around the city. Ring me if you’d like to network more effectively and raise your profile in the process.

Birmingham Forward Contact Lorraine Francis Consultant

35 St Paul’s Square, Birmingham B3 1QX t: 0121 232 4650

CREATIVE: MEDIA AND DESIGN Clarke Associates Ltd |

The Old School House, Chapel Lane, Wythall, Birmingham B47 6JX t: 0121 702 2525

Daden Ltd

Local Staff: 12 | UK Staff: 12 Birmingham Forward Contact Javan Bramhall Account Director


Our creative yet disciplined design team tackle branding, advertising, literature, publications, websites and social media for organisations in all sectors. Our work is imaginative yet functional, always aimed at delivering outstanding results for our clients. If you’d like to see examples of our work, look no further – you’re holding one.

Birmingham Future Contact James Griffin Designer |

Daden specialise in immersive learning and training systems, built environment visualisations, and creating interactive virtual personalities (chatbots). Our virtual world and chatbot-based solutions help organisations enhance and improve their business. Clients range from private sector to central/local government, education, public safety, health and care organisations.

Local Staff: 8 | UK Staff: 8 Birmingham Forward Contact David Burden Managing Director

Faraday Wharf, Birmingham Science Park, Holt Street, Birmingham B7 4BB t: 0121 250 5678

Emperor Design |

Emperor is a market leading design and communications agency with studios in Birmingham, Edinburgh and London. We specialise in corporate, brand and marketing communications, delivering brand development, annual reports, websites and other reputation-building solutions for FTSE 100 to AIM quoted companies, and from private to public sector organisations.

Local Staff: 6 | UK Staff: 106 Birmingham Forward Contact Claire Forrest Client Partner

Studio 11, The Cogent Works, 50-54 St Paul’s Square, Birmingham B3 1QS t: 0121 262 3830 | f: 0121 262 3839



PCL Digital provide professional short run colour printing solutions to all your promotional literature exhibition requirements. Our city centre printing hub ensures fast turnaround without compromising on quality. Discounted rates for Birmingham Forward & Future members.

Birmingham Forward Contact Nick Westley-Smith Director

Units 5-6 Magreal Ind, Freeth Street, Birmingham B16 0QZ t: 0845 094 8555 | f: 0871 989 5215


Quadrant Events Ltd |

Quadrant Events Ltd are the home of Creative Audio Visual Solutions for business, public sector, health care and education. We are a leading UK audio visual company, offering a wide range of services and products, for the fixed AV install, conference and live event markets.

Local Staff: 8 | UK Staff: 65 Birmingham Forward Contact Paul Roberts Account Manager

49 Phoenix Park, Avenue Close, Birmingham B7 4NU t: 0121 359 6377 | f: 0121 359 2041


One of the UK’s leading PR and communications agencies, Camargue specialises in B2B, property, professional, energy, construction and transport. We understand what makes business tick and the need for real bottom-line benefits. In today’s competitive marketplace, we focus on results giving clients definition, differentiation and share of voice.

Local Staff: 7 | UK Staff: 70 Birmingham Forward Contact Stuart Fox Director

11 Waterloo Street, Birmingham B2 5TB t: 0121 616 5920 | f: 0121 633 3801

Chatham Communications |

Strategic in thinking and practical in approach Jennifer Chatham is well practised in all areas of marketing communication UK-wide. Services include advertising & design, negotiating sponsorship, writing and issuing press releases, features, newsletters to organising events and round table discussions through to expertise in crisis management. 321 Bradford Street, Birmingham B5 6ET t: 07775 912818


Birmingham Forward Contact Jennifer Chatham Owner


Staffed by former journalists and wordsmiths with both agency and in-house experience, our PR team works across public and private organisations of all types. For the past 25 years, we’ve been delivering strategic and tactical campaigns to clients including the BBC, University of Birmingham, NHS, Barclays and many more. The Old School House, Chapel Lane, Wythall, Birmingham B47 6JX t: 0121 702 2525


Local Staff: 12 | UK Staff: 12 Birmingham Forward Contact David Clarke Managing Director Birmingham Future Contact Javan Bramhall Account Director |


Local Staff: 14 Birmingham Forward Contact Juliet Collings Managing Director Birmingham Future Contact Lucie Sissons Account Manager |

We are the only integrated offline-online PR and marketing communications agency which covers every region of the UK and Ireland. Our Midlands regional office, based in Birmingham city centre, delivers effective PR, social media, marketing, public affairs and creative and design services.

UK Staff: 65

Latham House, 33-34 Paradise Street, Birmingham B1 2BJ t: 0121 633 7775 | f: 0121 633 7771

Birmingham Future Contact Adrian Marklew Account Director

Headline Communications

Birmingham Forward Contact Adrian Marklew Account Director |

Headline Communications is a leading B2B PR consultancy based in central Birmingham. We specialise in providing a wide range of communications solutions, from media relations to online PR, to the business, professional and financial, and property sectors. Our clients range from SMEs to large national and international businesses.

Local Staff: 4

21 Bennetts Hill, Birmingham B2 5QP t: 0121 643 4600

Laura Townsend Account Executive

Kinetic Communications Ltd

Birmingham Forward Contact Matt Taylor Director Birmingham Future Contact |

Kinetic builds reputations you can trust and guarantees the results clients want. We work brilliantly with clients who share our values: challenging, rigourous, moral, pioneering and fun. Check out how your reputation stands the trust test at 3 Tenby Street, Birmingham B1 3EL t: 0121 212 6250 | f: 0121 212 6255


Want more? Think Core! Results-driven, traditional and digital PR, social media and marketing campaigns that reach and engage your target audiences. Eye-catching, head-turning, creative campaigns and events that gain brand recognition - and new business. Whatever your sector, we’ll get you noticed. Want more? Think Core! The Exchange, 19 Newhall Street Birmingham B3 3PJ t: 0121 232 5000

Local Staff: 4 Birmingham Forward Contact Angela Podmore Founder Birmingham Future Contact Sarah Lamb



Seal is an award winning consultancy delivering creative PR, marketing/design and digital campaigns across consumer, B2B and public sector clients. With offices in Birmingham and Shrewsbury, our clients range from Michelin to Marketing Birmingham, The Midcounties Co-operative to Everards and Destination Staffordshire to Bentley. Commercial Street, Birmingham B1 1RH t: 0121 616 5800 | f: 0121 616 5801



Birmingham Forward Contact Nigel Pipkin Managing Director Birmingham Future Contact Claire Tortise Senior Account Manager |

Smarts delivers award winning on and off-line campaigns for a range of big name global, national and regional clients across a variety of consumer and business to business sectors. We also provide on and off-line crisis management and bespoke media training through SmartCover and the Smarts Media Academy.

Local Staff: 20 | UK Staff: 80 Birmingham Forward Contact Rebecca Scully Managing Director Birmingham Future Contact Michaella Maryon Account Manager

9 The Apex, 6 Embassy Drive, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 1TP t: 0121 456 3199 | f: 0121 456 3192

Urban Communications Ltd

Local Staff: 30 | UK Staff: 30 |

Urban Communications is a strategic communications consultancy based in Colmore Business District. Urban is focused on building relationships and enhancing reputations in the professional services, public and creative sectors. We deliver corporate communications, public affairs, media relations, reputation management, crisis management and event management services.

Local Staff: 5 Birmingham Forward Contact Kevin Johnson Managing Director

Cornwall Buildings, 45-51 Newhall Street, Colmore Business District, Birmingham B3 3QR t: 0121 213 4719 | f: 0121 222 4101

Willoughby PR

54 |

Voted Midlands Consultancy Of The Year twice, WPR is a digital and traditional agency whose specialist teams look after a range of big name clients across retail, leisure, home interest, consumer lifestyle, food, drink, property, trade and corporate sectors.

Local Staff: 34

43 Calthorpe Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 1TS t: 0121 456 3004 | f: 0121 456 9300

Birmingham Future Contact Sally Anderson Account Director

Birmingham Forward Contact Jane Ainsworth Managing Director


Alchemy House, 17 Sunnybank Road, Oldbury, West Midlands B68 ODB t: 0121 422 1414 | f: 0121 421 8117


A member of Birmingham Forward for over a decade, Alchemy Translations specialises in technical, commercial and legal translations from and into the major world commercial languages. A sample of the Birmingham Forward Contacts work we do can be found on pages 5 and 6 where we Bryan Manley-Green have once again provided a translation of the Director Chairman’s message into French, Spanish, German and Chinese. Over the years, we have gained a solid reputation for providing a reliable, professional and confidential service. Clients benefit from our wide experience of dealing with an extensive range of texts, including contracts, technical specifications, user manuals and websites. All work is carried out by native speakers with the relevant technical experience and is professionally managed by an in-house linguist. Next time you need a translation, be sure to contact us for a free quotation.





EDUCATION Aston University |

Aston is a research-led University known for innovative collaborations with business and industry across a range of sectors including engineering, strategy and health sciences. We use our expertise, research, facilities and professional development programmes to provide tailored solutions and support for the business community.

Local Staff: 1,500 Birmingham Forward Contact Peter Shearer Director of the Business Partnership Unit

Aston Triangle, Birmingham B4 7ET t: 0121 204 4242 | f: 0121 204 5152

Birmingham City University |

Birmingham Forward Contacts Christine Abbott University Secretary Mary Carswell Pro-Vice-Chancellor Academic


Birmingham City University is at the forefront of stimulating innovation within the business arena. We are focused on strengthening our rewarding collaborations with Birmingham Forward members, who we recognise as an essential part of the city’s knowledge economy. We can work with staff at all levels, from trainees to partners, and have a long and respected tradition of supporting management development within the city. We educate many of Birmingham’s lawyers, accountants and bankers, and seek to continue a symbiotic relationship with our alumni.

Beverley Nielsen Director, Employment Engagement Michael Ellender Communications Officer

Birmingham City University, Research, Innovation and Enterprise, City North Campus, Franchise Street Birmingham B42 2SU t: 0121 331 5252 | f: 0121 331 5256

Birmingham Metropolitan College The college play a key role within Birmingham and the West Midlands as major providers of further and higher education and training. They provide a wide curriculum which offers outstanding educational opportunities to in excess of 8,000 full time 16-19 learners and over 30,000 full and part time adult and work based learners.

Birmingham Future Contacts Dr Nayan Patel - Head of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Sharon Farrow - Employment Zone Officer Marcus Andrews - Graduate Employment Officer | Local Staff: 1,000 Birmingham Forward Contact Dr Christine Braddock Principal and Chief Executive

Jennens Road, Birmingham B4 7PS t: 0121 446 4545


EDUCATION The College of Law |


The College of Law, Birmingham is situated in the vibrant Jewellery Quarter and is the Midlands base for the national College of Law, leading provider of legal education and training in the UK and internationally. The College of Law is well-known within the legal and business community for its high quality provision. The centre offers a range of under and post graduate legal courses.

Birmingham Forward Contacts Professor Bernardette Griffin Director of College, Birmingham

The College of Law, 133 Great Hampton Street Hockley, Birmingham B18 6AQ t: 0148 321 6000 | f: 0121 236 6928

University of Birmingham |

The University of Birmingham has a tradition of innovation. From world-class cancer research to pioneering the development of new fuels, our academic expertise addresses the key challenges facing the modern-day world. We ask questions. We create impact. We use our research expertise to solve tomorrow’s problems today. Whether you are a large corporate organisation or a small business you can tap into the world-class expertise at the University of Birmingham. We are constantly making exciting breakthroughs in areas such as medicine, engineering, materials, energy, heritage and social policy- and then making them available to the people who benefit the most. Our services include: - Contract Research - Consultancy - Access to Intellectual Property for Licensing - Spin-out Companies - Funded Support University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham West Midlands B15 2TT t: 0121 414 47614 | f: 0121 414 3971


Local Staff: 70

Local Staff: 6,500+ Birmingham Forward Contact David Fisken Group Leader Marketing & Business Engagement Research & Commercial Services




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Jobs - Growth - Opportunity - Enterprise - Innovation


Baker Tilly is a leading provider of accountancy and business services. Our clients include growing entrepreneurial companies, listed companies and high net-worth individuals. We provide an integrated range of services, helping our clients to realise their potential and achieve their objectives.

Birmingham Forward Contact Simon Hart Office Managing Partner Birmingham Future Contact Ross Tweedale Audit Group Manager

St Philips Point, Temple Row, Birmingham B2 5AF t: 0121 214 3100 | f: 0121 214 3101


BDO is the UK member firm of BDO International, with 15 offices in the UK. The Birmingham office offers a wide range of services, with specialists delivering advice on business assurance, accounting, taxation, corporate finance, business restructuring and forensic accounting. We have 14 partners in Birmingham and a further 158 staff.

Local Staff: 172 | UK Staff: 2,650 Birmingham Forward Contact

Birmingham Future Contact Mark Anslow


Mark Anslow Lead Partner

125 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 3SD t: 0121 352 6200 | f: 0121 352 6222


Local Staff: 160 | UK Staff: 1,600 |

Our Midlands office boasts over 700 people delivering services through our four business divisions: Audit, Tax, Consulting and Corporate Finance. We have dedicated teams with specialist industry expertise in Financial Services; Manufacturing, Real Estate, Consumer Business, Travel, Hospitality & Leisure, Government and Public Sector. Four Brindleyplace, Birmingham B1 2HZ t: 0121 632 6000 | f: 0121 695 5730

Local Staff: 700 UK Staff: 12,000 Birmingham Forward Contact Adam Smith Partner Birmingham Future Contact Jason Norris - Assistant Manager

Ernst & Young LLP Ernst & Young is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. Worldwide, our 152,000 people are united by our shared values and an unwavering commitment to quality. We make a difference by helping our people, our clients and our wider communities achieve their potential. Our Midlands offices provide professional advice to a range of clients, from newly emerging businesses to large listed or privately owned corporates.

Local Staff: 734 Birmingham Forward Contacts Sara Fowler Senior Partner Graeme Crawford Tax Partner

No 1 Colmore Square, Birmingham B4 6HQ t: 0121 535 2000 | f: 0121 535 2001

John Houlden Transaction Support Partner Jonathan Middup Fraud Investigation & Dispute Services Partner




Grant Thornton UK LLP

At Grant Thornton UK LLP we combine award-winning technical expertise with the intuition, insight and confidence gained from our extensive sector experience and a deeper understanding of our clients. In the UK, we are led by more than 200 partners and employ 4,000 of the profession’s brightest minds, operating from 27 offices. We provide assurance, tax and specialist advisory services to over 40,000 privately-held businesses, public interest entities and individuals nationwide.  Grant Thornton UK LLP is a member firm of Grant Thornton International Ltd with over 31,000 people, across 100 countries, focused on making a difference to clients, colleagues and the communities in which we live and work.

Birmingham Forward Contacts David Munton Office Managing Partner David White Business Development Partner Ian Wilson Corporate Finance Partner Birmingham Future Contact Leanne Jacob Corporate Finance Executive

Enterprise House, 115 Edmund Street, Birmingham B3 2HJ (We are moving office in July 2012, see website for details) t: 0121 212 4000 | f: 0121 212 4014

J W Hinks

Chartered accountancy firm offering audit, accountancy and taxation services. Specialising in the SME sector, healthcare and charity sectors.

Birmingham Forward Contact Paul O H Jones Managing Partner

19 Highfield Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 3BH t: 0121 456 0190

Birmingham Future Contact Peter Smith

KPMG LLP KPMG in Birmingham is part of a global network of member firms whose vision is simple - to turn knowledge into value for the benefit of our clients, people and markets. Providing audit, tax and advisory services for local plcs, privately owned and private equity backed businesses as well as public sector organisations. One Snowhill, Snow Hill Queensway, Birmingham B4 6GH t: 0121 232 3000 | f: 0121 232 3500

PKF (UK) LLP We specialise in advising the management of successful private and public businesses and groups. Our principal services include assurance and advisory, taxation, corporate finance, corporate recovery and forensic.


UK Staff: 4,000

New Guild House, 45 Great Charles Street, Queensway, Birmingham B3 2LX t: 0121 212 2222 | f: 0121 212 2300 | Local Staff: 1,100 | UK Staff: 11,000 Birmingham Forward Contact Mike Steventon Birmingham Senior Partner Birmingham Future Contact Sundeep Grewal - Assistant Manager | Local Staff: 90 | UK Staff: 1,500+ Birmingham Forward Contact Sarah Moss Director


PwC has over 1,600 professionals in our Assurance, Tax and Consulting teams based in Birmingham and the Midlands. We believe our local presence gives our clients a better experience. Our specialists have a wide range of experience working with all types of business from private client and entrepreneurial companies’ right through to large corporate, international and the public sector. Whether starting or expanding a business, raising finance, managing and incentivising talent, protecting and extracting value or looking at exit or succession, we have the team, ideas and experience to deliver.

Mark Smith Midlands Regional Chairman Chris Romans Partner Nick Venning Marketing Director, Global Industries Birmingham Future Contact Phil Dean

RSM Tenon


Cornwall Court, 19 Cornwall Street, Birmingham B3 2DT t: 0121 265 5000 | f: 0121 265 5050

Local Staff: 1,600 | UK Staff: 17,000 |

RSM Tenon are one of the most progressive and entrepreneurial professional services firms in the UK. RSM’s culture is to be ambitious and progressive, always looking to break the mould of traditional accountancy firms to offer you great services with proven results to help you achieve your organisation’s goals.

Birmingham Forward Contact Ian Carter Director, Audit, Tax and Advisory

RSM Tenon, Charterhouse, Legge Street Birmingham B4 7EU t: 0121 333 333 | f: 0121 333 3100

Smith Cooper |

Smith Cooper is one of the Midlands’ most progressive firms of Accountants and Business Advisors. We offer a range of general compliance services and have dedicated Corporate Finance, Specialist Tax, Corporate Recovery and Insolvency teams, as well as separate Financial Solutions, IT and HR Divisions.

UK Staff: 170 Birmingham Forward Contact Jeremy Cope Partner

Livery Place, 35 Livery Street, Birmingham B3 2PB t: 0121 236 6789 | f: 0844 243 0690



Smith & Williamson LLP is part of the Smith & Williamson Group. We provide a very broad range of specialist tax services to private individuals, companies, trusts and indeed all others needing expert tax advice. Based on Colmore Row our experts can provide advice on Personal Tax, Corporate Tax, VAT and Tax Investigations, from structuring corporate transactions to advising international sport and media superstars.

Local Staff: 35 | UK Staff: 1,500 Birmingham Forward Contacts John Hodgson Partner Kari Campbell Partner


3rd Floor, 9 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 2BJ t: 0121 710 5200 | f: 0121 710 5201

Ray Abercromby Partner Robert King Partner Birmingham Future Contact Beverley Scott - Senior Tax Manager Elaine Culwick - Senior Tax Manager

FINANCIAL ADVICE: IFAs Aurora Financial Planning |

Aurora Financial Planning are an Independent Financial Adviser offering a professional service that is differentiated in today’s cluttered market. Our aim is to provide impartial and unbiased holistic financial planning to our clients. We firmly believe that our clients need to receive the right service, at the right time.

Birmingham Forward Contact Aj Somal Chartered Financial Planner

37 Statham Drive, Edgbaston, Birmingham B16 0TF t: 0121 420 3800 | f: 0872 3529604

FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS: BANKS & BUILDING SOCIETIES Allied Irish Bank GB Allied Irish Bank (GB) provides the full range of financial services to mid-corporate businesses, corporate organisations and a Private Banking service, through a countrywide branch network. Our Birmingham corporate office houses a specialist, experienced, local team to provide tailored solutions to meet customers’ needs. Birmingham City Office, 61 Temple Row, Birmingham B2 5LT t: 0121 483 6900 | f: 0121 483 6991

68 | Local Staff: 90 | UK Staff: 3,300 Birmingham Forward Contact Sid Muir Senior Manager, Corporate Business


Bank of Cyprus has been operating in the UK for more than 50 years. We specialise in providing: corporate and business banking services to small and mediumsized entities (SMEs); personal banking services to owners, directors and employees of our corporate and business customers; personal banking services to high net worth individuals.

Birmingham Forward Contact Philip Philippou Manager

123 Parade, Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham B72 1PU t: 0121 362 8500 | f: 0121 355 3913

Bank of England | Local Staff: 4 Birmingham Forward Contact Graeme Chaplin Regional Agent

Cornwall Court, 19 Cornwall Street, Birmingham B3 2DT t: 0121 200 2599 | f: 0121 200 2588

Barclays | ray.o’

Barclays provides a comprehensive array of corporate banking services to businesses ranging from £5m turnover to the very largest companies. The Midlands industry focused relationship team is able to develop tailored solutions for clients by utilising the full spectrum of financial solutions available from the group.

Local Staff: 1,000+

One Snowhill, Snow Hill Queensway, Birmingham B4 6GB t: 0121 255 3038 | f: 0121 480 2925

Birmingham Future Contact Sara Fergusson Head of Sales Support

Co-operative Bank Plc


Agency for the West Midlands The Agency in Birmingham monitors economic developments in the West Midlands and Oxfordshire for the Bank of England.

Birmingham Forward Contact Ray O’Donoghue Managing Director, Midlands |

Ethical bank renowned for sustaining consistent lending paramaters, having a particular expertise in acqusition finance and commercial & residential, development & investment property funding packages. We have highly experienced relationship management & business development teams providing mid-market corporate clients typically with T/O of £1M - £50M with a professional and truly bespoke service delivered from the full range of financial services expected from a major clearing bank.

118/120 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 3BA t: 0121 212 1900 | f: 0121 212 4754

Birmingham Forward Contacts Steven Pamely Senior Corporate Manager Dean Pedley Corporate Manager Mike Gammon Corporate Manager Adam Pincher Corporate Manager Birmingham Future Contacts Steven Pamely, Dean Pedley, Mike Gammon, Adam Pincher



Coutts is an international wealth manager operating in the UK, Europe, Asia, the Middle East and selected offshore centres. We pride ourselves on building long term intelligent relationships and advising on sophisticated investment products. This combined with our expertise in fiduciary services, UK tax and banking services enables us to provide an all encompassing solution for our clients’ needs. Coutts commercial banking arm also provides a full banking service to UK businesses.


The Birmingham office was established in 1994. Today, Coutts has 22 regional offices situated throughout the UK.

Birmingham Forward Contacts Miles Plumb Director Jennifer Crowley Director Andy JacksonDirector Lee Ascott Associate Director

45 Church Street, Birmingham B3 2RT t: 0121 607 8041

Birmingham Future Contacts Paul Emery - Associate Director Sara Lawrence - Associate Samantha Brown - Associate James Green - Officer

EFG Independent Financial Advisers |

EFG Independent Financial Advisers are a subsidary of EFG Bank. EFG-IFA provide advice to both personal and corporate clients, working closely with their professional advisers. The company possesses a wide range of expertise enabling solutions to be provided across the full spectrum of Financial Services.

Local Staff: 40 Birmingham Forward Contact Peter London Chairman

133 Great Charles Street, Queensway Birmingham B3 3JN t: 0121 200 2255 | f: 0121 200 0950

Handelsbanken |

Handelsbanken is a refreshingly different bank. We service all our customers from the local branch building long term relationships and making decisions locally. This enables us to provide individual solutions based on traditional values. Managers do not have sales targets so are not product driven.

Local Staff: 16 | UK Staff: 500 Birmingham Forward Contact Ian Haggarty Corporate Manager

3rd Floor, 67 Temple Row, Birmingham B2 5LS t: 0121 632 4996 | f: 0121 632 4993

Lloyds Bank Lloyds Bank Wholesale Banking and Markets provide banking and financial advisory services to companies with a turnover in excess of ÂŁ15m. In addition, it incorporates several specialist teams including, financial markets, asset finance, corporate finance, trade finance, acquisition finance and private equity.


2nd Floor, 125 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 3SF t: 0121 625 6729 | f: 0121 212 0861 Local Staff: 50 Birmingham Forward Contact David Richardson Regional Managing Director


At Santander Corporate Banking, we’re forging a new era in corporate banking, putting customer relationships at the heart of our operations. We believe in developing true partnerships, rewarding customers and have a comittment to delivering new ideas and solutions whilst enhancing our dedicated relationship-based support. 1 Cornwall Street, Birmingham B3 2DX t: 0121 214 1400 | f: 0121 214 1402

State Bank of India

Birmingham Forward Contact Keith Webb Regional Director West Midlands Corporate Banking Centre Birmingham Future Contact Sally Beavan Relationship Director, Commercial | Local Staff: 9 | UK Staff: 185 Birmingham Forward Contact Upinder M Pokhriyal Manager

118 Soho road, Handsworth, Birmingham B21 9DP t: 0121 515 0400 | f: 0121 515 0407


SBI is amongst the largest banks in the world with 93 overseas offices in 32 countries. Birmingham branch has extensive banking expertise in trade finance, retail and corporate banking. Providing the general public, small businesses and corporate, first-class service when it comes to deposits, remittances and loans.


The Barclays Wealth and Investment Management team in Birmingham consists of 25 Private Bankers and Investment Managers providing bespoke solutions to clients across the Midlands. Being closer to our clients allows us to forge stronger relationships with them; the result is a personal service, precisely tailored to the individual.

Birmingham Forward Contact Ben Gulliford Regional Centre Head

Birmingham Future Contact Michael Burgess - Private Banker

1 Colmore Square, Birmingham B4 6ES t: 0121 683 7239 | f: 0121 683 7300

Quilter Quilter provides a range of investment management services to private investors, trusts, charities and pension funds and places great emphasis on the need to provide clients with a personal and professional service which is supported by advanced technology. 39 Bennetts Hill, Birmingham B2 5SN t: 0121 212 2120 | f: 0121 212 3130 | Local Staff: 35 Birmingham Forward Contact Sean Raftery Executive Director, Head of Birmingham Office



Rathbones investment management is one of the UK’s largest and longest established providers of discretionary investment services. We create bespoke portfolios for clients, offering a highly flexible approach to managing their investments whilst not offering a limited number of in-house funds or rigid model portfolios.

Birmingham Forward Contact Daniel Faulkner Regional Director

11th Floor, Temple Point, 1 Temple Row, Birmingham B2 5LG t: 0121 233 2626 | f: 0121 236 7966


UBS Wealth Management |

Voted “Best Global” and “UK Private Bank 2009” (Euromoney) UBS Wealth Management knows the value of local knowledge across the globe. Right here in the Midlands we have a team of advisors from diverse backgrounds. Investment banking, wealth planning and asset management. These experts are also your gateway to UBS Global network.

Birmingham Forward Contact Phillip Wood Executive Director Birmingham Future Contact Phillip Wood

10 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 2QD t: 0121 236 4700 | f: 0121 236 4747

Williams de Broë |

Williams de Broë is one the UK’s leading firms of Investment Managers. We combine the best traditions of service with contemporary investment techniques, in a modern and friendly environment. We continuously judge ourselves against three ‘core’ standards, which we know resonate with our clients and their advisers: - Investment performance - Operational efficiency - Value for money We work closely with the Birmingham professional adviser community to ensure that clients receive leading quality investment advice and service. Williams de Broë is an Investec Group Company. Colmore Plaza, Colmore Circus, Birmingham B4 6AT t: 0121 232 0700 | f: 0121 232 0701


Local Staff: 46 Birmingham Forward Contacts Adrian Quin Head of Office Simon Long - Associate Investment Director Nicholas Jones Investment Director Birmingham Future Contacts Michael Matthews, Gareth Price


Award winning international corporate finance advisor working on deals up to £350 million in value. Recent clients include CitySprint, Minivator, Vision Security Group, Aim Aviation, ITG and ScriptSwitch. 9th Floor, Bank House, 8 Cherry Street, Birmingham B2 5AL t: 0121 654 5000 | f: 0121 654 5050


6th Floor, Interchange Place, Edmund Street, Birmingham B3 2TA t: 0121 237 6500 | f: 0121 236 5269

Birmingham Forward Contact Jamie Hope Partner Birmingham Forward Contact James Knott Dealmaker | Local Staff: 14 | UK Staff: 90+ Birmingham Forward Contact Martin Draper Managing Director


LDC is the leading name in the UK mid-market with the capacity to support a business with the provision of between £2m-£100m in private equity, with a focus on MBOs, IBOs and Development Capital transactions.

Local Staff: 20 | UK Staff: 35






Aon is the world leader in risk management, insurance broking, reinsurance, employee risk and HR consulting. Our Birmingham office is a gateway to great resources across the entire corporation: always recognising the need to provide a quality local service despite having major global presence.

Local Staff: 280 | UK Staff: 4,700 Birmingham Forward Contact Lynn Richards-Cole Client Development Director

158 Edmund Street, Birmingham B3 2HB t: 0121 253 3100 | f: 0121 253 3197

Gallagher Heath |

We focus on adding value for our clients who operate across a broad range of industry sectors. We are a full service adviser providing solutions in areas of Risk Management, General Risk Insurance, Credit & Surety and Employee Benefits. We have in-house expertise through our Transactional Services team to support Merger and Acquisition activity. 2nd Floor, 1 Cornwall Street, Birmingham B3 2DX t: 0121 222 0700 | f: 0121 212 0960

JLT Speciality Ltd JLT Speciality Limited is the largest member of the Jardine Lloyd Thompson Group plc, a company listed on the FTSE 250 index of the London Stock Exchange. The Jardine Lloyd Thompson Group is a risk management adviser, insurance and reinsurance broker and provider of employee benefit administration services and consultancy advice.

Local Staff: 25 Birmingham Forward Contacts Mark Williams Regional Managing Director


Gallagher Heath is a trading name of Heath Lambert Limited, one of the UK’s leading insurance brokers and employee benefit consultancies. We are a member of the Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. group of companies, a global top five insurance brokerage and Risk Management Services firm, listed on the New York Stock Exchange, doing business in over 120 countries worldwide and with circa 2,000 employees in the UK.

Steve Fletcher Account Director John Thompson Account Director Birmingham Future Contacts Mark Sanders - Development Executive David Whiteman - Development Executive Local Staff: 50 | UK Staff: 700 Birmingham Forward Contact Adrian Lamasz Partner

St Philips Point, Temple Row, Birmingham B2 5AB t: 0121 633 3377 | dd: 0121 626 7813 | f: 0121 633 4214

Oval Insurance Broking Oval are one of the fastest growing providers of Insurance Broking and Financial Services in the UK. With 90 people in Birmingham we provide exceptional client facing service on a comprehensive range of General Insurance, Risk Management and Financial Products and Services. 90 Barwick Street, Birmingham B3 2YY t: 0121 606 0660 | f: 0121 606 0661 Local Staff: 90 | UK Staff: 1,300 Birmingham Forward Contact David Wheatley Divisional Director Birmingham Future Contact Madeleine Edge Corporate Development Executive


INSURANCE Perkins Slade Ltd |

Perkins Slade designs insurance and risk management programmes for sport and recreation organisations, high value home owners and businesses. The company has built particular expertise in IT, motor trade and real estate as well as product line specialism’s including credit insurance and financial lines. 3 Broadway, Broad Street, Birmingham B15 1BQ t: 0121 698 8000 | f: 0121 625 9000


Thompson & Bryan Ltd

Birmingham Forward Contact Matt Turner Business Development Executive Birmingham Future Contact Matt Turner |

A well respected national firm of loss assesors and business interruption specialists with 140 years’ experience acting solely for the insured. Full claims management service provided through highly qualified multi-disciplined staff. Other services include valuations and complementing law firms in commercial ligtigation.

Local Staff: 10 | UK Staff: 40 Birmingham Forward Contact Peter Thompson ACII Chief Executive

Thompson House, Bull Street, Harborne, Birmingham B17 0HH t: 0121 428 4000 | f: 0121 428 3000

Willis Ltd |

Willis Group Holdings plc is a leading global insurance broker. Willis develops, delivers professional insurance, reinsurance, risk management, financial, human resource consulting and acturial services to corporations, public entities and institutions around the world. Willis has more than 400 offices in nearly 120 countries. St Paul’s Place, 40 St Paul’s Square, Birmingham B3 1FQ t: 0870 07 0037 | f: 0121 214 1610

Zurich Insurance

Birmingham Forward Contact Daniel Wilkinson Managing Director, Corporate Birmingham Future Contact Mark Sanders Development Director |

Zurich, one of the UK’s largest general insurers helps over two million customers with their insurance needs. Our UK division has a focus on both Commercial and Personal lines broker business. This enables us to provide support across market sectors from a national network of branches, including our Birmingham office. 126 Hagley Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B16 9PF t: 0121 454 1999


Local Staff: 86 | UK Staff: 86

Local Staff: 500 | UK Staff: 6,000 Birmingham Forward Contact Dave Allcock Head of Broker Market, Midlands and East

LEGAL: BARRISTERS’ CHAMBERS No5 Chambers | | @No5Chambers

No5 Chambers offers a comprehensive across the board service. Throughout its 100-year history, No5 Chambers has developed a reputation for breaking new ground and continues to be regarded as a progressive and forward-thinking set. Having grown to over 200 barristers, including 27 silks, Chambers provides a first class service from its offices in Birmingham, London and Bristol.

Paul Bleasdale QC Head of Chambers Rex Tedd QC Deputy Head of Chambers Ian Dove QC Deputy Head of Chambers Tony McDaid Chambers Practice Director


Chambers has associate tenants in Dubai, Spain, Cayman, Hong Kong, Singapore and India and is keen to develop further links particularly in the fields of construction, international arbitration, commercial work and environmental. It is a member of the Turkish British Chamber of Commerce & Industry and is increasing its links further with Turkey.

Birmingham Forward Contacts

For further details visit or contact Chambers Practice Director, Tony McDaid on +44 (0) 845 210 5555.

Fountain Court, Steelhouse Lane, Birmingham B4 6DR t: +44 (0) 845 210 5555 | f: 0121 606 1501



St Philips is one of the largest sets in the country. Described by the legal Directories as being a “National Set” and one that “Competes with the larger sets in London”


As a full service chambers St Philips is able to offer a wide level of expertise to law firms, corporates, local authorities, CPS, Government Departments and ever increasingly Direct Public Access.


As well as an excellent reputation for the quality of its Counsel the Directories emphasise client quotes such as “clerks who are phenomenal at securing the barrister clients wish to instruct”. 55 Temple Row, Birmingham B2 5LS t: 0121 246 7000 | f: 0121 246 7001

Birmingham Forward Contacts Kevin Hegarty QC Head of Chambers Chris Owen Chief Executive Joe Wilson Chief Clerk

Birmingham Future Contact Lisa Jones Marketing Manager


Forresters is a leading firm of patent and trade mark attorneys, specialising in all areas of intellectual property, including patents, trade marks, designs and copyright. With offices in Birmingham, London, Merseyside and Munich, we are able to service our broad range of clients from SMEs to large multi-national firms. Our approach is simple - we make it our business to understand yours. And with this knowledge, we can show you how intellectual property can help you achieve your commercial objectives.

Diana Wardley Partner


Emma Johnson Senior Associate |

Marks & Clerk is the leading and largest firm of patent and trade mark attorneys in the UK and one of the leading firms in Europe. The firm’s highly qualified patent and trade mark attorneys offer clients a comprehensive range of intellectual property services covering patents, trade marks, designs and copyright. With a network of 18 offices across the UK, Europe, North America and the Far East, Marks & Clerk are able to meet clients’ IP requirements on a local and global basis. You predict the future, we protect it. Alpha Tower, Suffolk Street Queensway Birmingham B1 1TT t: 0121 643 5881 | f: 0121 606 4766

Wilson Gunn

Birmingham Forward Contacts Matthew Shaw Partner

Tim Ashton Senior Associate

Chamberlain House, Paradise Place, Birmingham B3 3HP t: 0121 236 0484 | f: 0121 233 1064

Marks & Clerk LLP

Local Staff: 37 | UK Staff: 96

Local Staff: 40 | UK Staff: 380 Birmingham Forward Contacts Julie Kay Partner and Trade Mark Attorney John Ferdinand Trade Mark Attorney Pamela Bryer Patent Attorney Alan Bhimani Patent Attorney |

We have extensive knowledge and expertise in all areas of intellectual property including patents, trade marks, trade names, domain names and the internet, design right, coypright, technology transfer and licensing, and litigation. Our patent and trade mark attorneys provide pro-active, commercially focused advice tailored to meet clients’ needs. Charles House, 148/9 Great Charles Street, Birmingham B3 3HT t: 0121 236 1038 | f: 0121 233 2875

Local Staff: 10 | UK Staff: 100 Birmingham Forward Contact Simon Church - Patent Attorney Birmingham Future Contact Anders Jensen - Technical Assistant



Benussi & Co

Benussi & Co is one of the UK’s most respected specialist matrimonial lawyers described in Legal 500 as having a “wealth of experience”. With 20 highly proficient partners and staff, the firm acts for clients throughout the UK and internationally. Specialising in high value, complex matrimonial and family work Benussi & Co is known for its discreet bespoke partnerled service and holistic approach. The firm strives to make a difference for all its clients and is headed by three partners - Diane Benussi, Helen Jane Arnold and Neil Hobden.

Local Staff: 20 | UK Staff: 20 Birmingham Forward Contacts Diane Benussi Partner Helen Jane Arnold Partner


Neil Hobden Partner Newater House, 11 Newhall Street, Birmingham B3 3NY t: 0121 248 4001 | f: 0121 248 3990

Bevan Brittain LLP

Birmingham Future Contact Denise McKenna - Solicitor |

Bevan Brittain is a national full service law firm with a major office in Birmingham (as well as Bristol and London), providing full legal services to those parts of the public, private and third sectors which procure, provide, regulate and oversee core public services.

Local Staff: 49 | UK Staff: 317

Interchange Place, Edmund Street, Birmingham B3 2TA t: 0870 194 5000 | f: 0870 194 5001

Birmingham Future Contact Melissa Doody - Solicitor

Blakemores Solicitors

Birmingham Forward Contact Penny Rinta-Suski Partner |

Founded in 1961, Blakemores is the Midlands’ leading independent legal commodities business. Based in Birmingham and Leamington Spa the team currently stands at 20 partners, 180 fee earners and approximately 90 support staff, offering national clients leading edge legal advice in personal injury, clinical negligence, commercial and residential property and commercial dispute resolution amongst others.

Local Staff: 290 | UK Staff: 290 Birmingham Forward Contact Guy Barnett Managing Partner

40-42 Great Charles Street, Birmingham B3 2AT t: 0844 873 5000 | f: 0844 873 5596

Browne Jacobson LLP |

Browne Jacobson LLP is one of the largest law firms in the Midlands. With offices in Birmingham, Nottingham and London we have a long established and nationwide reputation for public sector, insurance litigation and business services.


Victoria Square House, Victoria Square, Birmingham B2 4BU t: 0121 237 3900 | f: 0121 236 1291

Local Staff: 100 | UK Staff: 511 Birmingham Forward Contact Joanne Bligh Partner Birmingham Future Contact Tina Robinson - Solicitor

LEGAL: SOLICITORS Clarke Willmott LLP | Local Staff: 50 | UK Staff: 470

Clarke Willmott LLP is a national law firm committed to high quality legal services. We are a full service firm specialising in commercial property, corporate, litigation, employment, finance, insolvency, investment management, and private client services. Our lawyers understand our clients so recognise challenges and opportunities they may face.

Birmingham Forward Contact Jonathan Morton Partner

138 Edmund Street, Birmingham B3 2ES t: 0845 209 1000 | f: 0845 209 2502

Cobbetts LLP |

One Colmore Square, Birmingham B4 6AJ t: 0845 404 2404 | f: 0845 404 2434

DLA Piper

Birmingham Forward Contact Graham Muth Head of Office Birmingham Future Contact Adrian Cutler Partner |

DLA Piper is one of the world’s largest legal service providers. Our award-winning Birmingham office ranks first tier across many practice groups including: Corporate, Litigation, Regulatory, Insolvency, Employment, Planning, IT and Finance. With 77 offices in 31 countries, we support the Midlands wherever the Midlands does business. Victoria Square House, Victoria Square, Birmingham, B2 4DL t: 0870 011 1111 | f: 0121 262 5794

DWF LLP DWF is a business law firm with a distinctive approach. We deploy experts who are leaders in their field and know the legal terrain intimately. We anticipate obstacles and help you plot a true course for your business. With over 1,500 people across the UK, we make sure you’re going in the right direction, wherever you are.

36 Bennetts Hill Birmingham B2 5SN t: 0121 212 2620 | f: 0121 212 2210

Local Staff: 124 | UK Staff: 629


Cobbetts LLP is firmly established as one of the UK’s leading full service law firms with offices in Birmingham, Leeds, London and Manchester. Committed to client relationships, Cobbetts successfully blends assurance, honesty and integrity with innovation, originality and commercial awareness. Cobbetts has truly distinguished itself from its rivals.

Local Staff: 246 | UK Staff: 2,531 Birmingham Forward Contact James Crellin Legal Director Birmingham Future Contact Donna Codrington - Associate |

Local Staff: 45 | UK Staff: 1,560 Caroline Coates Partner, Insurance Derek Adamson Partner, Insurance Joanne Davis - Partner, Banking & Finance, Asset & Consumer Finance Mark Hammerton Partner, Employment and Pensions



Else Solicitors LLP has a team of leading lawyers specialising in banking and finance, commercial dispute resolution, construction, commercial, corporate, debt recovery, family law, intellectual property, litigation and commercial property. The firm prides itself on its commercial and cost effective approach to all legal issues.

Local Staff: 50 | UK Staff: 50 Birmingham Forward Contact Andrew Hickman Partner

39 Ludgate Hill, Birmingham B3 1EH t: 0121 212 6560 | f: 0121 212 6561


Eversheds LLP |

Eversheds is a modern, progressive law firm. We’re driven by new ideas, excited by new approaches and refreshingly down-to-earth. Eversheds works with clients and colleagues to challenge industry norms. Clients trust us because we’re transparent and adapt rapidly to a changing international business landscape.

Local Staff: 460 | UK Staff: 2,700

115 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 3AL t: 0845 497 9797 | f: 0845 497 1900

Birmingham Future Contact David Byrne - Associate

Harvey Ingram LLP

David Beswick Birmingham Senior Partner |

A leading full service, regional practice with offices in Birmingham, Leicester, Milton Keynes, and Bedford. We are committed to understanding the needs of our clients and delivering quality advice in a commercial context. Our expertise covers the requirements of businesses, their owners and their funders.

Local Staff: 70 | UK Staff: 400

Edmund House, 12-22 Newhall Street, Birmingham B3 3EW t: 0121 214 1200 | f: 0121 214 1299

Birmingham Future Contact Claire Burrows - Associate Solicitor

Gateley LLP

One Eleven, Edmund Street, Birmingham B3 2HJ t: 0121 234 0000 | f: 0121 234 0001

Higgs & Sons

Matthew Harvey Partner

Local Staff: 243 | UK Staff: 720 Birmingham Forward Contact Michael WardSenior Partner Birmingham Future Contact Kate Onions Associate |

An award-winning Midlands law firm committed to a flagship Black Country base and delivering services nationally, Higgs & Sons brings together a wealth of experience ranging from Corporate & Commercial to Dispute Resolution. The firm enjoys a long-standing reputation for innovation, passion and quality. 3 Waterfront Business Park, Brierley Hill, Dudley DY5 1LX t: 0845 111 5050 | f: 01384 327290

Birmingham Forward Contact |

Gateley LLP is a full service national law firm that promotes the commercial and strategic interests of companies, individuals and organisations across the UK and beyond. We are committed to the communities in which we live and work and retain a passion for local service delivery.


Birmingham Forward Contact

Local Staff: 180 | UK Staff: 180 Birmingham Forward Contact Ian Shovlin Senior Partner


With particular focus on the SME and OMB market, Irwin Mitchell provides quality legal services to regional, national and international companies across a variety of industry sectors. Imperial House, 31 Temple Street, Birmingham B2 5DB t: 0870 150 0100 | f: 0121 643 4665


Local Staff: 250 | UK Staff: 2,000 Birmingham Forward Contact Fergal Dowling Partner & Head of Buisness and Private Client Services | Local Staff: 41 | UK Staff: 1,069 Birmingham Forward Contact Eamon Mooney Partner


Kennedys is a specialist national and international legal firm with expertise in litigation and dispute resolution. The firm has over 1000 staff globally, across nine UK and nine international locations. Kennedys’ lawyers provide a range of specialist legal services to many industries including insurance/reinsurance, healthcare and construction. 35 Newhall Street, Birmingham B3 3PU t: 0121 214 8000 | f: 0121 214 8001

Mills & Reeve LLP |

A leading UK law firm with strong international links. Our innovative and insightful approach to client service is what differentiates us from others. This is why many of the UK’s and the world’s leading corporates, universities, healthcare and technology providers choose to work with us. 78-84 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 2AB t: 0844 561 0011 | f: 0121 200 3028

Robin Simon

Local Staff: 215 | UK Staff: 800 Birmingham Forward Contact Steve Allen Head of Birmingham Office Birmingham Future Contact Louise Whitehouse Solicitor |

Expertise spanning coverage, defence and regulatory work. Our clients include global composite insurers, Lloyd’s syndicates, underwriting agencies, adjusters and major insurance brokers. We advise professional institutes. We act for professional firms, financial institutions, and corporate entities on the instruction of their insurers. We deal with a broad range of professional and mercantile liabilities, both domestic and international. The UK chambers and Legal 500 have described us as highly experienced and a safe pair of hands, well organised and efficient.

37A Waterloo Street, Birmingham B2 5TJ t: 0333 010 5958 | f: 0333 010 0005

Local Staff: 7 | UK Staff: 66 Birmingham Forward Contacts Paul Chaplin F. Inst L.Ex Partner Judy Gibson Senior Solicitor and Special Counsel Steve Oates Senior Solicitor Birmingham Future Contacts Nicole Beaty Solicitor Jennifer Drever Solicitor



SGH Martineau is a commercial top 70 UK law firm with a partner-led, key sector approach and a growing reputation for cross-border transactions. The firm provides astute legal advice; combining technical capability with in-depth sector knowledge to deliver solutions which are results-driven and client-focused.

Local Staff: 200 | UK Staff: 330 Birmingham Forward Contact Jonathan Preston Marketing & Development Director

No 1 Colmore Square, Birmingham B4 6AA t: 0800 763 1000 | f: 0800 763 1001


Shakespeares |

Shakespeares is one of the largest law firms in the Midlands with a network of offices across the region including Birmingham, Solihull, Stratford upon Avon, Leicester and Nottingham. The firm originates from two of Birmingham’s oldest law firms, Shakespeares and Putsmans and dates back to 1843. Ranked in the top 100 UK law firms, we are a leading provider of legal services to clients based throughout the UK. Our expertise covers corporate and commercial law, employment, commercial / residential property and construction, litigation, insurance and private client work for high net worth individuals. Somerset House, Temple Street Birmingham B2 5DJ t: 0121 237 3000 | f: 0121 237 3011


Local Staff: 240 | UK Staff: 450 Birmingham Forward Contacts Keith Spedding Corporate Partner Andrew Hartshorn Commercial and TMT Partner Birmingham Future Contacts Adam Percival Corporate Associate Rebecca Lesniak Commercial and IP Solicitor |

Shoosmiths is a progressive, forward-thinking law firm. We listen to what clients want from their lawyers and offer a commercial, accessible and personable approach, combined with the absolute assurance of robust and timely advice. Our clients range from fast growth public and private companies to the UK subsidaries of overseas-owned corporates. Shoosmiths provides an intelligent alternative to city law firms that is also a real alternative in terms of value and service.

Local Staff: 169 | UK Staff: 1,304 Birmingham Forward Contact Alex Bishop National Head of Commercial Litigation

7th Floor, 125 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 3SH t: 0370 086 4000 | f: 0370 086 4001

Spencer Shaw |

Spencer Shaw is a specialist solicitors’ practice with expertise in Employment Law and Litigation. It provides high-quality advice and representation quickly and efficiently and at a very competitive price. The firm combines the time-tested values of the solicitors’ profession with a modern business approach. Clear. Precise. Direct.


2nd Floor, 3 Brindley Place, Birmingham B1 2JB t: 0121 698 8507 | f: 0121 698 8600

Local Staff: 3 Birmingham Forward Contact Ian Jones Principal

LEGAL: SOLICITORS Squire Sanders |

Squire Sanders is a leading global legal practice. We combine sound legal counsel with a deep knowledge of our clients’ businesses to resolve their legal challenges. We care about the quality of our services, the success of our clients, and the relationships which are forged through those successes. We operate as a ‘one-firm firm’ rather than a loose confederation of separate offices or practices. With approximately 1400 lawyers in 37 offices in 18 countries, our global legal practice is in markets where clients do business.

Birmingham Forward Contacts Nick Green Partner and Head of the Birmingham office Christian Lowis Partner Stephen George Partner


Simon Garbett Partner

Rutland House, 148 Edmund Street, Birmingham B3 2JR t: 0121 222 3000 | f: 0121 222 3001

Weightmans LLP

Local Staff: 175 | UK Staff: 860

Birmingham Future Contacts Nick Green, Christian Lowis, Stephen George, Simon Garbett |

Weightmans LLP is a national firm of solicitors with more than 800 people in our dedicated teams headed by 101 partners, many of whom are recognised as leaders in their fields. We cover all aspects of legal work from our five offices based in Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester, London and Leicester.

Local Staff: 100 Birmingham Forward Contact David Tuck Regional Managing Partner

First Floor, St Philips Point, 47 Cannon Street, Birmingham B2 5EF t: 0121 632 6100 | f: 0121 632 5410

Wragge & Co A UK-headquartered, international law firm, Wragge & Co provides a full service to clients worldwide, including 31 FTSE 100 clients and 39 FTSE 250 clients, hundreds of public sector organisations and thousands of large private companies. 55 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 2AS t: 0870 903 1000 | f: 0870 904 1099 | Local Staff: 869 | UK Staff: 1,088 Birmingham Forward Contact Ian Metcalfe Managing Partner Birmingham Future Contact Tim Crockford Solicitor






Aedas offers a diverse and wide ranging service providing innovative, high quality solutions including architecture, landscaping, masterplanning and interior/ urban design. A global practice, the Midlands office at Colmore Plaza creates an ideal showcase venue to hold forums and industry events for the regions professionals.

Local Staff: 21 | UK Staff: 426 Birmingham Forward Contact Marcus Wilkins Studio Director

Colmore Plaza, 20 Colmore Circus Queensway, Birmingham B4 6AT t: 0121 456 1591


Alliance Planning is a national town planning consultancy with a commitment to excellence and a reputation of providing detailed planning strategies to achieve clients’ objectives and timescales.


Alliance Planning

Local Staff: 10 | UK Staff: 29

Our areas of expertise are: - Town Planning Appraisals - Advice and Audits - Applications and Appeals - Local Development Frameworks - National and Regional Policy Advice - Affordable Housing Negotiations - Research - Management of Project Teams - Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

Gerald Sweeney Commercial Director Paul Ellingham Director Keith Fenwick Director Mark Walton Associate Director Julie Turvey Team Secretary

3rd Floor, 54 Hagley Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B16 8PE t: 0121 456 7444 | f: 0121 456 7445

Birmingham Future Contacts Richard Cooke - Senior Planner Kamaldeep Saini - Assistant Planner Emma Evans - Assistant Planner Ben Taylor - Assistant Planner



Argent is the developer of Brindleyplace the nationally and internationally acclaimed mixed use office development. Argent retain ownership of the BREEAM Excellent, Grade A office building Eleven Brindleyplace.


Argent also own properties at Paradise Circus and are working in partnership with Birmingham City Council to take forward a major mixed use development of up to 1.6msqft on the 8 acre site. The entire development will be set in new streets and squares and create a first class environment for the heart of the city.

Local Staff: 3 | UK Staff: 65 Birmingham Forward Contact James Heather Senior Projects Director Birmingham Future Contact Robert Groves Project Director

Eleven Brindleyplace, 2 Brunswick Square, Brindleyplace, Birmingham B1 2LP t: 0121 643 7799 | f: 0121 643 4683

BNP Paribas Real Estate |

BNP Paribas Real Estate is a leading international property advisor offering local expertise. Our success is built on our ability to provide innovative property advice and services that span the entire real estate lifecycle. Our Birmingham office provides a full range of expertise with over 100 experienced staff supporting our clients whatever their real estate needs.

Local Staff: 115 | UK Staff: 650 Birmingham Forward Contact Paul Rixon Senior Director and Office Head

9 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 2BJ t: 0121 237 1200 | f: 0121 237 1222

Bruton Knowles |

Bruton Knowles is a property consultancy that provides a full range of property related services including agency, development and urban regeneration, building consultancy, investment, property management, compulsory purchase orders and compensation, valuation, strategic property advice, rating, lease renewals and rent review services.

Local Staff: 60 | UK Staff: 200 Birmingham Forward Contact Ian Pitt MRICS Partner & Head of Client Services

42 Bull Street, Birmingham B4 6AF t: 0121 200 1100 | f: 0121 233 2163

Calthorpe Estates |

Calthorpe Estates is a property investment and development business, whose prime focus is the prestigious 610 hectare Calthorpe Estate in Edgbaston, Birmingham. With a multi-million pound programme of regeneration projects already underway, Calthorpe Estates offers unrivalled investment opportunities and is committed to the continual evolution of The Estate. 76 Hagley Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B16 8LU t: 0121 248 7676 | f: 0121 248 7373


Local Staff: 20 Birmingham Forward Contact Jayne Herritty Sales & Marketing Director


Drivers Jonas Deloitte has revolutionised how real estate services are provided in today’s marketplace. We provide comprehensive property consultancy, transaction and advisory services, working seamlessly with specialist teams in areas of advisory, tax, corporate finance and consulting, delivering fully integrated expert solutions on a local, national and global basis. Four Brindleyplace, Birmingham B1 2HZ t: 0121 695 5500 | f: 0121 695 5678

FleetMilne Residential

Local Staff: 30 | UK Staff: 600 Birmingham Forward Contact Gary Cardin Associate Partner Birmingham Future Contact Simon Zargar - Senior Planner |

We don’t believe in cut price fees for cut price service, but our charges are not higher than our competitors. Our philosophy is that, like with our properties themselves, you get what you pay for, so if you want the best then we are the agency for you.

Birmingham Forward Contacts Nicola Fleet-Milne Managing Director


FleetMilne Residential is a multi award winning estate agency with prestigious offices right in the heart of Birmingham city centre. We specialise in selling, letting and managing luxury city centre properties and are known in our markets for upholding the highest of standards and being reassuringly fussy.

Ben Evans Director Birmingham Future Contacts David Moss Sales Negotiator Mark Scandrett Lettings Negotiator

FleetMilne Residential, 85-89 Colmore Row, Central Business District, Birmingham B3 2BB t: 08452 968 688

GVA We are a leading UK property advisor with a major presence in the Midlands, providing a comprehensive range of property solutions to clients in all sectors. Over the last twelve months our teams have prepared and implemented property strategies that have enabled real savings for both public and private sectors.

Claire Hawkes Sales Administrator Laura Darby Negotiator | Birmingham Forward Contact Ian Stringer Regional Senior Director Birmingham Future Contact Laura Smith - Planner

3 Brindleyplace, Birmingham, West Midlands B1 2JB t: 0121 236 8236 | f: 0121 609 8314

Hortons’ Estate Ltd |

Hortons’ is a long established family owned Commercial Property Company, leasing and developing property in Birmingham and the Midlands. Specialising in offices and shops in Birmingham’s central business district, freehold offices and warehousing for sale out of town.

Local Staff: 30 Birmingham Forward Contact Tony Green Chief Executive

31A Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 2BJ t: 0121 236 6481 f: 0121 236 6548



Knight Frank’s Commercial and Residential teams have substantial experience in providing strong professional advice across the region in all business sectors. Key to our success has been our work linking the expertise of our service lines to provide the best solution for our clients.

Local Staff: 40

1 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 2BJ t: 0121 200 2220 | f: 0121 200 2381

Birmingham Future Contact Henry Harrison - Surveyor

MCD Developments Ltd


Ashley Hudson Partner |

MCD Developments Ltd specialise in creating developments that bring something unique to the city landscape. From the sympathetic restoration of listed buildings to major new build schemes, MCD are at the forefront of sustainable urban regeneration. The Chamberlain Building, 36 Frederick Street, Birmingham B1 3HN t: 0121 265 2030 | f: 0121 265 4339

Sir Robert McAlpine Ltd

Birmingham Forward Contact

Local Staff: 20 | UK Staff: 20 Birmingham Forward Contact Mike O’Sullivan Managing Director Birmingham Future Contact Damien Byrne - Development Manager |

Sir Robert McAlpine is a leading UK construction company, founded in 1869, operating in the building, civil engineering and related maintainence markets. The Company is dedicated to achieving excellence in design and construction. The business covers a variety of market sectors including: retail, healthcare, leisure, transportation, commercial, education, civil engineering and industrial.

Birmingham Forward Contact Ian McKenzie Regional Manager

Latham House, Paradise Street, Birmingham B1 2BJ t: 0121 230 8040 | f: 0121 230 8050

Turley Associates |

We are an independent planning and urban design consultancy, one of the leaders in our field and one of the largest in the West Midlands. Our Birmingham office has been established over 10 years with clients and projects across all property sectors. 9 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 2BJ t: 0121 233 0902

Local Staff: 18 | UK Staff: 180 Birmingham Forward Contact Mike Best Office Director Birmingham Future Contact Andrea Arnall - Associate Director



The UK, European and world leading real estate provider. In Birmingham we offer services including sales, letting, acquisitions, valuations, rent reviews, rating, development & investment advice, property management, planning and regeneration and building consultancy advice across the office, industrial, residential, and retail & leisure markets.

Local Staff: 100 | UK Staff: 1,500 Birmingham Forward Contact Martin Guest Managing Director

Cornwall Court, 19 Cornwall Street, Birmingham B3 2DT t: 0121 609 7666 | f: 0121 627 5577

Colliers CRE Birmingham Forward Contact John Webber Director


A leading firm of chartered suryevors operating from offices throughout the UK. Our approach to our customers and their projects is based on small teams, simple lines of communication and a personal touch. Our specialist teams are highly experienced in their own fields. 12th Floor, Eleven Brindleyplace, 2 Brunswick Square, Brindleyplace, Birmingham B1 2LP t: 0121 265 7500 | f: 0121 212 3010

CS2 Ltd |

CS2 is a specialist independent Building and Quantity Surveying Consultancy operating nationally. We pride ourselves on working with, not for clients; adding value and providing strategic, integrated solutions. We provide a full range of property services including: Project Management, Dilapidations, Acquisition Surveys and Cost Consultancy.

Local Staff: 4 Birmingham Forward Contact Andrew Jenkins Director

Cornwall Buildings, 45 Newhall Street, Birmingham B3 3QR t: 0121 222 4123

Curry & Partners |

Curry & Partners Chartered Suryevors, built on the philosophy of providing quality, highly individual and personalised services tailored to all the clients’ needs. We have developed services designed to give peace of mind and achieve the very best results.

Local Staff: 80 Birmingham Forward Contact Nigel Curry Partner

45 Summer Row, Birmingham B3 1JJ t: 0121 233 0500 | f: 0121 233 0014



Multi-disciplinary practice providing Project Management, Cost Consultancy, Building Surveying, Mechanical and Electrical Consultancy and Project Safety services. The continuing expansion of our business is based on providing a quality service, achieving real improvements in programme duration and cost, acting as lead consultant or part of an integrated design team. 5 George Row, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 1NP t: 0121 454 3515 | f: 0121 454 3241


Jones Lang LaSalle

From our Birmingham office on Church Street our teams cover every sector of the property market including offices, retail and leisure; industrial and logistics; residential; mixed-use schemes and development land; together with specialist areas such as rating, real estate workout, and healthcare. Consistently delivering tailored solutions and innovative advice to clients we act on some of the largest and most prestigious projects and schemes. 45 Church Street, Birmingham B3 2RT t: 0121 643 6440 | f: 0121 236 2563

Lambert Smith Hampton

Gary Carey Managing Director Birmingham Future Contact Natalie Stevens National Marketing Manager

Local Staff: 110 | UK Staff: 3,480

Ian Cornock Lead Director, Midlands Region Jan Thompson Chairman, Midlands Birmingham Future Contacts Gareth Morgan Senior Surveyor Kelvin Craddock Senior Surveyor |

Lambert Smith Hampton commercial property consultants offer a full range of commercial property services and advice to both the private and public sectors. Services include acquisitions and disposals, investment, property management, building consultancy, valuation and lease advisory.

Local Staff: 80 | UK Staff: 800 Birmingham Forward Contact Ian Kibble Regional Director Birmingham Future Contact

Interchange Place, Edmund Street, Birmingham B3 2TA t: 0121 236 2066 | f: 0121 233 1623

Gareth Lester-Jones Director |

A general practice firm of chartered surveyors specialising in both commercial and residential property in Birmingham and the surrounding area providing high quality professional services to a broad client base and our staff with an environment and training to develop their true potential.


Birmingham Forward Contact |

Jones Lang LaSalle serves clients in 70 countries from 1,000 locations worldwide, including 200 corporate offices.

Pennycuick Collins

Local Staff: 25 | UK Staff: 130

9 The Square, 111 Broad Street, Birmingham B15 1AS t: 0121 665 4150 | f: 0121 665 4197

Local Staff: 40 Birmingham Forward Contact Charles Gillett Partner Birmingham Future Contact Sam Boot Surveyor

PROPERTY: SURVEYORS Philip King & Co | Local Staff: 1 | UK Staff: 1

The provision of bespoke advice for the development of land and buildings to land owners and developers. This includes marketing, appraisals, the planning process and tactics on sale or acquisition.

Birmingham Forward Contact Philip King Sole Principal

Oatsley House, Upper End, Eckington, Pershore, Worcestershire WR10 3DQ t: 01386 750103 | f: 01386 751153

Robinson Low Francis | Local Staff: 35 | UK Staff: 150

RLF is a national multi-disciplinary Construction and Property Consultancy providing specialist quantity surveying, project management, health & safety, building surveying and property development advice. Our highly motivated team work closely with clients in all sectors of construction and property to deliver quality innovative solutions.

Birmingham Forward Contact

7th Floor, 54 Hagley Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B16 8PE t: 0121 456 1474 | f: 0121 455 8023

Vail Williams LLP


Kevin Campbell Partner |

At Vail Williams we work hard to make a real difference to our clients’ businesses. Where you may see problems we look for opportunities. For us, it’s about value, the value we bring to your business. Genuine commercial value. Four Brindleyplace, Birmingham B1 2JB t: 0121 654 1065 | f: 0121 654 1066

Wakemans Ltd Wakemans offers a range of professional consultancy services to the construction and property industry including: Project Management, Quantity Surveying, Building Surveying, CDMC, and BREEAM/Sustainability services. Wakemans work on projects of all sizes in all market sectors. Offices in Birmingham, Bristol, Caemarfon and Cardiff.

Local Staff: 10 | UK Staff: 120 Birmingham Forward Contact Chris Cave Partner Birmingham Future Contact Paul Arnell Associate | Local Staff: 45 | UK Staff: 60 Birmingham Forward Contact John R. Woodhall Managing Director

11/12 Highfield Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 3EB t: 0121 454 4581 | f: 0121 454 5206











Arup John Bourke, Senior Engineer

Synaptic Potential Ltd Amy Brann, Trainer

Katie Bard Verity Stokes, Divisional Leader

Turner & Townsend James Alistair Sean McKail, Consultant

Key Personnel (UK) Limited Oliver Martin, Senior Consultant olivermartin@keypersonnel.

Creative Alliance Anna Louise Field, Programme Manager

Davis Langdon Samuel T Clark, Bank Monitoring Surveyor samuel.clark@davislangdon. com Hilary Allen, Regeneration Incentives Group E C Harris Richard Sword, Chartered Building Surveyor Investors in Excellence Hayley J Stilling, Business Development Executive hayley.stilling@investorsin In Smart Company Tim Wilson, Innovation Coach JMP Consultants Limited Deborah Corrie, Senior Transport Planner Darryl Smith, Senior Transport Planner

ICT Capgemini UK PLC Liljia Pressel, Graduate Analyst Innovit Michelle York, Director Intelligence Works Limited Lakhi K Dhatt, Director Andrew Burtenshaw, Technical Director aburtenshaw@intelligence RECRUITMENT & HR 2nd City Resourcing Ltd Kathryn Gallan, Managing Director kathryn@2ndcityresourcing. com Bell Cornwall Associates Ltd Gemma Kuczora, Recruitment Consultant eNL Legal Recruitment Rebecca Mawdsley, Operations Director rebecca.mawdsley@enllegal.

Perception Solutions Limited Daniel Campbell, Head of Recruitment and Languages dan.campbell@perception. Pitch Consultants Limited Ollie Purdom, Director


CU4coaching Matthew Broomhead, Owner

Santillo Consulting Claudia Santillo, Robert Walters Sadie Qureshi, Consultant sadie.qureshi@robertwalters. com Samantha Price Consultant Toner Graham Ian Strachan, Head of Professional Services TELECOMS & UTILITIES Glide Utilities Limited Matthew Dyer, Inhouse Counsel








Golley Slater (Birmingham) Ltd Helen Mockridge, Account Executive

Events Angel Ltd Stephen Reid, CEO

Citypress Laura O’Meara, Assistant Account Executive


ORB Creative Ltd Lauren Gamlin, Account Executive


Robert Bloxham, Managing Director MARKETING SERVICES Big Cat Group Limited Joshua Turbill, Marketing and Advertising Executive

McCann Erickson Katie E Allsopp, Account Executive Rave Communications Chris Date, PR Director cdate@rave-communications. com Tomorrow People Sookie Shuen, Community Manager MEDIA AND DESIGN

Natalie Hartland, Marketing & Communications Manager

Clarke Associates UK Limited James Griffin, Creative james-g@clarke-associates.

Mike Colledge, Events Manager

Class Creative Marketing Ltd Chris Pyatt, Web Designer

Branch Martin Spicer Suzie Branch, Director suzie@branchmartinspicer.

Fullrange Films Rachel Emma Carter, Exec Producer & Account Director

Customer Plus Ltd Hayley Walton, Marketing Consultant hayley.walton@customerplus.

The Adhere Creative Eko Ariesta, Web Developer

Jo Hardy, Marketing Consultant

PUBLIC RELATIONS Clarke Associates UK Limited Javan Bramhall Account Director javan-b@clarke-associates.

Holly Jones, Account Manager Clive Reeves Public Relations Lois E Wilson, Graduate trainee PR Executive Clive Reeves, Director David John Kuczora, PR Account Manager Core Charlotte Crossley, Director Encore Communications Elizabeth Laidler, Director Fresh Public Relations Amanda-Jane Price, Managing Director amanda@freshpublicrelations. Grayling Midlands Kate Macnamara, Director Haslimann Taylor Ltd Simon Roy Partington, Digital Executive Headline Communications Matt Taylor,




Sharon Farrow, Employer Zone Officer

University of Birmingham Dr Louise A Hardwick, Lecturer in French and Francophone Studies

PUBLIC RELATIONS Pick & Mix Media Sonya Bell, Account Executive pr2go Rajmeena A Aujla, PR Officer

Tom P Braithwaite, Account Executive Smarts Birmingham Rebecca Scully, Director Willoughby PR Sally Anderson, Account Director Hannah Johnson Senior Account Executive TRANSLATION SERVICES

Shobhna Patel, PR & Communications Manager Tommy S.M Cheung, Student Services Officer Helen Graham, Lecturer in Applied Science Nisha Moqasia, Human Resource Assistant Amenda Sun, HR Manager Matthew Nicholson, Strategic Space & Contract Planner

FINANCIAL ACCOUNTANTS BDO LLP Dan Morris, Assistant Consultant Michael Hulse, Pensions Consultant Praveen Gupta, Tax Director Steve Ward, Partner Butcher Woods Richard Goodwin, Insolvency Practitioner richard.goodwin@

Marie Shuker, Events Manager

Chantrey Vellacott DFK Nicola Baron, Audit and Assurance Senior


Revathi Tim, Business Development Manager

Dains Philip L Burnell, Manager

Birmingham City University Marcus Andrews, Employment Zone Coordinator

College of Law Dawn Beddard, Marketing Manager

ALS (UK) Ltd Hayder Q Al-Ani, Managing Director

Dr Nayan Patel, Acting Head of Innovation


Rewired PR Katie L White, Account Executive

Birmingham Metropolitan College Kay Burton-Willia, Head of Data Management

Mark Gurney, Manager Deloitte LLP Richard Price,









Yamani Patel, Manager

Andrew Johnson, Executive

Leanne Jacob, Audit Executive

Jen Cuthbert, Manager

Paul Brindley, Executive - Mergers & Acquisitions

Maria O’Donnell, Corporate Finance Assistant Manager

Ben Collins, Associate

Stephen Lynch, Assistant Tax Manager

Vicky Sinclair, Audit Manager

Alan Wells, Tax Manager

James Michael Raine, Executive

Sally Watson, Assistant Tax Manager

Friend LLP Stephen J Pell, Assistant Tax Manager

Gleeson AR John R Taylor, Senior Consultant

Georgina Clark, Senior Manager

Haines Watts Kevin Hodgetts, Senior Audit Manager

Emily Willia, Associate Ron Hully, Manager Isabel Drabble, Marketing Manager Richard Hopkins-Burton, Executive, Transaction Services Sarah Mullineaux, Manager Paul Byerley, Manager Jason Norris, Associate Richard Hadley, Assistant Director Nigel Varley, Director Ernst & Young LLP Tom Smith, Transaction Support Executive


Julian Stanford, Executive

Grant Thornton LLP Ben Griffin, Tax Executive Sonia Howes, Tax Assistant Manager Alex Hughes, Executive Tom Whybrow, Manager Jodie Fletcher, Executive - Valuations

Hettle Andrews Employee Benefits Ltd Sophie Trimble, Director/ Chartered Financial Planner J W Hinks James Edward Cruse, Audit Manager Peter Edward Smith, Audit Manager M Consulting Limited Katie Rice, Business Development







Mazars LLP Faye Millington, Tax Assistant

Justyna Kiljan, Senior Administrator

Lynsey O’Malley, Commercial Business lynsey.l.o’

Ciaran Sherlock, Forensic Executive

Barclays Bank plc Sara Fergusson, Head of Sales & Servicing sara.fergusson@barclays

Michael James Walters. Forensic and Investigation Services

Christopher David Roberts, Internal Auditor Nicholas Aston, Audit Senior Moore Stephens Christopher J Murphy, Cashier chris.murphy@moorestephens. com

Smith Cooper Oliver W Ratcliffe, Audit manager oliver.ratcliffe@smithcooper. Stonegate Trinity LLP Paul Clark, Tax Manager Towry Law John O’Sullivan, Wealth Manager john.o’

Bharat Makvana, Case Administrator bharat.makvana@moore

Stephen Farnfield, Wealth Adviser

PricewaterhouseCoopers Phil Dean, Senior Associate


Nicholas Grove, Manager Aita Sidhu, Senior Associate RSM Tenon Prithpal Singh Saimbi, Financial Planner/Adviser

Clay Rogers & Partners Ltd Michael J Shepherd, Financial Consultant BANKS / BUILDING SOCIETIES Allied Irish Bank (GB) Myron Klymyszyn, Relationship Manager

Ian Reynolds, Business Development Manager ian.reynolds@barclays Coutts & Co James Christian Baird, Private Banker


Miriam GA Weaver, Accounts Technician

Kate Green, Business Services Manager

Paul Emery, Private Banker Lloyds TSB Corporate Markets Bina Ganatra Relationship Manager Royal Bank of Scotland Ralph Shorthose, Assistant Director Kim Paterson, Santander Corporate Banking Sally Beavan, Relationship Director sally.beavan@alliance-leicester.

Morgan Keating,








Barclays Wealth Benjamin M Jones, Graduate Analyst benjamin.jones@

Michael J Hughes, Relationship Manager,

Catalyst Corporate Finance Hannah Louise Thackrah, Business Development Analyst hannahthackrah@catalystcf.


Sheilen Savjani Graduate Analyst sheilen.savjani@ James Pearson, Graduate Analyst james.pearson2@ Laura Thorpe, Graduate Analyst laura.thorpe@barclays Hitesh Mistry, Private Banker hitesh.mistry@barclays Brewin Dolphin Limited Daisy Tim, Investment Assistant Jason Hewitt, Trainee Investment Manager Ian Burrows, Investment Manager Paul Fielding, Investment Manager Deutsche Bank Private Wealth Management Dr Adam Parker, Relationship Manager Blair Winton, Trainee Relationship Manager


Sam E Sneyd, Relationship Manager, Jamie D Astbury, Relationship Manager Deutsche Bank UK Limited Robert Michael Wells, Associate/Team Manager Charlotte King, Associate Quilter Paul Ord, Investment Manager Simon Edward Mark Doherty, Investment Adviser Daniel Ingram, Investment Manager Matthew Field, Investment Manager Tom Haydon, Investment Manager UBS Wealth Management Edward Price Investment Manager Williams de BroĂŤ Gareth Price Michael Matthews - micheal.

Emmet Keating, Senior M&A Analyst Orbis Partners LLP Adam G Rowlands, Executive Transcend Corporate Finance Anthony N Edwards, Executive anthony.edwards009@gmail. com

INSURANCE BHSF Geoff Guerin, Business Improvement Manager Chartis Europe Limited Craig Jones-Newey, Sales craig.jones-newey@chartis Jardine Lloyd Thompson Corporate Risks Jonathan Miller, Development Executive Oval Insurance Broking Ltd Madeleine Edge Corporate Development Executive madeleine.edge@the Oliver Parker Account Executive oliver.parker@theovalgroup. com







Barker Brettell LLP Lisa King, Trade Mark Attorney

Browne Jacobson LLP Tina Robinson, Solicitor trobinson@brownejacobson. com

Rachel Lyne, Solicitor

Capsticks Solicitors LLP Chloe N Edwards, Senior Lawyer

Marks & Clerk John Ferdinand, Trade Mark Assistant

Challinors Jamie Partington, Solicitor jamie.partington@challinors.


Sarah Corser, Associate

Benussi & Co Denise McKenna, Solicitor denisemckenna@benussilaw. Helen Benussi, Solicitor Bevan Brittan LLP Melissa Jane Doody, Solicitor melissa.doody@bevanbrittan. com Kelly Alice Sampson, Solicitor kelly.sampson@bevanbrittan. com

Clarke Willmott LLP Dionne Griffiths, Solicitor dionne.griffiths@clarkewillmott. com

Rachael E Histed, Associate Imogen Rose Noons, Associate, Employment Else Solicitors LLP Claire Bentick, Solicitor Eversheds LLP Adele Pogmore, Solicitor adelepogmore@eversheds. com

Cobbetts LLP Richard Holmes, Solicitor

Sarah Reynolds, Solicitor

Adam Forster, Solicitor

Kate Bygroves, Solicitor

Jamie Parkes, Solicitor

Harvey Ingram LLP Andrew William Oranjuik, Solicitor andrew.oranjuik@harvey

Nina Martyres, Solicitor

Berrymans Lace Mawer LLP Gina Khera, Solicitor

Nick Dawson, Associate

Lucy V Wood, Associate

Mark B Canning, Solicitor

Blakemores Solicitors James P Modley, Trainee Solicitor james.modley@blakemores.

Emma Rowe, Solicitor

Rachael Palmer, Operational Manager rachael.palmer@blakemores.

Amy Truman,

DLA Piper UK LLP Victoria Quinn, Graduate Recruitment Officer


Forresters Emma Johnson, Trainee Patent and Trade Mark Attorney

Ateeq Ahmed, Solicitor ateeq.ahmed@harveyingram. com Barry Jervis, Partner Gateley LLP Oyinade Adebiyi, Solicitor Victoria Portman, Associate Tom Rush, Corporate Assistant








Merran Sewell, Solicitor

Irwin Mitchell Cairo Nickolls, Trainee Solicitor cairo.nickolls@irwinmitchell. com

Pinsent Masons LLP Faye Moore, Solicitor faye.moore@pinsentmasons. com

John Michael Virgo, Solicitor

Catherine Knight, Paralegal catherine.knight@irwinmitchell. com

John Ford, Solicitor

Sarah Elizabeth Barnett, Solicitor

Kennedys Miranda ET Willia, Solicitor

Zanna Patchett, Senior Associate zanna.patchett@pinsent

Neil Warner, Solicitor

Mills & Reeve LLP Fiona J Hargreaves, Solicitor fiona.hargreaves@mills-reeve. com


Amira Khan, Solicitor

James Richards, Trainee Solicitor Safeea Shafiq, Solicitor

Benjamin Smith, Senior Solicitor benjamin.smith@mills-reeve. com

Victoria Metcalfe, Solicitor

Kelly Barnett, Solicitor

Sarah Herring, Solicitor

Rachel Donath, Training & Development Manager

Kate Onions, Associate Higgs & Sons Solicitors Rachel Seaton, Trainee Solicitor rachel.seaton@higgsandsons. Sarah Cairns, sarah.cairns@higgsandsons. Joanna Dutton, Associate joanna.dutton@higgsandsons. Hill Hofstetter LLP Jessica Henley, Associate


Alexa Jones, Solicitor Simon Parkes, Solicitor Laura J Kealey, Solicitor Ruth Creed, Solicitor Louise Whitehouse, Solicitor louise.whitehouse@mills-reeve. com Sarah Kenyon, Solicitor

Anna Cartledge, Solicitor anna.cartledge@pinsent Robin Simon LLP Jennifer Drever, Solicitor jennifer.drever@robinsimonllp Nicole Beaty, Trainee Solicitor nicole.beaty@robinsimonllp. com Shakespeares LLP Kyle Wyness, Associate Solicitor Shakespeare Putsman Adam John Percival, Solicitor Martin Terry Peter Noble, Associate Solicitor Shoosmiths Kate Rosemary Davies, Solicitor Mathew Cole, Trainee Solicitor mathew.cole@shoosmiths.







Lauren Stent, Solicitor

Associated Architects LLP James Hall, Architect j.hall@associated-architects.

Calthorpe Estates Natasha Walkden,

Robert Laugharne, Solicitor robert.laugharne@shoosmiths. Squire Sanders (UK) LLP Simon Major, Associate

Clare Hunt, Lawyer Built Environment Group (Property) Christian Lowis, Partner Amanda Beaton, Associate, Commercial & Dispute Resolution amanda.beaton@hammonds. com Ryan Hawley, Solicitor Clare Grice, Senior Solicitor

James Spencer, Architect Rachel E Hearn, Architectural Assistant Davinder Bansal, Associate Director Node Urban Design Katie Kershaw, Senior Urban Designer and Heritage Consultant kkershaw@nodeurbandesign. com PROPERTY SERVICES Alliance Planning Kamaldeep Saini, Assistant Planner

Weightmans Peter Brewer, Associate Solicitor

Emma Evans, Assistant Planner

Melanie Mitulla, Solicitor melanie.mitulla@weightmans. com

BAM Construction Elizabeth Hannah Matthews, Site Manager

Wragge & Co LLP Oliver Goodwin, Solicitor

Bruton Knowles Ian Pitt, Partner

Wright Hassall Claire-Elaine Arthurs, claire-elaine.arthurs@wright

Richard Cooke, Senior Planner richard.cooke@brutonknowles.

DBK Back Rebecca Maughan, Project Manager Drivers Jonas Deloitte LLP Steven J Renshaw, Planning Surveyor Fiona Caroline Brereton, Graduate Planner fionabrereton@driversjonas. com Simon Zargar, Graduate Planner


Jason Kelly, Lawyer

Glenn Howells Architects Will Schofield, Architect

Ellie Faithful-Gould Associate Director ellie.horwitch-smith@fgould. com FleetMilne Residential Gemma Knight, Administrator David Browne, Property Maintenance Laura Darby, Negotiator Claire Hawkes, Receptionist David Moss, Sales Negotiator Dani Grieveson, Customer Relations Manager








Mark Scandrett Lettings Negotiator

CB Richard Ellis Alison Grunstein, Associate

Trident Building Consultancy Limited Cornelius Keating, Chartered Senior Building Surveyor

Nicola Fleet-Milne, Director


GVA Grimley Ltd Laura E Smith, Planner Donna Annis, Planning & Development Surveyor Laura Davidson, Development Surveyor Alasdair Lowe, Graduate Surveyor James Gibson, Graduate Surveyor james.gibson@gvagrimley. Kier Build Matthew P Bott, Design Manager St. Modwen Properties PLC Ron Hully, Regional Finance Manager Turley Associates Andrea Walton, Associate Director awalton@turleyassociates. Wilmott Dixon Construction Limited Sophie Lawrie, sophie.lawrie@willmott.dixon.


Jon Flowith & Partners Elizabeth Flowith, Surveyor elizabeth@flowithpartners. Jones Lang Lasalle Gareth Morgan, Kelvin Craddock, Senior Surveyor Sarah Louise Abel, Senior Surveyor Michael R Needham, Gradutate Surveyor King Sturge LLP Hannah Ward, Surveyor

OTHER Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) Ian Cooke, Member Networks Manager Aston Villa Football Club Sarah Louise Cuer, Business Development Manager Birmingham Children’s Hospital Fidelis Hynam, Business Development Manager

Lambert Smith Hampton Gareth Lester-Jones, Director

Birmingham City Council Ashley Innis, Cabinet Support Officer ashley.innis@birmingham.

Malcolm Hollis Luke Molyneux, Chartered Building Surveyor luke.molyneux@malcolmhollis. com

David Powell, Fundraising and Development Officer david.powell@birmingham.

Rider Levett Bucknall Ben Dean, Chartered Quantity Surveyor

Katie Louise Trout, Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive

Michael Thompson, Quantity Surveyor

BIRMINGHAM FUTURE MEMBERS OTHER Dale Webb, Development Officer Birmingham City Council Norfolk House Melanie Wood, HR Business Partner melanie.wood@birmingham.

Hazel Day, HR Consultant Birmingham Hippodrome Chilina Madon, Marketing Manager chilinamadon@birmingham Caroline J Davis, Strategic Projects Manager carolinedavis@birmingham Hannah Hallam, Development Manager hannahhallam@birmingham Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery Hollie Smith-Charles, Fundraising and Development Manager hollie.smith-charles@ Birmingham Science Park Aston Katherine Preston, Business Incubation Manager

Sandeep M Shingadia, Policy Advisor sandeepshingadia@centro.

Paula Lees, Spa Manager IET Birmingham: Austin Court Victoria L Johnston, Sales Executive

Alex C Burrows, Head of Strategy

LMM Tony Haran, Business Development Manager

Wesley Sedman, Principal Regeneration and Planning Officer

Malmaison Birmingham Charlotte Redwood, Central Events Co-ordinator

Adam R Harrison, Regeneration and Planning Assistant

Marketing Birmingham Katie A Bentley, Marketing Executive

Carl R Beet, Principal Transport Planner First Flight Robbie Beak, Client Relationship Director Graduate Advantage Serena Johal, Placement Assistant Angela Louise Robinson, Business Relationship Manager Holden’s Brewery Limited Lucie Holden, Director Hyatt Regency Birmingham Genevieve Albarin, Sales Manager


James Willia, Senior HR Consultant james.willia@birmingham.

Centro Steven T Keeley, Principal Strategy Officer

National Express Joy Willia, Head of Media Performances Birmingham Limited Catherine McGlone, Commercial Manager Simon Wales, General Manager - Town Hall Radisson BLU Hotel Naomi Northern, Director of Sales naomi.northern@radissonblu. com The NEC Group Sally Walder, General Manager


BIRMINGHAM FUTURE MEMBERS OTHER The Business Desk Tamlyn Jones, Business Correspondent


Victoria Plc David E Cressman, Group Financial Accountant david.cressman@victoriaplc. com



Birmingham Airport is the Midlands’ gateway to the world, offering direct services to over 140 global destinations. Situated at the heart of England and at the centre of the road and rail transport network, it serves a catchment of eight million people within a one hour drive. Birmingham Airport, Birmingham B26 3QJ t: 0844 576 6000 | f: 0121 782 8802

Crowne Plaza Birmingham City Centre

Birmingham Forward Contact John Morris Head of Corporate and Community Affairs |

Crowne Plaza, Holliday Street, Birmingham B1 1HH t: 121 224 5000| f: 0121 224 5119

Birmingham Forward Contact Michael Mason General Manager Birmingham Future Contact Rebecca Keane Director of Sales |

Hotel du Vin Birmingham was sympathetically converted to provide 66 bedrooms around a courtyard, along with a Bistro, spa, gym and Pub du Vin. Elegant and breathtaking, the hotel also offers bespoke meeting and event spaces.

Birmingham Forward Contact Faye Kelly - General Manager

25 Church Street, Birmingham B3 2NR t: 0121 200 0600

Hotel Indigo |

Hotel Indigo is the new upscale boutique product by Intercontinental Hotel Group and boasts 52 beautiful boutique bedrooms, oozing effortless style and luxury. From the breath-taking panoramic views, from the Marco Pierre White Steakhouse & Grill, to the tranquillity of the prestigious Club and Spa, Hotel Indigo is bursting with personality.

Birmingham Forward Contact


A deluxe 312 bedroom city centre hotel, 2 Club Bedroom Floors with Private Club Lounge and panaromic city views. 11 conference and event rooms all benefiting from natural daylight and state of the art technology including Wifi. Stylish B1 cocktail bar, lounge and fusion restaurant.

Hotel du Vin Birmingham

Local Staff: 700

Mark Davies General Manager Birmingham Future Contact Charlotte Creswell Events Co-Ordinator

The Cube, Wharfside Street, Birmingham, B1 1RS t: 0121 643 2010 | f: 0121 369 0117

Hyatt Regency |

A luxurious hotel situated in the heart of the city and linked to the ICC and Symphony Hall. Each of the hotel’s 319 guest bedrooms provide comfortable and extensive accomadation with stunning views across the city. The hotel offers 8 meeting rooms all located on the Mezzanine floor, offering comfort, style and essential meeting planner facilities. Stylish cocktail and champagne bar: Bar Pravda, elegant dining in Aria restaurant and total pamper experience in Amala Spa complete the key facilities available at Hyatt Regency Birmingham. 2 Bridge Street, Birmingham B1 2JZ t: 0121 643 1234 | f: 0121 616 2323

Local Staff: 200 | UK Staff: 650 Birmingham Forward Contact Tim Flodin General Manager Birmingham Future Contact Genevieve Albarin



In the stylish Mailbox complex, relaxed yet attentive in attitude and visually dramatic, the Malmaison combines innovative interiors with friendly service and affordable prices. Destinations in their own right are the hotel’s double height bar and Brasserie. For ultimate escapism, Le Petite Spa allows for some serious pampering and relaxation.

Local Staff: 210 | UK Staff: 15,000+ Birmingham Forward Contact Stephen Woodhouse Regional General Manager

The Mailbox, 1 Wharfside Street, Birmingham B1 1RD t: 0121 246 5000 | f: 0121 246 5002


The NEC Group |

We create unforgettable live experiences for our customers - concerts, conferences, exhibitions and special events - at our four venues; the NEC, LG Arena, the NIA and the ICC, and through our service businesses - national ticket agent, The Ticket Factory, and award-winning caterer Amadeus.

Local Staff: 900 Birmingham Forward Contact Paul Thandi Chief Executive

The NEC Group, Birmingham B40 1NT t: 0121 780 4141 | f: 0121 767 3700

Performances Birmingham |

Performances Birmingham Limited (PBL) is the charity that manages Town Hall & Symphony Hall. We present over 600 concerts and events every year, reach 500,000 audience members and 20,000 people through our education and community work, and offer exciting corporate sponsorship and hire opportunities.

Birmingham Forward Contact Karen Daw Head of Development Birmingham Future Contact Charlotte Torlo Commercial Manager

Symphony Hall, Broad Street, Birmingham B1 2EA t: 0121 644 5075

Redcliffe Catering Ltd |

Redcliffe Catering’s reputation for providing the Birmingham corporate and social communities with high quality catering and event services is unsurpassed. With a constant stream of new concepts and operating standards being introduced, the company’s 500+ staff are committed to achieving the highest standard of customer satisfaction.

Local Staff: 267 | UK Staff: 357 Birmingham Forward Contact Clive Stone

Centennial Centre, 100 Icknield Port Road, Birmingham B16 0AA t: 0121 456 4545 | f: 0121 454 9118


SACO Livingbase offers the convenience of a hotel but with more space, facilities and freedom for business travellers. Located in the heart of Birmingham’s Convention Quarter SACO Livingbase offers modern studio, 1 and 2 bedroom apartments with fully equipped kitchens, Sky TV and kingsize beds. 3 Brunswick Square, Brindleyplace, Birmingham B1 2HR t: 0121 643 8585 | f: 0121 600 7661


Local Staff: 4 Birmingham Forward Contact Jane Cornock Business Development Manager


Birmingham City Council’s Department of Governance is the largest of its type in the UK, and possibly Europe, with over 800 staff. It serves to protect and to serve the City Council and aims to be ‘Best in Class’ with many national/regional awards to its name. The Department includes Legal, Democratic, Regulatory, Registrars, Elections and Information Management Services.

Birmingham Forward Contact Mirza Ahmad Corporate Director of Governance

Birmingham City Council Legal & Democratic Services, Ingleby House, 11-14 Cannon Street, Birmingham B2 5EN t: 0121 303 9991 | f: 0121 303 1312

Birmingham Airport

Birmingham Civic Society t: 0871 222 0072 t: 0121 236 8110

Birmingham Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Birmingham Consular Association t: 0121 454 6171 t: 0121 454 1197

Birmingham City BIDs

Birmingham Forward

Broad Street BID t: 0121 439 1923 t: 0121 270 8000

Colmore Business District t: 0121 236 4689 t: 0121 270 8000

Jewellery Quarter BID Retail Birmingham BID t: 0121 616 2036 Southside BID t: 0121 616 2370

Birmingham City Partnership t: 0121 616 2894

Birmingham City Council t: 0121 303 1111

Birmingham Future



Birmingham Hippodrome Theatre t: 0844 338 5000

Birmingham Law Society t: 0121 222 4190

Birmingham Repertory Theatre t: 0121 236 4455

Birmingham Science City t: 07766 206399

Birmingham Science Park Aston t: 0121 260 6000


USEFUL CONTACTS British American Business Council In The West Midlands t: 0121 454 6171

Business Birmingham t: 0121 202 5022

Business In The Community t: 0121 451 2227


Business Voice WM t: 0121 245 0140

CBI t: 0121 450 8970

Centro t: 0121 200 2787

Common Purpose t: 0121 625 3269

City UK t: 0207 776 8970

EEF, The Manufacturers’ Organisation t: 0121 456 2222

Institute Of Asian Businesses t: 0121 454 6171

Institute Of Directors t: 0121 643 1868

Marketing Birmingham Ltd t: 0121 202 5115

New Alexandra Theatre t: 0844 847 2302 (Box Office)


Railway Stations Birmingham International Managed by Virgin Trains t: 0845 000 8000 Birmingham Moor Street Managed by Chiltern Railways t: 08456 005 165 Birmingham New Street Managed by Network Rail t: 0845 711 4141 Birmingham Snow Hill Managed by London Midland t: 0844 811 0133

National Rail Enquiries t: 08457 48 49 50

The Crescent Theatre t: 0121 643 5858 (Box Office)

The mac t: 0121 446 3232 (Box Office)

The NIA t: 0844 338 8000 (Box Office)

THSH: Town Hall & Symphony Hall Birmingham t: 0121 345 0600 (Box Office)

UKTI, West Midlands International Trade Team t: 0845 074 3515


CONSULTANCY 41 41 41 41 42 42 42 42 42

ICT Frontier Software Plc


RECRUITMENT/HR Blusource Katie Bard Recruitment Key Personnel (UK) Ltd News From the Future Perception Solutions Pertemps Recruitment Partnership Pitch Consultants Prestige Recruitment Services PSD Group

43 43 43 44 44 44 44 44 45



CREATIVE ADVERTISING AGENCIES Gough Bailey Wright Ltd MARKETING SERVICES Big Cat Group Branch Martin Spicer Calcutt Associates Clarke Associates OWB The Bottom Line Marketing and Communications Ltd Weave Marketing


49 49 50 50 50 50 51

MEDIA & DESIGN Clarke Associates Ltd Daden Ltd Emperor Design PLC Digital Quadrant Events Ltd

51 51 51 52 52

PUBLIC RELATIONS Camargue Chatham Associates Clarke Associates UK Ltd Core Freshwater Headline Communications Kinetic Communications Seal Smarts Urban Communication Ltd Willoughby PR

52 52 53 53 53 53 53 54 54 54 54


EDUCATION Aston University Birmingham City University Birmingham Metropolitan College The College of Law University of Birmingham

59 59 59 60 60

FINANCIAL FINANCIAL ADVICE: ACCOUNTANTS Baker Tilly BDO LLP Deloitte Ernst & Young LLP Grant Thornton UK LLP JW Hinks KPMG LLP PFK (UK LLP) PricewaterhouseCoopers RSM Tenon Smith Cooper Smith & Williamson LLP

65 65 65 65 66 66 66 66 67 67 67 68

FINANCIAL ADVICE: IFA’s Aurora Financial Planning


FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS: BANKS & BUILDING SOCIETIES Allied Irish Bank GB Bank of Cyprus UK Bank of England Barclays Co-operative Bank PLC Coutts EFG Independent Financial Advisers Handelsbanken Lloyds Bank Santander Corporate Banking State Bank of India

68 69 69 69 69 70 70 70 71 71 71

FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS: STOCKBROKERS & MERCHANT BANKERS Barclays Wealth & Investment Management Quilter Rathbones UBS Williams de Broë

71 71 72 72 72


73 73


CONSULTANTS AECOM Atkins BassClusker Consulting Ltd EC Harris Eric F Laing JMP Consultants Invigour Kennedy Business Solutions The Wisdom Factory


SECTOR INDEX: BIRMINGHAM FORWARD MEMBERS INSURANCE AON Ltd Gallagher Heath JLT Specialty Oval Perkins Slade Thompson & Bryan Ltd Willis Ltd Zurich Insurance

77 77 77 77 78 78 78 78


LEGAL BARRISTERS’ CHAMBERS No5 Chambers St Philips Chambers

81 82

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Forresters Marks and Clerk LLP Wilson Gunn

83 83 83

SOLICITORS Benussi & Co Bevan Brittain LLP Blakemores Solicitors Browne Jacobson LLP Clarke Willmott LLP Cobbetts LLP DLA Piper DWF LLP Else Solicitors LLP Eversheds LLP Harvey Ingram LLP Gateley Higgs & Sons Irwin Mitchell Kennedys Mills and Reeve LLP Robin Simon SGH Martineau LLP Shakespeares Shoosmiths Spencer Shaw Squire Sanders Weightmans LLP Wragge & Co

84 84 84 84 85 85 85 85 86 86 86 86 86 87 87 87 87 88 88 88 88 89 89 89





PROPERTY SERVICES Alliance Planning Argent Estates BNP Paribas Real Estate Bruton Knowles Calthorpe Estates Drivers Jonas Deloitte FleetMilne Residential GVA Hortons’ Estate Knight Frank

93 94 94 94 94 95 95 95 95 96

MCD Developments Sir Robert Mc Alpine Ltd Turley Associates

96 96 96

SURVEYORS CB Richard Ellis Colliers CRE CS2 Ltd Curry & Partners Edmond Shipway Jones Lang LaSalle Lambert Smith Hampton Pennycuick Collins Philip King & Co Vail Williams LLP Wakemans Ltd

97 97 97 97 98 98 98 98 99 99 99

INDEX: ALPHABETICAL INDEX Birmingham Museum and Art 113 Gallery 120 Birmingham New Street Birmingham Repertory Theatre 119 119 Birmingham Science City Birmingham Science Park Aston 119 120 Birmingham Snow Hill 84 Blakemores Solicitors 30,43 Blusource 49, 104 Branch Martin Spicer 108 Brewin Dolphin Limited British American Business Council in the West Midlands 120 84 Browne Jacobson LLP 94, 111 Bruton Knowles 120 Business Birmingham 120 Business Voice WM 120 Business in the Community 108 Butcher Woods 120 CBI 97, 112 CB Richard Ellis 97 CS2 Ltd 103 CU4coaching 50 Calcutt Associates 94, 111 Calthorpe Estates 103 Capgemini UK PLC 109 Capsticks Solicitors 52 Camargue 108 Catalyst Corporate Finance 120 Centro 109 Challinors 105 Chantrey Vellacott DFK 108 Chartis Europe Limited 52 Chatham Associates 120 City UK 104 Citypress 50, 51, 53, 104 Clarke Associates 85 Clarke Willmott LLP Class Creative Marketing Ltd 104 107 Clay Rogers & Partners Clive Reeves Public Relations 104 69 Co-operative Bank PLC 85, 109 Cobbetts LLP 97 Colliers CRE 120 Common Purpose 53, 104 Core 70, 107 Coutts 120 Creative Alliance Crowne Plaza Birmingham 117 City Centre 97 Curry & Partners 120 Customer Plus Ltd 111 DBK Back 85 DLA Piper 85, 109 DWF LLP 51 Daden Ltd 105 Dains 41 Davis Langdon

65, 105 Deloitte Deutsche Bank Private Wealth 108 Management 95, 111 Drivers Jonas Deloitte 41, 103 EC Harris EEF, The Manufacturers 120 Organisation EFG Independent 70 Financial Advisers 98 Edmond Shipway 86, 109 Else Solicitors LLP 51 Emperor Design 104 Encore Communications 103 enl Legal Recruitment 42 Eric F Laing 65, 106 Ernst & Young LLP 103 Events Angel Ltd 86, 109 Eversheds LLP 113 First Flight 95, 111 FleetMilne Residential 83, 109 Forresters 104 Fresh Public Relations 53 Freshwater 104 Friend LLP 43 Frontier Software Plc 104 Fullrange Films 95 GVA 77 Gallagher Heath 32,86,109 Gateley 106 Gleeson AR 111 Glenn Howells Architects 103 Glide Utilities Limited Golley Slater (Birmingham) Ltd 104 49 Gough Bailey Wright Ltd 113 Graduate Advantage 66 Grant Thornton LLP 104 Grayling Midlands 106 Haines Watts 70 Handelsbanken 86, 109 Harvey Ingram LLP 104 Haslimann Taylor Ltd Headline Communications 53, 104 86, 110 Higgs & Sons 110 Hil Hofstetter LLP 113 Holden’s Brewery Limited 95 Hortons’ Estate 117 Hotel Indigo 117 Hotel du Vin Birmingham 113, 117 Hyatt Regency IET Birmingham: Austin Court 113 103 In Smart Company 103 Innovit Institute of Asian Businesses 120 120 Institute of Directors 103 Intelligence Works Limited 113 Investors in Excellence 42 Invigour 87, 110 Irwin Mitchell


97 2nd City Resources 41 AECOM 105 ALS (UK) Ltd 77 AON Ltd 93 Aedas Architects 51 Alchemy Translations 93, 111 Alliance Planning 68, 107 Allied Irish Bank (GB) 94 Argent Estates 103 Arup 111 Associated Architects LLP Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) 112 59 Aston University 112 Aston Villa Football Club 41 Atkins 68 Aurora Financial Planning 111 BAM Construction 65, 105 BDO LLP 108 BHSF 94 BNP Paribas Real Estate 65 Baker Tilly 69 Bank of Cyprus UK 69 Bank of England 27, 69, 107 Barclays 69 Barclays Bank Plc 71, 108 Barclays Wealth Barclays Wealth & Investment 71 Management 109 Barker Brettell LLP 41 BassClusker Consulting Ltd Bell Cornwall Associates Ltd 103 84, 109 Benussi & Co 109 Berrymans Lace Mawer LLP 84, 109 Bevan Brittain LLP 49, 104 Big Cat Group 117, 119 Birmingham Airport Birmingham Chamber of 119 Commerce and Industry Birmingham Children’s Hospital 112 119 Birmingham City BIDs 119 Birmingham City Council Birmingham City Council 113 Norfolk House 119 Birmingham City Partnership Birmingham City University 28,59 119 Birmingham Civic Society Birmingham Consular 119 Association 119 Birmingham Forward 119 Birmingham Future Birmingham Hippodrome 119 Theatre 120 Birmingham International 119 Birmingham Law Society Birmingham Metropolitan 29,59, 105 College 120 Birmingham Moor Street





77 JLT Specialty 42, 103 JMP Consultants 66, 106 JW Hinks Jardine Lloyd Thompson 108 Corporate Risks 112 Jon Flowith & Partners 98, 112 Jones Lang LaSalle 66 KPMG LLP 43, 103 Katie Bard Recruitment 42 Kennedy Business Solutions 87, 110 Kennedys 43, 103 Key Personnel Ltd 112 Kier Build 53 Kinetic Communications 112 King Sturge LLP 96 Knight Frank 73 LDC 113 LMM 98, 112 Lambert Smith Hampton 71 Lloyds Bank Lloyds TSB Corporate Markets 107 96 MCD Developments 106 M Consulting 112 Malcom Hollis 118 Malmaison Hotel 113 Marketing Birmingham Ltd 83, 109 Marks and Clerk LLP 106 Mazars LLP 104 McCann Erickson 87, 110 Mills and Reeve LLP 119 Mirza Ahamad 107 Moore Stevens 120 National Express 120 National Rail Enquiries 120 New Alexandra Theatre 44 News From the Future 81 No5 Chambers 111 Node Urban Design 50 OWB 108 Orbis Partners LLP 77, 108 Oval 66 PFK (UK LLP) 52 PLC Digital 45 PSD Group 98 Pennycuick Collins 44, 103 Perception Solutions Performances Birmingham 33, 118 78 Perkins Slade Pertemps Recruitment 44 Partnership 99 Philip King & Co 105 Pick & Mix Media LLP 44 Pitch Consultants 105 pr2go Prestige Recruitment Services 44 PricewaterhouseCoopers 67, 107 52 Quadrant Events Ltd 71, 108 Quilter

35,45 ROAR 67, 107 RSM Tenon 113 Radisson Blu Hotel 72 Rathbones 105 Rave Communications 118 Redcliffe Catering 105 Rewired PR 112 Rider Levett Bucknall 103 Robert Walters 87, 110 Robin Simon 107 Royal Bank of Scotland 118 SACO 88 SGH Martineau LLP Santander Corporate Banking 71 103 Santillo Consulting 54 Seal 88, 110 Shakespeares 88 Shoosmiths 96 Sir Robert Mc Alpine Ltd 54 Smarts 68 Smith & Williamson LLP 68, 107 Smith Cooper 88 Spencer Shaw 89 Squire Sanders 112 St Modwen Properties PLC 82 St Philips Chambers 71 State Bank of India 107 Stonegate Trinity LLP 103 Synaptic Potential Ltd THSH: Town Hall & 120 Symphony Hall Birmingham 104 The Adhere Creative The Bottom Line Marketing & 50 Communications Ltd 114 The Business Desk 60 The College of Law 120 The Crescent Theatre 118 The NEC Group 120 The NIA 120 The mac 78 Thompson, & Bryan Ltd 104 Tomorrow People 103 Toner Graham 107 Towry Law Transcend Corporate Finance 108 Trident Building 112 Consultancy Limited 96, 112 Turley Associates 103 Turner & Townsend 72, 108 UBS UKTI, West Midlands 120 International Trade Team 60,105 University of Birmingham 54 Urban Communication Ltd 99 Vail Williams 113 Victoria PLC 99 Wakemans Ltd 51 Weave Marketing

89, 111 Weightmans LLP 72 Williams de BroĂŤ 78 Willis Ltd 54, 105 Willoughby PR Wilmott Dixon Construction 112 Limited 83 Wilson Gunn 89, 111 Wragge & Co 111 Wright Hassall 78 Zurich Insurance

t: 0121 270 8000 | f: 0121 270 8001 Baskerville House, Centenary Square, Broad Street, Birmingham B1 2ND

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